#sticking in my brain
ashanimus · 1 year
For those adults left behind...
The closer we get to For the Future, the more I find myself thinking about the adults left behind in the Boiling Isles. We obviously have no idea what's going on with the right now, or how much damage control poor King has been able to swing with the Collector. But I still find myself wondering how the CATs and the parents of the kids have been coping.
One of the major selling points I've mentioned when recommending this show to older audiences has gone along the lines of: The Owl House has a really strong, multi-generational cast where the middle-aged adults are doing most of the heavy lifting when it comes to the actual business of political rebellion, as well as trying--and naturally failing--to shield their kids from its effects.
It still floors me that our adult heroes general intent going into S2 finale was to proceed with a damn near suicidal plot--and also to remove their kids from the thick of the fighting as gently as they could. Everything is on fire at this point. The plan they have is Rough. Everyone knows this. The anxiety and grim reality of it all was the major point of contention for Oh Titan Where Art Though with Eda and Luz--but that doesn't really prevent the fact that Eda gently encourages Luz to go to rescue Amity from the latter's parents in Clouds on the Horizon.
Re: Luz didn't really have a planned, direct part in what would have been the adult's sabotage of the draining spell. I definitely got the impression of a lot of relief from Eda here.
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And it works. Between this moment and when Luz and King are dropped off, Darius also has an opportunity to shift Hunter. It's unclear at this point how much contact the Darius and Hunter had post Hollow Mind (there are a lot of headcannons out there that suggest they've at least spoken a little over their scrolls, which make sense, given his interest in Hunter's well being?), but he's gone out of his way to contact a known fugitive and send him off with Eda's kids, AWAY from ground zero.
Eda and Darius' motivations here seem like they're rooted in harm reduction. Anything to get the kids away from the worst of it. But, knowing them, and the sort of lives they've been shown to lead, they're probably expecting something messy to happen regardless--although at least this way they know they did their best.
But how is that sitting with them now? Willow and Gus' parents (who probably had way less of an idea of what as happening at any given moment? I'd be amazed if Willow and Gus hadn't had to sneak off with Hunter to go with Luz but of course that's just speculation on my part). The last Eda and Darius knew, they sent their kids off to Blight Manor, and after everything exploded they have NO way to know what happened. Only that they're not able to answer their phones. They have no way to put together the possibility that the kids miraculously made it to the Human Realm. Last they knew, the kids where nowhere near the Head of the Titan.
Do they still have hope, after all this time, that the kids made it? Have any of them given up? Have they had any opportunities in the wake of whatever the Collector is doing to the BI? It's possible King's survival has been made clear to everyone, but there's no real way to know until we get a new promo or trailer or the thing airs.
As I've gotten older, it's naturally shifted how I relate to shows like this. However, Owl House is one of the few I can name with adult characters whose struggles are emotionally very grounded in reality, which makes the fear and horror of surviving a fantasy apocalypse so much heavier...since these are the sort of fears and horrors parents and caregivers experience all the time. Where are my kids? Are they okay? Have I failed them, even when I did my best?
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egophiliac · 8 months
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just something I wanted to try! (tumblr please don't absolutely destroy this, thank you)
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that-dumb-dinosaur · 3 months
yeah I hope the acolyte has similar writing to andor and has a meaningful and well executed plot instead of just fan-service eye candy- HOLY SMOKES THATS LIKE SEVEN LIGHTSABERS
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kidovna · 3 months
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anyone else go crazy reading the latest @campbyler chapter?
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fungi-maestro · 2 months
Happy tdov to fat trans people. 🏳️‍⚧️ Biggest thing that helped me as a trans kid was seeing older fat trans people. There were a lot of really irritating "advice" posts going around early in my time on the internet with a lot of misinformation in them, but one that I constantly saw (in addition to people claiming you should wear your pants rediculously low or only wear button ups) were posts saying you had to lose weight to transition. Can confidently confirm that is completely untrue. 👍
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kesoyotes · 7 days
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@tmaynt Challenge: Day 26 - Favorite Series
I wouldn't be half the artist I am today had it not been for me catching the premiere of the 2012 series all those years ago. that show still means everything to me
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eat-rock · 2 years
“nobody understands me” but not in the “edgy suffering from teenager syndrome mad at mom” kind of way, but the “lonely isolating young adult realization that the specific combination of mental illnesses and past experiences i’ve had have resulted in a pattern of behaviors that are often misinterpreted and misconstrued by others” type of way
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canisalbus · 7 months
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helo. the triangle has feelings
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lemonadeslice · 2 years
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hello lgbt community. i have a new favorite movie(s).
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equill · 29 days
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Another Otsutsuki?!
we’re messing up the timeline for this one. (I lost this crack idea but then it came back… the abyss stare back and I jumped in.)
anyways, now some kids meeting the new kid
Panel 1: There’s something wrong here.
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Comic 1: Attention.
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they’re both in the same boat
Comic 2: Day Off (with confusion.)
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he just a little insecure,, (kakashi still told him to get it together)
back to the future now
Comic 3: What. (huh?)
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Panel 2: very tiny.
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a2zillustration · 6 months
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New Couple Two Most Obnoxious People You've Ever Seen, More at 11
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happy halloween! hope everyone watched a scary movie that'll keep you up tonight but was nonetheless enjoyable! i sure did!
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clouvu · 10 months
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*wheezes* Okay so Hear Me Out-
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echosong971 · 7 months
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Some Lost Memory
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vampireharpy · 2 months
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hey bonnie you're making a mess
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thelesbianluthor · 15 days
Robin is so fucking smart. She translated a russian code even though it is not one of the languages she knows (and she knows 4 languages!).
She then went and solved the code.
Then in s4 she finds reefer rick by using the movie database, she finds the right article by looking into cryptid shit and manages to not only lie her way in and act her ass off in front of a doctor so she and Nancy can see a patient nobody else should be able to see. But she also manages to make the connection between music and escaping Vecna's curse.
And the way Nancy and Robin's brains function so well together bc the moment they started going on the same wavelength they were locked in and solving shit on the fly.
I love my smart gfs
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