#someone needs to take on a more distinctive typing style so i can tell who's who lmao
detransdamnation · 1 year
Maybe i am in a bit of a blind spot now but stumbling upon your blog and a few of your last answers made me question - if gender roles were nonexistent in society so the sex a person has wouldnt dictate how they are treated - how could someone develop an unease about something truly neutral? I know there are sex differences in humans and thats what we talk about when we speak of transsexual people - the desire to change sex based on a terrifyingly strong discomfort with the one one has. But i am at a loss when it comes to understanding where would that discomfort even start/be influenced by (again as long as the sex you are would make everything neutral) because i always assumed that its that dichotomy of how society views females and males is what later translates into the literal base of where it comes from which is one’s sex. Then - Would the dysphoria grow out of purely desiring something that one doesnt have along the lines the grass is greener on the other side? Getting to experience sex the way it feels like as the other sex (especially in case of not heterosexual people)? Or only An aesthetic pursue? If the only thing that differentiated us in society would be the biological abilities of our bodies and the appearance of it…why do you think would someone still come up with an idea of desiring the other?
After reading especially the last answer it made me think that after all there must be some truly transsexual people who are just born being transsexual. Thats why i decided to send it because i think you established somewhere that you believe there are no trans people who are trans ”just because”, just because they have a brain of the opposite sex trapped in the wrong body etc.
I hope this makes some sense, its not an attack on anything you said more of a big wonder and desire to understand better and i really hope it comes off this way.
You make total sense. Your message doesn't come off as an attack at all.
Anon, I'll be real with you. I reread my answer on whether or not I believe gender abolition would also abolish dysphoria. I did rush in writing that response, greatly so, so the way I phrased my thoughts was particularly subpar; however, as I was trying to tie everything together in this response to you, I realized that the viewpoint I argued didn't really make sense when I held it up to my other beliefs. So, this is a humble admittance that I was, frankly, talking out of my ass. I'm going to use this as an opportunity to reassess my beliefs on this topic and will be re-answering that question once I have done so.
In the meantime, one of the best ways to assess your beliefs is to argue something you disagree with or are unsure of, so I'm going to double down and continue the argument as if I'm completely confident that it's the truth, if only to hopefully better explain where I was coming from when I wrote my previous response. So, proposed argument: Gender abolition will not necessarily abolish sex dysphoria.
First of all, what causes dysphoria and how does gender fit into that framework? I talked about this at length here [AL] and here [AL]. I specifically want to zero in on something I said in the former link:
I [...] do not personally believe that there is a “main reason” on as to why dysphoria may develop in a young person in all cases. I suppose my own “main reason” would be that I fell into the trans community because I never thought seriously about transitioning prior to that time—but the thing is, even if I hadn’t, I would still be dealing with everything else that influenced my getting to this point. [...] If I were to take the trans community out of that equation, it would just be the influence of the trans community missing.
Let’s replace the influence of the trans community with the construct of gender and let’s fast forward to this hypothetical dream society where gender is not an existent thing. We can apply what I said above. We’ve taken away gender and its influences—but we still have everything else. There are numerous factors that could cause a person to develop sex dysphoria; in a genderless society, we have only taken away one. In order to shut down any possibility of dysphoria developing, we would need to get rid of every single possible factor and influence and that is just not a possible feat. Homophobia is a significant factor in many cases of dysphoria and will remain so in a genderless society unless efforts have been previously made to abolish it. No amount of social change will ever eradicate abuse, which can be a trigger in dysphoria in that (especially long-term) abuse victims are prone to redirecting emotional pain to certain aspects of themselves, especially in an effort to regain control, even though they may not “make sense.” It is also impossible for us to eradicate, for instance, natural aspects of our biology that are just plain inconvenient or uncomfortable, which may become objects of fixation (especially in puberty) and cause a person to develop sex dysphoria thereafter. These are just a few examples off of the top of the head—but they and more may all continue on as potential factors because these things, in and of themselves, do not have anything to do with what we have abolished. They do not cease to be potential precursors to mental illness, such as dysphoria, just because we have taken one precursor away.
But why dysphoria? Why would someone develop sex dysphoria in a genderless society if sexes were seen as entirely neutral? Well, let’s turn our attention to another mental illness that is perhaps most reflective of dysphoria (so reflective, in fact, that some people believe them to be one and the same): body dysmorphic disorder. Body dysmorphia is “a mental disorder characterized by the obsessive idea that some aspect of one's own body part or appearance is severely flawed and therefore warrants exceptional measures to hide or fix it.” One’s “flaws” cause significant distress, even to the point of seeking out cosmetic procedures in an aim to “fix” them. Anything can be a trigger in body dysmorphia, although some of the most common include facial features, hair, skin complexion, and coincidentally, sex characteristics such as breasts, facial hair, or genitals—which are all inherently neutral features. No physical feature is objectively “wrong” or “bad,” “good” or “right,” “pretty” or “ugly.” They just are.
So, then, we could ask the same question: Why would people with this disorder fixate on these features and develop an unease with them if they are truly neutral? We could argue the societal pressure of beauty ideals, and certainly, that is a factor in a lot of cases—but if body dysmorphia were truly an issue of how certain features are seen and treated, exclusively, then by all means and purposes, people who are considered to be conventionally attractive should not also be seen developing the disorder. Marilyn Monroe could be an example of this: considered one of the most beautiful women in the world in her time and years after and yet (was believed to have) struggled with body dysmorphia until the day that she died.
Things don’t have to be “not neutral” in order for someone to not like them. Things can be neutral and still cause one discomfort. Things can be seen and treated as indifferent by the collective and yet still be hated by the individual. Why do non-dysphoric people have insecurities at all? A lot of the time, they don’t have specific reasons. I don’t feel they need to have reasons. Just like I don’t feel dysphoric people need to have an ultimate reason on as to why we would develop sex dysphoria when we could have fixated on any other physical trait.
I think where people tend to get tripped up in these discussions is, they try to apply what they know to be reasonable to mental illnesses and how they present in order to rationalize, to themselves, what we are feeling and experiencing—but in doing so, I feel we easily lose sight of the fact that, even without mental illness, the brain does not need a logical reason to fixate on something, to hate something, to want to get rid of something. Marilyn Monroe having been an icon of beauty did not change the fact that she didn’t like her face—and my not believing in gender does not change the fact that I don’t like my sex and desire to be the opposite. Marilyn continued to feel the way she did because she had body dysmorphic disorder. I continue to feel the way I do because I have dysphoria. Both disorders alter how we perceive reality and cause us to believe things about ourselves that are not objectively true. We desire what we do not have because that is a symptom of the inherently nonsensical disorders that we have. That is all there is to it. That is our “why.”
And I am content just leaving it at that. It is my own personal stance that we cannot chase the logistics behind something that is not logical to begin with. At the end of the day, there is no ultimate reason for mental illness. Mental illness does not need to make sense. Mental illness only needs humanity. It will continue to exist no matter how humanity progresses.
So, under this argument, there are a few different points to be had, main ones being that gender abolition will not necessarily abolish sex dysphoria because gender and sex are not one and the same; to take away gender is to take away only one possible factor in one’s dysphoria; and although outside factors can (and do) influence dysphoria and would continue to do so in a genderless society on account of the previous two points, there’s ultimately no “reason” on as to why dysphoric people would continue to cling on to their sex in this society where the two sexes are seen and treated as the exact same—simply because dysphoria, being a mental illness, does not exist on a plane that is rational.
Considering these viewpoints and assuming that they all coexist in this genderless society, then, it may be easy to conclude, like you did, that some people are just born transgender. I do understand how you may have come to that conclusion after reading my response and even I, looking back, feel like that is what I insinuated, even though I did not mean to and was not coming from that position. To clarify, as I have stated before, I do not believe in the idea of “true trans,” and seeing as this is a belief that I actually hold very true to and have for a long time, I’d like to explain why. This is no longer me proposing an argument that I am merely “considering.” This is me demonstrating what I believe.
There are a few different things to consider in the statement, “People are born transgender,” starting with the implications of what it means to be transgender and specifically the dysphoric aspect of it. To suggest that someone could be born transgender is also to insinuate that someone could be born dysphoric, that someone could be born already set to hate their bodies as they grow older.
Of course, we could be less technical here. You may not be born with mental illness in the literal sense—but you can develop mental illness extremely early on in life. So, under the argument that dysphoria is a mental illness, dysphoria can develop from a very young age, and therefore the child, express (what may be interpreted as) a transgender identity. Okay, fair enough. What I have never received closure on is, if a young child exhibits hatred of any other part of their body for any other reason, it is universally considered abnormal, a red flag, something to treat—but as soon as gender or sex comes into the picture, this self-hatred becomes something to validate.
Let’s say that a young child tells you that they do not like their body. Without any other context, what would your first reaction be? Chances are, you would assume that someone or something in this child’s life has taught or influenced them to think this way, even if only inadvertently, and hopefully, you would rush to tell this child that there is nothing wrong with their body, that they are perfect just the way they are. But let’s say, after probing a little further, this young child tells you that they don’t “feel like” their sex, or that they want to be the opposite (in little kid terms). Would you then change your tune and decide that they were “born that way,” that they hate their body because they were just meant to be the opposite sex instead? If your answer is yes, or your no follows hesitancy, I have to wonder what, specifically, would change your mind. What is it about dysphoria that is so different from any other form of self-hatred? Moreover, what implications do you think there are in a child telling someone they presumably trust that they are uncomfortable in their body—and that trusted adult telling them that they are uncomfortable in their body because they were, indeed, born “wrong?”
This leads to an essential question that we, ironically, so often overlook. We have a dysphoric child in front of us. What would make them transgender? The most likely definition of a trans person that everyone could agree on would be someone who is dysphoric, likely someone who has been dysphoric since early childhood—but even that is not a perfect or even accurate definition because not all people with dysphoria go on to transition, not even people with long-term or “treatment-resistant” dysphoria. If dysphoria does not make a transgender person, what does?
Let’s say we have one-thousand dysphoric people in front of us and one person in the group—say, the young child in this analogy, now an adult—is transgender. The only thing that distinguishes this person from the rest of the group is the very act of transition. If this person had never transitioned, there would be no difference between them and the rest of the group. We would have a solid group of cisgender dysphoric people. The transgender person is distinguished only through action, self-identity and personal experience in attempts to accommodate that self-identity. “Brain sex” has been proven to be a myth, so we know there are no biological differences to point to them having “needed” to transition—and even under the possibility that there do exist biological markers in dysphoria that we have not discovered yet, that does not prove that people can be born transgender. At most, these markers could stand as predispositions, similar to how people can be carriers for certain diseases or have “bad genes” that make them more likely to suffer from certain ailments—but none of these things equate to destiny, and in fact, in the case of dysphoria, would only prove that a supportive environment could prevent it—and transgender identity—from coming into the picture at all.
The suggestion that some people are just “made” to go through with any action, including transition, is an insinuation of fate—and I do not believe in fate. I believe in free will to some extent, although that would open us up to the more philosophical question of whether free will is truly free, seeing as we are reflections of our environment and cannot completely separate ourselves from it. In either case, we have seen and established that we can both influence one to develop dysphoria, as well as prevent one from developing dysphoria, all depending on how we, as a society, treat them—and if the people around us can help to prevent dysphoria from becoming an issue entirely, thereby circumventing the desire to transition at all, it is impossible for transgender identity to be truly innate to any one person.
In summary and in closing, mental illness, including dysphoria, is encouraged by—and sometimes even brought on by—our surrounding environment in almost all cases. Environments naturally change overtime, and in the process, certain factors in mental illness may become less common or even disappear entirely; however, just because one goes away does not mean all others disappear. One of many of our possible futures as a society is one without gender, and unsurprisingly, this would get rid of gender as a trigger in dysphoria—but so long as no other factors have been dismantled in the process, they will continue on as potential influences in its development, even in this genderless society. It then may be easy to conclude that some people are just “born” transgender, especially seeing as how the development of sex dysphoria in a genderless society would be even more random (comparatively to that of a gendered one)—but that conclusion, that “Some people are just born that way,” would not be reached with any other mental illness, and beyond that, does not give us, the society, enough credit or responsibility. The fact that there are trans people who barely even remember not being trans, such as myself, stand not as proof that we are “true transsexuals” but as proof that we live in a society that is hostile to multiple vulnerable populations and it is up to us to change that. Gender abolition will not solve all of these problems and it may not even get rid of sex dysphoria entirely—but it is essential and a great place to start, which is why I continue to stand for it, even despite it not being a perfect fix.
I hope this gave you a little more to think on.
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redstarwriting · 11 months
hobie brown with a pink gf
hobie brown x badass pink!fem!reader hcs
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request?: yes
request: “HI RED!!!! idk if you’ve done this already but i really wanna see what hobie would be like with a badass pink!gf. like she wears pink demonias nd stuff but can like hold her own yk? i hope this makes sense LMAO”
requested by: anon
warnings:  language, mentions of stealing, alluding to s*xual harassment from men, cops
a/n: omggg the only person i could think of with this request is chrissy chlapecka wearing her all pink outfits and telling everyone to hit men with their cars LMAO thank you for the request, anon🖤
- givin me chrissy chlapecka vibes - he loves it - listen - if you have any type of distinct style or attitude going against what most people believe - or one that challenges any type of authority or societal beliefs - Hobie immediately respects you - doesn’t necessarily mean he will be best friends with you - but he respects people who he can see have that kind of rebellious “fuck the patriarchy” attitude - so when he saw you - all pink outfit - pink makeup - pink accessories - pink boots that look like they could kill a man - exactly what you intend with said boots btw - he respected it - especially since you seemed to be taking the stereotypical “girl color” (whatever the fuck that means) and putting a spin on it they wouldn’t like - and girl when he saw you kick some man’s ass - all pretty in pink? - he was like ooh yeah - oh she’s the one - he loves to steal anything and everything pink that he sees - all for you - and he does - this style you have is the definition of him saying “Wear whatever you want, I can fight.” - and in response - you just scoff - “I’ll wear whatever I want, I can fight.” - he loves it - he loves that you’re always ready to stomp someone’s face with your pretty little boots - the amount of time he’s actually had to hold you back is amazing - and he doesn’t hold you back because he thinks you won’t beat the person’s ass - or because he wants you to be the ”better person” or whatever the fuck that is - but because he doesn't want the piggies getting any ideas when it comes to you - he knows you can hold your own - but he can’t help but be a little protective of you - and he just doesn’t trust cops - they’d see you looking all pretty and try something - not on his watch - he’ll take over if there are cops around - but if it’s just a slimy man? - he’ll still be there, ready to step in and kill the guy at any time - but you can handle yourself - so he lets you handle yourself - he loves when you paint his nails for him - he has so many shades of pink nail polish now - and you’ll paint his nails all pink all the time - at first, he was kinda like hmmmmm am i gonna like this? - spoiler - he did - he still paints his nails black all the time but when you ask to put some pink in there he’s all for it - he doesn’t realize his flat is slowly becoming more and more pink as you start to move in - because he doesn’t necessarily care all that much - he really likes the color now - but when Gwen comments on it he’s like… oh yeah - “Hobie? Have you found a new love for the color pink?”   “What?”   “Your place. There’s so much pink in here.”   “Oh… (Y/n) and I are gettin’ serious. She’s been movin’ in. But yeah, I do fancy the color pink, now. What of it?” - he does have a favorite shade of pink that you wear - but he loves when you wear all pink - so he acts like he doesn’t have a favorite - but he’s bad at it - cause the minute you wear a bright obnoxious shade of pink? - he’s gone - he’s simpin - he’s in love - he will compliment you more than he already does - which is a lot - and have his hands all over you - needless to say you’ve incorporated that color into your wardrobe a lot more - he just loves your style - and your attitude - the two of you are the government’s worst enemy honestly - and even though you’re a badass - you don’t need a man or anyone for that matter - you have a soft spot for your anarchic asshole - and sometimes you just like to see him be the badass - cause he sure can be - you’re a “don’t fuck with us” couple - a “fuck around and find out” couple - and the two of you wouldn’t want it any other way <3
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allmyloveandyours · 1 year
Astrology Observations #1!!!!
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These are all opinions! Take what resonates! Also I'm not a professional, correct me if I got something wrong if necessary idk this my first try
It's been said before, but the Leo + Libra combination is incredible. The planets/placements can tell what they succeed at the best. (Example: Leo Sun - personality, general shine and personality, with Libra Rising - stylish, pretty, youthful, graceful, makes someone who garners a lot of attention naturally)
I've seen 8th House Saturn manifest as actively (I guess rather than lack of trying maybe idk) waiting to get close to people in an intimate relationship. They may not even like the implication they've done anything intimate with their partner. Once they're lock in with their person, they get pretty private. Depending on the sign, they also get very sappy.
Another Saturn note: While it rules over restrictions, delays, and the father, it also rules over tradition. Whenever it is in your chart you may also more of a "transitional" (or whatever traditional means to them) opinion of/take a traditional role in. Saturn's in 5th house Gemini for me, and when it comes to art/hobbies/acting and I was VERY against digital or CGI/not doing everything by hand/not cutting corners. And the want to have twins is STRONG + the 50s aesthetic dresses and style is very appealing.
Taurus in your chart can tell you where you're the most stubborn (I know this is obvious), and it also maybe tell where you're the most simple or easy to understand. I've noticed a lot of people saying earth Mercuries are boring to talk to or dry, but I've noticed that's just Taurus Mercuries. Which isn't bad at all, but they're very to the point, but not in a bad way. A good example is Taurus Sun in 4th house. Probably the most down to earth placement possible. Chill personality, comfortable home/likes to create a good home environment.
Sun conjunct Mercury are so easy to spot. Something how the way they talk just sticks, or they have an extremely distinct way of talking. My close friend who has it in Pisces 7th house strictly talks in metaphors, and is gets the worse the closer you get to him. Whatever the sun sign is is kinda the flavor of how you talk. (Maybe Virgo would be more descriptive/thought out, Aries would be more loud/impulsive etc)
Scorpio stelliums are the easiest to notice imo. When talking 1 on 1, they kinda trigger wherever Scorpio is on your house. My aunt has a stellium with Mercury, Venus, and Mars, and every time time we talk I get the motivation to take care of my public persona/career since Scorpio is my Midheaven.
Venus conjunct Mercury is chefs kiss when it comes to your voice. Whatever house it's in can rule what kinda vibes you have within style of speaking (like 2nd house could sound expensive, may have a talent for singing, 11th is very motivational, would get most of the attention when talking in groups). You could also be good at being vocal about things you love along with having a nice voice. Any writing would also be very beautiful.
Chiron opposite anything can point to something that can hinder healing if you don't think it though. Since (in my opinion) opposite creates tension but the planets can work together, rushing results ends up with the planets/asteroids clashing. An example can be Chiron opposite Saturn: healing would require cutting no corners, hard work, and stability or a routine, but you could have the feeling of acting on impulse, or shaking off a routine that's actually good for you, or even ignoring an authority that could be good for you (Especially if that Chiron is in Capricorn).
Saturn in Cancer individuals may have issues with taking up emotional space. They're the type of people to talk about how bad their day was for 4.5 seconds then apologize. I've never heard someone apologize for even complaining more than them. A lesson they may need to learn is how to be angry. Also they may need a nicer partner.
I've seen degree theories on how the degrees of Pluto can tell when/where you had your tower moment (like the tarot card: a time of the tower falling/everything kinda crumbles), and I gotta say most have been pretty accurate. I have a friend who has their Pluto in 5th house in the 16th degree and that's when they had their first experience with distrust in romantic partners. Mines in 11th house in the 14° degree and that's when I realized all of my friends at the time were bad.
Mars in Leo do really well on social media, especially when they have complete control over their projects. They may also have trouble giving up control to others and can become workaholics if there's heavy earth placements paired with it. (Markiplier is a good example with his Taurus Moon, Leo Mars, and Capricorn stellium)
Ok that's it for now. Let me know if I should do more, and any opinions you may have (please be NICE I'm not GOOD AT THIS) and also have a good day/afternoon/night :D
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isfjmel-phleg · 4 months
And if I talk about Grant's civilian fashion sense, I have to talk about Ray's, so here you go.
Unlike Grant, Ray does have a secret identity and is actively trying to maintain his civilian life as much as possible. At one point he thinks he's lost his powers, and his immediate feeling is relief. He doesn't quite have to be dragged kicking and screaming into being a hero, but it takes a lot for him to accept it. So unlike Grant, we see him in ordinary clothes quite frequently, and he undergoes a style evolution that occurs alongside his character arc.
One thing that does stay pretty consistent is that this boy is an absolute fashion plate by 1990s standards.
We're introduced to Ray at the moment when he first leaves his house to deliberately expose himself to daylight and activate his powers. He's just eighteen, so he dresses like a teenager. Very specifically an early 1990s teenager. For someone who has barely ever left his house, he seems to put a lot of effort into maintaining a fashionable appearance. He's got a stylish fade haircut with lightning designs shaved into the sides, a piercing, and that distinctive jacket that will become part of his costume as well as something he wears ordinarily ("either a drum major or a diehard Michael Jackson fan," his mom comments when she first sees him in it).
Lots of overly long T-shirts worn with jeans and chunky sneakers. When he learns how to create light construct clothing (his powers when activated will burn off clothing if not protected, and this leads to a lot of embarrassing situations at first) and needs some civilian clothing to change into, what he creates is possibly one of the most 1990s teenage-boy outfits ever: a football jersey (with his surname on the back) tucked into baggy jeans, chunky sneakers, and a snapback hat worn, of course, backwards. He wears a variety of bright colors, as further seen in some of his shirts that Dinah Lance borrows while crashing at his place after an injury. For someone who grew up in the dark, he's got an eye for color and what suits his coloring.
The one exception to his particular style is a more conservative black suit, which he wears to the funeral of the uncle whom he believed was his dad. It will show up again later in the Annual, also worn to funerals.
So what does all this tell us about him? It indicates his youthfulness, of course, but also that he's image-conscious enough to care a lot about how he presents himself. He grew up in the public eye as "Night Boy" and, as revealed in his narration and thought bubbles, has a lot of private insecurities. Dressing fashionably is a way for him to take some control over how he is perceived by others. If he presents himself as cool, maybe he can feel that he genuinely is.
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(The Ray 1992 #1, 2, 4 / The Ray 1994 Annual #1 / Justice League Quarterly #15 / Black Canary 1993 #8)
At the start of his second solo series, Ray is dealing with being out on his own as a technical adult. He has a fast food job that he hates and he lives in a crummy one-room apartment with no refrigerator. And it's not that his fashion sense noticeably changes at this point, but his wardrobe becomes more limited, as if to reflect that he can't afford a lot of clothing anymore. He has his jacket, a few T-shirts, jeans, two types of sneakers (the chunky ones and smaller, more traditional ones for times when he needs to make a more adult impression), and that seems to be about it for much of the start of this series.
When he intends to propose to his childhood best friend, he puts together another aggressively 1990s-teenage-boy look: baggy shirt (with baseball logo) and jeans, those sneakers again, and a varsity-like jacket. "I really am a man now," he says to himself in the narration beside this image--but of course he isn't. He's still dressing like a kid, in a reflection of how in many ways he's still not fully matured. He certainly has no business proposing to anybody at this point, and he will not get a yes when he does.
Shortly afterward, he will leave the Justice League Task Force for personal reasons, and this announcement accompanies another change of clothes--a more sedate brown/burgundy bomber jacket instead of his more flashy band jacket (associated with his costume) over his usual T-shirt and jeans. Circumstances are driving him to the desperation of trying to take responsibility for a situation he created, so he is dressing with the intention of being taken more seriously.
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(The Ray 1994 #1-2, Annual #1 / Justice League Task Force #17, 26)
And he goes from there to working for Vandal Savage, which signals a huge change in his entire lifestyle. He has a prestigious office job, a good salary, a luxurious condo, a new haircut, and an extensive wardrobe of boxy, broad-shouldered, aggressively 1990s power suits.
Which, by the way, he is rocking. His palette has shifted to a lot of cool tones--blues, grays, greens--that reflect the coldness that is creeping into his character as a result of this job, along with some pink because why not. (That salmon shirt and teal-and-black tie combo from The Ray 1994 #16? Gorgeous.)
All the same, he's a nineteen-year-old who doesn't really know what he's doing, so despite his fancy pocket squares and gold tie clips, there are little fashion faux pas, like wearing white socks with a suit, or suspenders and a belt simultaneously. This isn't who he really is. It's an act.
The more casual clothes almost completely disappear; there's one case of a pale green jacket and purple shirt with jeans and sneakers, worn while mowing his mom's lawn. As time goes on and he's starting to feel more conflicted about his life choices, the suits start to be paired with more casual turtlenecks (very stylish in the 90s). The last civilian ensemble of his solo features this but dispenses with the suit in favor of a winter jacket--more casual but definitely more mature and darker-toned than what he used to wear. An apt reflection of the conclusion of his arc.
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(The Ray 1994 #15-22, 24 / Justice League Task Force #27, 29)
From here on, it's off to Canceled Comic Limbo and almost no appearances for him in civilian attire. He is constantly in costume with Young Justice (like the rest of the team is most of the time). His various Freedom Fighters stints have a few clothing changes, I think, but they're not paired with any significant characterization. The current continuity's Ray is a completely different person and not relevant to this discussion.
His second solo is, of course, about a guy who needs a refrigerator. But at the same time, it's about a young adult who needs to learn to dress like a grown-up. Not cosplay as one in a giant suit, but to bring his own persona into the next stage of his life.
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shipfishwrites · 16 days
Tell us about the pern eragon coss over ideas please ? <3
oh my goshh ahh now i'm nervous that my ideas are bad but ok if you INSIST i will do it because i think it's so fun
so first of all there are some random floating ideas about like, how to compromise how dragons work on pern versus in alagaesia. obviously the main thematic parts are all there (dragons hatch for one person and have a very tight psychic bond and there's not really a temeraire-style crew situation) but you have to think about the ranks, the hatchings, the magic, eldunari, the riders vs the weyrmen, etc etc
i chose to do it more like importing some aspects of pern dragons onto alagaesia dragons as the base. i was just more interested in doing that since i wanted more alageasian world building elements also (like different species of humanoids). doing it the other way around would surely be super fascinating, or doing it like a direct isekai/true crossover would be fascinating as well (surely between can get you to parallel universes!!)
so like the obvious main thing is RANKS. i chose to keep the alagaesian dragon idea that dragons can be any color and that sex/gender doesn't matter and instead ported over some of the thematic or narrative purpose elements of each canon pern color and made them physical characteristics used to "sort" dragons -- but the lines are somewhat fuzzy, bc i like fuzzy
in reverse order of perceived importance: (also happens to be reverse order of rarity)
arrow (green equiv) - kind of a lumper section. anyone who isn't anything else is an arrow, right? a prototypical arrow is small and fast and has good stamina, and might be stereotyped as somewhat adhd or direct or jocks
whip (blue equiv) - also kind of a waste basket group. prototypically more sinuous and longbodied than other types, with better flexibility and agility. it's unclear to what extent this is a real morphotype or to what extent it is just handy to have two groups for everything that isn't one of the next three. supposedly more calm and rational and scholarly than arrows.
shield (brown equiv) - the unique thing about shields is that they have magically-enhanced healing -- but like many magics in alagaesia, it's not exactly perfect. they are visually distinct because their scales are opaque and even harder than other dragon's scales
tower (bronze equiv) - while adults may or may not be noticeable as towers, as young dragons always are. they are developmentally delayed. if normally a dragon begins to speak around two weeks old and begins to flame by six months, a tower might take a month or two to speak and a year or two to flame!
spirit (gold equiv) - very little distinguishes spirits from arrows or whips -- they can also masquerade as shields or towers, but very rarely. once they are grown and their rider discovers or develops their capacity as a mage, their uniqueness shows: spirits confer their riders huge amounts of magical power, even more than a dragon typically does
i would be... so happy to discuss more about my thoughts for any of the ranks bc i really did think about them very hard!!! ehehe
as for the other things...
@firecoloredwater helped with the plot. the one i think about the most is sort of an alt version of the rider war! instead of galbatorix there's a different young and hotshot rider sort of based on the worst of kylara and f'lar's characteristics... so she's called kyf'lara LOL
some riders and dragons are hiding in various places when someone finds a small cache of eggs. this along with kyf'lara forcing the urgals into the evil spell that makes them all go fight leads to several slightly feuding groups of riders and support join together to try to get these eggs hatched!
alas! everything sucks too much!
they flee into the spine but are found by an urgal village!! it turns out they were protected by their shaman from the evil spell. she takes the lead in welcoming them but isn't shy about needing help in return. doot doot her granddaughter the shamaness in training hangs out with the riders and elves and
this causes the riders to realize kyf'lara has somehow fucked with the rider bond bc that's supposed to be impossible, only humans and elves can impress dragons
my main squeezes there are an indlvarn pair, formerly spirit, a shield and her dumb man, and an elf whose main job is to hang around cryptically and in a nonbinary manner
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petrichorvoices · 1 year
I’ve been told that when we were younger, we were very determined to differentiate ourselves from each other, and as someone who has only been here for a year or two I find that rather odd. We used to make public lists of our who we are and what we were each like, we dreaded sounding similar to each other, and we went out of our way to try and force ourselves to have differences in handwriting and art styles.
Frankly, I don’t understand it. I personally take comfort in the anonymity of plurality. I find it lovely to let a more talkative fronter take the lead in a conversation and then only add a few comments without having to identify myself. I feel safe being able to state that an opinion or thought is mine personally and not representative of the system as a whole without having to so much as hint as to who I am. While I do enjoy having a distinct handwriting, I dislike having a distinct voice, and try to avoid speaking out loud because of it. I see other fronters here with its own configurations between anonymity and individuality. Cecil speaks all the time but rarely signs off on what it says. Mim, ever-present in our front and internal dialogue, rarely makes xeir presence known on our blog. Jonny has his own blog, Ice2 loves to identify himself, and yet others who are always in front have never once spoken its name on here.
My own personal theory as for why this is the case is that when we were younger, we were less comfortable in our plurality. We didn’t trust that people would believe us for who we said we were, and we felt the need to overcompensate as a result. Now, aware of our from-birth plurality for so long, and with friends that we trust will trust us, we’re finding comfort in being seen more as a collective entity, rather than a loosely-bound group of individuals with no overlap. It’s why we use the word ourselfves, it’s why we type in our differing ways without necessarily proxying.
I do suppose, though, that it would be nice to be seen as an individual sometimes, perhaps more often than I am now. I tend to avoid identifying myself out of fear that my fictivity will make me annoying and cumbersome to speak to, an anxiety that I and we still haven’t mustered the courage to bring up to our friends. I’m extremely curious as to what our friends that we rarely proxy to think about us, how they perceive us, how often they can tell when a different headmate is speaking, and if they mentally keep track of those of us they know of. It’s something I would ask about but unfortunately, I am rather rife with anxiety about the matter. I speak frequently, and have identified myself a small handful of times, but I don’t recall what I’ve said about myself.
I don’t really have a point to this and I don’t really know how to end my musings. It’s simply something that I’ve been thinking about all day and so wanted to get written down.
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symptoms-syndrome · 2 years
4. How do you experience communication from parts?
A lot of different ways, actually, ranging from "takes practice to notice" to "oh my god shut the fuck up."
Sometimes it's just the classic. Voice in my head type deal. That's the way most of the like. IDK Main Crew communicates. Volume doesn't work exactly the same way, but if I were to compare it, it's like. Regular speaking volume. A lot of the time I can tune it out if I want to, but I don't like it when they do that to me so I try not to do it to them. I'm not usually one to have whole conversations in my brain though it feels weird and kinda? IDK embarrassing? So it's usually a one way sort of thing with occasional answers but not really. Conversation.
The worse version of that is when it kind of just feels like someone left a door open and I just hear shit that I don't think is being directed towards me (or whoever else is in the driver's seat.) Runaway does this a lot. I just hear shit but they can't hear me. It's really annoying TBH, and distressing because that usually happens when it's yelling or crying or something like that.
Sometimes it's more? IDK vague? Like I can tell smth like "Mimi rly likes that shirt and wants to buy it" but the actual sentence wasn't said in my head or out loud.
Journal entries are less, I think, an active communication and moreso a way of "listening in" on other parts. Like I don't think we always write journal entries with the intention of others reading them, but if things are especially chaotic and/or confusing reading our journal entries can be a good way of piecing things together, especially for some parts that have more distinct handwriting or writing styles.
Sometimes body language is the only way some of our more vulnerable parts can make themselves known or heard. That's kinda sad though. It's usually accompanied by body memories. Generally unpleasant.
Certain parts are able to like. Sort of visualize. Aslan in particular likes to sort of. Manifest in a weird way? IDK I can tell what his body is doing more easily despite him not actually being in control of *my* body. It's not like a hallucination though, I would compare it to like. How you can hold a hand in front of one eye, and because your other eye can see right past it it looks sort of invisible but you can tell it's there.
Hess, similarly, can sort of manifest bodily sensations like being held or a hand on my shoulder or something. She's the only one who does that tho.
In therapy we're trying to work on an "inner world" type deal. It doesn't come naturally to me. I think it was working kind of, before we had to move on to more immediate and pressing things. It def helped to visualize I think. The main issue was no one showing up. or very few showing up. Or not the parts I need/want to show up showing up. I wish I could just beep them or smth LMAO. I would say I'd like to drag them there but I think my therapist would say that doesn't make a safe environment for communication or whatever.
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stephensonibsen6 · 11 days
Replica Designer Makeup BagsKnowing which happen to be worth your money and which will last you for years to come back is often a frightening thought. But there are certain things to look for when purchasing for replica bags.<br/><br/>Exactly what are the bestselling replica designer bags readily available on Etsy? A few of the bestselling replica designer bags readily available on Etsy are:<br/><br/>Should you’re new towards the replica scene, it’s simple to really feel a tad lost. There’s a great deal data available, and Truthfully, loads of it’s not even legitimate. So, that will help everyone type through the mess, I’ve rounded up some of the commonest myths about pretend designer bags.<br/><br/>For that browsing with a price range, replica bags are a terrific way to receive the designer’s search without the need of breaking the bank.<br/><br/>Look into <a href="https://www.asolf.co/product/louis-vuitton-bagatelle-monogram-empreinte-leather-9/">aaa replica designer handbag reviews</a> below regarding how to select the ideal goods. Here's a picture gallery of the actual goods and products and solutions shown on the store.<br/><br/>For <a href="https://www.asolf.co/product/louis-vuitton-jacquard-speedy-bandouliere-25-black/">1:1 replica handbags chanel</a> of you who're on the fence about DHgate, DHgate is the second best e-commerce, direct to shopper platform right after Aliexpress. In the event you trust only Aliexpress, You'll be able to look into the best brands on Aliexpress!<br/><br/>Use of this webpage continues to be denied simply because we consider you are using automation applications to search the web site. This will transpire as a result of the subsequent: Javascript is disabled or blocked by an extension (advert blockers as an example) Your browser will not assist cookies Please Be sure that Javascript and cookies are enabled on your own browser and you are not blocking them from loading. Reference ID: #3cdfac1c-f977-11ee-bb15-29e07316444b Run by PerimeterX , Inc.<br/><br/>“Great looking bag. GG appears really genuine. I’m glad I took the danger and obtained it. I adore it. Seems to be, feels and smells like actual leather, in reality i believe it's authentic leather-based from what i can tell but can’t say for particular. Hardware appears to become excellent good quality. I might order once more from this vendor.“<br/><br/>There’s a different handbag store on DHgate that is getting fairly a following that’s Dicky0750. In a short span of your time, they may have a portfolio of clutches, Girls’s backpacks, wallets and handbags. They even have very good replicas of Louis Vuitton!<br/><br/>On the list of underrated luxury bags sellers is Lixiaojuan. With around <a href="https://www.asolf.co/product/louis-vuitton-monogram-pallas-chain-in-cherry/">aaa handbag replicas</a> can be a best manufacturer. While they've got a little selection of handbags. These are fairly exceptional and actually top quality. What’s underrated With this keep is their designer backpacks.<br/><br/>You may rest assured that scammers who vanish right after taking cash won't ever ensure it is on to my checklist.<br/><br/>Replicas are not seen as entirely an indication of someone’s social class. Even those people who are rolling in income, have arrive to appreciate the replicas for the great top quality and complete fulfillment they offer. There are numerous other sources on the market like YouTube and TikTok with dope material about this.<br/><br/>Continue to be forward of The style video game and sign up for my website subscription to unlock exceptional bag testimonials, design tendencies, and a lot more.<br/><br/>Regardless of whether for a Distinctive event, or simply to add a fashionable accent towards your each day wardrobe, replica bags are A reasonable technique to enjoy fashionable selections. But before you shop for these seem-alikes, Below are a few ideas that can help you find the proper replica bag.
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independentartistbuzz · 6 months
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Graztopia's musical approach blends together intricate layers of emotion and technique.
Fusing rock, folk, jazz blues and the innovative use of live looping and the “Mothership Pedalboard,” sets the stage for a unique sound experience.  
A one man band, his latest EP “Beatnik Serenade at the Cup Coffee-house,” suggests an intimate and perhaps retro vibe, harking back to the Beatnik culture that embraced artistic expression in the coffeehouses of yesteryears. This choice of title could also be a nod to Graztopia’s desire to create a personal and authentic connection with his audience. 
As Graztopia gets ready for a number of live shows and captivating audiences who are “ready to get away from it all”, we caught up with him to find out more:
Your music is often described as a unique blend of rock, folk, and jazz blues, and your live performances are known for their improvisation and soulful solos.
Can you tell us more about your musical influences and how you developed this distinctive style?
There are so many musical influences, too many to count, and even some that have an aesthetic influence as well. I listen to various genres of music and artists/bands from the whole history of music. So in some way, shape, or form all of those sounds are going to permeate into my songwriting psyche. Due to listening to such a vast and diverse body of music it made me want to play different styles/genres of music and even mix them together too within’ my songs.
But, probably the biggest influence on why I play/blend various styles of music together, never repeat the same setlist, and have improvisation as big part of the live show is because of jam-bands like the Grateful Dead, moe., Widespread Panic, Phish, etc…All of those bands and most jam bands for that matter, play almost every style of music, never play the same show twice, and they’ll jam/improvise throughout their live shows. And on top of all of that the scene and fan bases of those types of bands are fun and have fun/unique/hip people that are extremely passionate about the music.
All of the music that those types of bands play hit me in my archetypal center in such a way it naturally influenced some of the ways of how my live show operates. Mixing up set-lists especially if an artist has an ample amount of songs to do so, keeps things interesting for the audience and as well as the performer. It also lends itself to the element of surprise that can happen at any moment during a live show. Insofar as improvisation goes, music is a “movable art form” in the sense you can make any song sound any particular way or take the song on a musical journey to new sonic territories.  It is great fun taking a song on an improvised sonic ride to new places by stretching it out a bit.
By mixing all of those aspects together it makes each show it’s own unique experience. As a performer that can lead to a slightly slippery slope when pulling songs from a vast repertoire insofar as making musical or lyrical mistakes especially if it’s a song that hasn’t been played in a while or gets less rotational love in the set-lists. But, it also keeps me on my toes musically which is great fun and I’m up for the challenge.
You're not just a musician but also a philanthropist, actively participating in charitable events like Project Koda and supporting special needs children through the Challenger Baseball league.
How did you get involved in these causes, and how do you see the power of music in contributing to charitable efforts?
I wouldn’t go as far as calling me a philanthropist per se. I’m just a musician, who loves music, that loves playing music, and someone who loves to create art that makes any type of impact. The hippie guru, Mr. “Saint Misbehavin” himself Wavy Gravy has a great saying “put your good where it can do the most”.
I took great stock in that statement. So when asked to provide music for an event for a charity/non-profit organization that’s going to help people in need, I was happy to do so. For things like Project Koda, The Touhy Giving Foundation and the Challenger Baseball league events that I’ve played, I knew or am friends with the people who run those organizations so it was as simple as asking me to play and showing up for the gigs. One of the many magic powers of music is that is can be very healing. And sometimes that healing comes in the form of entertainment. Don’t forget what Wavy Gravy said “Put your good where it can do the most”
Your music finds a home in a variety of settings, from pro-cannabis events to coffeehouses, capturing a wide range of vibes. Could you share how you adapt your music to suit different audiences and environments?
The goal for any musician/performer is to have their music reach as many sets of ears as possible. By playing all sorts of venues, shows, events etc...eventually over time a musician/band/artist can find what places and audiences work best for their music. After playing music for many years, it more or less became a search to find venues/places where there were audiences that would suit my music. The last few years’ craft breweries have been the best spots to gig as well as coffeehouses and pro-cannabis events. Most people who go to craft breweries, smoke pot, go to coffeehouses or all of the above etc..usually tend to have open minds about experiencing or trying something new and all together different.
So with people and at places like that, my music tends to go over better. Though, I never adapt my music to any audience or environment. For my live shows I always do my thing and hopefully the people who are present for the performance enjoy it or not, just as long as there is some type of reaction. Audiences are perceptive, they can sense when a performer or a band is faking it. The only way I know how to perform/present my music is by doing it in the most authentic, passionate, unadulterated way possible. Playing live music for the people is the best.
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Your latest album, "Beatnik Serenade at The Cup Coffeehouse," showcases your versatility as a musician, with you playing every instrument. What inspired the creation of this album, and what can listeners expect from its genre-bending sound?
The inspiration for the creation of this album came from me having a plethora of songs and the need to get more music out. The title was inspired from a real place called “The Cup Coffeehouse” It’s still open for business and is located in Wantagh, NY. Go in and grab a cup of coffee and something to eat if your in that area.
I used to perform at The Cup regularly and hosted their open-mic for many years when they had live music there. The place has a very special place in my heart since I cut my musical teeth there in a way and logged many hours of fun in the establishment. Being that the songs on the album are acoustic versions and The Cup was a place where lots of acoustic music was played, it seemed appropriate to give the record that title. The cover artwork, which was done by my friend Paul Motosi, is a cartoon version of the actual layout of The Cup Coffeehouse with some artistic liberties taken of course. There’s even a little illustrated tribute to my friend Jay Reilly who is the guy smoking a cigarette leaning on the blue car on the cover.
Jay was a very talented musician/songwriter who used to perform at The Cup, was the previous open-mic host before handing it over to me, was someone I could always show one of my new songs to, and a friend of whom I miss. Insofar as playing all the instruments on the record that was merely done out of necessity and having some ability to be able to pull it off. Usually for every record I handle all of the guitars, bass, vocals, and some of the other instrumentation. Then I usually have my musician friends who play instruments that I do not play and/or do not play well to lend their musical talents to a song(s). For “Beatnik Serenade at The Cup Coffeehouse” that was not the case and I ended up doing the majority of the instrumentation on the record.
Though some of my friends did make an appearance(s) on the record, Dom Barranco who played some percussion and Jess DeBellis who played accordion on a couple tracks. Listeners can expect to go on a sonic journey through various genres of music and different sounds/noises over the duration of the album. The psychedelic sounding intros and outros kind of give a little taste of some of the ambient jams that can happen in between songs/segue songs together during a live show. 
With your distinctive personality and layered music, you've carved out a unique niche in the New York City music scene. What's next for Graztopia, and how do you plan to continue pushing boundaries and exploring new musical horizons?
There’s lot’s of things on the horizon. I always plan on pushing boundaries on the constant journey and search for sound. For the year 2024, I’m planning on releasing 3 albums of music. I know that’s a very bold statement but there’s a lot of songs in the catalog that have to be recorded and released. One record is going to be all instrumental music and the other two will feature the acoustic versions of proper songs. Eventually the plan is to record albums that have electric full band versions of most of my songs some time in the future but let’s not get too far ahead. Being that I record all of my live shows there’s also plans in the works to start releasing live bootleg recordings via my bandcamp page. To give a little insight to the live bootlegs, there’s going to be two different series of them. “The Brewery Bootlegs” which will feature live versions of original songs that were performed at craft breweries and “Mistakes, Missteps, and Music” which will feature live versions of original songs performed at any type of venue or show. So please keep your ears to the ground and your eyes on the sky for more info on release dates of said music in the future. Or you can just go to my website and/or social media sites for that info as well. 
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As Graztopia continues to carve out his unique niche in the music scene, his dedication to pushing boundaries and exploring new horizons remains. 
With plans to release three albums in 2024, including instrumental compositions and acoustic versions of his eclectic songs, the journey promises to be both diverse and dynamic. A
As he extends his musical reach to pro-cannabis events, coffeehouses, and beyond, Graztopia's authentic, unadulterated performances resonate with audiences seeking a genuine connection.
Keep your ears tuned to the captivating sounds of Graztopia, a one-man band whose genre-defying approach and philanthropic spirit make him a standout figure in the ever-evolving landscape of independent music!
Keep up to date with Graztopia on his Website.
Stream music on YouTube and Spotify.
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The Next Big Thing in replica bags designer
The duplicate bag craze is almost nothing new.​ I recall Once i was a young teen planning to search her finest, I assumed possessing a reproduction bag was the final word trend statement.​ I bought my very to start with designer replica bag from a neighborhood store.​ It was a basic Gucci tote that I believed was so chic and complex.​ I try to remember clutching tightly on the handles and strutting down the road.​ I felt similar to the belle from the ball!
I've considering that understood the Idea of owning a duplicate bag is a bit controversial.​ In fact, the first designer normally places their blood, sweat and tears into each style, and knocks-off organizations just take the credit as their particular.​ Though I bought my replica bag a few years back, I nevertheless replicate fondly on all the great times I had with that bag.​
Simultaneously, I know how vital it is actually to safeguard the exertions and commitment of designers, so for that rationale I do not buy reproduction baggage any more.​ Continue to, it's tricky to ignore the price tag of an primary style and design, and over and over its just further than our monetary arrive at.​
For that reason, I do think reproduction baggage have their spot in The style field.​ It is really true there are disadvantages to proudly owning a reproduction like very poor excellent and material, but when worn respectfully they can be equipment that help us produce special and amazing appears to be.​ What's more, I feel It can be achievable to find a Center floor - 1 could continue to recognize the first models with no getting knock-offs.​
Although I don't Individually have replica luggage anymore, I am aware Lots of individuals who do, also to use an idiom, ‘it all depends upon the person’.​ For many, the only real distinction between an authentic and duplicate bag is the value tag.​ They do not treatment about recognition or quality, they just want to avoid wasting a couple of bucks what ever way they might.​
I'm able to fully empathize using this type of standpoint.​ In fact, I have been there myself, wishing to feel gorgeous and stylish in my duplicate Gucci bag.​ But I also understand the vital role of a designer and the necessity of protecting their rights as well as their labor.​
I recall The very first time I saw a phony bag.​ I was purchasing in my area shopping mall and stumbled throughout this amazing designer handbag.​ I was so mesmerised by its beauty that I promptly assumed it was legitimate.​ Little did I are aware that it was really a counterfeit! I can however recall the depth with the disappointment Once i identified the reality.​
Initially, I thought to myself, how can someone get away with building copies of reliable designer bags? Then I realised that the desire for designer items has developed exponentially, and counterfeiters are Making the most of this.​ Pretend luggage are everywhere now, and It truly is really unhappy to think about.​
I'm absolutely sure many of us have acquired a phony designer bag without the need of realising it.​ In spite of everything, the counterfeiters have their professional touch.​ It's challenging to tell the distinction between a real along with a faux bag.​ Even expert customers is usually fooled.​
Then again, there are a few notify-tale signs like the price tag, and the caliber of the leather-based applied, which can help determine a faux.​ For anyone who is scared of getting duped, do your analysis and Ensure that the bag you might be shopping for is the real offer.​
I truly feel guilty figuring out that there's an field that will take benefit of individuals.​ But the truth is, quite a bit of customers have their very own explanations for buying phony luggage.​ Some people are unable to afford originals, while others are searching for a good deal.​
Plenty of individuals have been ripped off and duped by obtaining fake bags.​ It is best to steer clear of counterfeits completely.​ Correct, They could seem seemingly reliable and truly feel lavish, but that's only about to very last for thus lengthy.​ Lower-high-quality supplies and weak craftsmanship indicate your phony bag will not likely stand the take a look at of time.​
What is actually worse is, buying a phony bag would not only benefit the vendor but supports a much bigger, felony underworld.​ In addition to that, selling bogus products can stop you up in jail if you can get caught, so It is really often greatest to remain away from fakes.​
So, in case you are ever considering buying a designer bag, I might urge you to acquire only from authorised sellers.​ That way, it is possible to make sure It can be authentic and safe.​ Plus, with all the money you preserve from obtaining fakes, you'll have more than enough to get a quality first.​ So It is generally ideal being cautious in generating purchases.​
I suppose I’m trapped in the middle, owning found both sides of your coin.​ I may not carry a designer tote anymore, but I'm able to appreciate the value, craft and top quality that went into it.​ And when I do see a person carrying a gorgeous authentic fake bags piece, I'm able to’t help but admire the effort and creativeness powering it.​
So, With regards to duplicate bags, what genuinely defines them? Can it be the craftsmanship, the originality, or the bit of thoughts that goes coupled with it? Or could it be merely about the cost tag?
In the long run, I think reproduction luggage should be thought of as manner statements that ought to be revered and appreciated, much like the initial pieces.​ All things considered, they assist us spend less with no compromising our design in any way, and for that they should be regarded as a valuable addition to any individual’s selection of baggage.​
Getting a further look at the make a difference of duplicate luggage, there’s considerably more to them than simply knock-offs of originals.​ Some knock-off brands are getting to be really Inventive, Operating difficult to produce handbags with spectacular craftsmanship and cocktails of resources that wouldn't Ordinarily be located on a conventional designer piece.​ They draw inspiration from the first and come up with styles which are really stylish - showcasing their very own unique magnificence rather than just copying a style from somewhere else.​
Increasingly more, The style marketplace is observing a development of replicated patterns gaining traction, as more and more shoppers glance to add a novel touch to their wardrobe without the need of breaking the bank.​ Of course, the knock-off market place carries its share of very low top quality luggage, but even reproduction baggage occur in different grades now.​
It really is true that designer originals will normally continue to be originals, but the marketplace for knock-offs has grown substantially over the years, featuring the consumer bit of head though nonetheless having the ability to Specific their own personal design and style at a fraction of the fee.​ Individually, I feel there’s a specific appeal to the knock-off industry which can’t be denied.​ Every person would like to shave several hundred of the fee of buying a designer bag, so it’s Protected to claim that reproduction baggage are going to be all around for quite some time.​
As well as, There are tons of different opinions on the issue.​ A lot of people may well argue that buying knock-offs supports the unethical practices of price reduction shops, while others may possibly propose that it encourages creativeness and helps to deliver up the normal of vogue items.​ Some may very well be entirely indifferent for the issue, but No matter, it’s one thing well worth discussing and mulling over.​
At the end of the working day, All people has their unique impression on reproduction baggage, And that i’m no exception.​ Just as much as I’d want to avoid the knock-off industry, I’ll admit that there are occasions when I uncover myself waving for any taxi which has a duplicate bag by my side.​ Little question it’s a personal determination that every of us should make for ourselves, and I’m sure it’s a subject that will carry on to become the source of numerous debates.​
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iloveabunchofgames · 1 year
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And All Would Cry Beware!
by Tales of the Renegade Sector
Price (US): $9.99
Included In: Indie Bundle for Palestinian Aid, Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality
Genre: Shooter
Pitch: A story-driven first-person shooter on an alien world, with a bit of exploration and backtracking.
My expectations: The Itch page calls it an "old-school-style" shooter. I'm mildly skeptical of that claim. It looks like a basic Unity shooter with low-resolution textures. Whatever. I love shooting and Metroid-ing. The game and the developer both have names that sound like your high school's most audacious bands. Expectations are high.
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You have a gun. You get a new gun. The new gun offers different advantages in combat and can open routes blocked by obvious barriers. These routes lead to new guns.
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And They All Would Cry Beware! Is a competent, playable shooter that offers nothing special. It handles exactly like every other indie shooter made in Unity. (Though you’ll need to go through something like Steam if you want to adjust aim sensitivity on a controller.) Enemies types are all distinct, but their movement and attack patterns are uninspired, as is their abstract, geometric shape design. Likewise, the small, alien world’s regions are varied enough that you won’t get too lost while backtracking, but it’s never exciting to step into a new biome. There’s no atmosphere.
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The path is littered with transcribed audio logs that fill in a story that’s Stargate meets The Book of Genesis.
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I got stuck right at the end and had to look for hints in the Itch comments section, where someone mentioned rocket jumps. I’d previously shot a rocket at the floor and died, but I guess the two were unrelated, and I was just supposed to know I could safely hop on explosions. Ugh.
+ A complete, reasonably passable passable game that can be finished in an hour or two. + Breezing through old areas with powerful new weapons is satisfying. It helps that everything has unlimited ammo. + Different areas look and sound different, easing in navigation. + The most Biblical shooter since Super 3D Noah's Ark.
– Doesn't excel at anything. – Bad UI. Just a bunch of flat, garish rectangles. Worst of all are the Health pips, which so small they're practically invisible. Poor feedback in general. It's hard to tell when you're taking damage and from what direction, made worse by the aforementioned Health indicator. Enemies flash and shake when hit, but they can be hard to see around your own bullets, and guns have a deceptively short range, so what looks like a perfectly aimed shot might not be doing anything. – Very few hidden collectables. Just enough to trick you into thinking exploration is important. It's not. – Did I miss something? I thought I was paying attention. I read every written word I encountered. How was I supposed to know that jumping on an explosion (which, again, I thought had killed me because I couldn't identify what had actually killed me) was necessary to reach the end? Hiding collectables to reward players who have Quake on the mind is great, but if a move as illogical as rocket jumping is part of the critical path, you better make sure I know about it.
🧡🧡🧡🤍🤍 Bottom Line: While I didn't have a bad time with And All Would Cry Beware, and I was charmed by its poetic aspirations, it's hard to recommend a shooter that's this thoroughly average.
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secretfilesxxx · 2 years
How to Increase Your Crush's Sexual Interest
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We associate sexiness with a particular body type. Being sexy sounds hazy if you are overweight. China sex movies
Some women prefer to be associated with their beauty above their sex. Looking sexy is not as crucial to expressing one's sexuality as feeling sexy is.
In relationships, sex appeal matters. And it makes sense that people would seek it out in us if it's what we desire for in a partner.
Spending time with your body, enjoying its contours and angles, and noticing its smoothness can sometimes be all it takes to feel sexy. And most importantly, go about it your way.
Fix it if you don't enjoy your sexual reflection in the mirror. Your body doesn't, however, need to be fixed. Your understanding of it is correct.
Because sex workers are sexually attractive, I took the opportunity of asking my high-class escort friends about their sexual orientation.
Therefore, approach your hooker buddy if you want a tasty tip on bedroom honky ness. They will give you the unvarnished truth on how to accept your sexuality and make the most of it.
Here are some suggestions to tempt your body and your crush to the bed.
1. Bring him in with a bump and flatter
Do you ever apologize after unintentionally bumping into someone at the grocery store because you were being so careless? So now you can flirt a little with your response.
You can chuckle and apologize. He'll be instantly flattered and respond with more private dialogue, saying something like, "I turn into a huge klutz around gorgeous people. For me, this ruse always works.
However, there are situations when a guy would make you fight for it and simply give you an unpleasant quiet in return. If you're attempting to be smooth but failing, embrace the awkwardness and be as adorable as possible.
2. Before a date, text him a loving message.
When women are aware of their dominance over a guy, they experience sex. Men also appreciate women who are concerned with how they look or express themselves.
Send him a flattering text like, "You should wear that blue shirt tonight - it makes your eyes look wonderful." or "I like the maroon color on you." if you want to send his adrenaline rushing down his legs. It elevates your appeal.
A flirtatious text will pique your crush's interest in you and let them know you're thinking about them. Additionally, it's a chance to determine if they are interested in you and whether they have acted on your suggestions.
3. Let your body do the talking.
Whenever you are in his presence, make flirtatious eye contact. Make an effort to make eye contact with him; look him in the eye when you're telling a joke, saying something profound, or getting ready to move on to the next part of the date.
Just be careful not to overdo it and practice it to avoid coming off as creepy.
Maintain a straight back and a small downward tilt to your chin. It gives off an air of confidence without coming across as arrogant, which enhances your attractiveness.
4. Be confident in displaying your body's shape.
Physical characteristics are key to sex appeal, but there should also be some flair. Your distinctive style makes a statement and brings out the best in you. If you're a woman, you should absolutely think about wearing pencil skirts and undergarments with waist-defining sashes, belts, or pleating.
Makeup that complements your skin tone should be used. Your lips will appear lush with just a hint of red. Try a red necklace or earring if you're not into wearing all red clothing.
The best accessories to sexy attire are confidence, self-assurance, and a touch of tranquillity, so choose a fashion trend that will make you feel good about yourself.
5. Improve your communication abilities.
Being desirable, appealing, and aspirational—and mastering the art of effective communication—are essential components of having sexy appeal.
Learn to interpret his body language and speech patterns to understand what he is thinking. Instead than merely responding truthfully, listen to understand. Ask inquiries that convey utmost regard and inquiry.
You're not required to always offer sound counsel. Sometimes all you can do is hear his tale. Nothing is more endearing and sweet than letting him take pleasure in your company.
6. Maintain your mental fitness.
You must feel seductive and have a thorough understanding of sex appeal in order to look seductive. Do not apologize for your sexual orientation.
Put an end to worrying excessively about your look or body. Purchase sensual undergarments and lingerie, smother yourself in body lotions and scents, and take sultry candlelit baths with massage oils. Take action when it makes you feel sexy.
Quit criticizing yourself and quit comparing yourself to bikini models; doing so will simply make life more difficult for you.
Recognize your own strengths and never lose your self-assurance. The most attractive quality that your crush will find in you is your self-assurance and how comfortable you feel in your own skin.
Watch here for more informations: https://pornonan.com
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4dtk · 3 years
anon: “hewoo !! umm can you make nct ideal type like age , apperance , height , cute or sexy etc 🌬️” let’s fuckin GOOOO. i’ll be using gender neutral terms for this! please tell me if i used she/her for any part as i’m more used to writing for fem readers!
sorry this took like almost a week i’ve been really busy lately, i apologise! under a cut because its so long lol
disclaimer: tons of “i feel”s and “i think”s; plus, this is just my headcanons of the boys! remember that all of you are beautiful and lovely and special in ur own way!! <3
i feel like taeil would want someone closer to his age (+/-), unless,,, UNLESS he finds someone he really clicks with (like haechan for eg) if they’re at a younger age
if he really does then taeil will 100% make the effort
ngl taeil would love a person taller than him, would worship the shit outta them 
if he gets teased for being shorter he doesnt care LMAO this man will have his hand around your middle and eye the other person mockingly
would love when you own your appearance with confidence, he likes to be by your side to admire how comfortable you feel in your skin
see him being a more traditional man by dating a korean person, but if he’s attracted to someone not of his race, i can see him making the effort
appearance? maybe someone who cleans up well, in a sense who’s a bit proper in their hygiene and like hair or accessories ig. he doesn’t mind what you wear tho, personally leaning more towards the comfy styles of cardigans and baggy clothes.
either wants someone younger or older… i’m leaning more towards a younger s/o though bc he naturally has a “taking care” kinda vibe, and it’s sweet to see since he naturally takes care of the younger members like mark and haechan
wants to SMOTHER his s/o so i also think he’d want someone shorter than him. the man is a fucking skyscraper lawd
generally likes to give love A LOT since he’s an only child and wants to share that affection with someone who aren’t his parents or the members
but, but, like taeil, i see him really liking being held by his s/o, not just in a small spoon but laying on your chest, lying in between your legs with his head on ur tummy… so cute
i feel like johnny wouldn’t care much for appearance, nor your race since he kinda has the freedom to engage in english conversation. likes a cutesy positive vibe that can share the positivity and happiness he radiates normally!!
feel like he would go for someone a tad bit older than he is, bc he likes to be taken care of
looking over the members can become really tiring and he needs some sort of solace to relax in
honestly if you’re younger too, he wouldn’t mind, he just needs to be babied LOL
likes tall people… ngl…
would like someone more in tune with their emotion and just not afraid to speak their mind? he likes confidence tbh
can see him going for a foreign person if he’s really passionate about them, would learn english/your native language 
taeyong likes a person that likes their outfits and doesn’t care what you wear out as long as you feel comfortable in it
would prefer more of a calm s/o, but easy-going and fun when they want to be
doesnt really care for age tbh. if you’re able to bring him happiness and love him he doesn’t mind whether you’re older or younger
shorter 100%. wants to hold you very much, big spoon, the one holding you in the relationship
would go for a foreign person, but honestly, would want someone he can speak japanese with too. even he has shotaro now, he wants like just a closer person to confide in and also just share lil cute inside jokes with <3
yuta just wants his s/o to be themselves. just. yes. (i mean unless your personality is shit but he doesnt want someone to put on a front with him)
although he also likes cute people… he just wants to pamper u and make u feel like you’re the only one
goddamn, six kids plus three pets? this man is hanging on by a thread, but he would like a younger and shorter s/o
what’s one more right? 
also naturally has the taking care vibes like johnny, but there’s just something so… dom… about him AHASHFHEHR
would lean more toward a chinese- or korean-speaking s/o but
doesn’t mind a foreign s/o IF they make the effort. he would if he knows you would too. 
kun is lowkey energetic tbh and would want someone who can read the room of whether he’s comfy enough to let loose and remain the ‘parental’ figure
cute people i think will attract him, but oh my gosh when you’re self-assured? WHEW he really likes that, how you’re uncaring of people’s opinions regarding your appearance or personality
doesn’t mind older or younger or the same age, although i seem him gravitating toward an older s/o
this man is also 100% stressed. needs to be held, there’s a balance though in your relationship of who holds who though
would stay dating a korean/korean-speaking person i feel. not saying he wouldn’t make the effort but he takes his idol life very seriously and the outcomes if he were to get together with someone who doesnt speak his native tongue
he would want someone proper, like taeil, and would prefer his s/o to be cute and stuff
doyoung needs to know what you want though, so you’ll need to be sure of your choices basically
would like it more if his s/o was calm and just collected bc like taeyong, he needs a haven to relax in when he’s done for the day or when he needs to recharge
same age or older s/o !!! wants to be taken care of, this man also has a lot of love to give, altho they’re towards selective people like his members, pets, you
would gravitate towards tall people i feel
you need to love leon and louis. period. bella is a hot second.
ten would want an s/o who supports him wholeheartedly, seeing as he has so many talents that sometimes he gets caught up in showing talent for his idol life as opposed to creating things for himself. it’s easy to get lost in the pressure of the media to put out content that he feels is half- assed.
ten knows of his worth, but sometimes he just needs a bit of confirmation and support from the right people to truly create and post what he wants to
he would date a partner who doesn’t speak korean/chinese. he has english and thai and basic japanese baby!!! but yea, he def wouldn’t mind a foreign partner AND would go search up on resources to learn your native tongue!
another person who doesn’t care about how you dress. nor how you look as long as you’re being yourself!
oh, younger definitely and a shorter s/o
definitely doesn’t mind an english speaking s/o, although he would prefer someone who can speak korean as well. with s/o’s of other languages, he wouldn’t mind learning your language, although give him some time
the language barrier will be a bit awkward a first tho, but if you know minimal english, i think that’s more than enough for jaehyun to at least steer the convo!
jaehyun is the guy to always give me first love, love from high school vibes so he’s usually the one to embrace you, but LOVES it when you’re the one to initiate contact and affection
jaehyun knows he’s good looking, but he does want an s/o who loves him for who he is, who sees all his good traits as equal to his looks. he would also like an s/o who has a live in the moment mindset, bc he spends a lot of time in his idol life, that a carefree s/o to take him away from the stress of idol life would really help
a sucker for a cute style ngl, pastels and clips in your hair and stuff. 
wouldn’t mind someone a tad bit older, although i can see him with a younger person/same aged person too
shorter s/o!
sicheng wouldn’t care much for appearance, but he likes it when his s/o is confident, or in general confidence attracts him like the other guys in this post. that confidence would allow for him to be ‘guided’ in the relationship
would lean more towards a chinese/korean speaking person, but would try forming a r/s with someone of a different race to see how the language barrier would work
someone who is respectful of his space 100%. winwin wants someone who knows their boundaries in a context that there’s this sense of “i know when he’s feeling upset and wants to be left alone”, something like unspoken exchanges that the other just understands
sicheng also likes when his s/o is a little playful and cheeky, but not to the extent of the boys. just the right amount of outgoingness i guess haha. he would accommodate a bit of wildness, but sometimes it tires him out so you’ll need to know when to tone it down
feel like he would lean to an older s/o, but not necessarily needing to keep him in check because you’d be on the other side entertaining his antics lol
jungwoo uses up a lot of his energy tho, so sometimes he tends to go quiet and just likes to slump in your embrace
when he’s not quiet tho, he’s pretty cheeky in a sneaky kinda way and would want someone to reciprocate that.
jungwoo would also like an s/o who cheers him on a lot. he’s a bit insecure naturally, so he would want someone who doesn’t miss a beat to tell him that he’s doing good that day and would like a random compliment sometimes
would like to be held more than holding someone tbh
he wouldn’t care much for appearance, but does lean more towards cutesy appearances
younger and shorter s/o
would want an s/o to just calm down and rest with at times. sure he likes to have fun with his members and with his partner, but most dates with his partner has him in their arms and usually involves a calm activity
i mentioned this in chenle’s one as well, but the happiness he feels with his members is different from the one he feels with his partner, although lucas’ one is more of a blur where chenle’s a bit more distinct. does this make sense
wouldn’t ask much in an s/o, tbh. even if they’re just doing nothing, as long as lucas know he’s making you happy then he’s content with that. like when you’re smiling and loving him, then that’s all he really needs to be honest
lucas would not mind taking up an r/s with a foreign s/o, although he would have trouble with language barriers. would prefer a chinese/catonese speaking partner bc then he’s able to practise his dialect. he’d have a korean-speaking s/o too, although he sometimes stumbles over his korean a teeny bit
would love a cute style definitely!!!
same age, probably. he would feel more comfortable in terms of affection and conversation i feel!
equal amount of who holds who, but loves when his s/o initiates and cuddles him first 
likes baggy clothes on you tbh, likes to match appearances and styles with you
wouldn’t mind an s/o of any race. he’s dedicated to learning your language if anything, the man likes to learn about new things
mark just wants someone fun to be around who returns his laughter and jokes, kinda like how johnny does
he’s suffered enough from johnny though (“ah, mark! the smell!”) and would probably like it if you defend him instead LOL (sometimes you poke fun tho)
he would also want his s/o to just reciprocate him in terms of laughter and happiness level. mark is always so bubbly that he wants someone to smile at him and laugh with him
would like an older s/o ngl, i feel like he would want to be guided as well
doesn’t care if you’re tall or short tbh
but would like an s/o who brings him out of his shell like the members do.
he wants to be able to laugh without trouble around his s/o and let loose. xiaojun sometimes gets annoyed, mostly feigned annoyance, so it would be nice for an s/o to fit in like the members: making fun of his angry face and rolling eyes and then having some light banter
he’s also gonna need an s/o who’s not afraid to pull him back whenever he says out of pocket things. they’re not necessarily harmful just extremely blunt at times that makes you cringe and you have to pull him back to tell him of his comments LOL
xiaojun would... not go into an r/s with a foreign partner i feel, but he will TRY if the conversation is not too awkward, save for like activities and such. like others in this post, he’ll make an effort if he’s committed to you, and only if you’re sure of dating him as well
xiaojun loves a cute style lawd!
same age, younger, older, tbh i don’t think hendery cares that much
he would want a shorter s/o though, i feel
wants a fun and playful s/o, someone who’s just so enjoyable to be around that he sometimes forgets himself and gets lost in the happiness you two give out
he does also want an s/o who can make him shy and basically challenge his personality, but not in a headbutt way where it’s your same two personalities against each other. it’s rather two variations of the same feeling like your playful aura against hendery’s playful aura, which would be honestly quite fun to watch and experience bc you’re just trying to one-up each other
and idk, because he’s talkative quite often, he feels like it would be nice to be the flustered, eyes-wide one for once
hendery in a foreign partner relationship... he would try, but i think he’d be a little intimidated at the languages that he has to have some time to warm up. he would commit and make the effort if he was willing to, though
oversized fits are his shit!!!! he also doesn’t mind seeing you explore with your appearance and style, esp in the goth or rebel kinda style 
same age or younger, wouldn’t mind if you were taller since he knows his height is not THAT high
renjun loves for you to hold him though
the cheeky lad wants a laid back s/o, who doesn’t take life so seriously as well and like hendery, would like it if his s/o was a bit goofy and playful
would also want an s/o who’s deep about the universe and stuff, kinda intelligent to debate alien life and what not, he wants to be able to talk to you about anything and keep the conversation going even if you’re talking about something simple and dumb like snacks
i also can’t exactly see renjun go for a foreign s/o, mainly because of the language barrier, but i can see him trying if he’s able to get help from mark hyung and if the situation allows for you to meet frequently
renjun would definitely like a cute style on his s/o, but also would like more flashy or out-of-the-box outfits. as long as you’re comfy then he’s fine
same age. he likes to be taken care of though, would maybe be a 60/40 split of you taking care vs him taking care of you respectively
i feel like jeno would like a shorter s/o!
cute s/o, maybe matching up to the personality of jaemin since he was his longest friend from before. enthusiastic while he takes the back seat and admires you
while jaemin loses his social battery over time, jeno wouldn’t mind if you were a literal menace like haechan bc he feels that would make the r/s really fun
see him preferring a korean-speaking person. kinda like doyoung but not quite, he’s more careful than serious (?) about his idol life, and he wouldn’t want to take the risk
same age or older i feel. equal split of who’s the embracer in the relationship though 
wouldn’t mind a taller person, although he’d prefer if you were around the same height bc he doesn’t want to be teased by his members lol
i feel like haechan would rlly like y2k outfits on his s/o? a mix of baggy outfits as well as cute ones
his natural outgoing personality allows him to get together with a foreign person i feel, bc he’d suggest things that don’t need talking like bowling or an arcade y’know? he struggles a bit with native languages tho, bc he’s so used to speaking korean
btw please egg him on, he loves it when you do it and also do dumb things with him. he would want someone who doesn’t take life so seriously while also possessing the ability to think deeply i feel, but mostly someone who can keep smiling and strong even through hardships. kinda a happy-go-lucky personality
younger, i feel. like johnny he has a lot of affection to give like he usually does to jisung…. jisung is grown up alr tho so :”(
loves giving the cuddles, big spoon, etc. he just wants you to feel loved no matter what size you are
he also would love tall people ngl! although sometimes he can’t decide between short and tall people
jaemin would appreciate an affectionate s/o who’s committed to him and also a person who’s just naturally shy i feel
they don’t necessarily need to return the energetic bursts of aegyo or stuff (he’d love it though) and also someone who just enjoys life and the small little things in general
would not mind dating a foreigner, would love to learn about your native language actually!
he likes cutesy appearances i reckon, a bit of oversized styles but overall likes the pastels
same age or older, likes to be taken care of tbh
yang yang is also someone who doesn’t care if you’re short or tall, and likes you either way :)
does not mind a foreign person, plus he’s moved countries a little and could maybe find solace in the fact that his homes are sometimes not fixed, esp with how many languages he speaks as well
yang yang would want an s/o who lives up to his excitement in jokes and memes. he would feel a bit down if you happen to not understand a joke although he cant blame you, but he would want someone almost identical to him? 
create chaos together and then fall asleep together
can see him liking a cute style tbh, and also reaaaaally likes to match outfits with you in your own respective styles
same age, def.
i think being in nct has made him a little shy as compared to before when he was in a dance crew, so he’d need someone to encourage him while also taking care of him!!
talking to a non japanese- or korean- speaking person might scare him, so he would settle just for that. shotaro wouldn’t mind in a sense if he knows the other person is committed, but the language barrier for the first few dates would be awkward
ooohhh likes it when people are confident definitely, comfortable in their own skin. shotaro is another person i feel would really be attracted to y2k fits
like i said earlier, shotaro just needs a little push, which would help with an outgoing s/o and someone who’s not afraid to try new things. he feeds off your confidence and uses that to boost his!
doesn’t mind an s/o who is the same age or a tad bit older, i’m not sure if i see him with a younger s/o
doesn’t care if you’re tall or short as long as you give him his damn hugs!!!! 
outgoing personality? check. he would literally befriend anyone, and wouldn’t mind a foreign s/o who doesn’t speak korean or chinese. with his limited english, he could probably make an outing fun by doing activities together and will learn your language!!
an s/o who can calm him down. chenle uses up his energy a lot and can get worn out and just wants someone to embrace at the end of the day. i wouldn’t say its similar to taeyong who’s sometimes tired from taking care of the members, but rather in a way where it’s a little playful and bubbly in your own little circle.
it’s a different kind of happy that chenle feels with you as opposed to the joy that the members bring him.
chenle also would want someone who’s sure of themselves, more so in personality rather than apperance. he likes all sizes and colours and styles, altho leans more toward the oversized sector
sungchan is bit mischievous, so i feel like he naturally lean towards an s/o who can kinda be the “mother slash partner” of him: either the same age or younger, leaning more toward a same aged s/o
lawd this man is so tall. i think he’d want a shorter partner, sometimes a bit awkward with the affection but overall likes to give it. plus point: he likes to see you struggle wrap your body around his to get all of him in your cuddles
he wants to be able to relate to them and wouldn’t want awkwardness, so i don’t think he would go for a foreign person as of now
sungchan likes someone to have fun with him, ofc he’s aware that he can’t take away all their problems but he would want his s/o to feel relaxed and content around him with his goofy personality
sungchan likes a cutesy style, maybe, BUT i always see him being really drawn to y2k fits!!!
leaning more towards the same age (+/-1). i think a noona would make him shy and a younger s/o would just feel weird to him idk. 
this man is also very tall, so probs a shorter s/o,,,,, would not mind if you are tall though!! he just likes to have you in his arms instead of the other way round (so you can’t see his flushed face)
not sure if he’d commit to a r/s that is foreign, but he would try with the help of mark-hyung or something. the reason why he’d take it was because the members would help me, but if not, he wouldn’t take the risk with his idol life at stake.
jisung wants someone who’s self-assured as well, strong in mettle and who has a strong character that helps him build up his drive. seeing you in your element helps him achieve more and he appreciates that you are able to provide him with a source of motivation
jisung likes cute stuff, but he does like oversized fits!
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natalie-k-pan · 3 years
10 Ways the Loki show Disappointed Me
part two
6) The trailer was misleading advertising. Marvel’s done it in the past with little to no backlash:
Iron Man 3 presenting the Mandarin as the ultimate foe for Tony to defeat, only to find out he’s a charlatan in a minor role.
Falcon and Winter Soldier was presented as a light-hearted buddy adventure, only to tackle darker themes about nationalism and racism. (Not saying that those themes were bad, just that the TFAWS’s trailer was not truthful to the story).
In the case of Loki, the trailer presented the plot as Loki making time-traveling shenanigans and being captured for breaking the timeline. They included the D.B Cooper clip, and the scenes of Loki in New York and as king in Asgard. These clips never show up in season 1. The D.B Cooper scene was a off-the-cuff moment, and the highly-anticipated (imo) President Loki was around for five minutes.
The trailer shows the storyline being about Loki breaking the timeline, with Mobius saying in a voiceover, “You picked up the tesseract, breaking reality. I want you to help us fix it.”
Marvel’s publicity team knew what story we would want to see from the character. And that’s not what we got: it was a mix of Loki tagging along with Sylvie to take down the Timekeepers, and detective-esque  scenes of trying to overthrow the TimeKeepers. 
It was never about Loki having an adventure, breaking the timeline, and having to fix it.
There’s a difference between having scenes that don’t make it into the final product, between not revealing enough of the story to spoil plot twists...and deliberately choosing certain scenes and quotes  to present a false version of the story.
I guess Marvel was worried that no one would watch it if they showed us the real product.
7)    Loki’s powers were wildly inconsistent, especially compared to what we’ve seen before.
In the past, we’ve seen Loki do illusions, duplication casting and in Thor 2, some very light telekinesis. After hearing of his mother’s death, he throws several pieces of furniture in into the cell walls with his mind. This is after losing the person who probably mattered most to him at the time, and feeling responsible for her death--it’s a powerful move showing his magical capabilities.
In the show, in Episode 3 we see him pull a Roomba towards himself in order to use it as a shield during a fight--pretty in-line with what we saw in the Dark World.
One episode later, an entire flipping tower is falling towards them, and he reverses it with his mind alone.
It was in the face of death, you say. Of course he was going to pull some cool new magical move.
Sure. In the face of death, I could see him jumping from throwing chairs to something heavier, like maybe a crumbling wall or a fruit stand.
He’s never done anything on that scale magically. In episode 2, he got tossed around by a (human) Alabama man. Why would he not use that move to bring the roof crumbling down if he was fighting for his life then?
So he’s got massive telepathic power when a building is falling but can’t use it in a fight against regular people.... okay?
Honestly, due to the fact that they’ve weakened him so much, and when Loki said, “I think we’re stronger than we realize”, I’m betting Season 2 will include Loki discovering the extent of his magical powers. 
 I don’t like this idea because again, it contradicts the previous canon. In Thor 1, Hogun literally calls Loki a “master of magic”. He went toe-to-toe with Thor and the Avengers and now can’t beat regular humans. A thousand+ year old being unaware of his own untapped potential doesn’t seem correct (yeah, they did that with Thor in Ragnarok, I know).
This Loki’s power levels jump up and down according to the plot, trying to make us believe that due to his spoiled past, Loki needs to apply himself to learn more about his powers.
 8)  Loki was out of character.
His lying and scheming was way too obvious. I was incredibly confused the first couple of episodes because it would be strange how he would be a pathetic buffoon  one minute and yet The only moment I was sold on his competence as a liar was episode 2 at the renaissance fair where he attempts to fool  the TVA. He was actually competent for once, but he gets caught, and goes into apologizing and sucking up 30 seconds later.   
He gets drunk when they’re on the mission on Lamentis. This didn’t make sense--when he was trying to conquer Earth, he had the opportunity to also goof off and he’s always been shown to take things seriously, with the exception of Ragnarok.                                                 
The “I’m a narcissist” scene. While Loki is the type to crave attention--in Avengers, Tony calls him a diva who wants his name plastered to the skies--it comes from a place of feeling overshadowed, never able to match his brother Thor.  Which we can see has some basis:
In Thor 1, his adopted parents raised him to hate his race,
lied to him about it,
 and when he was hanging over an wormhole, his father finally rejected him.
In Avengers, Thor tells him in  that his slights are “imagined”. 
 Thor 2, his adopted father told him his “birthright was to die”.
While it doesn’t excuse his actions in Thor and Avengers, it’s pretty clear that his family, particularly his father, have let him down.
So to make him experience character development and understand why he does what he does...the writers took him back to Asgard, and had Sif beat him up repeatedly until he admits he does terrible things because he’s a...narcissist.
It was pretty hard to watch that scene, especially because I related to Loki as someone who felt overshadowed and overlooked. He tried too hard to be what his family wanted, to show that he was “the worthy son”.
But here in the fantastic year of 2021, this show decided to throw away all of that emotional nuance away.
 9) The costumes were bad.
The brown variant jacket with its ugly orange block letters.
The guard suit on Lamentis looked like a cross between a purple sweater and a plague doctor mask. honestly makes me shuder to see it
Loki’s green-and-gold costumes are some of the most distinct, instantly recognizable outfits of the MCU. And he almost immediately loses it in the first episode. It ends being given to Sylvie, (like most of Loki’s better characteristics) and he stays in a detective skinny-tie suit instead. The costume is okay, but it lacks the flair and style he’s had previously, and he never gains it back.
10) The season finale really did showcase this show in the best way-- ig hype followed by disappointment.
For five episodes, we rushed towards the ultimate villain, the mastermind behind it all. Episode 6 was like...being handed a pack of bubble wrap, swinging your hand hard, expecting that satisfying pop! only to have it slowly putter out with a sad little sound.
First, Kang looked like he got his costume from Party City. The purple cape isn’t doing him any favors. Then, the man sat there and monologued for forty minutes, making jokes, telling us how he set the plot up, and how the multiverse worked.
 I know Marvel gets flack for there always being an CGI climactic action scene, but…they had 6 episodes leading up to the Big Bad, and for it to end that anticlimactically with a man in a Party City purple cape was a letdown. The finale had no menace, no teeth. In the words of Mobius, it was just…talkie-talkie.
All in all, this show really suffered from ignoring Loki’s past, where he would realistically be emotionally-wise, and a lack of focus on its title character’s development. Settings and costumes being better/unique would be also be nice, especially given its popularity. At the end of the day, I don’t see the character I empathized so strongly with in this show.
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stylesberries · 4 years
Rainbow Cardigan
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Summary: Harry loses his favorite cardigan. You learn how to knit. (Based on the JW Anderson cardigan knitting trend.)
Genre(s): fluff, a sexual innuendo
Word Count: 2.1k
Warning(s): mentions of sexual intercourse.
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Harry’s sense of style is one of the main things that make people around automatically drowns to him. High waisted flares, custom Gucci suits and newsboy caps - Harry in a nutshell.
His style is so distinctive, that even if his face and tattoos were covered, people around would still recognize him just by looking at his outfit.
You, of course, are one of the many fans of Harry’s style. Being his girlfriend had its benefits. Getting to steal his clothes was, obviously, on top of the list.
“Sweetheart!” Harry calls out for you from the bedroom.
You got up from your place in the living room, following your boyfriend’s voice. You knew that if he just wanted to tell you something, he would’ve texted. He clearly needs you to come up to him, so that’s exactly what you do.
Going up the stairs, you kept thinking about who could be the killer in the new detective series episode you’ve been watching.
When you reached your bedroom, your eyes trailed right to your worrying boyfriend, who was walking in circles around the room with his brows furrowed and in deep thought.
“Love, is everything okay? You seem upset.” You gently started.
He really looked frustrated, and you had no idea what was the reason behind it. He would always take every hardship light-heartedly, knowing that everything can be solved and everything can be fixed, and if that’s not the case, he would say, “Well, that’s what life’s about, isn’t it? It can’t always be easy. That’s the beauty of it.” Your mind started walking in circles just like your distraught boyfriend, thinking about anything that could’ve caused him to react this way.
“Y/N, I think I lost m’rainbow cardigan.”
Then it hit you. He really loved that cardigan. It wasn’t just adorable, warm and cozy. He wore it for your first date, and being someone who imbues everything with meaning and gets emotionally attached to things, his reaction wasn’t surprising to you.
“My dear, I’m sure we will find it. Come on. I’ll help you lo-”He cut you off full of sadness and frustration.
“I’ve already looked everywhere, and I mean everywhere. I’ve looked in every room, on every shelf. I looked under every couch, just in case. I even checked the stove. Like, come on, it could never be there, but I still looked! I don’t know what t’do. I always take it along wherever I go. If I am here and it’s not - I lost it. I fucking lost it. Y/N, what do I do? Where else could I look?” He was full-on bawling now. You couldn’t help but cut the distance separating you short and hug him.
“Don’t worry, Har. We will find it. I know how much it means to you. We’ll find it.” You kept repeating it. Although, your voice was muffled by his hair, he caught every word leaving your mouth.
“I cannot lose it. I can’t. What if it’s lost forever? How could I let it out of my sight?” The sight of him so genuinely saddened by the situation made you let out a sigh. You were full of compassion and understanding, trying to remember the last time you saw the poor cardigan. Failing to do so, you turned to your crushed boyfriend and tried to get information out of him.
“When did you last see it, baby? Do you remember?” You carefully asked, trying your best not to push him even more. Judging by his appearance, you knew that he could easily beat himself up for losing the cardigan to a point of having an anxiety attack, and that was the last thing you wanted right now.
You watched him slowly breathe air in and out, trying to slow his heart rate down.
“I haven’t seen it for over a week. The last time I’ve seen it was at the studio, I think. I put it on t’go there. It was cold that day.” He explained.
You remembered exactly what day he was talking about. He went to the studio early and you missed him a lot, so when he came back home you jumped on him, which later on led to a heated make out session. The thing was that you didn’t remember taking the cardigan off of him that day.
“Har.” You tried to be as gentle as you possibly could, but you knew that there wasn’t anything that could make him feel better about losing something so dear to him.
“Yeah?” He took a step back and looked at your saddened face.
“I’m afraid you came home without the cardigan.”
After having your crying-your-eyes-out-because-of-a-piece-of-clothing session, you were determined to find the cardigan. Knowing that Harry just went to the studio and back that day, you did the same. Harry asked everyone working at the studio if they’ve seen the cardigan, and with every new person your hope withered more and more. As you asked more people and tried to track the cardigan down, you realized that it was probably lost on a bench he sat on by the studio, to drink his morning coffee. That meant that you’ll never see it again. Understanding the hopelessness of the situation, Harry gave up looking.
Seeing your Harry walking around the house completely destroyed by the situation, you couldn’t help, but think about a way to make him feel better.
He would skip his morning runs to sulk in the bed, cuddled up in the blankets with his feet tangled with yours. Harry was never one to skip any part of his daily routine, so you understood how attached he was to the lost cardigan.
One night, after you both finished your dinner and went to watch some rom-com in the living room, your grandmother called. You apologized to Harry and answered the call.
As you gave her an update on your life these days, Harry cuddled closed into your side and let his eyes close.
Your grandmother asked you about everything, starting from what you had for breakfast to how your university project was going.
In couple of minutes Harry started lightly snoring into your ear. Next thing you know she’s telling you about the new blanket that she knitted.
Then an idea came to your mind. You’ll knit him a new cardigan.
Next day was spent shopping for yarn and needles and watching knitting tutorials. The fact that Harry was out in the studio made it even easier for you to bring your ideas to life.
In the beginning you found it a little hard, but with a little motivation you knitted a couple of colorful squares, just like the ones in Harry’s precious cardigan.
The image of the cardigan mostly came from your head, but whenever you needed a reference you could type “Harry Styles Rainbow Cardigan” into Google and freshen the memories.
It took you some time to get the cardigan together, knitting every little square with the other, making sure everything is as neat as possible.
You felt bad for lying to your sweetheart, but you had to admit - it was fun running around hiding your surprise from him.
When the cardigan was ready, you took a look at your creation.
Although, it wasn’t the same as the one you both had so many memories with, it was made with love, coming straight from your heart.
You finished the last touches at about 7 o’clock, and Harry was supposed to come home a bit later today due to a meeting with the management. You waited for him until late evening and found a box to put your little creation into.
After folding the wrapping paper around the box and tying a bow from the ends of the yellow ribbon, that was now wrapped around the sides of the box, you laid down in your bed and picked up an unread book to finally finish it.
In an hour or so your exhausted boyfriend stepped into the house. You could head his steps coming from outside of the bedroom. By the time he came back home, the book found its way back on the side table, as you wrapped the blanket around yourself to mimic the warmth of missing Harry.
Harry walked into the room slowly, making sure he doesn’t step on certain creaking planks in the floor, not to wake you up. He carefully undressed himself and folded the corner of the blanket to get under it. As he carefully positioned himself next to you, you turned around, making sure not to take him by surprise and scare the living shit out of him.
“You’re so late, love. Did something happen?” You asked, hoping that everything was okay with the upcoming tour. Your mind didn’t view anything else as a possibility because you trusted him completely. You knew you had nothing to worry about, as he proved his loyalty to you enough for you not to have any doubts about it.
“Jeff kept me a bit late, m’precious. We were going through the tour schedule. I’m sorry I made y’worry, baby.” He wrapped his arm around your waist and pressed a kiss on your temple. You let him shower you with more and more kisses, before you remembered the box you hid in the closet. You eyes abruptly opened and Harry caught the look of realization on your face.
“What happened, bean? Not in the mood?” He made sure to ask you.
You got up from the bed, pushing his hands off of you, and walked right to the closet.
“Baby? Is everything alright?” Harry was confused over the way you were acting.
You left his questions unanswered and grabbed the box, after opening the doors of the closet looking for it. You walked back up to the bed, but now from Harry’s side. He seemed completely oblivious of what was coming next and, obviously, awaited for an explanation.
“It’s a present. For you.” You now let yourself smile at him, after putting on a show to freak him out. You let out a laugh after seeing Harry look insulted by the way you played with his feelings.
“You’re a meanie. That’s not cute. Was gonna make love to you just now, but I am no longer going to do so.” Harry ended the dramatically long sentence with a theatrical frown.
Despite the little show he put on for you, he couldn’t help but keep looking at the box, laying in front of him.
“What’s that?” He curiously asked.
“Open and see for yourself.” You moved closer to him, with only the box separating you.
Harry carefully unwrapped the bow, making sure he doesn’t rip the paper you carefully wrapped. Something so small, almost unnoticeable, but another thing you loved about this man. There was love in every little gesture and move of his. He could’ve just torn the paper and the ribbon off, acting on his curiosity, but he didn’t. He knew you took time to make it look pretty for him, and he wouldn’t ruin your creation, even if it’s just wrapping paper.
When Harry got to opening the box, he looked up at you, as if asking for your permission. You nodded, smile grazing your face.
As the lid came off the box and the bright colors of the carefully knitted cardigan started gleaming from the light, coming from the lamp on the bedside table, Harry’s facial expression turned from curiosity to utter shock. Noticing his surprise, you chose to speak up.
“I made it myself. I knew how heartbroken you were after losing that cardigan, so I thought - maybe I could knit it for you. I know it’s not perfect, but it would make me very happy if you kept it.” You nervously blabbered, thinking that he didn’t seem as happy as you thought he would be.
“You knitted it yourself?” He looked up at you in shock with tearful eyes, as his hands finally let themself touch the buttons of the item.
“I did. I watched tutorials on YouTube. Thanks to those, I learned how to knit.” You joked, trying to lighten up the atmosphere.
“You learned how to knit to make this for me?” His voice turned raspy, as it always did when he got emotional and he looked like he desperately needed a hug.
So that’s what you gave him.
“Come here, my love. Please don’t cry. I didn’t knit it to make you sad. I wanted to make you happy.” You cooed into his ear.
Harry held onto you with such need and desperation, that you haven’t seen him show before. He squeezed you closer, his hands still keeping hold of the knitted piece.
“You made me so happy. You make me so fucking happy.”
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© all right belong to stylesberries. do not repost or modify.
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wynsnerdyrambles · 3 years
What do you think is the focal point of each breath? Like how thunder breathing seems to focus on speed, what are the focuses of the other known breaths? Love breathing seems to rely on the user's flexibility and insect breathing seems to rely on agility.
Oooohhhh the Breathing Techniques. I'm a sucker for sword stuff, and one of my favorite details in any story that makes prominent use of swords is the various forms of swordplay that exist in said world. So, of course the Breathing techniques in KNY were one of my favorite elements. So, we're gonna talk about them all.
Sun Breathing:
Sun Breathing, as the original form of the breathing techniques seemed a very logical place to start in our analysis of the focus points of each technique. Honestly though, Sun Breathing might be the easiest to identify. All other forms of breathing were derived from Sun Breathing, and as each of them focuses on more singular attributes, it would make sense that Sun Breathing is in general, a more holistic approach to swordplay. It relies on Yoriichi's Zen like state to function at its best, and is shown to feature a variety of techniques within its wheelhouse. It is the whole body, mind, and spirit, perfectly aligning into the sword strikes of someone in a Zen state.
Moon Breathing:
Moon Breathing is the only one of the original derivatives of Sun Breathing to not pass down into the repertoire of the Demon Slayer Corps in the form that we see it in, as it was only practiced by Michikatsu, who defected to the other side, becoming the demon Kokushibou. This one is a tricky one to pinpoint what's going on, as in the only form we see it in, the form has been tampered with so much by Kokushibou's Blood Demon Art so greatly, it shows very little resemblance to its former self. So, instead of analyzing the direct techniques to determine a focus, we'll instead take the thematic approach. Michikatsu was one of the first Demon Slayers to begin using Total Concentration Breathing after Yoriichi introduced it to them, and given the name of the style referencing the moon, which more dimly reflects the light of the sun, we can perhaps infer something along these lines: Moon Breathing requires much of the precise swordplay that Sun Breathing does, yet is lacking in the Zen that a true wielder of Sun Breathing must possess. It is a dimmer reflection of Sun Breathing's capabilities. In fact, given that there was some decay of the true forms of Sun Breathing as it was learned by the Kamado family, I would say that Michikatsu's original Moon Breathing might resemble the Hinokami Kagura.
Water Breathing:
Water Breathing seems to focus on the basics of swordplay, with a distinct emphasis on curved strikes and slashes. We know that Water Breathing is one of the more widely practiced styles in the Demon Slayer Corps as of the main story, with many different cultivators, as it is noted to be easy to learn. However, despite the relative ease of learning this style, I believe it is likely one of the more difficult styles to master, and I believe that the only true masters of the style that we observe in the story are Urokodaki and Tomioka, though I believe both Sabito and Makomo could have mastered the style had they lived.
Thunder Breathing:
Thunder Breathing emphasizes finishing off your opponent with a single strike, and because of this, places a heavy focus on both the art of drawing the sword, (Iaijutsu) and placing a lot of focus on the legs. (not me just barely realizing that Jigoro lost his leg, and therefore could no longer practice the forms effectively, hence his retirement). There is a lot of layering to the techniques of Thunder Breathing, as we know that mastery of the first form is key to mastery of all further forms. We also can see through Zenitsu that the first form is easily modifiable, accounting for both the sixfold, eightfold, and Godspeed variations, which I believe he developed himself, before using that base ground to develop the seventh form.
Stone Breathing:
Stone Breathing seems tailor made for intense physical strength and unconventional weapon choices. None of the five known forms of Stone Breathing seem like they would work at all for a traditional swordsman, and unlike many of the other forms, seem like they would require the user to be pretty physically powerful to pull off. So the focus here seems to be on pure physical power, alongside unique weapons.
Wind Breathing:
Wind Breathing is incredibly reminiscent of a real life sword style, namely Jigen Ryu. This style holds a high focus on high stances, as well as delivering an intense first strike, with teachings of the practice dictating that a second strike is not even to be considered. As far as things specific to Wind Breathing, the intensity and frequency of attacks should be noted. There seems to be a certain rough aggression to the style, and while that may merely be Sanemi's own personal take on the style, given we have no other sources, I would say that rough aggression is one of the focuses of the style, alongside its common ground with Jigen Ryu.
Flame Breathing:
Flame Breathing seems to focus on the energetic, passionate motion of a flame. However, that energy is channeled in a very precise manner, almost akin to the singular flicker of a candle's flame. Kyojuro's movements are energetic, but also incredibly precise. The movements are tight and controlled, but also have that passion and momentum of a fire burning. We see that the style must be incredibly precise by the way Kyojuro is able to use his sword just perfectly to deflect some of Akaza's punches, without damaging the blade at all. Flame breathing also features incredible variety in the types of strikes it employs, from the more straightforward slash of Unknowing Fire, to the almost defensive circular movement employed in Blooming Flame Undulation. Just like how a fire can be completely unpredictable, Flame Breathing seems to have a technique for every combat situation, rendering the user unpredictable in their own right.
Now we move on to the breathing styles that aren't directly derived from Sun Breathing.
Flower Breathing:
Flower Breathing was derived from Water Breathing at some point in the past long enough ago that a Sakura tree planted by the first wielder of the style is quite large in the main story. Flower Breathing places a heavy emphasis on observational skills, knowing your opponent, obvserving them and their environment to maximize chances of defeating them. Because of this focus on the gathering of information, Flower Breathing's techniques seem to be dual-purpose, serving as both methods of attack, and of evasion. The eyes are an important body focus for users of this style, as masters of the style tend to have very naturally good eyesight, as well as the final form, Equinoctial Vermillion Eye, raising the user's vision to such a high level that the world around them seems to move in slow motion.
Insect Breathing:
Insect Breathing is directly derived from Flower Breathing, and was the personal creation of Shinobu Kocho, the Insect Hashira. This style is quite unique among the Breathing Forms, as it is the only 3rd tier derivation from Sun Breathing that we know of, as well as focusing on an entirely different style of fighting than any other style. Given Shinobu's inability to cut off a demon's head, she has a uniquely designed sword, tailor made for piercing movements, rather than the traditional slashing movements. Speed is huge here, as well as taking the evasion elements of Flower Breathing and cranking it up to 11. After all, Shinobu's unique sword likely deals with additional fragility concerns, given it's function is essentially as a giant sword-shaped syringe. So, if Shinobu can inject her foe as quickly as possible, without risking a prolonged fight risking her sword's durability, that would be an ideal focus point for her unique fighting style.
Serpent Breathing:
Yet another derivative of Water Breathing, this style also seems to be the personal creation of one of the Hashira, namely Iguro Obanai. Serpent Breathing takes the 'flow' elements of Water Breathing and makes them the emphasis of the style. Obanai's sword is unique in that it's unique, but even Gotouge (who loves telling us the reasons why trivial details are the way they are) hasn't given us a reason why Obanai wields this unique blade. The blade is most similar in structure to an Indonesian Kris Blade, although with a much larger size. While there is no confirmed correlation, it seems to me that this style of sword would be at the very least, the optimal blade for Serpent Breathing. Serpent Breathing also likely incorporates Kaburamaru's role as a seeing-eye snake, likely avoiding making strikes too close to the body so as to avoid any accidental beheadings, as well as forms with very instinctual cues. In fact, of the derivatives, Serpent Breathing seems to be the closest related to its inspiration, likely only optimizing Water Breathing's styles to work best for Obanai.
Sound Breathing:
Somehow, this style is related to Thunder Breathing, although the styles seem completely different. This style makes heavy use of Uzui's njinja background, taking elements of that fighting style, and integrating them with the more conventional needs of the Corps' general fighting style. Mimicking the disorienting nature of sound and noise, Uzui makes use of small grenades, as well as his unique nunchuck swords, which notably have much larger blades than most standard Nichirin swords. This style is explosive and bombastic, and relies heavily on Tengen's unique ability to read the flow of a battle like a sheet of music. This style is pure chaos incarnate, and focuses on bringing the best out of Tengen's ninja training, as well as explosions.
Beast Breathing:
A personal style invented by Inosuke Hashibira, Beast Breathing is a distant relative of Wind Breathing. Making use of Inosuke's two jagged katana, excellent flexibility, and animal instinct, this breathing style is all rough edges and agression just barely channeled. Inosuke's excellent, animal-like sense of environmental awareness allows him to go full ham on aggression without needing to put much thought into an ambush, while also rendering him able to directly pinpoint a target in a large, chaotic crowd. None of these forms seem possible with only one sword, so it is necessary for any pupil of Inosuke-sama's to become a dual wielder like himself.
Mist Breathing:
Mist Breathing is a derivative of Wind Breathing, but seems more polished, making use of well refined swordplay, and streamlining the rough edges so key to Wind Breathing's identity. This is all for a good reason of course, for like the mist it evokes, this style is all about obscuring your movements and intent with your blade. In order to pull off feints, and other deceptive ploys with a blade, intense skill must be required to shift into the intended form with giving very few cues. Mist Breathing appears to be quite difficult to master, as the only known user of the style, Muichiro Tokito, is a literal genius with the sword. Mastery of Deceptive techniques as well as a refined grasp of swordplay is the focus of this style.
Love Breathing:
The personal creation of Mitsuri Kanroji, Love Breathing is derived from Flame Breathing, which she learned during her study with Kyojuro Rengoku. This style is incredibly personal, and it would take a miracle for someone to recreate it, given the perfect storm of Mitsuri's skillset. It takes the basics of energetic momentum focused on in Flame Breathing and multiplies it with Mitsuri's own flexibility, strength, and unique sword. It can be inferred through the flexibility of her sword that energetic momentum combined with intense flexibility is the key to this style.
And that about wraps up the breathing forms. Much like many real life fighting styles, these forms are very complex, and difficult to pin down to a single focus element. By giving a more holistic analysis of each style, I hope I was able to give you a sense of the essences of these fighting styles.
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