thornrabbit · 2 months
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my drood velsper
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zeehva · 10 months
Reblog this if you are an active Alliance WRA/MG  or Horde WRA/MG Character Blog!
My dashboard has been a little quiet lately so I'm looking to find more WoW RP blogs to follow, support and interact with! Let me see those amazing OCs!
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alliesweetsong · 2 months
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My very first ever Worlds Faire!! This is insanely awesome!
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siennablaze219 · 2 months
((Content warning, graphic violence))
(Events from the beginning of Battle For Azeroth, trying to take this week to flesh out pieces about Mirri’s family history)
Lyanna and Rastien were lounging by the pond near their home in Ashenvale, the stars in the sky were bright as they laid upon a blanket and shared a bottle of Dalaran Red that Mirri had brought home to them on her last visit home. They had little to do in the moment, Sentinel Tyl’inithia had come by earlier in the day to pick up all the sabers of rideable age and size, fully trained or not, to take with them down into Feralas. She had made the request for mounts in person a few days prior to give them time to prepare, “I know that you are attached to all your furred children, but skirmishes are being waged and we need replacement mounts for when the Horde cut them out from under our Sentinels. You both served on the battlefields long ago and know this to be true.” She was right, neither of them wished to see the sabers they raised go into battle, but that was what the beasts were bred for.
Had Mirri been home every one of the big cats would have been fully trained and off to the riding instructors already, but her decision to stay among the humans had left them without a trainer so they had taken longer this season than in others past. “We will care for them you know that.” The sentinel had assured them. She had even taken all but one of their sires, it was the same as when the sundering came and the Horde began to work more into Ashenvale, they had a couple promising young males in the yearling cubs that were too small to carry a rider yet and those remained to replace the big males Tyl’inithia had led away earlier.
With heavy hearts they wished their young sabers safe steps and long life in a blessing, then made their way to the pond to relax and not think about their children moving into battle. Blessed as they were to know that Mirri would not be one of their riders, nor Tysha as since Mirri had found her, the ex-Sentinel spy was staying far from any chance at fighting, so at least their blood was safe even if the beasts they gave their hearts to, were not.
The wine looked blood red in the darkened night while the moon rested and the darkness of her new face held its place in the sky without even a hint of its light. Lyanna shuddered softly as her glass held just a finger’s width of the liquid, looking to the cut crystal that remained that showed deep red in every facet as true as if the glass was still filled. Peering into the carnelian liquid, she swirled it around, about to say something to her mate but her head turned, distracted as her ears shifted back towards their home slightly, a sound having caught her attention.
Rastien had always been quicker to action than Lyanna and she spoke as she rose, “The sabers.” Sprinting out across the grasses with Lyanna left to follow in her wake, the scent that came after would be one she had never forgotten though she had wished to. Fire, and fur… “The stables.”
Catching up with Rastien would be impossible, her mate’s stride had always been longer than her own, so she called to the Light of Elune and asked for a blessing that would hasten her steps, if only for a moment or three. Rastien, ever the one to react to threat with action rather than thought, had already called the power of Elune’s darkest embrace wrapping it around her making her barely able to be tracked through the long shadows of the trees from what little light the sky offered. Her right hand dropped and she called to the darkness, ready to act the instant she could find the source of the danger. Her voice rang hollow in this form, “They are burning the stables.”
Lyanna did not need to ask who ‘they’ were, the Horde had been running sorties further and further north through the lands for a few weeks now. They had hoped that they would be sidetracked, or the foolishness of more bloodshed would be ceased, but they had been arrogant in those thoughts it seemed. Each had each lived over ten thousand years and never had a foe just decided to go around a home, or give up just because two ancient elves raised nightsabers in the woods.
As they broke into the clearing, shadow and light once again joining together in the team they had become long ago, standing an arms distance apart so each could act independently they surveyed the scene. From inside the stables the sabers were screaming, one mother darted into the forest with a cub, she must have been able to break free from her pen, but the other four and the other six cubs were nowhere to be seen. The cries raised into the night sky, sound dancing with the smoke of the orange of the flames, both equally calling forth tears from Lyanna’s eyes.
A scream of outrage sounded from Rastien’s throat and her head swiveled to an orc with a torch that was behind the barn, reaching out a shadow cloaked arm she clenched her fist and the mohawked woman fell to her knees dropping the offending flame into the black of the night’s grass. Even that flame did not add color back into the scene, everything around them was a mix of the intensity of the bright fire, the black of the shadows of Elune’s darkest face and the ashen grey of them when they chanced to meet together in a bloodless dance of chaos amongst the tides of the shrieks from within the death of the ancient building.
Knowing they must clear the threat before they could even try and asses the damage, Lyanna called to Elune seeking the blessing of the Goddess that they, and their children, had worshipped for their entire lives. Light came to her call and she stepped forward seeking battle, on one side an orc closed, on the other a troll, wary of the living shadow that was Lyanna’s mate, they moved in. The orc held an axe, and the troll a halberd, trying to trap her between them as she was unarmed. With an exhale Lyanna released the power she held and light exploded forward as a star from her lithe form, the divinity of her gift rocketing outwards, maring the depth of the night around her. First to react were the eyes of her foes, having to close in reaction to the explosion of the power she had unleashed, and then their bodies began to burn much as the barn they had torched before they both toppled to the ground.
Rastien knew the gift of her mate, and how she could be blinded by it, so she sprinted to the side, letting the shadows cover her movement through the knee high grasses that surrounded where they lived. Once she was in the embrace of the forest to the side of the barns, and the flash of Lyanna’s star bright spell had faded, her lip curled back in a snarl and with a small flick of her fingers she began to strike the other ten horde members in the party that had come to their home, each one becoming wracked with pain as her anger was released within their bodies. Shadows held her dear and even as they looked about, they did not target her, instead focusing upon her mate who had left the duo she faced lying in the dirt as she stepped back, creating more space between her and the horde.
The fighters recovered quickly, speaking in Orcish, which both of the women had learned from a troll they had saved once, “I thought the buildings were empty except the beasts, you said you searched the house.” A tauren woman yelled, “I will have your head for this Mugla!” Her hand gestured forward and a fire elemental burst into existence much like a phoenix, its heat and glow making the rest of the raiding party step clear to give it room as it broke towards Lyanna, scorching the ground and drawing its hand along the side of the burning stables in a lover’s caress.
“Fel take you,” was all Lyanna had time to get out before the elemental closed. She cursed softly and began to use her anger to first pull from the sky a burst of holy fire, once that had taken hold of the elemental she drew bolts of light from the air which slammed into the chest of the being but it did not stop, it raced forward boosted by the energy of the flames the buildings had become. Screams of the sabers continued to fill the air, but there was no time to act to save them, they had engaged their enemy and would need to see them all handled before caring for their family.
Seeing the danger her mate was in, yet too far to help her Rastien called out with the hoot of an owl, an old trick they had used when scouting before they had retired. Lyanna’s head swung towards her for just a moment, then she began to move in Rastien’s direction. As did the horde members that had followed distance behind the elemental. *”Perfect.”* Rastien thought, a sneer drawing her top lip up as she looked to the shaman that had called the elemental, words pulled to Mirri’s birth mother’s tongue, ancient words, dark words and the mind of the tauren was twisted and became trapped within itself as Rastien took control of the woman’s body. Using the form she claimed, the shadow priestess called lightning to the orc’s hands then loosed it.
A laugh from a troll rang out between the buildings as the magic lit the air next to him. “Now you are in for it bitch.” He called as he continued to run towards Lyanna, but the bolt struck the elemental first, which faded beneath the ferocity of it, and Lyanna’s magics, then doubled back to hit him square in the chest, enough to kill him the instant it blackened his breastplate. The light continued to streak on, hitting an orc and a tauren woman before it faded into the night.
Focused as she was, Rastien did not notice as a rogue appeared from behind her and struck the back of her shadow wrapped head. Lyanna noticed, pain shooting through her skull from the bond they had made long ago when the battlefields were their home. Stumbling as she saw Rastien sway forward, her hand shot out towards her partner and she called the shadow user’s body to her own and laid her healing touch upon the bleeding that had begun there.
These moments were just enough for the last five horde that had been advancing to close on the two women, twelve against two had never been odds the priestesses, even in their fighting prime, should have attempted to handle, but anger had taken them down this path and nothing was going to stop them now but the raiders that had come to the land seeking to destroy what they loved most next to their children and each other, their sabers.
The healing had Rastien renewed enough that she straightened, her eyes in the shadows she wore glowed with a depth of fury and hatred that none of her kin except Lyanna had ever seen in her expression before. Her hands moved lightning fast and pain showed on the face of attacker after attacker, then with a scream into the night she summoned a beast of pure void that skittered across the ground and began to feast on the life essence of a troll that was closest to the two women.
Lyanna took a deep breath and called to Elune softly, a prayer first and then she stepped back to back with her mate. Her hands moved in a calmer, gentle pattern, weaving the light again and again, calling forth holy fire, upon the foes she could see, then drawing light within before expanding outwards within, felling another orc.
There were too many and as they fought the shaman walked forth, she growled out a word between flat teeth and the very earth beneath the Kaldorei womens’ feet trembled, pitching Rastien forward upon the spear of a troll. The serrated edges lodged in between Rastien’s ribs and stuck true as they were meant to, holding the shadow user impaled as blood as black as night bubbled up from between her lips. The tip had pierced a lung and breathing now was more like drowning in her own life’s essence.
Feeling the pain within herself as well as seeing her mate lurch forward, Lyanna unleashed a blood curdling cry. For over three thousand years they had been as one, mating, fighting, loving and raising their children together, never apart until his moment when it felt like the entire sea could fill the space between them as Rastien’s body lost contact with her own. Throwing her hands out to the sides, she screamed Elune’s name and Light began to fill the circle of horde fighters in the shape of Lyanna, the very ground that had trembled under them a moment before shifted from the dark of night to the light of day as she called forth in her faith. Gold eyes shone with the intensity of the sun itself and she loosed a word of power, pouring all that light from her into an attack that felled four of the fighters that had closed on them and burned the troll whose spear was still impaled within Rastien, Lyanna’s own lover shielding the troll from the agonizing power of the light the woman called.
The tauren shaman held back, she did not need to close to use her power, turning from the glory and destruction Lyanna brought upon her raiding party. It was not until the glow faded that she turned to see what had remained. The elf had managed to wrap her arms around Rastien’s middle then shove them both forward on the troll’s spear so they died as they had lived, in the embrace of their Elune blessed love. Of the twelve of the shaman’s party she had left with, only three remained, herself, the troll, and the rogue that had ambushed Rastien in the forest who had been holding himself back, waiting for an exposed back to strike. Ten good fighters dead, and for what? She shook her head, this conflict was pointless, she did not understand this call to war, but her warchief called and Baine had answered. Lowering to the ground, laying a hand on the tauren woman that she had struck down with her own lightning when under the shadow priest’s control. “Be at peace daughter, your father and I loved you well, may we meet again in battle soon.” Tears picked up the dance of the flames that rose in the sky from the barns as they rolled down her face.
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martyrette · 1 month
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Cute lil commission of @dukecryptgore and my abomination, Verona. (By Kuroiifox)
Been debating if I wanna post some of my commissions I’ve gotten - tried my best keep this all of my own art. But it’s MY BLOG, I get to say what goes!!! And what goes is DEAD PEOPLE IN LOVE.
Missing Shmoo at work. . .
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manystoriesnotime · 4 months
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Two versions of Alice Graves, ready for anything, clearly!
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zariasona · 2 months
DWC - Day 4 - Vengeance/Satisfaction
Day 4 - Vengeance/Satisfaction
Tradition dictates that the bride and groom are to sleep in separate quarters the day before they are to be wed. Zariasona, while she'd never admit it, was a bit superstitious. With her previous two husbands having passed on from this realm, she spared no chances in letting her third (and hopefully final) marriage end poorly because of something left to chance.
So the night before, she secured a penthouse in Dalaran for the night. If she were to be alone, then she was going to do such in style.
Except, she wasn't truly alone.
One of her nearest and dearest friends joined her that night. None other than Lady GiGi Fiske, one of her very own bridesmaids. Sure, Zariasona had one of her partners in the wedding party, she felt it more important to ask GiGi over anyone else.
Zariasona was never a woman who needed another, but this night she wanted to spend time with someone she knew was, and had been, married for some time.
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GiGi came bustling in the door of the penthouse with two baskets of goodies. In one was two bottles of alcohol: her favored bottle of brandy, and Zaria's favored bottle of Dalaran red. The other? Well, Let's just say it was full of sensual attire and 'extracurricular' toys.
The moment that Zaria saw the wine, she lit up brightly with excitement. And then her eyes shifted and saw the elongated implements with various accoutrements on them or with them and her face completely flushed with color.
"GiGi! What on Azeroth did you bring?!" She was stunned, shaking her head in disbelief.
"My dear, you asked what married life was like! Well, there are moments when you need to add a little spice into the mix because have the same meal every night can get a bit - boring. Not only that, life itself can get stressful, so adding some creativity can bring pleasure and relief, whether it's for an adventurous night you two will share together or.." She leaned in, where her words brushed against Zarisona's cheek. "when you just need to focus on your own needs." Pulling away she winked at the woman, and proudly offered the basket of gifts before she went to pour them a glass.
"GiGi- what about the attire?"
"Well sometimes you want to show off. There's no harm in that, is there?"
"I suppose not.." Zaria seemed reluctant to go on more about this. Even if GiGi were near and dear to her, this was new territory for their relationship. "But what if I have something like this?"
"Oh please, Zari. What I put in there, Teremath will go wild for. Trust me! If I put on anything like this on me, well- Fiske is quite overjoyed at the sight, let's just say that."
"R-Really?" The idea did intrigue Zaria…
"Oh absolutely. You'll thank me later, rest assured." GiGi held her usual grin as she came over with her brandy snifter and Zaria's glass of wine.
Zaria shook her head with a half chuckle, in utter disbelief. And yet, this is exactly what she wanted and needed the day before her wedding. "Is there anything you can't do, GiGi?"
GiGi uttered a gleeful laugh as she swirled her glass. "Not yet, But I'll make sure you're the first to know."
The rest of the night was full of joy and laughter, all the things she needed the day before such a momentous occasion for her.
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@daily-writing-challenge @your-neighborhood-socialite-gigi
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fio-renze · 6 months
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More details to come soon!
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paper-troll · 29 days
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electricelunite · 1 month
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Commissioned art of Osonia from Baranovsky on Twitter! Definitely check their work out!! <3 <3
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thornrabbit · 6 months
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and finished, Velsper of Moonguard
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the-society-circle · 8 months
The Society Circles First Meet & Greet
At the stroke of seven bells, the entrance to The Society Circle swung open punctually. Within the confines of the prestigious lounge, members and occasional visitors gathered eagerly to engage in the night's markets and convivial mingling. Amidst these gatherings, individuals established connections that had the potential to elevate their ascent within the realm of Azeroth.
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Screenshot the curtesy of Charlotte Fizzle.
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Screenshots a curtsey of Mr. Fiske
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alliesweetsong · 4 months
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new mog who dis
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talthorn-sylvoran · 9 months
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Attending the Tournament of Ages Wonderlight Ball together in all their enchanting cosmic glory! May I present to you the Hearts of Tenacity as: ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ The Celestial Kings ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Talthorn and Konietzko Syl'voran
( This event is so special to them. Simply cannot wait to embrace the event with you @konietzko-sylvoran ! )
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martyrette · 5 months
Mentally, I'm here-
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manystoriesnotime · 5 months
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"Have you ever felt like you were falling into the stars when you lay down and look at the nightsky? That's how I feel every time I look into your eyes."
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