#stan my cousin fr
miraculousbohemian · 11 months
storytime- so me and my cousin loooove shitposting in any form, she's more boomer/millenial shitposting and i'm the genz central. So ofc we both went like "we're seeing barbie right?"
Like 3 days ago she texts me "so when can you go, i gotta ask the gc" i didn't know about that fact so i checked with my mom and dad, whose jobs kinda cross in the summer, and they said "yeah sunday maybe"
And ok so a little insight, back like a month, my friends were like "haha just tell your mom and dad you won't go to your grandmas" like bitch. no. "boohoo so what, just stay home" do you want me to get grounded for the rest of my life you stupid fuck. So I'm still pissed bout that.
AAAAND back to the main story ; so i say to the gc, "yeah sunday works for me" and these 2 motherfuckers start going like "shit i gotta go dig up potatoes" or "yeah i can't but from 7-8 pm i can"
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stardusttealeaves · 2 years
How did Diego believe that a Mexican man and a South Asian woman could create this vaguely Puerto Rican child.
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
AOT boys and their favorite female rappers
📝: because I’m bored, sad and needed a good laugh. Y’all forgive me for this 😭 please don’t take me seriously.
100% on board with the fact that he loves himself some ice spice
subconsciously says ‘like’ after every word now, and you can’t tell him he ain’t hot shit either.
bout broke his damn fingers trying to post a pic with the caption ‘how could I lose if I’m already chose?’
that’s his girl fr and nobody better not say shit about her either. #1 stan.
bonus: he loves flo milli just as much! be singing conceited to the top of his lungs.
mans just loves some bad bitch music.
baby is a barb first and human second.
nicki is his girl until the day he dies.
‘that’s the queen. Nobody’s taking her place, period.’
raps both parts of Roman’s Revenge like somebody got a gun to his head. (he be doing her mannerisms and everything!)
recites her monster verse like it’s the national anthem.
was on that burner account going crazy during the infamous beef. And to this day, still mad at anybody who goes against her.
cardi is his girl
“That’s my cousin, on my momma side. I’m for real.”
his source? trust him bro.
be living when she raps in spanish and yeah he knows every word. (He def got a cutout of her album cover hanging in his room.)
him and armin have had their fair share of arguments.
be hanging out the window of the hellcat screaming tomorrow 2.
head hottie in charge, you already know. Megan stan all day everyday!
does the little ‘ahh’ without realizing.
totally standing by the fact that big ole freak is his favorite song.
plays her twerk vids on loop for like an hour.
“Y’all think Pardi can fight? Be honest.”
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shippergirl-14 · 5 months
Stan head canons
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Hii, these are a little based on the episodes and popular opinions, but I also wanted to share some of my ideas. I guess most of them apply when he is older. ( Also, excuse my bad English in some of the phrases. I’m not sure if it’s right)
Please feel free to share your own head canons ^^
He is the messiest person to ever exist. All his clothes are scattered around his room together with music sheets and occasionally cans from energy drinks.
He loves animals, especially dogs. He sometimes goes to the local animal shelter to play with them. He drags Kyle with him.
He also invites Kyle everyday to walk Sparky with him. He loves walking around at dawn since the streets aren’t that busy.
His sleep schedule is completely messed up. He stays up way too long even on school days to play video games or work on songs.
He either has too much energy for the day or no at all. There is no in between.
Whenever he has to do an assignment, he is always procrastinating until the very last day. Somehow he always managed to finish it ( sometimes with Kyle’s help)
He wouldn’t survive a day without music. His headphones are always turned up to the max, making his friends question how his ears are still okay.
His music taste includes almost everything and he couldn’t tell you what his favorite song is. He also writes his own songs and plays the guitar. He wishes to be in a band again and is trying to convince some of his friends to join.
He somehow is still the quarterback of the football team, but he doesn’t take it really seriously. It’s fun sometimes though. The school forces every student to join a sports club.
His best subjects are music and history. Everything else is pretty average.
He only drinks at parties or with friends, but he often overestimates himself and ends up drunk and Kyle has to get him home.
He has undiagnosed adhd.
He is really good at Super Smash, but sucks at Mario Kart.
Stan loves Kyle’s hair and always tries to talk him out of cutting it. ( he had cried once when Kyle shaved his head as a kid)
He is the cousin of Craig and also has peruvian roots. He can speak Spanish, but is mad that Craig is better at it.
He is bisexual.
He absolutely can’t flirt without making it extremely awkward. His bros are the exception.
He either replies to a message immediately or weeks later. Phone calls aren’t even let through with a few exceptions like his mom, Kyle or Kenny.
Stan has given himself an earring and wanted give himself a piercing too. Kyle stopped him ( fr don’t do that. Mine got infected).
He has the habit of dying his hair blonde whenever something slightly inconvenient happens and regrets it afterwards.
Stan used to hold Kyle’s hand whenever he had to take his insulin shot. Since Kyle once nearly died from his diabetes, he is a bit more cautious about his best friend’s health.
Almost everyone likes him since he is a pretty chill guy.
He rarely eats meat and pays attention to only buying bio products.
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pyr0x10n · 11 months
Hi!! Sorry to bother but could I request a Gary Harrison x A reader who's related to Stan? Maybe (reader) had just moved to South Park a few months after All About Mormons, and Stan and Gary still don't like each other.
Don’t apologize you aren’t being a bother! And tysm for requesting this! My boy Gary needs some love<3
Genre: fluff(??)
Gary Harrison x reader who is Stan’s cousin<3
•okay so to start off, it would be a hard approach. Gary doesn’t like your cousin and your cousin would probably try to keep you away from him. But you went to talk to him anyways.
•he wouldn’t trust you at first and he’d keep his distance but once you reassure him you don’t mean harm, he might trust you. And if you prove yourself, then he fr will trust you.
•when Stan found out about the friendship you guys had, he wasn’t really… happy about it.
•but I mean it’s your life not his so 🤷
•now, one time when you were actually going to meet his family, bro you were scared- nah TERRIFIED.
•what if they didn’t like you because of what the marsh’s said to them?
•but nah it wasn’t something to worry about, in the end they loved you! And you actually were very interested in the activities!
—————-one shot cause yes 😈———————
As you were walking to the Harrison’s home, you felt really nervous. That didn’t go unnoticed by Gary. “You alright dude?” He asked. You nodded, “yeah, just a bit nervous. What if they don’t like me because of what Stan said to them?” You breathed, and slightly panicked. You felt his hand on your back, “you’re going to be fine, I promise. My family doesn’t really have a hatred towards your brother’s family. But I do. But don’t worry, it’ll be fine.” He reassured you, and you sighed and smiled. “Thanks Gary.” You said with a smile, and he nodded. “Anytime (Y/n).”
Overall, he’d be a good friend to you, even if you were Stan’s cousin. You might get in between their fights, but it’ll be fine.
Bro I love this request sm, sorry if it wasn’t what you expected! I tried lol. Anyways I love the little Mormon boy<3
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 5 months
Just imagine the in-universe forums for who the winner of the "Nagitobowl" will be.
"It's SO obviously Komamiki. The two just have so much in common."
"Nagito's not into girls, lol."
"He has gone on the record in interviews as being pan!"
"Oh please. They put him in an awkward on-the-spot situation. All he said was he admires the hope in people, regardless of gender."
"Sounded pretty fucking pan to me, dude. And we all saw the look on his face when she fell over in that position..."
"Nah. Soumaeda all the way! Our boy REALLY likes to hang around him a lot."
"He's just excited to have guy pals for once. Anyway, Kazuichi isn't into dudes."
"Shark boy is in denial!"
"Seriously guys? This matter was settled ages ago. We all heard that cry he let out* when Chiaki died."
"Our boy can't stay stuck in the past."
"Fuck off. They'll be reunited one day. Komanami 4ever!"
"If there was any of the deceased classmates he had something going on with, it would have been Fuyuhiko. RIP Short King."
"I dunno. That day when Nekomaru cheered Nagito up by helping build up his strength in the gym was pretty wholesome."
"If you ask me, I think there was potential for something with Imposter. When the two opened up about their pasts to each other they really seemed to relate to each other."
"Come on! Sonagito all the way. Nagito still likes to confide with her an awful lot."
"They're just good friends, and it's pretty obvious she already has something going on with Gundham. Besides, rumors are going around that Nagito might be a long lost second-cousin."
"Pfft! That's tame by royal standards. And no reason they couldn't have some poly love going on."
"You're all wrong. Komazumi is endgame all the fucking way. There was clearly SOMETHING going on there in the last two trials. And she's the one beside him the most in post-game Nagito sightings."
"I still think that pining for the Reserve Course boy from before the game was cute."
"What, Hajime Hinata? There's not much to go off of from what little information survived the Tragedy. And if he survived, wouldn't he have come forward by now?"
"Hold the fucking phone, guys. A video just got uploaded showing Nagito confronting that one short Despair. The other Ultimate Lucky Student. There's some serious Foe Yay shit going on."
"Oh great, the Junkomaeda stan's found a new ship."
"No seriously. They're doing a literal fucking tango."
"The Despair planted bombs or some shit and threatened to detonate them if Nagito didn't dance with him."
"Link. Now."
*= See "Spider-Man's Blood-curdling Scream" on YouTube.
absolutely losing my shit just picturing makoto forcing asking nagito to dance like:
Makoto: "Dance with me Nagito or I'll seriously cry! Fr fr! Also I'll blow up this entire building full of people. But mostly I'll cry!!!"
Nagito reluctantly dipping Makoto: *for the sake of hope ಠ╭╮ಠ*
Makoto: *wow I didn't think he'd actually do it lmao*
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houseofpendragons · 1 year
Thoughts on Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it (SPOILERS) pt.1
Before I even start let me say that they should've just made it another 12 or 10 or hell even an 8 episode mini series
Should've opened with Isaac instead of Liam and Hikari in Japan smh. He was the last one to have the triskele box, how tf did Liam get it? (I do understand that Daniel Sharman couldn't be in the film but still...at least give me an explanation)
I don't care what they say, Hikari was supposed to be Kira and Hikari wasn't supposed to even exist. Liam and Hikari are clearly what Scott & Kira Should've been, minus the restaurant in Japan, if they'd done the right thing and brought Kira back in the last season. He said he'd wait for her😭. (Though I Stan the actress for not coming back when they were going to pay her white female castmates more than her. Honestly fuck them for that)
Why does Liam own a restaurant in Japan. How did we get here in our lives. Liam u supposed to be protecting Beacon Hills. Also idk what career I though Liam would get but it definitely wouldn't have been restaurant owner. I can see him as a coach maybe (at Devonford Prep in honor of Brett; huh maybe I did know what career I thought he'd have🤔)
Damn y'all really keeping Nogi with teas and spices. Ig hiding it in plain sight works idk 🤷‍♀️
Why Liam fall like that 😭
Damn Nogi really reminding me of the Witch from Narnia when she appeared in that ice wall thing in the second movie
also if Nogi can talk through that thing, why hasn't he manipulate someone into setting him free already
Though that Nogi was like a regular fly, not a firefly...
Scott being call "The Alpha" like they'll never know🤫 also like I thought Monroe went international w/ her hunting. Ain't no way Scott's just chillin all carefree enough to put his name on a business.
Yeah Scott save that doggie...oh and the little grl too. Also this would've been better plot wise if this was a flashback of Scott saving a little Hikari, it would explain how she's randomly apart of the pack now
Love how Scott's animal clinic looks like a mixture of Deaton's vet place and Derek's loft
Scott talking about having kids one day was how I knew they'd give him Eli at the end. Like wtf, he should be raised by his family, by other born wolves who know about the werewolf history that Derek did. Like hello we got great uncle Peter, auntie Cora, and hell even cousin Malia. Derek WOULD NOT want his SON raised by an ARGENT!
"I didn't see it. I took my eyes off the road for like two seconds to change the song on my ipod"
Wooo spooky 👻
I said ah oop jump scare Chris "I never use the front door" Argent
Poor Chris no parent ever deserves their child to die before them
Bardo! and who stayed up all night doing research about Bardo for you, huh, Mr. McTruealphaman. KIRA!
Yes papa Argent, say fuck
Well Jeff Davis said he wanted the timeline to work out so that Eli was born before Derek returned to Beacon Hills in an interview (idk where it is and I'm too lazy to find it) and after the series finale timeskip in the last season it was 2017, its now 2026 so technically it's been 11 years Scott my boy
Look at me out here fixing the timeline for everyone😁
"I got a feeling the real answers are in Beacon Hills" Yeah no shit Chris, everything's gotta do with Beacon Hills
Scott your the alpha. Be the alpha. Quit asking other people to to decisions for you, for the love of God
So Scott I understand why you left Beacon Hills but are we going to address what happend to Monroe and the internatipnal hunters Corp? No?...okay then
Chris why did you leave mama McCall. Jeff u really out here breaking everyone up. Should've got w/ Papa Stilinski so Scott and Stiles could be brothers fr "oh what could've been"
Why the pack break up? not gonna give me an explanation again...okay I'm sensing a pattern here
Yeassss!!! Business woman Lydia, we knew u could do it. And she looks very snazzy in that white outfit with her ponytail if I do say so myself. Funny how the banshee's business has to do with sound lmao it's perfect.
Lyd!😭 Thats Mrs. Martin-Stilinski to you! Shit at least call her Lyds so that you don't sound like your calling her a lid💀
Damn u think Lydia would've learned to look at stuff by now before handing it out. Nah but on a real note I feel like she should have a better understanding of her abilities by now, and have expanded on them, and had more control of them but that might be just me
I SAID ITS MRS. MARTIN-STILINSKI Ray or whatever ur name is!
Oooo the automatic writing again
Yayyy Eli Hale! In my head Eli is a nickname for Elijah, just like Derek is a nickname Frederick (if you known you know🤣)
Hale Auto?! Ain't no way. Derek ain't a mechanic. I refuse. Terrible career choice for the man. He's rich, he ain't even gotta work
Maybe Malia could be a mechanic but I doubt it, ooo a Park Ranger would be perfect.
Love how Eli just hotwired that jeep😂. Oh and just let me say this here and get it out of my system. Eli is similar to both Stiles and Scott when they were younger but he is NOT STILES. Yes he's sarcastic and a little delinquent but do you guys know how many teenagers are sarcastic little delinquents? Alot. It's a teen thing. I was the same way (minus the crimes😂) and still am sarcastic af. Love Eli as Eli, not a mini or replacement for Stiles. Love u guys to death but we went into this knowing there was no Stiles.
Jeff Davis: No Stiles.
Us: No Stiles?
Jeff Davis: No Stiles!
Boys gonna pop a damn wheelie in fucking Roscoe
Love how Parrish just calls Mason instead of tailing him
I'm fucking dead💀they was all too scared to tell Derek (me too thou bc sourwolf is scary😶)
Why is Mason a deputy? Feel like he should be working at Lydia's, like he's right under her is what I'd say he should be doing. I could see Corey, his husband, maybe being a deputy though. *gasp* or a cute little school teacher🥺
I stand by what I said earlier, Malia should be a park ranger and I add to that by saying that she should be the consultant and not Derek (though i understand they had to reintroduce his character) she spent a lot of time in those woods, and she's more intune with her animal side than anyone else
Derek still sexy af
serial arsonist...wolf pack also has a serial arsonist. I swear to God they should've just made it a spin off instead of its own thing
You definitely should call Stiles, he's head of his own supernatural devison in the FBI👍
Love how Derek was like a fugitive for most of the series and now he works w/ the police. Eli taking up that criminal mantel now😂
I mean...is it really grand theft auto if he took it from his own dads shop🤷‍♀️🤣
Derek's got ptsd from the jeep
Eli wanted to race that grl, I now headcanon that's how he flirts. Just like his daddy he's like haha look I'm better than you at something "you wanna see some real speed bitch" (flashbacks to when Derek flirted with Paige by being an ass with that basketball, like grl just wanted to play her cello in peace and quite)
Love how Derek just like slashed the tires. Really said "i don't think so. My names Derek hale. I go way back" (I'm so sorry to anyone reading this)
Part 1-5
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mybiasisexo · 3 months
My advice for OP: you should stop using/reading any kind of social media where ‘fans’ are posting to avoid these kind of rumours or whatever they are… I don’t know about what solo stans saying or ppl saying in general about the concert, the members, etc. because I filter them. For my own good and wellbeing. I get you’re frustrated but it’s not your problem but theirs. Just chill, relax, don’t read twt or other sites where toxic fans are. I do it so I’m out of any unnecessary drama 😎
to add on (which they def was stating nothing but facts), idk how people can solo stan a group like exo esp. i thought we chose biases and got wrecked by other members later on. idk how they just pick one and go with it 😭😭 which they deserve the support even from solo stans but yea some of them gon have to calm down about the members relationship w other members
Fair. Curating our timelines to keep out all the negativity is the smart move, but it is sometimes easier said then done. Lord knows I’ve stumbled upon stupid ass takes that had my blood boiling. In those instances I either rant on here or to my poor cousin lmfaoooo
And we all know Twitter is the WORST when it comes to negativity 🙄🙄
Nah fr. Solo stans aren’t exol-ing right! Idk how you can discover one of the boys and not end up in love with all of them it make nooooo sense!!!! But alas, there are some strange ppl on the internet lolol
It’s such a strange hill to die on, but go off ig solo stans 😬
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asscrackcreed · 2 years
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breaking down this fic for no reason other than im bored - i stopped at chapter 24 i cant do this in one go so maybe a part 1
its such a white perspective clearly because malik doesnt come home from a party and after panicking that his mums gonna kill him she doesnt say anything and ??? idk the fact that they drink they’re not religious in any way shape or form despite the fact that religions especially islam have a heavy cultural impact so theres no excuse as to why hes a complete atheist. ik this fic was made in 2014 but damn these ppl hate muslims fr we never get rep in fics??? anyways altaïr is a complete homophobe and has a little flirty banter with des but thats his cousin ? uhm. des is like ‘no dont be homophobic’ and then says ‘nvm ur not relevant enough to be cancelled’ thats just chapter 1 btw
malik has a blog where he shits on altaïr and he made it after accidentally sleeping with him because uhm he has nothing better to do… this is so OOC even if altaïr is a complete homophobe and misogynist i cant see malik make an anonymous blog and everything to call out his immorality… PURELY for his immorality its not like a tumblr blog he made sassbadgers just to shit on altaïr… and then he has a moment where he responds to an altaïr stan, she says hey women are made for men and malik was like i dont believe in any religions so im not responding to that but thats an L for you anyways cuz wtf
ok but islam literally says that women are humans and shouldnt be treated like sexual objects wtf do u mean ? this is a basic principle? youre mum is muslim? hello.?
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then he continues to laugh at said delusion fan for thinking shes married to altaïr… i know ppl like that are real… but this adds nothing to the story and given 2014 the whole ‘women getting involved in my gay ship’ drives me insane
this series does not have to be 75 chapters btw its full of fillers and irrelevant shit like why do i need to read about malik getting on the bus texting kadar for giggles idgaf
altaïr likes christmas but hes not religious my man ur dad was muslim and ur family did nothing to uphold that? huh? are they all islamophobes?
why does malik keep referring to altaïr as Mr Ibn-La’Ahad if he has no respect for him why is he addressing this guy appropriately just call him a bitch and get it over with
malik in this fic is a pretentious bitch. stop using big words just cuss him out and go taking so much time just to tell me kadar cant read big words - chapter 6 btw
leonardo and malik being roommates is cute tho i’ll give them that - at some point leo has a crush on malik i think to stir the tea but it doesnt work because… they’re too alike in this fic? they finish each other’s sentences type of alike not every gay man needs to date each other fuck sake
WHY IS MALIK TELLING KADAR ABOUT HIS SEX LIFE IS THAT NORMAL… I DONT TELL NAT ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT I DO EW and why does kadar keep asking ‘when are u gonna tell mum’ this really really really fucking annoys me as someone with a religious mum can kadar stfu shit like coming out to someone who doesnt seem alright with it is practically dangerous?????
yk how ppl said altaïr was aloof for not catching on al mualims evil plans - yeah they seemed to really fucking run with this trope good god hes so dumb its pissing me off this isnt altaïr - he says hes not bothered to take care of his stock shares or whatever ??? the source of their grandmas wealth HUH… tf do u mean ik its pre development altaïr but he wasnt neglecting responsibilities he was just a huge fucking asshole that fucked up cuz of his ego so what is going on here
im not reading this shit theres SOOOOOO many convos and NOOOOOOTTHIIINNGGG HAPPPEENNNIIIIINNGGGG
so altaïr thinks the writer behind sassbadger is a woman and is tryna flirt with ‘her’ its funny and i like it tbh but shit drags so slowly ffs
ig they’re falling in love but altaïr and malik message eachother about how maliks being nicer to him… but the reason is so dumb ‘because u purposefully make videos for ppl to laugh at u how can u be okay with that?’ what. isnt he homophobic and misogynistic what are u talking about. how is that a reason to be nicer either shit on him or stfu
also it doesnt make sense if u dont like someone esp because of their morals then… u wouldn’t interact with them on a happy social level i dont like that maliks already like bantering with him
Malik: Hey
Leo: Hey!
Malik: Sex?
Leo: Weren’t u meant to be studying
Malik: Well Im not
maybe im nitpicking rn but man the sex is so awkward like no foreplay? no setting the mood? the little convos dont make sense like if hes asking for sex hes clearly not… gonna study…? like what this author is so OOC with everyone
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DES EZIO MALIK AND INTERNET PPL KEEP TELLING HIM TO STOP BEING AN ASSHOLE AND HIS RESPONSE IS ‘im not gay! i dont like gays! keep ur dick away from me!’ wheres the critical altaïr gone this isn’t fun to read the writing itself isnt bad its just like… so much and so little happening at the same time why dont you tell me how hes so afraid of being gay instead of telling me ezio is an ‘ally’
why did they make maria thorpe… posh? is it cuz shes british?
if altaïr and malik are falling in love in chapter 15 wtf is gonna happen for the other 60 chapters ???
altaïr slept with claudias friends ? that feels weird uhm
also i forgot to say malik ended up moving in with leo or smth and then he was like no im going home i didnt quite pick up why maybe i was scrolling too fast but do u see what i mean? so much stalling that adds nothing to the story
the world building was going well it was really interesting seeing how the family works idk why they villanised giovanni but yk whatever william miles was a shit dad and des ran away to his grandma who cut william out of the will and giovanni took williams side cuz des was ‘being a lazy boy’ so he got cut out too and despite the auditores being rich and having 4 production companies to their name they’re still assholes who treat des like shit except for ezio and claudia now altaïr wants justice
see? going well interesting story so why tf are they making altaïr exotic and saying he knows 10 languages ffs - ‘English, Arabic, Hebrew, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Russian, enough Finnish to ask directions and very little Korean.’ i wonder why they’re all (but two) european languages… what does he need to do with all those languages tf how exotic
ok so uhm altaïr fought ezio cuz of the whole des thing uhm very counterproductive but now they have matching lips scars. this is so silly thats the only word i can think ezio wasnt even involved with des’ situation even ezios like wtf are u attacking me for i… is this the only way altaïr could get a scar? tf
again kadar doesnt need to tell his brother hes gonna masturbate tf is wrong with this author
kadar liking a muslim girl is nice tho
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??? ITS RAMADAN? YOU CANT HAVE SEX IT BREAKS THE FAST… if it was during the night it’d be fine just have a shower asap but i mean. COME ON.
ik altaïrs not religious but he eats ham…
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how does the author know all these words… wdym ‘surah’ dont tell me the authors muslim
whys altaïr fighting ezio AGAIN weve established it doesnt help anything
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b0tis · 2 years
the velaryons' entrance gave me shivers. this is their episode fr fr
+ "my betrothed. my betrothed." WAS SO CUTE. WE STAN SCHEMING PLATONIC COUSINS.
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livia-dovehallow · 1 year
chot asks continued!
Im sorry but after how the [redacted] I can’t stand them, I inly care for [redacted] the only ones that tried to [redacted].
They werr way to cruel, and even months later still [redacted] and [redacted] is glad [redacted], I hate it
This book made a [redacted], and [redacted] deserves better
original ask:
Im sorry but after how the main gang treated Grace I can’t stand them, I inly care for Kit and Alastair the only ones that tried to put in her pkace.
They werr way to cruel, and even months later still hate her and James is glad shes linely and that she lives in pain for her past, I hate it
This book made a Grace stan, and she deserves better
it's one thing for him to have said something like "I don't think I'll ever forgive her" but for him to say he's glad she's lonely and hope she is in pain for the rest of her life? after she literally did all that she did to save London with them? and she's literally Jesse's sister?? (and Jesse literally turned his back on her when she needed him most?!)
Christopher really was the only one with a heart fr fr
and Alastair did very similar to Grace in terms of helped the gang save London despite their past with the gang and never explictly asked to be forgiven by them but Alastair got forgiven and Grace didn't? bro I really would have at least thought Thomas would have stood up for Grace after Kit died because behind Kit, Thomas has the next biggest heart, and Kit was his best friend/brother/more than just a cousin who obviously thought Grace deserved a chance and he gave Alastair a chance despite what Alastair had said about his literal own father.
in my mind, I really wanted Grace to end up living with one of her uncles with Jesse. I really wanted that for them-- an actual family who loved them.
and I really do think that Gideon and Gabriel would have been so upset to find out what James said about Grace because at least they would have recognized the fucked up shit Tatiana did to her (plus, if anyone knows about forgiveness and making good on wrongs, it would be the Lightwoods)
so yeah. in my heart, I think Grace finally hears the words "we love you" or "you're forgiven" by Gideon or Gabriel (and/or their wives). I don't think they would blame her at all for their children's deaths (Barbara & Kit) because they would know it was all Tatiana's fault and obviously Grace feels monumentally guilty about everything and was devestated by Kit's death
this turned into a much longer rant that i expected it to
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ifwebefriends · 2 years
Gravity Falls Rewatch S2E8 Blendin’s Game
Bro I just realized that Blendin is short for “blend in” because he blended into the background of the season 1 episodes!!!!!
They were getting real close to figuring out Stan’s vending machine business
We learn so much about Soos from his wallet!
This episode takes place on July 13th, aka Soos’ birthday, aka two days after Sock Opera
Candy’s last name is Chiu
Stan petitioned the government to have Soos’ birthday removed from calendars for Soos’ sake, that’s really sweet, he does care
Oh my god there are so many little Easter eggs and fascinating things in the past I can’t get through them all
Gideon is about 10 years old in 2012
Young Tambry and Wendy are adorable
Baby goat!!!!!! Is so cute!!
Stan is introducing the wax figure exhibit in the past
Ooooo we got a bootstrap paradox y’all
Baby Soos is so cute fr
“Soos you are such a ladies man” “they’re my cousins Abuelita, gross” yeah abuelita gross that’s weird
Poor Soos :((( what has his dad been doing???
“Soos’ 12th birthday” okay so in 2012 Soos is 21 turning 22, he is younger than I thought
“They might have powder muskets or slap bracelets” okay that’s hilarious
Awwww the ending of this episode is just really sweet :)
We get Soos’ Mystery Shack origin story as well as why he sees Stan as a father figure, it probably breaks child labor laws but okay
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its-the-zcu · 5 months
Just saw the New DCEU Kara Danvers casting rumors and I genuinely hope that Meg Donnelley DOES NOT get the role! I love her SO MUCH, but I don’t want to any Sasha Calle-Kara stans slandering my girls name! I am manifesting that she doesn’t get the role! PLEASE JAMES GUNN, DO NOT GIVE HER THE ROLE! I love you Meg, but I’m doing this to protect you!
But fr, it sucks that Kara is going right back to being white after the old DCEU made such huge strides with casting a Latina to play her. And I’ve seen several undercover racist folks on Twitter going “Well James Gunn wants COMIC ACCURACY!” Umm… Y’all do know Kara doesn’t have to be played by a blonde haired, blue eyed white girl just because she’s blonde in the comics, right? Like, hair dye exists and she could still be half-Latina cuz she’s Clark’s COUSIN, NOT HIS SISTER!!!
Anyways, I hope Sasha Calle will either come back as Kara or be offered the role of another DC character somewhere down the line. And as much as I hate to say it, I won’t be surprised if James Gunn does the same with Dinah and casts a white actress to play her even though Jurnee Smollett was one of the best parts of the Birds of Prey movie 😭
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baekhvuns · 1 year
this is late mihane mihane
MISS UNIVERSE OH YES BABY i mean how could she not? How could she not be the miss universe? THOSE PRETTY EYES, THOSE LUSH PLUMP LIPS, HIGH CHEEKBONES she wasn't made...she was ARCHITECTED! (idc if it's not a word-) oh and i realized tht the second actress, who is a marvelous dancer was the mc of hum aple hai koaun HOW COULD I BE SO STEWWPIDD! really a shakespare play?...tht just made it better.
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NOOOO *ugly crying* you are right i missed that i thought they were just playing and messing around BRUH THEY PREDICTED THE FUTURE their manifesting game is high in negative things, bring it down a notch.
no no no don't even talk about tht movie. the scene where the main actress says, "Ever since you've joined the army, it's like you're trying to distance yourself from me." ... i can't. i can't even-
....eh? they are. the actress is Deepika right? ofc ik her my cousin has a huge crush on her ever since he saw tht one movie where she stars with vin deisel. but this just makes it even better bcz come on, WE GET THE COUPLES WE'RE THRIVING FOR! INDIAN INDUSTRY BE MAKING OUR DREAMS COME TRUE! ooh same director. you gotta tell me which movie did they first meet at.
dude fr. When i tell you i read the little synopsis of the movie i was ..... perplexed. Because goddamm a sting operation?? just for the sexuality? what is wrong with people?? If i ever went to hell imma tell satan to bring those cruel creatures to where i am and i'll show them what 'hell' truly is.
AHHHH NOOO ATEEZ + BODY RYTHMM I FOUND MY NEXT DREAM 😭😭😭😭nah ur right that rawness of ateez, and just hopes and dream...and a boat, True those were the days man. I mean i started stanning them when i heard illusion (its underrated af idk why people don't like it??) and then i stumbled upon those beautiful masterpieces ughh i would sell my soul just to hear those amazing songs once again for the first time.
aww ill always be here, also ik we're like in the whole Yunho era can i just...
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thnk u hv a nice day/night/evening *runs away*
no worries! take your time!
RIGHT THISE PRETTY EYES AND THOSE LIPS SHE IS SO GOD DAMN FINE IM VERY MUCH OBSESSED WITH HER SHE REALLY WAS ARCHITECTEDRHWJ (fun fact! all the movies that director has made even the ones deepika starts in, the directors first choice was always miss world 🤲🏻 BUT SHE NEVER IS AVAILABLE) the second actress is oh omg she is so stunningly talented like miss girl rULED 😭😭😭
NO BC WHEN I SAW THAT FOR THE FIRST TIME LIKE THSE MF MANIFESTED THAT INTO THEIR LIVES???? i wish the second actress got a love interest so bad 😭😭😭 some actual nice guy 😭😭
they are! honestly her in that vin diesel movie, she was so incredibly fine, ahead of her time actually !! THEY REALLY MAKING THEIR DREAMS COME TRUE WITH THE WAY THEY FALL IN LOVE ???? those twts about “i could never be a actor bc id fall in love” and they fall in love on set,, oKAY they first met at the movie ram leela (romeo and juliet with a mafia twist!) he saw her later in 2014 (when that movie was gonna film) at an award show where she won an award and he was the one presenting it to her and he just kind fell on spot <3
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AND THE WAY IT WAS FUCKING BASED ON AN IRL STORY??? A STING OPERATION JUST FOR THAT??? vile. no ur so right, when i die one day will come back to haunt ppl like this on purpose,,, im sorry but like this is beyond me,, A STING OPERATION OVER SOMEONES SEXUALITY??
right??? treasure had such rawness, like one mic, 8 dreams and a song,,, to be in those simpler times and to ACTUALLY hear their voices blend in w songs like i be missing that so terribly, illusion is so underrated!!!! honestly wave’s entire album is ngl fbwnfh BRING BACK WAVE !!!! right?? ateez’s song choices at that era were so spectacular i just wish they also go into different genres, like a versatile discography— bring back the classics 😭😭
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urbanhermit · 2 years
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My Mom’s brother, & my Confirmation Sponsor, my Uncle Pete Morgan suggested to me we should write of the Military History of the Morgan’s. Uncle Pete had been in the Air Force & me in the Army. Unfortunately Uncle Pete died in 2019, but with COVID lockdown in 2020 I began the process of collection of our service. Uncle Pete’s Mother, my Grandmother Morgan had two brothers who were drafted in 1918 for WW I (Great-uncle Francis & Great-uncle John Ferenbach). Her brother John would die at an Army base in Alabama from the ‘Spanish Flu’ (which most likely actually started in Kansas on an Army base). World War II is my Grandpa Maurer’s brother Henry, Aunt Mary’s (Uncle Frank) father Francis James Finney, & Great-uncle Stan Braniecki (married to my Grandma Maurer’s sister, Annette Schilly). The Korean War was my Dad, Uncle Tom Morgan (my Mom’s brother), Uncle Joe Morgan (my Mom’s brother & my godfather), again Great-uncle Henry Maurer, & Uncle Tom Krupinski (Ann Morgan). The Vietnam War is my Uncle Pete Morgan, Uncle Joe Maurer (my dad’s brother), Uncle Jim Morgan (my Mom’s brother), my Uncle Chris (my Mom’s brother), & myself. First Iraq War, War on Terror, Second Iraq War my nephew-in-law Jim, my nephew-in-law Michael, my cousin John Weston, my cousin Rick Weston’s son Tyler, my cousin Tony Polizzi’s son Mitch, and my cousin Kelly (nee Morgan) Kaiman. You will see three blank photo frames in one of my pictures, three I am still to write on. A total of 22. It appears our first relative in US Military service was possibly Arthur Morgan. Still trying to get the State of Illinois to confirm that the lot he was given for service in the War of 1812-1814 is the same lot that William Morgan was born at in 1817 in Ava, Illinois. William Morgan is my four times Great-Grandfather, and if same lot then Arthur would be his father. Arthur would then be my five times Great-Grandfather. Ava is in the Military Tract of 1812 for land grants for their military service. I have also posted Fr. Henry ‘Hank’ Brown, CSSp, a veteran, who was my Community Superior at Holy Ghost Prep. Unfortunately, he died after my first year assigned to the Prep. https://www.instagram.com/p/CkzvCgZNDlt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hueningshaped · 2 years
the messed up one?🤨🤨 do not talk about my bff like that she's doing her best and it is more than enough!!!!!!! my trip was pretty great!! i haven't seen my cousin in a while so i really missed her and the vacation i took before the trip was kind of a letdown so i'm glad that this one went so well🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 idk if i ever asked you and i know that it would be very on-brand for me to have forgotten so i'm only asking now😐 how was your vacation + trip beffie!! and omg please i actually physically need one of them to do something crazy with their hair. can't believe we're saying this even though yeonjun has blue hair and beomgyu's hair color literally changes with every blink😟 but honestly my eyes are just itching to see soobin and/or taehyun with light hair again it's been decades.... eons even......... also i know i say this literally every time we interact but i can't believe how similar our brains are because that's my exact thought process when it comes to the sun like word for word😭😭😭 even today i went out and even though i was happy the sun was out i was sat on the sunny side of the bus and the entire time my mind was just like "but have you considered the possibility of getting skin cancer🙁🙁" i hope you get to have a lot of fun too!! you deserve it (everything actually hehe)💟💟 ALSO how have your first few days of work been!!!!!! i hope it's been as great as laboring can get??<3333 not you dressing like a tomb worker too🙀🙀 you = me‼️‼️STOP that is the most adorable name ever☹️☹️ it fits him so well!!!!! i love him and your other cats so very much and i would love to learn their names too someday if that's not intruding into yours and their privacy too much🫡 omg i know i sound like a broken record by now but it always makes me feel so happy how you give me recs😿😿 i've been listening to all the songs you've shared with me like this 😭💘🥺❤️‍🔥😌💗 but this one is definitely my favorite so far it is so lovely!!!!! also i just noticed that you gave me my own tag and i'm😭🙁☹️😿 THE TIKTOKS!!!! beomgyu just naturally has a physical urge to imitate yeonjun's raps and i respect that😌 (read: i find it so adorable i could cry) and taehyun certified gg stan we love to see it!!!! the videos of him being the biggest once ever are one of my main sources of dopamine actually🫶🏻 like this i just hhhhhhh another one in honor of loser lover's first birthday!!!! i love her forever<3 and another one just because i find it so very cute and i hope you enjoy it too🌱 the beoms :(( you always find the cutest photos of him :(((( LOVE YOU FOREVER BEFFIE here are some yeonjuniez for you!!!!!
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god ill sob apple youre so-youre so 🥹 ok fine i will be kind to ur beffie okay *starts crying* but ah god im glad you at least got a win with this trip ~ absolutely deserved :”) #apple1stwin again i really hope u guys can meet again soon !!! distance really does make a difference but with absence, that makes the heart grow fonder ~🫶 and of course u asked 🥺 it was good i promise hehe no worries at all matey 🫡🤝 JUST AS U SAID BEOMGYUS HAIR CHANGES WITH EVERY BLINK ITS LITERALLY CHANGED AGAIN?2!,!: it’s like dark gray i love it i want that hair color but bless his poor scalp.. and yeonjun’s blue electric hair phewww but YES we need new hcs for soob and taehyun ASAP !!!! im sensing it’ll be either of them two before huening (next thing you know, hyuka is platinum hehe but cmon guys give us something 🥹) OMG telepathy fr 🫂 WORD FOR WORD BAR FOR BAR i love that for us :”) <3 random but today i learned that people say tlc a lot and it means tender love and care ?!?!! its in the vernacular and i didnt even know haha but anywayyyy i think as long as we keep reapplying sunscreen every 2 hours and wear loose bright clothes that protects us from the harsh uv light and we just are comfy when we bask in the sun we will be okay 👍 we will be okay ! NONO u deserve EVERYTHING💟🌎🌍🌏 !!1! omg ahh my first day went pretty good for the most part even though i made a few mistakes and this lady yelled at me 😭 i dont like having to ask for help and making mistakes but im new and dumb so i cant expect myself to be perfect so far 🥺 its a good job i just hope i get less scared and nervous every time 👍👍 you + me = WE 😽🫶 omg sylvester?! awww he says thank u hehe my other cats’ names are rocket, nico, and yuki my babies 💞 it makes me sooo infinitely happy that u let me know and reassure me it just really means the entire world to me :”) YOU mean the world tk me 🥹💞 im so glad u love this one !!! here’s a rec that u may have already listened to but i luv it!!! ON THAT NOTE – 🗣 DID YOU WATCH FOREVER 1 SNSD?!2!!3!:(!:& happy bday loser = lover 😳☹️ But wait hehe taehyun best fanboy i love that he loves twice idk it makes me feel safe it really does anyway OH GOD LOSER = LOVER IS REALLY ALREADY A YEAR…… time has passed by so quickly i could cri and ahh txt has gotten so big since then its crazy im so proud 🥹 the leaf umbrella spoke VOLUMES… I MEAN VOLUMES TO ME 🫂 thank you for blessing my life 😿💟 no YOU!!!!! always find the best. makes sense since you already are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ !! LOVE U MOSTEST EVERRRRR SO MUCH !!!! UR YEOJUNIEZ PICS ARE ALWAYS THE CUTEST AHHHH[]\WWW 💔 (ps. You are so wonderful and im thankful for them/you/these pics). + here’s a vid that makes me laugh sorrr hard + one that is soooo cute!
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