#specifically the 1890s if you care
heimeldat · 5 months
I've been planning this costume for a while, but now I have a deadline. I'm going to wear it to LI Who in August. Plenty of time to do all the sewing, but having a deadline means it'll actually happen. And maybe I'll even manage to take a picture with Colin Baker while wearing it! (The hat design is the only part I'm not sure about; I intend to make it out of whatever scraps I have left from the waistcoat, so I won't know the final design until I'm actually putting it together.)
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ID: four simple colored drawings showing the layers of a Victorian Sixth Doctor costume. She wears a simple corset and frilly drawers with brightly colored striped stockings. Over that, a bright red shirt with huge leg of mutton sleeves, a dark red petticoat, black shoes, and blue and white polka dot spats. Over that, a black and yellow striped bustled skirt, a peplumed waistcoat in the same patchwork design as Six's original coat with cat brooches on the lapel, a blue and white polka dot neckcloth, and yellow and black fingerless gloves. Over that, a blue and gold half-cloak based on the design from Revelation of the Daleks, blue earrings, and a heavily decorated hat in the same variety of colors as the waistcoat. end ID
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yanderepuck · 7 days
Coffee or Tea?
William: tea all the way. Hes not EXACTLY a tea snob but he has standards, and he will start yelling at whoever brought bagged tea into the castle, and then throw it away
Harrison: giving me earl grey, specifically London fog vibes for his tea. But I also feel like he'd like a nice iced latte?? He has a little tea with his sugar
Liam: has a little tea with his milk. I definitely feel like he's drinking tea for the caffeine. He enjoys the smell of coffee but can't stand the taste
Elbert: I see him drinking nothing but tea. He's the one who brought the tea bags home. He just wanted to try the flavor. Definitely likes a little fruity flavor
Alfons: black tea all the way. Slightly snobby about it and is trying to teach Elbert the right way to steep tea and the temperature difference and.how long it should be brewed for.
Roger: this ain't going to make much sense if you don't read Jude's first. He's using Jude's espresso machine every morning and making himself a Stanley cup of espresso Jude is watching in the back like wtf. HOWEVER, he's also drinking instant coffee just by putting water in the container and mixing it.
Jude: such a coffee snob. I don't care that it's the 1890s man got an espresso machine. But oh damn that man is a tea snob. He's got shit imported and will never let anyone make his tea for him because he knows it's going to be disgusting. The ultimate trial of love is being able to make him tea.
Ellis: bean juice make him go zoom. The only one without a preference. He drinks more tea than anything, but I feel like if you give him too much caffeine his impulsive thoughts are going to come to life.
Victor: also like William in the fact that he will gag at bagged tea. He's not a snob but he will tell you if you are doing it wrong, the only difference is that he will teach you how to do it right.
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wickedlyqueer · 3 months
oh ok so for setting for the headcanons... how about shiz era? or do you mean even more specific?
Oh no, I think that could work. It'll probably be a bit more book-leaning, so here goes:
Elphaba knows the best nooks in the library. She has a mental list with the nooks for best lighting (+ view), quietest places, most ideal spot where the lunchroom and toilet and bookcases are all the perfect distance away. (Even the librarian cannot keep up, and is convinced Elphaba somehow got her hands on the blueprints and memorized it).
Elphie only requires like, 3 hours a sleep, some black tea and a bagel to function an entire day.
Barely studies the subjects she actually needs to be studying. Still gets decent grades and even studies the most out of all the students at Shiz. Whatever the (faux) 1890s equivalent of a wiki rabbithole/deepdive is, that's what Elphie does all day long.
She'll never admit to it, but rooming with Glinda has actually made her feel at ease to be in her living space for the first time ever, like.. "oh? i'm not supposed to feel on edge all day when i'm in my own home? that's news to me, whoops".
Secretly looks forward to weekend outings with the Charmed Circle all week long.
Likes to shitstir. Especially loves to get on Avaric's and Boq's nerves. Avaric because he's a dick (and the perfect mate to banter with bc they're so dissimilar) and Boq because he gets so easily riled up.
One time, Glinda accidentally fell asleep in Elphaba's arms and she did not move for 3 hours, afraid she'd wake her up. Glinda was embarrassed when she woke up and Elphaba's body was sore from not moving all that time, but Elphaba has fondly thought about those three hours every day since.
Has the hearing of a hawk. Snide comments? She hears them all. She does not care if they're directed at her. But if people say mean things about Glinda or Nessa? Oh, people will have to sprint if they want to avoid Elphaba's wrath.
Yeah, this was so much easier, LMAO. TIL Elphaba needs a setting for me to come up with headcanons. Fascinating. :')
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smashtheshell · 6 months
sorry i haven't responded to any messages. it's really just exhausting. i don't have anything to say other than that it's unwise to make other people's existence and yours a zero-sum game lol. i wish i thought this pattern was reversible, but with the PLO delegitimized and with the current government not only hanging on but also blaming oslo (!) and the disengagement (!!) for oct 7, i think a regional war is more likely.
i hope u guys will get over the thing where you tell each other that all israelis are fair game because we're settlers/we all have dual citizenship/we all live in luxury and have the ability and means leave. or more specifically the urge to try to convince me via anon asks that my hypothetical death is deserved? that's a strange thing to do.
i was never an antizionist out of the kind of altruism that means i am willing to sacrifice my life or the lives of my loved ones for palestine's liberation. i just believe that, literally, no one is free until everyone is free. that hamas truly is necessary for zionism as smotrich and bibi told us on tv, and that the threat to my safety from hamas and other groups that target civilians is real and will not be alleviated until justice is achieved. i think israelis need to make real sacrifices for that, not just in land or reparations, but certainly not of our lives. trying to convince people otherwise is a fool's errand and makes the people who are "fair game" embrace right wing zionism (this is an observable fact from the past two weeks).
for the same reason i don't understand liberals who seemingly considered stabbings, car rammings and rockets symbolic until now. how come previous targeting of israeli civilians didn't make you genocidal at the time? did the people who died not matter because they weren't you? and how does immediate genocide make more sense than a POW deal and removing right wing lunatics from politics and state security bodies. as barak mayer said, our feelings right now is what palestinians have felt since 1948 (or since the 1890s). how does policy by pure revanchism make sense right now or at any time. no one is making sense and no one cares to listen
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decadesfinds · 6 months
A realism tip and slight tangent for your 1890s-1950s sim homes!
When placing a sewing machine, pair it with a rocking chair.
Rocking chairs (usually without arms!) were used to help keep rhythm with the manual treadle pedal of the sewing machine, which required you to move it back and forth with your feet in order to keep the machine running smoothly. A rocker was the ultimate tool for this, because it also helped a tailor or wife to not hunch over, as you can't rock that way. It saved your back, and your shoulders, from aches and pains. Some people even used them when longform typing became more common and the angle of the fountain pen was no longer a going concern. (I own three Chinese fountain pens. They're actually quite nice to use, but you're fucked if you're on an angle.)
The reason this went away was electric sewing machines and the slow death of home economics and home skills like sewing your own clothing. Prosperity and mass production was nothing new - many eras throughout history often didn't bother making their own clothing, including Colonial America - as they were able to just go to the shop and buy something new after being fitted for it and commissioning a tailor. There were also off-the-shelf options. These came back after WW2 and all but wiped out the culture of home-sewing that had been cultivated between the turn of the century and the two wars. It was often that you could even get together with others you knew and collaborate on a piece, especially if skills overlapped, to make it quickly. Such occasions slowly became "sewing circles" and would spin off into other hobbies.
Sewing machine owners were almost always women or girls (as the past would define it. AFABs, basically.) The machines were even sized for smaller hands, which was a stereotype about women's bodies for a long time. Though men could sew, it was often seen as something only men who were "infirm" or "invalid" (injured or disabled) could do, as a way to pass the time when unable to leave the home or place of care. Hand-sewing was seen as manlier, as it was much easier to do in the middle of a logging camp or out herding sheep across the plains. (I personally picked it up due to being raised into a very, very conservative church that taught all the prepper essentials. I'm obviously no longer a part of that place and would burn it to the ground if I could, but hey, free life skills.)
With the can-do, make-do spirit that pervaded the first half of the 20th century, many women found themselves in charge of making their entire family's clothing, curtains, and household items such as linens, as a cost-saving measure or out of a specific need.
For an IRL example, my previous home that I lived in for 11 years had hand-sewn, hand-tailored curtains from the early 60s almost certainly done on an old treadle machine (if you sew, you can tell). They were beautiful, so we kept them... and also, well, free curtains for weird-shaped windows. Have you SEEN the price of a set of nice curtains? Holy crap.
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mommyashtoreth · 10 days
crowley's s1 design vs crowley's s2 design go
GREAT question I am so pumped for this bc if you know me you know I like character design and ESPECIALLY goth character design. His design changes a bit within both seasons but I'll say that the 2011-era design (yknow, with the half-bun and the silver chain and the tortoiseshell rims) is like, top tier Crowley design to me. It's also less corp goth than like, s2 Crowley and thus more easily replicable by Me Specifically and as. ahem. The Crowlet Of The Group that does a lot for me. But that doesn't mean I DON'T like the sleeker corp-gothy s2 look, I love the blazer and the shoes and how the scarf works with it all and I truly cannot complain about a season of television that delivers a 50something goth cuntress in a turtleneck and a black leather vest. One thing I'm not Crazy about in the s2 design is the hair, I like the color and think the lighter streaks especially are very fun but I don't Love the way it's styled. Like it's fine I don't hate it but it's just not as good as the half-bun very little ever will be. And in general I prefer the more "natural"-looking s1 color, I default to describing Crowley as "ginger" in most cases and even when I refer to his "red hair" (like when I say his stomach hair is red or his bush is red in any of my terrible terrible writing) I'm imagining a more orangey natural red. That's just personal preference tho! Either way I think he's got a great design, I've lauded it before, I really love how different textures and fabrics and finishes are used to not make the monotone black feel "boring" or samey or anything. Being goth is hard work! You don't want the blacks to blend into each other too much but you DEFINITELY don't want the blacks to clash too much either. It's a delicate balance and I think the show strikes it really well
Bonus lightning round of me ranking every historical Crowley costume I can think of off the top of my head, worst to best:
French Revolution bc it blows, the medieval Black Knight one bc it's kind of boring, Shakespeare bc who cares, Bilbo the Shite or whatever his name is I'm sorry but I'm not into it. the minisode is great but it's nowhere near one of his best looks, 1800s St James Park bc who cares, 1940s it doesn't do that much for me I'm sorry once again (I think it's the slickness of the hair again. I don't dig it), angelmode which certainly isn't hot per se but I still need to see bouncing and moaning on it, 1960s, 1970s, the Crucifixion bc I NEED a milf with a receding hairline or I'll die don't let me die, 1890s Edinburgh because Jesus God the cunt (it's the shape of the shoulders), and NANNY ASHTORETH!!! You thought I wouldn't count her would you. Well you thought wrong that's what we do around here baby
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imposterogers · 1 year
hello, I don't know how serious you were when you said "someone needs to psychoanalyse Harry Osbourn" but ask and ye shall recieve? I am running on 4h of sleep, and just write my penultimate final so, like, this isn't the most consise or detailed but it does answer every rhetorical(?) question you posed. I'm explaining all the psych stuff assuming you don't have any orientation to the bullshit I'm about to spew, and I'm adding in links wherever explaining this will take too long so.... this is going to be a little pretty long.
Now, ideally psychoanalysis would be done via multiple hour long session (like nearly 20+) where the client just talks about their past memories, childhood, how they feel right now and what they think. Occasionally we throw in a dream or two, to see what their unconscious desires are. Essentially it’s very talk based, and in person is obviously the best. Since Harry is (a) fictional, and (b) not giving me enough screen time in the movie to just use the words he says, I'm not treating Harry like a client. Instead I'm just taking what we know about him and applying psychodynamic theories to him and treat him like a case study.
Now, I'm not actually sure how serious you were about the Psychoanalysing
We’re beginning with two main theories, 1. Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development: where the exploration of sexuality, formation of gender, it’s influences on self and the desires of a person are formed. 2. Erickson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development: which tells us what social needs were met, what weren’t, and how that influences personality/behaviour.
Note: Because it’s Freud and the late 1890s, sex and gender are the same and only the binary exists. Thus, this theory doesn’t look at gender, sexuality and is VERY outdated. These explanations are only used for heteronormativity, and homosexuality is considered a perversion from norm (which I’ll go into)
#1: Infancy to Toddler-hood:
My guess, due to Norman being abusive, cold, distant and uses money/luxury gifts to show his affection (if any), shit hits the fan from Stage 1 of the Psychosocial Stages: Trust vs Mistrust (0-Toddler age). At this stage it’s super important for a child to be around their primary care givers. Not having a primary care giver (parent, grand parent, nanny — someone who’s there with the child forming a deeply intimate bond) leave children with a sense of mistrust in the world. It make’s them prone to insecurity, and give the child unhealthy patterns of attachment, generally making them very “hope-less” (as in they are more likely to feel hopeless, isolated and alone and not just like... pathetic).
Assuming Emily Osborn died like a year after Harry was born, it's been somewhat implied she died due to post-pregnancy complications, Harry didn't have his mom around during the v imp phase. Norman is said to have really loved her and there’s a chance that after her death, Norman blamed Harry and treated him terribly. Either way, this means Harry grew up without the necessary bond post age 1, which has fundamentally fucked him and his perception of the world. Pair with this the entitelement that comes with wealth, and it's just truly too much.
#2: Toddler-hood to Childhood:
Now I’m going to the phallic stage (ages 3-5, toddler to child). This is from the psychosexual development, Freud’s theory. (Note: not the same theory as mentioned in the previous point). The middle stages in both theories are somewhat irrelevant to explain why Harry’s so.. that, but I can elaborate if you need it??
During the phallic stage, the idea is that the (cis)male child struggles with the Oedipus complex. He develops an attraction for the parent of the opposite sex, but is threatened by the parent of the same sex and thus begins to imitate the same sex parent to win the opposite sex parents affection.
So the son is attracted to the mother, but is threatened by the father (this specific fear in men is called castration anxiety for boys). Thus they imitate their father and his behaviour, hoping to receive affection from women who are like his mom. This obviously can influence the way he treats women.
Freud says neither heterosexuality nor homosexuality are innate, they are instead how we resolve our phallic stage — heterosexual is normal way to resolve it, and homosexual is to deviate from the norm. Now homosexuality could be a fixation of this stage — not resolving the conflict with his father and being heterosexual, will make him gay.
But I think he’s bi, so Harry associates with his father the way Freud expects children to, thus making him attracted to women as per normal (and also, this is why he identitfes as male, and doesn't have gender confusion). But he has unresolved his issues with Norman and wants his fathers affection and love. Both his parents are equally unattainable to him, one is dead the other is distant. Thus, Harry has to deviate from the norm on an unconscious level, and wants his fathers approval which he will get via the same resolution. This just means he loves and seeks approval from both men and women, which just like... makes him bi???? (keep in mind, sexuality and gender spectrum is the biggest limitation to Freud's theory
#3: Childhood
I’m skipping to the inferiority vs industry stage (ages 6-11) in the psychosocial stages where the child learns to either be industrious — confident, social, ambitious; or feels inferior.
I think Harry became industrious, he was taught to be strong and be the ruthlessly aggressive bully, and was also doing that because it was what got him his dad’s approval. He unlearns it, but it is also his nature, in a more innate way.
This stage in the psychosocial theory, starts right where the phallic stage in psychosexual ends. So, I’m guessing that Harry resolves his sexuality crisis via Freud, but his social needs of love, belonging and care are still up in the air, which he resolves via Erickson’s. This appeases his base consciousness, he has two problems, they are solved. It doesn’t matter if it’s healthy or not, he is literally 10. He does what worked for him, and associates with his fathers way again making him the confident bully that we see him as.
So now we come to Peter... what’s up with that?
Peter is smart like his father. His need for his fathers love is thus projected here. There’s a sort of transference, his need for approval from dad is not only found in Peter, but like Peter actually genuinely loves him too. Emily, his mother, no idea what she’s like but let’s she loved him unconditionally, and he probably felt safe around her — Peter evokes those same feelings in Harry. Thus, his means of resolving his gender and sexuality crisis during the phallic stage is coming back to bite him in the ass, via Peter. He’s like the mix between what he needed socially, love and acceptance; with what he desires, approval from his father who is a smart man
Why does he treat MJ like that? Because that’s how Norman shows love and affection to a person. Norman just spoilt this boy with his riches, and didn’t show an ounce of love or affection, and thus Harry assumes spoiling MJ is how he can show that he loves her.
Why is he dating MJ, the girl his best friend loves. Remember that bit about attraction to the opposite sex parent, so you associating with the same sex to win affection? Well. He’s doing that… but wrong. He is associate himself with what the object of his affection (Peter) is attracted to (MJ), in hopes that he will become like said object of attraction (like MJ), thus winning over (because Peter will now want him). I am not claiming that Harry is normal, or ok. I’m just saying, this is how you can explain it.
Why take Peter out on these not-dates? Same logic as point 2, it’s how he shows affection.
Why does Harry ask Peter to go hit on MJ? Denial. The defence mechanism of denial specifically
I can go on, but I will stop. PS. Also, you’re right. Not only is Harry in love, he subconsciously desires Peter? Like on a carnal level.
harry osborn has been psychoanalyzed
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tiger-moran · 5 months
Still thinking about writing the sequel to my last fic but now I'm getting irate with ACD for all the canonical contradictions again
(How can Watson and the police not know who Moran is in The Empty House when they knew who he was in the late 1880s?
And if they did all know who Moran was in the 1890s then why did none of them seem to have any suspicion of him even when an acquaintance of his was 'mysteriously' shot dead? That would tend to suggest Moran was above suspicion because... he didn't actually do it?
And Watson never refers to the actual trial of Moran, he never states the actual motive for Adair's murder, Moran is specifically stated to be alive many years later. If Moran killed Adair he should be dead within weeks probably given the speed of trials then, and Watson should have some better idea what the motive for the murder was by the time he writes the story. But he still doesn't seem to know what the motive was and Moran is alive.
I mean... were we really, genuinely supposed to infer from this that there was a real possibility that Moran didn't do it? Because there seems to be more evidence that he didn't than that he actually did (also no witnesses and the physical evidence is all completely circumstantial or two badly mangled bullets which couldn't possibly have been compared properly due to the damage and also when forensics was in its infancy then, also no motive even suggested except some petty reason that doesn't sound at all like a reason someone like Moran would murder a man over. Some sort of lover's tiff between him and Adair or Adair being infatuated with Moran and Moran not being interested and having to take extreme measures to fend him off is still far more believable than 'Adair found out he was cheating and this threatened the income he got from cheating at cards' because, firstly how much money was he really going to be making from cheating at a few card games, he wasn't even seemingly playing for huge amounts anyway and secondly, Moran was rich, he had loads of money, what's he supposed to have done with that? The motive suggested is flimsy as hell. Also let's not forget that Adair had broken off his engagement not that long before he died too).
Were we supposed to suspect even that someone else might have organised the murder instead using one of their other contacts? Someone like Moriarty? I know a lot of stuff was just because ACD simply did not care but did he ever have it in mind that Moriarty had survived because it definitely feels like at the very least he was trying to keep his options open with him, the same as he probably was with never actually showing Holmes's death - everything is too vague, nothing is ever confirmed, a lot of details just do not make sense and Watson never sees anything that would confirm to him never mind to us the readers that Moriarty was dead, or that Moran was actually guilty of Adair's murder.
And whatever ACD thought, Watson has definitely lied to the readers somewhere - the same as with Moriarty, he cannot have both known about Moran and not known about Moran at the same time. So why has he lied, what is he hiding?
(He probably did know Moran even before Holmes knew anything about him - their army careers overlapped, they very likely came back to England at the same time maybe on the same ship. Watson, did you really fuck Moran in Afghanistan? Or on the ship. Is that what you're trying to hide?)
And then we get back to the 'why does Holmes specifically not want Moran charged with attempting to murder him even when the evidence of Moran's guilt of Adair's murder is so flimsy surely he'd want to throw everything possible at him?' thing. This also seems to tend to suggest maybe Holmes knew Moran wasn't actually trying to murder him then he was just making a point that he could do so? And what is up with the weirdly homoerotic antagonism between Holmes and Moran anyway?)
The relationships between these four characters - Holmes, Watson, Moriarty, Moran - are so much more complicated than it seems and there has to be a lot more going on there than Watson (or Holmes via Watson) ever lets on. I mean it's fascinating for the possibilities it raises but it is infuriating, all these plot holes and contradictions and just that... so little is ever actually shown to us. Also that so few people ever seem actually interested in exploring any of this, or what really went on between Moran and Adair either. So much gets taken at face value even when it actively contradicts something else but there is so much more to unpick there.)
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vacantgodling · 9 months
please feel free to share anything you'd like about hyacinthus - don't know much about him but I'm kinda obsessed with him
(also I'm sorry if things have been rough)
oh thank you for coming to my talk about my favorite terrible man talk :) he’s one of if not the most favorite oc i’ve ever made and the main character in my first book of the fall of galeré quad (or quintet? perhaps? the fifth book is still up in the air of whether or not i’ll make it exist) and my magnum opus paramour which you can read more about here -> teehee
so dis him
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prettiest man in the world 😌💅🏽 (i drew all of these btw lmao)
he’s the bastard son of a businessman who ends up getting married to an eldrich entity, cheats on said entity with his butler and learns how to Care About People which is something he did not know how to do LMAO
he’s an asshole. by like. a lot. he’s crass (esp bc paramour is set in a fantastical 1890s-1900s adjacent steampunk world), he’s rude, he’s vain, he doesn’t care about other people as far as he can throw him (and he can throw them pretty far), and he’s so fucking emotionally constipated. He’s SOOOOO emotionally constipated. much of his character and behavior has been influenced by the circumstances of his upbringing—first neglected by both his father and his servants and never allowed to leave the estate he was cooped up in for fear of bringing shame to the family name by merely existing (and suffering many abuses within), then under the thumb of his conniving elder sibling tagetes who’s like a secondary antagonist and subject of the fourth book in the quad empire. he doesn’t trust people because he’s always been used and shit on. so he treats others in kind and never lets anyone close.
this backfires somewhat when he meets his butler amon who’s got so many issues and one of them being INTO hya’s asshole attitude and they start a sexual relationship which is wild bc why talk about feelings when you can call me my lord and choke on my dick ya feel.
hya’s also gnc (he only uses he/him and he doesn’t identify as being feminine or womanly but he does love to and does wear dresses and fashion that we would consider feminine). this is bc in galeré there’s 3 gender categories basically. there’s male, female, and a third one that i have yet to name. but it’s basically for all those we’d consider trans/nb/gnc/cross dressers/the like. hya falls into this category as well as other characters like tagetes, erecia (who’s butch basically) and rumex, etc.
aside from shopping his favorite hobbies are being left alone and reading. he’s very good with money and math and can balance a budget like no one’s business. he doesn’t care for religion at all (only sparing slight interest for his younger half brother aloe who’s deeply religious) and is generally pessimistic. his favorite drink is coffee specifically a fantasy blend in his world called misted ivory geisha. he only wears white and gold clothing as personal preference but he looks good in all colors (his wedding dress was red actually) and speaking of — he didn’t know his mother but he looks EXACTLY like her. (i’m overly fond of his mother but she won’t appear in canon; only in aus and in the series set in this same universe, alizath lol)
oh he’s also a taurus sun with a leo rising (cuz i like astrology and shit lol). he doesn’t like celebrating his birthday so he never shares the date but it’s also because his birthday takes place in the middle of the largest religious festival in galeré and that’s even more annoying to deal with lmao.
why he’s my favorite is for a variety of reasons but it also has to do with the fact that i want to be him and i want to fuck him lmao he’s the best of both worlds :)
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dbmars · 9 months
Bram Stoker's HANNIBAL: Chapter 71
Chapter 71 is up! I was thinking since I'm going to try and make a more concerted effort to interact here just in case Twitter really bites it, this could be a cool opportunity to tell folks more about my work since I'm not limited by number of letters. And YOU KNOW I CAN'T WRITE ANYTHING SHORT ANYWAY omfg, tiny prompts end up being like 20k stories.
So here are some reference pictures I used for this chapter. Please let me know if this is interesting to folks or not, because I will skip it next time if like, nobody cares. Which is FINE! It's all good. I just do love my pictures and research.
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These are the two pieces of Alana's jewelry that Will gives to Abigail/Avigeya. Imagine that there is an A engraved on the heart pendant. I didn't have a specific cameo in mind until I decided to post one on Xwitter with the chapter update. I really like this one because the woman is feeding the eagle so tenderly, like love is able to tame this wild creature and its eating out of her palm. Obvi you see the connection.
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This is the necklace that Will gives to Margot, that Alana often wore to formal functions and parties. This is circa 1890 and is set with garnets. Note the tiny cross.
And this is how Margot looks at Will in the vanity mirror when he puts it on her. What kind of manipulative schemes is she hatching to try and make fucking lemonade after Alana's death?
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And here is Hannibal's new drawing room/parlor at Carfax:
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I am DYING looking at all this Art Nouveau decor for inspo. It's my absolute favorite design scheme.
And let's start the tradition of the SMUTTY SIGN-OFF:
“Strip,” he said. The command was cripplingly absolute and it ignited Will, filling him with liquid fire.  “Not going to help me?” Will teased, sliding his tie free.  “Clothes off, Will.”  Will leveled him with his gaze as he deliberately removed it all, taking his time, pausing once in a while to stretch or sigh, running his hand through his hair. He could feel count’s gaze on his skin like a biting winter wind or powerful, remorseless sunlight, something that could burn him. The silence was broken only by the occasional rustle of Will’s clothing or the clink of his belt buckle.  “Come here.”  It was Will’s body’s natural instinct, it seemed, to obey that voice that reached across the centuries to curl around him. 
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summers-pratt · 2 years
can we get spike being victorian headcannons or cannons? and giles being like "wow victorian much?" or whatever
Um yes you can oh my goodness Spike being a Victorian is one of my favorite things
-so Victorian Courting went about like this: first two people just started talking, conversating and such, then they would go on Walks, usually with a chaperone, then they would attend social functions together, they would spend time at each other's homes with their families, then they would become engaged. Spike ticks all these boxes with Buffy, specifically in season 5: they talk, a lot- it might just be her busting into his crypt for information, or him popping up to make a comment during patrol, but it counts to him. They go on walks- they patrol together (well, he shows up when she's on patrol and then he walks next to her while annoying her but again, he counts that), they look for Dawn together. They go to social events together, mostly at the bronze- I'm thinking the Fool For Love date interrogation during which they play pool, I'm thinking him dressing in drag in Crush, they both are at that spring break party in I Was Made to Love You (again, he thinks them just both being there counts, regardless of whether or not he showed up specifically to seek her out). He spends time with her family (Lover's Walk, Crush, in Checkpoint she leaves them with him to protect). So like, in his own vampirey way, he is courting her like the lovelorn Victorian he is.
-apparently the concept of love at first sight originated in the Victorian Era and while I don't think it was love at first sight (side note my phone autocorrected sight to fight lmao that might be more accurate tbh) I do think the notion is something William would've yearned for and dreamed about and wrote about
-also something that gained popularity in England in this era was "companionate marriage" which is pretty much marrying for love, rather than strategically for social and economic reasons. I feel like this is touched on in flashbacks but that's absolutely what William wanted, he wanted love, and a partnership, a companionship, in that love
-we know he stands up for her in The I in Team so (@disco-tea voice) what if he just Does that all the time, she enters a room, he stands up. At first she's like "what the fuck are you doing you freak" but eventually she gets used to it and it's just another Spike thing that she grows to love. (The scoobies still think he's a freak but that's nothing new)
-when Buffy uses his first name his brain shuts off (I am citing my sources)
-he opens doors for Buffy, which we see in Crush, but once they are Together he does it all the time without even thinking about it, it's just what he does, he and Buffy are walking through a door, Buffy's getting out of a car, he opens the door for her
-he is obsessed with Buffy's hair and part of that is Buffy and part of that is because Victorian women didn't leave their hair down in public unless they were children or prostitutes or maybe respected spinsters so seeing long hair flowing in the breeze is like "WEEWOOWEEWOO AOOOGA"
-this is kind of Victorian adjacent but he has no idea who the queen is. Last he checked it was Victoria and he hasn't cared since. Dawn asks him for a history assignment and he says Victoria and she's like "ok I know for a fact that that's not true" and he's like "??? Really? Huh. Well definitely one of her kids. Or grandkids. Probably."
-so nipple piercings were a big thing for like two years around 1890 and I don't think the whirlwind would've been in England still/again so I think he would've missed that trend. However. Dawn being the nerd she is learns about it and mercilessly teases Spike about it and insists he must've had them (because he is a freaky victorian vampire and nipple piercings just make Sense). Eventually he one ups her and actually gets his nipples pierced to Win. Dawn laughs for a solid ten minutes and Buffy doesn't know what to do with herself (she figures it out eventually :))
-he still writes like a victorian, all cursive and fancy, and half the time no one can read his writing bc yes it looks nice but no one uses cursive anymore and also he writes fast bc his brain also works fast so it comes out sloppy (Buffy also has this disease. Dawn is Suffering with her lovely and easy to decipher font-like handwriting.)
-also this comment
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For the giftless grandkids (minus Antonio) au-
Luisa works as a construction worker? (Or something that has to do with building things.)
Isabela is a botanist and/or owns a flower/paint shop. It’s up to you. 
Dolores could possibly be a librarian. It’s simple, quiet, and doesn’t require much work. Unless you think she would be fit for something else.
Mirabel is learning how to be an embellisher. (reference to your HC). 
Camilo is a theater kid, always will be. Probably learning how to be an actor and make costumes and such.  
Camilo used to drag Mira into helping him finish up detailing his costumes and outfits. Or just ask her about what she would put here or there and do it himself instead. After a while he bothered her less and figured things out himself but they still hang out. 
(And sorry if this doesn’t align with your perception of Camilo but I HC that he likes making clothes. Especially outfits for his family and costumes for his plays. Yes, he’s lazy. He will give up if a project it’s a bit much too much. But if buddy can chase kids around all day in canon I do think he can have energy to make clothes in an au)
I’m not entirely sure what to do for angst. Do you think Alma would still pressure Isa into being perfect/marrying mariano?
I’m assuming we’re dropping the royalty idea then? Because obviously none of them would be working in that case. And I’m going to assume we’re in the canon setting as well for this.
Completely agree!
Luisa would definitely work in construction. She’s a huge construction nerd in canon, so getting to do that right off the bat? Amazing! She probably still helps out a lot around town, especially without a gift, I can imagine she still is a bit of a workaholic.
Mirabel, once old enough, would definitely be hired by a local seamstress as an embellisher. She wouldn’t be getting any of the credit, but I think she would rather it that way. She wouldn’t want to be swarmed by people or anything. Probably unintentionally lets herself be treated unfairly by her boss subsequently.
The other three? Not so much. People forget that this is a small, rural town, that hasn’t modernised beyond the 1890s:
Flower shops weren’t a thing in such areas yet. (Flower shops originated in 1875 and only got popular in later years). There may be a small market stand or two for bouquets in Encanto, but that would be about it. Most people would just pick flowers or grow their own in their gardens. Besides Isa would rather work with more interesting plants than flowers anyways
Though libraries have been around for thousands of years, the chances of Encanto having one are very slim. There would just be bookshops. And it would be very different from what we know in the present day. Bookshops were fairly small and just ran by the owner, there wasn’t a need for more employees
Encanto probably has a small, local theatre (that is probably used for other things in the “off season”), but it wouldn’t be active so frequently. Jobs would be few and far between, as it would only be used every so often. Costume designers wouldn’t really a thing as there would be much budget for it. Costumes and props were just collected from people’s own belongings, things rarely would have been specifically made
If Isabela were to have a vaguely nature related job, she’d most likely work as a fieldworker on another family’s farm. That would be the best source of pay and most in demand job. If we don’t force her into a nature related job at all, I could see her being a dance teacher for children. (As dance was a lot more common practice back then). She wouldn’t overly enjoy it the same way Luisa and Mira would enjoy theirs because teaching children isn’t something I think Isa cares about, but dance is something within her skill set.
Considering how musical she is, it is fair to say that Dolores would definitely pursue a music related career. Either joining a local band/orchestra or being part of a choir or playing the church organ, etc. There would be a lot of option. I can imagine that she takes one of the aforementioned jobs, but secretly would rather be out and composing her own music than doing this. Not that she dislikes it per se, but she would want to make something herself.
Camilo would probably still be an actor, but definitely would need a second job to keep himself going. Looking at his skill set and interests, working with children is something he’d really enjoy. It’s already canon. He probably still does a lot of babysitting; people are always going to have children, so he’d always be needed. He is the Mary Poppins of Encanto, if you will.
In question to Abuela marrying them off? I think she still would - more children may equal more gifts. But I don’t think she’d be as set on making it happen right now. I’m sure she’d be convinced to wait a few years before trying to marry Isabela (and later the others) off. Antonio would be the only one she’d want to make a truly spectacular marriage.
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faorism · 1 year
the walk in the woods job out here doing the mostest with their translation of the bohemian grove (a real, very evil boys club of the worlds most powerful men that does in fact feature weird rituals and pissing everywhere). by moving it from california to ambiguous south near new orleans, it makes explicit some of the underlying tomfuckery of the grove by making possible the fictional counterpart's being hosted on a plantation.
as gestured to in the episode, the grove began 130 years ago by ~men of industry~ (ill get back to this). the bohemian grove specifically was founded in 1878. places its founding within reconstruction, an era post the us civil war's end in 1865. the war had created fundamental changes to the american landscape, from the emancipation of enslaved Black people to a nationwide trauma due to mass death. reconstruction is often described as a period of reconciliation between the northern states and the south, to draw together the nation's people, rebuild its infrastructure, and reestablish the union.
thing is, there was a reconciliation. but ultimately, it was to bridge together the power and resources of whites by way of the continued disfrancisement of Black people. it was a time of both reckoning and potential, given the shock attempted succession had on the political landscape but more impkrtantly given what the nation looks like post-slavery as long as you are not incarcerated. Black people held a fuck ton of govt seats at first, there was Black industry, there was Black migration, but also simultaneously wildly exploitative sharecropping schemes that were not slavery but also yeah kinda were and a ton of other genocidal shit. the forty acres and a mule promise never came through. Black folk were freed, but they were not equal and there would be no support to undo hundreds of years of violence, human trafficking, and genocide, nor would there be enough protections in place to secure Black prosperity for the future. it is absolutely no surprise that the first iteration of the KKK ran from 1868 to the early 1870s: their intention was to reestablish white supremacy through violence, voter suppression, and terrorism. while they were squashed as a formal organization, they signaled antiblack attitudes held by many white people for years to come.
as you might see in the Reconstruction wiki page (under the timing section), some place the end of Reconstruction to align with some govt seat change schenanigans called the compromise of 1977. there's a lot of nitpicky shit about it, but what i care about is that federal troops were withdrawn out of the south. i dont like this time point because i dont feel like it tells the full story. it leans onto the reconciliation between whites, because the withdrawl can be described as Back To Normal Operations! in terms of state control. but as the compromise wiki describes, Black politicians were upset about this because they felt the federal troops were protecting Black progress and safety. and they were right! vote suppression and intimidation went rampant, and the slow churn toward the establishment of Jim Crow Laws would be allowed to sneak in.
by extending the frame of Reconstruction to, as the wiki again suggests, something like 1890s when antiblack voter suppression was passed. a longer era focuses not on reconciliation on a top-down (read: white) level, but instead highlights the rise and eventual destruction of Black rights and capital. centering that as the true legacy of Reconstruction is vital to avoid white supremacist historicizing that distracts from the true concerted efforts to disenfranchise Black folk.
anyway what does this have to do with leverage and the grove, you might be asking.
as said, the irl grove was founded 1878, a year after the compromise act but firmly within the arc of a long Reconstruction era.
this is where the "men of industry" line said (i believe) in general frick's speech comes in, and how the move to a plantation heightens the optics in a hugely significant way.
bruh, they are a group of powerful men in white robes meeting on a plantation in the south. they allowed in some Black men now (diversity win! your cabal is now racially mixed!), but you know that when this shit started up, it was white dudes on white dudes on white dudes. the actual bohemian grove has rituals involving red robes, but the shock and discomfort of the fictional version was intentional, i feel, in order to associate it with the KKK. this to me is confirmed when frick said his family owned that plantation for generations. that, like all other sites that abducted and tortured enslaved people, was a concentration camp. the men of industry frick is talking about are at least partly human traffickers (aka, "slaveowners"). the leverage grove is one that is intricately tied to a moment of transition, Black dispossession, and violence. white men pissing every which way getting drunk on the lands that held hundreds of years of trauma.
it's important for me to say that around the late 19th and early 20th centuries, there were a fuckton of social clubs and lodges opening up across the country, including some hosted by people of color. maybe the irl grove did not have the same overtly racial tensions feeding into it as when placed in the heart of Reconstruction (even though, please please understand that it's not just a south thing; it was a white folk thing, regardless of political affiliation or location).
but! the legacy of bohemian grove? yeah, this is a fucking club that has had an impact. there was a meeting of the manhattan project at one of the grove meetings that led to the development of the atomic bomb. if all that ever came out from the grove was that, then that alone would be enough to make the whole shit rotten. but given the power behind the men of the grove (listed here), any reestablishment of a boys club (literal or figurative) is a backdoor dealings system to withhold influence, opportunities, and privilege from marginalized people by managing access to cultural capital and social resources.
it's what was done in Reconstruction, and its done through these secret (or "secret") society rituals, and it's done again and again and again, but those dealings are ones us normies will ever get a chance to see.
i just wish there was a leverage team for us irl ready to fuck shit up and defend some wildlife. (the irl bohemian grove protesters wete trying to protect redwood trees, owls, and some other bird instead of a frog, but still.)
but yeah. fuck fricks dudes and fuck the irl grove and i hope your ugly ass owl statue topples over one day during one of your cringe plays and yall all die drowning in your own piss!
[i might come back to this, clean it up, and throw it onto ao3 as a meta post because i do feel this is important for people to know and i legit spent two and a quarter hours on this.... anyway, i will link it here in this postscript should i do that. also i am not a historian so i absolutely got some shit wrong but whatever. dont cite me in a paper, basically]
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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Yukon Heritage Day
Yukon Heritage Day brings the history and culture of the smallest of Canada’s three territories to the forefront of public attention, on the Friday before the last Sunday in February. Schools and Yukon government offices close, while business owners have the option of giving employees time off. 
The day is designed to coincide with The Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous, a festival in Yukon’s capital, Whitehorse. The event specifically revolves around the Yukon Gold Rush period of the 1890’s, featuring a “Queen” contest, sled dog races, air shows, and snow sculpture contests. Sounds like a chilly but fun time!
History of Yukon Heritage Day
Back in 1975, the Canadian government enacted one of their Collective Agreements — complicated government edicts around union behaviors and other labor rules — which included making Yukon Heritage Day a territorial holiday during which public institutions would close. So of course, in February 1976, the holiday saw its first celebration. Other than time off work and school, the biggest deal about Yukon Heritage Day is that it most often coincides with the Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous.
The Sourdough Rendezvous is held in the capital, Whitehorse. Since the holiday falls in February and Yukon is just east of Alaska, it’s quite cold! But Yukon residents tough it out for the chance to be a part of the giant festival. In 2020, the Rendezvous saw its 55th convening. It’s sponsored by many major Canadian businesses, and grows in scope and attendance every year.
Even Yukoners that can’t make it to Whitehorse still get to enjoy a day off to think about their culture and history, one highlight of which is the Klondike Gold Rush of the late 19th century that saw approximately 100,000 gold prospectors descend on that region of Yukon. We don’t know if there’s still “gold in them thar hills,” but we can tell you that this is really a precious day.
Yukon Heritage Day timeline
Yukon Heritage Day sees its first observance across the territory.
Something for everyone
For the first time, the Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous takes place in Whitehorse.
Setting the stage
The city of Whitehorse is incorporated, paving the way for decades of festivities to come.
A flash in the pan?
Prospectors swarm to find gold in the Klondike hills, changing the face of Yukon by sheer force of numbers.
Yukon Heritage Day FAQs
Is it light day and night in Yukon, like in Alaska?
Perhaps not to that extreme. For example, on the summer solstice in Yukon, there are over nineteen hours where the sun is above the horizon — a long day! — and on the winter solstice only about five and a half.
How cold does it get in Whitehorse?
The hottest temperature recorded in Whitehorse was 96.1 degrees Fahrenheit on June 14, 1969. The record cold was 69 degrees below zero Fahrenheit on January 21, 1906.
Will the 2021 Rendezvous be affected by Covid-19?
We contacted the director of the event, and though the particulars won’t be exactly known until October 2020, at the time of this writing we are assured that the festival will be “Covid-friendly.”
5 Amazing Facts About The Klondike Gold Rush
Pulling their weight: In part because the Canadian government required every incoming prospector to bring a year’s worth of food to prevent starvation, the typical prospector’s equipment weighed close to a ton, which they had to move in phases.
Not a second to turn around: Some of the “boom towns” that saw thousands of gold-seekers come through had their populations increase by as much as 6,000 percent.
“Who are these tourists?” The native Hän people of the region, who either didn’t know or didn’t care about the gold ore in their nomadic lands, were treated badly and most were forced onto reservations.
“Eureka!” The earliest reported discovery of gold was on the banks of Rabbit Creek, a tributary of the Klondike River, by American prospector George Carmack and his brother-in-law Skookum Jim.
“Wait for me!” The gold rush created a “mass resignation” phenomenon. For example, the mayor of Seattle, a dozen of its police officers, and a significant number of streetcar drivers all picked up and headed north toward the gold.
Why We Love Yukon Heritage Day
It’s a source of territorial pride: Every Canadian province and territory is unique like American states are. On Yukon Heritage Day, residents and friends worldwide can feel a sense of pride in the things that set Yukon apart and make it a great place to live.
The Sourdough Rendezvous is a blast: In all our research, we didn’t come across one instance of a person or group attending the Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous having a bad time. There’s so much going on throughout the city of Whitehorse that week, it’s a literal case of “something for everyone.”
History is a fruitful topic of study: As the popular saying goes, “You don’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been.” It’s a facile way of saying that a deeper knowledge of a region’s history — the events, the people — can be beneficial in many ways, not to mention impressive!
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citrus--space · 3 months
Okay, something I just realized was that. Vivziepop could've avoided going to voodoo route & making his character black (even though the fandom thinks he isn't). By making Alastor have some form of connection to morticians. Because, from my current knowledge (I wanted to be one & fixated on Mortician work for 5-6 months & talked to an actual funeral director.) They used to sow the mouth & eyes of the fallen shut. Remove the organs, and fill their veins with chemicals. Granted if the vein one happened in 1920's, I doubt it. But then again, I don't know for sure. So, y'all know how in the movie Coraline, the Beldam makes the Coraline Doll & preforms ancient Mortician work on her in the beginning? I believe that Vivzie could've done something like that since if you look at Alastors Demon-deer form when talking to Husk / Fighting the loansharks in EP.5. It in some scenes kinda resembles the Beldam. Plus the Beldam worked with a doll. So it'd be plausible that Alastor could too in a similar matter. So here's my idea on the history of Alastor / His Backstory ;
Alastor, the son of two famous morticians in the 1890's Louisiana. Was a Mama's boy, his mother was always the more caring of his two parents. His father was always buried in his work of funeral directing. Al's father only really bonded with Alastor while they're embalming or preparing a casket. When Alastor was a kid he always LOVED to greet the kin of the fallen at the door. He always chatted with them & made them feel better, but his favourite part of his family's work was the act of prepping the dead to be downed. He enjoyed the smell of the decaying carcass & the feeling that got sent into him whilst sewing them shut. Just as his mother would sew shut a scratched arm on him. Along with the beautiful tune she would senranade him with as his eyes prickled as a young lad. His favourite song, “Your never fully dressed without a smile.”. And that song was the song he sang while embalming his mother. He knew that her death hit him hard. But he didn't know that her death would affect the decision of if he was going to Heaven, or Hell. But life moves on, and Alastor found his profession. In being a charming, hilarious, Radio Host. Quickly becoming a hit, a huge radio wave that brought others off balance. But the hunger from his childhood, the entertainment of controlling the dead by means of the normal dead prepping, plus a few extra details, like a deer symbol scribed in chalk on the lower back, sewing the mouth shut with a smile, and keeping the blood he exchanged from the body intern of Embalming fluid. He then use the dead skin of White tailed deer - specifically young bucks or yearlings. He started his deer-embalming escapade in the late 1920's around say 1928. He continued his current life as a Radio Host, but with the secret that he was a serial killer of course. And well Alastor made sure none of the people in his inner circle would betray him. He made sure of that by avoiding the advances of women by all cost.. Only being close with a select few. And his life was eventful, yet it was inevitable he would one day meet his fate. Which he did, on a late September evening. Being mistaken for a Buck by a hunter while skinning a yearling & injecting blood into its hide. Getting shot in the head & mauled by dogs. Only to wake up in Hell, next to an old radio station, grinning in delight..
That was the only article I used, and I used it to make sure that I didn't accidentally use Voodoo. If I did, I apologize . Because from my current knowledge, it's a closed practice. Actually, I lied I probably used other articles ( I can't remember them to be honest.) Also if I'm being honest I'm quite proud of that backstory I whipped up, especially since I made this at a highschool basketball game. When I started my HS Girls team just started, around 7:53, 1st qt & now it's the 4th qt. 1:31 & were losing 20 - 34 😭. Anyways enough of that, once again my only credentials for using the information about deer, & Mortician work is that 1) I'm currently fixated on deer (I have a collection of antlers :D ) 2) I'm A Midwesterner, ofc I know a lot of random shit Abt deer & 3) I used to be interested in Mortician work & being a mortician for a solid 5-6 months & spoke to a Funeral Director before.
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sablebay · 10 months
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i use disease and pregnancy overhaul mods currently in this save file. as we are at a part in the decades where good healthcare was not widely available, there is a general trigger warning for mature things like death, terminal illness, miscarriage, and other health related complications. specific posts will always be tagged with “tw: [trigger]” (such as tw: illness, tw: miscarriage, etc) if you want to follow along but avoid those mentions. if there is ever anything i do not tag but you would like me to, please feel free to let me know. take care of yourselves!
family tree (contains spoilers up to 1908) bailey family [ chrono ] [current decade: 1890s]
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