allmythologies · 7 months
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day 30 of horror mythology: soucouyant
soucouyant appear as a reclusive old woman by day. by night, she strips off her wrinkled skin and puts it in a mortar. in form of a fireball, she flies across the dark sky in search of a victim. the soucouyant can enter the home of her victim through any sized hole such as cracks and keyholes. soucouyants suck humans' blood from their arms, necks, legs and other soft regions while they sleep, leaving black and blue marks on the body in the morning. if the soucouyant draws too much blood, it is believed that the victim will either die and become a soucouyant or perish entirely, leaving her killer to assume her skin.
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gennsoup · 16 days
She tells me now that she doesn't understand that thing called memory. She doesn't understand its essence of dynamic, and why, especially, it never seems to abide by the rules of time or space or individual consciousness.
David Chariandy, Soucouyant
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briefbestiary · 1 year
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A burning being with some vampiric traits. As an additional note, if one manages to find her skin and rub it with salt or hot peppers, she can be killed as this will prevent her from reentering her skin.
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piononostalgia · 2 years
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Luise Kimme
« Soucouyant »
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thegenxorcist · 1 year
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The Soucouyant is a creature of Caribbean folklore that has been passed down through generations and remains an urban legend in many parts of the Caribbean. Originating in countries such as Dominica, St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, and Guadeloupe, the Soucouyant is described as a supernatural creature that takes the form of a vampire-like being with an insatiable thirst for human blood. In this blog post, we will explore the mysterious and fascinating Soucouyant and its connection to urban legend...
Soucouyant: The Vampire-Like Folklore of the Caribbean
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petewentzisblack1312 · 7 months
can you weebs start romanticizing caribbean creole culture please. thank you.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 4 months
Final thoughts...
I have decided that Nicki is a soucouyant. She carries all the traits of one and since she's from Trinidad and Tobogo originally, it all makes sense as to why she acts the way she does. Her die-hard fans are douens, and again, if you know about island folklore from that part of the world, it all comes together.
And that my friends, is my last words about that woman and her stans.
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devilsskettle · 8 months
I wanted to read about the soucouyant. I wanted to write about her, I still do. What do I want to write? Just a book, probably, another tooth for the UL’s mouth. Something that explores the meaning of the old woman whose only interaction with other people was consumption. The soucouyant who is not content with her self. She is a double danger — there is the danger of meeting her, and the danger of becoming her. Does the nightmare of her belong to everyone, or just to me?
White is for Witching, Helen Oyeyemi
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drsilverfish · 2 years
Dean’s Soul in the Bardo -   The Art of Dying 1x06 The Winchesters
Catching up British-time, so a bit late to the party as usual, and coming to it fresh, as I like to do, without jumping into the time-line first. 
Screeches a bit because I am overwhelmed.
This episode suggests that, on one level, we can read every character in The Winchesters as manifestations of Dean’s consciousness, as he hovers in the “bardo”, the liminal realm in Tibetan Buddhism, between death and reincarnation. 
Mary - the leader and hunter who wants to get out of hunting; John - filled with wounded rage, Daddy-issues and violence; Carlos - the fabulous bisexual who dares to get into therapy and to go after the men he wants; Lata - the abused child who manages to chose love over violence - ALL OF THESE ARE ASPECTS OF DEAN WINCHESTER’S being, his experience/ soul/ desires <sobs a little because it’s beautiful>. 
Now I’m back on my meta, I’ve previously mused on The Winchesters as a reparative narrative told by Holy Ghost Dean Winchester; a counter-point to the traumatic narrative of Supernatural.
1x06 The Art of Dying offers further illumination and elaboration on that concept, namely:
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The episode title, “The Art of Dying” is a George Harrison song, the right time-period for The Winchesters (1970), from his album All Things Must Pass. 
The Beatles, in keeping with the hippie counterculturalism of the time, were interested in Eastern spirituality, particularly Hinduism and Buddhism, and this Harrison song was inspired by his reading of Timothy Leary’s The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on The Tibetan Book of the Dead (1964). 
Harrison’s lyrics are about the religious philosophy of perfecting the soul through cycles of reincarnation:
“There'll come a time when all of us must leave here There's nothing Sister Mary can do, will keep me here with you As nothing in this life that I've been trying Can equal or surpass the Art of Dying....
There'll come a time when most of us return here Brought back by our desire to be a perfect entity Living through a million years of crying Until you realize the Art of Dying “
A theme which fits well with the Ouroboros (serpent swallowing it’s own tail as it ascends) narrative of latter-day Supernatural, which drew on Jung and esoteric alchemy to manifest the Winchesters’ journey as the journey of the soul towards God.  
The Tibetan Book of the Dead is the Bardo Thodol, which means “liberation through hearing in the intermediate state”. It is a 14thC esoteric text (or possibly older but that’s when the written text we have dates from).
John, Mary, Lata and Losy all struggle with pain, parent-induced and violence-induced and hunting-induced trauma, but they are able to communicate their feelings to one another in a way which is strikingly and remarkably different from the enormous struggles with emotional articulation which animated Supernatural, which we watched Dean suffer with throught his life. 
So we can read The Winchesters as Dean’s revelatory hallucinations in the liminal state between death and liberation (or rebirth) - his revelatory sexual and emotional healing soul-dreams (in which, and what could be more Freudian, he returns to the scene of his parents).
And look, Lata is teaching John, who surived being possessed by the vengeful spirit of abused-as-a-child and violently out-of-control Mac, how to meditate and achieve higher consciousness (with an image of a globe in the background):
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And isn’t it interesting that the rare type of vampire which Mac’s vengeful spirit first possesses is called a “soucouyant”, which means (incongrously, one would think) “carefree” in French. But not so incongruous if The Winchesters is about the journey of Dean’s soul to liberation, to bliss, to being “carefree”...
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nelsonsmynickname · 2 years
So I’ve been thinking a lot about The Winchesters and have some ideas that have sort of settled in my brain, mostly focused on thematic elements of importance. I have two of note I want to talk about:
1. Containers, vessels, or spaces used to trap, control, or destroy monsters
The monster box is the ONLY thing we know of that can kill the Akrida. It can also destroy other demons and was watched over by the loup-garou in its lair
La Tunda has a lair located in a commune, which is a controlled space from which people are discouraged from leaving. The essence of La Tunda is captured in a vial by the leader of the Akrida
Bori Baba has a bag which can trap victims. It serves as her home lair
Mars Neto is tied to an amphora that grants him his invulnerability. An amphora is a type of vase container, often used to store wine
Mac and the soucouyant are trapped in a cave-in
The mothership, of course, has the Malak box which can contain various forces. 
This theme of containers seems really crucial to our overall plot. Why so many containers? Who or what is trapped or needs to be trapped?
2. Illusions or mind manipulations
Bori Baba makes you destroy the item you seek in order to escape her. This is a type of mind manipulation or mind game forcing you to face your fears and let go of them
Mars Neto traps victims within an illusion of their own trauma background. 
The Akrida can use a mind control toxin that traps you inside your own mind. Similar to a djinn, it takes a dreamwalker to get victims out of the mind trap
The loup-garou is a type of shapeshifter, which while not an illusion has similar thematic concepts with the shifting of reality
Demon possession happens frequently, with John being possessed by Mac who feeds off of his anger and mental turmoil
Illusions and mind games or mental manipulations are frequent occurrences on the show. Perhaps something in the overall plot is tied to illusions or mind traps?
Now let’s get to episode 7, which is titled Reflections
When I think about reflections, the first thing that comes to mind are mirrors. Mirrors are present in a ton of lore and mythology. Narcissus saw himself in a mirror and fell in love with his reflection. Alice traveled through the looking glass into another world. In Supernatural, mirrors were used as a container for Bloody Mary. 
Some cultures and religions believe mirrors can trap a dying soul. A broken mirror can break a soul. Mirrors can serve as portals for ghosts. Essentially, mirrors have long been used both as traps and as pathways from one world to another. 
Mirrors can also be used to glimpse the future or other places in the world. 
Mirrors are associated with the truth. Frequently, glamours or other illusions can be shattered by mirrors. Mirrors can see into your soul, which is why vampires can’t be seen in mirrors. In Supernatural, mirrors let you see the truth of changelings, sirens, and wraiths, as well as shapeshifters. 
BUT mirrors are also associated with obscuring the truth. Mirror mazes and funhouse mirrors are sources of illusion, in which the truth is hidden. 
So what does all of this mean? I have no answers but I have suspicions that the long game of this prequel will involve some sort of monster container either being used or being broken open, and the breaking of an illusion. Perhaps the illusion of Heaven Dean is greeted with at the end of the show?
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
soucouyant anon: if you play vampire hunters twice you can get vamp blood in your mouth via spatter as you otherwise bleed out, twice, if you roll high enough (exceptional success in wod, nat 20 in d&d) also it's fun playing a vampire hunter who is also a vampire! anyway have a good day :)
Ha! But yeah if 'consuming blood' is the way to become a Vampire, then the Vampire Hunters better be wearing some proper safety gear.
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shirtlesssammy · 2 years
The Winchesters 1x06: Art of Dying
Elk Falls, Kansas
A woman runs through a dark forest. She is being pursued by something but no matter how many times she looks backwards, she doesn’t see it. She does trip though and hurts her ankle. She staggers into the nearest building. A barn with flickering lights. Littlebabyjesusidonothaveitinmewhatishappening
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Well, as women are wont to do on this show, she ends up on the ceiling with blood pouring all over the ground beneath her. 
“Hunting has a way of changing a person. After a while, right, wrong, good, evil, they all start to seem the same. And then it makes you start to wonder. Who’s really the monster here –them, or me?” 
Lata takes over the mantle of being the Dean mirror this week. She is meditating (seriously, she’s the Dean mirror this week), but is interrupted by John and Carlos fighting about what their next step is. John’s intensity is enough for both Lata and Carlos to suggest he seek help for his anger. Mary pops up and gets a call from an old friend/quasi-aunt. 
The gang hits the road to find Tracy Gellar, an old friend of Mary’s mom. She’s retired, so it was a shock that she found Darla, an old hunter buddy, in her barn. Apparently there’s a werewolf on the loose. 
They meet up with Tracy and inspect the body. John and Mary discuss getting out of the life. Carlos finds a claw! Lata doesn’t think they’re dealing with a werewolf after all. 
*Hunter Funeral Alert*
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After the funeral, the gang sits around trying to find more information on the claw. John ponders if maybe it’s another unicorn monster the Akrida summoned to Lawrence. Mary and Lata point out that even if that’s true and they’re able capture it and use it to lure the Akrida to them, they don’t know how to kill the Akrida. John gets testy. Lata has someone that can help so she and Carlos head out to meet him. On the road, Lata voices her fears that she’s not much of a hunter and she might be a liability for them. 
They get to their destination, which turns out to be a taxidermy shop (well, that’s just the front). Carlos is not impressed, until he sees Lata’s friend, Anton.
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Back at the house, Mary and Tracy talk. Mary fills her in on her father, her missing mother, their whole messy marriage. Tracy tells Mary that there’s always going to be a monster. She needs to start “looking out for number one.” Mary asks Tracy if she regrets leaving the life. Nope. 
Anton tries some small talk with Carlos, but our resident disaster bisexual is more of a disaster than usual. He’s all tongue-tied and flustered. And it’s all good because Anton figured out the claw! It’s a soucouyant! A vampire witch! Tracy is overwhelmed by the news. Her last hunt was a soucouyant. 
She and a group of other hunters killed off all but one, but then Mac, another hunter, and that last soucouyant died in a cave-in. Or so she thought. 
Just then the vampire ghost busts through the front door. 
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She has fire hands! John uses a fire extinguisher as his weapon of choice, and props, dude. He also takes after the monster before Mary can grab her machete, but she soon catches up to him whaling on the thing. It almost gets the upper hand on him before Mary chops off her arm. The monster darts off into the woods. 
Back at the clubhouse, Carlos stitches John back up while thinking of Anton the whole time. Tracy thinks that the soucouyant is picking off all her hunter buds and now is going after her. 
The stitches are barely tied off in John’s shoulder before he’s bouncing up and ready to kill. Mary needs to take things down a bit. They need to think. Lata thinks there’s some weird things going on with the situation. John bolts out of the room in full dick mode. 
Outside, John angrily hits a punching bag while Mary tries to get him to open up. She brings up the incident with Mars Neto. John brings up Darla’s cremation. He refuses to do the same for Mary, so that means he’s gotta work EXTRA hard and TWICE as emotionally to make sure she survives. Mary calls him on that pile of bull - Millie told her about his tendency to race headlong into danger. 
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Lata interrupts - she needs to show them their discovery. At the autopsy table, Lata shows Mary, Carlos, and Tracy the arm. She tells them that the arm was already dead. Like, MEGA dead. The soucouyant was possessed by a g-g-g-ghost! Tracy falls back at the words “vengeful spirit” and we dig to the heart of the matter. Tracy tells them that she and the rest of her now-dead hunting team killed their old partner Mac - and not accidentally.
Tracy fills in the gaps. Mac had a difficult childhood and became a hunter to try to deal with his pain. When hunting didn’t fill the gaps in his soul, he glommed onto dark magic. The pain didn’t go away, but he got more dangerous instead. The soucouyant hunt was the last straw. Mac was violent and paranoid, and the rest of the hunting team decided to take him out. When he went into the cave after the monster, they blew it in with C-4. Tracy insists that they didn’t have a choice. “Violence is always a choice,” Lata interjects. YAAAS. The Scooby gang starts to draw parallels between Mac and John, when Mary realizes something. John isn’t there! 
Cut to John, stalking into Tracy’s barn on his own. (Can’t stop hunting, full of rage.) The soucouyant, or rather, the haunted soucouyant, gets the jump on him. The ghost zips out of the monster and into John. The monster’s body conveniently dissolves into dust. 
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The team arrives a LITTLE bit too late. John stands ominously in the barn and when he turns around, ghosty mist swirls in his eyes. Mac uses his ghost mojo to slam shut the barn doors and chuck Carlos across the barn. He smirks at Tracy, hurls Mary out of his way, and then starts to choke Tracy against a barn post. Mary intervenes and they fight. Mary is desperate to avoid hurting John but the Mac-infected John isn’t holding back at all. 
“All I’ve ever known are clenched fists,” Mac muses as he starts to beat Mary down. “There is nothing you can do to me that I haven’t already survived.” Tracy moves in with her shotgun trained on John. Mary pleads for John’s life, but Tracy won’t back down. 
In the end, it’s Lata who makes the fateful move. She throws herself between the shotgun and John. “More violence isn’t the answer. Not when you’ve spent a lifetime with it. When it’s touched everything you ever had.” She confesses that her father was a soldier in the India-Pakistan war (presumably?) and when he came back, he was full of rage and violence - like the war “infected” him. She used to try to hide from him, but eventually she grew angry. She had a deep well of anger but one day she hurt someone. That’s when she chose peace. 
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Mac tells Lata that he chose his team, but they gave up on him and betrayed him. Tracy confesses that she was scared. She tells him that she’s sorry. “It’s not too late, Mac,” Lata tells him. “You can still break the cycle.” After a long moment, Mac releases Mary, and then ditches the weapon, and finally, ditches John. Mac leaves, and John collapses (alive but unconscious) onto the barn door. 
Afterward, they load up the still passed-out John in the back of the van. Tracy tells Mary that she’s going to take over Darla’s last werewolf case. It’s her kind of penance. Mary listens to this bleakly and wonders if the lesson is that there is no escape from hunting. “It’s not that you can’t escape the life, Cricket,” Tracy tells her. “You just can’t escape the decisions you make in that life.” Tracy still believes that Mary can leave hunting, and do it the right way (not soaked in regrets). 
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At the lab, Carlos sadly moves the soucouyant’s arm to the blast furnace. He’s obsessed with the last thing Anton touched in the lab! Lata’s amused, and Carlos turns her attention on its head. He tells her that he’s proud of what she did. She isn’t a hunter like Mary, John, or himself. She helped Mac instead and that’s (to put words in his mouth) extraordinary. (Me: YES! YES! That’s what I’ve been saying!!!!!! For fifteen seasons!)
Lata rewards that bit of touching attention by pulling out a little card for Carlos. It’s from Anton! OooOOOOoooo! He asks Carlos on a DATE! Carlos and Lata run off to go have a clothing makeover montage (sadly, off camera). 
John wakes up in the Clubhouse. Mary greets him with “Morning, sunshine” which caused a minor Tumblr explosion this week. John brings it back to the serious place. He tells her that he struggled with anger his whole life, and the Neto fight dredged it up in a way he wasn’t prepared to deal with. He’s been using hunting as an excuse - he doesn’t know how to stop it.
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Mary tells him that she wants to leave hunting but she won’t do it at John’s expense either. 
Later, John interrupts while Lata is meditating. He thanks her for her intervention and then asks her for help to discover how to live without anger and violence. She tells him that she started with mediation, trying to keep herself in positive mental loops. He asks her for help and she starts to walk him through meditation. I honestly do not know how this fits in with future!John. If the mysterious letter-bearer was from the future, trying to get John involved in the Akrida hunt by getting him involved in the “family business,” then how do these attempts at self-betterment affect future!John (and more importantly, his children)? If canon is…canon…then it’s either amnesia (boring) or a tangled tragedy of lies (interesting, but sad). Yes?
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Carlos and Mary burst in, interrupting meditation YET AGAIN. There’s no time for apologies! They haul out the map. They’ve got the Akrida pinned down! They found the radio tower.
Quotes Leads to Hate, and Hate Leads to Suffering:
Mellow out, amor
So I embellished for dramatic effect. Are we really gonna act surprised by that now?
She thought all of this was past and now it’s splattered all over her walls
I will not be the person to wrap you in a white cloth, put a knife in your hand, and send you off in a blaze of glory
Violence is always a choice
I’m sorry. Tall, dark, and angry can’t come to the phone right now
Hunting sure knows how to make a gal question her morals
Can a girl get ANY zen around here?
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gennsoup · 7 months
"No, child . . . That won't make me happy. Justice don't never make anyone happy. Is just justice."
David Chariandy, Soucouyant
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faithlore · 1 year
Why We Tell Stories
We tell stories to keep the spark alive. To feed an emptiness, answer a longing, or simply pass the time. To connect, learn and grow. Stories of lineage, tales of peculiar relatives, or that one neighbour rumoured to have been a lagahoo.
Those that came before us handed down their superstitions, dialects, traditions, and old wives’ tales. They were forced to work as slaves and indentured labourers yet brought the countries, they'd left behind into the ones they now occupied, through their way of life.
All my life I stifled my inner voice, and in doing so, shut out the voices of ancestors. Of my highest, most creative self. But I no longer wish to hide. I want to write and learn and grow as a storyteller.
I hope you’ll have the heart to stop by in this little portal of prose when you get the time. I hope my words resonate with some part of you.
Long time, when current gone in the night, we would huddle around candlelight or a pitch oil lamp and parents, grandparents, or some adult or older cousin would tell scary stories to pass the time while the rain pelted onto galvanise like pesky little jumbies.
They spoke of unbaptized children, or douen, who would steal a child's name spoken after dark and lure them off into the woods never again to be found. And la diablesse, the devil woman who seduced men off their paths home and to their deaths off ravines and cliffs.
Or the soucouyant, otherwise called Ole Higue, who shed her mortal skin, turned into a ball of fire and fed off the blood of sleeping locals.
It is believed that supernatural creatures thrive away from the city, in the countryside, in places where there is little light or commotion. But just because you have not witnessed a thing, does not necessarily mean it has not observed you.
The night and the dark have always allured me. I’m easily frightened, and a little superstitious sometimes, yet I find myself drawn to the occult and mythology and the things that go bump in the night. Will it prevent me from having a good night’s sleep? Very likely. I can’t help it, though.
If not for my curiosity and attraction to mystical and dark things, though, we’d not be here on Faithlore. Trinbago's folk tales, coupled with my love of lore and written storytelling is why I decided to start blogging.
What you can expect from Faithlore: spooky tales and the ramblings of a socially anxious weirdo. If you’re into that, hunker down and tune in for more.
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sunsymbols-arc · 11 months
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"The Tiktik, Ahp, Manananggal, Penanggal and Soucouyant are . . . basicaaaally the same thing. I mean, they're all from different places, but you stop them all the same way."
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myth-lord · 2 years
A Bao A Qu Aatxe - Khalkotauroi Abaia Abere Abuhuku Adaro - Zitiron Adze Afanc Agrippa Agropelter Ahuizotl - Ugjuknarpak Airavata Ajaju Ajatar Akaname Akashita Akheilos - Isonade Akhlut (Amarok) Alp-Luachra Amhuluk Amikuk Ammut Amphisbaena - Ouroboros Anggitay Aniwye Aproxis Apshait Asanbosam Asdeev Aswang (Manananggal) Awd Goggie
Banaspati - Soucouyant Banshee - Limos - Pesta - Nemain Barghest (Cadejo) - Cu Sith - Cwn Annwn - Osschaert (Pesanta) Bauk (Nalusa Falaya) - Gaueko Baykok Berberoka Berserker - Einherjar Binaye Ahani Boitata Boobrie - Hverafugl Bruch Bubak (Tatty Boggle) Buckrider Buggane Bukavac Bulgasari Bunyip - Dingonek Burach Bhadi Burrunjor - Kasai Rex Butatsch Byakko
Cactus Cat Cacus - Belacko Caladrius - Zhenniao - Alicanto Caleuche Camulatz Carbuncle - Arkan Sonney - Cagrino Caspilly Catoblepas Cherufe Chipfalamfula Chochin-Obake - Aoandon Chon-Chon Chupacabra - Nadubi Cipactli Cockatrice - Basilisk - Codrille - Aitvaras (Pukis) Cuca Cuero - Rumptifusel Curuara - Inulpamahuida Cyclops - Papinijuwari - Tartalo
Dijiang - Hundun Dire Boar (Erymanthian Boar) - Bonguru - Babi Ngepet - Ao-Ao - Cuchivilu Djieien Djinn Doppelganger - Fetch - Frittening Dorotabo - Landvaettir - Ahi At-Trab (Seitaad) - Tsenagahi (Planctae) Drop Bear Dryad - Radande - Batibat - Askafroa - Yanagi-Baba - Mandremonte Dullahan - Ankou
Ebajalg - Hala Echeneis Egregore - Ewah Eintykara Enenra Erote
Fachen Fad Felen Fafnir - Pixiu Fomorian Fossegrim (Nokken) - Encantado (Boto) Fulad-Zereh
Gaasyendietha Gardinel Garei Gargoyle Garmr - Orthrus - Cerberus Gegenees Girtablilu Globster Gloson Goblin - Nuno (Trenti) - Kobold - Grindylow - Curupira - Ijiraq - Spriggan - Pukwudgie - Eloko (Chaneque) - Likho - Dactyl - Bilwis - Bugbear Gold-Digging Ant Golem - Invunche - Wulgaru - Celedon - Terra-Cotta Griffon - Sak - Hieracosphinx Grootslang Gulon - Rompo - Taotie
Haietlik Hantu Bulan Harpy - Siren - Erinyes (Fury) - Alkonost - Lechuza Heikegani Hinnagami - Jenglot Hinqumemen (Engulfer) - Umibozu Hrimpursar Hyakume Hydra - Orochi - Ladon - Nyuvwira
Ichneumon Ikuchi (Ayakashi) Imp - Incubus - Scarbo - Bushyasta - Skrzak - Galtzagorriak Intulo Ipetam Issitoq - Aghash - Aten Itqiirpak Ittan-Momen
Jba Fofi - Tsuchigumo - Aasivak Jinmenju - Wak-Wak - Zaqqum - Lunantishee Jinshin Mushi Jorogumo Jubokko Juggernaut
Kamaitachi Kameosa Kampe Kappa - Suiko Karkadann Karkinos - Saratan Kelpie (Each Uisge) - Each Tened - Helhest - Apaosha - Ceffyl Dwr - Skinfaxi Kerit Keukegen - Otoroshi Kholkikos Kikimora Kirin (Qilin) Kitsune - Kumiho Kongamato - Ropen Kurage-No-Hinotama
Lakuma - Charybdis Lamia - Echidna - Gorgon Lavellan Leprechaun - Gancanagh - Clurichaun - Far Darrig - Amadan Dubh - Domovoi Leshy - Bies - Anhanga (Waldgeist) Leucrotta Libelula Diablu Longgui Lou Carcolh Lusca - Iku-Turso - Migas (Tree Octopus) - Kraken - Rogo-Tumu-Here
Makalala (Tuyango) - Colorobetch Makhai Mandarangkal - Empusa Mandragora (Tiyanak) - Davalpa Manticore - Sphinx - Piasa - Lammasu Mapinguari Marool Minotaur - Erchitu - Sarangay Miraj Mishibizhiw Mngwa Morgawr - Mamlambo - Mokele-Mbembe Moskitto (Xan) Muhuru - Mbielu-Mbielu Muirdris Musca Macedda - Druj Nasu Muscaliet Muse - Leanan Sidhe Myrmecoleon
Nakshatra Meenu Namazu Nekomata (Cat Sith) - Kasha (Ovinnik) Nereid - Rusalka Ngoubou - Odontotyrannus Nidhogg Nocnitsa (Mara) Nosoi Nuckelavee Nue Nurikabe
Olgoi-Khorkhoi (Death Worm) Olitiau - Popobawa - Camazotz - Guiafairo Omukade - Ek-Chapat - Con Rit - Kugdlughiak Oread - Lampad Otso
Pard Penchapechi Peuchen - Haemorrhois - Seps Piskie (Sprite) - Ishigaq - Phooka (Puck) - Attercroppe - Tooth Fairy Polong Poltergeist - Dybbuk - Isogashi Poludnica (Lady Midday) Psoglav
Qalupalik Qinyuan Qiuniu
Rahara Raiju Ramidreju Rat King Rawhead (Bloody Bones) - Stuhac Redcap - Ly Erg Roc (Ziz) - Minokawa - Thunderbird (Impundulu) - Phoenix (Rarog) - Psonen - Tsenahale - Nachtkrapp - Naujakuksualuk Rock Bolter Roperite
Salamander Salawa (Sha) Satyr (Faun) - Shurale (Mahaha) Sazae-Oni Scarab - Khepri Scorpios - Sandwalker Scylla Sermilik Shadhawar Shen Shinchu Sianach - Delgeth Sigbin Skinwalker - Rougarou - Selkie - Bouda (Kishi) Skolex Sluagh - Hidarugami Spartoi - Gashadokuro - Tupilaq - Mekurabe - Ahkiyyini Stella Stray Sod - Hungry Grass Succarath
Tarasque Tesso Tiddalik Tlanusi Troll - Kayeri - Kapre - Porotai - Aigamuxa - Yehwe Zogbanu - Shellycoat Trolual - Raudkembingur - Bakekujira
Valkyrie Valravn Veela (Sylph) Velue (Peluda) Vish Kanya Vodyanoi - Bagiennik - Arzhavennik - Bolotnik - Cmuch
Wanyudo - Ophanim Water Leaper Wendigo Will o Wisp (Luz Mala) Wyvern (Vouivre) - Cuelebre - Tizheruk - Scitalis - Knucker - Suileach - Caorthannach
Xhumpedzkin (Ix-Hunpedzkin) Xiao - Ahool Xing Tian
Ya-Te-Veo Yale Yara-Ma-Yha-Who Yowie - Yeti - Fear Liath - Hidebehind Yuki-Onna
Ziphius Zirnitra Zlatorog Zmey - Azi Dahaka Zombie - Draugr - Mummy - Topielec - Corpo-Seco - Gaki - Aerico
Cat Sith / Pyrausta / Impundulu / Ninki Nanka / Khodumodumo / Minhocao / Marabbecca / Metminwi / Qupqugiaq / Myling / Moroi / Bloody Bones / Rokurokubi / Ifrit / Ghul / Ghawwas / Tiyanak / Mara / Acheri / Tikbalang / Baku / Calopus / Mahaha / Trollgadda / Tetragnathon / Vatnsandi / Ungaikyo / Naglfar / Oniate / Petsuchos / Sessho-Seki / Waldgeist / Tienlong / Tiamat / Asag / Hongaek / Ga-Gorib / Dalaketnon / Dobhar-Chu / Gbahali / Zheng / Antaeus / Maenad / Green Knight / Tulpa / Hiiden Hirvi /
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