#strategist lance
autisticlancemcclain · 10 months
parts one two
Lance is feeling remarkably better at dinner. Coran wasn’t sure about the plan, at first, but Lance was very convincing, so he relented. It helped that Coran also is not fond of needless animal murder, which is why he’s Lance’s favourite.
(Well, currently. Usually everyone is tied for his favourite, but no one else had his back today at the meeting, so they’re all currently tied for second-favourite. But they’ll have a chance to redeem themselves after this mission is over.)
He and Coran are the last to arrive to dinner, predictably, so Lance doesn’t waste a second.
“I am now on your side,” he announces as soon as he walks through the door. “You’re all correct, we should get this alliance at all cost, and murder the beast in cold blood. I am completely on board with your plan and happy with all the innocent blood about to be on my hands.”
The team, also predictably, stare at him in shocked silence. Lance sits primly in his chair, accidentally-on-purpose elbowing Mullet in the head, and immediately shoves food goo in his mouth so no one can ask any follow-up questions.
Also predictably, that does not work.
“…There were a lot of contradicting words in that announcement,” Mullet says. (Lance is currently very mad at him and as such he has been demoted from fond nicknames and even his regular name so he will be Mullet until Lance wants to bite him — angrily, angrily, not the way he usually wants to bite him — less.)
“Ooooh, SAT word,” Lance responds, just to be a jackass.
(It works. Keith reaches over to attempt to flick him, but unluckily for him Lance is very used to that reaction to his particular brand of annoying, and so Mullet falls off his chair due to Lance kicking it out from under him before his flick lands).
“So,” Lance says, as Mullet curses at him from the floor, “does anyone else have any comments or concerns?”
There is a very heavy, loaded silence, before Shiro, Allura, and Hunk sigh in tandem.
“Yeah, you’re not going to be leaving my sight,” Hunk says.
“Agreed,” Shiro mutters, head in his hands. “Sorry, buddy, but at the moment I can’t trust you not to go rogue. I was going to let you stay on the castle with Coran, but I no longer think that’s viable. You’ll have to stay with me for the mission.”
“That’s fine,” Lance says, working very hard to shove the smugness out of his voice. He thinks he does a pretty decent job. “You’re all dead to me anyways, so it doesn’t matter.”
“Christ,” Pidge mumbles into her goo.
Allura pinches the bridge of her nose. Lance hears her muttering ‘I signed up for this’ over and over under her breath.
The rest of the meal passes in tense silence. When Lance finishes, he stands up abruptly, tucking his chair back in with enough force that he might as well have thrown it, and washes his dishes with such vigour that he actually has to slow down so they don’t break. He then stalks to the door, pauses, and faces the team (except Coran, who is visibly fighting back a smile and avoiding eye contact — hehe, Lance knew he’d get him fully on board eventually).
“I am going to go to bed, for my final night as a man with a soul,” he says. “I’m sure the rest of you soulless individuals will have no problem going right to sleep tonight, but I will be tossing and turning for the whole time, as I ponder how many of my moral codes I will be breaking tomorrow, so I’m going to get an early start so I can squeeze out as much rest as possible. Have a wonderful rest of your evening.”
He walks calmly out of the room until he’s out of eyesight, then sprints full speed to Coran’s room, resisting the heavy urge to jump on the man’s bed to expel some nervous energy. Instead, he meticulously reorganizes the advisor’s bookshelf. (He gets pretty into it, honestly. Coran has a veritable rainbow of colours decorating the covers of his collection, and Lance loves to go ham with the colour coding. That’s the best part of the ‘tism, he reckons.)
“I had those ordered in a specific way, you know.”
Lance practically jumps to his feet at the teasing remark, turning to face Coran so fast he makes himself a little dizzy.
“Did it work?! Are they suspicious?! Are they ready to velcro me to one of them so I can’t run off?!”
“It did work, you evil mastermind. They’re all convinced you need to be under constant surveillance. They’ve even created shifts so you’re always being watched.”
Lance cheers.
See, his plan is really quite simple. No matter what he says or does, the team is never going to fully trust him with this mission. And understandably so — Lance has made his position quite clear. It would be foolish of them to think that Lance wouldn’t try anything. No matter what, they’re going to be wary of what Lance is doing.
But Lance was counting on that, you see.
He fully expected to be under watch. He also knew that they expected him to fight them, tooth and nail, the whole way. But if he subverted their expectations, just a little — if he said he was on board with the plan while making it very clear that he had no intention of following anyone’s orders — well, now they’re paranoid.
And if there’s one thing paranoia does, it’s make you sloppy.
Tomorrow, they’ll be so focused on watching Lance, so focused on thwarting whatever potential mutiny that they think he has cooked up, that they’ll be forgiving if Lance’s mannerisms are a bit… off. They’ll expect it, even. And they’ll spend so much energy on watching Lance and planning for his acting out that they won’t notice if Coran, up in the castle, isn’t sending a constant barrage of cheery check-ins on the comms.
And, most importantly, they will not be investigating the beast very closely at all.
The actual plan is very simple, with all that information in mind. All Lance has to do tonight is record and set up some of Coran’s regular check-ins to sound off during the day. Then Coran is going to exercise his shapeshifting ability — he’s going to turn into Lance for the day, as shifty and suspicious as possible.
And Lance? Lance is going to sneak out the castle after everyone’s already gone, find the beast before they do, and solve the problem his own damn self.
After all, that’s what the stupid dignitary wanted.
If you wish to sign an alliance, the paladin must handle the problem himself, the dignitary had said. Lance smirks to himself.
That’s not a problem.
Not a problem at all.
part four
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lil-shiro · 10 months
“For lance, we needs to have a look at the calls we made, probably not the right ones”
Mike Krack just now on F1TV
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killa-trav · 2 years
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thepersonnamedsam · 10 months
hello! i was hoping I could request something between gen z reader x the grid where she gets an anxiety attack or gets really anxious during press and how they would react or try to help her, could be due to something about the race or personal, love uuu<3
you’re gonna go far
pairing: the genz!driver x '23!grid
summary: social anxiety and social stuff don’t mix very well
word count: 2.3k
warnings: anxiety attack, angst, sexist comments
note: hiya!! yk i love your requests!! thank u <3
i have social anxiety myself, it’s written from my perspective - anxiety is experienced very different, pls remember that! and pls respect anyone who is experiencing anxiety or any mental disorder that is!
masterlist / taglist
We ain’t angry at you, love, you’re the greatest thing we‘ve lost.
The song blasted through her ears, tears started forming in her eyes. She missed home, so, so much. She felt guilty to leave all her friends and family at home to pursue her dreams. And this song, written by the brilliant Noah Kahan, just always made her cry and think about her hometown.
Well, maybe not always, mostly the days her anxiety sparks up - and today was one of those days. Usually media didn’t stress her out, but today was different. Her mood shifted and hyper sensitive, overstimulated and overwhelmed. And she usually had someone she trusted by her side at media, but not today. Today was just shit.
Paired with Lance, Kevin, Sergio and Niko, she just wished the day would be over. She was just glad that Daniel, Max, Oscar and Lewis would be after her, they would maybe wait for them to finish, so she could see them.
She was trying to help her calm down. Thinking about good possibilities and not bad ones. Not about how she would sit stiff and uncomfortable between Lance and Sergio. Or how she and Niko never really got along. Or how she couldn’t seek refuge in a known face. Or how she had to answer all the questions by herself and not have Max there to defend her and be her bodyguard. 
And she was doing it again.
What was she gonna do? Breath, just breath - that’s what she told herself. She was in desperate need for a break. She knew what she was getting herself into, but it was still so very much. She was glad that Hungary was the second last race before the summer pause. She would go home, maybe vacation a bit, but definitely head home and see her friends and family.
Her feet dragged her through the media pit against her will. She didn’t want to go there, she just wanted to curl up in her bed with a good book and some music. Her headphones still present on her head, at least she had her music.
She was so focused on the words of You’re gonna go far that she didn’t see Lance in her peripheral vision. He patted her on her back and she flinched as he passed her. He gave her a funny look as she just gave him a shy smile.
She sighed, she didn’t know how she could face this day. She wished she had Lewis or Max or Danny by her side, someone to lean on, someone who would protect her and help her out. But she was all alone in this world right now. That’s what she thought at least.
Sat next to her was Kevin and Sergio. Her leg was bouncing, her fingers couldn’t stop picking at her nails. Her breathing was fast. She knew that things would turn out bad pretty fast. She just knew it.
„So, the next question is for y/n. Seeing as you’re the only woman on the grid, do you feel intimidated by all of the men or do you actually like the challenge?“
Her mind raced. What? She wished for Max who would give a sassy comeback or for Lewis to out the comment as borderline sexist. Or just anyone to stand up for her at that moment, but no one did.
„Uh, thank you for your question. Uhm, I am not the only woman on the grid. There are lots of women working behind the scenes - mechanics, engineers, catering, strategists, everything. So, to answer your question, no, I don’t feel intimidated, because I know that I come from a powerful gender.“
Her answer was clip and clear, not even her voice was shaking, which she half expected to. But the interviewer grew visibly irritated.
„Can you go into it a bit more? Or could you please comment on the statement Christian Horner did? Here, I’ll refresh your mind: F1 is bringing in a young generation. It’s bringing in a lot of young girls because of all these great-looking young drivers.“
What had that to do with his question beforehand? Horner made that statement a longer time ago?
„Uhm yes, obviously we all know Christian by now, don’t we?“, she nervously laughed. „But uhm, he is obviously still wrong, like I originally commented when he first made that statement“ Her eyes were searching for something or someone familiar, but she couldn’t. Her vision occupied by interviewers and flashing cameras.
Her breath started to get faster, She tried to breath through her nose, not make it too obvious that she was having a moment. This would make headlines. Female driver gets anxiety attack whilst commenting on sexist statements.
Why wasn’t Lewis there? He knew what to do. He had caught her like this before - breathing rapid, fists clenched and fingers white. Eyes not focusing on anything particular and her chest heaving up and down from all her heavy breathing.
It was after she had found out that people were speculating about her - specifically that she had to sleep with her or any team principal to get her seat in F1. Her head was leaned against the wall, her knees pulled to her chest and her body was rocking back and forth.
„y/n, y/n, listen, look at me. Listen to me, can you please look at me, love?“, he pleaded. And when she finally did, Lewis let out a breath of relief. „Okay, look at me, darling, and follow my breathing, yes? It’s easy, you can do it, I believe in you.“
He grabbed her hands and put them to his own chest, so she could feel his breathing. Feel his calm heartbeat, even though he felt anything opposite calm. He looked her deep into her eyes and tried to reassure that everything was going to be alright.
„You’re gonna go far, y/n, listen to me, I know it, you’re gonna make it far.“
Her breathing had normalised and the tears stuck in her eyes, finally flowed down her cheeks. The soon turned into full on sobs and the older driver hugged the younger one. Embracing her and reassuring her, that none of the drivers would have believed the tabloids - they’ve seen her driving and know very well why she got offered her seat in F1.
She had thanked him about a thousand times and made him promise not to ever tell anyone. But if somebody else knew, maybe they could’ve helped her in this situation.
But luckily for y/n, this was all broadcast live, well, maybe not for her per se, because she knew about too many people were watching her lose herself on live television and her PR manager couldn’t just pull some magic strings to not have this air, but what she didn’t know was, that Seb was watching - her specifically.
And he did the only reasonable thing he could do, he called Lewis.
„Hey dude, what’s up? Haven’t heard from you in a long time. How’s retirement treating you?“ Lewis had a lot of questions for the German. The later laughed a bit, but turned serious pretty quickly. „Listen, I’m watching the pre-race interviews right now-“ Lewis interrupted him: „Yeah? I’m on next, you should definitely wait and see me on TV then.“
„Yeah that’s great Lew, but y/n is on right now. I think- no I’m pretty sure she’s having an anxiety attack on live television.“
Lewis was silent for a moment. „She is having what?“ - „An anxiety attack, you know what that is? It’s, uhm, when you get too overwhelmed and your psyche tells you that you’re experiencing immense fear at the moment and“, Lewis was tuning him out.
She was having an anxiety attack? Right now? During the pre-race interview? He had to help her.
„I’m on my way, thanks Seb“, and he hung up. He had to get there as fast as he could. Sprinting through the entire paddock to the media pin. On the way he almost crashed into Max, who was also making his way to the pin, Daniel by his side. The only looked at Lewis weird but soon we’re running with him, as he shouted: „It’s y/n!“
They arrived but no one wanted to let them in: „It’s not your turn yet, they’re still going. You have to wait until it’s your turn, you’ll be on in 10.“
„Listen, y/n, if you’re reacting this way to my question, you’re clearly not made for this sport, maybe you should go into something more ladylike, like horseback riding or tennis, at least you’d look pretty there.“
„And you’re clearly not made to interviews, asshole!“
All of them heard, the viewers heard, the drivers heard, the interviewers heard, but y/n was the only one who didn’t hear it.
Maybe you should go into something more ladylike, like horseback riding or tennis, at least you’d look pretty there. That was all she could hear. At least you’d look pretty there.
The other drives next to y/n didn’t know what to do. Their colleague was definitely having a though time, but they didn’t know how to help, they opted to just tilt their heads towards the floor and look just as uncomfortable as everyone in the room did - but no one stood up for her, expect Max.
„Maybe you should just fucking leave this pit before I will bash your disgusting face. Maybe you should scramble and flee. Maybe you should eat your on dick as you seem to like to put tiny and degrading things in your mouth. Maybe-“, Daniel stopped him, Max has said enough and made his point.
Lewis was already making his way up to her. Scooping her up and carrying her out of the pit.
At least you’d look pretty.
The sentence was going through her head like a loop, like a vinyl that’s broken and repeats all the worst parts. She felt like a broken record - cracked and well, broken.
„She‘s hyperventilating“, Danial pointed out. „Yeah no shit, sherlock.“ - „Max, let’s just focus on her right now, okay?“, the seven time world champion told the two time world champion. „Who’s garage is the nearest?“, Lewis asked into the round. „The Ferrari one is the first one on the grid“, Daniel said. „Let’s go then.“
Daniel led the way, fetching Lando on the way, she’d appreciate the support from the youngster. Even though he complained a lot to Danny.
„Don’t look, don’t look, we’re just passing through“, Daniel said as he tried to shield her and Lewis from all the cameras in the Ferrari garage. „What are you guys doing here?“, Carlos questioned, but as soon as he saw the crying mess in Lewis‘ arms he helped Daniel shield y/n. Carlos led them to Charles‘ side of the garage, as he had his closed off for anyone from the outside.
„What’s going on?“, a confused Charles asked the group now standing in his garage. „Charles, we need to go somewhere quiet, is that possible?“, Lewis asked the Ferrari driver. He nodded and led them to his drivers room, even though it was pretty tiny and probably wouldn’t fit all of them in it.
They set y/n on his sofa and Lewis was hovering in front of her. Lando sat on her right side, while Max was on her left. He took her hand in his, squeezing it, so she knew that he was there. „Hey y/n look at me. We’re in Charles‘ drivers room, in the Ferrari garage. Away from the media pit, okay? You’re safe with us now“, Lewis told her. „Breath with us.“
„In and out, just like that, darling, follow Lewis‘ breathing“, Daniel complimented y/n. „You’re doing great, shatje. So, so great. We’re all so proud of you.“
„You can let it all out, we won’t judge you“, Charles told her and just as he did, the dam broke. Her tears fell down onto her knees, she sobbed uncontrollably. She leaned her head on Landos shoulder and he pulled her close into his side. „You’re doing so well, love.“ - „Just keep breathing, don’t forget to breath“, Carlos told her. He was standing in the doorway with Charles, acting as bodyguards.
Danny walked around the room, trying to find something for y/n to drink out of. „Hey Charles, do you have some water or a bottle?“ The driver clad in red reacted fast and brought the Australian a tall glass of water. He brought y/n the glass and she had to stop crying to drink. Afterwards she got the hiccups. „There, there love, everything’s okay“, Lewis took her glass and patted her knee. „Remember what I told you? You’re gonna go far, okay? Don’t let that prick tell you otherwise.“
„At least you’d look pretty there.“
„Huh?“, the room asked, as she mumbled the sentence.
„At least you’d look pretty there. That’s what he said“, she looked up from her seat, to the room full of supporting people. „At least you’d look pretty.“
Max was so angry again, he could’ve killed that man, if it wasn’t for Daniel holding him back. „I am going to kill that man“, Max growled. y/n giggled: „Maxie, don’t, he doesn’t deserve death. He deserves to live a long, pitiful life.“
„We’re glad you’re laughing again, y/n“, Charles said. „Yes, very much so.“ Everyone agreed with Charles. „I love you guys, but how’d you even know that I was having a tough time?“, y/n asked confused. Lewis had to laugh: „Seb called me. Said he saw you on the TV all riled up and ready to cry and that I should already be on my way to help you, but I talked over him the whole time“ He scratched his neck and y/n laughed a loud belly laugh. „That’s so typical!“
taglist: @ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @biglittlesecret, @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23 , @copper-boom , @love4lando , @champomiel , @serenityleah , @iloveyou3000morgan , @angelwithoutmywings , @elleeeee21 , @youkissedareaderinthedark , @mikauraur , @thybulleric , @lpab , @fdl305 , @mellowarcadefun , @teti-menchon0604 , @vildetry06 , @bibissparkles , @aurora-maria , @lunnnix , @sya-skies , @Buckywifeyy , @dakotali , @rechtrecht , @noncannonships , @1eclerc16 , @pitlanebabe , @sopheeg , @whatthefuckerr , @avengersheart , @thatsadsmallchild , @peachiicherries , @idkiwantchocolatee
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cheriladycl01 · 6 months
Ghost - Oscar Piastri x UnknownDriver! Reader Part 2
Plot: Reader is the first female F1 driver of the century, however no-one knows that as you are a ghost on the grid. You started in 2022, coming in P12 in the championship. You get moved to Red Bull Racing in 2023 with the off year for Sergio Perez.
Credit to yrsonpurpose for the GIF
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"Ghost, Radio Check Please" you engineer says as you pull from the pits.
You hadn't got a win yet, of course you'd had many podiums. Some even last year when you were with Alpine, more this year with Red Bull.
You wanted the win, even though it meant showing who you were and that came with a price, you felt ready. You just needed a reason to come forward with it.
However, even with Oscar's assuring words earlier in the day your P15 start because of the way qually went for you didn't feel like a win was applicable.
"Check" you say before driving out of the pits and into P15 behind Sargent and in front of Tsunoda. You really though that today might be the day and it would have been iconic it being your home Grand Prix and all. But it just didn't look possible when you weren't even in the middle sector of the grid.
You released a big breath as the red lights went out, you dived forward taking over Sargent gaining one place. Esteban who was ahead of him, seeing your Red Bull immediately forgot about Stroll ahead of him and starting defending against you.
For the first 14 laps, in your sector there weren't many changes in positions. Up ahead you had no idea what the grid looked like. But nothing much had changed behind you.
It wasn't until you could feel your tires both getting warn out and starting to struggle with the typical UK drizzle that was upon the race.
"Need to pit soon, cars getting harder to manage with the rain" you admit, knowing that the pit crew already probably have the intermediate tires ready for you.
"Pit on the next lap. Max will pit after you" he advises. However as your coming into the pits, you can see that Vertsappens Red Bull is currently there having its tires changed.
"What the fuck is going on?" you ask pulling up behind Max just as he leaves making you pull forward.
"Copy" is all you get and you let out a frustrated sound that was between a yell and a grunt.
Red Bull made up for it with an exceptionally quick stop for you and you got out on the track again. Luckily, others had pitted as well due to the weather conditions, so you came back out in P15.
"Look, I'm sorry about the incident Christian and the strategists are looking into it but there something I got to ask you, because clearly these methods are no longer working!" you hear you engineer say, you ignore him for a split second taking the corner before you throw back your moody reply.
"Who runs the world?" he asks and a smirks comes onto your face. Lewis may have hammer time, but boy oh boy...
"Girls, John, Girls run this mother fucker" you shout into the radio before breaking late and overtaking Lance who was the unfortunate soul currently trying to defend from your driving.
You gain further up, Ocon ahead of you.
"Gap to Ocon?" you ask.
"0.3" you hear, you drive up so your behind him, you swerve the tiniest bit right, he does the same making for a accelerated swerve from you to the left and a clean move up to P12. And just like that you started combing through the grid, Hulkenberg, Gasly, Alonso, Albon, Russell, Sainz and Leclerc all got combed through until you were sitting sweetly in P5, Max, Lando, Lewis and Piastri just ahead.
"Lewis and Piastri are ahead. Fighting for P3, if you catch them both by surprise thats a podium. Gap is 1.2 seconds. Increase on Sector 2"
"Copy that" you say, both the McLaren and Mercedes drivers once you get closer to them are dancing around each other slipping in and out of P3.
"Like two ostriches doing a tango up ahead John" you laugh into the radio.
Just as you manage to overtake the two distracted drivers down the small straight John comes back onto the radio.
"Max has damage to his car. He had to come pit and he's currently P9. You can win this, go prove Beyonce right" he says, this was all you needed. You were currently P2, Lando the only driver ahead of you and thanks to the straight a significant gap had been created between you and Lewis and Oscar.
"Distance to Lando"
"2.4 seconds, speed up that Sector 3 now and you've got him. He's on the newer tires but you can get him. Bring it home" he tells you and you go very serious. No thoughts just the track, you catch up to Lando within a lap, fighting with him for P1.
"Max has climbed back, he's P5 and Oscars trying to defend" you engineer says, you didn't currently care about how close Max was to you, just getting that stream on Lando that would get you the overtake.
SKYSPORTS LIVE: David Croft- Can i just say Martin todays race has been one of the best of the season, for some reason we haven't been allowed to aire the radio between Ghost and his engineer but whatever was said... he's had an amazing drive today, going from P15 all the way to P2 and potentially P1 depending how Norris actually ends up defending against him. Its just been tremendous Martin Bundle- Yes its been amazing from Ghost's comeback to, Lewis a 7 time world champ struggling to overtake and defend the current rookie on the grid, to Max Verstappen reporting car issues, to the lack of DNF's we've had here today at Silverstone David Coft- Oh my lord whats this? He's going for the overtake
Lando goes too wide, his wheel clipping against the track edging making you be able to accelerate past as he struggles to re-gain control.
You manage to get a good gap ahead around corners that prove difficult for the McLaren now behind you.
"One lap Ghost, hold" John advizes and you keep driving, the last lap feeling like a cool down, the sweat drenching all around you due to the panic and sheer oomph of the driving conducted today.
You took yourself out the car, handing the wheel to a Red Bull member before pulling yourself with the halo to stand on the front of the car. John and a few other members pull you down to celebrate with them, before you are ushered off to be weighed.
The cool down room was awkward as you could never speak to the people in there, so you would shake hands before excusing yourself. You took the balaclava off, before tucking your hair in and placing your helmet back over your head.
Now it was time for the podium! Your first winning trophy and you couldn't be more excited, nothing could bring down you mood!
Or so you thought.
You went onto the stage, knowing this was the reveal. You and Christian had spoken about it, knowing your first win was inevitable.
"Today has been a historic day at Silverstone. Not only do we have three Brits standing proud on their home podium, we've had one of the biggest comeback of the year today, despite the mistimed pitstops and the weather, he has pulled his first win out of the bag!" an announcer says coming onto the stage.
"Before we go any further Christian Horner would like to say a few words" an announcer admits, Lewis and Lando turn to you excited to finally see the person behind the helmet. Lando had this running joke that you must be obscenely ugly which is why the helmet is kept on because 'Ghost' is intimidated by him and all the other attractive faces present on the grid.
"Hello everyone. Today doesn't just mark historic reasons for the ones just said. Ghost joined us at the end of the 2022 season when we brought them out of their 2 year contract with Alpine, there was ability and promise there that the team didn't want to both miss out on or go to an enemy team and become a menace on the grid. However, Alpine let a few of us at Red Bull in on Ghost's little secret and to say we were excited was an understatement. This year they have proved their worth and i cant wait for their future at Red Bull. That being said, i think its about time i introduce you to Ghost" he says gesturing towards you.
"This is Y/N Y/L/N" he shouts as you take of the helmet displaying your face to the world. Not only could gasps be heard from the drivers right next to you but from the whole crowd not expecting this outcome.
Lando was in a state of shock, he didn't know what would unveil from that helmet but Oscars longtime crush Y/N Y/L/N the sweet Social Media Manager for Ghost was not one of them.
He was confused at how she had managed to pull of this double life, but ultimately was so happy. This was an important day for her, being the first female to ever win a F1 race.
His eyes flicked down to Oscar in the McLaren section as he'd promised to come watch his best friends win, even if he wasn't up there with him. Lando's gaze met his and there were too many emotions upon the usually chill and placid male that he couldn't dechiper what he was feeling.
There was anger, sadness, frustration, betrayal. And he could have sworn, there were a couple of tears brimming the edges. Lewis had you pulled into a hug right now, congratulating you for everything you've achieved up until now, as all of your achievements were bigger and meant more.
As you went to turn to Lando to pull him into a hug, seeing as you guys were friends as yourself, but seeing his gaze fixed on Oscar a feeling of hurt formed in your chest. His gaze locked onto you and the force of his anger and betrayal could have knocked you back.
He ran off into the crowd back towards the paddock, you wanted to go follow but Lando shook his head. As much as this had hurt Oscar, you deserved to enjoy this moment.
But knowing you'd hurt Oscar, you didn't enjoy a single moment.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover
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gilbirda · 3 months
Ghost Princess!Jazz design
So, since I'm posting chapter 24 of Friendly Neighborhood Vigilante, finally these will see the light of day!!!
Designs and drawing by the amazing @herbatahleb!!! I commissioned him these drawings so I could visualize the suit in my head better; and also so peeps could see what I'm talking about!
Thank you so much Hleb!
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Alt version that was scrapped during the design process and me rambling about design ideas under the cut
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So the Idea was that in this AU Jazz was trained by Pandora and the dead Amazon warriors in the greek afterlife.
Jazz doesn't use guns, not because of morality or anything, but because she sucks ass at shooting and is like the moment she hits the trigger it doesn't matter where she was aiming, she will cause an accident/hurt someone. (Weapons she doesn't have to actually aim are kinda okay, but you have to be ready for her blowing up something)
So she compensates and uses a lot of long range weapons, with her mom's staff being the one she uses the most. The staff has 2 settings: spear, which she uses for a more aggressive approach (think Okoye and the Dora Milaje from Black Panther)
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and War Mode, with the War Mode is the one that is in the final design. I sent Hleb a bunch of reference pictures and the lance is based on Ares' lance in Destripando la Historia (a spanish youtube series)
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My general idea is that Jazz is inspired by the war god because she herself had to become one for Danny. She's one of their best strategist but she is also vicious in battle and the best at hand to hand combat and most versatile weapons-wise.
Her suit is also red because it stands out in the Infinite Realms. She makes herself a target so she can attract her enemies to her, since she can't fly or doesn't have a means of quick transportation during battle.
Armor is made for speed and agility, and it's charmed so it enhances her natural ghostly abilities and physique. Her arm pieces can project an ecto shield for defense.
For the crown I had a few references, but mainly Wanda's headpiece in MCU
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But also I wanted to include some kind of high fantasy crowns for her, because that's her crown as a princess. While Danny has the black metal one that's constantly on fire, Jazz would have this armor headpiece and only the "tips" would be on fire and then the actual crown appears out of thin air as a fire circle over her head.
For me this detail was important because it showed: first, how for Jazz her crown IS part of her armor and how deeply entwined being a princess is with being a warrior while Danny can be the king without the warrior; and second, to represent how "fake" as a ghost princess she is, since she's not actually dead-dead, because only 2 singular points are actually metal but the rest comes and goes and doesn't anchor to anything.
We also used a bunch of references of Kassandra from Assasins Creed Odyssey
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For the boots and other details I really just sent Hleb a bunch of pictures from the Wonder Woman movie Amazonian armor design
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Anyway that's all my rant. I'm very happy with the final design and Hleb was very kind to sit with me and let me be specific about what I wanted. Love you, darling!
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Synopsis: Qatar seems worse than ever this year, and it’s especially not kind to F1’s female driver. The grid does what they can to help.
young female driver reader x 2023 F1 grid
A/N: For this one, reader will be 21, and have driven for aston martin since the beginning of 2021 with lance
You’ve driven in about 60 races in your 3 year F1 career so far, yet you’ve never raced in conditions like this before, and you hope you never will again.
Preparing for Qatar the weeks leading up for it, you could laugh at it now because no amount of simulator training or exercising could’ve readied you for the heat in Lusail.
You felt it as soon as you walked out of the airport; the gust of hot air that hit you in the face, the harsh evening sun beating down on you.
“Oh my god” You said to your teammate, pulling a pair of sunglasses out of your pocket. “I know,” Lance says, copying your actions. “This sprint is gonna suck” You groan. “I can’t wait”
The two of you immediately got into the cars waiting for you in the parking lot, and drove to the hotel you’d be hiding in until Thursday.
Media day was bad enough, having to spend hours doing interviews and sitting in to press conferences while trying to get any cool air near you.
“Is Qatar like this every year?” Oscar asked you while sitting alongside Charles, George, and Pierre in a conference.
“It’s been hot the last few years, but nothing like this, no” You answer honestly. “It was nowhere near this hot last year” George adds as the other two drivers nod.
You get through the rest of the day with a lot of water and the many surprisingly useful paper fans you and Lando made as a joke. Friday is dedicated to FP1 and Qualifying, and you end the practice in P11, qualifying P7.
The temperature was bearable that day, but you still left your car red-faced and sweaty afterwards. You talked with a few engineers and strategists before leaving to collect your things and go back to your hotel in hopes of getting some rest before the sprint the next day.
You walk into the paddock Saturday afternoon prepared to endure whatever the shootout and sprint was going to bring to you. You went P9 in the shootout after a stressful amount of track limit warnings, and spend the time before the sprint relaxing in your drivers room. You finished Saturday’s race P8 after defending against Pierre and Valtteri , and trying to overtake Alex in front of you.
You exited your car feeling as tired as you would after a normal race, and tried to show as much happiness as you could for both Max and Oscar after their race finishes.
After using your post-race interview to congratulate the two, you went back to your garage to finish the first race debrief of the weekend, and was sent back to your hotel with instructions to get more hydration and rest.
You thought you felt the worst of the heat earlier in the weekend, but you were proved wrong as you neared the Aston Martin garage Sunday evening.
Nobody could find decent shelter from the Qatari sun, and you were almost sweating by the time you were getting into your car.
You’d done as much possible as you could to prepare for this race, and now it was time to see if it was all worth it or not.
“Good luck, stay safe” Lance said, leaning over your car.
“Good luck, you too” You flip your visor down as your teammate gets into his car, and you’re given the signal to enter the pit lane.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” David Croft begins to commentate. “it is a scorching night out here in Qatar, our drivers have just finished their formation lap, we’re seconds away from driving into the night for 57 laps, it’s light’s out and away we go!”
You pull away from Esteban early and get close to Pierre, taking P6 by Lap 15, and are able to get out his DRS zone afterwards. Statistically, this was good, but physically, you were not feeling well inside your cockpit.
By the halfway mark, there was sweat running down your face, your throat was dry, and your entire body felt like it was overheating trapped inside the small space.
You tried flipping up your visor and adjusting your gloves to get some more airflow, but both methods proved ineffective, leaving you with no fresh air.
By the time you were nearing the end of the race, every turn made your head spin, every straight blew more hot air into your cockpit, and the constant effort of defending against the two Alpine’s behind you was draining your energy.
Your vision was starting to go in and out as you finished your last laps, and you crossed the checkered flag with a sigh of relief, not even caring Pierre overtook you and left you in P7.
It took everything inside you not to black out during the cool down lap, and you could barely manage to maneuver the car into perc ferme.
Drivers were sitting up and getting out of their cars all around you, but you couldn’t find any energy to leave yours. You sat in your car, head leaning against the steering wheel, breathing heavy, as other drivers started to notice.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” Pierre kneels by your car, labored breathing and accent thicker than usual. You shake your head, the small movement making your head pound, and groan.
“Y/n, c’mon, I will help, give me your steering wheel” The driver persists, holding out his hand.
You oblige, as Pierre shouts towards the cars in the front. “Charlie! Venez ici! (come here)
As Charles makes his way from his Ferrari to your car, you begin to sit up and wrap your hands around the halo to pull yourself into a standing position. You move to sit on top of your car after your vision gets dizzy and you start to lose balance.
“What’s wrong? Are you two okay?” The Monagasque asks before you shake your head once again.
“I’m fine, I don’t think she is. Here, put one of her arms around your shoulders” Pierre instructs as he reaches out to help you step off the car.
Despite themselves finishing the same grueling race, the two men move you to sit on the ground before doing the same.
George notices, and comes over with four bottles of water to join you three sitting against the Aston Martin car. The four of you pull off your helmets and balaclavas to chug the water George brought, too tired to move anywhere else.
You’re still dizzy, your hands are shaking, and your body is still overheated, but you’re done with the race and you have water, and those things seem to be the only ones that matter.
“You guys okay?” George asks from beside Charles.
Charles and Pierre shake theirs heads. “Me either,but shouldn’t we, like, go get weighed and stuff?”
You wave a hand dismissively and take another sip of water. The British man nods again. “Yeah, you’re right”
After a few more minutes of sitting on the ground against your car and listening to all the action around you, the four of you stand up to complete the post race procedures and go to the media pen.
“Y/n, how was your race? Are you happy with P7?” The journalist asks you, pointing the microphone towards you.
“Yeah, I’m happy with it. The race was really tough though, I was really struggling towards the end to finish the race and bring the car in”
“A lot of people think Qatar should be moved in the schedule, or taken off completely. What do you think about that?”
“I think it should definitely be moved to either earlier or later in the year. I know I wasn’t the only driver struggling out here, and it’s not safe that we race like this” You reply honestly.
“I agree, Y/n. Good race today, get some rest” The woman smiles at you, and you’re glad to be able to head back to your garage.
After about thirty minutes, Lance joins you and the rest of the engineers in the debrief room, and takes a seat next to you.
“Holy shit” He says.
“Never again” You agree.
something short and sweet for the all the pain qatar brought earlier this year
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californiannostalgia · 6 months
Regarding the Blue Lion (More Lion Meta)
It's never explicitly stated what the requirement is to pilot the Blue Lion. But I have my own theory about the lions, based on how much we've seen of the six paladins.
Green and Yellow are pretty straightforward. Green is the keen mind, the flexible strategist, the unflinching heart. Green will keep you on task without losing sight of the consequences.
Yellow is the voice of caution and empathetic connections. Yellow will usually be the first to warn the team away from a threat, and the first to befriend a local. Yellow is often the best diplomat.
Black and Red are a balancing act. Black paladins have a tremendous force of will, and they refuse to give up. But Black can't be without the team, and the team can't be without Black. Black is the indestructible core of Voltron. No matter how fucked up they get, they will not die.
Red is the action-oriented defender. Red is responsible for counterbalancing Black (Alfor & Zarkon, Keith & Shiro, Lance & Keith). If Black is level-headed, Red will be the risk-taker. If Black is impulsive, Red will be the voice of reason. If Black turns dangerous, it's Red's job to take them down.
So what does that make Blue? Blue isn't as fast as Red or Green. Nor does Blue have the heavy armor like Yellow, or the sheer power of Black. So what makes Blue unique?
Blue chooses the hero with a sense of inadequacy. The Blue paladin is the one who thought they'd never get a chance to fly, or fight, but who really wanted to. Blue is the first chance, the first believer.
Blue is also the last goodbye.
Blue isn't built to take hits and survive them, which is ironic because the Blue paladin's way of defense is through life-threatening sacrifice. No matter how many risks Black or Red take, they don't come so close to death as Blue does.
I think Blue takes the loneliest, the most homesick as paladins. For Black, Red, and Green, their anchor is the people they love, and that's all they need. For Yellow, every planet they touch down on has their own beauty. But Blue preserves the memory of a home planet. Blue is the water-logged origin of life (Earth and Altea, both blue).
The Blue Lion picks the unlikely hero who will, one day, have to leave it. Blue is literally the beginning and end of Voltron. But really, that's just how the cycle of water works. Endings, beginnings--this will not be the last story told.
Blue is home.
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headcanons-n-shit · 11 months
Hi! I love love love you writing! (I've been here all morning, my chores are not getting done lol) Can we get the boys (tm) reacting to/taking care of a WoL who's sick? Like something that requires them to stay in bed and actually rest, something I imagine most WoL's aren't very good at lol maybe a lost, scratchy voice or something too pls <3
Look at these boys, taking care of their poor little meow meow lmao
ff14 boys (tm) taking care of a sick WoL:
Thancred needles you gleefully, but it's playful. What isn't playful is the way he's handling you. Damn but you always forget how strong he is. Easily lifting you off your staggering feet and into bed, from your bed to a bath and back. propping you up with one arm to tip medicine down your throat. A strong, weathered hand checking your temperature, patting your cheek, brushing your hair back so he can lay a cool cloth across your forehead.
In that hazy space between sleep and awake, you think you might even hear him singing to you, low and sweet. It's. Probably just the fever though.
Urianger isn't going to say that he warned you, but. Well. He did kind of warn you.
He doesn't rub it in, either. No, instead he's almost infuriatingly patient with you. When he's easing you into taking foul-tasting medicines, when he's bundling you up in blankets, when he's feeding you soups without letting you so much as lift a finger. He even reads to you-- mostly just dry historical texts that have you dozing off within minutes. It's the best rest you've ever had in your life, and you wake up feeling more alive than ever.
And THEN he will tell you that he warned you :)
G'raha seems like the kind of person who might panic and run around like a chicken with his head cut off. And he might have been, at one point. But he's an older soul now, with experience with a much tougher patient than you: a young Lyna.
He's kind, and gentle, but firm. Yes, you do need to stay in bed. No, you cannot get up. No, he is not going to bring your paperwork or needlework to your bed for you, but he will happily fetch a book for you to read, the new Heavensward memoir perhaps? Yes, you have to take the medicine, but yes you can also have a hot cocoa to chase the taste away.
Estinien stares at you where you're leaning on your lance. You stare at him. He raises an eyebrow. You look away. You can't even give a good excuse-- your voice went out about an hour ago, and you don't have the energy to croak words out around the frog in your throat.
He sighs, scoops you up despite your largely-mute protests, and carries your sorry ass back to the Forgotten Knight. He's no healer, but he remembers the very basics: a roaring fire, hot soup, soothing tea, and rest. It's hard for him, too, he'll freely admit. It feels like there's so much to do, and resting feels like a waste of time.
But if you keep working a damaged muscle, you'll just hurt it further, he reminds you, and helps you with your first few bites of soup. You have to rest, so that, at least if you don't come out the other side stronger, you come out the other side alive.
Aymeric seems calm and composed, but he is 100% internally a screaming chicken. He's already called on the best chirurgeons who would answer, gotten you the best of the medicines they recommended, helped his cooks prepare your favorite meal. All that is left is to wait, and. Aymeric is a strategist, he's good at the long game, but.
He lingers in the door to your room. In your comfy bed, all bundled up in warm blankets, you look so. small. Not the Warrior of Light, not his stalwart friend, but just. A person. Who gets sick. Who he might lose. And that. Scares him. More than a little.
You lift your head and blearily blink at him, and then your chapped mouth pulls into a smile. You pat the edge of your bed next to you for him to sit.
"Tell me about your day?" you croak.
And he takes your hand, and he does.
Haurchefant shakes his head fondly as he moves to help you off the floor where you've fallen.
There was a short period of time when he was really, truly worried for you. When you had just woken up into the new reality of your life, your blank eyes staring at the space where you arm had once been. It's hard, he understands, for a warrior to lose so much of what had once defined them.
But you've still got your fire, to his relief and his chagrin, spitting and cursing and wiggling as he settles you back into bed and flops his entire not-insignificant weight on top of you.
"Hush, now," he says, his mouth right next to your ear, one hand coming up to curl, warm and heavy, around the back of your neck. You're still running a fever, he notes idly, but it's certainly better than it was before. "I think we've earned a spell of rest, don't you?"
Sidurgu freezes at the first cough that rattles through your chest. The memories rise horrifying and unbidden, of coughs that echo in armor, of shaking hands and failing strength and nights hungry, trembling, curled around each other in a desperate bid of warmth, terrified of falling asleep because he doesn't want to wake up to a frozen corpse next to him. And Fray lived, sure, but the cold in their bones never did leave them, not until the day they--
But this is now, he reminds himself, and you are not Fray. There is gil for medicine AND for food, and even for a warm place to sleep. There is Rielle, diligently studying her conjury and happy for a real, live patient to practice on, falling asleep against your chest not because she exhausted herself, but because the hour grew late and she, bored.
How terrifying it is for a Dark Knight to know peace, he thinks as he carefully repositions her so that she is not putting so much weight on your sick lungs. As he brushes your hair from your forehead and places a single kiss there before replacing the cold compress.
How terrifying, and how wonderful.
Erenville has this way about him that is undeniably guilt-inducing. The kind of demeanor that reminds you of clucking mothers and worried-looking fathers, all with his hands on his hips and a single eyebrow raised, and you don't even have the voice to argue with him as he takes you by the hand and half-drags you back to his room.
In a city full of scholars, doctors, and healers, he gripes, and you couldn't find your way to any of them? What if you had gotten hurt? or accidentally gotten someone else sick? or spread something to the delicate denizens of labyrinthos?
But you can sense the very real concern for you, beneath his scathing tone. In the way he keeps one hand on your chest to feel your breathing, the other on your wrist to monitor your pulse. The way he takes you to his home-- not the shoddy room the forum gives to any gleaner, but to the one he's build in the Golmorean section of labyrinthos-- and keeps you there until you get better.
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inejschumacher · 1 month
F1 Race Strategists: “1 stop should be good enough for everyone”
Aston Martin Strategists: “should we pit Lance 3 times today? Maybe we can do 4!!”
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pidges-lost-robot · 6 months
Does anyone else sometimes think that the voltron producers kinda saw Lance and tried to make him like Sokka without necessarily understanding what made Sokka an interesting character and just gave him the things Sokka got but only superficially (the whole being an initially immature flirtatious character who grows up to be a very good strategist, a vs with the red character, the white haired girlfriend who is a princess with a lot of in universe magic dying by sacrificing herself and kissing him one last time who a lot us wished we'd had more time with in the runtime, the sword...)
Like maybe I'm overthinking this or reading too much into it but like he reminds me of Sokka so much in my rewatch and not just cause of the whole having a similar colour palette and I can't help feeling like the producers liked sokka and wanted a character like sokka and clearly didn't know how to recreate that in voltron
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silentreigns · 10 months
Dutch GP 2023 Reflection
I don't know who Mercedes's strategists were for this race but they need to reevaluate EVERYTHING. I knew they were on some bs when the race started Lewis was on mediums and 19 other drivers were on softs? Like don't piss off!
The only reason why Mercedes were able to finish with some points is because of Lewis's skill. Going from 13th to 6th is something is commendable. But we know Lewis rarely complains and I doubt that he's going to say anything about the team that could be seen as negative
I don't think anybody predicted that Pierre would get a podium since he started 12th. But Alpine got the strategy right. Considering everything Alpine has gone through, they definitely needed this podium. Pierre celebrations are always great.
I feel bad for Zhou because he was 2nd at the beginning of the race. Was in the points for a long time. Then he DNF'ed because they didn't bring out the red flag sooner so he aqua-planed. If he for real loses his seat after this season imma be salty. Someone should lose their seat in that team and it ain't him 🤥
Ferrari just keeps making Charles look dumb. Charles called for Inters at the best time. The pit wall wanted him to stay out (idiots). Charles goes into the pits anyway, and the Inters weren't ready. If Ferrari pit him at the right time, he definitely would have been in the top 5 for a while. Then they kept rubbing salt on our wounds having him stay out when he was being overtaken by everyone. When I saw George on hards overtake him I knew it was a wrap
Speaking of George, what the FUCK was Mercedes doing putting him on hards? Hards aren't suited for this track, and he was like the only driver on the grid who went on them. He also had a snap with his car and was driving on the grass for like 2 seconds. Don't know how he survived that at all. And that moment also made me nervous because Lewis was directly behind him on that turn. Then he DNF'ed on like the last couple of laps in a points scoring position. What a disaster 😭
Yuki started p17 due to impeding Lewis in quali. So i wasn't expecting much. But then he ran P5-P8 for a significant part of the race. He managed to keep Lando behind all those laps. But then AlphaTauri didn't pit him sooner, and he was on old softs for a long time. But when he was aggressively defending I was very proud. But then he got a 5 second penalty for (???) and finished last. Yuki and Charles are the most unluckiest drivers on the grid
Lando went from P2 to P7. It really doesn't matter what happens in a race, he finds a way to finish P7. I don't know whether to laugh or cry for him.
I'm so happy Alex finished in the points. That makes Williams P7 in the constructors which is HUGE. I feel like Williams can cook at Monza too so I am excited to see how the next race goes
Sad for Logan, he got lapped after 8 laps then crashed into a wall. You made us Americans proud though like compared to where he started in the beginning he has grown a lot. Even though on paper it doesn't look that way🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
Lance had 7 pitstops and somehow ended exactly where he started in P11. I am not a conspiracy theorist but why is Lance always on a drastically different strategy than Fernando? I don't get it all, and I don't think the team is deliberately sabotaging him either.
Alonso is back to looking like how he was at the beginning of the season. But I need Aston Martin to make bigger gains because he looks like the only person who has a chance at stopping RedBull this season
Overall, this is like my second favorite race this season. Silverstone is still my favorite, and I don't see that race getting dethroned this season
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lil-shiro · 1 year
Being an Aston Martin fan
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mignonricciardo · 1 year
You ask and I will give!!!
Lance grew up racing against this girl. She was a year younger than him and man, did he despise her. They would fight each other instead of fighting for first.
They grew up and raced each other up until F2 where she got into a horrible crash and was unable to race anymore.
One day Lance needed a new engineer and who shows up? Her. They talk over the radio like Lance and Brad used to… borderline arguing and everyone thinks they actually hate each other but actually they become friends, maybe more.
we all know lance is the bitchiest of bitches, and this does not exclude little lance. little lance is perhaps the bitchiest of bitches in lance language. the whiniest little bitch that you swear you see red whenever you see him — and you're like 11 years old.
it's so obvious you hate each other from a young age, and somehow you continue to race against one another all the way through to F3. after a terrible crash early in your F3 career, you end up not racing again after a long recovery and some PT. despite your rivalry with lance, he is one of the first of the other drivers to check in with you. he even does a helmet swap with you, wearing a special edition helmet based on your design for the rest of the season to show his old rival who he's known since being a boy. you think it's a little #fruity of him, but ANYWHO
after your recovery and some time away, you've still got that knack for racing, and you're brought in by your old F3 team to work with the strategy team. after a few years, you make your way to F1 as a strategist with another team, stepping in a few times as a substitute race engineer. when aston martin calls about an open race engineer spot, you jump on it without much thought.
lance. it's fully lance stroll, your old rival.
you don't know what to expect, but that first meeting with him is full of so much laughter that it's hard to believe this is the lance stroll you grew up wanting to hit so hard into the barrier he'd forget his name briefly. there is a lot of reminiscing, and you're quickly becoming friends off track. on track? you hate each other all over.
so many bitch fights over the radio that viewers genuinely wonder what is happening. at one point, you curse at him, and despite this going against all protocol, it somehow works with your dynamic. you're able to keep him calm in certain situations and inspire mega drives with a little taunting.
omg okay so you somehow inspire this mega comeback drive that leads to his first win. the garage around you is screaming as he comes across the line, and you're yelling into his helmet.
"oh my god, lance! you fucking did it!"
"what the fuck did we just do!!!!" he's screaming so loud
"i fucking love you!!! what did you just do?" he's still yelling, but you don't miss the love you comment.
you're at the front of the barricade as he climbs out of the car, and he comes barreling toward the the sea of green as he launches up into the arms of his mechanics. he comes to you next, squeezing you so hard as you grab the sides of his helmet, screaming and jumping up and down. some of the mechanics notice, and they've been speculating for awhile now that you like each other.
when lance does the interview before the podium, he's still in shock and praising you for your work on the radio.
"i love her. she's incredible. truly, truly love her and owe her a lot. i'm just in shock still."
tears glimmer in his eyes as the canadian anthem plays, and he looks at you as he does as you both mouth along the words to your anthem. the group around you cheers as it ends, and he sprays you all with champagne from his bottle from the podium above. when he returns back from the elevated podium, he comes up to you again, medal around his neck. he tries to give it to you, and to keep it lighthearted, you crack a joke.
"giving me the medal because you love me?"
"i would kiss you because i love you, but i think you'd kill me for doing it so publicly."
"you think you know me that well?"
"i've known you for nearly 15 years, but this is something I should have done a long time ago"
the whole garage sees it and cheers borderline violently as they jostle one another.
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avionvadion · 24 days
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Azure Breidablik! I am never drawing you again, lol.
Valkyrie's technically use spears, but Breidablik can apparently transform into a Lance, Sword, and/or Axe so, y'know, Irene can always learn that later. I figured she'd probably stick with the sword at first since that's what Robin is most familiar with and he's basically going to be her teacher when he shows up- in both strategy and battle.
I plan on Azure Breidablik making an appearance sometime after Robin, since he's the only one other than her in the Order of Heroes who can actually look at other peoples' skills (they're the only Hero strategists there, oof) and is able to see her personal skill- something she herself is unable to see, as well as the Blessing she has... and that someone had tampered with it.
Not gonna lie, Irene and Robin kinda feel like they'll end up just being one of those Duo Heroes??? Since he'll probably be right by her side helping give orders during battle. I almost drew him in there on the left (hand on her back, supporting her, with his other hand held out as he shouts something) but his fancy outfit made me decide not to.
When is Irene going to awaken as a Valkyrie? NO IDEA. But it's a fun idea, so I'm drawing it ahead of time, lol.
It might just happen against either Surtr or Hel- probably dies a second time, but this time while protecting Veronica or Alfonse, and Breidablik revives her again. It'd be pretty poetic if it happens while fighting Hel, though.
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cheriladycl01 · 6 months
You're a dick Stroll! - Lance Stroll x Engineer! Reader
Plot: You created the best car for the 2024 season however after some harsh comments from Lawrence Stroll about a female engineer having been the reason his son crashed out in Bahrain turns out after investigations from the FIA people owe you an apology!
A/N: Obviously this is fanfic so its dramatized so in no way does this portray anyone in a realistic light and is just for the drama and the vibes.
Credit to micksradio for the GIF
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"You innovations have been amazing this year Y/N all thanks to that brain of yours!" Mike Krack the team Principle for Aston Martin tells you, holding either one of your shoulders shaking them in delight at the new car in front of him.
You had been at Silverstone working as the lead mechanic/ designer on the new car throughout the last half of the 2023 season.
"Thank you, but you know it was a team effort right?" you smiled back, it really was a team effort.
"Well, we actually wanted to offer you a promotions of sorts!" he exclaimed a look of shock crossing your face.
"Excuse me?"
"We figured that you know the car the best and we want you travelling with us to make adjustments as and when needed. Last year was a struggle when we didn't have you here, you are the quickest we've seen and having you on the road with the team would really help.
"This is amazing, yes I'll do it!" you exclaimed happy that you were finally able to travel around the world with Aston Martin.
A month later and you were in Bahrain for pre-season testing of the 2024 year, everything was looking good on both the car, they were running well and the data figures looked good to you and your team.
You'd stayed late with a few other team members making sure everything was ready for the most important Sunday of the year, this race was the one that usually set the drivers mentality for the year. Nobody wanted to crash in the first race and no-one wants to not make it into the points.
You left, once you'd finished your checks on both cars, some people still working around.
"Okay, I'm off guys and ill see you for the big day tomorrow!" you smiled at them before heading back to the hotel that Aston Martin had placed you in. It wasn't a long ride, and you splurged on an Uber considering how much overtime you'd just done in the garage.
You did share a hotel with the drivers, as one of the lead engineers in Aston Martin you got the privilege of the nicer hotel compared to some of your colleagues.
As you entered, you could see some of the drivers sat in the bar, Lando Daniel, Max and his girlfriend Kelly were all sat together taking pictures, obviously for the .jpg accounts.
Charles, Pierre, Carlos and Lewis were also there sat at the bar, drinks in hand. However, with your attention directed elsewhere you felt yourself bump into something.
"Oh my gosh I am so sorry" you exclaimed looking towards the person you had bumped into that was now holding your forearm as if to steady you so you didn't fall back.
"It's er okay, you seemed distracted are you... okay?" you hear the person ask and look up to see your teams youngest driver.
"Oh Lance I'm so so sorry!" you say noticing it was him.
"It's okay" he says awkwardly before shuffling off. You watch as he walks up to Alex and George who were also sat with one another. You continue up to your floor before showering and passing out in your bed.
The next day your alarm was set extremely early, you came straight to the track having gotten ready in a record speed time. Your hair was whipped up in a ponytail and you'd nearly put your green Aston Martin team top on back to front.
You got to the track for when Mike told you to meet him there, he wanted you the radio engineers and the strategists to all talk before the race. Considering it was only 7.30 in the morning there were already loads of people in the paddock, from all different teams.
Where it was your first time you didn't know the protocol or anything for greeting other teams, so you just stayed your typical friendly self sending a smile and wave to everyone that you passed and made eye contact with.
Once you'd got into hospitality Ben Mitchell, Chris Conin and Peter Hall were all there, Peter held a coffee out to you with a small smile.
"Thanks" you smiled before you all started to talk about the race ahead, you guys checked the weather patterns and the track temp before trying to plan the race for both drivers.
By the time you'd done your final checks it was time for the race. Lance had placed P7 the day before and Fernando had placed P10 which was an amazing start to the year for Aston Martin.
"How's the car looking?" the social media girl asked, she was looking at the screen of data rolling in from the car but not understanding what the figures actually meant.
"It's performing phenomenally. Its definitely better than last year. Its also original and completely initiative, I've heard Horner and Vasser talking about it!" you explain having heard them interviewing about the grid and a little season preview.
She nods, and you talk a little before she leaves to go and try and film some social media stuff while there isn't too much excitement on the track.
However only 2 laps later Lance was reporting his breaks being stiff, which from the figures looked to be impossible. Before his race engineer could even ask for your advice, Lance went into a turn too quick skidding off the side taking Gasly with him. You looked up at the screen in shock, a hand covering your mouth.
Lance's car had gone sideways before flipping over Gasly's car. Lance and Gasly were both out of the race.
"What the hell happened!" Lawrence screaming coming over to you, all the pit crew who had just pulled Fernando's car in stopped what they were doing and came over to you.
"Sorry?" you asked pulling the headphones off genuinely not having heard him.
"What happened! Your the engineer who was here late last night. What did you do to my sons car, he's an impeccable driver and he has DNFed because YOU cant do your job" he screamed and you flinched taking a wide step back.
"Look i didn't do anything, I wasn't even the final engineer here last night. I think he was just unlucky sir" you tried to explain, but his face like thunder had you a stuttering and stumbling mess.
"Yes you did! Just admit you either sabotaged the car on purpose or your so damn incompetent at your job that you didn't build the car right! You know you should be fired for this, its completely unacceptable and I'll be speaking to Mike about having you removed because you clearly" he starts but one of the crew members behind decided enough was enough and stepped in front of you.
"Hey, sir with all dew respect there are camera's everywhere in here recording so just think about your image" he directs and Fernando having finally got out of his car and having seen what happened to you.
"Lawrence, i think its best that you take a step back" Fernando advises seeing how close he had gotten to you.
Instead he just storms out of the paddock, you release a breath you didn't even realize you had been holding in everyone swarming round you take make sure you were okay.
It only took 4 hours for the public to find out who you were and your social media handles as you had a few people following you. One of which was McLaren who you had worked for under an apprenticeship scheme.
The only thing you really wanted right now was have a drink, so the hotel bar where you were certain would be safe from the public eye. You came down from your hotel room, you weren't in anything fancy and felt out of place the minute you sat down at the bar. Most of the drivers were there celebrating wins, or drinking away the loss.
It was like you had this beeper on you, as when you entered the room and walked to the bar all the drivers seemed to notice you. I mean it wasn't hard, your hair was thrown up in a ratty bun and your eyes were red from having read all the hate messages sent to your inbox.
"She's the one they're investigating because of Stroll's crash! His dad went in on her after the race"
The whispers all around you from people in the bar had you shrinking in your seat.
"So your the one that made me crash!" Lance exclaims from behind you, you turn round seeing his face, angry and upset and expression nobody liked.
"Look, I didn't do anything to the -" you start but are slowly interrupted.
"No you did, you know nothing and you shouldn't be in this job! Everything they are saying about you online is true, you could have killed me and Pierre because of that accident. So careless!" he shouts, which shocked the other drivers as Lance wasn't really one to raise his voice.
"Please Lance, I've already had enough..."
"No, you haven't had enough! You shouldn't be in this sport if you cant build a car properly, it's shit! It's not powerful and you clearly cant build a car like Andre last year!" he says, you could tell he was getting frustrated and it made you take a step of your seat.
"You're a dick Stroll! Andre didn't build the car. I did that's why i took the position this year as he wasn't performing as Head Mechanic so yeah. I didn't do anything to the car, the data was fine maybe you just are as good as a driver as you seem to think you are" you say before storming out of the bar.
Two weeks later, where you'd lazed around all day at home was when you'd got that expected call. You were currently on suspended leave where you were still under investigation. Mike had been facetiming you on and off asking for help to try and speed up the pace of fixing the car before Saudi Arabia GP.
It was in fact Mike calling again, however this time he was telling you to open up any socials and see what the FIA had posted.
"Are you serious?" you say, the first piece of enjoyment in your life in the last few weeks has just occurred.
"Yes, we need you on the first flight out to Saudi, someone's waiting for you at Heathrow to bring you" he exclaims, you jump up cutting the call short and start to rush, packing a bag by slinging clothes in it not bothering to fold. You make sure your uniform is all packed as well as the essentials before running out the door and running to the train station.
You came into the terminal, shooting a text to Mike, not knowing who to be looking for. You look around to see if you can see one of the other mechanics or maybe Mike's personal assistant but you come short.
"Come on Mike" you whisper to yourself looking at your phone.
"Y/N?" you hear from behind you. You knew that Canadian voice all to well.
"Lance?" you ask with a slight sneer to your tone, you were still angry and upset with him and his father for jumping to such outrageous conclusions.
"Mike wants you there asap, so I suggested you come with me" he says guiding you down a secure back path to where it leads out to the jets.
"Your kidding me right?" you ask as he walks you out onto the den where his dad's private jet is waiting.
"We needed you there as soon as possible the car is in literal pieces without you there!" he exclaims, having heard from his father than things had been slow in the garage.
"Well, do you now trust me to build you an effective car?" you ask halting your steps, you didn't want to work with him anymore if you didnt have his trust. Throughout your suspension you had both McLaren and Mercedes reach out to you offering you a job with them once it all blew over.
"I do trust you, I just got angry when i crashed the car in the first race of the season, my dad blamed it on you and to me that seemed the most logical. I am sorry for what its worth" he says awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
"For what its worth... you're still a dick. But i think i can put up with that" you smile, before following him over to the pane ahead.
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