#i want more badass warrior princess jazz
gilbirda · 3 months
Ghost Princess!Jazz design
So, since I'm posting chapter 24 of Friendly Neighborhood Vigilante, finally these will see the light of day!!!
Designs and drawing by the amazing @herbatahleb!!! I commissioned him these drawings so I could visualize the suit in my head better; and also so peeps could see what I'm talking about!
Thank you so much Hleb!
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Alt version that was scrapped during the design process and me rambling about design ideas under the cut
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So the Idea was that in this AU Jazz was trained by Pandora and the dead Amazon warriors in the greek afterlife.
Jazz doesn't use guns, not because of morality or anything, but because she sucks ass at shooting and is like the moment she hits the trigger it doesn't matter where she was aiming, she will cause an accident/hurt someone. (Weapons she doesn't have to actually aim are kinda okay, but you have to be ready for her blowing up something)
So she compensates and uses a lot of long range weapons, with her mom's staff being the one she uses the most. The staff has 2 settings: spear, which she uses for a more aggressive approach (think Okoye and the Dora Milaje from Black Panther)
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and War Mode, with the War Mode is the one that is in the final design. I sent Hleb a bunch of reference pictures and the lance is based on Ares' lance in Destripando la Historia (a spanish youtube series)
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My general idea is that Jazz is inspired by the war god because she herself had to become one for Danny. She's one of their best strategist but she is also vicious in battle and the best at hand to hand combat and most versatile weapons-wise.
Her suit is also red because it stands out in the Infinite Realms. She makes herself a target so she can attract her enemies to her, since she can't fly or doesn't have a means of quick transportation during battle.
Armor is made for speed and agility, and it's charmed so it enhances her natural ghostly abilities and physique. Her arm pieces can project an ecto shield for defense.
For the crown I had a few references, but mainly Wanda's headpiece in MCU
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But also I wanted to include some kind of high fantasy crowns for her, because that's her crown as a princess. While Danny has the black metal one that's constantly on fire, Jazz would have this armor headpiece and only the "tips" would be on fire and then the actual crown appears out of thin air as a fire circle over her head.
For me this detail was important because it showed: first, how for Jazz her crown IS part of her armor and how deeply entwined being a princess is with being a warrior while Danny can be the king without the warrior; and second, to represent how "fake" as a ghost princess she is, since she's not actually dead-dead, because only 2 singular points are actually metal but the rest comes and goes and doesn't anchor to anything.
We also used a bunch of references of Kassandra from Assasins Creed Odyssey
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For the boots and other details I really just sent Hleb a bunch of pictures from the Wonder Woman movie Amazonian armor design
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Anyway that's all my rant. I'm very happy with the final design and Hleb was very kind to sit with me and let me be specific about what I wanted. Love you, darling!
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The Crossover Timelines 2: Electric Boogaloo
So as with anything, we have Alternate Timelines!
To be fair, a chunk of these Timelines are Canon to their own series. I will be discussing two types of Alternate Timelines. The ‘Bad End Timelines’, and the 'Powerswap Timeline’.
First, the Bad End Timelines.
As you could guess, this is basically Timelines where the Heroes…. well.
Sometimes they fail completely. Sometimes they go crazy and become villains. Sometimes, they are still 'Heroes’, but lose themselves and aren’t quite 'Heroic’.
There are several 'Bad End Timelines’. Not every series gets them, but there’s at least one. Usually this is somewhat Canon through 'characters Time Travel to the Bad Timeline but fix it so it doesn’t happen’.
I’ll spare you the generic 'this is when they fail’ Timeline, as you can always assume there’s a Timeline where someone fails or gets killed or whatever. I want to talk more on the…. more interesting Bad Ends.
Miraculous Ladybug: Princess Justice and Chat Blanc
Though only the main two are mentioned, all of Team Miraculous goes darkside. I am unsure if they collectively snap, or if they’re all Akumatized and Hawkmoth lost control. Either way, they’re feral as hell.
Danny Phantom: Dan.
Oh hey! This is Canon! Ish. I did rewrite this episode slightly. Summary: Danny’s friends and family die in an explosion, and Vlad has custody. To deal with his Ghost Half’s 'Obsessional Breakdown’, they try to take out the Ghost Half, intending it to be temporary. Phantom overpowers them, steals Vlad’s Ghost Half, the halves fuse, and kill their remaining Human halves before going on a destructive rampage.
Ben 10: Ben 10,000
Another somewhat Canon but I rewrote it one! Ben does not handle trauma well, and slowly loses his support system. He was already not doing well but by 20, he loses his wife and fully goes into a breakdown spiral becoming more and more direct, paranoid, obsessive, etc. for the next decade. This is one of the 'better’ Bad End Timelines, as Ben is still technically a Hero. Just one who handles situations my taking over things, even out of his jurisdiction, forcing other Heroes into retirement, and curbstomping villains in a murder-y way.
The Secret Saturdays: There is no Zak, only Kur.
One fun thing about reincarnation is unlocking those previous memories. But the danger is if the old life takes over the new one. And that’s what happens. Kur’s memory is unlocked, and takes over Zak, becoming the Kind of Cryptids and taking over with his own armies.
Samurai Jack: The entire goddamn series.
Literally though. The whole plot of the series is that Jack is tossed into a Timeline where Aku won. The Crossover takes place in the Timeline created once Jack made his way back and defeated Aku.
Code Lyoko: XANA Warriors
All of the Lyoko Warriors become infected/brainwashed by XANA
Ultimate Bad End: 
Everyone fails, all Bad Ends happen at once. 
Now that we’re done with the Bad End Timelines, let’s talk about the Powerswap Timeline!
A lot of these shows have ‘Powerswap or Roleswap’ Timelines. Either in Canon, with a ‘what if’ scenario or Magic making everyone’s abilities shuffle, or just the Fandom decides ‘Hey! What if.....”
So I decided that a handful of Powerswap AUs happen all in the same Timeline. For reasons. 
Again, not all of them get one (or at least I haven’t thought of one!), but we’re going over what I have so far. 
Miraculous Ladybug: Lady Luck
While I could have just made this Lady Noire and Mr. Bug...... Lady Luck is more fun and changes the dynamic a lot more. Also I’m more invested in it lmao. 
Anyway, LL is a Timeline where Chloé is given the Ladybug Miraculous instead of Marinette. While Chat, Hawkmoth, Mayura and Bunnyx are unchanged, Chloé makes different choices in the rest of the Miraculous that are handed out. 
Danny Phantom: Phantom Phamily
During Jack and Maddie’s initial attempt to turn on the Ghost Portal to show Danny and Jazz, they’re a bit more successful. Sort of. 
The Portal goes a bit fucky before turning on, blasting all four Fentons and creating four Halfas at once. The whole family has to get used to weird powers and biology. 
MLP: In Another World
When Nightmare Moon returns, and Twilight tries to stand up to her, the Unicorn is kidnapped. Spike, trying desperately to save his big sister, accidentally puts together a Team of a bunch of kids his own age to go on a dangerous quest to recover the Elements of Harmony. 
Spike is the Element of Magic. Applebloom the Element of Loyalty. Sweetie Belle the Element of Honesty. Scootaloo the Element of Kindness. Pipsqueak the Element of Generosity. And Diamond Tiara as Element of Laughter. 
Ben 10: Gwen 10
Oh this was mildly Canon! A Timeline where Gwen finds the Omnitrix first, and it attaches itself to her. She gets to be a Shapeshifting Alien Hero. Meanwhile, Ben ends up a badass Witch. 
Lilo and Stitch: Lilo and Angel
Stitch and Angel swap roles. For whatever reason, Angel is out when Jumba is arrested, and Stitch is in the pods with the rest of the Experiments. Angel is captured too, and either injured or given something to neutralize her voice. She escapes and ends up in Hawai’i, then adopted by Lilo and Nani just like Stitch did in Canon. Stuck there with her voice unable to work, she eventually gets the full Found Family treatment.
Later, during the ‘Series’, we get ‘Experiment 626′ activated. Unsure how this version of Stitch will fit in yet but I’ll come back to it. 
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aggressiveviking · 6 years
I’ve gotten so many new followers recently (you guys are the best!) feel free to talk to me. i love to make new friends!
thanks for tagging me @mulletsanddishtowels !!
What’s my name/nickname? Nikki. my full name is horrendous so i wont say what it is
What’s my birth year? 1995
Where do I live? Bulgaria 
What’s my style?  i like to look like a businessman down on his luck (basically elegant hobo). I love the classy oldschool look. I love wrist watches (i spend too much money on them. the last one i got is a sport Kappa chronograph -my god, its so slick and beautiful!) also i love shoes - beautiful dress shoes (Oxfords and their variations are my favs), leather boots (sole stitching is as an absolute must! i need those shoes to look awesome AND last long. because they look even more beautiful when they get worn out a bit) then you combine that with tight pants/jeans and an oversized top (any kind + cool jackets) and you get and idea what my style is.
What’s my personality like? in a group im the loudest. im the bad influence. its out of my control - i want to outdo everyone at drinking, laughing, bad jokes so on. tho if its one on one and i don’t know you i try to be polite but except that i don’t talk or do much. if i know you i’m the person that you’re embarrassed to be seen with in public. i have a bad temper but i always try to resolve thing peacefully first.
3 Favorite fictional character(s)? i absolutely adore Riddick!, Dean Winchester (season 1-4) and Neal Caffrey (i have more but those are of the top of my head) 
3 Favorite movie(s)? i can always watch Back to the Future (all 3 parts), i love The Riddick Chronicles (again all parts, without the cartoon one) and i always have on my computer Princess Mononoke (its my favorite since kindergarten)
Favorite music? I can’t say i’m not picky because i am but i love all kinds of music. when i was younger i gravitated mostly around rock and metal but since then i’ve had so much fun discovering everything else that exists - old, new, mainstream, indie, rock, jazz, house, metal, classical - - you name it. i love exploring new (and old) stuff.
3 Favorite tv-show(s)? i can always come back to my all time favorites - Supernatural, Heroes, Friends
One thing you should know about me. when i talk sometimes it sounds like i’m lecturing but i’m actually really passioned about analyzing stuff 
One thing I hold dear. Loyalty and honesty (those are 2 but they go hand in hand)
One thing I really love. Love (its such a fantastic concept.i love love)
One thing I really dislike. people who are set on misunderstanding you/ who love making pointless drama
Do I have any pet-peeves? a bright light/annoying noise while i’m trying to sleep 
What is my goal in life? somehow to find someone who loves me/cares about me 
What is my passion? creating things that move people
What is my biggest fear(s)? heights and being forgotten
What did I want to be when I was little? I wanted to be a badass warrior
What do I want to be now? i still want to be a badass warrior… but also i want to be free and happy 
im tagging (you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to): @hatchetmode, @digitaldevilqueen, @cocomeowlow, @thestolengalaxy, @didhs-random-things, @aonoanimeniac
and anyone else from my wonderful followers who wants to do this!
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Zora Royal Family* Appreciation Post!
Royal Family Zora are not your typical posh, reserved, “Royal Family”. Sure maybe they’re regal in appearance but they have been historically active in all kinds of shenanigans/ adventures and I just wanted to give shout out to my favourite royal fishy folk over the past few decades. 
Princess Ruto straight up went inside a fucking live whale (fish?) and wrote a letter in a bottle saying “Don’t worry it’s cool. I know what I’m doing.” She has no idea what she’s doing. She’s way too calm about the whole situation. Then she basically demands Link’s hand in marriage. Poor boy has no idea what he’s done. 
Prince Ralis flees for his life to Hyrule Castle to aid his people in the midst of the Twilight Crisis, presumably without an escort and almost gets himself killed. The prince then decides to lay low in Kakariko Village for awhile because lyfe is hard. And his mother, the Queen, was fucking murdered by Zant. He’s only a wee lad. Help him. He’s got too much shit to deal with for a boy his age. Also, need to catch a giant red stinky fish? Here, take his earring! 
Champion/ Princess Mipha. ULTIMATE WIFE MATERIAL. Mipha became the Zora Champion because to her exceptional spearmanship as well as her healing magic. A princess, a sweetheart, AND a badass warrior/mage. She gave no shits having feelings for a Hylian despite being a Royal Zora. Also, Dorephan, her father, the King of Zora’s Domain was totally cool with it. He absolutely adores his would be son-in-law. Also, fuck you Water-Blight Ganon. 
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Prince Sidon. What. A. GOON. Half of the Zora in the domain will honestly say how their Prince is a bit over the top & unorthodox, thus making him popular with the younger generation of Zora. The elders are probably constantly rolling their eyes at him. Hylians that have been approached by him during his search are more or less weirded out by him. You think this would discourage him, but no. He doesn't give a fuck what people think of him. Handsome. Easily excitable. Over ecstatic speech. Dramatic backflips. Jumping off towers. Stabbing his way through the stomach of a giant Octorok, you name it. This man is going to be one hell of a King. Not to mention he has his own fucking Fan Club. That Link is defiantly apart of. 
*Bonus: The Indigo-Gos.
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Literally, a Zora jazz band. Need I say more? This was my fucking favourite thing about Majora’s Mask. On top of being able to don the form of the Zora Mikau, the lead guitarist, you can have jam sessions with the bassist. ZORA. JAM SESSIONS. 
The whole story behind Mikau & Lulu is very sad so I won’t go into that... let’s just end it at happy little jam sessions. 
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bforbookslut · 6 years
Spartacus Reimagined as a Thracian Swordsmaiden in C. V. Wyk’s Blood and Sand – An ARC Review
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I have given Blood and Sand by C. V. Wyk a ☆☆☆☆ rating. It is Book 1 of an untitled series. It belongs to the Young Adult Historical Fiction genre with some Fantasy. It is also a Retelling. Tor Teen publishes it. It will be published January 16, 2018.
The blurb reads:
The action-packed tale of a 17-year-old warrior princess and a handsome gladiator who dared take on the Roman Republic―and gave rise to the legend of Spartacus...
For teens who love strong female protagonists in their fantasy and historical fiction, Blood and Sand is a stirring, yet poignant tale of two slaves who dared take on an empire by talented debut author C. V. Wyk.
Roma Victrix. The Republic of Rome is on a relentless march to create an empire―an empire built on the backs of the conquered, brought back to Rome as slaves.
Attia was once destined to rule as the queen and swordmaiden of Thrace, the greatest warrior kingdom the world had seen since Sparta. Now she is a slave, given to Xanthus, the Champion of Rome, as a sign of his master’s favor. Enslaved as a child, Xanthus is the preeminent gladiator of his generation.
Against all odds, Attia and Xanthus form a tentative bond. A bond that will spark a rebellion. A rebellion that threatens to bring the Roman Republic to its end―and gives rise to the legend of Spartacus...
The story continues in Fire and Ash, coming in 2019 from Tor Teen.
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Happy book birthday to Blood and Sand by C. V. Wyk! I don’t usually publish my reviews on release day but I’ve had a rough couple of days, plus, I started a new internship and was unable to schedule the review accordingly. Nevertheless, here it is! As always, my reviews may contain spoilers. I say may because what’s a spoiler to you may not be a spoiler for me.
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Despite what I’ve seen reviews says about Blood and Sand being a story written by someone who has watched the 300 movies and played too many war games, I liked it. Was I completely blown away? No. But did it excite me at every turn? Hell yeah, it did! It deserves four stars from me because it was very well-written with every scene flowing seamlessly into the next. I really loved that we know that Mount Vesuvius was going to erupt and every moment was just leading up to that.
Fair warning that I’m not familiar with the stories and legends of Spartacus and I went into Blood and Sand completely blind. So, I’ve reading this with very fresh eyes and have no complaints at all about the plot. Of course, I have not been called a bitch for absolutely no reason and as always, I have my complaints (coughwheresmytriggerwarningcoughs).
But first, let me tell you why I loved Blood and Sand.
It started off on such a high! I think everyone and their grandparents know that Spartacus was a slave. Blood and Sand wastes no plot time by jumping straight into the slave auction and the momentum builds with every turn of the page. It doesn’t stop. It just rises and rises and rises. I also really loved that Blood and Sand does not make it a story of the Chosen one. While to us readers, Spartacus is a chosen one and they lead the rebellion and all that jazz, Blood and Sand is the story of Attia, the Thracian slave girl. There are no prophecies and no legends to accompany her story.
And god, I’m so done with the Chosen one tropes that this was such a lovely breath of fresh air!
I was a little bit bothered by how quickly Attia and Xanthus fell in love. Don’t get me wrong, there was still some build-up and it was pretty logical but it happened all too fast. And soon, the story focused quite a bit on their romance, however fleeting it was.
“What would the Maedi warrior know about smiling?” he said against her lips as he pulled her closer.
“Not enough,” she murmured.
Wyk’s writing is also incredibly beautiful and poetic. I haven’t had so much pleasure in highlighting all the quotable material in my kindle in such a long time. And even though quoting from an ARC is ill-advised, I’m going to do it anyway because I loved it all.
“Xanthus had known strong women in his life, but not like her. Even if she hadn’t been one of the legendary Maedi, there was a brightness inside her, a core of fire that burned steadily beneath her scarred bronze skin.”
Character-wise, Attia is my favourite. She was such a badass and a take-no-shit kind of girl that I couldn’t help but root for her along the way. I loved that she’s not a character with a girly or feminine side, something that so many leading ladies fall into once they find the man of their dreams. War and revenge thrum in her veins and she’d rather hear the clang of swords that pretty music. Not one bit of that changes; not even when she meets Xanthus and falls madly in love with him. What also made Attia so great was she created her family when she didn’t have one, drawing people around her in and I find that so relatable cause that’s me. I’ll be like “oh my sweet summer child come here”.
Although, she’s a little bit of a special snowflake.
“She could see the anger etched into his soul as permanently as the scars on his skin.”
Xanthus, on the other hand, felt like he was a little all over the place. I loved that he didn’t want to kill but was so good at it solely because he needed to survive. But I couldn’t get more out of his personality. He loves Attia, he’s protective of the people he deems his family, but I couldn’t get more. That doesn’t mean I hate him though. He’s a perfect YA hero, romantic and brooding but also very respectful of Attia. Also, he’s very, very sexy.
“He didn’t even have a helmet, and the tips of his dark hair seemed to turn gold in the sun.”
And now, to the negatives:
I have to address the elephant in the room. WHERE ARE MY TRIGGER WARNINGS??? Blood and Sand was full of trigger material and I think we’ve gotten to a point where YA literature should always come with a warning whether on the book, on the website, anywhere for fuck’s sake! The official press release would be perfect.
Some trigger warnings for Blood and Sand are: rape, sexual abuse, domestic violence, self-harm
Yeah, I get that it’s a book set in those heinous times but???? I would love to not have to read uncomfortable scenes, please and thank you.
One thing that really got me about Blood and Sand was the sex, or rather, the lack of it. And even the lack of a fade to black! I find that the sex in YA fantasy novels is exactly like their genre, a fantasy. Exactly like the Rowan/Aelin love scene in Empire of Storms. Jeez. It’s always so magical and pretty and full of fancy language or like Blood and Sand, straight up imaginary. Where’s the clumsy? Where’s the fumbling? (And this is coming from a virgin lol whatdoiknow?)
Like come on, I think we can do something a little more realistic.
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Blood and Sand is an amazing read, especially if you’re a fan of Roman history and retellings featuring a strong heroine. It was perfectly wrapped up in anticipation for the second instalment which we have to wait an entire year for without the typical annoying cliffhanger. Attia and Xanthus are well-written and you can’t help but want to root for them. Plus, you’ll want to read it because C. V. Wyk has a way with words that just draws you in to Attia’s world and makes you want to never leave.
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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review. This review edition may differ from the final edition.
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