#sorry this turned out so long lol
soranker · 5 months
hi….! any chance we can see your art process ? it’s fine if not! i was wondering if u do a sketch before your lines or you just skip directly to lineart? your art is very beautiful!
HI!!! AUGGHHHJHH THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH T__T my art style is kinda simple imo so my process is pretty bare-bones ^^;; there's not rly much too it!! it also kinda changes depending on how uhhhh lazy im feeling in the moment HAHA
probably around half of my drawings are straight to line art bc they're rly just doodles or things i decide to draw without any planning (but also im kinda impatient so i try to skip the sketching step if i can LOL...). but if i DO have a specific pose in mind for a drawing, i'll start with a sort of mannequin sketch or loose pass, then depending on how messy it is, ill either do the lineart pass on the layer on top or duplicate the sketch and then clean it up.
and then my coloring process is not sophisticated at all i just create a new layer and then paint bucket tool away LMAOOOO
here's an example of a drawing where i did sketch first ^_^
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rat6irl · 1 year
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Your favourite DJ ~♪
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aioliravioli-69 · 19 days
Detective Noir AU
Alright, this au has been sitting around, waiting for me to finish it but chances are, I never will :((
So instead, I'll just post what I have so far
This was inspired by that one comment on the au post the author made(at this point you could consider me a stalker for the amount of hours I've scrolled through her feed💀)
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First things first, none other than our main character himself, Detective Hollow!
I made him the detective in this one mainly because I was basing it off of the theory that if there was no heroine the keyholder would simply become the hero instead(don't remember where I read this but I'm guessing it was the webtoon comment section).
I also my have just really wanted to draw him in an overcoat
gonna be honest, I did little to no research going into this AU, the thing I most tried to learn about was the femme fatale so I could get a good view on how to design Buddy
Speaking of the femme fatale:
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Seems like someone got caught in the spotlight!
And before you ask, yes, those are pants. Weird ones, but pants nonetheless. I swear, I hate lighting when it's from the front. Frontal lighting can go fuck itself. Please ignore the little help lines I put in
Honestly, Buddy's outfit was probably the hardest part of this one. I wanted him to look slutty, but I didn't want to make it TOO slutty, but I feel like I may have added WAYY too many folds in his pantsuit and I kinda messed up on the overcoat lol. The diamond on his chest was inspired by the diamond on the villainess key more than anything and I tried to incorporate that into his gloves too.
Anyway, have some potential outfit sketches I made:
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the two I thought might come off as too slutty and
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the ultimate winner of the outfit ideas
As you can see the diamond chest window and fur coat were a mut in this outfit and I'm pretty happy with the end result
Y'all know how the femme fatale usually has to seduce the main character a.k.a. the detective?
Well, y'all know me so have an extra just for you <33
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But I'm not done just yet!
Remember how I said that I made Chase the hero because of the lack of a heroine in the story? Well...
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I did some more surface level research(and I mean very surface level) and decided to adapt the trope of the girl-next-door archetype for him!!
Don't think it suits him, since they usually just sit pretty and wait for the detective to notice them, but they do have badass roles once in a while and I live for those!!!
The one Chase has taken on doesn't though sadly :')
I decided to go with Charlie Hollow for this one because it sounded more like something the timid and 'pure'(yuck I know, but sadly film noir movies often prop up comparisons between the femme fatale and the girl-next-door, this being one of them) girl next door would have
Overall I tried to make this one as cutesy as possible because, why not lol
Lastly(I apologise, I made this in a rush because I was running out of motivation)
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The distance between Buddy and the detective sure did close QUICK-
Originally I was planning on adding Deacon as a police officer and now that I think about it I could technically fit Prunella in here as well, but I just don't have any willpower left to keep this thing alive
My art blocks been acting up recently and I can't even pick up the pencil without immediately wanting to put it down :((
I wish I could have continued this and maybe I will someday, but until then this'll just stay in my drafts
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youjustwaitsunshine · 2 years
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multi 21 x rocky x red bull seb x julius caesar, act III, scene ii
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ilovecoelacanths · 1 year
It’s time for some facts about coelacanths!
I said I’d do this a while ago and I forgot so I’m doing it now because coelacanths are the best and more people should know how cool they are! I did not mean for this post to turn out so long but I promise the facts are very good (how could they not be when coelacanths are so cool)
There are two living species of coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae, the West Indian Ocean coelacanth, and Latimeria menadoensis, the Indonesian coelacanth.
This is a West Indian Ocean coelacanth, they’re dark blue and each one has a unique pattern of white spots:
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And this is an Indonesian coelacanth:
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Indonesian coelacanths are noticeably different from West Indian Ocean coelacanths due to their background colouration being more of a greyish brown rather than blue. Their spots also appear more gold due to light reflecting off them :)
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Coelacanths are old! The oldest coelacanth fossils date to more than 400 million years ago, and they were thought to have gone extinct about 66 million years ago, until 1938 when one was accidentally caught off the coast of South Africa and found by Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer.
Latimer contacted her friend, the ichthyologist J. L. B. Smith, who confirmed the fish was a coelacanth! Smith was given the honor of naming the fish, and he named it Latimeria after Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer. (Shown below with the coelacanth she found)
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After their discovery, people mistakenly described them as the 'missing link' thanks to their leg-like fins, and this myth persisted thanks to the interesting way coelacanths swim, which appears almost like crawling.
Even today they are sometimes called 'living fossils' because of how little they have changed over millions of years. This label is not technically accurate since they are still evolving, but they do have one of the slowest evolving genomes in the animal kingdom, probably because they're already very well adapted to their environment and they don't have a lot of selection pressures affecting them.
Coelacanths can be more than six feet (up to two meters) long, weigh up to 200 pounds, and are estimated to be able to live up to 100 years! They are covered in hard, armor-like rough scales that are themselves covered in tiny spikes called denticles, which help protect coelacanths from rocks and other fish that might want to hurt them.
They also give birth to live young in litters of 10-25 pups and new research suggests they can be pregnant for as long as 5 years! This would mean that they beat out the frilled shark as the record holder for the longest gestation period by more than a year!
(Unfortunately this means that the birth rate for coelacanths is very low, which doesn't help their small populations. The West Indian Ocean coelacanth is critically endangered, and the Indonesian coelacanth is classified as threatened :( )
Coelacanths are what’s called a lobe-finned fish! This means that their fins look more like stumpy appendages than skin that's been stretched over flexible spines. Their closest relatives are lungfish, and that actually means they’re more closely related to us humans than they are to ray-finned fish like tuna or goldfish! Hell yeah!
Coelacanths live in the "twilight zone" which is between 500-800 feet deep. It’s hard to study coelacanths in their natural habitat for extended periods, but they never survive trips to the surface due to the pressure change, so a lot about their behavior is still pretty unknown.
Coelacanths are generally slow moving, nocturnal drift hunters, which means they tend to sort of just eat whatever fish cross their path, but they have a lot of interesting adaptations that make their particular method of drift hunting unique.
First, coelacanths have a hinge in their skull, called an intracranial joint, that lets them open their mouth more than would be possible with just their jaw.
Second, they display an interesting behavior when feeding, where they will float with their head pointed down, almost like they're doing a headstand. They do this while floating along catching prey, and it seems to be working out for them.
Third, coelacanths have a sixth sense! They have an organ in their snout called a rostral organ that functions as an electrosensor to help locate their prey by detecting the electrical signals given off by other animals!
They truly are a unique animal. They even have a caudal (tail) fin with three lobes instead of the two-lobed tail that is common in many fish.
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(source for this diagram)
And here you can see the three-lobed caudal fin on a real coelacanth (and also you can have a reminder of how big these guys are. They are not little fish)
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It seems coelacanths also have more similarities to their relatives, the lungfish, than we used to think. It turns out coelacanths have a vestigial lung! They have a lung that they don’t use anymore! It’s all shrivelled and wrinkly but it’s there!
They also have a spiral shaped intestine! Some sharks have this too, it’s basically shaped like a spiral to increase surface area for maximum nutrient absorption.
Another way they differ from many other fish is their swim bladder, which is how they control their buoyancy! In most fish the swim bladder is filled with gas, but coelacanths' swim bladders are filled with oil and fat instead!
Coelacanths are also the proud owners of notochords! They don’t have backbones, they’re so old they were around before animals had backbones and they just never got one, they still have their oil filled notochords! Don't fix it if it's not broken, right?
Also, just in case you were wondering, they would not taste good, they are full of all sorts of oils (as mentioned in the above two facts), plus they do have very hard and rough scales. (But also even if they did taste good it would be a bad idea to eat them since there aren't a lot of them left and it's generally considered bad to eat endangered species)
Well, that's the end of my coelacanth facts, so if you took the time to read this whole long post that was just me talking about my favorite animal, thanks for sticking around! Here, have some bonus content!
Coelacanths make a guest appearance in Atlantis: the Lost Empire!
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I like seeing them in the movie so I ignore they weren’t discovered when the film takes place in 1914 (easy to ignore) and that they wouldn’t survive the trip to the surface due to the immense pressure change (less easy to ignore but I do it anyway) :)
My friend @thelunarbee even crocheted me one for a Christmas present :’) his name is Milo and I love him so so much
I also drew a coelacanth a while ago, here's where I posted it if you want to see it :) (I mean, I draw coelacanths all the time but those are mostly doodles, this one I actually put effort into)
Alright that's all I have to say, but I hope you liked the coelacanth facts and remember, if coelacanths can survive for 400 million years, you can make it through today. Be kind to yourself :)
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figureofdismay · 3 months
i want to know about the extreme outlier opinion on never again!
ooh, thank you for your interest and I hope I don't get myself in trouble with this lol!
So this opinion is in multiple parts.
The first part being the one most unpopular, which is that Ed Jerse was not to only man who was not Mulder that Scully, that Dana had a night or a mini fling with between Jack Willis and/or then getting assigned to the X files and when MSR got together (whenever you believe that might be), and probably not the only dangerous one to some degree.
She's got that thrill seeker side to her, which is to some extent satisfied by chasing Mulder around on the X files. But Mulder keeps her in a sexless box in his perceptions -- IMO this is partially self defense on his part because if he lets himself go there even a bit in thinking of her dating potential/as a potential romantic-sexual partner his already limited ability to hold onto any kind of boundaries would just collapse. And I don't think this sexless view of her is at odds with my belief that Mulder was in love with her within a few months of working with her and knew it, but he doesn't think he deserves a relationship like that and more importantly he doesn't think Scully wants a relationship like that with him, or maybe not with anyone at all because she's given up dating completely after Jersey Devil, and what they talk about is work and theory and science and case notes and things within the kind of fixed shadow of their partnership/the files. Thus he's got this view of her that's completely divorced from her hedonistic, risk taking, rebellious, attention seeking, obsessive side.
I believe her ruthlessly compartmentalized nature and her constant awareness of other people's expectations of her, especially the expectations of people in authority or pseudo authority combined with a need for a release valve and a clear thread of sensualism in her character make it highly likely that there were other times when she picked a near-stranger and acted out a role with him, letting herself act out parts of herself she doesn't often express and using him as a proxy for her conflicted and/or baser feelings towards the Ahabs and 'fathers' in her life in a very limited capacity that is both satisfyingly dangerous (near stranger, almost certainly someone she doesn't really trust or want to get to know, after all she's not looking for a real and lasting relationship) and very safe because she can just stop playing that character and stop seeing that man and he won't even have ever 'met' the person she is the majority of the time.
I don't think she does it a lot, but by 'never again' it had been 4ish very high stress years with Mulder and 5ish years since Jack Willis, which, since Ethan didn't make it into the Pilot, was her last relationship, so yes. Maybe once or twice a year there's a bit of an 'i'm crawling out of my skin i need to tempt fate' ritual. And since we see so little of their personal lives, not hearing about it doesn't rule it out, the reason we saw this time because it was such a disaster and became another X-file -- and because Jerse was so dangerous and violent, and because Mulder found out about it, that particular game stopped being interesting even in a self destructive way. Plus very soon she would realize she had cancer and would take stock of her life in a different way and get closer to Mulder on another level so there was less of a need for a pressure valve rebellion.
And I don't think that this idea cheapens her relationship with Mulder or means she was cheating on him if that did happen, because it would be about simple attraction and being not 'herself' and also a proxy thing for her feelings and frustrations about Mulder that she's too afraid of tarnishing his image of her to let him into directly. And if it would make Scully's jealousy of Mulder interacting closely with other women hypocritical, well, she's certainly allowed to be a flawed character and is shown to have double standards about a number of things.
Part 2 of my outlier opinion is that Ed Jerse isn't out of character for Dana. Going back to Jack again, instead of believing in possession, she thought he'd had a mental break after years of obsessive work and mutilated a cadaver and killed a guy and she was not surprised at all. She had a fairly long relationship with him while believing he had that level of instability and violence in him when pushed. That means Jerse lines up for her.
part 3 of my outlier opinion (I guess it is, I don't see it talked about directly afaik) is that the story is dark as fuck with Jerse and his ergot psychosis but at the same time the tone is not horror-bleak the way Blood is and many s2/s3 with similar types of plots, but more extremely darkly ironic or wry. Between Mulder in Graceland and the extended Rocky and Bullwinkle plot discussion, and the fact that all it takes is a divorce and an Evil!Rosie the Riveter tattoo to push this guy over the edge there's this air of like, pulp noir mundane and ridiculousness. Fandom generally treats it as this like this profound statement about Mulder and Scully's relationship and Mulder's selfishness and thoughtlessness and if he just brought her a bottle of wine and asked about her day a la Van Blunht in Small Potatoes she could've been flinging that fling with him. Except, no, she couldn't use him as his own proxy, so she'd have to crack herself open a lot more than she was ready to. But also it's a story about both of them spinning their wheels and not getting anywhere and ending up feeling dumb, it's absurdist, it's a comment that neither character is smarter than their narrative, it's not a statement about a fractured partnership.
Part 4 is a little more out there and whatever but I do think Mulder's reaction is interesting. He's obviously hurt and completely baffled because he can tell Scully's given him very little of the actual framing of her distress and because 'i'm bored at my job' is both hurtful to him and something he can't conceptualize as leading to 'so i'll have a one night stand with a violent man' -- because that isn't her complaint, it's just what he heard. But in that last scene he doesn't read as angry or jealous, even the hurt doesn't exactly read as sexual jealousy. He's confused, he doesn't know what she wants, and he gets in some cheap shots with his annoyed. But there's an interesting tone to it. Maybe i'm reading too much in. I think there's a combination of trying to laugh it off/brush it off because he can tell she's feeling too exposed, and aside from the 'was the professional dissatisfaction worth all this??' he was curious. He'd caught a glimpse of the barest silhouette of her wild child side.
like a combination of 'so you slipped off your pedestal and bounced a little, so your halo got dented, so what' (paternalistic, dismissive, kidding) (reassuring) and 'oh, so she's a little like that? what else does she like? can a person get her like that without actually being on the verge of snapping?' He knows about Willis and Jerse now. It's more than one, and Willis is now certainly not a fluke. He's got to be sure there's some fascinating things brewing in her subconscious, and he's got the idea that her sexual side is one part girlish wounded bird, one part manic live wire, and one part intellectual 3D chess. He's curious about what that means for him and them. Curious about what she might be willing to do with him now that he's been reminded she'll do it with other people. He's even optimistic, I think, about what he could coax from her.
Probably also reminded to be cautious about what entanglements with him that he could accidentally 'manipulate' her into with some of his more demanding behavior, though. But like, even though they're both feeling bitter at that moment i do feel like there's a 'positive' in the kind of colliding worlds event of the episode in Mulder being reminded of Scully being a human woman with a carnal side.
And that is... I think the bulk of what I wanted to talk about re: NA? I think? My brain feels overcooked now. But I rewatched it to refresh my memory (i'm now in s5) but I stand by this. And also I think I need to break my custom and do post-episode fic about it, honestly.
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re-bee-key · 1 year
People who are confused about Bowuigi (Bowser x Luigi) make me chuckle.
Like... the ship features quite a few tropes found in straight women romance novels. So its not like this is coming out of no where.
You have the obvious monster with damsel trope. Which pairs with size difference, a hallmark in many ships. There's the power imbalance aspect, with bowser having both brute strength and is literally a King. Being captured and falling for your capture is a VERY common trope. Luigi being actually pretty competent and having latent magic abilities (lighting powers and ghost sensitivity) adds a "secretly capable magical main girl" energy. (Magical main girls often have a non-human love interest.) You've got opposites attract, sunshine and grumpy, shy and loud, and overly nice meets single dad. And dont even get me started on how often putting a finger or dangerous object under someone's throat is used in a sexual manner.
Like, if you are familiar with any of these tropes, then the ship shouldn't be a surprise. My theory is the only reasons anyone is shocked by it are because its a gay ship with typically feminine tropes and because Bowser is an actual monster. (Most of these tropes are used in straight ships and typically straight monster stories has the (typically male) monster character be mostly human, with only minor monster traits or turns Into a monster. Think any vampire or werewolf ship, or even most dragon ships.)
Anyways, if you open your hearts and minds, you will find that not only is the Bowuigi ship not surprising but is the most logical outcome for these characters. -bows- Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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screwpinecaprice · 11 months
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In the city!
Commission for  missyuniverse_ for her fanfic at Wattpad! ( account: Kittens_escapism or juanitasuniverse ) 😊😊😊
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szaryherbatnik · 1 year
Perhaps I love him
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little-pup-pip · 2 months
Would you mind doing a Barbara (from genshin impact) themed board with
(Sorry that it looks bossy, i promise its not! Its easier for me to organize my thoughts by putting stuff in a list, and sometimes its easier for ppl to make boards if they have more specifics!)
♡ Colors: pastels, like blues/pinks/cream/white
♡ Animals: lambs, bunnies (white or agouti), fawns
♡ Other things: books, clouds, castles, cottagecore vibes like flowers etc!
♡ If possible (its totally okay if not!!), could I get one cross in?
♡ No paci needed!
You don't have to put everything listed in! I just wanted to give you a big pool of stuff to pull from! ♡♡♡ t
Thank you!!! I love all your boards so much!!
- @bun-latte ♡♡♡
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blee-bleep · 9 months
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so what if i go insane and draw diakko as these panels
#so like we know how akko probably has low self-esteem post chariot reveal right#like she went all this way only to find out everything she knew was a fraud#but still powers thru lona and sorta has semi-self deprecating thoughts like kana has occasionally#diana doesnt comfort her and they get into a fight and it turns into this#*twirls hair* so like i just wanna make them suffer~#diana is so hellbent on repressing her feelings that inadvertently plummets akko's own self esteem#but akko's own source of comfort of self is that diana considers her a friend and rival but then diana avoids her and starts dating andrew#and akko's own sense of self gets WORSE and she doesnt find much to comfort#knowing it was all for naught because what she thought she had in her was just stolen long ago#like sure she saved magic and all but like it was surely traumatic for her#so wants something to confide in that no it wasnt a mistake#BUT THEN DIANA just doesnt interact with her anymore#and she tries her hardest to befriend her again after their rocky start and thought diana would be ok but then#uh oh diana catches feelings and stays away and akko's heart just breaks when diana does anything and everything to avoid her#akko after diana pushes her to the ground: do you... really hate me that much?#“youre right im still so stupid diana im sorry i wont talk to you again”#and diana just sits there in the rain like shinji on the chair LOL#diakko#aqukana#lwa#onk#little witch academia#oshi no ko#diana cavendish#akko kagari#hoshino aqua#arima kana#*eats this panels like peter eating burger meme* exquisite angst *gets food poisoning*
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toaster-fire-art · 2 years
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Wu Xi!!!
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bonus version with the veil and a close up <3
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cheriboms · 6 months
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doctober day 30: sunset
a pair piece to the first prompt i did !! whole family reading together before bed <3
+alt vers (sans lighting) under the cut :)
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smilesflower · 1 year
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iwanttobepersephone · 5 months
Maybe it's just me, but I feel like Pritchard was the kinda guy to act with such pure sass that, if you didn't know he would routinely check up on people in private, it would feel inconsiderate. And then I imaged a little skit where Halt had pulled a usual joke of his, but in a very different manner than he did in Hibernia, and Pritchard just burst out laughing. Then, this happened:
Pritchard: "I'm sorry, I've just never heard Halt say that with a straight face before!" Halt, rolling his eyes: "Oh, shut up!" Pritchard, turning to look at him: "did you just tell me to shut up??" Halt, clearly regretting it but not wanting to back down: "Uh... yeah" Pritchard: "Well, you certainly got brave! Care to inform me of when you suddenly got this new attitude?" Halt: "Tough living, Pritchard" Pritchard: "Ohohohoh, is that true?" Pritchard: (turns to face Egon) "Can you believe this? Would you ever have expected an apprentice to talk to me like that?" Egon, in disbelief: "No, never" Pritchard: "I've heard him pull that joke thousands of times before, but never once so seriously!" Pritchard, turning to Halt: "And may I ask, dear, sweet apprentice of mine, if that was a genuine assessment of the group?" Halt: "No, it was sarcasm" Pritchard: "Ah, sarcasm, I should have guessed, huh?" Halt: "Can we get back on topic now?" Pritchard: "Oh, I don't know," (turns to the rest of the rangers), "can we?" Renegade Rangers: (a small chorus of "yeah"'s and "mhm"'s, along with multiple sources if barely contained laughter) Pritchard: "Ah, perfect! And, since it seems Halt is in need of a reminder on some manners, what do we say, Halt?"
Halt, under his breath: thanks
Pritchard: "Perfect! Now, back to the topic we were on. What were you saying, Crowley?"
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Man I am just SO CONFUSED. About the time line of this game.
No one is telling me how long links been gone! Or how long the botw-totk timeskip was! They all just started selling my stuff again lol. I'm going to have to get everything redyed!
Me: hey random stranger! Lore dump? You look like a lore dumper.
Kindly npc: why hullo there, link ^^! My, I haven't seen you in a while since the calamity ended! I was so worried when they said you and the princess had gone missing! But it's good to see you're well.
Me: aw, thanks. How long has it actually been tho.
Kindly npc: ^u^
#Having a great time btw I've just been chased across a near sea of miasma by stal riders and more! 10/10 nearly died in a high speed chase#Made it out relatively unscathed which is truly amazing lmao#Spoilers ahead: I have had the funniest time doing the great plateau quest chain. Once I sucked it up and made nice with the creepy statue.#He's(?) been alright. Fair trader. Good deals. I've mostly been terrorising kohga in between absolutely failing to craft working vehicles X#His new boss fights are so much easier than the first one lol. Less fun I'll admit but the music is groovy. You can probably make a#Machine and try and dog fight him but with few exceptions the turning circles are decrepit so I just stuck to mild dodging and shooting him#And running over to hit him some more. Kinda bland for a boss fight I'll say. Could have done with a lot more pizazz. It's kohga come on.#Anyway I do feel kinda bad because apparently he's been stuck down there for however many months/years and I AM kinda cheating with the arm#After the first fight he fled to the gerudo mine and the steward very nicely showed me how to get there but never underestimate#My procrastination because I'd already found it by just exploring so I just teleported. In game it must have been terrifying lmao#Racing across an endless void filled only by the light of your rapidly running out of battery glider and the red glow of the gloom away fro#The apparently immortal ancient warrior who beat you up and tossed you down there and there's no sign of perusal so you're probably safe#But you get there and he's already sitting there poking some bananas having wiped out your goons and plundered your supplies.#Like sorry man but the arm comes with the hero territory I can't exactly take it off.#Maybe if you stopped terrorising the people purah would let you have one of her long distance teleportation slates. It comes with photos?#It can't have been long since botw link hasn't grown an inch XD. Also I've been turning the lore timeline over in my head and still no idea#Are we not sure Rauru isn't from some alternate timeline that got fused with the main loz timeline by accident??#loz#legend of zelda#totk#loz totk#tears of the kingdom#loz tears of the kingdom#totk spoilers
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