#superhero lore
laurelwinchester · 1 year
so this next arc in htlgi relies somewhat on the citizens of the glades assisting black canary with her investigation into the missing people and while i do not regret making her a mostly well liked figure in the glades in this fic and generally enjoy the whole the citizens of this comic book city love their resident superhero vibe.... 
realistically speaking how fucking spooky would it be to live in a city with a bunch of costumed and masked vigilantes?
you already live in a city with an extremely high crime rate that honestly must feel full on lawless at times and now you’ve got a bunch of random faceless weirdos appearing as if from nowhere in the dark of night with their oddly fancy violence and fetish get ups, melting into and out of the shadows, and speaking to you in straight up demonic sounding voices. 
like yeah it’d be nice to be saved from the cliche of being mugged in a dark alley but then you’ve got to worry if this possible demon with a discount at party city is going to eat you.
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hood-ex · 3 months
What's your biggest ick about yourself as a DC stan? Mine is that I tell people I read Batman comics instead of Nightwing comics because it's easier, and I don't have to explain who Nightwing is.
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idkaguyorsomething · 7 months
RTD said he wasn’t going to undo the Timeless Child or the destruction of Gallifrey, ¡but he never said anything about taking individual Time Lords off the table! ¡Explain who you voted for and why in the tags!
(No, the Master isn’t an option, that fucker’s return is as inevitable as the TARDIS “accidentally” landing nine galaxies and a million years away from where she was supposed to go)
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razmerry · 6 months
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can the mediator of vengeanceclan really fall in love with a kittypet?...
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A/N: I think the next part will be the last and I will be going on a short hiatus for about a month to rest and recuperate
Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! /Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! /
 Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! /
Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here ! / Part 17 Here! / 
Part 18 Here! / Part 19 Here! / Part 20 here! / Part 21 Here! / Part 22 Here! / 
Part 23 Here! / Part 24 Here! / Part 25 Here! / Part 26 Here! / Part 27 Here! / 
Part 28 Here!  / Part 29 Here! / Part 30 Here ! / Part 31 Here! / Part 33 Here!
<This is Part 33!>
* “Why didn’t you tell me Thalia’s tree was poisoned, and that Ares is a…camp counselor.” If you could even call it that.
* The wind brushes against your face, offering you a short moment to think of all your grievances.
* ‘I have a lot to be discontent with.’
* Static crinkles on the other side, and you close your eyes and imagine your father shifting his cell phone until it’s wedged against his shoulder and ear.
* “I don’t remember you telling me there were monsters lurking around your school, so we’ll call it even.” In your defense there hardly ever are monsters around you these days—Percy’s a different story though.
* “How is Ares these days?” And then after a moment he adds: “and how are Clarisse and Dennis taking to having family around after all this time.”
* ‘The question of the year.’
* He takes your silence for an answer. “That good, huh?”
* “I think he’s really different from what she imagined—and that’s causing some friction.”
* Clarisse has spent her entire life with a mortal parent she couldn’t entirely relate too—someone prim proper who believed in rules and order.
* When she found out Ares is her father she attributed all her other-ness to him.
* Her rage, her rebelliousness, her desire for control — it was all because of him.
* But now, seeing her Father trail after her like a lost puppy, wearing short shorts and sleeveless tanks, and lounging around all day admitting the stories about him were greatly exaggerated—
* “Oh Hercules? He was a real looker in his prime, a real spitfire, the sexual tension ebbed over the pot a little when he slayed Kyknos.”
* “She’s having trouble coming to terms with the fact that all these ‘negative’ traits she's attributed to her father aren’t his, they’re just…who she is.”
* ‘It’s not a bad thing to be full of wrath and rebellion, after all a goddess’ wrath is the only reason I’m alive.’
* “She’s not even that bad though, Annabeth’s been freaking out about the tree and searching for clues in any book she can get her hands on, and Percy’s even worse because he has only child syndrome.”
* Zagreus snorts on the other end. “That’s rich coming from an only-child.”
* ‘It might be nice to have a sibling, especially one that was made specifically so I would have a friend.’
* “Do you think…do you think Poseidon loves Percy?”
* You’ve classified him as a degenerate for so long that the question surprises you, even when it passes from your own lips.
* It’s unimaginable to you that someone would have a child just for the sake of another of their progeny.
* But gods don’t think should children like mortals do.
* “Have you ever met Poseidon (Y/N)?” The phone crackles on the other end when you tell him no.
* “He’s not as good or bad as you’re thinking he is.”
* ‘What the hell does that mean?’
* You hear a thump beside you, and when you turn you see a certain dark-haired, ocean eyed boy.
* “I have to go Dad, I’ll talk to you soon…Cerberus’ treats are in the pantry, love you too.” You sigh when you click the phone shut, turning to Percy with a smile.
* “What’s up?”
* “I don’t know how much longer I can stand this,” he groans.
* ‘Out of the pan and into the fire.’
* “The tree right, don’t worry, what’s the worst that can happen? Zeus turns us all into trees as punishment? Being a willow tree might not be so bad—”
* “I meant Tyson.”
* ‘Oh,’
* “I thought you liked him?”
* Percy sighs. “I did—I do! I just…I don’t understand it. Why would Poseidon…have a child with a cyclops.”
* “Well…he’s got that forge underwater, right? And there’s a lot of steam so clothes stick—” Percy flushes.
* “N-no, n-not that!” His hand rotates to the back of his neck, an aggravated blush creeping up his face. “Forget the…laws of attraction or whatever, why’d he have to claim him? Everyone’s making fun of me now, it’s like I’m a joke,” he huffs.
* “Is this about the other kids teasing you?” His silence tells you it is. You sigh. “Look Percy…it’s easy for them to make fun of you for a monster-sibling when they’ve got other demi-gods to pick from.”
* His eyebrow quirks up.
* “What do you mean by that?”
* How do you explain this to a child?
* “Tomorrow, if something happens to your mom, Hades forbid, what are you going to do? Who do you have to rely on in this world?”
* “I have you.” He doesn’t hesitate for a second, not even a blink, the answer slips pass his lips like the most basic truth of this world. “A-and I have Annabeth and Grover, and Ch—” He lists each one off using his fingers as a marker, and you feel a soft smile curl on your mouth.
* “And you have Tyson. Even if we’re all pulled away from you because of the Gods' whims, Tyson will always stay on your side.”
* ‘A child literally made to always be on your side—so you’re never alone.’
* You can see that he understands now by the misty glaze in his eyes.
* “I feel like a dick.” Percy mumbles, his face in his hands. All you can offer is a laugh. “I-I’m going to go find Tyson and give him a hug.” Percy abruptly stands up, remembering that he doesn’t know where he’s heading.
* “He’s probably with Beckendorf!” You shout, earning a bright smile and wave from percy as he starts jogging to the forge.
* ‘What a good kid.’
* You feel good about how that went. But the peace doesn’t last long, because a moment later you feel the presence of someone standing behind you.
* You turn to see everyone’s favorite forever flushed, golden curls, counselor.
* He fidgets with makeshift camp halfblood tank top, the hem rolled between his index finger and thumb.
* “Can I sit?” He asks, and he looks so awkward you can’t bring yourself to say ‘no’—not even as a joke.
* You pat the spot beside you on the picnic blanket.
* “It’s a free hill.” Ares sits down beside you, whistling at the spread of food.
* “Are these Persephone’s baklava?” He picks up the container, a smile creeping on his mouth. “Persephone always made the best stuff, even in the old days.”
* “I didn’t know you knew Persephone.”
* “Of course I did, she was famous back in the day—still is.” The Tupperware container creaks as he snaps off the lid. “I still remember watching her turn Titan-sized and then beat the shit out of Kronos.” He snorts, popping a baklava in his mouth.
* His head tilts to the side, the dots in his mind slowly connecting. “I guess that’s something you have in common.”
* ‘I can’t believe Persephone fought Kronos and won…I can’t believe I fought Kronos and won!’
* Looks like beating the odds is in your blood.
* “You know Persephone is kind of the reason Dite and I broke up—”
* A horrifying thought occurs to you, “were you and Persephone…a thing?”
* “Not really, except for those two weeks I pretended I couldn’t read and we kissed a bit—” that’s concerning, “—basically I found out Persephone was a fertility goddess and I thought it would be cool to torment my dad a little by marrying her—” that’s also concerning. “—how was I supposed to know Dite, who’d been fucking all over Thebes and Olympus by the way, was going to get pissed off about it, or that Kore’d already met her Underworld Daddy.”
* Somehow, that’s the most sensible part of the story.
* There’s a moment where the only sound is the wind scraping against your ear and Ares munching on baklava.
* “What’s your endgame with Aphrodite? She’s married to your brother—”
* “Don’t remind me,” he scoffs.
* “—do…do you want to steal her away from him?”
* He looks at you like you just suggested you both go out and kick some puppies.
* “Of course not, I just want to join them.”
* Oh…OH!
* ‘That makes sense.’
* “Hephaestus will agree as long as she’s happy.” He pops another piece of baklava in his mouth. “All I have to do is get Aphrodite to fall in love with me.”
* It’s not the worst thing you’ve ever heard. In a way they’re all already family considering Hephaestus raised most of Aphrodite and Ares’ children.
* “Knowing you, it'll happen sooner or later.” Despite his faults, Ares is earnest and honest. You can…kind of see the appeal.
* He returns your words of kindness with a small smile.
* “I gave you some juicy gossip so now it’s your turn to give me something—“
* ‘And just like that he’s trash again.'
* “—how do I make Clarisse like me?”
* ‘And just like that he’s redeemed himself.’
* “Why do you think she doesn’t like you?”
* He gives you a look.
* “Right.”
* “I…I didn’t realize she’d gotten so big.” He mumbles. “Last time I checked the was barely bigger than my palm, I guess, I thought she’d always be that small.”
* Gods don’t age the same way humans do, that’s why it’s so hard for them to change or realize things.
* It’s sad, but it makes sense that from Ares perspective he turned away for a second and realized his child had completely grown up.
* “Just give her some time, she’s coming to terms with a lot, you can’t expect her to have a great relationship after you’ve been gone her whole life.”
* Ares nods, standing up and brushing off dirt from his shorts.
* “That’s the most boring advice I’ve ever got,” A small smile curls on his face. “but I’ll still give it a try.”
* You sigh, peace and quiet at last.
* ‘All it cost me was an entire tub of Persephone’s baklava.’
* You’re thinking of laying back and soaking in the sunlight when you hear footsteps get closer.
* ‘Probably Dionysus here to complain about the tree, it’s all coming full circle.’
* “A picnic delivered from the Underworld?” Your ears prick at the sound of the voice, unfamiliar and masculine.
* You turn slowly. A man with curly black hair, bright blue eyes, and dressed in a red tracksuit looks back at you.
* Even though you can’t place him you can feel power radiate off of him. His mouth twitches up in a lopsided smile
* “Do you mind if I join you?”
Tag list
@holybatflapexpert @atomicsophia @fadingunknowncoffee @hopeworldsupremacy @padsfirewhisky @magical-dreamland @kookiedesi @kiritokunuwu @bleepmorp @flickeringlizard @luckyzipperscissorsbat @jessiegerl @undecided-as-always @officiallydarkgeek
@marsbars09 @yizhoutv @alicesolengg @luxaryllis-primaryacc @time-shardz @cryinghotmess @crow-with-a-hoodie @the-nerdy-fangirl @crackedpumpkin @geekyandgay98
@lazydreamers @agentsofblinks @justsomestuffiguessman  @mxacegrey @angelic-simp @astrial @babypink224221 @weaponb33 @redactedhimbo @heart-charming  @psychomanias-blog @aliinunderland
@karnellius @lunavixia @cerberus-the-cutie @bes2005 @girlcrafter408 @loser-keiji @shadowsmusical @hazeofeleven @evilsailorsenshi
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booasaur · 1 year
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Gotham Knights - 1x07
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gusherbug · 5 months
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(lore dump sorry)
THE CATCHPHRASE WE KNOW AND LOVE: "My name is Cupid's Comet, and you will address me as such."
THE SUPER LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The...Ah. Ok, yeah, of course. Of course I have to-
*Disclaimer: For all intents and purposes, the use of the phrase "Dove From Above" to describe Cupid's Comet is a metaphor and not a distinct declaration of her species or her planet of origin. For more information, children can go online to learn more...about. Pretty much anything they want. Let 'em go nuts. Whatever. I've been watching this viewer count for like, holy shit, three hours? Three hours. And it's still at one viewer because it's counting me.
**Disclaimer: Man, I've been reading this shit for that long? There's no way anyone's even checking if I'm reading it, right? Why do I have to be the one doing the little kid's show? For Cupid of all people? She doesn't even have a catchphrase, she just gets mad if you shorten her name, it's so robotic. What kind of punishment even is-Ugh, yeah, actually I don't really care. I'm gonna go find someone's desk fern and eat it.
Deering-Do out.
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jesncin · 13 days
Idk if it's just me but Lois calling Clark 'Smallville' in MAWS never seems natural? Like, it feels forced? Idk. Like just another thing off the Superman adaptation checklist and they gotta do it because the old show did.
YES ACTUALLY!! It felt very "well the fans are expecting Lois to call Clark 'Smallville' so she better do that" instead of being an established city girl + country boy dynamic like in STAS (MAWS doesn't have this dynamic at all). STAS!Lois considers Clark a country bumpkin and judges him for it. Meanwhile in MAWS it just sorta happened for the sake of a reference.
Many things in MAWS felt this way. Like Jimmy calling his persona Flamebird (that's random? oh that's a superhero mantle name reference), Ivo naming his suit Parasite (what idiot names their suit something so un-brand friendly and gross sounding?? oh it's a Superman rogue), the existence of newsie kids (why do we somehow still have child labor in this futuristic Metropolis with robots and holograms? oh it's a nod to outdated characters at the expense of plot and logic) all for references to the comics that take you out of the experience. It's intrusive instead of being smartly integrated.
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ch3rryb00m98 · 18 days
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Waiting for their next assignment, hoping the city blows up in a fun way🙃
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emmyarts7 · 2 days
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Bored so hears a fact about four: whenever she’s scared or upset, she retreats to her bedroom and sits in her thoughts for a while.
Totally not relevant to the asks-
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demonangelgirl134 · 3 months
Super RPS au
The day the trio got their powers
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The day the trio gets blasted with colorful radioactive super beams from the sky and changes their lives forever
Rock getting the blue power, Paper getting the red power, and Scissors getting the green power
Now, the scientist who accidentally caused this has no choice but to make up for his mistake by taking them all under his wing and becoming their professor to help them learn how to control and use their powers (with a little help from Pencil)
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ness-illustration · 8 months
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I was just originally gonna do a quick illustration to promote my shop but then got so caught up in thinking about the possibilities of a current day trigun au that I somewhat lost the plot oops
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spaceferren-comics · 2 months
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Solibri Woman WIP
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berrysquared · 1 year
May I ask for lore from your superhero au?
Love your art style btw! *^-^*
AHH THANK YOU SO MUCH !! This means so much to me truly ahhhh 💕
A lot of lore for the au is still in bits and pieces beacuse uni decided to kinda hit me like a truck this semester :’) im sorry about that
With my hotguy au the only rule I set for myself is that I’m fully following the guidelines for characters set by Scar on that one stream he did. So each role is (kinda) exactly what he wanted it to be (even if it meant making jellie an actual mayor and trying to make that work) and Im just trying my best to actually pull it together into one big au that is 90% just very silly and 10% angst backstories. I will be adding some characters which weren’t in the list tho! Like Scott (who for now is a starlord alien pirate who travels with Cleo on her space piracy adventures) and Joel (idk what he will do yet but hes gonna be there)
As for specific lore that hasn’t been out in the world yet, i can give you some of grians backstory I came up with help from the one, the only @1captainjordan4 my beloved 💕
(As I was writing this i kinda realised that this got really long im sorry, i will put it under keep reading ;-; also im not the best at writing stuff out so excuse that)
In this au Grian and Pearl are siblings who have been orphaned and have been living as street rats all their childhood. They have become accustomed to stealing and fighting (and got kinda good at it) from a very early age and steadily have been falling more and more into criminal circles.
During that time Grian got approached by the Watchers organisation who promised to provide for both him and Pearl in exchange of him spying on their behalf, being a messenger etc. Desperate, he accepts their offer but hides it from Pearl and just says he got a legit job or smth, knowing she would not approve of it as it is too dangerous and would try to discourage him and look for another way.
The missions grew more and more dangerous and with each one Grian distanced himself from Pearl further and further. (Which in turn pushed her to seek the truth and become an investigative journalist)
As time goes on Grian gets a job as a scientist and actually tries to live a normal life as a “retired villain” but still is unable to fully escape the Watchers who force him to take jobs every so often. This pattern continues until he gets indebted to Scar who saves him and in true Grian fashion just Has To stick around and help him until the debt is repaid and thus becoming cuteguy!
More or less
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! /Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! /
 Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! /
Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here ! / Part 17 Here! / 
Part 18 Here! / Part 19 Here! / Part 20 here! / Part 21 Here! / Part 22 Here! / 
Part 23 Here! / Part 24 Here! / Part 25 Here! / Part 26 Here! / Part 27 Here! / 
Part 28 Here!  / Part 29 Here! / Part 30 Here ! &lt;This is Part 31!>
A/N: This one isn’t as good as normal but it’s the best I could do
* This is bad
* “Woah, how’d you do that Tyson?” Percy has stars in his eyes as he inspects Tyson’s unscarred hands after he caught flaming dodgeballs like it was nothing.
* Neither you nor Percy have a weapon, the only person here capable of taking on these flaming monsters is Tyson—but he’s like seven years old in Cyclops years so that’s not a good idea.
* ‘But I’ve been through worse.’ You remind yourself with a deep breath.
* These are monsters, not gods. You can always rely on your despair.
* You turn to Perfcy and Tyson, an apology on your lips when there’s a guttural groan on the other side of the gym.
* Invisible gashes form on the monsters one by one as they combust into flames, black scratch marks where they once stood.
* Annabeth materializes when her baseball is knocked of her head by a particularly violent gust of flames.
* But not before she strikes the last one down, shrieking in pain when a flame flickers against her arm.
* ‘Huh, I guess that works too.’
* “Annabeth!” Percy shouts. You both run over to her, your hands held over singed flesh.
* Her bottom lip trembles between her teeth until blue light emits from your hands.
* The wound drys into a scab, then tender pink flesh, before disappearing completely.
* “I’ll never get over this.” Annabeth whispers, fingers trailing the unblemished skin.
* “What do you think you’re doing!?” A voice booms from behind you, and when you turn to look sure enough — the former Olympic medalist for archery, now just a high-paid school gym teacher — is glowering at you.
* Percy immediately tenses with a sad look in his eyes. “It was nice staying here while it lasted,”
* The coach makes his way to you in heavy steps, Percy rises, his mouth trembling.
* “It was all—”
* He walks right past you three and to the red lever in the wall.
* “I know you kids care about each other, but in these cases, if there’s an electrical fire you really need to ring the fire alarm.”
* “An electrical fire?’ Percy mumbles to himself.
* “Come on kids! Let’s head out from the backway just like we practiced in the drills!”
* Percy, Annabeth, Tyson and you file into line with the other students.
* “He didn’t get mad,” Tyson whispers.
* Your first reaction is to tell him of course he wouldn’t get mad, it’s not like any of you asked for a fire.
* But when you see the look on Percy and Annabeth’s face, you swallow your words.
* You’ve always gone to St. Catherine’s, and with your divine father's consistent presence, you wouldn’t be surprised if the mist worked favorably here because the faculty had a good impression of you—and by extension your friends.
* But the same can’t be said for your friends.
* ‘They’re just children, they shouldn’t have to be so cunning that they can manipulate what a person thinks they saw.’
* Your lips tucks between your teeth and you swallow hard.
* “Of course, he didn’t.” you’re just a child. “You deserve to be trusted.”
* If they heard you they don’t make any indication as your group is jostled outside, cellphones held to ears as children call their parents.
* ‘Maybe I should call Dad and let him know. I should let them borrow my phone too, hopefully they know their parents number—‘
* “Annabeth, what are you doing here?”
* “I-I came here to get Percy, they’re asking for him at camp.” Then looking a bit bashful, she adds: “I didn’t know you guys went to the same school.”
* “I never mentioned it?” Percy says with a rather ingenuine shrug. Annabeth pouts.
* “Looks like it’s your lucky day, this is a three-for-one.”
* “Where did you find him?” She gestures to Tyson.
* “He’s my friend.” Percy answers, slightly miffed at her tone.
* Annabeth hails a taxi like you’ve never seen before, dark green in color with smoke creeping out of the windows.
* “Yeah, no offense but I’d rather cut of my left nut then get in that thing.” (this is said in a gender neutral way I promise—if you identify M it’s serious, if F or non-binary it’s being dramatic)
* You wave your hand and a portal opens before you.
* You’ve practiced enough with your father this year to manage making it to one location, it still takes a lot of focus.
* You watch one of the drivers amber at Tyson.
* “Do you want to come with me Tyson?”
* He hesitates for a moment before shaking his head with a sweet smile.
* “I’m going to go with Percy.”
* You return his smile with your own.
* ‘Brothers should stick together after all.’
* “See you guys at camp!”
* You keep the image of rolling hills and the scent of strawberries in your mind, walking into the inky black abyss until sunlight floods your view
* And just like that you’re here.
* “Squad five attack from the right!”
* “Watch out for the flames!”
* “Get it together!!”
* A mechanical Bull rampages through campers like they’re players in grand theft auto.
* And just like that it’s like you never left.
* From the mass you spot a golden mmmmm familiar bright yellow head of hair.
* “Clarisse!”
* Her attention is diverted from her opponent for a moment, just long enough for the bill to latch onto her as it’s next target.
* “Get out of the way!”
* The two of you tumble out of the way and down a hill.
* She seems more shocked than usual to see you.
* “You need to get out of here.”
* “Yeah, we all need to get out of here. How’d a monster even get inside—”
* “No,” she grabs onto your arm. “You specifically need to leave right now.”
* ‘That’s kind of a rude thing to say to someone who saved your life.’
* You hear a loud crash and look up to see Tyson going head to head with the mechanical Bull.
* “Come on.” She tugs you by the arm around the squirmish past a shrieking bull, a screaming Annabeth and an adrenaline filled Percy.
* “Clarisse, our friends are that way!”
* She pays you no mind almost making it all the way to Thalia’s tree when the world goes still.
* “Shit.” She whispers.
* You turn with your eyebrows threaded together, seeing a group of startled campers staring back, where the Bull once stood is a man—at least six feet tall with a head of perfectly gold curls.
* He looks at you with a wolfish grin, his bright red blush flanked over his nose and spilling onto his cheeks.
* “(Y/N)! I was wondering when you’d show up!” Ares shouts with an excited wave.
* “Shit.”
Tag list :
@holybatflapexpert @atomicsophia @fadingunknowncoffee @hopeworldsupremacy @padsfirewhisky @magical-dreamland @kookiedesi @kiritokunuwu @bleepmorp @flickeringlizard @luckyzipperscissorsbat @jessiegerl @undecided-as-always @officiallydarkgeek
@marsbars09 @yizhoutv @alicesolengg @luxaryllis-primaryacc @time-shardz @cryinghotmess @crow-with-a-hoodie @the-nerdy-fangirl @crackedpumpkin @geekyandgay98
@lazydreamers @agentsofblinks @justsomestuffiguessman  @mxacegrey @angelic-simp @astrial @babypink224221 @weaponb33 @redactedhimbo @heart-charming  @psychomanias-blog @aliinunderland
@karnellius @lunavixia @cerberus-the-cutie @bes2005 @girlcrafter408 @loser-keiji @shadowsmusical @hazeofeleven @evilsailorsenshi
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sakitenyoyo · 1 month
*drops one of my ride kamens agent ocs at u*
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Here is one of my Ride Kamens OCs, Asahi Nakagawa! She has a super nice older brother who was the original heir of Cosmos Conglomerate (before he went missing 4 years before the events of the game. I wonder where he went..). Now Asahi has to juggle both company and Kamen Rider Agent duties as the company's new heir. (having a presumably dead dad & missing older brother probably doesn’t help with that)
She looks up to her older brother a lot and being more like him is the main reason she wanted to be an agent in the first place. But she often gets compared to him at work. So she has *A LOT OF INSECURITIES*  (she often overworks herself just to help others, looks down on herself and all that jazz)
She's not based off of anyone in particular but I did give her a trenchcoat like shin kamen rider ruriko and named her after TV Asahi because thats fun!
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more sketches of her because i like her a lot :)
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