#stranger things x male oc
•| A not so stolen youth |•
Stranger things / chapter 3
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Summary: Everything in life seemed limited to walls of whites and rainbows. Caged within the confines of the lab. But an accident that involved a group of teenagers and the upside down world finally let him free. In a funny turn of events he found himself hiding in a step sibling's shed. A redhead that loves video games and a blond that spends his time making sure to keep his good looks.
Character: Male child OC
Warnings: Possible to descriptive scenes, child abuse, use of drugs and bad language.
A/N: I ask you to take into account that I lack experience writing in English and there'll be some grammatical mistakes because my native language is Spanish.
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It was early in the morning, every kid was either at school or at home because they’re sick. All except for one.
Thirteen walked with tranquility through the groups of trees scattered all over the town. He found that the only onces that walked there were a few really young kids, other than that, the coast is completely clear.
But what is not completely clear is his mind. The day before he saw something that brought back awful memories. He found out, his father is not the only man like that in the world and he isn’t the only one like him out there. He would like to say that he doesn’t understand Billy completely, but he does.
The teenage has moments of calmness when he usually keeps to himself or even glances at him as if inspecting his soul, and moments of complete chaos when he is hostile against anything and anyone near him.
Billy was angry at his father, that much was evident, but he couldn’t do a thing because he knew it was useless. That was a feeling he could relate a little bit to well.
It happened too often to him in the lab. Loosing his papa’s respect brought a lot of punishment with it and answering it only left him in pain. His only solution was to hold back and resist. But that led to future explosions where he sent his guards flying or breaking an entire room with a scream.
He was labeled as dangerous and forced to stay isolated.
He was thinking of ways to help make him feel better but nothing came to mind other than a present.
But what?
Or maybe, some company? That’s what he wanted when he was in the lab. Maybe that’s what Billy needs at home.
Before he could think about other options, his senses detected something. He heard a pair of soft footsteps quite some distance further in front of him but instead of dreading to find the person a familiar feeling made itself present in the back of his mind. He waited.
As silent as ever, he walked cautiously towards the sound.
Both kids that found themselves in front of one another gasped in surprise. They know each other.
The curly haired girl smiled at the boy receiving a smile in return.
“Eleven.” Whispered the boy, walking closer to her.
“Thirteen.” Once close enough they engulfed each other in a big hug, giggling, happy to realize they both basically survived.
The kids pulled away, still connected by their arms, smiling like no other day.
They had so much to talk about.
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“-and then, she taught how to skateboard.” Commented the boy with glee.
They have been talking for about an hour about what’s happened the last year after escaping the lab and getting in contact with the upside down. So far, everything’s been peaceful.
He was happy to know that she was also taken care off by a good guy, even though she puts a kind of weird expression when she mentions him, she stills seems to trust him a lot too.
“But…” he made a pause and sunk in the log they were both seating at the reminder of what happened a few hours ago. “Her papa…” he turned his eyes from his joined hands to the attentive look of eleven. “He is like our papa.”
Eleven gasped softly at the revelation.
“She and Billy hide me.” His lips curved a little at the sides. He always gets a warm and fluffy feeling in his chest at the reminder of people that care about his safety. “She gave me clothes.” He gripped the fabric of the blue hoodie in his chest. The same that keeps his body heat from escaping. “And a name. Magnus.”
Eleven gave him a close-lipped smile. They don’t know each other as well as she would like too because they were separated in the lab. They met only after the rest of the kids disappeared and their father needed more power to connect with the unknown world. But couldn’t interact that much in a friendly way under the scrutinizing eyes of their handlers. He always wore a frown accompanied with tired eyes. So she is happy to see him finally smile, even in the slightest.
“And you?” He asked, giving her the opportunity to express something that might be bothering her.
“Hopper is good.” She nodded. “But he lies.” The kid raised his eyebrows in surprise. “He says, one day I’ll leave to see my friends but that never happens. He promised soon, but soon never comes.”
Thirteen lowered his head in sadness. He knows that feeling, or he knew, before living with his only friend.
“He says it’s dangerous, that it’s for my protection.” The kid wrapped an arm around her in a side hug to comfort her.
In moments like that he wished he was more like magneto and fight for their freedom.
But he couldn’t, he was just a kid after all. All he could do was make her aware that she’s not alone.
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A certain blonde haired teenage boy was currently tightening a screw on the engine of his blue baby Camaro.
He was finishing changing the air filter. After what happened the day before with his father he has been looking for ways to release some pent-up pressure. He already said goodbye to his last hook up an hour ago, he doesn’t know where Max is because she was late and he left her to skate home alone and he already worked out in the living room but nothing seemed to make his anger decrease.
Billy huffed once he was finished, cleaning the sweat in his forehead with the back of his dirtied hand. It wasn’t enough but that’ll have to do.
“Jesus.” Exclaimed the blond once he turned around and found the boy behind him, startling him. Weirdly attentive to what he was doing. “What the hell are you doing there? Are you a creep?” He asked with annoyance. He had almost sent the tool in his hand flying.
The kid just kept looking at him and the car with his big blue eyes and shrugged. He didn’t know what ‘creep’ means.
Billy raised a brow at the look of wonder in the kids face. He has seen it a few times before, directed to him, like trying to figure him out, which makes him edgy, but this time it was directed more to his car. “Never seen a car before?” He asked mockingly.
Unknown to him, the first time the boy saw a car was when he escaped from the lab. Ever since that day, the younger one has been greatly interested in the weird machines that roll faster than any adult he has ever seen runs.
Billy furrowed his brows when the only answer he got was the kid leaning his head to the side, still looking at the car.
Was he really that stupid? No, he couldn’t be. They would have already found him if that was the case, but he would have to live under a rock to not know what a car is.
“What, cat got your tongue, brat?” Thirteen shook his head and stick his tongue out to demostrarte it was still there making Billy huffed and turned to his car.
What a weird kid.
He grabbed the car’s hood and slam it shut to make sure it was closed.
“Cool.” Alluded the boy walking closer to the drivers side.
“What?” Thirteen glanced at Billy for a moment before returning to the inside of the vehicle repeating his word.
“Cool.” He is not completely sure if his using correctly the word Max taught him. ‘A word to describe something that’s better than amazing.’ Is what she said, and that is exactly what he thinks about the car.
“Huh, at least you have taste.” Said Billy as he wiped his hands in a towel he had hanging from his short’s waistband. Until he got an idea. Something that would help him destress and he used to do it a lot in California. “Hey brat.”
Thirteen turned towards Billy, not knowing what ‘brat’ means but understanding he wanted his attention. He blinked a few times, watching the weird look in the teenager’s eyes. He had an idea.
Billy would never in his life know what led him to do what he did, but the next thing he knows, he is driving top speed in one of the many lonely roads in the outer sides of Hawkins with the kid in the copilot seat. He loves to use the backroads.
He thought the kid would be scared shitless, however, the kid was grasping the seatbelt like his life depends on it (because it does) with the biggest smile Billy has ever seen.
But he doesn’t care that the kid didn’t get scared he was too concentrated in the adrenaline coursing through his veins at the speed to actually pay attention. He didn’t even light the cigarette between his lips because it wasn’t needed.
Billy whooped in ecstasy and bobbed along the surprisingly not so loud music. It was more important the roar of the engine than the beat coming from the stereo.
“That’s what I’m talking about.” Cheered Billy with his always sharp smile.
But that wasn’t the best part, he was waiting for the right moment to put his car modifications to the test. In a way he couldn’t in the crowded city of California.
His smile widened when he saw what he was looking for. A wide straight doble lane road.
It’s show time.
He stepped on the break and pulled the hand brake simultaneously, then turned the wheel completely to one side in a second. The car instantly followed the action, turning with so much force skidding the tires in the street. Making a U turn by drifting.
Billy laughed loudly while the kid beside him screamed for his life. The wheels scraped the floor until the vehicle came to a stop in the other side of the road. Facing the opposite direction.
Not waiting for anything, he pushed the hand break back down and step on the gas. The wheels screeched against the ground, leaving marks, before moving at full speed back to the house.
At the speed he was driving it only took him 10 minutes to arrive.
He got out of the car after killing the engine and lit the cigarette between his lips, taking a drag as if it was pure oxygen he was inhaling. Finally he felt a little bit better.
So lost in his relief he didn’t pay attention to the passenger in his car. He only turned his head back when he heard a thud. He found the passenger seat empty and the door opened. He huffed thinking the kid just left without closing the door but he stop when he went around the car and found the kid basically face planted in the dirt while giggling.
Billy scoffed a laugh almost sending the cigarette in mouth flying. He was positive the kid was high with adrenaline. He saw the kid try to stand up in his jelly legs only to fall on his side.
“What the hell?” Billy didn’t need to turn around to know who that was. He merely rolled his eyes when the redhead rushed by him to get to the kid. “What did you do to him?” She asked when the kid tried to stand up again with her help but stumbled to the side like he was drunk. She got even more confused when she heard him giggle.
“I fixed your damn brat.” He grumbled taking a drag of his cigarette before throwing it to the ground and returning to the house. He wanted to take a shower.
Max looked between the retreating back of her step brother and the kid seating in the dirt with a big smile in his face.
Could it be possible that Billy changed his mind?
No, that is not something Billy could ever do.
But either way, she was relieved that he was at least tolerating the kid’s presence.
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If Max thought they had made a progress with Billy after the ride he had with Magnus. She was wrong.
The very next day his anger returned when he saw her talking to Lucas. There was no problem with that, she didn’t plan to be part of their club of hypocrites anyway.
Well, that was her plan, until the very next day she wanted to go to the arcade to play dig dug and forget everything only to be tricked in to the breakroom by Lucas himself. They argued about the veracity of the fanciful story Lucas told her ensuring that it was the truth.
Leaving the arcade Billy saw him at the door. At first he acted eerily calm while accusing her of disobeying and lying. But a silent threat was made evident later in the afternoon when Billy broke her skateboard when reversing in his car.
It was his way of telling her he could ‘accidentally’ break something without a problem.
He became a ticking time bomb and she didn’t want to be there to see it explode because she would be the collateral damage, and possibly with her, Magnus too. Even though he has mostly ignored the kid in the last days, it was obvious the anger he was holding in.
Taking every posible outcome Max took a decision. She’ll go back to Cali to her father and she’ll take Magnus with her.
The kid already had a new name, and no one will be looking for a kid in another city, miles away from were he was.
That’s how she found herself in this position. Fidgeting with her fingers inside her hoodie pockets, feeling the money between her fingers and watching attentively at Magnus sitting in her bed and messing with her Walkman.
She got the money by telling her mother that she wanted to buy a new shirt but she wanted the money to buy it herself and avoid any kind of harsh comments from Neil if she went with them to the mall in the neighboring town. Her mother, illusioned with the possibility of her daughter buying something more feminine, gladly gave her double the money she needed to buy the shirt. She thanked the heavens her mother did because she forgot the amount of money it’ll cost to buy two bus tickets.
She forgot a slight detail. The distance between her and her father was much more now that she is in Hawkins than when she was in Cali, and the tickets would be more expensive.
She already prepared two bags with things for her and Magnus. In that precise moment she has the perfect opportunity to leave with him. Her parents aren’t home and they’ll come back until night and Billy was too busy working on his muscles for his next hook up of the night to notice.
Gaining some courage Max sat next to the kid in her bed. She took a breath and spoke. “Mag-“
She was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell, someone calling at the door.
The kid raised his head, looking between Max and the bedroom’s closed door. He was to concentrated on the Walkman that he didn’t pay attention to the footsteps at the front door. It’s not like Billy’s blasting music trough the house helped at all.
He was already used to the volume of the music, but hearing it with the door open still hurt his head. At least the wood helps to drown out the sound. But he was still relieved that it’s not as loud as the alarms in the lab. That was a real headache.
He jumped from the bed when doorbell sounded again. He needed to hide. He turned to the window but stopped, if the person in the door somehow comes to the backside of the house he’ll be screwed. He turned to the bed. He doesn’t fit under it. As his last and only option, the kid threw himself inside the closet and closed the door, always leaving a crack to let the light come inside.
Max pressed her lips together trying to suppress a laugh. For a moment he looked like a headless chicken.
Her poorly covered smile disappeared when she heard her stepbrother yell at the next ring. “Max, are you getting that or what?”
Exasperated with him she yelled her answered “Okay.” She opened stood up stomping her way out of the room, closing the door behind her
“I swear to God Max.” Fumed the blond getting an eye roll and a glare from his sister when she walked by him. He just proceeded to lift the weights again.
From the closet, Magnus could slightly hear the door opening and closing over the music, along with Max’s voice from the other side of the door, indicating that now she was outside with whoever was at the door. He couldn’t tell what they were talking about because the music muffled their voices.
He waited for a moment, relieved that Max at least sounded like she knew the person outside. He was also aware that it wasn’t Neil, he could have heard his truck parking or his gruff voice booming in the house.
He waited a little while until she finally came back, closing the door behind her. She turned to Magnus watching the window in wariness. She knew why. Lucas was outside of the window. “Magnus.” She called for his attention.
He turned to her, blinking a few times.
“I… ammm.” She fidget in her place looking for the words to say. She didn’t know why she was so nervous, she just made up her mind and decided she’ll find out what’s really happening with Lucas and his group because deep down she still wishes to have friends. “I’ll live with the stalker for a few hours. He says he has proof or something.”
“Where?” Came the silent question from the kid. Max almost didn’t hear it with Billy’s blasting music coming through the door.
“To the old junkyard.” Magnus lifted a brown and tilted his head slightly to the side. There was nothing in there other than trash and forgotten stuff. Nevertheless, he nodded, understanding that she is going there like really few other teenagers do. “Okay, then. I’ll be back.” She said, making the reference of the terminator movie even though Magnus didn’t catch it.
She turned to one of the two opened windows. The one closest to the bed. She stepped on the woodshed outside before stopping and turning to Magnus who was seating in her closet.
“Don’t talk with Billy if he doesn’t talk to you, by the way. He’s not in the mood and can get cranky.” Magnus smiled at the thought but nodded again.
Don’t talk to Billy. Copy.
Max said a soft goodbye before exiting when she heard the boy outside telling her to speed up. He even heard her commenting that whatever they were doing better be worth it.
Minutes later after she left, Magnus stayed in her closet. He was to engrossed in the Walkman she borrowed him.
The interest came when he returned from the store he likes to visit (steal from) with a cassette tape he found behind the garbage dump.
He put on the headphones and changed the tapes the way Max instructed him to. He pressed play instantly jumping in his place and accidentally trowing the headphones. The volume was too high. Even with the headphones in the floor he could hear it clearly.
He decreased the volume to the minimum before putting the headphones back on. The rhythm of the music was somewhat similar to the songs Billy hears when exercising but not as scandalous. He turned the Walkman over to see the tape through the see through cover. The letters in the side said ‘Call Me by blondie’ and something else he couldn’t read due to the blurred sharpie. He likes it though.
He bobbed his head to the rhythm of the music, not caring that he could hear Billy’s music through the headphones. He liked it. He found his taste in music.
Still moving his head to the beat, he stood up and walked to the window farthest from the bed. He sat on the window sill dangling his feet for a couple of second before jumping out. He looked at the full woodshed beside him before returning to the shed. Walkman in hand.
He’ll wait for Max in there.
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It’s been a few hours and Max still hasn’t retuned. Magnus got bored since he doesn’t know where Max’s tapes are and he can’t read so well, so he decided to steal an apple from the Hargroves’ fridge.
Meanwhile, the blond teenager was done exercising, taking a shower and currently sharpening his look before his date (hook up). He sprayed hair product in the hair locks that fell on his forehead. Turning over the bottle of colon, he spread a few drops of the liquid in his wrist, even going as far as to spread a little bit in the southern area.
He turned and posed in front of the mirror, smiling with satisfaction at the result. Taking a drag from his previously lit cigarette he leaned forward and blew the smoke against his reflexión, winking. Yep, he was ready.
His smile was erased once he heard someone calling at the door. He noticed the rush in the knock even over his blasting music. “Billy?” He knew that voice. The reason for witch his father decided it was a good idea to move.
Kind of.
“Yeah, I’m a little bit busy in here, Susan.” He answered uninterestedly.
“Open the door. Right now.” He mentally cursed when he heard his father’s commanding voice in the other side. There was no way around this.
Genuinely curious he finally opened the door finding his father frowning face and the always present worried face of Susan shielding herself behind the man.
“What’s wrong?” He cut to the chase.
Neil wasn’t at all impressed by his son’s bluntness. “Why don’t you tell us?”
“Because I don’t know.” He answered with obviousness in his tone. They just appeared in his door insinuating something that he isn’t aware of and yet, he is not surprised. Everything that goes wrong for Neil is always somehow his fault. No matter what.
“We can’t find Maxine-” Said Susan.
“And her window’s open.” Interrupted the man like the boss that he believes himself. Billy faltered for a second, looking in another direction before regaining himself. Even he was surprised. She was in her room with the brat a few hours ago. “Where is she?” Commanded Neil.
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” Scoffed the Man like his son was the worst dumbass in the world, annoying the younger.
“Look, I’m sure she just, I don’t know, went to the arcade or something.” Explained Billy, still not finding the force in his voice, kicking himself for it, and panicking internally. To avoid looking at the rising anger in his father eyes he went to the closet to retrieve his previously selected leather jacket. “I’m sure she is fine.”
Nike wasn’t having any of it. “You were supposed to watch her.” He commented, like he was just making an obvious observation.
Billy could clearly hear the covered anger under those words. But he couldn’t stop himself from arguing. He was getting annoyed.
He sighed. “I know dad. I was. It’s just you guys were three hours late, and, well, I have a date.” He slipped on the jacket and turned towards the man ready to face it and just leave. “I’m sorry, okay?”
“So that’s why you’ve been staring at yourself in the mirror like some faggot instead of watching your sister?”
That did it.
“I have been looking after her all week, dad. Okay?” He snapped. “She wants to run off, then that’s her problem, all right?” Neil licked the interior of his cheek, concealing his anger with an eerie façade. “She’s 13 years old. She shouldn’t need a full-time babysitter. And she is not my sister.” He turned to the radio. Stopping the music abruptly only to feel his heart drop to his stomach when Neil grabbed him by the colar of his shirt and slammed him against the shelves beside the closet.
“What did we talk about?” Asked Neil in a condescending tone. Practically whispering it in Billy’s face.
The teenager panted in anger and fear. He couldn’t answer fast enough when Neil slapped him in his left cheek, making him groan.
Susan, who once again couldn’t leave the scenario only looked the other way, feeling guilty for putting him in that situation but not doing anything fearing she could be in his position.
Neil grabbed Billy’s chin to force him to look at him before pointing with the same hand. “What. Did. We… talked about?” He made emphasis in each word.
“Respect and responsibility.”
“That is right.” Answered the man, pleased to have him under control once again. “Now, apologies to Susan.”
There was silence for a few seconds. Neil waiting for Billy while the blonde swallowed his pride and fear. “I’m sorry, Susan.” He said, never tacking his eyes from his father’s.
“It’s okay, Neil, really-“ she was interrupted when the man once again rises his voice.
“No, it’s not okay. Nothing about his behavior is okay. But he’s gonna make up for it.” He grumbled the last part. He finally stepped back to turn to look at Susan. “He’s gonna call whatever whore he’s seeing tonight and cancel their date.” He said as if it was the most normal thing to say. “And then he’s gonna go find his sister. Like the good, kind, respecting brother that he is.” He turned once again to his son, already finished with the humiliation. “Isn’t that right, Billy?”
Billy looked at his father with watery eyes hiding all that hate and anger he harbors towards the man. If only he could make him pay or just leave.
“It’s that right?” Yelled Neil when his first answer was only silence.
“Yes, sir.” He said softly.
Neil sighted in annoyance, leaning closer to his son. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you.”
“Yes. Sir.” He repeated. This time with more courage.
“Find max.” Demanded Neil with finality turning around and leaving the room, intimidating Susan enough for her to step away from his way.
Billy finally let the tears spill once the door was slammed close and hit the wall beside him. He hated him with all his being. He wanted to fight back, punch him or something, but the last time he tried to do it didn’t end well for him.
Sucking his feelings up and drying his tears, he left his room to the back of the house. He thanked the heavens he parked the car in the back really close to were he needs to go. The shed.
Faster than he thought, Billy reached the wooden door and gentler than he wanted to, he opened the door (still slamming it open). “Hey, brat.” He grumbled once inside.
Magnus raised his head looking at him with wide eyes. He knew it was Billy the one walking (stomping) towards the shed. But it still surprised him when the teenage barged in the shed and called for his attention, loudly.
Billy opened his mouth about to yell but stopped. He didn’t want to scare the kid that looked like a frightened rabbit ready to bolt and end up running around like a headless chicken looking for Max for scaring him, or for his father to find him hiding a kid in the shed and get his butt kicked.
Instead he took a breath before talking. “Where’s Max?”
The answer he got was the kid blinking in bewilderment hugging a comic to his chest.
“Ugh, for fucks…” he mumbled under his breath. “Do you know where is Max?” He repeated in a gentler voice, clearly containing his annoyance.
Magnus nodded his head slowly. Max told him to not talk to Billy if he didn’t speak to him first, she didn’t say anything about not telling him where she is.
Billy raised his eyebrows expectantly. “Okay, and?”
“The old junkyard.” He answered softly.
Damn. Now he is in trouble. He doesn’t know where that is. He slightly fidgeted in his place. “Do you know how to get there?”
Magnus nodded a slowly, still with the comic in his hands.
“Okay, then get in the car.”
Magnus instantly light up. He didn’t care that Billy used a commanding voice, he was just happy to get a raid again.
The kid quickly rushed out of the shed as silent as a mouse with an annoyed teenager following him.
Billy was already donde for the night, but unfortunately and unknown for him, it would be the longest and most eventful life of his entire life.
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Hope you like the new rout I’m taking with this story.
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thealtoduck · 2 years
009’s Story
Stranger Things: Season 1 Episode 1
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Stranger Things x Male OC
(No decided pairing)
Warnings: Blood, death, child abuse, if you’ve seen the show which you probably have you most likely know what your up for…
Summary: A boy and a girl both with buzz cuts escape a lab together and get caught up in a bunch of weird shit…
(A/n: Am i ever gonna finish this series? Probably not, but i’m gonna write it anyway? Yes, yes i am.)
(Not proof read, there is probably spelling and grammatical errors)
Nine started seeing the light more clearly from behind Eleven as they both crawled through the pipe that would supposedly get them out of the lab. Eleven carefully climbed out the pipe but ended up ripping a small piece from her hospital gown while doing so.
She held out her hands out to Nine and helped him climb out of the pipe. The two then started running further into the forest trying to put as much distance between themselves and the lab as possible.
The two soon got tired and stopped. Nine leaned against a nearby tree to rest, meanwhile Eleven walked forward and through some bushes, she looked around. She then waved Nine over.
There was a small building in front of them. The back door opened and a man stepped out, he was taking out the trash. Eleven looked at Nine and said ”Food” in her quiet tone. Nine gave a small nodd to let her know he knew what she meant.
The two brunette kids entered through the wooden back door and snuck through the storage. They saw the man serve food to his cutomers. The two of them then opened the kitchen doors and walked inside looking for something edible. Eleven saw some fries and shyly started taking them one by one.
Nine found a small plastic plate with some yellow-ish-brown thing (chicken nuggets) on it. He picked one up and smelled it lightly, he then bit in to it catiously. He loved taste and shoved the rest of it in his mouth chewing it quickly and then swallowing.
”Hey!” he heard a loud voice yell and he saw the big man they’d seen throw the trash look their way. Nine and Eleven started running taking their food with them. ”Come here” the man yelled after them. They had almost reached the door when Nine felt his left arm being harshly grabbed from behind him making him drop his food.
The man forced him and Eleven to turn around holding them by the collars of their gowns. ”Think you can steal from me? Boys” but when he got a closer look at the two specifically Eleven, he then spoke quietly in shock ”What in the hell?”.
The man who caught them sat the two down in the kitchen, gave each of the brunette kids a yellow shirt that said ”Benny’s Burgers” and waited for his customers to leave before making each of them a hamburger and sitting them down in the main dinning area where they hungrily dug in to their hamburgers.
”Gee… your parents forget to feed you? Is that why you two ran away?” he asked curiously but was only met with silence from the starving kids. ”They uhh-… They hurt you?” he asked with slight worry in his voice.
”And… you went to the hospital and you got scared, you ran off, wound up here is that it?” he theorized but the two continued to ignore him and devoured their food.
”All right” the man said and took their burgers from them. ”I’ll give this back and you two can have as much as you want. All right? Maybe even some ice cream. But you two gotta answer a few of my questions first, all right?” the man said while the two kids stared quietly at him.
”We got a deal?” he then asked the two but they just continued staring. ”All right, let’s start with the easy stuff, my name’s Benny, Benny Hammond” he said and held out a hand towards them.
”See? Like this. Here.” he said and took Eleven’s hand into his, Benny could see Eleven got nervous and said comfortingly ”I got you, don’t worry. It’s okay”. He shook it gently and said ”Nice to meet you, yeah. And you are?” he asked Eleven while Nine just stared between the two of them. Eleven still said nothing. Benny sighed but then his eyes landed on something on Eleven’s arm, her tattooed number.
Eleven then pulled her hand from the table, Benny sighed again and asked ”Eleven?…What’s that mean?… What’s it mean?” Benny looked at Nine for help and but also tried to glace at his arm to see if he had a tattoo as well. ”No” Eleven then told him. ”Well, i’ll be damned. She speaks” Benny said with a small smile.
”No? No what?” Benny asked but was again only met with silence from the two. ”All right, i guess no more food then” Benny declared and took their plates with the burgers. Eleven then quickly said ”Eleven”. ”Yeah, what’s it mean?” Benny asked, Eleven then pointed at herself and said ”Eleven”. ”All right, then… and you?” Benny then turned to Nine expectantly.
Nine felt shy being adressed personally but quietly uttered ”Nine” and showed his own tattoo. ”Okay, Here you go” Benny said and gave them back their burgers which they both started to inhale as soon as they got them. ”Take it easy, take it easy” Benny said as he watched them eat.
”You two siblings?” he continued, Nine shook his head in response and continued stuffing his face in the burger. Benny gave Nine and Eleven some fries as well that they were now eating quickly while he was off making a phone call.
Eleven as growing annoyed with a noisy fan and used her powers to shut it off. Nine elbowed her lightly making her look at him and Nine shook his head at her, telling her not to use her powers.
Nine and Eleven were sitting on top of a table while they watched Benny do the dishes, he had given them something called ”Ice cream” Nine’s ice cream was something called ”Mint chocolate chip ice cream”.
”You guys like your ice cream, huh” Benny asked and Nine nodded shyly with a gentle smile. ”Smiles looks good on you two” he commented. ”You know smile?” Benny said and gave them a goofy grin which made the two short haired kids laugh.
Then there was a knock on the door making Nine and Eleven look nervously at each other. Benny noticed their frightened and stated ”All right, you two just sit tight. Whoever it is i’ll tell them to go away real quick, all right?”.
He then went to open the door and Nine could hear their voices from the other room. It was a woman who had knocked on the door, there was something ominous in her voice that Nine didn’t trust. Benny then invited her in and Nine heard him say ”Sorry again for trying to turn you away earlier”. Nine saw the woman and used his powers to enter her mind and he heard her thought process ”Time to eliminate target”.
Nine let out a gasp and just then the woman pulled out a gut and pointed it at Benny’s head and shot him. Eleven grabbed Nine’s hand and the two ran out of the kitchen and ran the same way they first had snuck in.
But before they reached the back door two of the bad men came inside and pointed their guns but Eleven used her powers to incapacitate them. Nine and Eleven then ran out the door and straight in to the forest.
Nine realised tears were running down his cheeks. Benny had been so kind to them and given them food and now he was dead because of papa and his guards. Nine then he also felt something wet on his head, a drop of water, it had begun to rain. But the two continued running far in to the forest.
Soon after that…
Eleven and Nine watched from behind a tree as three people carrying lights were walking through the forest. Eleven stepped foreward towards them, Nine tried to pull her back but Eleven wouldn’t let him so he followed close behind her.
The three boys turned around and were met with a girl and a boy that was hiding behind her peaking over her shoulder, both had brown hair that was buzzcut and were wearing yellow t-shirts that said ”Benny’s burgers”…
(A/n: Rip Benny, honestly wish we could have seen more of him)
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bingbongsupremacy · 6 months
Every Night
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Pairing: Max Mayfield x Reader
Warnings: None that I can think of.
Summary: Every night since 7th grade, Max has made it a mission to say goodnight -Face to face. At tonights' visit, you discover that your friendship might have been more than you thought it was.
(Pretend Max has lived in Hawkins her whole life)
*Not Proof Read*
I don't believe I mention anything gender specific. If I did, please let me know and I can fix it.
ABC List Stranger Things Masterlist
Every few minutes I glance over at my window. Blinds open, the moonlight shines through the glass, onto my carpeted floor.
She should be here by now. What if she got hurt? I mean, with all the weird stuff going on lately, anything is possible.
Finally, a small rock hits the bottom of my window.
I rush over to open window, looking down at the grinning girl.
" You gonna let me in? " She asks after a moment. " Or are we gonna have to Romeo and Juliet this tonight. "
I roll my eyes, leaning my head out of the window slightly. " You're so dramatic. "
" That's what you love about me. " She whisper shouts.
" I guess. " I chuckle, moving back into my room.
There's a lot more I love about Max, most of which she doesn't know about.
We're just friends, Y/N. Calm down.
I tip toe quietly into the kitchen, opening the door as gently as possible.
Max is waiting patiently on the other side, her backpack messily slung over her shoulder. " About time. " She teases.
" Oh shut up, Max. " I mumble, closing the door behind her.
She quietly laughs and we head up to my room. Once the bedroom door is closed, she drops her bag onto my floor, plopping onto my bed in the process. Max lets out a small sigh. " I missed you today. "
I lay down with my head on my arms, turning to face her. " You did? That's shocking. "
Max rolls her eyes at my sass. " I always miss you. You're my best friend. "
Best friend. Always the best friend, never the partner.
" Your my best friend too. " I smile at the girl.
Max lets out a laugh. " Of course I am, babe. " She flips onto her stomach so she can look be at my level.
Butterflies flutter at the pet name, something she's been calling me for a while now. I don't really remember when it started. Freshman year maybe? That's around the time we started having more and more sleepovers. My parents finally let me stay over at someone else' house.
" What's going on in that pretty head of yours. " Max asks, gently tapping her shoulder against mine.
I snap out of my thoughts. " Oh, just trying to remember when you started calling me 'babe'. I don't really know though. "
Max's eyebrows furrow. " I remember. It was like a week after we started dating, the summer of Freshman year- "
My eyes widen. " What? "
Max looks at me with a confused expression. " What do you mean, 'what'? "
" We're dating? " I ask, my heart beginning to pound. " Since when? "
Max pushes herself up into a sitting position. I quickly follow. " You seriously don't remember? I asked you out and we went to the arcade and then to get ice cream. I walked you home. That was our first date. "
I shake my head. " You never asked me out, you asked if I want to go to the arcade after school...with you. "
That was our first time going to the arcade without the others. Just the two of us. We played games for hours before finally deciding to head over to Hardy's for an ice cream cone. Now that I think about it, I think Max might have paid for my cone.
Max laughs slightly, nodding her head. " Yeah..." She says in a playful 'duh' tone.
" To be fair, " I point out. " You never actually said ' Do you want to go on a date with me? '. I mean, I thought we were just going to hang out. "
Max rolls her eyes. " Well then what did you think when I started calling you babe? Or like holding your hand? "
I shrug. " I don't know...that we were best friends? I mean, you call me your best friend all the time. I sorta assumed you just friend zoned me. "
Max lets out a groan, gently crashing her forehead into my shoulder. " You are my best friend. You're my partner and my best friend. "
" And you've never actually kissed me - "
" I did! " Max snaps back up. " That one time at Mike's party. "
That night was our first high school party. It wasn't very big but there was a few bottles of beer and no parents around.
" We were playing spin the bottle. That doesn't count. You had to kiss Lucas too. " I nervously begin to fidget with the hem of my shirt. How did I not know we were dating?
Max puts her warm hands on my shoulders, causing me to look up at her. " Fine. " She gently grabs my chin before leaning towards me. Her warm lips meet mine, causing my eyes to flutter close after a moment of surprise. Her soft lips gently guide mine. Electric shockwaves run through my body. My heart pounds in excitement.
Ever since our kiss at Mike's party, this is what I've been wanting. I never thought it was actually going to happen.
Max's hand finds its way behind my head. She gently plays with the hair at the nape of my neck before pulling away for air.
I let out a small pant, eyes meeting hers.
" I definitely missed that. " Max grins.
Warmth floods my cheeks. " I'm such an idiot. " I mumble.
Max shakes her head, her red hair fluttering softly back into place. " You're not an idiot. I guess I should've been more clear...How about this, " She lets go of my shoulders.
I look at her in confusion.
She scoots back slightly so we have more room between us. " Let's try it again. " She grins. " Hey Y/N, do you want to go on a date with me on Friday? "
My stomach churns from excitement. " I'd love to, Max. " I grin back.
Max's smile widens. " Really? You just made my day. "
I roll my eyes.
" I'll pick you up at 7. Sound like a plan? "
I nod. " I'll be...here. " I laugh slightly. A thought pops into my head. " Wait, does anyone know?- Or I guess, did anyone know we were dating? "
Max nods. " Yeah...our entire friend group. And my mom. "
I shake my head. " How did I not know? "
Max pulls me down onto the bed with her, our hands resting in a lazy hand hold. " Honestly, I'm not sure. I mean, Dustin's made a couple jokes about us dating. "
" I thought that was just him being...weird. " I mutter.
" Don't worry though. Our first official date, the one we both know about, is on Friday. " Max leans her head gently onto my shoulder.
How did I get so lucky to end up with a girl like Max?
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hoeforbarnes · 2 years
When I say I want “big strong arms” to hold me, I don’t mean someone buff and muscular to wrap his arms around me for the most monstrous hug of my life…
I mean I want someone who’s arms are so warm and firm, that they hold nothing but confidence when I’m in them. Not confidence in themselves so much, but just confident isn’t heir decision to hold me tight.
I don’t need a buff man to squeeze me until I can’t breathe, I just need someone who’s arms are strong enough to hold me when I can’t hold myself together.
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gaymansruse · 2 years
𝒇 𝒓 𝒂 𝒈 𝒊 𝒍 𝒆 𝒕 𝒉 𝒐 𝒖 𝒈 𝒉 𝒕 𝒔 || 𝘦.𝘮
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Eddie Munson x gn! reader Summary → Being Eddie's best friend and having a crush on him is tough. What happens when he asks out Chrissy and you feel a bit jealous.
Word Count → 978 Requested → no Request Status → open
A/n || This isn't canon to the ST plot, Chrissy doesn't die, Eddie isn't considered a murderer [ he's still 'the freak' ]. I'm sorry if you don't like that, criticism is very much welcome. Also this is fairly short, and I might write a part 2. Happy reading! <3
➽─────────────────────────────────────────❥ You were currently sitting in the back of Eddie's van, smoking one of his pre-rolled joints that he had stashed as you waited for him to finish his latest drug deal.
You had been waiting there for him to finish up for about twenty minutes already, getting slightly bored you opened the door at the back of the van and started swinging your legs off the edge.
What the hell is taking him so long?
His deals took a while sometimes, but not like this. You were too cought up in your own thoughts to notice both the front seat doors had opened and not just Eddie, but Chrissy Cunningham hopped in too.
"Close the door will ya?" You heard Eddie say over his shoulder.
"You got it boss." You responded in a sarcastic tone. "So what's the cheer princess doing here?"
"She's not the cheer princess, be nice [y/n]. Anyway, we're going back to my place to get some of the stronger shit. I'll drop you off on our way there." Eddie said, making you slightly confused. You doubt Chrissy had ever done any sort of drugs in her life so why would she try and get the 'stronger shit'. Eddie knows not to push peoples limits with drugs, something else is up.
And not only that he's blowing you off to sell drugs to some priss.. Well you know she's actually really nice, but you were slightly annoyed, he's been blowing you off to do other things for the last two weeks now.
"I thought we were hanging out tonight?"
"Sorry dude, plans change. But we can hang out tomorrow, promise." Chrissy had stayed silent for that entire conversation, and Eddie had just started up the van.
The entire car ride was filled with Eddie trying to impress Chrissy, and Chrissy doing the hair twirl thingy and giggling. And you sat in the back, very awkwardly, waiting for your stop.
Eventually, you'se had reached your house. Very clumsily getting out the van and giving them a half hearted wave as you walked up the drive-way. Eddie didn't even honk his horn as a goodbye.
You walked into your house, kicking your shoes off and putting them on the rack near the door. You made your way to your room and jumped onto your bed, burying your face in your pillow.
Eddie likes Chrissy..
You should be happy for him, that's what really matters, that he's happy. But you couldn't help but feel a sort of pain, I mean you've liked him since you first talked to him on your first day of high school.
But you couldn't get yourself hung up on those thoughts, feeling sorry for yourself would do no good in this situation.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You had fallen asleep after trying to deter your thoughts to something other than Eddie, but that didn't work very well and you were now dreaming about him being outside your window, knocking on the glass to get your attention.
You stared at him groggily, before getting up with your quilt wrapped around your body as you made your way to your window and opened it for him.
"C'mon dream Ed, s'cold out side, wouldn' want ya t'get sick." He very ungracefully made his way through and stumbled into your room.
"Dream Ed?" He questioned, seemingly confused. Of course he's confused, he's confused by everything so obviously he'd be confused in your dream.
"Yeah, y'dream Eddie, real Eds is off with Chrissy, prolly kissin' n' stuff." You answered casually.
"Ahh, okay. So real Ed is off kissing Chrissy, and what does dream Ed do?"
"Dream Ed is here t'taunt me about m'feelings." You kept slurring all your words in your sleepy state and Eddie found it quite adorable.
"May dream Eddie know what these feelings are about?"
"Must you?"
"If I say yes, does that mean you'll have to tell me?"
You groaned at him, very much not in the mood for this type of banter at the moment. you rubbed the sleep from your eyes to get more serious. "If I tell you, you can't tell real Eds what I told you. Pinky promise." You stuck your pinky finger out for him to lock his with.
"I wouldn't dream of it." He hooked his pinky finger with yours in an unspoken promise.
You cleared your throat as you prepared to tell him. "I have a wee bit of a crush on real Eddie, but he likes Chrissy, and I'm happy for him ya know? But I can't help feeling upset because I've liked him for like.. ever. And I know I should just get over my feelings and push it all aside, because he deserved to be happy and I can't provide that for him, not like Chrissy can at least. And she's so pretty and nice and-"
At this point Eddie could tell you were rambling, but he wasn't paying attention like he usually would, he was too caught up in the fact that you liked him. Yeah he liked Chrissy, thought she was sweet enough, but he was only showing off to her to try and get over you. But he wasn't gonna tell you that right now.
Not in your tired sleepy state, not when you can't even comprehend that he was really there and it wasn't a dream.
"[y/n] I think you should go to sleep, especially after telling me such a big secret after all."
"Yeah, yeah. I think you're right." You layed yourself down on your bed, still wrapped up in your quilt, eddie was sat at the edge of your bed, positioning your favourite stuffed teddy next to your head as you closed your eyes to sleep.
You could've sworn that as you driffed off to sleep dream eddie kissed your forehead, but that's impossible.
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mattiehenderson · 8 months
Eddie sucking on Mattie's nipples after a stressful day, talk with his guidance counselor didn't go well and he comes home to Mattie. Mattie knew Eddie hadn't had a good day and knew something was up, so he ditched last period and rode his bike to the grocery store, and with his shampoo boy money he bought groceries for him and Wayne, some laundry supplies too. The nice grocery clerk named Lois, drove Mattie to Eddie's trailer. Lois loves Mattie, she loves how he shampoos her hair and that he's always there to listen to her troubles, and she has a soft spot for him because her brother who lives in Chicago is gay, and had a hard time growing up in Hawkins.
Mattie cleaned up the trailer, showered, changed into Eddie's Iron Maiden shirt and boxers, and baked a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies for Eddie to come home to, and got started on dinner. He was making his grandma's famous sauerbauten.
When Eddie walked through the door to smell and see the scene before him, he almost cried.
It was what he always wanted, the smell of home cooked food and fresh baked cookies, and in the midst of it was the most beautiful sight of his soft little boyfriend slaving over a hot stove drowning in his Iron Maiden shirt and his boxers being well kept up by his juicy butt. His long platinum hair was pulled back in a ponytail and his usually painted face was fresh from the shower.
While the sauerbauten is in the oven, he pulls his boyinto his lap and pushes his shirt up to suck on his puffy, cherry nipples as Mattie strokes hair with his acrylics. Between this and the food, all his senses were being comforted at once.
He looked so beautiful, he was going to find a way that boy never gets away...or Wayne will him.
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scentedpepper · 19 days
Oranges | Eddie Munson
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Male Reader
Summary: This HAS to be Eddie's year.
Content Warnings: (Spolier) Character Death
Other Pairings: Billy Hargrove x Male Reader
Author Note(s):
Fuck ya'll for making it cringe to like eddie
On other, more important notes, some background info and sincere warnings for ya:
This scene takes place s4 era. Reader graduated last year (s3) currently 18 going on 19. Felt like this was important to note given that our dear little failure here is a grown ass man and it'd be a tad bit strange to pair the little fucker with a highschool student.
Reader works as an intern at the school, hence, Eddie Munson.
Could possibly turn into a series (I have big dreams and not enough energy)
For those of you who have NOT seen s3, you will get spoiled by the end of this little thang so yk proceed with caution or wtv
Oh right so, I know it says x Reader but this scene was in fact written with the intentions of putting an OC into the series. So for now, you're Joey.
That's it 🫶
"No- No! See? This is- 'and it is'. Use an adverb to explain the connection and create... emotion. "
Eddie sinks in his own posture and slides a hand over his face, knocking his fringe sideways and out of the way. They have been at this for a while, and he's had enough. "You're not connecting the dots like I'm connecting the dots. "
"Those are literally dots. " Joey gestured towards the piece of paper that sat between them, littered with penmarks, of Eddie's choosing. He couldn't quite decphier why the man was lazily scratching the paper with color in certain areas. He peered closer at the margin on the left, words written across the blank surface that seemed made up. "How are you gonna connect something that wasn't written... this is an argumentative essay, Eddie. You're not allowed to just make up facts. " He wants to jab those pens underneath his eyelids. "What're all these marks for?"
"Alright, say, say this little orange, " Joey watches Eddie move his pen towards the tiny round doodle with squinted eyes, "what if it was in an orange?"
He's going to fail this.
Joey stares at the man unimpressed. "I've been sitting here trying to teach you how to write an arugmentative analysis on an article for the last hour, and you're drawing oranges on your paper?"
"With faces!" Eddie counters, pointing his orange pen– Joey's orange pen in the opposites face.
Joey snatches the pen from his hand abruptly and drops it, clattering down and across the wooden floor.
The pair of them have only gotten so far in this session of teaching. 'This session' being 1.5 hours, and Eddie had yet to pick up on the technique Joey had used to teach himself the tricks and secrets to these things years ago. Though, maybe he was giving him too much credit. The way the doe eyed mans head tilts to the side when he goes to the page and scans the lines for his answer seemed too much to bear.
They're in his trailer, surrounded by textbooks on the table that once belonged to Joey. This place, now that their studying system wasn't some figment of Joey's imagination brought to life, was a lot messier than he'd have liked it. But Munson came first.
Eddie wasn't dumb. Far from it, really. But in this moment he was. Maybe not, if you don't count the fact he wasn't listening. For the last hour. Or two. Joey definitely couldn't count because that sounded too depressing and he really did need to rethink his strategy.
"Sometimes doing homework is like sticking a fork in an electric socket. "
Nancy's words, not his, but either way he believes that now as well.
Joey stared at the older man's frame as he lay with his back against the rug on the carpet, eyes closed, another pen, teal, or at least the closests thing to it, hanging out of his mouth and some paper resting next to the upper half of his body.
"Eddie. "
"Yes, kind sir?" He quickly gets up, the second he hears his voice. He rests his arms on top of the surface of the round coffee table. "I'm totally paying attention, go on. "
Joey manages a breath before he rips the pen from Eddie's mouth and places it aside. Eddie gaped like a fish for a few moments too long and then took his pen back.
"You can't draw oranges in an analysis essay, please pay attention. "
Joey can feel his hair stand on end when he turns back to the English work.
"Yeah but hear me out, everyone is an orange. "
Joey's eyes flee back up to the man. "Eddie–" He protests.
"Just..." The man's mouth opens and a hint of an apology graces his soft facial structure but is soon replaced by his stubborn stance, his leg jolts slightly with his arms as he pushes his palms forward to the table. "C'mon. I'm smart, right?"
Eddie smiles triumphantly. His hair, resting in beautiful knots beside his ears. "Think about it. " He puts a finger up to his temple, tapping it twice. "People are oranges, and each orange is unique. Alike, but totally different. Maybe the ones with the nugget are rotten, or they taste more bitter or whatever. But someone likes 'em–"
"For their orange flavour?"
"Orange flavour. " Eddie grins at him. Joey has his suspicions about that grin.
"Sure, Ed. " He picks up his pencil and twists it around. "Now sit down. " He deadpans, eyes scanning the book passage in front of him.
Nonetheless, Eddie prevales. "You're my favorite orange. "
Joey gives him a look, his features remaining blank but there's a strange– almost longing tension to his jaw.
"You know why?" He drags out the last word while simultaneously circling the others nose with the orange pen he'd reterived without notice before giving the tip of the mans nose a prompt 'boop!'. "Because. "
A pause. Longer than Joey would have liked.
His eyes trace down his face.
"You're bigger. "
"Bigger?" He stares down the man incredulously. "What the fuck does that mean?"
"It means–!" Eddie's eyes turn back into his and he smiles coyly, "that you give me bigger... biggaaa— heart boners. Every time we are alone. Y'know? Just us. " He pauses to watch the anger burning in the others eyes, "You... bein' all tall and broad and... strong. "
The end of his sentence is like a purr but it lacked the proper 'o' sound to make the word seductive. –The ridiculous flexing didn't do much to help him either.
"Heart boners?" Joey cracks a smile, unable to keep his face muscles strewn tight. "Jesus. Shut up. "
"We could play house. I wouldn't mind being a house wife. " Eddie tucks his hair behind his ear, sitting pretty. His eyes reflect a perverse joy.
In turn, Joey rolls his eyes, teeth peaking out from beneath his lips. "Analysis first –then you can cook and clean for me all you want. "
Not a minute later does Eddie get on his knees before lunging forward, throwing his arm around his shoulder and ruffling the brunettes hair. Joey struggles, laughter spilling out in unsteady puffs of air. "Hey, what the hell is your problem?!"
Eddie let's him loose after a few more moments of struggle and the sight Joey offers makes him beam. "It's nice to see you smile. " He admits. "You've been all, edgy, lately. "
Once again, it's always so very easy to lose this man's train of thought with simple distractions such as putting his hair up in a high bun and pushing stray strands behind his ears.
"Used to be all kind smiles and doe eyes. "
Somethings got to give.
"Ever since the mall fi–"
"Didn't realize you paid so much attention to me, Eddie. " Jay interrupts.
"Well, you just make it so hard not to. " Eddie grins widely at him, his eyes practically twinkling.
Eddie tries not to get too sore over things. Least of all with Joey. Especially since he's got a knack for tip toeing his way out of things himself. Today isn't the day for that, apparently. Because Eddie isn't having it. Which is annoying.
"Look, " he tries again, "I'm not saying you have to –ya know? Say anything. You've just been different...than before. "
That much he knows, Eddie's always noticed things. Because that's who he is and all the time he spent to by himself over the course of his many highschool years has taught him to be an observer, and it just so happened that he had the knowledge to tell when and how things were off.
But there was always something about the way the brunette carried himself, stiff on his feet and jittery like a trapped mouse, no one gave it much thought.
Not even Eddie really.
"You didn't even know me before, Eddie. " Joey's looking at the man with tired eyes, he wonders where his reasoning is coming from. Had they talked more? And how did he manage to create this image of him into a person he had no inkling of a memory towards?
"Hey, I beg to differ. " Eddie counters, "I've known you for like..." He counts on his fingers, recalling he was supposed to garduate two years before Joey. "Six years!"
Joey scoffs. "And out of all those years, we've only had a real conversation in these past few months. "
Eddie goes a little quiet after that.
"So you can wipe that memory of... whatever you have in your head. " His chest swells with an unwelcome pain and he holds his breath.
The man doesn't waver. "Thats not how this works. " His brows furrow, etching serious lines into his forehead. "I've seen you. You've changed since then. "
"No I haven't. " Joey's gaze flickers towards the man, eyes stern but deep within them stir the turbulent anger Eddie had become quite familiar with his whole life.
"You have. " Eddie continues. "Your laughs not as loud, " He gestures vaguely towards the brunettes chest. "You seem more sad than, -than you usually are? Is what I mean..."
Eddie draws his bottom lip between his teeth and bites down nervously.
"Eddie, just drop it. " He's turning in his place, pulling one foot beneath him on the floor as his butt brushes the fabric beneath his thighs.
Eddie goes silent but for only a few minutes because without much reluctance he's lifting the forgotten orange pen from the wooden floorboard again and twirling it between his fingers.
"...Joey. " He says softly after a few long moments. "This town's shitty. "
And if he'd said this to the man about a year ago, he wouldn't have agreed. But now, he feels like he's being stabbed in the chest at the mere sight of it.
Eddie, himself, makes him forget sometimes. The bad and all it's misery.
He's not all that happy about that.
Not as much as he should be. Would've been.
"You know, I'm here. " Eddie leans in a bit, in hopes his friends words along with his guts may spill right out from him, "As much as you are for me with these–" He lifts one from the table before promptly letting it fall from his fingertips. "shitty textbooks. "
Joey swallows roughly, the lump in his throat straining but after a few seconds, he can't help it.
He lets out a long sigh, containing himself all in one breath. "I knew someone..." He starts slow and doesn't seem keen on finishing.
"In the mall fire?"
A huff this time. "Yes– the mall fire. " It felt funny to adress it as such. A false statement.
He feels tense all over, skin rubbing against the denim pants he wore like sandpaper against dry wood.
"My friend–" He pauses to scoff. "If you could even call the asshole that. " And of course, he's still trying to conceal it, the fact that those months apart had been the worst months of his life.
Billy. Fucking, Hargrove. Who would've thought he'd end up on his mind so often?
"He– passed. " The words come out heavy, sitting cold on his tongue and tasting bitter when the admission leaves him. "In the fire. "
Bullshit. Fucking fire. Really?
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The stages of dating ...... eddie munson[This is long]
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[ I just think the song matches the vibe so I suggest listening ]
The meeting
:you had met eddie through the party because you were just like eleven but older and you understood the world more than her
:you had the same story plot as el because you escaped together
: you guys together were unstoppable so while you stay in Hawkins while the byers were in California you stayed with the wheelers
:befor you meet eddie you had a crush on Steve so it took a while for him to peek your liking
:people thought dnd was weird and you were one of the people
:so when most of the party met him you met him to
:so when lucas was busy with basketball mike ran to you so you can fill in
:[Mike out of breath] ed-eddie I found your sub for dnd
:"sup I'm y/n .... let's cut to the chase you obviously need me sooo in return I want my homework done for the rest of the week by you munson because I am supposed to be with nacy right know stuffing my face and binge watching horror movies so do I have my self a deal"?
Eddie:every day beside friday I have stuff to do
Yn: so deal ?
:it only took you a few minutes to learn because you scammed through your powers and got any information about dnd there is
:and ofcorse you won the game and that impressed him
The asking out
:he was formal ,came to you because you were friends so he wasn't so scared to ask you out
:so eddie asked you at lunch
"So y/n what about you and me Sunday at the movies "
Y/n:eddie who the fuck goes out on Sunday that's me day how about this Friday?
"Of course babe"
"Were not there yet munson "
:the date went great you both ate till you couldn't and laughed at the stupid movie that played
The dating
:hanging out in his trailer
: playing dnd together
:stealing his clothes
:getting a hell fire shirt
:you got to spend more time with Dustin and the boys and you got more closer to Erica
:using your powers for easy stuff
"Ed's I just read there mind and there definitely talking about us"
"Those ass holes"
:binge eating
:being lazy
:going to school and rocking your grades [with cheating of course]
:random drives at night and I love yous
:doing everything together
:him teaching you how to play guitar
:modeling for eachother
:showing him your powers
:random singing matches
:making mistakes for eachother
:laughing at each other
:being confident within eachother
Pictures and videos of you guys
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You telling him his hair isn't all that
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You being drunk at 2 in the morning and saying this
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Playing a game of dnd
You after using your powers [Imagine your race and gender]
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Id like to add one more stage .... grief
:you always thought why not you why did I not use my powers to save him then you realize el , Mike, hopper, max, Lucas, all of them... they all need you alive well.. you needed your eddie alive you were not even living when he dead
:the guilt took over you, you changed you weren't the same withought him
:you did the best you could for him trying to live life the way he would
:people say sooner or later it gets better it didn't kinda
:but your family and the people around you made life worth living again
:you would visit his grave and play the guitar for him
:you would tell him all the good and bad news
"Yeah and then they walked away like nothing happened "
: u tried to move on really
:but you did move on ... to steve
: you always felt bad like you shouldn't move on but then you would remember
A month ago...
"Hey y/n what would happen if you passed like would you want me to move on "
I think it depends..... on the person and how much you loved them I would want you to because you deserve happiness like I do so yes I would want you to because I would never want to see you hurt and not happy I'm not saying you have to or need to but you would know when the time is right
"Yeah I guess so y/n I would want you to move on to and if you do I hope they treat you good you deserve happiness so I would want you to move on "
And that's why I love you
"Come here gimme a kiss "
End of flashback
:know you remember why you loved
The " freak" eddie munson
"All my tears have been used up......... on another love "
And that is the start of the stages series
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•| A not so stolen youth |•
Stranger things / chapter 2
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Summary: Everything in life seemed limited to walls of whites and rainbows. Caged within the confines of the lab. But an accident that involved a group of teenagers and the upside down world finally let him free. In a funny turn of events he found himself hiding in a step sibling's shed. A redhead that loves video games and a blond that spends his time making sure to keep his good looks.
Character: Male child OC
Warnings: Possible to descriptive scenes, child abuse, use of drugs and bad language.
A/N: I ask you to take into account that I lack experience writing in English and there'll be some grammatical mistakes because my native language is Spanish.
Prev part - Masterlist - Next part
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To say that Billy was surprised is an understatement. A whole week came and went without any inconvenience.
The asshole he has as a father isn’t even suspicious that there’s basically a fifth person living with them. In the shed, but still under their roof.
He is never, ever, going to say it out loud but he admires the guts Max has to look at Neil during diners and give no hint of any other emotion than the hate and forced respect she already harbors towards the man.
He became a silent witness of her plan. Watching her pretend to be tired earlier in the nights and leave to her room to rest only to jump through her window the next second to hang out with the boy in the shed.
And talking about the boy. The only way Billy could describe him is, strange. The boy is as silent as a mouse. He appears and disappears without making a noise. Which is creepy in the most part but thankfully helpful.
The asshole of his father has been busy recreating his righteous façade in front of everyone in Hawkins to actually pay attention to any mistake or misbehavior he does.
He could even bet that it has been the best week he’s had in years.
As for Thirteen, he’s living the best three weeks of his entire life.
Clean clothes instead of a gown, a roof to protect him, outside of the lab, learning to read comics and with a real friend.
Max even brought him to the arcade once, in the night and when it was about to close. It didn’t end that well as she thought it would. That night she found out the boy has a sensitive hearing after he bolted out of the place. ‘Too much noise’ is what he said. Since the arcade wasn’t an option anymore she came up with another idea. She would teach him how to skate.
Fortunately, she had her skateboard with her.
It was to be expected that Thirteen would fall a few times, it was his first time in his life doing a physical activity and didn’t have any kind of coordination with his feet.
When they went back to the house, Thirteen was covered in dirt, a couple of bruises and scratches but he had such a big smile in his face that only by looking at it Max couldn’t help but do the same.
Little by little Thirteen has started to open more to Max and vice versa, making it obvious that he is comfortable with her. He likes to hear about her day in the school with the other kids, the way she tells the story of a group of stalkers reminds him of the way she reads the comics. And she likes that she can openly talk about whatever she wants without the fear o being judge.
Things are working better than they both expected.
Until the day everything would change finally arrived.
Max loves Halloween and she’s made it clear every time she tells him stories of what she did back in Cali. She wanted him to come with her this year but after what happened in the arcade he is a little uneasy.
Besides, the only reason he wanted to be part of a big group of kids was to make a friend. He was looking for someone to help him stop being alone, and now that he has Max there’s no reason to go out there that much. Now the fear of being found is the only thing that remains in his mind.
“Still don’t want to go with me?” Asked Max to the kid seating in her closet.
The boy smiled and shook his head.
“You could use a sheet to cover yourself completely like in the E.T. movie I showed you. The group of stalkers will be there…” at least, she hopes they’ll be there after her step brother almost ran over them with the car after school. “We’ll meet in the street for trick or treat.”Thirteen frowned a little, considering the pros and cons in his head but the worry was still evident in his face. “Still don’t want to?”
The boy pressed his lips together before shaking his head.
Max was internally disappointed but she understood his fear. She already tried running away to her biological father when she found out they were moving from Cali to Hawkins. She was just as paranoid and worried. She only lasted a few hours away from her house, and she doesn’t how log has the kid been hiding.
“Are we still up for sweets and comics, though?” She asked getting an instant nod from the boy with a big smile.
She was confused for a second when she saw his smile fall and glance at the door. The boy slide the door of the closet almost completely, avoiding being engulf by total darkness, just in time when her mother opened her bedroom door.
“Sweetie, do you have your costume yet?” She asked in her always flowery and nervous tone. Max still doesn’t get why she is so jittery with her own daughter.
“Yeah, this.” Max rose the mask of Michael Myers and fake knife she had in her hands. She already had her black coverall that belonged to her father on. The measures were changed to fit by Susan herself a year ago and fits perfectly.
Her mother gave her a little forced smile. “Are you sure? I could try to make something with the things in the closet. There’s still time.” She recommended, pointing at the closet in the hallway.
Max pressed her lips in a thin line. Comments like that are common from her mother. She knows that Susan would like to have a more feminine daughter. One that prefers to use make up. One that has girls as friends to go shopping with instead of boys to skateboard with in the neighborhood. One that likes princesses and romance instead of monsters and assassins.
But she wasn’t like that and she’s didn’t want to be like that.
“No. This is fine.” She said.
Her mother nodded with the forced smile still in her face. “Okay then. Am. Have fun.” Not knowing what else to say she turned back and closed the door behind her.
Max let out the breath she was holding. Why everything in her life has to be weird?
She turned to the closet when she heard it slide open. The boy looked at her with his brows furrowed in worry. She looked upset.
Max understood the look. Her friends used to look at her the same way back in Cali. “It’s just-“ She pointed at the door with her thumb but didn’t know what to say or to explain. “I-“ she was interrupted when Billy passed by the door saying her name in a singsong tone.
“Max~” Even though it sounded like he was happy Max could still identify the dangerous threat deep down.
“Just a minute.” She yelled when she heard his footsteps going further in the hall. She turned back to the kid as she walked backwards to the door. “Comics and sweets when I return?”
The boy nodded.
“Max. I’m leaving.” Shouted Billy from the front door, his singsong tone completely gone.
Feed up with him she opened the door and yelled her answers rushing down the hall. “I’m coming.”
Thirteen blinked a few times, watching in curiosity at the opened door. He still doesn’t understand their bond. They seem to care and know about the other but act so hostile.
Max closed the front door behind her, already out of the house, finding Billy leaning against his car with a lit cigarette in his mouth. He was invited to a costume party and yet, his costume was a leather jacket covering his shirtless torso, fingerless black gloves, dark jeans and his usual boots. That wasn’t even a costume, but when you have the popularity Billy does, nobody gives a shit.
“What, the rat is not coming to be a looser with you?” He asked taking the cigarette out of his mouth, taking a final drag and throwing it in the floor before opening the car’s door.
Max threw him a side glance, not at all agreeing with the way he speaks.
“He is a boy and no. He wants to stay.” Billy turned to his stepsister, looking at her over the car.
“The brat better not blow the cover because I swear to god Max.” He threatened.
Max rolled her eyes as she got in the passenger sit. As if she didn’t know what could happen if Neil finds the boy. “I already told you, nobody’ll know he is there.”
“Hey.” scolded the older boy once inside. “Watch. Your attitude.” He threatened, making a pause to be sure Max understand he is being serious.
She understood. Max looked at the front, avoiding the glare Billy threw at her.
He huffed in annoyance turning on the engine and driving out.
But he couldn’t help the question that lingered in his mind.
What kind of monster is that guy for the kid to rather stay in a strangers house than to go back home?
He slightly tightened his hold in the wheel.
He shouldn’t be thinking about it. It’s not like it’s his problem. Why should he care about a coward?
Unknown to the step-siblings on their way to celebrate halloween, Thirteen was still in Max’s room searching through the box full of comics a few that he could take to the shed.
Even though he can’t read that well he loves to watch the colorful pictures of the stories. Even more when those are telling Magneto’s story.
He feels like he can identify himself with him a little. Their powers are similar, they both can control things with their minds but magneto only controls metals while thirteen controls any kind of material.
But his story is the most intriguing. He sees magneto as someone really brave, confronting the masses for the opportunity to free himself and those who are like him. And he is feared for his capabilities, just like it happened to him in the lab.
The day he finally unleashed his powers was to protect himself from the people who tasered him on his father’s orders. He screamed and sent flying everyone in the room against the walls, breaking the white tiles. They feared him that day.
He just wants to be as brave as Magneto to confront those who wronged him.
He was in his voyage when he heard the always heavy footsteps of Neil. He knew both him and Susan were in the house due to the sounds they make, but Neil was getting to close to comfort, and the door of the room was open.
He grabbed the two comics he already found and jumped trough the open window, squatting down once he landed to reduce the noise to the minimum.
He acted in the right moment because once he was out Neil stoped at the door when he caught something moving in his peripheral vision.
The man furrowed his eye brows as he entered the room. It was a mess by his standards, just like Billy’s. But the place looked empty of any presence.
No one could fit under the bed and the closet had only clothes, the only option left was the open window that let the autumn wind enter.
The boy outside was tiptoeing along the backside of the house without making a single sound, still crouched. He turned around the corner and pressed his back to the wall just before the adult stuck his head out of the window. He waited patiently, keeping his breathing even. He could still hear him breathing heavily by the window, inspecting the surroundings.
Assured that everything was in order the man grunted an went back inside, not before closing the window and locking it from the inside. It’s not like that would stop Thirteen but the man didn’t know.
The boy waited some more time, just to be sure. He heard his footsteps reach the living room and take a seat in the old couch that creaked under his weight accompanied by Susan’s voice.
When the coast was clear he walked calmly back to the shed with the comics in hand ready to wait for Max to come back with the sweets she promised.
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Coming back home wasn’t as easy or peaceful as the teenagers thought it would be.
Max waited for Billy for an hour before she realized that he was never going to pick her up, so she ended up walking all the way home.
The situation got worse when she found Neil and her mother waiting for them awake and in the living room.
Neil was fuming, already assuming and getting it right about why she came back home alone.
Max tried to lie about Billy dropping her at the front door and leaving to droop one of his friends and that he would be back soon. But the lie flew out of the window when said teenager appeared stumbling and staggering through the front door two minutes later.
When his father asked him why he was late Billy made the excuse that he had a flat tire.
Those simple words left both teenagers as liars and idiots. And yet, Neil’s anger was solely directed to his excuse of a son.
Max left to her room before everything started, she already knew what was coming. Neil beating the shit out of his son, Billy not having the courage to fight back and her mother watching, to much of a coward to either live the scene or stop her husband.
Max stayed in her room imagining she was in another place, in another world, pretending she didn’t know Billy enough to care about him. But actually, it was the opposite.
They’ve had a few moment between them in which they manage to understand each other silently. Without having to mention they’re main problem. Neil and Susan’s uncomfortable relationships that put they’re lives upside down.
But while she was creating walls to protect herself from her powerlessness, Thirteen had come out of the shed a few minutes ago. When he heard Max walking to and opening the front door to be exact.
He sneaked into her room, unlocking the window with his powers, waiting for her in her closet. But when she took longer than normally and he heard Neil’s voice grow more and more dangerous, he went back outside to see the living room trough the window.
He saw and heard everything that happened. He even witnessed Neil hitting Billy and beating him to the ground.
That man was like papa, it’s what he thought.
Watching Billy get beat made Thirteen’s blood boil so much he didn’t realize his powers where starting to act up.
The shelf beside them fell loudly startling a scream out of Susan and distracting Neil. The sudden pause at least got him to calm down and see his son seating in the floor, beaten and drunk. He thought that was enough, he didn’t want to leave a mark of obvious evidence in him, he didn’t need someone coming to ask questions.
Thirteen went back to Max’s room. He knocked on the window, getting her attention. She turned towards the boy, taking the mask off.
Once he was inside, he instinctively sat down beside her and gave her a hug.
Oh how much Max wanted to cry right there. But she hates crying. She didn’t let any tears come out but she leaned in to the boy’s hug.
The world doesn’t deserve someone like Thirteen, is what came to her mind. So young and so aware of the bad things and yet, he remains with a heart of gold.
They stayed like that for what felt like hours until everything calmed down. They waited when everyone was back in they’re room, and even a few minutes after that.
They sat in the girl’s bed, getting more comfortable.
Max dumped the bag full of candys in her bed between them. She had skittles, 3 musketeers, nerds, fireballs, monchitos, tunos and a lot more she didn’t know existed.
She was obviously trying to change the atmosphere and thankfully it was working.
“You know, I’ve been thinking…” mumbled Max with her mouth stuffed with whoppers, making sure to speak softly. She didn’t want anyone coming to knock on her door when she should be asleep. “Do you remember when magneto choose another name when he was on the run?” she asked the kid. Thirteen nodded, still munching in a bar of the three musketeers. “I was thinking. What if you do the same? Having a number as a name easily raises suspicions. But if you have another name…” she left the idea hanging, already noticing the understanding in the kids expression.
The boy opened his eyes wide, nodding a few times in happiness.
“Wanna choose a name?” She asked after she swallowed the chocolate.
With the most innocent eyes and without hesitation he said. “Magneto.”
Max laughed a bit and shook her head. The kid was to innocent for his own good. “Magneto is not a name for a person. That’s his title as a villain.” She explained.
Thirteen deflated a little bit. He wanted a name from magneto.
He thought for a moment under Max’s attentive eyes. Until he came with an idea. “Magnus.” He said in a dreamy tone of voice.
Max repeated the name in her head and in a whisper, testing how it sounds before nodding. “Magnus. I like that.” She extended her hand, expecting the kid to do the same.
Thirteen looked at her hand for a second, not getting the memo, but he trusts her so he raised his hand, blinking a few times when she grabbed it and shook it.
She smiled at him. “Nice to meet you, Magnus.” She said
Thirteen felt cheeks warming and a smile spreading in his face. He likes how it sounds. “Nice to meet you.” He whispered.
He now has a name, a friend and a place to stay. He has everything he ever wanted, and he’ll do everything in his power to protect it.
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Any comment or constructive criticism are appreciated.
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thealtoduck · 2 years
Incorrect Stranger Things Quotes featuring my oc Nine…
*When Nine first tried Hopper’s food*
Hopper: Not that bad, right?
Nine: Not bad but not good…
Eleven: *nodding*
Source: Jisoo
*Nine trying to play basketball after Lucas taught him some stuff*
Lucas, on walkie talkie with Mike: So right now, what’s happening behind me is Nine is apparently a ”pro” at basketball which obviously i’m not sure off.
Lucas still on walkie talkie: But… it seems like he’s having fun on his own. That’s what matters right? Look at him, look at him go. He’s enjoying himself.
Lucas still on walkie talkie: Without one single goal he’s still having fun.
Source: Jennie and Jisoo
Nancy: So Max told me about your little crush on Steve…
Nine, whispering: Traitor…
Nancy: Don’t worry i think it’s cute but i have to ask why do you like him?
Nine: Madonna said ”The boy with the cold hard cash is always Mr Right”
Nancy, slightly shocked: Yeah, i-i guess that’s one way to see it…
Nancy, casually taking away his cassette player: You know what? How about we go get you a new casette tommorrow, you’ve been listening to that one so much plus i heard there is this new singer Whitney Houston with an incredible voice. Wanna get her album?
Nine: *nodds*
Dustin introducing Nine to Steve for the first time: This is my friend, Nine. Don’t mind him with the knife and scowl, he’s friendly. I swear.
Source: Call Me Kevin
+ Bonus
Nine: I’m from Alaska…
Dustin: You don’t have tell everyone your from Alaska
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*Nine knocks on the door to Max’s house*
Billy: Can i help you?
Nine: Probably not
Billy: What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Nine: It means whatever the fuck you want it to mean…
Billy: …Come in
Source: Most Popular Girls In School
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loverforfanfiction · 2 years
102-eddie munson oneshot
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[Thanks for 102 followers I can't express how happy I am pls let's make it to 200! I love all of yallllllll"
Summary:you wanna stay with eddie.....forever
You and eddie were attached to the hip with eachother like , was always together and loved eachother like there was no tomorrow you even stayed with him when he got held back.... witch was alot of times but it was worth it because you were with him and it was going to be your guys year
"Ohhh eddie com here boy....I mean baby" you said as you kept a quiet tone to make sure you wouldn't give it away with your excited voice " I'm coming " your boyfriend said as you heard footsteps coming up the stairs rather loudly
"Ok" you said back as you tried to hide the enormous gift behind your back
"What ya need me for bab-" "is that what I think it I's baby" eddie screamed. Yeah you broke his guitar and you knew he was angry but he kept it inside and you were sorry so you brought a new and improved guitar
"Yeah I was being a fucking idot when I broke the other one so here you go"
"Thanks babe... I love you so fucking much how about we stay together till we're 100" he joked as he kissed you slowly
"That sounds good eddie but maybe till...we're 102"
"I can top that how about forever"
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hoeforbarnes · 2 years
I feel like as a community, we don’t talk about the idea that Eddie would most DEFINITELY have comic book/nerdy boxers/briefs nearly as often as we should.
Like, I just imagine, y’all are at a party and find an empty room right, things are getting frisky and you being the loving partner you are, decide to go down on him. He’s leaning back on his hands looking down at you in the sexy fucking way we all know he would, just completely lost in the idea that someone as fine as you would even be in this situation with him in the first place. In fact, he would be so lost in that idea, that he would forget about the wizard and dragon printed briefs that hid under his jeans.
“Oh, wait, babe no-“
“Ooo, what are these?” You say as you inspect the fire breathing creatures currently inhabiting your boyfriend’s pants.
“I- I didn’t think we’d be doing anything today, I just put on the first pair of briefs I found, I’m sorry, you probably think they’re so stupid-“
“I think they’re cute.” His brows furrow.
“You..you do?”
“Mmhm” you hum, giggling slightly. “In fact..I think I’m even more attracted to you, weirdly.”
And he would just look at you with the biggest eyes ever, shocked that you didn’t laugh in his face the moment you made eye contact with the warriors and mages covering his thighs. Man would probably want to marry you on the spot after that. (Btw he would most definitely rail the shit out of you in return). Dhjsjsjshsdh ok I’m done rambling byee.
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gaymansruse · 2 years
𝒇 𝒓 𝒂 𝒈 𝒊 𝒍 𝒆 𝒕 𝒉 𝒐 𝒖 𝒈 𝒉 𝒕 𝒔 || 𝘦.𝘮 [𝘱𝘵.2]
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Eddie Munson x gn!reader Summary → Being Eddie's best friend and having a crush on him is tough. What happens when he asks out Chrissy and you feel a bit jealous.
Word Count → 1.0k+ Requested → yes Inbox → open Warning → This writing peice contains use of drugs, and intoxicated confessions/kissing. If that makes you uncomfortable, please do not read.
A/n || I hope this is what you guys wanted, I'm sorry if it's not. I'm sorry it took so long to get this out, some stuff happened and I ended up getting grounded, i lost motivation half way through this, but I wanted to finish it for you guys. As always criticism is welcome. Happy reading! <3
Eddie had left about an hour after you had fallen asleep, his thoughts were conflicted about everything you had told him. Should he confront you about your feeling and tell you he feels the same. Or should he just leave it and go on a date with Chrissy and see how it goes.
He was walking down the street in the dark, he was at your house to tell you he wasn't going to be able to hang out with you tomorrow, becuase he had landed a date with Chrissy.
But now he doesn't know if he should go, I mean yes he likes you, and yes he does want to be with you, but what if you guys break up. What if it ruins your friendship. At least with Chrissy he could just avoid her.
He had reached his trailer and walked in immediately going to greet his guitar for the second time today. His thoughts drifted to Chrissy, He was pretty, and smart and could hold good conversation. But she was nothing like you, she couldn't make him laugh to the point where you were both wheezing, she couldn't hold her own in a fist fight against three guys, she didn't have any little tics like you had like when you stuck your tongue to the side of your mouth when you were focused, or how your nose twitched when you were nervous. She just wasn't anything like you.
What if he did take his chance with you though? And everything worked out? What if you two really ended up being together forever, God he'd be so happy to spend the rest of his life with you.
He didn't know what came over him, but he soon drifted off into sleep, thoughts already latching onto every memory he has of you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You had woken up to the sound of your {Parental figure} shuffling around, clearly trying to get ready for work, but right now you couldn't care less. You were still tired, thoughts of last night very far from you mind as you tried to close your eyes and go back to sleep.
But alas you can never get what you want. Your {Parental figure} had barged through the door and ripped the sheets from your body. "I hope you weren't planning on sleeping the whole day, you still have school." They said somewhat sternly, yet their voice still held a light teasing tone to it.
You couldn't help but smile up at them. "Of course not, Par." You said groggily.
"Well get up and goin' then."
You were about halfway dressed before there was a light knock at your door. You opened it, expecting to see one of your siblings, but no. It was the one, the only, Eddie Munson. "Whatcha doin' here Ed's?" You asked, almost forgetting you were currently topless. You would've forgotten completely if you didn't notice Eddie's eyes keep shifting down to your chest.
You quickly slung on the t-shirt you were holding. "Eddie?"
"Oh right yeah, uhm, I came to pick you up for school."
"You never do that unless you wanna ditch."
He gave you a knowing look, and you immediately understood. I mean he did say you two were going to hang out today. But you would've assumed he'd be too busy with Chrissy.
"Ah I see, and what exactly would we be doing?"
"I don't know, we could go to Towers, or we could chill around Lovers Lake and get high." He whispered the last part so no one else would hear and get suspicious.
"We could always do both, we'll have six free hours to spend."
"True true, we have time to do that and more." He finished his sentence with a wink.
Why did Eddie just wink at me? Your hands got a little clammy but you ignored it and grabbed your school bag to make it seem like Eddie was actually taking you to school.
You'se walked down stairs together, and past your {Parental Figure}. You waved towards them and yelled out a quick 'goodbye' before you left the house with Ed.
Once you were in Eddie's car he spoke, "Hey I was wondering if you wanted to head to Lovers Lake first, no better way to start the day than getting high, right?"
"Yeah sure I don't mind."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You guys had made it to the lake, now both of you were sitting crossed legged near the water, a blunt being shared between the both of you.
You had barely spoken a word, too busy enjoying the view in your high and relaxed state of mind.
You also hadn't realised that Eddie kept glancing over at you the entire time. He was currently debating in his mind if he should tell you that he likes you, or if he should just stay quiet and still head to that date he had with Chrissy later in the day.
Maybe it was the weed, maybe it was the way the early morning sunlight was hitting your skin perfectly, or maybe it was just pur confidence. But before he could second guess his decision he blurted out. "I like you."
"What?" You looked over giggling.
"I like you. Like, like like you. Like I'm pretty sure I'm probably in love with you."
"Are you joking right now? Because I swear to God if you are I'll drown you in the lake."
"No I'm not joking, I like you, romantic stylz, with a 'Z'."
"Yeah I could hear the 'Z'." You replied laughing, "I like you too Eddie."
"I know." He said nonchalantly, then he sure the confused look on my face and realised he shouldn't have said that. "It's just, ugh, you're really bad at hiding it, ya know?"
"Was I really that bad?" You cringed at the thought.
"Yep." He said popping the P, he'd tell you one day how he really found out. Maybe at your wedding day, or when you're on your way to having your first kid. But he knew for sure he wasn't telling you right now.
You both fell into a comfortable silence, just staring at eachother. Before he spoke up again. "Can I kiss you?"
You'se both leaned in, lips kind of pursed. Your hands went up to grip his shoulders as your lips touched in a light, clumsy kiss.
People who asked to be tagged <3
@fangirl199812 @erodahellfire @bratckerman @golden-wander @eli-lilies04
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mattiehenderson · 8 months
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Synopsis: my first Stranger Things fic, don't be hard on me please. I'm so happy to see an 80s metalhead represented in a positive light for ONCE! I couldn't help but fall in love with him just like everyone else with taste. So I prefer writing male x male romances, and can I just say we need way more bottom princess male reader and dom daddy Eddie fics. This is my attempt to try and help with that. So this story focuses on my OC, Matthew "Mattie" Henderson, he's Dustin's older brother who's a senior. Heavily bullied for being so effeminate and goth. He has always had a crush on Eddie Munson since freshman year, but unfortunately Eddie is straight...or is he?
Warnings : Sexual language and imaginations. Minors do not interact, 18+.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Henderson!OC
Look at me, please turn around and just look at me.
I stared intensely at the boy who sat in front of me in English, wavy chestnut curtains of hair poured past shoulders too broad for a normal senior, and onto my desk.
I could smell his v05 shampoo, the aloe one, and the Irish spring that almost hid his signature Marlboro and kush cologne. Slowly, quietly, I inhaled the scent that was all things Eddie Munson, the eternal prisoner of Hawkins High School.
In my marble notebook that was graffiti'd with cutouts of my favorite bands and scented stickers, I sketched an imprisoned Eddie in a medieval, hooded cloak behind bars, and coming to rescue him was a soft looking male witch. It went along with the story I was secretly writing for my own pleasure, the poor dungeon master who has been trapped in the dungeons of Hawkeye Castle for 400 years, under an evil queen's spell. Perhaps I named her Queen Cristiana of Hawkeye, after a certain stupid cheerleader that I always see hanging around a certain metal head after hours.
I don't know why I do this to myself, in what universe do I have a chance? Maybe in my own universe in my own land of make believe, but nymphs and orcs and furies also exist there so there's that.
In the real world, Chrissy Cunningham is the most beautiful girl in Hawkins, she's the head cheerleader and smells like Anais Anaïs, she has perfect hair and she's a she.
I, Mattie Henderson, am a boy. Not only am I a boy, but I'm a boy who wears more makeup than any girl in school. I wear my bleached curls too long and listen to darkwave. Eddie Munson would never!
I gently huffed before I finished sketching the scene where Matthias the Enchanter, in his red violet cloak and gossamer garments, shared a kiss with Sir Edward the Banished. 
It was hilarious really. I have known him since I was a freshman, secretly pining, and knowing we have many interests in common, especially D&D, but I've always been too shy to approach him. Too shy to approach anyone, only having one friend my whole time living in Hawkins, Robin Buckley. I'm not as good with people as my little brother, growing up in the Midwest with being what I am and how I am, I figured it's smarter to keep away. Robin always understood me, since we met in seventh grade and I moved here from Connecticut.
After everything last summer with Starcourt, and finding out about what my brother and his friends have been apart of, I shockingly acquired new friends, the very unexpected Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, and my art class acquaintances Jonathan Byers.
It's been a lot, it's been a fucking lot, and with it being my senior year the stress has been added. Mom keeps asking about my college options, telling me Indiana University has a pretty good art program. But I don't have the grades, I do enough to get by, school makes me miserable, I could care less about mundane things like classes and grades and teachers, and artificial societies. And sure I like art, but I love doing hair and makeup and nails too, something my mother definitely reaps the benefits of. And I don't exactly love Hawkins the Cursed Lands, but after everything and not sure about this place ever being safe again, I'd never leave my brother here without me. And as pathetic as it sounds, the thought of leaving the man who doesn't know I exist makes my stomach hurt.
I felt guilty for my thoughts, for my fantasies about him, for wishing the reason why I put my black velvet choker on this morning was to cover a bruise from his huge, ring wrapped fingers. Oh how I would cut off all twenty inches of my hair to just have his towering 5'11 frame over my 5'5 one, staring down into my black lined Hazel eyes, with his dark, teddy bear gaze.
The teacher must have sent paper down, because with the melodic swish of his chocolate butter ringlets, I was looking up at him and slamming my marble notebook shut faster than you can say Kissimmee. Dark, button eyes glanced at me before doing a double take. Now fixated on me feeling like a goldfish, with his plush, pillowy, bubblegum pink lips parted.
How the hell could anyone ostracize and hate such a gorgeous human being? Then the angel spoke and I felt like he was oozing the gospel.
Here we go again.
All because of one damn class I'm sitting in Johnson's English for the third fucking time.
I was the last one to plop my ass down, toward the back, the desk with the D&D scribbles and the classic "Ozzy rules" that violated government property. I got a snide remark from Johnson, and snickers and insults from Carver and his ball buddies.
This was exactly why I preferred to escape to my own world, where there are dragons and halflings, or when I close my eyes and finger my sweetheart. Just close my eyes and listen to The Number of the Beast, forgetting that reality is being the town's leper in a town where they decide Jason Carver is a good person because he knows his way around a ball.
Johnson was droning on about fucking writing prompts where he cares more about where a comma goes than if the story is good or not. 
And then, as I'm passing back the picture prompt for the first day of hell, I did a double take at a new face. A face prettier than even the likes of Chrissy Cunningham. Looking up shyly at me, drawing out a protective feeling I didn't know I possessed, are bedroom, dreamy lidded eyes painted a lavender gray,with thick broom-like sweeping lashes that flutter before bright Hazel eyes, that reminded me of summer turning into fall, green fading into browning leaves and golden maples. Kohl-rimmed, making them more pronounced and more awe-inspiring.
Her nose is cute and broad with a puggish finish that rests prettily between roundish cheeks painted a deep blush. My eyes traveled down to a pair of the ideal cock sucking lips, I'm so sorry but I don't really know what else to call them. They're so full and big, so cushiony and I'm a pretty imaginary guy, so what I'm thinking of doing to that mouth…fucking that gorgeous face, making those Hazel eyes water and her gothic makeup run down those pretty chipmunk cheeks, making a big mess of her blood red lipstick smudging it on my cock. 
I shifted in my seat feeling my dick stir, and this was not the time. Cascading around her face was voluminous white blonde curls, so wild and untamable like an elf-witch, very surreal and otherworldly and contrasts beautifully with her dark eyebrows.
And as if my she-elf couldn't have been more perfect, not only did she have herself collared by a black velvet choker, but a cut off Shout at the Devil Mötley Crüe  shirt encased her. My mouth watered and when she lifted a fishnet, arm fingerless glove adorned wrist to take the prompt from me, I inhaled the sweet smell of apricots and roses and sweet, expensive perfume. I couldn't get enough of it.
"Munson, are you drooling? Is that drool, freak?" Carver happily and loudly like a fucking foghorn called me out in front of everyone. Nothing new, usually I'm very unphased by embarrassment, I mean I'm a 20 year old senior. But, for once that jockstrap got to me, knowing this enchantress witnessed it witnessed him calling me out for something she caused. I snapped my head away fast and wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my jacket before inspecting the porosity. Damn, I was fuckin drooling.
Saved by the Johnson, the droning authority started a roll call. Imagine my surprise when Johnson called out Matthew Henderson and it happened to be my little elf-witch…or elf-warlock should I say.
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edwardnortonwhore · 2 years
Lost boys x stranger things x m!reader
A/n: I wrote this pretty late and I'm a bit ill so sorry about any errors
Pairings: David x reader, marko x reader, Paul x reader, dwayne x reader, Billy hargrove x reader
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, smoking, drug use, sexual themes
Summary: when billy Hargrove runs away, back to santa Carla, california, the Hawkins gang are tasked with following him, only to be shocked at what they find when they arrive.
The night was warm and comfortable, the calming sound of the waves rolling into the beach and the distant sounds of fairground music and scream of rollercoaster riders settling over the town of santa Carla. The moon was full and shining, bouncing of the ocean like giant disco ball.
Billy hargrove was speeding down a coastal road, 70mph, music blasting at full volume with nith of the front windows open. The wind tangled into his luscious, sandy blonde hair as the car drove. His eyes were fixed on the sight infront of him.
Santa Carla.
His home town. The town he had been forced to leave 3 years ago and the town he would now stay in for the rest of his life. He had ran away from Hawkins 2 days ago. Away from Neil, the mind flayer, the Russians and overall Hawkins. He didn't have a plan at first but the last 48 hours were spent thinking up a solution of what he was going to do when he arrived.
He had decided on getting a motel room for the night, then, the next day, he would take a look around the boardwalk for the first time ein years, then head to see his old friends. The lost boys. He had lost contact when he left and was looking forward to seeing them again. He had been close with them since he was 15, he knew they were vampires, they only hadn't turned him because they didn't want him to be stuck as a teenager forever. That would suck.
His blue camaro pulled up into the parking lot and he shit the windows before getting out, locking the car and walking onto the crappy building. He walked up to a grumpy looking woman who was slumped in a chair watching TV.
"I'm looking for a room for a night?" He asked her, waiting patiently. She ignored him. He asked again. "Excuse me ma'am, I'm looking for a room."
She finally looked up at Jim and turned around to grab a key.
"Room 21. Up the stairs on your left." She them turned back to whatever she was watching, leaving billy to find his was to the room.
When he got there, he opened the door and threw his bag onto the bed, running to the bathroom and turning the shower on. He quickly striped himself of his clothes and enveloped himself in the warmish water. He ran a hand through his hair and felt his muscles untangle and for the first time in 3 months he felt okay. He felt safe. It's pretty ironic considering he was in the murder capital of the world and it was filled with all sorts of creatures of the night hut he didn't care. He was home at last.
After his shower, he dried himself with an old, motel towel and he was quick to jump into the bed. The mattress was stiff and stained but it was good enough for him. For now atleast. He turned to the side, pulling the string of the yellow lamp and plunging the room into pure darkness, only being escaped by the small dots of light coming from the fair on the pier. Billy pulled the covers over himself and let his mind drift away into a long, well deserved sleep.
The next day, as Billy went on with his own activities, so did y/n emerson. Y/n was one of the lost boys, he was a cool guy, laid back and pretty smart. But he could be scary too. And by scary I mean above David level terrifying. But normally he was pretty approachable.
He pottered around the emerson House. His cousins had come to live with them about 2 months ago and he was finding it pretty stressful. They were very inquisitive kids. Always asking where he had been all night and who the guys that had dropped his off or picked him up were. They liked to annoy him alot but Sam was okay. Michael had a mouth on him and had a very unneeded, offensive attitude toward his older cousin. No one quite knew why but it was always present.
Y/n tidied away the remnants of last night's takeaway dinner and walked into his garden to clear it all away. Yes, I know what you're thinking, vampires can't go out at day. And you'd be right, they can't, not without a ring. A special ring made with something I do not recall that stops them from busting into flames.
He emptied the trash into the bin and walked back inside. He then pulled a post-it-note from a drawer and scribbled on the words
Be gone for a day or two, staying at a friend's. From y/n/n.
He stuck it on the front of the fridge and walked out the front door, grabbing his motor bike from the garage and seating himself on it, riding of towards the home of the other lost boys. He spent majority of his time there, only coming back when his mom got too worried or needed to see him. He sped through the streets and down towards the entrance, dumping his bike and jumping down it. Marko was sat in a chair he had stolen from and alleyway last week, reading some weird magazine that he had probably shoplifted. Y/n walked over too him and kissed his cheek.
"Morning." He spoke softly.
"Morning." Marko replied with a smile, nuzzling his face into y/ns neck. He was always one for physical affection. He was a big softie at times too.
Suddenly, David appeared next to them, standing over y/n and leaning in to plant a soft kiss on his lips.
"Morning doll." He said, y/n smiled up at the taller man and sat down on the arm of the chair marko was is. "You wi never guess who's back in town." He added. The pair gave him a puzzled look and they were soon joined by dwayne and Paul who stood behind them.
"Billy fucking Hargrove. and I have a feeling he will be paying us a little visit later."
"No fucking way!"
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Eddie munson s/o........y/n
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:y/n is always there for eddie when he needs them
:y/n loves eddie to death
:y/n does not like the way Jason talks to eddie so they punched him
:y/n and eddie does everything together
: y/n loves to buy eddie gifts
:y/n doesn't like when someone is mean to eddie you mess with him you mess with them
:y/n is always stealing Eddie's stuff
:y/n loves doing Eddie's hair
:y/n loves stealing Eddie's food
:y/n is always there so eddie doesn't die y/n does they love him to much to see him gone
:y/n lives on in Eddie's heart
:y/n watches over eddie
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