#sorry you bought into the 'just this once everybody lives' of it all so hard that you forgot about the hard choices and fears underneath.
essektheylyss · 1 year
I love observing fandoms from afar exhibiting the same shipping brain rot that pissed me off two years ago. Big "how many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?!" energy.
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I wrote a Jack & Crutchie story for @loiteringandlurking re: his post about Jack who is an amputee.
In the circulation yard, Crutchie watches the new kid with the knotted-up shirt sleeve, watches how he holds the top of his bag open with his stump and then shoves the papes in one-handed. Crutchie knows that dance; he's got two good arms himself, but one of 'em's always occupied. It ain't as easy as it looks.
Kid says his name is Jack. He's straight from a factory job -- by way of the charity hospital on Hudson Street -- and can't hawk a headline for shit, but he can tie a bootlace real tight, a hard-won skill he's clearly proud of. First, he does up the dangling lace on Crutchie's bad foot. Then he tackles the other side for good measure. Double knots on both scuffed boots. And Crutchie lets him. For once, he don't care who sees him getting help because it makes the guy so happy.
Crutchie lets Jack follow him around, too. Teaches him the ropes. Why not?
August in the crowded dormitory bedroom, hot and airless. Most of the boys have stripped to their undershirts, including Jack, sprawled out on his bottom bunk. Crutchie glances quickly away from the place where his right forearm abruptly ends, the scar still red and angry, and looks down at the sketch slowly developing. A nighttime scene in a desolate place, a wolf howling next to twin pine trees, mountains in the background, a crescent moon riding overhead. Jack scratches his pencil along the wolf's back. His neck flushes with frustration. He still ain't used to drawing with his left hand.
"Looks real good," Crutchie says quietly.
Jack spits out the rubber eraser he's been holding in his teeth. It lands on his pillow and Crutchie waits for him to say something mean. But he only uses the eraser to rub at some of the smudges. "Not every day you gets to see talent like this up close, huh?"
Someone sends word that Jack's old man is doing poorly, so he stops by with a carton of cigarettes he bought. The place is a tenement on Mulberry, prostitutes coming and going. Jack insists that Crutchie wait on the stoop to protect their pile of newly bought evening Worlds. He's back in less than ten minutes, looking slightly out of breath.
"If he lives so close, how come you don't stay with him?"
"Well, I used to," Jack says, though that don't answer the question at all.
"He hit ya?"
"Nah, never." Jack seems to realize he's walking too fast and slows his pace. "Sorry. I think maybe ... I think seein' me makes him feel bad. So I just don't go by there too much."
Crutchie knows exactly what Jack means, and it makes him mad. He stops in the middle of the street to call the headline to an old woman in a kerchief. Jack waits, lighting a cigarette one-handed, while Crutchie juggles his crutch to make change. "You's still a kid," he says. "Your pops should be helpin' you out. If he ain't gonna do that, the least he could do is be proud of how good you is doin'."
"He don't need to be proud. I's just livin my life," Jack says. "Not everybody's gonna understand." He slings his good arm around Crutchie's shoulders. "But I got you."
Ladies like Crutchie. They always have. They want to help him; they buy his papes and sometimes they gives him food and things. But it's girls that like Jack Kelly -- girls their same age.
And Jack seems to like them back, too. He'll pick someone out special to pass the time with, take her to the music halls -- he can sell a hundred twenty papes on a good day and always burns through his money -- draw pictures for her, tell her all about the Wild West. When the boys at Duane Street tease him, Jack tells them to shut up: this is the one.
Somehow, none of them girls ever is. But when it ends, Jack don't seem too heartbroken. Nothing bothers Jack, nothing Crutchie has ever seen.
Maybe he is the wolf in the picture. Maybe he is the moon.
Seems awfully lonesome.
When Jack talks about New Mexico, Crutchie can't help but worry. He's been working to support himself ever since he was eight, but he's only ever done the kind of jobs people think a cripple can do. Who says anybody would hire guys like them them for farm labor?
Jack hooks his right arm over the top rung of the fire escape ladder and reaches his hand down to take the crutch. He says, "We'll just hafta show 'em, pal. We can find a way to do most anything we wants to. Can't we?" And he pulls Crutchie up behind him.
They stand together on top of the world. No mountains, no majestic pines. Just them and the buildings that crowd all around them, the landscape of the city where he was born. Life ain't fair; he's always knowed that. But in this moment, Crutchie thinks what Jack says might be true.
Because he ain't never felt sorry for Jack, not for a minute. Why would he? Maybe there is folks out there who won't feel sorry for him neither, who will see him for all that he is.
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auroragehenna · 8 months
AI-less Whumptober
Day 4 Hiding an injury, Betrayal, Lying
TW/CW: Recapture, betrayal, bad caretaker, sadistic caretaker, intimate whumper, sadistic whumper, angst! Words: 853 words
The seasonal bouquet filled with early spring colours instantly caught Whumpee’s eyes. Caretaker will love this they thought. She bought it and got it wrapped pretty before returning home. For a spring day it was still surprisingly cold, so Whumpee wrapped their fluffy scarf tightly around them. That also had the advantage that nobody could really see her face. That calmed down the anxiety that Whumper would find them. And as soon as they were back in the apartment they share with Caretaker they would cook up a nice meal. Whumpee stepped into the tram and drove all the way to the last stop. Once there it was only a short walk. In the tram they had seen an advertisement for a new movie coming to the cinemas soon. Caretaker would probably like it, they should tell her about it. When they unlocked the door something felt weird. Caretaker didn’t as usual call out to them when the sound of the lock rose up. “Caretaker!”, Whumpee called out to them as they slipped out of their boots and gathered them in their left hand, opening the door with their right one. “Is everything okay?!”, they called out again.
This time Caretaker answered and Whumpee’s muscles relaxed at the sound. “Yes, everything’s okay! Sorry just tired, come in!”
“Alright,”, Whumpee said now in a normal volume and closed the door behind themselves. The boots got dropped off on the shoe carpet and they entered the living room area. Caretaker was sitting on the couch but looked way too tense.
“Tough day at work?”, Whumpee asked, hiding the bouquet behind their back.
“Yeah, something like that.”, Caretaker replied.
Then another sound came from the kitchen next to them both and Whumpee’s blood froze in their veins: “Hello, Whumpee.”
That voice. That horrific voice. The voice they never wanted to hear again, they hoped so much, they promised themselves. They kept their eyes locked onto Caretaker’s, hoping for them to tell her that it was just a hallucination. But then the shape of a person entered their peripheral vision and Whumpee’s heart sank.
“It’s been so long.”
“No-no-no-no.” Whumpee’s hands cramped around the bottom of the bouquet. “How did you find me, you-you weren’t supposed to find me. I-Caretaker and me-we made sure you wouldn’t find us!”
“Caretaker? Oh honey Caretaker’s the only reason I found you.”
“No…”, Whumpee gasped. Their eyes finding Caretaker’s, hoping for some sign of a lie. But finding only coolness and apathy. Worse even, amusement. The bouquet slid out of their fingers and onto the floor. “Why…Why…?”
“Oh Whumpee it’s nothing personal, Whumper offered me good money. But then again, maybe it is. How could I just watch whumper’s hard work go down the drain? And even in the short time I spent with you, I got convinced that you break beautifully. I just had to see it for myself, and…everybody deserves a little fun. Am I right?”
Whumpee felt bile rising in their throat. Caretaker was using their own words against them. They sold her out. They-they enjoyed it.
“Oh dearest you look a little green, come here.”, Whumper said and quickly closed the distance to Whumpee, capturing them in an embrace. That’s when they saw the bouquet on the floor, a sadistic smile tugging at their lips. “Oh, Caretaker, I think Whumpee had something for you.”, they say, grab the bouquet and go to give it to Caretaker.
A mocking grin breaks through the cool cruelty on Caretaker’s face. “Aww, were those for me, Whumpee? They’re beautiful, thank you so much.”
Whumpee just wanted to cry. “Please…”
“Please what Whumpee?”, Whumper asked, “If you’re going to ask for mercy you might as well save your breath.”
“Please just…get me out of here.”
Whumper’s brows raised but they hugged Whumpee and guided their head against their shoulder. “Of course Whumpee, we just have to pack some stuff for you and then we can leave.”
So they did and Whumpee even got to take some of their comfort items, even though deep down they knew they would only be used against them. When they were done Whumper led them through the hallways of the apartment that used to be their home. Or so they thought. As they passed by the living room she couldn’t even look at Caretaker. The feeling of betrayal still burning in their throat.
“Are you not going to say goodbye to Caretaker whumpee?”, Whumper asked.
In response Whumpee just buried their head in Whumper’s jacket. Whumper grinned, guess that means no. They looked over to Caretaker in faux apologeticness. “We will be on our way then.”
“Oh by all means don’t let me hold you, have fun.”, Caretaker replied, holding up their hand in a lazy gesture.
Whumpee followed Whumper down the stairs and outside the building to their car. Right before they got into the car they saw it. The first crocus they’ve seen this year, the first dot of hope in the grey. And they see it right now, with their trust broken and their freedom slipping away once again.
Taglist: @yourlocalgaefae33, @princessofhe11
lemme know if you wanna be added
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mygloviesme · 8 months
cool about it, eleven years later. || myg
no. 1 of 3: not strong enough to be your man
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predebut/debut!yoongi x female idol
summary: eleven years later, kanako lives in nyc with her childhood best friend keiko. bts have become a household name that floods her every day life, and she's learned to ignore it. after years of moving on from those months she spent with the seven boys, she finds herself in a good place. what happens after one fateful night she finally runs into faces she's tried so hard to run away from?
(definitely inspired by boygenius)
word count: 4.5k
genre: ANGST, fluff, melodrama,
chapter warnings: mentions of mental health, drinking, smoking
inspo song: cool about it by boygenius
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JULY 9TH, 2023, 12:12PM
Bright. Everything is way too bright. I groan and flip over my side, unable to ignore the throbbing in my head. I feel Keiko shove my side, “Koko, wake up. It’s noon.” She says. I lift my head to peak above the white comforter, squinting as I see her sitting on the edge of the bed. 
“I got way too fucked up last night.” I muffle under the sheets. 
“Yeah I think you’re getting too old for that.”
I definitely cannot handle my liquor the same way I could in my twenties. Ages twenty to twenty four was filled with sprite vodkas. And as I got older, just smelling alcohol made me hunch over and gag. But last night was different. I had been taking advantage of the connections I still have from being an idol so many years ago, getting invited to various up-scale parties and soirees. Some are fancy, some are trashy. Most of them being held by washed up celebrities that wanted everybody and anybody to come rager with them. 
But lately K-pop has been on the rise so my name get’s brought up every once in a while. They ignore the controversy that’s stapled to my name, instead calling me an ‘icon’ and ‘so ahead of your time.’ It would be more flattering if my past hadn’t been so chaotic. 
“I brought you a breakfast sandwich.” She says and tosses me the paper-wrapped food item. The smell of egg radiates off of it though, which in turn makes me jump from the bed and to the bathroom. I collapse onto the floor and grip the toilet, gross I know but I’m too old to be embarrassed anymore, my throat pushing out chunky acid. 
“Oh honey.” Keiko comforts me as she holds my hair up. I spit up the remaining vomit that sat in my mouth and lean myself on the bathroom wall, holding my knees. “Jesus.” I breathe. 
“Didn’t mean to trigger that.” She apologizes. 
“It’s okay, I’m actually starving but I don’t think I can consume anything.”
She brings over a glass of water from the counter, “Maybe you should try this.” She says sarcastically. I roll my eyes as I take the cup, downing the whole thing. My throat is scratchy and painful but I use that as another reason to finish it. 
She sighs and flushes the toilet for me, plopping the lid down and taking a seat on it. She messes with her fingers, obviously holding something back. She’s usually a very chatty person no matter the circumstances. So the fact that she hasn’t made a joke or a comment about this current situation makes me sure she has something to say. 
“What is it?” I mumble.
She perks her head up, pretending to be confused. I know her too well. “What do you mean?”
“Keiko. Spit it out. Or I’ll do it for you, on your feet.” I threaten playfully. I’m not very nervous to hear what she has to say, knowing it can’t be all that bad. It’s probably work, or maybe even “weird Charlie” the guy that texts her once in a while to hook up. I let out a soft ‘ugh’ and make a grossed-out expression, “Did you hook up with Charlie? Keiko, I told-”
“They released a book. Today. And they talk about you. Jungk- uh- he does.”
No fucking way. 
“You’re kidding.”
“No. I bought it. Sorry. It was a good thirty-something dollars though, and they actually go in depth about their trainee-”
I nudge her leg with my hand aggressively, “Show me! Now!” I shout. 
“Jeez, okay! Hold on.” She pulls out her phone and swipes through it for a couple minutes. She winces as she clicks on something, “Okay, just don’t freak out.” 
I shake my hand so she could hand me her phone, which she does.
 “I highlighted the-”
I read it reluctantly. 
Jungkook: I met Kanako back in 2012. She was very sweet and a bit reserved, but we grew to be very close friends. We all hung out with her constantly during that hard time. She was there for us and we were there for her. It was a very beneficial dynamic with nothing in-between. I know she wanted to continue her education and we all respected that. I do miss her at times, and I hope she’s doing well. 
“Nothing in between…” I whisper as I bring my hand down to the floor. It would be a lie to say I never thought about them. Or Yoongi. That would be the biggest lie I’ve ever told. But it’s been so, so long. In a way, I’ve moved on. 
What made it all harder was their faces plastered on so many billboards and posters and Youtube ads and- 
You get it. Once that began in 2017, it was brought back to the surface. All the calls I ignored, all the times they did concerts here and I stayed in bed all day knowing I could buy a ticket the same day. Never reaching out. Mourning the life that never was, then feeling the shame that I couldn’t let go. In my darkest hours I still wish I was there. But I would never admit that, maybe not even to my therapist. It’s all so juvenile. 
And they’re different now. Much different than when I knew them. I saw Jungkook’s tattoos just a while ago and couldn’t recognize him. He’s not a boy anymore. Not the one I knew, not physically. And Yoongi…
“I know honey. It’s awful.” 
“I guess the NDA expired four years ago, but since they never said anything I just thought it wouldn’t come up. I hoped it wouldn’t. Did anyone else say anything?” I ask, knowing she knew who exactly I was talking about. 
She shakes her head, “He didn’t.”
I press my back into the wall and exhale, “This cannot be happening right now.”
Keiko stands and seats herself next to me, placing a hand on mine. She knows how I get, we’ve lived together for so long. I don’t think anyone has known me better than her besides my mom. And you know who. 
“I know, Koko. But think about it, they probably just wanted to say something once and for all. Nothing attached.”
I look at her with a guilty face, “Is it bad if I wish there was? Something attached, I mean.”
She hums, “Maybe not. But it doesn’t change anything. Let’s leave the past alone, yeah?”
I hang my head low and nod. She knows what I want but especially what I need. It was an ongoing thing for the first few years I lived with her. Constant panic attacks and days where I wouldn’t move from my bed. The day they released their first album and I replayed their performances over and over again. When I thought they took out ‘Just One Day’, just for it to be released later. That day was horrible. 
I don’t think I can admit how many times I played that song. If it were now, it would be my number one played song in my spotify wrapped. 
Don’t even get me started when they released ‘Butterfly.’ Let’s just say that song is forever banned in our house, along with the rest of them. Any mention of those three letters and I need to be dragged out and tranquilized. 
That’s why I like to mind my own. Go to work, ignore the billboards. Scroll on my phone, ignore their instagrams. Turn on the TV, ignore their performances. 
When I heard about Jin enlisting and Hoseok joining later on, I wanted to call them. To ask how they were. It’s been too long. I’ve never mustered the courage the past eleven years and now it just feels pointless. 
But I still have their number. I still have them all memorized in my head and written down on old sticky notes that collect dust in my closet. 
“We still have that thing to go to tonight.”
“Somi’s birthday party?”
JULY 9TH, 2023, 8:00PM
I finish my makeup off with a shiny lip gloss, my staple for four years now. I don’t like change necessarily, and smelling the familiar fruity scent brings comfort. Or trauma, thinking of all the nights I would smear it on my lips after vomiting for ten minutes straight in a random club bathroom. 
Me and alcohol have a complicated relationship. Some would say it was teetering over alcoholism, I would call it a phase. It was my twenties, what can I say?
“You look amazing.” Keiko says as she walks through the bathroom door. She lifts up her skirt to take a quick pee, “No underwear again?” I laugh as I watch her roll her eyes. 
“This is the first night in a while I’m not being chained to the corporate desk. Let’s just say I hope I get lucky.” She says and finishes up. I shake my head playfully and scoot over the bathroom counter so she can wash her hands. I analyze my outfit once more, shimmying my top up so I can get a little more coverage. Everything about my body has changed since eighteen, obviously. 
I keep an anti-chafe stick in my purse if that tells you anything. That second-puberty in your twenties does exist, unfortunately. 
Keiko pouts as she turns around to look at her butt, “I thought this skirt would make me look perkier.” 
I tilt my head to her butt and back to the mirror, “I think it does.” I say in my humble opinion. Keiko is a sight for sore eyes, she always has been. She would be one of those people that you consider to age like fine wine. And she has been experimenting with lip filler, but hey. If you have the money, why not?
I pucker my lips and look down to my phone, flashing a notification indicating our Uber has arrived. “Our ride is here, let’s go.” I urge her. I grab my purse and toss my lip gloss inside, rushing to the door. She huffs, “You’re acting like I was the one spending an hour doing my makeup.” 
I glare at her as I open the door, “Not every twenty-nine year old still has that youthful glow you do. Ms. Just Some Concealer and Gel Brows.” I tease. We speed-walk down the hall and I can feel her irritated energy, “You were an idol in South Korea. I don’t wanna hear it!” She exclaims. 
I giggle to myself and we hurry down the stairs of our semi-nice apartment complex. It definitely beats the one we first lived in, but New York is an expensive place to live in. Even with Keiko’s old money background. She’s tried to let go of their help with monthly payments, as we’re nearly thirty and it’s a little embarrassing now. This place will drain your pockets like it’s no one’s business so…she still asks for money now and then. 
We take the elevator down to the parking garage, seeing the Uber we soon jump into. Tonight calls for a drink or two, especially with the news I got earlier. So no driving for the both of us. 
Maybe I’ll even meet someone new. Or two. You never know, right?
JULY 9TH, 2023, 9:02PM
With the busy NYC traffic, we make it an hour later than expected. The birthday party is being held in a private club in Soho, so I know me and Keiko are in for a treat. I have less anxiety being around other celebrities and social climbers, most of them not knowing who I am anyway. But lately I’ve been getting noticed a lot more lately, even some paparazzi stop to take my photo at times. 
Small articles pop up here and there with my name in it, and I can’t even imagine what they’ll look like tomorrow morning. The three-lettered boy group I used to know being a household name at this point. I have mixed feelings about it, but mostly happiness. Thinking of how stressed they were about their success, only to make it to Western audiences. Even getting a grammy nomination. I was tuned in, not going to lie. 
They should’ve gotten it, but anyway. 
I don’t think I wanna think about them tonight, so Keiko and I head to the bar as soon as we get in. The lights are pretty low, making it hard to see faces that clearly. I feel a hand on my arm, turning around to see the one and only Somi. 
“You guys made it!” She shouts over the loud music. She takes us both in a big hug, giggling and yelping. She’s definitely had a few drinks. 
“Yes, of course.” I smile at her. She gestures to the bartender, “Shots! Let’s get fucked up!” She screams. I see Keiko flinch slightly, giving me a nervous grin in response to the young girl's enthusiasm. I only laugh playfully as the bartender places three small cups in front of us, filled to the brim with what I assume to be vodka. 
Somi doesn’t wait a second to grab her glass, waiting for us to follow. Me and Keiko do so reluctantly but excited nonetheless. “One, two, now!” Somi giggles and we all drink down the burning liquid. 
Keiko slams her glass down and makes a sour face, Somi expressionless. It must be her age. I think it's barely legal for her to drink in the US. 
I put my glass on the table and Somi kisses both Keiko and I on the cheek, “Kay, I’m gonna go dance and stuff. Have fun, there’s loads of people here! And by the way, I think some special guests are gonna arrive. So keep an eye out!” She squeals and runs away before I can ask exactly who. 
Keiko chuckles, “I think she’s talking about Mark and stuff.”
“From NCT?” I furrow my brows. I can’t keep up.
Keiko nods, “I’ve been texting her and she tells me they’ve been talking.” 
I jolt my head back in shock, “That’s kind of risky.”
Keiko shrugs as she hands me my drink, this time a mixed cocktail. “Idols are crazy nowadays.”
It makes me think about him. I think idols have always taken risks. I did. 
I sigh and turn to the crowd of people chatting and dancing. There’s some familiar faces, but when are there not? This time it’s more relevant celebrities, ‘it’ girls as the tabloids call them. A part of me misses being that young, but I think I appreciate my age more now. I know more, I react maturely. I’m doing great for the most part. Although I’ve been aching for some action with any guy for a while now. Emphasis on any guy. It calls for some shaming from Keiko, but I’ll leave that for after the damage is done. 
Keiko is handed her own drink and nods to the dance floor, “C’mon, let’s have fun.” She gives me a smile and I go along happily. We walk towards the mass, seeing all kinds of bodies rocking against each other. The deeper you get in with celebrities, the more erotic and messy it seems to get. Don’t ask the stories I’ve heard. 
Keiko grabs me closer and we sway with each other to the music. The bass is deafening and I only hope chugging my drink makes it more bearable. It’s salty and sweet and blazing, amplifying the feeling of this hot club. There’s something about being in a crowded group. We all have the same mission, the same motive. We’re all dancing in clothes that cost as much as our overpriced rent, spilling drops of liquor and bodily fluid on the material without a care. 
It’s a nasty headspace, but it’s so addicting to get caught in. Especially when it’s just me and Keiko, not needing a man but only each other. I was the one who introduced her to nightlife and she was very hesitant at first. She wasn’t used to the lights or the drinks but just like me, once she got into a groove, the right drink, the right people, we didn’t stop. Every Saturday till 4am we’d be out. And that was for a few years straight. 
Once you vomit mid-way into every night out, it becomes more of a relief. Because that means you can just keep going. Bad habit or not, it was so fucking fun. 
But now we’re nearly thirty. We pace ourselves like responsible adults. Most of the time. 
“Do you want another drink?” I ask as I see we’ve drunk both of ours in a matter of fifteen minutes on this dance floor. Keiko grins mischievously, “You know me so well Koko.” She shouts in my ear. I laugh and grab the glass in her hand, rethinking leaving her here. 
“Uh, actually come with me. Don’t want some grimy guy to come up to you.”
She nods in agreement and we both snake ourselves out of the flock of sweaty bodies. The bar glows in front of us with isles of liquor, waiting to be sipped on. Keiko turns to me as we wait for the bartender to finish up with someone else’s drink, “I saw a guy I liked.”
I raise my brows, “Is that so? Who?”
She peaks over my shoulder, “I mean I can’t really see what he looks like because of how fucking dark it is, but it’s that one over there.” She points slightly. 
I try to slyly look to who she’s referencing, seeing a man with a loose short-sleeved button up and an arm filled with tattoos. His head is leaned over as he’s talking to another man and I give Keiko a look. 
“What?” She throws her hands in the air. 
“I mean his body is nice but I didn’t think you were wanting a-”
“Shh, he’s coming over here! Wait-” She covers her mouth in shock. 
I widen my eyes from her alarming expression, “What is it?”
“Kanako don’t fucking look. DON’T LOOK.” She insists. I grow frustrated from her demands and keep my head down, per her ask. I feel an approaching presence, a voice speaking.
 “Gin, neat.” It says. A man. 
I lean over to Keiko who’s attempting to hide her face. “Is it the guy? Why can’t I look?” I do a whisper/yell type thing as I talk. 
She winces, “Just wait for him to leave.”
The female bartender walks over to us, waiting for our drink order. I notice Keiko’s silence and the impatient bartender, lifting my head once and for all to speak. Keiko shakes her head vigorously with her eyes closed like she can’t bear to watch. I don’t understand why she’s so afraid. And quite frankly, it’s getting annoying. 
“Two vodka cranberries.” I say. 
There’s a beat of quietness. 
“Kanako?” The man next to me says. I turn my head unexpecting a big reveal, but to my surprise, it is. A big one. One that I don’t want. He’s so different. His hair is long, his body is taller and so much bigger than I remember. It’s him, it’s him. Fuck, it’s him. Eleven years later. 
My jaw drops as I make eye contact with him. “Jungkook.” 
He’s as appalled as I am, saying nothing for what feels like hours. His eyes scan my body, my face, my eyes. “You- I haven’t- what…are you doing here?” He chokes out. 
I stutter, “W-We- I’m with my friend. Keiko. We know…Somi.” I respond, the information feeling so irrelevant as it rolls off my tongue. There’s so many things I want to say, and yet nothing comes to mind. What should I do? Apologize? Talk to him like an old friend? Look at Keiko for help?
Jungkook moves his shoulder to reveal the man next to him, Namjoon. 
This can’t get any worse. 
“I’ll leave you to it. Call me if you…need me.” Keiko leans into my ear to say. I try to nod but my body refuses to move. I don’t necessarily need her here, but It makes me feel stranded. I can’t say anything. All I can think about is eleven years ago. Their faces were so different. The way they carried themselves was so different. They’re global artists now, but when I look at Jungkook I still see that young glimmer he used to have. Even Namjoon, whose shoulders are broader than they were, somehow morphs into the smaller boy I knew then. 
“L-Let’s go outside. It’s quieter.” Jungkook requests. 
JULY 9TH, 2023, 10:06PM
We stand outside the club doors awkwardly. Jungkook grabs a carton of cigarettes and pulls one out, lighting it as it sits between his teeth. That’s new. He holds the white stick in his fingers and takes a long inhale, exhaling into the summer air. 
Namjoon is staring off into the road. Quiet. They’re both quiet. 
“How’ve you guys been?” I whisper. Everything I want to say sounds so stupid in the big scheme of things. I feel so small again. So insecure again. Old Kanako.
“You know.” He says, referencing their current status. It sounds kind of dick-ish, but I shrug it off. I don’t blame him for being mad. Although it’s been so long. 
I keep getting a phantom buzz in my back pocket. When I first moved here, I’d get calls from Jungkook every morning and every night. Ignored, ignored, ignored. He stopped after a few months, but the feeling still haunts me. Witnessing my phone light up and expecting to see his name was a thing for me. A thing I’d go over in therapy. 
I always said I’d pick up one day, but when that day came, he stopped calling. 
“I’m sorry.” I say in the midst of the quietude. Stating the unspoken obvious. 
“Don’t be sorry.” Jungkook responds, flicking the ash off his cigarette. Passive.
“I still am.” I mumble. 
Namjoon turns over to me, still hiding behind Jungkook in a way. His arm leans onto the brick wall, “We’ve been wondering about you.”
I chuckle, “Yeah, I read your book.” 
Jungkook takes a hit off his cigarette, “I didn’t really say that. It was the ghostwriter.” Aggressive.
“Oh. Right.” I whisper. 
“Jungkook.” Namjoon mutters to the apathetic boy. 
Jungkook shrugs, “Sorry. I’m over it now.” Doesn’t feel like it. 
“What he means to say,” Namjoon gives him a look, “Is that we’ve moved on. And grown. Don’t feel bad. We now know how hard it was for you.” He tries to reassure. But I know it’d take Jungkook a while to say the same. I try not to take it personally, but all I can think about is how he’d cling to me at night. How he used to sip on his banana milk and console me with kind words. I shouldn’t expect that in the least. But it hurts either way.
“I understand, it’s okay. It’s complicated, right?” I say. 
“Right.” Namjoon smiles. His dimples, I remember those. 
“Yoongi’s doing fine, if that’s what you were wondering.” Jungkook says under his breath.
I shut my eyes, sighing. I try to level with him, “I wonder about all of you. But thanks.” I accidentally match his passive tone.
The tattooed boy tosses his cigarette on the ground, smushing it under his shoe. 
“Then why didn't you reach out?” He spits. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth. One that trickles down to my throat and almost triggers a chunky reaction. 
“JK, not now-” Namjoon starts but Jungkook has a motive. 
“No, Namjoon.” Jungkook whips his head towards me, “I’m still hurt. Yes, after all these years. Seeing you Kanako,” He bites his lip anxiously. “I wish you had fucking picked up. Just once.”
My lip quivers seeing him in this state. Small, like me. There’s tears pricking his eyes. 
“I couldn’t.”
“Why not? Tell me!”
“It would’ve made it all harder!”
He steps inches closer to me, his lip ring shining under the street lights. He’s so foreign to me, but his eyes stay familiar. An unwanted nostalgia floods my heart and crushes it under his gaze. 
“You don’t even know.” He whispers. 
I plead with him, “Then tell me.”
Jungkook clenches his jaw, “Fuck it. Fuck everything. Fuck you.”
He storms back into the club, shoulder-checking me in the process. I stand idle, in shock. In pain. He would’ve never said that to me. Not in a million years. Am I that horrible of a person? 
Namjoon walks over to me quickly, caressing my shoulder. 
“I’m so sorry, he’s just-”
“Hurt. I know. I know.” I say in disbelief. 
His hand stands on my arm, looking at me intently. But I can’t look at him, it’s all so hard now. Everything is coming back to me. Locked up in those dorms, Jeju, the first time I’ve ever been to a club. How quickly it ended. How quick it was for me that I left. I know I shouldn’t be mad at Jungkook, or any of them. But I feel like the teenager I was back then when Namjoon comforts me. It reminds me of those times when they’d be there for me. 
How hard it was for me to accept care from Keiko because all I wanted was them. It wasn’t the same. The smells weren’t the same. The lingering bickering was my background music. I adjusted to it so well just to leave. I can’t think about this anymore. 
I hear a ringing and Namjoon removes his hand to reach into his jacket pocket, stuttering a ‘I-I just need a second, hold on’ before walking a few steps ahead to answer the call. All I hear is a faint voice on the phone and a hasty Namjoon. 
“Yeah I know. He’s upset. I’ll talk to you about it later. Me? I’m outside. N-No don’t come, it’s not a good time. I know, but just a second. Hold on, don’t-”
The metal doors of the club open once more, a woman in a two-piece set strutting out with someone close behind. As if this night couldn’t get any worse. Reminding me of the broken pieces I had to put back into place. It’s all shattering again. 
I purse my lips in a thin line and turn my back as soon as I see him. Long haired, bomber-jacket, black jeans, him. I hope he doesn’t see me. Namjoon rushes over to me in an attempt to hide my body. 
“S-Sorry. Busy. In the middle of something.” The tall man blurts out. 
It failed though, because he knows. My silhouette, my hair. 
Like instinct. Nothing’s changed. 
“Kanako.” The oh-so familiar man breathes.
Keiko has been calling me Koko for so long that hearing my full name from him, his mouth, causes a chain reaction of goosebumps all over me. The alcohol that was seeping into my conscience has disappeared as my heart beats a thousand times a minute. 
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click here to read more of this story!
an: as this story comes to a close soon I’d love to answer any questions you have wondered about this story! or me! or anything at all! just go to my ask box and ask away! or don’t! that’s ok too! love you all! thanks for reading
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bellysoupset · 1 year
ooh for jonah as a caretaker, could you write him taking care of a very feverish leo, but in front of the team, and they all get to see his soft and fuzzy side for once? he tries to hide it but leo really is very sick and being very adorable, and keeping a straight face is hard when your giant bf is stuck to you like a koala
"Don't you have anything normal to eat?" Vince asked loudly, head shoved inside of Jonah's fridge, "like- What even is this?" he held up a jar of orange... puree? Ice cream?
"It's a carrot cloud and tangerine puree- Please put it back, it can't be exposed to ai-" Jonah started to scold him, only for Leo to let out a groan and move next to him, promptly shutting him up, "are you okay?"
Leo grimaced, resting his head on Jon's shoulder, "not feeling too hot, no."
Immediately alarm spiked through him and Jonah turned to get a good look of his boyfriend's face. Leo had been over the roof with happiness so far, competitiveness brimming out of him as he kicked Wendy's ass in monopoly and charades.
He hadn't even lost, so Jonah could place the sudden shift of his mood in being a sore loser. Instead his blue eyes were suddenly overly shiny and his face had dipped into fish-belly white, instead of its healthy shade.
"Are you nauseous?" Jonah lowered his voice, as if somehow that would stop Wendy and Lucas, who were sitting right across from them, from listening, "was it the wine? I told you to not chug port-"
"No," Leo frowned, rubbing at his temple, "not nauseous, I just think I have fever, can you check?"
Jonah cupped his face, scoffing when he met overly warm skin, "yeah, you're definitely feverish, baby."
"I meant with a thermometer, Jon. I could've told you that," Leo scoffed and Jon heard Wendy snicker from behind him.
"Okay, everybody get the fuck out of my house," Jonah got up from the couch, chugging the rest of his whiskey and already moving towards where they kept the first aid kit, "out, go aw-"
"No," Leo frowned, "no, Jonah, don't be ridiculous, we're having fun."
"Not anymore we're not-"
"Stop," Leo glared at him sternly and, much to the other three's surprise, Jonah deflated from his righteousness.
"But you're sick..."
"Leo's sick?" Vince frowned, being the only one who hadn't heard their whispers from the kitchen.
"I'm sure it's just the start of a cold and I'm having fun," Leo scoffed, "stay, don't listen to him."
"Are you sure?" Wendy frowned, "it's getting pretty late anyway-"
"Great, now I feel like I ruined the night," Leo grumbled and now they were all hostages. They couldn't possibly leave without making him feel worse.
"Alright, one more round of charades and then we'll go," Vince decided for them, returning to couch with a packet of biscuits, "Leo? You want some?"
"Who gave you my biscuits?" Jonah scoffed as he walked back to the living room, thermometer in hand, "Leo bought those just for me."
"You're a horrible host," Vince rolled his eyes, ignoring his complaints and continuing to eat.
"Maybe you're a horrible guest," Jon shrugged, then softened as he turned to Leo, "under the tongue," he held out the thermometer, "I got you some water, I don't think it's wise for you to take meds right now, since you were drinking."
"Uhm," was Leo's elaborate response, sprawling on the couch so he could rest his cheek on Jon's thigh. Jonah's muscle memory answered before he did, as he slid down on the couch to make it more comfortable and started to pet Leo's hair.
"What?" he snapped, noticing the other three staring at him, "aren't you gonna play your dumb game?"
"Jon," Leo groaned and he sighed.
"Sorry," he mumbled, not really to the others, but to Leo, "go ahead, start the game."
Wendy didn't bother hiding her amused smile as she threw the dice and then fished out a card from the pile of cards, making sure none of the others could see what she had drawn.
Leo moved slightly, holding out the thermometer, "what does it say?" he asked, holding it up. Jon's thermometer was in Celsius, since it was one of the things he had brought with him from europe.
"It says you're sick," Jonah scoffed, glaring at the 38,2º staring back at him, "how the hell did you get a fever this high out of nowhere? You seemed to be feeling alright before..."
"Uhm, alcohol helped," Leo blushed and Jonah squinted at him.
"You mean you lied."
"I mean I felt good enough to not realize the symptoms were bad," Leo moved in his lap so he could look at him in that unimpressed manner, "I didn't lie."
"Symptoms?" Jonah squinted at him, ignoring as he noticed Vince leaning in to whisper with Lucas, both of them with idiotic smiles on, "now it's plural?"
"Fever and what else?" Jon wasn't about to risk it, he started prodding Leo all over, just to have his boyfriend sigh and curl up further against him, hiding his face against his stomach.
"Just a sore throat."
"And that just hit you too?"
"Be nice to me," Leo pinched his side, voice muffled by Jonah's shirt, "stop scolding."
"I'm not scolding," Jonah grumbled, moving even more down on the couch and deciding there was no way he could keep facing the coffee table. Instead he changed positions, so he too could stretch his legs on the couch and Leo opened a pleased smile, promptly draping himself over him, "not sick, uh?"
Leo let out a huff, face pressed to his chest and Jonah rolled his eyes, planting his lips on top of his hair, letting his hand go up and down his boyfriend's back. He wished he had caught this on early enough to get some medicine in him, instead of the four glasses of port wine currently swirling in his bloodstream, that certainly weren't helping with the fever one bit.
"Jon," Wendy whispered in his ear, snapping him out of it. He realized Lucas had folded the charades board and put away the cards back in backpack, Vince too had all the glasses in his hands and was tiptoeing back to the kitchen.
"We're leaving," she continued to whisper in his ear, "text me if you need anything or want me to cover tomorrow. Love you," she pressed a kiss on his cheek and Jonah blushed, but didn't say anything else, not wanting to risk Leo opening his eyes and realizing all their friends were leaving quietly.
He felt, instead of hearing, as Vince messed up his hair on the way out and Lucas squeezed his shoulder, then the front door creaking and closing with a soft click.
Jonah sighed, relaxing back against the pillow and Leo let out a small noise, squeezing him a little tighter.
"Is it my turn to guess?" he asked, voice slurred by sleep, still thinking they were playing.
"Not yet," Jon lied, continuing to pet his hair, "I'll wake you up when it's your turn."
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crystalclear97 · 2 months
Yesterday it was the first anniversary of this moment.
I got tickets to see my favorite band live for the first time ever, wrote "grow up" on a jean jacket, travelled from Spain to Ireland with my boyfriend, bought a cardboard and a black sharpie, made a sign at the hotel room and finished it at the queue where we arrived around 8 am and finally I got chosen for Misery Business, hugged Hayley and got her to sign the jacket I made for the ocassion. I also got a photo with Brian RJ (before the show) and Louise from Bloc Party (after the show).
I've talk about this so many times: I've literally dreamt about this a lot of times, I'll always regret not taking a selfie with Hayley when I was up there, I feel kinda sad because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I've already wasted it (also I dissociated a lot) but I feel so happy, blessed and grafeful for it... I also remember holding my sign earlier at the show and overhearing some people behind me being annoyed about it so I started crying because I felt so bad lol then when the show ended everybody was congratulating me, I felt so good but overwhelmed, and I also started feeling guilty, I felt I didn't deserve it because I wasn't even irish, so I cried more. Then I continued crying non-stop for the rest of the trip whenever I remembered the moment, but happy/emotional tears. Oh I also cried at the moment we got at our spot in the arena and I remember a girl hugging me. I cried so much during Last Hope. Everybody was super nice. I even met a girl from my city lol so I cried a lot because of very different emotions haha
This changed my life honestly. I still have no words, and I can't belive a year has already passed. So many emotions come to me while writing this... Paramore has accompanied me in my life in many ways, their music and lyrics mean so much to me. I feel understood and inspired. The only thing I could say to Hayley was "thank you" and I hope she could saw in my eyes how grateful I was and all the things I was feeling inside, how much she means to me. I hope she really saw me all night crying, singing and dancing, because I need her to know how I felt.
Sometimes I wonder if she remembers me, I hope so lol but I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't. I just need more, I crave to do it again. I need a European Paramore tour pleaseeee I'm not going to any Taylor show sorry the tickets were super hard to get and I don't listen to her music at all I couldn't afford buying that only for Paramore. I hope they come again...
Anyways, I made this video with parts of other videos different people took. I don't remember anymore who they were, sorry, only the part which looks more like my pov was filmed by my boyfriend.
I have to go to bed and get some sleep. Thank you Paramore, thank you SO MUCH Hayley for seeing me in that massive crowd, thank you Dublin for being so nice to me. Thank you ❤️
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gonna be self indulgent a little, tee-hee
i wanna bring back floriography!! someone learn flower language with me! even if i didn’t include much- oops sorry-
wow this has been in my drafts for a good while haha, i hope its alright and not too cringe. just a little cringe? lol
🌻 yandere florist x gn reader!
- a yandere florist who was as beautiful and elegant as the flowers filling their family’s little shop, they’ve been working there for a while now but.. they feel like they’ve made more bouquets than actually receiving them.. things were rather quiet and calm but they’ve always wanted something.. someone more..
- they thought you were just another customer but.. they felt so.. attracted to you.. they’ve never actually realized what its like to have butterflies in their stomach until you asked for help choosing flowers.. you looked so adorable being surrounded by the rest of the flowers..
- they couldn’t help how they spent longer than necessary explaining all the meanings about the flowers you chose, they didn’t want you to leave just yet! you were like a rare butterfly.. so rare that they almost wanted to keep you in a little enclosure!
- they ended up just giving you a spare flower along with the ones you bought, it came with their number tied around it.. they really hoped it wasn’t too cheesy.. they just didn’t want to let you fly away from them! they wouldn’t allow it. everybody knew everyone in this town, so it wouldn’t be too hard to learn more about you.. but thats just in case you don’t send them a message soon! they aren’t very patient though..
- the two of you were getting along so well! isn’t this just like the movies? you’re always so cute whenever you meet up! they knew all the kinds of cafes that were perfect for this meet-cute romance! so don’t mind it when people seem to subtly avoid you, they’ll make sure their little butterfly is safe! they want you to rely on them! can’t you see how hard-working they are? they always want you to visit their shop visit them!
- its not like you have much of a choice, your friends never seem to answer and its too boring to stay at home.. but this is a good thing for you two! you’re getting closer as you listen to talk about the things they like and wow! they seem to know all the things you like! aren’t they just an ideal partner for you? i’m sure your parents would love them once they properly meet for the first time, of course
- they always seem to be around you, not literally haha, but they always respond quickly, they seem to show up whenever you’re feeling down, even your parents seem to invite them over a lot.. you didn’t even realize how much they were in your life until now! and thats not even half of it, little butterfly.. they spent any free time studying you and making sure nobody hurts you
- they finally ask you out, and of course you say yes! look at the adorable bouquet they got you! this really was a great love story from the beginning! so don’t mind when they start encouraging you to just work- no. to just move in with them to help run their shop! come on.. your parents know how reliable and good they are! they’d protect you and keep you safe.. even if it meant getting white roses painted red
- not that you’d ever find out, just continue to be adorable and oblivious as you always have! and don’t down dig too deep in their garden either, haha~ but look! they made a little area just for the two of you! isn’t that just so romantic? you could have cute little tea parties! isn’t that better than actually leaving their home, little butterfly?
you’re finally with them.. you can’t leave now. they’ll only resort to drastic if you ever try to leave your little enclosure, butterfly… just turn a blind eye to the details and everything will be okay! lets keep living our meet-cute romance together, forever!
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jeonronwoo · 2 years
hi, i’m sorry in advance if this post is considerably long.
i just wanted to share with you that i’m finally feeling like myself again, i’ve lost myself in the deep several times, went through the toughest times. i was always anxious during gatherings and such, i studied online for a whole year in my college because i was too afraid to interact with people, i didn’t go out much, i lost a lot of friends who couldn’t bare with me in those times. i felt like i was an outcast, like a terrible disease that everybody would run from once they know of it. it hurt, it hurt terribly, i tried to find myself again, i was in despair, it felt like i could never be happy in my life again.
that was until i decided i don’t want to be like this, i don’t want to live like this, i want to achieve all my dreams that i worked so hard for, i wanted to catch up with what i missed. i became respectful for my own happiness and inner peace, i started going out and enjoying myself alone, i bought my favourite novels, i began writing again and regained my passion, i started getting in touch again with my childhood friends, i have come so far.
the broken luna is no longer here, only this time a stronger version of her is in control, the one that if she falls down she would get back up on her feet ten times stronger, the one that vowed no one would be able to take away her happiness again. and i’m fucking proud of her and how far she’s came.
i’m saying this because yesterday, i was let down by own best friend, unexpectedly and it almost brought back the broken luna alive, she chose to dump me even and god knows how much i’ve tried to change her mind so i don’t lose her, i stepped on my own dignity for not to lose her but she has already made up her mind. she left me without an explanation. again it hurts, but like i said i wouldn’t let this bring me down.
if you see this and you’re in a smiliar position like mine, know that you’re strong, stronger than you think, you will overcome any circumstances in your life, you will find the real you and fix yourself step by step again. do not let others take away your happiness and do not give up. you’re strong and i’m so fucking proud of you, you got this and mark my words. ❤
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pastorsperspective · 6 months
"Bah, HUMBUG!"
Happy Friday! Sundays sermon was titled, "Bah, HUMBUG!". The scripture was from Isaiah 9:2-6. If you missed it, you can listen to the message here: https://fb.watch/oO_qfcOxQG/ Skip to the 40 minute mark to go straight to the sermon.
It's not a new subject, or a new message. I have no questions about the message and none were submitted. "It's the most wonderful time of the year" and yet the same feelings of "Scroogeness" persist. Christmas isn't magical for everyone. Christmas can be very difficult for some people for a multitude of reasons and I think we deserve to acknowledge that. Scrooge lived alone. He was older, portrayed as bitter, selfish, miserly... What if he was just lonely and overwhelmed by all the expectations of the world? HE didn't have money troubles and could have easily been very generous. So, there's one thing he had going for him that many don't this time of year.
Fourteen years ago I read my favorite thing that I have ever read on the topic of Christmas, ever. It's by christian radio personality and author Brant Hansen. Whos books Unoffendable, The Truth About Us, The Men We Need, and Blessed Are The Misfits, I highly recommend. (New book: Life is Hard, God is Good, Let's Dance - releasing January 16th) It's from his blog: Brant's Blog of Awesomeness: The Krusty Sage. As someone who has always struggled with Christmas and the commercialism aspect and the overwhelming push to make all things "magical", I'm going to share it with you now. It's probably going to step on your toes...
The Krusty Sage Says, "Quit Buying Stuff You Can't Afford for Christmas"
(Once again, a warning about the Krusty sage: He's krusty. That means he's pretty opinionated. He plans no offense to anyone in particular, and has no one in particular in mind. If you're offended, please feel free to let me know, and I'll pass it along. He's usually easy for me to find.)
"Oh, but it's Christmas! It's a special time of the year! I know, we're in debt, overall, but it's Christmas, and that's only once a year and..."
"And..." you're nuts. Seriously.
The Sage says it in love. The Sage also says, in love, that if you spend $150 on your kid for Christmas when you don't have $150, you're not only giving your kid a neat-o Nano, you're giving your kid a gift that keeps on giving: The gift of foolishness, surrounded by beautiful lights, the scent of pine, and fudge. The gift of foolishness, on display, etched in memory. Ah.
Yes, Target and Apple and Best Buy don't advertise many $30 gifts, and they've ratcheted up the expectation level for Christmas. But-- last time I checked -- your will remains free. This means you don't have to be a doof.
Yes, your parents may have overspent every year as you grew up. Yes, they may have been Baby Boomers, seeking to atone for parental guilt, for one or another reason. Yes, there may have been stacks of presents under your tree. Yes, you think this is the way Christmas "is supposed to be".
Yes, so what.
Christmas is not "supposed to be" you, buying stuff you don't have money for. Sorry. If you're a dad, and feel bad because you can't spend hundreds on everybody, tell them you don't have the money for it, and you'll still have a great Christmas. If that makes you feel bad, man up. You're being bullied by a bunch of advertising majors.
Gee, you're in debt? How'd that happen? This is a mystery. Someone call a C.S.I. unit. Maybe they can figure out what happened. Maybe they can piece it together.
Or maybe you bought a bunch of stuff that's ultimately worthless. Maybe you should stop it. Maybe Christmas isn't special at all. Maybe it's just the latest excuse to overspend. Gee. Huh. Wow. Gosh. You think?
"Okay, we're in debt, and yeah, we did buy a $1,200 TV, but it's not that simple, because sometimes --"
No, it is that simple. Sorry. Next?
"But everyone at my kids' school gets tons of expensive gifts like 360s and Wiis and stuff and --" Are you in debt? "Well, yes, but it's not that simple, and --"
Nope. It's that simple.
"But it's not realistic to spend only $20 per person in this day and age, and --" Why? "It's just not that simple, and --"
If you don't have the money for it, you don't buy it. Don't act like your kid "needs" a Zune, either. It has nothing to do with "needs", or even your kid, really. It has everything to do with you: Your desire to have some kind of "perfect Christmas", your guilt, your insecurities, your conflict-avoidance, your expectations, and you know, just generally... you.
Bottom line: You wish you a merry Christmas.
"But isn't 'Christmas' in the Bible, and --" No.
The Krusty Sage 12/9/2008 Ancient Wisdom for No One in Particular
Now, the reason I share this is because I grew up in a home (during years spent with parents) that went big for Christmas. Going big for Christmas often meant that there would be utilities cut off in January and beyond. No phone, or heat, or some other necessity like adequate groceries. I always understood the cost of everything and grew to greatly resent the holiday as I found heat a much more pleasant thing to have in northern Illinois than say, that pair of roller skates and the other dozen items that were glittery and supposed to be fun and "magical". Which is, perhaps, why this blog post really spoke to me when I first read it fourteen years ago, why I still read it every year, and why my family and I choose to 'celebrate' Christmas much differently than your average family.
However you choose to celebrate, or not celebrate. Gift give, or not gift give. Keep joy, hope, love, and peace alive and well in your heart and then you still have the true spirit of Christmas with you.
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percontaion-points · 11 months
Court chapters 160-163
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 160
Remy bought us some time, but there are thousands more soldiers racing toward us. And he’s obviously too weak now to punch through the last barrier. Cyrus has won.
Chapter 160 summary: So Calder has apparently died. In his grief, Remy shoots out bursts of wild magical energy and defeats everybody around him. And while it’s good for this immediate second, Grace seems to think that it means that they’ve already lost to Cyrus. 
Chapter 161
It’s our lives or Hudson’s soul, and he’s already made the impossible choice for us
Chapter 161 summary: Grace stands around and thinks about how impossible their situation actually is. However, it’s hard to think that this is going to end anything but well when, not only are there more than 100 pages left IN THIS BOOK, but also 2 more books that follow. 
As around 150 vampires converge on their location, Hudson turns them into dust. As the dragons and witches close in on them, Grace begs Hudson to not kill them all. But he’s apparently not going to listen to her.
Chapter 162
We’re so close to Cyrus’s force field—barely fifty or seventy-five feet away…
I’m sorry, do you know how fucking huge of a distance that is? 
To put it into simpler terms, you’d have to stack 11 of me from end-to-end to reach it.
That is not fucking close, JFC. 
“You—” Cyrus leaps at me, and I know there’s going to be hell to pay.
Chapter 162 summary: Since they’re losing quite badly, Grace decides to “surrender”. Once inside the final barrier with Cyrus, she bluffs and tells them that she went to see the Crone again. She makes a deal that Cyrus won’t harm her or her friends in exchange for what the Crone said. But it’s only after Cyrus accepts that Grace is like “Bitch, you thought-?!”
Chapter 163
“My dear Grace, I simply need your power to activate the God Stone. You won’t be harmed. You’ll just become human after I drain your power.”
Chapter 163 summary: Cyrus does try to attack Grace, but finds that he can’t because he literally made a magically binding pinky-promise about it. Instead, he has his guards round up her and her friends. And it’s at this point that Grace realises that she’s not only been had, but that she fell into Cyrus’s plans exactly. He gloats for a while, but eventually gets around to his point: he’s going to drain Grace of her gargoyle power. 
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galacticgraffiti · 2 years
can i request daddy din buying a vibrator at some marketplace and using it on reader? maybe a little bit of overstimulation but then fluffy aftercare at the end🥺
by all accounts i should be in a boba mood, but alas. Welcome to another chapter of daddy!din (finally!)
i am so sorry this took me one million lightyears to get to. apologies to everybody who sent a request and is still waiting. I'm doing my best, I promise!
WC: 3.4k Warnings: daddy kink, use of a vibrator, fingering, slight overstimulation, praise, dirty talk, aftercare, soft daddy din djarin owns my heart and soul
!!! NSFW/18+ !!!
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"Din!" you cry and run down the ramp of the ship to throw yourself at him, not caring if he stumbles. He doesn't, of course, he is steady as an oak against you, lifting you up into the air with a dry chuckle.
"What a warm welcome, and I've only been gone a few hours. I could get used to this."
You press your fingers against the cheeks of his helmet and lean your forehead against his.
"I missed you."
"Stop it," he rumbles. "If you keep talking like that we'll starve because I'll never leave you to hunt and make money, or to get supplies."
You giggle, wrapping your legs tight around his narrow waist.
"I was getting impatient," you whisper, your voice husky. "You promised me something before you left... daddy."
His hands dig into your flesh as he carries you up the ramp, just three steps with his long legs.
"I got you something, mesh'la," he says, letting you slide down to the floor to unload the pack he has been carrying on his back. "So maybe you won't miss me quite so much when I'm gone."
"I'll always miss you, daddy," you tease him, though you mean every words. "No one could ever replace you, nothing you give- oh."
Din has been rustling through the bag and has produced a small package that he holds out to you, his face unreadable - as always when he wears his helmet. You stare at the thing on his open palm. The packaging is... cute. There is no other way to put it, it has flowers and ribbons printed on it, and it's lilac and smooth.
"What is it?" you ask curiously, but Din shakes his head.
"Open it."
You take the thing from his palm, but before you can open the packaging, Din wraps his arms around you and walks you to the small sofa you made him get when he bought the new ship. This ship has a small living space, and a real bed instead of a metal cot, and he has begrudgingly admitted that his back does feel a little better. Din is plastered to your backside, his own feet pushing yours forward until he suddenly spins you around. He plops down on the sofa and pulls you into his lap. You giggle at his strange behaviour, he is never like this - is he nervous about this present?
You wiggle in his lap, trying to get uncomfortable, until Din tells you to sit still. His firm voice is undermined by the fact that you can feel him growing hard against your ass, and the thought of it makes your belly flutter. He did promise earlier to fuck you stupid when he returned, after all.
"Open it," he says gruffly, a note of impatience in his usually so calm voice. The excitement makes you tingle when you dig your fingers into the packaging and open it, letting a small device fall into your hand. It fits into your palm, neat and smooth and round with a small opening. Your eyes widen and your breath stutters when you recognise it from the holonet site you browsed a few weeks back.
"That was the one you liked, wasn't it?" He sounds so unsure, even though your heart is beating in your throat and you want to do nothing more than kiss him. "I saw you lingering on it, so I assumed-"
"Din," you interrupt him, your hand closing around the device. "It's exactly the one I wanted. I can't believe you got me a fucking vibrator."
Din shrugs and you have to laugh. He gets excited like a little kid when giving gifts, but once the surprise is out, he acts as if it is the most natural thing in the world.
"Thank you, daddy," you whisper, a hint of mischief in your voice.
He growls, his hands tightening around your waist, grinding you down against his cock that is straining against the material of his flightsuit.
"What do you say we try it together, cyar'ika?"
"Yes." You don't think you have ever answered anything faster. "Yes, please."
"Good girl."
The praise makes you shiver, and even though you want nothing more than to stay in his lap, to keep this languid pace of grinding against him until you are both panting and desperately clawing at the other, the temptation to try out your new toy is too big. So, you wiggle out of Din's grasp to quickly undress.
"Can you... can you take the helmet off, Din? I want to kiss you."
Din grunts and stands up. The cold beskar of his cuirass presses against your bare skin and you shiver slightly, though you think it might be the anticipation that hangs thick in the air more than anything else.
"Do it for me?" Din mutters softly. You smile and let your fingers slide up his sides, your thumb tracing the outline of his kar'ta beskar before you gently rest your hands on the cheeks of his helmet.
"Are you ready?"
Din just nods in response. You have seen him without his helmet many times by now, but the anxiety still lingers - his nervousness in these first few moments when he reveals himself to you anew. Slowly, you start to lift off the helmet, giving him plenty of time to stop you if he feels uncomfortable, but though his hands twitch by his sides, Din lets you slide the helmet off entirely. As soon as you set it down on the table, his lips are on yours, so greedy, so hungry as if he would starve without your touch.
He pulls you into his arms and back down with him when he falls onto the sofa, his mouth still slotted against yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth to tease you. You sigh, melting into his touch, and Din chuckles.
"That's it, baby girl, relax for me. I want you all soft and ready and wet before we start- I'm gonna make it so good for you..."
"I know, daddy," you whisper, your slight smile audible in your voice. "You always make it good for me."
Your hips start grinding all on their own, desperate little movements, rutting against Din's lap, his hardening cock pressing against your aching cunt through the fabric of his flightsuit. You can see his armour fog up where your warm skin presses against it, and the thought of making a mess all over Din’s precious armour turns you on even more.
"Need you-" you gasp, your movements already growing frantic. You really missed him. "Need you inside me, please, daddy, please-"
"Oh, princess," he groans. "Don't- don't say that, not right now, we wanted to try something, or have you forgotten?"
Huh. For a second you actually did forget all about his wonderful little present, too caught up in the moment, in the feeling of him against you, his hot tongue inside your mouth, his teeth sliding over your lower lip, his fingers gripping onto you.
"Turn around," Din mumbles. "As much... as much as I love kissing you, tasting you, I want to try something else."
He guides you gently until you are positioned the way he wants you - still in his lap, but now, your back rests against his broad chest, your thighs are hooked over his own and spread wide by his strong legs. Din's hand slips down to your cunt, and you gasp when he pushes two fingers inside you without hesitation.
"So wet for me," he mumbles. "So fucking wet, so ready- wish I could feel you on my cock right now, princess, you're so perfect for me. You always feel so good, so tight and warm, and you take me so well- I’ll make you watch some day, make you see what I see when I fuck your perfect little pussy…"
You clench at his words and he groans, his lips latching onto your neck to suck marks into the tender flesh as he slowly continues to fuck you open with his fingers. You are trembling, already so close, that familiar tension building in your lower belly… Just the thought of Din holding you open like this while he makes you come is nearly enough for you to lose control.
Keeping two thick fingers inside you, Din's other hand slides up to play with your tits, gliding his thumb over one hardened nipple before pinching it between his fingers. The action makes you clench again, and when he repeats the motion, you can not hold back the filthy moan that escapes you. Din mumbles soft praises into your neck, how pretty you look like this, how good you are for him, so responsive, so wet, always so desperate for daddy.
You keen when his fingers slip out of you, but Din's voice soothes you.
"Shh, baby girl, you'll get something else, just stay still for me, okay? Be good for daddy, you'll get something so much better than my fingers-"
"Nothing is better than your fingers, daddy," you tease him before you quietly add, "...maybe your mouth. Or your cock. Maker, I love your cock, you always fill me up so perfectly, make me ache the next day with how good you stretch me out, I love that feeling-"
Din's hand wraps around your throat and gently presses down. It is not enough to cut off your air supply, not by a long shot, but it is a wordless warning.
"You're mouthing off tonight, princess," Din whispers. He gently bites your shoulder, quickly soothing over the marks with his tongue. "If I didn't know any better I would think you don't appreciate my present for the way you are trying to make me fuck you."
"I do," you answer hurriedly, "I do appreciate it, I promise, it was- it's exactly what I wanted, daddy, thank you."
"Hm-hm," he grunts. "Well then, show me how much you appreciate it, hm, mesh'la?"
Something cool presses against your clit and you jump from the contact. You were too lost in the little jolts of pleasure running through you to notice that Din picked up the vibrator, edging closer and closer to your pussy until he can slide it between your spread lips, the opening of the air-suction device resting against your most sensitive area.
"You ready, baby girl?"
"Yes, daddy," you whisper, but even though you meant it, you still gasp when he turns on the vibrator. You can feel the muscles in your stomach flex at the sudden sensation, but Din presses a soothing hand to your belly.
"Shh, relax for me, relax... just like that, good girl. That feel good?"
"Y-yeah," you manage, resisting the urge to rotate your hips and search for more friction, more contact, more stimulation, more anything-
"Do you want more, sweet girl?" Din always notices, he always knows, even though you try so hard to hide the little movements of desperation. "Come on, if you want more you have to ask for it."
"Please. Please, Di- please, daddy, I need more, feels so good."
He hums, his hand moves slightly and you can feel the vibrations get stronger. Your legs are shaking even though this setting is far from the highest. The only reason you can keep your legs open and not keel over is because Din is holding you upright.
"Like that? That enough for you, mesh'la?"
"More," you whisper.
"Greedy girl," Din rumbles, but the vibrations pick up anyways, and then he moves his hand, and the position is suddenly just right. The stimulation is so much more intense than it was before. You moan and grip his arm tight, your fingernails leaving little indents in his skin, but Din keeps his hand steady.
"Breathe for me," he reminds you softly. "Deep breaths… there you go, that's my good girl."
As you do, your belly relaxes, although the tension stays, that tight knot of pleasure that sits deep within you and just keeps swelling. Pleasure spreads through your body as you continue to breathe deeply through the jolts of pleasure the vibrator sends through your body.
"Very good," Din mumbles. "You're doing so well for me, my beautiful princess, just like that. Can you hold on a little longer for me? I want to know how much you can take."
"Yes, daddy," you sigh, then gasp when the vibrations get even more intense, your whole body now shaking with the sensation of it. Din's strong thighs keep you spread wide open and you can feel yourself leaking onto him, your arousal dripping out of you with every time the vibrator pulses against your sensitive clit. It's too much, or it nearly is, but you want to do well for Din, and so you take it, your legs trembling and your breath hitching. The little noises that escape you only seem to spur Din on even further, his legs spreading wider until you arch your back against him.
"You can take a little more for daddy, can't you, baby girl?"
"Hm-hm," you whimper. Din kisses your neck, his hand pressing down on your belly as he increases the vibrations one last time, the device producing a lewd sound against your dripping cunt, and all of a sudden, it just gets too much.
The world goes white, and all sound fades - the humming of the vibrator, the wet sounds of your pussy, even Din's voice is drowned out by the overwhelming pleasure that shoots through you. You cry out, again and again until your voice is hoarse, but Din does not let up as your walls flutter and your body shakes, keeping the vibrator firmly in place against your clit.
"That's it… that's it, cyar’ika. My good girl, you sound so beautiful when you come for me, I want you to do it again, I wanna hear you again, you think you can do that for me, sweet girl? You think you can come again for daddy?"
You nod weakly. Din does not wait for a verbal answer - you have a safeword and you are not even slightly close to using it, although your orgasm was so intense it made your brain flatline for a minute. Din's hand keeps the vibrator right there on your clit as you shake and shiver, sobbing with the intensity of the stimulation right on your most sensitive area. Your muscles still feel tight, the previous orgasm not so much a release as it was part of the build-up.
If it were anyone else, maybe you would call out, maybe you would think this was too much, but with Din, it just feels right. You are safe, right here in his arms, you don’t need to think about anything except how good he is making you feel and how good you will make him feel in return. Pleasure is all there is, and you want more.
"D-daddy, please-"
"What is it, baby girl?" Din mutters into your shoulder, his hand moving from your belly up to your neck and gently closing his thick fingers around it with just enough pressure to make your head swim. "Tell me what you need, mesh'la. Do you want me to stop or do you want more?"
He chuckles deeply, his chest shaking against you, and his hand squeezes a bit tighter around your throat for just a few seconds before he lets up and cups your breast in his hand, one rough thumb sliding over the pebbled, sensitive skin.
"Of course you do, ‘course you want more. Daddy's good little girl… you're gonna come for me again, come on. I know you have one more in you before I fuck you, so wet and ready for me- I'll have you begging for my cock."
"Fuck I- I need you, please, want you inside me, daddy," you moan. "Please, I want you to come inside me, feel you drip out of me-"
"Fuck-" Din grits out. "Fuck, just- just give me one more, baby girl, then you get my cock, come on- come on, let me see you fucking dripping before I let you ride me..."
His promise breaks you, his name falling from your lips like a frantic prayer as you come again, shaking, your brain spacing out completely. Din holds you through it, his strong arms wrapped around you and his lips resting in the crook of your neck. His hand slides down to your thigh to keep you still, and you feel the vibrations slowly get less and less as he turns down the vibrator. Sweat drips from your forehead and your breath is shaky, but you know you are glowing from the intensity of your high. A hand slides down to your pussy after Din turns off the vibrator and throws it to the side. Two fingers slip inside you and Din groans when he feels how you flutter for him. You let out a broken moan, the feeling of his fingers gliding through your soaked cunt, stroking your walls is so much- too much. You shift, but before you can even say anything, Din pulls back. Your pussy feels weirdly empty without his fingers, but you don’t know if you could have taken any more. There is still this lingering pressure in your belly, like aftershocks that never completely subside. Din’s fingers glide through your cunt one last time before he pushes them inside your mouth. You take them willingly, sucking and licking your own slick from his fingers while Din silently mouths at your neck, groaning at the feeling of your tongue against his skin.
“So good for me,” he sighs. “So obedient, always so ready. You did so well for me, baby girl.”
“Thank you, daddy.” Your voice is rough and you sound a bit out of it still. Din kisses between your shoulderblades before guiding you to turn around in his lap until you are facing him again.
"Are you alright, baby girl?" he asks softly, his hands gliding up and down your sides. Your pussy is aching, still fluttering from two orgasms so intense and so close to each other. You take a moment to contemplate, and Din's hands stop their movement.
"Do you want to rest, mesh'la?"
You bite your lip and nod slowly, feeling slightly guilty.
"Hey," Din murmurs. "Hey, it's okay. It's okay that you need rest, sweet girl, I pushed you really hard. You did so well for me, I'm so proud of you."
"But I want to take care of you, daddy," you pout.
"We'll talk about that later, I'm sure we can figure something out. For now, let's get you cleaned up, hm?"
"I don't want to- I can't leave you like this. You made me feel so good and you didn't even get to come."
"Oh, baby girl," Din sighs. "That's alright. This was about you, and I'm so happy I could make you feel good. I know you must be so tired, I could feel your perfect little pussy flutter around my fingers after I made you come. You must be exhausted, but if I come, I want to be inside you, want to feel you clench around me and hear you moan for me. I can't ask that of you right now."
He gets up from the couch with you clutching tightly to him as he carries you over to the fresher.
"So I'm going to take a shower with you, pretty girl. And we can see how you feel afterwards."
You nod slowly, your eyes drooping, and when Din places you on the ground to turn on the shower, you nearly collapse without his support. Din catches you, chuckling at your confused expression.
"Hmm, yeah, that's what I thought. We'll go to bed after this, alright, mesh'la? Everything else, we can see about tomorrow."
"’mkay, daddy," you mumble, leaning your cheek against his broad chest and letting the warm water rain down on you. The rest is a haze - how he cleans you up, wraps you in a towel and carries you to bed, how he feeds you some water before moulding himself around you, his chest expanding with deep breaths, holding you as you both fall asleep.
The warm feeling he leaves you with is still there when you wake up in the morning, his thick arms wrapped around your middle, and… his hard cock insistent at your hip. You smile.
“Good morning, daddy.”
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it's been a while, i hope y'all enjoy!
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Bering and Wells Reunion Panel Transcription (4/17/2021)
This is from the ClexaCon Virtual panel with Joanne Kelly and Jaime Murray, with Dana Piccoli as moderator and Mark as ASL interpreter. I spent around six hours on this and there were really only a couple of brief bits I couldn’t make out - I tried to make this as thorough as possible even though the audio quality was iffy at points and there was a lot of overlapping talking. I also included all of the ums and uhs in the interest of thoroughness so sorry if that gets annoying. Let me know if I’ve gotten any screen names wrong.
Content notes: brief discussion of on-set injury, allusions to homophobia from higher-ups, discussions of hostile workplace experiences due to gender, brief discussion of the ovarian cancer subplot, Jo misgenders Mark once and then corrects herself.
Dana: And I think we are live! Hey everyone, welcome, welcome, this is day 2 of ClexaCon Virtual. So glad to be here with you for our Warehouse 13 Bering and Wells panel. What a great video! I believe that was Mal that made that. Fantastic work! [They showed a fanvid prior to the panel on the stream.] Uh, I want to take a second to introduce Mark, our ASL interpreter. Thank you so much for being here, Mark. Well, I know that the Bering and Wells fandom is still going strong and, um, I’m so excited to be able to present this panel to you today, so without further ado, let’s get started. It’s been seven years since we last embarked on the wonderfully quirky world of Warehouse 13 and we’re thrilled to have not one, but two of the show’s stars here with us, Bering and Wells in the flesh, please welcome Joanne and Jaime!
Jo: [laughs] Hi!
Jaime: Hi guys!
Dana: Hi!
Jaime: Oh my goodness, I was tearing up watching that, that was just...
Dana: It’s so good, right?
Jaime: And Mal made it, of course, I mean just, the fandom is so amazing, that we have a fan who made that amazing movie, and I’m sitting here... were you tearing up, Jo?
Jo: Yeah... [laughs]
Dana: She’s like, I can’t talk right now!
Jaime: Aww.
Jo: Yeah, it’s, you know, it’s like, it’s like a, a wormhole, it’s like going in a wormhole, really, to see that put together in that way, and just, that somebody did that is, um, crazy, wonderful.
Jaime: Yeah.
Dana: When, when we are in person in, uh, in, in Las Vegas, I’m often backstage with the actors as they see these videos maybe f- for the first time, and your reaction is the reaction that everyone has. They all get teary, they all just like hold onto each other, it’s, it’s really sweet and wonderful.
Jaime: Oh my gosh, I, I wish I could go back in time and like, we film more of it and, and enjoy it more, because sometimes when you’re in it, you’re just going so fast and, you know, you don't even realize the meaning of, of, of what you’ve created until you see it through the eyes of the fans and what it meant to them, and then I, I wish I could lean into it more. [laughs]
Dana: Well, we’re certainly gonna get into that. [laughs]
Jaime: [laughs]
Dana: Alright, well, let’s kick things off! Uh, as of a we- a week ago, I was prepping to interview Jaime, and then suddenly the heavens opened up, and what was one became two. [they laugh] Joanne joined the party! How did this crazy kismet even happen?
Jo: I’m trying this new thing where I say yes. [laughs]
Jaime: [laughs] Well done!
Jo: Thanks. [laughs] Um, it’s a new thing I’m trying. Um, Jaime texted me and she’s like, I'm doing this thing, we had talked about it, I think the last panel we did at Dragon*Con maybe?
Jaime: Yeah.
Dana: 2018.
Jo: And she had told me about ClexaCon and I was like, that, because I really enjoyed that panel that we did, it felt, you know, I think one of the reasons, and I think that the work between us is, and I look at it now and I’m so touched because I, and I also just think the world of Jaime as an actor, I think she’s brilliant and her choices are so clean and-
Jaime: Ditto.
Jo: -full heart forward, like I, I’ve always been a fan of what she bought, and just personally on set I was in a, it was a very male environment, and Jaime came and I was like, oh my god, like, someone to talk to, someone who cared, and she took care of me, like she really - so I just, I don’t know, when she reached out I was like, of course, yes, yes.
Dana: Like it’s in two days, sure! Let’s, let’s go!
Jaime: We missed each other as well. It was also an opportunity to hang out, like, we missed each other!
Jo: Yeah.
Jaime: We had this flurry of texts of like, checking in with each other, and what-
Jo: What have you been watching? what are you doing?
Jaime: Yeah.
Jo: Where are you?
Jaime: Yeah, so.
Dana: Oh, that’s amazing! So you’ve maintained this really wonderful friendship since, since the end of the show.
Jo: Yeah, I mean, actors are nomads and we’re very sort of, I feel, Jaime, I don’t know if you feel the same way, but it’s like those friends that you have that you don’t see forever, but when you see them you fall back into a rhythm automatically, there’s never, it doesn’t feel push or pulled, it’s just, it’s just nice.
Jaime: I, I think also for us, um, I think there’s a sisterhood as well, you know, I think that, you know, Jo just touched on it. You know, often in a cast there’s, um, it’s changing and it’s evolving all the time, and this was seven years ago, and it was seven years before that, it started, so like fourteen years ago-
Jo: Oh my god. [laughs]
Jaime: But there’s, ninety nine point five percent of the people behind the camera are men, the majority of the parts are often men, or it’s, it’s male and women, but the men have the more heroic bits and the funnier lines and you’re kind of struggling with that and you’re glad to be working so you’re kind of making good and making it okay, but you’re kind of like, you know, getting feels, and, you know, as, as Joanne said, it, you know, you’re laughing at dick jokes when you don’t find them particularly funny- [all laugh]
Jo: Like wow! Oh! [sarcastic thumbs up]
Jaime: And so when I came in, I saw Jo - I had been on shows, like I was on a show called Hustle, I was the only girl in the cast, and then everybody, uh, behind the camera was, um, all men. Um, on Warehouse we had one female writer on some episodes, um, we never had a fe- uh, um, a female director on anything or a producer-
Jo: No we had, we had Tawn- [presumably about to mention Tawnia McKiernan] we had two fem- we had a few, but we were-
Jaime: No- no- not on my, not on my episodes.
Jo: Oh, on yours.
Jaime: But it was just like, I came in and I saw Jo and I understood, and I knew what her experience was, and so there was this kind of kinhood, this sisterhood, and I think it, it’s not a male-female thing, but it’s, it’s a minority and majority thing. When you’re in a minority and the majority is doing something, you either have to get down with the program and go with that flow, or you get kind of fe- you feel like you’re difficult or annoying to everybody. And I kind of came in and I just was like, oh like, I get it, it’s hard, and I’m gonna give this woman, like, my, my energy and my love and, so it was-
Dana: So you were like I- you looked at Joanne and you were like, that is someone I can smash the patriarchy with!
Jaime: [laughs] Yes.
Dana: Let’s do it!
Jo: No, I read a lot of books [laughs] when we weren’t filming. I would like get on my chair and just be like this. [mimes holding book in front of face]
Jaime: Yes!
Jo: [laughs] Like I’m doing this now, I’ll see you guys when we’re rolling again, you know, it was really- and, but also, you know, it’s so, and it is changing, it’s changing and evolving in a really, um, at a wonderful rate, but also I would get so excited to be in a scene with another woman that wasn’t about a man, you know, or that we weren’t- uh, it was just so nice to have girl-girl scenes. That never happens, it hardly ever happens. Like, the majority of scenes that you do are about love or acrimony with men, um, and it’s so nice to have a relationship with a woman that’s, um, sort of reflective of how relationships with women actually are. Um, I’ve been, I shifted into writing because of frustration with just not reading stories that I felt were reflective of our, my experience as a woman, you know, that sort of, um, and I think that Bering and Wells sort of in, I mean, that’s when that ship turned for me, as well.
Dana: Well ho- hold that thought, we are, we are going there!
Jaime: And, and also because it wasn’t, it actually wasn’t written. Um, there was, in a way we were able to steer that ship, and then we’d already kind of given a road map for the way this energy was, so it wasn’t written in the conventional way. Like, even like, when a, when a, when a, when a woman will have a love interest it’s, it’s often written by men and it’s o- often in a conventional kind of way, whereas our relationship, at a time before people were even kind of, uh, exploring this that much, um, now, now much more, thank god, it’s more, more inclusive. But it was more kind of, um, uh, complicated than, than maybe would’ve been written about, so it was given more nuance, yeah.
Jo: You mean like, do you mean like actual relationships? [laughs]
Jaime: You what? Say that again?
Jo: Like actual relationships! [laughs]
Jaime: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [laughs]
Jo: You know, that don’t come in and you have a “where they start and where they finish,” like that we, oh, we know where they’re gonna end up so we’ll just gonna-
Dana: Right, right.
Jo: -move them around like chess pieces. It was actually an energy that Jaime and I created, and the story sort of evolved from that energy as - it was inside out as opposed to outside in, which I think made it a real relationship.
Dana: Well, so my friend Dorthy Snarker, she once said that HG and Myka’s storyline has been main text pretending to be subtext, which feels really apt to me.
Jaime: Yeah!
Dana: So at what point-
Jo: Very smart.
Dana: What point in the show did it really click with the two of you that this connection that HG and Myka shared was something much deeper?
Jo: Jaime just had, Jaime, you just explained this very coolly in, in, um-
Jaime: One of our chats.
Jo: Yeah, yeah. Why don’t you speak to this, why don’t you take this?
Jaime: Well, well, first of all like I said, there was like kind of this sisterhood when I came in and, um, Jo, uh, Jo wasn’t like, like it wasn’t like I came in and she was like hey let’s be friends. I came in and she was behind a book, and she wasn’t particularly accessible, and she wasn’t, like, she was a bit grumpy, you know. And so I was like, my personality type is like, how do I crack this nut? [laughs] How do I make this woman love me? [laughs] This is the most unaccessible woman-
Dana: That explai- Jaime that explains a lot! [laughs]
Jaime: This is the most unaccessible women on the set, the mo- the most unaccessible human to me. How do I make her fall in love with me? So it’s like partly my narcissism-
Jo: [laughs] Jaime Murray in a nutshell, everyone!
Jaime: -and my ego, um, so I was kind of winning her over off set, and then, you know, as she was opening up to me and, you know, she was kind of telling me about some of the challenges she was coming up against, I was like, yeah, that’s, that’s not fair, and yeah, I completely get that, you know. So we were kind of like having that kind of journey, I’m like, like, I’m like, oh no, you’re not crazy, everyone else is crazy! Like, let’s smash the patriarchy!
Jo: [laughs]
Jaime: And then, and then unfortunately, um, Jo hurt herself really badly doing a stunt, and, um, you know, there’s no time to hurt yourself on a film set, and there’s no time to take time and, and kind of heal your back or anything like that. So she was taking some pretty strong painkillers and she was working through it, and I had spinal surgery, I, I know what back pain is like, it’s, it’s the worst. I mean, it’s literally everything, you know, you feel like an old person. And so I was, um, taking care of her as best as I could, and we had the scene, and it was the scene in the street where, I, I think it's the first scene that, where I get the grappler out-
Dana: Oh, the grappler.
Jaime: And I shoot it into the air and I put my arm around her and we shoot up-
Dana: We’re very familiar with this scene. [laughs]
Jo: [doing grappler motion] [laughs]
Jaime: Yeah, so, so it’s like, it had like, physicality, and also it was a really, um, we always laugh that Toronto has about five seasons in one day, so you’ll like start shooting the scene and then suddenly there’s a, like a snowstorm! Bright sunshine!
Jo: Then it’s sunny! Then rain!
Jaime: Torrential rain, wind - and it was one of those, and we had to move to a new location, we were really behind in the day, and she had this one pice of hair that kept on like blowing in her face-
Dana: Oh, I know where this is going, Jaime. [laughs]
Jaime: And she was, the thing was, she was like, also these painkillers-
Jo: I was like, I can’t even see with the hair, I was like, I was hopped up on so many painkillers...
Jaime: Yeah, she was hopped up, she was like, I can’t even get my hair out of the way!
Jo: I think I actually called that day, it was the only time where I was like, guys I can’t work anymore, like, I literally, the doctor was like, you need to rest and I’m like I can’t. And the first AD came over to me and he was like, you’re gonna have to say stop, because nobody is gonna stop the filming, and I didn't wanna do that because you don't want to be the person that, that loses the day.
Jaime: That’s part of it, isn’t it? You’re, you can’t be, you can’t have any vulnerability or be a woman in any way, any shape or form on a film set. [laughs]
Jo: Yeah.
Jaime: So I knew in the morning, and so I’d been like trying to take care of her and had, had like this experience of having spinal surgery, so I was like caretaking as much, as best as I could. I’m a Cancerian as well, so it’s in my nature.
Dana: Sure.
Jaime: And, um, and we‘re in this scene and we’d had to kind of cut so many times, and this hair just kind of-
Jo: [laughs]
Jaime: -came over her face like this, and I just lent forward and on my line I just moved the hair out of her, um, face and put it back, and there was this, this look of genuine-
Jo: [laughs]
Jaime: -surprise and shock in her face because we hadn’t rehearsed it and, and, and you know, we rehearse everything, and then, and then Joanne, what did you say that you-
Jo: I said I had this feeling, you know, when she did that I was like, oooh, um, what’s happening? [laughs]
Dana: [laughs]
Jaime: What are these feelings I’m having?
Jo: I did not expect all these feelings.
Jaime: Someone is being nice to me in this hostile world!
Jo: I was like this is so, it was like, pink light came up and there was glitter all of a sudden, and a unicorn in the back and, um-
Dana: Yep.
Jaime: They were really good drugs, you can’t, they’re illegal now, you can’t get them now cause they’re illegal now, but-
Jo: [laughs] No, no! But that point I’d say that the storyline really developed from inside out, you know outside, it was actually something, she did something that made me respond in a certain way, and as an actor you have those openings and you can choose to go, you either close them, like if, if I don’t like an actor [laughs] and someone does something, I might go like, no, I don’t wanna gonna go with that- [laughs]
Jaime: Yeah.
Jo: -and change the track, but because I love Jaime and, and that happened, I sort of just was like I’m gonna go with this energy and see where it leads. And so it was a very organic, and it took me completely, and I had not expected it, it took me completely- but I liked it, so I started, then that...
Dana: So you are the reason, you two are the captains of the Bering and Wells ship. You made that happen!
Jaime: Yeah.
Jo: Yeah.
Jaime: But also I felt like HG, you know, she came from an era when the suffragette movement was, um, happening, and she was active in that, however, she had to write under her brother’s name, um-
Dana: Yeah.
Jaime: And as a woman, you know, she couldn’t be even open about her brilliance and she had to let her dimwitted brother take credit for it, and then she was frozen. So she was an activist before her time and suddenly she’s waking up in a world where there’s this dynamic woman, gun-toating woman kind of using her wits and brainpower and like, god bless Pete [laughs] but he was a little bit, like, she was the brains and the brilliance, and often he would be kind of like, you know, taking the credit for it or like having the girls flirt with him, and I just felt like if I grow up, if I woke up from, you know, a dream of, of being a suffragette and I woke up and I saw Myka, surely I would be more fascinated-
Jo: [laughs]
Jaime: -by this woman who is everything that I had ever wished to be, so I started playing off this fascina- I was fascinated by her. Pete was just as stupid as my brother. [laughs]
Jo: And I do have to say, I do have to give the showrunner Jack Kenny credit here too, because Jack really let us run with it and started to lean into it, and the writers were all very accepting, so it was, and, and Jack particularly, you know, we had a lot, we had our creative differences, but he was really generous in this storyline with us, like I think, he gave us a lot of rope to play with-
Jaime: Yeah.
Jo: And it was interesting rope, because they never-
Dana: It was attached to a grappling hook is what it was!
Jo: Yeah, and they never, like what i really loved about it is the never like put it on the nose it was always very elliptical, we always had room to breathe, um-
Jaime: Well partly I don’t, I think that it was, it was, it’s funny to talk about it now because it doesn't seem that long a- long ago, but it-
Jo: But it was so long ago...
Jaime: -it was unusual-
Jo: For that.
Jaime: -for the genre and for the audience that we were going for to, to actually go there, um,
Dana: Yeah. Seven years ago, you’re absolutely right. Things have changed tremendously, and especially in the last five years.
Jo: Yeah, yeah.
Jaime: And, but I think that Jack and Drew, they were kind of excited about what we were doing, but actually, you know, we weren't sure what the network would say or what the advertisers might think, and so, um, you know, I’m really proud of the work that we were able to, to say-
Jo: Yeah.
Jaime: You know, being the first in some ways.
Jo: It’s interesting, you know, like Jaime texted me, she sent me this video and I was looking at it and I was just so proud-
Jaime: I sent you Mal’s video, I sent you one of Mal’s other videos.
Jo: She’s wonderful, so like shoutout to her!
Jaime: Yeah
Jo: That’s, yeah, it was gorgeous, and I was really proud of the work, you know, after, it’s, you create these things in a bubble and, I haven’t se- I haven’t seen Warehouse, I never watched it. [laughs] so I’m always very surprised to see these videos, it feels like I’m cracking open-
Jaime: And I want to say as well, you know, when we say we haven’t down and watched all the shows, or you know, in some peoples’ cases, many of the shows, you know, it’s, it’s not because we don’t love the show and we don't love the work that everyone else has done, done, it’s actually a lot of actors don't watch, um, their own work. It’s, if, if you’ve ever heard your own voice on an answer phone or something and you're like, who’s that? Oh my god, that’s me!
Dana: [laughs]
Jaime: Like, so when you see yourself on TV or screen it’s like that on crack, it’s absolutely terrifying, and, and you’re like oh my god, like behind a pillow, like-
Jo: Filled with self loathing and despair. [laughs]
Jaime: Yes.
Dana: That’s okay.
Jaime: Which is a work in progress, I’m trying to deal with that now.
Dana: Well, when, at what point did you realize that queer people were actually starting to flock to the show to support this direction with these characters?
Jaime: We, we didn't know, we didn’t know-
Dana: No?
Jaime: Well, we, um, I, um, Jo’s not on social media so I don’t know when she knew, other than maybe when I told her. I saw replies on twitter-
Jo: Comic Con.
Dana: Somebody didn’t like hire a plane and like, around the area with like, a Bering and Wells forever…?
Jo: I, I remember, I remember going to Comic Con, for me because that’s’ when I had the fan interaction, um, because I wasn’t on Twitter-
Jaime: Yeah, there were fans that told us.
Jo: And, and, uh, a lot of the women, I remember being asked some very specific questions during panels, and, you know, there's a lot of guys who like to talk at those panel so I didn’t get to talk a lot but I made it quite, I, I made it quite clear about how important that storyline was to me and it, it, I realized very quickly that it was important to a lot more women than me. I didn’t really realize, too, that storytelling wasn’t represented in that way, at that point, you know. I didn’t feel that. I didn’t feel like that was a groundbreaking choice, to choose to be attracted to a woman in a scene to me is life, it’s how I live my life, I, I’m you know, I don’t have those, I’m not in a box [laughs] and it so when I realized, it was a eye-opening moment. I’m like, I’m like, wait, wait, this is, this is something new that’s not being done?
Dana: You guys were kind of on, you were like right here [miming going up a hill or mountain] and then shortly after Warehouse, it started going like [woosh noise of going down the other side of the hill] and this wave of representation started happening.
Jaime: Well, ev- even in Warehouse, there was an openly gay character in, in Warehouse.
Dana: Right, yes!
Jo: Yeah, yeah, there was Aaron.
Jaime: But it’s been, it’s been incredibly, um, powerful for, for, for, for me, um, you know, I I, think that a lot of people, some people are like oh my god, you know, I wish I could go back to my childhood or my teenage years, I, you could not pay me anything for, I would not go back to my teenage years for love or money. It was, it was a incredibly painful time for me, um, and not a particularly happy time for me, and, um, you know, just awkwardness, you know, all the stuff that, you know, all the stuff people feel in their teens, all the bad stuff I felt in my teens, so when I’ve spoken to people at conventions, um, and they've’ spoken to me about, um, Warehouse having, and our relationship in Warehouse having a positive effect for them in their teen, in their painful teenage years, it’s, it, it, it can bring me to tears, because i- if I could have imagined having kind of that, some kind of impact when I’d been a teenager maybe I wouldn't have been so miserable, but, um, I’m really humbled by it. it’s really lovely.
Dana: Yeah, you, you most certainly have had a tremendous impact on a lot of peoples’ lives and I’m so glad that you are able to take that and keep it in your heart.
Jaime: Yeah.
Dana: Speaking of this kind of sea change of the last few years, do you think that if Warehouse had been airing now that things might have ended differently? Do you think that maybe that subtext really would have been pulled much more into main text?
Jaime: You’d know better, Jo.
Jo: I...don’t know the answer to that question, um, perhaps, actually, absolutely! It’s twenty twenty-
Jaime: If we were writing it, maybe.
Jo: I mean, that’s what I’m trying to do. [laughs] Um, yeah, I think so. Maybe we would have been able to lean more into that storyline, um-
Jaime: Maybe we would’ve had a, be a stronger voice in shaping the narrative there.
Jo: It, yeah, I mean, Jack was, Jack was great about it, but it, it was a different, it was a different era. I think now is, is really a beautiful time for storytelling in the sense that it is really becoming so much more inclusive and we have representation, which, I mean, seeing ourselves represented in stories is how we understand ourselves in the world, and that’s, it’s so important, you know, it’s so important where we’re going, um, and I wish there could have been more of that in Warehouse, but I’m glad there was what there was.
Dana: Yeah.
Jaime: I, I, I also think that, um, you know, it’s changed so much in just such a short space of time, but particularly in the last couple of years, like, women were always, um, portrayed like, like, women always had to be perfect and kind of cute, and, you know, there had to be kind of something attractive or charming about them at all times, you know, and so we always had to put a bow on a woman to make her acceptable. And one of the things that I’m really loving is, you know, that women can be flawed and they can still, you can still love them and, you know, one of the things that always stun- stunned me is that I’ve been so welcomed into a community of kind, inclusive, um, you know, powerful activist, um, women, uh, um, and I’m like, why do these amazing women even like my characters when I’ve played such, um, a bad character, and it’s like-
Dana: But, but we love that! Queer women love a villain!
Jaime: Well, it’s like, flawed characters, and it’s like, and then recently I watched this show called, um, I hate Suzie Pickles [actual title of show: I Hate Suzie], um, there’s a show called, um, uh, I May Destroy You. They’re British shows, actually, both are.
Dana: Oh, yeah, it’s so good.
Jaime: And they, these are complex, um, women who make bad choices, and they self sabotage and they do things that are kind of frowned upon in society, and yet I love them, these women, and it’s like, if I can love these women for all their flaws, then maybe I'm okay too. And I think that we, we have to allow women to be flawed and lovable instead of just being cute little heroines that kind of support men at all times. I mean, it’s changed so much, that’s kind of, like the old, the old order of what it used to be, like, but yeah, it’s exciting.
Dana: That happe- That was what was written in my yearbook! Just, Dana Piccoli, flawed but lovable.
Jaime: Ah! [laughs]
Dana: So I totally, I totally can appreciate that.
Jaime: Was it that? Was it- that would be the best!
Dana: [laughs] I love that.
Jaime: Flawed and lovable, not but.
Dana: Oh yeah, yes, flawed and lovable, sorry, sorry. That’s, that’s what, that’s where I went wrong in the yearbook.
Jaime: Exactly.
Dana: Uh, J- Jaime. A lot has been made of this, the apples scene.
Jaime: Yes.
Dana: Do you think I smell apples is basically saying “I love you”? Were you, what do you think that Helena was trying to express at that time?
Jaime: I, I, I think that it was, um, a sense of, uh, acceptance, and, um, and, and, and, and, and love, I mean, uh, because Helena had always been such a, kind of a troubled character in so many ways and she had kind of, um, these struggles and this darkness and these mental health issues and I think that “I smell apples” was a, a, a wa- wa- was, she, she’d kind of come to the light, you know, she, she had, had kind of accepted herself, and it was such an altruistic act of love, she was sacrificing herself in order to save the others, that it was true love, like she’d overcome the darkness. So it was, uh, I, I, I, I, love that, uh, moment, yeah, that kind of-
Jo: I know we wanted, uh, one of the most beautiful definitions of love onscreen is recognition of your soul in someone else.
Dana: Mhmm.
Jo: That’s really what happens, and I thought that when Jaime did that, there was a very beautiful, I mean it’s sort of like Romeo and Juliet. You see this moment of, and we talked about it earlier, that energy, that to me is that. what that is-
Jaime: Yes.
Jo: -the scene is, “I smell apples.” It’s these two people who see each other in each other and are profoundly connected, whether, in whatever way that it is, it’s just a profound connection, you know, and so often we find boxes to put these connections in, you know, as humans, we want to make sense, we want to make logic of them, you know, which is, I think, um, why storytelling suffers in the representation, because you want to define what a thing is and kind of, um, the most beautiful things about some of the most special relationships is they, they're beyond what you can say they are, they’re beyond categorization, they are, you know...
Jaime: I, I, I definitely think that, although it wasn’t written in that way, I mean, if you actually go back and look at the footage, I’m saying “I love you” to, uh, uh, HG is saying “I love you” to Myka and Myka is is let-
Jo: I only think that’s what she was saying.
Jaime: -letting, letting it land.
Dana: Confirmation, folks! Confirmation, um, everyone!
Jo: In here. [points to head]
Dana: Write it in your vows, write it now in your vows!
Jo: Dana, you’re funny! [laughs]
Dana: Thank you!
Jaime: But wh- when, when did I come back and I was like, married to, what-
Dana: You, you weren't married, you were with a gentleman, and he had a, a young child and-
Jaime: And he was a bit of a drip as well!
Jo: And the house was very suburban, that’s all I remember was, I like walked into this house and I was like-
Jaime: That was, was that, I don’t really know the chronological, um, ordering, but like, I had like a ponytail, and I had a, possibly-
Jo: You were probably like driving a minivan.
Dana: You were teaching, you were teaching, weren’t you?
Jaime: Cause wasn’t I [indecipherable]
Jo: It’s okay, Jaime, I [indecipherable]
Dana: You were like in Phoenix or something.
Jaime: Yeah so, so what was that, after a bit I, so like “I smell apples” was the ending of my character, right? So like that, was that after a bit-
Dana: Right, and then you got rev- you were brought back-
Jaime: Right.
Dana: And then you kind of disappeared for a bit.
Jaime: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Dana: Yes. Yeah, um-
Jaime: Yeah.
Dana: The, um, the, the, uh, the fans [laughs] were, um, confused by that, were like what?
Jaime: I d- I’m confused, I’m confused! [laughs]
Jo: Not just the fans, not just the fans.
Jaime: Well, I actually, um, I, I, I really want to go back and see that scene, um, I, I feel like you came to, I don’t, I was living in like suburbia-
Dana: Mhm.
Jaime: And, and didn’t you come to-
Jo: I don't remember.
Jaime: -the house and I, I think you came to-
Jo: I remember that horrible house though, because it was like, it… [makes disgusted face]
Jaime: It was so weird and I was like hello, I’m kind of like a completely different woman!
Jo: It was like very Stepford, I like, I walked in and, I don’t know why Myka was so accepting, I would’ve taken a baseball bat to the house, gonna be like, we’re leaving!
Jaime: So, so, so, so, I, so I, Jack, so Jack, Jack-
Jo: Get out of here, you drank the Kool Aid!
Jaime: I remember Jack was there and I was like, um, uh, oh, like this, like, like this doesn't work because of this and this doesn’t work because of that, and I was having a little, kind of like a creative difference with him, and, and he left for the day, he left for the day, and I really want to go back and see that s- that, that scene, because I remember I was asking him if I could, yeah, I know it’s, it says this but could I play it like this? And I do- I remember he didn’t want me to for the storyline, but I remember he left. [laughs] So I’d love to go back and see, I, I remember think- feeling like I was quite naughty, that I actually got away with it, but, uh-
Dana: Oh, I am loving all the subversive shit that was happening behind the scenes. [laughs]
Jaime: Yeah. [laughs]
Jo: Do you remember the park bench as well? Remember that scene, it was-
Jaime: Oh, yeah, a bench.
Jo: Wasn’t that a bench?
Jaime: Oh, that was a love scene, that was a love scene.
Jo: That was a, yeah, we really went for that one. [all laugh]
Jo: Everyone was like, what? And I’m like, well, we’re doing it. Might as well!
Jaime: [laughs] And we’re in like, Toronto, and everyone behind the camera, like, they’re very blokey, and it’s not in the script, and then they're like, “oh I didn’t, they’re, they’re, oh I didn’t see that coming!” [laughs]
Jo: They were like, what are you guys doing? We’re like, we’ll figure it out! [laughing]
Jaime: Exactly! We’re just doing our own thing. [laughs]
Dana: Oh, a little, a little mutiny, a little bit! [laughs] Well we, we, we’ve ha- we’ve had such incredible conversation so far, and I have so many fan questions for you, and if we were onstage everyone would get to come up to the mic-
Jaime: Aw.
Dana: -and ask you questions, but I do have a bunch of questions that were sent in, um, so I do want to get to your fans, because your fans are so integral to keeping this like-
Jo: That’s why we’re here.
Dana: -story alive. Uh, let’s see here. Let’s kick it off. Alright, so wellsbering wants to know, what personality traits do you share with your characters?
Jaime: Well I think, I think that, um, I, uh, definitely always get cast as the baddie for whatever reason, but then I think that, um, really the quirky mess that I, I, I morphed into is basically me. [all laugh]
Jo: I like that answer, that’s great. Um, I, uh, am very A-type when it comes to certain things, and Myka very much, I’m very like, flowy, Myka wa- didn’t flow, but there are certain parts of my life where I’m not flowy around. My work is one of them, writing is another one. Um, and I’m very afraid of letting people down. I think that’s why I've been, I was te- telling a lot of the people that I was talking to today that, you know, the reason I didn’t do this a lot when the show was on, I couldn’t understa- i was like, why do people wanna meet me? They're gonna meet me and be disappointed.
Dana: Ohhhh.
Jo: Yeah.
Dana: I think everyone thinks that though, I think that’s very common.
Jo: I think tha- yeah, I think that’s the human condition, right?
Dana: Yes.
Jo: Um, but, but I think Myka and I share that sort of reserve, you know, that thing where you’re like I don’t, no, don’t get too close. I’m like a Monet, stay back. [laughs]
Jaime: And I, I think that was part of the chemistry as well, it’s like, you have that kind of like, you know, protectio- protective-
Jo: Yeah.
Jaime: -kind of like, edge. And so it’s like, if, I think that i- in a way, the gift that we had by it not being written for us is, if had been written we would’ve, the characters would’ve made each other, um, accessible to each other far too quickly. It was like the slow burn of, Myka could be quite prickly, and my character was completely messed up so it was kind of like, this kind of like energy between them where they were kind of like, you know, like working each other out, feeling each other out-
Jo: Is there? Is there an energy there?
Jaime: And then the laughs were well earned, and the smiles, and the deciding to work together was well earned. There was a, a lot of suspicion around each other, and when they opened up or they kind of let their guard down, it was hard earned, and and it was like, you know, something you would wanna rejoice at.
Jo: Yeah, aw, I love that.
Dana: Um, okay, so this is from mayberrycosplay, uh, you may remember mayberrycosplay, I believe one of them dressed as HG at a con, uh-
Jaime: Oh!
Dana: -but they wondered-
Jaime: I’ve seen a few HGs.
Dana: You’ve seen a few HGs.
Jaime: [laughs]
Dana: This is for Jo about, uh, Myka’s experience with ovarian cancer and, uh, like, how the awareness of this silent killer of women, like how that storyline, what that storyline meant to you and how it felt to portray that?
Jo: I was really nervous about that storyline, you know, anything that has affected people and their families and, and it’s always, I, you know, difficult territory to walk as an actor, especially in a show like Warehouse where there's so much happening on such a grand level that I’m like, are they going to pay attention to this? Are they going to really honor a storyline like this? was my concern, you know, like very often things like that are added like, uh, it’s like putting a robot arm on a story, and you're like oh, and by the way, there’s ovarian cancer! And so I was really, you know, concerned about showing up for that and, and, and and serving it in a way that people understood and, and could identify with that, you know, it’s such a catharsis, that’s what I think it’s supposed to be. Um, so it was, uh, I, the fans told me I pulled it off, that’s the only way that I know.
Dana: Well it meant a tremendous amount to, to mayberrycosplay and so that’s why they, they sent that in because it, it really affected them because of their own personal-
Jo: Yeah.
Dana: -you know, family journeys and such.
Jo: Well I’m so, so, thank you, I mean, I’m still wondering, you know, I worked really hard to make sure that was in there. We’ve all lost somebody to cancer, we all know what that’s like, we all know- I mean, I mean, I certainly have, to feel a lump and be like [does the Home Alone face] you know. I have two friends right now who are going through it, so I try to honor it in the best way. I- it’s one of the things that makes me want to be an actor, uh, that I think is so special about it is that you get to tell stories that people, it’s a group catharsis, you know, so I’m glad that, glad they think I, the only thing that, if they think I sh- I showed up then... [laughs] yes, good, good, good.
Dana: Um, let’s see here, cloxy813 wants to know what was your favorite, favorite scene to film together?
Jo: Probably the heaving bosoms scene. I was excited for the heaving bosoms scene, which was all like [mimes placing gun to forehead] kill me!
Jaime: [laughs]
Dana: Hashtag heaving bosoms scene.
Jo: It was so hot that day, I remember my tank top-
Jaime: So hot, oh my god, it was like-
Jo: It was like, my tank top, I would like look down and find, I was like, my boobs are out, um. [laughs] I just saw him sign, them sign, um.
Jaime: We were by that lake, I just wanted to dive in there. It was-
Jo: Yeah, yeah, yeah, but I loved, I loved, I loved doing that scene, I have to say. And, and the chess scene, I remember that.
Jaime: Oh yeah.
Jo: I remember that very well. Um, I really enjoyed my work with Jaime because I, as I said, you know, there’s not a lot of scenes that are two women just being women. It was so, it was like a breath of fresh air and so I, I wasn't, I was, uh, you know, a lot of the times Myka was there to witness Pete-
Jaime: Or, or, or to laugh, or to kind of laugh and sigh at his super funny jokes.
Jo: The funny jokes... um, so, so it was so nice to not ha- be in a scene from that point of view. So often women are are written as accessories-
Jaime: Yeah.
Jo: You know, and, and this was a storyline where I felt like she was a whole person and I could be like a whole, real person, I didn't have to be like-
Jaime: I, I, I, I, I was on a show called Hustle and there was a character on it called Danny Blue, and he had all the funny lines, and one of the refrains that I had was “oh Danny. Oh Danny,” where every time he said something cheeky or naughty or a joke I’d go “oh Danny,” and I remember just being so excited to get the job, but then after awhile like me saying “oh Danny” really wore thin, especially as off camera I feel like I was more witty! [laughs] In that space I was much more funny, but all the funny was written for him, and I was going “oh Danny.” So when I came in I really, I kind of, um, you know, I knew the frustration of playing the, kind of, you, you know-
Jo: Straight man.
Dana: The “oh Danny.”
Jo: -if you were playing, right, right, the brainiac, uptight brainiac, and Pete had all the funny lines, so obviously we were in a lot of scenes with the rest of the cast and keeping the story going, but I felt as though all the character stuff that we had as, as women came from the scenes when we were on our own, and obviously that first scene with the grappler, um, you know, was, it was kind of the first scene where I’d been playing kind of like a little, kind of kind of like sneaky little looks and curiosity and fascination with this woman-
Dana: Yeah, we noticed.
Jaime: And, but, but, I, but, it wasn’t until the grappler scene that I thought that, that i was starting to get this, kind of, this chemistry going, and then there was a scene, do you remember the scene where I didn’t know how to work a computer or open it, it was like a, I was like a monkey-
Jo: Yeah [laughs] yeah.
Jaime: I was like a, it was like, I didn’t know what this is, we were-
Dana: Well, I mean in, in f- in fairness you had been in bronze for a long time.
Jaime: -we were in like a stu- a student room, a student's room, it was-
Jo: Yeah, we were at the college, we were at U of T.
Jaime: And, and. and we’d, it was the first time we’d deci- you’d, you’d kind of begrudgingly decided that we could work together, and HG was kind of a little thrilled, and you were a bit begrudging and-
Jo: Yeah.
Jaime: There was all, we, we still had to, ‘cause like, in sci-fi there’s a lot of storyline and exposition and kind of fantastical stuff, which is super fun, but actually as actors you really get excited about the character stuff and there was always just this great character stuff whenever we were on our own with a scene-
Jo: Yeah.
Jaime: -um, because we didn’t have to worry so much about servicing all the other characters, we just serviced each other.
Dana: Well, you know, there are only two kinds of queer women. It is thrilling or begrudging, it’s one or the other. [all laugh]
Dana: They fit perfectly in there.
Jaime: I mean maybe that’s why it resonated so well, and maybe it was the reason it was so great, that it wasn’t written, because you had these two kind of like, kind of sli- slightly spiky kind of like flawed women, kind of like o- one, you know, one not particularly into the other at all, you know, so-
Jo: It was interesting, I still remember, I still remember receiving that energy and receiving that stuff and realizing, sort of plotting, cause I’m like, how long would it take Myka to figure this out?
Jaime: [laughs]
Jo: Seriously, I was like, cause, Joanne is not her,, I’m, you know, I’m wasn’t in the box that she, I always thought, Jack’s like, you’re exactly like that character, I’m nothing, I’m not- [laughs] I mean there’s a part of me that’s uptight but there's a part of me that’s most definitely not, so I was like how, and I really wanted to do the discovery of it within her, the like, this, the, this feeling started, and then her sort of, and M-Myka to me as a character as a whole was always somebody who was afraid, this is somebody who was always very scared of everything and presented themselves in this very [mimes acting stuffy and uptight] way because there was so much going on here [gestures to heart] and it was slow in the five seasons, I really wanted her to like, you know, relax and start laughing and not be so, and I was like, there’s a certain amount of wonder that was like-
Jaime: Endless wonder.
Jo: -ohhhh, ohhhhh, ohhhh, like you kind of see her, one of the things about that journey is you start to see her discover sort of herself and her own feeling surrounding that, which I thought was really special.
Jaime: And also you, um, you, you kind of ended up, you, you know, HG was kind of like a tricky character and she was always one step ahead, um for, that first season, but then when she started to fall apart, you were the one that kind of put her together, and then I felt like there was also this humor introduced, this lightness introduced to your character through the humor el- elements-
Jo: Yeah.
Jaime: -and the surprise, which was, um, really lovely for your character.
Jo: Yeah, I, I think for m- for me, you know, it was a decision I made like in season two that I k- she had to evolve and grow and sort of, um, I couldn’t, I was, I was, I was like, I can’t keep coming to work and putting a giant stick up my ass [laughs] like we’re doing, like I need just to like expand her and go towards her relaxing and really finding, I think for her the big thing was always finding connection, you know, this-
Dana: Sure.
Jo: -we, we see in the beginning of the show is, it’s very cut off, very isolated, very like, and I, she lost her partner, that was, when I read that script, immediately I was like, this is someone who’s so scared of losing people again that she’s never gonna let anyone else in, and that was sort of like my understanding of her. And when Jaime came on, it was such a great way to explore that, Myka opening, you know, as feelings developed, her opening, you know-
Dana: Well, that, the growth, the character journey that both of your, your characters went on, I think that is what makes the show still so enduring to fans, like why they feel so connected to it, because we do, we saw that journey, you know, both of you had your own journeys to go on and you somehow managed to cross, cross paths, and it may not have ended the way fans had wanted it to, but we still go so much out of it.
Jo: I’m so glad.
Dana: I wish it was endgame, but what can I do?
Jaime: We, we, we need a spinoff show for Jo and I, we, we need a spinoff show.
Dana: Okay, yes, the spinoff, okay! You need to talk about that because-
Jaime: Who do we need to talk to to make that happen?
Dana: I got in a lot of trouble on Twitter yesterday for not asking a spinoff question, uh, what, like, what would a spinoff look like between between HG and Myka?
Jo: I think it would be have, to be now, which we-
Dana: Yeah.
Jo: And we’d have to get her, there’s no ponytails in this story, there’s no suburbs, there’s no fucking ponytails, um, no-
Jaime: I won- I won- I wonder if, um, it could be now, but, or, I wonder if I, I had to come in for a mission and then I actually pulled you back into my time, that might be an interesting way to turn it on its head.
Dana: Ooh, Jaime Murray, there we go!
Jaime: If we both had to go back-
Dana: I love me some period.
Jaime: -into my time or you know what made me think that [she does the Jaime Murray hair flip™] what I-
Jo: [laughs]
Jaime: I saw that, I saw that ne- The Nevers-
Jo: I miss that hair flip!
Jaime: -the, the, the a- the adverts for The Nevers on HBO, and I’m like that is the HG Wells spinoff right there, and I was like super fucked that I wasn’t in that, and then I read that Joss Whedon was a consultant and I was like [inaudible] really bad, so, but, anyway I think that that’s what we should do. I, I’m also obsessed with that time period.
Jo: I mean, yeah, and also like it was real, yeah-
Jaime: It was the beginning of ps-
Jo: Yeah.
Jaime: -psychology, of like Tesla, of of like different thoughts, there was like, they were like spiritual, um, kind of scientists and atheism and there was all it this opportunity for change, which actually wasn’t taken, but it was actually, it’s super interesting right at the time, there was suffragettes-
Jo: Also a fish out of water for me would be so wacky, because I’m a fish out of water too, alright.
Dana: I’m curious if yo all saw the Saturday Night Live sketch the other, uh, last week with, uh, lesbian period drama-
Jaime: Oh!
Dana: -and how, how every lesbian, like anything that features lesbians now has to be- [laughs]
Jaime: Well have you e- have you ever-
Dana: -it’s like the Edwardian or, like the Edwardian times.
Jaime: Have you guys read Sarah Waters, do you know this?
Dana: Oh, of course!
Jaime: Like, so, and maybe that is actually what helped me get to HG Wells, but I loved those books when-
Dana: Oh, they’re so amazing.
Jaime: -I was growing up and I feel like we should make those o- we should remake one of those b- Jo, you’ve got to read those books, and then-
Jo: I’m writing it down! I’m taking notes!
Jaime: Oh, it’s amazing.
Dana: You two would be amazing in her most recent one.
Jaime: She writes these amazing Edwardian, Edwardian kind of wanton lust and then there’s like, like the vervain or whatever, that kind of drug that they used to take back then-
Jo: Opium?
Jaime: -so it’s like slightly, kind of like psychedelic, oh, it’s amazing, yeah, she’s amazing.
Dana: [laughs] Well, we unfortunately are out of time, and it’s been so much fun to talk to the two of you, and I, I love the love that you have for your characters, for your friendship, for the fans, uh, it’s, it’s so lovely to see, and thank you so much for making this work in your schedules, I know you’re both super busy doing your own projects, um, and I want to think Mark. Mark, you’re amazing, thank you so much for, for interpreting.
Jaime: Thank you, Mark!
Jo: Thank you, Mark!
Dana: Um, do you have anything you want to end with, to say to the, to the Bering lesbians out there?
Jaime: Well, first of all, I want to say that, um, if anyone sends me messages to, you know, pictures or anything that that Jo needs to see, I’ll make sure that Jo, Jo gets it, ‘cause she’s not on social media, and I’ll, I’ll share stuff with her so that she can kind of know the love from the community.
Dana: Yeah, great.
Jo: I think, um, I’m actually gonna try to put together a newsletter because I’m trying to get my shows made and I could use this community, you know, to help-
Dana: Oh, we will support you to the end! We will march off that cliff with you.
Jaime: I could help you make a Twitter account, just for our community.
Jo: I don’t wanna do Twitter, I wanna do a newsletter. [laughs] I don’t wanna, I don’t know how many characters are in it, but it’s not enough. [laughs]
Jaime: But Jo, Jo, you have to actually read some of the fanfiction. The fanfiction is epic.
Jo: I have a book that I got, somebody wrote a book-
Jaime: Unbelievable, oh my god.
Jo: -like a novel.
Jaime: They’re brilliant, these people are brilliant, like best fans ever.
Dana: There is some really incredible work out there.
Jaime: Well, do you want to-
Jo: I just wanted to say thank you to everyone, um, you know, I don’t do these very often, and just like, the outpouring of love, like just the connection, I really appreciate it, I’m so grateful, so thank you.
Jaime: Yeah, it’s such a beautiful community. I feel really proud to have been welcomed into it and, uh, very grateful.
Dana: Well, we’ll hope to see you another time, and thank you all who turned in to this panel. [Jaime blows kisses]
Jo: Thank you.
Jaime: Bye, guys.
Dana: Do you smell apples?
Jaime: Bye, Jo, I love you so much.
Jo: Do you smell apples? I love you too. [blows kiss] I’ll talk to you soon.
Jaime: Yes, I’ll see you later. Bye bye, darlings.
Jo: Bye.
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
sarah i have thought of another fic request or like a cute idea i guess! i didn’t have anyone in mind when i thought of it so you can write it for whoever you want honestly :)
okay so the reader is a streamer but streams games like animal crossing, standew valley, etc. then (insert who you’re writing for) says they don’t like that game, but later ends up buying it and the reader is like “i thought you said you didn’t like this game” and they’re like “well i like you” and they confuses their feelings and they end up playing the game together and reader gives them a tour of their island or farm
i feel like this request isn’t good, but the scenario seemed cute and i wanted to share it. sorry if this is confusing or just too specific cuz i know it can be hard to write requests like that! but yeah i hope it gives you inspiration and you like the request <3
new horizons
warnings: language, a Marvel reference (hint: natasha said it about tony), stupid idiots who don’t realize they like each other, use of pet names, Uno rage, Hasan Piker's presence
words: 1473
tags: sapnap x gn!reader
A/N: i’ve been trying to catch up a little on my requests (i’ve only got a couple so i’m not super overwhelmed) but school and outside life has been taking up most of my time so this one took me a while to make! tbh— ive never played animal crossing so i did google some of the game mechanics and i apologize if anything is inaccurate about the game…. but i liked relaxing and writing this cute one so thank you for requesting hails :3
requests/inbox status: open
“This game is trash.”
Your head quirks, fingers stopped on the screen. You’re in the process of giving your character a cute new nickname; it’s kind of hard to decide between “awkward dude” and “elderly skater”.
“Excuse me?” Your chat comes alive with emotes and ‘KEKW’s, obviously entertained by you and your almost-more-than-friends-friend.
There’s a story for that later.
Sapnap’s rough laugh comes through your headset and he audibly swallows, the sound of a water bottle dropping onto his desk echoing.
“I’m just saying—it’s boring. It’s like Minecraft but you don’t like… do anything.” The grainy image of his bearded face shifts and you see him pull out his phone.
“It’s— you can’t even compare it to Minecraft! It’s a completely different game system—you actually interact with other people live in the game.” You huff out a dramatic sigh, slumping in your chair with a pout. “Just because you go into this lucid state where all you know is ‘touch block, hit George’ doesn’t mean this game isn’t fun.” (He scoffs at your awful impression of his voice. Your viewers love it.)
“Jeez,” he mumbles, fumbling with the cap of his water bottle. “Touched a nerve there, bud.”
You roll your eyes, getting back to the village in the game.
“Don't ‘bud’ me.”
The call falls comfortably quiet, the sounds of him tapping obsessively on his phone and you clicking away filling the silence. A gentle bedroom-pop YouTube playlist remains in the background, prompting you to hum along and glance at the chat to see a flood of “check twitter” and “Y/N TWITTER!!”.
“What happened on Twitter?” You mumble, confused, and pull the website up on another monitor. Sapnap just makes a curious noise, swinging back and forth in a circle. “Oh my God,” you say to yourself, fingertips brushing your parted lips.
“Hasan Piker just followed me and retweeted one of my not even remotely political old tweets. Like from a year ago.”
“That’s— wow. Congrats?” Sapnap’s voice cracks, and his ears flush pink the tiniest bit when you glance at his face on Discord.
“I’m gonna go on record and say that he could get it.” You shake your head in disbelief.
Sapnap falls uncharacteristically non-hyper-verbal, so you look past the frenzied chat and to his screen— wait. He muted and turned his camera off.
“Um,” you start, furiously typing question marks in your private chat. “Where’d you go?” You mute and turn screen share off for your stream, concerned that he might’ve fallen off his chair and broken his neck and needs you to call the ambulance.
The characteristic ding of a twitter notification sounds through your bedroom, and you look at your phone quickly.
“That’s where I went.”
Sapnap Tweeted: “all Y/U stans can choke on my dick”.
“Jesus, Sapnap,” you say, and rapidly refresh to read the replies. This tweet was deleted. “That’s so— that barely makes sense, bro. Why— literally what?”
His snicker floods your ears and you relax in your chair. Crisis: averted. “Don’t fucking— what’s wrong with you?”
“I thought it would be funny,” he offers, shrugging, and fiddles with the straw in his water bottle, smile fading. “And also Hasan pisses me off.”
“Why, ‘cause he wants a piece of this? Jealous?” You think back to your viewers, knowing they’re probably spamming question marks and coming to ludacris conclusions about both of your absences. No offense to them. You remember your stan days very vividly.
“I mean, kinda.” He rubs once at his nose, glancing at the camera (and what feels like you) before taking a sip from his water bottle.
“Wow.” You watch one strand of his hair fall from beneath his hat and brush against his full eyebrows. “I’m uh—I’ll get back to my stream. You coming? Or is it time for a Sapnap-snack?”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” He snorts and leans his chin onto the balance of his arm.
“That means you like to take a little snack break mid-stream and come back approximately nine hours later and you didn’t even eat.”
“You know what— fuck you.” He flicks the camera as you laugh at the look on his face.
The teasing mood is easily kept as you switch games from Animal Crossing to Uno, all the while slamming Sapnap with +4’s and skipping the newly-arrived BadBoyHalo at any chance you can get. It unironically pisses him off and he has to take a Sapnap-snack break midway through (only a fifteen minute break this time, during which you and Bad take a “What Kind of Bread Are You?” quiz). The rest of the night is filled with devious cackles (you), loud and sudden bangs that sound suspiciously like someone hitting their desk in anger (Sap) and the stupid barking of Rat, AKA Lucy (Bad). She’s cute but a menace to the sound quality of Bad’s microphone. You sign off stream around 2 a.m. with various forms of thanks and kisses blown to the camera. It’s been a refreshing night, actually; you’ve been busy organizing a partnership stream all week and all your friends have been busy filming or editing or what-not. Quackity had time for a little Roblox every couple of days, though. He’s got your back.
The next time you see Sapnap is after a two hour stream of him try-harding in Valorant and you finishing responding to an email from your partnership in the VC.
“Okay, I’m back.” You hear him shift in his chair and click a couple more times on his keyboard. You perk up in your chair, closing the email browser you’d been looking at.
“Do you want to play anything else? I’m down for anything.”
“Absolutely not Uno. You can go to hell for giving me 6 cards that one time,” he jabs. You scoff, crossing your arms and leaning back in your chair.
“Okay, the +4 was on me but it’s Bad who gave you the last two. That’s not my fault, sweetie.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he mumbles, trailing off as the clicking of his keyboard stops. “Hey, um—Guess what?”
Your heart beats loud in your ears at the tone of his voice. He sounds nervous; that’s never good.
“I’m scared to guess,” you try, playing with a little Minecraft dog figurine you have on your desk with fidgety fingers. “What?”
“I bought Animal Crossing.”
Silence. You stare at his discord icon blankly, trying to reroute the wires of your brain.
“Tell me you love it.”
“Well… I haven’t actually played it— but you said you liked it, so.”
“So,” you repeat him, ears warming but continuing on. “Is that what you tell all your friends when you buy something they like? That it's because of them?”
He seems to choose his next words carefully, pausing a beat to consider your questions.
“Well, I don’t have a crush on all of my friends.”
“You—what?” You stutter, caught off guard and stumbling. What did he just say? “Don’t tell me you mean you have a crush on me.”
“I’m almost positive I just did.” His discord icon stares right back at you, taunting.
“You know, you’re very casual for someone who just admitted they like-like me.” Your cheeks flush pink and you have to press a hand to your chest to keep your breathing sounding stable.
“Yeah, I’m kind of cool like that,” he offers, a huff of a laugh punctuating his statement. The conversation moves into a lull that you can’t help but know is because of you. He must expect you to say something about it, right?
“You are very cool, Sapnap.” You tilt back in your chair, sucking in a breath to prepare yourself for your next words. “And—Isortakindofhaveacrushonyoutoo.”
He must understand you, for you can hear the grin in his voice when he asks “Really?”
“Y-yeah.” You feel like a preteen again, all shaky and giddy in front of the boy you just asked to a middle school dance.
“Um, alright. What do we do now?”
“I don’t know,” you answer genuinely and swing in a happy little circle in your chair. “We could play Animal Crossing.”
“I’m down.”
You swear you’ve never heard more beautiful words.
He keeps his camera off for most of the time you two play, too focused on creating his island and asking you questions about how to fish to turn it on. He silently flips it on when you help him decorate his lawn, needing to show you in real-time the decorations he has bought and where you think he should put them. He looks cute. I mean, of course he does. He always does.
You tell him goodbye late in the night, eyes saying a little more than just “see you tomorrow”.
You like him. He likes you.
It’s even better when you two have matching gardens.
A/N: anybody and everybody (especially my precious hailey) let me know what you think!! :]
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bukojuiice · 3 years
blue lagoon — gojo satoru
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ೃ pairing: gojo satoru x fem! reader
ೃ  tags: smut 18+ (the rest of the tags are below the cut!)
ೃ  warnings: nsfw
ೃ wc: 2771 words
ೃ  Gojo Satoru’s high profile sorcerer life is plagued by malicious and good for nothing rumors that describe and entail him as a pompous casanova. To finally debunk said rumors, he comes to you, his loving girlfriend, for advice on how to publicly announce your relationship with him. all it takes is some loving and some teasing from you to finally gain the courage and come to his senses.
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additional tags: teasing, bathroom sex, and overstimulation (enjoy!)
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A skirt-chaser, womanizer, and possibly a gallivanter who jumps from woman to woman.
That’s mostly the perception that people have about him.
He was just too good to be true.
They didn’t dare to think that Gojo Satoru would be a perfect man on his own.
There should always be a catch.
Handsome, possibly the strongest sorcerer known to man, charming, tall, and sexy, and not to mention, a bad-ass.
No one could just act that part casually and nonchalantly without hiding some skeletons in the closet, right?
Even his three first-year students, who had some assumptions and have heard some rumors that maybe their beloved teacher was a ladies’ man who could possibly never just have one significant other in his life.
They were wrong. All of them are wrong.
There was you.
The first woman he fell in love with and the woman he would come back home to after a tiring day.
He met you when you were casually roaming about the blinding lights district that was Shinjuku, catching the next train ride home.
Just a small-town girl… living in a lonely world... she took the midnight train going anywhere…
The moment he saw you, he was entranced.
He stopped in his tracks, taking in your beauty as you continuously walk farther and farther away from him.
Gojo knew he had to find you again.
And as fate would have it, the two of you end up catching the same train, a week later. Engaged in small talk, some laughs and giggles, and you were automatically charmed by his personality and looks. The two of you then went on some casual dates before taking a few steps further, and now, here you are. It’s been a year and a half since you two started dating.
The white-haired man needed to shut down these rumors, once and for all.
He wants to proudly tell everybody that there was only one woman in his life and this woman is one worth spending the rest of his life with.
So, as he meets with you tonight in your apartment like he always does, he wants to ask you for advice on how to do so.
Only problem is, how can he be honest with you like this?
What if you react differently and be taken aback over the fact that the two of you aren’t necessarily considered as official yet on his side of things?
You bob your head up at the sound of your apartment door unlocking. Your captivating boyfriend enters inside, a soft and loving smile appearing on his face as soon as he sees you.
“Sorry if I’m a bit late today.” He pardons himself but you shake your head as you stood up from your seat to run towards him, enveloping him in an amorous hug. “It’s alright babe. Have you had dinner already?” You ask innocently, tiptoeing just a little bit to give him a greeting peck on the lips.
“Yup.” He says popping the p, trying his best to emanate his usual playful and energetic aura, As the two of you break free from the hug. He begins to stretch his arms and shoulders, groaning in the process. “I’m a bit soar though. Is it alright if I take a bath?”
“Of course, love! The water’s ready actually. I just poured in some hot water in the bath for my nightly wash, thinking you won’t arrive tonight.”
“A-aaaah! I’m sorry for making you wait!” He pulls you in for another hug, peppering kisses on your cheek, giggling as he does so. “What can I possibly do to cheer you up my mistress!?”
“Pfft. Like I said, It’s alright, my love. Just get in the tub, ‘Toru.” You laugh, pushing him away playfully as he heads for your bathroom. But before he completely enters, he steps back a little, turning to you dramatically.
“Oh, my woman, why must you wound me?”
You laugh once again at his little dramatic quip as you shoo him away.
Whilst waiting for Satoru to finish by waiting for him at the door, you feel as if there’s a strange air between the two of you. Like he was hiding something. You had to get him to talk and bare his heart to you and as your mind begins to think up ideas faster speed of light, you feel a lightbulb light up in your head.
What if you went inside the bathroom and surprise him? After all, despite his very tall yet alluring height, the two of you would fit perfectly in the Japanese tub you recently just bought with him in during your monthly IKEA.
It was perfect.
You quickly make loose of your clothes, dashing into the bathroom and make a beeline towards Gojo who was chilling in the tub, head most probably in the clouds, aimlessly playing with the bubbles in the tub.
Just from looking at him like this, you know something was up.
After you wet yourself down, you hop into the tub with Gojo.  As soon as he sees you dip in, he snaps back into reality, slightly bewildered and mouth agape at the sight of your beauty as you sit comfortably in front of him.
“(Y/N)!” He slightly jerks up from his position, but quickly recovers by pulling a playful pout. “I didn’t expect you to just barge in on me like this…” His fingers trace circles around your shoulder and then around the base of your neck, earning whimpers from you.
You lean back against him, and you feel him tense up even more at the touch of your bodies. “Toru… is there something up? Something you’re not telling me? You’ve been down in the dumps today…” You continue to lounge in the water, letting out a content yet exasperated sigh. Behind you, Gojo smiles half-heartedly.
If only he could tell you these conflicted emotions he’s been feeling recently.
“Everything’s fine love. Don’t worry.” He says in his usual cheeky and smug tone. He licks his lips seductively; lust fills his ethereal azure eyes as you feel Satoru’s hard cock against your ass. You perk up and push back against it slightly to get a better feel.
Gojo doesn’t react, but you hear him gulp down a lump on his throat, so you quietly reach your hand until-
“Not in the bathtub missy.” He teases you playfully, combing his hand through your mildly wet hair. “Wait just a l-little bit moree.”
Why does this man have to play with you like this?
You turn to him, the water rippling with you, shooting him an indignant stare as you lift your hands out of the water to show him you’ll behave. He sighs skittishly at the disappointed look you just gave him right now, getting goosebumps as you feel his breath against the back of your neck.
Gojo’s natural scent mixes with the bath’s hot steam. Somehow, it calms you down and gets you excited at the same time. He notices you shiver a bit as the cold breeze of wind passes by the two of you. This gives him another chance to tease you again.
“Keep your shoulders under the water so that you stay warm. It’ll help soothe away your fatigue. You had a long day today, after all~”
You roll your eyes, turning to him once more, cupping his cheek. “Pleaseeeee. You’ve had an even more draining day than I did as always.”
Gojo scoops up some bathwater, and began pouring it over your shoulders. Resulting in you relaxing even further in his arms.
Here you were right in front of him.
Completely bare and naked. Waiting for him to ravage you.
He just couldn’t help it. The teasing didn’t satisfy him enough, and now that the two of you are lying comfortably in this huge-ass bathtub, might as well use it all to your advantage, right?
Satoru’s carnal instincts kick in and all of a sudden, before you could even react probably, he grabs your boobs. Gently squeezing them and flicking your now perked up nipples. You mewl at his every touch, his touch feeling a bit more intense when it’s wet.
He pauses for a moment… and then,
“Shall we continue?”
“T-toru please… yes.” You say in between moans as he squeezes your breasts a little tighter, digging his fingers in.
“A-ah… that feels so good.”
Your white-haired lover smirks, pinching your nipples once more, steamy warmth radiating from his hands.
“They’re extra smooth and squishy today.” He teases once again, giving them an extra squeeze, earning giggles from you as his hands wander south. You practically twitch as a result of the combined stimulations that Satoru was giving you, as water flows out of the tub.
Meanwhile, you can feel that Gojo’s cock is at full mast now.
You scoot backwards a bit, spreading your legs wide so that you can get a good look at it.
Just then, Gojo’s hand comes into view as he reaches down to play with your clit. You continue to lull your head back, your bodies pressing even more than before as you feel a different sort of wetness between your legs, so you keep letting him do his thing.
“’Toru… put it in me.” You whisper in between your moans once more, the rush of sudden arousal and excitement coursing through your veins.
“Sure, I could do that, but… is it safe to have sex underwater?” He chuckles to his own joke, slightly ruining the momentum. You were about to react and shoot him a glare again but you knew that this was your time to get back at him.
You reach down and stroke the underside of his huge cock. Gojo moans softly at your sudden gesture, and he immediately bites down on your earlobe, almost reflexively.
“(Y/N)… who gave you the right to be this damn beautiful?” He licks and nibbles your neck carefully, making sure not to leave any obvious marks, making you shiver with anticipation and desire.
Your loud and his soft moans mix together like a harmonious tune, Satoru knew that he had to take this a step further now, holding you by the waist, and tracing circles on your stomach to try and ease you before hie makes his big move.
“I’m going to put it in now, okay? So, take a deep breath and just relax… stay right there and I’ll do the rest~” He whispers to your ear softly as you assume the position and Gojo slides his cock inside of you.
You mewl and cover your mouth as soon you feel his huge throbbing cock penetrate your insides. Your mind goes hazy for a moment as you feel all the ecstasy and excitement circulate around your body all at the same time, as you continue to stay in position for him to continue his full entrance.
“A-ah.. I f-feel it!” You murmur, your hand still covering your mouth.
“(Y/N)! You’re so tight!” Maybe it’s just the water, but Gojo’s cock feel way warmer than usual. Was it the stimulation or the fact that this was your first time doing it in the tub of all places?
The two of you pause for a moment to let your bodies adjust… then Gojo bounces you on his cock like you were a ragdoll.
“(Y/N)… if this hurts, please tell me alright? I’ll stop if you say so.” He says in between hitched breaths as he continues to bounce you up and down, each movement eliciting a loud and hot moan from you, you shake your head from side to side to let him know that it’s alright and he can keep going.
Over and over, he slams into your deepest parts, and before long you can’t feel your legs anymore from all this excitement and energy you were releasing.
“T-toru! Fuck me harder!” You finally scream out on the top of your lungs, and you notice Gojo slow his movements for just a second to process what you had just said as he continues.
With each motion, the bathwater ripples and rocks, loudly splashing over the edge and onto the floor. As Satoru continues to thrust, he wraps his arms around you from behind, holding you tight.
Gojo presses his face against your shoulder, kissing and nibbling every soft spot he could find. Your mind becomes blank again and you couldn’t do anything but continue bucking your hips to the rhythm, riding out the ecstasy.
Your pussy has become a revolving door of cock-water-cock-water. The heat making your brain all fuzzy.
“(Y/N)! I love you! This feels incredible… I’m a-about to!”
“I-I love you too…” You breathe heavily, your thighs slap together with increasing frequency, climax right around the corner.
“(Y/N)! I’m cumming!”
“A-ah! M-me too!”
His cock swells up inside of you, filling you with liquid even hotter than the bathwater. Your mind melts to mush as you achieve an absolutely transcendent orgasm.
Gojo continues to hold you in place as he empties all his load inside of you. You rest your weight against him as you come down from the climax, his cum trickling out of you and mixing with the bathwater.
“T-that was amazing…” You giggle, still trying to catch your breath as your boyfriend laughs along with you.
“I feel like I kinda lost control there.” says Gojo, who was trying to catch his breath just as much as you were.
“N-no… it’s alright.” You turn your head to him once again, cupping his cheek. Even after the orgasm, his cock is still hard enough to stay inside you.
“I think we spent too much time here.” Gojo whispers, resting his head on your shoulder. “The water’s getting cold and we can’t just sit here foreverrrr.” He pouts and you pat his head. You honestly bet he still enjoys the way your bodies are still perfectly connected, but alas, it was time to clean up.
“Alright. Alright. Let’s get out of here.”
Desperately suppressing the urge to keep fooling around, you get out of the tub. Gojo follows you out and the two of you have a quick shower. The two of you walk back to your room, hand in hand, with nothing but a towel before retreating to your room.
This is where he finally pops the question.
Waiting for you to finish drying your hair up, Gojo is laying down on your bed with newly laundered clothes he leaves at your apartment for whenever he sleeps over. He stares up at the ceiling, waiting for you to spark up a conversation. He takes a deep breath and sits up from the bed, watching you lovingly as you blow dry your hair.
“I need to tell you something…” He finally speaks up, fiddling with his hands as he says so. “The people in Jujutsu High don’t know we’re an item? Like- They have no idea that I have an absolutely amazing girlfriend and they think that I’m this shitty womanizer who only puts up a front-“
“Woah… calm down love.” You approach him, sitting beside him on the bed, a bit sad that your boyfriend fumbling with his words which was very unlikely and out of character for him. “Look, if you think it’s the right and appropriate time to tell them, then tell them. I’ll always be here to support you through every step of the way. I know it’s tough and I know they’ll relentlessly continue their shitty assumptions about you, but, I’m here now okay? I’ll be here for you.” You stand up from the bed, planting a kiss on his forehead. “I love you. You’re the best sorcerer out there and the most confident and loving man I know- let the haters hate.”
He looks up at you, his cerulean eyes sparkling in the dim bedroom light.
“I love you too.” He replies, finally, a soft and genuine smile appears on his face for the very first time tonight. “I guess I gotta get new haters since the old ones are starting to like me huh?”
“Now, let’s get to bed.”
“Awee. Shall we go for another round?”
“Toru… no.”
“Phah! Says the girl who literally went inside the tub with me like it was nothing!”
“My legs feel like jelly already… no.”
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attempted to write this faster than the speed of light as soon as i finished watching jjk!!
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ryvgvji · 4 years
Can you do the banning sex for 3 weeks thing with haikyuu characters tendou and anyone else🥰 please and thank you if you actually do it
yessir! i can! hope you enjoy
(apologies for any grammar errors. and sorry if this is sloppy. and the late answer 😅 <3)
✰ characters: Tendou Satori, Kuroo Tetsuro, Sawamura Daichi, Oikawa Tooru
✰ their reaction to being banned from sex for three weeks
Tendou Satori
Tendou, Tendou, Tendou
he probably, mostly likely end up in the situation because he thought it would be a good idea to play a prank on you
he thought the prank was harmless but you were ready to go to jail
you had went out for the day with your friends to get dolled up by them as a treat
they brought you to get hair, nails and makeup done. they even bought you some new clothes
now for you to come home and walk through your front door, you weren’t expecting to have water get dumped on your head
mouth agape you saw your red hair boyfriend peeping around the corner with his hand over his mouth doubled over laughing 
“what the actual fuck Tendou!!” you yelled at your boyfriend who was still laughing. your hair that you had just gotten done was now wet and so was your clothes as well as the bag of more clothes in your hands. not to mention the water was freezing cold. oh how you wanted to beat the living shit out of him. 
you placed the soaked bags down on the ground taking off your shoes placing on the shoe rack. you walk in the direction of your boyfriend who watched you as he wiped the tear from his eye. walking straight past him you shoved his arm that he tried to touch you with, continuing on your journey to the bathroom. once you got to the bathroom, you started striping from your clothes. as turn around you see Tendou leaning against the door frame with his hands in his pockets eyeing you up and down. as he reached out to touch you, you slapped his hand away. “don’t touch me.” you said sternly. “come on beautiful, don’t be like that please.” he whine. his reaches out again, wrapping his arms around you nuzzling his face in your neck.
you sighed unraveling his arms from around your waist. “no Tendou, i’m still mad at you. you got my clothes and hair wet. you don’t do that shit bruh.” you shake your head. “beautiful it was prank i’m sorry.” he sighed. you shrugged, “i don’t care. because of you little prank, you just earned yourself no sex.” you said nonchalant. you heard him choke. “what?” “yeah no sex, for three weeks.” he pouted. “babe, you know that i won’t last.” you sarcastically gasped at him. “oh no, what every shall we do.” you rolled your eyes. “that sounds like a you problem.” you laughed. you pushed him out the bathroom getting ready to shower. “bye~”
as the weeks went by, Tendou could feel himself slowly dying. with you constantly walking around the house in teasing wardrobes, you were making it very hard for him to function properly. he would would try and touch sometime while your not looking but you’d always catch him somehow. now that it was the final day of his punishment he decided that we was gonna make it up to you by taking you out on a nice, lovely date before bring you back home and having his way with you. once back in the comfort of your shared house, he dashes to the bedroom with you in his arms. “let me treat you right tonight beautiful.” 
Kuroo Tetsuro
let’s just say the when it comes to being a tease, Kuroo is your guy
you and him went out to a restaurant
the whole night Kuroo has been eyeing you like a predator would with their prey  
he coots his chair closer to you resting his hand atop of your thigh
just then the waiter comes to serve you 
he would trace circles over your skin, moving further and further up until he got to his most prized possession
he’d slyly massage you through the fabric of the clothing you were wearing as you spoke to the waiter, breathing a bit heavy
you accidentally out a moan when he slid your panties to the side dipping a finger inside of you. this made the waiter look at you with a confused expression
“i cant believe you did that.” you hissed at your boyfriend in the car. he had embarrassed you in front of the waiter that served you two at the restaurant. now your all hot and flustered and it’s all because of that handsome devil of a man that was seated in the drivers seat with his hand laid on your thigh. oh, two can definitely play that game.
when you two finally arrived at the house you waste no time on pushing over to the couch. you straddle his waist taking off the shirt that he wore along with your own before placing a heated kiss to his lips. his hands found themselves on your ass giving it light squeezes. pulling away, you reach up and undo your bra taking it off and throwing it somewhere. “damn..” he breathes out. you lean in sucking lightly on his neck, grazing your teeth over his pulse. he makes a low groan pulling you plush against him. you reach behind you for his hands as you whisper in his ear, “because you teased me at the restaurant, now you suffer babe.” you look him in the eyes. “no sex for three weeks.” you pecked his lips getting off his lap, picking up your clothes and walking away.
for the next week, Kuroo was losing his mind. he craved for you, all of you. he wanted to touch you, make love with you, show you who you belong to and that you were only his. and with your personality, you weren’t making it any easier. it killed him everytime you’d walk by and tease him by swaying your hips or make suggestive remarks. he was about to risk it all. as the last day of his punishment came to an end, once he got home from work he took a shower and immediately went to the bedroom to see you. although you were sleeping, that didn’t stop him. he would kiss up and down your body leaving love bites in his wake as well until you woke up. “your up. i think it’s time for you punishment now, gorgeous.”
Daichi Sawamura
you and Daichi were invite to a party that was being held by a close friend
at the party many games and drinks were being done
you’ve done everything from taking a shot to body shots with Daichi
to close down the night, the last game you played was beer pingpong
it was you against Daichi , and to make it more interesting you made a bet
“if i win this, i have something in mind for you.” you smirked picking up your last ball. Daichi smiles and crossed his arm, “what if you don’t?” “then i do whatever you want baby.” you say as you spoke a seductive tone towards your boyfriend.
aiming for the last cup on Daichi’s sides, you threw a ping pong ball. it bounced off the table into the cup. you wooed as everybody clapped and cheered. walking over to opposite side of the table where Daichi was, you wrapped your arms around his neck placed a light kiss to his lips. “prepare yourself baby,” you leaned in to whisper “no sex for three weeks.” you could have sworn that you could feel Daichi’s body tense up. you just smile before walking away from him.
as days went by, everything was fine. Daichi was really just chillin’, he wasn’t really fazed by it. he didn’t really care much for sex but there were times were he wanted to just pick you up and go to the bedroom. he had to keep his composure. after the second week, that’s when he started to yearn for you. he wouldn’t say anything to you but you could tell. so you teased him. in any possible way that you could think of. on the final day of this bet, Daichi seemed calm, chill if you would say. once night hits, he goes absolutely feral. he wants what’s his and he’s gonna have it. he will take care of you. “are you ready bambi?”
Oikawa Tooru
Oikawa having a flirtatious personality wasn’t a problem for you
if it wasn’t direct towards you , you were ready to fight
at one of his volleyball games a group of girls came up to him saying how hot he was and how they would love to take him on a date
this of course got you a bit upset but you know your boyfriend wouldn’t do that to you
oh boy were you wrong
he had the audacity to flirt back and say “i would love to go on a date” and wink at them
you immediately walked over to them and dragged oikawa by his ear away from the girls
“are you dumb?” you questioned Oikawa. he was kinda taken back from the way you said it. he clutched his chest and looked at you with a supposed hurt expression. “well that isn’t a very nice way to talk to your boyfriend.” was this boy for real? you could almost fuck the boy up right now. “nice my ass.” you rolled your eyes and kissed your teeth. he chuckled. “your very funny y/n-chan and that’s why i love you.” he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you onto his lap. “you are fucking amazing lil cutie.” he leaned in and attempted to kiss you but before he could you put your hands to his lips. “nope,” you started. “since you wanna be flirting, you could go talk to wanna your hoes. cause i ain’t with it.” you got off his lap. “oh and before i forget, no sex for you for three weeks.” you say as you walk away somewhere in the house
Oikawa had no idea what to do. this was the first time that you’ve ever put him on punishment, well let’s real here, there has been a couple of times that you punished him before, but never like this. it’s never been this extreme. this was driving him mad. honestly, he has just been a horny bastard the entire time and he just could not keep his hands to himself. slapping your ass, kissing your neck, anything to get you to give in and let him have his way with you. but your not that easy. as the last day of punishment rolls around, he doesn’t wait. he can’t wait. immediately, your woken from your sleep by the feeling of someone kissing on your inner thighs. when you look down your greeted by dark brown eyes looking up at you. “now, now, i’ve been waiting, if not very patiently. so i believe that i earned myself a reward. so come here, you lil cutie.”
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Prompt: Requested by the lovely @romanreignsgirl20 , as a surprise to her friend @jazzy-bella02 I hope you girls like it 😉
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Word Count: Long-ish
Pairings: Jon Moxley x Reader
Warnings: +18, smut, rough sex, degradation kink (name calling), dirty talk, asphyxiation kink (breath play), cursing, dom x sub dynamic
Editor: @rheacanbreakme
Tag: @marlananicole , @bellalutionn , @yungbludjazz360 , @sassymox
Notes: *insert passing out gif here* I wish, girl, I fucking wish! You can check out my previous stories on my Masterlist if you’d like (it would make me your girl here very happy 🤗). And now, let’s get to the fun part, shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy...
My first AEW live event, how exciting is that? I’m excited for everything, but to be honest, the thing I was most excited about was to see my favorite wrestler (and my eternal crush) Jon Moxley. The only reason I had bought tickets for this live event was because of him. And I couldn’t wait to see him face to face.
Suddenly his music started, and there he was. Beautiful, with that bad boy attitude and swagger. He passed through the middle of the audience, cutting his way through the people to get to the ring, and that’s when he stopped by my side to stare at Darby, who was waiting for him in the ring.
He smelled amazing! Masculine, earthy, fresh, spicy and kinda musky. That was when he looked down at me.
“Hey there, doll” Jon said, winking
My voice got caught in my throat and I could only nod as a greeting
“Are you gonna root for me?” He asked, seriously
“Y-Yes...I- I came here just to see you” I said, my cheeks beginning to flush pink in embarrassment
“Oh really? So why don’t we make a deal? If I win you come backstage with me” He proposed
“And what if you lose?” I asked
His only response to me was a loud laugh as he ran to the ring.
The match ended as fast as it started. Jon took over Darby like he was nothing, and when the match was over, he asked for a microphone, squatted down next to Darby’s body and said
“What you have witnessed, is a message for anyone backstage who wants to fuck with me. Try your luck, buddies, but don’t you never forget that” His eyes searched through the audience until he found me, and while smirking, he continued “Jon Moxley NEVER loses! And at the end of the day, I always get what I want” He dropped the microphone on top of Darby’s chest, and made his way to the audience. When he was in front of me, Jon picked me up in his arms bridal style, and walked towards his locker room.
He placed my feet softly on the floor of his locker room, locked the door, and asked
“So, what’s your name, kitty cat?”
“Is it true that you came here today just to see me?” Jon slowly started to get closer, and closer to me
“Yes..I-I drove five hours just to see you, Mox” I shyly responded
“Five hours?” He whistled “Wow, that’s a whole lot of effort just to see my sorry ass” He cackled, lighting up a cigarette
“I have a sore spot for you, so..” I joked and Jon chuckled
“Oh yeah?” He sat on the black leather couch, and patted his thigh, almost as a hint for me to sit down on it
“Tell me, kitty cat, besides that sore spot is there any other spot that you might have for me? I don’t know, maybe like... a wet and warm one?” He asked, as one of his hands caressed my ass through my jeans
My face escalated through one thousand shades of red reacting to his words..
“Oh,” Jon laughed, amused, “Kitten is one of the shy ones, huh?”
“I’m not used to hearing those things..”
“It’s ok, doll. I like the shy ones! They always surprise you anyways” He smirked “Will you surprise me, Y/N? Will you make me believe that you’re all sweet, innocent and collected and then, when I’m fucking you, you’ll say the most filthiest things that can even make ME blush?”
I don’t know where the courage that took over me came from, but I grabbed him and said
“I guess you’ll have to find out”
Jon’s eyes became a darker shade of blue, as an mischievous grin took over his lips
“Oh, you’re definitely one of the fun ones! We’re gonna have a good time, kitten. I can already tell”
I straddled his hip and asked “Are you gonna talk the whole night through, or are you gonna do something, Jon Moxley?”
He quickly grabbed my thighs and laid me down on the couch, pinning my body down with his weight.
“You’re gonna wish you never said that” He threatened, coldly. And I believed him.
One hand quickly came up to my throat, and squeezed, hard. Jon leaned down to kiss me, but when he got close enough and I closed my eyes to savour it, the fucker leaned back, laughing
“How bad do you want it?” He asked, with mischief dancing upon those blue orbs
“Very badly” I panted
“Yeah? Are you gonna scream for me? Let everyone know how much of a whore you are for me?”
“Yes, sir” I moaned
“Oh, she’s a trained slut! That’s good. At least I won’t have to waste my time teaching you shit” He bit my lip forcefully
“Safeword?” Jon asked
“Color system, sir”
“Good” He released my neck and stood up “Strip for me” He commanded, sitting down on the armchair across the couch
I clumsily stood up, and began to mechanically take my clothes off.
“Stop” He said, making me look at him in confusion
“What the fuck are you doing, Y/N?”
“Taking my clothes off, as you requested, sir”
Jon shook his head in disappointment “Unbelievable” He muttered under his breath
“Are you deaf, Y/N?”
“No, sir” I replied, still confused
“I told you to strip for me! Not for you to take your clothes off without any passion” He said with disdain in his voice
“I’m sorry, sir”
“Start again” Jon commanded, unbuttoning his jeans and pulling the fly down.
I swallowed my embarrassment and did as I was told, and began to strip for him
I removed my t-shirt slowly, followed by my bra, which I let teasingly slide down my arms. Jon groaned at the sight of my bare breasts and started to touch himself through his boxers.
When I began to pull my jeans down, Jon said
“Come closer, Y/N”
I obliged and he told me to turn around, so my back was facing him now.
“Pull your jeans down, slowly” He said and I did as he wanted, pulling my jeans down, torturously slow.
“Hmmm, fuck. That’s it, kitten. Just like that” He cooed and I could hear him spitting on his palm “Take a few steps back, doll” He requested
I walked backwards until he told me to stop, that was when he told me to continue
“Fuck, you have a beautiful ass” Jon said, licking my (now exposed) ass cheeks.
He asked me to turn around, and so I did
“See through?” He asked, caressing the thin layer of light blue lace that covered my mound.
His soft and lazy caresses soon found my clit, and he began to circle the nub through the lace panties, making me moan at the friction.
I could now see that Jon’s cock was completely out of his boxers, as he was stroking himself. And I could already feel the pressure of my release, building up. As I was about to cum, he stopped the action on my clit and told me to lose the panties.
“Go to the couch, kneel on it, and rest your chest on the backrest” Jon quickly said, as he opened the condom.
Seconds after, I felt his presence behind me. He pushed my hips back slightly, and positioned himself on my entrance
“Are you gonna be a good kitten for me?” He whispered in my ear
“Yes, sir” I gasped, when I felt him sliding in
“Are you gonna scream for me?”
“Yes, sir”
“Are you gonna let everybody in this backstage hear how good I’m fucking you?”
“Yes, sir...please” I moaned
Jon forcefully thrusted into me, making the air escape from my lungs.
“Sir” I cried out, grabbing his wrist
“So fucking tight, kitten” He moaned “But don’t worry, we’re about to change that” As he moaned again and laughed.
Jon began to move slowly in and out, stretching my walls to fit him perfectly and once he could move easily in and out, his thrusts became so hard that my chest smacked the back of the couch each time he entered me. It all felt so good that I instinctively started to meet his thrusts
“Oh fuck yes, kitten! That’s right, baby, take it! Fuck yourself on my cock”
His encouragement made me move faster and faster and without noticing I began screaming
“I’m Mox’s good little whore”
Jon growled, pounding harder and deeper.
“Yes you are, kitten! Fuck, you’re such a good little slut! My perfect slut” He bit my neck and circled one arm around my waist, until he reached my clit and started to rub it
“I want you to cum for me, Y/N. I want you to milk my cock, baby. I wanna feel you clenching around me”
His words worked like magic on me, making me explode around him. My walls became so tight, it even got hard for him to move.
A few seconds later, Jon grunted as he came.
“I knew you would surprise me, but fuck!” He chuckled, as he slid out and took the condom off.
Jon threw the condom in the trash can and returned to the couch. I reached down for my panties, but he was quicker, taking the piece of fabric off the floor and tucking it in the front pocket of his jeans. Leaning down, he finally, for the first time, kissed me. An addictive kiss, that tasted like whiskey, mint and cigarettes.
“Wanna go get some burgers?" He asked, smiling
“Sure” I cackled
“Would you like to come to my place afterwards?” Jon questioned
I looked at him in surprise “You want to see me again?” I asked, shocked
“Of course I do! You’re my own little Pandora’s box, I need to know what else you’re hiding in there” He narrowed his eyes, making me laugh
“So, c’mon” He stood up and offered me his hand “Let’s go get our burgers, kitty cat”...
Please if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated 🥰😘
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