#strictly hypothetical
enchantedbarnes · 1 year
Hypothetical Uncle Buck Fic Question:
Let's say I was to make another Uncle Buck blurb...
For Benji's mom is it annoying to just keep calling her "your sister" over and over again or do we like that it's along the same ambiguous insert lines like "y/n"?
Assign her a name
Continue with "your sister"
This is all hypothetical of course 👀
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
do you think that somewhere, deep deep down inside heather, shes kinda into p!noah? (apologies, i’ve just seen the alejandro connection with p!noah and i was trying to stuff alenoaheather in with it)
anyway, ur b pfp messed me up when i was looking for u through who i follow and i was kinda just chanting ophe until i found it TT-TT
I think, deep deep down inside, Heather has a lot of introspective re-evaluation to do before she can even consider admitting to herself that she likes someone. And she's iconic for that. That doesn't stop her from forming crushes on people, mind you.
As for liking p!Noah? Well, (as a Noaheather Enjoyer myself) a lot of Heather's potential romance partners, in my mind at least, stem from the connections she can/does make with them. She's slow to open herself up to people, and really prickly, so for her to have positive feelings for someone else is a novelty. (*cough*gray-aro Heather real*cough*)
If Heather was able to foster some sort of rapport between herself and p!Noah, let's say by offering him something akin to an alliance (since it's only strategic to have a wildcard like Noah's turned out to be on her side- keep your enemies close and all), and see behind the many layers of crazy and deceit? She'd probably have a sense of begrudging respect for him, at least. It takes smarts and dedication to keep up a ruse like his for so long- Heather herself couldn't keep up the "nice girl" act for more than a few episodes- and she knows that Noah's deceptively smart.
Maybe that begrudging respect could blossom into more? Who's to say.
Maybe p!Noah also respects Heather's ruthlessness and cunning, since she was able to scheme and sabotage her way into the final three on Island. She's interesting, and Noah appreciates people who are interesting.
The main drawback of liking someone as eccentric as p!Noah is, as we saw with Izzy and Owen in canon, Heather would need to be able to keep up with him.
Obviously, Noah's not nearly as hyper and fickle as Izzy is, but he's just as impulsive and detached from reality. Heather can appreciate his cleverness and craftiness all she wants- if she can't deal with his callous madness, she'd have very little luck in trying to romance him.
The B pfp was an impulsive choice on my part but I'm not sorry for it because B deserves more recognition for literally carrying his whole team for the first few episodes. I do apologise for any confusion though!
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I’m just saying that I firmly believe it would be a tight race between Travis and Marisha if they ever did an Um, Actually style Exandria trivia game with the main players of Critical Role (Matt excluded of course, for the purposes of this).
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haven-gum-rockrose · 22 days
I think I would like to have Euthanasia by Will Wood playing when I kill myself
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shiawasekai · 3 months
Last night I spent a lot of time thinking about it...
About Nela's guilt issues with both her yearning for the past and the life she is building.
Because, by the time the game is over? There is a part of her that would drop everything in a second just for a chance to return to her life pre-game. She has built great things, cared for many people, even found love... And yet the pain and the grief and the love for her family is so strong a part of her would give everything up just to have her old life back.
Honestly? The only reason she wouldn't actually do it (in the hypothetical of being given the chance) is because she would be unable to go through with it and hurt everyone, but if the situation were reversed... If she were asked, as a still teenager in Carpenden, if she was willing to go through it all? The answer would be, at that point: no. Never. It isn't worth everything she would lose. No matter how much she loves the people in that potential life. There would be a lot less hesitation.
She cares and loves deeply, that's not a lie, but it's still very much second to how she feels about her family. She knows those thoughts are unfair to everyone, and she feels terribly guilty. So, much like all other things related in some shape or form to her past, she hides that ugliness from everyone, even the man she's freaking marrying.
If ever asked about it, once the people around her start to know about her situation, she'll just say half-truths. "I may miss my old life, but I wouldn't leave you" Not a lie, not the truth either.
Over the last few years, she has gotten good at faking. She can keep the lie going. She can protect them from the ugly full truth. Fake it until you make it, until it gets better (grief doesn't work like that).
Do I think Daeran would realize this? Up to a point, yes. Which is why I kinda see him having a lot of mixed feelings about Samel, when he reappears, at first? Because it's good she is meeting again with what little remains of her family, but Samel is also someone with the power to take her away if he so wanted. The poor old man is just glad his sister is alive and only wants to be a part of her life, but there is no way to know that when they first meet.
And this is putting aside that Daeran must be absolutely hurt by the secret keeping. Even more so when the depth of it starts to become apparent.
Healing and building a happy life are the way out of this particular hole, but that's going to take a long time and patience from everyone around her.
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hajihiko · 1 year
I don't know if I'm really poly or if I just don't get. jealous. is that a thing?
Think that's sth you gotta answer for yourself mate, there's lot of overlap in the polyam-aro-ace-and-more circles.
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falinscloaca · 6 months
just realized somehow that i “count” as a ‘gold-star’ lesbian. words are meaningless
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I heard from grape vine that you do tarot readings and i know this is parasocial but can you do it for primeboys meetup please im desperate like idec if you are a dranti or what im embarrassed to ask anyone else even when i am anon
i saw all your asks about this and sorry I can't do that. I do tarot for fun, my mum does it for srs reasons. I don't want to put the wrong idea into your head no matter what card is chosen. Tarot is used as a guide, it can't determine the exact future of things. one time i did a tarot reading on my friend at school and it freaked her out so i keep it more personal now.
At the end of the day, its ok to feel sad over it, regardless of what will happen as no one knows. But Its also important to not rely on ccs for your mental health. I understand comfort duos and streamers, Im in that boat myself. But ultimately, its their lives and their friendship. I remember back in 2021-2022 if those two didnt meet Irl I believed I wouldn't ever be happy but I know now how harmful that mindset is. Often, we don't see the ccs dynamics as their actual dynamic, we see a version of that dynamic and many treat them like fictional characters, and thats the problem. And yeah, Its gonna suck and make you feel horrible if its over but its not like those past memories of joy don't matter anymore. Yk when you lose a friend, and you're devastated and spending time wishing to fix all that went wrong, that doesn't mean that all those times when you laughed and hanged out with them went to waste. The present matters. You were happy then and you can be happy again. Theres no need to waste time doing srs tarot readings about content creators lives. Stressing over other peoples friendships never goes well, especially content creators that you don't actually know.
Helpful quotes v
"Well yeah, and I'm sad, but at the same time I'm really happy that something could make me feel that sad. It's like, it makes me feel alive, you know? It makes me feel human. And the only way I could feel this sad now is if I felt somethin' really good before. So I have to take the bad with the good, so I guess what I'm feelin' is like a, beautiful sadness." - Butters (tray parker)
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." - Dr seuss
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thiefnessman · 1 year
i don’t think i could ever kill anyone because i don’t think i should be allowed to decide if other people should live or die. maybe if someone else told me to do it i would
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fionnaskyborn · 9 months
On a scale from one to ten, how based of me is it that I took the GGST survey for the second time just to put a BlazBlue character that appeared in exactly one novel and then never again in one of my three "additional character I would like to see the most in the future" spots?
#ADD SEVEN TO THE GAME COWARDS#this is a maniac's wish and while i do laugh at myself for it i am also 100% serious about it. i'd love to see him in any game#or anything at all for that matter#i mean c'moooon we've done mages in fighting games already. you've put asuka in strive! what's a silly little witch man no one's ever heard#of?#just imagine... a witch guy with long flowy blonde hair and fluttery robes like asuka's who fights with water and ice magic and maybe a#sword also. now doesn't that just sound like a sight for sore eyes?#he could summon a WATER DRAGON as his cinematic super! can you fathom how cool that would look?!#if we're talking strictly in strive terms he'd probably play like a weird mix of zato asuka and ky#ky for the manner of sword usage (since we have sol nago baiken and JOHNNY as of recently)‚ zato for the feel of flowiness when it comes to#using his abilities (every move connects to the next‚ unlike with asuka who just keeps spawning geometrical bodies)#and asuka for resource management and overall aesthetic (though he could definitely be made so that you don't need an excel sheet to play#him properly arcsys please)#god i wish i had more time in my life I would absolutely learn how to mod guilty gear and mod him over asuka if i could#but if i strived to keep his original ''moveset'' (i say as if he's ever had one) blazblue would probably be the way to go since i've heard#from modders there that you could‚ hypothetically‚ mod an entire new character into the game (though it would obviously take a gargantuan#amount of work)#speaking of which‚ how in sam hell did they manage to mod sin into strive before he was even released???#logs
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pernapernaperna · 11 months
Wes is the kind of guy who, when presented with the trolley problem, goes "why are they tied to the tracks? Fundamentally it's the rail operator's fault for allowing this to happen. They shouldn't have let those people get tied to the tracks"
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
okay but like this is what deeply bothers me about the whole "tiktok is making people think every negative experience is a trauma!" thing
Trauma is common. Like really common. How do we accept statistics like "1 in 4 women has been sexually assaulted" or "1 in 3 people grew up in a home with domestic violence" or whatever number of people will fight cancer or be in a car crash or an abusive relationship, and at the same time doubt any suggestion that a lot of people may actually be traumatized?
It's in our cultural definition of trauma—that trauma is some extreme event outside "normal" life, and that the people that experience it are a sequestered group that is well outside the "average" person.
but like, even strictly Criterion A PTSD type "traumatic" events are...not rare. at all. You can be a hardass about it and say that you have to be raped or threatened with death or violence to have trauma, and that's still a lot of people that have experienced that. People around you. People that pass by you every day. People that appear and seem "normal" to you.
if you accept the idea that belonging to certain marginalized groups can have some traumatizing elements to it, "most people are traumatized in some way" is just the most blandly obvious statement ever.
but even if you're for some reason squicky about "watering down" the definition of trauma (lol), we can at least agree that most people are hurt, right? Deeply hurt. Most people have been mangled by their experiences in one way or another. People's behavior is guided by the fact that they are hurt.
One of my dad's sayings, which is earnest and not at all shameful or demeaning, is that People Are Broken. And in church settings (because he was a pastor and is still very devout) his measure of the quality of that church setting was always their ability to come to terms with the fact that People Are Broken, not just people Out There or hypothetical people but us, the people around us, the people we live alongside and befriend and love. And if a church thought of Broken People as an external category of people to be "reached," instead of a near-universal experience of being human in a cruel society, well that church was likely to be, ultimately, toxic. And hardly any church passes that test, because our brokenness is hard to talk about.
We can't admit that most people are traumatized because it means that the call is coming from inside the house, that the menace is contained within our society instead of being a freak accident/act of god/attack by a lone wolf outside of the normal confines of our world.
But this is the truth. That our world, the nice, "normal" world, the everyday world, hurts people. We are not gentle enough for other humans, our society is not kind enough for humans to thrive.
We have to try to be less cruel. We have to understand that almost everyone has endured something unspeakable and has not fully healed. This is why I don't care about watering down the definition of trauma. We have not even begun to fully define the wound. There is no virtue in conserving recognition for the most obvious and extreme human pain. Why would we need less compassion?
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“Why not just let Gojo take care of everything himself from now on?”
This reads a bit like a throwaway line from Nanami, but it’s actually a meaningful thing for Gege to insert here.
For context, Nanami asks Geto this question after coming back from the failed mission where Haibara was killed.
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This scene is also immediately before Geto's village massacre / defection scenes.
This is the very next set of panels: (It’s the continuation of the thought Geto started above, then cuts to to the mission where he kills the 112 non-sorcerers)
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So, what Nanami says to Geto is the last thing we see anyone at Jujutsu high saying to Geto before he makes that final decision to turn away from being a Jujutsu sorcerer.
Geto’s thought about the “mountain of corpses” is the last internal monologue / insight we get into his mental state before defecting.
In Geto’s mind, who is in the hypothetical ‘mountain of corpses' created by Jujutsu society?
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Let’s start by acknowledging that Nanami’s suggestion to make Gojo handle all the missions actually makes sense, from a strictly pragmatic perspective. (Why let weaker sorcerers die doing something that Gojo could easily handle?)
Even before Gojo learned Reverse Curse / Hollow Purple, he (and Geto) were given the Star Plasma Vessel mission on special request from Tengen. Presumably because they were the strongest sorcerers.
It’s reasonable to assume the higher ups in Jujutsu society have thought about optimizing the mission assignments this way. And, by this point, Gojo is getting sent on missions, alone, without Geto.
But even though he’s the strongest sorcerer, Gojo is not unbeatable. He’s not even as powerful as he’ll become by JJK0+
Here’s what Gojo told Geto just days before the mission where Haibara dies:
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So Geto knows that Gojo can’t always run limitless, and he hasn’t perfected domain expansion. Gojo can’t protect himself against poisons.
Geto also already knows what happens when Gojo’s power is overestimated - when he is overworked and spread too thin. Last time that happened, he got stabbed through the chest by Toji.
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“Impossible!” is Geto’s reaction, because he’d been lulled into a false sense of security, thinking that Gojo was untouchable.
Nanami suggesting that Gojo handle all the curses is sort of like Toji putting up a bounty for Riko. Each weak assassin wasn’t enough to take Gojo down on their own, but en masse they could distract and wear him down.
The same would be possible with a never ending onslaught of curses to exorcise. Then, all it takes is one mistake before Gojo's corpse is added to the mountain.
Don't get me wrong, Geto had many reasons for defecting, and Nanako, Mimiko, and Riko’s treatment by non-sorcerers were probably the main ones.
But Geto must have also believed that the world he was trying to build for Jujutsu sorcerers was a better, safer world for Gojo, too.
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annabelle--cane · 8 months
I guess the thing that makes me not so fond of Jon's addiction allegory is that it's only coherent to a certain extent? Like I think people sometimes forget that he's actively violating these people
anon, through no fault of your own you have accidentally hit upon my sleeper agent trigger phrase. I have layers of answers to this.
so first off, yeah, it's not a 1:1 direct metaphor, it's a soupy dream logic fantasy plot device with flavors of a lot of different things. there's quite a lot of addiction in there, there's some abuse of power, there's some cyclical nature of trauma, there's a dash of disability, there's a few notes of gendered violence, there's a good bit of just. violence violence and being kind of a motherfucker because goddammit it feels good to be an active agent about something in your life, even if it's just choosing to be a worse version of yourself than you strictly need to be. a lot of tma's worldbuilding is very allegorical, but apart from aspects of individual statements nothing really matches up quite 1:1 with a real world counterpart, and if more things did then it probably wouldn't be a fantasy show anymore.
secondly. okay to contextualize this answer a little bit I have a kind of hypothetical video essay project about vampirism and addiction that I like to spend a few hours thinking about every so often but am almost certainly never going to make because the full research burden required is a lot higher than I actually have the time to properly do. but because of that I've spent a lot of time sorting through why framing vampires as addicts really works for me in a way that it doesn't seem to for everyone, and I think a lot of my thoughts on that also apply to jon. there's going to be a bit of a detour here before we get back to talking about tma, but we'll get there, I prommy.
I've seen a lot of people take issue with various paranormal addiction allegories because, a lot of the time, the act that is meant to metaphorically represent the act of use itself is something that is directly and inherently harmful to others, e.g. drinking human blood, handing over power to your hedonistic Evil alter ego, holding the cursed amulet and going crazy going stupid, slurping trauma out of the head of some guy you ran into on a boat to norway, etc., and yeah, I do get that. substance use is not inherently harmful like that to anyone except sometimes the user themself, and addicts are not inherently fucked up and destructive people; those are dangerous stereotypes that often lead to the demonizing of a whole group of sick people.
here's the thing for me, though: those are definitely truths I want explored and represented when it comes to portrayals of non-allegorical actual addicts, but fantasy fiction isn't for showing the world as it is, it's for showing a subjective fun house mirror version of reality where certain aspects are minimized and magnified depending on how it feels to live through it. and yes, absolutely in real life drug use is not an inherently evil act and it does not make you an inherently evil person, but... doesn't it kind of feel like that? sort of? absolutely no one is living their best life nor on their best behavior while experiencing any kind of major mental illness episode, and when it comes to addiction you've got a very clear tangible symbol of when The Episode is happening that it feels like you have much more control over than when it comes to other illnesses. it's also a thing where people are a lot more likely to be openly angry and distrustful of you if they find out it's happening. so you mix together the ideas of "I know I get worse as a result of doing this one specific thing" + "I act less like myself when I'm using, it rearranges my priorities and I care less about hurting people because that's what happens when you're experiencing The Horrors" + "society at large/people directly around me are pretty quick to say that doing this is evil," and you get the subjective emotional result of "I hurt people by using and it makes me monstrous." I tend to respond to those kinds of paranormal allegories like they're just cutting out the middle man of those subjective fears. "using makes me monstrous" -> "using is monstrous."
anyway. jon archivist.
don't get me wrong, I totally understand if this aspect of metaphor doesn't gel for some people and they only like taking it exactly as far as the text explicitly makes them, but I really get a lot out of reading jon's connection to the fears as addiction precisely because he does genuinely awful things to people as a result of it. he's a person in a very bad physical and mental place with little to no support who is constantly being told by both allies and enemies that he's already a monster just by being alive, and he copes with that by secretly falling further and further into an compulsive act of consumption that skews his priorities and makes him care less about hurting people because at least sometimes getting to be the cause of pain makes him feel a little bit less powerless when he has to be the subject of pain the rest of the time. then he's found out and is made to stop, and he has to grapple not just with the physical toll of withdrawal but with knowing there is a not insignificant part of him that will excuse any act of malice if he knows he'll feel better afterwards.
the end of tma is very explicit in the fact that the rules of its world are shaped by the subjective worst fears of those who live in it, it's "an exercise in unreliably reality" as jonny sims put it once, and I think that principle extends backwards in some ways to apply to the rest of the show. I don't think the fact that there are only entities of fear and not hope or love is meant to be a full commentary on the total nature of the real world, it's a reflection of what fear and suffering can make the world feel like. eric and melanie both go to really harsh extremes to extricate themselves from the fears and live peaceful lives, and in both cases something happens that foils their plans (getting murdered + the apocalypse, respectively), but I don't think the intended message is to say that is definitively how real life works, they are metaphors for the limits of individual agency in larger systems and represent two types of worst-case-scenarios. similarly, I don't think reading jon as an addict implies that addiction inherently involves violence or that the reactions of those around him were completely unjustified, it's just a subjective exploration of the kinds of fears that can come with addiction dialed up to 100.
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whitesunlars · 10 months
so here's the thing, i have neither read nor watch red, white & royal blue. all i know about it is that the first son of the US President and the Crown Prince of England date. what I do know about is many of the legalities and processes of giving gifts to the presidential family. a lot of it is more regulations than law and a lot of it is determined by the administration and how strictly they follow protocol but assuming the administration in this world is diligent and adheres to strict policies, oh boy is the idea of a member of the first family dating a foreign head of state hilarious on a behind the scenes bureaucratic level.
cause here's the thing: any gift from a foreign head of state (which includes heirs to thrones, family members of elected officials, and members of royal families) is documented. anything under a certain dollar threshold ($375 during the Obama administration) can be kept, no questions asked. anything over that threshold can be kept if either bought at market value (with money going to the department of state) or filed as part of taxes. everything over the threshold is supposed to be shared publicly via the federal register (example: the 2013 federal register)
but the thing is, even those gifts below $375 have to be documented. so let's say, hypothetically, the First Son and the Crown Prince dated. every single gift given to the First Son would need to be processed by the White House Gift Office. he could choose to keep it afterwards if it's below $375, absolutely no questions asked. but some poor pencil pusher in the white house gift office would need to document every flower, every mix tape, every framed photograph given from one boyfriend to the other. these probably would not be made public due to being below the dollar threshold, but the records of them existing would be saved in the national archives forever.
i truly cannot stop thinking about this.
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abyssalzones · 1 month
hello would. you like to elaborate on. ford pines osdd. ((because I recently got diagnosed and. blorbo moments. but also because I love the idea in general. ford "I feel like I've lived 50 different lives" pines.))
so, first off, I want to apologize for putting this off for so long. I think it's been a couple of weeks at this point but I'm not entirely sure. Anyway, after getting this ask I immediately got really really excited and started outlining what I quickly realized was going to be a monster of an analysis post.
So much so, in fact, that I ended up having to move it all into a google doc. whoops.
As it turns out, this ask ended up being the thing to motivate me to go over a lot of other related thoughts about GF’s writing that I’d had stewing in my brain for ages, so you're getting an essay that you probably didn't sign up for. Again: my bad. I hold the champion's title for being the most long-winded autistic bitch to ever live.
Either way, as you might have guessed, I would love to elaborate on Ford Pines' hypothetical OSDD.
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[content warning: I’m going to be talking about both fictional depictions and IRL patterns of interpersonal abuse in here quite a bit. Proceed with caution if you’re easily triggered by these topics, especially if you decide to look further into anything I mention here that isn’t strictly related to, y’know, the cartoon.]
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