#son: the guest
joanyio · 1 month
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the unmatched big 4
teeth bracelet as engagement ring, emotional handcuffing arrest scene, homoerotic bomb defusing, romantic underwater exorcism
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lidoshka · 2 months
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@feanorianweek #3 Celegorm - waves
Having Aredhel was like having a sister throughout their childhood.
@feanorianweek #3 Celegorm - olas
Tener a Aredhel era como tener una hermana durante toda su infancia.
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saturnsorbits · 4 months
Sero Hanta, early-twenties, sat in a small room with his pants around his ankles and a small pot in his hand. There’s porn magazines all over the place, something he’s never quite cared for, but he still manages to deposit his sample with the nurse within a break-neck 10 minutes. Blame his youthful exuberance and the fact he hasn’t touched himself for almost two weeks leading up to his appointment, he guesses.
And you, fifteen years later, with your son. A lanky boy who’s too tall for his age, with a mop of black hair and eyes of such a richly, dark brown they’re often mistaken for black.
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fure-dcmk · 9 months
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osaka police department's golden boy
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deadscell · 2 months
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raiden, otacon and solid snake take a trip to the krusty krab!
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nattikay · 6 months
friendly reminder that Neteyam is a well-adjusted kid who has a good relationship with his parents, that he tries his darnedest to be a good warrior because he genuinely looks up to his dad and wants to be like him, and that the idea that Jake and Neytiri are "forcing" him to be perfect, that they "stole his childhood" or that he's "not allowed" to be a kid, etc. are all pure fanfiction with little to no evidence in canon thanks bye
#avatar#avatar 2#neteyam#given how hesitant Jake is to let Neteyam fight I can absolutely GUARANTEE you that there was almost certainly NEVER an interaction...#...in which Neteyam said ''hey Mom and Dad I'm gonna go hang out with Lo'ak and Kiri now''#and Jake and Neytiri reply ''no son you're too old for such childish things you must come do Adult Tasks that you secretly hate instead#so you can be the Perfect Future Olo'eyktan™"#THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN#AND IT'S NOT “IMPLIED” TO HAVE HAPPENED EITHER#Y'ALL MADE THAT UP IN YOUR HEADS#along with the idea that Neteyam secretly hates his lot in life and is internally yearning to be A Normal Kid™#guys Neteyam WANTS to be a warrior he WANTS follow in Jake's footsteps he strives so hard because HE *WANTS* TO OF HIS OWN ACCORD#there is absolutely d i d d l y s q u a t that suggests this path is being “forced” on him#or that he is being secretly ~crushed under the pressure~ and Just Wants to Be Free or w/e#you. made. that. up.#it's not a canon aspect of his character#and. look. if you wanna explore the idea of him being ''crushed under pressure'' in a fanfic#because you find it interesting or it helps you work through your own stuff then hey be my guest#but once you start saying stuff like#''oh i feel so bad for [canon] Neteyam because he died before he could break free of his parents' toxic influence''#Shut Up™#neteyam's parents were not a toxic influence; he was never forced into being something he didn't want to be; his childhood was not “stolen”#he did not have anything to “break free” of. you are injecting extra layers of tragedy that aren't actually there#you are giving yourself extra grief for things that were never canon#stahp#feel free to write whatever you want in fanfiction but please i am begging you#to be aware of which ideas are actually present in the movie vs. which ones are just fanfiction
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ynisa8 · 2 months
Quentin meeting Adult Nicky lol.
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Let it burn
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Sons & Sonsabilities dares to ask the question "who of the DNDads players can make the most buckwild character and choices while getting away with the fewest consequences when the stakes are purely personal and not apocalyptic" and gets the resounding answer "Beth"
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stitcherofchaos · 7 months
I just realize something that made my blood boil.
You know how a lot of people in the fandom hate how Maglor had mercy on Elrond and Elrond and raised them as his own?
And how they try to twist and pervert that relationship into something abusive, selfish, and/or manipulative?
What if it was Maedhros?
And why do I feel like if it was him, everyone would be at his defense and write fan fictions, draw fanart, and love this family dynamic more than when it was Maglor?
Why does Maglor seem to have the most issues in the Silmarillion fandom, more than Maedhros?
Why do many people try to make Maglor into an even worse person than Maedhros despite what- albeit little- canon lore said about him?
Lastly, why did Tolkien make so many changes and switch so many things about those two in order make their characters consistent? Not to mention actually giving them character arcs…
You know, I’m staring to think that if Maedhros had found Elured and Elurín- and quite possibly raised them- the whole fandoms would’ve equally supported that dynamic.
I’m also guessing by the reason the fandom seems to like and defend Maedhros so much is because he is the ‘hot ginger’ out of the two brothers.
After all, you can project whatever you want out of a ‘blank page’, but you can’t touch the so-called ‘masterpiece’.
I’m not attacking anyone, I don’t want to attack anyone, heck maybe I’m wrong and all of Tolkien’s words are misleading from his true vision. I’m attempting to defend and respect the material that he worked so hard on, and sadly never finished.
Oh and just to be PERFECTLY clear, Maglor is not a good person, neither is Maedhros!
I just want the facts to be made clear. Maglor is a son of Feanor, a fierce killer, who committed 3 kinslayings! That is not the topic I’m discussing.
This is about the guilt, sorrow, and compassion he expressed for two orphaned boys at the end of the last kinsalying.
“For Maglor took pity upon Elrond and Elrond, and he cherished them, as little might be thought, but Maglor’s heart was sick and weary with the burden of the dreadful oath.”
- J R.R. Tolkien
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tricoufamily · 1 year
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and now i'm tired, and now i'm dead to me
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cerealmonster15 · 8 months
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heartslabyul is in shambles. if u even care.
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neoninky · 6 months
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Just got home from a very long day at work and what do I find? This is the first time all of my visitors were from the same dorm!
I have received a blessing of the night lol (thanks for stopping by @therealmalleusdraconia and @sillyfatherof3 💚🐉🦇)
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loving-jack-kelly · 1 year
spot and race get married and race puts a little bit of frosting on spot's nose to be cute and then she dunks his whole head in the cake rendering it inedible
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corvidcleric · 1 year
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[I.D.: a drawing of elizabeth and jane from sons and sonsability. elizabeth sits poised on a red cushion chair, one gloved hand on her lap, stained with blood. her other hand is around jane’s waist who stands behind her with a hand on lizzie’s shoulder. both of them look at the camera with vacant, placid smiles. end I.D.]
there’s a thing in the future called GAY MARRIAGE.
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ecto-stone · 2 months
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No need to Work up so much Vladdy. Just sit Back and enjoy the absolute chao that about to happen.
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Favorite Characters
↳ Fred Jones (Scooby Doo franchise)
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