#so then BAM so many AUs right at the tail end
kraviolis · 1 year
you can tell when a show is really fucking good and satisfying when there isnt an insane amount of AUs and most fan content is just expanding or elaborating on or celebrating the canon
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xenon-demon · 11 months
ok so HI 👋 you're gonna get multiple of these by me because I wanna know everything. but first. I wanna know about the steddie soulmate tattoos because I looOOove a good soulmate fic??? 👀👀
LUIIIIIIII please ask as MANY questions as you want I love talking about all the different versions of steddie that exist in my brain 🤩 thanks so much for the question!!!
SO this is actually my First Ever Steddie WIP 🥲 and it was inspired by something I saw on Twitter where the make up artist who designed Eddie’s tattoos was like “yeah the bats tattoo is actually a reference to Steve and how both Steve and Eddie were chomped on by the demobats” and everyone was like "OMG STEDDIE SOULMATE TATTOOS REAL?" So I took that and ran with it lmao. The conceit of this soulmate universe is that a tattoo forms on your body the moment you fall in love with your soulmate, and the tattoo is in some way symbolic of that moment.
Eddie's tattoo is the bats, obviously, and Steve's tattoo is of Eddie's guitar, spanning the length of his ribcage on his left side. That tattoo appeared when Dustin gave Steve the play-by-play of The Most Metal Concert Ever™ while they were both in Eddie's hospital room waiting for him to wake up from his post-near-death-experience coma; Steve visualized Eddie doing that in all his glory, though about how Eddie saved Dustin's life, and then BAM. Soulmate tattoo. Dustin will never let him live it down.
Also Steve and Robin have a tattoo for each other because I refuse to write a soulmate AU where Stobin are not soulmates in some way, even if platonic soulmates are not a thing in universe <3 (although in this particular AU platonic soulmates ARE a thing)
Have a look under the cut if you'd like to see Eddie's POV of the moment he got his soulmate tattoo ;) (yes it's That Scene from canon because of course it is)
Send me an ask about my WIPs!
He stops short the moment his brain registers what’s happening in front of him. Steve Harrington, in all his shirtless glory, is currently wailing on that goddamned bat with nothing more than his bare hands. He’s got it by the tail and swings it around over his head before slamming it into the ground, grunting with the exertion of it. Before it has a chance to move, Steve swings it back up again and slams it back down just as hard. Even in the gloom of this nightmare realm, Eddie can see the way his muscles flex with the strain. It’s not like Steve’s muscles are difficult to spot, okay - for all jocks are the enemy, Eddie can respect an attractive man, and he’d certainly been respecting Steve’s athletic physique when he stripped off in the boat ten minutes ago. Seeing Steve shirtless and seeing Steve’s nicely toned upper body in action are two very different things, however, and Eddie most certainly was not prepared for the latter.
It doesn’t end there, though, because Steve’s next move is to step on the damn thing’s neck and pull its tail until its head tears clean off its body, with his bare hands. Eddie thinks he mentioned the ‘bare hands’ bit already, but fuck it, it bears repeating. Eddie’s just watching this happen, wide-eyed, when Steve fucking spits blood onto the bat’s corpse, leaving a string of sticky red fluid trailing from his lips. Holy shit, when did he bite that thing? He’s breathing hard, chest heaving from the adrenaline, and even though it’s on the chilly side his torso is shiny with sweat. Steve tilts his head back, mouth open and chest still heaving, and it makes the blood trailing from his mouth fall back against his chin. Eddie could almost pretend it’s something else dripping from those plush lips, if he tried, but he’s so buzzed from the adrenaline and the absolutely obscene display in front of him that he can’t quite make the fantasy consolidate.
It’s the hottest thing Eddie’s ever seen.
He doesn’t even get to enjoy it though, because as soon as he registers that thought in his brain, there’s a tingling sensation on his right forearm. It starts near the crease of his arm, and within a few seconds it’s spread outwards and down towards his wrist, about halfway down his forearm. The tingling starts to intensify, turns more into a warm, not-unpleasant burning sensation, and Jesus fucking Christ this had better not be what Eddie thinks it is.
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1,6, and 15 for Reforged?
Reblog if you are a fanfiction author and would like your readers to put one of your fic titles in your ask + questions about it
Fic Context: Reforged
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
Originally, for the fic overall, I was inspired by a post by... I think their handle was squid-in-disguise (but I can't find the original post anymore and the ship-centered blog I reblogged it from almost 2 years ago apparently deleted). When I finish and type the final promo post, I'm going to try and tag them if I can verify OP's handle.
It was a fairly general prompt for if Rodimus visited Caminus and was hailed as a deity. I definitely took it in a different direction than was originally asked for. The original idea had "Megatron had secretly been in love with Rodimus the entire time" and I didn't lean into that as much.
I also went way deeper into Camien religion and history than I think anyone asked for, because I think that's interesting.
I also got to draw parallels with the Original Thirteen (from both IDW and Aligned). Added three drops of my experience with Judaism, threw the whole thing in the blender, and BAM.
TL;DR: I saw a post with an idea and no one stopped me. This is how many of my fics happen.
The rest of the answers are under the cut for length
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
We'll take away the sheer length, which far outstrips my other works.
This fic is special/different because:
It gets the most interaction and attention than all of my other fics combined. Something about it resonated with readers and this makes me very proud. I consider myself a very obscure fic author, so I was surprised that anyone even looked at it.
I started writing it on the tail-end of MegaRod being a popular-ish ship. I walked in right when content basically stopped being made (or at least incredibly slowed down to me and two or so other people that I know of). It was just a weird time to get into the ship, which is now almost a rarepair, but especially a weird time to drop a massive novel for it. This ties into the previous point: I'm surprised anyone looked at it.
It's my longest running writing project ever from starting to completion. (I've got up to chapter 98 drafted and only a few chapters after that left to go). Compare that to The Hollow Man, a novella that I slapped out in a month.
It's probably my most obvious example of "canon blending" right now. It's predominantly IDW1, but it's full of both subtle and blatant AU changes, on top of cannibalizing bits and pieces from other continuities, most noticeably Aligned.
It's the first piece I've had that got companion pieces, other little fics set in the same universe or bonus scenes.
It's the only fic of mine that my spouse threatens to write a crack/unhinged version of. For example: trials being based on the Great British Bake-Off
I'm sure there's more but that's what I've got atm.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
Novels are hard. Don't write them. I like to think I'm a one-shot and novella specialist, so 40k+ word beasties are not my normal wheelhouse. Some people are best at novels specifically! I do not think I am one of them! Now watch me put my foot in my mouth for Solar Flare.
If you do write one, give yourself a word count and/or a chapter cap. Do not accidentally write something longer than Lord of the Rings (the novel, not the trilogy, but maybe don't write something the length of a trilogy either).
Your brain will sometimes build in foreshadowing for you. Convenient and terrible all at once!
Characters will sometimes provide a story path that you did not plan for. Sometimes this is good! Sometimes this can get away from you and you're at a runaway word count again.
Outlines can be helpful to keep your plot from wandering too far off. I had a very rough outline for this fic of what I needed to hit and whenever something veered too far off, I had something tether it to rather than completely losing the thread. This doesn't work for everyone.
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burnedbyshoto · 3 years
I wanted to make myself like the ravine
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— There are plenty of things that Hawks knows about, but there are few he knows none about. A journey of how Hawks navigates the meaning of the word love. 
pairing: hawks (takami keigo) x fem!reader
warnings: recent manga spoilers, future!au, alcohol consumption, fem!reader
word count: 6,819
a/n: this is for the pocuties valentines day collab! rhank you for letting me join! inspired by the poem to the title of this fic!
Hawks is one of the fastest men in the world.
It’s not a brag; it’s the truth.
A cold, hard, damning truth.
Hawks is a Pro Hero with the power, skill, and finesse required to take the fall for the entire country. He is someone who is loved by all, who thrives off of the appreciation and the cheers, but he knows — he understands — he’s expendable. He’s a tool—an object seconds from being put to rest.
There are many things that Hawks knows; he’s been training to be a hero since he was in his very childhood. Blindfolded, tested and conditioned to be the ideal hero, the perfect pawn.
Hawks is no idiot, and he will never deny that often times that he isn’t sure what he is feeling.
Emotions are weird for him. Feelings are oversimplified in everything he was taught, yet disgustingly really and oddly interfering the second he had set foot into the spotlight. He was used to the cold, the people who would view him as a specimen, experiment 20493, codenamed: Fierce Winged Hawks. The only emotions he understood was apathy, seriousness, anger, resentment, bitterness, disappointment, and relief. When finally, finally, the Hero Commission broke his wings, his spine, and his mind, the small boy so eager to be a Hero ultimately nothing but a soldier, ready to follow commands to the T.
Hawks has only heard of love from the blurry, unclear memories of his childhood. His mother muttering how she had no love for him to be taking care of him as he did, or his father saying he could never love him. Love was foreign, strange, alien to him. Even when he was eighteen and finally given a bit of freedom from the chains the Hero Commission bound him in was expressed out of love. But he was put into the cage that granted him the ability to spread his stiff wings; love made no sense.
He saw lovers making out in alleyways, and he furrowed his eyebrows, wondering just why anyone would want to kiss in the smelly, dark, virus-infected areas. He saw his colleagues come in looking dazed, refreshed, reborn, yelling loudly, and singing poetry about their love for some other person they met just yesterday. He also couldn’t ignore the days, weeks, months later when they would rearrive with red-rimmed eyes, swollen eyes, and a tremor to their voice.
Love seemed… awful to Hawks.
Love was a deception of brain chemicals. Nothing more than your mind bending, flipping, and twisting to make something that made absolutely no sense make sense. 
Hawks had expressed that one day to a sidekick of his, his barriers and walls crumbling away because he had been on a stakeout for five days straight now. The world that could never keep up with him was numbing his brain.
“Well, that’s romantic and flirtatious love for ya,” his sidekick explained with a halfhearted shrug. It seemed that he both agreed and disagreed with what Hawks had to say. “They’re amazing loves, don’t get it wrong, and they definitely don’t make sense, but they’re loves not meant to last.”
Hawks blinked.
His sidekick chuckled, hands rubbing at his eyes as he peered out the window again, his sullen eyes looking even more tired.
“Have you never learned the different types of love before, Hawks?” the sidekick teased as much as he was curious. “I figured a pro as popular and smart as you are would know the different types of love.”
Hawks feathers fluttered in his inability to keep his lack of knowledge to himself.
“I don’t.”
“Wow, finally something Hawks isn’t aware of!” the sidekick laughed, and his hand opened his phone, fingers hitting the screen before shoving the device into Hawks’ chest. “I’m sure you’ll find that you can understand at least one love.”
Hawks grabbed the phone, head cocking to the side in his curiosity as he scrolled down through the phone.
There were eight different types.
Eight different ones that he could have experienced within his then twenty-one years, and he found himself unable to look away from one.
Agape: universal, selfless love
“Hawks, they’re moving!” the sidekick squawked, and Hawks handed over the phone, and with nothing on his mind, burst out the window, ready to take down this organization.
Hawks had to admit that later that night, when he was finally able to sleep in his own bed, he felt selfless love. It was for the people of Japan. The many citizens who needed his help and the heroes of the country who rose to the demands of the job. Maybe it wasn’t the type of love depicted in anything he’s ever read or watched before, but that was okay. It was love.
The love he has for the citizens is enough to keep his head afloat.
This is the only love he needs in his life right now, the only love that matters.
But he’s no longer twenty-one, he’s twenty-five, and the wings on his back that feel practically invisible to him, are hurting. His back is in pain, his quirk almost gone, save for the smallest, insignificant feathers perching from the stumps of what was his beginnings of a wingspan. It still burns, phantom singes and phantom heat whenever he thinks about his nearly gone, never to be grown again, wings.
“Well, Hawks, you already know that this is going to happen,” comes the cold voice of one of the board members of the Hero Commission. A man who had practically raised (see managed) him. 
Today was the end of Hawks life, more or less.
“AFO, Shigaraki Tomura, and the well-known former members of the League of Villains were finally stopped,” Hawks speaks with a nod. He knows, even though he could not be a soldier, he had been around to see the young UA students, Endeavors Interns, bring them to justice.
The biggest names of evil were dead, and Hawks already knew he was over.
To be fair, he was glad it was over.
But still, it hurt to hear the indifference in his voice, the apathy, the tedium.
“Operation: Fierce Wings - Hawks is officially over.”
“I could’ve figured that one out pretty easily,” Hawks jests, unable to show the way his heart twisted and withered under the knowledge that he was no longer a hero. His love, his agape, for the people were still there. Still, just as he recognized in his colleagues who were experiencing the different forms of love, it didn’t matter how much love you held for someone, something, for the innocent, helpless people…
Life takes, it destroys, and love doesn’t seem to have a chance.
“Thank you for your twenty years of service. I hope you find the freedom you had been looking for.”
It’s been a week.
Seven days, twenty-one hours, sixteen minutes, and thirty-four seconds since Hawks was fired (see Honorably Discharged) as a Pro Hero.
Hawks has always felt that the world moved oh so slowly behind him. It had been his wish that heroes be able to relax, laze around because society had evolved enough that criminals knew better, were treated better, and could integrate into a truly peaceful society.
It had been his dream.
But right now, he was bored.
B o r e d.
“Fuck, I don’t care,” Hawks grumbled, face smooshing into a pillow as he watched the Netflix Series Bridgerton drone on the screen. “Dump his ass.”
His apartment, it was safe to say, was a mess. There were cups, bowls, plates, and chopsticks everywhere. His hair was ruffled, stringy, held back by a hair clip he had stolen from Miruko. His beard was nearly fully grown in, and there were bags under his eyes despite the fact he was sleeping for more hours of the day than staying awake. He was sore, tired, bored.
So bored.
He didn’t think being bored was going to suck this much, going to hurt him like this.
“Open the damn door, bird boy!” came a sharp scream and powerful kick from the front door.
Hawks glared at the door, the tiniest of feathers he had been able to regrow, trying to pathetically open the lock on the door. A sheen layer of sweat pushed against his forehead, and Hawks grunted, trying to lift the heavy lock.
The door swung open, forcefully kicked open by none other than Pro Hero Miruko.
“Yo!” Miruko waved, lips pulled in a fierce grin as she entered through the broken doorway with nothing but a bag of unknown items. “I figured you were here!”
“...you broke my door,” Hawks pointed out, eyes narrowed as dust and destruction danced within the air.
“You took too long,” Miruko breezed, slamming her plastic bag on the kitchen island. “It’s a fucking rats nest in here, birdbrain; I thought you were somewhat organized?”
Hawks groaned loudly, sinking further into his couch as Miruko began reorganizing his kitchen area — dumping the dirty dishes into the sink and throwing things away in fast, practiced skill. “Life is too boring, and I’m too bored to do anything about all of the mess,” Hawks exaggerates partially, hand twisting and dancing as he speaks. “Thanks for cleaning up the mess.”
“I’m not cleaning up your damn mess, birdbrain,” Miruko barks out a laugh, her hands slamming against the now, somehow, clean surface. “I’m just making my life easier!”
Hawks looked over the top of the couch with a semi impressed, semi uncaring look and shrugged.
“You seem to have a great handle over those robot limbs now,” he points out.
Sure enough, Miruko had two bionic limbs, limbs that she had finally managed to work into a fighting career. After spending two years on the sideline, relearning how to walk and then fight, she was back on the field.
She was a hero again, despite it all, unlike him.
“Damn right, I’m amazing!” Miruko preened, chest puffed, and bunny tail wagging excitedly. “But anyway, I figured your dumbass would be depressed, so I brought you some shit.”
Hawks watched with a curious gaze as Miruko quickly hopped once from where she was in the kitchen to a place on his couch, landing on Hawks' legs unintentionally.
“Look at what Rumi brought you,” Miruko laughed, slapping Hawks on the back as he cradled his legs. “And yes, I just referred to myself in the third person, so shush.”
Hawks grumbled, lips in a half pout, half frown.
Taking the opaque bag from Miruko, Hawks pulled out the many items in the bag.
Carrots, a KFC gift card, Korean skincare products, a movie about Miruko’s recovery process, and a 1001 Things to Do (A Book on Finding Self Love).
Hawks stares at the book.
“The perfect items for a self-care, self-love spa day,” Miruko nods, once again slapping Hawks on the back. “Some old sidekick of yours told me that you don’t know what love is, so I figured that I would help teach you the most important one! Self-love! Truly the hardest one to master, in my opinion, but damn if it isn’t a good one.”
Hawks feels transfixed almost, unable to look away from the book as Miruko slaps him on the back yet again as she moves to leave. He hears her yelling about forwarding the bill to fix his door to her, her agency would pay for the damage, and how she’s off to train with some bunny hopping boy from UA.
Opening the book, Hawks looked at the number one thing to do on the book and sighed.
#1: Look in a mirror and name five things you LOVE about yourself.
Well, it’s not like he has anything better to do.
Hawks is on number thirteen (Stand at a bridge and scream into the void about the things you love at dusk) when he realizes that maybe… he doesn’t love himself. 
It is without saying that he loves people; agape, after all, is the only love type that made sense to him, but philautia, self-love, was way lost on him. Objectives 2 - 12 on the book were entertaining to do! They had Hawks going outside of his house much more than his week trapped indoors, and for the first time since the day his wings had been burnt off, his house was spotless.
But it was clear to Hawks that he didn’t feel love for himself.
Whenever he tried to convince himself that he should love himself, that there were terrific qualities in himself, he thought back to the dirty, burnt room. 
“I still gotta protect their happiness!” the phantom in his mind screamed, the broken sob collected in his throat.
Hawks shivered, unable to let himself recognize the pain and hurt in the phantom's eyes, or the way that he now wished he had never done that… why had he done that?
What a mess…
The small chirping of Hawks phone interrupts his morose thoughts. He looks at the screen, eyebrows raising in slight mirth and caution as none other than his former intern was currently calling him.
“Tsukuyomi-kun!” Hawks laughs into the receiver, the weight of his past for a moment forgotten. “How are ya?!”
“Hello, Hawks-sensei,” Tokoyami’s calm tone fills Hawks' ears. “I was calling because I have a request to make.”
“Name it,” Hawks spoke immediately, slouching against the cold bars of the bridge, eyes closing as he tried to relax. “You need a letter of rec or something?”
“Nothing of the sort, actually,” Tokoyami says. “We third-year students are graduating in a few days; I was inquiring if you would attend on my behalf.”
“Wow, Tsukuyomi-kun, no need to be so formal with me!” Hawks laughed delightedly, his hands carting through his feather-like hair, “I’d love to come and watch you guys graduate! Is it true that the finger-smashing boy is the valedictorian?”
“That would be false, Midoriya-kun has nothing on Yaoyorozu-san.”
“What a bummer, you’d think he’d be first after how he helped win the war for us, huh?”
“You’ll find that Yaoyorozu-san is highly gifted and undeterred by most things,” Tokoyami sighed. For a moment, Hawks chuckled at the melancholy tone to his old intern's voice. It sounded as if he had been striving with great difficulty to reach the highest marks as well. 
Hawks began speaking to his rather odd ex-intern with great curiosity with the blanket of the night surrounding him. His defenses and thoughts whittling away the more they spoke, the later it got in the morning.
“Ne, Tokoyami-kun, I have a question?”
“Concerning what?”
Hawks pauses, his brows furrowing as he looks up into the still dark sky, “Do you know how to love yourself?”
Had it been anyone else, Hawks would have panicked at the lack of noise. Still, his already less than chatty intern typically took to not speaking much to begin with.
“Self-love is difficult,” Tokoyami finally spoke, his words slow, carefully chosen. “We humans are flawed; we all have demons. Most of the time, we only recognize and see our demons, oftentimes forgetting that being human also means being weak and at times immoral. Loving oneself is a hard task because we know ourselves better than any other. It’s a work in progress for everyone to love oneself, it's a type of love by the Ancient Greeks, but it’s not always everpresent. One must accept all flaws to love oneself, and remember that flaws don’t make you less, even if you believe otherwise.”
“...wow, I asked for a sentence answer, and you gave me a speech. Who would’ve known you were so in check with your emotions, Tokoyami!”
“You knew, I’ve already revealed this side of me before. You laughed last time too.”
Hawks finds himself home thirty minutes later, and he stares up at the ceiling, fingers drumming against his chest.
Self-love… it seems like an ever-evolving type of love, but it’s there. He knows that even if he has regrets and hardships and things he hates about himself, deep down, self-love exists and that it will exist. 
Even the fastest man in the world could demonstrate patience.
“What can I get for ya?”
“I have no idea honestly, do you have any recommendations?”
Hawks could say with complete honesty that he felt entirely out of place.
He was at a local bar. The bar was semi-busy today. Most young adults dressed in an arrangement of clothes, each on a different level of soberness as they cheered to this and that. 
Why was he at a bar even though he was slightly uncomfortable? Well, you can blame #73 in the book for that.
(#73: Enter the first bar you find, order a drink, and flirt!)
“What type of liquor do you like? Hard or soft?”
Hawks blinked; he didn’t know.
The bartender looked a bit unsure of him for a bit before nodding and turning his back to him.
Did hard liquor mean he was going to get an iced drink? He’s never consumed alcohol before.
“Here you go!” the bartender sang, slamming two shot glasses before him. “Two shots of Bacardi.”
“Oh, thank you?” Hawks tilted his head as a small cup of OJ was placed in front of him (“That’s your chaser,” the bartender had laughed). Bringing the small glass shot glass up, Hawks looked around at the throngs of people surrounding the bar and looked at you. You were cheering loudly as you raised your own shot glass in the air with a whoop and, in a fast, fluid motion, brought the shot glass to your mouth and took the liquid down easily. Hawks was definitely unimpressed now; that looked entirely too easy. “Here we go, cheers to me.”
Imitating your own actions, Hawks shot back the liquid in his shot glass, and immediately his entire body tensed.
Spitting out the sour, bitter, disgusting — dear god, how do you even describe this taste?! — liquid, Hawks, chugged the OJ, his lungs and throat and tongue burning from the shot.
“That was disgusting!” Hawks spat to absolutely no one, his hands covering his mouth as he stared at the other awaiting shot of ‘Bacardi.’ “Why would anyone drink that?!”
“Only madmen drink Bacardi while sober,” a voice joined in on Hawks' one-sided conversation. “Or bitches who are self-sabotagers. Never trust a hoe who says Bacardi is their favorite drink.”
Hawks turned around to see you, the girl he had regrettably underestimated for taking the shot, smiling at him with a not entirely sober look to your face. 
“You look like neither. That and the way you took the shot obviously means that you had no idea what you were drinking.” Hawks continued to stare at you, completely perplexed by your casual conversation, the dress on your body that was twisted a bit, screaming wonders about your level of sobriety. You took to the empty barstool beside him with a grin and a calculating look, “You’re Hawks, right?”
“Yeah, Hawks,” he spoke, his tongue feeling weird in his mouth as he bowed stiffly in his chair. You were beautiful, fuck.
“I’m y/l/n, nice to meet you!” you speak easily, fingers grabbing at his other filled shot glass with a concerned look. “I have a feeling you shouldn’t try to take this other shot.”
“Dying of alcohol definitely isn’t in my vision of ways to go out,” Hawks grins. Pushing through his haze of awkwardness as you shift in the barstool so that you’re now facing him entirely, knees pressed to his thigh. “I’ve never actually drunk before?”
You inhale sharply, your eyes going wide as you break all levels of personal contact that’s acceptable of strangers in Japan and grab his cheeks.
“Alcohol virgin?!” you gasp, the sweet smell of some liquid drafting from your breath. “I’ll teach you everything that I know, don’t worry!”
You let go of his face, neck turning away from him, looking for the bartender to flag him down.
“Don’t you have—?”
“They can wait,” you wave at the bartender before turning back to Hawks with a confident grin on your face. “I have my favorite Pro Hero right beside me; I think they’ll understand.”
“Alright, what is it that I need to know?”
“My full name,” you breeze with a wink. “Y/l/n y/n.”
“A beautiful name.”
“I am a beautiful woman.”
Hawks chuckled good-naturedly, his head nodding in agreement, “I think we were talking about the alcohol, though, not your attraction as a female.”
“All in good time, all in good time,” you laugh, taking to the bartender and ordering two drinks, both of which were entirely foreign to Hawks.
Hawks would not consider himself to be an expert at flirting. He was attractive, a great conversationalist, and did have a type of edge to his words that often seemed playful or a warning, depending on how you looked at it. But it appeared that his natural way of speaking was more than enough to make him flirtatious enough to match the way you spoke to him.
You had introduced him to a single mixed drink, telling him that getting drunk by yourself at a bar typically wasn’t a smart thing, so keep to something with a low alcohol percentage. Just enough to make you loosen up, but not enough that you were incapable of getting home. Hawks liked the way your hand rested on his forearm. How you smiled and laughed at something to show your interest but not at everything to show that you weren’t faking your amusement at what he was saying.
You matched his every word, not backing down from his bluffs. Soon enough, Hawks felt his cheeks warm when he finally looked directly at your smiling face (he wasn’t sure if it was from the alcohol or not). 
Eventually, though, the night ended, and you shimmied off the bar stool as your friends had come to collect you to leave.
“Can I get your number?” you ask, eyes mostly entirely sober as you handed him your phone. “I know you were the man who was just a bit too fast, but I think I can handle that.”
Hawks snorts, his eyes rolling in his amusement, “That was horrible.”
“I’m drunk, I have an excuse!” you exclaim with a pout that quickly turns into a giddy smile as Hawks enters his number to your phone. “Don’t worry though, once I’m sober, I’ll flirt your eyebrows clean off!”
“That sounds painful!” Hawks yells as you wave goodbye, your arms linked with a line of other girls as you leave the bar with teasing laughter and undecipherable words.
It was with you that Hawks realized that he had come to find a new type of love.
Ludus, the love of flirtation and playfulness.
Damn, who would’ve known.
Hawks was having a pretty bad day.
It wasn’t anything super terrible happening, all things considered. It was a lovely day out; the sun was warm, the sky so blue, and the birds chirping. Nothing on the news to be concerned about and all his precious people were safe.
But it was still a bad day because instead of being out and about with you, his now borderline best friend/girlfriend, who he was stupidly having a crush on, he was stuck at home.
Hawks was sick.
Deliriously, stuffy nose, goopy eyed, chapped lips, and feverish sick.
You: Are you sure you’re fine????
Hawks: Im perfectly okay. Ill go with you to the park next time sorry
You: Thats not what im concerned about stupid!!!!!
Hawks: Bye have fun!
Hawks chuckled, rereading his messages with you.
Blowing his nose for what felt like the umpteenth time, Hawks resumed the movie on the screen that you had recommended him to watch — Disney’s Chicken Little — because it reminded you of him, or something like that. The TV droned on with the movie, and Hawks found it hard to keep focused as the Sandman danced on his head and whispered in his ear.
He hadn’t noticed he had fallen asleep until a loud banging was heard on his door.
Shuffling towards the door, Hawks opened the still slightly broken door with bleary eyes and a stuffy nose.
In front of him was none other than you.
You… with a basket full of things.
“Hi!” you greeted him, pushing past Hawks easily and walking into his apartment. “You look worse than I thought you would be!”
“That's hurtful,” Hawks pouted, closing the door behind you, sneezing, then following after you. “Why are you here? I thought you w-were — achoo — going to the park?”
“I was, but we were supposed to go together to check off number 184, and I wasn’t about to go alone to complete a list meant for you!” you exclaimed, dumping the overfilled basket on the kitchen counter.
“Mm,” Hawks hummed, his voice dry and cracking as he pulled the blanket closer around him. “What’s this?”
“A get well care basket,” you say in an unmistakable like tone; you glance at him, smiling widely, and gesture dramatically to the basket. “Follow along, if you can.”
“So first, I have some sleepytime tea; I swear to the gods and back that this tea will cure you and knock you the fuck out,” you say, pulling out the thing on top of the basket and putting it to the side. “Next, we have some tissues because you obviously need them.”
Hawks watched through red-rimmed eyes as you carefully and thoroughly explained what and why you had brought him. Fuzzy socks, a blanket, his favorite snacks and drinks, medicine, DVD’s to more movies you told him he had to watch, an embarrassing childhood picture of you that he had been wanting and swore he would never expose least he wants to die, more oils for his diffuser, and a signed Endeavor poster he had been wanting.
Safe to say that after he had been drugged up, eating some soup and drinking some tea on the couch, wrapped up in the blanket you had bought him, laying between your legs, Hawks was feeling much, much better. It had been hours since Hawks had coughed or sneezed, and he was talking with you about how Disney movies were being produced less and getting sort of worse with each one. The movie titan slowly losing its ground.
“Okay, it’s almost eleven pm; I have work tomorrow, you are still sick, let's pack it up!” you eventually say during a moment of comfortable silence.
“I can’t believe you have to work,” Hawks sniffled, standing up off the couch so that you could get up. “Seems like a crime.”
“It’s not so bad! Being a celebrity PR manager is a million times easier than a hero PR manager. At least we can help decide what's seen!” you laugh, helping to clean up his living room of the bags of chips and drinks.
“Sure, sure,” Hawks grins, keeping the trashcan open for you so that you could place the trash in. “Thank you.”
Walking you towards the front door, Hawks comes to the sudden and almost alarming realization that he doesn’t want you to leave. He wants you to stay. He thought this was a friendship, and it was one, a good one at that! For about a month now, he had known that there was a type of love he had for you, one of friendship.
It was called philia. 
So why did he want to keep you wrapped up in a hug, to pull you close and press a gentle kiss to your forehead, to your cheek, to your lips?
“—I’ll be back tomorrow to check up on you during my lunch break,” you say, slipping on your shoes as you pull on your jacket. “If you need anything at all, call or text—”
The words on your tongue die immediately when Hawks still slightly chapped lips press against yours. The sick must that was present earlier on the day is no longer there, and you can feel heat and fire bursting from your cells as Hawks pulls away from you.
“I’m sorry,” Hawks breathes out, a small smile on his face, a daze in his eyes that tells you he definitely was not completely sorry. “I couldn’t resist anymore?”
“W-We will talk about that later!” your voice squeaks, your heart hammering in your throat because fucking Hawks kissed you. “If I-I get sick, I’ll rip out your eyebrows!”
“Will you go out with me? On a date?” Hawks continues on, leaning on the doorframe you’ve yet to pass.
“...I hate you, yes,” you warble, hands pressing against your burning face as Hawks grin grows.
“Perfect, I’ll text you,” he allows you to pass through the doorway where you feel both entirely light and giddy yet awkward and mechanical.
“Hawks, I swear, if your stupid kiss got me sick!”
“You’ll rip out my eyebrows,” Hawks laughs, waving a hand. “If you rip out my eyebrows, I demand a kiss for every hair you pluck out.”
He laughs at how he can basically see the heat rising from your ears as you squawk and run away.
Looking at #184 of his book, Hawks smiles as he crosses it out (#184: Ask out your crush!) and sighs. Philia was love between friends, but it was also, if he remembered correctly, one of affection. And it was without saying that he held a deep affection for you.
As much as Hawks claimed he knew about the world, he was as clueless as a newborn baby when it came to the topic of love. Reasoning? Well, today marked a year of being together. It had been a year since Hawks had kissed you when he was snot-nosed kissed (you did get sick, by the way, and while you didn’t rip out his eyebrows, Hawks had kissed you plenty in apology), and then took you on a date where you went to a trampoline palace.
He was clumsily romantic. More often than not, he wasn’t actually romantic. Still, the sincere thought and emotions he put into it made his actions seem so thoughtful and sweet.
You’re not sure why you actually believed that on your year anniversary, he was going to plan something for the two of you. So the reaction he had when you showed up on the year anniversary, armed with a bouquet of flowers and a small personal gift for him, Hawks looked deeply confused.
“This is still not bad!” you exclaim, watching as Hawks attempts to redecorate his apartment from the messy bachelor vibe into something of romance. It was easier said than done, especially as your boyfriend had no decorations in his house that wasn’t fanboy or bird material.
“I didn’t realize that one year anniversaries were meant to be out and about!” Hawks yelled back, failing to nail the fairy lights onto the ceilings. “I knew you wanted to do something, but I thought it was going to be like ‘let’s go get some KFC!’ sort of thing!”
“Definitely not,” you laugh, sitting on his couch with the take out food sitting on the table. It had just arrived, and Hawks was still not accepting the lack of romance in his apartment. “But it’s okay, really Hawks! I didn’t tell you, which is entirely my fault! Come on, let's watch something together, eat, and relax!”
Hawks sighed and looked up at the ceiling.
He should have known that one year anniversaries were a big thing in dating too. They sure were in businesses; what a rookie mistake. Not satisfied with the lack of romance in his apartment but also unable to do anything more to it, Hawks sulked over to the couch and sat beside you, grabbing his dinner plate.
“Thanks, dove.”
“You’re most welcome, baby vulture. Thank you for the food!” you grin, breaking the chopsticks and digging in.
The food is eaten with a mirthful conversation, the TV playing the 100 Funniest Hero Fails playing on Youtube. Eventually, the purples and pinks of the sky became dark.
Night is here.
Hawks went from sitting right beside you to lying on the couch and having you snuggled into his stomach at some point in the night. YouTube is no longer playing Hero Compilation videos. Still, it is now instead showing a chef with a giraffe quirk demonstrating how to make your very own pancake treehouse, no clickbait!
Hawks is transfixed on you, watching the way your eyes sparkle and shine as you stare up at the screen, your lips moving as you give your side commentary, but he can’t hear a thing.
Five weeks ago, on this day, was the day that Hawks realized that the philia love he had for you had evolved once again. It had become one of eros. Romantic, passionate love. He loved you; he loves you. Anything you wanted or needed in the world, Hawks would do anything to give it to you. He had yet to tell you said realization; after all, he needed to make sure it wasn’t some fluke but found himself chickening out each time he wanted to confess.
Gliding his thumb against your cheekbone, Hawks stared adoringly at you, head tilted as you laughed at the video before glancing up at him. It was evident that you hadn’t been expecting him to be staring at you so intensely. As soon as you glanced back at the TV, you snapped right back, curiosity blazing off your gaze.
“What’s up?” you asked, hands pressing to his chest as you lift up a bit. “Do I have something on my face?”
“I love you,” Hawks whispered, the words coming out so much easier than he thought it would. “Y/l/n y/n, I love you.”
Your eyes widen significantly, your jaw dropping as your eyes grow just a bit watery.
Hawks smiles softly, knowing that for so long you had told him you loved him without a single moment where he returned the affection. It hadn’t bothered you. Obviously, you knew why he didn’t say it, but finally hearing him say it seemed to break you just a bit in the best of ways. He kisses you softly, fingers wiping away the single tear that fell.
“I love you,” he repeats.
“I love you too, Hawks,” you blubber, your smile so bright yet wobbling with your heartfelt emotions.
“Takami Keigo,” Hawks corrects. “My name is Takami Keigo.”
Hawks watches as you process his name, and a wet laugh bubbles from your throat as you nod your head, hands reaching behind his neck to pull him close for the first soul-consuming, fiery kiss of the night.
“I love you, Keigo.”
If this wasn’t eros, well, then, Hawks didn’t know what it was.
two years later, valentines day
Keigo sits on the bed, fingers adjusting the tie around his neck as he stares at you doing your makeup in the bathroom. Your eyes intensely concentrated on your reflection as you painted dark red lips on yourself.
To sum up the last two years in a single, simple phrase, Keigo would say that love now made even less sense to him.
It wasn’t precisely that it made perfect sense before. Some days he still argued and wondered about how love could exist in specific scenarios. Or why, after you stole his final KFC chicken leg he was saving, he could always love you after such betrayal. It made no sense to him, but also made perfect sense, hence the complete confusion.
But it was without saying that as you twirled in your outfit in front of him, a grin plastered so large and lovingly on your features, that it made sense.
How could he not love when he had someone like you.
The walk to the restaurant was perfect; he had even taken a moment to slow dance with you when you came across some performers. Your sweet smile meant just for him made Keigo hum contently as he kissed you gently.
Dinner was amazing. The food rich and luscious, entirely to die for that had the both of you moaning about how great it was before laughing because the waitress definitely heard that. After dinner was over, you and Keigo were now waiting on desserts when he simply grabbed your left hand and slid a simple ring over a very important finger before placing a kiss on your palm.
“I know I was at one point too fast, and maybe I think I was too slow to ask this, but would you like to wake up and have chicken with me every day?” Keigo asked, watching as your face went through a million stages of understanding, processing, internalizing, accepting, and pure emotions.
The kiss was sloppy and wet, the tears streaming down your face beautifully, like diamonds in the dark sky.
It was today that Keigo unlocked the last love he ever thought he would have.
Pragma: committed, enduring love.
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btssunnyboy · 4 years
Here to Stay — BTS
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You promised you were not going to be like the rest, but where are you?
Word Count - 1,731
Warning - Just some profanity, and it’s a hybrid!au!
Request - Open - masterlist
The pressure building up in your skull was driving you crazy. The small massage to your temple wasn’t providing any release to what was happening in the closed room. All around you were talk-active people jabbering on about unrelated topics, and wasting your precious time, that forced you to bite your tongue to keep from spilling profanities into the air. The only sound that you were trying to focus on was the click of your heel against the wood of the floor. Each tap corresponded with the ticking of the clock, and that only made your chest grow even more heavy. This meeting was supposed to have ended twenty minutes ago, but now the head of the meeting was going on about her weekend plans and that prompted others to join in. Oh god, you were ganna lose your mind if this meeting went past eight thirty.
“Have a good weekend everyone.” The moment the boss let those words file, you hastily put your files away. The papers began to crumble, but at this point you honestly didn’t care. All you cared about was getting home, and seeing your boys. You could already feel your heart racing at the thought of their sadden faces. Their once perky ears dropped down against their heads and their eyes glossy. They each had a rough past with abandonment issues, and you hoped they didn’t think this was an attempted to leave. These damn elevators seem so fast when you don’t want them to reach your floor, but as soon as you’re in a hurry they’re as slow as molasses. The ding of the elevator made your ears perk, as you raced through the sliver doors.
You bid small goodbyes to those around you, as you raked through your purse. All you needed was the keychain, that small key chain. It only consisted of three things, one key for the car, another key for the house, and a small square photo of your family. All eight of you were squished into the photo, but no one minded a bit. Your heart started racing, and you could feel small tears swell up in your eyes. Where were those freaking keys! You retraced every single step you took when you got to the office. When your heels finally met the doorway of your office. And bam! The keys were in the third drawer down where you left them. In your quickness to get away you completely forgot to go back to your office and get the keys.
You huffed heavily as you trudged back into the building. It was going to be a long night. You talked briefly with the boys favorite restaurant, and ordered as much takeout as you could. You could only hope that this would be a good peace offering for being late. This day was already rough to begin with, and now all you wanted to do was go home, and just be in the warm embrace of the boys you love.
Their minds were racing with horrible possibilities as to why you’re not with them right now. You were a very punctual person, and this was definitely out of the ordinary for you. It was always eight on the dot that you appeared outside that door, and they would rush to greet you. Bright smiles lightning up their faces and tails going a mile a minute. They longed to have your scent fill their nostrils and let them know you’re okay. But now they were full on panicking.
Namjoon’s wolf tendencies coming out the moment he smelt distress in the air within his pack. The maknaes sat in silence with one another as they stared out the window. He could smell that each one reeked of sadness, and he felt his chest grow heavy with guilt. He wanted to help them, and he wanted to tell them everything was going to be all right. Beside him were his hyung’s, and he could tell they were only keeping their composure for the sake of the young ones. He could see Yoongi’s tail harshly whip around in all direction every time he moved.
Seokjin’s red striped tail sitting calmly in his lap, as he stroked it. Trying to keep his mind from giving up scenarios he most certainly did not want. He wanted to believe you were okay, and that you were coming back. He needed to believe that you were coming back. Hoseok’s grey and white tail was calm, just laying beside his right thigh, and this was never a good sign. His boisterous personality too calm for anyone’s liking.
“Y/n is coming back right?” Taehyung sniffed, while playing with the ends of his tail. His voice small due to the fact he was holding back tears, and if he talked any louder he was scared a sob would follow. Jimin gripped his hand tightly and softly rubbed his thumb along his palm.
“Of course she is. Y/n would never leave us! She promised, she knows what we’ve been through.” Jungkook babbled, while peering into the darkness outside the window. His nails tapping a beat he’s heard you produce many times when you were bored. He has been staring at your parking spot without glancing away as soon as the clock struck eight. He is trying to push every bad thought to the back of his head, because he needed some hope to hold on to. He needed the hope that you’d come back.
“Guys we should go to bed, we’re all tired, and maybe it’s for the best.” Seokjin sighed while running a hand through his hair. He shook his head slightly as he watched the three boys stay glued to the window. He wished he was more like them, and he wishes he had as much hope as they did in this moment. He dragged his feet towards the three, before car lights blared in his vision. Hope gleamed in his chest, and he was confirmed when you pulled into the driveway. Your hands immediately going to bags in the passenger seat.
“Guys she’s here!”
They bounced out the house and rushed to your struggling form in the drive way. And immediately went to the bag on your hands, and they dragged you inside. Everyone somehow was rubbing their heads against your neck, and squeezing you as tight as they could. Without hurting you of course.
“W-we thought you,” Taehyung hiccuped into your neck as his arms wrapped tighter around your body. You could feel the wetness forming on your shoulders, and you didn’t care at all. “We thought you left.”
Without missing a beat, you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him close. The only sound in the house was his sob, and that broke your heart even more. Your fisted the material of his shirt, and you dug your head into the crook in his leg as well. “I’m always gonna come back, don’t ever think I won’t.”
“Why were you late?” Yoongi grumpily stated as he twirled the plastic bag around his fingers. His eyes staying locked with yours as he got closer and closer. When he appearance became too much you felt the tiger against your body growl protectively. Hence why the panther on the other end tried to assert his dominance as well. “I’m not mad at her Tae, and I was just worried. We all were.”
You pulled your body away, as you scratched the base of Taehyung’s ear. A small sound of content grumbled in his throat. You gave him a small kiss on the cheek before the other cat pulled you sharply against his body. His tail wrapping itself around your ankle when he felt another coming close. “They would not hush in the meeting today, and it ran over, then I forgot my keys and had to race back in the office.” You confessed,
“You got us food!” Jungkook beamed as he wrapped his hand around your wrist. A cute little scrunched up smile over taking his face when you turned your eyes to him. His long ears shooting up when you tickled the base of them. He was then caught off guard by a shove, and your eyes were now trained on your calico kitty, Jimin. “Hey! I was here first!”
You lightly pushed Yoongi away, but let his tail stay connected to your ankle. You first motioned the boys to follow you to the couches, with their plates of food. They eagerly rushed to squeeze it the seats that surrounded you.
“We need to talk.”
Everyone’s ears and tail flattened at your words. Their attention was set on you, and our of habit you reached up to Hobi’s ears and raked your hand through his fur. The silky texture feeling like heaven on your skin. And your touch felt like heaven on earth to him as well, considering he tried to dig his head further into your palm. A small cough beside of your caught your attention, and you regained your posture. “Did you guys think I left, for good?”
No one wanted to meet your eyes, not the two who sat beside on the couch, or the five that surrounded you on the floor. Their tails that were whipping around in different direction catching their eyes. Each one toyed with the fur, on their and others as they stayed silent. You loudly coughed as you crossed your arms. “Don’t lie to me, and please don’t ignore my question.”
“Yes we all thought you left. We thought you were tired of taking care of us, or being with us that you just up and left.” Seokjin whispered almost afraid that his confession would send you running for the hills. You could feel disappointment fill your body, but not towards them. But for yourself. They smelt the change as soon as it occurred, and curled their bodies closer and closer to you.
“I knew from the moment I saved you guys, that I wanted you in my life forever. No doubt about it. I would never leave you guys. I promised you I’d never be like the others, and I’m never I repeat never going back on my word.” You hummed, as you looked at each and every one of them.
“You promise you’re here to stay.”
“You guys are never getting rid of me.”
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moonlightjinko-kun · 4 years
My last late submission for @atsukyouweek is for D6! 
Characters/Pairing: Nakajima Atsushi & Izumi Kyouka // Atsukyou
Genre: Angst
Rating: Teens and Up
Prompt used: Hero & Villain AU
Word Count: 1.9k+
Summary:  They were once on the same side of justice, fighting villains together. The fateful night where they finally crossed paths again, but now they're on the opposing sides of justice and begins one girl's final fight to save the man she loves from his own despair.
Read it on AO3!
A/N 1:  This was angst hell for me when I wrote it and I died after it and wrote a joke of a summary ahahaha A huge thank you to the admin of the week for hosting this marvelous week, with so many fun and exciting prompts! It was very fun to make pieces for the week even though I was late for 4/5 cries, but it was so fun to have a week all to my fave ship! Atsukyou is precious and I love them so muchhhh <3
When their eyes met again under the star dotted night sky, the wind was whipping her hair into her face. His face was shrouded in the shadows of the tree and the air around him was thick with menace. He had thrown the black coat that hung around his shoulders to the side to reveal a set of black shirt and pants under it. Her eyes narrowed at him, at the emptiness in his eyes. She hoped that Yosano had received her message and was on her way, as she faced her enemy, her former partner.
“Shut up, it’s Shadow Beast now.” He sneered.
She had convinced herself that she would never try to talk sense into him when they met, but she felt her heart breaking at the sight of him. She knew she had to at least try. He readied his stance as she started again, “Please, Naka-“
Her head hurt where it hit the ground, but he had leapt back and was now staring from across her, his stance ready to pounce. She felt a warm trickle of blood leaking from a laceration at the back of her head. She winced a little in pain and slowly stood. She shook a little, unsteady on her feet and she glimpsed her opportunity as his stance dropped for a moment. Her body reacted instinctively, adrenaline flooding her system and she flew across the distance, sliding her sword out from her sleeves. The air between their faces was sliced and a lock of his hair - now dyed black, was taken off as she swung her sword in a perfect arc. With the deed done, she hid her sword and leapt back in a graceful arc through the air, landing silently on the ground.
His hand flew up to his hair and a smirk crept onto his face. “I see.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, reading his movements. She knew them by heart from their training together and even after he had fallen into the darkness, she had continued to study him. There was a shift in his right leg and she took a breath to ready herself.
The only way to save him is to stop him.
He leapt towards her and as he landed on the ground where she’d last stood with a loud thud, she was already in the air. She fell towards him, letting gravity take hold, intending to use the momentum of the fall to stun him. A second before she hit him, she saw a glimmer of menace in his eyes. Too much, too late. There was a quick tug on her left leg and then she was flung through the air, crashing to a stop against a tree trunk. Pain exploded in her lower back and a scream escaped her. She looked up as he made his way towards her, a white tail now dangling by his side. She closed her eyes for a moment, silently cursing herself for her stupidity.
“You can’t win. Leave and I’ll spare you.” There was that sneer in his tone again.
She hated it. The Atsushi she love would never speak this way to her. In that moment, she realised the person she was in love with was no longer here, that the man in front of him was a stranger, her enemy. Hatred surged through her, lending her strength. She gritted her teeth and pushed herself up. “Shadow Beast, huh? Bullshit, Nakajima Atsushi!”
Destroy Shadow Beast to bring Nakajima Atsushi back.
His eyes widened at his name, long uncalled. Waves of complex and indistinguishable emotions had crashed over him the moment their eyes met tonight. He was a mess and he knew it deep down. He stared at the blank expression in her eyes as she moved, each swing and jab with purpose. He dodged and swung clear of each strike, observing her form. Her swordplay was perfect, each move executed in a perfectly timed manner to flow into the next, leaving only a fluid motion of silver. Where there were timed lags to fit his moves before, she had erased them, and she was now moving with an intensity that he had never seen before. Her pace picked up and the blade was lost in a blur of silver, his eyes could no longer track her blade and thin ribbons of blood started to streak across his arms. Her aim shifted up to his face, slicing a shallow cut across his cheek. He lifted his hands to his face, covering it, as she continued to land strikes at his arms. The intensity built to a climax, and suddenly there was a loud whoosh. His hands fell to the ground with a thud, revealing his blood spattered face to her.
He stared at the bloody stump of his wrists, a scream of pain ripping out of him. His legs had turned weak and he fell to the ground, clutching his bloodied wrists. She pushed his face down to the ground and rested the sharp tip of her blade on his neck. He shifted his eyes to meet hers.
“What a shit of a job a hero has.” Her words were clipped with an underlying current of anger. “To think, to think we would end up like this.”
Her face was turned away now, as she spoke again. “I could kill you, you know. But, I don’t think I can ever live with that.” The anger in her voice was already softened by an inexplicable sadness. “Can you… tell me why?”
The rest of her question was left unspoken, but he knew what she wanted to know. The tension in his shoulders started to ease, but he clamped his mouth shut, letting the moment of silence stretch between them.
“You were going easy on me just now, weren’t you?”
He kept his lips sealed.
“Answer me, Nakajima.” She snarled, pressing the tip of her blade deeper.
“No. I didn’t. Kyouka-chan, you’re impressive.” You’ve improved so much.
The pressure from the blade on his neck lifted slightly. He could see tears shining in her eyes. How much tears had I given her?
“You haven’t told me why.” Her voice was shaky, as though she was trying to keep the tears out of her voice.
But the tears brimming in her eyes were tipping him over. He left because he wanted more strength, more power. He wanted to protect her better but he had fallen harder and faster the more he sought after it. Until, too ashamed to face her again, he had decided to leave and to stay out of her way as much as possible, lurking in the shadows and preying on the weak.
But, she had left him with no other choice tonight. The mask of the Shadow Beast was slowly coming loose, and the weakness in him was exposed yet again. His defeat tonight had made it clear, he was still the same pathetic weakling. He had drifted as his new villainous persona for the past three years, living with his emotions suppressed, and that persona with its illusion of power had trapped him in a web of lies. The dam of emotions broke in him, and tears leaked out of his eyes. He had an answer for her now.
“Because I was a coward. Because I was a fool. And I’m sorry Kyouka-chan. I’m so sorry, I was a complete idiot. You’re right, everything, this is all bullshit. I’m really sorry.”
Her facade slipped away, leaving the woman he had left behind staring back at him. The blade in her hand slipped to the ground. He felt her hand on his head move, and he pushed himself up with his regenerated hands to face her properly. He remembered the contours of her face and he reached out for her lips that were forming into a small smile. But he grasped air, his eyes following the drop of her head to his laps.
His hands dropped to her head, and he felt the wet and sticky blood there.
“Oh, no no, please, Kyouka-chan!”
Panic set in. His mind was a jumbled mess, and he couldn’t think. His hands darted around her face, unsure of what he had to do. Images from their past blurred with those of the present, dulling his senses to the present.
“Too slow!” She had teased, as her wooden blade struck, drawing an embarrassed chuckle from him. She had taken a few steps back and came at him once more, but he was ready. He had caught her with her hand hovering above his head, before knocking the blade out of her hands. He had pulled her into his embrace and whispered “Predictable.” Her cheeks had turned pink. He had smiled at that, and she had blown an exasperated sigh at him. They had stood there in each other’s embrace as their laughter had rung in the air.
A faint smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he remembered the bright tinkle in her laughter.
“Promise me you won’t leave me alone here. Hey, Nakajima-san, we’ll get stronger together! This failure, it’s not a problem. Look! I’ll get better and then we can train together and - Nakajima-san? Wait, no, don’t!” A soft thud on the ground stopped him in his tracks and he had turned to see her on the ground, tears streaming down her face.
The intrusion of this memory brought back a wave of regret and remorse. He closed his eyes and took a breath, trying to shut out the rest of the memory.
The shout had come from behind him. He turned to see Dazai and Yosano running towards him.
“I said, move.” Authority slipped into Yosano’s voice, but he was frozen in shock. Yosano took Kyouka from his arms as Dazai pulled him away, clearing a space for Yosano to work.
Dazai stared at him and gave a long sigh. “You’re hard to find, Atsushi-kun.” Atsushi blinked a few times in confusion, as Dazai continued. “She’s been searching for you all this while. We all have, actually.”
“What? Why?” Atsushi choked out.
“Why, you ask? Maybe it was her persistence? Or maybe you were just a lost soul who didn’t know how to call for help? It doesn’t matter, does it?”
“But, Dazai-san, I’ve done -“ Atsushi stopped, letting the rest of his words trail off.
“We know. There will be consequences, but it probably would work out eventually.” Dazai glanced towards Kyouka. “She sacrificed a lot to try to save you.”
“Kyouka-chan had tried to save me, even after everything I did? Why would she?” A sob entered his voice.
Dazai did not answer, but Atsushi knew what the answer was. He had seen it when their eyes first met tonight. The sadness and love in her eyes were clear enough. Overhead, the cloud had finally drifted to reveal the moon, as it cast a soft light on them.
Yosano clicked her tongue. “Tch, couldn’t the moon have come out a little sooner? The extra light would have been helpful.” Her head jerked up to face them as she called out. “We’re done here, let’s go.”
Atsushi made to stand, but Dazai grabbed his hand. “Not so fast, Atsushi-kun.” There was a glint of silver in Dazai’s hand. Realising what it was, Atsushi held out his hands and watched as Dazai snapped the cuffs around his wrists. Atsushi stood with Dazai’s help, but his eyes were on Kyouka. Dazai crossed over and lifted Kyouka into his arms, cradling her as Yosano came to his side.
“She’ll be fine. Stop worrying.”
“Yosano-sensei, thank you.”
Yosano waved his thanks off and a sigh escaped her. “Just treat her better when we get back.Come on, we need to go.”
Atsushi followed after them, back to where everyone from the agency stood waiting for them.  
A/N 2:  Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoyed this piece too! Feedback is always appreciated and I would always love to hear from you <3 This was self-indulgence too AHAHHA angst self-indulgence (as if I don't get enough angst) I live, breathe and spaz atsukyou and this had been a good week of self-indulgence heh 
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jonghostation · 5 years
Dews of Twilight (Part 2)
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Ship: Pirate!Jongho x Mermaid!Reader
Genre: Fantasy AU
Word Count: 2,4k
Author’s word: Finally done with part 2, and it is definitely longer than the first one. Please enjoy, or if you have some criticism in your feedback, feel free to message me or leave it in my asks! Thank you!
While it had been predicted so, still you became frustrated at the situation as you had been admonished to bits by your circle of friends. Although frankly, most of which had been forgotten. 
The minute you arrived, a wave of relentless admonishment surrounded you by every single one of your friends. Annie and Tessa looked worried sick with Allie pointing at you accusingly - albeit gently, Darlene was shouting as if she witnessed a murder, while Chiyo seemed eagerly ready of the spectacle that was about to happen. The noise of it all made you cover your finned ears. Since none of you were in imminent danger anymore, there wasn’t any need for telepathic communication. However, at that moment, you wished you still were doing so as your friends continued to vocally reprimand you for getting too close to the human.
Naddy silenced the group with a raise of her first. Her expression had the ability to murder one with a single glance. She then turned her focus towards you, as she lowly growled in staccato,” What.Were.You.Thinking?”
You rubbed your elbow with your eyes looking anywhere but her. Even though she did know of your endeavours, you didn’t exactly tell her you were going to get that near from the human. However, there was no point in hiding the truth at that point, so you sighed silently and started with an apology,” I’m sorry, Naddy. I shouldn’t have made you worry like that.”
There wasn’t any response from the group’s all-mother, so you decided to continue,” I just wanted to see what he was like. There was a boulder right at the shallows so I thought I could hide there and-“
“Enough.” Naddy’s voice suddenly boomed across the perimeter, “ You almost jeopardised the safety of all mermaids from what you did, do you understand that?” Her harsh tone made you flinch a little, and the rest as well. So all you did was nod in agreement. And then, with another heavy sigh, Naddy proclaimed,
“As punishment, you are NOT to leave your room until the light shines on the coral tomorrow. Understood?”
The damage had been done, ultimately resulting in your arrest inside your quarters for the rest of the night. And as the waters turned darker and your bio-fluorescent mode of vision activated, you watched as the many merpeople swam past your now barred window. You couldn’t believe how fast they had taken action; this was your punishment, for merely getting closer to a human.
A deep sigh released from your lips,‘I cannot believe this is happening.’ You thought to yourself as the water around you heat up to match your increasing body temperature, out of sheer vexation. For the fact that Naddy deemed it necessary to ground you like a child was absolutely absurd. You swam back and forth like how a human paces in one’s room, desperately trying to search of an idea. With all the dizzying thoughts that swirl in your mind, you placed your hands on your temples. It didn’t help that within those dizzying thoughts of yours, that human man reins supreme; a visual so vivid that it began to override your rational capacity. 
You sighed as you spoke to yourself,‘ I need to get out of here. I can’t stand it.’ Becoming more determined than ever. 
Looking around your room like a mad dog, you somehow found a broken stick at the corner. As you examined it, you hoped it would be sharp enough and strong enough to break through the bars of dense rock. A plan suddenly formed, and with your impatience, it granted no time for the details to be considered.
You stepped back to the farthest end of your room, with the stick ready in your hands. After you took a deep breath, hopeful of your not-so-thought out plan, you lunged forward, flipping your fins to the fastest you have gone. 
It was clear that there apparent sounds of damage, but with your eyes that had suddenly closed at the last minute, you were too afraid to look at the outcome until a few moments passed. Slowly squinting open your eyes, relief and triumph washed over you. Despite the stick receiving more injury on its sharp end, the bars of which encaged you for hours had been broken; leaving an opening large enough for your body to pass through. 
There was not a moment to waste. You carefully swam through, with enough caution to prevent yourself from getting hurt but quick enough to make a run for it. Once your tail passed through, you immediately hid behind every object imaginable to avoid being seen by your fellow people, including and especially your friends.
It took a considerable amount of time but you were able to find yourself at a cove, only different from the one earlier in the afternoon. This particular one was located at only a few yards away from the beach, practically residing right beside it. If it was thought that the previous cove led your group to be paranoid enough in being seen, then how frantic they must be if it had been this one. The thought of the latter made you chuckle silently, when all of a sudden, a rustle of dried seaweed was heard. You were able to hear this because despite still being underwater, your proximity to the surface was so close, it could be considered worrying. So you took safety into some aquatic grass that were conveniently abundant enough to cover you. 
As you waited for another sound to come, what you saw made your heart stop. Through the increasingly rowdy chatter that you hear from below, you saw two figures darkened as silhouettes. Hiding deeper into the grass, you feared they would notice your presence as per chance of your glowing purple eyes from your bio-fluorescent vision. 
The two figures were sitting on some flat rock, with one’s shoulder entangled in the other’s arms. They conversed almost inaudibly, but you were able to decipher their words.
However, it did take more effort when one of shorter height spoke with a strange, slurred accent,“Shome island, huh?” before giggling like a fool.
“Yeah..” The other replied, thankfully with more clarity.
Somehow, you felt more familiar to the voice of the second figure, so you squinted your eyes hard to make more out of his silhouette. That outline of his arms, the shortness of his hair which contrasted to the first figure’s longer one, that faint glow that illuminated from his droopy eyes..
You then realised. You had been inches away from your favourite human that entire time. 
Widening your eyes, your mouth opened ajar in shock. The utter joy you felt afterwards could have been similar to the time when you first bonded with your friend group. He appeared to be so much more alluring as he got closer, causing you to sigh. 
The human beside your favourite one suddenly stood up and spoke as he started to stumble away from the cove,
“I’m goin back, BUT! In the morning, check the sailsh, yeah? Shee if there’s any patching that we need ta do. Ohkayh, Jongho?” To which the latter responded with a short nod as he was about to help him back. The drunk one, however, stopped him, claiming that he could walk back on his own for he is the captain, or something.
From all that was said, only one thing stuck on your mind against the rest. ‘Jongho’ You repeated. Is that what he’s called? You smile unknowingly, for you thought it was a beautiful name, fititng for someone of his brawn and serious nature. Returning to him, Jongho remained in his seat, propping his knee up to hold it as a heavy sigh was released from him. His eyes became sad, looking at the dark and calming waters below him.
After seeing him make that melancholic expression once again, you decided to stay a little longer. Magnetic wasn’t enough to describe how much you wanted to comfort him, you felt an obligatory NEED to comfort him. 
Without a second thought, you decided to raise your head out of the water. The moment Jongho caught sight of another creature emerging from the water, he jolted and crawled back, his instinct telling him to scream. Panicked, you immediately lifted a finger to your lips to prevent him from doing so.
You started to put your hands out in assurance, “Please, don’t fret! I do not intend to hurt you, Jongho.” You blurted his name in plea. There was a split second that you regretted letting him know of how you knew his name but you didn’t think it was important at that moment. 
The man was still shaking in terror, with only confusion increasing into the mix. He stood up and stepped closer to the edge of the rock with utmost caution, making sure he wasn’t hallucinating, despite not having a drop of alcohol prior to the encounter. 
He took a while before he asked with apparent alertness in his otherwise quivering voice,” Wh-who are you and h-how do you know m-my name?”
Softening your expression, you heeded not of his questions but instead whispered soothingly,” Let’s calm down first. Alright?”
Jongho perplexedly furrowed his eyebrows, but oddly he obeyed, sitting back down quietly and civilly. You floated towards the edge of the flat rock, making the human flinch still. That was the signal that caused you to stop in your tracks, with just enough distance between you two for conversation.
Even as you swam toward him, you both kept your eyes on each other, holding eager interests of varying kinds. The silence was almost as palpable as the tension around the cove, so you decided to break the ice,” So, Jongho, you couldn’t see me hiding in the water?” Attempting to maintain a lighthearted tone as you always did before.
And however embarrassing you felt your icebreaker was, you heard a chuckle of the smallest volume from Jongho, who replied with another question in the same frequency of tone,” How can I when I was taking care of Sir Tipsy from earlier?” 
The quip registered itself so comfortably in your ears that you had no choice but to laugh, silently of course. His response gave you the impression that he had finally calmed down, considerably enough for you to explain some things. You had only waited for a few more minutes until he asked again of who you are, what you are and how you knew his name.
After giving it some thought, you looked up at the handsome man whose face had reflected light from the water and asked foremost,” You mustn’t tell anyone about this, promise?” 
Jongho nodded in response. You gave him another look, as if to confirm his authenticity of an answer.
Understanding so, the man drew an invisible X with his pinky finger on the left side of his chest only before saying,”Cross my heart.” 
Confused of the gesture, you tilted your head to the side, leading Jongho to realise that mermaids probably don’t know the ways of humans and their customs. So after he explained what it was to you, you smiled in enlightenment,
“That is fascinating!” You excitedly whispered. This made Jongho’s lips tug at its very corners.  As you took a deep breath, you finally stated,” I am Y/N, and as you can probably see, I am a mermaid.” Being proud of your kind, your shoulders rolled back a little.
You then continued to answer his final question,” And how do I know your name, you might ask?” As Jongho nodded, you giggled,” Because the man with the funny looking hair called you so, do you not remember?”
“Ahhh” Jongho made a sound of realisation; It had been his captain who gave away his identity some time before he could introduce himself to this enchanting specimen, of which he thought had only existed in tall tales and stories. 
“Well at least allow me to fully introduce myself; I am Jongho, a pirate of the beautiful Treasure ship. Pleased to make your acquaintance." He stood up to do a dramatic bow and wave, making you chuckle once again.
‘Is this human humour? It’s cute’, you thought to yourself as Jongho returns back to his seat. The two of you exchanged glances of undeniable benevolence towards each other; as if you both had an indescribable feeling to not be afraid of the other. 
As you continued to make conversation almost effortlessly, a voice called out to Jongho, leading you both to snap your heads towards the source. You felt a wave of panic in your chest, and as you returned your gazes on each other, you whispered frantically,”Please remember our promise,” His gaze remained unmoved, so you asked again,”Will you, Jongho?”
The latter blinked, then nodded sharply,”Your secret is safe with me. Don’t worry.” 
The unfamiliar male voice continued to call on his missing friend, and it only took a moment for you to realise that he is walking towards the cove in his search. Taking action, you directed Jongho to leave, waving your hands in a shooing motion. 
What he replied to you may seem nothing but a simple question, but its insinuation made you stop entirely whatever you were doing, for your heart started skipping a beat and your fins fluttered in reaction.
” Will I ever see you again, Y/N?”
“ I-” “JONGHO!” 
That voice suddenly felt closer than before, and in a moment of absolute fright, you dipped your head down and started to swim deeper down into the waters, leaving Jongho hanging onto your answer. 
As you looked up at the surface, the man who had been calling Jongho came into view, wrapping an arm around him like an old friend. You examined some more to see whether or not he would keep the promise he made. In the few moments of idle chatter with the unknown pirate, there hadn’t been a single change in Jongho’s facial expression that could have shown that he had exposed your existence. 
Sighing in relief, you watched as they leave the cove together, before you swam back to your room, awaiting for the worst. Within your anxiety, however, there was a hint of elation from what just happened. You have finally made contact with the human of your dreams, and it was safe to say; That you have found a new friend.
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izupie · 5 years
Fox Fire (Full Spoilers)
This is kind of rough and very broadly going over the story, so there are plot threads, cameos and ‘moments’ I haven’t mentioned here (especially since it was getting so long I nearly just started writing the thing again lmao)
Here’s an extremely brief full spoilers overview of the plot of Fox Fire (my Kacchako Kitsune!Bakugou Miko!Uraraka Japanese Folklore AU thing) if I had decided to continue it...
So Uraraka's whole character is about the ability to move forward, even if it hurts, into a place of your own choosing. Right now she's looking after the shrine and performing her duties as Miko because she feels like she should for her parents. She's never even considered doing anything else, or working towards doing anything else. She has no idea what she wants because she'd never thought about having the chance to make that decision for herself. Bakugou's character is about realising that power and ambition will never really give you satisfaction. His end goal is to get his ninth tail, and he believed everyone was holding him back; the other Spirits, Inari, friends, love etc etc. He has to learn that this stuff actually completes him, regardless of whether he has nine tails or not.
So Uraraka's parents died, leaving her the shrine, but they died so suddenly that everyone in the village believes it's the work of a curse. Nobody will set foot on the hill. So she lives alone, spends her days alone, cooks alone, eats alone, and repeats the process every day - keeping her spirits up and believing that one day her prayers will be answered and the shrine will be busy again. While she grows lonelier and lonelier deep inside. Bakugou is actually a quarter human - his grandmother was a human - and he grew up as friends with two other Kitsune hybrids, Izuku who is a half human and Shoto who is half Bakeneko. Shoto gets his nine tails first, but that kid has insane amounts of power, so Bakugou gets jealous but at least knows he'll get them before Izuku, because he's always been weaker. But Izuku starts training with a Light Spirit (surprise it's All Might) and suddenly the half human hybrid Izuku has his nine tails before he does (and he’s only a quarter human). Bakugou loses his shit and decides it's because Inari is picking on him. He craves those nine tails. So he breaks all ties with the Spirit World, renounces his job as one of Inari's messengers (all Kitsune work for Inari) and goes off alone to find power. After some time he comes across Uraraka's shrine and the tofu and bam, we get the start of the story.
Bakugou decides his noble deed that will earn him his ninth tail will be giving this weak Miko what she wants and being a visitor to her sad shrine. He disguises himself as a human and spends the day with her - she's blissfully unaware of any foul play because she's so. excited. although something does seem... off about him. Inside Bakugou is dying at trying to be 'pleasant' and cracks show up in his demeanor at times. But she goes along with it. It’s a real visitor! The day begins with a tour, (really just some shrine exposition for the readers) and Bakugou is fully regretting his decision, but during some of the day she begins to show some of her loneliness and her fire and he is Surprised. By the end of the day she gives him a fortune, from a basket of fortunes her mother wrote before she died (two years ago) and he picks one out, shoves it in his pocket and says he'll read it later, but as he's leaving he trips or something and it blows out of his pocket. She doesn't mean to pry but as she picks it up, intending to run after him, it flaps open and just says 'Kitsune' on it. So begins her complete and total conviction that he's not what he appears, while Bakugou gets furious that spending the day with her didn't even get him a tail.
Uraraka's suspicions are seemingly confirmed when another visitor comes to the shrine. Someone with green hair and freckles, who says someone in the village mentioned they'd seen his friend Bakugou around the shrine and he's been looking for him, was he here? Uraraka is already totally convinced something strange is going on, but she notices the visitor's shadow has ears and tails and is like OK YEP.  But she's curious more than anything, and doesn't give him away, feigning ignorance. (Izuku doesn't actually have a human form like Bakugou, he just hides his fox features under an illusion, but it doesn't work on shadows and reflections. He's just too distracted looking for his friend to even consider these old rules!) Now she decides she's going to catch Bakugou out if she sees him again. But he doesn't return. The next time she sees him is in the convenience store in the village when she's buying some rice a couple of weeks later, and the other villagers in there are whispering and being mean behind her back (even though she can hear them) and they get a whole lot of abuse from an angry boy who is somehow now in the store too. She's shocked. The villagers are shocked. And they end up going back to the shrine together. Uraraka is just asking so many leading questions at this point to catch him out, but is also legitimately touched by his sticking up for her. By the time they end up at the top of the hill she's really conflicted about being hurt over being lied to and misled and being thankful he was the only person who's ever stuck up for her.
At this point she just fully knows that he’s some kind of spirit, but she gives him a chance to reveal it himself. She confronts him about it, but he denies it, so she grabs his wrist and places a charm on him for ‘revealing secrets’ - revealing his ears and tail. She yells that he lied to her and goes on about how she knew almost from the very first time he came to visit because of the fortune, but his friend stopped by and that was the nail in the coffin on her figuring it out. (This only fuels his rage against Deku more). This is when he reveals his true Kitsune form to her for the first time - ears, tail, markings, outfit, and it would be such an emotionally charged moment. Then there would be lots of yelling. 
Meanwhile the sub plot of the Nomus is that All for One is a bad spirit of bad spirits, creating and spawning these things to cause chaos and destruction in the spirit world. Shigaraki was his agent in the human world, many years ago, who was going to spread them there, but he got caught out at Uraraka's shrine by her parents and they actually died sealing him away into the shrine itself. So in a way, it does turn out that the shrine is cursed. 
Uraraka makes a deal with Bakugou that if he helps her get rid of Shigaraki - partly through a desire for revenge, partly through a desire to cleanse the shrine of all the bad energy that she’s sure has been keeping everyone away this whole time - that she will pray to Inari for his final tail. Inari wouldn’t refuse the pleas of a Miko, surely. They go off to the Spirit world on this quest, Bakugou fully expecting this to be easy, but they release Shigaraki from the seal her parents placed on him, and it turns out he's more powerful than they expected. He is a real threat to them both, and Uraraka only has a few charms to keep herself safe. When Shigaraki targets her Bakugou realises she’ll die, so Bakugou sacrifices himself to save Uraraka. 
In the brief moment of his disappearance into a Soul Ball (the marble that kitsune’s carry) Uraraka uses her most powerful charm - a tiny fox statue holding a daisy in its mouth - that keeps Shigaraki back long enough to use her own psychic powers to get them back to the human world.
She’s now alone again. 
But she’s going to get him back.
She goes on an adventure then in the spirit world, upset that she will have to leave her shrine, upset that she had to leave her charm in the spirit world with Shigaraki, knowing it won’t hold him back forever, and thoroughly lonely again now that Bakugou is gone. She puts his soul ball in a pouch around her neck, determined to get him back, especially since he just saved her life.
She has no idea what to do when she gets there and she meets Tsuyu, a frog spirit, who’s the first one of the 1-A cameos she meets. Uraraka eventually reveals her mission there, and Tsuyu warns her that the spirit world is a dangerous place in turmoil, thanks to the Nomus. They band together and Tsuyu tells her that she needs to go and see a witch called Momo so they go on a little adventure to go see her. When they get there Momo tells her that she can’t help with a soul ball unfortunately, but that there’s a witch that can help only called Recovery Girl. 
(The cameos would be... Momo is a witch, and she can pull objects out of her leathery wings that she conjures, Tokoyami is Momo’s familiar, a man that’s been cursed to be a crow, Jirou is a sound spirit, Kaminari is an Oni, Hagakure is a Tanuki, Iida is a wind spirit.)
So by the time she's  f i n a l l y  led to the spirit Recovery Girl and Bakugou is brought back she's crying and hugging him. It was a tough journey on her own, even with the help she got. When he learns of what she did and what she went through he is equal parts angry and Shook. After he comes back they'd be more like a team, with Bakugou beginning to accept that this Miko who he'd originally thought of as weak, managed to bring him essentially back from the dead with help from the friends she'd made in his absence. While she understands that doing all of this gave her purpose, and she's not the shell of the girl she was before, just mindlessly living for the sake of it.
Ultimately they go back with Uraraka’s new friends and win against Shigaraki, because Bakugou begins to accept help from others, and Uraraka finds strength in doing what she thinks is right, not what she thinks she should be doing. She uses every charm she has in the fight, no longer holding onto the idea that they’re some kind of memory of her parents. 
Their defeat of Shigaraki weakens All for One and the bigger, far more powerful spirits are the ones that ultimately banish him once and for all. 
Uraraka remarks that Bakugou would have once really minded that he wasn’t the one to take him down, since when did he get so realistic? But he’s currently holding her close in the relief of winning their own battle, glad of the peace and quiet and the rare moment of actually being alone together now that Uraraka’s friends won’t ever seem to leave now. (He doesn’t mean it though, he’s kind of attached to those ‘losers’ in his own way). He doesn’t mind not being the one to take down the big bad so much when she’s holding onto him like this. 
She sets up the shrine as a refuge for spirits in the human world, her friends helping to build and expand on her shrine and her parents room is finally changed. Bakugou stays with her, and in the end, he doesn't even get his ninth tail, but he's actually okay with it. He gets to stay with Uraraka, and she’s okay with staying at the shrine with no human visitors, because she gets all sorts of spirit visitors now. She’s never lonely, especially with Bakugou always being with her now.
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wanna1studio · 7 years
REQUESTED: “friend A” // your lie in april!AU // lee daehwi 
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genre: ANGST 
ficstyle: bulletpoints // LONG
requested: an anime fic with daehwi (by many anons) & daehwi fic with “your lie in april” by playfuldisaster 
summary: SPOILER FOR IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE ANIME OR READ THE MANGA // I know that Daehwi’s mom is an angel but for the fic we are gonna change a couple of things and it’s going to be a high school-themed scenario instead of a middle school on 
notes: even if you already seen the anime... I hope you will feel the urge to grab some tissues from this piece // includes theories of what happened in the anime
Daehwi was a piano-playing prodigy
he started when he was little, he grew an interest in playing the piano 
his mother registered him for his first competition at the age of 5 and he won! 
imagine little 5 year old Daehwi with his little penguin tailed tuxedo
Daehwi’s mother fell into a greed after seeing her son on the front cover of a music magazine 
his mother used to be a well-known pianist but she retired to be a piano teacher after giving birth to Daehwi
she gave up being a piano teacher to personally coach her son to play every single musical sheet note by note
perfect to the T
when he didn’t play correctly, his mother would abuse him; physically and mentally
if he wasn’t at school, he was at home, practicing
his friends, Jihoon and Somi, were concerned on why his mother wouldn’t let him play outside
you could say his childhood was stripped away from him as it was filled with note after note played on the monochrome keys 
he never defied his mother and all of these feelings were bottled up inside of him
he won many district competitions but only because he played them note by note and on tempo, like his mother taught him
he was known as a “the human metronome” who was controlled by his mother
Daehwi was in 5th grade when his mother fell ill and was bedridden on the hospital bed
she request to be in a room with a piano so that she could still coach Daehwi 
there came an incident
on the day of Under 12 Nationals, Daehwi rushed to the hospital where his mother was collecting her last breaths
she turned to him and said,”you just have to play like I taught you”
how could a mother worry about something like that before her death
with rage he threw his musical sheets at his mother
all his bottled up words and feelings were all caught in his throat and he ended up not saying anything and ran out the doors
at the competition, he lost his ability to hear his own music
the keys he played sounded like someone that was submerged in water frantically pleading for help
from the back of the audience seats’, he saw the shadow of his mother haunting him
it was the first competition where he lost
& it was his last competition 
he got PTSD from playing the piano 
the sound of submerged notes and the lurking shadow of his deceased mother was what he was reminded of every time he played
he made himself a promise to never get involved with music again
until he met you
it was the first day of high school and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom
Daehwi was trying to catch up to Jihoon and Somi, his neighbors and best friends
when he heard a sweet little melody as he slowly passing by the park
he saw you playing a melodica, there was a little crowd of elementary school kids sitting around you
you looked over to see a lankly guy who was clearly flustered and trying to find somewhere to hide
“go on now kids, you gotta get to school now”
you shoo’ed them away and walked towards the guy
“hello, my name is y/n. from the looks of your uniform, we go to the same school. let’s walk together!”
Daehwi usually doesn’t talk to anyone other than Jihoon and Somi so he didn’t know what to do when he was approached by such a beautiful girl like yourself
you turn to see a pretty good-looking guy and a pretty girl walk up to him
little does anyone know, you know of Daehwi
you were such a big fan of his when you were little
you went to his first competition and it made you interested in music
after that competition you yelled in excitement to your parents
they were confused because you all just went to a piano competition
“why not the piano?” your mom asked
“because if I play the violin, I’ll be able to accompany Daehwi on the piano!”
you made it your life goal
you were never professionally taught but your parents told you were naturally talented
you played the violin as if you were painting a vivid mural filled with emotions 
though you were diagnosed with Friedreich's Ataxia, which causes muscle weakness through the arms and legs and loss of coordination, it also causes heart disorders
your parents wanted to home-school you, knowing that you only had at least 2 decades to live
you wanted to spend your high school years in a public school
it hurt your parents to see you so open-minded about life 
“I’m Park Jihoon! This is Somi” 
you came back to the current situation with Daehwi and his friends
“Hi! I’m y/n!”
he seems like a fun guy so you continued to talk to him as you both walked to school
“heeyyy Earth to Daehwi.. do you know her?” Somi waved her hand in front of Daehwi as he saw you laughing at what Jihoon said
“she seems really musically talented...” he muttered, still staring at your backside until you catch him and wave at him
poor boy is flustered and Somi is a little jealous
days past 
you were surprised by how close you got to the three of them
“hey Daehwi.. I think I like Jihoon..”
within a week, you were dating Jihoon
at first you thought, by spending more time with Jihoon, you would find out a lot more about Daehwi
one thing led to another and here you are with Jihoon
from the get-go, you saw that Somi liked Daehwi.. you couldn’t neglect her feelings, and she probably liked him for a long time
so you pursued with Jihoon
you heard Daehwi talking to Somi, “I guess to her.. I’m just Friend A. I don’t mind it though... if she talks to me about Jihoon and stuff.. she comes to me with stuff like that...”
you wanted to have more of a connection with Daehwi 
there was a district competition for young violinist coming up
you thought maybe you could bring Daehwi back into the music world
Daehwi agreed at first.. thinking that after years it would be okay to play again
he struggled, he slam the keys, he was a mess
but you weren’t going to give up, you were there by his side
a few days before the competition, you fell into fatigue and you lost feeling in your arms and legs, you bumped your head onto the wall causing you to lose consciousness 
you were greeted by Daehwi crying on your hospital bed
Jihoon and Somi were going to enter the room but saw you and Daehwi
Somi pulled Jihoon away
“let’s come back again later”
“OWOWOWOW WAIT I HAVE THE RIGHT TO SEE MY GIRLFRIEND” Jihoon had no luck getting away from Somi pulling him by the ear
you ruffled Daehwi’s hair
“I’ll be good to go for the competition don’t worry! they just need a few more testing before I can get released” you smiled at him
tbh Daehwi has never seen you sad or talk about feeling sad or hurt
he stood up and yelled
“ I wasn’t a good enough Friend A” 
you held his hand, you wanted to cry but you didn’t want to seem sorry for him, that’s the last thing he would want
“you’re the best Friend A, I could ever ask for”
Jihoon rushes to you side and is continuously asking if you are okay
you see Daehwi walking out the door and Somi chasing after him from the corner of your eye
days later
you show up to the competition
as you walked through the corridors, you heard people talking about the human metronome” making a comeback  
you walk into the make-up room and see Daehwi with his eyes tightly closed
Daehwi felt someone put their hand over his
he opens his eyes to see you clad in a beautiful white dress, your hair is flowing over your shoulders with your bangs pushed back 
“you got this, remember music isn’t just suppose to be played note by note, music is suppose to be healing to the heart, soul and ears” 
it was your guys’ turn
everyone was in awe, you never liked to play by the note, you played freely and it was beautiful
it masked over Daehwi’s muffled notes
he was panicking, why can’t he hear the notes
you wanted to make eye contact with him
Daehwi Daehwi DAEHWI
as if it was telepathy, Daehwi looked up from the keys and saw you nod at him
with that.. the water that drowned his keys were drained and the shadow of his mother was only a reflection of himself
once he let that go, the room was filled with such a beautiful harmony 
it was crazy, it was bizarre, it was different and it was colorful
I never knew that music could be so vivid, Daehwi thought as he sweated through the last string of notes
you and Daehwi played with such strength that when you both finished, you both were out of breathe
after a moment of silence, you guys saw people give a standing ovation and cheering (even the judges)
you grabbed Daehwi’s hand and bowed
he was so flustered, he only bowed because he didn’t want you to see his blushing face
Jihoon gave you flowers backstage and Somi hugged you tightly
“my girlfriend did so well~”
Daehwi turned from the scene
so before you left you turn to run to Daehwi
you basically jumped into his arms
Daehwi met your parents that night, as you went to go collect your things, they chatted with him
“Daehwi... you know.. you’re the best thing that ever happened to y/n,”
he didn’t know what to say and just bowed as they walked out to warm up the car
Jihoon walked you out after the competition
that was when you lost consciousness again and was rushed to the hospital
Daehwi was mad that you lied about being okay; he didn’t want to see your face
he wanted to recollect his thoughts
it came to the point where Jihoon even told him to visit you
“you’re her boyfriend... it’s not my job to visit her” Daehwi began to walk away 
Jihoon grabbed his shoulder and slammed him into the wall
“but it is your job as her friend!!”
Daehwi scoffed
“hah.. a friend, huh?” he shrugged off 
after a few days of not talking to Jihoon or even Somi, Daehwi saw Jihoon after his cleaning duties after school
“hey Daehwi...”
Daehwi wanted to walk past him
“look you don’t have to talk to me.. but at least... take this letter. it’s from y/n”
Jihoon shoved the letter into Daehwi’s pocket and walks away
Daehwi opens the letter
“if you’ve received this letter, it’s because my surgery wasn’t successful..”
Daehwi felt tears welt up, making his vision blurry
this can’t be true
“I first saw you when I was 5, at your very first steps into your piano career. I gave up wanted to play the piano so that I might get the chance to be accompanied with you on stage. I’ve only told one lie in my whole life, that I liked Park Jihoon. I just wanted to get to know you more.. and I hurt Jihoon in the process. I already hurt so many people in the process, so please treat Somi with lots of care. She cares for you a lot and so does Jihoon. Daehwi.. you are the greatest thing that happened in my life and I was able to have my dreams come true. I hope you don’t forget me. I hope you don’t forget your mother. I hope you don’t forget how amazing it feels to produce a beautiful piece on the piano. Lee Daehwi, I think I loved you. I think I love you. I think I still love you, from wherever I am that is.”
after you wrote that letter, you laid on the operation table 
you could still hear the harmony you and Daehwi displayed at the competiton
and you closed your eyes, but they never opened
this wasn’t fair, Daehwi thought
he was selfish
he was childish
at least what he could’ve done was to visit you when Somi and Jihoon went 
he wanted to play the piano with you again
he wanted to see you again
he wanted to tell you how he really felt
and now he won’t ever get the chance to tell you
you made his monochrome life colorful 
you changed him
but he couldn’t disappoint anyone else anymore
he wiped his tears and looked into the sky
you taught him how to move on, life is too short to dwell in the past
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