#storehouses and bunkers
chloeworships · 28 days
This is a longgggggggggg yet detailed prophecy. Please sit somewhere comfortable when listening to it 👂🏾
This has got to be one of the most beautiful prophetic words I have ever received.
I don’t call you all “Children of God” for nothing 😂
God has not forgotten you.
I also wanted to add Jesus’ shirt was in the middle of the hut which means we must put him at the centre of our lives babes.
My condolences to those who have lost a child.
God is restoring everything you lost plus SOME.
You are blessed!!!
PS. Recall the LORD had given us a similar prophetic word before. He had said to me “back to back”. Well the Chiefs have won back to back and PATRICK Mahomes is my Dad’s favourite QB. Drake has a song called “Back to Back” 😁🇨🇦
Also the numbers 5 and 11 are important here in addition to the numbers 7, 3, 6, 9 and 12
God will be speaking to many of you through your DREAMS. Pay attention.
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PPS. The LORD showed me the little boy was Jack Harlow.
You are ALL welcome into the family of God no matter where you live or the colour of your skin.
I was shown Lions and Elephants again… they all have a few things in common BIG FAMILIES and are extremely PROTECTIVE of each other.
When the family feuds, no one benefits. It’s time to heal my loves. It’s time to seek DELIVERANCE from some serious demons that are attached to your bloodline.
Some of you need not just spiritual healing but PHYSICAL and it is coming.
Some FINANCIAL healing is coming as well. Debts cancelled or paid off MIRACULOUSLY.
Here are the names of Joseph’s sons. What’s crazy is the LORD revealed to me that Chase Claypool was from the tribe of Manasseh. He’s the only person I know who God revealed to me was from that tribe. His NICKNAME is Mapletron 🍁🇨🇦
Read the KING JAMES version of Genesis 41 for other nuggets of information.
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Don’t forget the good times and all the moments when you were blessed when the bad times roll around. Let this message and the blessings to come be a reminder that God has NOT forgotten you and he can restore ALL….Double portion for your shame, loss, misfortune and humiliation.
Get ready because God is going to exalt you amongst the nations.
PPS: recall I told you that God blessed Egypt 🇪🇬 recently. When I had put out the word that the LORD said this Israeli Hamas conflict could spill over into neighbouring countries, Egypt then acted quickly. So fast it surprised even me. This is the foresight and decision making that is needed at this time. Egypt protected their citizens just as Pharaoh did even though Pharaoh was from a different religion. The LORD was pleased with this move by Egypt 🇪🇬
Pharaoh listened to the man of God named Joseph because he could see he was wise, even though he was a prisoner and more lowly than him. He could see God was with him.
Remember I had spoken about Louis Vuitton a BILLION DOLLAR company whose designer is Pharrell Williams. The family name Williams is important here as well. I did see that.
Ensure though, that you HEED the warnings for they too are meant to protect you and keep you on the right path. Let the LORD be your guide as he was to Moses, his brother Aaron and the Hebrews.
What is coming is going to impact the entire world. No one will be immune from it. Why do you think God has gathered all of us HERE TODAY? Remember Covid-19 and how ill prepared we were for that catastrophic event. That can’t happen again. This time we will be ready. That was a trial run.
Pizza HUT 🛖 means something to someone here too. Maybe you love Pizza. 🍕 or have a restaurant. It’s important farmers are aware of this as well. Without them we would have NO FOOD. They deserve RESPECT and APPRECIATION ❗️we cannot forget them. They need to be warned ⚠️
Remember this previous message. It applies now but also for another upcoming prophetic word ⤵️
Pray for WISDOM, HEALING and DISCERNMENT and ladies, pray for your husbands. They need it NOW more than ever. They will need your support!!
Images The LORD showed me ⤵️
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Lastly, the LORD showed me himself as a genie 🧞‍♂️ with HUGE BICEPS 💪🏾 hugging a large group of us humans. We were so small compared to him we could have been dots. He scooped us all into his arms. Please know you are loved babes… DEARLY and more than I could ever express.
It reminded me of the Monster gif I use when I want to hug 🫂 someone digitally. I am a hugger 😅😅😅😅😅 I will squeeze you to death 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
You are tasked with saving the lives of many people just as Jesus was/is.
The day FRIDAY means something to someone as well.
Deuteronomy 15:6 says ⤵️
“For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you”.
It looks like we will have to change Joe Burrows and Joe Biden’s last name to Joe Lenders 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣9️⃣ get it? (Drake and Kendrick ain’t got nothing on me with them barz and yes I wrote this, well God helped me and that’s ok) 🤣
I’d read the full Deuteronomy 15 for details.
The Benediction:
All praises go to you, our God and Christ Jesus your only begotten son. Thank you for being here for us. Thank you for showing us favour and MERCY by giving us this prophetic word hereby protecting us from what is about to come. Thank you for blessing us. May our lives bring you GLORY. We love you too!
PPPS: We will need to be strong 💪🏾 in these trying times babes.
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420technoblazeit · 1 year
in my mind dean was always supposed to get older and become the new bobby. like ok you're a hunter, maybe a little new to the scene and still figuring things out. and you're tracking down a werewolf, easy case. except some things don't line up quite right and now you're thinking it might not actually be a werewolf. so you ask around a hunter's bar and they all say the same thing. go to this one bunker in the middle of nowhere in kansas
and you're like sure what the hell. you're stumped anyway, might as well check it out. maybe it's a weapons storehouse or something. but then you get there and there's a doorbell and a bee-shaped welcome mat out front and you're starting to think you've got the wrong place. the door swings open and there's this middle aged guy with a robe and batman pyjama bottoms. and he laughs at the look on your face and tells you to come in, he doesn't bite. not since he got that vampire cure, anyway. you're not sure what to make of that last part but he winks at you when he says it so you figure he's joking. maybe.
he gives great advice about hunting everything under the sun and if you stick around long enough he'll go on and on about how he saved the world at least five times. ok sure. you don't want to be rude so you just sit there and sip your coffee politely while he talks about some guy called chuck and how much of a bitch he is. and another guy who's aged a little more gracefully comes padding down the hallway in a metallica t-shirt and rolls his eyes. has he told you about tvland yet? ('i was just getting to that part!')
if you go to the basement you'll find shotguns filled with salt, wooden stakes, holy water, and demon-killing bullets for sale. and if you're lucky the witch who sells hex bags might be around. low-grade curses only, of course. you better leave the powerful stuff to the professionals. and she'll get in trouble if she gives you anything stronger, not that she can't be persuaded. a girl's gotta make a living after all and she's always encouraged eager new witches. it's worked out pretty well for her so far. and then a guy you swear is twice your height will raise an eyebrow at her and insist she only sell the weaker hex bags, please. you don't need any more witches in your coven, rowena. you've got plenty
pagan god giving you trouble? there's a man who swings by every once in a while who knows how to deal with those. give him some candy or a fun magic relic and he might help you out. it depends. he's a little picky about dishing out advice and he likes to play favorites. and if you've got a demon problem they can give you the number of a guy who swears up and down that he used to be the king of hell. but you've seen him walking around with a purse-sized terrier tucked under his arm and a dozen more following him so you're not really sure if you believe him
idk i like to think that dean got to grow old and retire. that doesn't mean he stops helping people, it just means he hangs up his coat and becomes an old man who rambles on and on about 'back in my day' and makes a dent in his leather armchair. there's a foosball table where the dungeon used to be and sam complains about beer bottles being everywhere and it becomes a safe haven for anyone still fighting the good fight. it's just that for dean and the rest of team free will the fight is over. they're done hunting now
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theology101 · 1 month
I honestly can’t WAIT for Maxson’s Brotherhood to interact with the remnants of the NCR.
“Like the Brotherhood - they were really good allies against the enclave, but fundamentally they’re just a little inbred cult. No outsiders, no new technology, but damn good with their power armor. Then they went crazy and we had to take Helios. Now they’re just hold up in their bunkers”
And then Maxson just… isnt that.
A massive cult of personality (the kind that the NCR used to mock about Roger Maxson) able to inspire, uplift and enlist THOUSANDS. A faction not only with the capability and technology to have power armor and vertibirds, but the capacity to Mass Produce them too.
A combination of Western Zealotry, Lyon’s Reforms, and a healthy amount of overwhelming firepower
Arthur is a unifying symbol that can take the isolated and sometimes contradicting Brotherhood Chapters and forge them into a Nation. He has two successful campaigns under his belt and two Fusion Reactor.
He has Liberty Prime.
I’m FASCINATED by what he’ll do. Will he reject Elijah and the War and give them an olive branch in their time of need? Will Arthur double down and seek revenge, using this opportunity to finish off the weakened NCR? Or maybe he just… ignores them?
His primary goal is, now that the Brotherhood has 2 cold fusion reactors, is going to be rebuild Lost Hills and then take Vegas, Helios One and the Hoover Dam. That was the original mission of Elijah’s chapter, after all and three incredible storehouses of pre-war tech. But I could honestly see him doubling down and trying to turn LA into a Fortress for the Brotherhood.
I honestly dont know - according to his stated goals, he has no reason to intervene against the NCR when peace is entirely likely. But he’s a Monarch fundamentally, and Monarchs dont like threats to their power.
Good news is he probably wipes out the Legion or whatever’s left of it!
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masterpicsblog · 8 months
Crossing Over: From Horror to High Seas
A SCP-001 survivor and One pice buggy story
Chapter 1 "From Darkness to the Deep."
1285 words
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⛔️Triggers warning in this story include⛔️
1. Panic and chaos engulfing the streets.
2. The infected chasing and attacking the protagonist.
3. Violence and physical injuries, including slashing wounds and deep gouges.
4. Themes of survival and loss.
5. The protagonist's struggle and suffering.
6. Descriptions of a post-apocalyptic world and its dangers.
7. The protagonist's desperate fight for survival.
8. Dark and eerie atmosphere.
9. Themes of isolation and loneliness.
10. The uncertainty and mystery surrounding the protagonist's situation.
11. Out of character (probably)Buggy
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Clover remembered the sky darkening that fateful afternoon, so many years ago. Within hours, total panic and chaos engulfed the streets. He huddled with his parents, watching through slitted windows as bizarre figures stalked by.
When the screams started next door, he knew they had to flee. His father dressed them in every protective layer they had - leather coats, sweat-soaked canvas tarps, dark goggles salvaged from an auto shop. Even so, the oppressive light seeped through, sparking shooting pains behind Clover's eyes.
Frantically, they stumbled through the irradiated alleys, avoiding any beam of sunlight. But as the infected closed in, Clover's mother knew they wouldn't make it to the bunkers in time. With a sob, she shoved the goggles onto Clover and pushed him toward the storm drains. "Run, my love! Don't look back!"
Clover plunged into the tunnels alone. For days he huddled in the darkness, listening to the chaos above. Slowly, an eerie silence fell. Emerging at last, he found a world utterly transformed, and his family forever gone.
In his years surviving alone since that fateful day, Clover had grown adept at avoiding the infected and scavenging for supplies after dark. However, as more time passed, the ranks of the infected only swelled while resources dwindled.
On this night, Clover had traced rumors of an untouched storehouse to an abandoned apartment building on the city outskirts. Prying open the rusted metal door, he entered cautiously with worn blade in hand. At first, all seemed clear amid the dusty shelves. But as he pushed further inside, a guttural groan sounded from the shadows.
Wheeling around, Clover came face to face with a hunched figure emerging from a collapsed hallway. Its posture was wrong, twisted at unnatural angles, but he knew instantly it had once been human. Now, its eyes blazed with an otherworldly light, fixated solely on the non-infected prey before it.
Clover swung his blade, but years of malnourishment had slowed his reflexes. The infected dodged with inhuman speed, grappling his arm in a crushing grip. He cried out, feeling the joint strain to its breaking point. In a panic, Clover kicked out with his free leg, connecting with its midsection. The force was enough to stagger it back briefly.
He didn't wait for it to recover, sprinting for the exit as fast as his exhausted body could carry him. When Clover burst into the abandoned alley, he glanced back to see not two but three infected in pursuit. Their shambling gaits were deceptively quick - in moments, skeletal hands grasped at his tattered cloak.
Clover spun and slashed with his blade, feeling it connect with flesh. But he was outnumbered, and his weapon was yanked from weakened fingers. Razor-sharp talons raked across his back, tearing through threadbare layers to leave deep gouges in both shoulder blades.
Blinding pain dropped Clover to his knees. Through a haze, he saw the infected circling for the kill. Summoning his last reserves, Clover scrambled on, leaving a slick trail of blood behind.
At the alley's end, his grasping hands found only cold brick. Trapped in a dead end with no escape, Clover's vision swam. He slid down the wall, collapsing amid piles of refuse as his life's essence drains slowly away.
Through waves of agony and delirium, Clover heard scraping echoes approach. Claws clicked over cobblestone as infected closed in, dull eyes reflecting the faintest glint of dusk. This alley would be his grave, the end to a long fight for survival since that day the sun stopped rising. As shadows converged, Clover surrendered to the beckoning dark.
As the darkness swallowed Clover whole within that alley, the last flickerings of pain and fear faded. An endless quiet descended, and he drifted weightlessly through the void.
Or so he thought, until a faint tug pulled at his dissolving consciousness. Sensations began to reemerge - a piercing, bone-deep ache and a viscous wetness filling his lungs, dragging him back from the edge. Raw instinct took over as Clover seized with choking, convulsing coughs that wracked his ruined body.
With immense effort, his heavy lids peeled open to a blurry scene undulating all around. Waves crested and broke, their ceaseless motion rocking Clover's numb limbs where he lay amid churning surf. Clouded confusion overwhelmed him - was this a delirious dream? Or had the tides somehow swept his torn corpse from that dead-end alley?
Before he could wonder more, darkness descended once more. Clover knew nothing more as unconsciousness swallowed him up again, too exhausted even to beg for respite or answers in those fleeting moments of awareness. He could only pray that if this vision proved untrue upon waking, merciful oblivion would claim him for good rather than force his return to the hell on Earth he had known for so long. His ravaged mind and spirit yearned for peace, wherever fate saw fit to deliver it.
Then silence overtook him fully, and awareness dissolved into the void once more. For how long Clover floated there, he could not say.
As Buggy's rollicking crew recovered their spirits on shore after weathering the stormy seas, their captain stood vigil from the ship, lost in contemplation. The mysteries they encountered out on the vast ocean never ceased to pique Buggy's insatiable curiosity.
Just then, Cabaji's urgent call shook Buggy from his musings. Rushing to the starboard side, Buggy spied his first mate pointing desperately into the breaking surf. There, upon the dark waves, a ghastly figure floated motionless.
Working swiftly despite the rocking deck, Buggy and Cabaji hauled the sodden stranger aboard. As they rolled him over, Buggy gasped - two horrific slashes tore across each shoulder blade, the wounds ragged and angry. This poor soul had suffered greatly.
"He yet draws breath, but just barely," said Cabaji grimly. As the crew's most experienced surgeon, Buggy took command. "Bring linen, rum, needle and thread - we must close these gashes before the sea claims him fully."
As his shipwright tended to the strange man's grievous wounds, Captain Buggy pulled Cabaji aside. "Tell me exactly what you saw when you spotted our guest," he said.
Cabaji nodded solemnly. "I was on watch when a bright flash lit up the clouds above. At first I thought it a trick of the light, but then a dark shape came tumbling down toward the waves. He seemed to fall from the very sky itself," Cabaji explained.
Buggy raised a brow, intrigued yet skeptical. Whoever this battered soul was, to plunge from such a height and survive his grievous injuries demanded explanation. "Keep a sharp eye out, Cabaji. Strange occurrences are afoot, and I'll get to the bottom of this mystery.”
Turning to check on the unconscious man's condition, Buggy muttered, "You'd better pull through, lad. When you wake, you've got some serious explaining to do. Few could survive what appears to have befallen you. Consider that debt you'll be repaying in information."
For now Buggy and his crew could only treat the man's wounds and wait to see if he'd survive the night. When he comes to, the true questions would begin. Had they pulled an angel from the heavens, or was there another more worldly explanation for this strange man and his curious fall from the sky? Only time would tell.
Hello! so this was my first attempt at writing and how better way to write something that I currently hyperfixate on then buggy the clown and the SCP foundation. I hope you enjoyed it can feedback is greatly appreciated
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Bunk Art at BunkArt
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Hoxha's program of "bunkerizimi” saw the construction of a total of 173,371 bunkers in every corner of Albania. That’s an average of six bunkers for every square kilometre (or 15 per square mile). They were never used for their intended purpose – saving lives - during the Hoxha era. The cost of constructing them was a drain on Albania's resources, diverting them away from more pressing needs such as dealing with the country's housing shortage and poor roads.
The bunkers were abandoned following the dissolution of the communist government in 1992. A few were used in the Albanian insurrection of 1997 and the Kosovo War of 1999. Most are now derelict, though some have been reused for a variety of purposes, including residential accommodation, cafés, storehouses, and shelters for animals or the homeless.
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jawritter · 4 years
Unlikely Places
Request: Hi! I love your work! Can you do a ABO? One where the reader is Beta, and Dean Alpha, and she’s his true mate/soulmate, but they don’t know it, and he gets possessive and goes into almost a feral rut where he tries to claim, and it almost kills her but Sam and Rowena save her and give Dean his Omega back? You come up with the plot because you’re amazing at that!! Please! I’d be forever in your debt!
A/N: This is the first time i have ever written ABO in the context. So please take it easy of me if some of the information isn’t isn’t normal ABO dynamic, or isn’t necessarily something seen in specific AU’s before! This is not a series, just a one shot! As always feedback is golden. I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little nervous about posting this one. It’s the most “Non-Con” I have ever written, and it took me weeks to get this written out in a way that I thought might be acceptable. I hope you all enjoy this one!
This one was Beta’d by @squirrelnotsam! Thanks so much hun! <3
Please heed the warnings on this Fic!! Warnings: (((TRIGGER WARNING!! This fic contains Non-Con, borderline rape implications! Please take caution when reading this if something like this affects you! ))) 
Other Warnings: Smut, almost non-con, angst, possessive Alpha, ABO Dynamics, knotting, forced claiming, forced knotting rut, almost feral Alpha, true mates, soul mates, knotting, mentions of first heat, language, scenting, non consensual scenting, disturbing Alpha behavior. Aggression, Pain, scared reader, Dean can be pretty scary in this one. Massive age gap! 19 year old reader x 41 year old Dean! Mention of parental death of reader’s parents. Language I’m sure because it’s me. 
Word count: 5244
Want More? Check Out My Masterlist!!
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“That will be $8.97,” you tell the woman standing in front of you. She pays you for her purchase, and you hand her bag to her as the door opens and closes with a dinging chime. 
Your eyes train to the large Alpha male that just walked into the filling station you were working at in Lebanon, Kansas. The Omega you were just checking out wasted no time in straightening her blouse by pulling it down lower, and making quite the show of herself as the Alpha grabbed a basket near the door, and lumbered his way over to the beer cooler, not even giving her a second look.
You had to suppress the snort as the Omega harshly grabbed the bag from the counter where she’d laid it when the Alpha had walked in the door, and made her way quickly towards the exit, leaving you alone with the Alpha as he made his way around the store, filling his little basket with things he usually buys every time he came in. 
Pie, beer, jerkies of different types, sometimes toilet paper, the odd Playboy as well as the next copy of Busty Asian Beauty, lube.
You weren’t worried about being left alone in the small store with the rather large and very attractive Alpha. It’s not like it was the first time he’d ever been there, and it wasn’t like he would have any interest in you, a beta. 
By law, you weren’t even allowed to speak to him unless he spoke to you first. Betas were considered even lower than Omegas and weren’t allowed to address an Alpha directly. You had to choose your words wisely when it comes to Omegas too, but they weren’t nearly as hard about that law as they were with the Alphas. 
You watched quietly from behind the counter as the Alpha picked up the newest porn magazine from the rack and placed it in his basket after thumbing through a few pages. 
You wondered if the Alpha lived alone. He carried himself like a bachelor, you never saw him with an Omega, nor had he expressed any interest in any Omega that was in the store the same time he was, male or female. Maybe something was wrong with him physically that prevented him from having those hormone-driven urges that seemed to rule the Alpha and Omega community? 
Whatever the reason, the Alpha seemed to be almost done with his shopping, so he made his way over the counter with his basket, setting it down before finally looking up at you, giving you a tight smile before grabbing a few candy bars and adding them to his pile of stuff. 
You returned his smile with a little more enthusiasm than what was probably necessary, but you couldn’t help it. Alpha or not, the man was sex on two bowed legs, and you weren’t dead. 
Instead of speaking, when you had his total, you turned the screen to him so that he could read his total. This was your usual routine with the Alphas that came in the store; it was just safer.  
His piercing green eyes seemed to burn a little as he tilted his head to the side and looked at you, or as much of you as he could see through the counter. Something in his stare made you want to blush; even though Alphas and Betas were not compatible physically, you felt like he was sizing you up. You had no scent strong enough that he would be attracted to, and you weren’t anatomically able to take his knot, which from what you understand was necessary to fulfill his needs. 
You were 19 years old. If you were going to be anything other than a Beta by now you were positive you would have presented. You still had not, so the Alpha staring at you made you literally take a step back away from the counter, your heart rate spiking as hungry eyes watched you curiously, like he was noticing you for the first time even though you’d rang up his items a thousand times before. 
“What’s your name?” he grunts, and his baritone voice sends a shiver down your spine, landing somewhere deep in your stomach, making it do a flip of sorts. 
“Y/N,” you answer shortly, utterly unaccustomed to talking to Alphas. There was no one Alpha that you could recall that had ever spoken to you, and you had been working at this filling station since you were 16.
Your parents were killed by a demon when you were very small, and you were delivered to an Omega compound when you were only 12 by the man that saved your life. It was assumed you would present as an Omega because you came from what they all called a “pure” bloodline.  
Much to the community leaders disappointment you never presented. So they kicked you out on your ass to fend for yourself, and you were lucky to have landed this job, and the Omega owner let you sleep in the back part of the storehouse. 
Finding a place to live on your own as a beta, and at such a young one was virtually impossible, and you would have been dead by now if it wasn’t for her. You never told her about your past, and you never intended to, after all, who else in this twisted world would believe in demons.
The green-eyed Alpha leaned forward slightly, breathing in deeply, his nostrils flaring as he attempted to scent you from a distance, and you put your finger on the panic button just under the cigarette counter you were leaning against, ready to push it if he tried to cross the counter. Sure, you would probably be dead before the cops got there, but at least they would be able to find the security footage and maybe track him down. 
You didn’t know what triggered this behavior from him, he’d never done anything like this before, and you wondered if he had just scented the Omega that was previously here, and just thought it was you.
The Alpha placed a large hand on the counter, about to start making his way around it when the door dinged again, and a skinny Beta man you thought you’d never see again entered the store. 
“Dean! There you are? What’s taking so long buddy? Sam’s ready to get back to his Omega?” he said as he approached the green-eyed Alpha you now knew was named “Dean”, smiling as he noticed you standing behind the counter.
“Y/N? Little Y/N Y/L/N is that you?” he asked as he shoved the large Alpha aside, and leaned against the counter to talk to you. Earning himself a very disgruntled look from the Alpha and the Beta’s boldness. 
“Hey Garth, it’s been a while,” you said, smiling at him warmly. You had met Garth years ago when he showed up to the Omega community you were living at not long after you’d been dumped there, taking a few Omegas there for safety after he wrapped up a hunt in Salt Lake City. 
“No kidding! Look at you all grown up. What are you doing here?” he asked, totally ignoring Dean as his eyes narrowed, looking swiftly between yourself and Garth as if he was annoyed that he was missing something.
“Well, I never presented, so they marked me down as Beta when I was sixteen, I’ve been living and working here ever since. What are you doing here? There’s not another Demon around is there?” you asked, and before Garth could answer, Dean spoke up directly to Garth, who, for some reason, seemed completely unfazed by the large, and brooding Alpha leering at him.
“Wait a minute, what’s going on here? She knows about the life?” Dean said, pointing at you as if you were a piece of furniture, and you weren’t standing there at all. Typical Alpha male behavior, but you knew better than to call him out on it. 
“Yeah! A group of hunters saved her from a particularly nasty Demon when she wasn't but twelve, and dropped her off at the hunting Omega compound. Looks like that didn’t work out though.” Garth said, giving you an apologetic look. 
Dean turned his gaze to you, that same hungry look burning just below the surface as he took you in from head to toe. A deep growl low in his chest that made Garth burst into laughter, and you look at Garth as if he had finally lost his damn mind. 
“Just ignore Dean, he’s an old Alpha who’s on the edge of a rut for the first time in too long. His brother and his Omega just moved into their bunker up the road here, and it’s triggered his hormones again.” Garth said with an eye roll, totally ignoring Dean as his eyes widened, and he looked at Garth like he could rip his throat out with his teeth for divulging that little bit of information. 
“Come on Dean; we need to go, Sam’s gonna kill you if you wait any longer,” Garth said, grabbing the card from Dean’s pocket and throwing it on the counter for you to ring up his stuff. You quickly bagged his items, handed them to the Alpha along with his credit card as Garth blubbered on about something you weren’t even really listening to, doing all you could to ignore the burning, tingling feeling that the Alpha’s skin left on yours as your hand touched his. 
The rest of the day progressed much as every day would. You could have sworn you saw that black Impala he was driving when you closed up that night, but you thought you must be imagining things, and locked the door before making your way to your makeshift bedroom in the back of the warehouse. Falling into an uneasy sleep, that seemed to be haunted by green eyes. 
The next morning you trudged your way over to the front door to open up for the day, still rubbing your eyes and yawning widely. You didn’t see Dean until he pushed the door open almost on top of you before you could step back as if he was waiting on the door to open. You stumbled back out of his way in surprise, fully awake now. Dean said nothing, just came very close to you, scenting the air around you before tilting his head to look at you curiously. 
You didn’t speak, you didn’t move, hell you were too afraid to do anything but stand there holding on the counter next to the coffee pots. 
Leaning over your shoulder, Dean brushes his body against your own as he reaches behind you, and grabs a coffee cup, filling it with black coffee all while keeping you virtually pinned to the counter. His body moving over your much smaller frame made an involuntary shiver roll through your body as he pulled away from you, and made his way over to one of the small booth seats next to the window before making himself comfortable there. His green eyes followed your every move as you quickly made your way to hide behind the counter. 
Your entire body was shaking as you tried to get a grip on yourself, as well as your imagination that was running wild in your head. It was effectively putting all kinds of thoughts that shouldn’t be there, thoughts that were not only so far fetched they were laughable, but thoughts of Dean’s hands on your skin, thoughts of Dean’s powerful body moving above yours in a way that made you almost whimper. 
Shaking yourself,  you continue about your day, choosing to ignore the large Alpha once you have calmed down enough to move from behind the counter. Dean never left his booth except to go to the bathroom. He stayed there literally all day long, just watching your every move. Never speaking to you, never getting close to you again, just watching. When you closed that night, you had to finally speak directly to him, to get him out of there, even though you knew you weren’t supposed to address him without being addressed first. 
“Dean, I’m closing, you have to leave,” you tell him in a voice you hope sounded more confident than you felt. Dean said nothing, his green eyes racking over your body before he stands and leaves without so much as a word, and you lock the door quickly behind him.
The next week went on much of the same. Dean would be there as soon as the door unlocked. Thankfully you had learned to move when you opened the door. He’d take his seat in the booth after scenting you, then would stay there until you made him leave, just watching you. 
You knew Alphas could become possessive of Betas, it was rare, but it did happen. You also knew that possessive Alpha’s could be dangerous, and had the tendency to be violent towards the Betas they have become possessive over, or they could become brutal to people around them in general. 
Dean was an older Alpha. If you had to guess, he was in his early 40’s and unmated. Things like this happened when Alphas went unmated for too long. 
You tried to text Garth, but he didn’t answer, he was probably on a case somewhere. You knew Garth said that he was about to go into rut, and with Dean’s behavior as of late, you hoped that Garth was just joking. Cause a rut could mean he’d try and hurt you. 
The next day you didn’t see Dean all day long. You thought maybe he found something else to be focused on or obsessed with. That or Garth got your text, and alerted this Sam they were talking about to Dean’s strange behavior. Part of you was relieved, and part of you was disappointed. Sure, you knew you and Dean could never be a thing, and staring aside, he did make you feel a little safer when he was around, and he definitely made you blush every time he looked at you like he wanted to touch you. 
Three more days passed without Dean making an appearance, and you had all but gave up on ever seeing Dean again. You check to make sure everything is off before trudging your way towards the little bedroom you had made for yourself. Your mind on Dean, and not really on your surroundings, you almost miss the large man standing in your room when you turned your light off, almost, a possessive growl let you know you weren’t alone pretty quickly. 
The hair stood up on the back of your neck as you turned slowly to find Dean, standing in the middle of your room with nothing but a low hanging pair of sweats that were doing very little to hide his thick length that was straining against the fabric. 
Your core clenched around nothing, and a shiver ran through your body as you took in the Alpha, his broad shoulders and strong chest on full display as it rose and fell rapidly with each quickened breath, sweat prickling his skin as he stood in the dim light. His tattoo shines boldly on his chest,  you knew of as an anti possession tattoo from your time at the compound. You backed up and he took a step towards you, a deep purring coming from him as his lust blown eyes scanned your body. 
“Dean, you need to leave,” you tell him, knowing full well that wasn’t going to happen. He was in rut, and you were the object he’d chosen to fixate on, and now you were pretty sure he was going to kill you.
Dean, back you slowly towards your bed, growling low in his throat as his body came down over yours as you fell onto your bed. He was nuzzling his face deep in your neck, scenting you and purring as his teeth ran over your throat. 
“Dean, you need to stop, I’m not an Omega. We can’t do this, you will hurt me,” you beg him even though your body was screaming for the Alpha hovering over you, now nipping at the skin of your hroat.  
“Not an Omega, still mine. You want me, I can smell it,” he said as he ripped your shirt from your body as if the materially wasn’t made of anything at all. The cold air hitting your skin made you gasp, large hands roaming all the free skin as his mouth claimed yours dominating you easily. His tongue sliding over yours as his huge hands pulled your shorts and underwear from your body. He threw them to the floor before he discarded his own sweats. 
“Dean, think about this, I can’t take your knot, this isn’t going to do anything but frustrate you further,” you attempt to make him see reason, even though your body was arching into him as if he couldn’t get close enough, his thick cock sliding through your dripping folds, gathering as much of your slick as he could. Purring and licking at your throat as he did so.
Dean was huge, you had heard that Alphas were large, but Dean was so big that you weren’t sure he’d get in all the way. You’d only ever been with Betas before, and you were convinced that he was twice the size of any of them without his knot.
“Mine,” Dean growled against your skin as he pushed into you, fully seating himself inside of you in one thrust, surprising you. The stretching was almost painful: you had never felt so full in all of your life. Dean’s mouth fell open in an inhuman growl as his lips latched around your nipple, sucking and biting as his hips began to snap into yours. He pulled himself almost all the way out before fully penetrating you again. Each powerful thrust on the edge of pure bliss and too much. 
You were almost sure that you could practically scent him as he continued to pound himself into your body, over and over again hitting that stop deep down inside of you that no one had ever been able to reach before. Purrs and growls falling from his lips as teeth repeatedly grazed the same spot on your neck. You could feel the coil tightening in your stomach with each powerful thrust, and before long, you were coming undone around him. Dean continued to fuck you through it. Groaning and sucking a mark onto your shoulder as spots appeared before your vision. 
Your head lulled back as you came down from your high. Dean’s body continued to slam into your own. 
That’s when you felt it, the stinging pain that was the beginnings of his knot. You knew he was about to split you open, and you did everything you could to get him off of you, scratching, and biting seemed to only push him on. Possessive growls left his lips with each thrust into your abused heat.
“Dean, please stop, I can’t,” you begged him as you felt his knot start to swell further, and pain began to radiate through your body. Dean was too far gone, an animalistic look on his face as he quickened his pace. 
You screamed as his knot popped, locking the two of you together as he came, his teeth sank deep into the skin of your throat as your mouth fell open in a scream that never came out. Your vision goes black as indescribable pain radiated through your body. The last thing you remember was Dean purring above you as everything faded to black.
Time seemed to be moving at a strange pace after that. You would get flashes of what you only assumed could be reality because of the blinding pain radiating through our body. You could have sworn you heard Dean apologizing to you between whining noises as he carried you somewhere. Then there was the sound of the Impala starting, after that, you didn't know much. Except for pain, you knew pain because it felt like it was burning through every fiber of your being. 
When you woke up again, the pain was gone, but the first thing you saw was fiery red hair, making you jump, which caused pain to shoot through your body again.
“Easy there, dear, you’ve been through a lot; let’s not move around too quickly,” her thick accent and motherly voice seemed soothing to you, and you slowly tried to calm your breathing.
“Where am I? Who are you?” you asked, eyes shooting around the room that looked like an old infirmary. 
“You’re in the Men of Letters Bunker. Poor Dean brought you here after he almost killed you.” 
Your heart rate spiked up at the thought of Dean. You didn’t know if you were afraid of him, or more anxious to see him again. The whining sound he was making as he carried you to his car was still so clear in your ears, and even though he did this to you, something in you told you that he didn’t mean to do it. That he wasn’t in control, he would have never hurt you of his own free will. If so, he wouldn’t have brought you here, but instead left you there to die. 
“Where is Dean?” you asked her as she fussed over your neck bandages where Dean had bitten you. 
“He’s locked in his room until he is out of his rut, not by choice mind you, he’s not happy about being kept away from you. He should be out of it by the end of the day. Last I checked on him, and he will be happy to hear you're awake, the name’s Rowena by the way, “ she said as she walked over to the old book sitting at a table in the corner of the room. 
You watched as the older Omega woman flipped through the old book's pages in front of her, adding ingredients to the bowl sitting on the table next to her.
“Why did he do this to me?” you asked her just as the door opened and closed with Garth, and another very large Alpha entered the room with long brown hair.
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out. Rowena here is the best witch in the business, and if there’s a way to solve this, she can.” Garth said as he flopped down at the foot of your bed. “This is Sam, by the way, Dean’s little brother.” 
Sam nodded politely at you before making his way over to Rowena. 
“What we don’t understand is why my brother tried to claim and knot a beta. He doesn’t understand it either. All we can get out of him is that you're his mate and that he needs to see you. I'm sure you don’t want that to happen, especially after what he did to you, so we’ve locked him in his room.” Sam said, his eyes barely leaving the book.
“I’ve heard of a lot of strange things, but I’ve never heard of an Alpha trying to claim and knot a beta as if she was an Omega, and then calling her his mate,” Garth said. 
“He’s been following me around for days now, and then he just showed up and…”
You were cut off by a banging on the door, followed by a loud whining, you recognized as Dean. Rowena’s eyes flashed a purple color, and she turned to smile at everyone in the room as the incessant whining and banging continued. 
“Don’t worry, he’s not getting through that door, you should rest Dear,” she told you as the room started to get fuzzy, you were sure she was the cause of your sudden drowsiness in attempt to keep you from further agitating Dean, but you didn’t have time to respond to her before you fell back into a deep sleep. 
The next thing you remember is feeling warm, very warm, as if a body was pressed against yours. That’s what made your eyes snap open to see Dean’s worried gaze as he lay in the bed next to you, your body scooped up and pressed tight against his own, holding onto you as if he could protect you from all danger. 
Deep whines mixed with purrs filled the room as he nuzzled himself into you gently, scenting you deeply as if he could scent you.
“This is a Bad Idea,” Sam’s voice came from the other side of the room. He was clearly keeping his distance from the Alpha that was holding you. 
“He’s not going to hurt her, Sam,” Rowena said. Shifting very close to you, setting a bowl down next to you with strange ingredients inside. 
“I’m so sorry Y/N, I swear I would have never done that if I could have stopped, I would have, I never wanted to hurt you,” Dean mumbled, kissing your forehead gently as if you were some fragile thing. His large body all but covering your protectively as you fought against your groggy state. 
“We think we know what the problem is,” Garth said from somewhere behind Dean. “See all those years ago, that Demon must have done something to you, sort of like what Azazel did to Sam. You were an experiment. One that intended to turn Omega’s into Beta’s before they even presented. There are traces of the Omega gene in your blood. Crowley mentioned something about it a long time ago, but we didn’t know he was successful. The only explanation is that you were Dean’s true mate, and he can somehow still sense it, which is why he went almost feral and tried to claim you.” 
You could almost feel the anxiety rolling off of Dean’s body, and you instinctively nuzzled his hold, earning purrs of approval from the Alpha above you. 
“See that, she senses he’s nervous, and she’s trying to comfort him. She’s his Omega, I just got to get the spell right to fix this,” Rowena said, shuffling around in her bowl.
“So what are you all gonna do to me?” you asked as Dean tightened the covers around the both of you, pulling you deeper into him.
“We’re going to turn you into an Omega,” Sam says, handing Rowena a strange vile of something to add to her bowl. 
You look up at Dean nervously, and he places his lips softly on yours in a chaste kiss. 
“It’s gonna be okay; I wouldn’t let them do this if it was going to hurt you. They’re just gonna fix what that sick asshole did to you all those years ago.” Dean said, his deep baritone voice was comforting to you, and you could swear that you could almost feel the bond between the two of you, and you were still technically a beta. 
“Okay, dear, we’re ready,” Rowena said as she placed the bowl on the bed next to you, and you buried your face in Dean’s throat. 
You could hear her making incantations, and things first. Then a strange tingling started to stretch through your body. Scents became stronger; you could smell Dean first. His own mouth-watering musk, mixed with evergreen and gunpowder, then Sam, and Rowena.
Your skin started to heat up as Dean’s body tense above your own, purring as Rowena ended her spell. Pressing his nose to your neck he scented you deeply. 
Your body felt new, refreshed even. The soreness that was there from what Dean had done was gone, and you could feel everything Dean felt. Every emotion, every fear. It was all so overwhelming. Reaching up, you pulled the bandage away from your neck, revealing the mark Dean had left there. His claim still shines against your skin, as even though you knew he thought it would be gone.
Rowena clapped her hands behind you as Dean ran his tongue along the claiming mark on your neck, and slick started to gather at your thighs in response to your Alpha. “Well, my job here is done. Call me if you all need me, oh and enjoy, dear,” she said, patting Dean on the shoulder as she made her way to the door. Dean picked you up bridal style, making his way towards his room that would now be your room.
Not stopping until he had you laid down on his bed, lying down close to you before pulling you into him, purring as he nipped at the skin of your throat. 
“My Omega,” he purred against you, an overwhelming feeling of peace washing over you with each touch of his large, warm hand against your small frame.
“My Alpha,” you tell him, nuzzling closer to him, letting his scent wash over you in waves. 
“I thought you didn’t exist, I thought I was doomed to die alone. Then when I found you, I thought I had lost my mind. Then when I came to myself in your room… I’m so sorry, Omega, I will never hurt you again,” Dean said, his voice cracking as he pulled his clothes from his body, throwing them to the floor as you did the same. Desperate to feel your Alpha’s skin on yours. Heat roars through your veins as his body wrapped around yours, his half-hard cock resting on your thighs as he settles himself to lay between your legs. 
You place your small hand on his chest as his lips claim yours in an intoxicating kiss before rolling himself on top of you. Grinding his hips against yours, rutting his hardening length against your clit as the first wave of cramps rolls through your stomach of your first heat. Slick gushing over him as he pressed himself against your entrance, knowing what your body needed, and ready to give it to you. The foreplay could come later; right now, he just needed to be as close to you as possible.
“It’s okay Alpha. In a lot of ways, I’m so glad you found me. I was sleeping in a storage closet for fucks sakes.”
Dean growled as he entered you slowly in one smooth thrust. The amount of slick your body was creating made a smooth entrance, and he held himself still inside of you as his lips claimed yours. Your walls fluttering around his throbbing length as your body welcomed him like a missing piece that finally was in place after being lost for so long. Both of you groaned in relief as he filled you.
“Gonna take care of you Omega, no more sleeping in storage rooms. I can’t give you much, but I can give you all that I have, and I can protect you with everything in me.” 
Dean hips snap into you in a rough thrust as his instincts begin to take over, and your heat starts to take the forefront of his attention.
“I’m all yours Alpha. Always will be.”
There was a lot you still had to learn about being an Omega, and you still didn't even know your Alpha really, but you knew one thing, you were so glad he found you. Pain and all, it was worth it.
Fate always finds a way, even with everything against you. In the most unlikely places, even after you gave up hope. That’s one lesson you will never forget. 
Forever Tags: @deanwanddamons @demazikeen @rvgrsbrns @bi-danvers0 @onethirstyunicorn @i-love-superhero @akshi8278 @lyss-dw79 @magssteenkamp @lemondropirwin @squirrelnotsam @hobby27 @spnbaby-67 @mrsjenniferwinchester @defenderrosetyler @screechingartisancashbailiff @thecreatiivecorner  @aflamboyanceofgays @vicmc624 @busy-bee-angel-misska @justanotherwinchester @brilovesdeanwinchester @idksupernatural @lyarr24 @amandamdiehl @love-jackles-37-blog @miraclesoflove @waywardsistershy @emoryhemsworth @dean-winchesters-gardian-angel @softsebastian @tatted-trina6
Unlikely Places Tags:
@massivelycreepypineapple @woodworthti666​ @babylorielei @chubby-dumplin​ @gublergirls​
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zrtranscripts · 3 years
Season 9, Mission 15: Little Grey Cells
Testing, Testing
PETER LYNNE: Okay, so let me get this straight. We sneak all the way into a secret base - in Tunisia! - posing as a heartless death squad, only for General Bakari to reveal the red fungus here is long dead!
MARYAM ABANI: But instead, he offered the potential for a cure to everything, half of which is injected into Five. A panacea? Can it possibly be real?
PETER LYNNE: Oh, and then he shows you Van Ark being experimented on?
JANINE DE LUCA: General Bakari has been told little about Van Ark, but he claims Van Ark is just a harmless prisoner here.
PETER LYNNE: I don't believe that for a second! If Van Ark's alive, he's dangerous.
JANINE DE LUCA: For now, we must prioritize getting General Bakari's data off the base. We can return later for Van Ark, in force. Bakari has planned our escape. There is a vehicle buried in nearby mountains. He framed his dead aide Henderson as a fugitive we are being hired to pursue. When we are let out, we find the vehicle and flee to a port.
SAM YAO: What if they don't let us out? This place is... look, they have Van Ark prisoner here. If they decide to keep us here, no one would know! And no one would be able to protect us.
JANINE DE LUCA: We've passed the test so far. We're only in this holding room until we meet their head of security. If we keep up our pretense for only a little longer, we will leave this place safely.
[door rattles opens]
GENERAL BAKARI: Everybody, this is Staff Sergeant Guillemette Felis, head of security. She wants to brief you before you move out.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: Telling is not showing, General. Welcome, Death's Hand. I have heard you demand every last scrap of information on your prey. I am much the same. I have researched you meticulously. Sven Mountback, responsible for the massacre in Berlin. I respect your skill, if not your methods. You always choose a new gun as payment. These soldiers will escort you to our armory to make your selection.
SAM YAO: Hmm, yes? Oh. [clears throat] Yes, that sounds like me.
JANINE DE LUCA: My second, Visage, will accompany Mr... Mr. Mountback, to protect others from his temper.
PETER LYNNE: Oh, will do, boss. And don't you worry, I'll keep an eye on him.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: The rest will follow me. We will retrace the last known steps of your target, Henderson. I must admit, it was not an easy choice to hire you, but Bakari insists on your reliability, and we are in need. We shall not waste a moment. This way, after me.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: Red Scorpion Base looks smaller on the outside, does it not? A few bunkers enclosed by fencing, though the solar panel field glitters beautifully and our observatory casts quite the shadow.
MARYAM ABANI: Even compared to New Agadir, the landscape's so stark. Just miles of desert past the fencing.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: I find I enjoy the desolation, the quiet. It is deadly, of course. The heat, the sands, the zombies. No one can hope to escape on foot.
JANINE DE LUCA: Yet you seem very sure Henderson is alive.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: Henderson was one of our top security officers. Expert soldier, highly resourceful, and we believe he had... other factors aiding his escape.
GENERAL BAKARI: I spotted him myself in the mountains when we sent out search parties. Alas, he slipped away. I mentored him through advanced survival training. One of my best, not to be underestimated.
JANINE DE LUCA: Desert survival is always possible with the right knowledge and training.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: Of course. I forget that you were trained by Mossad yourself, Steel Fist.
JANINE DE LUCA: Not Mossad. The Indian RAW, operations in the Thar Desert.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: My mistake. Here we are, exterior storage bunker. [door creaks open] Our records show Henderson accessed the storehouse around the time he vanished.
MARYAM ABANI: Are those powered exoskeletons? Oh, look at all that armor plating.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: The suits are modular, Doctor Death. I imagine they remind you of your work in Venezuela.
MARYAM ABANI: I... I never talk about Venezuela.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: I understand. You made powerful enemies there. Yes, these exoskeletons can move at 40 miles per hour. One set of legs is missing. We believe Henderson used them to reach the mountains. The suits are very energy inefficient, emergency use only. A damned valuable resource to lose!
This is our second security breach in a year. The first was one of my most trusted, foolish 555. This is why I've called you in. Something is... happening on this base. I can smell a connection, but I cannot tease it out. I need outside experts. To have such an unsolved case on my record is maddening. Come along, let me show you how Henderson made his escape undetected. Back into the central compound, on the double.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: We head to the stairwell down the corridor.
JANINE DE LUCA: This tour, Sergeant. It is not simply to brief us, is it?
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: I admit I want to take the measure of your group before I send you out. I must know I can trust you. There have been too many security breaches on this base.
GENERAL BAKARI: Sergeant, that 555 business, we agreed it was unconnected.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: That was only your instinct, General. My nose is still twitching. Here we are. Look up. The stairwell runs by a ventilation duct.
MARYAM ABANI: It's tiny. You think he squeezed through there?
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: I believe Vampire Squid, you made a similar escape from prison in Moscow. The duct grill was found open after Henderson's escape. A person could follow the ventilation system out to the courtyard, emerge near the storage bunker... the fencing there was cut.
JANINE DE LUCA: You don't sound convinced.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: Henderson would not have fitted through this duct easily. And how did he get past the security cameras and guards? No one's escaped this base in more than a decade.
JANINE DE LUCA: Nowhere is entirely secure.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: Many have tried, Steel Fist, and many have failed. We always find them. Sometimes alive. But there was more to Henderson's plan. My patrols uncovered a buried vehicle in the mountains, disassembled. No doubt planted by Henderson, but when did he do it?
GENERAL BAKARI: Why was I not told that this vehicle was found?
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: Careful, Bakari. As a consultant, your rank is honorary. It does not supersede mine. The discovery was made only this morning. I have increased patrols in the mountains to stop our quarry getting far. Checkpoints on old roads, [?] mines to cut off mountain passes.
MARYAM ABANI: That sounds... comprehensive.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: My father hunted wolves in Alaska. I like to think I inherited an instinct for traps. Don't worry, your trackers work at range. We'll be able to guide you around hazards. Now follow me, quickly. I want you to meet the last person to see Henderson. He thinks he can help you. He may be right. Van Ark often is.
JANINE DE LUCA: General, we must get out of here now.
GENERAL BAKARI: Don't worry about Guillemette or this 555 business. That's just a colleague who helped send you my message. I can keep you safe.
JANINE DE LUCA: Van Ark is down this corridor. He will recognize us. We must leave now.
MARYAM ABANI: He knows you?
JANINE DE LUCA: Both me and Five. We tangled long ago. He will recognize us, expose us all as having nothing to do with Death's Hand, and then we will be held here forever in this steel fortress in the middle of an impregnable desert!
MARYAM ABANI: How did he even get here from England?
JANINE DE LUCA: That is just one of many questions we will never learn the answer to if we are exposed.
GENERAL BAKARI: If you try to run for it now, Felis will have you gunned down. Van Ark's a maniac, she must know that. I'll convince her to ignore anything he says.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: Come along, there's a cargo loading area through the door. Van Ark has a good organizational mind, likes to help sort crates. [gate rattles open] Allow me to introduce -
ERNEST VAN ARK: Hello there. Hello! So thrilled to meet you. Do shake my hand. I'm Ernest, by name and by nature. [chuckles] Sorry, my little joke. Ernie Van Ark at your service... is nobody going to shake?
JANINE DE LUCA: You look... young.
ERNEST VAN ARK: Do you know me? How wonderful!
MARYAM ABANI: She means younger than most scientists.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: He's middle-aged, and I never told you he was a scientist. You recognize him, don't you?
JANINE DE LUCA: You called him Van Ark, Sergeant. We heard that name on a job in the UK. A dangerous scientist. I heard he was dead.
ERNEST VAN ARK: Ah. Oh, I thought we might have known each other. Yes, well, I'm sure you did hear I'm dead, but he wasn't me, you see, or I'm not him any longer. Is it okay to explain, Sergeant? They look so confused. It is all relevant, isn't it?
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: Nothing above red clearance, Ernie, as we discussed.
ERNEST VAN ARK: Oh, excellent! Come on, you lot. There's a lab nearby. The sergeant here knows when to bend the rules, unless the boss is watching, of course. He's all shoot on sight. [chuckles] I know you're in a hurry. It's getting late and the desert gets more dangerous after dark. Past the forklifts, run!
ERNEST VAN ARK: In here, everyone. Oh dear, this lab's a bit of a mess. Mind the coffee cups. So you've been to England, yes? What's it like? Green hills, white cliffs?
JANINE DE LUCA: You have never been? What is this, Sergeant Felis, some kind of trap? Don't think I haven't noticed you're testing us.
ERNEST VAN ARK: No no, nothing like that. I always wanted to visit England. I don't suppose you met a politician named Sigrid? I'm told we were in love. It sounds terribly romantic.
GENERAL BAKARI: I am beginning to see why they never let me talk to you before.
ERNEST VAN ARK: As for Henderson, I saw him last. We queued for a coffee machine.
MARYAM ABANI: So if you're not the scientist that I, as a member of Death's Hand, have heard of, who are you?
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: Understand, everything he's about to say is highly classified.
ERNEST VAN ARK: The research here is... well, it's very difficult and very important. The top brass had Van Ark pegged as a possible consultant. After Z-Day, when they caught wind of his immortality... well, I'm told he had a mishap with a rocket launcher. A few scrapings from him ended up on the black market, a little pink and gray matter.
Red Scorpion Base purchased them, knew they'd be useful. The cells were inert. The base kickstarted the regeneration process, got them to sort of regrow into me. Took some work, but here I am, all his intellect, none of his memories. It's my regeneration they want to study, of course.
GENERAL BAKARI: Sergeant, this information...
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: You recommended Death's Hand, Bakari! The science will stay secret, but Ernie believes ignorance will cripple their hands, and I agree. Genetic material from Ernie was used to treat a life-threatening injury Henderson suffered some months ago. The results were... dramatic.
Your quarry is no ordinary soldier. His endurance is enormous, but his personality, unstable. You will know what I refer to. I believe your own Sven "Psycho" Mountback was treated with a similar but less advanced treatment in Poland several years ago, leading to his current... psychological situation.
JANINE DE LUCA: Oh. Yes, indeed.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: As I say, I investigated you very thoroughly. I hope that Mountback might be able to find Henderson while all others would fail. Well, that is all you need. Your hunt can begin. Mountback and Visage are meeting us at the inner gates. Let's not keep them waiting. Go!
SAM YAO: Oh, thank God. There you guys are. We've been waiting forever.
PETER LYNNE: A lot of big guns they've got here. Sven picked a pistol. But these inner gates really loom, don't they? 30 meters of solid steel, apparently, and that's just to get out of this bunker.
AUTOMATED VOICE: Warning, gates opening. Stand clear. Warning, gates opening. Stand clear.
[alarm blares, gates rattle open]
SAM YAO: They are so weird here, Five. Someone literally threw a tennis ball at my head as we were leaving and then went, "Huh, I thought you'd be faster."
JANINE DE LUCA: They are testing you. They've been testing all of us. We seem to have done enough. Only a few more moments.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: We will be monitoring you closely. When you find your quarry, we will send troops. [a messenger approaches, announces a letter from the base leader] Excuse me, I must read this urgent communique from my superior officer. Then I will give you final instructions.
SAM YAO: Oh, these gates take their time, don't they, Five?
JANINE DE LUCA: Be ready, everyone. Once we're out of the bunker, it's a short run to the outer fence.
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: Hold the gates!
MARYAM ABANI: Oh, that can't be good.
GENERAL BAKARI: Sergeant, what are you doing?
GUILLEMETTE FELIS: The boss has been watching on CCTV. He confirms my suspicions. [shouts] All soldiers, weapons ready! These people are not Death's Hands, they are imposters!
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Love in an Underground Bunker - AU Day 5
Title: Love in an Underground Bunker
Author: Purple_ducky00
Prompted by @ironfamquotesincorrect​
Link Filled: U2: Secret Relationship of the Bucky Barnes Bingo
Rating: Explicit
Warning: N/A
Relationship: James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark
Link: Read on AO3
Summary:  Tony doesn’t remember not living in fear. When his father was a young man, there was an uprising against the government. In turn, the government unleashed a highly toxic gas upon its citizens. The few who did not rebel were rewarded with palaces and mansions built on higher elevations to protect them from the gasses. They were transported in hover jets. Those who rebelled were forced to live on the ground, choked by the deadly gasses. Although the government committed genocide, some people had foresight, however, and built large underground bunkers. Howard had invented a device that filtered the gas out of the air. The rebels planted them in many places over the country. When the government found out, they began to send their AIM agents out to replenish the air with their toxic gas.
The air is bad. They have to find shelter, but they might not have enough time. The AIM agents are upon them, spraying them with the toxic gas that caused so much destruction in the first place. Tony trips on a rock, falling flat on his face and smashes his oxygen mask. The gas starts to fill his already weak lungs, and he can feel himself drifting… drifting… Suddenly the cool oxygen is back. He looks up to see a mask-less Bucky Barnes.
 “Stay there” Barnes mouths and spins around firing his weapon. Tony knows Barnes is superhuman, but even he can’t breathe too much of this gas, or he’ll die. Natasha slides in beside Barnes, taking down AIM henchmen one by one. As the AIM men fall, the gas rises. Pretty soon, it gets too high and Tony, Bucky, and Nat have to make a break for it. They reach their hideout before the gas overtakes them.
Bucky takes one step inside the bunker and collapses. Captain Rogers, the leader and Bucky’s best friend, runs over. “What happened? Where’s his mask? Tony, why do you have his mask on?” He roars. “What is the number one rule in this unit?” 
“Never take off your mask nor take another’s outside the bunker.” Tony mumbles. 
“Exactly.” Rogers snaps. “Now, Bucky could have died! He’s being taken to intensive care now. What do you have to say for yourself?”
“I’m sorry.” Tony looks Steve right in the eyes. “It won’t happen again.”
 “You’re damn right it won’t! From now on, you’re not cleared for missions. Your entire job is to repair broken armor and tech.”
 Tony wants to scream. That is not fair. All he did was trip on a rock that he couldn’t see due to the gas. They weren’t even supposed to be out that late, but Steve needed intel. And it wasn’t his fault that Bucky gave him his mask. What was he supposed to do – take it off and hand it back to Bucky? Then they’d both be suffering from the gas. Knowing it’s no use to argue, Tony sighs and turns to go to his quarters.  Exhausted from the long day, he gets a quick shower and falls asleep.
Tony doesn’t remember not living in fear. When his father was a young man, there was an uprising against the government. In turn, the government unleashed a highly toxic gas upon its citizens. The few who did not rebel were rewarded with palaces and mansions built on higher elevations to protect them from the gasses. They were transported in hover jets. Those who rebelled were forced to live on the ground, choked by the deadly gasses. Although the government committed genocide, some people had foresight, however, and built large underground bunkers. Howard had invented a device that filtered the gas out of the air. The rebels planted them in many places over the country. When the government found out, they began to send their AIM agents out to replenish the air with their toxic gas.
 The water is toxic, and the insurgents must rely on deep water wells for drinking and cleaning. Underground greenhouses with UV lights are used to grow plants. Animals are kept in paddocks as large as each unit can afford. Storehouses of canned goods are piled high. Each leader must set their own rations. Given that Steve had fought all his life, he set rations fairly.
Every day at 7pm, AIM agents are air dropped into the lowlands and spray more gas across the lands. Anyone who had to leave the bunker made sure they had a weapon and got back before 7pm. AIM agents are known for shooting first and never asking questions.
Last night, an AIM agent destroyed the SHEILD bunker transmission systems, so Steve’s unit was stranded with no comms. He sent Tony, Bucky, and Nat out to repair the systems. It was not an easy fix, however, and it took Tony a long time to repair the busted systems. By 6pm, he had the comms up and running functionally but not perfectly, but Rogers asked them to stay a little to perfect and camouflage them. By the time they had finished, it was 7pm and they had to avoid AIM agents.
Now, Tony’s sitting on his bed, wondering if Bucky’s ok. He would go sit by his bed, but no one knows he and Bucky are dating. The units don’t encourage relationships for a few reasons. 1.) They don’t want children running around the bunker. They understand that in order to survive for generations, they will have to reproduce, but they hope to make the world a little better before they do. 2.) People unfortunately are bound to die. Everyone should be unhappy, but they don’t want anyone unable to do their jobs due to grief. Steve is a little more lenient with his unit, but Tony knows Steve disapproves of him, he wouldn’t be happy to know his best friend is dating him. 3.) Close quarters. No one wants to hear anything.
Tony decides to check in on him, if only to see what he’s doing. Unsurprisingly, Steve is sitting beside Bucky’s bed. He looks up when Tony walks up to the open door. “What are you doing here?” He hisses.
“I just came by to see if he’s okay,” Tony blurts, taken aback by Steve’s animosity. He thought Steve would by upset, but not full-out angry.
Steve rises from his chair. “You don’t deserve to see him. He almost died!”
“So, Steve, I was running some numbers, and it looks like…” Howard stops at the door and looks up from his tablet. “What’s going on here?”
 “Your son almost got Bucky killed. Now he wants to make sure he’s all right.” Steve scoffs. “He wouldn’t have to if he had just kept his mask on.”
 Howard shakes his head. “When has Anthony ever been rational? He’s an idiot. Now, Tony, leave us so Steve and I can discuss.”
 “Whatever.” Tony throws up his hands. It’s not like he’ll get anywhere trying to argue with these two. Neither of them like him, and they’re just going to dismiss him anyways.
 Tony understands why Steve is so protective of Bucky. He was captured by the government at one point and experimented on. They wanted to turn him into an invincible mindless AIM agent that would destroy the rebellion once and for all. Luckily, Steve was able to sneak in, thanks to Howard and Peggy, and free Bucky. It took a while for Bucky to readjust to his life, and he was kept in isolation for a long time. Now, Steve freaks out if even the slightest thing happens to him.
 Slamming his hand against the wall, Tony groans and walks into his makeshift lab. He does most of the updating and innovation now. Howard used to but as his health is declining to his great dismay, he reluctantly passed the role off to Tony. Howard doesn’t hesitate to rip Tony apart any chance he can get, even if Tony’s update works excellently.
 He grumbles as he fixes up his mask. He’s going to make this thing nigh indestructible. DUME wheels over, cocking his claw as if asking a question. “It’s ok, DUME, it was my fault, but I’m just mad.”
 “Why didn’t you just tell Steve yours broke?” Tony jumps as he hears Nat’s voice from the doorway.
 “Gah. Nat, I have a condition!” He yelps. “You know he won’t care. It’s me. I’m always fucking up. I’m sure if it were up to Howard, he’d send me out without a mask to fend for myself. Luckily, Steve cares a little about human lives, even if he’s not a fan of the human himself.”
 Natasha walks in and pats DUME on the head. He squeals and wheels around in circles excitedly. Tony smiles. “He already has a crush on you. Don’t encourage him.”
“Tony. I know why you don’t want to make a big deal about it. You guys have been very subtle and sneaky, but I know. No matter what, you should tell Steve that your mask broke.”
 “I’m not going to. And you’re not either.” Tony points a finger at her.
 She smiles sweetly. “I dare you to stop me.” And walks out, closing the door behind her.  
 Tony groans again and bangs his head on the countertop. What is his life?
Bucky wakes up with a start. Tony is dying… or hurt… or… Bucky struggles to find air. It feels like someone just sucked out his lungs.
 “Bucky. Bucky. Hey, you’re safe.” Steve is there.
 He sucks in a large breath and starts to cough. “Where’s cough Tony cough? Is…” His sentence gets cut off by a series of hacking coughs.
 Steve waits until Bucky calms before he schools his face and says stiffly, “Tony’s fine. He should be the least of your worries. It’s his fault you got hurt.”
 “I had a dream that he was in pain. Is he here?”
 “It’s just the neurotoxins from the gas,” Bruce explains calmly. “Tony’s fine.”
 “I need to see him.”
 “Bucky, please. He’s fine.” Steve starts to argue, but Bucky just pleads.
 “Steve, you should know why I need to see him. Just… let me see him, please?” Bucky has told Steve about the nightmares he’d had after Steve rescued him from the government. Bucky would have to sleep in the same room as Steve so that he knew that Steve was still there, alive and well. A physical touch went a long way for Bucky after these nightmares.
 Steve can’t say no to the fear in Bucky’s eyes, so he calls for Tony to come to medical. Tony arrives a few minutes later, shifting from foot-to-foot. Bucky latches onto his Sun, the center of his universe, immediately. “Tony,” he breathes.
Tony is helping | Rhodey with his new armor when Steve’s voice crackles through the speaker. “Tony, report to medical immediately.”
 “What did you do?” Rhodey asks. He is the only person Tony told about him and Bucky. He knows he can trust Rhodey to keep a secret.
 Tony raises his hands. “I didn’t do anything! Maybe that’s what the problem is.” He shakes his head. “I better go before I get reduced to dishwashing duty only or something.”
 He races down to the medical and stops at the door when he sees Bucky is awake. Bucky is looking at him with relief and adoration in his eyes. “Tony,” He says, almost reverently.
 “Hi Bucky.” Tony smiles sadly. “I’m glad to see you’re alright.” He turns to Steve. “Did you need something?”
 Steve nods to Bucky who has reached his arms out and is now wiggling his fingers at Tony. “Go to him. He needs to make sure you’re ok.”
 What the hell is going on here? Did Bucky tell Steve? Tony thinks incredulously as he walks over to Bucky. And Steve is supportive? Then he remembers Bucky telling him about nightmares he has that feel so real, he needs physical reassurance. “Hey Bucky. I’m ok. I’m alright, thanks to you. You saved me.”
 Bucky pets Tony’s hair and runs his hand down the side of his face. “You’re ok.” He says softly. “Tony, darling, I almost died in those nightmares. If you weren’t here? What’s the point?”
 “I’m sure you could live without me.” Tony doesn’t know what to say. Are they still keeping it a secret? Are they not? He doesn’t know.
 “No.” Bucky clutches Tony’s hand to his heart. “I love you, Tony. You’re my life, my love. When you fell and I saw that your mask was cracked, I knew I had to give you mine. I knew I’d be fine without one, but you wouldn’t have been. Don’t ever scare me like that again, love.”
 Tony’s heart melts. “Hey Winter Wonder. I love you, too. Don’t worry, I’ll be staying in for a long time. Now, it’s just me who has to worry about you.”
 “I’ll be extra careful.” Bucky smiles and closes his eyes. “Now kiss me.”
 Steve gapes and sputters. Tony doesn’t care. He leans down and kisses Bucky, who sighs in happiness and kisses back. When the kiss goes past PG, Steve clears his throat, and Tony pulls back. “So, um, you and… and… Bucky.” He looks like he swallowed a lemon.
 “Yep.” Tony challenges Steve to say something.
 “Oh… I didn’t know…” He just mutters.
 Bucky whines and pulls Tony back to him, seemingly oblivious of everyone else in the room. Tony sits on the bed next to him, and Bucky nuzzles into Tony’s hip. He falls back asleep very quickly. Steve sits in the room with them for a few minutes, then excuses himself.
 “Call me if he wakes,” Bruce whispers and heads out, too.
 Tony pulls out his phone and plays a game that he programmed for a little while. He soon gets drowsy and leans back against the headboard and falls asleep. Having been moved down to lie beside his lover, he wakes up a few hours later to see Bucky’s face inches from his. “Hi,” he whispers.
 Bucky is more lucid now, and he asks, “Did we just out ourselves to Steve?”
 “I think so. Is that ok?” Tony’s eyes search Bucky’s face for any sign of anger.
 “I don’t care. I just wanted to make sure you’re not mad at me.” Bucky squeezes his hand. “I was the one who said something first.”
 “You should have seen Steve’s face.” Tony laughs. He recounts how Steve reacted to Bucky, who laughs loudly, then clutches his chest. “Note to self, don’t make Bucky laugh until he heals.”
 Tony stays with Bucky until he heals. Steve comes to see him after Bucky is released and Tony is back in his lab. Bucky is under his table, blowing him. Tony steels himself, waiting to be reprimanded. Steve clears his throat and says, “So, Natasha told me that your mask broke.”
 “Yeah. It snapped on a rock, but I fixed it. It shouldn’t break anymore.” Tony holds up the mask. Bucky changes his technique and Tony lurches. “Sorry that it wasn’t in the begi-”
 Steve cuts him off. “No, I’m sorry. I’ve been treating you wrongly, and it | was not fair of me to treat you so. You are a big help to this team, and I’ve treated you like I would someone who slacks off at every turn. Unfortunately, I believe I’ve been influenced by Howard, but I plan to change that. Can you forgive me?”
 “Sure…?” Tony is dumbstruck. Never in a thousand years did Tony expect Steve to apologize. It’s also hard for Tony to concentrate when Bucky’s doing that to him. “It’s alright Cap. No harm done.” Tony bites his lip to keep from moaning.
 “No, it’s not. And I am going to change. You're cleared for missions, too. Thank you, Tony.” He makes to leave, then turns back. No Steve, just go. I can’t hold it in any longer. “And Tony? You are good for Bucky. I’m happy for you both.”
 Tony gapes. Steve said what? “Did you hear that?” He asks. “Did he say what I… ughhhh… thought he said, or am I oh fuck Bucky just hnng dreaming?”
 Bucky just swallows him to the root, and Tony spills over the edge. Bucky swallows every last drop, tucks him back in, and says, “I definitely heard it, babe.”
 Tony lets him come out from under the desk, then pushes him into the chair. “My turn.” He locks the lab door and prepares to give Bucky the best head he’s given yet. The future might look bleak, but Tony and Bucky are just enjoying the moment.
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
8.13, Everybody Hates Hitler.
So, we've finally reached the point in the season where the new plot arc has finally been established, the current mental state of each of the characters has been divulged, and yet there hasn't seemed to be a true Big Bad emerge yet...
Yes, we have Crowley hassling Kevin and the Winchesters over the Demon Tablet, *we* know that additionally there is an Angel Tablet out there lurking in the hazy future (but the Winchesters do not yet), and we have Naomi using Cas like a puppet to do murder before snatching him back off the playing field in 8.10. But who, really, is the Big Bad here? To this point, it SEEMS like a good idea to use the knowledge Kevin is prying out of the demon tablet to learn how to slam the gates of Hell, but honestly... WHAT GOOD HAS EVER COME FROM MESSING WITH THE NATURAL ORDER?!
(honestly if it were me faced with the tablets, I would've ground them into sand, mixed them into batches of concrete all over the world, and scattered them so thinly they'd never be found no matter how many prophets or angels or demons go hunting for them)
But let's backburner that for when it will become relevant again (like, in the next episode, but I just wanted that laid out for context here). Let's look at the pointed context we get for things made out of clay and given unimaginable power by WORDS they contain.
The Golem.
AARON When I was – when I was bar mitzvahed, my – my grandfather gave me this little old book. It was in Hebrew. It was like an owner's manual for a Golem. DEAN Okay. Great. Get that, then. AARON I – I can't, exactly. When I went to high school, I sort of... drifted. I started getting off the academic track, and, uh, I kind of, um... I kind of smoked it. GOLEM The boy smoked the pages. AARON They were these thin, vellum-y pages. I mean, it was perfect for rolling. Look, they were driving instructions for a clay man. Okay? It was nonsense. Right? I mean… I... Okay. All right. Look, I'm sorry, okay? Why can't you just tell me what I don't know?! GOLEM [slamming his hands onto the table and leaning over it] It's not my place to guide the rabbi, to teach the teacher! It's not my place! Yifalchunbee!
He smoked the "driving instructions for a clay man." And now he's got a clay man he's sort of intuitively "reading" and "operating," but no real idea what he's doing with it. Sam and Dean are not comforted by this fact, considering the obvious potential danger the golem potentially poses without the understanding and knowledge to implement his power, you know? Without that knowledge, Aaron's basically flying by the seat of his pants, hoping this magically powered hunk of clay is A Good Thing and not A Dangerous Thing...
Sorta like the Demon Tablet, right? Just a magical bit of clay, powered by word, with no instruction manual and just assumptions and hopes they're interpreting it correctly. There's no warning labels, no explanations, just the Word.
AARON So, that's your plan – taking out my Golem? SAM It's not a plan. DEAN We would just feel a lot better if we knew how. That's all. AARON What makes you think you have any right to make that decision? DEAN Believe me, if we need the right, we will take it. AARON Look, he may be a pain in the ass, but he's my responsibility. SAM Look, the Golem was built to go to war. You're not trained for that. How are you gonna take that on? AARON I don't know.
Lots of unanswered questions. Unanswered BIG questions. Questions that one should really know the answers to before deciding to "take that right" to make unilateral decisions over things, you know? Like they've taken the right to decide to shut the gates of Hell, because on the surface (pffft) it sounds like a really good thing to do. What could go wrong with locking away demons forever, right? Demons have been fucking over Winchesters as long as they've been alive, and what a perfect way to get a lifetime worth of revenge and ensure the safety of the world, right?
More on that as the rest of the season unfolds, but we need to talk about the other half of this episode. The Bunker. The legacy that now belongs to Sam and Dean, and handed to them in the form of a Key, described as not only a secure building warded against every evil, but also a storehouse of every bit of lore encompassing thousands of years. Safety, home, comfort, knowledge, strength... it's everything they could've wished for, you know? Hewn from earth and filled with words... possibly too many words to ever read and understand them all.
But this is a revelation of a legacy for them to have discovered. Sam is fascinated by what makes it work. He can't figure out how they have water pressure or electricity, and yet they do... He wants to understand this building for what it is, while Dean takes immediately to just experiencing it. He literally makes himself at home, exploring it for its resources and claiming them as his own (from wearing the dead guy robe and slippers to casually playing with a sword on display). Sam needs to understand the place before he can allow himself to feel comfortable there, but Dean just... feels comfortable there. (which we'll also see first-hand in the next episode only to have it all stood on its head... so keep this in mind).
So we have Dean just... casually accepting things and saying them out loud without shame:
Dean: The, uh, water pressure in the Letters' shower room is marvelous.
Dean: That's weird. I thought I was being followed earlier. Turned out to be a gay thing. Sam: What? Dean: Nothing. You need a hand?
Dean: Sammy, I think we found the Batcave.
But Sam sees it in a different way, and doesn't even understand that they're still effectively seeing the same thing, but from different perspectives:
SAM Yeah. I still can't figure out how we even have water... or electricity. [He walks to the shelves to get another book.] DEAN Yep, well, I am putting that under the "ain't broke" column.
SAM Look at this. Ham radio, telegraph, switchboard. This was their nerve center.
Sam: Dean, look, I think we might have something here – something that could help us, help humanity. Henry certainly thought so. I mean, you know damn well we could use a break. What if we finally got one? Are you gonna take off the dead-guy robe?
And by the end of the episode, they've both begun to settle in, despite their different approaches to what that means:
DEAN What're you doing? DEAN opens the refrigerator as SAM sits down. SAM Ordering – I'm making a, uh, card entry for our, uh, copies from the Thule's red ledger for our collection.
Yeah, Dean's already installed a small fridge for drinks in the library, already putting his own stamp on the place and making it his own, but in his different way, Sam is also doing the same by putting his mark on the place with an official entry card for the filing system. (Yeah, Dean puts the beer back and instead pours them each some whiskey from a fancy bottle into some fancy glasses, but while Sam studiously works at the table, Dean reclines with his feet up on the table... their two different approaches in one nice image).
That can't possibly last...
The final bit of the whole “legacy” theme-- that the bunker is now a concrete (pffft) part of her family history through the Winchester side-- is one of the first mentions of Mary in a long time:
AARON: Take a seat. So... your grandfather was into all this supernatural stuff, too? DEAN Yeah, grandparents, mom, dad, truckload of cousins – the whole family was lousy for it, but we... [he looks at the GOLEM, which is still pacing] never had a Golem. SAM : Right. Yeah. We, um, we grew up in it, but you... didn't?
as I go to post this, I remember what the final song playing as the episode ends, “Sunny side of the street,” and recalled a tweet I saw this morning regarding the horrific heat wave we’re experiencing rn: Who the HELL wants to walk on the sunny side of the street?! Stay in the shade...
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the-fortyseventh · 2 years
After Action Report - 5FEB629
On 5 Feb 629, after 2200 hours and under the cover of dark, a small patrol consisting of RCT Earthbreaker, RCT Winterbreeze, RCT Boombeard, CPL Sundershade, CPL Vermillion, MSG Goldmane and myself, KCP Brightmaul, investigated a medical storehouse the was rumored to be in the surrounding area abandoned by the PMC Bull’s Back during operations conducted earlier in the week. The purpose was to retrieve medical supplies, as the welfare of the troops has taken a sharp decline; many have begun to exhibit signs and physical symptoms of malaria. In this instance, there was no other option but to conduct this operation. MSG Goldmane was given the option to proceed down one of two paths; a path rumored to be hidden along the route we entered the FOB along, and a route that led just around the backside of our currently held FOB, back into the grey zone. 
During the patrol, our forces encountered two problematic forces; there were a total of two armored machine gun nests each guarded by a handful of grunts. We managed to easily dispatch a single patrol between the FOB and first gunners nest, consisting of five soldiers. Four were killed, and one immediately quit the PMC and escaped into the woods seeing all of his colleagues dead. Overheard chatter from the gunners nest confirmed that it was just the one, and they were slow and ineffective in operation. I have marked on the attached map where the gunners nest, and bunker were. At the medical supplies storehouse, the 47th opted to remove our insignias for the purpose of impersonating the patrol we had dispatched to get by the last gunners, on the advice of RCT Earthbreaker. I have to commend her on the idea, as her innovative thinking enabled us to get past the second nest with no trouble at all. The departing enemy forces asked if we could watch the bunker while they left for their meal, and advised that a patrol would circle back around in 10-15 minutes tops. Determining the storehouse to be an underground bunker, all personnel cautiously made their way into the depths. Once inside, we were ambushed one last time by a trio of goblins who were easily dispatched, leaving the storehouse in our hands for a short period of time. I gave all troops 5 minutes to grab what they could from the supply racks, and we quickly returned to the FOB, eluding all enemies along the way. Upon return to the FOB, all sick troops were administered a dose of doxycycline to stave off malaria. Unfortunately, by the time we returned to FOB, one of the reinforcing troops from 1BN, PVT Alarishi of Stormwind, had passed. Supplies recovered include;  7 Vials - Doxycyline ; 1 Vial administered to troops upon return to FOB 5 Vials - Morphine  4 Vials - Amoxicillin  12 Rolls - Heavy Compression Bandages  12 Rolls - Light Gauze 5 Jars - Herbal Ointment This raid on enemy medical supplies is considered a success by the Medical division, as our troop welfare has been preserved for further operations.   K. Brightmaul, KCP
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exploringbeingsblog · 3 years
Find out what there is to do in Berlin, Germany. 2021 is an excellent year to go touring and see Berlin's various attractions. Our top picks for the greatest things to do in Berlin, complete with photos and travel advice from the editors & contributors. For couples, adults, and children, find exciting things to do, the greatest places to visit, odd things to do, and more. . Every year, millions upon millions of people visit.
Before flying to Berlin, planning your itinerary is a must. Don’t let yourself mess up with missing top things to do in Berlin. Check out the following wonderful things to do during your Berlin days. here is list of 20 Amazing things to do in Berlin
Fascinating square in the town. Spend some time in the premises while taking the composed architectural details. Gendarmenmarkt is frequently busy with events like open-air concerts,  live performances, and far more. Wander and treat yourself from the glamorous restaurants around here.
Jewish Museum Berlin
Perfectly designed museum in Berlin city. The museum is based on laying out Jewish history in Germany. Once you discover the museum you’ll find empty spaces and voids which indicate the interrupted history. Make sure to leave the museum with a good knowledge of Berlin’s culture and history.
Berlin Story Bunker
Unique and a must-visit place during your itinerary. Story Bunker is where Adolf Hitler spent his last days. The bunker expresses the brutal history of the world war and you can visit the bunker with guidance. Arranged tours are very informative and the tour concludes with a short film.
Browse Treptower Park
Enjoying eye-catching backdrops is the most loved thing here. In the park, you can find a memorial cemetery of the Soviet soldiers. It’s also packed with abundant lawns, tree groves, and a rose garden. On the river beside the park, you can jump into a boat for a viewable boat ride as a plus activity.
Olympic Stadium
Another major travel hotspot in the capital of Germany. Considered as the largest stadium in Germany. Immensely attractive stadium is a great backdrop for photos. Most travelers visit here to capture themselves with imposing backdrops while observing the values and the history of the place.
Charlottenburg Palace
The largest palace in the city which belonged to the imperial Hollenzollern family. Palace represents plenty of values including many hosting museums and impressive interiors. Spending some time amidst charming decorative elements in the palace will stick your mind in a dreamy escape.
Tempelhof Airport
A former airport which transformed into a public park lately. Located just a few minutes away from the south of Kreuzberg. Unwind here with a grassy environment. Cycling and skating on the former runaways are top activities here that most travelers tend to engage with.
Shopping at Kaufhaus des Westens
Kaufhaus des Westens stands out as the second-largest department storehouse in Europe. As it sounds, an ideal place to enjoy shopping times. This eight-story giant property is the best-loved shopping hotspot in Germany. Beyond shopping, it has a winter garden, food hall, and many other more.
Visit Berlin Zoo
The best and the most popular place to spot animals. Berlin zoo attracts thousands of travelers per year. It’s totally rich with a range of animal species. The zoo is busy with animal-related programs throughout the year such as breeding programs. Exploring Berlin zoo is a must point on your things to do in Berlin list.
Buy something from Mauerpark Market
Lovely shopping paradise with live musicians. Especially people selling their stuff they don’t need anymore, in the Mauerpark Market. You can buy antiques, crafts, collectibles, clothing, and arts from this market. Lot of travelers head here to buy some monuments regarding their Berlin tour.
Catch art at Hamburger Bahnhof
Home to the world’s best collections of contemporary art. The building was a train station in the past. Paintings in the museum spread out the pathway of the art details from the past six decades, to these days. The museum features adequate impressions to enjoy the culture and art in a 13,000 square meter space.
Strandbad Wannsee
Strandbad Wannsee, packed with hundreds of activities. The largest outdoor swimming area on an inland body of water in Europe. An ideal place to dip yourself into an infinite relaxation. Laying on the beach while spotting the green views offers you boundless escape. Have a great time here by swimming, playing beach volleyball, and engaging with water sports.
Scenic Landwehr Canal
Provides a calm and eye-catching atmosphere. Rest your feet by the canals and feel the iconic views. In the winter, people are walking on the frozen canal, it allows magical experience for all. However, in the summer you can catch spectacular views along with the canal. Sipping your evening tea from a restaurant around here, adds a further refreshment.
Postcard-worthy Oberbaumbrücke
Exquisite landmarks cross the Spree between Kreuzberg and Frierichshain. It was also a former armed checkpoint but now it has a car lane, a train track and a pedestrian lane. The place is more popular as an insta-friendly location as its capture friendly backdrops
Try mouthwatering Currywurst
Steamed and fried pork sausages, sliced into pieces. One of the iconic foods in Berlin. Your itinerary to Berlin will not be complete without trying Currywurst. Not hard to find from temporary snack bars and restaurants in the city. Berlin even has a museum that’s devoted to Currywurst.
Gardens of the World
An ideal place to unwind while wandering through greeneries and labyrinths. Packed with a range of gardens, which are filled with touches from many countries. Anyone can enjoy the landscaping and horticulture of a range of countries by only stepping around the park. Premises always busy with its events like blossom festivals and seasonal events.
Step inside Sanssouci Palace
Rich with its own architectural values and every detail spread out the elegance of Frederick the Great’s royal lifestyle. Art and ruins in the palace have been removed from the place to preserve during the world war days. The garden and surroundings offer calm and attractive impressions for every inch of your stroll.
Berlin by bike
Cycling is a better way of sightseeing in the city. Rent a bike from a bike rental company and direct to the picturesque sights around the city center. Every space in the city filled with its own ambiance. Don’t miss stuffing your face from the cozy restaurants in the town while zipping around.
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frederickwiddowson · 4 years
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The writings of Luke the physician starting with his version of the gospel - Luke 12:22-40 comments: Jesus continues a radical sermon against materialism
Luke 12:22 ¶  And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on. 23  The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment. 24  Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls? 25  And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit? 26  If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest? 27  Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 28 If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith? 29  And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. 30  For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. 31  But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. 32  Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. 33  Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth. 34  For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. 35  Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning; 36 And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately. 37  Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. 38  And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants. 39  And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through. 40  Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.
 Jesus was previously invited to dinner with a Pharisee who considered that Jesus did not follow the ritual hand washing the Pharisees required which drew a sermon on the hypocrisy of the Pharisees which he then reiterated to a throng of people, encouraging them to confess Christ before men in spite of the persecution they would face from the Pharisees. He then reinforced that they should focus on what is important and not on worldly matters. He spoke of covetousness and laying up treasure with God. This has been a very powerful teaching time for Christ and is very important for us.
 Jesus continues His lesson about covetousness and what to concern ourselves with and not concern ourselves with from the previous passage and tells His disciples that they should not worry about the basics of life; food and clothing. In His model prayer for them, which He gave in the previous chapter He included Give us day by day our daily bread.
 Paul wrote by the wisdom given to him by the Holy Spirit.
 2Peter 3:15  And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; 16  As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
 Paul told the Philippian church…
 Philippians 4:19  But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
 An interesting note here is that God provides our food and that of the beasts and fowls in spite of all of the National Geographic and Discovery Channel blather about predator and prey. You didn’t think that zebra that the lions brought down was chosen by God for their food did you? We are so clueless to the unsearchableness of God’s mind, the Holy Ghost, acting in the world.
 Psalm 104:21  The young lions roar after their prey, and seek their meat from God.
 In God’s own words as He spoke to Job He said the following.
 Job 38:39  Wilt thou hunt the prey for the lion? or fill the appetite of the young lions, 40  When they couch in their dens, and abide in the covert to lie in wait? 41 Who provideth for the raven his food? when his young ones cry unto God, they wander for lack of meat.
 Jesus reveals how powerless we are to change many of the most important circumstances in our lives. For instance, all of the Norman Vincent Peale or Dale Carnegie type of positive thinking in the world won’t make you 6’3 rather than 5’8.
 We don’t control the most basic of circumstances and yet we worry about things that are way beyond our control. We think we control our health and thereby extend our lives by diet and exercise, one of my favorite objects of thought and action, but that too may be an illusion.
 Job 7:1  Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth? are not his days also like the days of an hireling?
 Psalms 39:4  LORD, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am.
 We see news stories about how scientists are on the verge of or at least thinking about everything from extending our lifespans hundreds of years to curing all diseases with gene manipulation and, truthfully, it is almost laughable if it were not so painfully sad in that man thinks so highly of his ability to oppose God’s ordinances and the boundaries He has set and people hope while they lay dying.
 God will care for us and we are not to doubt. The unbelieving world is concerned about these carnal things, these things of the flesh, but we are to be about God’s business and all of these things will be given to us as needed. Of course, this is easy to have as a standard of our faith in a rich country where we spend so much less of our income on food than in places in Africa, South America, or Asia. Christians are suffering in some places and in some instances almost always due to cultural impediments and economic injustice and the oligarchic rule of a few powerful, narcissistic sociopaths, sin and wickedness which we who are so blessed should be willing to fight on our poorer brothers and sisters’ behalf. They, on their side, need to trust in God to provide, to pray for deliverance, and that this day they receive just enough to get by knowing that things may not be resolved in this life as they live in a fallen world in fallen bodies under the judgment of sin and the evil, malicious designs of the powerful and the wealthy.
 Specifically, and doctrinally, though, Jesus is speaking directly to His Jewish disciples in the first century in a preview of the book of Acts by telling them to sell what they have and be about His business telling Israel about Him and then, after His crucifixion expectantly waiting for His return in an hour they will not have imagined. We must remember in reading this that Christ’s crucifixion and His resurrection were immediate future. We must also remember that God dispersed the Jewish Christians from Jerusalem in Acts so that they would fulfill His command for them to be witnesses to the world rather than hold up in that compound/bunker mentality in Jerusalem.
 We Christians today are given this from Paul to keep in our hearts.
 Titus 2:11 ¶  For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, 12  Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; 13  Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; 14  Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
 For those who would use the watches mentioned as a key to knowing when Christ will return verse 40 is an alarm that tells us we should not claim knowledge we do not have. Your preacher does not really know when Christ will return and acting as a minister of Satan by misrepresenting God does not speak well for those who claim that knowledge from the pulpit. We are not given prophecy for us to sit smugly and shout to those we consider spiritual lessers that we know when that will be or who the Antichrist is or other things we do not know. Prophecy is given for a specific reason according to Jesus Himself.
 John 16:4  But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you.
 Just as Paul gave us the reason for the preservation of the Old Testament writings and histories.
 Romans 15:4  For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
 To all those people out there who divide and parse out words and verses and examine numbers and compare verses to current news items, writing books like ones I have from the 1990s about how Saddam Hussein was rebuilding Babylon and could be the Antichrist all the way back to those who called Kaiser Wilhelm the Beast of Revelation I say one thing. Spend more time considering and obeying what Christ has told you to do, how to treat God and others, and less time presuming knowledge you do not have.
 Deuteronomy 29:29  The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.
 My final comment on Old Testament prophecy in particular is to ask you to remember that every individual Christian’s life is like the experience of the entire nation of Israel taken collectively. We can be visited by God and judged in this life for our sin and disobedience but God will never forsake us, as He will not Israel, or put us away forever because it is Christ’s righteousness and not our own that saves us. We can look at Old Testament prophecy as directly applying to the Jews then, as applying to the first and second advents of Christ, and as a tale of how our backsliding and rebellion can lead to ruin and despair knowing only that Christ will lift our sorry heads out of the dust, as He will Israel’s, at the end of the day.
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localocksmithnearme · 4 years
(888)219-9202 Toyota Lost Ignition Key Made Bunker Hill Village TX
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jvstinames · 6 years
If this was truly going to become his gun going forward, he knew he had to start taking better care of it. It was somewhat of a miracle that Justin had managed to recover Craig’s gun at all; the result of having a ghost of sanity still left even when everything else had gone, he supposed. Even after all this time he’d still barely fired it, all the ammunition he’d been using was everything they’d had before Craig died. Justin didn’t know enough about the thing to even know what to look for. What size bullets did it take? How often did it need to be cleaned? How did he clean it--aside from wiping it off with his sleeves when it was covered in dirt...or blood. 
These were all new items he’d had to add to his list as the group decided to bunker down through the coming season. And while he had some downtime, absolutely stumped on the idea of how to better insulate this place for the time being, Justin decided it was as good a task as any to keep his mind busy. He wandered until he found one of the storehouses, the armories, holding the pistol in his hands and stopping as his eyes fell over a familiar silhouette. Then face. 
“Oh. Hello again.” Justin murmured. His brow furrowed and he debated putting on this whole show, looking busier than he actually was just to give him an excuse not to look Ezra in the eye or stay close. But before he knew it, the time had passed for that to seem as natural as he needed it to be. So he deflated some, waffled around the doorway, looked down the hall to see if there were any witnesses before he wandered further inside the room. “Hanging in there?”
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berserker-official · 7 years
Livestream 11/9
More Season 4 stuff! Yay! Remember that this Saturday is the Season 4 Reveal event, with a dominion tournament with the European and North America teams facing off, as well as some of your favorite content creators in some dominion and tribute mode matches with the Season 4 heroes. This happens this Saturday, 11/11, at 2pm EST.
News of the Week
This weekend is pretty special. We get an event order. All you have to do is play as many matches of any mode as you can, both PVP and PVAI will work, to win 3 scavenger crates. However, it doesn’t stop there.
It’s also a free weekend! People that don’t own For Honor have another chance to play. If you do play and do enjoy the game, it’s also 60% this weekend as well.
But wait, there’s more! In addition to the free weekend, the FH team is introducing the Warrior Training Program! If you’re a veteran player, you need to find a newcomer and group up with them, play 5 matches with them, and both you and the newcomer will win 5000 steel when Season 4 begins. Newcomers can also be in a group entirely of new players to get the 5000 steel, but the FH team recommends that you find someone that has experience, in order to learn the ins-and-outs of the game with them. So if you know someone that’s still on the fence about the game, tell them to try it now! Team up to benefit together.
After announcing all this neat stuff happening this weekend, Eric and Damien wanted to clear up some news that they announced last week. One part is about the dodge roll. Apparently they said that when you roll you will no longer be immune to guardbreaks. This is not true. You will still be immune to GBs, but you don’t block when rolling. The second thing is something they forgot to mention altogether, but they are merging Elimination and Skirmish into one playlist, like how it was when the game first came out. This is because the orders back then were incredibly specific on which game mode to play, but they’ll be changing things up with the orders to be more lax on Elim and Skirmish.
Content of the Week
Executions! Finally! This week we get new executions for all heroes in Seasons 1 and 3. Centurion and Shinobi don’t get new ones due to the amount of content designers have to make every week. Making something new for all 16 heroes is hard work, so sometimes heroes will be left out. The executions are as follows:
Warden (Blackstone Bash), Conqueror (Dislocator), Peacekeeper (Ole!), Lawbringer (Oh Come On!), Gladiator (Skilled Performer), Raider (Chokeslam), Warlord (The Heartattack), Berserker (Punch Drunk), Highlander (360 Takedown), Kensei (Lose Something?), Shugoki (The Mountain), Orochi (Toro! Toro!), and Nobushi (5 Deadly Stabs)
If you notice, Valkyrie is left out. Someone in Twitch chat said that there are sound issues with her execution. I don’t know if this is true or not but hopefully she’ll get her new execution soon!
New Heroes
Today the gameplay reveal trailers for the Aramusha and Shaman were revealed, as well as an in-depth look into their and their weapons designs.
Aramusha. Based on first glance it appears as though he has a poof dodge, similar to Shinobi, while also having a grabbing stamina hit, like Centurion.
According to the design team, Aramusha is a slang term for rough samurai or outlander. The Aramusha belong to the same secret order that the Shinobi are from, but they belong in different sections. Shinobi do everything from behind the shadows, while Aramusha are on the frontlines of the battlefield. Similar to Ronin lore in real history, Aramusha act as bodyguards for high ranking samurai. However, the samurai were corrupt, so the Aramusha abandons his oath and is now a mercenary.
The Aramusha is made to look cool. So cool, in fact that he has a straw sticking out of his mouth. Really cool. All of his armor is cloth, which makes sense because he needs to be mobile while defending with his dual katana. He also has tattoos! However, the tats are a part of the armor designs. The hats he wears can vary in size, as well as material. It looks like some of the higher-level hats will be metal. The weapons are also neat, because the design team really wanted to keep moving forward in terms of creativity with the new heroes. Some of the weapons look like they’d never belong on a real battlefield, but look fucking cool. I’m going to guess that the weapon customizations will be the left and right blades separately, hilt, and handle. It looks like they want to give some diversity between the two blades, but I might be wrong. We’ll find out.
Shaman. Again, at first glance, she plays similar to Berserker, where she gets up in your face and relentlessly attacks. She also appears to have a pounce attack that knocks players onto the ground, like Conq’s shield bash, as well as a pouncing finisher like Cent. I also noticed that in the trailer she cuts her hand and wipes her blood on her face. I’m going to guess that this is a feat or ability she can use to deal a little damage to herself and gain an attack boost or something.
The Shaman lurks in the forests surrounding Valkenheim in solitude. This isolation leads others to believe that she’s savage. Her armor consists of leather, cloth, furs, bones, and face and body paint. Like Highlander the paint will change depending on the color scheme you choose for her. The faces are again, similar to Highlander by way of different hair styles and face paints depending on which face you choose. Her weapons are the tomahawk and kukri knife, and I’m guessing the customization options for weapons are axe head, handle, and knife.
The design team are also focusing on creating colorful ornaments all around, depending on your color schemes.
After showing off the new heroes and their weapons, they wanted to tease new weapons for the heroes we already have. Each hero has new legendary and epic rarity gear, and they’re really expanding on creativity.
Finally, the maps.
The Gauntlet. This map will be available in every game mode except for Tribute. A stronghold located in-between a viking city and the outside world. Meant to be imposing, the attacker’s entrance reminds you of a slaughterhouse, forcing the viking’s next victims to move along a confined area, before opening up to “The Killing Field,” where the minions will meet up as the middle lane. The two points are actually found above the middle lane, so the attackers are pushing forward into the map like it’s a direct frontal assault. There are bridges connecting the upper points together, but there’s a surprise waiting: trap doors on the bridges. Each bridge has a lever that activates a trap door, causing anyone there to fall below. Two of the bridges will drop players off the map and to their death, while another two will drop players into the killing field. These falls won’t kill you, but it will hurt. So you can drop players into middle lane, drop players into their death, or you can strategically drop the bridges to drop attack enemy players below that are in mid lane. You can also use these bridges to halt players from advancing across that bridge and forcing them to go around into an alternate patch. Duel locations include attacker spawn, near the huge skull statues, The middle lane, and the ramparts by the bunker zone. The mid lane and ramparts have areas that are blocked off so players can’t run. The brawl area is the mid lane.
Market Town. This map will be available in every game mode except for Dominion. A market area where people can come and purchase things needed to live. Players can spawn at the top or the bottom of the map, so while players starting at the bottom have to work their way up, it’s possible to grab a tribute staff and zipline back down. Players spawning at the top may be able to zip to the tribute staffs faster, but they will have to climb back up to their points. There are hills, ladders, and rooftops to climb around on, creating a varying sense of verticality. One of the duel locations include an area near the top of the map, by some frog statues, that has a stairway with some temple gateways.
Duel and Brawl Map Updates
Along with new maps, we also get updates to older maps that are problematic.
Duel Maps-
Sancuary Bridge: The ledge hell spot will now be the larger spawn area nearby.
Shipyard: The bridge hell spot will now be a larger area across the map. The location below the ship will now be the storehouse nearby.
Brawl Maps-
Tower Ruins: Players will no longer spawn by or in the tower, and will be spawned by the fountain. The fountain will be closed off so ledging won’t be an option there.
Shipyard: Below the ship will instead be the saw mill. The double doors will be opened more, making it easier to enter or leave.
That’s all we get today, but be prepared for this Saturday, where we get a deeper look into the new heroes and their movesets and first looks at how they play!
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allthetribbles · 4 years
Buggin' Out
OIS Game Notes - February 8, 2020
Agents present - Ryan, Alan, Te'ani, Liv
March 17, 2085
There's been an upswing in cultist activity lately - specifically with the Congregation of the Earth Mother. One group in particular is getting more violent - specifically attacking one of the Seattle medical facilities. The OIS is tapped to keep the peace before the GIA starts using military forces.
With Annette's team preoccupied, this task falls to us.
We have the location of the commune, the information on some of the occupants, but little else. There are no known parapsychics in the group, but most of the known people have minor criminal histories.
The commune's location is a little north of Seattle at an old farm complex, occupying roughly 20 to 30 acres of land. A little research shows that about a year ago, they bought up a lot of seed. If everything is planted to the best of abilities, there would be enough food for at least 500 people.
There is talk of how to infiltrate the commune; however, Liv would be the oddball out, not being able to lie about her intentions within the commune. Also - a white going off-grid would raise so many flags and she is very attached to being alive. The next idea was to stealth a drone to get a flyover done. It was instead opted that we would commission a stealth drone from the military to do a flyover to get more intel of how many we'd be taking on.
We contact the military, who are more than happy to help us out... as long as we bring the drone back. They program the device and send it on its way, saying it'll be back in two to three hours. When the time is up, we get a call stating the drone isn't back yet.
We hold off on raiding the commune without more information - Te'ani says that he has contacts that he will contact to see if they know anything. It raises a few eyebrows, but he doesn't elaborate.
Without more information, we break on the case until the morning to see if the drone comes back or Te'ani's contacts come through. Liv goes to the OIS library for research.
March 18th.
The military drone hasn't returned. Te'ani's contacts have had some dealings within the commune, but over the last couple of days everything's gone dark. In other words... not much information either way. We head out to get hands on with it and see if we can recover the drone.
We get out there with some police backup, but decide to go in first. Very strangely... when we first arrive there is no movement in the commune. When we get closer to the buildings, we start finding bodies.
Alan brings up his sight, finding magical residue on the fields and concentrating near the irrigation canals. Obvserving the bodies, from the wounds it looks like they went down fighting. Wounds look like claw marks, but strange ones. They don't look like monsters - almost like daggers or knives, but just ragged enough that it isn't the same. There's no magical residue on the wounds. The blood - of which there is a lot - show signs of drying, but is still tacky. Liv approximates it's been about a day or day and a half since they died.
All of the people are wearing amulets with a symbol around their necks - a series of six horns in the circle. It looks vaguely familiar, but hard to place. The first building is a slaughterhouse - everyone inside is dead. For every building we go in, the story is the same - so far, we count roughly 150 bodies.
In one of the last buildings... it is a bit of a nightmare. Every body is that of a woman, torn apart from the inside out. While it looks horrifically painful... they look HAPPY. All of them have magical residue on their bodies.
Alan is able to connect the symbol finally - Shub-Niggaroth, the black goat of the woods. He suspects we're dealing with Dark Ones/Horned Ones. With there being 47 women... it seems there are at least that many on the loose... if not more.
Horned Ones are prolific breeders. They tend to be very animalistic with a combination of human and animal features.. and not always mammals. There is a rumour that this is how the Deep Ones started.
Though we have a couple more buildings to look through, we go back to the police and send them to the arcology to report to Elwood - "We need MAJOR backup."
The next building is pulsing with magic - Alan tells us to save this one for last. The rest are storehouses with flashdried foodstuffs, but no weapons.
The magically pulsing building has the same aura as the amulets from the cultists. Alan conjectures that the amulet is used as a key to enter - nothing bad happens when he opens the door. Inside is a clean room - on the far wall is a giant symbol of Shubb-Niggaroth made from real goat heads. Finding no bodies, we hold off on investigating the contents of the books for now and head to the fields.
There is intense discussion of what to do next. There's the possibility of at least 47 Horned Ones hiding in the fields. It was unanimous that we would NOT be entering the field. Liv warns them she'll be spent after ten minutes of firepower. They decide to take their chance. In the initial sweep, four things take flight out of the corn - Ryan shoots them (pew pew!) but it doesn't seem to do much damage to them. Ryan gets a glimpse of the creatures - green and chitinous, part human and part insect. They have wings and are very attractive females with two sets of long bladed arms, entirely naked.
Liv follows up Ryan's shooting with fire and turns them to ash. 10 minutes goes by quickly and three fields are razed to the ground. No more creatures popped out to say hi. The team decides to take cover to wait for backup, deciding on a store-room to bunker down.
With no ETA on when backup will arrive, it doesn't take long to hear the creatures flitting and buzzing outside. We can not only hear them walking on the roof, but... feel it. It is a very -confusing- situation. They seem to be singing to us - illiciting strong sexual urges. Te'ani seems particularly suspectible - Ryan has to restrain him in his power armour to prevent him from leaving. Despite trying to get rest, Liv isn't able to recharge quite as well as she needed.
It takes about four hours before Ryan's able to pick up Werewolf chatter - we request they be gentle with the storeroom being swarmed - we're inside. They relay our location to the other teams. It is roughly fifteen to twenty minutes later before it's cleared enough for us to be rescued.
The SPLAT teams showed up with integrity scale weaponry, and the medics are kitted out in environmental suits. The medics administer a sedative to Te'ani and load him onto a Werewolf for transport back to the arcology.
Counting the number outside of the building, it's only about twenty, leaving a good amount still unaccounted.
Overall... it's a mission failure because we didn't get the entire nest. Fully exploring the commune, there was an actual nest/warren dug out of the middle of the fields - the four we flushed out seemed to be scouts. When they were destroyed, the nest swarmed, leaving enough behind to keep us penned down while the rest escaped.
We did recover the drone close to the nest. Reviewing the footage, it found the nest and began circling, only to rock to the side and get a camera-ful of one of the insect maidens' faces before going black.
The rest of us return to the arcology in the land vehicle, escorted by one of the SPLATS in case of hostiles. Alan takes the books and analyzes them on the way back.
Inside are rituals to summon minions of Shubby, but the last half of the book is dedicated to star charts and planetary alignments. Studying carefully, Alan is able to piece together something -
- When the alignment is right, the crown can be used to summon forth the queen. -
The complex is lit up behind us as we head back to the arcology. Once Te'ani is back on his feet, he is true to his word and takes us to a dive bar he frequents.
March 23, 2085
Afterwards - checking on the farm complex reveals... there's no more complex. It is completely razed, the magic circles out of action, and the warren suitably bug-bombed. No sign of the missing Horned Ones.
On the fifth day after the mission, there is an OIS-wide high alert sent out to suit up NOW - grab the best stuff you can, there is a major emergency. Bear gear is recommended - heavy body armour, heaviest weaponry manageable. When pressed for more details, we learn the Pit has been hit.
We get on a Werewolf to be transported out to where the Pit USED to be. Things are escaping and attempting to make a break for it. We're dropped off in the battle while other Wolves are firing on the escapees to slow them down. The Pit's defenses are down and even Director Elwood is there in power armour.
- End Act One -
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