#some art i saw with ratatouille
fishsticksart · 1 year
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William J. McCloskey, Valencia Oranges, 1889
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incomprehensi-bull · 4 months
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i got @shrimpblast for the gift exchange this year! woe, dirk upon ye
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cretinous-creative · 1 year
The Scientist and the Stranger [ch 3]
Viktor x Fem!reader
Summary: After days and (mostly) restless nights trying to figure out the hexcore, Viktor found a combination for a successful transmutation. Except it wasn’t, and now there’s a stranger in the lab. Passed out and in critical condition the stranger has to bring Viktor to the hospital. However, there is a misunderstanding about the identity of the stranger (both sides are at fault and not at the same time) and Viktor realizes that he fucked up.
Warnings: unwanted exercise (thanks Jayce)
Author’s note: well the last chapter’s support surprised me and I couldn’t wait to churn this one out. Thank you all for reading this!
“An old friend is waiting for you out side,” Jayce states plainly.
“Who?” Viktor inquires softly.
“A woman, says you two met during your time at the academy,” Viktor turns his head to Jayce.
“…I wasn’t well liked when I was a student,”
“She said you did her homework in exchange for money,”
“I never did such a thing,” Viktor coughs out.
“We’ll she also said she offered to do some art assignments for you out of guilt?”
“Still, I don’t have a clue—wouldn’t do fraudulent work… Very risky, others with a vendetta would’ve exposed me… I would be kick out of the academy.”
There’s suddenly a loud thud at the door that startles both of them. Jayce gets up to investigate and finds the face of stranger struggling to open the door.
You barely recognizes him through the glass window and start talking with a muffled voice, “Jayce! I need to talk to Viktor, it’s very important!”
You see him and he sees you clearly trying to get in, but he doesn’t do anything except side eye you and something or someone else outside of your view.
He sort of steps out but you can see him cover his mouth and his Adam’s apple bobbing.
Inside the room Jayce unwillingly bothers Viktor.
“Okay,” Viktor pauses to let out a dry cough again, “I’ll make this clear. I did not have any friends during my time in the academy. People either avoided, disliked, or ignored me.”
Jayce looks at Viktor with concern, obviously wanting to say something, but Viktor just sighs and relaxes his head on the pillow. Getting Viktor to tell him more about his social experiences will be Jayce’s next priority once… Moving on.
Jayce returns to the door window with a friendly face, but his eyes don’t convey the same feelings.
I don’t think this is going to go well.
He opens the door, pulling it inwardly instead of out.
That’s a fire hazard, right? Do they have OSHA here?
“I’m sorry but Viktor is not feeling well enough to talk,” he closes the doors behind him and scans everything above you, looking for something. You step back to prevent colliding into him.
He caught my lie. Is he going to beat me? Shit, he could definitely fuck me up, and not the fun way.
“Why do you have a doctor’s coat?” He asks in surprise.
You look at your outfit as if you forgot about it, you actually did. You stole it and tried to find some records about Viktor’s condition. A HIPPA violation you always secretly wanted to do because you’re a nosy motherfucker.
“I got cold,” you spit out.
You both stand in silence.
“Okay,” he rubs his eyes, clearly upset, “I don’t know who you are—“
“I’m an old friend of Viktor,” you should just shut up.
“Rrright, well you’re a stranger to me and as you saw early Viktor is no state for visitors. Anyways how about you tell me how you got into our lab?” he begins his interrogation.
You feel your armpits and neck feel warm.
“It was unlocked,” you answer.
“The lab is always locked at night, wouldn’t want to risk theft,” he has you hushed.
You make eye contact with him and let his comment sink in.
Theft? Huh? Thief. I forgot their lab was ransack… By Jinx.
You bolt.
He’s going to put me in jail.
You metaphorically scatter like the rats from ratatouille.
You’re already around the corner when you hear Jayce hot on your tail.
The exit is right in front of you. You look back and see him right by you with his hand hovering over your shoulder. Then something appears in you blind spot , your body suddenly collides into the side large metal cart rounding out of a corner. Your momentum moves it a bit, but Jayce full body rams the thing over. You trip to the floor, while Jayce tumbles over as it’s metal utensils and porcelain rattle inside, attracting everyone’s attention.
You recover from your stumble, looking back again, seeing a concerning dent, a liquid leaking out of the cart, and a pained and disoriented Jayce on the floor.
Taking your chance, your feet dashes across the exit doorway without stopping.
Running through the streets, slipping through tight spaces, just trying to follow the direction the car drove from until you stop in a sketchy ally way
There’s no one around. No insomniacs, no drunks, not a light on in a window.
Some crickets, your heavy breathing, and the buzzing of the street lamps.
A character you briefly admired eons ago, kidnapped you from your world, didn’t even ask your name (you had a goal on your bucket list to introduce yourself as “y-n”), who brought him to the hospital, and now his partner chased you out of the streets because he was going to incarcerate you.
Like a shitty knock off of lost in Paris.
Despite the calm of the night, something you haven’t felt since that attending invalidated a you best friend’s panic attack when you both were interns.
That thread of reason and calm isn’t on its last fiber anymore.
It fucking snapped apart with the jaw force of a rabid hippo on a human femur.
Who cares about the hipocratic oath, I’m going to strangle that skeleton.
Viktor jolts awake from his superficial slumber. Just the common feeling of falling to your doom like he experienced with the hex-teleportation.
Ah, he forgot that happened. He looks over at Jayce, who looks like he was about to fall asleep also, somehow his head movement alerted his partner.
“Was there a woman in our lab?”
Jayce perks up a bit, “Yes, she managed to sneak in and find you passed out. Luckily Sky came by and found you two, you were in her arms actually. Who knows what that stranger could’ve done if Sky didn’t visit you?”
“Is that stranger here?”
“No, she ran away,”
“What?” He clears his throat, “Why?” Viktor asks, slowly feeling troubled.
“I guess they found out that I caught on to their lie.”
Viktor pauses for a moment.
“What lie did they tell?”
“They said they were an old friend of yours,” Jayce’s answers silences Viktor.
That was her!
He continues talking, unaware of Viktor’s dumbfounded expression, “Maybe whoever sent Jinx thought her job was too messy and tried to send someone who was cleaner?”
“Jayce, what happened to her?” Viktor tried to ask with a neutral tone but it wavered slightly.
“I told you, they ran away when they figured out I knew what was up. I tried to chase her but we crashed and she got up more quickly than I could recover.”
“So she’s in the streets?”
“Yes…You know what? They might go back to the lab, I should go back before they try to finish the job.”
As Jayce got up, preparing himself to leave, Viktor could only stare at him in horror at what he had just done.
“Viktor, don’t you dare discharge without me, I promise you I’ll be back. This shouldn’t take long, so just take this time to relax,” Jayce hesitates, “You deserve it,” he’s already at the door but Viktor still speechless and computing.
“Wait!” Viktor tries to call out loudly but his it feels like something is raking his throat. However, Jayce does hear him before he disappears into the hallway.
“Yes?” He turns and looks back at him.
“If you find her, don’t hurt her.”
“I’m not cruel, Viktor.”
“Surely, but I want to ask them some questions.”
“Me too, I’ll keep that in mind when the thief is apprehended,” Jayce finally leaves with only the ghosts of their enlightening conversation replaying in his head.
He can try to convince the doctor to discharge him in a few hours, but what is he suppose to do now?
He feels more awake than he was with five cups of coffee and sweet milk in his system.
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canmom · 2 years
yesssss, say more about everything everywhere when you can, please!
hehe sure thing anon!
so the first thing to say is, well, evidently this film lived up to the hype for me! I enjoyed it so much that I'm gonna screen it on Tuesday (copyright strike 2 incoming?) alongside some other of Michelle Yeoh's films. but hey, since you asked~ let's talk a little lot about Everything, Everywhere, All At Once!
it was a very, very tightly made film: one of those films where every element comes to reinforce the other elements, from the goofy Daniels physical comedy to the martial arts to the family drama at the centre. and of course the editing was as fantastic as you'd expect; absolutely tight sense of rhythm, excellent clarity in even the most chaotic action scenes.
between this and the Stephen Chow films I saw earlier in the week, it really underlines just how much martial arts and comedy are close siblings. I think the reason for this is well, you need some kind of short-term arc to make sure a fight scene is more than just a monotonous run of hitting each other until someone falls over. there are many sources of this tension. one is of course the ebb and flow of new strategems and small victories that put different characters in more or less advantageous positions (the bread and butter of shōnen). but a joke - the setup and payoff structure - is a perfect fit, just the right size to give a good little arc to a scene, especially when you overlap several in parallel.
so if you get good at combining humour and martial arts, both get stronger: the thrilling execution of the martial arts strengthens the joke, and the joke adds flavour to the punching and kicking. hence the immense success of someone like Jackie Chan.
the other element is well, the long term setup and payoff. this is a classic comedy plot structure; Hot Fuzz is a good example of a film which does it very well, where the first half of film, plenty funny in its own right, is essentially setting up jokes which all come back around in rapid succession during the grand finale.
but here it's a little more, because all the jokes are setup for not just jokes but beats in emotional arcs. I believe one of the Daniels said of the farting in Swiss Army Man "the first fart will make you laugh, the last fart will make you cry"; the idea is the goofy physical comedy comes to become a symbol of the two characters' relationship, so when Manny departs, it's not just a funny farting man but the end of something beautiful and transformative.
this film builds on that structure. in one of the early fight scenes, Evelyn is connecting to all these increasingly absurd universes in order to find powers relevant to the fight. however, every single one of these universes - even the one with the hot dog fingers or the Ratatouille parody - becomes tied in to the emotional climax of the film, in which just about a dozen different story arcs, including ones that seemed at first to be entirely jokes, fire off all at once in one glorious intercut sequence that tie back in to the central thesis.
hmm, does this remind you of anything?
(I'm not even kidding honestly; the narrative preoccupations and sense of humour in this movie are really very very similar to Homestuck. I think this is entirely a matter of independent invention - there are plenty of other stories to tackle the multiverse concept, and from the sounds of things this movie has been cooking for quite a while - but I do think it's funny.)
so one of the things I love about this movie is its willingness to commit to the bit and develop each of these more or less goofy alternate universes into something more than a one-off joke.
ok, so, we adore the execution, what of what it is Saying? on the one hand, this movie is about some high concept scifi ideas - what if modal realism/Everettian many-worlds is true, and it were possible to make contact between branches in a kinda mystical way - but really the central narrative arc is about Evelyn herself and her relationships with her daughter and her husband.
(below: spoilers, and content note for talking about suicide and abusive family relationships, i know, juicy stuff)
Evelyn, played brilliantly by Yeoh, has a lot of unresolved issues, and rather than really deal with them, she tends to deflect, e.g. by attributing her own homophobia to her father, hiding in paperwork and cooking when her husband wants to express any of his own needs; by the time she really catches on it's almost too late to do anything about it and she's all but driven everyone away. not for nothing is the image at the centre of that final sequence a rock diving off a cliff in pursuit of another rock.
one thing I like, on reflection, is that Evelyn, for all the progress she makes, does not solve everything. when she desperately appeals to reconnect to Joy at the end, it's not that she finally fully understands her daughter (even if she's made some big steps on the immediate conflicts like actually accepting that she's a lesbian); she still fusses about things like Joy's weight. but she is at least able to be honest about where this is coming from and actually admit how important Joy is to her, which she hadn't done before. (this whole scene is a callback to a scene earlier in the film where Joy is about to drive away and Evelyn stops her, but doesn't manage to say anything but that she's fat; this time Evelyn actually manages to say what she should have that first time). this change of heart is enough for at least this Joy to decide to stay connected to her mother. we don’t see how their relationship evolves subsequently.
something that this film made me think of is an old essay on here by Kai Cheng Thom (@sintrayda), titled (and I suppose you can imagine why this has come back to me recently) Stop Letting Trans Girls Kill Ourselves. let me quote a couple of paras from that:
the predominant (white, colonial) queer/trans narrative of “proper” consent to being cared for goes something like this: someone expresses that they are in pain, or you happen to see that they are.  you offer them help.  if they refuse, you back off, no questions asked.  any further attempt to help could be a considered a violation.
this narrative holds a lot of resonance for me, but i believe it comes from a traumatized place: it is rooted in queer and trans experiences of abusive families and intimate partnership in which we are not allowed to refuse, we are not allowed to leave. our reaction is to swing the other way in the extreme: we encourage people to leave, we don’t question the refusal of love, even when it is clearly needed.
more often than not, these parents [of severely traumatised children who said they intended to run away] were concerned and loving but did not know how to respond. they asked me what they should say.  from my own place of both clinical training and queer narratives, i suggested that they tell their children that it was okay to be angry, that they were allowed to be angry, and that if they did indeed run away, that they would always have a home to come back to if they wanted.  i believed that this was consent, was the secure attachment that is so prized in child psychology. 
my supervisor (therapist instructor) agreed with my intervention, but also suggested that i had missed an important element: i should also tell these parents to say that if their child ran away, they would go out and find them and bring them home.
the emotional effect this had on me was profound.  this was not something i had been taught to believe in queer community – that love and care might mean following someone even after they have rejected you.  that it might mean reaching out, and failing, and then reaching out and failing, again and again.
that abandonment and rejection by a person in pain – child or adult – might be way of finding out just how hard someone is going to work to help you not just stay alive, but change your life for the better.
Thom is writing here about an ideological position that discourages intervention when someone is suicidal; one that is still painfully relevant, when your friends are far away and you have to weigh the possibility that calling an ambulance to ‘help’ them could very easily get them beaten and incarcerated. I don’t want to talk about this too much on this post; even though it was too late for my decision to matter for Fall, losing her has made me think of other times I’ve learned someone’s suicide attempt and had to decide whether to risk sending an ambulance.
Anyway, I won’t talk about that more. The more relevant factor is that there is a similar thesis at work in Everything, Everywhere for better or worse. In this case, it’s clearly right. Joy cares a lot about her mother, even though she’s increasingly estranged from her family; it is clearly very important to her that she can bring her girlfriend to the New Year’s party, and she is upset by the fact that she struggles to speak Mandarin as fluently as the older members of the family (the constantly switching languages, blending English and Mandarin even within one sentence, are another brilliant touch, it’s so natural and I’ve never seen that done so well). She just needs Evelyn to meet her halfway; appreciate who she actually is rather than worrying about her turning into Evelyn 2. So in this case, fleeing Evelyn was a way of expressing just how serious the situation was; she would rather not have this connection at all than have it continue in its current form. Evelyn, to her credit, figures it out and they’re able to continue on a better foot.
I am certain there are many cases like this, where the right thing to do may well be to ignore a hard rejection. And yet part of me still finds this idea difficult, perhaps for similar reasons as Thom. Not so much because of a blanket one-time ‘consent’ principle, but more because I feel like a relationship that categorically cannot be terminated is dangerous. An abuser who pursues someone across a country may well believe they’re acting out of love. I don’t think it is a failing of the film to not address such cases.
I suppose I end up thinking about my own life - a scale much less grand than ‘parent and child’ but still actually life and death. Fall spent several months at the beginning of this year keeping me at arm’s length, I was blocked on Discord etc., before we reconnected literally weeks before she died. I missed her, but did little to act on it; my general attitude in such cases is to give a person time if they need to be alone, and not be pushy, to make it clear that whatever relationship we have is something that they can choose to have or not. I don’t think that’s wrong. But how do you even recognise the times when what someone really needs is you to try anyway? Could I have made more effort to reach out to Fall without making things worse for her?
Who else am I failing this way?
Moreover, are there times when the opposite is true: when I’m just making matters worse attempting to ‘help’ and I should back off, even if the person can’t bring herself to tell me? The short run, the long run... it’s an endless series of tricky high stakes judgement calls which will last until I die.
Which brings us to the other strand of Evelyn and Joy’s arcs and the whole premise of the film. This is the idea of the Everettian branching multiverse being true, and what that means on an emotional level. OK, they don’t actually invoke Everett’s interpretation of quantum mechanics; the film is actually inspired, a long time ago, by the philosophical stance of modal realism, which says that all “possible worlds” are real ‘in the same way that ours is’. What ‘possible’ means in this case is pretty broad, something like ‘logically possible’.
In this film, all the worlds are marked by some earlier or later point of divergence. The premise is that a technology allows you to connect your brain to the brains of ‘you’ in other branches. The actual mechanics are (appropriately) kept vague in service of jokes, broader themes etc.; thus a universe can exist where humans have evolved (somehow) to have floppy hot dog fingers but this world still recognisably contains Evelyn, her laundromat, and the woman from the IRS. And indeed in a universe where life did not evolve, there are two rocks which can nevertheless be recognised as Evelyn and Joy. So yeah it’s not hard sci-fi big deal lol.
Still, the impact of this is the question: if all these possibilities true, why is anything important? The film invokes the Copernican revolution, followed by (implicitly) the development of multiverse theories; Joy’s driving POV is a nihilistic one. She knows she can make anything happen in any world, so all of it loses significance.
Evelyn’s answer is essentially to commit to her relationships with other people. The final sequence of the film is not a fight scene, but (once again blending humour and character drama) Evelyn rapidly solving the emotional problems of a whole series of enemies by discerning exactly what they need using her multiverse powers. The life she returns to is actually the most mundane one: not the one where she’s a movie star but the one ‘this’ Evelyn began in, where she’s running a laundromat and doing taxes. It becomes a form of roleplaying: a framing narrative selected from all the possibilities in which she can enjoy the relationships with the people around her. That sounds dismissive, but I don’t mean it that way. What are ‘actual’ roleplaying games but that, after all?
We don’t get Evelyn’s power in reality, but we do get the power of ‘baseless speculation’, which can be paralysing as well! What if I had studied geology or even art instead of physics, would I have not had that mental health crisis? What if I’d been a better friend or partner to a number of people? Gotten an ADHD diagnosis sooner? What if, what if. The answer is obvious to say, but difficult to feel: those doors are closed and futile, so you can only commit to the possibility that you ended up falling down.
One thing the film kind of dances around, but then again maybe not really, is the fact that all the good choices that Evelyn makes at the end of the film, there is presumably a universe where she didn’t do that. A branch where Joy drove away, they never catch up to the raccoon, Evelyn’s rock stays on top of the cliff.
This is the problem of that old transhumanist cult leader Eliezer Yudkowsky’s attempt to draw out the ethical implications of Everett’s interpretation of quantum mechanics. He says, you must be very careful, because each small probability of something going wrong is an uncountable number of branches where it results in death and suffering. The problem is that any ‘decision’ you make is also subject to branching. There’s a universe where you talk Eliezer’s advice to heart and always wear a bike helmet, saving some billion versions of you from spinal injury; there’s also a branch where you don’t do that, so the spinal injuries happen anyway. Even if Eliezer’s essay reduces the proportion of death in some portion of universes, it’s matched by equally many where he didn’t write it. In short, it implies nothing at all.
This film, however, is much more focused on the personal experience than matters of ethics, and so perhaps it dodges this bullet. Having linked herself to all these possible universes, Evelyn chooses to subjectively experience the one where things go well for her and the people around her, rather than to give up and throw herself into a black hole everything bagel like her daughter attempts.
When I watched The Matrix Resurrections, which was a very frustrating and disappointing movie in general, one of the things that got at me was the lack of imagination of the ending. Having at last managed to escape the yoke of the Machines and make themselves gods of a virtual realm, Neo and Trinity don’t really do much to change the nature of their reality. But this doesn’t really bother me so much in this film. And sure, for one thing, of course, the fully ‘ascended’ Evelyn and Joy are not ‘really’ gods, since presumably any intervention they make is just another branching of the universe (though this isn’t really raised in the film). But more than that, it’s not relevant to the metaphor.
I feel like the connecting/dividing link is perhaps the view of Kyōsogiga, that one should not be afraid to ‘just be’: affirming the significance of those small moments and relationships. Evelyn, ADHDful as she is, figures out in the end that what matters to her is not all these projects that she has pursued or one time or another, but just taking time to enjoy these intersubjective connections. Which can certainly stand to be said again and again because I don’t really think I’ve internalised it lol.
All in all, fucking great movie, the Daniels outdid themselves, as did all the choreographers and cinematographers and actors and so forth involved. Can’t believe how long I slept on those guys.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
hiii i saw you do ships and I was wondering if I could get one for wwdits? 🫠🫠
to start out, i use she/her pronouns. i am 5'4 with brown hair and green eyes. i naturally have freckles everywhere and they show up more evidently in the summer. my love language is definitely touch and words of affirmation. i am an outspoken person, always needing to talk, and i'm too independent for my own good. i'm told that i'm very stubborn, but i'm very thoughtful in my own way, despite not being a very sympathetic person. i get lost in thought pretty easily, and love to ramble on and on about my interests. i make friends pretty easily, and i am told that i'm a creative person. i'd say i'm an ambivert in the context that i love being around people and going out and i'm more on the extroverted side, but definitely need my alone time. i spend my time alone listening to music 24/7, playing the guitar, going to my local art museum, researching things for literal hours on wikipedia, writing, and watching movies. that leads to my next thing about myself, i love film. it's my passion, and i want to be a big director someday. i'm currently working on a screenplay that's going nowhere so far. that's the goal. my favorite movies are: the graduate, shallow grave, and the darjeeling limited. i love wes anderson and stanley kubrick's directorial style. i can also quote the first eleven minutes of 'ratatouille' by memory alone. my comfort movies incredibly odd, though. i love: fantastic mr. fox, the pixar story (a documentary i've seen at least a thousand times) i love to wear sweaters with ong skirts or baggy jeans. -my big six in astrology are: taurus sun, libra rising, capricorn moon, taurus mercury, aries venus, cancer mars. my myers briggs is entp-t.
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐖𝐞 𝐃𝐨 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬
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I ship you with Nadja! I couldn't see what your sexuality is, but who could deny Nadja??! I think she would be the outgoing, chaotic idiot of the relationship, but she does encourage you to act however you wish to. She would actually have a lot of good advice and wisdom, but it's overshadowed by the fact that she ... doesn't care about consequences.
・Calls you 'sweetie', 'sexy-face,' 'scrumptious kitten'. I mean the pet names are just endless, and sometimes they don't even make sense.
・You would definitely be a vampire, maybe she turned you years ago and doesn't remember? But either way, you're her partner now. She would love turning into bats and flying around everywhere together at night.
・There is so much malarky, just absolute chaos. The house is rarely quiet, something is happening and you've learnt to ignore it. You share a room with Nadja, and she let you decorate some of it... she does like to have that control.
Theme Song:
↬ 'Barracuda' by Heart
Relationship Tropes:
↬ You Fell First But They Fell Harder
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
Your independence, she loves that you aren't by her side 24/7. She couldn't handle having a being there ALL THE TIME. She finds your independence endearing.
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Would be Guillermo, you two are the most self-aware out of the group. You're both able to look at each other and say with your expressions, "are these f*ckers for real right now?"
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dausy · 1 year
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Ive posted this to IG and twitter before. Again, art for just fillers sake. Kinda an art vs artist version 2022 but not all of these were done this year.
I mentioned on IG that this year started off really rough. We got hit at the same time with both my husbands dad passing away and our cat at the same time. It was a rough January. I then lost both grandmothers. We did do some cool things. Disney at easter time was a lot of fun. We did the new ratatouille ride, husband got to do Rise of the Resistance for the first time but unfortunately the new GotG ride wasnt open yet. I also got to see my first ever Cirque du Soleil show and saw Alannis Morrisette in concert. I also got really lucky with art companies sending me lots of art freebies. Its been so cool. I never thought Id ever be worthy of art freebies.
Now ofcourse we are just hanging out in our hotel. Housing said theyd hopefully have our house ready next week. Im so ready to be moved in and buy new stuff for our home. Our apartment we had a mantle over a fireplace for our tv and now I think we need to go buy a tv stand. I dont know why thats exciting but it is. I also tossed all our old shower curtains so now Im going to retheme the bathrooms 8D
Ofcourse having my art space back would be nice. Its hard to create outside a comfy spot.
As for the area..now Ive lived in the southwest before but I think my dog is missing the grass. Shes having a hard time using the bathroom with her little feet and decorative rocks. We've yet to track down a dog park just yet but shes overdue for a game of fetch.
My first impression was how huge this city was. Like I knew it was large based on population but like idk..guess I thought people would build up? Everything is like single story accross a vast flat land. Its so weird to see houses go that far back. I am so far enjoying the amenities. Alot of the neighborhoods are definitely screaming border city ghetto. Ive yet to wander into the higher class neighborhoods yet but even amongst the ghetto looking houses they have so many amentities in one place. I havent seen a super target in years and I went in one today 8D and we've gone indoor rock climbing twice so far. I got dutch bros coffee (Im never going back but Ive never been to one before!!!). And they have a disney store here! A DISNEY STORE. I THOUGHT THEY WERE ALL DEAD! They had simba/nala plushies and I put them back 8(
What Im most excited for is one of the 3 rock gyms is 5 mins from my house and free to me. The major regular gym is accross the street. The army post here is the fanciest Ive ever seen. Theres a starbucks down the street too. So honestly if I could find remote work I never need to leave post really.
Anywho I applied for a couple jobs. Im still a bit overwhelmed and its really hard to job search and fill out apps on a phone/ipad. Much easier on a desktop. And its obviously very much so like a foreign country. I have heard more Spanish here than English which is also..making..job hunting interesting.
But Im not going to worry for now.
I am going to make another tumblr post later probably about other things Ive accomplished this year but this ones long enough.
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ittybittybumblebee · 2 years
when I first saw Orb Wizard, Unknown, and Beru I assumed because of your art style that it was going to be a TBH creature, his gentle wolf friend, and a retired warrior who’s still callused around the edges but learning how to love again like some kind of Miyazaki characters but nope, turns out the dynamic is Remy, Linguini, and Colette from Ratatouille (2007)
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redeyeflyguy · 4 months
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Wonderful Memories: The January 2024 Family Trip!!! You know, there are few things that can make a trip to the most magical place on earth bad and thankfully, I didn’t encounter any of them. However, between my dad passing out from intense motion sickness on the plane ride over, a flight delay on the way out and catching an intestinal bug somewhere in between, let’s say I don’t think this was our finest vacation. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of fun/cool/notable things to read off this time around. On the contrary, quite a lot can happen over a week. What kind of a lot? Well, from January 9th to January 15th in the year 2024, my family and IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII…stayed at the orangest resort on property, ate inside of a diving bell, witnessed the creation of an artisanal smore, partook in an spectacular meal at Animal Kingdom Lodge’s signature restaurant, reveled several times in a view well spent, introduced my brother to the Lightcycle run, learned that Dwight Eisenhower was an avid painter in his later years, took a long overdue trip to Tom Sawyer Island, saw the current incarnation of the Country Bear Jamboree for the last time (this is not over…BEARS!), enjoyed another pun-derful meal at the Skipper Canteen, confirmed that Big Thunder is better at night, watched that one time people sung about Bruno outside on an inflatable screen, saw all the Christmas decorations still up at Animal Kingdom bamboozled myself into drinking ginger beer, rode the front car through the Forbidden Mountain for the first time, listened to a parrot sing the most heart rending rendition of Old Macdonald Had a Farm ever heard, had a flavorful Moroccan meal, stocked up on a small horde of buttermint tea, soared over California once again, drank a minty melted snowman milkshake, crafted the most capable car around, ate a burrito at 7 in the morning because I could, attended the Festival of the Arts opening day, made myself the proud owner of a Figment popcorn bucket, embarked on a journey of water (inspired by Moana), attended a painting class, took the scenic monorail route back to EPCOT, was reminded of a time of Illumination, played several arcade games at the Contemporary with my brother getting stuck on the Star Wars pinball machine, got drunk at the Polynesian, ate most of a Cobb Salad, rode my three favorite rides at Hollywood Studios before getting too cold and tired to continue, completed a scavenger hunt to find paintings with Figment (in them), bought a picture of the coolest darn sandman around, watched a manatee barrel roll continuously, participated in a paint by numbers mural, ate chicken and waffles…IN SPACE, stared into the infinite void of the lettuce tunnel before returning to the resort to listen to some movies, went back to EPCOT again again so my brother could ride Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure for the first time, had a adequately grand Grand Floridian meal, played a rousing game of wintery summery mini-golf (which I won with three holes in one), went to Animal Kingdom two disappointingly short times (once to make a mad dash for a soapstone hippo, the other to get drenched and ride Dinosaur), and finally, went back to the resort to eat a drinking cup of guac and that smore I mentioned towards the beginning of this post. Oh my goodness. In truth, as much fun as I did ultimately have, I’m glad it’s over and I’m glad to be back home. Here’s hoping our next trip to Walt Disney World will be just as wonderful with less holding it back.
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angelcatsiel · 1 year
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2022 was a pretty decent year for me! I got some more health stuff diagnosed, I finally bought my own wheelchair and have been able to discover the joy of pain free days out (or as close to pain free as I can get), I went to a few conventions and had an amazing time, I saw Manic Street Preachers, The Killers and Daughtry live, I went to Disneyland and explored some of Paris, and I went a whole year without self harming.
I'm going into 2023 with a bit more money which is a huge relief! I'm hoping to use some of that extra money this year for a couple of sessions a month with a private therapist, and I want to push myself a bit this year. I feel like the last few years have been very focused on recovering from the trauma of my teenage years and early 20s and just resting and feeling safe for the first time in my life. I'm planning on trying to focus on creative stuff, mostly art and probably some writing, maybe try a few different creative hobbies. I also want to get out of the house a bit more often, even if it's literally just a walk around the block.
Also, I would love to meet Jodie Whittaker this year. That would be nice.
Image ID under the cut:
Image 1: My mother's cat Domino, a white cat with black markings and yellow eyes, lying on a black sofa looking at the camera
Image 2: Me in Disneyland, sitting in my wheelchair with a Ratatouille themed hat on, smiling, and my boyfriend standing behind me with Mickey ears on, looking like he's trying to eat my hat.
Image 3: A shot of the Eiffel Tower from below, with my small toy shark, Sharky, held up in front of it
Image 4: A photo op of me in a sock monkey hat and Supernatural themed shirt, standing next to actor Jim Beaver with his arm around me.
Image 5: A shot of Coventry Arena taken from a seat near the back, a massive arena with the front cover of The Killers album Imploding the Mirage at the back of the stage
Image 6: A shark swimming in a large aquarium tank.
Image 7: Chris Daughtry, the singer, on stage singing while holding a guitar with spotlights on him.
Image 8: My cat Poppy, a tabby with green eyes, looking at the camera with a cheeky look on her face. She is wearing a purple harness and is on a garden patio covered in weeds
Image 9: Me standing next to Felicia Day with her arm around me at Dublin Comic Con, both smiling. I am wearing a Crowley from Supernatural themed shirt and leaning on my walking stick.
Image 10: A selfie of me in dim purple-ish lighting in front of a large cardboard cutout of Castiel wearing a rainbow sash and moustache, with a cardboard cutout of Dean's top half attached with a cardboard arm wrapped around Castiel.
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applied-juice · 3 years
The Grinch may have stolen Christmas but your art has stolen my heart, It's so good! Literally adore the way you draw the home stuck characters, and even more I'm taken aback by the sheer ingenuity of your short comics, just, chefs kiss all around, I must be in ratatouille cause this is some good fucking food you've laid down, look at that, look at alpha Dave, Look at dirk, oh my god I cried at the dirk and Dave recreation of that one Suite life on deck scene, Short story long, you're amazing, thank you for everything!
anon i want u to know i lost it when i saw the word grinch i think my humor is broken
but in all seriousness thank u for the kind words it means a lot to me <3
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To summarise:
This episode was brought to you by the NY Pest Management Association.
Electricity is out at Thornhill but it’s not because Cheryl forgot to pay the bill. She’s just setting the mood for a romantic rendez-vous with MinMin.
Nothing like a couple of good horror stories to get you started.
People haven’t hung their art collection in their bedroom, since Francis I of France put the Mona Lisa in his bathroom, but Cheryl’s Night Gallery is in her bedroom? A true art aficionado.
Everybody in Riverdale has Darkness™. Except from Archie. Archie has Trauma™.
He has also finally caught up with the s3 plotline i.e Hiram experimenting with drugs on people. He goes off about it to his bewildered therapist.
Reggie may have some big ideas but between working at his dad’s car dealership, Veronica’s jewelry shop/investment company and Archie’s new mining business, he has no time to put them into action.
He does have time, however, to wink at Nana Rose. And for that, he gets all the points.
Kevin realises that being the Blossom Ministry’s art director might not be as lucrative a profession as expected. He also turns to mining to supplement his income.
The miners experience hallucinations due to gas. That is, all the miners except Uncle Frank, because someone has to explain to Archie what’s happening.
Archie saw some of Jughead’s sketches of the Mothman and immediately hallucinated him. That boy is so impressionable.
I can’t tell if Uncle Frank was taking power naps or has been faking it so that he doesn’t have to deal with his nephew. Have we misjudged Uncle Frank?
“I don’t think it’s safe for you to be around anyone right now” says Dr Winters. Does this mean that Archie will go on another road trip? Possibly to a nature retreat? Hopefully with bears? A bearchie set-up, if I ever saw one.
Maybe if Betty had finished her FBI training, she would have been more effective in interrogating her serial killer.
Momma Cooper demonstrates once again her bad parenting skills. Maybe she does have the killer genes after all.
According to faux Martin Tucker there’s been stories up and down the highway about some crazy rogue FBI agent looking for her sister. And, yet, he took no precautions when he tried to kidnap and kill Betty. He should have swallowed his tongue.
He does.
Thank God for long weekends, because otherwise neither Betty nor Jughead would be able to get anything done: apparently everything takes place at the High School. Surely, this must be a metaphor …
Mrs Bell feeds Cheryl these stories. There’s no other explanation.
I cannot believe that broody, fluffy-haired writer prodigy Jughead Jones would not have a line of potential love interests outside his dorm door.
Jughead’s first signs of alcoholism start in Iowa, when he has to produce a hundred copies of his manuscript and he switches from his PC (and printer) to his typewriter. Precious boy, why?
Samm Panksy, the Old School Legend, becomes Jughead’s literary agent and only cheerleader. Contemplate on the visual of Samm in a cheerleader costume for a bit.
“So, swallowed up by the dark. Was that a metaphor?” “I wish.” You and me both, Jughead. You and me both.
Jughead is all of Edgar Allan Poe’s works coming to life. Cheryl wishes.
Betty calls Jughead to tell him she can’t make it to his book launch and Jughead goes rabid. Literally.
He doesn’t die from it, because survival is Jughead’s superpower. The writers’ superpower is ignoring how things work in the real world.
Jughead does hallucinate his agent as the Rat King though. There is some nice repurposing of young FP’s tin crown. Father figure metaphor?
The Voicemail(TM) story line has more plot holes than New York has sinkholes. Or maybe not: NY sinkholes’ average number has just gone up. 
Ratatouille lied to me.
Jughead hallucinates Betty as his saving angel. Endgame arc activated.
I pity whomever had to go after Jughead in that AA meeting. I mean … try to tell your story after the Jughead Jones New York Rat Extravaganza.
Toffee, an expert on the subject of rats, was unfortunately unavailable for comments. She’s on a gondola ride in Venice, reading The Outsiders and munching on fritole, overcharging Alice’s credit card.
One down. Five more opportunities to fall into a sinkhole.
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fishsticksart · 1 year
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Attributed to Alessandro Allori, Lucrezia de' Medici (1545-1561), circa 1560, oil on panel
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zannolin · 2 years
oh ho ho ho. oh HO HO HO. zanna what did i do?-i write fix-its zannolin, it has been a little while, hasn’t it? i bet you’d thought we were finished, here. that the festering hatred within my heart had ceased, and then deteriorated with time. that, maybe - just maybe - i’d had a change of heart, and turned heel from the narrow and inevitably doomed path of resentment. that i’d healed, and am here to extend a hand in solidarity. in newfound friendship.
you were wrong.
i hope you are doing well. (which is a lie, of course, because i actually hope you soon experience a multitude of minor inconveniences that do not actually affect your life or wellbeing negatively. i hope your most well-used pen runs out of ink, and i am manifesting you to receive one less condiment packet than you need in your next fast food order. i hope the cord of your phone charger breaks in an odd way, so you have to pinch the wire at an extremely specific angle to get it to work.)
i digress. first and foremost, i would like to say that i am parasocially livid with you.
the zcu (zannolin cinematic universe) is truly a downright treacherous place. i dared to believe i had grown; that i had, somehow, significantly built up my mental fortitude. see, while you were frolicking in your field of c!crimeboys copium, i was in my training arc. i was growing stronger. i read bittersweet endings. i read major character death. i read your abba au.
and……. and i really, genuinely believed i was powerful, after having withstood the emotional devastation of it all. (and - listen. i know you’re about to defend yourself, like, “i am simply but a poor soul; an innocent writer. i write fix-its, primarily, and the abba au isn’t even 1% of my power.” well, you must come to realize that - no matter how minor the angst within any given media is - i will be completely and utterly distraught over it. i am incredibly sensitive, and regularly tear up whenever i even glance in the direction of the movie up. i actually saw a clip from the new show about doug and mr. fredricksen, the dog and lovely old man from the movie, and started crying almost instantaneously. i am gripping you by the shoulders and shaking you as i say this, because i must stress my fragility.)
[fist clench] and then…….. and then i saw your animatic.
quite frankly, i don’t even want to talk about it.
do you realize, z*nnol*n, how sensitive i am about crimeboys? i managed survive this past november, miraculously. a seemingly impossible feat. and then my progress was unspooled, much like penelope’s woven shroud, when i finally got around to watching the animatic last night.
…….the heart on the l’manberg flag? the unbearably beautiful frame of techno with his back towards the camera? the disparity between schlatt and wilbur’s shadows; one smiling, and one frowning? tommy’s name scribbled on the wall in pogtopia?
some people relate to the joker. i, however? i relate to skinner from ratatouille. and, as a direct result, i am kin-assigning you remy. we are a lot like them, you and i, you see. you remember that scene where remy concocts a downright lovely soup and skinner tastes it, only to immediately be mach-speed launched into a blind rage? the soup is your art.
i am going to catch you with a cup, one day, and slide a piece of paper underneath the cup. i will shake the cup real hard and give you a good rattle, but will ultimately deposit you safely outside afterwards.
i have been merciful thus far, zannolin, but know this: i am recovering, and this……. this has only made me stronger.
one day, i will put a permanent end to your reign of terror.
PASSERINE ANON THE BELOVED so happy to see you're still kicking omg. thrilled, really. also you'll be happy to know my phone charger is actually already finicky and has been a bitch for like a year <3 and my laptop cord has been broken for months lol there's a yard of electrical tape, three prayers, and several blood sacrifices keeping it together at this point.
oh god the abba au i gotta work on that (it gets worse btw) and i will not deny the angst in that one i was doing it on purpose. that one's supposed to hurt.
anyways does this mean i shouldn't make the viva la vida animatic i was thinking about or.....
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lockoutkey · 2 years
I'm having strange thoughts, sleepy thoughts, strange thoughts nonetheless.
So let me preface this by saying that my brain is doing that multitask thing and I was recalling that one documentary about zombie ants. Ants that are dead but some kind of fungus can control their corpse to find a nice place to grow or something.
I was thinking that while I was scrolling through my dash and saw a Zombiecleo art and my mind went brrrrrr. I don't know much about Cleo but-
What if Cleo is not a Zombie?? Not in the traditional sense at least. What if the flower crown on her head is not normal?? What if those flowers are Cleo and the body that people sees and recognizes as her is just a vessel for the flower to grown in? What if the flowers have sentience and controls the body??
(Idk but I get chills thinking about it too hard. Maybe it's cause I read that one HP fic where Neville becomes one with a plant and it's creepy. Fuck, idk why it's creepy to me.)
Cleo is the cluster of flowers confirmed??? Maybe that explains why Iron Golems ignore her, thet don't recognize her as anything but a harmless plant.
My mind is just body horror? Oh? What if flowers are parasitic plants??? What if Cleo is the combination of the flower sentience and original body's mind. Ahhh, the possibilities.
Cleo and Bdubs understanding each other more after the Jungle incident. Plant solidarity??? Gossiping about great plant fertilizer? Pruning each other???
Doc being part Creeper and Creepers are plants. Doc, Cleo, and Bdubs having a Gardening Club of sorts? But invite only and only to people who are plants???? This is more crack-y than I thought.
Idk if this is even understandable ahhhhh. My mind is blank, I shall sleep. I hope I don't dream about this. Humans becoming plants is creepy I want a peaceful sleep.
I will come back to this in the morning and wonder where all my brain cells went to.
i finally have a chance to read this and oh my god YES THIS MAKES SENSE it’s ratatouille
what if the different types of flowers have an affect on her emotions/decisions as well. like if she wears poppys only she’ll feel one way but if they’re mixed and matched she can feel lot of things at once and then lily of the valley gives another emotion.
it would also be interesting if being around Bdubs’s moss coat has some sort of affect. or stress also wears a flower crown but it doesn’t have an effect on stress. would it on cleo like second hand emotions.
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saturnwritings · 3 years
the weather today is slightly sarcastic
—in exile, tommy is visited by techno, and while he wants to convince himself that he hates the fucking traitor, he's left feeling more comforted than dream ever made him feel.
word count: 1265
warnings: emotional manipulation (on dream’s side, only briefly mentioned)
“You’re really falling for that bullshit?”
A familiar monotone voice filled his ears, and Tommy shivered. Technoblade stood, leaning against a tree near the building of logsteadshire. Tommy mentally cursed himself for not noticing, the new blue bourgeoisie ‘retirement’ outfit stood out obviously from all the dull browns and greens of the trees. 
Tommy narrowed his eyes, his attitude a full 180 from when Dream was visiting. Dream, his only friend, at least that was what Dream told him. And who was he to not believe him? No one visited, no one cared, Dream was his only friend. 
“What do you want, Techno.” Techno laughed, amused.
“I just wanted to check up on my little brother, see how he’s doing.” Anger bubbled in Tommy’s gut in response to Techno’s patronizing tone. Tommy huffed.
Just moments ago Dream was waving goodbye as he exited through the Nether portal, Tommy already reminiscing on everything they had done that day: riptide practice, chest room expansion, Dream convincing him to take down more of the Nether bridge, villager trading, and more! Now Technoblade was here. Techno, the traitor, the smug pig hybrid dressed up in a bourgeoisie outfit son-of-a-bitch. 
(What was the saying about putting makeup on a pig?)
“...Shut up,” was the only thing Tommy could think to say. Techno smirked, his tusks glinting in the subdued moonlight. 
(Jesus, even the weather was dreary.)
An awkward silence filled the air, before a curious expression overtook Technoblade’s face. “So why were you hanging out Dream? Was he here to mock you about being an exile-Andy again?” Tommy grumbled.
“No. We were hanging out.” His matter-of-fact tone a facade of confidence. Techno rolled his eyes. 
“I’m sure you were, Tommy.”
Tommy was getting fed up with his brother. Dream and him were friends! They played games together and hung out and Dream always came to visit. He didn’t care what Techno thought, he betrayed them. 
(Why was he still trying to prove himself, then?)
“It’s true! Dream and I are friends. We- we’re- we hangout all the time and, and he actually cares about me unlike you. He gave me a trident, and we had cake together, he even let me keep my items today, and- and said he’d take me back to L’manburg for Christmas!”
He crossed his arms, “God, Tommy, you’re getting excited about Dream letting you keep your own items? Wow, some friend he is, huh,” Techno snorted and shook his head, “Jesus, how brainwashed are you?”
Techno laughed mockingly, but when Tommy cast his gaze aside and puffed his cheeks, Techno’s eyes widened. “Wait… you actually thought they cared about you? That they were going to let you back if you were on your best behaviour?” 
Something about Techno in that moment brought Tommy back to when they were all younger. When they hadn’t gone through all the hardships of war, when they were still a whole family, when Techno and Wilbur would always tease Tommy, for being younger, for being smaller. Something about Techno ridiculing him made him feel comforted, cared about, he knew it should embarrass him, but his mind was telling him it didn’t.
“Did Phil and I teach you nothing? Trust no one, Tommy. People might say they’re on your side but you have to realize that they’re not.” 
There was silence for a second, and Tommy shifted in his place, “What about you?” Techno chuckled, before moving forward and resting a hand on Tommy’s shoulder.
“That’s different. We’re on your side ‘cause we’re family, we have to stick up for each other.” He gave a lopsided grin. Tommy was again reminded of old Techno, a specific memory of them flashed through his mind, but it was still oh so vivid.
(“Stance wider, Tommy.”
“I know, I know, I’m trying!” Wilbur chuckled from under the apple tree.
“Try harder!”
Tommy huffed, sweat dripping down the side of his face. Distracted, he lost his footing, and he felt a wooden sword clash against his shins right before he fell to the ground.
“Ow…” Tommy closed an eye and rubbed the side of his head that had collided with the dirt, his own wooden sword dropped to the side of him. He heard Phil scold Wilbur in the distance. He almost started to tear up before hearing his brother speak.
“Here.” He looked up to see Techno with an outstretched hand. He grabbed it and was pulled up. 
Tommy bit the inside of his cheek before looking away childishly. 
“Your problem was that you got distracted. You were too focused on what people around you were saying that you forgot what your main goal was.” Tommy listened to his brother’s explanation.
“You’ve been reading The Art of War again, haven’t you.”
Techno gave a lopsided grin.)
Tommy felt conflicted as he reminisced.
“Dream and Tubbo and everyone else in L’manburg? They’re not your friends. To them, we’re nothing but pests. It’s ‘cause we always try to take them down, foil their plans, but, you know, someone has to do it, right?” Techno raised his eyebrows and nudged Tommy.
Tommy didn’t respond. His jaw was clenched, his eyes were strained, he didn’t realize he was clenching his hands so much until he felt something wet drip down them, and saw the crimson liquid fall, almost gracefully, down his arm.
“Dream’s my friend…” He started. He didn’t know what he was even going to say, so it didn’t really matter that Techno interrupted him.
“You think you’re special? You think you’re different to everyone else, to all the other pawns Dream likes to play around with?!” Techno’s exasperated tone showed Tommy how worked up he was getting.
“Tommy, the world we live in belongs to the enemy!”
Techno stared at him, Tommy squinted.
“Everything - everyone - is being controlled by him. Even you, Tommy, as much as you don’t want to believe it, you’re being used. He’s manipulating you! He’s not your friend, let alone your only friend!”
“Well, who is then?!” Tommy cut him off, “Who else is my friend? No one else visits me, no one- no one cares like he does!”
He was yelling. Techno’s face was expressionless, with only a hint of unamused. In between his yelling, the only thing you could hear was the faint crackling of the nearby campfire and the distance chirping of birds and cicadas. Tommy could feel hot tears welling up in his eyes, before falling and rolling down his cheeks. 
“You know, everyone says they care about me. Some people visit, but only, like, once, before leaving. Everyone leaves pity presents, Ranboo even sends letters, but, but no one actually, genuinely cares,” Tommy sniffled, “I have no one.”
Silence once again filled the air, the only addition was Tommy’s small sniffles.
“You have Phil, and you have me. Because, Tommy, as much as I hate to admit it, we’re family. And while I will never understand why you care so much about L’manburg and everyone else, I do care about you, and so does Phil,” he sucked in a breath, “and so does Wilbur.”
Tommy’s eyes widened.
“You have us, because no matter what side you fight for, you always have your family. And,” he paused “And I know that Wilbur would not have wanted you to be alone, either.”
Techno gave a small smile.
“The Retirement Home will always welcome you if you need anything.”
With that, Techno turned around and disappeared into the forest, leaving Tommy to stand there, shocked.
Tommy was alone again, but something in his mind told him it was only physical.
a/n: im counting this as a vent because its so dialogue heavy even though i know thats not a vent but i was really just self projecting onto tommy and techno in this haha also this is based on one of the songs from the ratatouille musical on tiktok the song is ‘django’s reprise’ from @/fettuccinefettuqueen
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thetldrplace · 2 years
Florida Vacation: Epcot
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So in my mission to see all the states (except maybe Hawaii), we went to Florida for Valentine’s Day.
We flew to Orlando on Friday and met up with some friends to visit Epcot on Saturday. I’ll confess I’m not really a fan of Disney. Having grown up in Orange county, I’ve been to Disneyland plenty of times, and with many trips to Knotts and Magic Mountain, I’d decided years ago I’d had enough of amusement parks. Normally, I’d have no desire to fly all the way across the country to see another version of the same thing I’d seen 20 times already, but Epcot promised something different, so I was willing to do it.
I guess I should mention that we ate at a restaurant in Disney Springs, more or less the equivalent of downtown disney here. The crowds immediately reminded me why I disliked the disney experience in the first place and had me rethinking the entire endeavor, but Epcot turned out to be nice.
It was a food and arts festival, and there were lots of pop-up types of food vendors, each selling specialties from the various country “villages” that they represented. First up was Canada.
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Then the UK.
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Morrocco came next.
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Then France. We hadn’t eaten anything until we got to the French section, where we tried a few different things. We also went on the Ratatouille ride.
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Then Italy
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The US was in there too... although it was apparently an 1800′s version of it.. We had some scallops and beef wellington here, and while sitting in the shade, was able to strike up conversations with a lady from Anapolis, Maryland, and a couple from Miami, who gave me some tips about places to visit.
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Germany... we ate a few more bites in the German section
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then Norway,
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By the way, we saw another replica of this building at the Norwegian cultural center in Minnesota, across the river from Fargo, ND, while on vacation a few months ago. 
There was a Mexico section too, where we ate some carne asada, but I didn’t get any pictures. By this time, the walking, standing in line, and heat, had gotten to all of us, and we were exhausted and just looking for a place to relax. We hit a few rides just to have a place to sit down and get outta the heat. Then went back to the French section for a sit-down dinner.  My friends wanted to stay for the fireworks show at 9p. I would have left if it were just Shell and I, but we stayed. Now, both my wife and I grew up in the shadow of Disneyland fireworks, and I’ve never been overly impressed by them. So I wasn’t expecting much. But I was wrong. This show.... it was truly spectacular. Disney has, by now, a long catalog of movies, characters and well-known songs from a variety of cultural references to put together a varied, but still familiar show. They also have very talented artists putting all this together and the resulting, sound, laser, and firework show was the proof of this. I found myself tapping along to familiar and.... really likeable music, and watching with amazement this production. The pictures here don’t do it justice, but from a skeptic, I was impressed.
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I’ll close out Saturday’s stay at Epcot with a shot of the iconic ball all lit up.
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