#songs are fire tho
So, with your Obey Me! posting, I finally broke down and played the game. It's--confusing but also fun!
I HATE how the game is trying to purposefully pushing Mammon on me. Like--he's such a dick and I have 0 interest in him. Leviathan is on thin ice (I see him more as a friend). I like Satan as a friend, (never thought I would ever say that lol) and Solomon came on REALLY strong during our text conversations, so hard pass for me.
I would like to get your opinion on this since you've played the game longer than I have.
IF WE'RE TALKING ABOUT OBEY ME 1: OKAY SO: first off Mammon simply won't get off you there is a shit ton of moments with him (<- *laughs in good for me bad for you*) but other 6 brothers get quite a lot of screen time too (I'd say that it's like this with time Mammon> Lucifer> Leviathan> Beelzebub> Satan> Asmo> Belphegor) and then the rest of the cast doesn't get like almost any romance until lesson 40/60 in OM1 if I remember it right, ALthOugH Solomon gets some background love from start to finish. So for the other cast I'd say that screentime looks like this Solomon> Simeon> Luke> Diavolo> Barbatos
Second: I thought the same at the beggining of the game, the characters REALLY are the kind that just grow on you overtime (I USED TO BE LEVIATHAN HATER AND HE'S MY PLATONIC F/O NOW FOR EXAMPLE)
Third: post lesson 20 everyone is in love with you, but in game there are like...? maybe 2 moments where you get to CHOOSE who you spend time with. So 90% of the content with a potential F/O is in devilgram (so you need to get lucky and get the cards :/ BUT the Devilgrams are like FAR better than main story when it comes to romantic scenes, heck even platonic scenes are better). So at one point the lessons will just be filled with kiss/reject options and then just have some odd tropes just to drop deep lore bombs. It's a mess really.
I'm not even going to talk a lot about Thirteen, Raphael and Mephisto cuz they are basically a fucking joke of a filler characters imo. Nothing good gets done with them. Thirteen is basically "I hate Beel and Solomon. And I like traps so don't mess with me" 90% of the time she speaks, Mephisto has A LOT of potential but in the end he ends up getting the same treatement as Satan, but worse (and Satan does get poorly treated EVEN THOUGH HIS THEMES ARE SUPER COOL). Only Raphael was used in any way to do something interesting, but it was only interesting cuz it had to do with Simeon and he didn't really do that much.
IF WE'RE TALKING ABOUT OBEY ME 2 (nightbringer):
I still need to motivate myself to even play it, didn't get even past lesson 1. From what I know it's just a hard reset and everything gets repeated. BUT I DON'T KNOW IF THAT'S 100% THE TRUTH SINCE LIKE I SAID I DIDN'T GET PAST LESSON 1.
So basically, Obey me has a shit structure as a dating sim. But I am here more for the characters and the community! This game is very silly post lesson 20. AnD also anime is just full of goofy shit, I think it's very funny but you should play the game a bit more to understand a few jokes in it.
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francy-sketches · 2 months
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cringe ass family ❤
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c00kiesart · 1 month
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+ Close ups!
What wonderful timing this was!! I wanted to showcase my improvement and then the game was updated! This franchise was what actually inspired me to start branching out to digital work, So I owe it a lot!
Twitter / kofi
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maidensfantasy · 5 months
queen shireen of the house baratheon, the first of her name.
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wickedcircle · 2 months
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Viva la natural curls
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fandom-trash-goblin · 2 months
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The Woman Dies, Aoko Matsuda, Translated by Polly Barton // Beatrix, Elizabeth Sonrel // A Storm of Swords, Chapter 38, Tyrion V
lyanna stark || elia martell || sansa stark || arya stark || alicent hightower || jaehaera targaryen || cersei lannister || myrcella baratheon || joanna lannister || aemma arryn || catelyn stark || sansa stark (2) || margaery tyrell || rhaena targaryen, daughter of aenys i || arianne martell || aerea targaryen || obara sand
for @joanna-lannister, on whose blog i've been a lurker for an embarrassing amount of time, sorry, ma'am.
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greenqueenhightower · 8 months
when you’re morally GAY
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Peach Fuzz
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oh damn it’s valentines days so have my favourite doodles I’ve made of these crazy kids
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amber-laughs · 3 months
there is just no universe where catelyn likes jon i’m sorry. she knows about R+L=J? ned made traitors of her and her children, put jon’s safety above their’s and is now an even bigger threat to their lives. she hates him. Rhaegar wins and he’s prince jon? he’s still the product of the event that the entire country had to go to war for and probably got her father killed in the process. at the very least she resents him. maybe even hates him. modern au? he’s just the cousin with the teen mom that gets high with her son in the basement and sneaks arya razor blades or whatever. she hates him!
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francy-sketches · 4 months
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joffgay or whatever
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multifandomnonsense · 3 months
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Dinner in Winterfell
I seriously considered swapping Bran and Jon but Jon is definitely often the subject of the “have you found…” talks even though he wants to ignore them.
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thealisflore · 23 days
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Catelyn Stark
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dreaminghelaena · 8 months
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Dany’s vision of Rhaegar in the HotU
So, I want to beat an already dead and over-beaten horse, and talk a bit about Dany’s vision of Rhaegar in the House of the Undying.
Now, I want to preface it by saying that I know this subject has been talked about thousands of times and it’s boring and tiring to talk about the same shit over and over again, but I just saw “Rhaegar is a prophecy-obsessed groomer/rapist” discourse on my twitter feed and thought I’d toss my two cents in.
Firstly, let’s look a bit at this vision as it appears in the books, shall we?
Viserys, was her first thought the next time she paused, but a second glance told her otherwise. The man had her brother’s hair, but he was taller, and his eyes were a dark indigo rather than lilac. “Aegon,” he said to a woman nursing a newborn babe in a great wooden bed. “What better name for a king?”
As we can see here, Dany, on her quest to find her children, stumbles upon this little moment long past. The text tells us that the three people shown here are Rhaegar, his wife Elia, and their son Aegon.
“Will you make a song for him?” the woman asked.
“He has a song,” the man replied. “He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire.” He looked up when he said it and his eyes met Dany’s, and it seemed as if he saw her standing there beyond the door.
This passage specifically has been interpreted numerous times. The text tells us that Rhaegar thought that his son, Aegon, was The Prince that was Promised. However, Rhaegar looks up when he says the prophecy, and looks directly at Dany, as if talking to her.
This to me reads as not-very-subtly being told the answer to the prophecy. Dany is TPTWP, as the author tells us through vision-Rhaegar. Thus, she is made aware of the prophecy, part of which we can find in the title of the book series.
I’ve seen the theory that Rhaegar seeing Dany was a time-space continuum bubble, of the present looking at the past, or, for Rhaegar, the present glimpsing at the future. How I see it, however, is that when he says those fateful words, and looks up to meet his sister’s eyes, he becomes both the gods’ and the author’s channel to make Dany and the reader aware of the answer to the prophecy. He sceases to be just a vision of the past and becomes the gods’/R’hllor’s voice, informing Dany. He tells her about the PTWP prophecy, because she is TPTWP!
Thus, when he continues with this,
“There must be one more,” he said, though whether he was speaking to her or the woman in the bed she could not say. “The dragon has three heads.”
we can infer that he’s saying this to Dany, because the gods want her to know this (and the author wants us to know this).
Mind you, these are visions, not just excerpts from the past/present/future. The conversation as it’s shown might not have taken place exactly like this, if it ever did. With how abrupt the cut from Rhaegar saying this to him going and playing the harp, I think he’s never said those words himself. Again, I believe that, in that moment (given that “There must be one more” and “The dragon has three heads” do not tie at all with the PTWP prophecy), it’s the gods using this vision of him to tell Dany (and the reader) an important message.
I shall say it one more time, just to be perfectly clear: IT’S NOT RHAEGAR TALKING ABOUT THE THREE HEADS AND A THIRD CHILD, IT’S THE GODS!
“There must be one more”, because Rhaegar has three children, not just two. Dany is fated to meet Rhaegar’s third child (and very probably fall in love and marry said third child, but that’s another overly-beaten, dead horse), and we as readers have been getting clues about who this child is since book one.
In no passage is it stated or implied that Rhaegar sought to have another child. He doesn’t go on and say, “When the maester has cleared you, we shall try for a third.” or “Because you can’t get pregnant again, I shall look for another woman to bear my third child.” The theory that he wanted another one, presumably a girl, to name her Visenya, is just that, a fan theory.
“The dragon has three heads. There are two men in the world who I can trust, if I can flnd them. I will not be alone then. We will be three against the world, like Aegon and his sisters.” (ASOS, Dany VI)
It’s clear (or it should be) that “the dragon has three heads” it’s specifically for Dany to know that there are two people out there whom she can trust and with whom she shall stand “against the world, like Aegon and his sisters.”
It’s not about Rhaegar thinking that his children are “the three heads of the dragon”. It’s about Dany. You would think it’s obvious given that it’s her chapter, but whatever.
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