#some more vamp thoughts here:
byanyan · 11 months
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ㅤthis verse is based in vtm lore but is flexible enough to work with any sort of modern fantasy/supernatural/etc. type of verse. it's also worth noting that all of my vtm lore knowledge comes from the wiki so i'm not terribly knowledgeable and will probably make some mistakes, but i'm hooked and slowly learning more.
ㅤfurther reading:ㅤ001, 002.
ㅤembraced at the age of eighteen as the result of a vampire's frenzy and perhaps a following regret for draining what might as well be a child, byan remembers very little of the event and even less of the one who sired them. left abandoned to figure everything out for themself, they've been struggling to find their footing ever since.
ㅤas a vampire of a higher generation, they are thin-blooded — their vitae is highly diluted, making them overall weaker than most vampires but also somewhat less impacted by the curse. this is something byan is unaware of and in fact has no concept of, knowing little to nothing of clans or vampiric culture as a whole. thus, they are also unaware of the danger this status puts them in.
ㅤfor the first couple months after their embrace, byan continued to live in the group home for kids in the foster care system that they'd been in and out of for years — a dangerous game, considering it surrounded them with mortals and provided no real safe place to avoid sunlight, but they had nowhere else to go. they took to sleeping in closets during the day for lack of any other options.
ㅤover time, however, their complete abandonment of school, penchant for being found passed out in closets, and being out all night even more often than ever before began to raise questions. as caretakers and case workers started to take notice of these behavioral shifts and began to suspect it had something to do with drugs, byan found themself under more and more pressure, faced with more and more questions. the final straw was one of the home's caretakers trying to forcibly remove them from a closet in the middle of the day, which resulted in byan injuring him severely in their fear and anger. that night they packed up all of their belongings that they could carry and left the home without a word.
ㅤsince then, they've been moving from abandoned building to abandoned building, never staying in one place for too long for fear of being discovered. every time they decide to take up a new residence, you'll see them hauling around a huge pink backpack in the middle of the night.
ㅤfeeding is something byan is still adjusting to. they haven't really sorted out the best method for hunting down prey yet and have a tendency to simply grab the first person they can in a more or less empty area. this causes issues fairly regularly, often resulting in them either not achieving a meal or nearly getting caught in the act. both of these pose dangers, most significantly in that going hungry puts them more readily at risk of going into a frenzy.
ㅤas a thin-blood, they are able to actually eat, digest, and find some amount of sustenance in regular food, but it takes so much effort that they find it often isn't worth it. ...not that this stops them from stubbornly trying every now and then.
ㅤmost nights, if they're not out looking for food, you'll find them picking fights with (mortal) men twice their size (and winning), or committing various crimes. they're not about to give up on their hobbies just because they're undead!
ㅤhonestly, while they felt quite empowered and even somewhat excited about their new life in the beginning, those feelings have started to wane as they've come to realize just how little they know about this new world they've been thrust into. it's painfully similar to the way they felt in their childhood: lost, left behind to fend for themself and learn the harsh realities of life (or, in this case, undeath) on their own, with no guidance whatsoever from those who should be providing it. it's something they grow a little bit angrier over every single day.
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silken-moonlight · 15 days
Again on Vamp!Emporer:
He fucked you thriugh the whole night, your pussy was so overstuffed with your combined cum that it trickled down your thighs. Your neck was bitten so many times, it looked like you have gotten attacked by a feral dog.
You were dizzy when he got off you. You were so satisfied, so well-fucked...thiugh you didn't knew how you would get back to your quarters...
The emporer got up and went into his bathroom. You saw it as a sign to get up and leave, you weren't allowed to stay. Usually he would just dismiss you, but you figured he needed to calm down.
On wobbly legs you got up, putting back on you dress and wobbled out of his bedroom. The door fell shut behind you and slowly you made you way back to your quarters. Since the emporer ordered you to him so often, your quarters had been moved closer. The guards followed you silently, they knew what happend and gave you the dignity of pretending you didn't know.
To your misfortune, you heard the other concubines. They were gathered in another one's room with the doors wide open. You had to get past them. You hoped you'd gone by unseen, but you heard them mocking Ad and laughing at you. They thought the emperor took pleasure in punishing you.
You went by as fast as you could with your thighs drenched in cum. Suddenly you heared the emporer:"Where do you think you are going?" He asks, livid. You look at him with wide eyes:"Back to my quarters like always...?" You said softly. He shook his head:"Not happening." He said and lifted you up bridal style. You looked at him flabbergasted. "I went to get some towels to clean you up, I come back and you were gone. If this happens again I shall punish you." He growels as he holds you closer. You blush and nod. He begins to grin:"Naughty thing. I did mean an actual punishment, not what you thought." He purred into your ear.
Now the other concubines were silent when the emporer carried you back into his chambers.
More about Vamp!Emporer you find right here and here
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starsinmylatte · 6 months
Baby, It's Cold Outside
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Living in Japan, you were used to people’s negative perceptions of your tattoos. An old man giving you a world-class stink-eye was more common than rain on a cloudy day, and those views were only compounded by the insular Jujutsu Sorcerer society you found yourself working in….. But what would the famous 7:3 Sorcerer think?
Pairing: Nanami Kento x afab!reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ minors DNI)
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Brief canon-typical violence, brief hurt/comfort, smut, inappropriate use of a cursed technique, you know what you're here for
A/N: Major thanks to @pseudowho for being so wonderful and encouraging. You should all go read her brilliant fics if you haven't yet!!
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You hadn’t officially met the 7:3 Sorcerer until you were assigned a very lengthy mission together. Still, as soon as you started to learn about him from others at Jujutsu High, you knew your tattoos had to stay hidden at all costs. 
Gojo, a man world-famous for understating things, had described Nanami as “a bit of a grump sometimes,” and you had even seen poor Ijichi nearly in tears at the thought of disappointing the severe blonde. So, in other words, you were right fucked. At the very least, you planned to hide the tattoos so you could make it through the next few weeks without aggravating your partner every time he laid eyes on you.  
You saw Nanami briefly on the day before your mission, and the suited man cut such a clean, no-nonsense figure that you were certain of two things. First, he would absolutely hate the ink on your skin. Second, you’d simply pass away from embarrassment if the achingly handsome man ever had a negative remark about the sentimental art. 
Under normal circumstances, you wouldn’t even bat an eye at someone’s poor opinion of you- actually, you’d probably respond with a cheeky grin and a crude gesture- but Nanami was different. He was respected and loved by so many other sorcerers despite his serious nature, and he was infuriatingly attractive. No man had ever been more your type; at some point, you considered going to a shrine to interrogate the gods about when they read your grade-school diary because Kento was the golden-haired prince of your dreams.  
Thankfully, it was the middle of winter, and all the forecasts called for was endless snow. 
“Even the weather is on my side,” you murmured cheerfully as you packed for the mission, dutifully shoving every long-sleeved shirt and pair of pants you owned into your small suitcase. Everything was in place, and you had accounted for every possibility… or so you thought. 
– (time skip) –
The driving, snow-laden wind stung your face as you sprinted toward the last curse, sword in hand. You could barely feel your lips or fingers, chilled to the bone and beyond exhausted, but this was the last one. The pitiful creature that skittered across the snow in front of you was the only curse left standing. It kept you from a warm bath and a strong drink back at the hotel, and if you let it get away now, you’d never catch up to it again after the storm. 
“C’mon… just a little bit more,” you bargained with your aching body, groaning inwardly as the curse seemed to gain more ground. 
The heavy snowfall muffled every sound and drastically reduced your visibility. Some small voice in your head screamed for caution, for you to go slower, but it was wholly overshadowed by your need to be warm again as fast as possible. Weirdly enough, that small voice sounded exactly like Nanami’s. 
Suddenly, the curse tripped with a yelp, and you pounced on it with feline grace, ready to finish it off. A sickening crack rang through the air the instant you sank your blade into its body. You looked in horror as the ice underneath the curse shattered, revealing a roiling abyss of water below. 
“Shit!” You screamed and dropped your sword, latching onto the ice's edge as the curse sank in a silent struggle.
It fell out of sight as your gloved hands slid on the ice, the loss of purchase sending your body further into the glacial water. You whimpered in pain, almost daring to believe that any second help would arrive- that Nanami would be next to you. Darkness swam in your vision, and your pain seemed to dull. You fought to keep awake, dimly aware that sleep meant never waking up again. 
“N-Nanami, p-please… Help...” You begged into the uncaring snow. 
Suddenly, a strong force grabbed your arm and hauled you out of the frosty water, picking you up almost effortlessly. You instinctively buried your face into your savior’s warmth and were rewarded with the deep, spiced notes of Nanami’s cologne. 
You tried to mumble something, but the blonde sorcerer quickly hushed you, “No, save your strength. You have to stay awake. Promise me that you’ll stay awake.” 
You couldn’t miss the panic in his voice as your eyes fluttered shut. 
*Warm…. Content… Safe….* 
It felt like liquid sunshine had been poured into your veins, thawing every inch of your frozen body. You were curled against something large and warm… Something that smelled wonderful. 
Nanami’s hushed voice washed over you, thick and slow like warm honey, “How are you feeling?” 
You slowly opened your eyes, and your heart immediately jumped into your throat. Your body was pressed against Nanami’s, your head tucked into the soft crook of his neck as if it were the most natural thing in the world. His bare, muscular chest was pushed directly against your plush breasts, his skin radiating pure warmth as the scent of his cologne made your head fuzzy. 
With that image now firmly seared into your brain, it took another second for the rest of your thoughts to process. The first was good news: you were alive unless the afterlife was identical to your hotel room. But the second…. Well, maybe drowning wouldn’t have been too bad because you couldn’t feel that you had any clothes on.
“Nanami?” As you spoke, your voice sounded panicked and far away, almost distorted to your ears. “Where are my- what happened?” 
His head shifted slightly against yours. You couldn’t see his face, but Nanami sounded as uncomfortable as you felt. “I needed to get your body temperature back up… Shoko once told me that skin-to-skin contact was the best way to prevent hypothermia.”
You weren’t sure if you should slap the Doctor or send her a bottle of liquor as he continued, “I did my best to respect your privacy, but it was necessary. I apologize.” 
Nanami’s apology sounded so blunt and detached that it stung. Your face burned at the thought of him undressing you, immediately replaced with a feeling of growing horror. Surely, he couldn’t have missed all the tattoos as he removed your clothes? 
“Oh god… He must think I’m disgusting.” 
Your thoughts and insecurities began to pile up as you lay in his arms, silent and stewing in your mortification. The two of you had grown vaguely close in the past two weeks- close enough to have dropped most honorifics and pretenses with each other. Outside the mission, the two of you had spent time idly chatting about life, and you’d developed a comfortable routine around each other. You had even almost worked up the courage to ask him out for coffee when the mission was over.
Nanami spoke again, disrupting your thoughts, his voice tentative beneath a forced layer of calm. “I can close my eyes and let you dress if you feel up to it.” 
You could only nod worldlessly as your face burned red in embarrassment. His arms dropped away from your back to untangle the layers of blankets that sandwiched you two together, and you bit back a groan of protest. 
“Alright, you’re good to get up.” 
Nanami rolled over, facing the opposite wall. You winced at the sting of cold air as you slipped out of bed and away from him, quickly noticing that the only light in the room was from two large candles and the fireplace. Another groan fell from your lips, “Don’t tell me the power is out.” 
“Unfortunately,” came the curt reply. “The storm dropped enough snow to block the roads and cut off the power. 
“We better get some fucking hazard pay for this,” you swore quietly. 
Nanami was silent for another minute; under any other circumstance, your comment might’ve made him chuckle, “I set out some clothes for you. They’re thicker than the ones you brought.”
You opened your mouth to argue but instantly shut it. You knew he was right. The black pajama set you favored was cute and long-sleeved but made of thin material.
“If you’re sure.” You sighed in resignation as you dug through your own bag for socks and underwear. The only two things you had left were a cotton thong and a pair of thick winter socks with bears stitched on them. You committed to your fate, slipping on the sweatpants and blue thermal shirt Nanami had set to the side before turning back around. 
As soon as you did, another image permanently seared itself into your brain. Nanami lay on his side, hair mussed from its usual neat style, and you were treated to a mouthwatering view of his muscular back. His skin glistened, reflecting the flickering firelight, and your mouth went dry. It was all too easy to think about him looking like this after a more intimate activity.
“W-what will you wear?” You managed to force the sentence out. 
“I have the pair of pants I’m currently wearing, but you have my last shirt.” Nanami paused momentarily. The usually self-assured sorcerer was oddly hesitant as he spoke again, more quietly this time. “I hope it won’t bother you.” 
You stared at the back of his head incredulously. “You? Bothering me? Nanami, you just held my naked body for I don’t even know how long to keep me from freezing to death. You’ve seen what’s all over my skin. I probably disgust you now, and you’re worried about bothering me?”
Nanami froze mid-breath, turning to lie on his back and stare at the ceiling. You couldn’t see the expression on his face in the low light, but you could feel intensity rolling off him in waves. “You really think that I’m disgusted by you?” 
You clap a hand over your mouth, cursing yourself for letting that slip. “I-I don’t- I mean, I don’t want you to be…”
Your voice felt thick, your mouth dry like it had been stuffed with cotton as you covered your eyes and wished you could magically disappear into the ground. You were so distracted that you didn’t notice Nanami slide out of bed and cross the room.  
A gentle pressure suddenly appeared on your shoulder, and you looked up, jumping slightly as Nanami’s warm coffee-colored eyes gazed into yours, his hand firmly gripping your shoulder. 
“I’m not.” His voice was rough and strained. “I could never be…. Fuck, you have no idea, do you?”
You blinked slowly, the look on your face akin to a deer caught in the headlights. Nanami squeezed your shoulder to emphasize his next point, “I have spent the last few hours pointedly trying to ignore how beautiful I think you are.”
Nanami held up a single finger, a motion for you to wait. He removed his hand from your shoulder and extended his arm for you to see the black ink nestled against his inner bicep. “Believe me more now?” 
Your gaze washed over the neat, tidy lettering. The tattoo was Roman numerals- a date? You raised your hand slowly, gently tracing your fingertips along the lines as if entranced. Nanami shuddered at your touch.
 “Careful, now.” He warned. “I can’t do much more of this.”
“Hm?” You stepped back to give him a bit more space, but your eyes were instantly drawn to the massive bulge in his sweatpants, the outline of his erection clear against the fabric. 
“I have been trying to be a good man. I have been trying to be a considerate mission partner.” Nanami sighed tersely, his muscles flexing in the dim light as he reached up to push his golden hair away from his face. “I told myself that having a- a crush on a mission partner was juvenile and unprofessional…”
A slight blush crossed the usually stern man’s face. “I wanted to ask you to dinner after we returned- to do this properly…. but when I started taking off your clothes and found…” 
His sentence trailed off as he gestured up and down your body, and your heart lurched. 
“You found?” You questioned softly, almost not daring to believe your ears. 
“You’re a work of art,” Nanami murmured. “I need to know if I’m making you uncomfortable… the last thing I want is for you to feel forced into anyth-” 
He didn’t get to finish before your soft lips collided with his. Your eyes fluttered shut at the taste of him, savoring it. Nanami’s hands instantly returned to your body to pull you in even closer. He held you closely as if you were the most important thing in the world, and you melted against him, sighing gently.  
“No, you’re not.” You whispered against his lips. “I feel the same way about you.” 
His large, battle-calloused hand cupped your face with heartwrenching tenderness. Nanami’s thumb caressed the swell of your lower lip before he tilted your head back so he could look into your eyes. The tender, intimate gesture pulled a quiet sigh from you, and Nanami chuckled, a low, rich sound you felt in your bones.
“What do you want from me right now, beautiful girl?” 
His gaze was intense and magnetic as it drew you in, causing desire to blossom in your lower body. Its electric tendrils wound throughout your veins at the sound of Nanami’s rich voice. You were usually so outspoken and confident, but this damned man made your head swim. 
He stroked your cheek again, “I need you to use your words. Can you do that for me?” 
Another sharp pang of arousal pierced your heart and fell straight through your core like a shooting star. “I want you, Nanami. I-I want to have sex with you. I want more than that, but right now…..please.” 
You trailed off, acutely aware of how your pussy subtly ached and fluttered at your own words. It begged for attention, the small scrap of cotton underwear you wore already damp with arousal. Nanami’s small smile turned into a rather roguish grin, voice rough and low. “Good girl. Let me take care of you.”
Nanami’s praise forced another whimper from your lips as he pulled you flush against him. One of your hands splayed against his chest, the other tangled into his fine hair. He captured your lips in a searing kiss; you felt the thick strain of his erection press against you so insistently, even through the layers of fabric you both still wore. 
With one swift motion, Nanami swept you up and off your feet. You wrapped your legs around his waist, keening as you rocked your aching pussy against his cock, forcing a hiss from the usually stoic man. 
“Too many clothes,” you whined, drawing another short laugh from your lover. 
“As much as I want to see more of your lovely body, we’ve gotta keep you warm, pretty girl.” Nanami cooed, nipping at your bottom lip. He pressed kisses down the column of your neck as he pulled your hips down, encouraging you to grind against him again. “Fuck, that’s it.” 
You swore you could cum just like this, humping his clothed cock like a desperate schoolgirl eager for her first fuck. The friction between your bodies moved the seam of your panties against your swollen clit, making you cry out. His lips returned to devour your cries of pleasure, your kiss becoming desperate, filled with tongue and teeth. 
“‘Nami, please…. not like this. Wanna cum on your fingers.” you beg, unable to stop yourself from chasing your rapidly approaching orgasm, despite your plea. 
Nanami growled, swiftly crossing the room to deposit you on the edge of the bed. “No, I’m going to taste you first. You’re going to cum on my tongue.” 
You sobbed, both from his sinful words and from the loss of his body against yours, as Nanami hooked a finger into the waistband of your sweats. He slid them down and threw them across the room unceremoniously, causing you to giggle. 
That same giggle quickly turned into a wanton moan as his thick finger reached down to ghost over the scrap of cotton that barely covered your pussy from his gaze. Your legs fell open, begging him for more, and Nanami tsk’d softly, his legendary impatience flaring to life. 
Through the heady haze of your lust, you felt Nanami’s fingers hook through your underwear in two different spots. His cursed energy flashed, and his fingers tore through the material like it wasn’t ever there. 
“Nanami Kent-!” You didn’t get the chance to finish chastising him before he knelt with predatory grace, cupped either side of your hips, and pulled your hips closer. He licked a fat stripe through your glistening folds, and your head fell back against the bedsheets; the last syllable of his name instantly turned to a cry of ecstasy. 
He chuckled again, lazily dragging his tongue along the same path before pressing a light kiss to your clit, “I’ll buy you more,” he murmured, “Needed to taste you.” 
You whined as Nanami grazed your clit, the pressure enough to tease but not enough for true satisfaction. He spread you open with his fingers and watched in desperate fascination as your pussy seemed to beg for him, soaked and clenching around nothing. Your back arched off the bed as Nanami took the small bud between his lips and sucked. 
He growled in approval, the sensual timbre of his voice traveling through your body and causing your cunt to clench again, “So perfect.”
Nanami held you firmly in place with his arms as he continued his blissfully torturous assault on your body. He alternated between sucking your clit and thrusting his tongue into your core, feasting on you with abandon like he needed your taste to live. Every so often, his nose tapped against your swollen clit, and you saw stars. 
You moaned his name as Nanami’s clever fingers traced your opening, and you nearly cried as one thick digit fully slipped inside. He moved the finger experimentally, completely entranced by the way your velvet walls fluttered around him, begging him to stay inside you.
“Need to cum…. please.” You sob, desperately trying not to wrap your legs around his head and hold him in place forever.
“You’re doing so well for me- so fucking beautiful.” Nanami praised roughly and slipped another finger into you, scissoring them and stretching your walls experimentally. Your back arched off the bed again as he leaned down to tongue your clit at the same time. His fingers caressed your g-spot insistently; stars danced in your vision, and the arousal in your body all coalesced into one aching, burning knot. 
“It- it’s too much… Nanami, nnnnguh ‘m gonna-” 
Your sentence broke off into a desperate, airy whine as Nanami sucked your swollen clit between his lips once more, sending you over the edge of a mind-shattering orgasm. His hands stroked the inked skin of your hips, and you sobbed his name as he greedily lapped up the cum from your soaked folds. You gazed between your legs and watched, enraptured, as Nanami slowly stood and licked your cum off of his fingers. 
“Absolutely delicious,” He groaned appreciatively at the taste, and you whimpered in response; the sight was easily one of the most arousing things you’d ever seen. You rubbed your thighs together, wholly lost to desire, the movement shifting the blue thermal you still wore even higher up your body. The fabric moved against your pert nipples, giving them enough friction to tease.
You tipped your head back as you rolled one of your nipples between your fingers with a practiced flourish, and Nanami’s impossibly hard cock twitched at the sight. If you were more lucid, you’d have seen that he was just as affected by the show you put on. The sight of you toying with your plush breasts, wearing only his shirt, half your tattoos clearly visible, and nipples strained against the fabric … If he were a weaker man, he’d have already cum while still in his pants. 
“You put on such a pretty show ‘f me,” Nanami murmured as he slipped a hand into the band of his sweatpants, his gaze heavy-lidded, content to watch you play for a moment. However, you had other ideas. You flashed a coy, lust-addled smile and reached your foot out, tucking it next to his hand to gently tug at the waistband, a clear signal for the pants to come off. 
“So impatient,” He chuckled roughly, instantly complying with your demand. Finally, you were treated to the view you’d been dreaming about. Nanami stood before you, completely nude and almost painfully aroused. A trail of neatly groomed, honey-blonde hair led down his toned abdomen, guiding your eyes to his deliciously hard cock. It was long, with a prominent vein that ran down the side to disappear before it met the thick, swollen tip. 
You spread your legs invitingly, and Nanami crawled between them, the bed dipping under his added weight. He stroked his cock experimentally, hissing as he traced the tip through your warm folds before kissing the tip to your clit. You whimpered at the lewd, wet sounds, your pussy fluttering desperately every time his swollen tip circled your entrance. 
“Please, Nanami….” You meweled, hips rocking involuntarily against him. He needed no further encouragement to slide into your warmth; Nanami hissed and groaned, slowly pushing into you, fighting the urge to just slam his cock inside your core. You took him in deeper, inch by agonizing inch, until his swollen cockhead kissed your cervix, and you sobbed in ecstasy. 
With another low growl, Nanami rocked his hips slowly, watching you fall apart at the unhurried drag of his cock against your velvet walls. “Like that, pretty girl?”
You babbled and whined complete nonsense, biting and kissing into his shoulder as Nanami began to thrust his hips at a faster pace, enraptured by the pearly ring of your combined fluids that coated the base of his cock. In mere moments, he was drilling into you with ruthless efficiency, the room filled with the pornographic sounds of your lovemaking. 
Every one of Nanami’s thrusts sent an electric shockwave of pleasure through your body, and you rocked your hips against him, desperately chasing another orgasm. You wrapped your legs up and around his waist, shifting your hips slightly, and his cock hit even deeper. 
“Good girl… Good fucking girl,” he growled as your hips ground against each other. “Taking me so well... Cum for me one more time- shit, I need to feel you cum on my cock.” 
Your nails dug into his back and arms desperately as the tight coil inside you built and built until it shattered completely. Sparks of blinding white flashed in your vision as your orgasm burned through like wildfire, and your pussy clenched around him desperately. Moments later, Nanami came with a look of sheer bliss on his face. Ropes of his warm cum coated your walls, stuffing you and giving you a feeling of delicious fullness.
A few minutes passed in blissful silence as you both caught your breath. Nanami made no real move to pull out, and you weren't complaining. Instead, he simply maneuvered into a lying position, pulling you close with his cock still buried deep inside you.
 “It’ll help you stay warm tonight,” he murmured lovingly, tucking all the blankets back into place around your intertwined bodies.
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Tagging some friends: @saradika, @thefact0rygirl, @babygirl-leon-kennedy, @hereforthesunrise, @ashotofspotchka, @ironandglass, @amyroswell, @cassandrablacker, @lady-valtieri, @justanothersadperson93
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lavendarr00 · 3 months
Magistrate Ancunin 🪶(Now With Glasses!)
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Someone mentioned pre-vamp Astarion needing glasses a couple days ago and I knew I HAD to see it and OH MY GOSH he is so cute. I need to remind myself that he is a bad man and got jumped for a ruling for a reason haha.
Personally, I don't HC him needing glasses before he was a vamp but it looks so cute I just might now.
I posted Magistrate Ancucin before without glasses too here🤍
What I changed:
Eyes: Red to Blue w/ Gold (in CC its Blue 3). Skin: Added some warmth - he's not dead yet! And freckles!!! They suit him more than I thought they would haha Scars/Bite marks: I edited them out as best as I could
I think Astarion's hair color didn't change at all when he became a vampire since there isn't anything in-game to support that. And I love his OG style too much to change it haha 🤍
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viivenn · 2 months
making an important announcement about some things i’ve noticed in the gwendoline christie fandom that really bug me.
disclaimer: read this at your own convenience and discretion. i am not responsible for any sort of hurt feelings and frankly… i don’t care. if you’re mad about this, you are probably the problem. /lh
to start with id like to begin on a positive note so that i’m not diving into negativity, i don’t want to be completely negative about my experiences because i’ve actually met some of the kindest people in the world through this fan base.
the gwen fandom, the gwandom, the gwendoline christie fandom , the lesbian cesspool, has been an incredible experience that i’m grateful i’ve had the pleasure of being apart of.
i went through a rough patch during november, and if i hadn’t found out about gwen, or met such wonderful people during my time here , i honestly wouldn’t be here right now. i owe my life to these people, gwen included. i will forever adore miss christie and what she stands for alongside the friends i’ve made along the way.
and while i know someday this hyperfix will end, it’s really disheartening to me when a fandom is what makes me grow distant from things i enjoy. it happened before, i feel as though it is happening all over again.
and no, i’m not taking issue with anything like the catrissa stuff or the brienne and larissa ship going around or anything like that. i like that we can all be weird together and enjoy aus like catrissa and crackships like bririssa (not sure the official name that was decided lol). my issue is the amount of content i’ve seen that either focuses on gwen herself, or the strange relationship with minors, or the odd artwork of gwen, and the absolute disgusting behaviour towards giles.
gwen would be absolutely appalled seeing fanfictions of herself that involve nsfw or just her in general, anyone would, it’s disgusting to make works of real people in that setting. it’s like you’re treating them as an original character you can mould and manipulate as you see fit and using someone who is real with thought and feeling and consciousness for smut fics is not okay, or any fic in general. i totally get the hype around her characters, i literally have “brienne’s princess” in my bio and i’ve had “jane murdstone’s bloodbag” (in reference to my vamp au) as a name in a discord server.
but i think the fandom has begun to blur the lines between fictional characters and reality settings when it comes to gwen and the personalities she portrays on the television screen. it’s not fair to her. it’s disgusting. i’ve seen a minor do it, i’ve seen a grown adult do it. it’s something i don’t see shamed and frowned upon often enough and it’s really not okay.
on that note i’d like to quickly mention the photos, we alllll know what photos i’m talking about. the bunny one, the nudes, the ones gwen has expressed regret towards and wishes to not have them spread. was there not a “fan” who brought her a book of her nudes and wanted her to sign it? that person who was blocked on instagram by gwen because they reposted her nudes on their story and tagged her???? how can you refer to yourself as a fan after behaving so abhorrently? absolutely disgusting behaviour. as a collective fandom we need to stop touching those photos (metaphorically speaking) and leave them in the past.
i’ve been told of numerous circumstances in which adults have shown their nsfw works to minors in this fandom and it has to fucking stop. it’s disgusting!! how can you do that knowingly? i constantly ponder terminating my account after a minor got ahold of my nsfw work, and upon realising they WERE a minor it was as simple as blocking and moving on. it’s truly not that hard, folks. and the minors on tiktok who fight with others saying silly things like “that’s my wife” or worse. i’ve seen it all, i feel like, and the more i see it the more sick i become. i cannot stand it.
i have seen and heard of fans who have fat shamed gwen for that one pink dress she wore to the met gala. she looked so happy in that dress, and the audacity one must have to fatshame that poor woman on twitter then turn around and continue to proclaim your ‘love for her’ as if you’d done no wrong? are you fucking serious? are you mental?
and the sexualisation over the porcelain doll look, gods some of you are sick. those were not real breasts, people. considering the fact she wholeheartedly regrets her nude photoshoots , what possesses you to believe she would actually flaunt her chest in that outfit?
the blatant mistreatment of poor giles is not fucking okay either. just because you’re jealous of someone who makes her immensely happy does not give you the right to post something so vile and cruel about him. shame on you. why do you believe this is okay to post:
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are you serious? have any of you stopped to consider how HAPPY giles makes her? or is her happiness the last thing you ponder when you look at her? have you even noticed how unhappy she looks lately? have you truly paused to consider how she would feel about seeing this on your page, random twitter user, or the rest of you who think this is okay? bless your hearts.
and some of the absolutely horrific things i’ve seen about her online and the hurtful behaviour towards giles makes me question the difference between a fan and just the general paparazzi. because if you truly loved her and you truly loved giles then i would not be ranting into the fucking void about it for no reason.
i avoid interacting with pages i find problematic on here to keep from stirring the pot but tonight i chose violence and got reeeeeal pissy about how i felt about this place. it’s not okay what i see on here and it’s getting exhausting seeing the same cycle of content on a daily.
that’s everything i have to say, i think. i probably missed a lot that should be discussed in the comments but i’m done for now because i know if i go on i’ll probably cry.
before you post things about real people with real feelings , stop to consider how they will feel those real feelings towards the content you put out. chances are you’ll become less problematic and obnoxious that way. 💘
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moonlightspencie · 1 year
Wrong Time
Description: Dean doesn’t know how to act right. Sam doesn’t get the animosity. Reader is just trying to live life. Otherwise known as Mutual Pining: the Fanfic.
Pairing: jealous!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader, platonic!Sam Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: jealous dean :), minor angst, spells and other supernatural things, plenty of fluff
Word Count: 6.6k
A/N: originally posted on tumblr like 3 years ago (rip in peace to the like 3k notes it had). then posted to ao3. now it’s back on tumblr.
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I walked into the bunker after Sam and Dean, throwing my bag down as soon as my feet hit the floor. I shuffled into the library, noticing Castiel at a table on a laptop.
“How was the hunt?” He looked up at me.
“It was crap,” Dean answered gruffly. I took a chance look at him, and he shot me a glare that could kill. “I’m taking a shower.”
Sam watched his brother stalk past. “I— it was… Fine. I mean, something almost went wrong, but we all ended up okay.”
Cas nodded slowly. Then he noticed my expression. “Are you okay, (Y/N)? You look unwell.”
“It was my fault.”
“(Y/N)—” Sam started.
“No, Sam, I mean— I was stupid. I almost got myself killed. I would have been if Dean didn’t find me first.”
“Still wasn’t your fault, we all make mistakes.”
“What do you mean you almost got killed?” Cas interjected.
I huffed a sigh, sitting next to him. Sam took a seat across from me.
“Well, we walked into the vamp nest, and started going to town. It seemed like it’d be pretty easy to take care of, but then I heard a boy crying. I went to go look for him, and— and I saw him. He was in another room, probably about 15, 16 years old. I didn’t think anything of it and went to go help him, but he… I was wrong. He was turned, just trying to get his prey to come to him, apparently.”
Cas furrowed his brow. “What happened? Are you alright?”
I absentmindedly scratched at the table.
“I am now, I guess. I set down my machete like a fricken idiot, letting my guard down, and he jumped me. I tried grabbing it to fight him off, but he kicked it out of my grip. I thought it was the end of the line until Dean came barging in and got him off me. I was so stupid, he’s pissed.”
Sam reached across, brushing his thumb over the knuckles of my now-closed fist. “Hey, don’t worry about it. We got out okay. It was just a mistake.”
“And Dean—,” Cas began, “He is… It will be alright.”
He gave a kind smile as he said this. I tried one back at him before standing up and giving a quick goodnight. As I walked to my room, I hovered by Dean’s door before thinking better of it. I hated when he was angry with me, but figured I better not upset him more by barging in on his alone time. I hated when any of the boys acted coldly towards me, but Dean’s always cut the deepest for some reason. I wouldn’t let myself think on why that is for more than a few seconds, though. I walked to my room, changing into an oversized t-shirt and flopping onto my bed, essentially passing out.
I woke up in a cold sweat, tears wetting my face. I sat straight up, trying to catch my breath. My fingers gripped the sheets as I tried to keep my cool, but to no avail. I got out of bed, walking out of my room, and heading a few doors down. I knocked quietly before entering.
“Hello?” I spoke, voice wavering. I walked towards the sleeping figure, gently nudging his shoulder. “Sam?”
He rolled over, slowly opening his eyes. “(Y/N)? What’s going on?”
I wrung my hands.
“I— I had a nightmare. I can’t be alone right now,” I said, trying to hold back tears.
“Oh. Oh, okay, yeah, come here,” He replied, sitting up and scooting over. I sat next to him, pulling the covers over my legs as he threw an arm around me. “You alright?”
“I don’t know.” I leaned into him. “It was about the hunt. Except, it wasn’t me. I mean, I still went and found the boy, but, um, when Dean came in this time he— the kid knew somehow, and attacked. I tried helping, but I couldn’t move, and then… Then they, they got him. And it was my fault. He died.”
I noticed a few tears had escaped my eyes, and I rubbed at them quickly.
Sam hugged me into his side. “I’m sorry. That’s really tough.”
I nodded.
He continued, “But, you know, it was just a dream. We all got out, we’re all okay.”
“I know, but what if we didn’t? It would’ve been on me, it would be my fault.”
“There is always a “what if” when we do the things we do, and focusing on that is only going to cause you pain. Don’t do that to yourself,” Sam sighed, laying down and taking me with him. “Dean just needs to let this go, don’t let his attitude make you feel stupid.”
I nodded again. “Thanks, Sammy.”
“Anytime, kiddo. Now, let’s go to sleep. C’mere.”
He pulled me into his chest, letting the hand that wasn’t around my shoulder rest near my rib cage. I closed my eyes, and the next thing I knew I was waking to Sam’s snoring in my ear. We’d separated during the night, but my head was still against his arm, our legs still caught up together. This put me in a predicament as I tried to move away from him without waking him. I somehow managed to wiggle out of bed, and land on my feet; thankfully Sam was a surprisingly deep sleeper. I tiptoed to the door, slowly and carefully opening it and backing out. I shut it as quietly as I could, and turned around to see Dean walking towards me, looking down at his phone, only a few feet off.
“Morning,” I greeted him.
His steps faltered slightly as he looked up. “Morning.”
His expression changed from tiredness to confusion in an instant. He furrowed his brow, looking at me, then to the door I had just stepped out from.
“I’m making pancakes. If you want some, they’ll be ready in twenty.”
I smiled, nodding a thank you before he squeezed past me towards the kitchen.
‘He’s not mad at me!’ I thought to myself.
I went into the bathroom, taking a quick shower. I wrapped a towel around myself, and headed towards my room to get dressed. We had a day in, so I decided on a fresh pair of pajama shorts and another t-shirt. The smell of pancakes drifted through the bunker, and as soon as I stepped out of my door that smell carried me all the way to the kitchen. I stopped in the entrance, watching Dean for a moment. He stood at the stovetop, watching and flipping the pancakes as necessary. I watched the way his arms and shoulders moved until his simple gray tee, and how delicately his hands held the spatula. Then he turned and noticed me.
“Hey,” he said, taking the plate-full to the counter.
He was getting a little scruffy, having not yet shaved since a couple mornings ago. He looked tired, but peaceful. He looked handsome. I chewed my bottom lip, finally stepping into the small room.
“Hey. That smells amazing.”
I walked near him as he grabbed two plates, throwing a few pancakes on each. He handed me one, and we both went to work preparing them with with butter and syrup. I was about to take mine to the table, when his hand shot in front of mine.
“I’ll take these if you want to grab the coffee pot.”
He looked down at me, the sides of his lips just barely tilting up into a smile, and I felt a familiar flutter in my heart.
“Yeah, of course,” I said, then turned quickly to grab the coffee and two mugs, trying to push down that feeling as far as it could go.
I shuffled closer to him as he sat at one side of the table. I placed the mugs in front of the plates, filling each of them and setting the pot at the end of the table. I sat across from Dean, digging in immediately.
“Okay, wow.” I shoved another forkful in my mouth. “These… These are genuinely amazing. You shook cook more often.”
He laughed. “Yeah, I got a few tricks up my sleeve. What about you, though? Anytime you bake anything I lose my mind.”
“Guess I just have that effect on people,” I shrugged laughing.
“Yeah, you’re not kidding.” He smirked and glanced up, locking eyes with me for a moment that felt like forever. I looked away first.
“Um— about… About yesterday, Dean, I—”
He cut me off, throwing a hand up. “Just— Let’s just drop it. Okay?”
I nodded, looking down. “Okay. I’m sorry.”
He took in a deep breath before things went silent for a while. We both were nearly finished when Sam came in the room, as much a morning person as ever.
“Morning, guys!” He smiled.
I couldn’t help but let out half a laugh at his cheerfulness. “You are way too excited in the mornings.”
He smiled my way.
Dean got up abruptly. “I’m gonna go work on Baby.”
As soon as he was out of the room, Sam raised an eyebrow at me. “He always goes out there when he’s upset. Did something happen? You two looked fine when I came in.”
I shook my head. “I tried talking to him about yesterday. Guess that was a mistake.”
Sam’s lips tightened. “Yikes, I’m sorry.”
I shrugged. “It’s fine. At least he let me eat his pancakes.” I smiled.
Sam laughed, “Yeah, guess that’s a start.”
We went about our day as usual; Sam worked out and looked up cases, Cas helped with case searches, Dean spent most of his day in the garage, and I decided on a movie marathon. Before long, it was later than I realized and I heard a knock on the door.
“Come in!”
Sam poked his head around the door. “What’s up? You’ve been in your room all day.”
“Oh, no worries. Just a movie marathon. Harry Potter, wanna join?”
He shrugged. “Sure.”
He stepped inside, closing the door behind him, and fell belly-down on the bed next to me. We watched about half of the 6th movie before we stopped watching altogether. We talked and laughed all night long until we were passed out together. This time, I woke up again to Sam’s gentle snoring, but we were much closer. His right arm was once again under my head, but his left was wrapped tightly around me, and his chest pressed into my back. Admittedly, it was a bit strange, but on a cold morning, not unwelcome. I gently rubbed his forearm, trying to wake him.
“Sammy, get up. You’re trapping me here, pal.”
He groaned sleepily, hugging me just a little tighter before he opened his eyes and realized what he was doing. “Oh crap, I’m sorry.”
I laughed, “Dont worry about it. You were keeping me warm.”
He hummed, “Well in that case, you wanna go back to sleep for a little bit?”
“Fine. Five more minutes and then we get up.”
I giggled as he pulled me back in, nearly squeezing the life out of me for a moment.
“You know, as weird as this is, it feels nice to have a cuddle-buddy,” Sam breathed out.
“Hey, at least it’s nothing too scandalous,” I chuckled, eyes closed.
Then I heard a knock at the door.
“Who is it?”
“It’s me,” Castiel’s voice rang through the closed door.
“What do ya need?” I answered back. Then I heard the door open, and looked up.
He started stepping in, but stopped dead in his tracks. “I, uh— Oh. Pardon me, I seem to be interrupting.”
“Cas—” I tried getting his attention but he’d already showed himself out the door. “Crap.”
Sam chuckled, I felt it in his chest. “That’s gonna be a fun one to explain.”
I sighed. “Hopefully he doesn’t go running his mouth so it’s an easy one to explain.”
I laid with him for a few minutes longer before my bladder called for release. “Sam, we gotta get up, man. I gotta pee.”
He groaned. “I don’t want to.”
“Whoa, what happened to happy-go-lucky, I-love-being-up-in-the-mornings Sam?” I half laughed.
“He’s tired,” he grunted out, rolling over.
I flipped to my back as he stole his arm from beneath my head, and sat up. I looked over to see him struggling to get up himself, but my urgency for the bathroom left no time for me to help him up. I bolted out the door to the bathroom and relieved myself, thinking of how to explain to Cas that what he saw was not at all what he thought it was. I ended up back in my room, finding Sam staring into space still sitting on the edge of my bed.
“You alright, Sammy?” I suppressed a smile.
His head shot up. “Oh, yeah. Sorry, I was zoning out.”
I nodded, throwing a thumb over my shoulder. “You wanna go grab breakfast?”
“That sounds great.”
We left the room together, chatting on our way to the kitchen. Then, I nearly lost balance running into Cas.
“Oh, hey! We wanted to talk to you,” Sam said, tapping Cas’s arm with the back of his hand
He put his hands up, defensively. “No worries. I understand.”
I dragged my hand on the side of my face. “No, but you don’t. I know you caught us looking a little precarious, but trust me, we just fell asleep together. We were watching Harry Potter and passed out.”
His eyes widened. “Oh, okay. I was sure you two were sleeping together.”
I laughed, “Yeah, no. Not by a long shot, man.”
“Alright, well that definitely clears things up for me. I will see you later.”
“Seeya, don’t get into any trouble.”
“I don’t think you have to worry about me,” he smiled, walking past.
Sam and I entered the kitchen soon after, finding Dean alone with a cup of coffee and a computer.
“Morning, sunshine.” Sam joked.
I walked over to him, leaning an arm on the table next to him, peering at the screen. “Found a case?”
He nodded silently, not looking up.
“Well?” Sam pressed, peeling a banana. “Care to enlighten us?”
Deans jaw ticked for a moment before he spoke gruffly, “Looks like a ghost. Strange, but similar, deaths happening at an old motel. So far three of ‘em.”
I took the seat next to him. “Where at?”
He pointed at the screen. “Plainfield, Wisconsin.”
I perked up, grabbing his arm for a moment. “Hey, that’s where Ed Gein committed all his murders!”
“Dude, yeah!” Sam joined in. “That guy was messed up.”
Dean huffed. “Well aren’t you two just perfect for each other. Be ready in half an hour.”
He got up, slamming the laptop shut and stalking out of the room.
I looked to Sam, confused. “What the hell is his problem?”
He shook his head, “No clue.”
I shook my head, slightly irritated. “Guess we gotta go get ready now.”
I walked out of the kitchen, going in the direction of my room. I stepped inside, pulling a duffel bad from my closet and throwing in at least enough clothes for a week, not knowing how long we’d be gone. After I was packed, I decided on a quick shower. I put my hair up into a topknot so I wouldn’t have to wash and dry it, and took the fastest shower I could. I finished getting ready a few minutes early, and grabbed all my things. I was going to throw it all in the car and wait for the boys, until my irritation got the best of me. I walked to Dean’s room, knocking on the door.
He answered harshly, “What.”
“It’s me, can I come in.”
“I guess.”
I flung the door open to find Dean standing there in the midst of getting dresssed. He was at his closet, so far only having his jeans and a tight-fit tee on, and I would be lying if I didn’t say that I couldn’t catch my breath for a moment. How in the world could he look so good rocking the simplest of things?
He pulled a flannel of a hanger, the deep red one that I liked. “What do you need?”
“I want to know what’s wrong.”
He turned to face me, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. “Nothing. Is that all?”
I crossed my arms. “You may do a lot of lying for the job, but you’re kind of the worst at it sometimes.”
He shot me a glance, unenthused. “Nothing is wrong. Let’s move on. We got stuff to do.”
“(Y/N),” he shot back, staring for a second before going about his business.
I clenched my jaw. “I’m gonna find out sooner or later.”
He huffed out, almost a laugh, as he threw things into his bag. “Yeah. Sure.”
I turned on my heel, leaving the room, everything in me fighting against my urge to slam the door behind me. He really knew how to push my buttons, more than anyone else sometimes. The boys were finally ready and came out into the garage where I was waiting. I pushed myself off the side of the impala, getting in the car. Dean flew out of the garage, heading straight for the highway. Most of the car ride was silent, only the faint sounds of Dean’s music over the speakers. Then he had to open his mouth.
“So, you two are sleeping together now, huh?”
I almost choked, head whipping to the side to look at Sam. He did the same, glancing at me, confusion set in his face.
“What? Dean, no, why—”
“You two seemed to be getting pretty cozy the past couple nights,” he answered back, staring straight at the road.
I scoffed. “Excuse me?”
“I saw you coming out of his room yesterday morning, (Y/N), don’t act dumb. And Cas told me he walked in on you all over each other this morning.”
“That was not what was happening. We saw him this morning and explained it all. We just fell asleep watching a movie together.”
“And the night before?”
Sam spoke up, “(Y/N) had a nightmare, Dean. She couldn’t be alone.”
“What, so you slept together?” His hands held tightly to the steering wheel.
“Yes, and that’s all we did. Sleep. Nothing more, we don’t feel like that about each other.”
He bitterly laughed. “Doesn’t seem like it.”
“Dean, seriously.”
“Fine. We’ll drop it.”
I huffed out a breath. “Thank you.”
The rest of the ride was quiet. We only made one or two stops for gas and bathroom breaks. It took us about 10 hours before we arrived in Plainfield and searched for a place to stay the night. We finally found a little motel just outside of town, and booked a room. Luckily, a pull-out couch was included so I wouldn’t have to give Dean more ideas about Sam and I, and I wouldn’t have to spend the night beside someone who was pissed at me for no reason. I walked in the room to find it perfectly adequate. and I threw my bag down on the floor, beginning to open up the pull-out.
“What are you doing?” Sam asked as he came inside. “I can take that, don’t worry about it.”
“I’m not making you take the couch, Sam.”
“It pulls out into a bed at least. And you aren’t making me if I’m offering. Now, move your crap.”
He nodded at my duffel.
I sighed as dramatically as I could, “Fine.”
“So dramatic.” He chuckled.
“Yeah, I gotta be sometimes. Thank you, though.”
I pulled my bag away, walking to the far bed as throwing it down. I began unzipping it when I heard the thud of Dean’s duffel hitting the second bed behind me. I turned.
“What are we doing first?”
He glanced up at me. “Thought we’d check out the murder scene early tomorrow.”
“Alright. All three of us need to get dressed up?”
“Whoever wants to go.” He shrugged.
“I think I’ll hang back and do some more research on the town and possible leads, if that’s okay with you guys,” Sam said, setting his laptop on the small table in the room.
“Okay,” Dean answered, pulling out his ‘FBI’ suit to hang.
We went to bed, all exhausted from the trip. I woke up at 7 the next morning to Dean’s alarm blaring. We all ate a quick breakfast before getting ready to leave. I grabbed my suit, heading to the bathroom to change, and kicking myself for not being the one to stay at the motel. I didn’t know how I’d handle being alone with Dean, especially when he was in a mood. I changed quickly, making sure I looked professional enough to fool whoever we’d have to get past. I stepped out to see that Dean had already left the room.
I looked to Sam who had already got his computer up and running. “Where’d he go?”
“Waiting by the car outside,” he said, not looking up.
I walked across the room, stepping outside. Dean stood leaning against ththe impala, his back to me as I made my way over.
He heard my footsteps and turned. “Took you long enough.”
I stopped for a moment. Wow, he looks amazing right now.
“Gonna get in?” He asked.
“Oh. Yeah.”
I shook my head, opening the passenger door and sliding inside. He started up the car, and took off out of the parking lot.
“So,” he started, “you’re not sleeping together?”
“Dean. Seriously?”
He shrugged. “Can’t blame me for thinking so, you two spend a lot of time together.”
I looked over at him. “Yeah, that’s kind of what friends do.”
“We don’t do that.” He shot me a quick glance, raising an eyebrow.
“Give me a time and place and we will, then.”
He tried to hide the smirk that appeared on his face. “Yeah, sure.”
“What? Don’t want rumors spreading about me and you?”
“Sweetheart, you don’t want those rumors.”
“Who said that?” I furrowed my brows, the corner of my mouth twitching upwards.
He smiled at me. Butterflies, again.
We drove a few more minutes into town before we reached our destination. I peered at the building through the windshield as we drove up. It was creepy. Caution tape everywhere, the old run-down motel, the cloudy skies; it looked straight out of a horror movie. Dean parked the car, and we got out, walking to the police officer that was waiting on his team inside. We flashed him our badges and he let us past.
“I’m surprised no murders happened here before this,” Dean said quietly, leaning in.
I laughed. “Yeah, not the nicest of places for sure.”
He hummed in agreement. “Let’s see if we got any Casper activity.”
He took out his EMF detector, walking around the room, being careful not to step in any of the dried blood. He took a lap; no readings.
“Huh. Nothing here.”
I glanced around. “What the hell would’ve done all of this though?”
“Dunno. Judging by how all of the blood left their bodies and ended up friggen everywhere else, I could’ve sworn it would be one of those suckers.”
I nodded. “Wanna try to hospital?”
He shrugged. “Sure.”
We spent the day gathering as many clues and evidence as we could, to no avail. By nightfall, we decided to call it a day and head back to our room. We got inside to find Sam taking a nap.
Dean whispered to me, “I’m gonna take a shower.”
I nodded. He went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I decided to get dressed in something more comfortable and landed on a pair of sweats and a plain t-shirt. Can’t get more laid back than that.
I sat on my bed for a moment before I heard Sam moving around. I looked his way as he opened his eyes.
“Hey, sleepyhead.” I said.
He smiled. “Hey. You guys find anything useful?”
“Figure it’s probably not a ghost. Other than that, nope.”
“Mm.” He sat up, stretching before he stood. He walked over to me, taking a seat by my side and swinging an arm over my shoulders. “I didn’t find anything either. Not even connections between the people who died.”
“So weird.”
He agreed, falling back on the bed and taking me down with him. “Yeah. I’m sure something will turn up, though. It has to.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
“You wanna go out tonight?”
“Thanks for the offer, but I’m beat. I didn’t get my nap today.” I laughed.
He snorted, squeezing my shoulder. “You’re no fun.”
Then we heard the door open, Dean stepped out.
“What about you? You wanna go out tonight?” Sam asked him.
“I’m good,” he said without so much as a glance our way.
Sam sat up. “Man, both of you? Since when am I the one to go out alone?”
I chuckled, sitting up next to him. “Since now, apparently. Go, though! Have fun enough for all of us.” I nudged his shoulder.
He shrugged getting up to get ready. Then I heard the tv switch on, and looked over to Dean. There he sat, on his bed, flipping through channels.
“What are you gonna watch?” I asked.
He stared silently at the tv and shrugged. Here we go again.
I heaved out a heavy sigh, pulling out my phone to fiddle on. Sam came out of the bathroom with a new shirt on, and what smelled like a little bit of cologne. I looked up from my device as he pulled his shoes on.
“Who are you trying to impress, sir?”
He smirked. “We’ll have to find out. I’ll see you guys later.”
He left the room, leaving me and Dean to ourselves. I looked over at him again as he settled on an old comedy. He noticed.
“What?” He asked, eyes still unmoving from the movie.
“Your attitude is what.”
“I don’t have an attitude.”
I scoffed. “Oh, sure. We were fine working the case today, and now you’re acting like I stole all of your leftovers or something.”
He shook his head. “It’s nothing.”
“Funny how you keep saying that, and then end up in the same crappy mood again. Why won’t you just talk to me about it?”
“I can’t.” He grew impatient.
“Yes, you can.”
He sat up, finally looking at me. “No. I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because, I just can’t. It’s stupid, you wouldn’t understand it.”
He stared at me.
“Maybe I would if you’d just talk to me!” My voice raised slightly.
“Why do you even care?” His voice raised to match mine.
“Why do you think? I care about you, and I hate it when you’re mad at me.”
He closed his eyes. “I’m not mad at you.”
“Then what is the problem?” I leaned forward, searching his face for an answer.
He sighed, voice lowering. “Can we— maybe we can talk about it tomorrow. Just— not tonight, please.”
I shrunk back. “Fine. Promise me.”
He tilted his head with a blank stare.
“I’m serious, Dean. Promise me.”
He let out a heavy breath. “Okay. I promise. You’re a pain, you know that?”
I shrugged. “You’ll get over it.”
He stared for a moment, my heart fluttering until he looked away again. He laid down, turning off the tv. I laid back too, turning off the lights.
“Goodnight,” he said, turning over.
I woke up to sunlight hitting my face through the window. I glanced towards the couch; no Sam. Then my eyes went to Dean. He was still sleeping. I watched him for a moment; he looked so at peace. The lines in his face were smoothed out, no worries were apparent on him. His eyelids began to move, but I couldn’t pull my gaze from his face. He looked handsome in the early morning hours, his eyelashes delicately fluttering until his eyes were opened. He noticed me and smiled.
“Way to be creepy, watching me sleep.”
His voice was deep and soft and full of sleep.
I smiled back, “You looked so peaceful, I couldn’t help it.”
“I bet you say that to all the guys.”
I laughed. “Nah, only the special ones.”
He rolled his eyes, chuckling. “I don’t want to beat up monsters today.”
“If we can’t find out what’s killing people, you might not have to.”
“That isn’t a good option either.”
“I know.” I yawned, stretching out. “Guess Sammy found a girl.”
Dean looked over his shoulder at the empty space. “Oh.”
“You still believe we’re together now?” I raised my eyebrows.
He looked back towards me. “I might, might, have been wrong there.”
“Told ya.”
He smirked, shaking his head. “We better get the day going.”
I agreed. We fully woke up and grabbed some breakfast from a cafe down the street. We went back to the motel to find Sam in the shower, and our day went on as normal from that point on, until we found the clues we needed to lead us to the killer.
“A witch? Oh, come on, I’m so sick of them,” I complained.
Sam shrugged. “Hey, we found hex bags in each of the rooms. Most likely the owner of the motel, or someone who works there.”
“Maybe a maid? It’s always the butler, so maybe it’s always the maid too,” Dean suggested with a sly smirk.
“That, as lame as it is, actually could be a really great place to start,” I responded. “Let’s pack up and find out who’s been cleaning the place up.”
We went and questioned the owner to find out which employees had been working when the murders took place, and landed on only one housekeeper: a man named Ken. We got his address and decided to do a little questioning. We arrived to his house, and Sam knocked loudly.
The door creaked open. “Hello?”
“Hello, we’re with the FBI, we have some questions to ask you,” Sam responded, flashing his badge.
The man behind the door, opened it a little wider. He grinned. “Yeah, I’m sure you are.”
He looked to me.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?”
Dean stepped halfway in front of me before I could say anything. “You might want to watch yourself, you’re suspect for the murders that took place the night you were working at the motel.”
The man’s eyes widened. “Oh? Why don’t you come inside, then.”
He stepped just inside and he shut the door behind us.
“Anyways,” he began, “I’ve always wanted to meet the Winchester’s.”
Before we knew what was happening, our bodies flew up against the wall and landed on the ground harshly. We all attempted to scramble up, but as I attempted to stand, I felt a hand wrap around my neck. Ken pulled me backwards into him.
“Let her go,” Dean boomed.
Ken chuckled. “See, that’s where you’re making your mistake. Your little protective act only lets me know that your little girlfriend, here, is valuable to you. So, you might not like it if I just—”
He dropped me, and I felt my legs give out. It felt like all the air had been pulled from my lungs— No, it felt like I didn’t have lungs. I couldn’t breathe.
“You son of a—”
Dean was slammed against the wall again. I watched from the ground where I lay as Sam attempted to go at him, but then it all went black.
I woke with a gasp, my body flying upwards in shock. I breathed heavily, finally catching my breath for the first time in what felt like eternity.
“Hey, hey, hey, calm down, you’re okay.”
I heard a voice, foggy. I turned my head quickly, finding Dean right next to me. Wait, no, he was holding me. We were someplace else, maybe in the house still? I heard distant voices. I felt tired.
“I… think I… need a nap,” I said, barely hearing myself speak.
“Whoa, no, no, don’t fall asleep, okay? Just— Here, just look at me. Look here, stay awake,” he spoke to me as I tried to listen.
My eyes still felt heavy.
“But— I’m tired. Just a… Just a nap.”
“No, (Y/N), don’t fall asleep yet, okay? We gotta make sure you’re alright.”
“What… Where are we?”
“In the house of a very bad witch.” I heard a woman’s voice. I looked up to see red hair. “I mean, come on now, I was able to fix you right up quite easily.”
“Yeah, thank you, by the way,” Sam said to Rowena, a tight smile accompanied his words. My vision began clearing.
“What are you doing here? What happened?” I cleared my throat, trying to sit up to find Dean’s chest hard against my back. I noticed his arms around me, too. I ran my fingers over one of his forearms, happy to be there. Then I realized there were two other staring at me, trying to communicate. I stopped and tried to listen.
“—and then, well, you’re lucky Sam had enough sense to call me when he realized what you’d be dealing with, otherwise, my dear, you’d be dead. Hmm.”
“Oh. How’d we get away, though?”
“It was really all me, of course.” She smiled, pleased with herself. “You’d have really been in trouble otherwise, too, with Dean letting his jealously get the best of him and punching someone in the face.”
“Yeah, well, the douche bag deserved it.” I felt him speak, the bass in his voice vibrating in his chest. “He was getting too handsy with her.”
“I would have gotten him away quicker if you hadn’t made him even more angry, Mr. Winchester,” Rowena sassed. “Anyways, I’ve got things to do more important than speaking with you two giants and the wee fuzzy-brained girl. Toodleloo.”
She picked up her dress and walked out of the house. I liked her.
“I like her,” I giggled.
I started feeling funny. Almost drunk, maybe more giddy.
“Can’t say I feel exactly the same,” Dean said.
“Regardless, she did save us there,” Sam responded.
I laughed, “Yeah, she’s fun.”
“I would’ve gotten him,” Dean continued his conversation with Sam.
“Dean, we all would’ve been in trouble if she wasn’t here. Even you’ve gotta admit to that.”
“Yeah, whatever.” He reached into his pocket for the keys, throwing them at Sam. “Here, go start the car.”
“Alright, hurry it up,” Sam said as he left.
I leaned my head up to look at Dean. “So, you were jealous, huh?”
“I am not. I just didn’t want his grimy hands on you, now come on, let’s get you back to the hotel.”
I felt movement as he began to move from behind me. I tried to stand up, but before I could, I felt his arms swing underneath me. He picked me up, and carried me out the door. I held onto his neck, enjoyed time in close proximity to him and wishing I could just tell him how I felt about him. If I could even figure it out for myself. He sat me in the backseat, helping me buckle in before we took off. Soon enough, we were back at the motel and Sam decided to go on a dinner-run. Dean and I entered the room alone, he helped me to walk until I could sit down.
“Here, just sit here,” he said, helping me to rest on the edge of his bed. He moved around me, squatting down between my legs and looking up at me. “Are you okay?”
I tilted my head, looking at him looking at me. “Yeah.”
He let out half a laugh. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
I shrugged, a contented smile on my face. “You’re cute.”
“I figured out why you’ve been so grumpy,” I cut him off, unable to stop from speaking.
He put his hands on the bed on either side of my legs. “Why’s that?”
“I think you didn’t like me and Sam.”
“I already told you I wasn’t mad at—”
“No, no, no. You didn’t like us together. You were being jealous. Like with the weird witch man. Rowena said so, and she’s smart.” I giggled.
He raised an eyebrow, gulping. “Uh, let me get you some water. Maybe that’ll help.”
“I’m right.”
“Now’s not the time to talk about this stuff, (Y/N), let’s just—”
“Uh uh. You said we’d talk about it today.”
“We can, later.”
He tried getting up, but I put my hands on his shoulders.
“But I like you, I wanna talk now.”
“This is just the spell wearing off, if you just—”
I sighed harshly. “No it’s not, stop it. I like you a lot. You’re so cute and you give me butterflies and make me nervous and make me smile a lot and all I can think about is you all the time.”
“(Y/N)…” he started, eyebrows knit together.
“I’m not saying it because of the spell, okay?” I started rambling. “I mean, I always feel that way, but I didn’t want to say anything. You know, I was kind of scared. Now, it kinda seems like maybe you feel the same way, and I just want to know, otherwise this is gonna be really awkward when I’m not feeling all weird and giddy and I jus—”
Before I knew what was happening I felt his lips on mine. I felt shocked. I took a moment to gather my wits, but I seemed to take a moment too long. He pulled away.
“I… I’m sorry, I didn’t want to force that on you, I thought you wanted…” He trailed off, a hand going to rub at his face. I reached out, pulling it away from his face. He looked up at me, apprehensive.
“Trust me, I wanted it,” I confirmed before leaning back in as quickly as I could.
His hands moved up to settle at my waist as he smiled into the kiss. I held his jaw in my hands, pulling him in as closely as I could. I never wanted that kiss to end, but it had to soon, as we needed air. Our foreheads rested against each other.
“I have wanted to do that for so long,” I whispered.
He laughed. “I’m just happy to know that Sam wasn’t the one doing it. Because you were so right, I was definitely jealous.”
“Knew it.” I giggled.
He hummed, pulling away from me. We looked at one another for a minute, taking it all in. I let my hand reach back up to his face, my thumb brushing against his cheek, looking at all the freckles that dusted his face.
I sighed, happy. “You wanna go again?”
He chuckled, a smile on his face. “Oh, for sure.”
I slapped the bed next to me, and he scrambled up, facing me. His arms immediately snaked around my middle, pulling me in tight. I held on to his neck, gazing up at him.
“You good?” He asked, a smile stuck on his face.
“More than.” I nodded, grinning.
He pressed his lips to mine, wasting no time. We stayed like that for several minutes, enjoying our time together and hoping it would never end. Until the door swung open.
“Whoa, walked in at the wrong time,” Sam exclaimed, closing the door as quickly as he shut it.
Dean and I looked at each other. He shrugged, “Whoops.”
I laughed, and he pulled me back in.
(EDIT: starting taglists now! let me know if you want to be on any!)
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faintedincoils · 1 year
Plus Size, Cute/Nerdy Indie Fashion
No links, because I don't want Tumblr to eat the post, but message me if you have questions on anything. And if you have any suggestions for me, please let me know!
Morning Witch - Flora and fauna prints. I've purchased multiple midi skirts (with pockets!) and T-shirts, and one fantastic sweater. My datemate @fortangel loves their button downs, which have hip buttons to allow for more room.
Fresh Hot Flavors - Gorgeous prints and patterns, from floral to fantasy, anime-inspired to mythology, and of course pride colors. I've got their maxi and midi skirts, plus petticoats, all of which are super comfy and gorgeous and, again, pocketed.
Maya Kern - I've had my eye on her skirts for AGES, and now that I've got a few of my own I couldn't be happier! Once again, flora and fauna prints, plus some other neat options. These seem to fit a tad bit more snugly than the first two, so keep that in mind with sizing and be sure to pay attention to the measurements.
Witch Vamp - More skirts with pockets, skater, midi and max! A slightly darker/more edgy style, and some solid colors available too. My spider lily skirt from this shop may be the single most comfortable piece of clothing I own.
Vetiver Fox - Admittedly I don't have one of their skirts yet, but they're absolutely gorgeous and I'll be getting one as soon as they're in stock this summer. Truly stunning patterns, flora, fauna, and mythological.
Sealkie Cove - Source of my ridiculous, beloved, neon pink furby button down.
Crowlines - I don't have any of their clothes yet either, but the patterns are SO cute! Skirts and button downs. The best kitten prints ever, I think.
Cheek Boss - Odd shop out here, this one sells underwear and socks. The designs are lovely, they're ridiculously comfortable, and these are the first underwear I've ever looked at myself in and thought "Wow, I look cute!" The socks are also super cute, but I've had quality issues. Then again, they were from their first batch when they first started selling socks, and may have improved.
@morningwitchy @freshhotflavors @mayakern @shopwitchvamp @vetiverfox @sealkiecove
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Privacy privilege
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Summary: Dean had started to invade your privacy more often after a hunt
Word count: 0.8k
A/n: I had some fun writing protective Dean in this one
The last hunt was too much of a close call for Dean. 
It’s been a simple vampire case, a in and out kind of deal. But, when you slipped up a little and were almost a vamps blood bag, he felt a need to protect you immediately afterwards. The thought of you ending up dead while on a hunt with him caused an itch in the back of his brain. Something he needed to get rid of or at least settle down. 
So, he began to follow you around.
It started out simple enough, sitting on the same booth as you at a restaurant, watching you through the rear view mirror on a long drive. And, recently making you share the same bed as he did. The feeling of your body safely tucked against his calmed him. 
But, then the more hunts you went the more worried he got. 
The feeling that something would happen to you if he wasn’t around caused him to panic and start to hang around you more than ever. 
What started as a simple watching you from the corner of his eye quickly turning into needing to be right next to you 24/7. He’d follow you around like a lost puppy, eyes darting around to find any potential danger. 
You’d spoken to Sam about Deans behavior, and he had agreed that it was new and different than what he normally is. But, according to Sam, Dean is naturally a protector at heart. Probably coming from being the oldest and having to take care of his little brother all the time. 
But, still, you appreciated Dean trying to protect you, but he had started to invade you privacy. 
Often not leaving you alone when you’d really need to be. Kinda like right now. You were taking a shower in the motels bathroom, the water cascading down your body when Deans humming kept on bringing you out of your peaceful state. 
You didn’t really know when he entered the bathroom, but when he did you know it was no use in trying to kick him out. He sat patiently on the toilet, the lid down so that he wouldn’t ache from sitting in the same spot for twenty minutes. 
A small magazine rested in his hands, the sound of the turning papers mixing with his humming caused you to finally stick your head past the shower curtain. 
“Dean.” You called, in the nicest voice you could muster. Slowly growing tired of his protective attitude. 
“Yes, princess?” He asked, the magazine he’d been reading tossed onto the counter as he focused solely in you.  
Pasting a quick smile on your face, you pulled the curtain closer to your naked body. “Could I have just a couple minutes to myself in here?”
Dean furrowed his brows. “Why?”
“Because, it’s kinda weird how I’m naked in here while your out there fully clothed and humming a rock song.” You stated, hoping that telling him you were slightly uncomfortable with the situation would be enough for him to leave the bathroom. 
“Would you like me to join you then, so you’d feel less weird about this?” He asked, standing from the toilet seat and making his way towards you, his flannel quickly coming off and into the piles of clothes you’d already made. 
“No! No, Dean.” You started to shout, more than likely grabbing both your neighbors and Sam’s attention whilst doing so. “Put the flannel back on and get out!”
“Why?” He asked confused. “I’d have my back turned the entire time, or if you want I could even help you shower-“
Dean stopped talking when a soft but wet object connected with his face. “Did- did you throw a loofah at me?”
“Yes, and I’ll throw something harder next time if you don’t get out of here!” Your face was hot, and not just from the boiling shower you were taking but because Dean freaking Winchester was trying to hope in the shower with you like it was a normal thing. 
He held up his hands, reluctantly making his way to the bathroom door. “Look I get that it’s weird, but it’ll help protect you.”
“Dean, I’m not going to die in the freaking shower.”
“Who knows, it’s a strange world, but I’ll be here if it happens and I’ll be able to-“ His eyes widened as you made an attempt to throw your soap bar at him, missing him by a hair and sending him running out of the bathroom. 
A breathy laugh came from one of the beds, facing the noise he saw his brother with newspaper articles and his computer laid out in front of him. “I told you she would not have appreciated you going in there.” Sam told his older brother, a smug smile playing in his lips as he watched Dean taking a seat at the small table. 
“Shut up.” He told him, now waiting for you to leave the bathroom so that he could be glued to your hip once more. “She’s gonna thank me one day.”
“Yeah, but definitely not any time soon.”
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ennabear · 3 months
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synopsis: you met ellie in your university’s ancient library, you were just trying to study and ellie couldn’t help but talk to you. it drove her crazy, the scent of your blood. usually, she didn’t even notice the scent on others. she was so used to it that it didn’t bother her anymore. but you were different, sweeter.
cw: kinda like a mix between tlou and twilight, mentions of witchcraft and hanging, vampire!abby being a ladykiller literally, papa vampire!joel, mama vampire!tess, newlyweds vampire!jesse and dina, dina’s transformation, lotsssss of backstory like i seriously couldn’t stop myself from yapping. not proofread sorry :((((((
a/n: i’m definitely gonna make a series out of this. sorry if this is wayyy too long but i have a special place in my heart for vamp!ellie and her sweet vampire family. ok that’s all ily thanks for reading.
wc: 2.2k
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you shouldn’t be walking alone at night, really. campus was a sketchy place. a plethora of bad things could happen. you could get kidnapped, jumped, pickpocketed, or, hell, even bitten by a vampire.
the library had the same scent it always did. it smelled like dust and paper. in all honesty, you didn’t prefer it here. although it was beautiful, tall windows lined with stained glass, large bookshelves with every book you’d ever want, every word you could imagine and more, it was just so eerie. something bad was bound to happen here.
anyways, you settled down at the table in the corner. the one farthest away from anyone else. you’d rather be at home right now, studying in bed. it’s only because your roommate invited her stupid boyfriend over that you ended up here. it’s for the better anyway, though, because in bed you wouldn’t get anything done. you’d be too distracted.
you had your priorities written on your palm, the pen now smudged, making it barely readable. writing on your palm was easier, more convenient than a post-it note. but you wrote it down on paper anyways, incase you sweated more of it off before you finished. it wasn’t likely you would, though. the library was freezing, especially in the winter.
the clack of your fingers typing in your laptop password was the only thing to be heard. everyone else was dead silent. this was probably the only thing you liked about the library, everybody agreed on an unspoken rule, make the least amount of noise possible. you got started with completing your essay after shuffling your playlist, determined to finish by the end of the night.
that’s when she saw you.
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or, smelled you? your scent was so strong, it hit ellie hard. her vision went dark and splotchy, and she had to grip onto the table for support. her pearly white hands making a dent in the table with how hard she was holding.
you had to be her next meal. she had to find some way to get you alone and suck your veins dry. it scared her, the thoughts she was having. her intentions weren’t to murder you, but she was starving now. you had unknowingly gotten her high on your scent.
she didn’t even know where you were. were you outside? down the hall? in the library? fuck, right next to her? her head was hurting now, really, really badly. but she needed you even worse.
picking up a random book, she used the most brainpower she could to sniff you out. then, she really saw you. headphones in your ears, your hands typing away at something that won’t even matter soon. soon, she’ll have your body in her arms, hopefully in the comfort of her own home. your neck dripping a puddle on the floor as she relentlessly drank from you, your skin growing cold and your lips turning purple.
her docs made silent footsteps across the floor as she walked toward you. this was something ellie learned to master, silence. especially when she went into hunting mode. nobody looked at her as she expertly dodged the creaks in the old wooden floor. nobody saw her coming. especially you. you never saw ellie williams coming.
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“hey, is it okay if i sit here?”
“….sorry, what was that?” you scrambled to pause your music.
“can i sit here?”
“oh. yeah, sure. go ahead.”
you went back to typing, not continuing your music incase she wanted to talk. you really hoped she didn’t. you needed to finish your essay. and you weren’t much of a people person either.
“what are you writing?” she asked.
“just an essay, nothing interesting.”
“oh, cool.”
she started reading the book she picked up before sniffing you out. she didn’t bother to look at the title. or read any of the words either. really, she was just staring at it, her mind racing. she needed to come up with something interesting, something to make you like her.
while she stared at the words, you couldn’t help but stare at her. your fingers came to a complete stop as you admired this stranger across from you. she didn’t even introduce herself, how strange. her hair was a dark brown, her eyes black. her face was incredibly smooth. skin paler than ever, she looked as if she was a marble statue, like she belonged in a museum.
and she was reading twilight, of all books. although, you liked the book, it seemed ironic for her, like she was too mature for it. this beautiful stranger was sitting across from you, her eyebrows pulled together in frustration while she chewed on the inside of her cheek. she seemed furious at something, but at the same time, hard to read.
you were almost scared of her, but intrigued above all else.
“do you like that book?” you asked.
“twilight? yeah. it’s okay. i’ve read it a few times.”
“hmm. it’s a classic.”
“it’s not bad. but i’ve read a lot of books. this one doesn’t come close to the others.”
“so you read a lot? how come i’ve never seen you before?”
“i’m usually hiding. i don’t prefer to engage with others if i can help it.”
“yeah, that explains it.”
she got lucky. thank god, if there even is one, that she grabbed a book you knew about. that you started a conversation with her. she thought it was the most stupid book on earth. it was filth, pure mormon fanfiction. and it was completely wrong.
“why are you here so late? it’s almost midnight.” you asked.
“i could ask you the same question.” she responded.
“i have a lot of work i’ve been procrastinating on. if i could choose, i’d be at home. but my roommate’s boyfriend is there and i can’t stand being in the same building as them.”
“i don’t really know why i’m here. i just like to meet new people i guess.”
“i thought you didn’t like talking to people.”
“that’s different. you’re different.”
“how so? you don’t know who i am, and i don’t even know your name.”
she stared at you blankly. you had her trapped. she suddenly realized that maybe you were harder to get than she expected. maybe you wanted to play this game.
“i’m ellie. it’s short for elizabeth but i hate that name. it’s too common, i’m sick of hearing it.”
“elizabeth is beautiful.”
“thanks. you sound like my parents.”
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lie. she didn’t know her parents anymore. they had abandoned her hundreds of years ago after suspecting she was a witch because she refused to get married to a man at only seventeen. after a few years, she was hung.
it wasn’t until her new father, joel, took up an investigation of what happened to poor elizabeth. he ended up traveling to their old village and finding her grave after tracing her obituary back to a newspaper published in 1579.
shed been dead for years. joel was the one who brought her back to life. he injected his venom into her long rotten arms and took her in for the seven years it took for her to come back fully. he saved her. he taught her how to walk, how to speak, how to hunt. joel miller was her new father.
joel used to be a police officer. in 1712, he ran into a poor woman, bleeding and begging for his help. claiming that her husband had turned to satan and was now possessed. the woman had been bitten, she eventually would turn into ellie’s mother, tess. joel got bitten too. all three of them spent the next years as newborns in that small cabin, feasting on whoever was unfortunate enough to wander by.
the woman’s husband didn’t survive. he was caught by a clan of christians and burned alive, leaving just joel and tess, who couldn’t help but fall in love. they adopted more kids before and after ellie too.
abigail was the first. she was living alone in the appalachian mountains, feasting on whoever wandered after sundown. leading poor girls, desperate for a good time, into her bed and then eating them whole. abigail often hung out at lesbian bars. the girls who went home with her never came back. a bartender joked with her about this once, the bartender didn’t come back, either.
joel heard about abigail through the only other coven that lived in washington. they said she was a monster, a relentless murderer trapped in a goddesses body. that she could hold the whole world on her shoulders but couldn’t refrain from eating innocent girls who were cheating on their husbands.
abby and ellie were never really good friends, but they tried. abby preferred to keep to herself. usually either reading or climbing a mountain with her bare hands. and she refused to find a long-term lover. ellie was almost the opposite. she preferred more modern things, like making music and fast cars. and she loved to flirt with girls.
jesse came after ellie. he was born more recently, in 1878. he was dying of a disease nobody knew about. they didn’t have the right knowledge or technology to save him, so they quarantined him in a hospital room until he died. he didn’t, though. joel saved his life. the hospital staff were horrified after seeing the blood stained floor, the splatters over the walls, and more importantly, the fact that jesse’s body was nowhere to be found.
jesse had a wife now, named dina. she met him in 1983 at a prestigious fashion school. jesse had already been to tons of colleges. neither of them aged. they never changed. they were all trapped. after studying medicine, law, physics, engineering, and marketing, he wanted a change.
that’s when he met dina. she was a beautiful woman, deep tan skin, dark eyes, long black hair and eyelashes. and she had such a knack for fashion. jesse was in love, it took him a long while before he came clean to dina about who he was. she was so in love with him too, she didn’t mind it, and she certainly wasn’t scared. dina was never scared of anything.
so they got married. and the night after their wedding, they flew to a private island joel owned for their “honeymoon”. aka, dina’s transformation. they were gone for almost three years. jesse kept a journal of everything that happened to her.
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july 12, 1989. i did it. i held her so gently in my arms and sank my teeth into her neck. she was screaming, i know she was in pain, but she’ll never admit it. before she fell asleep, i drank a few of her tears and then closed her eyes. she’ll be twenty six for the rest of her life, until the earth stops spinning. i hope she can forgive me.
december 31, 1989. joel, i got your letter. she’s been doing okay. i can’t stop looking at her, her perfect curves and her deep brown hair. i think it was for the better that i took her dress off before we started, she designed it, it was so beautiful. i know she’d get upset about the red staining the expensive white satin. it’s still here, waiting for her. the year is about to end, we still have quite a few months until she awakes. i’m scared. not of her, of myself. am i a murderer? did i, a cold-blooded demon, destroy a perfect, innocent life? will she remember me?
august 27, 1990. it’s been over a year. nothing, but i know it’s coming. i’ve been holding her head on my lap, stroking her hair. i haven’t moved from this position in three months. she is so beautiful. i redressed her in the outfit she designed for this occasion, it suits her well. a part of me regrets this decision. i wish i could grow old with her, maybe have kids someday. sit on the porch while or grandchildren play in the yard. her eyes wrinkling with the smile she always flashes me. this will never happen. it’s just a dream.
november 16, 1990. she is awake. so much screaming. she’s in pain. won’t even look at me. she is thirsty. will bring her some bird blood to quench her thirst.
november 21, 1990. she only sits and stares at a wall, rocking back and forth. her eyes are white now. don’t know if she is okay. or if she will survive. her throat burns. if she goes, i go.
february, 1991. don’t know what day it is, she has calmed down. she didn’t remember anything at first. not me, not her name, nothing. she remembers now, though. hopefully we can come home this year. i still don’t know if i trust her enough around people. if she is caught, she’ll be burned. if she goes, i go.
may 18, 1991. traveled to a near by island. i taught her how to swim, she loves it. she’s so surprised that she can hold her breath infinitely. she is so beautiful, it’s like falling in love with her all over again. there were people at the island, it was a small village. they were kind, but we had to leave early. i don’t want to push her limits, but she did exceptionally well.
october 4, 1991. on our way home. starting this life forever with her. i hope she can forgive me.
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dwonfilm · 3 months
There’s no life after you. | Dean Winchester x Reader (one-shot)
Summary: Dean felt like he had no other option than to push [Y/N] out of his life completely. When he and Sam find a case in her hometown, he’s hit with all of the emotions he’d tried for so long to bury.
Warnings: swearing, mild-angst, mostly sadness and ending with fluff.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Flashbacks are in bold.
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Dean and Sam had found a case in Reno, Nevada—a city that had a lot of memories particularly for the older Winchester. Sure they’d worked a dozen or more cases around here over the years but that wasn’t the type of memories that kept playing on his mind. He only wished it was that simple. Sam had opted to take the backseat, needing some extra rest on the drive and Dean usually drove his precious ‘67 impala anyway. Ever since they’d found this case, the eldest Winchester was uneasy. Not because it was anything special, from the details online it seemed like it was just another vamps nest—maybe even just a handful travelling together.
No, what began to plague his mind was something that cut much deeper than that. All he could think about was you.
It had been roughly two years since he’d last seen you. Every other second of the last year and half had been him fighting the urge to reach out, knowing two things for certain. One: you’d be far better off without him holding you down. Two: even if that wasn’t the case, he’d really hurt you the last time you spoke and despite how much he missed you.. you’d likely never speak to him again—but that’s what he’d wanted right? You to move on, you to live a life that wasn’t plagued by the dangers of all things supernatural. Find a good man, a normal man, settle down.. get married and have kids. Not have to worry about tending to someone who had spent his entire life broken. Shaking his head to try and rid himself of these thoughts, it seemed the universe had other plans.
It seemed at some point in the drive his playlist had changed and delved into the ‘divorced dad rock’ side of things—the first few notes of what he recognized as a Daughtry song began to play. Seemingly just as they’d finally crossed the state lines into Nevada, the lyrics began..
“Ten miles from town and I just broke down, spitting out smoke on the side of the road. I’m out here alone, just trying to get home to tell you I was wrong but you already know. Believe me I won’t stop at nothing to see you so I’ve started running.”
Now Dean knew exactly what song this was and it damn sure wasn’t helping with his desperate need to stop thinking about you. He reached out to change the song but when the chorus hit, he stopped and his finger merely hovered above the button.
“All that I’m after is a life full of laughter, as long as I’m laughing with you—and I think that all that still matters is love ever after, after the life we’ve been through. ‘Cause I know there’s no life after you.”
It was as if the song was delivered down by the hand of God himself, which only made the ache in Dean’s heart that much worse. He’d been in pain ever since he left two years prior, but he had no right to be—he knew that. After all, the reason he didn’t have you by his side was because he left. It was because he walked away. Deeply he’d sigh as the next verse again would line up with the exact thought in his head.
“Last time we talked, the night that I walked burns like an iron in the back of my mind. I must have been high, to say you and I, weren’t meant to be and just wasting my time. Oh why did I ever doubt you? You know I would die here without you.”
Death had truly paled in comparison to how he felt seeing the look in your eyes. All of the pain, the hurt as he watched you break in front of his very eyes. You’d been together three years in total, but what you didn’t know—what he refused to tell you is that his worst fear was becoming a reality. Lucifer had threatened you in order to make Dean comply with his demand. He’d figured out the only way to get to the elder Winchester was through you, seeing as Lucifer himself needed Sam for his own personal vendettas. It wasn’t long after this that Dean knew he had to get as far away from you as possible. All the pain and suffering he’d endured in his lifetime would be nothing if your death was due to him. He couldn’t live with that and more importantly, you deserved more than that out of this life.
“All that I’m after is a life full of laughter, as long as I’m laughing with you—and I think that all that still matters is love ever after, after the life we’ve been through. ‘Cause I know there’s no life after you.”
Sam began to stir in the backseat, which he’s caught sight of through the rear view mirror and so Dean quickly changed the station. He’d use Metallica specifically to shift the mood before his brother woke up and started asking too many questions. Questions that Dean wouldn’t have the answers to and he was already battling his mind to keep it all at bay.
Gripping Baby’s wheel tightly in his hands, he’d continue to path to Reno. About fifteen minutes later was when Sam’s eyes actually opened. “Mornin’ sleeping beauty.” Dean said with a (fake) smile on his face. “Ha-ha, very funny. Wait.. how long was I out? Are we in Nevada already?” He asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and noting their desert-like surroundings. “I don’t know, hours Sammy. Yeah we’re in Nevada—about an hour or two ‘til Reno.” Just saying the name of the city was enough to have him nervous again. There was a brief bit of silence between the brothers, Sam had a thought on the tip of his tongue but he didn’t know whether he should say it. Dean’s eyes had fixated on the road ahead and he sensed that his younger brother was gonna bring it up—bring you up, he’d always really liked you. Besides that, he could always seem to tell when things were troubling Dean despite his best efforts to hide it. “You know you could-“ Sam started but knowing it was coming, the elder brother immediately shut it down. “Sam, don’t. Please. I can’t and you know that.” Dean’s voice was shaky and that let him know that he’d already been thinking about things far too long. “You’ve been thinking about it. I know you, man. You think I didn’t see the look on your face when I told you we had something in Reno?” He sighed, knowing that his older brother was struggling with this didn’t make him feel good but he also knew it was making Dean feel worse. “Sammy, please.. I don’t wanna talk about it anymore.”
Sam would shake his head but he let it go, rehashing this with Dean while he was attempting to drive wasn’t gonna end well for either of them. Not to mention an hour and a half of odd tension in such a small place wasn’t ideal either. Instead, the younger brother’s eyes averted from the front of the car altogether as he turned to gaze out the window next to him. Sighing partially in relief and partially from the lingering thoughts, Dean would fully place his attention on the road and on the directions to this particular motel. They needed to get in, solve this case and get out before he did something he’d been trying for quite some time not to do.
Surprisingly this case was a little more difficult to follow through on, these vampires were incredibly elusive and their nest wasn’t the easiest to find. However, after a couple days lingering around they finally located the nest and were able to kill the three vamps that had been killing the locals. As it had become part of the job, Sam and Dean went out to a local dive bar to celebrate the victory—but Dean was trying to do more than that. He was trying to drown the lingering thoughts of you with whiskey, swallowing the liquid and letting it gently burn his throat. This would end up having the opposite effect and only made him think of you more. Over the first hour and change the brothers spent at the bar, three separate girls tried to hit on Dean but he didn’t really pay them any mind. Around the two hour mark the elder of the brothers decided he needed some air, getting up and walking outside. Dragging his dominant hand over his face he was doing anything to cling to that last bit of pride that he had. You were better off and he knew that, but every day that had been lost it was eating at him slowly. He needed a distraction and so he walked over to his precious car, getting into the driver’s seat and sighing. One flick of the wrist and the lights would come on, the radio coming in clear as day: it was that goddamn song again.
“You and I, right or wrong, there’s no other one. After this time spent alone it’s hard to believe that a man with sight could be so blind, thinking about the better times.. must’ve been out of my mind. So I’m running back to tell you.”
Again it seemed like the universe had intervened and Dean Winchester was far too drunk to fight it. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes and right now, all that he needed was you. He opened up the driver’s side door and got out just to come face to face with Sam, who had been worried when he couldn’t locate his brother in the bar. “What is it Dean?” He asked, noting the emotional state it was clear he was in—confused but not entirely. It wasn’t like him to be so open with his emotions, but you’d helped him with that. “I need to see her, Sammy. I can’t do this anymore.” There was enough emotion in his voice for his younger brother to know what he meant. Nodding Sam would approach the driver’s side door. “I’m driving, we’re not risking it with you.” Dean normally would protest but right now? All he needed to do was get to you. It didn’t matter how, he just needed to fill the void that he’d put there himself.
“All that I’m after is a life full of laughter, without you god knows what I’d do.”
Dean’s eyes were technically gazing out the window, but that’s not what he saw. His mind was flashing different images in rotation—one happy memory with you followed up by something he’d done to chase your memory away after he’d run away.
“All that I’m after is a life full of laughter, as long as I’m laughing with you and I think that all that still matters is love ever after—after the life we’ve been through. I know there’s no life after you.”
It seemed fast, but it had probably been about thirty minutes of time that had passed. Not that you lived very far at all, if you were even still at the last address the Winchesters had for you—Sam took a longer route hoping that Dean would sober up a little more before talking with you. Anyone would be able to smell the whiskey on him at this moment, but his words needed to be coherent if there was any chance of you hearing him out. It seemed that he had sort of the same idea because even when the impala had pulled into the driveway, he just sat there. “What if she doesn’t wanna talk?” Dean asked, somber tone to his voice as his eyes remained fixated on the front door of what he hoped was still your home. Mind racing almost as fast as his heart. “Dean, if I know anything about [Y/N], she’ll at least listen—even if she’s incredibly pissed and still hurt.” Sam reassured his older brother. Dean sighed again, not wanting to waste another second and also wanting to see have some alcohol in his system for this conversation. Slowly he opened the passenger side door and stepped out onto the asphalt driveway. Gently closing the door, it had still alerted a dog inside the home who was barking just a little bit every couple of seconds. He carried himself up the few cement steps, turning to see the front door closer than ever. Now more memories of the last time he was here were coming back.
“Dean, please.. why are you doing this? You can’t possibly just have stopped loving me, that’s not..” Her sobs were breaking his heart but he knew this was something he had to do. “Why are you walking away from this? From us? After everything we’ve been through.. after the life we’ve built from the ground up.. you’re just throwing it all away.” She felt as if there was a fire in your chest, she’d been sobbing so intensely for what seemed like forever. Mascara and eyeliner were smudged and made a mess of the space underneath her eyes. “Say something, Dean—please.. why are you pushing me away? What did I do?!” Every word became far more intense and the actual words were hard to discern from the sobs. Dean had just been staring at the floor since the words left his mouth. Three years next to her and he never imagined this day would come, but if you died just so Lucifer could get one up on him? He’d never survive. He’d never be able to carry the weight of your death or your blood on his hands—so this was the only way you got to live a long and happy life without him putting you in harm’s way. “[Y/N/N] I.. I just don’t think we were meant to work out. I’m sorry, I just-“ he was cut off by her intense sobs hearing him saying it again. “Please Dean.. don’t do this.. whatever I did wrong, whatever’s not working we can fix it. Please..” She pleaded, voice already hoarse from the crying and the wailing. “Sweetheart you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s me, I’m just, not made out for this relationship stuff.” He’d barely lifted his gaze again to meet her own, but only for a second. Seeing her like that was too hard for his heart to bare. “Why Dean.. please.. it’s been three years. Three years of this and we can talk about it. Whatever it is we can move past it together, don’t you love me anymore?” She sobbed out, arms wrapped around her own chest as Dean looked up to her face and met her gaze one last time. “Honey, I’ll love you ‘til the day I die.” Sighing he turned to walk out the front door, closing it and never looking back. He couldn’t look—his heart had already shattered.
Now here he was again, roughly two years later, taking the last few steps to fully stand at your front door. Lifting his hand which had formed a loose fist, he’d knock three times upon the wooden material of the door. There was no answer and no sign that anyone was home other than the dog barking that he’d heard moments prior. Dean was about to turn and walk back down the pathway when he heard the doorknob turning after the lock clicked out of position. “Do you know how late it is, what do you nee—“ her eyes widened when she realized who had just knocked at her door. “D-Dean.. what are you..” she felt her bottom lip quivering. Dean could tell this was the last thing she’d ever thought would happen. “Hi, sweetheart. I-“ before he could get another word out of his mouth, he was met with a harsh slap to the side of his face. His eyes fell as he collected his thoughts, waiting before speaking again. “I deserve that. I deserve that and so much more. [Y/N/N] I’m so sorry.. I’m so fucking sorry.” He got out, not being able to look back up at her just yet. “You’ve got some kind of nerve showing up here, this late at night.. Dean you broke my heart and you stomped on it to boot. Why do you think after two whole years that I’d listen to whatever the hell you have to say?” It was obvious that there was sadness and hurt laced within her voice, more so than the anger she’s trying to push forward. Slowly his head tilted back into its usual position and his eyes found hers again. “I know there’s no life after you.” It was all he could say in that second and her expression softened, before she’d built the wall back up. “You came all the way to quote a Daughtry song?”
“No, I’m quoting that damn song because for the three days Sam and I have been in Reno I’ve heard it everywhere. My car, in a store, hell in my head—[Y/N] I’ve been trying every day since I left to push your memory from my mind. I wanted so badly to forget about you and know that you were free to have a normal life. I also know that I’ve got no right to stand on your doorstep telling you how much pain I’ve been in since the second I walked out this door two years ago when this whole fucking thing is my fault.” He paused, tears slowly falling as he tried to blink them away. “[Y/N] I was afraid. I was so afraid.. I couldn’t lose you like that-“ Again he was cut off but just by her words this time. “Dean you did lose me, you pushed me away—fuck you pushed me out of your life altogether. You’re absolutely correct, you don’t have any right to stand here talking about your pain. I didn’t eat, I barely slept, for weeks after you left. All I did was lay on that couch and sob. Endlessly. After I couldn’t physically sob any more I thought, there has to be some kind of monster or witch doing this and so I researched for weeks and still barely ate and slept only a fraction more. All I came up with was dead end after dead end and so I finally had to realize the truth.” She sobbed out, pausing to try and steady her own voice. “You chose to leave on your own.” She’d opened her mouth to continue talking but now it was his turn to sob out, which caught her completely off guard. “He made me feel like I had no other choice..”
Now you stood with a perplexed look on your face as tears were streaming down your cheeks. “What.. who-“ before the question could even fully leave her lips, the man she loved began to speak again. “Lucifer. He needed Sammy, you know all that one true vessel shit, so he couldn’t hurt me that way. He knew any threat he put to Sam wouldn’t stick because deep down I knew that Lucifer needed Sam alive and well to complete whatever sick and twisted plan he had thought out.” She felt both her heart and her stomach drop, figuring out exactly where this was going. “[Y/N] he said he’d kill you and not think twice. I couldn’t.. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you died all because I love you. I wouldn’t be able to breathe knowing that your death was my fault and I’d never get your blood off my hands.” His confidence had wavered, the alcohol mostly wearing off. You sighed, a silence falling over the two of you as you attempted to process what he’d just said. “Dean.. why didn’t you just talk to me? Tell me what he said and we could’ve talked about it.” She asked, the venom gone from her words and a sadness settling over them. “I was scared. I didn’t know how to admit that I was scared especially to you, I’m the one that was supposed to keep you safe. I know that’s not an excuse and I’m not trying to excuse me hurting you like I did—that image of you hugging yourself and crying the hardest I’d ever seen someone cry has haunted me all this time. I never wanna hurt anyone but I damn sure never wanted to hurt you.. at all—let alone like that..”
Again a silence fell between them, it felt like a lifetime between their words and the action she’d finally take. Stepping forward she used both of her hands to cup his face, both having glassy hues due to all the tears. “I forgive you, Dean.” She said almost in a whisper. He felt his heart racing and he eyes searched hers for any sign that this might not be true. Seconds felt like hours but he couldn’t find any sign of deception and instinctively, he plunged forward to connect his lips with her own. It had caught her off guard but she was returning the kiss with an explosion of passion. They chased the other’s lips in a back and forth motion until they both couldn’t breathe. After pushing the limit a little further they’d separate but remain forehead-to-forehead. “I know there’s no life after you.” She spoke in a soft tone before pulling Dean inside of her home and re-locking the door.
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crushedbyhyperbole · 3 months
Cherry Pie Kiss
Slice Two
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader
Summary: Out on the hunt, out of state and out of options; with your life on the line, Dean makes a call you're not happy with. Just when you thought you couldn't take any more, he brings a peace offering.
Haven't read Part One? - Catch up here.
Words: ~3.5k
A/N: This is part 2 of 3 of what started as a short one shot, but someone asked for another slice of pie so I'm here to deliver. There isn't any smut in this part (its all going to be in part 3 😂) but there are graphic depictions of gore, violence and death which is why I ask minors not to read or interact. Reader is female but generic, and obviously has feelings but is kind of stuck in this hate to love him type thing which carries on from part 1. I hope you enjoy the read and are ready for the goonfest and gratuitous smut coming in part 3.
Warnings: gore, death and gruesome depictions of canon-type violence, profanity as standard for my work, bit of angst, bit of fluff right at the end.
***Minor do not read or interact***
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Dean Winchester.  You hate him.  His saviour complex, his unwavering strength, the way he’s so damn selfish though not in the ways that count… But boy, can he wear a pair of jeans.  Phew-ee!
You hate that you can’t stop looking at him, leaning on the jukebox of the bar you’re in, feeding it quarters in exchange for some feel-good tunes.  Ugh!  Asshole!
Tonight had been a tough night.  Even Sam was feeling the burn.  Out on the hunt, out of state and out of options, the three of you had played a Hail Mary and it had paid off.  Those damn vamps had just kept on coming.  Sam was down and you were in a bad way with what felt like a hoard of those fuckers piling into the abandoned factory to make a meal out of you all.  Starting out, you had all been so sure that you had this little group in the bag but, as per usual with these goddamn things, the plan didn’t pan out.
Dean had dragged you and a semi-conscious Sam into a tight space between the machines.  One way in, one way out.  You were both toast if you were found and of course you would be found; the vamps had your scent.
Groggily, you watched dean uncoil something from his pocket and string it across the opening at about neck height.
“Guitar string.”  He winked at you as if this idea was the best idea he had ever had and should have been plan A from the start.
“We’re fucking bait?”  You hissed furiously.  No, surely not?  Dean would never use his brother as bait.  Would he?  “Goddamn asshole!”  You snarled with as much vitriol you could muster between your gasping breaths and painful ribs.
He just gave you that weary look he had been wearing for the past hour and shrugged his shoulders before pulling out his machete and hiding himself out of sight.  “Get ready.”
You brandished your blade and hauled yourself to your feet, ready to fight.  There was no point wasting any more breath insulting him.  If you got out of this alive, you would have plenty of opportunity to call him all the names under the sun.  IF you got out alive.
The first vamps that found you came rushing in, right down the tight alley framed by the large machinery and with a sharp twang, Dean’s trap garrotted them straight through, taking their heads clean off.  Of the next three, the wire took the first two but the third approached cautiously despite you calling him to come get you.
Dean ran out from his hiding place and attacked the vamp from behind, slashing at the guy’s thick neck twice in order to cut all the way through.  As the body fell you saw why the vamp had stopped – the trap had remnants of flesh and blood along it from its previous victims making it easier to see.  You wiped your sleeve along it to clean the bits of hanging flesh off making it almost invisible again. Dean gave you an impressed nod.
Another two vamps fell to the wire but the last one got snagged as she fell, snapping it and making it useless.  Well, it was a good idea while it lasted, you thought.
It took you two a little while longer to attract the remaining few vamps who obviously knew something was up.  Sam was in no fit state, still groaning on the ground.  You were weak and in a lot of pain but you kept swinging your blade, struggling to breathe let alone stand.
The fight had been brutal and both you and Dean were covered in blood by the time it was over.  You were on your knees, slumped over a vamp you had had to hack into to remove the head, your blade surely blunt by now.  You were ready to close your eyes and give up when Dean pulled you to your feet.
“C’mon,” he said gruffly, “up and at’em.”  Helping you out over the pile of decapitated bodies, he hauled a now mostly conscious Sam through the mess.
You had made it to the Impala and, for once, Dean hadn’t grumbled about getting blood on Baby’s seats but throwing a couple blankets down instead.  Sam slumped in the front while you crawled in the back, weary and sore.  Your eyes met Dean’s in the rearview mirror but yours flicked away immediately, unable to look at him without getting angry.  When you looked back so did he, like he knew you’d be looking, and held on, asking if you were okay without actually asking.  If he really cared he wouldn’t have used you as bait.
You let your head fall back onto the seat and closed your eyes frustrated by his dichotomy.
After a while on the road, Dean turned the radio on, breaking the silence which opened the door for you to say what was on your mind.  Sam hadn’t been bothered one bit by the fact that Dean had used you both as bait, but you were furious.
“It worked, didn’t it?”  Dean snapped, frustrated by your anger.
“I hate you.”
“Yeah, yeah, you and a whole long list of other people.  Aint nothin’ new.”
Around five miles out of Crocker, Missouri, Dean pulled into a truck stop complex which had a convenience store, gas station, diner, a small motel and a dive bar.  The dawn was still hours away and the need for a couple of hours sleep in a comfortable bed was showing on all three of you.  Sam was the cleanest so he made the arrangements; two rooms because there was no way you were sharing a room with that asshole after what he did.  You were just as likely to fuck him out of anger as fight him at that point.
You used the showers in the truck stop to clean off all the blood and get into some clean clothes, relishing in the feel of the warm water and decent water pressure.  You felt a slight pang of guilt that someone would likely be picking vamp chunks out of the drain in the next couple of days but it passed quickly, it probably wasn’t the worst thing these truck stop attendants had seen over the years.
Refreshed by the shower and a take-out burger from the diner, you decided you needed a drink or five, which sounded good to Sam and Dean – you all deserved it.
So, here you are, several drinks in, pounding another tequila shot, trying not to stare at Dean Winchester’s ass while Sam bids you goodnight and takes himself off to one of the two rooms you had paid for at the run-down motel on site.
It seems as if you’re not the only one with an eye for a firm ass in tight Wranglers; a scantily clad barfly sidles up to Dean and strokes her hand down his back as he plugs his final song into the jukebox.  When her hand reaches that ass of his, he straightens and turns, grinning at her with that look you know means he’s going to ride her all the way to dawn.
You can’t watch this.  You don’t have the stomach for it, not tonight.  You pound your remaining two shots and eat the lime slice, peel and all.  Then you’re up off your stool and pushing past Dean and his lady friend, and out into the night where the air cools your heated skin but not your confusing emotions.
In the second of the two rooms, you look at your bruised face and neck in the mirror.  No wonder he didn’t look twice at you, you’re a mess.  It shouldn’t pain you like it does to think of him with another woman.  He asked once and you said no, so that is the end of that.  Plus, you hate him, can’t forget that.  Still, it gives you some small satisfaction that he now has no empty room to take his new friend to so he’ll have to bang her in Baby, on the bloody blankets.  With a spiteful smirk you flop on the bed and fall into a light disturbed sleep.
A loud knock on the door wakes you up with a start.  At first you don’t know where you are.  So used to your room in the bunker, you had almost forgotten what it feels like to sleep that first night in a new place, never truly resting for fear of attack.  It’s only an hour or so since you left the bar and you’re groggy from the tequila and from the waking.
You don’t turn on the lights when you go to the peephole, looking out with your pistol muzzle pushed up against the flimsy wood door.  Dean sways on the other side, his head turned as though he’s listening.
“Sam’s in the other room,” you call, clicking the safety back onto your pistol.
“I know,” he grumbles, “open up.  I got something.”
“It can wait until the morning.”
“Can’t wait,” it sounds muffled, “owwww!” he hisses.
“What the hell,” you sigh, sliding the chain and turning the handle.
Dean stumbles in with his mouth shaped like an “O” as he slides two bowls onto the unit next to the TV, shaking his hands afterwards as if burned.  You close the door and engage the chain out of habit.
“Got you something.”  He grins goofily, obviously much more drunk than you had left him in the bar, and you wonder what happened to the barfly.  Surely the womanizing Dean Winchester hadn’t banged and dropped her in that short a time?
“It’s two in the morning, Dean.”  You wipe a hand down your tired face, lifting your eyes again to see him handing you one of the bowls from the diner.
“Peace offering.”  He says with a smile as he pushes the hot ceramic into your hands, his eyes glistening with mirth and the effects of all the whiskey he shot back earlier.
You look at what he brought you and your heart almost stops.  It’s a steaming hot piece of cherry pie, drizzled in a large puddle of vanilla custard just the way you like it.  You look at his, with his tiny dollop of cream just the way he likes it, and you can’t help but smile.
“Why?”  You ask as you sit on the edge of the bed with him in the chair by the TV, the bowl in your hand, spoon loaded with goodness.
He finishes chewing a piece of the hot pie, sucking in air to cool it in his mouth before he replies.  “I know you hate me.”
“I don’t hate you,” you admit too quickly but the words are out now whether he believes them or not.
“And I know it’s my fault,” he looks at you with those eyes, “I shouldn’t have made things awkward from day one.  So, I’m sorry about that.”
“Thank you.”  You never thought you would ever hear Dean Winchester apologise, or what you would say in return.
“I didn’t know how to take the rejection,” he sighed heavily, “especially not from someone I have this amazing chemistry with, y’know?  But that’s on me.”
What great chemistry did Dean think he had with you?  All the years you had known him, you’d harboured a bit of a crush on him but he always acted like you were one of the guys.  When you two crossed paths it had felt effortless to slip into the old camaraderie but he treated you like a sister, a fellow hunter, until you had shown up on his radar this time covered in blood and all kinds of messed up and he’d gotten all pissed and… ohhhh.
“You were right all those years ago when you said hunters shouldn’t get close,” he continues, “I should’ve listened and never asked that question.”
You remember the conversation clearly.  It was something you had said because you thought it was what he wanted to hear from you.  Younger and more naïve, you had thought that what he wanted was for you to be like one of the guys so you had said the words and hoped that you could remain where you were with him, always close but never at risk of blowing everything.  Over time you had begun to regret that decision, and as soon as he started acting like an asshole it had been easy to trade the feelings you had for ones of resentment.
“I wish I never said it.  I didn’t realise what I would be losing when I asked.”   He looks at you again, beseechingly.  “Do you think we can start again?  Be friends like before?”
You think about it for a moment but the more you think the surer you are that you can’t go back.  You can’t know these things and have these experiences and go back to the beginning.
“No, Dean, I don’t think we can.”  Your words are soft but the devastation in his eyes is sharp and painful.
You stand, placing your untouched bowl on the bedside table, and walk towards him.  His bowl is empty now, but there’s a little piece of pie left on his spoon when you take it from him.  He’s confused but follows your every movement with a mixture of sadness and reverence.
The pie is sweet on your tongue and the way his eyebrows raise when your lips close around the spoon brings a cheeky glint to your eyes.  You sit on his knee, wrapping one arm around his shoulders while the other pulls the now clean spoon past your lips.  You swallow with a sigh.  His hands go to your hip and thigh to steady you as he looks up at you.
You dip your head slowly and he tilts up to meet you, his eyes flicking between yours and your mouth.  He tastes sweet just like you do when you lay your lips on his, a soft kiss that is both the testing of waters and the soothing of sharp emotions.  He squeezes your thigh tighter for a brief moment and you pull back to see the questioning look on his face.
“But you said…”
You shush him with a finger laid over his lips.  “I know what I said.”
“Then what did you mean?”  He swallows hard, licking his lips nervously afterwards as if you’re about to pull the rug out from under him.
“I wish I’d said yes.”
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sibsteria · 2 years
Hi ! Could you do a klaus falling in love with a reader who treats him like a person and not a monster ? One who also is very domestic with him like :
- i came here to kill elena - klaus says trying to intimidate you
- shes not here....you want pie?
Thank you!
very excited to write this <3
Warnings: fluff, bit smutty
Summary: Klaus wasn't quite expecting what he found at the Salvatore boarding house...
absolutely not proofread it’s 3am
The abode was empty, albeit one.
Soft violin sang from a record player, as candles of many colours burnt into dripping wax, Damon would kill her if he knew she turned his house into such a haven.
Her fluffy socks glided across the wooden flooring, traipsing to the kitchen. Taking the soft oven mitt from the counter, she lifted out the flaky pastry.
Deciding to let it cool, she backtracked to the living room, draping a cotton blanket around her shoulders to battle the brisk outside.
She sat on the plush couch, letting her eyes close for a few seconds, it had been a trying day.
The door burst open, slamming against the wall, making her jump out of her skin.
There stood a blonde man, a scruff of facial hair cupping his jaw.
''...hi?'' she questioned.
''You're a little...fuzzy for a bodyguard? Where is she?''
''Who?'' She pressed, picking up her teacup as if there wasn't a stranger in the room.
''Don't test me. I came here to kill Elena and don't think I won't do the same to you.'' He growls, deciding not to grab her by throat, for some reason he couldn't figure out.
''She's...not here...you want pie?'' Her innocent eyes gazed up at him, he blinks in confusion.
''Do I- no, I do not want pie.'' His collar felt flush, although top buttons were down he couldn't fight the heat rising in his skin.
''You sure? You look like you could use some, it's filled with wild currants?'' She asks again, a light tone to her voice.
''Uhm- maybe another time, love.'' He vamp speeds up the stairs, looking for what he came for, not that he didn't believe the girl on the lower floor- maybe it was just a way to escape the situation.
She shrugs, putting down her porcelain china, she may as well cut herself a slice.
She smiled at her baked treat, grabbing a small silver fork from the cutlery draw.
When she returns to the living room she sees the man hasn't left, instead, nursing a glass of her friend's top shelf bourbon.
''Oh, you're still here? Tell me, do you prefer a violin orchestra or a singular symphony?'' She wiggles into the couch, getting comfy.
He debates whether to answer for a moment.
''Hm, I enjoy the sounds of a singular symphony, something about it just makes it more-''
''Special.'' She finishes his sentence, taking a bite of her snack.
''Something like that.'' He whispers.
''I never got your name?'' She puts down her plate, shuffling up to the blonde.
He internally sighs, knowing full well her how she will react.
''Klaus Mikaelson, pleasure to meet you.'' His eyes drift to the wall beside him.
''Oh, cool.'' She holds out her hand for him to shake.
''You want me to shake your hand?'' He eyes up her arm.
''Here I thought you were a gentleman, must have misheard the stories.'' She goes to retract her hand, he grabs it, laying a soft kiss to the back.
''For the people who deserve it.'' He smiles at her.
''I'm Y/n St. John.''
''How lovely to see you here.'' He approaches her at the bar.
''Oh, hi, want some?'' She holds out her bowl of peanuts for him to take.
''I'm quite alright, where's the rest of Team Salvataore, then?'' He quirks his eyebrow.
''Well, if that's what they are, you wouldn't catch them with me.'' She giggles.
''Not so fond of them?''
''Not as I am you.'' She brings her glass up to her lips, taking a small sip.
''Quite the little sweet talker, you.'' He takes the stool next to her.
''I don't wanna hear it! You step one more foot near her, I will rip your throat out.'' Damon seethes, toward a certain hybrid, Elena stood behind him.
''How might you stop me, you little-''
She lazily walks into the room, uncaring for the drama.
''Hey, Klaus.'' She plops herself down onto the loveseat.
''-oh, hi, love. Anyway-''
''What the hell was that?'' Damon shrieks.
''What?'' She muffles, words hid behind a yawn.
''Hey, Klaus. You're chummy with him now?''
''Just because he's the beast in your narrative doesn't mean he is in mine.'' She shrugs.
''He's trying to kill Elena! All of us! Are you that dumb-''
''Don't call her that.'' Klaus' eyes narrow, a gruff timbre in his voice.
''Yeah, don't call me that, I don't see you winning scrabble night every Saturday'' She yawns again, referencing his constant defeat.
''You know what, I'm done here.'' Elena rolls her eyes, dragging Damon away.
''What did I hear about not being the beast in your narrative?'' Klaus' coy delivery bounces around the room.
''Sit down.'' She flips him off, patting the space next to her.
It had gotten to the point where she had invited him for dinner almost every night this week, not to his dismay.
He had knocked on her door with a gentle rap, it swinging open immediately.
''I...heard your footsteps in the drive way.'' She chuckles, pulling him into a hug.
He stumbles back, not expecting the full throttle of the embrace, but quickly wraps his arms around her.
''What brought on this?'' He gives a light laugh.
''Can a girl not hug her nice friend Klaus?''
Nice friend Klaus.
Well, he hadn't heard that one before.
''She absolutely can.'' He accidently sniffs her hair, a scent of apple and mint blind his senses.
''Come in, I have so much to tell you.''
''-so, that's when she stormed out.'' She waves her hands around, retelling an anecdote of how Caroline had found out about her friendship with the Mikaelson.
''I must say, your friends don't exactly value our budding companionship.''
''Ah, fuck 'em, Care' only stormed out because she thinks you're hot.'' She shrugs, taking a bite of her food.
A surprised smile crosses his features.
''And do you?'' He jokes, a challenge.
''Why do you think I keep you around?'' She laughs in comfort, feeling at ease with him.
He is...stunned to say the least, shutting his mouth with a smile.
''Pleaseeeeee, come meet me?'' She whines down the phone.
''Do you not have you're little gang around somewhere?'' He quips, knowing his answer is yes.
''It's more fun when I'm with you.'' Her drunk giggles send a shockwave to his heart.
''I'm on my way, love.''
''I love it when you call me love.''
It had been a couple of months, she was growing tired of waiting around.
She knew he wasn't playing her, her thoughts resorted to him not liking her that way.
So, she agreed to go on a date with this guy. He was the drummer for one of these little indie rock bands that would play for the Grill.
''-so, I just looked at this little bird, he was so cute and-''
She tries not to roll her eyes at his boresome small talk, he wasn't as interesting as Klaus.
She reviewed his figure, his lean body, no muscle. His eyes didn't shine, his hair looked...flat.
He wasn't as pretty as Klaus.
She wanted to slap herself, her thoughts bringing her right back to the violent original.
''You wanna get out of here?''
''I think I'm gonna go home, I'm really tired.'' She yawned on cue, she actually was quite tired.
''That's alright, I'll walk you home.''
They got to her door, here goes her attempts at avoiding his kiss goodnight.
''I had a really good time tonight-''
''Didn't look like she did, do me a favour, go put the kettle on.'' A whoosh of air beside her and her favourite hybrid stood, compelling her date.
The bore walks inside her home, presumably to put the kettle on.
''Why did you let him inside my houseeeee?'' She whines, not wanting to deal with him another minute of the night.
''We have some chatting to do, I don't like an audience.'' He leans against her brick wall.
''What about? We've had our daily phone call?'' She is genuinely confused.
''You didn't tell me you had a date tonight.''
''Didn't think you'd care, it was common knowledge around the town, I guess.''
''You forget we don't have the same...associates.''
''I don't think I'm going to be going out with him again, so-''
''I hope not, would have been really awkward when I did this-'' He cups her cheeks, pressing a bruising kiss to her lips.
She's lightheaded from the kiss, pulling back to see his face, he almost looked nervous.
''Took your time.'' She rolls her eyes, grabbing his hand and leading him inside.
He chuckles behind her, nerves soothed.
She pulls him onto the couch, laying her head in his lap.
He looks down at her, an adoring look on his face.
Two mugs are placed down on the coffee table in front of them.
''Oh, shi-'' She forgot he was still here, whatever his name was.
''Thank you, Clint, that'll be all.'' He lifts her head up, gently of his lap, getting up off the couch. She won’t even think about how he knew his name.
A swift snap to the neck and he's down for the count
''In my living room?! Really, Klaus? I am not pulling his body out of here-''
''No need, I'll do it, love.''
''You had better, or I'll-''
''You'll what? Bat those pretty eyelashes at me?'' He moves in towards her, kissing her nose, she shrinks back.
''Can we go to yours?'' She whispers.
And they did.
A few weeks later he lay on top of her, his shirt discarded on the floor at some point, enduring a heavy kiss from his doings.
Her hands pulled at his hair lightly, legs wrapped around his waist.
They weren't expecting company, granted, it wasn't one of their houses.
''Oh my god!'' A shocked voice erupts from the doorway.
Y/n whines as they pull apart.
''Are you kidding me?'' The blonde at the door, crosses her arms.
''Sorry, Care', we'll be going.''
''Seriously? Klaus?'' The vampire rolls her eyes.
''You sound jealous, there, little Forbes.'' Klaus giggles, picking up his shirt from the floor.
''This isn't even your house!''
''S'not yours either.'' Y/n mumbles, nonchalant.
''Yeah, well, keep this sex show out of Damon's room. He'll kill you.'' She slams the door as she leaves.
''I don't think she quite grasps the concept of immortality.'' Klaus grins.
''She's just sniffing too much bleach, s'all gone to her head, I mean who else is going to clean the Salvatore house of all places.''
Klaus howls at her comment, his bright laughter making her smile.
''I love you.''
''What's new?’' She pulls him into another kiss.
“You’re not going to say it back?” He gasps.
“I love you, Niklaus Mikaelson.”
“That’s better.”
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miserable-sarah · 1 year
Sam Winchester:
Caught (NEW) ~ Y/n needs to relax, Dean leaves and Sam takes the opportunity to help her. ~ 18+, NSFW, SMUT.
The Date ~ Y/n is getting ready for a big date with Sam, Sam surprises her at the date. ~ No warnings, very sweet story.
The Red Dust ~ Sam and Y/n go on a hunt together, it goes sideways and they get hit with a spell. Y/n needs release and doesn't know how to get it. ~ 18+, NSFW, MDNI, choking, smut.
What? ~ Rough sex with sam, a couple months later you find out you're pregnant and you tell him after a hunt. ~ 18+. NSFW, MDNI, pregnancy
Listen ~ You go on a bad hunt, a hunt you weren't supposed to go on. ~ 18+, Daddy Kink, NSFW
Bad Boy ~ Sam is possessed by a demon. A Vey hot Sam. ~18+, NSFW
Shy Sam ~ Sam likes you, Dean teases him about it. ~ No warnings.
Something New ~ Y/n is casually drinking at a bar, Souless sam approaches. ~ 18+, Souless Sam, mentions of killing/murder, NSFW
I'm Here ~ You get taken by Crowely, Sam finds you and saves you. ~ 18+, NSFW, Kidnapping, mentions of smut
Sammy ~ Sammys got a big crush on you. ~No warnings, just cute.
Hurt ~ You and Sam get hurt during a hunt, you get some days off together. ~ voilence, fluff.
Sam's Got A Crush ~ How Sam would act when he's got a crush. ~ Blurb, No warnings.
I Will Always Love You ~ Y/n is depressed. ~ Sad, language.
Party ~ You and Sam go to a party and play spin the bottle. ~ Teenage Sam and Reader (18), Drinking.
Are You Alright ~ You asked Sam to be more rough in bed. He delivers. ~ 18+, NSFW.
Dating Sam ~ Dating Sam ~ Blurb, No warnings.
Just Thinking ~ Y/n can't help but notice how good Sam looks. Y/n has a lot of dirty thoughts. ~ 18+, NSFW, mentions of sex.
For the First Time ~ Sam and Y/n meet through Donna. ~ No warnings.
Thank you ~ Sam hates the way Dean treats you, he takes you from Dean. ~ 18+, NSFW, Abuse.
I Have To Tell You ~ Y/n gets hurt on the hunt, Sam decides he needs to tell her how he truly feels. ~ Reader getting hurt.
Feel Loved ~ Y/n has bad luck with relationships, she's really lonely and wants to feel loved. ~ 18+, NSFW, drinking, bossy Sam, bossy y/n.
Sam? PT. 1 ~ Sam is a demon. ~ 18+, NSFW, Demon rough Sam <3.
Sam? PT. 2 (Final) ~ Demon Sam ~ 18+, NSFW, tied up.
Dean Winchester:
I Care (NEW) ~ Dean and Y/n break up, after a few months Dean saves her from a vamp nest. They make up. ~ 18+, NSFW
I'm Back! ~Y/n leaves randomly one day, Y/n is gone for 6 years. She comes back. Dean hasn't gotten over her leaving. ~ fighting, no other warnings.
I Dare You ~ Dean protects you. ~ No warnings.
Dean's Got A Crush ~ Dean's got a crush on you ~ Blurb, No warnings.
I've Missed You ~ You haven't seen Dean for 6 years, he left you. He didn't want you to get hurt. You run into him during a hunt. ~ 18+, smut
Dating Dean ~Dating dean ~ Blurb, No warnings.
Life Is Hard ~ Reader is depressed. ~ Sad
Time For Bed ~ quick little fluff. ~ No warnings.
Can I See Your Tattoo? ~ Y/n finally gets the nerve to make a move on Dean ~ 18+. NSFW
Just Go Away ~ Dean gets mad at Y/n after a hunt. ~ 18+, NSFW
Fucking Car ~ Y/n is mad because Dean spends all his time working on his car. ~ 18+
Finally ~Y/n and Dean have a crush on each other, the never tell each other. One day Y/n walks into the bathroom while Dean is in there, he takes control and kisses her. ~ 18+, smut, Loving Dean (warning for the heart. )
Lucky ~ Y/n gets kidnapped by Crowley, he tortures her trying to get info, Dean and Sam save her. Dean eventually tells her that he wants a life with her. ~ Voilence, torture, blood.
Please. ~ You wanted to dominate over Dean for once and he let you. ~ 18+, NSFW, sub Dean.
Sam, Dean, Prefrences:
NYE Parties ~ Sam and Dean's NYE ~ No warnings.
How He Would React ~ How he gets when you flirt with someone else. ~ 18+, NSFW
Bucky Barnes:
Mine (NEW) ~ Bucky is your boss, you always had a little crush on him. He has one on you too and he shows you. ~ 18+ only, NSFW, Smut, sir kink, Dom(Bucky).
I hate you ~ You and Bucky get stuck on a mission together 18+ ~ Smut mentioned, voilence, language.
You forgot me ~ Bucky gets controlled again, he forgets you. ~ Fighting, language.
Let's go on a date ~ You and Bucky meet in 1940, he takes you out on a date. You end up meeting again after he's taken. ~ Language.
Take Me Home ~ A guy hits on you, Bucky gets jealous. You find it hot and want him to take you home. ~ Smut, NSFW, choking, praising kink.
Date ~ Bucky takes you out on a date after being told by your cousin Clint. You and Bucky have a wonderful time. ~ NO warnings.
Never ~ Steve leaves you and Bucky helps you get through it. ~ Sad, death
Chris Evans/ Steve Rogers/ Lloyd Hansen:
Sunshine ~ Lloyd takes you. ~ NSFW, 18+, Blade kink, Daddy Kink, ect.
I Don't Really Give A Shit What You Want ~ Chris pisses you off so you give him the silent treatment. He gets back at you. ~ 18+, NSFW, rough.
Sit ~ Chris comes back from a trip very frustrated. ~ NSFW, 18+, ect.
Let's Stay ~ Steve wants to stay home. ~ No warnings.
Impressive (NEW) ~ Steve always has to be in control ~ 18+, NSFW
I Need You ~ Thor comes back, he's sad, mad, and needy. ~ Smut, 18+.
I've Missed You. (NEW) ~ Thor comes back from Asgard, he shows you how much he's missed you. ~ 18+, NSFW, sweet but rough Thor.
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rere-the-writer · 1 year
Hi I love your writing sooo much. I was wondering if you could do a Elijah and Klaus with reader ✨spicy✨ story where someone was flirting with her and they get jealous.
Let's do Poly time
Warnings: Fluff, Protective!Elijah, Protective!Klaus, Klaus being Klaus, spicy
Klaus growled lowly watching a brave young vampire flirt with you, the hybrid was having a hard time holding hisself back. Elijah had joined his brother eyes narrowed at the young vampire who was now touching you.
You were in Klaus's words, Elijah's and Klaus's human. Their girlfriend of three years after they fought over you the first two years of knowing you.
You were an innocent librarian with dark curls and beautiful eyes. You met Elijah and Klaus though Finn, you were surprised that both Originals adored you.
Both tried to get you to pick, but you couldn't choose between the two. And told them you weren't going to come between the brothers. So here you were, three years later in a happy relationship.
"That is a brave vampire." Elijah said lowly eyes darkening seeing the male touch your bare back. Klaus's glare got darker when the vampire leaned closer to you whispering something in your ear.
"That he is. Completely ignoring our marks on her." Klaus said lowly wanting nothing more than to tear the vampire from you. You had clear marks on your neck, bite marks from both Elijah and Klaus.
"Unfortunately our darling is too sweet for her own good. Shall we put an end to their conversation?"
"Yes, we shall." Klaus said heading your way with Elijah. Marcel sighed having noticed the two Originals headed over to you and the vampire you were talking to. Marcel knew that the night might end with blood spilling.
"Beloved." You jumped hearing Elijah purr in your ear while his hand replaced the vampire's on your back. You heard Klaus growl when the vampire stood straightener, challenging the two Originals.
"Eli, Nik. Meet Thomas, he is new to the city." You say feeling Elijah nuzzle your neck as Klaus moved next to you kissing your hand. Both stared at Thomas noticing right away that he was challenging them.
"Lovely to meet you both. I wasn't aware that Y/N was taken by you two." Thomas says watching you lean into your lovers touch.
"I couldn't help but notice that you were comfortably flirting with her. Clearly she was taken, the bite marks on her neck says she was already taken."
"Right....well I thought some low raking vamp had her. And I was right." Thomas said sipping his drink. You swallowed hearing your lovers growl lowly.
"Watch your tongue Thomas. Niklaus and I are Originals, show some respect." Elijah said eyes darkening and you turned placing your hands on Elijah's chest.
"Right so called creators. The first ones, I mean no disrespect but Y/N should be with someone more stronger." Thomas said smirking watching you try hard to not let Klaus tear into him.
"Brave thing to say." Elijah says lowly eyes darkening clearly angry with the vampire. You swallowed looking between the vampires hoping that Thomas won't be stupid.
"Well I am sure you would agree if you were in my shoes." Thomas said and at that moment you knew the vampire had mess up. Klaus growled slamming Thomas onto the ground while Elijah moved in front of you.
"I do not take well to disrespect from baby vampires." Klaus said lowly eyes flashing yellow. You wanted to step in to calm Klaus but Elijah held you back.
"I meant no harm. But pretty weak of you to share her with your brother if you ask me." Once those words left Thomas's lips, Klaus tore the vampire's heart out. Elijah lifted you up carrying you up stairs as Klaus glared at the vampires.
"Anyone else that challenges me or Elijah. Will end up like little Thomas." Klaus growled out and followed Elijah up stairs to your bedroom.
"That was uncalled for Nik." You tell your hybrid when Elijah placed you down. Klaus smirked watching Elijah unlace your dress.
"Was it love? Or very much called for?" Klaus said taking off his suit jacket and tie. You frowned as Elijah kissed your neck wrapping his arms around you.
"You both can't keep killing men that flirt with me." You mumbled stepping out of your dress. Elijah smiled against your skin and Klaus chuckled stepping forward rubbing your sides.
"Now love, you know that you belong to Elijah and I. Other men should learn to stay away." Klaus tells you pressing kisses on your chest then lifted you up.
"Elijah, you agree with me." You whined seeing the vampire taking off his own suit jacket and tie. Klaus moved behind you making you jump feeling his bare chest against your back.
"Sorry baby but I agree with Niklaus." Elijah says moving down between your legs. You felt heat flood your veins when Elijah's mouth on your thigh.
"You two are the worst." You tell them your voice coming out breathy. Klaus was gently biting your neck while his hand cupped your chest.
"Yet you still love us." Klaus teases you gripping your hips once Elijah reached your center. You let out a soft moan, the first of many that night.
"Nik.....Eli.." You whimpered gripping Klaus's thigh while Elijah was practically devouring you. Klaus nipped at your neck playing with your chest.
"Let's see if we can make you scream tonight, love." Klaus whispered in your ear. You flushed shivering seeing the dark smirks on your lover's faces know you were about to have a long night.
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justmeinadaze · 7 months
Children of the Night Part 4 (Steddie X You)
Tumblr media
Warnings: Vamp Daddy Eddie/Human Sub Steve/ Human Sub Fem Reader, SMUT (I was in a particular mood), Steve breaks a rule and gets punished, spanking, edging, overstimulation, A bit of FLUFF (there is love here especially between Eddie and Steve being that their relationship is more established), ANGST, blood drinking (brief), Steve and reader can feel Eddie's emotions, another vivid dream of Eddie's memories continued from the last chapter, Steve has a bit of a panic attack but Eddie and Y/N got him.
Word Count: 3962
You awoke the next afternoon on your side being a little spoon to the vampire behind you as his steady breath continued to warm your shoulder. The sound of another slightly heavier exhale caused you to open your eyes and land on the beautiful boy in front of you. 
Steve’s eyes were squeezed shut as he tried to control himself from making too much noise, biting his bottom lip as an added measure of protection. The blanket below his waist was moving up and down with not-so-subtle schlick sounds that made it hard to misinterpret what he was doing. 
“Fuck.”, he grunts at the sound of your voice, turning so his eyes can meet your own. “I’m sorry. I tried to be quiet. I’m…I’m not even really supposed to be… doing this but you two look so beautiful…together…”
Your hand reaches out to caress his face and he sighs in pleasure at the gesture.  
“Do you want some help?”
“Y-You don’t have to…honey. You’re probably still…still sore from last night.”, he pants.
“I can use my mouth.”
“Fuck. I…I should ask Daddy…if it’s…okay.”
“We can be quiet.”, you whisper. “Quieter.”
Once he finally nods, you carefully crawl out of Eddie’s embrace and pull down the covers that were blocking Steve’s actions. Your mouth salivated at the sight as his hand slowed its pace over his red, leaking cock that was fully standing at attention. 
As your tongue darted out to lick his mushroom tip, his eyes rolled back and fluttered closed again. Fully enveloping his length, his jaw went slack as a silent moan pushed through. 
“Fuck, baby, that feels so good.”, Steve murmured as he tried to control his hips from moving too much and shaking the bed. As your head bobbed, your nails ran along his thighs and up his tummy making him groan.
The growl that rumbled low beside you startled you both.
“Y/N, sweetheart, I know you’re new here but Steven knows to ask my permission first when it comes to his pleasure.” The man’s cock twitched in your hand at Eddie’s tone. He liked it. A ring covered palm reached out to grab his boyfriend’s throat. “What? You thought because she’s here my rules changed?”
“N-No. No, Daddy. Please…I’m sorry. I needed to cum.”
“Oh? You need it? So fucking greedy.” Without tearing his eyes from Steve, he addressed you. “Keep doing what you were doing, baby, but don’t hold back this time. You’re both already in trouble. May as well go all in now.”
Taking him into your mouth again, you fully descend his length till your drool was spilling out of your lips and down his shaft. 
“Feel good?”, Eddie asks condescendingly to Steve’s whimpers. “What feels better? Her mouth or you disobeying me?”
“I’m sorry, Daddy.”
“Yeah, you will be. Didn’t I make you cum last night?”
“Yes, Daddy. I-I just—”
“I don’t want to hear it. I don’t care. What’s our rule?” Steve gets distracted when your hand replaced your lips around him and you stroke him as you suck on his balls. “Focus, little boy! What’s our rule?!”
“Y-You handle my pleasure in here. I-I-I can’t even…pleasure myself. Fuck, Y/N, that’s it!” His palm gripped Eddie’s neck as he brought his lips to his. “Her mouth feels amazing. Shit. I’m gonna cum.”
The vampire placed his forehead on his boyfriends as Steve panted against his face. His body shuddered as his face scrunched and his spend hit the back of your throat. After swallowing everything he gave you, you pulled away, allowing his now softening cock to fall against him. 
“Thank you, Daddy. I love you, baby.”
“I love you to, you idiot.”, Eddie teased. “Your punishment will come in a moment. For you young lady, this is your warning.”
“I’m sorry, Daddy.”
“Y/N, maybe, now would be the time to talk about our relationship. You’ve been calling me Daddy and Steve said he was fine with it but I need to fully hear you agree to it. I have rules for him that would go for you as well.”
“What are the rules?”
“Well, the first one you know now. I control your pleasure; you can’t even touch yourself or have him touch you unless I allow it.”
“Can I kiss him and hold him?”
Steve grins softly at your question, loving that that is something you continuously want to do with him telling him that for you this wasn’t purely sexual. 
“Yeah, of course, sweetheart.”, Eddie smiles as reaches out to touch your cheek. “So adorable. Do you have any don’ts we should avoid?”
“My exes were always…too rough. They always went one step to far every time. They would choke me too hard or, obviously, hit my too hard. Don’t be too rough.”
“That’s a little vague, honey.” Their eyes scan you over as you meekly apologize. “These past few nights…how was that?”, Steve asked. 
“I liked it. I, um, I kind of wish I had all of Eddie last night. Not that I mind the vampire, just…I want to know you.”
“That’s fair. Whenever you’re ready, we can—”
“I’m ready!”, you shout a bit to enthusiastically causing both men to laugh.
“Didn’t I fuck you both? How can you both still be so needy?”, the vampire teases. 
“You’re not sore?”
“I am little but not enough to need a break or anything.”
Eddie squints playfully in your direction before bringing his wrist to his mouth and flinching as he bites down drawing blood.
“Munson, what are you doing?”
“Helping. I figure if my blood can heal her maybe it will help with the pain between her legs.”
“She said she’s fine through.”
“Steven! Calm down, okay? She’s a big girl.” After offering you his arm, you crawl forward and sit on your knees as your lips connect with his flesh. “Fuck me, why does that feel so good?”
The way he cut himself was small enough to allow for trickles to fall on your tongue but to you it wasn’t enough and you desperately wanted more as you tried to suck his wound harder for sustenance.
“O-Okay, baby, that’s enough.” Ignoring him, his eyes rolled as a low rumble left his chest causing Steve to sit up. Forcefully grabbing your hair, you panted as he pulled you back and tilted your head towards his face. “What part of ‘I control your pleasure’ do you not understand, little girl? If I say that’s enough, it’s enough. Am I being clear?”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, Daddy. I’m sorry.”
Shoving you away, he glances towards Steve who’s watching you intently. 
“Y/N, honey, if at any point you feel uncomfortable I want you to say the word ‘Red’ ok? If for some reason he doesn’t hear it, I will.”
“Because I’ve never heard it in the past?”, Eddie pouts. 
“Lots of trial and error when you’re dating a vampire.”, the other boy smiles, seeing the question in your eyes when you looked at him. “He’s come a long way though. Eddie and Daddy are diligent… the vampire on the other hand…”
The long-haired man’s jaw tightens as he looks away guiltily. 
“Ok…say ‘red’ if I feel uncomfortable.”, you repeat. 
Steve’s eyes scan you over with careful curiosity. “Does it really taste that good? His blood I mean. I’ve never…”
“Would you like to?”, Eddie asks after you nod your head.
As his boyfriend blinks nervously, the vampire bites himself again and offers his arm out for him to try.
“Wow. You really do heal quickly.”
“Yeah. The smaller the wound, the faster it heals.” His chocolate eyes never leave Steve as he speaks, watching him as he stares at the blood that begins to fall down his forearm. “Baby, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
Steve exhales heavily as he leans forward and runs his tongue along his skin, collecting the sweet syrup before attaching his mouth to the bite. Eddie’s eyes close as he grunts, trying to control the vampire within. 
“Ok.” His long brown mane whips across his face as he tilts his head towards your voice. “Ok I accept your rules and I want to be in this relationship with you two. I trust you.”
“Steve…Steve stop.”, Eddie grumbled. Just as he was about to tug him back like he had with you, his eyes opened, following your movements as you crawled towards the other man, and gently began kissing his neck. 
“Steve, Daddy wants you to stop.”, you whispered as your fingers firmly pinched his jaw. As he let Eddie go, his hair fell into his face as he panted almost like he had just come back from a run. Making you straddle his waist, his arms circled tightly around you as his large palm pushed at the back of your head, bringing your lips to his. 
His energy was like a man possessed as he tried to hold you tighter to him, grinding his hips against yours. 
“Let her go, Steve. Don’t forget, you’re in trouble.”
Loudly groaning, his head fell against your chest as you tenderly ran your fingers through his hair. 
“Please. Please, Daddy. I want her.”, he pleaded in a tone you had never heard from him before. Even Eddie’s head tilted at the sound as he tried to remain in control. “I can feel everything. It’s been so long since I felt so… alive.” The man breathily laughed as he shifted his gaze towards him. “I can feel how much you want to fuck her. Oh my god.”
Licking your lips, you clung to him tighter as you felt those feelings heighten inside of you as Eddie got more turned on. 
“I can feel how much you want to fucking ruin me for disobeying you. Do it, Daddy. Please, baby.”
The wind blew as you were both abruptly pulled apart and positioned in different places; you on your back with your legs open and Steve on all fours with Eddie behind him. A couple of pillows were placed behind you so you could lay back and have a good view of the men in front of you.
“Here are the rules of your punishment, greedy boy. I’m going to spank you while you eat this pretty girl’s pussy. If you cum before I get to 10, I start over. Understood?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“You, baby girl, just lay there and watch how a punishment can be delivered. Once I’m done with him… you’re mine.” Your body shuddered at his sexy smirk as his hand came down hard on his boyfriend’s ass. “Count.”
Taking hold of your thighs, Steve’s tongue licked a stripe through your folds eliciting a small whimper from you. As his hand came down again, the other boy counted the number and wrapped his mouth around your clit, sucking the bud before coming off it with a loud smacking noise and repeating the process. The vibrations from his groan sent a shock wave through you as Eddie reached between the boy’s legs to casually stroke his stiffening cock.
“That’s it, Stevie. Get her nice and wet for me.” Licking his palm, he rubbed Steve’s balls as his free hand pushed a finger into his hole. “Tell Daddy how that feels.”
“Fuck.”, you mewled as he spit into your cunt, sliding in two of his long, thick fingers.
“It feels so good, Daddy. Fuck, I can feel you everywhere.”
After spanking him again, your eyes rolled back as Steve’s tongue flicked your bundle of nerves faster as he pumped his digits.
“You both look so sexy like this.” Steve felt his pending orgasm approaching as Eddie felt his cock in his grasp twitch. His palm came down and the boy whined as his boyfriend released him from his hold. “Don’t cum, little boy. We’re only at 4 right now. You should make Y/N cum though. She looks like she’s on the edge.”
Doing what he was told, he pressed his tongue against you, thrusting his fingers till he felt you tremble and your pussy quiver around him as you came while Eddie spanked him again. Starting his rhythm once more, he built Steve up till he was just about to explode before stopping completely till he calmed down. 
It took the human boy a while to catch on but after the fifth spank, he didn’t do it again until after you came. By number eight, he was doing everything he could to get you there faster unsure of how much more he could take. 
“Two more, sweetheart. You can do it. Remember, this is punishment. It’s not supposed to be easy.”
“D-D-Daddy…”, Steve sobbed. “I want to cum. Please…it hurts.”
“What color are we at, babe?”
“Green.”, he whined.
“Good. Good boy. What about you, princess?” Eddie couldn’t help but chuckle as you flashed him a thumbs up sign. “Good girl. My good little beauties. Keep going, Steve.”
Shoving his face between your puffy lips, his fingers dug into your thighs as he devoured you desperately. A burn you had felt before coursed through your veins and you opened your eyes just in time to see Eddie guide his cock into Steve’s entrance. 
“Oh fuck.”, Steve grunted, his tongue lapping faster inside of you. 
“St-Ste-Steve, slow down.”, you whimpered as you softly pet his head. 
“FUCK! Nine!”, the boy screamed as Eddie’s palm came down hard. Tears streaked your face as his head shook between your legs, his tongue flattening and pressing hard against your clit as his hands held you in place. 
An overwhelming feeling of euphoria crashed over as you came and while you were still lost in heaven, the sound of a smack reverberated through the room as well as Steve’s garbled voice as he counted out his final number. His head hung as Eddie thrust into him at a faster pace, building his boyfriend back up. Limply, you slid your body underneath him and placed his head on your shoulder. 
“You can cum now, baby. You did good. I want you to cum on me, Steve.”
Lifting his head, his lips locked with yours, both of you moaning breathily into each other’s mouths as you felt Eddie’s arousal heighten. Pounding roughly into him, the boy underneath him grunt as his jaw went slack and he placed his forehead on yours. Reaching between your bodies, he pumped his cock aggressively till rope after rope of his seed landed on your skin. 
“Ah, shit…”, Steve groaned, wincing as he continued to milk his overstimulated length till he was empty. 
“That’s it, Steve. You did so good. I love you so much.”, you cooed as you ran your nails along his chest and back.
Eddie’s lips softly trailed up his back till they landed on his boyfriends with an encouraging smile. 
“She’s right. You took your punishment like a good boy. Why don’t you lay back and rest while I take care of baby girl here.”
Steve lazily nodded as he collapsed beside you and you moved one of the pillows to place under his head. The vampire smirked and winked at you as he slowly crawled up the length of your body, kissing parts of you along the way. Hovering over Steve’s release, his eyes met yours as his tongue darted out to clean up the mess. 
Your stomach moved underneath him as you pleasantly sighed, petting his head as you watched him below you. 
“This is going to sound so weird but I like feeling you breathe.” When you smile down at him with half lidded eyes, his own grin grows. “I think it’s something I don’t take for granted anymore since I actually stopped breathing for a time. When Steve would sleep, I always kept my hand on his chest as I would watch it rise and fall. I don’t know why but it just made him more handsome to me.”
As his kisses continued to move their path up your sweaty skin, he paused again to lick the valley between your breasts relishing in the sound of your little moans as he wrapped his mouth around one of your nipples. A heavy breath escaped Steve’s lips as he turned his head towards you both, keeping his eyes closed as his hand rubbed along his chest. 
“Are you alright? We can stop if you want to.”, Eddie whispered when he finally reached the shell of your ear. “You have to use your words, sweetheart.”, he lightly scolds when you nod. 
“I’m ok, Daddy. I don’t know if Steve can take anymore though.”, you murmur, throat sore from moaning and screaming. 
Chuckling, he extended his hand out to the man and caressed his cheek as his thumb moved along his bottom lip.
“Babe, can you still feel me?”
“Uh huh.”
This time you both giggle at his exhausted answer causing Steve to smile as well when he feels how warm it makes Eddie feel hearing the sound of your genuine laugh.
“Do you need us to stop?”
“Nu uh. Jus go slow.”
The long-haired boy’s beautiful eyes focus on you again as he grips your thighs and wraps your legs around his waist.
“That’s the plan.”
While delicately kissing your lips, Eddie reaches between you and guides himself into your core. Both men at the same time release a long moan as the vampire gradually thrusts his hips, pumping his cock into you inch by inch. 
“Fuck, sweetheart. Steve really got you ready for me, didn’t he?” As his forehead fell against yours, you clung to his shoulders as your jaw fell and you quietly panted against his mouth. “God, you are so tight.”
His last word came out deep and heavy causing your eyes to open so you could look at his face. Eddie’s mouth open in a silent O and his nose was scrunched in focus as he continued to deliver long, smooth strokes that had your toes curling. 
You and Steve could both feel it within him, the aggressive energy that just wanted to fuck you into the mattress but even he didn’t want that right now. He wanted to take his time and feel every part of you. More than anything, he wanted to maintain control. It really bothered him that Steve mentioned the vampire within him struggled to be reined in sometimes. 
What bothered him most was that he knew it was true. He didn’t want to go overboard and hurt either one of you. He would never mean to if it happened but sometimes the vampire demanded attention. 
“Eddie. Eddie, baby, look at me.”, you whispered softly as you tilted your nose to graze his. When he was finally able to do what you asked, his black irises reflected back. He expected you to be frightened or even disappointed but when you gently smiled back at him, a wave of comfort flowed through him. “It’s ok. Come back to me, Daddy. Come back to us.”
Blinking, his beautiful eyes returned to their normal color as he leaned down to kiss your lips. Both of Eddie’s palms glided along your arms as you lifted them over your head and he took hold of your wrists as his head fell beside yours.
Rolling his hips slowly but firmly, his cock roughly hit that sensitive spot inside of you that had you mewling. 
“Yes. Just like that.”
A second set of lips should have startled you but it didn’t; you welcomed the feeling. Steve sucked and nibbled at your neck as his hand ran along his boyfriend’s back. 
“You feel so good, pretty girl. Your pussy was made us. Fuck, you take me so well. Cum, baby. Cum again on Daddy’s cock so I can fill you up.”
The bed lightly rustled underneath you as he thrust into you faster. The coil that had begun to wind snapped and you cried against his cheek as he continued to murmur praises in your ear.
“I know. I know, baby girl. Daddy’s got you. That’s it, sweetheart. Good girl.”
With a few more rough pumps, his rhythm faltered and you felt him paint your walls with his release. They both continued to kiss your neck, whispering how much they cared about you and how beautiful you were as your eyes closed and you fell asleep. 
The vampire huffs as he tosses the boy he had been feeding on to the side and grabbed the other to do the same. Something touched his shoulder and he angrily turned, grabbing their throat as he held them back. Steve gasped as he came face to face with the man he loved. 
Silently, Eddie let him go and his thumb grazed along the man’s busted lip. He growled loudly as his palm caressed his cheek just beneath his blackening eye.
“H-How? I…we…we thought you were gone…”
“I was.”
At the sound of his voice, Steve collapsed into his arms and sobbed. He thought he would never hear his boyfriend’s voice again. 
“I tried to bring you back home. Henderson and I tried but we couldn’t. I hated myself for leaving you there.”
Tilting his head back, he cupped the metalhead’s face and pressed his lips to his own. Eddie’s hands slowly lifted to grab his face as well, the fog of his hunger dissipating, and his love for Steve pushing through. 
“I missed you so much, honey. You have no idea how lonely its been without you.” Wiping his eyes, he grabbed the man’s hand and started to tug him towards where his BMW was parked. “We need to get out of here. They still blame you for the murders and I’m not going to let someone take you away from me again.”
“Yeah, baby?”
“I’m still hungry.”
Your eyes snapped open at the same time as Steve’s except he wakes up panting aggressively. 
“So…Eddie’s greatest hits? How was volume 3?”, Eddie sassed from his spot at the end of the bed where he had been waiting for you two to wake up. 
The other man promptly threw back the covers and chaotically moved around the room, sliding on boxers as he headed for the closet. The metalhead swished to his side and grabbed his wrist right as he was reaching for the suitcase they kept in the corner. 
“Steve, what’s going on?”
“I…we…I need to…pack…we need to leave…”
Moving around him, he threw the suitcase on the bed just as you hastily moved out of the way and grabbed one of his shirts off the floor to put on. 
“Steve, baby, slow down. Talk to me.”
“I can’t…we need to…I’m not…” His eyes searched around the room as if he couldn’t figure out where he was. “We…Eddie…”
“Is it because of your dream? What did you guys see? I felt the hunger again and your grief.”
“Steve realized you weren’t dead and said you needed to run.”, you answered for him causing Eddie to sigh as he tried to get his boyfriend to focus. 
“Sweetheart, look at me. We’re safe, ok? We’re not in Hawkins, you got me out and away. Come back to me, babe.” Steve began to panic, trying to yank his arms out of Eddie’s firm grip. “Everything’s ok, Harrington!” “It’s not okay! I’M NOT GOING TO LET ANYONE TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME AGAIN!” 
The vampire caught him as his boyfriend’s knees buckled and he fell into his arms, slowly guiding him to the floor as he held him. 
“Everything’s ok, baby. I promise. You’re not alone anymore. I’m right here and so is Y/N.”
Sliding to your knees, you held his hand as he cried and Eddie rocked him against his chest. 
“I’m not going anywhere, Steve.”, you cooed as his fingers intertwined with yours. 
@chelebelletx @mandyjo8719 @nailbatanddungeon
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tyrantisterror · 5 months
A Dozen Or So Great Vampire Ladies
Ok, so, on a mostly unrelated post the topic of good vampire ladies came up, and @bisexualdaikaiju suggested/challenged me to do a top 10 vampire women list. As a self-professed lover of vampire women, it felt like a challenge I couldn't back down from. But it is kind of challenging, for two kind of contradictory reasons.
First, while there are MANY female vampires in fiction, most of them feel like afterthoughts, getting far less characterization than their male counterparts, who more often than not are the star villains of the show. When these supporting lady vampires do get something to do, it's generally the same role: make their human lovers sad when they rise from the dead as a monster that has to be killed, an emotional beat that is often undercut by a lot of these vampire women not getting much characterization to endear them to us before they died. Everyone wants to have the Lucy Westerna plot beat from Dracula but they don't want to do the work that Bram did to make Lucy lovable. The lady vamps who get to step out of Lucy's shadow are rare - but that just makes them all the more wonderful.
The second problem is that, since this is an obsession of mine that few seem to share (there are lots of vampire fans, but man do the boy vamps get to hog the spotlight among them), I've done a lot of scattered thinking about it and I just know I'm bound to forget at least one excellent lady vampire character that should be here. And whittling it down to ten, and trying to rank them? That's too hard! My thoughts are too mercurial to do that reliably in a way I don't forget!
So instead here's a list of, like, a dozen or so lady vampires that I think are just fucking stellar, many of which I think break the mold of what pop culture makes us expect lady vampires to be. It is not ranked - I love all these characters more or less equally, and think it's a lot more interesting to see how they take their archetype in different directions than to figure out which one is "best" of the lot.
Carmilla Karnstein
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I'm going to start with the most famous literary female vampire, Mircalla Karnstein from Carmilla. I think she might be the first vampire to have an unhealthy obsession with using anagrams of her real name as aliases, though I'm sure now that I've typed that someone will find an earlier example to school me. She's also the one who popularized the idea of lady vampires being extremely sapphic, with an arguably genuine romantic affection for her female victims. She's got well-deserved clout, basically, and like Dracula has been adapted countless times and reinterpreted in some excellent ways. My favorite screen Carmilla is Ingrid Pitt's take, which captures her fierceness, passion, and tragic nature so well.
2. Amy from Fright Night
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Ok, we're having one Lucy Westerna knockoff on this list, but as Lucy knockoffs go, Amy is one of the best. It actually helps that she spends 90% of her movie as a human, because we get to know and love her so much before she turns monstrous. And once she does...
It is pants-shittingly terrifying. I will never stop raving about the vampire designs in this movie - they made their "game faces" so fucking monstrous and I feel like in a better world this would be the standard ever since, especially since they still gave the vampires pathos while making them so ghastly when they've got their feeding faces on.
3. Drusilla
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer had a bunch of vampire characters, and to its credit they did a decent job of making the ladies just as distinct as the gents. Harmony and Darla could both have made this list, but my favorite was always Drusilla, who was so traumatized before she became a vampire that it kind of overwhelms the demon spirit inside her. Like, bare minimum thing to make a lady vampire more interesting than 90% of other female vampires in fiction: give her at least one personality trait, preferably an interesting one, outside of being a vampire. Drusilla's fun, and she survives the entire series after dumping her boyfriend to be a single female vampire. Good for her.
4. Ruby from Scary Godmother
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Ok look I am a fake Scary Godmother fan but kudos to the artist of the books for making a lady vampire who's very clearly of the nosferatu mold and is also explicitly benign and sweet. A+ vampire lady character design. I hope it doesn't awaken anything in me.
5. Nadja
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What We Do in the Shadows is excellent at finding new takes on vampires in general - it even made me actually like Psychic Vampires as a concept, a feat I thought was impossible - but goddamn do I love Nadja specifically. She's got a distinct personality as vampire ladies go, being very confident and self-assured while also being a complete fucking goober (it is a comedy, after all). She's perfectly capable of being terrifying AND hilarious, often at the same time. A vampire girl failure, in the parlance of our site. I love her.
6. Lady Dimitrescu
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I know that she's apparently only in a fourth of the game, but it's still pretty great that Resident Evil 8 decided its mascot villain - its equivalent of the Tyrant, G, Nemesis, etc. - would be the hottest woman I've ever seen a milf an 8 foot tall lady vampire. She's not dainty and willowy like most lady vamps in fiction - not an ambush hunter - but rather HUGE and capable of tossing a human around like a rag doll. She's a physical powerhouse and she looks fine feminine while doing it. Despite being an unabashed blood-sucking monster, she still has enough depth and complexity to have important relationships (like a genuine love for her "giant mass of hive mind flies" daughters), and also she gets to have an awesome transformation into a fungal vampire dragon, which is rad as hell. Also goddamn, her fashion sense is immaculate.
7. Hecate from Hellboy
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"Hey, she's not a vampire! She's a goddess! That doesn't count!" Fuck you, my list, my rules. Hecate posits herself as the progenitor and mother of vampires, she drinks blood, and her main form in the comic is as a sicknasty lamia version of the iron maiden used by Elizabeth fucking Bathory, if she doesn't count as a vampire, nothing should. She is the concept of a vampire amped up to maximum capacity, a major mythological figure and an awesome villain.
...also I lowkey shipped her and Hellboy when I was a teenager. They could have made it work!
8 - 12. Carmilla and her girl squad from Castlevania
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I suppose I could have counted Castlevania's Carmilla as an adaptation of Miss Karnstein - they're both basted out of Styria, both sapphic, and it's clear she's meant to be an adaptation of the former, just as the Dracula of this show is meant to be a take on Bram's famous vampire. But ultimately they're VERY different characters in the grand scheme of things - Castlevania's Carmilla has none of the tenderness and vulnerability of her literary counterpart, instead being full of barely restrained fury. She is an excellent villain, complex enough to be interesting but thoroughly despicable enough to make it VERY satisfying when she bites it.
I also love her girl posse... in concept, at least. They've all got great designs and the groundwork of interesting characters, but of the the three, only Lenore, the waifish redhead, gets to do much of note. The two on the edges kind of just show up for a few scenes and then bail before the plot catches up to them, doing very little of note - though at least the big hunky one gets one of the coolest fight scenes in the whole show.
Back to Lenore though - she gets a really nice character arc, and manages to become one of the few sympathetic vampires in the series (while still doing a lot of monstrous shit - she is not a defanged vampire by any stretch). I think her death scene is one of the most moving moments in the series finale.
13. Seras Victoria
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A good female vampire has at least one non-vampire part of her personality, right? Ok, so, Seras is:
the muscle in almost every scene she is, which is to say, the one absolutely beating the shit out of people while her allies run for cover
the perky henchman/morality pet of one of history's greatest monsters
the sole ray of sunshine in cast of edgy, cigar-chomping grizzled mercnaries and antiheroes she's been pressganged into fighting alongside
the victim of some HIDEOUS trauma even before her vampirization
the protege of a wise master who gets a full hero's journey arc, taking up his mantle at the end of the series
Like, I love her. She's the secret protagonist of Hellsing. She's got layers like an onion. The scene where she killed Zora Blitz reminded me why I love anime.
(yeah it's the TFS version fuck you)
14. Youko Shiragami
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My Monster Secret is not a horror manga. It is a romantic comedy about a bunch of idiots trying to keep painfully obvious secrets hidden and succeeding only because almost everyone around them is as dumb as they are, just in very different ways. It is a manga where an entire chapter can be summarized as "all the characters race to get the last McRib, using their various supernatural abilities to try and cheat their way to the front of the pack." It is one of the funniest and most heart-warming stories I have ever read, one of my favorite romances of all time, and an excellent piece of long form story-telling.
One of the two main characters is Youko Shiragami, a vampire girl who can't let anyone know she's a vampire or else her dad will pull her out of school. She desperately wants to have a normal life with friends and, like, school shenanigans, but her fear of people uncovering her secret and hating her is so immense that she's been isolating herself from everyone, accidentally torturing herself by being close to what she wants but unable to actually have it.
At least, until Kuromine, the other main character of the story, discovers her secret while trying to ask her out on a date. He ends up promising to keep her secret, and the two of them form a real friendship that blossoms into a very sweet romance, where Youko gets to display all her incongruous personality traits that go against what you'd expect of vampires - namely, that she's kind of a ditz, with an unrefined style of speech and a complete inability to be suave and seductive. She's a sweet, flaky goofball with a big heart, who just happens to drink blood and tan really quickly in the sunlight. There is no other vampire like her, and the world is richer for her being in it.
15. Marceline, the Vampire Queen
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This list isn't ranked, but if it was, I'd put Marceline at the top. I think she is not only the most unique and deeply characterized lady vampire in fiction, but ranks right up there with Dracula in how she redefines the idea of what a vampire can be. Like, look at the forms she takes!
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There are DOZENS of different monstrous shapes Marceline takes during Adventure Time's 9+ seasons of television, and any one of them would be a superb and memorable vampire on its own. And she's ALL of them. Just on a design standpoint, she is a standout. I think only Dracula himself could compete.
But she also explores what the concept of what a vampire is in ways no other vampire in fiction can, in part because of the unique nature of Adventure Time's setting. In a world where humans are an extreme minority and most people are weird monsters, a vampire isn't that odd, so we get to explore what being a vampire means divorced from the comparison to "normal" human beings. There's the expected tragedy to Marceline, of course - she's a 16 year old who has been stuck in that adolescent state for hundreds of years, and much of her character arc over the show (including the magnificent vampire-centric storyline, "Stakes") focuses on the horror of being stuck in that transitional state, not quite a child but not quite an adult. Marceline struggles to mature, to understand herself and others, and her vampirism both keeps her distant from reaching those goals but also gives her a lot of time to figure out how to approach them when the opportunity arirves. Marceline goes from one of the most immature and selfish characters in the show to perhaps the most emotionally intelligent, blossoming into a sensitive and thoughtful person she could never have been without first becoming a creature that seems so inherently opposed to ever having those traits.
And she did it all in a children's show where she was rarely if ever allowed to actually drink blood - a problem the writers got around by having her suck the red color out of things, which is right up there with the Joker Venom from BTAS in terms of genius ideas spawned by children's show censorship.
Marceline is the GOAT.
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