#stuff like voltron just sucked ass all around
matoitech · 4 months
i was talking abt this w a friend while i do think that ppl not even knowing a mech media has mechs in it bcuz no one talks abt the giant robots is a red flag for mech fans i think its more a red flag abt the majority of the fanbase you'd be near if u got into the media rather than a judgement on the media itself. like promare has awesome and sexy mechs but bcuz a lot of the like vocal 'fandom' wasnt there for it, it was something that was only rly talked abt by ppl who actually cared abt the plot or were mech fans lmao
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aforrestofstuff · 3 years
Miscellaneous Zombieman, Metal Bat, and Garou Headcanons:
Does not wear mitts when taking shit out of the oven because burns mean nothing to him. It’s a useless investment when you can scarcely feel pain and recover from every injury imaginable.
Drinks even though he can’t get drunk. Likes beer for the taste.
Feeds the stray cats whatever food he doesn’t eat. Has a habit of cooking too much for himself.
Even though he’s Zombieman and can regenerate pretty much anything, he still has to get any debris out of his body because it’s really uncomfortable to just leave it in there. Keeps a surgeon kit on hand at home, takes any pieces out of him in the shower, and has acquired a very basic knowledge on human anatomy from this.
Keeps a gun in the shower because paranoia + negative wisdom is a deadly combination.
Does not vibe with the concept of authority and will treat all of his higher-ups like he treats an acquaintance. He doesn’t go out of his way to be disrespectful or anything, but he wouldn’t be caught dead kissing anyone’s ass either.
He’s not the guy you want to talk to when managing money. He has not filed his taxes since the nineties.
Keeps a card on him that lets security know he has metal implants in his body whenever he needs to step through a detector. Makes up a different story each time (steel aorta, brain implant, metal kneecap, etc.), when it’s literally just the stupid gun he keeps in his chest.
Metal Bat (Badd):
Probably one of the most normal people in the S-Class, in my opinion. Like he’s still very unique as a person but in terms of the life he lives, it’s pretty much just ordinary.
Likes horror gore fest movies. Hates blood in real life but finds comfort in having the control to see it onscreen or not. Sort of like a coping mechanism, but he’s also just liked stuff like that since he was a kid.
Very into the giant robot sub-genre of cartoons and anime (Voltron, Gundam, Transformers, etc.). Basically just any cheesy 80s cartoon or movie. He’s very interested in the idea of the “perfect hero” as it’s portrayed in most of this media and often holds himself to that ideal, although naively.
Is a very patient person when he wants to be. He can be very pissed off but also extremely kind and understanding. He’s smart enough to assess whatever situation he’s in and apply the best parts of himself to it, which makes him very adaptable.
Has ADHD, is unmedicated. Suffers in school because of this.
Has been prescribed medication for anger and depression but never takes it unless he’s having a seriously bad time.
T-shirt and jeans are his default outfit choice when not in uniform. Has an unholy amount of graphic tees and Levi’s that he’s accumulated over the years.
Loves listening to heavy metal.
Is allergic to cats. Hates Tama because of this.
Also lactose intolerant.
Eats a lot in one sitting because it’s a survival mechanism. He stockpiles calories because, for the longest time, he wouldn’t know where his next meal would be coming from. It takes him a while to unlearn this behavior once he’s in a steady home life.
Hates being touched. Some part of him always interprets it as an attack. Also another behavior that takes him a while to unlearn once he’s in a safe environment.
His hair SUCKS and it literally has the texture of dried grass.
Silverfang used to keep an old TV and VHS player around for the kids in his dojo, and Garou would watch all the tapes over and over until they wore out. His favorite show as a kid was Thundercats.
Is straight up the most awkward dude on the planet once he’s not trying to kill anybody.
Actually not helpless when it comes to cleaning, cooking, and maintaining a home because those are all skills Silverfang would’ve taught him at the dojo. He’s a decent homemaker when he has an incentive to be.
Sucks at video games because he’s never played them in his life.
Does not understand a lot of pop culture references due to him being a recluse for most of his life, both socially and physically.
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duhragonball · 3 years
I finally finished the Sarah Z video about “pro vs. anti”.   It’s pretty long, and I ended up watching it in chunks over several days, but I think it’s worth watching, especially if you’re sort of partially connected to online fandom, but not enough to be aware of all the lingo. 
As I expected, the whole thing was vague and confusing because the people involved in the conflict made it vague and confusing.   In theory, the full terms would be “pro-shipping” and “anti-shipping”, but it seems like it’s more about particular kinds of ships that could be considered controversial.  But that’s a slippery slope, and apparently the whole conflict mutated into both sides deciding that every hypothetical relationship between fictional characters is either equally valid or equally dangerous.  
Long story short, it’s just purity culture, which was what everyone on Tumblr was calling it around 2012.  But now, if you’re a sane person who genuinely asks: “Who gives a fuck about Voltron?”, these people will jump your ass and accuse you of being on the side of their enemies.  “Children have died over the importance of Lotor/Hagger!   Your callous indifference proves that you yourself must have murdered children!” 
I think what Sarah Z really hit upon in this video was that media consumption has become so ingrained in our culture that people feel like it has to go hand-in-hand with our morality.   That is, it’s not enough for me to watch Star Trek, I have to justify Star Trek as evidence that I’m a good person.  Maybe this is where the expression “guilty pleasure” comes from.   Conversely, it’s not enough for me to not watch Dr. Who, I have to somehow convince everyone that Dr. Who was invented by the devil.
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I’m pretty sure the Reylo ship has a lot to do with this, since it’s kind of understood to be a dark, problematic concept, and fans either embrace its flaws or recoil in horror because of them.   Star Wars itself is a dumb story about space wizards, so people try to give the debate more weight by linking it to freedom of self expression and/or enabling real world harm.   Suddenly it’s not enough to just think two actors would look cute making out instead of fighting.   Now it’s this battlefield for the soul of civilization or something.
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I grew up in the 80′s, when “concerned parents” and grifters would accuse the Smurfs and metal bands of promoting satanism and witchcraft.   I used to hear stories of teens going out into the woods in the middle of the night to do occult stuff, and all I could ever think about was: “Why would anyone bother wandering out in the woods in the middle of the night?”  Which is why “concerned parents” turned their attention to things that were closer to home, like Saturday morning cartoons.   It had nothing to do with the content; it was just about finding a safe, accessible target for their hysteria.   Some people want to go on a crusade without leaving the house, so they pick a fight with Papa Smurf instead of confronting the real evils in the world.  Even as a kid, I knew this was a con, because I’d watched the show for myself and knew it was too saccharine to be threat to anyone.
The pro/anti folks have tried to disguise this with a lot of terminology.   I wondered why they seemed to reluctant to use the full terms “pro-shipper” and “anti-shipper”, and it’s probably a couple of things.   First, the word “shipper” is basically an admission that this is pointless bullshit that doesn’t matter, and they’d like to avoid that connotation.   Second, they seem to have decided that this goes beyond shipping itself, into practically anything else they want it to involve.  It’s all part of the con, which is to make you believe that it’s “us vs. them”, and you can be part of “us” by curating specific attitudes about Steven Universe.
Seriously, “about Steven Universe” is such an incredible punchline.  You can make anything funnier by adding those three words to the end of a sentence.   “Do not interact if you blog about Steven Universe.”   “Hey, what’s up, YouTube, this is SSJ3RyokoLover69, and this is going to be kind of a serious video about Steven Universe.”   “Mrs. Johnson, the results of your biopsy are in, and I have some bad news about Steven Universe.”   It’s a fucking kids show.   “Oh no, all the characters look like the characters in all the other kids shows!”   Yeah, that’s because it’s a kids show.   Marvin looks like Garfield, this isn’t new.
The common denominator here seems to be that both sides try to wrap themselves in the flag of vulnerable groups: impressionable minors, trauma survivors, harassment victims, etc.   The “pros” want to protect those people so that they can feel free to explore weird subject matter on their own terms, and the “antis” want to protect the same people from being exposed to weird subject matter that they might not want to see.   It’s all about establishing a moral high ground.   Back in the day, it was called “sanctimony”. 
But people get roped into this, because at their core, people want approval, and this stupid conflict offers them a sense of community.  As long as you support the cause, whatever it may be, you’ll have this online friend network that appears to support anything you do.   But if you deviate from their norm, you’ll be cast out.    Does this sound familiar?
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To use a more familiar example, I still sometimes find people clamoring about Gochi vs. Vegebul.   I’ve never understood this, because both ships were canon, and I never saw much direct evidence of a war between them, but people would still talk about how crazy the Vegebul shippers were, and how crazy the Gochi shippers were, and it was like some huge thing going on just over the hills.   It’s the same idea, since the idea that you could like both or neither never seems to occur to anyone involved.   I never gave a shit, because I used to see the same dumb agendas in the Harry Potter fandom.
Okay, so let me take you back.  It’s 2005 through 2011, and I’m hateblogging all seven Harry Potter novels, because fuck you, that’s why.  The funny thing I encountered was that occasionally fans seemed to want to pretend like my bashing of certain characters was proving them right somehow.    They were like “See?  He hates Ron Weasley too!  That proves that Seamus Finnegan is the coolest guy ever.”   The Slytherin stans would do this all the time, because I would constantly take the piss out of the Gryffindor characters for being self-important dopes.   I think they just liked hearing it from an outside perspective.   But I had to keep reminding them all that I hated all of them.   Every character from Harry Potter sucks ass. Voldemort was my favorite, but only because he was the one guy who wanted to kill all of the others.   But he sucks too because he failed. 
And the shippers were the same way.   I’d say something shitty about Ron, because Ron sucks, and some smartass Joss Whedon fan would be like “Yes!  Boost the signal!  That is why Harry/Hermione is the best ship!”  And I’d be like “No, Harry and Hermione suck at least as bad as Ron does.  They’re all terrible and I hate them.”   I really do think there was some sort of Stockholm Syndrome going on with Harry Potter books, where everyone secretly knows they suck, but the fans sort of latch on to one or two characters and go like “Well, he’s not as shitty as the rest.”   Like finding spaghetti in the trash and picking out the meatball with the least amount of lint on it.   Then you’d go and start a flamewar with some other starving person over whether your meatball is shittier than theirs.  This is what people mean when they say to read another book. 
Anyway, the big thing I picked up from Sarah Z’s video is “disinterpretation”, a term coined by MSNBC columnis Zeeshan Aleem.   The Twitter thread is worth a read, but the short version is that he once remarked that a Julia Louis-Dreyfus routine wasn’t very good, and someone got mad at him for insinuating that women are incapable of being funny.    They just took his dissatisfaction with one performance by one comedian as being a universal condemnation of women comedians in general.  And this sort of thing is all over the internet.   Everyone sees what they want to see and then they take it as permission to overreact.  
I ran into this myself a while back, because someone saw who I interacted with on Twitter and decided that they’re all bad guys and if I have any interaction with them, then that makes me a bad guy too.   At the time I tried to play it cool, but the more I think about it, the more it ticks me off.   And over the course of that conversation, it was said that I don’t talk about myself much, and that’s kind of funny, because all I ever do on social media is write long-ass blog posts like this one.  I don’t expect anyone to memorize them, or even read them all the way through, but when I write all this stuff and someone goes out of their way to say they don’t know anything about me, the message is that they just didn’t pay attention to what I was saying, and they didn’t bother to try.
So I’m a little jaded from that, because I got called out for a bunch of stuff I didn’t even do or say, and apparently that’s just a thing that happens.   People will reject you for completely arbitrary reasons, not because of anything you actually said or did, and you’re left thinking you made some terrible mistake.   Except, no, I’ve seen it happen to other people, people a lore more conscientious than I am, and if they can’t satisfy the bullshit purity standards, then I never stood a chance.   If the game is rigged so I can’t win, then I’m not going to play.  
And it’s that same condition that probably draws people into these online holy wars, because if you declare yourself for the pro or anti side, at least then you’ll have a posse backing you up.   Only they don’t support you, they support your willingness to support them.    Once your commitment to their agenda wavers, even in the slightest, they will turn against you.   
Sarah Z suggests that both sides of the war drop the pro and anti terms, since they lost all meaning long ago.   But that just invites a new set of useless terms to perpetuate the same cycle.   Her more useful advice is for fandom people to broaden their horizons.   She got a lot of flak for tweeting “Go outside” once, but the ironic thing is that it’s sound advice.   I had lunch with my mom yesterday and it was just nice getting away from things for a while.   People need to do that more often, and unfortunately it feels like it’s harder to do than ever before.
But “go outside” isn’t just a literal thing.   It can mean going beyond your usual haunts, reading the same books, watching the same shows, rehashing the same conversations.   I think the reason this stuff always revolves around “shipping” is because there seems to be this deep-seated compulsion to pair fictional characters off like this, and for a lot of folks it’s the only way they can consume a story, so they do.   And they do it lot, and there’s a lot of them, and they do it the same way every time, and lo and behold the same old conflicts start up.   So maybe “go outside” should mean “go outside of that cycle once in a while.”   Just a thought. 
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some-cookie-crumbz · 5 years
Philosophical Debate
Philosophical Debate - Kidge Month Day 26 Prompt Fill Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Pairing: Kidge Summary: Sometimes, debates with alien life forms go over swimmingly for the Paladins of Voltron. Other times... Things get a little fighty. And sometimes it isn’t always Keith slugging it out. Standard Disclaimer: If you read and enjoy this, please give it a like/ reblog so I know if I should write more.
When he was informed that Pidge had gotten into a fight with an alien on his way to a debriefing with the Blade about Haggar’s recent movements, he wasn’t exactly surprised. For as much as one would think that being a Paladin of Voltron would earn someone the respect and regard of the entire known universe, it actually didn’t. Many a time he’d observed alien leader after alien leader talk down to the Green Paladin, as if they were teaching a knee-high child, and then laughed when Pidge would tear down their assumption with one well-timed quip. Normally about they were misrepresenting their technologies practices or capabilities. Sometimes they’d become meek and passive, rolling over and yielding to her without much of a fight. Other times, though, they would see her rebuttal as an attack to their credibility and intelligence. So, when he heard Pidge had gone toe-to-toe with another alien? He figured it was just another instance of that.
He was thrown for a loop, however, when he was informed that it had actually led to fisticuffs and that both of them were sitting in the infirmary, most likely getting chewed out by Shiro.
He headed off to the infirmary once the debriefing was done, curious about what had been said to set her off like that. She was sitting there, holding an ice pack to one cheek, scowling at the floor. Shiro was standing in front of her, arms crossed over his chest, sporting a look Keith had seen plenty of times himself. The older man glanced over at the sound of the door opening, his expression morphing at the sight of Keith. He stared at him, hard, before looking back at Pidge, as if to say, “Do you see what you’ve done? See how you’ve rubbed off on her?”
Keith dipped his head, a mix of embarrassed and avoidance, before peering around the room for the other impromptu brawler. He spotted them sitting off to the side, leaning over to glare at him from around a separation curtain. They seemed to be Dindurian, a planet that they had assisted recently at the request of Kolivan and the slowly rebuilding Blade.  It seemed that, a few months prior, their home world of Dindu had been taken over by a rogue Galran Commander frantically trying to gain a foot hole of control in the changing times. Prior to this, Dindu had been an ally to the Blade of Marmora, serving as a brief salvation point for Galran prisoners the Blade had snuck out. Voltron and the Atlus stepped in to liberate the planet post-haste. Afterwards, a few of their more technologically-inclined were insistent in joining the Atlas crew, hungry to repay Team Voltron for their help. He couldn’t recall the name of the one glaring him down but he did recognize them.
Once they had been informed of Keith’s Galran heritage, this Dindurian in specific began adamantly avoiding him. He didn’t necessarily blame them, but it still hurt.
Just by looking at them, he could see they’d been the one to walk away more scathed. Three of their eyes were starting to swell, there was a bruise developing on their left cheek, and there was a faint yellow crust, which he knew was dried blood, around the slits that he had learned were their nostrils. He could see another bruise poking up from under the collar of their shirt. In normal circumstances, he probably would have been impressed by how quickly Pidge had done such a good amount of damage, considering he was sure the fight had been broken up in a snap, but now he was only concerned as to what this would do to their alliance with the rest of the Dindurians.
“So, what happened here?” Keith asked as he approached, coming to stand beside Shiro.
“Pidge and Jaugg had themselves a friendly debate that got significantly less friendly the longer they discussed,” Shiro said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Only because I don’t feed into statements made using sweeping generalizations, pure ignorance, and blatant racism!” Pidge seethed, turning to glare back at Jaugg, pure venom in her tone and look.
“Oh, come off it!” Jaugg scoffed, rolling all four of their eyes.
“You come off it! You don’t get to walk around here, talking that level of shit, and not expect someone to sit your ass down and explain why you’re wrong! Or, in this case, knock you on your ass because you’d rather be an igno-!”
“I see that things are still rather heated in here,” A calm voice chimed in from the doorway. They all turned to see a much taller, older looking Dindurian walking in.
Jaugg sucked in a breath. “Sage Hatur… Ma’am, please, take some sense into them! They think I have conducted myself in a way unbecoming when I have not,” they pleaded softly.
Sage Hatur seemed unimpressed, her luminous blue eyes shifting from the younger to Shiro. “I would like to apologize for this, Captain Shirogane,” she said, dipping her head, before turning to look at Keith, “as well as to you, Head Paladin.”
Keith blinked a bit in surprise. “I… I’m afraid I don’t follow,”
“We hadn’t actually discussed the whole situation yet with him, Sage Hatur,” Shiro said calmly.
She blinked a bit in surprise before turning her attention back to Keith. “Regardless, though, apologies are owed, and consequences must be dealt,” she said patiently.
“Consequences?” Keith parroted.
“This young one has been saying incredibly unkind things about yourself,” Sage Hatur elaborated, indicating Keith with a tip of her head. Her gaze then moved back over towards Jaugg, who was looking away in a mix of anger and shame, and her eyes narrowed to a glare. “These are not the behaviors I expect of one who looks to numbers and research to come to conclusions. As such, it is in the best interest of Voltron’s continued success that you be suspended from our research team and sent home.”
Jaugg looked up at their leader, eyes wide in horror.
Keith blinked before holding up a hand. “I appreciate your concern for my feelings, Sage Hatur,” he said calmly, “but I think that this seems a bit extreme. I think getting roughed up by Pidge here is enough of a sign that, regardless of what they think of me, they should perhaps keep it to themselves.”
“Are you sure, Head Paladin?” she asked worriedly.
He nodded. “It’s not the first time it’s happened, and it certainly won’t be the last,” he said with a shrug. From the corner of his eye, he could see Pidge squaring up, as if she were ready to launch herself at him next.
“Regardless of it happening before or likely happening again, I do not think this is something that should simply be disregarded,” Sage Hatur said gently, reaching out to set a hand on Keith’s shoulder. “You do not desire to be treated impolitely for crimes you neither committed nor support.”
“I understand and respect your stance on this subject. Please just consider letting the matter drop here to be a favor you are doing for me,” he said, offering her a small smile.
Sage Hatur let out a small sigh, squeezing his shoulder. “You are a much kinder soul than you need to be. I shall yield to your request,” she said. She lifted her head to pin Jaugg with another strict look. “While I cannot force you to change your thoughts or feelings, I will advise you to keep them to yourself going forward. Now, hurry along. You are not so grievously injured that you cannot resume your normal duties.” And then, she glanced over at Shiro again. “Also, Captain, I had something I had wished to discuss with you, if you should have the moment to spare.”
“Of course. I think I’ve gotten the point regarding peaceful conflict resolution across to Pidge,” he said, glancing at her briefly. When he turned to walk off with Hatur, however, Pidge rolled her eyes and screwed her face up in a small act of defiance. Keith offered her a raised eyebrow, but still seeming miffed at him, she answered him but turning away from him.
It reminded him quite a bit of one of Lance’s temper tantrums, what with how theatric she was being.
Jaugg hopped of the exam table and started walking out once Hatur and Shiro were almost out of the room, clearly wanting to put some distance between them. They paused briefly to glare at Keith as they walked past. “My opinion of you remains unchanged, half-breed scum,” they growled.
“That’s fine,” he answered, completely unaffected. He’d heard that one so many times that a small part of him almost wanted to tell him that, if he really wanted to get under Keith’s skin, he would need to think of a more original insult.
They seemed alarmed by that before glaring again, swearing at him in their native tongue, and then storming out of the room on Sage Hatur’s heels. “You didn’t need to humor that asshole,” Pidge snapped suddenly, voice tight with anger.
He turned to face her and shrugged. “Like I said, he isn’t the first to act like that just because my Mom is Galra. And I know that he won’t be the last,”
“You shouldn’t have let him get away with it, though!” Pidge argued.
“I can deal with it,”
“But you shouldn’t have to!” Pidge growled, clearly frustrated. She threw herself back against the exam table, throwing an arm over her eyes, and he outright laughed at the spectacle she was being.
“Okay, Lance,” he teased, walking over to sit beside her on the table.
“How dare you,” she said quietly, lifting her arm to look up at him. There was no real venom in her words, though, and some of her irritation seemed to have subsided. “How can you let stuff like that go? They’re basically saying you’re an awful person just because of what alien race your Mom is from. I mean, that’s just super messed up, don’t you think?”
“It is, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t going to do it. And if they decide that they want to keep living in ignorance, that’s their decision. The people that matter will always defend me, or be willing to have their opinion proven wrong. There’s no point in getting mad over it,” he said with a shrug.
“You? Not seeing a point in getting mad about something?” she asked, sitting upright. She then pressed one of her hands to his forehead. “Are you sick? Dying? On some magical Black Lion peace vibes nonsense?”
He laughed and shook his head. “No, I just… I’ve learned, I think, to only worry about the things that really matter or count,” he said.
“Huh. Sounds boring,”
“Kind of is. But, hey,” he hummed, flashing her an amused grin, “at least it gives you something to do, right?”
She blinked then smirked. “You do have a point there,”
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headspacedad · 5 years
Mirror Image
Writer Nonnie back with another fic for us all to enjoy for Shirotember!  (and I’m actually on early enough to post it early)
((Sweet mercy the Steven Universe Movie just…. oh dude… the fusions, the songs, the antagonist…. Oh no the Voltron AU/Crossover is coming back-wait your turn dangit! Oh, here’s Day 3!))
Mirrors were weird.
Sure, people knew how they worked. Light and whatnot.
But in a way, what the mirror sees isn’t what other people see.
Shiro hoped so.
He hated looking in the mirror now. At least when he looks down at himself, the scars don’t seem an numerous and gruesome. But in the mirror, they were all there. Each and every one of them saying ‘look at me!’ like they were a giant neon sign.
Before, it was just another part of life. Make sure he looked nice, got every angle when he shaved his stubble, basic hygiene things.
Now, it just reminded him of things he couldn’t-and in some ways, didn’t want-to remember.
A knock interrupted his thoughts.
“Yo Taka, you done? I’m gonna take a shower.” Ryou’s voice came from the other side.
Shaking his head, Shiro sighed. “Yeah, almost. Just gotta drag myself away from the mirror.”
“Can’t stop looking at that pretty face of yours?” Ryou jokingly asked.
Taking another look at the mirror, Shiro tried to smile. “Yeah.”
The door suddenly opened and instinctively, Shiro covered himself and tried not to look down at Ryou’s naked form.
“Taka, what’s wrong?” Ryou raised an eyebrow. “You had that tone in your voice again.”
“N-Nothing.” Shiro answered. “I was just…. shaving.”
Ryou was skeptical.
“Ok I wasn’t.” Shiro sighed. “I was trying not to think about the, you know, that?”
That was enough for Ryou to understand. “Right. Well go get dressed, I think Allura’s gonna set up an obstacle course for you guys.”
“An obstacle course?” Shiro raised his eyebrow now. “And you didn’t help make it?”
“Assuming makes an ass out of you and me,” Ryou sing songed his way to the shower. “She did ask for my creative input of course.”
“Welp we’re dead.” Shiro laughed and walked out the bathroom, closing the door behind him just as he remembered something. “Wait Ryou-.”
“NO ONE TOLD ME LIFE WAS GONNA BE THIS WAAY!” Ryou was already taking his shower and singing at the top of his lungs.
“Ah quiznack.” Shiro swore. He looked at his side of the room, seeing his Paladin armor all set out for him. Getting dressed, he tried not to get sucked into the rabbit hole of sensory overload as his hands glided over marred flesh every now and then. He got as far as he suit and the boots-and/or leggings?-when he heard a familiar buzz in his ears.
As calmly as possible, he sat down and tucked his knees into his chest. Once in full position, Shiro began counting his breaths. In for four seconds, hold for seven seconds, out for eight.
Burning pain all around his body, like a singular entity wrapping around him and squeezing.
Blood. Crunching bones. Cold.
Stinging needles everywhere.
“I’D RATHER BE SHINY! Like a treasure from a sunken pirate wreck, scrub the deck and make it look SHINY!” Ryou’s singing came back, eventually.
“I’m too SHINY!” Ryou strolled out of the bathroom singing! “Watch me dazzle like a diamond in the rough, strut my stuff-” he stopped. “Taka?”
“I’m fine.” Shiro breathed again. Four. Seven. Eight.
“No you’re not.” Ryou, dressed in only a towel, sat next to him. “You’d be showing those goobers how it’s done out there if you were.”
Shiro huffed. “How do you do it?”
“Some days are better than others,” Ryou didn’t seem too happy. “You showed me that.”
Next to him, Ryou was doing the same. And just like Shiro, Ryou too was covered in scars.
Not at many as Shiro, but still noticeable compared to what he remembered.
“Missed a spot.” Shiro said.
“Where?” Ryou asked.
“Here.” Shiro poked Ryou’s side.
Ryou nearly folded himself in half if he wasn’t contorting himself sideways at the touch. “AH! You dick! Now you’re in for it!”
“Nope!” Shiro grabbed the rest of his armor and ran out the room.
“Oh yes you are! Get back here!” Ryou followed all the way to the training room.
“RYOU PUT ON SOME CLOTHES!” Keith howled as he covered Pidge’s eyes.
“MAKE ME!” Ryou howled back.
Shiro, now fully dressed in his armor, ran up the stairs-immediately recognizing Ryou’s inspiration- and stood triumphantly at the top, seeing that Ryou was stuck at the bottom.
“You gonna get on my level or what?” He called down.
“If I didn’t have a preservation instinct for the family jewels I’d be up there kicking your ass!” Ryou yelled up at him.
“Ryou!” Keith yelled again.
“OKAAY! Fine!” Ryou stormed out but not before giving his brother the stink eye.
Shiro would have liked to continue the taunt if he didn’t see the huge scar on Ryou’s back and felt a similarly shaped burn in his own.
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diceerickson · 6 years
Ace!Keith x Lance- Making a Love of Our Own
Keith and Lance crawl into bed and groan from exhaustion. "Fuck, training kicked our asses..." Keith mumbles and rubs his face. "Those Garrison students are... Oof, they make me feel old and we're all about the same age," Keith mumbles and exhales deeply, bags under his eyes to prove his point.
Lance chuckles and shoots a single finger gun gesture at him. "I second that, but they are PRETTY good at what they do," Lance smiles a bit. "Almost paladin material it feels like."
"No," Keith said seriously, taking Lance off guard. "Not even close. Good fighter pilots one day, maybe, but they could never take on the shit we had to take on," Keith said and sighs.
"Keith, you sound so breathless... Are you ok?" Lance asked and scoots closer.
"Ya, I'm just stressed... Feel everything in my body ache and I'm just tired..."Keith mumbles. Lance nods.
"Come over here, hot stuff. Let me massage you," Lance winks, making Keith huffs in amusement.
"You don't have to," Keith chuckles.
"I'll take any excuse to touch that body," Lance wiggles his eyebrows goofily, clearly joking which made Keith laugh a little. "Okay, but seriously take off your shirt. Your boy's got you," Lance smiles and sits up. Keith sits up as well and takes off his shirt. After doing so, he scoots to Lance and turns his back to him. Lance smiles and rubs his shoulders, squeezing and pressing experimentally.
Lance's hands pranced on Keith's skin like a deer in a meadow. It was elegant caresses and light strokes of affection. Keith closes his eyes as he indulges himself in this. Keith basks into the blooming feeling sprouting within him as Lance massages him. Lance's breath on his neck made Keith feel like his soul was lifted and his body was left to relax into calm that was Lance.
This was their foreplay. This was the moment where things start to get intimate. Keith stills in contentment and sighs, feeling himself slip out of his stress and melt into a puddle. Keith was an asexual unlike his boyfriend Lance, but that doesn't mean that they couldn't touch each other. The way Lance's hands touched his skin felt so teasing, so light, and Keith wanted more.
“Don't mess with me, Lance..." Keith mumbles softly.
Lance chuckles and whispers in his ear. "Aw, but I like feeling the goosebumps on your skin.."
This was their enticing talk. All soft and gentle rather than nasty and provocative. "Skin's so smooth from when I put lotion on you this morning... So kissable.." Lance hummed and presses his lips on Keith's neck. "So beautiful and strong..." He said as his hands gently glide to his chest, right over Keith's dancing heart. "So protecting and loving...." Keith sighs and half growls, tilting his head back over Lance's shoulder.
"More pressure, Lance," Keith demanded. He refused to beg for what he felt like he deserved. Lance only finds this cute. Lance adds more pressure to it, making Keith relax more and hums softly.
This was their teasing pleasure, their lovely little foreplay. Keith felt excited, but not in a way sexual people would. He didn't get aroused, but he melted. His face flushed not from arousal, but from love. He would be breathless from relaxation and relief, not frustration and desire.
Lance noticed Keith was melting and he smiles, kissing his neck and cooing in his ear. "You want me to hold you this close...?" Lance whispers, pulling Keith closer. "This tight..? So much that there is no distance and you can feel my heart beat?" Lance asked and Keith breathes out, nodding. This was their 'dirty talk', their exciting words. However, it wasn't dirty at all. It was filled with want, but it was the want for their arms to be around each other. "You have me, baby..." Lance says to him lowly in his ear. Keith shudders and grips Lance's hand into his own, lacing their fingers together as his heart sings in forms of beating against his chest.
"I want you... Right here... In my arms," Keith whispers, looking over his shoulder. He had a firing desire already in his eyes. "I want to hold you and feel you and never let go..." Keith admits, adding to their words of romance and promise.
Lance exhales shakily with a smile. "Eager already...?" Lance asked teasingly.
"I missed you all day, I need this. I need you... Don't tease me," Keith said as he turned around and laid Lance down gently and slowly, watching Lance sprawl out on the bed like an angel.
His vibe was so innocent, so pure, so full of comfort and promise. Lance felt like a marriage without the wedding. He felt like a home without a house. He felt like an ocean without the water and Keith was happily drowning in those blue orbs. Lance showed off his beautiful neck and jaw. He looks at Keith with his gorgeous blue eyes and Keith couldn't take his eyes off him. Keith caresses his cheek gently, looking at him with love in his eyes.
"I love you..." Keith whispers. "More than love can offer..." He said before going to Lance's neck, nibbling and sucking on his neck that cried for love.
Lance sighs happily and holds onto Keith as if Keith would vanish if he let go. "I love you too.." Lance whispers back breathlessly.
Keith sucks at his neck until beautiful bruises grow like flowers on his neck. Keith kept planting the love onto his neck as if they were seeds and Lance's neck was a garden. Lance takes it all, feeling satsified in ways past lovers could never make him feel. He soon enough cups Keith's face for them meet face to face. Lance smiles fondly and caresses his cheek gently.
"Kiss me..." Lance said softly, begging for Keith's love to be sprouted from within his soul. "I want you to show me how much you love me..."
Keith furrows and slowly leans in until their lips happily caress against each other in a unspoken agreement for love and harmony as long as there lips returned to each other. Returned home. They were making love... But not in ways others would. They weren't having sex, but their kisses sprouted in a love making of its own. They exhale as they kiss slowly, rubbing each other's skin and hair.
Their kisses were their thrusts, their moans were hums and their pants were exhales. They were having a sex of their own.. a different kind the world never knew. They kiss slowly and softly, their lips not leaving each other for long before reuniting in a warming welcome. They kissed in a way it would make love itself cry from how much they adored each other.
They began to wrestle, rolling over each other as the kiss gets deeper and more beautiful. They hold each other closer, but they didn't grind or attempt to do more than kiss and caress each other. Hands start to press deeper onto the skin, but they were loving and they didn't care about their destination as long as they kept themselves in their limits. The touch was like a musical rhythm and the sounds of their lips smacking was the choir.
They started to pant and Lance slid his tongue in Keith's mouth. Keith didn't mind, he actually liked french kissing. Lance slowly swirls his tongue around Keith's tongue as if it was a delicate cream. Keith moans for him, only for him in a way that spoke to Lance like music of love rather than groans of a hormonal beast.
Keith rolls on top of Lance and rubs his chest, going right under his shirt. The kiss was tame yet wet, but it was controlled because that's what love is. Love is controlled by two caring hearts and two needy soul mates who desired each other's warmth and support.
Lance pants and moans softly, cupping Keith's face as they started to lose focus of their time and surroundings. The world was their own. They were drowning in pinks and reds that love color coded just for them. They sung love to each other through pants and other simple sounds. Simple as the were, they spoke their entire story. A story of Keith and Lance... A story of a boy who loved another boy. A sexual man who respected an asexual one. A lover who found a soulmate. Love gave them titles to their own love story and the two just embraced it.
They slowly break the kiss. Keith looks at Lance with a smile, seeing Lance looked wrecked with love yet lust. Yet, Lance was respectful enough to not force Keith into anything. Lance knew this was the end of their love making session. They reached a special climax, where their hearts exploded and dripped all over them.
Keith gently kisses Lance's lips lightly. Lance kisses back with furrowed brows. "I love you..." Keith whispers to him in ways that made Lance want to cry. It was too beautiful, too real, too passionate.
Lance smiles at Keith, rubbing his chest. "I love you too... Now and forever.." he promised. Keith smiles and kisses his head.
"Do you need to use the bathroom...?" He asked, knowing Lance was excited. Lance nodded with a smile and Keith rolls off him. Lance gets up and leaves the room to go to the bathroom connected in the same room.
Keith waits and closes his eyes, feeling lucky and blessed to have Lance, who was understanding and kind. Lance put Keith's comfort zones first before his own and it made him so thankful. Maybe one day he would give Lance the world like Lance had given him the stars. The stars of happiness.
When Lance came back, he crawls back into the bed that they shared. Keith turns over to face him with a smile, here is aftercare... He holds Lance close to his chest and he swore to whatever higher being was out there that he would take care of this man. He would one day give this man the world and the stars. He would give this man his everything. Keith surrenders to Lance and slumber that night..
(For @vldrocketeer. :3 This is meant to make a connection between asexuality intimacy and sexual intimacy. I wanted to show that just because two people don’t have sex doesn’t mean they can’t have moments where they are intimate. I wanted this to feel like ace love making? Did I capture that well? :’3 )
(A/N: I do not own Voltron: Legendary Defender or its characters! It is produced by DreamWorks and World Events Production. Its executive producers are Ted Koplar, Bob Koplar, Yoo Jae Myung, Lauren Montgomery, and Joaquim Dos Santos. It's producers are Choi Goun, Kim Young Hyun, Kim Seul Ki, and Lee Soo Kyung. (I honestly didn't know who to put, so I put them all.) I own nothing, but my fan work. )
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novarasalas · 5 years
Second Look Review: The Last Stand Pts. 1 & 2
I’m having a bit of trouble with this one. Not just this one, but the rest of this season.
I think it would be easier for me if I hadn’t just been making clips from earlier seasons for my videos. Cause damn, this is a huge departure from when we started.
And I casually throw around the phrase “shit gets real”, but, this time, I mean it.
There’s now a sense of realism that this show only barley hinted at in the first episode.
And it’s just the stupidest thing, but the part that’s messing me up the most is that, now, we’re in the military. Of course I knew what the Galaxy Garrison was. It’s got ‘garrison’ right there in the name. But… I’m not a fan of military stuff, which is a bit hypocritical as one of my favorite movies is “Independence Day”. I suppose it’s hard for me to accept that, say...Lance, the goofy, dork of a child, is part of a military institution. He’s a soldier.
I mean, the Paladins have been through war stuff already. But now it’s Earth war stuff; things that are immediately familiar.
I uh...I have some hang ups. If I’m seeming a bit down on all this, it’s a me thing. The show itself is still good. It’s now just suddenly not my thing.
Let’s get down to it.
Part 1
First thing: I love the Holts, ok? Sam is already amazing, and Colleen is a spitfire. You can definitely see where Pidge gets it. If they could adopt me like, right now, that’d be great.
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That said, Sam is extremely idealistic. The first thing he wants to do once he gets back to Earth is tell the whole world what happened to him.
Sanda shuts him down:
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Sanda: If we told the world there was an imminent attack, we’d set off a global panic.
That reminded me of this, from Men in Black:
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And it’s about aliens too. Nice.
She’s not wrong. At least, I don’t think she would be in our modern reality. My city is one sports championship away from spontaneously combusting...again (thank god our teams all suck). I’d really hate to imagine what would happen in this situation in the here and now.
And Sanda wasn’t wrong about sending signals into space, either.
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Sanda: Any contact with alien species needs to be run through the appropriate channels.
In the end, she acquiesces, only for them to make contact with Matt, who tells them to stop broadcasting.  Welp.
Sanda’s in an unenviable position. How would you react if someone told you that space magic is real and now there’s a risk of alien invasion, and a knockoff band of Power Rangers was your only hope? She didn’t excuse herself from the meeting to stand out in the hallway and scream, which is what I'd have done. But now she has to consider the safety and well-being of the entirety of the Earth, without causing mass hysteria throughout the populace.
There are no good answers. Not in real life. And this is uncharted territory for everyone involved.
So they build weapons in secret.
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I have to say, I like how they’ve designed their new tech. They didn’t try to emulate Altean aesthetics, and instead stuck with a more conventional, modern Earth look.  
War planes, energy cannons, and a particle barrier. They’re working on their own Castleship. They even have “the best pilots to come out of the Galaxy Garrison in the last year.”
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But it’s not enough, and Sam forces Sanda’s hand, telling the Earth about everything. As it turns out that Sanda was wrong, and instead of panic, the world comes together to help save themselves.
And in the end, it’s too little too late.
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What a bunch of losers.
We’re not given much of a timeframe on these events. At the beginning of the episode, the screen reads “FOUR YEARS EARLIER”. But where in those four years does the invasion happen? If Sanda had allowed for help earlier on, would it have made a difference?
I’m thinking….no. Sendak knows what he’s doing. The Earth was screwed from the start.
Part 2
So now you’ve found yourself being overrun by alien invaders. Yikes.
And these invaders have this to say about you’re ability to fight them.
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Planetary surface reports indicate offensive capability, extremely low.
I wonder if they’d say that about us now. We still have enough nukes to blow ourselves up several times over. Does this future Earth still have that?
They’ve never said much about Earth in the Paladins time, so I came up with something on my own.
I think Earth is peaceful. And I think that because the general scope of the Garrison seems to be exploration, not military power. Of course, they’re not slouch in that department either. I can’t quite explain why they’d still have active military, except that ya know...shit happens.
The overall diversity of the place tells me this, too. If this was strictly military, I don’t think they’d be letting foreigners into their ranks. This is me, assuming again, that Lance is from actual Cuba, and Hunk is from actual Samoa.
Diversity, and bases all over the world. Also, the fact of everyone coming together to protect the planet.
And I think it might be because of this:
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Veronica: It’s an older setup from World War III.
That’s pretty damn significant. And it’s the last we hear of it.
Did humanity learn it’s lesson after that? Was this war so bad that everyone found their chill in the aftermath? And is it recent enough to have been within living memory for a sizable chunk of the population?
I’m gonna say yes. Look at the chiefs:
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At least four of them at the table have medals on their uniforms.
So my theory is this: World War III happened around 40 years prior. The ones with the medals were awarded these medals for their services during that war. The war was so bad that everyone wised up and stopped all that nonsense. They got rid of the worst of their weapons. Now, the people of Earth have come together to explore the universe.
….hey, why not? We might find out more in season 8. Or we might go right back into fantastic space battles.
Also, I’d like to say that Sanda is also a veteran. She’s just...such a hard ass. She didn’t get that way on her own.
She’s also the one in charge.
Aliens are attacking, Admiral! What should we do?
Why, send in the least effective of our attacking fleet, of course!
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Sam: You’ve just doomed those men and women.
And one, in particular.
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Yeah, Adam was actually doomed as soon as he was introduced as Shiro’s ex. I’m going to talk more about this at the end of the review, because otherwise it’s just going to throw off the flow.
So, the cities of the world are razed.
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Again, I’m having a hard time with this. Military movies, disaster movies….I’ve lost my taste for them. I’d rather spend my time on something hopeful. I guess, in the end, it is hopeful, because we as the audience know that Voltron will eventually save the day. But this lead up is brutal.
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So, did you survive the invasion? Or do you think you’d have been one of the ‘able bodied citizens’ taken captive?
I know I’m dead. I’m soooooo dead.
Probably not in the initial attack; they always go for the cities first, and I’m at the edge of nowhere. In the end, it wouldn’t even be the Galra that get me.
It’s my chronic illnesses. If I don’t get my meds, I’m done for. So when I see a story about invasion and people getting cut off and isolated, I get a bit...uncomfortable. And that’s a bit part of why I’m having such a hard time with the back half of this season. In my head, all I can think is “oh god, I’m boned. I’m sooo screwed.”
But who knows? Maybe in this future Earth they can cure what’s wrong with me. Or maybe there’s ways to prevent you from getting sick in the first place. Then again, they couldn’t really help Shiro, so...
This is bringing me down way too much! I gotta find something great…
Ah! The squad!
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The aftermath of season 7 online was a mess. I saw way too many people complaining that adding these four was a waste of narrative. Those people have toe fungus and need to get a hair cut, because the MFE pilots are great. I wish we’d gotten to see more of them.
I made a video of her moments a bit back and talked about this there, but I���ll say it again: I love Leifsdottir, and I love that she’s autistic.
Also: Veronica
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Rizavi: I like her.
Same, Rizavi. Same.
I wish I hadn’t read the reviews before season 7. I’d have loved to have gone in blind, not knowing that this is that Veronica, Lance’s sister. I’d have never guessed. She’s so professional.
I wonder if she was like her brother when she was a Garrison cadet. We later see a lighter side of her, and right after that, we see Serious Lance again. Yeah...I’m going with that. I bet Lance entered the Garrison, and the instructors all began lamenting “Oh god...not another one.”.
Also, have you noticed the diversity here at the Garrison? There’s a good split of men and women, and all kinds of varying skin tones. It’s great to see.
This episode does end on a high note, or rather, as high as it can, with a message sent to Voltron with the hope that they get there in time.
And Sam Holt gives a speech.
Earth has been conquered.
We are the last holdout in an evil occupation.
And we must face the facts: our supplies are running out.
They have hammered us and hurt the ones we love.
Our backs are completely up against the wall.
And nothing makes us more dangerous.
We only have enough resources for one last stand.
Regardless of the outcome, if we stand united,
we will let them know, the planet Earth, our home,
will not go down without a fight.
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I still really like that movie, ok?
Now, about Adam.
When I went online after watching the season, I was expecting to hear a bit about his fate, but I never expected all...this. And anything I have to say has already been said better by many other people.
I’m firmly of the idea that the showrunners had nothing to apologize for.
See, like I said, Adam was doomed as soon as he was introduced. He was only ever meant to serve as plot device. Take away the approval for him to be Shiro’s ex, and you’re left with Shiro’s close friend who died at the hands of Sendak. It’s meant to make you feel bad; it’s meant to make you feel unsafe. His death tells you “This is war, and anyone can die.”
But then, Shiro was allowed to be gay. And now Adam wasn’t his roommate, he was his boyfriend.  
The narrative needed someone who was close to a main character to show that war is hell, but not too close as to be excessively cruel to the audience.  The narrative also needed someone to show that Shiro was queer. It’s just how things worked out.
This is something we’ll have to get used to as better representation begins to filter in. There will be missteps, and there will be hurt feelings. But it is progress.
There are good conversations to be had about this. But none of those conversations are happening here.
In the end, Adam was a brave man, who once upon a time loved another man. He died a hero.
In summary:
This was brutal. It actually happened: Sendak has done everything short of destroying the whole of the Earth. I had really, really been hoping that the fight would stay in space.
The episodes were well made, with a great bit of story to be told. But my own issues got in the way of me liking them. Ah, well...it happens.
The Garrison is all 70s aesthetic. I don’t like 70s aesthetics...
Next up: The boys are back in town.
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nibscribs · 5 years
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So uhhhh I drew a lot of RWBY this year... only two of these are non RWBY and tbh I could have just as easily put something RWBY for June Template
Retrospective under the cut bc it’s LONG 
RETROSPECTIVE January: First piece of the year! I still like this piece and I think it shows how much I improved from the original version of it. Also I just like looking at it bc it's soft content of my rare pair. I do think I made the rose look photorealistic which looks... bad esp with all the other more stylized flowers, and I got lazy with the bleeding hearts by just drawing one set and flipping them. Emerald's hair also could look better. February:  I made this around GNG week, which was a fun, good time, long before the server imploded on itself. I got really lazy with the backgrounds, obviously, but I do like the poses in this one, tho it helped that I based it off of screenshots from Young Justice. I also just really like how Merc looks in this one. March: March wasn't a very prolific month for art, I don't think I produced much besides this and one comic piece for GNG week. I'm not sure why exactly, I can't find any specific reason why I would be unproductive that month. I'm gonna just assume I was drained from work all the time and didn't have the energy to put out good art, and also I was getting into a slump bc all my art was starting to look same-y. This piece isn't very good, but I chose it because I did it without a reference, and at this point that was going out of my comfort zone. It's obviously not super dynamic, but at the very least you can tell I intended there to be motion to it. April: This also wasn't a very prolific month for art, not as bad as March, but for the same reasons. I was also really starting to feel burnout from the RWBY fandom, specifically wasps and conflict within the GNG server. This was also when the Art vs the Artist meme was popular, and I realized I didn't want to do that meme because my art was too similar and boring, which also brought me down a peg. Though I put out a few good chibis in April, I chose my Mercury redesign bc I was really proud of it. I could never get the Emerald redesign to mesh quite right, but I can say I'm really proud of how Mercury's came out. May: May had me bounce out of my art slump and in full force trying to expand my skills! Specifically exploring painting. Although May was about as prolific as April, what I did create I put a lot into. It was difficult to pick between this and my app of Edison, because I'm really proud of both, but in the end I went with this commission of Mercury because I pushed myself to try and use an interesting perspective for the piece instead of my usual stand still and face the camera pose. Because I pushed myself out of my comfort zone, this was one of the best things I made all year, and may be my favorite piece of the year. June: TIME TO STRESS OUT ABOUT CONNECTICON! So if you follow me on twitter, you might have noticed I made a lot of posts at the beginning of the year low key throwing shade at myself for drawing my oc's instead of more "important" art. Well, that important art that I was procrastinating was con merch, and con was the second week of July, so I really had to get my ass in gear to finish merch on time (spoiler, I didn't finish a lot of it on time). This piece and July's piece are both posters I made for Connecticon, and while I like July's much better, that doesn't mean I find this piece bad. I really should have known that no one at con would realize it was a goonies reference tho -_-; I also lost a lot of love for this piece after season 6 of Voltron, which I watched while I was about 60% of the way through this piece, so I had to force myself to finish it. July: I love this piece!!!! Don't get me wrong, I know it has flaws, but look at it! The lines are so crisp, the colors look good, Roman and Merc's expressions are mwuah chefs kiss, and I just love all of them!!! ... except for Neo. I really didn't do her justice in this piece, her hair is too fluffy, her head is way to oversized to the point that she looks like a bobblehead, and her eyes are too close together. Really if you take out Neo's head that whole problem goes away. I also love all the tiny details I put in this one, from emerald's chaps to roman's rose to Neo's lace parasol. You can tell I was way more passionate about this piece than I was about the Voltron piece.  August:  pretty sure this is when I quit my job cashiering, and thank god bc customers suck. If I was going off of sheer popularity, Chibi Pyrrha would have taken this slot no contest, and while I love chibi Pyrrha, I don't think it was the best of the month. I chose this little princess and the pauper au doodle because I tried a year ago to draw these two dancing, and it looked like dog shit. It was flat and ugly. But this has motion to it, and even looking at it now makes me feel warm and happy inside. It's just a good cute drawing of my otp. September: My piece for the RWBY tarot project! I have a lot of mixed emotions about this one. on the one hand, I love how mercury looks, his expression, the lighting, the visceral gore from his legs (ESPECIALLY THE VISCERAL GORE ON HIS LEGS) and the hands of the undead, all look stunning and I don't think I could be more happy with how they turned out. And then we get to the background. The caduceus isn't the worst thing ever, but it's severely lacking in quality compared to the rendering on mercury in front of it, and a lot of it is clearly pixellated from me trying to stretch and squash it just right. And the fire is a hot (no pun intended) mess. It's flat, incoherent, and doesn't lead the eye anywhere. It's a shame too because I wanted to do more with it, but I a) didn't have enough time or patience to figure out what I needed to do to fix it and b) didn't want to go outside of my comfort level, so I gave up and decided to be satisfied with what I had. October: October was another good month for art, I made a turnaround sheet for Moss, painted a full body (and slightly lewd) Rudy, and made a decent attempt at inktober. Ok, so I got like 2 days in, but I improved a lot on inking from last year! Fun fact! this piece was originally going to be fan art of Lindsay Jones, but after I did some thumbnails to figure out a pose, I thought it would suit White Diamond better, and I could also sell it as merch. I love this piece. I think I captured the sinister mood well, and conveyed the story I wanted to without any dialogue (at least the notes on Tumblr make me assume I did a decent job, lotta people really wigged out lol) I really worked hard to get the lighting right on this one, and I think it shows. My absolutely favorite thing about this piece funnily enough, is Amethyst. I think I just did a great job drawing her and I'm proud of myself ok. Stevens bubble and my trouble figuring out how to get WD's leg just right are the only things that I dislike about this piece, but I might go back and fix those. November: IM SO PROUD OF THIS COMMISSION!!!!!! I worked so god damn hard on this chef's kiss poifect,  and it really shows. I started using a new brush at this point, the Ojing series on Clip Studio Paint, which I recommend and have been using a lot since. I've also been using this shading technique since drawing this. I love how it sort of fades out but it's still really crisp. I also love all the little details that give this piece character, like her shoes and the stripes on her jacket. This piece really takes a lot of the stuff I learned over the year and combines it into one piece, and I could not be prouder of it. I have absolutely no problems with this one, though I do find the weapon a bit plain, but it's what the client described. December: AND NOW IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!! I had been working on this piece since August, going back to it every now and then and getting frustrated. I'm really glad I came back to it and finally finished it, since I love this pair and I put a lot of effort into it back in August. However, I'm also really glad I completely overhauled a lot of it, specifically the flowers. Though I'm not 100% happy with the mums in this one, they look a thousand times better than the mums I had originally sketched back in August, and were part of the reason I had such a hard time finishing this for months. I also thought it would be nice to end the year on the same note it started; with a flower couple. I've definitely learned a lot since January, and I hope to continue growing in 2019! 2019 GOALS!
Work on backgrounds for the love of god
Draw more stuff that isn't RWBY
Make more speed paints and post more to youtube in general
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Tried something a liiiittle different with this one. Prompt was vet!Shiro. (I think she was expecting something like Yukinayee’s AU, but got this instead. In which our collective children are presh.
Warnings: Basically my toeing the waters of writing ASD!Keith. Mentioned character death, therapy doggos, disjointed fic~ Rating: Teen Pairings: Sheith, historical Shadam
Keith was anxious. He knows he shouldn't be anxious. Rosie is a great girl. But Dr Shirogane was a new vet, and even though Matt assured him he was a really nice guy, and Keith was sure he was... But they'd been seeing Dr Allura since Rosie's very first puppy shots... Keith sighed in relief as he pushed the door open and saw Matt at the receptionist desk--err not Matt. Girl Matt? Matt came through the employee door behind it. "Oh hey Keith!! This is my baby sister Pidge. She's doing her summer internship here!" The girl pushed her glasses up her nose and gave him a smile. Her name tag said Katie. This was too many new people in one day... "H-hi" he stuttered "I'm Keith." A hard swallow. "And this is Rosie." He gestured at the compact pit sitting calmly at his feet. Katie-Pidge stood up and peeked over the counter. "Well aren't you a pretty girl?" She offered Rosie a treat and Matt disappeared into the back to let the doctor know they were in.
Matt waved them back into a room and took Rosie to get her weight. When he returned Keith helped him lift her onto the table. She wasn't very big, but she was solid, and Matt, he would joke, was a string bean. Keith looped her leash around the holder and pet her to distract her from being so high up. He heard a soft click and looked up to see a man, Dr Shirogane, coming in. He was a head taller than Keith and wider and the white coat was pulling across his shoulders over his black scrubs. "Hi, I'm Dr Takashi Shirogane. You can just call me Dr Shiro though. You must be Keith? And Rosie?" Keith curled his fingers more tightly around Rosie's collar. "That's us." "Allura has all sorts of wonderful notes about the two of you in her file. I'm glad you decided to stay with the practice.” His hand landed firmly on Keith's shoulder. "Just an annual today, right? Nothing you want me to look at extra close?" He held his hand out to Rosie, waiting for her to give him a sniff and an excited tail wagging before petting her head. "Just the usual. I have her ESA recert papers too, if you don't mind." "Of course. My Kuro's are up this year too, too bad I can't sign my own." He laughed and gently pulled Rosie's mouth open to look at her teeth. Keith squirmed a little and glanced at Dr Shiro's metal hand, holding one of Rosie's ears back so gently. "They're connected," he said softly. "What, I--" "My arm and having an ESA. It's okay. I don't mind." Shiro gave him a calm smile and went back to peering into Rosie's ear. Keith felt himself burning with embarrassment. He mentally talked himself through how he must have gotten weird looks and questions all the time and how its not that embarrassing to get caught looking at such a high tech prosthetic and... Talking himself through it was not working as well as he was telling himself it was.
Dr Shiro signed the ESA papers and handed them back to Keith once he'd finished checking Rosie over. "Um, Keith, this..." Shiro rubbed the back of his neck as Keith folded up the papers and shoved them into his back pocket. "This isn't standard, but uh... Would you like to get coffee? I'm new in town and... Well I'm sure you know how hard it is to find people who want to socialize when you always have a dog with you." He gave Keith a smile. Rosie nudged his hand, making him remember he needed to respond. "Yes! Yes please-- I--" he reached up and scrubbed his hand over his face. "Coffee would be good." Dr Shiro’s friendly smile was too bright and his hand was on his shoulder again. "Relax. No pressure." He held a card out to Keith. Keith took it, unsure of when a number had been scribbled on the back in dying black pen, and left with a quiet “thanks.” Matt checked them out and gave him a wink, mouthing 'call him!'
"Well," Dr Coran started during their session two days later, "I take it since we are talking about it now, that you haven't called him?" Keith sighed. "I suck at talking to people. I've been seeing you for three years now and it took the better part of that to get comfortable. I can't even keep a normal friendship, let alone date." "What about Lance?" Keith snorted. "The jerk whose ass I kick in WoW every other day? Hardly. He thinks we are sworn enemies." "Well then what about Hunk?" Keith hummed. Hunk lived next door and brought him cookies and Tupperware full of delicious food in exchange for watching his apartment when he flew out to Hawaii to spend the winters with his family. Hunk.... Hunk could be a friend. "Maybe." "Or Matt?" Keith shook his head. He'd never seen Matt outside of where he worked, even though they followed each others social media now. Matt's little sister had friended him the other day, but he hadn't decided what to do about that. She seemed nice, and she liked Rosie. Coran sighed. "Keith, if he needs a support companion, he's bound to have as many difficulties as you do. Especially with having lost a limb. It might do you well to find someone besides me to talk to about things?" Keith nodded. "Can I?" He held up his phone. "Please!" There was a twinkle in Corans eye as Keith tapped out a quick message. Hey, This is Keith. Rosie's owner. Would you like to go to the park sometime? He held the phone out for Corans approval. He handed it back with a nodd. Keith took a deep breath and hit send.
The response was almost instant. I'd like that a lot. Maybe Voltron Metro park? It's not too far from the office. I could pick you up if you wanted though? Keith made a noise that had Coran lifting an eyebrow and he waved the phone in front of the therapist. Coran only laughed good naturedly. "That, my boy, is called a gentleman!" Keith's phone pinged again. Or we could meet at the office, or if you'd prefer to drive that's okay too. Whatever you want. And again. Sorry to be so weird, I don't get out very much. :o) That had Keith smiling. Who used o noses on their smileys anymore? He shared the thought with Coran who insisted that was a perfectly normal thing to do. Keith had a small smile when he typed out... If we meet at the office it has to be a day Matt doesn't work. :) Good point! Would tomorrow work? Text me your address, I get off at 6. :o) Sounds good Keith felt like throwing up as soon as he hit send and dropped to the space between Corans armchair and the coffee table next to Rosie. He looped his arms around her neck. What on Earth had he just done. He felt Coran move around to sit on the couch, hand lightly touching his shoulder blade. "It'll be all right. And if not, then you will do better next time. Would you like to schedule for the day after tomorrow just in case? I'm sure I can fit you in." Keith nodded. "Just in case."
Shiro pulled up in front of his apartment building at 6:45. A hulking black Sheppard sat in the back seat. Shiro got the dog out of the car and let him and Rosie sniff each other out for moment before shoving them into the back seat together. But they made seemingly fast friends, easily starting to yip playfully and tug on ears as they tussled. "She thinks she's bigger than him, doesn't she?" Shiro laughed at the antics as he and Keith got back into the front. "Definitely." "So, Keith, what do you do?" "I'm a student.... Should I um... Dr Shiro still or?" "Oh just Shiro is fine!" Shiro laughed. "This is social. What do you study?" "Astronomy and aeronautics." "That's amazing. Do you want to be an astronaut?" "Oh I uh... I couldn't. ASD and needing Rosie and all that. Maybe design rocket ships or something though." Shiro smiled. "I was a pilot before I was a vet. Briefly anyways." He held up his arm as if to explain. "My boyfriend at the time was too and he was ASD. It’s definitely still an option, Keith.” This was too deep for first date? Social outing? He hummed noncommittally. "How did you go from being a pilot to a vet?" "Well after wallowing for a month, my brother dragged me to a therapy group.  They talked about service animals and stuff, but being a vet didn't click until I was offered a full ride at a school of my choice due to my injuries. Basically the Garrison didn't want to get sued." He snorts. "Nine years later and I'm a vet!"
When they got to the park they walked around the outskirts of a field centered with a jungle gym. The dogs romped along beside them, pouncing each other and playfully chasing. Keith watched them fondly, playing nervously with the leash he had brought along in case. "Do you mind if I...?" He gestured towards Keith's hand. "I'm sorry about being so touch forward at your appointment. I know that can be... A problem." Keith glanced and offered his hand. This he could do. Coran would be so proud. A blush stained Shiro's face. "Is this a date?" The blush darkened. "I-if you want it to be?" Keith surveyed him. "I would like that." He was definitely doing that thing. That made most people freak out. Where he said things too plainly. Mmmm Shiro must have been uncomfortable if he was blushing. Maybe he should stop talking. Shiro gave him a fond smile. "You remind me so much of Adam..." Keith tilted his head in question. "Um my uh... Copilot. During the crash." He flexed his hand tellingly. "And my boyfriend."
Shiro bought them coffee's from a snack vendor and they settled together under a tree, the dogs  curled together nearby. Kuros much larger form curled completely around Rosie's wriggling one. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable earlier, Keith." It's okay was the right thing to say in this situation. He took Shiro's hand instead. Shiro gave it a gentle squeeze. "I have to get used to being uncomfortable to make things more comfortable..." "I suppose that’s true. But I wouldn't want to overwhelm you..." Keith swirled his coffee in it's paper cup and gave a crooked smile. "I think I wouldn’t mind that so much."
Keith positively gushed about Shiro and Kuro at his appointment the next day. Coran talked him through his feelings about the initial stages of relationships, friendships and romantic ones, and wished him luck. Keith found himself on park benches with Shiro into the evenings with more and more frequency through the next months. Shiro never pressed past holding his hand, and Keith had initiated  tucking himself close to Shiro's side with Shiro's arm wrapped tightly around his shoulder. "I want to kiss you." Keith said one day, when he climbed into Shiro's car. Shiro made a choking noise. "Keith?" "Can I?" There was a look of determination on his face. "Of course." Keith turned in his seat, and pushed himself into Shiro's space. Before fumbling with where to put his hands. Shiro gently helped guide them to his shoulders. Keith licked his lips nervously and leaned forward. It was a feather light brush and when Keith pulled back Shiro was twitching with his effort not to chase him. "Can I?" He asked before cupping Keith's chin. Keith nodded and Shiro leaned up, gently pulling him close again. He kissed Keith chastely, sweetly. Brushed his fingers across his cheek and into soft black hair. He let Keith pull back after a moment. Keith situated himself back into the passenger seat and Shiro pulled out of the parking lot without saying anything else. It could wait for the park bench under the stars, when Keith tucked himself against Shiro's side to hide from the cooling autumn and let Shiro run his fingers through his hair.
And they did... Shiro nuzzled into Keith's neck, planting soft kisses. Keith felt at ease and snuggled close to the older man. "I like this." "Me too, baby..." Shiro was enjoying each touch he didn't feel Keith flinch away from and had his fingers tangled in his hair. "Thank you for trusting me." Keith hummed. "I like when you play with my hair." "It's very soft." Shiro gently pulled Keith into his lap. "Special conditioner. Lance recommended it. I told him it sucked." Shiro laughed at that. "I like that too... When you laugh." "Stars are coming out, baby." Shiro glanced towards the sky. Keith looked up and took one of the hands circled around him. He used Shiro's hand to point out different stars and rattled off facts about them. When they finally made their way back to Shiro's car, sleepy puppies in tow, Keith looked at Shiro rather bashfully. "I want you to stay." "Stay?" "At my apartment." He noticed Shiro's heavy swallow. "Keith, we kissed for the first time today... I don't want to rush anything." Keith shook his head. "No pressure." He quipped back to that first day in the exam room. Shiro got it and leaned across the middle console to press a playful smooch to Keith's cheek. Keith grinned and scrambled to kiss Shiro in turn.   "You're sure?" Shiro surveryed him carefully when they pulled up to the apartment building. "Yes." Keith tugged Shiro's hand shyly as he unlocked his front door. "This is cosy." Shiro toed off his shoes and looked around the little studio apartment. Most of the walls were littered with star charts and posters of nebulas. Kuro began sniffing everything out and wagging his tail. Rosie planted herself as the foot of the bed, on a red throw that was very clearly Hers. Shiro let himself be pulled over to Keiths unmade bed, and let the smaller man cocoon them in blankets. "This is nice." Shiro rubbed his hands slowly but firmly over Keith's back. Keith made a quiet noise and pushed himself up, hovering over Shiro. "This is okay?" "Yeah, baby, this is perfect." Keith leaned down to kiss him with a smile that made Shiro's chest hurt.   "Can you stay?" He  whispered, tucking himself back around the older man. "If that's what you want... I should probably warn you that sometimes I have nightmares." "Oh... What do I do... If that happens?" "Talk to me, don't startle me... Sometimes I lash out. Kuro usually barks to wake me up." Keith nodded seriously. "Do you want...not jeans?" "I'm not sure I'll fit in your pants, baby..." Keith hummed and sat up. His hands were on Shiro's waistband, unbuttoning and unzipping and tugging before Shiro could process it. "Jeans aren't comfortable." Shiro chuckled. Keith always wore track pants. He supposed he wasn't wrong though. He helped Keith get them off and let the boy settle back against him. "Thank you, Keith." "You’re welcome...For what?" "Letting me into your space, baby." Kuro hopped up on the bed then, settling next to Rosie along their legs.
Keith slept easier than usual that night, and Shiro slept more soundly. They only woke up when the dogs started whining to go out, and Shiro pulled his jeans back on and sleepily nuzzled into the back of Keith's neck at the doorway while they watched the dogs pad out into the grass. "Next time, maybe you can stay at my house?" "Okay." Keith said simply, relaxing against Shiro. "It's Saturday... Do you want to do something together? Besides go to the park?" They ended up at an arcade. Keith was way too good at racing games, and Shiro handed Keith his ass on a platter at the fighting games. They had dropped Rosie and Kuro at Shiro's and Keith talked absently about how one day he'd have a yard like that for Rosie to run in. Shiro had to hold his tongue on saying he would for this to be Rosie's yard too. He was finding more and more that Keith made him act without thinking. And knew eventually it would probably be to Keith's detriment. So for now he kept the thought to himself.
Shiro knew his luck had run out when he sat up in a cold sweat at 3am. He'd been dreaming about Adam. The crash.
Kuro pushed into his lap and Keith sat close, but not touching, trembling just as hard as Shiro. His hands were gripped tightly around Rosie's collar.
"I'm sorry," Shiro said thickly.
Keith knew this was where he was supposed to say 'its okay.'
This time he said it, and touches Shiro's arm with the lightest fingertip graze.
"You loved him."
"I did... Do... In a way."
Keith made a small noise.
"I think I love you."
Maybe not all his luck had run out...
"I think I love you too, Keith."
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terra-writes · 6 years
Paladin’s reactions to seeing their s/o kill for the first time (Part 1)
Can you please and thank you write Voltron HCs about the paladins reacting to seeing their s/o kill for the first time? I suck ass at requesting - @writing-yj
I’m so sorry for how long this took. I’ve just gotten so busy but I feel bad for not posting anything here so I hope you all enjoy this and I’ll get around to the other two requests I have soon I promise! I made these really long because these took so long for me to do and I promise to add Matt in as well as a bonus. He and Allura’s (Yes I know she’s a Paladin) will be added in an additional post just so I can get these ones out for the sake of getting something out. I’ll add a link to the others on this post when I’m able to get around to them! <3
I also can’t help but feel like I fucked up with Pidge’s and Hunk’s but these needed to get out
Warnings: Violence, mentions of blood. I’m not really sure what else to mention I do go into detail with how the kill was done
Possible spoilers below for new fans (covers stuff through season 4 I think), read with caution!
Shiro would probably be the most okay with it
He’s a soldier first
And I see him as being a realist
Even though most of what you had been fighting were robotic sentries, there were actual living Galra on all those ships you guys blew up on a regular basis
All of you were fighting in a war, and so Shiro knew it was inevitable
You had been on a mission with the Paladins
There was a supply outpost the Blades had tipped you guys on
Your job was to set the charges while the Paladins provided cover
The mission was going smooth, and you guys hadn’t run into much trouble
That luck turned when you were all making your escape
This base wasn’t going down without a fight, and the Commander of the base ordered everyone to try and take you guys down with them
The team was pinned, and you did your best to help clear a path back to the lions
You were the only one to notice the Galra officer running up behind Shiro
He had a broken piece of pipe in his hands, and Shiro was too preoccupied with the other Glara in front of him to notice the other one gunning for his exposed back
Without thinking you rushed forward, grappling with the officer just before he could plunge the jagged end into your boyfriend
The officer was a lot stronger than you had anticipated, and threw you to the ground
You landed next to the discarded pipe, and just as the officer was launching at you to finish the job, you used your position and his momentum to drive the metal through his heart
Shiro had caught the scuffle from the corner of his eye
He had tried to go to your aid but he wasn’t fast enough to get there before you were forced to end it
He wouldn’t mention it until after the mission was over, knowing that everyone’s first priority had to be getting back to the lions
He would be quick to remind anyone of that if any of the other Paladin’s had noticed and tried to mention it however
Once everyone was back at the Castle safe and sound and checked for injuries, he would pull you aside
Even though Shiro understood that killing was necessary in war, he knew that others wouldn’t always have that same outlook
He would be there to provide comfort if you needed it
He wouldn’t be overbearing with it, but he would make sure you felt safe and secure with him
He would assure you that he would always protect you and that he’ll do his best so you’re never put in a situation like that again
If you weren’t really bothered by the ordeal, he would still try and provide some comfort, but it wouldn’t be like it was if you were really affected by it
Killing for the first time still affects everyone to some degree
Regardless, he would make an effort to be more diligent going forward
Even though he wasn’t bothered by the act itself so to speak, he still didn’t want to leave you in situations when that was necessary if he could help it
He would be understanding like Shiro, but it would be a complete shock to him when it first happens
You were assisting Keith on a mission with the Blades
Keith didn’t want you to go at first
He knew how dangerous Blade of Marmora missions could get
And that if it came down to it, the others would leave you behind if saving you meant putting the mission at risk
That was precisely why you wanted to go though
Because if it was dangerous for you, it was dangerous for him too
And you would do anything to keep him safe, just like he would for you
But when he realized there was no convincing you to stay, he reluctantly allowed you to come with
Deep down he was touched that you cared so much about him to want to protect him
Just like he did with you
Things were going fine at first
It was on your way out that things went downhill
Sentries had spotted one of your group just before they could get into cover
With the alarm sounded, it was looking to be a tough fight to get back to the shuttle bay
Your group was currently pinned with Galra firing at you from both directions
You were able to hold you own
But it was quickly becoming apparent that your group was getting overwhelmed
That was when your hand brushed the grenade at your belt
You had forgotten about it until now
It was something Keith had given you before you boarded the cruiser, saying that he just wanted to make sure you had enough equipment to keep yourself safe just in case he wasn’t with you
You threw the grenade at the sentries, and with a new opening your group wasted no time in taking advantage of it
You were almost at he shuttle bay when you became pinned by another group of sentries
This time however, there were several Galra officers and the commander mixed in with them
Your group fought as hard as they could, and slowly but surely, you guys were able to whittle down the enemy numbers
You shot down another sentry and turned to Keith, only for your eyes to widen in horror
He was locked blade to blade with on of the other officers, and the Galra Commander was aiming his gun right at Keith’s head
No one else was available to assist him, and it was clear Keith was unable to do anything about it even if he noticed
So without thinking you reacted
You charged with your own weapon drawn, and tackled the Galra to the ground, your knife plunged deep into his throat
You pulled the blade sideways, opening up his throat before pulling it out and stabbing him in his heart
It was when the warm liquid hit your hands that you realized what you had done
Keith had seen the whole thing and he was quick to finish dispatching the Galra he was fighting and run over to you
“He was going to shoot you and everyone else was busy so I just-“
He would shush you and tell you that you two would talk about it later once the mission was over
Neither of you would say anything else until you got back to base and showered
The he would pull you aside and ask if you were okay
If you weren’t, he would do his best to comfort you, even though it was painfully awkward since he wasn’t so good with it, but you didn’t mind, it helped to know that he cared enough to try
He would also blame himself for exposing you to such a situation where you had to take a life
Not that he would ever let it show directly
If you were okay after it, he would not and pull you in for a hug, saying that he was glad you were okay
In both scenarios he would mumble a quiet and embarrassed “Thank you” for saving him
Pidge would probably take this the least well
Because I headcanon her as never having personally killed a living Galra while not in her lion
I don’t really count the one episode where Rover dies, Pidge wasn’t directly responsible for that
Like when fighting with the other Paladins on the ground she only ever makes killing blows on sentries since they aren’t living
And leaves the living Galra soldiers to her team members
Because she’s still just a child and she can pretend that when she takes down a cruiser that there weren’t any living soldiers on there and that it was only sentries or that they all made it to escape pods
So when the two of you were on a mission with the team
You were assigned to the control room with Pidge
You were to guard her in case anything tried to get in while Pidge was busy hacking into the facilities’ network to assist the rest of the team and download information
So far there had only been one or two sentries that had tried to enter the room
Most of the fighting seemed to be focused on where the rest of the team was located
You weren’t too worried, they were more than capable of handling themselves
Especially with Pidge providing tech support
You had let your guard drop for a brief moment
Just enough to spare a quick glance at Pidge
But that’s all it took for one of the Galra to make it into the room
They were alone, so it’s likely that they didn’t think anyone would be in here, and that they thought they could help turn the tide against the intruders by using the facilities defenses against them
They seemed just as surprised to see you two there as you guys were to see them
 All three of you froze for a brief moment, before the Galra soldier went for their weapon
The two of you aimed at each other, but not pulling the trigger
You didn’t really register the pause from the other Galra soldier at the time, so you opened fire, your inexperience making you squeeze your eyes shut as you just held the trigger down and let the bullets fly
It was only a combination of Pidge calling your name, and the clip running out that made you open your eyes again
You really wished you hadn’t
The Galra soldier was indeed dead but…
It wasn’t pretty
Almost all of the shots you fired had hit their mark, and the soldier’s entire torso was almost unrecognizable
It made you sick just looking at it, but you also couldn’t look away, you were still in shock
You were only able to move when your mind finally caught up to what was going on
They had hesitated
You felt your stomach churn at that memory
They had drawn first, but you were the one to open fire
You took one step forward, ignoring Pidge next to you
You took another, and then another one after that, walking towards the dead soldier with each step
You had to know
 You had to know why
You finally reached the body and pulled off the helmet covering their face
You were taken aback by how young they looked
It only made you feel even worse
On some level you were surprised you could even recognize what Galra youth looked like
But there was no denying it in the face of the dead soldier in front of you
They had hesitated because they were still practically a child
Just like you and Pidge
The thought of the Galra Empire employing soldiers so young brought it home to you
Pidge kept trying to call out to you until you heard her gasp and fall silent
She had managed to walk up behind you and had seen their face as well
You kept wondering if you could have ended things without bloodshed had you waited
You could tell that Pidge was thinking the same thing
The two of you were very quiet for the rest of the mission and the whole ride back to the castle
Which was worrying to the rest of the team, as it was very out of character for the two of you
Things didn’t get much better for you two after that
Pidge almost seemed scared of you, like she was finally realizing what fighting in a war really meant
Even though she cared about you, all she could picture was how you ripped apart that soldier with your weapon whenever she looked at you
It was Shiro who finally stepped in after noticing that the two of you weren’t working through things on your own, and needed a little guidance
He sat down with each of you in private to talk things through one on one, offering whatever help he could in that moment, and then he had the two of you sit down together in the same room
None of you were allowed to leave until you reached a solution for your current predicament
It took a long time, but eventually you two were able to get past the whole ordeal
Pidge still didn’t like the idea of having to kill others, and neither did you, but now the two of you knew that you could lean on each other when things got bad
And if you couldn’t get past it on your own, Shiro was always willing to step in and help
He would freak out
This boy just loves you so much
He treats you like a queen okay?
He knows how nasty war can be
But he just can’t stand the thought of you killing someone
He should be the one to bear that burden in your relationship not you
It had happened while you were taking out an outpost on the fringes of the Glara empire
It was supposed to be a light, easy mission, just enough for you to get a little real-world training in so you could start helping out on some of the more difficult missions the Paladins faced
The base wasn’t heavily staffed and had only meager defenses
So infiltration team was only you, Lance, and Pidge in the Green Lion while the others waited behind in the castle as backup just in case the base was able to send a distress call before you could shut it down
Between Lance’s sniper shots, and Pidge’s hacking, you three had gotten into the control room quick and silent without tripping a single alarm
The room was  mostly empty when you had entered, likely meaning the commanding officer had stepped out for  a short moment
All that remained were sentries which the three of you quickly incapacitated
Pidge was able to shut down all security in the facility, and you and Lance made your through the doors at Pidge’s suggestion, having found something of interest within while she was looking through their data while she remained behind to finish what she needed to do
Just as your luck would have it, that just happened to be where most of the base’s Galra personnel happened to be, both sentry and living
You let of a surprised shriek as you entered the room, quickly ducking back to take cover on either side of the doorway
You focused on the sentries nearest to you while Lance radioed the Castle for backup since there were too many or just you and Lance to take on, even if Pidge was able to make it down to help you
You felt better when you heard that the other Paladins were on their way
You and Lance were able to keep the Galra from advancing on your position just fine, but it was proving difficult
Eventually, with the other Paladin’s help, you were able to take out or tie up any remaining Galra forces
You stayed behind with Hunk and Lance to guard the captured Galra while Shiro, Keith and Pidge after rejoining the group went to check out what it was they were guarding
What you guys didn’t know, was that whoever checked the captured Galra for weapons forgot to check one, and that one of them was currently cutting through his bindings
Time moved in slow motion from that point on
None of you were expecting one of the Galra to suddenly spring up, and grab for a discarded gun nearby
You could see Lance and Hunk start to draw their weapons up, but you were faster, as you already had your weapon pointed close to his position
You fired before the soldier could even aim his weapon, and he crumpled to the ground with a loud thump
The others came rushing back at the sound of a gunshot, but it was already over
The soldier was already dead on the ground with a single gunshot to his head
Shiro and the others thought it was Lance until he started to freak out
He was frantic as he checked you over, even though you all knew that there was only one shot fired during the whole incident
By you
He would keep going back and forth between asking if you were okay, and yelling at you for killing the Galra soldier, saying that you should have let one of them take the shot instead
You just stood there like a deer in headlights, unable to get a word in and feeling overwhelmed by Lance’s reaction
Eventually it took Shiro using his Dad Voice™ to get Lance to quiet down
Later on back in his room on the ship, he would pull you close and apologize for his reaction earlier
You two would have a long talk about the incident, and he would explain that he doesn’t want you to have to be the one to kill other people because yes Galra are also people they just grew up under a shitty Emperor
You would explain your side, and the talk would be surprisingly civil and calm considering his reaction earlier
Whatever the outcome may have been from that talk, or how you felt about the act of killing another living being, Lance would hold you even closer from then on, and shower you with even more love than before
It was sweet, but sometimes it could be too much
And anytime you were on a mission together after that, Lance would kill anything near you before you had to be forced into a situation where you had to take a life ever again
And he was very good at that job
He was the team’s sharpshooter for a reason
All you ever managed to bring down were sentries, if Lance even let one of those get too close to you, and even though it could be a little annoying at times, you knew it was just because he cared so much about you
He would definitely freak out like Lance, but to a lesser degree
He would freak out, but he would be much quieter about it
He’s mostly fretting over you, making sure you’re okay
Also blaming himself the whole time like Lance
He was a Paladin of Voltron, sworn defender of the universe
Yet he couldn’t even protect you from all the killing and violence that was happening all around them
You were with the team on a mission
The castle had picked up the destress signal of a small squad of rebel fighters
They had come under fire from a lone Galra cruiser and wile their small group had been able to escape, a few of their ships had sustained damage and they were stranded until it could be fixed
Cue Hunk and Pidge to the rescue
And you
You weren’t as skilled an engineer as Hunk, but you had picked up a little bit of it here and there
A little more so after the two of you got together
You knew enough to do basic repairs, and with Hunk there to talk you through the more complicated ones, you were confident in your ability to help out
To say the rebels were happy to see The Castle of Lions and Voltron pull up would be an understatement
Apparently, they had been stranded longer than you guys had first thought
To add to the pressure, they were carrying vital intelligence of Galra operations to their headquarters
That’s why the Galra cruiser had fired upon them so fervently
They didn’t appreciate their secrets being taken by enemy hands
Who knew?
When Allura offered to load them onto the ship and escort them the rest of the way, they had refused much to her confusion
They said that their headquarters was well hidden, and while they appreciated the offer the Castle or one of the Lions would draw too much attention
That’s why they were in four small ships that were quick and easy to maneuver
Lucky for you guys, most of the damage was eternal and looked a lot worse than it really was
Of the four ships, only two required basic hull repair, while one needed a fix for a few of its systems
The last ship took the most damage, requiring both repairs to the hull as well as rewiring and full replacements for most of its systems
You were surprised that it had managed to make it this far at all and that only one or two members of the crew had been lost
Hunk dedicated himself to the ship that needed the most help with Pidge, while you focused on fixing the two ships with hull breeches along with a rebel engineer
The rebels had done their best to fix what they could on their own, but there were in the middle of nowhere with limited supplies
You and the other engineer were helping Pidge and Hunk wrap up the ship with the most damage on it after finishing the other two, when a Galra cruiser showed up
Turns out it was the same ship who attached them the first time after the rebels had infiltrated and took the information off of it
You guess they were still salty about it
Salty enough to bring several more cruisers as backup, which did not bode well for all of you
Hunk and Pidge were quick to head back to the Castle and launch with the rest of the paladins to go and fight the oncoming cruisers and fighters
You were asked to stay behind and help finish repairing the last ship
The plan was for the Lions and the Castle to provide cover/a distraction while you got the last ship working, then for Allura to open a wormhole for the rebels to go through that was near their headquarters, but far away enough to avoid suspicion
After that the plan was for Hunk to quick swing by and pick you up before Allura opened a wormhole for the rest of you to go through and escape
You were nervous of course, for multiple reasons
You and the rest of the rebels were left completely open on the moon they had landed on while you made repairs of which was at a difficulty you had never attempted before let alone by yourself all the while your boyfriend was out there in the midst of the fire acting as bait
Your hands were trembling before you even knew it
However you noticeably relaxed when you heard Hunk’s voice over the comm link
He was doing his best to talk you through it, and just hearing his voice and knowing that as long as you could hear him, it meant that he was okay was enough to calm your nerves and shaking enough to let you spring into action
It was slow going, even with the help from Hunk and the Rebel engineer
Some of the systems were badly damaged and some required far more time and parts than what you two currently had at your disposal
Most of what you ended up doing was configuring workarounds that would only hold for a certain amount of time before failing again
It wasn’t meant to be pretty, it was meant to hold until they got back to where they could get it properly fixed
However even though Coran and the Paladins were doing their best to keep the Galra away from you, some ships still managed to get through and land, and several sentries and soldiers were making their way towards you
Luckily for you guys, the Rebels had the foresight to land in an easily-defendable outcropping and one of the rebels went around distributing weapons to everyone and taking up cover
You were surprised when he handed you a gun, but took it anyway, hoping you wouldn’t have to use it
You wished you hadn’t jinxed yourself
The rebels put up a good fight, laying waste to any Glara who got close enough for them to shoot at before they had a chance to fire
You had finished the repairs, and the Rebels were starting to load into the ships, still providing covering fire
Hunk was on his way, but there was still going to be a brief amount of time where you had to hold the position on your own
The rebel soldier who had initially handed you the gum shook his head when you had tried to give it back, saying that you needed it more than they did
You reluctantly nodded, and watched with anxiety as the four ships took off and made their way to the castle where Allura had retuned to open up a wormhole
You could see Hunk’s Lion approaching in the distance, but it would be more than a few ticks still before he got there
And there were still plenty of Galra between you and him who were very close to your position
You took a shaky breath, and readied your weapon, popping in and out of cover to take shots at the advancing sentries that got too close for comfort
It wasn’t long before their sheer numbers overwhelmed you, pushing you further and further back into your cover
Just before they could completely overwhelm you, Hunk landed with his lion, firing upon the Galra and cutting a path from you to him
You got up to run, but before you took more than a few steps, another Galra stepped in your path
This one wasn’t a sentry, but an actual Galran Soldier
You didn’t give yourself much time to think about your next set of actions
You just knew that you were almost out of ammo, and that this lone Galra was the only thing between you dying right here, and being safe and secure on the Castle with Hunk once again
So you charged, which clearly caught the soldier off-guard, not that you noticed anyway
You slammed the end of your rifle into their face, sending them sprawling on the ground before turning your weapon around and firing the last few shots into the exposed sections of their armor, putting them down for good
You ditched your weapon after that, knowing that you wouldn’t be  He saw the whole thing, but didn’t start freaking out until you guys were on your way back to the ship
He kept asking if you were okay and checking you for injuries
You got lucky with only a few scratches, no bullets managed to hit you
But that didn’t stop Hunk from blaming himself for the whole ordeal
Like Lance, he believes that he should be the one to bear the burden of taking another’s life your relationship
He just wants to keep you safe
To him you’re just too good and too pure to have to do something as dark as that, even if it’s for a good reason and even though you’re all fighting in a war
Regardless of whether the act of killing bothered you or not, Hunk would still act the same
As soon as you guys returned to the Castle, he would be making you your favorite foods, or at least the space equivalent
since we all know that comfort food is a thing and you just had to deal with a lot
He’s also an amazing chef so there’s no complaints from you
Also expect lots of reassurance and cuddling
More so than normal
He just really cares about you and needs you to know that he’ll do his best to keep you safe from the darker aspects of this war from now on
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
Anon Asks in my Inbox as of 10/29/18 –Afternoon edition
Updated link of the Master Guide: http://darkspellmaster.tumblr.com/post/179532344635/update-and-edit-and-master-post-to-the-fokker
1.       i(.)imgur(.)com/2UHctWY(.)png this picture works if you paste it into your address bar and just remove the ( ) symbols around the dots. It's his left hand since you can see the overside. Wether you find it weird to hold someone at the waist when kissing them or not is irrelevant, the arm and hand does not vanish which is the main point. Add it to your post so people can see for themselves.
 Thank you for the picture Anon, due to the blanket removals of BTISudio related things I’m holding off putting the image up and I’ll use something as a representation of the arm motion that you have up. Again apologies for not being able to put the picture up. But I see it, and you’re right the arm is there, but it’s a really weird way of placing it as the natural cure of a kiss like that would have it where one person would have their hand higher than the other. Like I said it’s a weird position. 
I’ll link your said picture so others can look at it. It’s in the main one. 
 2.       You say in 4 that the studio leak image is that of a cropped shot of the previous leak as they cut off the other mouse - but that's not true. You can clearly see the mouse on Pidge's shoulder.
 Added the Edit to the post anon. Thank you. I explained why I missed it. It’s still a bit odd that the mouse has not moved at all.
 3.       The voiceline thing that one anon was talking about was, somebody took lines Lance’s VA said in other shows/games he worked on and they also picked some lines from the 1 voltron VR game and put it together in one clip. The person included some random lines from the other characters too. And claimed it was “leaked audio” they got. Never said how they got it. Clearly fake, and a whole bunch of K/L fans obsessed with it for a bit before they lost interest.
 Okay so they claimed to have data mined. That’s interesting because normally you would only be able to do that with games, since there is a lot of dialogue that is recorded and then left in there when they choose not to use it. Actors will record hours of dialogue for a game and then studios may change plans on how they are going to use it.
 For example, Yuri Lowenthal, who voiced Yosuke, for Persona 4 had lines that indicated that at one point in the game they were planning to have Yosuke be a love option for the MC, but then dropped that plan for whatever reason. This was later data mined by fans from the finished product. But I’ve never heard of a way to data mine for recordings via a tv show, since the extra tracts would be left off the final disk, and you would have to have access to the main audio recordings of the show, and I don’t think Andrea would just go leaving them out there.
 I’m sorry that the fans had to deal with that. That’s also a low thing to do because it cuts into issues with the whole audio department and such. Also it sucks for the fans because it’s a cheap way to get attention and isn’t fair to the listeners nor the actors.
 4.       I didn't see this added yet, but there was a Plance fake "leak" that got a DMCA takedown here on Tumblr from DreamWorks 3 days ago. The artist admitted it was fake when posted, it was meant as a joke and to show how easy it was to make a "leak." This kind of takes validity away from "posts are getting taken down so it must be real!" Sounds to me Dreamworks just wants all of this to go away (since it's upsetting fans or whatnot.)
 Yeah I got one too way back on the 24th, and realized that that was probably why my first post was taken down. I’m trying to be more cautious out of respect for the BTIstudio. But yes, using any form of intellectual property:
 Name of studio, logo of studio, art, dialogue, written words, even plants and other items.
 Can be subject to claims. So even if it’s something made to debunk, if it so much as has a whiff of anything that could be connected to the actual studio, then that stuff has to be taken down for copyright reasons, and I completely understand that.
Next time I go to my convention in May, there’s a lawyer group that shows up and I’m going to try to ask about leaks and fake leaks and blanket take downs and the rules of it all. 
 5.       Honestly Shiro's sight lines in the first 2 pics make more sense if someone shorter was standing next to him. In the third, (I) it's a profile shot so it'd be easy to rotate or tilt the head up/down if this Fokker is a dummy stand-in for another character and (II) Shiro's hand is literally on Fokker's ass due to hand position and the dude's height which is A LOT for a Y-7 show. Now if it were a shorter character, Shiro's hand would be at his waist. 🤔
Interesting catch there. In the original art where the head shot seems to have come from, the eyes are pointed down and to the left away from where Roy is looking.
This would leave us with the question of who is shorter than Shiro right now, as the only ones I can point to are Pidge, Romelle, Allura I think, or one of the Aliens. Keith, Hunk and Lance are all about the same height to him, and since he is looking slightly sideways it makes me think he’s looking at someone who is not the person with him. It’s a weird line of sight that is for sure for the shot.
6.       Apologies if I misread this, but I think you implied the crisscross watermarks were a function of VSI Chinkel software and therefore would only appear on their studio's work. However in the other Chinkel studio shots, that crisscross isn't there. Watermarking is done by the originator (I.e. Dreamworks) not by the recipient. Also the pause | | in the upper right hand of the wedding is from the program the leaker is watching it in (VLC media player, specifically)
 Yeah I thought that it could be something that happened there. But you’re right that the other image clearly shows that it’s not happening on the main one. I’ll have to edit that factor. Still the actual dubbing equipment, according to their website is one of a kind.
 The thing about the VLC is also right, since we use it at my college. However I don’t know of any dubbing studio that would use VLC when they have access to more expensive and better software to watch media on. Also most get it in some digital form that they could play on Adobe or other media player that is far more useful for pausing and doing scripting, and seeing where the audio track is and what it’s doing. So I find that someone using an Open source tool is strange, at least to me, when it comes to a professional workplace.
 7.       that dude isn't roy, i think, he has the same skin tone as adam.
Oh anon, bless your heart here. Your right in that it’s not Roy himself, because that would land them in real hot water. He’s a look alike or representation. I don’t know if the character has a name at this point, but I’m calling him Roy as it’s easier than calling him “The dude that’s clearly a homage of the guy from Macross that was an inspiration to Shiro himself as a character.” Because that would take way to long. As I said before, this could be what someone thinks Adam without glasses and longer hair would look like.
8.       I also thought Roy's arm disappears through Shiro, but in another pic of that kiss that's in a google doc going around debunking the leaks, his arm is very much in that photo and around Shiro's waist like you'd expect. Ngl, that threw me off because I'm starting to think I imagined things and only saw flaws where there weren't actually any at all.
 And this is kind of the purpose of leaks that are not clear, or are not right, or have bad resolution. They are there to cover up the mistakes or things that make people realize they are false.
 It’s one reason art forgers will be very careful to not make mistakes, but the issue is that there are always tells. Some are very very tiny and you have to take them under a microscope and look at them with the eye of someone trained to find them out.
 As for the situation, take a break from it Anon. Go outside, enjoy the fall weather, watch another show or find something else to do. As I keep telling people, relax. No one has a horse in this race, I certainly don’t and nether should you. Our focus should be more on the real image that came out from JDS and LM and figuring out what was up with the table and, hey, on the plus side we have a “The End” shot. XD
 9.       Saw an anon point out that the “missing arm” is there and they are right. It is mainly behind shiro’s new arm and the hand is on his waist. It is a very normal way to hold someone, just because you can see the majority of it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there at all.
As I said I edited the post to reflect that info. The arm may be there, but there’s still something off about the whole thing to me. And again, if I’m wrong, oh well, if I’m right, oh well. I have no horse in this race and honestly am not into the ships.
10.   Lotor’s statue isn’t 3D.... it’s very clearly painted... I think you’re starting to reach a bit with some of your debunking.
 Changed the statue to an actual screen shot that I have to reflect it better. The thing is to me it looks like what you would do with a matte painting over a 3D image to create a more statue like approach to things. Since we have the white light filter over it, it makes it harder to see if it has the same 3D like rendering as Aang’s statue. Also between the time that Korra came out and now, they may have made the program smoother so it’s harder to tell if it’s 3D or not.
 While I agree that they do some statues in normal drawings, the other ones, like Lotor, seem to need details, and I feel like a 3D rendering would be a better way to do it than, a 2D drawing.
 11.   I so want to believe they’re fakes. So much points to it, but one thing bothers me: this is an awful lot of trouble that someone has gone to, for a cartoon!? I mean finding photos on I’m assuming private Instagram accounts or other social media to highly edit? No one can actually find the originals. Plus Chinkel do actually use the multiple watermarks thing. So? Maybe those ones with the cast in them are real. They seem like far too much trouble to fake unfortunately 1/2
2/2 and I’m gonna stab a guess here and say that DreamWorks and whatever other studio it was, aren’t taking any real action besides silently removing the images but not saying anything because they feel like the images don’t give away a huge plot spoiler? Just the supposed one year later thing? Like I said it’s far too much trouble to go to. Someone would’ve had to literally scour the ENTIRE French VAs’ personal social media to find that cast pic, because no one else can find the original.
 To be honest Anon, you would think that right? But the thing is that there are people out there that do this for fun. Namely because they know that it upsets a fandom and they’ll try to stir up the fans and then sit back and laugh at them.
 Given the incident with the actresses and the cloud leak, it can be done. Seriously you can hack anything that has some sort of connection to the net. There’s always a back door, and it’s something that the “White Hats” have been trying to deal with for years. Social media isn’t a safe place when it comes to keeping pictures and such because people can and will break in, all the time. Remember the Sony leak not that long ago?
 The photo with the cast is real, I just think the image on the screen is not. BTIStudio was sending takedowns, I got one on the 24th of October from them from a Mr. Rachel in the IT department. So my guess is it was a blanket take down regarding the name being used, since BTIStudio is now owned by Investors Shamrock and Altor, who just got the studios recently so there may be business reasons, or intellectual reasons “name being used” to pull it down. As another anon pointed out a Fake debunking image got pulled too because of them showing how to do it.
 It's work, but for someone who has the time and skills it’s not insanely hard to do. Because of digital media and how good Photoshop, illustrator, and several other programs are now, it makes it easier and easier to copy art and make forgeries. It’s something artists are dealing with right now because people are finding ways to copy and sell fakes of their digital paintings.
 12.   Something else I noticed about the fake leaks - Ezor's eyepatch. So far, none of the galra with missing eyes wear eyepatches. They all have some sort of cyber prosthetic. Like Sendak, Ranveig, Branko, and Janka. Why would Ezor have a normal eyepatch while the rest of them don't? Doesn't make sense
That’s an interesting point there too. Given what we’ve seen previously, it doesn’t make sense to change up how a character is shown to have a wound like that covered. Unless she couldn’t’ get it done, but that doesn’t make sense either since if she was working with the Blade they would have set her up with stuff on earth by now. And Ezor doesn’t strike me as the type to be all “No I won’t have something cyber put on me” that’s more Zethrid.
13.   The photo with JDS and Lauren are from His official Twitter account.
Thanks Anon, I think I’m going to do some Theories about that when I have a moment. After I finish sewing my costume’s sleeves, and getting done with the prologue to my novel.
I did see it, and it’s interesting, especially with the Red ribbon of fate, the candles and the silver piece on the side. Though that could have been there from another event. XD
14.   I saw that apparently the joke fake "pl/ance leak" was taken down by DW because of copyright as well? if so that proves that the leaks don't need to be real to be taken down.
Yup! As long as it has something that equates to “Intellectual Property” studios and copyright owners can take anything down. It’s a huge issue with Youtube and their review groups and such. That’s why the Essay’s have evolved so much to only put shorter clips in and other aspects.
Fan Art can be copyrighted if it’s too close to original works, or even fake fakes like the Plance art. Most studios just go “Anything that has our name on it, take it down” even if it’s not a real leak.
15.   I think that the anon who mentioned the "fake Klance voicelines leak" is talking about the fake audio leaks that were taken from Jeremy's line from another show and claimed to be about Klance and also a fake picture of Keith with Lance's jacket on .
 Well that’s different. As I said, data mining is a bit hard to do from a tv show since there would be no additional tracks. It’s why most people don’t do that when it comes to creating fake info about a show and typically stick to art, or altered scripts since it’s easier to do. Typically all tracks that are recorded are edited and the ones that are not used are stored on a server that’s not easy to access and isn’t even on the net, it’s in an in house server.
 As for the picture, huh, I think I heard of that one but never saw it.
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ebhenah · 5 years
Busy #Fictober18 (Voltron FanFic)
#Fictober18 Day 17
Prompt: "I'll Tell You But You're Not Gonna Like it."
Voltron Fanfiction. S07 spoilers. Angst.
Keith pov, Garrison Days, Post-Adam/Shiro split, Post-Kerberos
Rating: T- some language, discussion of same sex relationship, mentions of foster care, death, illness, broken homes, grief.
Adam was asleep on the couch when he got home. His briefcase was lying on the floor beside his shoes, his coat draped over the counter of the little island that separated the kitchen from the living room. Keith could see in his mind the exact path he'd taken when he'd gotten home. It was a short one. Maybe 15 feet. Door, drop bag, shed shoes, step, shuck coat, step step, drop tie onto coffee table, step, collapse on couch. This was pretty much par for the course now.
As far as the Garrison was concerned, ex-fiance's didn't qualify for bereavement leave. Neither did 'foster kid of ex-fiance'- because technically that's what he was. Shiro had failed the medical assessment to foster or adopt, but Adam had passed. So, on paper, he was Adam's legal responsibility, not Shiro's. So, when the news had come in about the mission being lost- leaving a smoking crater in the center of their lives- they'd discovered that they didn't qualify for the supports in place for bereaved families. Adam had quickly exhausted all his sick days, vacation time, and banked personal time. Keith had run out of allowed absences from class even faster.
Once that had happened, it was back to 'normal' life in an abrupt shift that left them both reeling. So now, Adam pushed himself through a full day of teaching class and attending staff meetings and making sure he got his requisite hours of flight time and continuing education, and the second he walked through the door, he pretty much collapsed.
Keith, on the other hand, was more hardened to the SHIT that life liked to throw at him. So, he went to class, did his best to keep his head down, then came home and kept busy. That was easy to do, really. There were still meals to be made, dishes to wash, laundry to do, dust to wipe down, homework to be completed, bills to pay, bathrooms to scrub, and vacuuming to be done, after all. Plus, he had to feed Adam, keep him on task while he did lesson prep and graded papers, keep him AWAY from the wine and photo albums (he wasn't a drunk or anything, but even one glass of wine combined with the photo albums meant the night was lost to the bottomless pit of grief that seemed to reside in every picture of Shiro), and then herd him into his own bed before he crashed on the couch.
Keith didn't mind. Honestly, he didn't. Busy was good. Staying still was his problem. Because if he stopped moving for even a moment… BAD things happened. He never really FORGOT. Shiro's loss was always right there, lurking around the edges of his brain, dimming everything into pale, washed out colors and muffled sounds. But most of the time, he could avoid thinking about what the loss actually MEANT. It was when he stopped moving, stopped doing STUFF, that the meaning crept in and devastated him.
No more hover bike races. The last one they'd been on was it. That was the last time he'd ever hear that laugh on the wind. Hear that proud cheer as Keith overtook him. See that competitive little smirk as he watched Keith pass him and then buckle down to put the 'kid' in his dust. No more quiet, dusty conversations watching the sun set before heading back to base in a much more leisurely and companionable ride. Done. That part of his life was closed away forever now- just like hanging out at the firehouse while his Dad was on shift was done and closed off.
No more stupid sing-alongs while they cleared the dinner table and washed the dishes. No more chasing a laughing Shiro out of the kitchen as he protested that 'it's just toast! Even I can make toast!" because, no. He really could NOT make toast, and no one wanted to fill the house with smoke from burnt bread. No more overhearing weirdly flirty arguments about coffee vs tea, or crosswords vs sudoku that always seemed to end in someone giggling and someone else shushing and then a bedroom door shutting just as Keith cranked his stereo and found something else to think about. No more REAL-but-not-scary arguments about wedding planning and place settings and guest lists. No more threatening Keith with having to give a toast or throw a bachelor party. No more surreptitious thumbs up of encouragement when Iverson cracked down on him at school, or affectionate shoulder grabs when he blew up at fucking Griffon, or quiet hugs when everything seemed to pile onto him all at once and the world seemed huge and hostile.
All that stuff was in his past now, and it was best if he just… put it out of his mind and stayed busy. So, he set his backpack on a chair and started digging through the cupboards for something to put together for dinner. They were almost out of produce, and the pantry supplies were running a little low. There would need to be a grocery trip soon. He hated those, because Adam insisted on coming and when people saw Adam they stopped to offer condolences, to check up on them- which made him remember what it all meant, and sent Adam into a downward spiral again. He wished he could just take the list and do the shopping alone, it would be so much less painful.
Still, for today, there was enough to choose from that he could feed them. Beef, stir-fried with mushrooms, onions, garlic, peppers, and carrots. Soba noodles in some jarred ginger sauce he found way in the back of the cupboard. Tinned peaches for Adam, mandarin oranges in cherry jello for him. Nothing fancy, but hot, and kosher, and more or less healthy. All with enough left over for them to pack up lunches for the next day, too.
"You cooked?" Adam's voice was sleep rough, his glasses askew from having fallen asleep with them on.
"I mean, it's not restaurant quality, but it's edible," Keith answered, dishing up the food.
"You shouldn't have to do that, Keith," Adam sighed, "I'm the adult, here."
"You needed rest. I needed to keep busy. Win, win," he replied, setting one plate in front of Adam and gesturing for him to sit. "Besides, I'll be 18 soon enough, right?"
"Right," he flashed Keith a smile, weak but genuine. "Which reminds me, your worker should be dropping by soon, I got an e-mail the other day." He pulled out his phone, clearly intending to check, and Keith's heart sank.
"You should eat first," he prompted, "before it gets cold."
"This will only take a second- I don't want to forget about it. Just let me… Keith? Why do I have an e-mail from Iverson flagged urgent?"
"Ummm…" he fidgeted, "I mean, I'll tell you, but you're not gonna like it. So, maybe we should wait until after dinner?"
"Mmmhmm… that's not going to happen. You tell me now and I won't read the e-mail until after dinner. How's that sound? Orrrr, I'll read Iverson's version of events FIRST."
"Alright, fine," Keith grumbled sitting at the table across from Adam, "I'm suspended. For fighting. One week."
"Dammit, Keith! What happened?" Keith had thought Adam looked exhausted before, but he'd been wrong, because right before his eyes Adam sort of… withered… like the strength and energy had just been sucked right out of him.
"I don't even really know. We were in the simulators today, and I screwed up. I don't even know HOW, I've aced that particular simulation so many times, but today… I just couldn't get my head in the game. So, I was already in a shit mood, and then fucking Griffon…"
"Language," Adam chided, earning a scowl.
"FREAKING Griffon," Keith corrected, "started crowing about beating my score and got in my face and the next thing I know, we're being hauled off to the office."
Adam sighed, "alright, first things first. Are you hurt? Does your uniform need cleaning or repairs?"
"No, everything is fine. He bloodied my nose, but I bled on him, not myself. I have like, a bruise on one of my knuckles from when I socked him in the jaw, but that's about it."
"Let me see."
"Adam, it's nothing."
"Keith! Let me see your hand," he insisted. Reluctantly, Keith held out his hand. The bruise had spread, covering three of his knuckles now, but it was obviously a minor injury. "We'll put some witch hazel on it after we eat."
"That's it?" Keith asked, more than a little shocked.
"Do you think there is anything I can say to you about getting into fights at school that hasn't already been said?"
"No, probably not."
"Right, and I'm smart enough to know that if Takashi couldn't get through to you about this, I'm sure as hell not going to be able to. So. Suspended for one week. Consider yourself grounded for the same duration… and you will be completing all of the class work that you are missing here at home… AND writing an apology to James Griffon."
"What? But he's an ASS!"
"And YOU have to learn how to deal with assholes without resorting to violence, Keith! I know you are aware of the fact that there are assholes EVERYWHERE, but you are almost 18 and there are going to be very serious consequences for you if you can't get your temper under control. He was an ass, but YOU threw the first punch, so you apologize. Be glad I'm letting you write it instead of giving it face to face."
"I can't believe this," he muttered, pushing food around his plate.
"Listen, kid," Adam said, his voice soft, "I'll fight for you, you know I will… but I'm not Takashi Shirogane." He choked on a sob, but pushed through, "I'm not the darling of the Garrison, the star pilot poster child. My words and opinions don't have the same weight as his do… did… as his did. I can't protect you as well. I need you to work with me."
"Fine," Keith couldn't even look at him. He knew if he lifted his eyes for even a second, he'd see how broken Adam was, and he could not cope with that right now. So, he did the only thing he could, kept himself busy with eating and tried not to think about how things used to be.
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WIP tag meme
aaah, I was tagged over 2 months ago by @parkkate O.O sorry for not doing this sooner @parkkate​ XD I’ve been offline for a few months! Just now catching up on everything I missed! but I’m ignoring asks for now because my inbox is a mess
The Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
I’m gonna cheat and only do this for my drarry wips, since I post everything else on another account now, and tbh I have so many drarrys it’s still gonna be a long ass post XD
Oh man *sweats nervously* I’m a bit of a hoarder in all aspects of my life...I don’t even know where to begin! 
I’m not tagging anyone cos I was tagged 2 months ago and I have no idea who has and hasn’t done this and don’t want to be a pain. But if you wanna do it, go a head, and please tag me so I can be nosy and hopefully find someone with a wip problem as bad as my own so I can be less embarrassed XD
Also I’m putting this under a cut for reasons
1. 4th year au idea 
Sooooo, right off the bat, I often open a new file to jot down an idea even though I have docs specifically to dump ideas...and then at some point during the process of jotting down basic details of the idea...I start writing it....? This is one such occurrence...but I had to open it to check...and now I want to keep writing it XD
But also yikes it’s super dark
2. ... 4th year au idea
I swear, this is an entirely different wip and I am going ‘wtf’ at myself because wtf that’s confusing! I had also totally forgotten the existence of this before opening it....probably because of the name of it and the only reason I apparently have 2 files the exact same name is that one is a word doc and one is a libre office doc XD
3. drarry character death idea
Soooo, I need to stop turning idea files into wips without changing the names because I actually forget they are wips apparently
Also, I really want to finish this RIGHT NOW IT HURTS SO GOOD GIMME GIMME GIMME
4. Veela fic followup
LOL LOL LOL I’m rewriting my veela fic so I don’t know what the fuck I’m going to end up doing with this XD I might have to try and merge it with the re-write if the story has a similar outcome when I’m done. or maybe I’ll just turn this into its own thing....
5. Veela fic present tense
I really need to get back to working on this, this is actually the full re-write that re-doing the tenses spawned...I was binge writing this before my life went to hell but then my life went to hell and I went offline for like three months and didn’t do any writing or anything XD
although, the last time I looked at it I got the itch to change it back to past tense so who fucking knows what I’ll do with it now
6. Veela fic Draco pov
Curse my obsession with alternate povs of the same story and Draco for being such a good angsty pov
7. Veritaserum idea start
At least this one has ‘start’ in it so I know it is in fact a wip and not just an idea outline XD
7. Veritaserum
So, turns out I started that fic over in a new file and just left the old one lying around XD I do that too often. I should delete that other one...
Also...this better not turn into another ‘Amortentia’ with me unable to think of a fucking title and going with the file name because lame
This is also my first time trying to do god’s eye 3rd person instead of 3rd person pov...also first time trying to do this weird structure thing...I dunno but I like it XD
8.  CTS followup
9. CTS sequel
Two separate followups set at different times in the same story verse... I hate myself. I love them both. I can’t pick which one to stop writing so I’m gonna keep them both around and try and make them merge at some point...
10. MMB saying sorry
11. another erase the shame
12. next erase the shame
I work on followups and lose interest so often (usually because people bug me for followups and I get very ‘fuck you’ about it and stop writing them...but I keep them around and tinker with them every now and then soooo they’re still technically wips
13. Tea and Coffee oneshot series (Tea and Coffee, Coffee and Dark Marks, The Cottage Kitchen, next untitled one)
There’s also a present tense version of the first one of those *sweats nervously* first 3 are finished, of course, but my original purpose is lost to them becoming a long fic soo....gonna merge them into one long fic soon...once I decide what tense I like better......kill me now
14. Communion of the Soul (folder name)
This is the sequel to One Touch and this is spread across 5 files because apparently I did that and even though each time I got to work on it I have to figure out which file holds which part of the sequel timeline and which I feel like working on...I have yet to merge them into one file to make my life easier...
15. Crumbling Facade
ugh working on this always makes me want to re-write restraint and actually put in the major plot line, or what was supposed to be Harry’s major plot line before the relationship crap got away from me and I had to cut out all the plot stuff because by the time I got around to addressing it, it started reading like a completely different fic and I had to cut a huge chunk and end it instead, because back then I sucked more than I do now and couldn’t juggle
sooo...I still work on this in starts and stops and then get frustrated for having to stick to Restraint’s chain of events when I have better ideas now for working in Harry’s plot about his damn magic problem and ARRGEHGEHGFVEDHDBVUIOFNBFKDB EFBVJ
I should just let Crumbling Facade take me where it wants to take me and fuck Restraint
16. Potter’s Insatiable Heart
This is my longest wip at 130k XD and I’m stalling now because if I keep going with it where I was intending to go it will end up my longest fic and I’m getting intimidated by the length and how much work it will be to edit that long of a fic so I just go in and write a few paragraphs now and again, get scared of the length and move on to another wip XD
I also periodically binge read this bitch because I love it to death even though it’s severely flawed XD
17. Corset Drarry
oh boy, when I started writing this this I was weirded out by writing a kink I didn’t understand and kind of tailed off and left it...then I did kinktober for voltron and now I’m laughing at myself because corsets and lingerie is so fucking tame after that kinktober list and all the the crap I wrote for it XD
18. Music in the Periphery
Emily bugs me about finishing this a lot...I bug me about finishing it, progress is non-existent because I have a clear plan for it and when I have a clear plan I can’t write for shit
19. Saying Sorry (Round 2) (MMB)
I gotta kick that habit of starting over with something but keeping the first attempt and still working on it parallel to the second attempt, because then I wind up with 2 fics too similar to each other to post both and I’m completely unable to pick which one I like more *facepalm*
Also, MMB is dead if I can’t stop turning the next fic attempts into angst, I just look at that big fluffy mess and want to angst it all up
20. scrapped MMB ficlets - theo’s letter
not technically drarry thought the greater series is drarry...torn between making it mmb or making it its own fic for a rare pair
21. Weather the Storm
*cries* my 6th year war au, I have such plans for this, but the plans get in the way of writing =(
22. Soulmate AU (folder name)
fucking hell, this is 10+ files and I’m not naming all of them, current count is 5 completed versions 60k+ each, 1 incomplete alternate version, all of which I’m seriously unsatisfied with, none of which I can bear to delete, all of which I periodically go and tinker with, thus leaving them all wips i’m such a fucking hoarder but also I have never gotten over all the awful comments that were on the original soulmate fic on ffnet before my purge and now I can’t ever be satisfied unless it is perfect and wont result in such horrible comments again
23. Turnabout (folder name)
Once again, multiple wips in here of the same 60k finished fic I’ve been unhappy with since the moment I finished it and keep trying to fix by starting over and changing things here and there to change the course of the story. Honestly ready to hit the delete button with this one unless my latest attempt pans out, liking it so far buuuut I’m a mess about my writing so who knows
In the Ways that Matter was based off this fic XD
24. Dependency 
Oh boy, I abandoned this cos it was so dark I got too uncomfortable writing it...I’ve since started revisiting it after being in the Voltron fandom gave me a new tolerance range for dark content XD
Plan on posting this on anon if I ever finish it, obviously changing the title XD it stopped being relevant after the first 30k anyway 
25. Dependency V2
LOL light version of the above that removes most of the dark aspects while maintaining the core plot, but I’m finding it a bit dull XD not sure how long I’ll keep trying to chug along with it
26. *censored title*
hahahaha omg why is this in a different subfolder, this is actually one of the soulmate au ones only it’s actually a spin off au of the original soulmate one I from ffnet and therefore it’s new ground and I’m less unhappy with it
.....I’m probably going to stop working on turnabout today and work on this instead now
(censoring the name because I might post this on anon because I’m too scared to post another drarry soulmate fic under my own name)
27. Retrospection
Sooo, I’m always on and off this fic cos it triggers my anxiety and depression, but fuck that I want to write it so I keep trying XD
I’m also thinking of splitting the two main plots and only going with 1 and using the other to write another story....see if that eases how difficult it is for me to write without self triggering
28. Sequel to mornings
29. Sunrise (loose prequel to mornings)
30. Surrender
but also I really really really love what I wrote so far and now I’m itching to write more *cries* making this list is leaving me with so many open files to work on
31. day 2 ass worship
32. day 3 sensory deprivation
*laughs nervously* the kinktober oneshots that starting turning into a long fic hahahaha cos I really needed more wips
33. Perception of Angels
*wistful sigh* one day I will be able to finish a heavily plot driven story full of fantasy elements and creatures and magic I made up, and when that day somes, Perception of Angels....or that timetravel war au drarry fic idea I have sitting around.....which isn’t on this list only cos I’m not stupid enough to start writing it
So that’s all the drarry files in my wip folder.... I also have heaps more for other ships and fandoms, but I’m keeping that separate =)
And...now I have some writing to go do, cos after 2 months of being unable to write thanks to the bullshit in my life, I started binge writing again 2 days ago =) and opening a few of these to remind myself what they were has a lit a fire under my ass
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soccialcreature · 6 years
So I’ve never watched voltron, but I want to know what happened to upset so many of you
The new season was just like...... all around bad.
Like every possible thing that they cudve messed up they did.
1) One of the big things is how proud they were for announcing that Shiro is gay for LGBT rep only to never actually address it in the show? I mean there was one flashback with his boyfriend but if I didn’t already know they were dating I don’t think I would’ve caught that. Oh and then they kill his boyfriend in the most useless and unnecessary way before they even get to see each other again. So basically, queerbaiting to the max
2) Literally they just introduced these side characters and all of them got more development and screen time than the main characters. It really felt like everyone was sidelined this season.
3) Everyone was soooo out of character it actually hurt. Mostly Keith, who was one of my favs before this season. He’s had all these arcs and all this development and I guess it just leads up to him being an asshole? Like more of an asshole than he started out as. And they gave him a female love interest out of nowhere, and you know how much we love that. Esp since he’s so ovbs a gay coded character. Also he looks rly ugly
4) Kind of staying on the OOC topic, Lance’s character arc this whole series has basically been being about how he always comes up second and feels like he is just a filler for someone else (mostly Keith), or just feeling like he doesn’t bring anything to the team. And a little background here: Lance’s crush Allura kissed this guy Lotor but then they broke up. I mean other stuff happened... robots... fighting... but thats the gist of it. And Allura knew Lance liked her before she went off and kissed Lotor. So know that Lotor is gone, she suddenly is in love with Lance and it just came completely out of no where. This is literally the worst way to go for both of their characters. Lance being a second choice, and Allura being pushed into the ‘girl that is only there to be a love interest’ narrative.
5) Just the overall feel now that they’re back on Earth. They kind of turned it into a dystopian world that reminds me of literally every other YA dystopian movie that we def hav enough of these days. I just couldn’t get into it or get excited about things. Maybe it has to do with the castle being gone, which is where the entire series has been set up until now. Think Central Perk in F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
6) Just... the whole queerbaiting thing. Again. Now it’s not all about ships, but the big big ship in this fandom is Keith and Lance, who it’s starting to look like both end up with girls. That would not be considered queerbaiting if they hadnt:
Taged trailers and other official videos as #klance
Been super vague about the LGBT rep
Compared other canon ships to Klance
Called their relationship turning romantic “Natural progression”
Always using gender neutral pronouns for Lance’s romantic endgame
Saying Lance and Keith are compatible in every way except for their names
Having Lance hold up a sign that says LGBT in this one drawing
Saying “don’t worry, you’ll be happy” when asked about LGBT rep
Why the hell would anyone think we would be happy about this? Do you think it was because they killed one of the gay characters? Or do you think it was because they’ve been torturing the other one for 7 seasons? Or maybe it was just because they didn’t actually acknowledge that either of them were gay in the actual show? 
And literally just dropping every bit of development their relationship had (which was, a lot) in the previous 6 seasons for literally no reason.
There are just so many better things they could have done. They’ve built this awesome world, and fanon vld is literally the best show ever, but I guess we weren’t seeing it for what it actually was. Which is basically every other stupid show on the planet.
The worst part is that the showrunners take zero criticism. Like they cant even acknowledge that they did anything wrong. For 2 years they’ve been saying “be patient, I promise we have a plan”. Like what the hell is your plan gonna be when all your fans just stop watching the show because it sucks ass? The fandom has held out hope for this show for way too long with no payoff. And people are finally starting to realize that.
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omggiogiothings · 6 years
Newborn & Disneyland
Here’s the Disneyland Au with word building I shouldn’t be putting into a drabble series but WhaTEVER.
Here’s the other drabble where baby Fumiko is older LINK
Here’s the link to ao3!
“Lance, I dunno.” Keith dried off his hands, coming into the living room to fix his friend with a harsh stare. Fumiko was curled up in Lance’s arms, reaching out with her chubby hands to occasionally bat at his face. He only replied by playing with her fingers and cooing at her.
Lance jostled her with a grin as Keith joined him. He had washed out a few bottles that were piling up and while Shiro was at work, dealing with some Galaxy Garrison stuff, Lance came to keep him company. Shiro was somehow making it work for them by taking up Keith’s shifts if he could. Keith was on paternity leave, recovering from birth and taking care of their newborn.
“Come on! We have to check out Disney, I’m surprised we haven’t! Plus, it’s a thing parents do to their kids!” Lance held Fumi in the crook of his arm, cooing at her, “Yes we do, yes.”
“What? Take her to Disney? She won’t remember it.” Keith smiled as Fumi wiggled and managed to jab Lance in the eye when he wandered too close. Lance took it in stride, merely wincing and embracing his fate.
“That’s the point! So when she’s older and complains you never took her. Blam! Slam those pictures down!”
Keith shook his head, “I don’t think this would be a problem, like. Ever. Especially with us.”
“Keith,” He drawled out. “Have you ever been to Disney?”
Keith snapped his mouth shut, annoyed instantly.
Lance grinned, “Good. We can take you both for your first trip to Disney then!”
“It’s expensive.” Keith complained. “I’m out of work, until my leave is completely done with.”
“Keith, have you been without Fumi ever since you had her?” Lance asked, giving him a side look that meant he was about to open a problem and tell Keith how it was. Keith hated it.
He crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. His one-month leave had just finished and Shiro had pushed it for another two weeks just because they needed to find a sitter. But Keith was unsure how he could leave Fumiko with someone he didn’t trust. Fumiko was his baby, just seeing her unhappy made him upset.
“Look, I don’t wanna pry in your business, but you have to remember you got your life to live too. And I told you, if you ever need a sitter I could ask my mom, maybe even my sisters.”
Keith pursed his lips, watching Fumiko stare around at them, snuggling back near Lance. “I know, but. Ughhh.”
He held his arms out and Lance sighed, handing over his bundle of joy. The first time Shiro had to go into work after they brought Fumiko home was a wreck. Shiro cried, Fumiko cried, Keith cried. Everyone was crying.
He cradled her close, smiling at her hazel eyes as she stared around at him. She sucked on her pacifier, almost completely oblivious. She was perfect. “I don’t think I’m ready.” He mumbled.
“You can't take her to work strapped to your chest.” Lance pointed out casually. “Look, I get why you’re hesitant about dropping her off at daycares. She has glowy eyes. My family can keep it under wraps, just gotta make out the longer drive. Let us help out with the baby and get this alliance with the universe on the road.”
Keith sighed, nestling his baby close as she closed her eyes. The glowing eyes had come as a surprise. She looked human enough but there were small things here and there that gave away to her Galra heritage (Shiro had kissed his shoulder when they noticed, whispering “Well, at least we know it skips a generation.”). Keith didn’t even have himself to base it on. All records of him as a baby didn’t even exist. By all research and studies into biology, Keith shouldn’t exist, Fumiko should exist even less but here she was, in his arms.
The thought of someone noticing her alien differences made them especially cautious. The last thing they needed to do was tell the U.N that Keith had parentage from aliens.
Keith had met Lance’s mother. The woman had demanded to meet them once Lance got in contact with them when they first arrived. She had hugged them all and invited them to thanksgiving and Christmas every year. She had also knitted beanies and dresses and a bundle of store bought clothes for Fumiko too. When Keith first announced his pregnancy, Lance had passed on the news and apparently his mother had screamed.
Lance’s family would take care of Fumiko. He had no doubt about it. But his nervousness of releasing his baby to other people still struck him. He was sure there was a handbook that said what he was feeling was normal for an Omega but he wanted to shove that book up some pretentious person’s ass (All the baby books were about the joys of reproduction and the happiness of being an Omega. The only good part of it was letting him know what was gonna happen and if it was good or bad depending on how sugar coated the words were).
“I’ll think about it.” He decided, and Lance figured that was as far as he was going to push today so he got up and picked up some stuff on the coffee table.
“Good, now about Disneyland.”
By the time Fumiko was two months Keith and Shiro had a long discussion on taking her to Lance’s mothers place.
Keith couldn’t push leave longer, so he embraced the fact he’d have to return and let someone watch his baby.
He also spent hours on the phone with Laura (Lance’s mother) who reassured him constantly on the wellbeing of his child. She also confirmed his weird instincts and his disgruntled voice made her laugh. She let him ask question over question and didn’t care when they were about how she’d take care of Fumiko.
Lance had given him a knowing grin afterwards and Keith tossed a bottle at his stupid face.
Getting back into the swing of work was hard too. He was mostly Shiro’s second hand, overseeing decisions and adding input when he could (Lance had filled in his role well when he was on leave, but Lance had his own sector on earth overseeing a completely different mission, allowing the immigration of alien life on earth). But Shiro was the driving force in getting some sort of treaty with laws in policies in trading between earth and other galaxies. Keith quickly took place in paperwork and getting things clear between parties. He was also the scary face that could get politicians sweating with a single look. They had been hailed as heroes for saving the earth (that battle had been broadcasted worldwide with their identities kept a secret). But now that they were here, they worked to advocate on helping Earth progress. The United Nation hated them but only because they learned how to work the system in their favor after doing so for thousands of different planets. Allura was also a major force around the world and the galaxy. They all were working hard to get her on earth. She deserved to have a family with Lance. She deserved to meet the McClain family.
It was worse staying still when he knew his baby was somewhere without him. But it got easier as she got older and he got used to Laura taking care of her.
He watched her reach milestone after milestone and his phone filled up with photos of her that he shared with the others when he could. Allura seemed to love the ones he took with her wearing lion and Voltron related pun shirts (I’m not lion, I'm the mane attraction). Coran was delighted in the ones where she wore tiny costumes. His typing was outrageous, but they appreciated it.
Disneyland came back when she was five months, bigger and starting to make more noise. Lance brought it up, roping Hunk and Pidge into it, and then Shiro betrayed him the moment he learned Keith had never gone.
“It’s fun.” Shiro tried, smiling despite the glare on Keith’s face. “Everyone’s gone to Disney, at least once. I promise it will be totally worth it.”
It took a few months before Keith caved.
Lance bought Fumiko a princess dress (there was a lot of fighting on who it would be and Keith was ready to call it off before everyone called a truce) with matching earrings and pacifier. Keith had taken bibs because he knew with the way she drooled when she was teething it would ruin the dress in an instant.
He spent days deciding what to take and even longer finally realizing he was going. The night before Shiro had taken apart the diaper bag when they couldn’t find Fumi’s favorite teething ring before realizing it had been thrown into the corner of her crib.
“We’re a little bad at this.” Shiro admitted, the next morning with Fumiko strapped to his chest with a baby carrier. Keith fastened the buckles, throwing a blanket over the slumbering baby and making sure Shiro was set. He paused, seeing the look on Shiro’s face.
“Shiro, weren’t you the one who told me no one was perfect with parenting?”
Shiro frowned, looking down at Keith. “Yeah. Guess I did. I’m just a little worried I guess. Which is a little dumb after the mess we went through getting you to go.”
Keith gently patted his cheek, curling his hand when Shiro leaned into it with a sigh. “We can always back out. We’re new to this. But I think she’s perfect and she has a bunch of uncles and one tiny aunt looking after her. Not to mention her fathers.”
Shiro opened his eyes, smiling and kissing the palm of Keith’s hand. “Of course she’s perfect. She’s your daughter.”
Keith rolled his eyes darting up to kiss him gently. “So, what’s the call?”
Shiro hummed, licking his lips. “Let’s go.”
“Good. Now let me take the carrier off you and we can get all this stuff in the car.”
“I can’t believe we decided to check if it fit the day we were going.”
“Didn’t we just say we weren't perfect? That isn't changing anytime soon.”
Shiro laughed.
They picked up Pidge and Hunk with Lance meeting them there with the tickets. Lance was trying to win over Fumiko for favorite uncle (a spot Hunk and he were fighting each other for) and wanted to make sure everything was set for her.
Shiro drove, sticking his tongue out at Keith in the rearview mirror when Keith caught his eye. Leaning over the car seat to feed Fumiko, he grinned and flipped him off, making Shiro bark out a laugh.
Arriving in the parking lot they took their time getting everything out. Pidge took first baby carrying watch as Keith fitted the carrier to her smaller form. Fumiko chewed on Pidge’s shirt without rest, pretty grey eyes staring at the freckles on Pidge’s chest (the color had darkened, quickly changing to match Shiro’s eyes). They saddled themselves with their packs stuffed into Fumiko’s stroller and got ready to meet with Lance.
It was packed, as they all had expected, and it was surreal to think they were galactic warriors going to Disneyland of all places. There was no threat of the world on the balance. Only an eight-month-old baby covered in spit.
Lance greeted them, giving them all tickets and leaning around Shiro with a wide grin as he mapped out their trip. Keith would begrudgingly give spot of favorite uncle to Lance if it didn’t mean Hunk would cut them off of his famous cookie supply (a god send when Keith was pregnant).
Keith had to admit, as the day went on that Disney was great. It was flamboyant and over the top. Everything was decorated the best it could have been. They took cheesy pictures in front of the castle and rode basic rides that Fumiko was able to go on. Keith stayed out with the baby when they went on rides not meant for her. Mainly because Fumiko was anxious at first, being around people she couldn’t recognize by smell. Having her close to his heartbeat made her relax. Eventually he was able to put her in the stroller where she played with her toys and made noises at everybody that passed.
She was adorable. She was really the best of them both.
“Wanna go on space mountain?” Lance asked them, kneeled in front of Fumiko’s stroller and playing with her as Shiro and Keith looked over a map together.
Keith hummed, frowning at the ride on the corner of the map. “Who will sit out with Fumiko?”
“Actually.” Lance grinned. “I was thinking we can take her to the nemo ride and you two can try out space mountain?”
Both turned to him insanely fast.
Lance held out his hands in a surrender fashion. He held it for a second before Fumi’s outraged cry for the toy wrapped on one of his fingers made him put them back into her reach. “Hear me out. You two haven’t gone a ride together yet without her. She will be fine. You have all three of us watching her.”
Keith frowned, already feeling nervous but knowing it would be nice to have just Shiro to himself. He shared a look with Shiro who was frowning, considering. Shiro gave a small shrug, “It would be nice for a bit. But promise you’ll only take her to Nemo and you won’t let her out of your sight.”
Shiro’s commanding voice made them all straighten up. If anything happened to her there was no doubt in all their minds they’d have to face Shiro’s wrath.
Keith, glaring from behind him reminded them they’d have hell to pay from him too.
“Got it. I promise.”
With that settled they headed their separate ways with Keith kissing Fumiko goodbye.
In line together, Keith took the chance to appreciate his husband and mate. Shiro was wearing a jacket over a tank top (that had a mickey face on it, a gift from Pidge that said I’m his) and a pair of mickey mouse sunglasses pushed up his forehead, white bangs peeled away from his face. He was handsome and Keith wasn’t the only one appreciating the view if the shy looks he saw from teenage and older women and men.
Keith grinned, linking their hands together. Shiro had the idea to throw on some gloves, only to hide the prosthetic (was it cheating if the material his arm was made out of technically not metal? He didn’t get signaled out by the metal detector and it was a weapon technically made by the Alteans. Not that anyone knew that last part). But still looked endearing.
Shiro’s slim figure did make him just a bit jealous. They had been a fit couple for a very long time, but Keith was still carrying some baby weight from Fumiko. It wasn’t as easy to shed but Shiro had never made him feel like it mattered. Only Keith thought it was gross when he saw the stretch marks and thought of what his body used to be. But then, thinking about Fumiko and the absolute elation they both had when she had come into the world made it worth it. He could lose the weight, but Fumiko wasn’t something he would ever think about losing.
They chatted about easy things. They made fun of the ducks fighting around them and then talked about the day itself. The line was taking forever but Keith enjoyed being tucked under Shiro’s arm, flicking through his phone to pull up images from the day and decide which ones to send Coran and Allura.
Shiro sighed, squeezing Keith close. “Sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve all this.”
Keith looked up at him, finger stilling over the screen. “What do you mean?”
Shiro smiled softly as he looked at the flashing lights of the ride. “You. I feel like I don’t deserve you or what you’ve given to me. Fumiko and you are the center of my world. And family outings like this is something I had never considered. I guess I’m kind of sappy right now.”
Keith gently nudged him. “You deserve it. Sometimes… I feel like I don’t deserve you.” He grinned at the look Shiro shot him. “Can’t blame me. Having a family seemed like such an insane possibility. I’m really glad I got to share one with you.”
Shiro held his gaze before they leaned in for a kiss, a soft brush of lips that still melted Keith’s heart every time.
“God, Fumiko is gonna hate us when she gets older. Having two saps for dads.”
Keith laughed, gently shoving Shiro back.
Lance was going to die.
Not a good death either. Maybe Shiro will spare him and make it quick.
Hunk and Pidge had left for a second and Lance had parked the stroller to give Fumiko some juice but the bottle had slipped, rolling down the pathway. He quickly moved to grab it, glancing back to the stroller and then grabbing it. He was momentarily hit by a crowd but found the stroller and leaned over to give Fumiko her drink only to freeze.
Blue eyes stared back at him. He gazed at the baby in the stroller, older then Fumiko and not Fumiko.
“Oh my god.” He whispered, pulling back and looking around. The other strollers were empty and none the same brand as the one he was holding and the one that had his darling niece in it.
Oh my god, Shiro was going to kill him.
He looked back at the baby and realized he wasn’t the only one who fucked up.
But also, who the fuck would take the wrong stroller?!
“Hey man, do you wanna wait by the-what’s wrong?” Hunk held a water bottle only stopping when Lance didn’t look up.
“I’m gonna die.”
Pidge popped up and looked down before freezing too. “Who is that?”
“I don’t know! I dropped the bottle and went to grab it really quick! I came back, and this kid is here!”
“What do you mean?!” She shrieked. She quickly scaled Hunk, making him yelp but Hunk didn’t care, only holstering her up on his shoulders for her to look. “Someone just came in and stole her?”
“Yes! Who the fuck does that?!”
He ignored the dirty looks parents shot him. It’s their fault, they just let some random ass family take his niece!
“Oh my god, Shiro is going to kill us.” Hunk whispered and they both swallowed. Shiro was terrifying, they knew from experience.
Pidge scowled, ripping open her purse and pulling out a pair of binoculars she had stolen from Coran ages ago. She looked around, scanning the crowd and then gasping. “I’m so stupid! This thing is a Galra scanner!”
They had never in their lives been so happy that Fumiko had that strand of DNA in her.
She clicked and looked around, before freezing and screeching. “THEY’RE HEADED FOR THE STAR WARS RIDE! GO, GO, GO!”
Hunk ran in an instant, holding onto Pidge. Lance grabbed their bags and put them onto the stroller and took the little boy with him. This kid was in for a ride because Lance was booking it.
Thinking back on it, jumping the mother holding Fumiko’s stroller wasn’t Pidge’s greatest idea but Lance had followed her lead and taken down the other adult with her. Hunk had screeched and tried to separate them while stopping to smile at Fumiko and the other kid in the stroller to keep them calm.
They were making a scene and the possibility of being escorted out by security was becoming very probable.
Until Keith said, “What the hell is going on?”
Lance and Pidge froze, Hunk almost sobbing while the other mother stretched out his shirt collar.
Shiro and Keith stared at them, holding hands and confused.
“She took Fumiko!” Hunk screamed, always the first to cave under pressure.
“Who are you?! You jumped on me!”
“Nice try lady! I left to pick up a bottle and you snatched her up!” Lance looked like he was going to bite her again and she growled.
But then she saw the stroller to the side with her son in it and paled. “Oh my god we took the wrong stroller.”
Shiro and Keith stared for the longest moment before Keith let go of Shiro and ripped everyone apart.
“Get the bags Lance.”
Lance did as told, making no quips even as the lady went to fuss with her son. “There was no reason to jump on me.”
Keith cut her off quickly. “If you were better at looking at who was in the stroller, we wouldn’t be in this mess. So buzz off before I kick your ass. I don’t care if I’m kicked out of disney or not.”
She hightailed it out there at the sight of his glare.
Keith sighed, undoing Fumiko from her stroller and glaring at the three guilty ex-paladins. “Not a word.”
Keith and Shiro ripped into them the moment they all had their ice cream cups and Fumiko was being fed by Shiro. Keith held her close, refusing to let go of her. Shiro refused to let either of them wander too far.
Getting scolded by Shiro was one thing. When Keith did it, it was like disappointing two parents.
“I’m sorry.” Lance admitted, not even budging on starting his ice cream like Pidge and Hunk. “I promised you we’d look after her and fucked up. I swear it was just a second. I didn’t think it would be long enough to lose her. If anything had happened to her. I would have never forgiven myself. I’m so sorry.”
Keith stared at Lance for a long moment and sighed. He knew the others cared about Funiko deeply. They had all loved her when she hadn’t been born yet just because she was Keith and Shiro’s baby. Lance had slaved for their tickets and had been the best friend Keith could have asked for. Lance was a dick, there was no doubt about that and it may have taken years, but Keith wasn’t scared to tear him down when he was being a jerk to him. And Lance learned from his mistakes. He knows when he fucks up and he knows when to make it better. When Keith finally told him off when they were younger, Lance didn’t make an excuse. He understood, and he made amends.
That’s why Keith knows Lance would have done everything he could if something serious had happened to Fumiko.
Well, biting on the ankle of an innocent civilian was endearing when you think about it.
Shiro looked like he was still stewing over it, but Keith knew it was just the fear that she could have been lost and they weren’t even there to stop it.
He leaned and took Shiro’s hand, making him look up. Shiro sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I know. I know you this was an accident. I am still really disappointed, but I’m also scared. I trust you guys with my family because you are my family. But Fumiko’s safety is always my top priority. You guys have to understand nothing matters more.”
“We know.” Pidge whispered, looking up with shinning eyes. “We know that because she’s our priority too. We love her, Shiro. We’d fight another war for her. We’d never do this intentionally.”
Shiro softened, looking aytall of them hunched over like sad puppies. He caved and shared a look with Keith.
Keith took a second and instantly knew what to do.
“Here’s how you guys can make it up to us.”
They went home with a stuffed Stitch nearly 3 times Fumiko’s size.
Pidge, Hunk’s and Lance’s wallet would bleed for the next month.
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Can you??? Answer??? All the Soft Asks??????
This is gonna take a while ;;;;;
🌸Blankets: Have you been in love?
🌸Stuffies: How did you meet your best friend?
I have 3 of them??
My oldest friendship dates back to Kindergarten. His name is Joshua, he gave me a flower, and told me I was pretty. I still talk to and hang out with him. I tease him a lot because I’m older than him by 7 months but he’s like;;; 6’ tall? I love him with all my heart though. We’ve been through a lot of shit together.
My current IRL best friend I met my freshman year; her sophomore year of high school. We actually only passed by eachother during passing period, but we both had the same nerdy Doctor Who bag. I had said I like her backpack and she was about to say thanks, but she burst into laughter after she saw we had the same bag. A few weeks later we were both cast in our school’s first musical of the year and she hasn’t been able to get rid of me since. We’ve gone through almost too much together if I’m being honest…
My BEST FRIEND BEST FRIEND is @thighkyuu We met on here over a year ago after one of us was having a bad night; I can’t remember which, but we must have talked til like 4 AM. We bonded over Mysme, anime, music, our philosophies about life, our depression and anxiety ((fucked up as that may sound it’s true)), just all kinds of things. We’ve both been through our separate traumas over the course of that year, but we were there for eachother. She’s been my only constant over this year and I would do anything for her.
🌸Fluffy Pillows: What happened in your most recent dream?
Jesus, here comes my voltron obsessed ass.
Okay. So. Everyone knows that I love Keith, I’d do anything for him, so naturally we’re partners. “There is no way you two aren’t twins.” If I remember, I think Lance said that.
Anyway, in the dream, this was before they left Earth. Keith and I were in the shack going over our cork board filled with papers/files stolen from the Garrison, photographs of the strange markings on the cave wall, the rock formations in the desert, and all of this string; we’re covering the board trying to figure out what the hell pulled us out in the middle of the desert. All the sudden there was a flash of light and a huge BOOM. Naturally we both ran outside and saw an alien space craft entering the atmosphere. My first thought of course “I’m taking my hoverbike and explosives from the back.” “I’m taking mine to see what the fuck is in that ship.”
I set off the explosives and get the fuck out of there. It all goes as canon but I’m riding next to Keith on my hoverbike while he has 4 other people on his bike. Im dying from laughter and Keith just looks pissed but then we get to the cliff and we’re both ecstatic about it while 3 of the 5 on his bike scream in terror. The rest goes as canon but I’m tagging along and adding in my 2 cents in every now and again.
When we go to look for Red, Keith can’t get a clear feel for him. Keith knows the general area he’s going to be in but can not figure out which hangar Red is in. Suddenly theres like this ping in my head and I grab his upper arm and start pulling him to the hangar Red is in. We’re both relieved as fuck and Keith goes up to him and asks for entry and Red denies, I look over and see all the soldiers running toward us and start backing the fuck up. “RED OPEN THE FUCK UP!” still no entry, Keith opens the hangar door sucking everything out into space. We’re both freaking the fuck out cause what the hell do we do?! Red comes in. Keith is in the pilot’s seat; I’m standing next to him cause what else am I supposed to do??
Then I woke up.
🌸Scented Candles: How do you relax?
I watch voltron. Sketch Keith. Listen to music. Go on tumblr. You know anti-social fun stuff.
🌸Gem Stones: What’s your birthstone/favourite stone?
My birthstone is Garnet. It is also my favourite stone.
🌸Pyjamas: Describe your favourite pyjamas!
I dont wear pyjamas… I’m usually fully dressed or completely naked when I go to bed.
🌸Fuzzy Socks: What’s your favourite movie?
V for Vendetta. No competition.
🌸Kittens & Puppies: Name of your pet or your ideal pet?
Zarina Karina McBeana The Third. My bichon. She’s turning 11 this year *sniffles* they grow up so fast.
🌸Laughter: What’s the funniest joke you’ve heard?
My ex-boyfriend saying he’s sorry for everything he’s done to me and then asking for me back. I was clutching my fucking sides I was laughing so hard.
🌸Mittens: Do you like the snow?
🌸Hot Coco: What’s your favourite Starbucks drink?
Chai anything. I’m easy to please.
🌸Soft Kisses: Describe your OTP
We been makin shades of purple out of Red and Blue.
🌸Rainy Days: What do you do on a rainy day?
Sleep. Go on tumblr. Sleep more.
🌸Flower Petals: What’s your favourite flower?
Orchids because I too die if not given the proper attention.
🌸Cotton Candy: What’s your favourite candy?
Albanese Gummi Bears. It has to be Albanese or I will not eat them.
🌸Bubble Baths: Your favourite memory?
Turning around and seeing Sam’s face for the first time IRL at Kamicon a couple weeks ago.
🌸Wooly Scarfs: What song do you think relates the most to you?
Sick of losing soulmates by Dodie Clark. There are many kinds of soulmates. Friend soulmates, romatic soulmates, mentoring soulmates. And I’ve lost too many soulmates in my short life. I dont think I can handle losing any more…
🌸Roasted Marshmallows: Your camping with friends! Describe the forest you’re pitching your tent in.
We found a clearing in the thick of green woods next to a stream. The friendly scent of pine needles reminds me of home. Joshua is pitching tents. Mary Grace is chatting away with Abby and Tina about the mountain we’ve just climbed down. Sam and I find ourselves in the middle of the forest enjoying the smell of the dew drops in the grass as we collect kindle wood. Cosmo is tuning her ukulele when we finish the fire and set up camp. The evening begins creeping in as the sun starts to fade from view. We all stay in a comfortable silence as we look up at the stars and swirling nebula; listen to the sound of the gentle breeze and Cosmo lazily strumming “I can’t help falling in love with you” by Elvis Presley. The air is chilled but everything feels warm.
🌸Bird Songs: Name 5 things you love
Keith Kogane, friends/family, music, theater, sharp objects.
🌸Old Books: Do you read? If so, what’s your favourite book series?
I do read. My favourite book series continues to be the hunger games. My favourite solo book is The fault in our stars.
🌸Warm Hugs: Who would you love a hug from right now?
My choreographer Kristina Lewis… She took her own life 2 years ago… I’d do anything to bring her back and tell her how much I love her…
🌸Clouds: What’s the best shaped cloud you’ve seen?
It was the shape of a hippo! I was so excited.
🌸Fae: Describe yourself as a fairy
Little shit. Sets things on fire all the time. Makes people’s lives a living hell. Wears red and black clothes only. Definitely one of those fairys that have dragon kind of wings.
🌸Holding Hands: What was the name of your first love?
🌸Cupcakes: Favourite cupcake flavour?
Vanilla bean. I’m a very plan person.
🌸Tealights: Describe a romantic date perfect for you
At home, Pizza and candy boxes everywhere, blanket pile, lights off, movie marathon, cuddling, forehead kisses, raspberries being blown into the neck and cheek, smiles, giggling, flustered faces.
🌸Gardens: What’s the sweetest gift you’ve received
My tech teacher bought me these beautiful detail brushes ((for those of you who dont know I was head painter at my old school)). They’re my most treasured possessions.
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