#sorry if I offended anyone
I watched a playthrough of Iron Lung and it…was surprisingly boring? Like I somehow expected it to be creepier/have more action than it did? Like all it is is pushing buttons to make coordinates with some weird sounds in the background. I actually almost fell asleep watching it. (Except the jump scare at the end. I read about the game beforehand on TV Tropes but somehow I still didn’t see that one coming.)
I wonder how Markiplier will make it into a movie. I mean the lore is better than the actual game; maybe they can focus on that. Might be one of those rare cases where the adaptation is better than the original. 🤷‍♀️
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chocolatte-del-lago · 2 months
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Angels With Dirty Faces!
A group of four guys who work for the White Queen Applaud
Galaaz "Lancillotto" Dellago (Born around 100 a.C.): The tall effeminate blonde. His mother was an immigrant from a Germanic tribe (present-day Germany) and he was born in the current region of Lombardy in Italy. A former Roman soldier, he is racist (mainly against greeks), die-hard atheist and xenophobic. He has an affair with an Egyptian woman named Zenevra.
Gildas: (Born around 90 a.C.) The man with the ponytail. Chinese who was born in the region of the current city of Beijing but later moved to Rome. A calm man who usually studies religions together with his friends Merlin, Kanopus and Lancillotto. He is Buddhist
Merlin: (Born around 90 a.C.) The shortest. Born in Wales and named after the Breton god Mirddyn, even so, when he began traveling to other regions he decided to become Jewish. Lazy but adept at writing, he works with Gildas, Lancillotto and Kanopus
Kanopus: (Born around 1300 a.C.) Famous Egyptian navigator famous for his beauty and for his deeds during the Trojan War. He believed in the Egyptian god Osiris. Unfortunately, one day, while relaxing on a beach near his home, he was attacked by a snake and died. He met the other three members of the Dirty Angels after they were taken to the afterlife by the angel Applaud, and thus became friends.
Together they work on the Isle of the Unbelievers, a place where the souls of those who don't believe in any religion go when they die. They all received divine powers, but that's a topic for another post~
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26aspen-edits · 3 months
Hi can you please stop reposting gifs without credit? If you don't know who the gifs belong to, simply don't post them?!
I apologize, a good chunk of gifs I find are from Pinterest and don't have the original credit attached.
If I offended anyone Im sorry and will try my best to find credit in the future
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lennysfridge · 9 months
basically one of the big things is religion👯‍♀️
my family has never been super religious, but my mom (specifically) highly encouraged me to get confirmed.
and at the beginning i was like “sure”
but i already didn’t want to✨
but i of course didn’t say anything. and then it literally got until two weeks before i was set to get confirmed that i decided not to.
which i only decided to not to AFTER i went to this (what they called) a “work day” and basically it’s jsut last minute shit to wrap up your years.
and i had three back to back panic attacks in the restroom
and then went crying to my pastor and we sat in an empty parking lot and came to the conclusion that getting confirmed obviously wouldn’t do shit for me🧍🏼‍♀️
and i jsut stumbled across an old recording of a church service
which i recorded because i used to go back over the recordings to dissect them essentially
and it brought me back to said place because i was just so angry throughout those two years yk?
and i’m over it, but i’m not yk?
because i just feel so bad for a younger me who felt the need to feel like that, and keep everything in.
and i just had a moment of feeling bad for my younger self
but also panicking because i hadn’t given two thoughts to religion since then- because everyone else around me makes me feel pressured in a sense, to figure my shit out
but i’m honestly just floating along. it doesn’t matter to me, and people don’t seem to be that.
like yes, i believe something’s out there, and that’s about fucking it. i don’t go every sunday, i don’t look up a verse everyday, religion is like an afterthought for me and no seems to understand.
and that’s jsut the first thing🤸🏼‍♀️
you shouldn’t be pressured at anything especially for religious, i’ve had the same problem of feeling pressured of being christian to not be and i just ignored everyone and went on your own way
i haven’t been to church in 2 years since i lost my friends and still don’t understand a lot of the concept
but don’t panic at all and just do your own things and beliefs 🤍
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aroaceweirdos101 · 1 year
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
I didnt think anyone would use my ask box, especially to ask something like this(not judging).
But to answer(or nonanswer) your question, Anon:
Idk, Im not gay, nor straight, infact Im aroace. I never really cared about what people are attracted to(unless its very problematic).
Its kinda like asking what kind of thing straight men are attracted to in woman that they cant be attracted to in men.
Its just how it is!
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frogayyyy · 2 months
today is about celebrating the rebirth of a man who died for us. someone who gave his life for the good of the many.
and that's why today i'm watching the star trek ii-iv trilogy 🙏
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gloomysunny · 2 years
Hi to the few ppl who might see this😅
So… I was notified that my old username @/verifiedsunghoonsimp is actually offensive which led to me changing it
This is just to clarify that it is me 😆
verifiedsunghoonsimp ➱ gloomysunny
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fag-on-goth-action · 2 years
i'm a white passing poc. i'm am Latine, African American and Caucasian, and my appearance is white. i will never have to face the oppression others from my family even will face on a daily basis. nonetheless i feel guilty. i felt as if i had gotten off scot free. i think about the atrocities that have been done to people just for not being the same color as me. i feel so grateful for this "blessing", but i dearly wish i could give it to others more deserving at times. but the best thing i can do with this is use this privilege to support others in my community. People are more willing to listen to a white voice then one that actually hails from out community. so being a part of the community will allow other white passing people to spread stories from our Ethnicities and giving them a better chance to be heard! we can protect our brothers, sisters and everyone in between or outside that that we share our culture with from those who have oppressed them for generations. and this goes for just Caucasian people as well! even if you don't share our culture, you should always help those facing injustice.
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thetisming · 8 days
amatonormativity: a romantic partner should be the most important person in EVERYONE'S life
NOT amatonormativity: MY romantic partner is the most important person in MY life, but i understand this is not the same for other people
allosexnormativity: EVERYONE should have sex and sex is something EVERYONE needs/wants/should want
NOT allosexnormativity: I PERSONALLY enjoy sex and love having sex because it makes ME feel good, but other people dont feel the same and that's okay
platonormativity: having friends is important for EVERYONE and EVERYONE needs/has/should have friends
NOT platonormativity: having friends is important to ME and I PERSONALLY love having friends, but there are people who dont and theres nothing wrong with that
faminormativity (is that the word?): family is important for EVERYONE and EVERYONE needs to have their family
NOT faminormativity: family is important to ME and I PERSONALLY need my family with me, but other people dont feel the same and i understand that
lovenormativity (again, not sure if this is a word): EVERYBODY feels love and there's something wrong wiith you if you dont
NOT lovenormativity: I PERSONALLY feel love and love people, but not everyone does and that's completely okay!
NOT amatonormativity: i dont have friends/have any desire to have friends, i am happy with other relationships/no relationships at all
NOT platonormativity: i dont have any desire to be in a romantic relationships, and i am happy with my platonic relationships
NOT allosexnormativity: i like hooking up with people and having one night stands or friends with benefits
NOT faminormativity: i care about my family deeply and am close with family members
NOT lovenormativity: i feel love for people i care about
it's not normative to personally enjoy something, so long as you respect that other people simply arent like you and aren't going to like the same things as you. taking down normativity is a two way street, allos and aspecs need to do it. support your local aros, aces, apls, afams and other aspecs today! remember to challange all normativities, and to not enforce other normativity by saying how bullshit other normativities are!
nothing is universal. romance is not universal. sex is not universal. friendship is not universal. family is not universal. love is not universal. nothing is universal.
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yendts · 6 months
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on my scorbus blog i posted abt the hc where when you marry a malfoy your hair slowly turns the iconic malfoy blond too, like narcissa’s in the movies, and i’ve been dying to draw it,, plus the normal version bc i thought it was just as cute as a married scorbus spread <3 (also all pose refs belong to mellon_soup on pinterest i’m far too tired to make my own rn but i love all theirs sm)
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mazojo · 1 year
Anyways XO Kitty love interests summarized
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Min Ho
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myenterpriseisparked · 8 months
I'm generally not a hater. The list of media I actively hate (vs what I simply shrug at and go "its not for me") is fairly small. I don't usually talk about hating media online. I don't find it constructive or a meaningful use of my time.
That said, I will get this off my chest: I hate Star Trek Picard and the way it has made me feel bitter towards TNG. I hate the fact that it gets so much praise when the writing was so objectively shoddy, while Prodigy, which was well written and executed, got canceled because it was a "kids show." I hate how much nostalgia PIC threw to the masses to cover up poor writing. I hate the fact that it worked. I hate that people are petitioning for even more of the same style of show in Star Trek. I don't hate people that loved Picard, it's okay if it *was* your jam, but I am personally very bitter about the show and how it changed the face of Star Trek as a whole.
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catastrxblues · 4 months
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i couldn’t find the artist but this is the pinterest post i used! please do tell me if you know so i can credit them
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nkogneatho · 1 month
one thing no one talks about while writing toji is that how his situation is so vulnerable. fanfiction for most has been about mafia boss, ceo, spoiled son of a rich man and what not. while these aus are so exciting to read, it strips away the realism. okay yes i know we read fanfiction because it is "fiction" and we put ourselves in different positions and imagine ourselves in hundred different aus where our situation was a little better. there is no need for realism at all in fanfics. but writing toji has connected me with my life so much. because when you write about a broke man struggling to keep himself together, you're introduced to so many situations that you might be struggling with. and as you develop a story around those situation, it helps you feel at ease because it gives hope to your subconscious. i start to understand his demons that help me accept mine. i start to understand no person is a villian. we are all just people who happened to go through something tragic and struggled to heal. we are all victims of the cruelty of what we call life.
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celaenaeiln · 8 months
What is your opinion on Babdick/dickbabs? I personally hate it because it doesn’t look like a healthy relationship especially when Barbara doesn’t seem to love dick all that much
It's not and she doesn't and I don't like them together at all.
Oracle Barbara was mostly fine but I CANNOT STAND Batgirl Barbara and Dick.
Take this comic for instance, Dick and Barbara have broken up (as they always do) and Dick is thinking about it and being sad about their relationship. He calls Barbara to say sorry as he always does
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DC's Crimes of Passion
But Barbara's feelings on the breakup?
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DC's Crimes of Passion
When Barbara says she's scared of needing someone, I can totally understand that. It's a immense feeling and perfectly acceptable reason but-
"I don't know what to call us. I don't even really know what I want us to be. Or what we're supposed to be."
This isn't the sound of a girl in love, this is the sound of a woman stringing along a man.
She doesn't want to be together with Dick but she's doesn't want to be away from him. She loves him but can't stand the idea of loving him.
And truthfully? I get this too - because I almost did it myself. A guy I'm good friends with asked me out on a date and to be honest I didn't even feel the same about him that way. I was just friends with him and when he asked me I thought about accepting. He's super kind, good looking, and smart and he's an absolute catch. I thought about saying yes - not because I had a crush on him or anything, but I just wanted to be in love. But I didn't because that's a terrible thing for me to do. I didn't have any attraction for him romantically but if I started going out with him just because I wanted someone that would super, duper crappy of me. He's an awesome guy and he deserves way more than that. I didn't want to string him along. It would make me an awful person if I had done it.
To go out with them just because I wanted someone.
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DC's Crimes of Passion
It's the constant back and forth between that I can't stand.
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Nightwing (2011) Annual 1
What. Timing.
I genuinely don't understand what's she trying to get at here. I thought love was about working through the hardest times in your life together, achieving successes together, and always being there for each other. I didn't think love was about falling apart during every crisis big or small. I didn't think it was about breaking up when you felt like it and not bothering to resolve the issues that caused you to break up in the first place.
Later on in the comic, Barbara talks about talking it out later and goes to meet Dick but he had to leave cause he got called for a case.
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Really. Now it's on the both of them here. They can't be together because then it's going to be a long distance relationship?
Frankly Dick in a semi and Barbara in a vest is...is there some stereotype about trucker families not working out that I'm missing here? what is this.
That's another thing that bothers me about Dickbabs. They never resolve the issue that caused them to break up in the first place. Sometimes I'm reading them and all of sudden Barbara's like "we should stop seeing each other," and I'm like why??? There's literally nothing going on??
Barbara cares a lot about Dick. She cares about his safety and sometimes his emotional wellbeing but she doesn't love him for who he is. She loves the idea of him but not him.
I swear I used to root so hard for them but it's exhausting to like them together when Dick is dumping buckets of love over Barbara's head while she's holding up an umbrella. And then she takes the umbrella and stabs it through his heart.
She can be super toxic when it comes to Dick.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #86
She literally blames Dick for trying to make her happy. In the comic he's doing acrobatics all over the place, fixing her computer so it's easier for her, and generally being overly cheerful for her so she'll forget her pain and become happy at least for a moment and in turn-she literally Gaslights him??
"You can't stop reminding me of what I once was. You can't stop flaunting your own health. You still think you're immortal, Dick, and you're not."
Are you for real?! If someone is walking and you're in a wheelchair, you want them to be in one too because you feel sad about yourself?
And the constant way she talks down to him.
But even this I can sort of understand. Let's throw the blame on Dick here for a split second even though it's not his fault. Barbara is recently put into a wheelchair so she's depressed. Dick is being overly helpful. He wants to do everything for her so he can make her life easier, to alleviate her pain and she's tired of that. That's understandable and honestly they did need a little break here so Dick could turn down his enthusiasm and let Barbara be the strong woman she's known to be. BUT WHY IS SHE BLAMING HIM?? Just tell him you want some time apart to figure out yourself without throwing the blame and breaking the heart of your boyfriend who loves you so much.
Dick here reminded me of family members after their child has been diagnosed with cancer. They want to do everything they can but they don't know how so they keep smiling through the pain and being as positive as possible.
Here's my main issue with Dickbabs. Writers are incapable of writing the two of them together in a way that lifts both of them up.
They got it into their heads that to make Barbara look smart, they have to make Dick look dumb. That to make Barbara look skillful, they have to make Dick look incompetent.
But hey it's unfair of me to use Nightwing comics only (DC crimes of passion isn't a nightwing comic but the point still stands) to talk about Dickbabs.
I'm not saying all Dickbabs is bad. There's a couple that are good like this one
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Batgirls Issue #8
They're so cute!!! They look so hot together too
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but. Writers as always are incapable of writing Dick as a strong independent character that relies on Barbara.
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Batgirls Issue #8
Sorry, Dick - who has beaten Batman, destroyed Justice Leagues, runs superhero teams with some of the strongest metas in the world and has beaten them without breaking a sweat - just lets himself get kicked and punched around for fun? Are you trying to tell me that Dick only fights because people insult Barbara? I can't believe I'm saying this but Tom Taylor has written better than this.
Their love can be so one sided.
She abuses Dick as an emotional outlet for her anger and resentment.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #87
Context: She's blaming him for being sexually harassed by Catalina. Catalina earlier broke into their date night, beat Barbara up in the wheelchair, kissed Dick and kneed him to surprise him before Dick beat her off Barbara.
And not only is she busy victim blaming him, she's also busy calling him incompetent. And Dick's rightfully mad that as a vigilante of nearly two decades she's telling him he's pathetic.
And what does Bruce have to do with anything here? From the Titans, we know that Dick's greatest fear is turning into Batman. They fight so hard to protect him from it, and what does Barbara do?
"Congratulations. You've managed to turn into Bruce."
This makes me the most mad though-
"Bludhaven was managing a long time before you got here."
The anger I felt was incandescent. Why do people fight crime Barbara? I guess Bruce should just call it a night and take Batman for a nap forever. Why was Batgirl created if Gotham was managing before Batgirl even existed? In one sentence, she's managed to trash the multiverses of superheroes.
No wonder Wally wants Kori and Dick together. Barbara's mad at him for protecting her against Catalina. If Dick had just kept sitting and waiting for the bodyguards in that fancy place then Barbara wouldn't be severely injured. But oops. His bad.
After he punches the board she gets mad and leaves and Dick's emotional well-being goes on a downward spiral.
I have other issues with them because Dick's relationship with Barbara diminishes his canonical relationships with the superhero community.
Again - writers' problem.
So...complicated. They could be amazing if written right but right now I'm wavering between being indifferent to them and disliking them. They should seriously just be friends instead.
I need to clarify something first. Barbara Gordon herself is fine. She's cool. But when she's with Dick? The way writers write them as well as her own personality comes out in the worst, most toxic ways.
And that's not even getting into what writers did to Kori's personality and Dick's morality. They just dashed decades of Teen Titans comics to make both of them look evil.
That's not even touching the atrocity of their Dark Nights: Death Metal scene or the way Barbara victim blamed Dick for having amnesia.
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Batgirl (2016) Issue #50
This is so unfair. She can victim-blame Dick for having amnesia because she's mad at bruce but if Dick even yelled at her when he's mad at Bruce, it would be an International Incident in the fandom. Where's the equality in this?
I know Barbara is pretty mad at other things in this scene but she has a tendency to use Dick as an emotional outlet
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Batgirl (2011) Issue #3
She's literally beating him up because she's upset at losing her fight against some villain and thinking about her own insecurities. He just dropped in to show her some love and help.
If Batgirl Barbara only acted this way in Nightwing comics, then I would be inclined to say that the writers have a preference against her. BUT she's acts like this in the Nightwing comics, the Batgirl comics, the Batman comics, the general DC comics, and practically every comic that has them together. Given that DC is rooting for Dickbabs and trashing Kori for it, there is literally no reason for her to be acting this way. And the thing is, Dick's other relationships have been fantastic. Not just the big ones, but the minor ones too that people forget have been full of love. So why can't they write Dickbabs that way?
I didn't even know how bad they were together until recently. I just kinda glossed over all the toxic components of their relationship because, you know, "girlbossing" right? But there's only so many plot holes you can sell to your readers before they start questioning the legitimacy of your product. Thus my feelings about them have changed.
This being said, I don't like them romantically but I love them as friends. When Barbara is just working with dick as crimefighting partners or friends, they make an awesome team and they're so fun to read. I just can't stand them together as lovers anymore. And really, even their good Batgirl/Nightwing lover moments just seem like it's them being good friends.
They have the potential to be great.
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Nightwing (2016) Annual #1
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Batgirl (2016) Issue #16
But usually they're just not.
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kazswift · 9 months
tbh i love fandom discourse. theres just smth so funny about seeing grown adults online whining and fighting over fictional characters from a tv show
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