cannabiscomrade · 2 years
With that story of the person buying a pregnancy test being sent formula samples in the mail getting traction recently, it needs to be pointed out that this is not new.
With my most recent pregnancy in 2020, I started receiving formula samples in the mail from Similac and Enfamil in my first trimester. My email was quickly passed between pregnancy and baby specific companies and my inbox became flooded with emails advertising countless products and services.
I was harassed by 2 cord blood storage companies after briefly browsing one of their websites. After my baby was diagnosed as terminal, I had a phone conversation with a rep who tried to convince me multiple times to store her cord blood for my future babies.
After Sam was born/died, within a week of my delivery I received a congratulations letter and offer from Gerber Life Insurance in the mail, also without my consent. I continued receiving formula coupons despite reporting her death to the companies multiple times, and even now I receive toddler formula coupons from time to time.
Amazon has tracked my purchases to the point that they know I (should) have a 19 month old and will advertise me toddler and baby things for girls, despite never having linked an AGAB to my Amazon account.
This level of capitalistic surveillance of pregnancy in the US specifically is not new and with the repeal of Roe v. Wade it should terrify you.
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earhartsease · 2 years
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Dr Wolfe is a forensic pathologist btw
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Here’s some positivity for systems who have experienced a headspace/inner world pregnancy!
Contrary to popular belief, having a pregnancy in the headspace or inner world is not an indication of faking plurality! Systems of all sorts from many different backgrounds have witnessed this phenomenon. So here’s to all the systems who have experienced or witnessed a headspace/inner world pregnancy!
Shoutout to systems or headmates with tokophobia who have still gone through or witnessed a headspace pregnancy!
Shoutout to systems who gain or introduce new headmates or alters through headspace pregnancy!
Shoutout to systems who have been traumatized by inner world events relating to pregnancy!
Shoutout to systems whose headspace pregnancies relate to outside events the system has gone through!
Shoutout to headmates who have struggled to carry their pregnancy to term, or have had inside stillbirths or miscarriages!
Shoutout to headmates who work to help and support their pregnant headmates!
Shoutout to systems whose headspace pregnancies aren’t related to trauma or have no apparent or obvious cause!
Shoutout to headmates who were completely unaware that their system had a headspace pregnancy until after the fact!
Shoutout to systems who are trying to learn more about their own plurality by understanding their headspace pregnancies!
Pregnancies can be joyous, scary, exciting, overwhelming, and all of these all at once! It’s okay to be confused or alarmed at the realization that you or one of your headmates is pregnant in your headspace. It’s also okay to be excited or happy about the potential for new life in your system!
Remember that headspace pregnancies are absolutely NOT a sign of faking plurality in any way. You and your headmates are lovely and valid just the way you are! Please do your best to treat yourself and your headmates with gentleness and compassion, and be sure to show some extra care to the pregnant headmates in your system! There is no need to fear, hide, or be ashamed of the way your system functions. Your system will always be a welcome and cherished part of the plural community! Thanks so much for reading, and take care!
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ebullientheart · 11 months
violet. emily prentiss x reader
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content — requested by @lucreziaq2001 . heavy warnings for child loss (stillbirth). please proceed with emotional caution. fem!bau!reader. grieving.
six months ago, you and emily lost your baby girl. the team are here for you on this day.
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there is no earth-shattering comparison of pain that compares to losing a child. there isn’t an adjective or analogy that can describe the feeling to anyone who has not experienced that grief, and only a silent understanding between two that have. when you’d woken that morning, with emily already sitting next to you, she’d instantly had you in her arms, as though trying to shield you from this feeling. but such a shield could not exist in a world where you’d experienced such loss.
some point that night, your three year old son had climbed into bed with you, likely as a result of a nightmare. regardless of the reason, you were never more grateful for his presence. oscar was a quiet boy, but not still. never still.
“morning, baby.” you whispered, enveloping his tiny hand in your own. the beam he offered you sent shockwaves of love through the resolute cracks in your heart. the tight grip on your upper arm told you that emily was feeling the same way. she released her hold mindfully, and instead passed a hand gently over your stomach. sometimes you could feel a phantom pain there. not this morning though.
you moved slowly. everything was lulled into a half-pace, with emily’s gentle encouragement and oscar’s plea for pancakes serving to keep you moving. slowly, slowly, you mixed the batter, while emily warmed up the stove. occasionally, she’d squeeze your hand to remind you of her presence.
i wonder if violet would like pancakes. her brother certainly does.
usually, you had to push these type of thoughts to the back burner of your brain; you were likely to be incapacitated for the day if you let them dominate. but today, you permitted yourself the pondering. if there was a day to think about violet, it would be days like these.
a small budgie landed on your window sill, uncommon for houses in the city, and you had to think it was a sign. you saw them everywhere. you knew it was probably because you looked for them, but how could you not look for your baby in every aspect of the world?
“mumma?” oscar approached you while you were deep in thought, lightly startling you, though you welcomed his attention.
emily saw the tears on your waterline and intervened, scooping up her son and placing him on her hip as she said, “let’s give mumma a moment, yeah? we can go set the table.”
you smiled at her sadly, and she again held your hand as she passed you, before trailing away to let you have your thoughts. sometimes, they were a refuge, no matter how full of grief.
at that moment, your phone buzzed. it was hotch, which you were somewhat expecting. hotch and jj were the others of the team who had their own children, and therefore the most empathetic. and hotch had felt the fear of losing jack, the same day he did lose haley, so he was the one who could connect the most.
“when i thought, for a while, i was going to face my son’s funeral, i lost control,” he’d muttered to you in hospital, where you lay in a numb aftershock, “and that was only a thought. if there is anything, and i mean anything, we can do for you… you let me know.”
sometimes you cried, sometimes you shouted. sometimes emily did too. sometimes oscar asked why he never met the sister he’d been promised, and there was no answer for that. no why in the cruel, vexing world. but there was healing, gradually.
you slid breakfast to three settings on the table, bitterly wishing for four, with that same soft, sad smile from before, “here we are, my loves.”
while your son dived into the food enthusiastically, emily did not sit down at first. she rounded the distance between you to pull out your chair, something she’d done since your first date, and rest a hand on your shoulder. it wasn’t uncommon for the passing of a child to push couples apart, but it had glued you and emily together. the constant touches were just a reminder of the love still left in the world, one that extended far beyond to where your baby rested.
there was no combating the pain, but months of therapy helped you accept it as undeniable evidence of love. love for violet, love for oscar, love for emily, and love for yourself.
while your son was entertained with his junior lego set, you dried the dishes that emily washed, loading the bowls from earlier into the dishwasher. by the time you had finished, still moving sluggishly, the clock read half ten, and emily checked her phone.
“are you feeling up to some company, sweetheart? the team want to come and say hello this evening.”
you cast your eyes down to your hands, and finding them free of tremors, you agreed. it took some time to dress for the day, including a moment in the mirror where you had to shed some tears. emily reciprocated this reaction, and the two of you swayed in each other’s hold for a while. eventually, oscar became bored of his inflatable book and twisted his way in between the two of you to insist on ‘up!’. you laughed wetly, wiping your cheeks (too harshly based on your wife’s disapproving stare and careful repeat that followed), and bent at the waist to hoist your demanding toddler ‘up!’.
eventually, evening arrived, and you felt only minorly more prepared than before at the prospect of people in your home that day. nevertheless, you shook your body free of tension and headed outside at the sound of approaching vehicles. you tried not to think of that same sound, accompanied by sirens, coming to take you away six months prior.
emily descended the steps before your porch to meet the others at their cars, probably to issue an unnecessary but appreciated reminder for them to be sensitive. you stood in the doorway, determined to have the remainder of the day a comforting memorial, with oscar leaning his face on your shoulder. at the sight of the incredibly colourful and therefore toddler appealing penelope garcia, however, he quickly wanted ‘down!’, which you gave with a bright smile at his joy. one that surprised you, as you didn’t think you would be capable on such a day.
first to greet you was hotch, who had driven over garcia, jj and rossi, who greeted you in turn. morgan pulled into the drive at the same time, with reid in his passenger seat. there were all dressed in their varying styles, but they all sported a purple, or specifically violet, accessory. hotch’s tie, rossi’s shirt, jj’s bracelet, morgan’s shoelaces, reid’s vest and… garcia’s entire ensemble. hair included.
you willed the overwhelming emotion, as a result of their support, that scalded your throat back down into your chest, where it settled warmly. an acknowledgment of the family you found in these people.
there was confusion on your part when they did not try to enter your home, instead lining up on the roofless section of the porch with you. you turned to emily for an answer; she wrapped an arm around your waist and directed your attention to where garcia had brought your son to the cars. the two emerged holding many balloons, all violet, and begun handing them out to the line up of you.
“do you want to say anything?” emily mumbled to you, while the others pointedly chattered to alleviate any pressure you may have felt.
you choked and shook your head.
emily cleared her throat, leaning on you as she said, “we love you, violet.”
and the balloons went up. nine of them, twirling skyward with no weight to hold them down. they flew up and east, with the wind, and you stood until the last one edged from your view.
the sun set, and streaked her colour across it’s domain, bathing you all in that light and love you didn’t expect to feel on that day. that gentle hand on your heart, reminding you that you were not alone, and she was not alone.
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The cruelty is the point.
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smolandweirdwriter · 9 months
women are being jailed for having miscarriages. get me the fuck out of this country
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vague-humanoid · 1 year
A new lawsuit against the state of Texas reveals additional horror stories that have occurred thanks to the state's strict anti-abortion laws.
ABC News reports that eight Texas woman have joined a lawsuit filed by the Center for Reproductive Rights, with all of the women alleging that Texas' abortion ban put their lives in jeopardy.
Among the plaintiffs in the case is a woman named Kiersten Hogan, who says that she was rushed to the hospital when her water broke prematurely and who was told that she could not get an abortion legally until she became significantly ill, even though there was little chance of her baby being able to live outside the womb.
What's more, Hogan says she was threatened with arrest if she left the hospital to seek care elsewhere, and she was kept there until she gave birth to her stillborn son in a hospital bathroom.
the bathroom?! @socialistexan @startorrent02
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fenrislorsrai · 3 months
This emergency was predictable: There have been shortages of this drug in eight of the last 20 years. Yet federal health authorities have not prevented the drug shortages in the past and aren’t doing much to prevent them in the future. Syphilis, which is typically spread during sex, can be devastating if it goes untreated in pregnancy: About 40% of babies born to women with untreated syphilis can be stillborn or die as newborns, according to the CDC. Infants that survive can suffer from deformed bones, excruciating pain or brain damage, and some struggle to hear, see or breathe. Since this is entirely preventable, a baby born with syphilis is a shameful sign of a failing public health system. In 2022, the most recent year for which the CDC has data available, more than 3,700 babies were infected with syphilis, including nearly 300 who were stillborn or died as infants. More than 50% of these cases occurred because, even though the pregnant parent was diagnosed with syphilis, they were never properly treated. That year, there were 200,000 cases identified in the U.S., a 79% increase from five years before. Infection rates among pregnant people and babies increased by more than 250% in that time; South Dakota, where Strohfus works, had the highest rates — including a more than 400% increase among pregnant women. Statewide, the rate of babies born with the disease, a condition known as congenital syphilis, jumped more than 40-fold in just five years. - - -
Twenty years ago, there were at least three manufacturers of the syphilis shot. Then Pfizer, one of the manufacturers, purchased the other two companies and became the lone U.S. supplier. Pfizer’s supply has fallen short since then. In 2016, the company announced a shortage due to a manufacturing issue; it lasted two years. Even during times when Pfizer had not notified the FDA of an official shortage, clinics across the country told ProPublica, the shots were often hard to get. - - -
Having only one supplier for a drug, especially one of public health importance, makes the country vulnerable to shortages. With just one manufacturer, any disruption — contamination at a plant, a shortage of raw materials, a severe weather event or a flawed prediction of demand — can put lives at risk. What’s ultimately needed, public health experts say, is another manufacturer. Congressional Democrats recently introduced a bill that would authorize the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to manufacture generic drugs in exactly this scenario, when there are few manufacturers and regular shortages. Called the Affordable Drug Manufacturing Act, it would also establish an office of drug manufacturing. - - - In November, the Biden administration announced it was creating a new syphilis task force.
Bill number is S. 3398 if you want to call your Senator.
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crumb4 · 10 months
Trying to empathize with people who engage with comedic brands such as Wendy's on social media, engaging in frankly based and hilarious "clapback" behaviors. Lets see how this goes
Day 1:
I drag myself, still soaked in the steaming viscera of my dead mother, to my feet. Every inch of me is soaked in blood and the filth of birth. I am stillborn yet living and I reek of sweetly sour rot, the smell of spoiled pork. My jaws clack and clatter together, chattering my teeth as I try to form words without lips but only brackish water spills from my clogged throat.
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airasora · 1 month
Just had an unfortunate run-in with a pro life person online. She was arguing that the moment semen and egg meet, it becomes a child and yadda-yadda-yadda.
You know what finally shut her up?
She said, and I quote: "Should we also let stillborn babies die?"
... I pointed out to her that the definition of stillborn is a baby dying after 20 weeks of pregnancy and how it's very hard to take any of her arguments seriously now.
She deleted all her comments.
Just goes to show pro lifers don't know what they're talking about.
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Princess of dragonstone, chapter 17:
FANFICTION au: Rhaenyra has a daughter with Harwin as well who gets lured into a dangerous trap and becomes Aemond property, aemond and aegon chat about daella's duties and aemond teaches his pet some fun new things
Child death, violence, Helemond, dark!Helaena, blood, mention of Blood and Cheese, pregnancy for mc, mc considering ''ending'' her child, childloss, stillbirth, aemond loses his children, cheating, alys rivers,
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5 months later Daella’s pov. I am anything but a quitter. But those few weeks I felt close to giving up. It all started when Aemond returned me from the red keep… He feels me up a bit. He grins and tells me I was a good girl for getting myself fucked by him. I didn’t pay attention to it, but there were guards everywhere. We walk through the gates. Again, guards everywhere. And finally when we enter the castle, Aemond looked around suspiously as well. We walk inside, to the throne room and instantly, hands grab me and throw me on the floor. Aemond is grabbed as well, protesting and trying to break free. Helaena steps forward from the throne, her nightgown has red stripes and spots. Her eyes are red from the crying. She points to me. ‘Kill her! She did this! She killed my children!’
I see it. There are three bodies by the throne. All beheaded. ‘Your grace, I was out with your brother. None of us saw-‘ ‘Silence you whore! I know you have magic! You had an hand in this.’ She smiles sinister at ser Criston. ‘Take their heads. I want them impaled at the gates!’ Aegon finally speaks. His eyes are burning with tears. ‘Brother, did you murder them? Is it true? ’ Aemond shakes his head. He breaks down crying as well. I never saw him cry. ‘I would never have hurt them. I loved them as if they were my own.’ He says and tries to control his very emotional voice. I almost feel guilty. Almost. Aegon nods. ‘I believe him. Release him and his whore. They are innocent unless proven differently.’ Helaena screams and tries to get me beheaded but ser Criston intervens. Aemond was a wreck that night, when we went to sleep. I read his journal and found out why. He wrote down years ago about taking his sister’s maidenhead. All the children were his bastards. He was their true father. If we had known, we would not need to send assasins. They are bastards. They could never inherit the throne. Not soon after finding out about the death of his children, Aemond left for the riverlands with Alys. She promised me she would return him safely. I joked I would kill her if she didn’t. Aemond is fighting for weeks. He came back for me one time, when he slew my aunt Rhaenys and killed her together with Aegon. He took me that night as well, claiming I was his rightful reward. For the time after that I have little memory. Days were bleak and went by quickly.
Until one morning I was invited to see the former queen, Alicent Hightower. There is a lot of good sweets on her desk. I can’t really help myself and try my shot at everything that seems full of sugar and caramel. The former queen smiles at me, sickenly. ‘When was the last time you bled?’ I nearly throw up. ‘Months ago. Aemond gives me Moontea.’ I say, pretty certain of my case. The former Queen simply blinks. ‘Does he? Your belly is swollen.’
‘Must be because I eat bad.’ I lie, to myself. I am not dumb. I can clearly see I am pregnant and I am far in my pregnancy at that. I feel the baby kicking and I feel sick most of the days and eat too much. Alicent pretends to be my friend. ‘Daella, you are pregnant. Shall I write Aemond for you? Surely he likes to know-‘ ‘Aemond won’t be in the picture. He had his chance. He prefers to fuck witches and to fed servants to his dragon.’ It’s true. Aemond wrote me he wont be coming back, and neither will Alys. He apologisies to me for everything he ever did to me, but I don’t want his aplogies. I want him, damn it. I was very mad and sad I was pregnant so I kind of hoped that the gods would take it away before it was here. I prayed that It would be stillborn. Alicent’s guards kept their eye on me or I would have ended this pregnancy illegally.
But after a while, I convinced myself that a baby would lure Aemond and me back together. He would see his son, he would love them and he would forget his stupid bitch witch. When my time came, he was there. He burst into the room where the maids had just left me in the birthing bed. He rushed to my side, smiled at me and told me he wanted to see him. ‘Where is my son? Alys told me it’s a boy.’ I didn’t have the courage or the engery to tell him what happened. I gave a weak nod to the crib. Aemond nearly tripped over his own feet and looked down in the crib. He let out a scream.
I was so hopeful this baby would bring us together. So you can imagine how gutted I was when I gave birth to a stillborn boy with monsterous wings that missed both his eyes. ‘No, no no!’ Aemond groans before picking up the little monster. ‘My son. My beautiful baby boy.’ He softy kisses his forhead where his eyes are supposed to be and kisses it. I turned away from both. ‘Get that monster out of my sight. He is not our son. He died the second you lay with that witch.’ I spit out to him.
Aemond gently puts the monster back. ‘He is our son. He damn well is. We will cremate him, and you will fucking name him.’ Cremate the little monster? I will not waste time thinking of a name. I grit out. ‘I will not. He doesn’t exist. Not to me.’ its true. I have been pretending that I am not pregnant at all.
He grabs my hand. ‘I understand that I hurt you with leaving and with Alys but she is gone now. I am loyal to you.’ He tries to kiss it but I slap him and turn away. I don’t cry. I don’t care. I don’t feel anything anymore. For a long time now. ‘You killed our son. Its your fault he is dead.’ I say and I know its true. He doesn’t like hearing that and tears up. Thinking of his own other children he also lost. ‘We’ll make a new one.’
‘No we won’t.’ I firmly say. ‘Your time abusing this body has come to an end. If you want any babies you can return to the riverlands and fuck your witch or your Baratheon whore.’ ‘Yes, we will! I own you! You will do as I say!’ he screams but thanks to his tears the voice becomes unsteady. I simply shrug. I didn’t even respond to him. He finally left the room crying. I picked up the baby from the crib and walked to the window. Out of spite, I would throw it down. Watch the miserable little ugly thing burst into hundreds pieces just to spite Aemond.
But the moment I held him, the moment I had his little tiny body in my arms, something broke in me. He was so little. So cold. Like he was asleep. The baby felt so cold in my arms. He might have been a little monster. But he was my monster. I sank to my knees and I just… I just screamed until there was no sound left.
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cannabiscomrade · 8 months
in honor of pregnancy and infant loss awareness month, what’s something you wish more people knew about stillbirth?
In the US, 1 in 175 births are stillbirths. For black expectant parents, it’s almost 2 times higher at 1 in 97.
Kick counting is one of the best ways to monitor changes in your fetus’ health. Count the Kicks has more information on kick counts and an app to help you track them, as well as stillbirth statistics in every state.
At least 25% of stillbirths can be prevented, and as many as 47% at term.
There is a significant increase in risk for stillbirth when the pregnancy goes past 41 weeks.
The risk of stillbirth is 10 times higher for home births vs hospital births.
If your fetus has a terminal diagnosis, late term abortion with labor induction and gestational hospice are both valid options. Gestational hospice allows you to carry your pregnancy as long as safely possible for you, or until your baby passes.
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toxicmetalzine · 22 hours
Disentomb / Stillbirth
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Disentomb (AUS) & Stillbirth (GER) European Tour in August 2024! Get the tour info right now @ https://toxicmetalzine.com/post/disentomb
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It was her natal day And she hasn't felt happy No, not at all
No, she was melancholic and in pain There is nothing about today worth celebrating
In the days, leading up to it She felt melancholic
On her natal day, she stopped pretending Only three things went right
Her father prattled on about his feelings And Grandmother wasn't helpful Only few remembered
And then her heart just broke
Before, she wished to not exist But, today, it seemed she envied the dead Specifcally, the youngest thereof
For a moment, she cursed her mother No, Mother just had to beget living offspring Despite never being deserving of such
Today became too much And she'd rather not have been born alive.
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janersm · 2 years
Criminalizing addiction is vile. Punishing people for having a stillbirth or a miscarriage or a fucking abortion is vile.
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woundgallery · 3 months
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Karen McCarthy Woolf
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