#so this is what you get
televisedanime · 6 months
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Can't keep myself from coming back.
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daily-tma · 3 months
Please may you draw the archives gang struggling to get into a human pyramid?
(If that’s too difficult or you aren’t feeling it, can you draw the archival assistants having a movie night and sleepover ?)
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Daily TMA 130 - Pyramid
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wintahwonderland · 8 months
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nothing in my brain but crowleys little exhale, shoulders falling just a little and that hopeless expression on his face for just a moment, his whole body showing how exhausted he is, sad, tired and heart-broken
(and all this without even being able to see his eyes, they were making him wear his glasses for our sake)
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messysketchyobeyme · 1 year
You were certainly quite the charmer, Barbatos thought to himself. Your hand pressed delicately against the small of his back as you leaned in to peer into the pot of soup he was boiling. And quite bold, he added, when your hand slipped further down. 
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howlingdemon13 · 7 months
Because Tumblr sucks and apparently 7 pages worth of gushing over Trevor Belmont is too much for this site to handle, here's my rambling in a Google Doc. https://docs.google.com/document/d/128c2U4y_Qu0aMQifbTUvgKtPFXs8fVvUME2PLAbYNtU/edit?usp=sharing
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Do You Know This Disabled Character?
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This isn't specific to any media. If you know only one version, vote ‘I know them.’
Matt Murdock / Daredevil is blind and has depression.
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frikatilhi · 5 months
those moments when someone on the European tour had a sign saying that they want Käärijä to step on them and he got all flustered and confused, and then when he got the whip in Apollo and was like *what the fuck is this* and handled it like a cat toy (miau) made me think that he is quite vanilla in bed but ready to explore stuff, and I've been imagining him and Bojan trying all kinds of kinky equipment and new toys but both just giggling because they have no idea what they are doing <3
I'm so sorry anon, this is not the fic you're looking for. But this idea is so endlessly funny to me, especially those two moments you mentioned. His utter bafflement on why would someone want him to step on them, and the fact that his first instinct on what to use the whip for was a cat toy... Priceless.
So all I've really got is this.
Jere has no idea why people think he’s a savage in bed.
Just because he likes to perform topless and often wet, keep his dancers in a leash, lick or kiss his co-performers, talk about his dick a lot, mention fingers in his ass, fondle himself on stage, flick his tongue out every chance he gets, make an onlyfans advent calendar, put on a bra from time to time, or repost obvious thirst traps of himself, does not mean he’s into… well, all the things people seem to think he’s into.
So when Bojan finds that one box in this gift room, he is pretty embarrassed.
He watches Bojan’s eyes widen as he takes in the sight of that… thing. Then Bojan grins. 
“Do you have… something to tell me?” he asks, eyes twinkling. 
“No! Some fan send it, I don’t even…” Jere grabs the toy from Bojan and turns it around in his hands. He isn’t even sure what it’s supposed to do, which way it goes or where. What is wrong with people?
He sees a button and presses it without thinking. The following BZZZZZZZZ WAUWAUWAUWAU sound startles him so much he lets out an embarrassing squeak and the monstrosity flies out of his hands and lands on the floor, still writhing and vibrating and making that noise.
Bojan is laughing now, picks up the toy, turns it off and puts it back in its box.
“There, it’s okay. It can’t hurt you now.” He looks at Jere, wagging his eyebrows. “Unless you want it to, of course.”
“Um, no thanks,” Jere says with a giggle. Then he sobers.
“Am I… boring? In bed?” he asks, taking Bojan’s hand.
“No, of course not! I like you just the way you are,” Bojan says. “But if you ever want to try… something, anything, I’m always open to it.”
Jere eyes him, suspiciously. “Like what?”
“Well,” Bojan says, pondering. “We could… leave the lights on next time?”
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lemonkatt17 · 4 months
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Human knockout anyone (SEND HELP. I LOVE HIM)
I will post the insanity doodles of this man
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andbrokenmemories · 7 months
So it's weird how like. The Kennet girls are good at everything, aren't they? [pale spoilers ahead]
Like that's obvious, it's textual -- it's very textual, other characters being in something like awe over it over and over and over across the story. The girls are very good at this, and they have a deep well of power. This comes up continuously.
what's weird is thaaat a lot of the fanbase seem to like, enjoy that. Enjoy having protagonists who can play around with magic in a way Blake never ever could have. I kind of get that, I won't like shit-talk it too hard. (I do like Verona, y'know?)
But it's an interesting fact. Because Wildbow's the underdog protagonist guy! At least in action scenes, that's his whole thing! Taylor and Blake have to eat shit and die to claw their way to victory, and often those scenes work for me. And it's one of the things I think WB gets the most praise for? Like, from his established base. It's a conscious choice to not do that for Pale. He like, introduced the idea that this kind of wild practitioner would be especially powerful. He made that up for this book.
I wonder what that decision looks like -- after Ward, and Ward's issues, especially, since that seemed to be the first break from this. Underdog protagonists seem to be the default, for him; the thing he has most experience with. I've seen posts from him describing his process -- put characters against the wall without having a pre-planned out for them, so WB himself has to puzzle out exactly what they can use to make it out alive -- and he seemed to derive like... An actual enjoyment, out of it?
Yeah, there are fights in Pale where they're up against the wall... even one where, with Dire Consequences for us all, Wildbow had them lose because he couldn't see a way for them to win!
But it's not the same. I'd honestly say they usually lose because of their like, lack of full maturity -- their child soldier-y emotional rawness and uncertainty -- their lack of cohesion, as the book usually plays it. Lucy cannot stop John from joining the Contest because she can't hold her nerve against him. The girls cannot stop the murder plot from coming to fruition because they lack unity, aren't working together as a team. Emotional stuff. The girls have more tools in their box than any Wildbow protagonist before them, by far, but they can't always use them properly to get the W, for emotional reasons, for character reasons.
In theory, that's an interesting direction (maybe, possibly), and I should be relieved that Wildbow is trying something fresh. In practice... I've said I don't like Pale's fight scenes. I think Wildbow is plainly worse at this than the content of his previous works.
Part of this is seen in the Contest. Or, at least, how Wildbow Posts about it. If you can't tell, a specific WoG lives in my brain: Wildbow said once that he kept the story going past Break because he genuinely did not believe the trio could beat Maricica. I can imagine him doing his typical calculus for this, and what led him to that conclusion, maybe. For example, we've heard a lot about the ability of the Fae to manipulate stuff, aaaand to have the girls come along and undo all of that with minimal information to begin with wouuld sort of. Damage our belief in Faerie significance. Still, though -- cards on the table, here -- I think this was a Dumb and Bad choice. (It's a sidenote to this post, but I think it's very strange that, in-story the straw that breaks the camel's back is shown to be the Alabaster allowing shit to go on rather than throwing in with John, effectively a betrayer revealed moment -- a thing that, even if sorta his intention from the start, he could simply say 'aw beans i never really planned this out far enough' and just drop. for the sake of wrapping up a better story. and naturally i believe this would have been better also because it means we never would have fucking gotten White Woman Animus!! i digress. i digress.)
Maricica had weaknesses the story gave us to nibble on, and those weaknesses... are just kind of dangling threads, now? As of where I hopped off? like, guess she can't be that inexperienced with people if she became a goddess and started a cult and helped with all that red heron shit lol
So it's that thing I said, about fight scenes being more character driven. But then also, he's clearly thinking about this the same way as ever! As shown by his weird logic with framing the story going past Break as a thing he Had To Do, for Logical Reasons, or at least that weighing on the decision. a thing that is silly and i disagree with on it's face. right?
And then this shows in the sheer quantity of fight scenes -- if the girl's main limiter is internal emotional context and stuff........... uh... why are there so many fights? Why wouldnt the story naturally curve towards. having fewer fight scenes when theres no other way to square things away. that progress character arcs. whyyy do i care about fight scene 129 when i know how strong these girls are. whyyy are we fighting so many random others, and dedicating genuinely long segments of story to them, rather than montaging that shit? Getting it over with? If it has to be there at all? (for reference -- I just tried to think of a Random Pale Fight i fully don't think mattered. i selected the random like. angel summoner guy? with the fortnite constructor angel. that's a part of the musser invasion or whatever. this is a character with literally no substance, just a musser-side goon. From him entering the ongoing! fight to Lucy getting out of dodge is 4.6k words. Plague 12.7, the Mannequin fight, up to Mannequin leaving -- that's almost the entire chapter -- is 6.9k words. on the worm wiki, i saw there's a brief 'major events' summary of that chapter. i couldnt tell you the major events of the Pale chapter, of which that section of fight is like a third, maybe. lucy gets a bit more upset. lucy gets in a few quips against musser-side characters that actually matter but actually dont matter much to how that broader conflict is resolved. i guess.)
Wildbow writes any random fight the girls get into as being worth as many words as his fights in the past! the scrappy, pay-offy ones. bleh. My point in all this: you cannot simply set your protags up in the way I'm positing, here, and then continue to use the same vocabulary of every other serial anyway. it straight up doesn't work. it's exhausting. The Future is An Eternal Slaughterhouse 9000 Arc. Look, thats a criticism that boils down to 'web serials are too long'. And I'm not sure I care too much about web serials being too long! I have read longer web serials with longer fight scenes! I have written fiction with a longer average word count per chapter than Wildbow, at least during Worm! its a real criticism, but its not one im amazingly interested in personally. But the Kennet three could've had weaknesses to play around -- or at least, more weaknesses. We are in a Post-Pact world, and in this Post-Pact world, the magic in Pale really barely feels like it, uh, relies on discourse and presentation. like at all. And that seems like an option to give these characters obstacles! An option Wildbow gestures at during the Musser meta-arc!
but what struck me getting that word count comparison earlier, skimming that fight? The girls just aren't operating in that world. There's never a thought for presentation -- maybe sometimes, for a slight edge. But it never really matters, certainly not after the blue heron. They're using glamour as a workhorse tool, covering goblins in it for brief misdirects to get an edge in a fight; they're calling on the same shrine spirits over and over. They don't build up tools over a portion of story then cash them out for a satisfying win, they're just... strong. They have more items in their bags than Wildbow probably knows what to do with. Strong enough for just Lucy to dunk on any random set of practitioners, but not strong enough for the story to just skip that part, and not strong enough to just solve the plot until it's time to go fuck up Charles and end the story.
I know you could argue that I'm making this up, or that it's what some people prefer to what Pact was doing. But I just think it's not even what wildbow is good at! (and i always theorize that when wildbow is writing kind of bad, it's probably because he's not actually engaged or happy with what he's putting himself through. did he read a specific thing that made him personally excited to make the girls so versatile? I don't really know, but I don't get that vibe.)
And I have a couple of specific things I want to point out to try and prove this is like. a thing at all, to wrap up on: First, Glamour is used as this very, uh, soft magic thing, this very basic narrative tool. A pure mechanic of, like, mental states. If you're shaken, if you're uncertain, your glamour gives out on you -- if you shake your opponents, make them skittish, your glamour is better at misdirecting them. This is fiiine? But too vague for what Glamour is. Wildbow simply failed to properly present tradeoffs to one of his character's main action verbs, one that literally had those tradeoffs in Pact. And one last example to try and prove this: they dont even wear the hats and cloaks anymore duuude. Like, in my eyes: there was a very simple to read gambit being made, with the hats and masks and cloaks? You are awakening early, you will always have awoken early: You accepted an early shield against what that meant. A constructed image in place of the image of a fully-fledged adult, masking that youth; Whimsical and inherently magical, inherently wild. It's a very basic tradeoff, and one the story promises you it knows: even if they really would rather not have to go through the whole song and dance of suiting up, if it's tactically suboptimal or else they mature out of it and realise it's not for them, they will never be able to escape it -- not without giving up power. A mark accepted that cannot be given up. A mechanical restriction on their powersets to make up for some of their advantages, that also has some character relevancy. The Good Stuff.
except yeah it can. be taken off. it doesn't super matter. not really. they do plenty of magic without all the stuff on or even any of the stuff on -- it's rarely presented as an obstacle. it doesnt really matter. Because then, you see, they couldnt mature out of it and do cool stuff! it'd be. annoying. frustrating. they'd have to like. deal with changing past the natures they made for themselves. they'd have to. be characters. with character issues. that present themselves in fight scenes. you know?? what are we doing.
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tartarusknight · 1 year
King of the Freaks | Part 12
Ao3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
Eddie wakes up by staticky sobbing. A female voice whispered, “Steve? Steve, come in. Please, Steve, are you there?” Eddie blinks awake and glances around until he spots the walkie on the desk. “Steve please, are you okay?” The girl is crying and Eddie picks it up. He thinks about answering but he doesn’t want to make whoever’s talking, feel uncomfortable. And since it sounds like Max, he knows she’d feel uncomfortable.
 So, he hurries downstairs but Steve’s not in the living room. He heads further down and instantly notices the light on. Just a couple of lamps turned on around the area. And in the middle is Steve sitting up on the couch playing solitaire like it wasn’t 4 in the morning. He’s got a Walkman over his ears and he looks incredibly tense. Eddie moves over and the minute he touches Steve, Steve wheels around and looks like he’s about to punch Eddie. However, he pauses and his eyes widen at the sight of Eddie. Then he glances at the walkie in Eddie’s hand and pales.
 He pushes his headphones off and grabs the walkie, Max’s frantic sobs still echoing. “Max, hey I’m so sorry. I didn’t- I’m here now.” Eddie pauses and takes Steve in. The tension in his body, the fear in his eyes, and the bags under his eyes. “Byers or Junkyard?”
Max sobs, “B-Byers.”
Steve squeezes his eyes shut, “Billy, Will, or the dogs?”
“Billy,” The word is so quiet and Eddie watches Steve’s shoulders slump. Steve glances back at him and he’s silently begging Eddie but Eddie has no clue what he wants.
“Do you want me to come and get you?” Steve offered but he got a no.
 Everything was quiet as Steve took a deep breath before he started. “Alright, listen closely Max,” Steve says and Eddie takes a step back, forcing himself to let them have this conversation, let them have privacy. “Lucas is fine, Billy wasn’t able to touch him. We stopped him, Max. You and I stopped him. Billy’s not a problem anymore. He’s left you and your friends alone.” Steve murmurs into the walkie as Eddie heads upstairs. His movements are slow as he grabs the cup Steve had been using and refills it, along with another cup. His mind whirls as he pictures the kids freaking out because of Billy Hargrove. He pictures them watching as Steve went down… but Steve said that Max helped.
 Suddenly he’s got this image of Steve on the ground, barely breathing as Max beats Billy into the ground. It’s stupid and he knows he doesn’t know what actually happened, but it was traumatizing enough to give the kids nightmares. And then there was the obvious fact. Max had gotten Billy to back off of her and her friends, but Steve hadn’t been let off the hook. Billy still took his anger out on Steve and Steve kept that from Max, from all the kids. Shielding them from the sharp truth that Billy Hargrove was an asshole.
 Eddie isn’t tired enough to not wait and make sure Steve's okay. So he just stands in the kitchen. Watching time tick by until he felt okay heading back down there. Because there was no way he’d leave Steve alone after that. Not after seeing how Steve hides. After around 30 minutes he grabs the two cups and heads back down. The walkie is silent on the coffee table and Steve’s holding himself close, like if he didn’t move everything would be okay. Eddie gently sets the two cups down and sits down next to Steve. He doesn’t even look at Eddie, but it’s okay.
 He's careful as he shifts, but he stays firm. Sure, his brain isn’t completely on and he’s too exhausted to really think twice about his actions. But it doesn’t matter, he just pulls Steve so Steve’s back is against his chest and he holds him. Steve is tense for a moment before letting out a small sob. Eddie lays back against one of the pillows and Steve shifts so he’s on his side, curled around Eddie with his head on Eddie’s chest. They lay like that as Steve shakes. Eddie rubs gentle circles on his back and eventually, Steve falls asleep like that. Eddie holds him close and looks up at the ceiling of the basement. No stains, perfect just like the rest of the house. He wonders what it was like growing up here. Eddie thinks it's more of a show house than an actual home.
 When Eddie wakes up and Steve’s gone. It takes him a moment to get his brain back up and running but as he fully wakes up, he’s alone. There’s a blanket over him and Steve’s cup is gone. As if he wasn’t ever in Eddie’s arms. He rubs his eyes and heads up the stairs. Grant is awake and at the kitchen island as Steve is moving around making some coffee. His hair is freshly washed and Eddie wondered how long he’s been awake.
 “Wow, it’s before 10, and you're awake?” Grant teases and Eddie flips him off. He glances at Steve who looks content acting like nothing was amiss. That he didn’t break down last night in Eddie’s arms… he just looked like he wasn’t sure what to do around Eddie.
Eddie blinks, “okay, I can’t cook anything but breakfast foods. So,” he drawls and Grant rolls his eyes as Steve watches him. He starts pulling things out and Steve moves out of his way, looking like he wants to offer a hand.
 “Favorite breakfast food,” Eddie points at Steve, and Steve looks honestly shocked that he was asked.
He shifts and looks uncomfortable, “Er- I don’t normally eat breakfast.”
Eddie glances over, “but do you have a favorite?”
Steve shrugs half-heartedly. “I think the kids would kill me if I said anything other than waffles.” He’s got a small smile on his face and Eddie grins.
“I can work with that,” he nods and Steve helps him pull out the last few items.
 He works with Steve smoothly and Grant even makes some bacon to go with it. By the time Jeff and Gareth come down, there’s a feast fit for kings. Throughout breakfast, he keeps an eye on Steve and he looks fine for the most part. Like he’s used to being up at 4 in the morning. Like he’s used to kids calling him crying about a nightmare. Like he’s unfazed by it all even as he barely sleeps. There’s a small tension in his shoulders but somehow Eddie knows it’s because he got to see Steve break down. It makes him think about their meeting. Steve had been panicking in a closet, full-on melting down. Steve’s got his fair number of problems and Eddie might only be touching the surface of them. But he wants to keep digging.
 Eventually, they end up at the table and Steve teaches most of them (minus Grant who already knew) how to play poker. They bet with pretzels and Eddie is having fun even as he goes broke. Grant is winning and Steve isn’t too far behind him. However, around 1 his phone rings. “Excuse me,” he mumbles and leaves the room. Gareth takes the moment to look at his cards.
“Dude,” Jeff huffs but he just looks amused.
 Surprisingly, they could hear everything Steve said from the other room. “Hello--- good afternoon to you to Dustin… I’m actually busy ask Jon--- yes, with Eddie but I don’t see how- Kid, what the hell are you going on about? No- I’ve got more than just Eddie here. Why are you so focused on Ed--- I’m not- Dustin- I don’t understand what’s up… I still hang out with you every Wednesday… yes, I know that… Oh, you’re- um, kid, you’re still my favorite, I promise... Yeah, sounds like a plan, dipshit… I promise not to have too much fun without you--- Sure, dumbass, I believe you.” It goes quiet and Eddie can’t help but smile at all the care in Steve’s voice.
 As Steve enters, he’s got a small smile on his face but his eyes narrow at Gareth, “you looked at my cards didn’t you?” They all gave him their most innocent smiles which made him laugh. “Yeah okay,” he rolls his eyes and sits back down. He takes all the cards which makes Gareth groan. However, no one actually fights it, letting Steve deal it back out easily.
 “What did Dustin want?” Eddie can’t help but ask.
Steve smirks, “he and the brats wanted a ride to the arcade.”
Eddie nods and Steve pauses, tapping his fingers on the table. “Actually, Eddie did he act-”
“Like I was his biggest enemy? Like a little ball of jealousy?” He offered and Steve laughed, nodding.
 They played until both Eddie and Gareth were ‘broke’ and then Jeff moved to make up some dinner. Eddie bounced in his spot, “so movie and then smoke?” He questioned and everyone easily agreed. Steve moved to help Eddie get out all of his movies and they sat down on the carpet to go through them.
 Eddie couldn’t help but check on Steve throughout the day but now in this small bubble of peace… he felt like he could ask. “Are you alright?”
Steve looked over at him and blinked in surprise. “Uh, yeah. I’m alright, and you?” He asked softly, his body growing stiff.
Eddie tries to smile and relieve some tension, “I’m pretty good. Just concerned about you,” he says honestly. Steve doesn’t seem to take that well, his eyes refusing to meet his. “You know, it’s okay to cry. And I-”
Steve huffs, “I’m fine, Eddie. Okay, sure I- Max doesn’t-” He shakes his head like he can’t find the words.
 “I used to get really bad panic attacks when I was growing up.” Eddie blurts and Steve finally looks at him. “My mom, she died when I was a kid. Overdosed when my dad was off doing some shit. I was young and I didn’t understand why she wasn’t waking up. My old man took it out on me. I lived terrified for years until he did something stupid and got arrested for it. After that, I lived with Wayne. I was 12.” He rambles and Steve stares at him. “I was too young to understand why my dad hit me. So, I didn’t know how to tell if Wayne was going to be the same way. Everything set me off and Wayne would hold me until I could breathe again. He’d get them to, from the war. We dealt with them together,” Eddie blinks as Steve reached over and take his hand.
 He looked at Steve and held tighter. “I’ve helped a lot of people calm down after someone bullies them because I wish someone would’ve held me after my dad-” he cuts himself off. “So, if you need someone to lean on, you can lean on me.” He says, “I’d feel better if you did.”
Steve looks at him and he draws in a sharp breath, “okay. I- I promise to let you hold me next time I break down.” He smiles at Eddie and while it’s in a teasing tone, they both know it’s honest. Eddie knows Steve’s hiding with jokes and smiles, just like Eddie hides behind leather jackets and taunting words.
 They pick out a movie after that, and Steve doesn't want to talk anymore. It doesn’t hurt Eddie but he hopes it’s enough. They end up deciding to bring the TV down in the basement. He helps Steve haul it down and it's awkward but they make it work. Gareth starts setting it up, stating that he's great at this kind of shit. They all watch him as Jeff brings down dinner and they have dinner down there. Jeff had made Avocado cucumber rolls that reminded Eddie of egg rolls. He didn't complain about the vegetables not when Steve was actually eating. Instead he forced it down and hated that it didn't taste bad. 
 Once their done eating, Gareth had it hooked up and they put on Slumber Party Massacre because Eddie thought it would be funny. While Steve didn't look super happy with the choice he didn't argue. Plus it was his movie, so Eddie knew he at least had seen it. Eddie rolls a joint and sits down next to Steve. lighting it up. They all pass them around until their all a little high. Steve is surprisingly a lightweight. He leans against Eddie as they trade back and forth. “You don’t smoke much?” Grant asks and Steve blinks like he’s trying to focus.
He shakes his head, “Tommy didn’t like me to do it often.” He murmurs and Eddie’s eyes narrow as Steve snuggles a little closer to Eddie.
“Why not?” Gareth asks and Steve hums, taking a hit before passing it.
He shrugs, “He only ever wanted to when it was just him, Carol, and me. I get super clingy and they said it’s better if I didn’t smoke at parties.”
 Steve stands and grabs a soda from the small stack they made but he doesn’t come back to sit next to Eddie. Instead, he drops down in Jeff’s space. Jeff blinks but doesn’t say anything as Steve gets comfortable wrapped around him. Eddie can’t help the flip in his chest, wishing Steve would do that to him. Before he realized they did just this morning. “Okay?” Steve questions, ever the gentleman even high.
Jeff wraps one of his arms around Steve who grins at the touch. “Yeah, this is fine.” Steve takes a sip of the soda, making a noise in the back of his throat like a pleased cat.
 Gareth is snickering but no one says anything to make Steve feel uncomfortable and take his movements back. It was getting late but they all stayed right there, on the couches, relaxing easily. Steve had brought down blankets earlier and it felt like a slumber party. A slumber party for seniors who were high out of their minds. Eddie glanced over at Steve and tried not to let this little green monster out as Steve sits on Jeff’s lap sideways, curled into his arms with a tired smile on his face. No, Eddie couldn’t be jealous, not when Steve actually looked happy and was the one to reach out first.
@zerokrox-blog @cyranx @adaed5 @the-redthread @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @failedstarsandgoldenclouds  @bisexualdisastersworld @deadlydodos @anythingyouwanttobe @nburkhardtt @bestwifehaver @thehumblefigtree @megzdoodle @swimmingbirdrunningrock @mightbeasleep @bxlthazar @autumnal-dawn @chillichats @nonbinary-eddie-munson @the-daydreamer-in-the-corner @eddie-munson-is-my-wife @a-little-unsteddie @sharingisntkaren @a-huge-nerdy-nerd @0o-queendean-o0 @beckkthewreck @vi-an-te @vampireinthesun @newtstabber @dinosareawesome2137  @spicemallow @hellomynameismoo  @luthienstormblessed @briceslayed @angeldreamsoffanfic @dbquills @prideandsensibility @iwouldsail @ponfarrtimeatthevulcannightclub @spectrum-spectre @the-chilly-kat @yearningagain @loopsmd @starlight-archer @sleepy-time @goodolefashionedloverboi  @crazyshipper67  @sherrylyn628  @bidisastersworld  @v3lnys  @n0connections @pyrohonk  @cherixxx69 @theotalksalot @tailsfromthecrypt @ledleaf @grimmfitzz
(I can’t tag any more people I’m sorry!!! If you want to stay updated pls follow me or go onto Ao3 and subscribe to the story!)
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perpetuallyboo · 1 year
Ya know, as a beginner artist I can’t bring the scene I have in mind justice by drawing it.....BUT YA KNOW WHAT I CAN DO!? I SURE AS HELL CAN FUCKIN WRITE SO *BREAKS KNUCKLES* LETS DO THIS SHIT
Gegg jumped up and down excitedly on two little legs, waving his sign of "STORY" all around him. "Yes, yes, come on Gegg." Wilbur sighed, turning away from the small egg and towards the looming stone walls near the man's house. "I'll tell you a story. Just...follow me." Gegg hopped over to follow the tall man, wobbly in his excitement but hurrying towards the path that Wilbur made. "Now, Gegg, I want you to get in this hole here. It's..It's the story hole!" Wilbur said, picking at the wall till it made a small hole just big enough for someone to fit inside.
Briefly, the dark crevasse in the wall flashed to a brighter lit but all the more foreboding small room, surrounded by the same stone but with just a singular slime block in the middle. The only thing that Gegg had to look at other than the torches for when he had waited for someone to find him...
But then the flash stuttered and cut off back to the dark space of the hole that Wilbur had dug. Shaking himself out of any dark thoughts, (those were in the past anyways, Gegg had found people that liked him!) Gegg hopped into the hole.
Wilbur stood at the edge of the hole's opening, illuminated by bright sunlight, tall frame casting a dark shadow over Gegg.
"Now, Gegg, a story. Once upon a time," Wilbur began, narrowing his eyes at the small greenish egg in front of him with a forced smile.
"In a very enchanted and dangerous forest, there was a little egg, and he was very fragile and very slimy- and- and goopy and he smelled repulsive. Absolutely abhorrent, just the worst smelling thing you've ever smelt."
Gegg was not liking this story very much anymore. He was always slower than most eggs, but it was easy to tell by the disgusted glare in Wilbur's eyes and the way his hand tightened on the pickaxe he held in his hand that these insults were directed right at him.
"Clean egg!" Gegg flashed his signs, staring hopefully up at Wilbur. Sure, Gegg was happy to be Gegg with all his funny green slime, but if Wilbur would like Gegg without it then Gegg could change! But Wilbur just sighed derisively, pinching his nose.
"No, Gegg, you'll never be clean. Listen to the story. It was the smelliest, ugliest, goopiest egg in the world. And he wandered off into the woods and you'll never guess what happened to him!" Wilbur leaned towards Gegg, not stepping forward into the small cave but enough so that his eyes glinted dangerously.
"He got eaten! Alive!"
Gegg gasped and cowered into the corner of the cave. His attention had been enraptured by Wilbur's story about this small green egg just like Gegg and when Wilbur had leaned forward, Gegg cursed his vivid imagination as he could see his own weak shell being griped by some monster and eaten alive. It would be so easy, so easy! No one looked after Gegg, no one would even notice! "No, no! Scary!" Gegg whimpered, tears forming in his wide eyes.
"Yes, Yes. But alternatively to the story, before he wandered off, he got put here..." Wilbur began, stepping slightly back once more to then place a block in front of him, stacking another on top to fully seal away the outside world and any kind of light. "In a nice safe box. Just like that! Where he can't irritate anyone." There was a pause as if Wilbur struggled to find another reason. "And he couldn't get killed! So, he lived in this box forever. And he didn't make any noise. He was quiet. He wasn't irritating. Now, have a good sleep, Gegg." Wilbur ended with a pleased tone and to Gegg's horror, the sound of footsteps fading away.
Gegg was now trapped in the shadows of the cave, barely above to move to the side from how close the walls were. Was this how he died? Just how he lived? In this dark, cold hole where no one would find him? Before he was able to be found because he at least had a few signs pointing to his spot but now...now he was just trapped in the wall that surrounded the server. Just two blocks deep, unable to make any noise but distressed whines and quiet gasps as tears began to well and fall from his eyes.
"Forever." Wilbur had said.
Was Gegg...Was Gegg really so bad?
To deserve to be locked away forever? Never to see light again? Never to hear someone's voice? Never to feel the brief snippet of joy he had just barely grasped? Was all Gegg worth is to rot?
The smallest egg collapsed to the cold stone floor and sobbed, too weak to claw an escape and too alone to be saved.
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