#spider bite
valjeanzachary · 8 months
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You've been dealt with a terrible fate! A seemingly deadly bite has given you great power, but as curses go it comes with a heaping pile of responsibility as well.
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its-my-barbeque · 4 months
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Spider Bite out of context
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whichcouldmeannothing · 11 months
paper rings snippet!! (teachers!spiderdads)
my exams are hell!! but finally thank god i have a break
have something from me <3
chapter 2 snippet :D
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not exactly a spiderdads clip but it has loser Miguel so
"You're really bad at this," Lyla says.  
She sits at his table, an iced something or whatever in her hands. Miguel wished she went with something more normal as a greeting, like hello, or good morning. Or. maybe just a nice shirt Miguel, is that stain from Gabriella's lunch you prepared this morning? Even that would be better.   
"What did I do?" He hasn't even done anything this morning. He walked in for a coffee five minutes ago, he literally has not been in school long enough to have things to be judged for. 
Early mornings are never wasted in Brooklyn Visions. Keeping up the reputation of a nerd school, students have already been here before Miguel showed up. Despite the fact that they have dorms here that allow them to stay in and sleep more, kids are in this campus as soon as the security guard turns on the lights.  
Today is no exception, and many students are already here. They're all poring over notes or rushing homework. Some people here may just be waiting for their friends, but there's an air of seriousness in this high school. It’s what Miguel likes so much about Visions, the fact that there’s not too much nonsense from the students.  
But God is cruel, and his nonsense comes from the white-cardiganed woman who flashes her pink glasses at him.  
“We haven’t seen you at lunch in a long time, Miguel. But you’re not even that good at being his friend.” He drinks his coffee, and somehow the jolt of caffeine doesn’t even hit him. He might not have had to make friends since he was in his twenties, but he isn’t horrible, alright? 
“Not ‘alright’, it’s pathetic. You just let him talk at you, and you respond every three minutes to him. You get him food, but you’re functionally a babysitter.”  
“If you want him to feel cared for, you have to know him. And he has to know you.” Peter knows enough about Miguel after a week of lunch. He knows Gabriella is in a soccer league, she goes swimming. She likes My Little Pony, and that the rainbow dash on Miguel’s table is from her.  
It registers in Miguel. Other than his divorce. He doesn’t know anything about Peter. He listens to stories about his students and the news that appears on his Facebook, but that’s all. Peter gets him coffee, and he asks about his life and his kid. He even knows that he has a brother. Only Lyla knows that (And sends embarrassing photos to him, God.)  
“If you actually want to make him less depressed about his life, you have to make the effort to care.” He is trying, you know? He looks down and watches his reflection on the plastic blue table. He keeps his head down when he asks, “So, what do I do?” 
“Learn something about him. Try a bit harder, alright.”
new chapter coming out tmr/saturday!! love u all :D thank u for all ur support guys <3
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sineadbgood · 1 year
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sspellmen · 1 year
This always happens to me unfortunately. 🕷️
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luesmainblog · 9 months
Anybody know anything about spider bites? internet searches didn't really help and i'm trying to figure out what bit me. looks like a mosquito bite but didn't feel like one and doesn't itch, has SLIGHT redness patch around the impact after an hour. no other symptoms that don't already come with anxiety. current suspect is a "false black widow"(widow-like body, BIG ass, pinkie nail sized, white dots on the ass, Probably female based on the ponderable orb that was her ass) i saw wandering around my room the other night, but we also have yellow sac spiders throughout the year. only other suspect is we had little flies this week that i THINK are fruit flies but Could be gnats. edit: i'm in michigan if that helps
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milli-moi · 1 year
A little bit of inspiration led to a little animation
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fitgothgirl · 2 years
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Got some kind of weird bite? The first pic is two days ago when I first noticed it. The second pic is now. Not only is it seemingly getting worse, but there’s that line going upwards now too. I’ve been hanging out in my backyard a lot so I figure I got it from doing that. It doesn’t seem like a mosquito bite though, I’ve never reacted like this. I was cleaning some minor spiderwebs away from of our patio furniture so maybe it’s a spider bite. Idk. I don’t like the traveling upwards though lol… Maybe that’s just from scratching? It only itches mildly though so I don’t think I’ve been scratching a lot. I’ve put some cortisone cream on it but didn’t seem to make a difference.
Science side of tumblr, explain!
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fantabulisticity · 2 years
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This was sent to me today 😅😅😅 The worst part? The person who sent this to me has been PRESENT while I've been on THIS SPECIFIC RANT 😂😂😂
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gothmime · 3 months
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I drew this two nights ago and I honestly love how it turned out :) I don't think I've drawn Sally before other than her ref when I designed her >v> but I like the way I portrayed her here ^^
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zerokissingbooth · 1 year
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kantush · 1 year
This movie was fun (TW: Loud startling sound)
Miguel your are my beloved
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its-my-barbeque · 4 months
A little sneak peak at Spider Bite ;)
 Pokotho will seep into your mind and force you to do his will for so long you stop being able to tell the difference between his wants and yours. Bliklotep will make you watch endless suffering and have you laugh until it stops being horrifying and starts being funny. T’noy Karaxis will send you through so many timelines you won't be able to recognize your own home. Nibblenephim will grind your body to shreds enough to where you won’t remember what you looked like before. And Wiggog… Wiggog Y’wrath will take your soul and mold it into something else entirely; turn you against your friends, your family, make you resent everything in life except for him. The lords will not give you absolution. They will give you oblivion. They will give you death.
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kindaorangey · 1 year
miles literally chose to pursue physics instead of art even though in itsv he clearly enjoys art more because he wanted to have a chance of seeing gwen and peter again so badly only to find out they had the ability to visit him the whole time and chose not to.
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sineadbgood · 1 year
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eggs-bene · 2 months
I don't always like what I have to do.
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