#suicide squad trailer review
atlastv · 1 year
"10 Movies That Destroyed Themselves"
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danielfeketewrites · 6 months
The Marvels (2023)
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Not usually reviewing films but here we are. A friend of mine invited me to the cinema to see The Marvels. And so we did, two days ago.
Neither of us expected much. I haven't seen Ms. Marvel. I thought Captain Marvel was 'meh' and a bit bland. Not offensive in any way (if you discount the blatant milatary propaganda) but ultimately Just A Marvel ProductTM. And not even a fun one. At least not fun for me.
And no offence to Teyonah Parris, but her character was definitely the least interesting thing about WandaVision. That's not saying much, seeing as that miniseries was great and one of the best things Marvel did since Infinity War... But it just goes to say that this didn't seem that promising.
The trailer for it looked quite cool though.
My friend Marek, who was bitching to me about how bad Captain Marvel is for years now, invited me to see The Marvels with him in the cinema. Mostly as a joke. Although he did enjoy Ms. Marvel. But still, neither of us expected much.
To our surprise - The Marvels is really good and we both enjoyed ourselves a lot.
It's really, really good.
While I don't think it can stand shoulder to shoulder with stuff like The Suicide Squad, Across the Spider-verse or GotG Vol. 3, I still feel comfortable calling it one of the best superhero movies of this decade so far. It's easily the 2nd best MCU movie since Spider-man: Far From Home, imo. (admittedly, I haven't seen all of them, so take this hot take with a grain of salt... I just really enjoyed The Marvels)
So now I'm gonna do a wee bit of gushing about some of the reasons why it's so good. (spoilers bellow)
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Carol, Kamala, and Monica are just really fun to watch? Their interaction is amazing.
Kamala can be a bit cringey but in an authentically teenage way and I really enjoyed that! Her being a huge fan of Captain Marvel never stopped feeling real. Yeah, of course she's into RPF.
Consequences! I love when things in stories have consequences. And this is all built around consequences to the stuff Captain Marvel did. She did them with good intentions... But that didn't necessarily matter. And I love that. It adds a bit of complexity and nuance that's less and less common in superhero movies these days.
Which ties into... Carol not being perfect. She's amazing and powerful but she can't save everyone.
Carol is also... really fun? With a slight nudge she just became a really well-written, interesting protagonist? I love this version of Captain Marvel and I want more!!! Brie Larson finally gets to show off a bit as an actress!
She just really gave me Xena vibes, in the best possible way.
While the villain isn't an all-time great, the actress went for dignity and it payed off. She feels iconic and you understand where she's coming from.
Monica's sacrifice was quite powerful and kinda hit me.
The "training sequence" where Carol, Monica, and Kamala are practicing the switching is perfect. I love it. No notes.
I love that while it's only an indirect continuation of Captain Marvel, it takes the best bits from that film and builds on them. For me, Goose is the best bit of that film - a cat, but make it eldritch and alien, as well as bigger on the inside? Nice, love it. So what do we do with that idea the second time around? MORE CATS!!! I got a bit excited when I saw the kittens in the trailer and they did not disappoint. (Can the next movie be set on their planet? Please?)
But it's not just "there are kittens now" though. THE KITTENS ARE INTEGRAL TO THE PLOT. It's not just there to be there, but it's an important plot point. And it's so fun!
Nick Fury is also fun.
But it's not just taking what worked and expanding on it. This movie got really creative!
For example - the worlds! Especially the Bollywood planet. Great stuff.
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That's just some of the reasons to like this film. I'm probably gonna watch it again when it's on Disney+
If you haven't seen it yet, go do that it if it's still playing in a cinema near you. It's definitely worth a watch if you are in the mood for a fun, well-made superhero film.
I'm really looking forward to what Nia DaCosta does next. This film really didn't deserve to underperform and I hope she gets another stab at a big blockbuster like this in the future.
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Is It Really That Bad?
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Come. Gather round and listen to the legend of the Funny Vampire Director, AKA the Funny Nazi Director, AKA Taika Waititi.
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Raised in the way of the director, Waititi was taught to make good movies, delivering the sort of funny and heartfelt films most can only dream of making. He directed, and he wrote, and he acted. He was sensitive, like a smile. And his love of filmmaking did not discriminate in what he could make. He once made a hilarious vampire mockumenatry that got a spin-off TV series. Another time, he proved that you could make Blazing Saddles in the modern day, except with Nazis!
But Waititi's greatest achievement was cameoing in The Suicide Sqaud. Oh, wait. No. It was making a good Thor movie, of all things. But sadly, in making a good Thor movie, he set himself up for failure with the sequel. In fact, he set himself up for spectacular failure. Mediocre reviews. Audience backlash. Criticism from the actors and directors. And bad reviews from all sorts of internet guys, again and again and again. And again.
Poor Waititi had to watch the internet’s respect for him explode. And then he said, 'What have I done?' It seemed that everything he’d worked for with Thor, he lost. And so he maybe got fired by Marvel and went back to making real movies for a change. But just because he was done with Marvel, didn't mean he was done with superheroes. He teamed up with James Gunn and set off to deliver the most powerful and thematic line in The Suicide Squad. He got in shape, putting in the hard yards to become a respected filmmaker again. Taking pains into gains and never skipping the chance to direct a movie based on Tower of Terror. He put in the work to go from the butt of jokes to a guy who would hopefully deserve an Oscar win.
But with all that being said, there was still a confused reviewer just trying to figure out if maybe the backlash to Thor: Love and Thunder was a bit overblown. Because really, this movie couldn’t possibly be as shitty as The Dark World, which committed the sin of wasting Christopher Eccleston. So he sat down and gave the movie a rewatch, accepting he was only good for one thing... Determining that age old question, 'Is Thor: Love and Thunder really that bad?'
So maybe this is a hot take, but I really did enjoy Jane’s return and her romance with Thor and find it to be one of the film’s best aspects.
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Now, don’t get me wrong, a lot of the writing here is clunky and poor Natalie Portman is saddled with a lot of really stupid dialogue now that she’s the Mighty Thor. But seeing her and Chris Hemsworth act off each other again in a less dull and restrictive fashion is so nice, and seeing Portman kick ass is a lot of fun too. She even wields Mjolnir in some pretty creative ways here! And her death is actually a genuinely powerful and touching scene that they don’t immediately fuck up with a lame joke.
The soundtrack, while not even close to touching the Guardians of the Galaxy soundtracks, is filled with Guns N’ Roses banger after banger. I grew up listening to these guys, so honestly I’m predisposed to like any scene where they play one of my favorite tracks by them.”Sweet Child O’ Mine,” “November Rain,” “Paradise City,” and “Welcome to the Jungle” are all whipped out at just the right time to keep my attention from flagging completely, so I’ll give them props for that. They aren’t the most inspired choices, but I’m a sucker for classic Axl.
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The Axl above? Decidedly less so. Still, despite this film’s reputation for really bad effects and really bad costumes and just in general looking embarrassingly cheap because Disney abuses the animators, there are some extremely cool visuals here and there. The shot of Falligar the Behemoth in particular is so good they slapped it into every trailer, and a climactic battle on a monochrome planet looks way too good to be in this movie. But by far the most fantastic thing is the comic-accurate depiction of Eternity.
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And of course, I would be remiss to not praise Christian Bale’s performance as Gorr the God Butcher. The man immediately has you hooked with the opening scene, which details his backstory and shows how he began his vendetta against all the deities of the Marvel universe. Then we have his fantastic climactic confrontation with Thor on the black-and-white planet, and then there is his final scene before Eternity. Each and every time he shows up, it’s completely clear that Bale is giving it his all and acting his pussy off, giving a performance that is honestly kind of astounding considering what’s going on around him.
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Unfortunately, while Gorr is a fantastic performance, he suffers from the fact his character has absolutely no cohesion and is barely in the film. He shows up for maybe one big fight in the first hour, then completely disappears from the film until the third act, during which time he just sits around with a bunch of children and terrifies them. And despite being “The God Butcher,” we see him butcher precisely one single god in the whole film, and that’s in the film’s opening. Groot has as many onscreen god kills as Gorr. That’s fucking pathetic. Bale’s magnificent performance is strong when it counts, but so much of the dramatic moments feel unearned because he hardly does anything outside those moments. The fact they cut out so much material including him meeting with Peter Dinklage’s King Eitri and Jeff Goldblum’s Grandmaster, really stings. Would it have been a crime to cut out those annoying fucking goats and instead give Gorr more to do like, oh, butchering gods?
It doesn’t help that the story never actually refutes any of Gorr’s points. Every other god we see in the film is egotistical, hedonistic, a coward, or all three at once, with even Thor reverting into a corny blowhard for much of the movie. Zeus is pretty much emblematic of this problem; while I actually did enjoy Russell Crowe’s performance (even if it is, ultimately, a half-baked attempt at recapturing the magic of Grandmaster from Ragnarok), the fact that Zeus is nothing more than a blowhard more concerned with orgies and showing off to all the other gathered deities just kind of proves Gorr right. The gods don’t care, they are refusing to help their followers, and frankly the universe would probably be a lot better if it was littered with Knowheres instead of having these horny clowns prancing about.
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Then we have the Guardians. The glorified cameo from the Guardians of the Galaxy that was hyped up in all the marketing. Despite being in the movie for maybe ten minutes and despite Star-Lord having 95% of all the lines between them, nearly every single one of them feels completely out of character. Star-Lord, on the other hand, actually feels like he was rerailed in time for Gunn to take the reigns back, but it doesn’t make up for how awkward and pointless it all feels. Although it is incredibly hilarious that after all of them spent Infinity War fawning over him they all now seem to barely tolerate him, with it being confirmed none of them kept in contact with him after the events of this film. I honestly don’t blame them.
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A lot of returning characters really suffer. King Valkyrie gets it pretty bad since her subplot where she searches for love was dropped, leading to her feeling really superfluous in the plot. Lady Sif gets it even worse, with her barely even being in this movie; one has to wonder why they even bothered keeping her alive. Thor gets hit especially bad here, because he seems to have reverted from his post-Ragnarok characterization all the way to pre-Thor characterization, with all his hedonism, goofing, gallavanting, insecurity, and egotistical traits ramped up to maximum levels.
But the most divisive returning character of all is Korg. Korg became a fan-favorite due to his appearances in Ragnarok and Endgame, where he was genuinely a funny comic relief character who juxtaposed his intimidating rock golem design with a friendly demeanor and the chipper voice of director Taika Waititi. The thing is, both of those films used him sparingly, so that when he got a lame joke it wasn’t so bad because it’s one up against dozens of good ones. Here though he gets to be a main character and even the narrator, and boy does he get old pretty quickly. The thing is, though, that even if he’s not particularly funny here… I still like Korg. He’s just too damn charming, As lame as his jokes are, as lame as his fake out death is, as pointless as he ends up feeling to the plot, I just can’t hate the guy. I guess it helps that he gets to be Disney’s 52nd First Gay Character, but actually for real this time because in the end he gets to make a baby with a rock guy named Dwayne. I also really like the theory that the reason the whole film is corny is because Korg is narrating it, and he’s an unreliable narrator peppering the story with lame jokes and underplaying elements that should matter. Does it save the whole movie? No. Does it make Korg any funnier? Also no. Does it add an interesting layer that at least keeps me from wanting Korg dead? Yes, yes it does.
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And really, every single problem here is something that was there in Thor: Ragnarok. Zany comedy? A terrifying, threatening villain with a murderous vendetta who gets weirdly underplayed and barely interacts with the heroes? A villainous character played entirely for jokes? Jokes that completely and utterly destroy the tension of any given scene? The big difference is that in Ragnarok, at least some of the jokes were funny, and Thor had more interesting characters to bounce off of. And maybe most importantly, that film knew when to dial back the comedy to let cool or emotional moments breathe. And maybe even more importantly than that, it knew to keep Korg to a minimum. This film doesn’t do that at all, with nonstop gags undercutting nearly every dramatic moment. It’s ultimately hard to give a shit about anything going on when the characters give so little of a shit about it that they’re cracking jokes.
And let me tell you, if you couldn’t already tell, the jokes are fucking bad. This is basically what would happen if you asked Seltzer & Friedberg to make Marvel Movie. This is the epitome of all those jokes about Marvel dialogue having the characters go “Well that just happened!” to the point where I’m shocked it’s not actual dialogue. The horrendously unfunny screaming goat meme is a pivotal plot point in this movie; that’s the quality of jokes we’re dealing with here. And while there are a few decent jokes here and there, there’s just too many fucking jokes to pay them any mind.
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Somehow this is one of the most overhated and yet rightfully disliked films ever made.
Like, Schafrillas was right to call this the Shrek the Third of Thor films. It’s not funny, it derails beloved characters, it’s incredibly annoying, it wastes a good villain, and the writing is just so hackneyed and ridiculous. This is absolutely not a good film at all. But the way you hear some people talk about it you’d think this film killed their grandma.
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Like I know bad comedies are some of the worst kinds of films out there, and this film is definitely horrendously unfunny at every opportunity, but it has just enough good ideas and just enough strategic deployment of Guns N’ Roses songs that it just barely manages to be passable in my eyes. I definitely think this is a mediocre movie, and it is emblematic of everything a bad Marvel movie can be. But at the same time, it manages to be unfunny in ways I didn’t think were possible from a director and cast this talented. I’ll be honest, on my second watch through of the movie I was more bored than infuriated with this film. It has its moments, but it’s absolutely one of the weakest efforts Marvel has ever put out.
This film is pretty much what critics once accused Batman & Robin of being: An overindulgent, campy, unfunny smear on a cool hero. As you well know by now, I don’t agree with them on that, but it’s a somewhat fitting descriptor for Love & Thunder. I don’t think it’s a smear on Thor, who has been way too inconsistent for me to get mad about him being taken in some wild direction, but overindulgent, campy, and unfunny are pretty apt. Still, I don’t think this is nearly as bad as a lot of people say. It’s not bad in a “crime against humanity” way, at worst it’s bad in a “I know the people making this are capable of better and I kinda feel like this is the fault of studio executives at Disney” kind of way. If you like it, sure, that’s valid! I don’t think there is no value in this film at all, especially compared to some stuff I’ve reviewed for Is It Really That Bad. But if I never have to see this movie again, I won’t exactly lose sleep over it, and I’m sure many people feel the same.
Still, I’d have to have a heart of stone to not find the ending, which features Thor and his adopted daughter (played by Hemsworth’s own daughter) becoming a cute little superhero team and getting a corny title drop right before the credits, really sweet. Yeah, it’s not a good movie, but at least it’s better than the first two Thor movies or the unseasoned oatmeal that is Eternals.
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agentnico · 9 months
Sympathy for the Devil (2023) Review
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It's Collateral in the desert, with the Cruise out and in with the Cage.
Plot: After being forced to drive a mysterious passenger at gunpoint, a man finds himself in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse where it becomes clear that not everything is as it seems.
I do hold a special place in my heart for the acting enigma that is Nicolas Cage. He's truly like no one else, with his over-acting techniques and outrageous performances consistently being enjoyable and interesting to watch, even if he is stuck in a dumpster fire of a movie, and boy there are many turkeys on his filmography! Lately, however, Nicolas Cage has been actually allowed to appear in some solid films, with the wonderfully weird psychological hallucinogenic trip in 2018's Mandy where Cage loses more shit than he usually does; to the hilarious 2022 flick The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent where Cage played himself and gave us the best friend duo we never thought we needed in himself and Pedro Pascal; and this year appearing as Dracula in Renfield. Yep, there was also that Western dud earlier this year called The Old Way which was the most boring interpretation of the Wild West possible where even Cage was on low form, but the less we mention that the better. Be sure to look out for my Top 10 Worst Movies of 2023 list end of the year - The Old Way will surely be making an appearance. Anyway, enough with the shameless self-marketing of my own blog - let's discuss the new Nicolas Cage movie that's gracing our screens!
Sympathy for the Devil is a very by-the-numbers kidnapping movie, that is definitely inspired by the Michael Mann 2004 thriller Collateral, which involves cab driver Jamie Foxx driving around Tom Cruise's assassin as he completes his dirty work. Thrilling movie by the way - can recommend it! As for Sympathy for the Devil, there is nothing new here or original. There's some fun camerawork taking advantage of the neo-noir lighting of Las Vegas at night, and most of the events that transpire are in this one car with these two characters was simplistic yet director Yuval Adler managed to keep this limited setting engaging. Reminded me a bit of that Tom Hardy 2013 drama Locke where he spends the entire movie driving his car and talking to folks on the phone. The script however is very weak, and the twist at the end of the film is extremely predictable, so the movie sorely relies upon its two central performances.
Luckily the two lead actors do solid work. Nicolas Cage is given yet another shot to give an unhinged crazy performance as the maniacal stranger, and he's given a physical makeover too with red dyed hair and a flashy red suit jacket. A lot of the film is spent on him giving out goofy line readings and monologues while rolling his googly eyes and being general Rage Cage. Joel Kinnaman brings vulnerability and humanity as the innocent driver who simply wants to get to the hospital to his wife who is giving birth to his third child. Kinnaman especially can be a very intimidating and strong presence as he's done before in The Suicide Squad as soldier Rick Flag, so seeing him here stripped down was definitely an interesting casting choice.
Overall Sympathy for the Devil is not particularly memorable, with there being no devil in the details of the script. However if you want another excuse to watch Nicolas Cage do his maddenic lunatic thing, then it will be an enjoyable 90 minutes to pass the time. Can't say I'm not a little disappointed - the trailer made the movie seem like much more of a deranged experience than what the final product turned out to be. Ah well, no sympathies for the devil this time around.
Overall score: 5/10
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Welp, with The Flash coming out and it being like swan song to the DCEU, I couldn't help but take a look back at some of the other DC movies and i was like, "why not just rank them and with my stupid opinions!"
Aight so this is the part where I explain why, originally i considered making a post of each movie like how i did it with marvel movies and shows on Twitter at some point but decided not because I'm not a poignant person with the most creative writing nor could i often keep the same attention span for it for awhile so here is the best way to review em all in a few words or less.
Will be doing it in the order they were released in.
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1. Man Of Steel
I actually like this movie, it's definitely has non-stop action and i can't help but think maybe I just enjoy that because I have a peanut for a brain. It definitely tries to be more grounded to see how humanity would react to Superman existing our world. I do like Henry Cavill as Superman i just wish we got more scenes of him being more warmer and more scenes of him helping and saving people. I can definitely understand why others disagree and really dislike this one.
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2. Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice
This movie exists and is what set off panic triggers at Warner Bros. & Prettyyyyyyy much ruined the perception of Superman and Batman to a bunch of "certain" people. It crams in way too many storylines, tries to set up way too much, some miscasting, kills off superman in his like 2nd appearance, wonder woman got spoiled in the trailers and whatnot.
Ben Affleck as Batman was cool and the warehouse fight scene was cool. I'm sad that it was Dick Grayson the one who got killed.
The Ultimate Edition of this one is just a 6/10, while it does give more context and more scenes that I do like, it still has the same problems so no, it doesn't fix everything.
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3. Suicide Squad
Nobody likes this movie, also nobody likes me.
I remember thinking that the comic con trailer was the coolest shit to ever exist. Then I saw the movie and remember feeling lied to and deceived.
Everything sucks, everything happens too much at the same time, characters barely feel like character at times, etc. Really deserving of that Oscar!!!!!!!
I did like Harley Quinn, Amanda Waller, and Captain Boomerang (even if he barely did anything)
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4. Wonder Woman
8.5/10 Wonder Woman
Really love this movie, Wonder Woman is great, i love the characters, the chemistry, the action and her helping people.
It does stumble abit towards the end however but even then, it still felt like a great movie 👍
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5. Justice League (2017)
This movie pretty much is the reason why the DCEU became a wild rabid animal that needed to be put down immediately.
Movie is just mediocre, humor is just "Not funny. Didn't laugh." , Action is lame, backstories are rushed, Flash is annoying, Aquaman is a dickhead for no reason, cyborg doesn't even get a backstory, they really take their time saving people, dumb Russian family subplot.
I liked the after credits scene of Superman and Flash racing. So while the movie is not extremely awful and not a bad waste of your time, it's also not a good waste of your time.
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6. Aquaman
Really like Aquaman, love how cheesy it was, Black Manta was cool.
While i love the cheesiness in this movie, this movie does also get abit stupid at times but still a fun time where you can go off with, with a pal or smth.
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7. Shazam!
I thought the movie was a fun time, nothing outrageous but nothing bad as well, just a movie i can have a good time watching.
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8. Birds Of Prey
Cassandra Cain is not even Cassandra Cain and that still pisses me off to this day. Overall, it's definitely a Harley Quinn movie and NOT a Birds Of Prey movie. Black Mask was a cool villain. This movie felt like it was trying too hard to be like Deadpool ngl.
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9. Wonder Woman 1984
It's like being asked out by someone you like so you get excited and say yes and later show up to the date all ready and stuff, only to find out it was a prank just to see if you were gullible enough to fall for it.
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10. Zack Snyder's Justice League
Welp, i now wish the movie never got released so the people who are like #restorethesnyderverse never got the satisfaction and got to comfortable enough to become a bunch of crybabies believing they are the top of the world.
Movie is just okay, cool action, good characters for the most part but holy shit is it way too long with really unnecessary scenes. If you can't release a movie without making it 4 hours long thinking it'll make things more cohesive, well i got some news for ya pal.
Welp turns out i ran to a limit with the images so lemme make another post about it to keep sharing my thoughts on the DCEU Movies, ig this is a part 1 of 2 post.
But for now, what did you think of my thoughts? Do you agree or disagree to the point that you wanna break into my house to beat me up, kill me and burn my house to the ground.
Lmk what you think or want to hear more thoughts for me to specify.
Thanks for reading, losing your braincells along the way and have a nice day.
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talk-time-live · 6 months
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Today I give thoughts of trailers for Godzilla X Kong, The BOYS Season 4, and Suicide Squad Isekai from WB Japan.   Then in our TALK TOPIC of the WEEK, I check out the live-action adaptation of Knights of the Zodiac based on the cult-classic anime series Seint Saiya.    All this and more in this episode of A.C.M.G. presents TALK TIME LIVE!
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silveragelovechild · 1 year
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Of course Warner and James Gunn were going to dig in their heels and double down on their plans for DC movies. The true test of fan support of the DCEU will be the box office numbers for “Shazam! Fury of the Gods” (which has been rescheduled multiple times - now targeted at March 17, 2023). Although Gunn wasn’t involved in its development, it will be a test of the level of support for DC movies.
Personally I thought the first Shazam movie was just… “okay”. While Zachary Levi and Jack Dylan Grazer were fun, the story was so-so and the CGI of the demons was very poor. And the sequel? Helen Mirren and Lucy Liu don’t stir any excitement. The trailer itself is lack luster, cluttering the story with too many heroes.
I had been looking forward to the Flash movie but it’s release date has been changed 7 times (now June 16, 2023). Ezra Miller’s off screen behavior is pretty appalling and I’m no longer interested.
I might go see “Blue Beetle” (if only to support a movie with an Hispanic hero) but who knows… might depend on the reviews.
And by abandoning both Henry Cavill and Gal Gadot, what’s the point of seeing Jason’s Momoa’s Aquaman sequel (December 25, 2023).
So Gunn’s impact on DC movies won’t be seen until 2024 at the earliest. Although I’m a life long Superman fan… I’m not excited about another reboot. Look what happened when Sony rebooted the Spider-man franchise.
(BTW, per Wikipedia, Gunn’s “The Suicide Squad” underperformed at the box office. It only made $165 million against a $185 budget. Tell me again why Warner hired him?)
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gothellewoods · 2 years
3, 6, 8, and 13 for the ask game? Or any combination thereof? 👀👀
3) Favorite superhero film?
I’m picking top 3 here. I think my favorite is probably into the spider-verse. It’s so well animated, stylistically interesting, and I adore miles morales. I’d been so nervous about this movie, and I had been keeping track of everything since the moment it was announced, but I was terrified the whole time since Sony pictures animation doesn’t have a great track record. The teaser trailer gave me hope, though. I don’t go to the movies that often, but I went to watch it the day it dropped and it honestly exceeded my expectations.
The second film is Venom. The first venom film, the sequel is fun, but there was something so insane about the way the first one came out that it just has a special place in my heart. I love the venom comics, and I was still thoroughly obsessing over Mike Costa’s venom run when this movie was coming out, but I’m gonna be honest, when I saw the trailer I completely disregarded it. It looked over the top edgy in a 90s comic kinda way. I almost never disregard a movie by trailer alone, but they made the movie look like another BvS or Suicide Squad (2016) (derogatory). I genuinely thought it would be like how Morbius turned out. I was so surprised when the reviews dropped and they all said pretty much the same thing— this movie sucks, but it’s sure as fuck fun to watch. I though, hey! That’s my favorite type of movie!! So I gave it a chance, and they were so right. I saw this movie 5 times while it was still in theaters (mostly pirating, but still).
The last movie is The Batman (2022). I actually had a lot of hope for this movie going in, considering how Matt Reeves studied under Jeph Loeb and cited The Long Halloween as a major influence, but I was still a little wary. I really hate the dark knight returns (and frank miller in general), and most Batman movies are to some extent an adaptation of this work. Which sucks. I was really pleasantly surprised by the hopeful turn the movie took, how it denounced miller’s Batman through the use of the Riddler as a parallel. Plus, the cast were all excellent and the visuals were beautiful. I’m looking forward to the sequel and hoping they include robin!
6) Favorite Side Character
I really miss Roxy Leech from Superboy’s solo run. All of kon’s supporting cast disappeared after his solo ended and it sucks. She was like a sister figure to him and she’d bring a lot to comics now. I also love Bernard Dowd. He left such an impression in the few issues he appears in, and now he’s back as Tim’s Boyfriend!! That’s huge! He hasn’t had a chance to shine yet recently, I hope he’s still an absolute bitch. I also miss prudence wood, from Tim’s Red Robin run. She had so much potential, bring her back dc!
(A few months ago I’d have probably had spider-punk on this list, but he’s got a solo now!! Not a side character anymore lol)
8) Favorite team up
Young Justice!!!! YJ 1998 my beloved! What a team! I don’t really care for the animated series, it’s totally unrelated to the comics and I can’t get behind their adaptation of kon. He’s so bland and whiny. YJ 1998 is so funny, the characters are so bizarre and they’re all completely unhinged about each other. Love those guys
13) A villain who genuinely scared you
I don’t know that any particular villain has ever like, really scared me? But I do find something viscerally horrifying about like, all of Al Ewing’s immortal hulk. It’s such a good run. It tackles a lot of heavy themes well. (Shame the artist turned out to be a shitbag, but I refuse to let that ruin the story for me. He didn’t write it, after all.)
I guess I could say the joker here, not because the character himself particularly scares me, but because of what he’s come to mean to incels and those types. It’s dangerous when a character can become a symbol for such hateful groups to rally under.
Ask game
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jcmarchi · 5 days
A New Report Details How A Troubled Development Led To Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League's $200M Flop
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/a-new-report-details-how-a-troubled-development-led-to-suicide-squad-kill-the-justice-leagues-200m-flop/
A New Report Details How A Troubled Development Led To Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League's $200M Flop
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Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, the live-service multiplayer game from famed Batman: Arkham series developer Rocksteady Studios, hit PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC back in February to middling reviews and disappointment from players. Now, a new report from Bloomberg details the game’s behind-the-scenes troubles, including a culture of “toxic positivity,” shifting visions, and more, ultimately resulting in the game being a $200 million loss for parent company Warner Bros. Discovery. 
Bloomberg reports that following the release of DC’s Suicide Squad in 2016, which made $750 million at the box office on a budget of $175 million, Warner Bros. wanted to build on that IP’s success. Warner Bros. Montreal, which developed 2022’s Gotham Knights, was working on a Suicide Squad game that Bloomberg says was struggling to come together. Notably, Warner Bros. Montreal’s 2013 game Batman: Arkham Origins ended with a tease about an in-universe Suicide Squad. As a result, Warner Bros. looked to Rocksteady to capitalize on the Suicide Squad name instead. 
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At the time, following the 2015 release of Batman: Arkham Knight, studio co-founders Jamie Walker and Sefton Hill were working on “a prototype of an original multiplayer puzzle-solving game, codnamed Stones,” Bloomberg writes. But around the end of 2016, Walker and Hill told Rocksteady staff they were switching gears to develop a Suicide Squad game with plans to release it in 2019 or 2020. This game would be a live-service multiplayer title, or a games-as-a-service as titles in the genre are sometimes referred to, aiming to capture the seasonal excitement (and money) of games like Destiny 2, Fortnite, and others. 
With no experience in multiplayer games, Rocksteady’s staff ballooned from roughy 160 employees to more than 250, according to Bloomberg. As the team developed Suicide Squad, employees under Walker and Hill questioned decisions like making Captain Boomerang, one of the four playable characters who traditionally fights with a boomerang in comics, a shotgun user, or attempting to add a vehicle system in a game where each of the four playable characters already has their own unique traversal system to get around Metropolis. 
Rocksteady revealed Suicide Squad in 2020 with a 2022 release year, and in an effort to hit this deadline, Bloomberg reports engineers focused on short-term fixes that actually became “hindrances” as the game’s release was eventually delayed to 2024. Elsewhere in the studio, employees waited weeks or months for Hill to review their work, slowing overall development. Hill scrapped large parts of the script and struggled to convey his ideas, according to Bloomberg, and the studio grew into a culture of “toxic positivity” where employees felt criticism was discouraged. 
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Throughout the game’s troubled development, leadership reportedly showed no signs of worry about the game’s live-service multiplayer ambitions, even as others in the genre struggled to find success. Even Rocksteady fans felt worried about the game, just from seeing trailers and gameplay previews. Then, years into development, Walker and Hill left Rocksteady to form Hundred Star Games, further putting into question Suicide Squad’s future. 
In early February of this year, Suicide Squad finally hit PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC, and the tea leaves were almost immediately clear: the game was a disappointment. Though Rocksteady is still supporting it today with updates, like adding a playable Joker character, the conversation around the game has shifted to fans of the studio wondering if Warner Bros. will layoff employees there to cut costs. Bloomberg reports, however, that during a Warner Bros. Games meeting in February, Warner Bros. Discovery head of games David Haddad said job cuts at Rocksteady wouldn’t make sense as the company’s gaming division is already understaffed. 
According to Bloomberg, many of Rocksteady’s employees are helping to develop a “Director’s Cut” of the 2023 Harry Potter game, Hogwarts Legacy, the best-selling game of the year. The studio is also working to pitch a new single-player game. 
[Source: Bloomberg]
Have you played Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League? Let us know in the comments below what you think of it!
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whatyourusherthinks · 5 months
The Beekeeper Review
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Oh boy, I was ready for Beekeeper, but for all the wrong reasons! The poster looks like Jason Statham is gonna turn into bees in this movie. The trailer was bad. The premise is insane. We used Not The Bees meme in the preshow. I was so prepared for a goofy good time, especially after suffering through Mean Girls and Book of Clarence fumbled the ending.
I will say up front, I got a decent amount of respect for Jason Statham. Not only did he help produce this movie, but he seems like a nice guy, family man in a committed relationship, but not like a dick about it. He stands by for the Stuntman Union, that's pretty awesome. And of all the meathead action heroes (your Stallones, Schwarzeneggers, and Rocks) he works the best is pretty much any action movie they put him in. Like you don't watch these movies to see any of these guys become different characters, you just watch them transposed into different situations. And Statham kinda just fits in any movie you put him in. That's respectable.
What's This Movie About?
Jason Statham is Adam Clay, a beekeeper. When his landlady falls for a phishing scam and kills herself, he reveals that he is also a Beekeeper with a capital B, which is basically a superpowered secret police officer. And he's about to kill anyone even remotely responsible for his landlady's suicide.
What I Like.
This movie is basically asexual boomer John Wick. While not quite and well staged and shot as those movies, it's still pretty satisfying and crunchy. There are some kills in this movie that made me go "Huhuh, bruuuutal!" The pacing of this movie is excellent as well, keeping me engaged but not overwhelmed. The villains in the movie are perfect. I didn't even need the landlady to kill herself, I was ready for the Beekeeper to murder these fuckers as soon as they were on screen. Pretty much all of them that aren't crazy mercenaries are tech sector bros and nepobabies, and you don't know true satisfaction until you see a guy try to bribe someone with NFTs and then immediately get thrown off a bridge. And the escalation of the violence is sublime. Clay starts out almost like a slasher, hiding in the shadows and picking off guys one at a time. Then, when the road trip section of the movie begins, he starts taking out squads of guys, stealing their guns to use. And the ending is almost a one-man storming of the White House. I actually like Clay's personality in the movie. Yeah, he's basically just Jason Statham, but I like that he goes out of his way to avoid killing as many people as he can. And he has a frank kindness I dug. I have a feeling that this'll be an unpopular opinion, but I actually like the cutaways to the FBI agents. Going to them seeing the aftermath of the Beekeeper's carnage was pretty interesting and I like both the characters. Admittedly the politics of the movie is slightly muddled, but I ain't gonna hate anything that say "punish the greedy".
What I Don't Like.
Um... The ending chickens out of it's set up a little bit, but it also ends so quickly that you don't really have time to think about it.
Final Summation.
This movie is actually good. Not so bad it's good, not ironically good, not good if you shut your brain off. Actually, legitimately good. What the actual fuck.
Why don't we have more movies like this? I don't mean sequels, I mean movies like The Beekeeper. I mean yeah, "don't be greedy" is a common moral, but I mean why don't we have more movies where unstoppable forces just plow over the greedy. I need so many movies where greedy douchebags get murdered indiscriminately, that I want to be sick of them. (But I never will be.) I want these movies to be so ingrained in pop culture, that when Joe Buggknutz comes up with his next get rich quick scheme, he doesn't go through with it because he's afraid Jason's gonna strangle him to death in his sleep.
So... Go see this movie. It's good, even though Jason Statham doesn't turn into bees.
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GAMING RECAP (November 1-7)
Rockstar Set To Release First Trailer For Grand Theft Auto 6 in December
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Rockstar Games will release the first trailer for its highly anticipated sequel to 2013's Grand Theft Auto V, which became the most profitable entertainment product of all time in 2018, next month. As of August, Grand Theft Auto V has sold more than 185 million copies since its release 10 years ago. 
Official news of this trailer from the Rockstar Twitter account comes less than a day after a Bloomberg report that states Rockstar will reveal the sequel, presumably titled Grand Theft Auto VI or Grand Theft Auto 6, this week with a trailer for it arriving sometime next month; Since the release of this report yesterday, Rockstar has confirmed a trailer for the next Grand Theft Auto will, in fact, be released in December. 
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Capcom has a "major unannounced title" to launch before March 2024
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According to Capcom's latest financial report, it expects to reach its year-end sales targets by launching a "major unannounced title" before the end of its current financial year, which is March 2024. The report doesn't hint at what the game is, but its biggest franchises are Resident Evil and Monster Hunter, both of which would have the ability to help Capcom reach its target.
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Sony confirms it’s delayed half of its 12 planned live service games
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SIE had previously said it planned to have 12 live service titles in the market by its fiscal year ending in March 2026 – up from three during its last business year ended this March.
During an earnings call on Thursday, Sony president, COO and CFO Hiroki Totoki seemingly confirmed that this review had resulted in some games being pushed back due to quality concerns.
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PlayStation Plus Monthly offers Mafia 2 and Aliens Fireteam Elite for November
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Subscribers will be able to add Mafia 2: Definitive Edition, Aliens Fireteam Elite, and asymmetrical multiplayer game Dragon Ball: The Breakers to their library at no extra cost from 7th November.
As well as the three monthly games, PS Plus members are getting extra benefits with the Sony Pictures Core app which launched last month. From today until the end of the month, all PS Plus subscibers will receive a 15 percent discount on all purchases or rentals from Sony Pictures Core.
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Warner Bros Promises Even More Live-Service Games
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During Warner Bros Games’ 2023 Q3 earnings call, WB Discover CEO David Zaslav explained that the publisher behind games like Batman: Arkham Knight and Suicide Squad will focus on creating more always-online, free-to-play, live-service games.
During November 8’s earnings call, Zaslav opened with a summary of the company’s ongoing projects, finances, and plans across film, TV, and games. Zaslav called WB Games’ library of popular franchises, a real “growth opportunity” and a key asset in its “arsenal.” He also made it clear that single-player games like Arkham City aren’t really on the menu anymore.
“Our focus is on transforming our biggest franchises from largely console and PC based with three-four year release schedules to include more always on gameplay through live services, multiplatform and free-to-play extensions,” explained Zaslav. “The goal [is to] have more players spending more time on more platforms.”
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Blizzard Reveals Next Three Overwatch 2 Heroes
Blizzard Entertainment has revealed the next three heroes of Overwatch 2, including Mauga, a new duel-wielding tank hero that hits the game next month. Plus, the Overwatch 2 team teased a new DPS hero and Support hero hitting the roster sometime down the line. 
Mauga was actually playable for free as a part of a limited-time trial run for the tank hero this past weekend, but he's already out of the game; his real debut happens alongside Overwatch 2's Season 8 launch on December 5. "Equipped with two chain guns (Gunny and Cha-Cha), Mauga is ready to bash through the front lines of his opponents and tear through anyone that stands in his way with tons of fire-power," Blizzard says about the hero. 
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New Mass Effect 5 Trailer Teases Original Trilogy, Andromeda
BioWare, the developer behind EA's Dragon Age and Mass Effect franchises, has released a new trailer for its next Mass Effect game and it teases a connection to the original trilogy and the Andromeda sequel, and maybe even a new protagonist. Since yesterday was November 7, known as N7 Day in the Mass Effect community as a reference to the N7 Systems Alliance military in the series, BioWare launched a countdown on a special Mass Effect "Epsilon" web page. 
A decoded message says the following on the site now:   
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The End Of Activision Blizzard's $120 Million Overwatch League is Here
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Activision Blizzard has confirmed the end of the Overwatch League, its massive bet to cash in on the rise of esports with an NFL-style franchise system. It will reportedly pay the 20 teams involved $120 million as everyone quietly parts ways from what was reportedly a financial debacle—despite its cultural impact for fans of Overwatch and beyond.
“We are transitioning from the Overwatch League and evolving competitive Overwatch in a new direction,” a spokesperson for Activision Blizzard wrote in a statement. “We are grateful to everyone who made OWL possible and remain focused on building our vision of a revitalized esports program. We are excited to share details with you all in the near future.”
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Embracer COO confirms departure following ‘rough’ year for the games giant
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Egil Strunke shared the news on Monday and claimed he’d left the holding company – which owns many game developers such as Gearbox and Crystal Dynamics – last week.
In June, Embracer announced the appointment of an interim COO, which would be filled by Saber Interactive boss Matthew Karch.
“Last week I left Embracer Group as COO, and it’s with mixed feelings I am parting ways this global company phenomenon, rooted in Karlstad, Sweden,” Strunke wrote on Monday.
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Resident Evil 4 Remake Is Coming To Apple Devices In December
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The game won't be available to all iPhone owners, however. Resident Evil 4 Remake will only be available on the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max, meaning you'll have to grab the newest product in order to play this game on the go. That said, it will also be available on iPads and Macs with the M1 chip or later.
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Ubisoft's latest layoffs set to affect 124 people worldwide
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Ubisoft Montreal is the latest company hit by ongoing cuts as 75 members of staff have been laid off at the Canadian studio.
As reported by Kotaku, the staff cuts come as part of a "reorganisation" of the studio's general and administrative teams, Ubisoft IT, and its SFX studio Hybride (which worked on Disney Plus Star Wars series The Mandalorian).
In a notice to the government of Quebec, the company said: "Ubisoft is proceeding with a collective dismissal in its Montreal establishment within the framework of a reorganisation of its production support services across Canada, by consolidating these functions Canada wide, Ubisoft will be able to optimise its resources to be more sustainable in the long term."
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Bungie tells Destiny fans ‘we know we’ve lost your trust’
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Bungie has addressed its community for the first time since news earlier this week that it was laying off as many as 100 employees.
Writing on its website, Bungie has called this week “one of the most difficult… in our studio’s history” and acknowledged that it’s “lost a lot of [players’] trust” with its recent Destiny content.
“This has been one of the most difficult weeks in our studio’s history, as we’ve parted ways with people we respect and admire,” it wrote. “We’ve spent this week supporting one another, including those who are at the studio, as well as friends and colleagues who no longer are.
“We want to acknowledge the feedback and concerns you have about Lightfall and recent Seasons, as well as your responses to the reveal of The Final Shape. We know we have lost a lot of your trust. Destiny needs to surprise and delight. We haven’t done this enough and that’s going to change.”
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Nintendo developing live-action The Legend of Zelda movie
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Still doubtless beaming from the runaway success of this year's Super Mario Bros. movie, Shigeru Miyamoto has confirmed a live-action The Legend of Zelda movie is in the works.
Details are sparse at present, but Miyamoto, announcing the news on Nintendo Japan's Twitter/X account, said the project has already been in development for "many years now". As per an accompanying press release, Miyamoto will produce the movie - which is being co-financed by Nintendo and Sony Pictures Entertainment (Sony will also handle worldwide theatrical distribution) - with Avi Arad, responsible for "many hit films", also producing.
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thereasonsimbroke · 9 months
Rebel Moon Trailer And Snyder's Epic Vision Unveiled
In Ep. 580, Sam and I discuss Sony raising PlayStation Plus subscription prices, the passing of Arleen Sorkin, the original voice of Harley Quinn, the Rebel Moon teaser trailer, and more!
Chapters 0:00:14 Introducing the Reasons I'm Broke podcast 0:01:11 Mario Brothers Movie Gets Second Chance with 4K Restoration 0:05:26 Controversy over Batman and James Gunn's comments 0:08:07 Uncertainty for the Future of Sonic Games 0:16:56 Frustration over PS5 Availability and Exclusive Games 0:17:23 PlayStation Plus and PC Performance of Final Fantasy 0:21:05 Uncertainty Surrounding Disney Stock and Investment 0:24:23 Exciting Releases: "Child of Fire" and "The Scar Giver" 0:25:28 Zack's Vision: Unrestricted by Star Wars Boundaries 0:35:07 The Unique Design of Lightsabers in the Movie 0:44:44 Harley Quinn's Rise to Popularity 0:49:47 Controversy over Joker's "Damaged" Forehead Tattoo in Suicide Squad 0:54:47 Controversial Design: Cholo Culture and Popular Characters 0:55:21 Dressing as a cholo and its impact on the movie. 0:58:58 Superhero fatigue and the reception of lesser-known characters. 1:02:30 Chasing positive reviews without financial success. 1:06:16 Cyborg vs Blue Beetle: Solo Films 1:14:03 Meeting a talented artist at a convention 1:21:18 Batman's Love Interests: Catwoman vs. Talia 1:25:13 Favorite Harley Quinn-centric episode: Mad Love or Harley's Holiday?
FOLLOW/SUPPORT SAM: Ronin Council (SoundCloud) @samuelboylston (Sam's Instagram) @sam_boylston (Sam's X) As always, we appreciate your constructive Feedback, Suggestions, and Questions. You can also leave us an audio question on SpeakPipe. Thank you for the continued love and support! Enjoy the show. Daniel and Kelli Podcast Awards 2019 || Games & Hobbies (Winner) Podcast Awards 2017 - 2018, 2020 - 2022 || Games & Hobbies (Nominated) Official Site SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts / iHeartRadio / TuneIn / Overcast FOLLOW US: - X | @ReasonsImBroke, @PalpaKelli, and @TRIBPod - Instagram - Pinterest - Tumblr - Discord Lounge - YouTube Channel SUPPORT THE POD: Getting $1's worth of entertainment and information each month? Support us on Patreon or visit our TeePublic storefront! SPREAD THE WORD: If you're enjoying the show, please head over to iTunes and leave us a rating and a review! Each one helps new Brokettes discover the podcast. Donate to Hero Initiative to help comic creators in need. Donate to the Autumn Snyder Tribute Fund to support the work of AFSP. CREDITS: Opening/Closing Jingles - Alex Scott Show Logo By - Opanaldiova
The latest episode of The Reasons I'm Broke Podcast!
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Harley Quinn & The Joker: Sound Mind Podcast
The telling of the Harley Quinn and Joker story has been around since the 90s. These two beloved anti-hero characters from the Batman comic series have been popping up in quite a bit of mainstream media, specifically "spin-off" titles, including Suicide Squad (2016), The Suicide Squad (2021), Bird of Prey (2020), and Joker (2019). But who knew that two villains in a superhero story would become so beloved? They are so adored that two storytelling Spotify Original podcasts have now about this trifecta. 
The first is Batman: Unburied. This podcast follows the journey of Bruce Wayne, who has zero recollection of being the superhero known as Batman. Instead, he works as a forensic pathologist, performing autopsies on the victims of a serial killer running rampant named The Harvester. After its release in May 2022, the following grew, and the reviews came flooding in. On IMDb, the podcast received an 8.6/ 10 for its performance. One reviewer even wrote, "Voice acting was spot on and the story has been really interesting so far, I just wish The Batman was this deep." While this show was a big hit and jarred everyone, no one was prepared for what was coming next.
At the end of the Batman: Unburied series, there was a trailer for a new podcast. While fans were disappointed that the Unburied podcast ended, this trailer turned them on their heads. The trailer begins with "Hello, Patient J? My name is Dr. Quinzel." And, of course, the voice of Harley Quinn blew fans away. The trailer continues with more audio clips from the podcast, overlaying each other to portray insanity and ends with the words "Villany Loves Company" before ending with a release date. 
From Christina Ricci's and Billy Magnussen's voices comes the sequel to Batman: Unburied, Harley Quinn and the Joker: Sound Mind, an immersive storytelling podcast. While there are few podcasts like these, they stand out as extensions to the DC Comics movies, just in a different format. This even builds the fanbase; those who haven't introduced themselves to the world now have an accessible way in.
With the Harley Quinn and the Joker: Sound Mind podcast comes many details about Quinn's story that differed from those we memorized as kids. For instance, her father is a caring, sickly older man who retired from a job at the chemical plant, dying from an incurable disease. But according to Fandom.com, Nick Quinzel is a greedy gambler and con artist who ruled Gotham before the Joker came into play. This detail changed the story— had it not been, we would have a completely different story to listen to.
With all of that said, go listen to the podcast! Comment down below your thoughts! 
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topidea · 2 years
Bullet Train (2022) New Thriller Starring Brad Pitt Warning: This article contains spoilers for Bullet Train. In new release news, Sony's Bullet Train grossed $12.62 million on Friday, with $4.6 million coming from previews on Tuesday and Thursday. We're looking at a $27 million opening weekend if it does only as well as The Suicide Squad. If it's as long as The Lost City (which earned better reviews and a B+ Cinemascore), it'll launch with $33 million. Either would suffice for the R-rated, new-to-you version (based on a Japanese novel), which is billed as the summer's final big release. The $90 million film is hoping for "final blockbuster of the summer" legs like The Fugitive, The Sixth Sense, S.W.A.T., The Bourne Ultimatum, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Suicide Squad, and The Hitman's Bodyguard (all of which have done well). WATCH THE  - MOVIE CLIP How The Cast Bring ‘Bullet Train’ to Life [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1400"] Getty[/caption] From the first train stop to the last, the film is a dark, fast-paced, and gory thriller, but it is also loaded with pockets of humor that keep the momentum rolling. The satirical comedy, directed by David Leitch, is based on Ktar Isaka's 2010 cult favorite Japanese novel Maria Beetle and stars Brad Pitt, Brian Tyree Henry, and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Pitt plays Ladybug, a former assassin dispatched on a mission to retrieve a briefcase from a bullet train moving from Tokyo to Kyoto. Other assassins, including two hitmen brothers Tangerine (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and Lemon, are also on board and have the same goal as him (Brian Tyree Henry). When chatting with the performers during a Zoom interview, it was evident that they realized the film's major purpose was to provide a reprieve for spectators and provide a space for them to have fun and enjoy the thrills. Pitt also stated that the filming of this picture came at a fortunate time for him as an actor and as a person, because it was shot during the COVID-19 crisis. WATCH THE - BULLET TRAIN TRAILER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IOsk2Vlc4o The Bullet Train takes some time to reach its destination, but once there, you can breathe a sigh of relief after being on edge the entire time. The action never stops, and almost every scene in the film is loaded with dramatic, explosive fighting sequences, the majority of which pit Pitt against every other member of the cast. Zazie Beetz, Bad Bunny, Joey King, Sandra Bullock, Andrew Koji, Hiroyuki Sanada, and Michael Shannon all appear in the film. When the film was announced, some people protested that the Japanese plot had been "whitewashed," although the novel's author has stated that he disagrees. "I don't have any desire for people to learn Japanese literature or culture," Isaka explained. "I'm not even sure I know what Japan is." This casting decision also allowed other performers to appear in the film, including Henry, Bad Bunny, and Zazie Beetz. and, without giving too much away, they all made substantial contributions. Complex interviewed Pitt, Henry, and Taylor-Johnson before the film's release, and they appeared to have formed a strong enough bond to poke fun at each other throughout the conversation, which is exactly the amount of playfulness and humor the film provides. Bullet Train is now in theaters Image via Sony Pictures #entertainment #celebrity #movie #trailer #anime #videos #funny
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viiiiibes1 · 2 years
Bullet Train (2022) New Thriller Starring Brad Pitt Warning: This article contains spoilers for Bullet Train. In new release news, Sony's Bullet Train grossed $12.62 million on Friday, with $4.6 million coming from previews on Tuesday and Thursday. We're looking at a $27 million opening weekend if it does only as well as The Suicide Squad. If it's as long as The Lost City (which earned better reviews and a B+ Cinemascore), it'll launch with $33 million. Either would suffice for the R-rated, new-to-you version (based on a Japanese novel), which is billed as the summer's final big release. The $90 million film is hoping for "final blockbuster of the summer" legs like The Fugitive, The Sixth Sense, S.W.A.T., The Bourne Ultimatum, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Suicide Squad, and The Hitman's Bodyguard (all of which have done well). WATCH THE  - MOVIE CLIP How The Cast Bring ‘Bullet Train’ to Life [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1400"] Getty[/caption] From the first train stop to the last, the film is a dark, fast-paced, and gory thriller, but it is also loaded with pockets of humor that keep the momentum rolling. The satirical comedy, directed by David Leitch, is based on Ktar Isaka's 2010 cult favorite Japanese novel Maria Beetle and stars Brad Pitt, Brian Tyree Henry, and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Pitt plays Ladybug, a former assassin dispatched on a mission to retrieve a briefcase from a bullet train moving from Tokyo to Kyoto. Other assassins, including two hitmen brothers Tangerine (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and Lemon, are also on board and have the same goal as him (Brian Tyree Henry). When chatting with the performers during a Zoom interview, it was evident that they realized the film's major purpose was to provide a reprieve for spectators and provide a space for them to have fun and enjoy the thrills. Pitt also stated that the filming of this picture came at a fortunate time for him as an actor and as a person, because it was shot during the COVID-19 crisis. WATCH THE - BULLET TRAIN TRAILER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IOsk2Vlc4o The Bullet Train takes some time to reach its destination, but once there, you can breathe a sigh of relief after being on edge the entire time. The action never stops, and almost every scene in the film is loaded with dramatic, explosive fighting sequences, the majority of which pit Pitt against every other member of the cast. Zazie Beetz, Bad Bunny, Joey King, Sandra Bullock, Andrew Koji, Hiroyuki Sanada, and Michael Shannon all appear in the film. When the film was announced, some people protested that the Japanese plot had been "whitewashed," although the novel's author has stated that he disagrees. "I don't have any desire for people to learn Japanese literature or culture," Isaka explained. "I'm not even sure I know what Japan is." This casting decision also allowed other performers to appear in the film, including Henry, Bad Bunny, and Zazie Beetz. and, without giving too much away, they all made substantial contributions. Complex interviewed Pitt, Henry, and Taylor-Johnson before the film's release, and they appeared to have formed a strong enough bond to poke fun at each other throughout the conversation, which is exactly the amount of playfulness and humor the film provides. Bullet Train is now in theaters Image via Sony Pictures #entertainment #celebrity #movie #trailer #anime #videos #funny
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themediatypwriter · 2 years
‘Morbius’ is Met with Delays
Sony has certainly been on a roll with it’s latest comic book films, and ‘Morbius’ was set to add to this streak but we may have to wait a little longer than expected. The Omicron variant continues to make it’s rounds and COVID cases are on the rise, resulting in the delay of several releases scheduled in 2022 and sadly ‘Morbius’ was no exception. Sony Pictures has confirmed that the release date has been pushed back from January 28, 2022 to April 1, 2022. We all wished this to be a cruel April Fool’s joke, given that this is the sixth time ‘Morbius’ has received a delay and by extension, the sixth time fans have had to miss out on Jared Leto embodying the scientist turned vampire.
‘Morbius’ is directed by Daniel Espinosa and written by Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless, and also stars Matt Smith, Adria Arjona, Jared Harris, Al Madrigal, and Tyrese Gibson. Though this will be his first time leading in a comic book film, he has already made his debut as one of the most iconic villains in history. The actor previously played the role of the Joker in Suicide Squad, and was asked to reprise the part for a brief scene in last year’s Zack Snyder’s Justice League. His take on the green haired tyrant was met with mixed reviews, but there can be no doubt that Leto made an impression.
Born in the MCU, ‘Morbius’ follows the story of Doctor Michael Morbius, a scientist who accidentally turns himself into a vampire. Morbius is a comic book character known for being an adversary to Spider-Man, but Sony appears to be making Morbius an antihero in their adaptation. The first trailer featured Vulture as well as Morbius walking by a poster of Spider-Man with the word “murderer” graffitied across it, which gave fans some insight as to what verse we can expect the film to be set in.
Despite the thread of delays, the years of excitement and attention the project has generated will more than likely help it at the box office, whenever it eventually comes out. After receiving paramount success from Spider-Man: No Way Home becoming the 10th highest-grossing movie domestically after reaching $610 million this past weekend so Sony is still perfectly poised to attract the attention of fans waiting for their next move.
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