#slight mention of other charas
uplatterme · 1 year
Honorary Maid, Aether!
a/n: im not even gonna say anything, i just wanna fuck aether in a maid outfit. there’s plot i suppose but y’know. also ended up longer than it should have been…
cw: sub!aether/dom!amab!reader, top!reader/bottom!aether | aether wears a maid outfit, blowjob(chara!receiving), aether calls reader “master”, his eyes get covered for a bit, mirror sex, slight cockwarming
The traveler has been faced with different types of commissions. So he’s not really one to complain no matter its difficulty or strangeness. After all, he’s been often tasked to jump on mushrooms back in Sumeru and nothing can get weirder than that…he supposed. He’ll take anything, since this is what keeps his mora pouch full.
Unfortunately for him, today was looking a little scarce. 
“I’d like to apologize, but we have run out of commissions for the day. You may come find us tomorrow.”
Aether clicks his tongue. He needs to save up if he’s planning to travel to Fontaine anytime soon.
“None at all?” He asks again.
“I’d like to apologize, but we have run out of commissions for the day. You may come find us tomorrow.” Katheryne repeats word for word.
That’s troublesome. He’s a few mora short of what he usually earns.
He’s already done his share of bounties and requests for the week. He doubts that they’ll let him take another in fear of both exhausting him and taking opportunities from other adventurers.
And almost as if Katheryne could read his thoughts, she speaks up.
“There is a commission. Although, we have declined it for being too suspicious. Would you like to take a look, traveler?”
He nods, and she hands him a flier.
With one look, he understands why exactly it would be described that way. The details are vague and the mora that is being offered is far too much considering it’s only asking for housework.
“I’d advise against it but if you are going to take it, it is good to be careful.” She says.
That would be the most reasonable idea.
Aether, however, takes the flier and puts it away in his bag.
He did not think it would be that difficult. Perhaps the mora was reasonable after all.
The directions written on the flier weren't helpful at all. He’s been in circles, has been ambushed by three groups of hydro slimes and his clothes are a mess to look at.
It is his fault, he deems. He underestimated it, but who could blame him when he’s saved four nations from being ruined? A simple commission should have been easy. Exactly that, it should’ve.
Aether icks at how sticky he is. He tried to get off as much goo as he can, but some of it just spread to his skin and to his clothes.
He sighs, wondering if he should turn back.
That is, until he finally sees the mansion mentioned on the map.
It would be rude to show up in such a state, but going back empty-handed after going through so much trouble…
The money, Aether. The money. He thinks to himself.
He fixes his hair at least, making sure his braid is clean and neat. 
The mansion is big, perhaps even bigger than the Dawn Winery. He wonders what kind of person would live like this and this far away from others. He grits his teeth. His opinions when it comes to rich people aren’t that great, he has met his fair share of aristocrats without manners.
He knocks on the door, waiting patiently, although a bit anxious at how they’d react.
The door finally opens.
He did not expect that.
What opens the door is clearly someone who gives off elegance. You wear a silky robe, a wine glass in your hand as you lay on the door frame.
Aether gets eyed up and down.
“May I help you? You may wash yourself if you want, I see you’ve been attacked by slimes.” You hum.
“I—Yes. Thank you.” He stutters out, not expecting such kindness. He follows you inside and then remembers what he’s here for. Right, no time to get distracted.
“I’m actually here…because of a commission you sent? I believe you need some help with housework.” 
He watches as your mouth gapes open. “Of course. I didn’t expect anyone to be coming truthfully, with how late it is already.”
Aether winces at the indirect insult. Maybe, if you actually drew the map better—
“I got a bit lost.” He says.
“Yeah, I can see that.” You say, alluding to the slime that remains on his body.
Aether flushes, not expecting that. He coughs it away.
“As I was saying, you could take a shower first. I only need the house to be lightly dusted and cleaned. If you have time to cook, that would be fine too.” You inform the traveler.
“That’s it?” He asks. Surely, there was something else. No way you were paying him such a high price for just sweeping and cooking.
“Oh. If you finish early, you can come by my office and see if you can help me out with things.”
Is this really it?
“You didn’t add a few extra zeroes for the reward right? It’s 100,000 for this?”
You stare at him confused. He concludes that he was right that you had sent the wrong price.
“That’s fine. I’ll still do it for 10,000.” Aether replies with a reassuring smile.
“No, no. I clearly wrote a million.”
Did he hear you right?
“I’m pretty sure I wrote a million when I sent the letter…” You mumble, trying to remember what you had written.
Meanwhile, Aether is stunned.
Even he wasn’t paid that much when getting compensation from the Qixing.
“Ah, it doesn’t matter. I’ll have to work now, if you’ll excuse me. Your uniform is in the bathroom closest to my office!” You rush out before he can even deny the high price of such a reward. 
Wait, what uniform?
Aether doesn’t see you for a while after that. He focuses on keeping every surface clean due to what he's being given. He sweeps and dusts what he can, only being limited by the locked doors you told him not to bother with. 
The blond does all that while wearing this ridiculously fluffy outfit.
He shouldn’t be this flustered. He’s seen Adelinde wearing these kinds of outfits.
It’s in no way revealing, the socks he’s wearing even reaching up to his thigh. Yet, he still stumbles whenever he passes by a mirror.
He takes a deep breath, flattens out his skirt, and checks his braid before knocking on your office’s door. You tell him to come in and you don’t even spare him a glance, too busy with whatever it was that you are currently working on.
You still wear the same silken robe and he smells the alcohol mixing in the air with each deep breath.
“I’m done with everything.” He says.
“That’s good. You may rest now, I’ll give you the payment after I’m done.” Is all you reply to him, eyes not leaving your desk.
Your cheeks are tinted a bit red due to the wine so he assumes you’re a bit tipsy. It doesn’t do well talking to drunk people, he knows that much thanks to a certain archon.
“M-May I help you with anything else?” He interrupts.
That’s when you finally stop and glance at him. He’s red, embarrassed that he sounded like a squeaking animal. You place your head on your hand, tapping the pencil as you gaze upon him.
A smile lingers on your face. “Just sit next to me, if you really want to do something.”
“Yes, It would be nice to work next to a pretty maid, no?” 
Aether flinches at how you described him. He walks to the chair in front of your desk, staggering his steps.
He watches you work and realizes that you being this near is not good for his heart. He notices it from before, that you weren’t exactly wearing anything under the robe, showing more skin than necessary. He doesn’t want to look down—He’s not going to—but if he was to look under…
“Is there something wrong, dear?” You ask.
Aether quickly shakes his head. “No! Not at all!”
He swallows the feeling of embarrassment. He shouldn’t have these kinds of thoughts, you are his employer, and he should treat you with proper respect.
Unfortunately, he can’t ignore the tired grunts you make, the way your robe seems to lower even more, and at this point, he’s not sure if he’s hallucinating.
The skirt is getting uncomfortable to wear, and a certain problem emerging. In fact, the whole outfit has started to do so. He fixes the collar, sweat starting to drip down despite the coolness of the temperature.
He places his palms on his cheeks, staring down, trying to calm himself.
He wonders how it would be if instead of the wine glass, you were to place that hand on his neck instead, to have you cup up his chin as you’re behind him with his back against your chest.
Aether continues daydreaming, not noticing that you’re calling up to him until he feels his wrist being taken away.
You pull him towards you and finds that you’re really warm.
“Traveler? Are you sick? Shall I send you home right now?” Your worry outstands him.
“N-No. I’m fine,” He glances down and tries to hide the growing tent with his apron. “I can wait. I’m good.”
You sigh. 
If Aether was standing right now, he’d be down on his knees.
“No, I refuse to have you here any longer. You are clearly not well, I’ll compensate for it.” 
Compensate? Does that mean you’ll be adding more to that ridiculously high payment?
He can’t have that.
“It is alright! I just uh—” What? Is he just supposed to admit that he was eyefucking you in his head?
He closes his mouth, scared that he’ll say something just as embarrassing.
“Don’t you have another task that I can do?” Aether asks.
“You can go home, I won’t take it against you—”
“Are you sure, Master—”
And Aether immediately wants to bury himself underneath. He didn’t mean to, he just didn’t want to go yet. Oh, when did he become this stupid? He’s always been rational when it comes to most things. 
He hears you chuckle softly, which then turns into a burst of hard laughter.
He’s embarrassed himself and now you’re laughing. You’re laughing so hard that you start tearing up.
“W-Why did the Adventurer’s Guild send me such an adorable maid?” You say.
Aether thinks he’s far from adorable. In fact, he’d consider himself to be scary. He’s defeated three harbingers, fought a dragon, and gone through multiple battles. He is not…adorable. Not in the least.
He can’t find it in himself to argue with you.
“What’s wrong, baby? Don’t want Master to send you out?”
“I—You’re mocking my words! It just slipped out! I have a friend and I also call him by that title sometimes!” He frustratingly yells. Right, because of Diluc, that’s it.
“So you’re saying you…just have a habit of calling people your Master?”
Aether tries to stammer out a response. “W-Would you stop with all the teasing?”
“Oh, I’m the one teasing? Not the one who’s been so quiet as a mouse his whole stay, but all of the sudden drools as I innocently do my work?”
“You noticed…?”
“Of course, I noticed. You aren’t exactly sneaky when you stare at me as if you can see through my robe.”
Aether covers his face and crouches on his knees. Yes, he won’t argue that he does want your attention. However, he didn’t expect to get everything thrown at him all at the same time.
“Don’t worry, I think it’s cute.” You reassure him, helping him stand up.
“Sorry…I know you employed me for cleaning and all I’ve been doing is bothering you with your work—and you’re paying me too much already, I’ll just leave—”
Ah, Aether did not expect that.
He did not expect to be cut off from his mumbling with a kiss. Your lips were calming, soft and gentle. He feels you try to pull away.
He doesn’t want you to.
He pulls you closer to him, compared to you, he’s messy and in need. In need of your touch, in need of your attention. It’s a bit fast, he thinks. He’s only met you today, after all. 
Aether doesn’t mind.
You separate from him, out of breath. “You know I’ll be holding that against you, right?”
“Yes…and no compensation needed. Please.” He stresses out. He doesn’t want this to come off as you are paying for his body. He wants this, it’s dizzying but relaxing. He’s been needing this kind of break, especially as of recently.
It’s a shame that his black stockings are ripped this much, he thought they were rather cute. The desk is a bit uncomfortable on his back but he’s too distracted by your mouth on his cock, mouth gasping out pleasantly as you hold him still.
“S-Shit—” He curses out.
You apparently take that as a sign to go even deeper and multitask with your hands at the other end of his cock. You grumble something incoherent, and the vibrations send pulses to his nerves.
“W-What?” He asks, and then regrets it since you answer him again with him still inside your mouth. He tilts his head back, squirming on the hard desk.
You remove your mouth before he can even climax, just edging him to the point of him shuddering. His legs are so sticky, he can’t see it due to the skirt, but he feels it, the way his thighs slide against each other.
“Such pretty noises…I might just get tempted to keep you here if you keep doing that.” You state.
“I can’t.” He breathes out.
“Really? You’re sure I can’t convince you?” 
“You can try.” Aether smirks.
You sneer at his confidence.
“Come here.” You direct.
“Mhm, I’m sure laying like that can’t be good for you. Unless, of course. You already can’t stand up?”
Aether rolls his eyes at you. His legs shake with each step but he manages to position himself well, his back against your chest. 
He hears the sound of the robe hitting the ground and he’s tempted to see. No, he wants to see. 
He turns his head but his eyes are covered with your hand.
“Ah, no looking. Not yet.”
He can feel his entrance being stretched out, your fingers clearly taking their time. His heart thumps as his vision remains in darkness. Noises of satisfaction sounded from his throat.
He’s starting to get impatient with it, if he’s being honest. He remains still, however, he trusts that you know whatever’s best for him.
You hum and the tone of your voice seems satisfied.
After a few seconds of emptiness and silence, he finally takes you in. The urge to bend down right there was uncontrollable, but you hold his shoulders up. He’s this close to having a misstep and falling down.
His legs quiver, struggling to stand on their own. 
You push further in and a silent cry comes out of him. He hopes that’s the last of it.
It isn’t, but he doesn’t have to know that.
God, he feels so full. He curses your hand, he wants to see it. See how filled he is, see how your length bulges from his stomach.
“P-Please, move your hand.”
“In a bit, dear.”
It doesn’t take much for his body to succumb with a few thrusts. Each breath seems as if you’re somehow getting even deeper. He seethes at the pleasure, close to spilling.
“Hngh—” Aether grunts out.
It’s intoxicating how you hold him by his waist, rubbing his stomach. And with each pump to his body, his mouth releases a satisfied sound.
He swears in his head. Close! He’s so close!
He taps your hand on his eyes repeatedly, wanting you to take it off now. But you ignore it, pounding deeper instead as a response.
His body shrivels, and the next thing he knows, he’s screaming because of how good it is.
He’s blinded by the light when you finally allow him to see, his vision taking a while to adjust. The first thing he sees is how much he spills on the floor and how there’s still some coming out, dripping on his thighs.
“Would you look at that? My maid, creating a mess. Aren’t you supposed to be doing the opposite?”
He tries to turn around and almost slips, if not for your arms.
“Want to see, my baby?”
“Yes.” He answers.
Right after he says that, he feels himself getting lifted up, you still inside of him. A soft moan quickly escapes his lips. 
“W-Wait!” He complains, confused at what you’re doing.
That’s when he notices the mirror across the room. “No, you’re not actually thinking of—ah!”
You walk towards it all the while his legs are lifted and spread out. The movement has him bouncing on your cock despite still being sensitive from his first orgasm. It’s only a few steps. He can count how many you took with his fingers.
So, why is it that his body is responding too well to the point that he gets hard again?
“You alright there?” You ask him, his head still overwhelmed that he can’t hear you.
You blow on his ear and he looks at you annoyed.
“Why don’t you look in front of you before you pout at me?”
He stares at himself and looks away, having trouble maintaining eye contact with his own. The scene is so…passionate.
The way his skirt is lifted up to show his waist, his ripped stocking, and his flushed face. All the while you’re carrying him so lightly, your cock only halfway inside of him, wet from all the juices he’s leaking out.
Halfway? He questions himself. There’s no way you weren’t fully inside him earlier, right?
“What are you thinking?” You ask.
“Is that so?”
He whines at how you push further in, stretching his walls out fully. It’s way too big for him and he has no idea how he’s being able to take you so well. He watches the reflection as much as he could, despite his vision being blurry at most.
His body writhes at each slight movement that he makes, making him be reminded of the fact that he’s still being lifted up. He wants to say something, to speak about how you’re so mean to him for placing him in this position that you know will ruin him and his vocal cords. Yet, he doesn’t, knowing that’ll push you even further.
He’s so drunk and breathless, which doesn’t make sense considering you’re the one who’s been drinking the whole day.
You slowly pull yourself out to make space and Aether sobs. He sobs at how his walls clench onto you as if it depended on it, he sobs at how much pleasure this is giving him than what he expected.
He’s scared of what might happen after this. Of how his body will be affected by how much affection you’re giving it.
And then you thrust in. 
A loud whimper breaks out of him, and as the noises of skin slapping together get louder, so does he. 
Aether sings out pleas and how much you’re ruining his body, that he’ll never be able to take anybody else after this.
“You shouldn’t even be considering that, to begin with. You’re mine now, yes?”
And he hastily nods. Yours, of course.
He struggles to breathe, not knowing where to focus on when you’re pounding ruthlessly into him. His body feels so heavy and so brittle at the same time, You’re—
Aether’s thoughts get interrupted when you empty inside of him, filling him up. Warm, you’re so warm. 
He throws his head back as he reaches his second climax, everything draining out of him.
“Hah—give me—a sec…” He stutters out.
“Of course, should I pull out?”
“No, keep…keep it in.”
It took a while for Aether to recover. You suggested that you two should sit down but he immediately shuts that off once he remembered that warranted more movement. So, he stays there slightly lifted up, bearing the slight twitches of your cock.
You waited patiently, having a sight to look at just like this wasn’t exactly a complaint of yours.
He grabs your arms, lowering himself to the ground.
His legs aren’t exactly what you would call stable.
He moves on his own, pushing his body in and out. It’s slow, but it’s also gratifying at the same time. Some of your cum slips out with each push, being used as lubrication by your maid.
“You’re doing so well, keep it up.” 
“‘Love your cock.” He says.
“Hmm…I see that. Need some help?”
He nods embarrassingly. 
You position him to face you instead, making it a lot easier for him to work his way through.
It’s adorable how he hard he tries, his fingers are barely grabbing themselves onto you, in fact, you’re the one that’s the cause of Aether being to at least be on his feet.
He cries out loud as he hits that sweet spot of his, tongue lolling out from the pleasure. He’s tight and the movement is riling up the fire inside of you to use his body to your own accord. You fight against it, admiring at how much he’s trying to get that satisfaction without overwhelming himself from being too sensitive.
“That’s right, baby. Keep going. You’re so close aren’t you?”
He shudders at it, his core boiling to its brim. 
“Please don’t let me fall.”
“I would never.” You promise.
Aether goes at a quicker pace, from what strength he has still, and lets his lower half do all the work until he spills out again, breathless but finally satisfied.
Aether knocks on the door again, waiting for you to open it.
As usual, you carry a glass of alcohol in your hand. Although more clothed, ever since he got possessive that someone else might see you like this.
You smile, and he braces for the teasing.
“My, at this point I really have to ask. Do you enjoy getting ambushed by hydro slimes or is your memory that bad?”
Aether rolls his eyes. He needs to persuade you from having a proper path made to get here. “I need a shower.”
“Ah, I’ve set up a bath.” You offered.
“And I assume you’re coming with?” The blond snickers.
“Of course, I am. Like you even have to ask.”
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wyllaztopia · 2 months
You mentioned that if we know Denji’s characterization of Killer and Killer’s original backstory that we should understand why he’s so touch starved and has such a messed up definition of love. Is there any way you could tell me who Denji is?? I’m very curious now lol
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Denji is a character from Chainsaw Man. I recommend you read the manga or watch the anime - though just the anime alone won't grasp the inspiration I derived from the character into Killer.
I also took inspiration from Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen) but more so from his younger self more than the present Gojo.
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(These are just drawn for the sake of meme-ing, not actually AG Killer's design)
Further down is explanation and slight spoilers. I don't talk much about it since I want most information to be a slow burn reveal for the characters, as if the audience is getting to know the AGDT cast in real time. (I am a sucker for narratives where it keeps you wanting to psycho-analyze a character rather than revealing everything upfront.)
Starting off with Denji, he's a teen boy who suffered through poverty and taken advantage of for labor just because he's willing to do anything just to get by in life. He's a boy who will do anything to live a normal teen life without having to worry about if he'll die from starvation. Along the story of CSM, he's been treated poorly due to how easily he can be manipulated - he literally has no idea of his own rights as a person. He's also very emotionally unaware because he's lived all alone his life except for a friendly devil named Pochita, who gave his heart to Denji so he can live and become chainsaw man to protect himself. Again, this is just a rough summary I made of Denji's character and I can't exactly explain it here! I recommend watching character analysis video that can further explain him or- you can also check at the original source (manga or anime) yourself which I believe will be worth it since CSM is such a good story.
In AGDT, I suppose you can consider Chara as Killer's Pochita, but in a more unhealthy / partners in crime way. I'll leave that up for the future to explore since at the moment, that's not what I want AGDT to focus on.
As for young Gojo, he's also complicated. He believes himself to be invincible and he can rub off as cocky most of the time. In the story, he holds no compassion or positive feelings for people who are weak - which is essentially everyone for him since he views himself as the strongest. This changed for a while when he was tasked to protect someone - he grew fond of them. However, later on this care disappeared when he perfected a technique - his feeling of pride for himself was stronger than his care for the person he was meant to protect. Gojo is usually nonchalant and playful, also emotionally unaware most of the time as he only thinks about himself (and a fellow 'strongest one' ahem, Geto but that's something I'll ramble for another day). However, he does go absolutely crazy when he's in intense fights since he's absolutely determined to win out of pride.
I would love to talk about what else Killer takes from Gojo but I'd feel like I'd be spoiling everything so I'll leave it for another time to talk about or explore.
There's other medias I took inspiration from for other parts of AG Killer but again, it's a subject to navigate around another time.
I hope this gave some insight on how this variant of Killer is and I hope you enjoyed reading through it!
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seelestia · 2 years
SUMMARY. when the abrupt downpour of rain comes to interrupt, underneath a measly shelter is where the both of you have to reside for now.
CHARACTERS. ayato, diluc, zhongli, kazuha, tighnari + GN!reader.
GENRE. warm blanket fluff, slight crack (tighnari), established relationship.
CW. use of pet names, mentions of mud and puddles, philosophies about the rain (zhongli).
THOUGHTS. i was in a sentimental mood while writing this, so this may have turned out more romantic than i intended. hehe, regardless, enjoy reading!
SPECIAL MENTIONS to @meimeimeirin, @silentmoths, @popkorrn, @duckymcdoorknob, my rix anon and others who helped me pick a chara for this work! your responses are well-received, tysm <3
✰ masterlist.
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"What a shame, truly."
As rain droplets fall from the rooftop, AYATO can't help but let out a little sigh. Oh, dearest rain; as beautiful as it is, this weather only hinders his journey to Inazuma City. Can you imagine all the puddles that would start to gather on the pavement after this shower has passed? His poor and precious clothes are at risk here, it seems he has to put more effort into maneuvering through the road today.
The disappointment on your lover's face is so apparent it manages to invite a smile to your lips. With a chuckle, you utter, "But you look good in white."
Ayato spares you a glance upon hearing your words, mirth oh-so clearly dancing in his lilac eyes. An opportunity to tease and he reaches out to grab it like always. "My, my. If I knew that being stuck in this weather was all it took to receive that compliment, I would've done it sooner."
"Smooth talker," you roll your eyes, albeit the fond manner in which you do so doesn't escape his sight. "Worry not. Your honesty still flatters me greatly," Ayato chuckles as he abandons his previous position to trail his steps towards you.
Just like that, his mind is already taken off the rain, it's only filled with you now.
He finally takes a seat beside you, yet the way he leans into your side seems to suggest a scheme of some sort. But it doesn't take long for you to figure out what is on Ayato's mind when his head settles itself snugly on your shoulder. "Dear, let's stay like this until the rain passes," he sighs quietly.
You raise an eyebrow, trying your hardest to stifle a laugh all the while, "Is that an excuse to leech off of my body warmth or is it for romantic purposes?" But really, there is no need to hold yourself back when even your lover himself is already laughing.
Ayato asks almost rhetorically, "Why can't it be both?" You don't miss that little innocent twinkle he attempts to feign, not even the way he leans in to kiss you — and definitely not that content smile on his face when your lips meet.
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"I wasn't expecting rain today, so I didn't bring an umbrella beforehand. I should've been more prepared."
DILUC examines you carefully, checking for any signs of sickness. He is very worried, no doubt about that; you can already tell by the way he is holding your hands, so gently and so attentively. But you're actually even more worried about him — that harsh frown on his forehead is practically engraved in its place at this point.
He doesn't stop, however, his mind is still thinking of ways to get you home safe. Diluc still has some business he has to attend to, so perhaps, he can ask Elzer to come fetch you? No, he can't send his eagle to deliver a letter in this weather.
What if— his thoughts are interrupted when a source of warmth touches his cheek. Your eyes are mesmerizing when he looks up to meet them; they emit a reassuring aura like a gentle plea to calm down.
"Oh, 'Luc, you worry too much. Look at me, I'm alright, see?" You laugh, a sound that rings melodious bells in his ears amidst the harsh noises of rain hitting the ground. But Diluc remains unconvinced; can you blame him? You are his top priority, it is only natural he wants to see you healthy and safe.
He mutters quietly, "Yes, I can see that. But I don't want you to catch a cold."
"Well then, why don't you keep me warm?"
Your suggestion renders him into a moment of silence. Diluc is stunned, but not at all surprised; you wouldn't stop even if he told you to, right? In truth, he doesn't need an answer when he already knows it.
Defeated, he shakes his head, "...I keep losing to you." Although that expression on his face still houses a few inklings of reluctance, at least, the frown is now gone.
His little statement manages to tickle a fit of chuckles out of you. This isn't a competition of any kind, but your grin still resembles that of a victor's. You announce jokingly, "You love me too much, that's probably why."
"I do," Diluc replies, so smoothly and naturally too. This time, the hesitation on his face has vanished — now, that is a statement he would never be doubtful to admit.
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"...It seems it is finally time for nature to have its fill while humans take shelter."
Always the poetic one, ZHONGLI's words allow your thoughts to wander. Some people enjoy when the rain comes, some people don't because such weather gets in the way of their work — but regardless of how it is viewed, the arrival of rain is almost like a reminder; a reminder, a chance given, an excuse to take a break.
And even though mortals don't have much use for the rain, it still nurtures nature, it still fills the rivers that flow, it still has a use even if it's not for us. Rain may not be a welcomed presence to some, but it might be a saving miracle to others. Truly, does the meaning of something changes in the eyes of each soul that views it, how fascinating.
"Do you like the rain, Zhongli?"
His amber eyes glint almost curiously at the inquisitive tone in your voice. A light-hearted laughter rumbles inside his chest, "Could I be mistaken or do you sound more spirited than usual?"
"We can't move because of this weather, so I might as well ask about it, hehe," you scratch your cheek playfully, leaning closer towards Zhongli when he places a hand on his chin in a thoughtful manner.
"Hm, let's see... the rain is a permanent cycle of the universe. It happens outside of my control, so whether I am fond of it or not barely holds much meaning."
An objective answer, as expected; you are slightly unsatisfied, however. "But what do you think of it? Like, if you were to attach some sort of meaning to it?" You huff as you lay down, sulkily resting your head on his lap as if it is second nature. For Zhongli, too, it is also second nature to thread through your tresses with his fingers and a smile.
"Are you certain? I'm afraid that you'd fall asleep before you even get to hear my full answer in this position," the gentleman above you asks, yet you manage to catch the hint of amusement in his voice. You smile fondly, "It looks like I've set myself up. But that's alright, your answer can easily replace any other bedtime stories."
The smile on Zhongli's lips stretches wider at your words, "Alright then, your wish is my command."
In the end, his words gradually fade into nothing as you begin to be consumed by slumber little by little — but Zhongli's warmth is constant, gentle touches carding through your hair even as you fall asleep.
Such a kind gentleman, and he is all yours.
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"Quick, over there!"
Even as the both of you run to seek shelter in a gazebo nearby, KAZUHA still looks so bewitched by the sight of the rain that you can almost see the pieces of a haiku coming together in his mind. Rain is a familiar friend of an adventurer's and this doesn't exclude him; but still, there is always a spot in Kazuha's heart that finds a type of beauty in the rain, no matter how frequently it comes to visit.
Of course, it is still better to find shelter and take refuge first. Soaked clothes are much more of a hassle than they seem, but there is just something different about today. The ronin feels like he can't place his hands on it, but his heart feels oddly full — until he sees you beside him, laughing as you shake off the excess droplets of rain clinging to your hair strands.
"Goodness, this is going to take some time to dry off," you huff.
Then, realization dawns on him; right, he is not alone this time, not anymore. It comes to him like a flood, a flow that pours into his. very soul and suddenly, all Kazuha can feel is nothing but his love for you.
Before he knows it, his lips have already begun to move, "My dove, forgive me if this sounds out of place but—"
Perhaps, it is this same realization that drives him to do so. No, "impulsive" is not the right word; rather, he is simply following what his heart says in this moment.
"Would you like to dance with me?"
Kazuha holds out his hand to you and you take a few seconds to stare in disbelief.
You blink your eyes owlishly, "Right now? In the rain?" Just a quick question to confirm and when he nods with that gentle smile on his lips, you can't find it in you to deny. This sounds foolish, but how could you say no?
"...If I get sick, I'm so going to blame you and I expect apology kisses," You say that, but you don't sound the least bit threatening. And when you place your hand in his, Kazuha's scarlet eyes light up like rubies.
His voice, too; there is a content air to his tone that makes your heart melt. "Then, I will take full responsibility," he clasps your hands firmly, a promise that he shall keep.
Kaedehara Kazuha has grown used to the life of solitude — but as he brings you close to him, he swears his world has never felt so complete before.
"Now, shall we?"
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This kind of weather turning up abruptly like an uninvited guest barely phases TIGHNARI anymore, at this point. The life of a Forest Watcher not only entails close acquaintance with nature, but also the weather that comes with it.
As long as Tighnari can find shelter and he has his plant-based waterproofing oil wit him, then he'll be alright. You, on the other hand... "Well, you look like you're about to freeze to death," he snorts.
If it weren't for the cold nipping at your spines, then you would've faked a dramatic and offended gasp. All you can manage is a small retort through shivers, "Th-thanks for pointing that out, Mister Obvious."
Tighnari shakes his head, "Your sass loses its edge when you're shaking like that, you know." Ugh, good for him that he got his fur to keep him warm! You turn your face away from him, a form of sulking that the fennec fox is all too familiar with.
"Stop sulking. Here, you can put your hands in my tail if you want."
His offer has you gawking with your eyes and mouth blown wide open. Tighnari doesn't seem to be fond of that reaction, though; he raises an impatient eyebrow. If you keep gawking at his tail like that, then he might as well slap you with it (he won't).
"Well? Do you want me to take it back?"
You lurch forward dramatically, clasping your hands in a pleading manner. "No, no! O, Tighnari, my one and only, please lend me your... uh, furry miracle." Yes, just ignore the way you slipped up at the end.
"Pfft," the Forest Ranger muffles a laugh with his hand at your antics. He shakes his head again, but this time, the action has a certain gentleness to it — accompanied by his usual exasperatedly fond sigh.
"Oh, fine, you're lucky I love you. Now, come here."
It's hard to be stern when Tighnari has such a soft spot for you, anyway.
─ ⊹ ⊱ ・・・・・・☆・・・・・・・⊰ ⊹ ─
✰ TAGLIST: @meimeimeirin @tsuk4sa-yug1 @hcikazu @catcze @semi-orangeapple @yuuki4646 @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n @dearcalis @omgscaramouche @coquettemaiden — [ bolded names are unable to be tagged + register here to be a part of my taglist! ]
© SEELESTIA, nov 2022. do not repost, plagiarize, translate nor claim as your own.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Sans from Undertale romantic concept, please?
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Combined these two as my concepts tend to default to human darlings. Not proofread!
Yandere Alphabet For Sans Here
Undertale Masterlist For Other Content
Yandere! Sans The Skeleton Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Human Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Slight clingy behavior, Possessive behavior, Self-Aware Sans, Kidnapping mentioned, Violence mentioned, Sans is slowly going insane, Forced/Dubious relationship.
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Honestly, Sans is probably one of the most laid-back yanderes.
He's naturally lazy as is, which probably carries into his obsession.
I combined these two requests because I naturally default to a human darling when I write.
He would make a terrifying yet laid-back yandere due to the knowledge he holds.
Maybe he's even known you from other timelines, similar to other Sans AUs I've done.
Which may be an idea that feeds into his obsession.
Similar to canon Undertale Sans, I feel as a yandere he would be more than meets the eye.
To you he just seems like a laid-back protective skeleton that you naturally see around all the time.
He seems nice to be around and you just don't suspect anything weird.
Yet you have no idea how much he knows about you...
You have no clue about his powers, or how much he cares about you.
This probably isn't even the first time you two have met, but you don't know that, you wouldn't even understand it if he told you.
Truthfully, Sans has met you and fallen for you many times.
It's just after every reset... you never seem to remember fully.
That's one way to work for Sans, it works betters with a monster darling.
However, for a human darling you could view it like this.
Maybe you are a human with Frisk or even replace Frisk who thinks no one else knows about the resets.
Soon you'll find out that's untrue once Sans stops pretending he doesn't.
In fact, an even better idea is you keep resetting the timeline to try and fix Sans' obsession with you.
Soon you'll have to eventually tire out, right?
His obsession isn't going to go away... it'll just persist through timelines.
Just your luck.
But, enough of that, how is he as a yandere?
As said before, usually very docile at first.
He would treat you like any other human he's seen, even if it's all just an act.
Sans would be a very "casual" stalker.
He mostly stays out of sight due to his teleportation, but when he's caught he easily plays it off.
Oh, he was just check in on you.
He's just being a kind friend.
His more sinister behavior is unbelievable unless you actually see it.
For example, you do a Genocide Run.
You'd think he hates you after that, maybe somewhere in him he does, yet he can't seem to let this obsession go.
Definitely just follows you around it plays it off for the most part.
But I do think there's times he does get jealous to the point he feels he needs to step in.
Oh, is he interrupting something? Sorry!
Sans is around you all the time.
He is even capable of subtle threats towards other monsters, or maybe even you if you push him.
He is capable of using his powers, but would rather not resort to violence if he doesn't have to.
He prefers not to be like Chara.
I did say in other concepts that Sans would kidnap.
However I feel it would be a last ditch effort.
You'd have to make him desperate enough to do it as he is so laid-back.
Laid-back does not mean harmless.
Sans is capable of some heinous things, he just has self-control.
He wants you to have freedoms, unless you're going to hurt him in some way.
He may even pretend he's no longer madly in love with you after a reset to keep you around longer.
I just think the idea of Sans knowing more than he lets on like in canon is a fun idea to toy with when speaking about his obsession.
Truthfully, you are both the only ones aware of your resets.
So why bother resetting anymore?
No matter what you do... in some way Sans will love you.
So why not accept him?
He's sure he'll find some way to keep you in one timeline beside him.
After all, you drive him insane with every reset.
He doesn't understand what you want.
Sans loves you, he wants you...
One way or another he'll find a way to have you... even if it requires breaking that dreaded reset button or convincing you to stay with him willingly.
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123-and-aubergines · 1 year
Entirely inconsequential and very likely improbable undertale theory time!
Chara, given the Narrator!Chara theory is true, was the one to run away during the Undyne fight.
In a neutral run, Sans' Judgment Speech includes the following line of dialog ...
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... even if you never run away from a single fight during random encounters.
The only character you HAVE to flee from is Undyne in order to get her to Hotland. It's also one of the few fights where Sans is physically present to witness (with the others being Gryftrot and Shyren, both of which can be ended through sparing). With no other examples, this has to be the running away Sans is referring to.
But, why in the world would Frisk be smiling?
This is the most dangerous, difficult battle Frisk has been in so far. It's the only boss fight, to that point anyway, where the attacker has genuine desire to see you dead. On top of that, Undyne comments on your actions throughout the battle - your sparing, your pleas, your determination. There's no way that she WOULDN'T comment on a smile unless she somehow missed it (say, you had your back to her).
On top of this, Frisk has never been described smiling except in reference to Chara during the genocide route, where both Monster Kid and Flowey comment on their "sick" and "creepy" expression, repeatedly telling you that the situation isn't funny- implying the iconic smile.
It's also been suggested that Chara tends towards smiling in stressful situations, so perhaps they realized that sticking around was bad news and tried getting Frisk to bolt by opening the FLEE option.
But getting past speculation, here's the slight bit of evidence I took and ran with:
The narration only speaks in the first person when Chara is the subject, sometimes in white text.
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The ESCAPE dialog, though typically basic, will occasionally read:
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...entirely in the first person.
This is also the only time the RED soul does anything interesting, unlike the others, who each have special properties in battle. (BLUE has gravity, GREEN heals and keeps you in a closed space, YELLOW shoots, PURPLE traps, ORANGE punches and moves, CYAN is still until its safe to move). It's possible that DETERMINATION, or RED, has the ability to use MERCY in battle or, at the very least, FLEE, given that the soul changes to have legs.
With all this put together, there's at least some chance that Chara stepped in during the Undyne fight to allow the option to flee. Perhaps the soul resists Undynes' magic in some way? After all, she has no reason at all to turn Frisks soul from Green to Red, especially after the first time they escape. Maybe it's just too difficult to keep a constant hold on them, so she relents for brief periods until she can gather her strength again? This would explain her frustration with Frisk running away, but her apparent inability to do anything about that as the fight progresses. It would also explain why Sans mentions Frisk smiling when fleeing her.
While this is mostly just a fun idea that adds to Frisk and Chara's dynamic and makes a funny scene, it could have further implications. For example, it might imply that Frisk's choices are given to them by Chara. This might explain the repaired MERCY button during Asgore's fight. It would also suggest that Chara is constantly supplying Frisk with helpful information on the underground and the monsters, including peaceful pathways to resolve conflict (because honestly, most people encountering a weird alien creature trying to steal you soul would not immediately think that Flirting with or being cleaned by them would lead to success).
What do you think? I personally highly doubt this was intentional and was just a throw-away line for dramatics on Sans' part, but I also like to think that the dialog and set designs are very literal and reflect a wider world/ story. Please let me know your interpretation!
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skeleton-mischief · 3 months
Dust "Serrif"
Shhhh shhh shh, it's all just a bad dream. It's just a bad d r e a m... But when you wake, remember that it is all your fault.
*Dust Sans cannot escape his fate
To Note: I keep the Bad Sanses and the Roommate Universes separate. So if I mention Killer, for example, it is in the Bad Sanses universe. Mostly, both versions are quite similar to one another, but the interactions he has with others influences slight changes of how he grows. If you have further questions, don't be afraid to ask! (I'll go crazy/pos)
- Official height is 5'5
- He/Him
- Nihilist
- Drinks Ketchup, but rarely nowadays
- Intuitive, pessimistic, cynical, overthinker, observant, responsible, sarcastic, serious, assertive, quiet, dedicated, untrusting, overprotective, secretly jealous, cunning, ruthless, manipulative, reserved, blunt, and bitter
- His brother's dust fused with his soul when he killed him, and that is why he can see his dead brother and talk to him, so he can see him almost constantly
- Almost always the only one who sees his brother. Very rarely, however, if the magic is strong enough, a faint and hazy outline of Pap can be seen
- He reads as a hobby, usually involving old literature. When everyone was dusted, the Library was somewhere he frequented out of boredom
- He would have horrible dissociative issues, zoning out worse than most even without provocation. He struggles identifying what is real, where he is, who he's around, and what place he's at. He can be catatonic
- He cares for every papyrus he comes across, and he ends up the most gentle to them and the most patient. After all, even if he killed his brother, that doesn't mean he wants to kill others. When he's disassociated, however, he can sometimes be a danger to Cyperus and often tries to stay away from him as a result since he can forget that he's not his Papyrus
- Good friends with Powder and Saint
- He used to resent Vanilla specifically, as he envies him in so many ways
- strangely, he is friends with Red, and while the dynamic is similar to Vanilla and Red, the dynamic is tilted and often enough Red can be a little off put by him
- He can be outright nasty to others, apathetic to them, but as time goes on he's just exhausted and reserved
- He is willing to let things happen without involving himself, unless he deems it necessary to do so
- He's picky with those he's friends with, he doesn't get close to other Sanses easily and in fact tries to actively avoid making close friendships
- He won't admit it, but he sometimes argues with his brother and he looks crazy. He could be muttering at the wall and next thing you see his him strangling the air while angrily muttering
- The most hateful to Frisk, he refuses to be around any au of Frisk or Chara. Even if he got the help he needed, it just isn't possible for him to forgive them
- (This would be if we go by the Bad Guy Sanses rather than the Skeletons in one universe/house) He would despise Killer Sans specifically in the beginning of their work relationship, but as time went on they became close friends
- He wears a hood and hat since he does not want other people to see his face. It wasn't just to keep his identity stifled, he just also doesn't like to see his own face and associate it with himself. Mostly shrouded in shadow except for his eyelight or teeth sparingly, I like to think that once he starts to heal you can see more and more of his face as he starts to either forgive himself or at least can associate his face with who he is
- He can mimic Vanilla practically in every way, but he only does this to hide his identity in public or if someone confuses the two somehow. The only issue is that something just seems...off when this happens
- An erratic and violent fighting style, he's unpredictable and doesn't follow a pattern like Vanilla does
- He's jittery and when stressed he is more snappish and anxious as a result, constantly paranoid and on high alert
- He struggles with fight or flight responses when confronted or even in situations that don't require a large response. however, this usually ends with fights
- He enjoys cooking from anybody, complimenting them and eating all of it. He doesn't waste food, and he is always appreciative of someone making something. He especially loves it from the Papyri
- Talks to himself sometimes (it's actually Papyrus)
- An angry crier, but he becomes unresponsive or too frustrated to calm down easily when he's really distressed
- He picked up smoking when in the Junkyard area, finding a hat there and a mostly empty pack of cigarettes. He finally lights one when he just finishes dusting Papyrus
- Because the food supply at some point dropped, Dust ended up crossing Grillby's side of the counter and found hidden stashes of alcohol. He ends up drinking and often pretending that everyone in the bar is present when shit faced, but it ends up with him usually breaking down
- There are little times Papyrus is not with Dust since they share a soul in some ways, but it's possible
- He would call his lover Angel
- His brother had always nagged him to wear glasses, but he was always too lazy to do it. Nowadays, he can be seen wearing them when reading
- He finds comfort in forests when above ground, as it helps him clear his thoughts. Rarely though, he can't stand being around them when he starts to hallucinate the voices of those he once loved in the absence of Papyrus. If he's in the forest, he tries to at least have someone to talk to, even if it's just Pap. He hates silence.
- He's extremely patient, almost to a concerning extent. He is willing to play the long game, and so a hobby he interestingly tuned in on is chess
- He is one of the best Sanses when it comes to playing poker, you would have to be careful when making bet with him
- Is a fantastic liar when he chooses to, something about his voice is....trustworthy. If you have wonderful intuition, however, you can just pick up that odd tone he has
- No one is allowed to wake him up early, he stays up late as it is and ends up sleeping the most out of all the Sanses as a result. He is extremely grumpy otherwise. Of course, this would be if he trusts those around him. He actually ends up avoiding sleep and doesn't trust others enough when he first interacts with them. Powder or Red will fight others on waking him up once they pick up this fact
- Does crosswords when possible. He loves to do Junior Jumble because Pap used to love them. He can be seen muttering to himself and even...at ease, when he does them.
- Loves thunderstorms, he's reminded of when Pap used to need comfort as a babybones. He often can be seen watching outside a window or even standing in the rain to get those memories to be fresher in his mind
- Extremely touch starved, but often feels that he doesn't deserve to ask for it. In fact, if he really trusts someone, he leans into them if they initiate touch. If he doesn't like someone however, he'll forcefully remove them. The presence of those he cares about is enough most of the time though. Rarely, he actually will initiate touch. This is reserved for those he's extremely close with though
- Frequently has night terrors, Saint has them too and sometimes they need each other since only both can calm the other. In truth, it was something both ended up being useful for, and it was one of the things that really strengthened their bond. If we talk about the Bad Sanses, he actually was surprised to find Killer sitting beside him and even stroking his skull when he's freaking out one night. Killer knows what it feels like, and even if he knows that Dust was going to be mad, Saint wasn't present and he oddly felt that he had to take initiative. Dust ended up not complaining and actually laid his skull against Killers lap that night
- He can't sleep without hugging something. Pillow, blanket, stuffie, person? Doesn't matter, he has to have something at any point. Even if he ends up sleeping in a laundry basket, he can be seen cuddling something such as a scarf or shirt
- He buries his face in his brother's scarf when cold, or when he wants to breathe in his scent as a soothing and comforting coping mechanism
- Doesn't trust anyone with Pap's scarf, and only washes it sparingly or if he allows it since he wants to remember the scent of his brother. He uses the same soap that Papyrus used
- Will let any Papyrus clean his room, but no one else, not even Powder
- He likes photography, he ended up being closer to Stretch when he was gifted a camera from him
- He doesn't care too much for his health mentally or physically, but works on himself overtime if he's in a safe environment
- Usually doesn't speak unless someone else prompts him to, but he'll sometimes do it unprompted on rare occasion
- Magic smells of leather and slight tobacco, magic tastes of vanilla
- Due to starving underground after the genocide, he now has ash tinted bone and is in fact quite scrawny. Similar to Saint, he has chipped bone and sometimes dust can be seen flaking off. His situation was different though, so he didn't physically change too much like Saint did
- He doesn't seem like it, but he actually enjoys certain puns even after everything. He's a hard skeleton to crack, but with the right joke he can ease up around someone almost as in approval. Depending on who he's connecting with, the joke can be a lame pun, or seeing someone make a fool of themselves
- He is not prone to listen a lot of the time, more spiteful and petty. Like Vanilla, he won't do something well or at all if he doesn't like someone, but he's less subtle about it than him. He won't enjoy scoldings either, since he's used to being scolded a lot more anyways from Pap
- He likes to provoke people at times, and can even actively be passive aggressive or nasty to them as a result. He won't apologize either, and only will apologize if he really deems that person worthy of it
- He's really secretive, and in fact if he's in the roommate timeline it would take awhile for others to REALLY know what happened. Even then he doesn't like talking about it
- His clothes are covered in dust, so that's what he often smells like if he's not using magic. It faintly can remind someone of a dusty attic or library, but for a monster it's very unpleasant and disorienting
- He will threaten someone in a rather calm manner, not bothering to raise his voice. He detaches himself, and if he's really angry he can become what he was like with Frisk: manic and unhinged
- He has a high pain tolerance, so he can have someone smash his face with an object and he'll stumble sure, but he won't react to it much
Closing Notes: oh my STARS bro he's one of my favorites to work with, I actually have a lot of fun when talking about him and exploring his character. I didn't care much for him when I was younger, but that's because I was crazy or something🤭
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed reading! I feel weird when people interact but I appreciate when you guys do. Thank you for reading🫶🫶
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fallenstarsgc · 9 months
Hihi!! This is a blog dedicated to (mostly) the Fallen Stars, 2019-2021 Version!
This is kinda like an FAQ thing, tho I take it more as "For (almost) All Questions" than "Frequently..."
Asks are open!
Warnings are at the bottom of the post, before the "About the Admin", sorry!
I use mostly what I have from the Gacha community from back then as inspiration/goals for them/etc, tho they have a bit more character than just "emo uwu baby" or the like! I still place a lot of their characters into the old tropes.
This also means they don't follow the truly canon characters! A lot of it is made up and fanonised!
Another factor into this is that I also cannot find a lot of canon information to ALL these characters in the time span that I'd still be motivated to even do this, as it takes a lot of time. So it's headcanons and fanon mixed!
There are two Chara's and Frisk's in this team, one pair are adults and dating Sans (19 y/os) + she/her pronouns, the other pair is small Frisk and Ghost!Chara who both use they/them! Also I mix a lot of the ideas people have/had for both Star Sanses and Fallen Stars, this meaning the team'll end up pretty big!
This is like found family trope but instead of them just having a "family type" they're also dating kinda! Like a really big poly but unknowingly from some sides! They're confused but they got the spirit!
Small Character introductions here!
Shattered/Dream; a kind-hearted spirit and prior Positive Guardian that has fallen due to his brothers hatred towards him, and several other factors. No one besides the team knows he is corrupted. (he/him)
Ink; after his friends' disappearance and other friends' crash in the antivoid, his vials had been taken away. Occasionally at Error's for fights or "fights" still (he/they)
Blueberror; prior Swap, after being (more or less) forced to stay in the antivoid for just too long he has glitched out and became this version. Mocks Error often and has taken on a slight parental role, just more strict and rude. (he/him)
Unlust/Cher; used to be Lust, but after Events in his au and with Red, an underfell sans, she stepped up for themself and went with Yanberry into the Fallen Stars. His LV has changed her body drastically. She's also the tallest. (any pronouns)
Yanberry; named Blueberry prior to seeing his brother killed in front of her by his Chara. After the reset, he had somehow kept his memory, making him go mad and kill almost everyone in her AU. Shattered had found him and brought him into the Team while he was stalking Dust. (he/him w occasional she/her)
Frisk; since she is now an adult, she is casually dating Sans and Chara. Often goes onto "missions" with the team. She's more or less of a hypocrite and a bit mean, tho she tries to be nice still. Will attack you if you try and hurt Sans. (she/her)
Chara; since she is now an adult, she also started casually dating Sans and Frisk. She feels bad for what happened, and the yellow flowers blooming on her head are a constant reminder of her wrong-doings. (she/her)
Little Frisk/Fry; they're a little sweetheart! But they're also dangerous. Don't step on the bugs they'll kill you for harming their friends :( (they/them)
Ghost!Chara/Charm; they're nice, but also like your intrusive thoughts. And they don't leave Fry alone ever. Also their crush is chocolate fyi (they/them)
Cor!Classic; not a lot is known about him. all we know is he's LV20 and dangerous. (he/him)
Honorable Character mentions:
Sci (neutral ground), Outer (occasionally drops by), Core (had no true choice), Ghost!Dream (from another dimension)
The Bad-Now-Good Guys:
Nightmare; Usually really mean and rude, but is also the only one allowed to hurt Dream. Could possibly corrupt back but doesn't due to fear, most likely.
Killer; more of a malevolent person to the Stars. Knows Cross's dirty little secret but keeps shut about it so he stays still about his own. Nightmare's right hand
Horror; Usually stays at Farm's place, but is also still more than not in the castle, usually by Murder's side. Keeps out of missions a lot but is pretty brutal when it comes to it.
Dust; A somewhat nicer version of Murder. Unaware of Yanberry's stalking&yandere behaviour towards him.
Murder; Stays with Horror a lot. His face is just gone and it unnerves Yan. Just as brutal as Horror and Killer, with LV20.
Cross; Stayed by Nightmare due to not wanting to come over as a traitor. However he is a traitor by simply dating/loving Dream. Keeps undercover.
Honorable Character mentions:
Error (doesn't care a lot), Farm (kind, neutral side character), Color (tries salvaging Killer, it doesn't work)
Please stay kind for all of this! I'm still learning how to do blogs such as these.
I might end up drawing human version instead of skeletons, and this doesn't really have a lot of big meaning, I just felt like drawing humans that day XD
Dust and Murder are two seperate Dust's/Murder's to me. This is why Yanberry can stalk Dust while Murder will be left untouched by this.
This account will mostly run off asks, so sending them in, no matter what they may be, is appreciated!
Also if there's text instead of a drawing to an ask, then that day I wanted to reply but could not find the energy to draw one! It's not because I favour anyone, I just have changing energy/motivation.
Updates can vary, due to me not having my computer and tablet with me 24/7
Possible triggers/warnings/might mention: self-harm/sh, past abuse, yandere behaviour, genocide routes (UT-way), death
(more to be added)
About the Admin!
↳ Orange ; they/them ; main - @orange-dreamzer
(always updating) Videos from that time range:
How Bad Sanses found out... - Link
Bad Guys react + Passive... - Link
Bad Sans Meet... - Link
Bad Sans react... - Link
Fallen Stars meet Bad Sans - Link
Singing Battle(s) - Links one ,
Other memes: Lambada , Stars+Fallen , Angry Too ,
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victoria1676 · 2 years
Summary: Basically this Reader's voice lines for Mondstadt such as the before and after. Before is like where reader still thinks them with good honest thoughts and pity while after is where it takes place once she bombed the nations. 
Note: Currently busy af this month Jesus Christ its hard to balance school assignments and ballet. I already am exhausted and still trying to finish Interlude 1.5 😭😭
So for while waiting for it to come ill just give you guys spoilers or rather voice lines of how reader thinks of the characters and ill do this by nation.
To clarify a bit if you see (before) next to the chara name then its basically before the bombing of nations started and (after) basically the present I guess.
But anyways please enjoy this and no hate comments as i made this for fun.
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About Mallory: The imposter? Last I heard from the rumors she was last seen in Snezhnaya and I feel that she might have gotten herself caught by the Fatui, especially Childe. I don’t really care about her since it was her entire fault for getting me almost killed and being chased down in this world. Would I forgive her? Eh, honestly I’ll be blunt. Should I give a person who ordered their so-called cult to hunt me down and kill me? Should I forgive them for letting the people who defend me be killed under orders? That’s my answer to your question.
About Rubedo: My Partner in crime and the one who was also named as an imposter except his situation is different than mine. I am glad I saved him and I won’t go in between his agendas as He and I gave each other full trust. I trust him a lot and I gave him a chance to be a person instead of a failed ‘creation’. So don’t go convincing me that I shouldn’t trust him to cause if I knew he was distrustful I would have not saved him.
About Jean: The Acting Grandmaster was wary of me at first when I first arrived in Mondstadt for questions on how to get back to Minecraft only to suddenly declare to chase me down with her knights. She’s a pretty face not gonna lie and it’s a shame she had to be my enemy and listen to that imposter’s orders. I got nothing to say to her and I admit she’s a formidable opponent.
About Lisa: If only she wasn’t such a huge cult simp of the imposter I could have a decent conversation with this beautiful lady that makes anyone wanna blush except I wanna see her blushing…What? I did say I swing both genders and you can agree Lisa is such a beautiful woman like the rest of this world although she is very feisty and dangerous with those electric powers.
About Amber: Before she chased me down she was very kind and outgoing which caught me off guard yet it is a shame she’s a cult member for that imposter. I really like her personality but *sigh* it seemed fate had other plans…
About Eula: The woman who severed ties of her clan and the one who dances me to death that huge ass weapon. She’s very interesting and the fact she hits hard like that redhead male with fire powers. I’ll admit her eyes are pretty but it’s a shame…
About Albedo: I swear this world has pretty eyes and I never interacted with him due to the fact I avoid Dragonspine after hearing he lives there with his assistant so better safe than sorry.
About Sucrose: She’s…Shy I guess? Although despite being shy and soft-spoken. She seems to have that look where ‘did I do good?’ or ‘Please don’t abandon me’ whenever I see her praying at that shrine. Rubedo did say Sucrose was the first anemo vessel to be used other than you Traveler.
(After) About Klee: The poor kid did not deserve to get hurt by someone who she thought was someone she trusted. Alice told me it wasn't my fault knowing I felt guilty for appearing here just to get the poor kid injured. Still, I hope she doesn't hate me for bombing Mondstadt despite they are the ones who decided to follow Mallory.
(Before)About Diona: She and her father kept me away from Mondstadt while her father continued pretending that he was on the imposter’s side as his daughter continue to lead me to a safe area with the others. Her drinks are very interesting?? Like who puts lizard tails and frog in a drink and then it suddenly tastes good? *laughs* I wonder if I could ask her to make a drink for Wilbur…
(After) About Diona: She was just a child…A fucking child! What’s worse they made poor Draft watch his own daughter get killed in his eyes before he died alongside her…The fact they are this cruel to kill a child…It’s sickening. 
About Kaeya: One word he. is. Hot. I mean all of Teyvat’s people are legit fucking hot like HELLO?! HIS VOICE AND HE *ahem* is also an ass as he legit almost tried to kill me after almost convincing me to kill some innocent people. What a shame *sigh* He and I could get along, especially since he is definitely one of my types of men who can flirt. But Alas he stayed with the imposter and I can’t believe he did not realize the signs when Rubedo told me he is also one of the people who should have realized something is wrong with their creator.
About Diluc: I gotta say he is definitely a looker and I legit remember flying away after almost getting my precious wings burned. Man, I did not like that at all. Although I gotta admit I do wish to fight him sometimes or maybe even flirt a bit to see his reaction but then again I don’t have a death wish to do those stuff yet to my enemy who is obsessed with killing me to make his creator favor him or something.
About Venti: The bard who my chat mistake him as a girl *laughs* He caught me off guard acting nice and suddenly sent big winds with his arrow at me but whatever these OP powers I have stopped the winds from getting near but I did dodge the arrow that hit me. Last I saw him he was in this tiny white hooded cute creature which I didn't know was the bard himself until Rubedo chucked him to the heavens *chuckles* not that I care about that…
About Razor: He made sure to hide me away from Andrius considering the big wolf told him I was the real creator and he lit up like a puppy knowing I was his real Lupical? Honestly, I don't mind him cause I am grateful for him hiding me.
(After) About Razor: Razor…He did not deserve to die for a stupid mistake…I'm sorry for getting you killed.
(before)About Bennett: Definitely someone I could make Tommy friends with and he is so polite like a bro who ever hurts him deserves to get my punch! Look at him! Sure he may look clumsy due to his misfortune but he is a good kid Dad-Philza would agree to adopt him I'm sure of it.
(After) About Bennett: He just had to be a hero…I fucking hate this world and hate myself for not saving him. Yet he smiled at me and told me that it wasn't my fault…He said he was happy to meet me to know at least he was doing the right thing…this boy…you're too kind...
(Before) About Fischl: Um…Can someone help me translate her words please cause I don't wanna hurt her feelings but seeing the way she talks is kinda surprising since I have never seen someone talk like that…Actually, maybe I did know someone talk like Fischl but I am not sure who it was…
(After) About Fischl: All I can say is that Fischl or rather Amy does not want to speak with you after what happened…She’s been quiet but Oz kept me updated that she’s currently healing. Seeing her friends die in front of her is already traumatic enough.
About Noelle: I don’t really know her much but at least I can say she chased me down with her huge sword at me and her shield is a pain of the neck but a formidable opponent. I can say at first she was really polite and greeted me like a person despite I knew she was wary of me I just did not expect to see a battle maid in person.
About Mona: The Astrologist who has tried to tell everyone I was the real creator despite my protests of me telling her that I am not the creator but her um…what's that called? A scryglass? YEAH! A scryglass! Anyways she used that on me and knew I was the creator before giving me info about this world and also books about the creator. Last I saw her she was in jail after she helped me escape.
About Rosaria: Finally, a person who doesn’t worship like a cult but someone who is just minding their own business. I am glad that she decided to help me but also left me to do her own duties which honestly I don’t mind but also grateful for her saving me and not killing me like the rest. Gotta say she ain’t an ordinary nun and is also hot.
About Barbara: I got no words for her as I never interacted with her much but all I can say is that she feared me and after the execution, I heard she started praying a lot in the shrines and trying to sing songs to get my forgiveness. I don’t know much about her but Bennett said she is very nice yet is a follower of the imposter. The last time I saw her was the bombing in Mondstadt and if things were different then I would have enjoyed her songs.
So that's all i can give which I apologize 😭😭😭
I'm very tired from passing 10 assignments and trying my best to finish 1.5 so i can work on doomsday TwT
Ill answer inbox tomorrow so you are free to like send questions, ideas, fanart or suggestions in my inbox which I don't mind answering ^^
I better not wake up to see anon trolls of saying my writing sucks or insulting me when bro let me enjoy my writing and not get insulted when at least I can write a story and also try to improve it.
But yeah ill post the asks that i forgot to post today so ill post them tomorrow.
Good night (Will probably start answering messages despite i am supposed to sleep 😭😂)
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sorry for the break but im back ueueue
got me thinking,,, do u ever think that incel diluc has some sort of savior complex rooted from the whole dark knight hero thing from canon? like i imagine that when he was running that bar, he'd have cases of people getting roofied and nearly taken advantage of and saves them, not mentioning that more than 3/4s of those cases were paid staff he hired personally,,,,
then when u came along strutting in with ur colorful attire and cheeky grin, dilucs mouth nearly waters and he has since decided to plan the most elaborate rescue to have u in his palms. he doesn't immediately save u when u were dragged out and stuffed into the van, he tracks u down (more like just drives through the abandoned warehouse he obviously rented for this masterpiece) and times his entrance just right so that he can stop it just as u were about to be disrobed. he knows he's won this when he sees ur thankful eyes, mascara running down ur tear streaked cheeks and pupils heart shaped at ur gallant savior.
honestly i see him justifying this with no one being really hurt in the end, and sometimes treat it as some sort of extreme sport.
idk sorry im really bad with other charas that aren't childe aaa
OOOOOOOOOH my love... you always feed me so so yummy... i'm never opposed to childe content EVER since he's almost all i talk about but diluc is so yum too... emotionally constipated red-head man <3 responding to this with @teyvatmoon in mind...
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Diluc could justify anything and its somewhat of a talent. it's gotten him out of plenty sticky situations and is partially what has kept his reputation so very shiny. what kind of respected figure can't smooth talk and pull excuses from their ass? none of them. Diluc can do whatever 'horrible' things he wants as long as he can paint them as 'honorable' instead. who would go against the twenty-three year old student and business owner? no one with a brain, that's for sure.
since owning a café on campus was wildly successful in the day time, it was only the natural progression of things for Diluc to obtain a liquor license to host events in the evening. such after-hours happenings weren't frequent since it always took a lot of work and a lot of staff but he was happy to provide a space on campus for people to drink since, for everyone but you, it was safer. prior to starting these monthly events it took a lot of work with both the university, himself, and city representatives but Diluc is beyond charming when he sees fit. sorting out rules and standards was like nothing to the young man and so, every last Friday of the month, he'd host drinking at was usually a calm café.
you and your friends had frequented there during the day for quite sometime now so it was no surprise when you all began showing up to these monthly binge drinking sessions. it was nice to attend such an event somewhere you were already so familiar with in the day time. it didn't take long for you and the rest of your group to warm up to the place. perhaps for you, it was too fast.
the buildings front was a large glass garage door that would be rolled up in the hot months to create better airflow since there was no air conditioning and it also allowed for more people to hand about the area with extended seating. being September it wasn't quite cold enough for it to be necessary for the door to close and thus it was still left open. students milled about the whole area drinking and laughing. you had decided to wear something a bit more revealing and daring this evening just for fun, well, what was supposed to be fun.
the skimpy and fully pink outfit had definitely garnered stares; hungry ones. such a head-turning outfit surely had more than just Diluc staring desperately. this... choice... of yours simply furthered the righteous feelings brewing in his heart. he was excited and many surly mistook the slight upturn of his lips as love for his work when really it was love for you. it was hard for even such a self controlled man as him not to stare at your tits, ass, thighs, stomach, or any other expanse of skin his eyes could find. your plump flesh was everything to him and he was certainly going to savour this first night of many in which he'd indulge in such a beautiful body. Diluc had almost entirely zoned out on you up until you had finally come to him grinning and asking for a drink. whatever he recommended, you said. his dick jumped at the words. well, he certainly did have something extra special to make for you. the drink was a deep purple colour, bordering on black, and glittering. it smelled of alcohol as well as a cacophony of berries. it tasted almost better than it looked. the only thing that would've made it better was a less salty and bitter taste but Diluc had given it to you on the house so no real complaints could be made. the drink as well as the evening was gone in what felt like seconds.
you had stumbled around back near the parking lot for some air and to text your friends only to remember you had handed off your phone and wallet to one of your friends with pockets in their outfit as you had none. it only took that one moment of disorientation for you to feel as though your body was being twisted and wrung out in every direction. in a way, you were. the hard landing on metal barely covered in cheap blankets did nothing to soothe the growing panic and nausea filling your body. you squirmed in every direction and cried as loud as you could but the hands trying and holding you down never ceased. the latex gloved hands all smelled of rubbing alcohol and all the voices sounded like venom. you were wholly convinced this was where you'd die. the roughhousing that ensued upon the van stopping was almost worse. being thrown on the ground and dragged over sharp gravel and nails would've made you worried about tetanus if there wasn't a knife right against the back of your throat. you heard doors slam and felt your body slam. this was the final time you were to be thrown but also the first time it had caused you to throw up.
the bile rose up your throat quickly. the salty and acidic liquid that rose up ended up covering part of your front and all of the floor in front of you. the group of men merely laughed at you. mocking how you're so weak and useless. can't even hold it together enough to not make yourself sick, they crooned. their hands, however, never let up on their assault of roaming your body. you thought perhaps they expected this and the gloves were a preemptive measure. with your head still spinning and stomach churning you almost felt upset about the masks you could now see obscuring their faces. 'cowards,' you thought. they paused. did you say that aloud? ah. you're really fucked now.
the chunk of wood that flew across the room and hit one of them hard in the nose startled you. with a heavy head, you turned to see him. Diluc. so he had piped up to insult them and he had come to save you; if the gun in his hand was pointed at them the way you thought it was. it didn't take long for the under-armed group to flee and Diluc to land by your side. concern was etched all over his features as he gently untied and helped you up. he didn't seem to mind the vomit getting on him at all. it was sweet in a gross way.
he took you back to his very nice home, after a brief trip to urgent care for aforementioned needed tetanus shot, to have you properly cleaned up and given a mix of medicines that should alleviate the drugs running through you rather quickly. his hands were soft and human. not a touch of latex or a whiff of rubbing alcohol. his arms felt safe. Diluc held you until you slept that night, more than pleased with how things turned out. you'd be his now and the extra jack-off material he got from recording the whole ordeal could stay a secret. that was his guilty pleasure. <3
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brynns-world · 1 year
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【chapter nine】
Toriel wasn’t joking, you really needed the sweater once getting out of The Ruins. Right in front of you, everything was covered in a lovely pure white. The glistening created with the light that hits the ground made it look like a million tiny diamonds.
You would be enjoying it if not for the fact that you are shivering like a chihuahua.
“Are you sure you are okay?”
Chara looks at you concerned as you try to walk forward. However, you seemed to advance a millimeter with each step you took. Looking to your left, you muster up a thumbs up at your friend and even with your teeth clattering like crazy, you answer them verbally.
“This is the only way, right?”
(I refuse to write stuttering unless the Undertale characters do so in the game)
Nodding slowly, Chara floats behind you and drops their arms over your shoulders. Confusedly looking up at them, you tilt your head as they look to the side instead of your eyes.
“You are as cold as ice Chara…but thanks for trying.”
Continuing forward, you admire the beauty of the forest. The cold has never been your favorite climate given the fact that you are a plant. On the other hand, you love it because it's the perfect excuse to use layers upon layers of clothing.
Then there was a big log right in the middle of the pathway.
“Don’t even think about taking it out of the way. It’s too heavy to pick up and from what I saw, you don’t have the force to flip a simple switch.”
“Okay get off me now.”
They chuckle as you give them a glare while swatting them away with your hands like one would do to an annoying mosquito. Sticking out their tongue at you, you answer with a playful scoff and pass the branch with a small jump.
Not even a minute later of walking, you heard a loud snapping sound.
Freezing on your steps, you feel anxiety crawling up your back. Deciding to not take any chances, you dash the rest of the way while chanting a bunch of ‘hell nah’s with your companion being dragged automatically.
You came to a halt when a wood bridge was presented in front of you. Once deciding that it wasn’t going to stop you, Chara bumped harshly on your back and made you faceplant on the ground. (haha get it? faceplant).
The two of you were trying to ease the pain of your heads literally cracking each other’s skull when the sound of footsteps started making itself present.
“H u m a n.”
“D o n ’ t  y o u  k n o w  h o w  t o  g r e e t  a  n e w  p a l ?”
“T u r n  a r o u n d  a n d  s h a k e  m y  h a n d.”
Deciding to accept your destiny, you turn around to shake this creep’s hand while making your will mentally. Your hand comes in contact with a cold one and suddenly…
P f f f f t
The sound made you jump while the person…er skeleton? chuckled at your reaction.
“The old whoopee cushion in the hand trick, it’s ALWAYS funny.”
Chara gave a slight pat on your head that snapped you out of your trance. A snort was produced, being embarrassed that you were getting so paranoid for nothing. Laugh to not cry they say.
“Huh glad you liked it. Anyways, you’re a human, right? That's hilarious.”
You were able to see the knowing look that Chara gave you through your peripheral vision once you nodded at the skeleton's question.
“I’m Sans. Sans the Skeleton. I’m actually supposed to be on watch for humans right now, but...y’know…I don’t really care about capturing anybody.”
Now that’s relieving, you were getting ready to run for your life and probably die as Toriel and Flowey mentioned. It would be kind of awkward to die as soon as you left The Ruins.
“Now my brother, Papyrus… he’s a human-hunting FANATIC.”
“Hey, actually, I think that’s him over there. I have an idea, go through this gate thingy.”
“This is a gate…?”
Your confused look made him chuckle. Shrugging, he answered comically.
“Yeah, go right through. My bro made the bars too wide to stop anyone.”
Standing still for a moment, you stare at him. Sans started to get a little uncomfortable under the intense gaze, however it seems like you found whatever you were looking for in him. He was about to question it, but decided to let it be once he noticed you get more relaxed and finally moving forward.
“Quick, behind that conveniently-shaped lamp.”
Running to the lamp that is located literally in the middle of snow, you sit down with your knees to your chin in order to be completely covered. Your butt is really crying right now. Chara decided to sit down next to you, shoulders and knees brushing against the others occasionally because of your shivering.
The sound of loud footsteps immediately filled the quiet atmosphere, followed by Sans greeting his brother.
“Sup, bro.”
“You know what ‘sup,’ brother!”
The loud voice took you off guard, making you flinch and lightly hit your head with Chara’s hand who was playing with your hair. Their snickering received a playful shove caused by your elbow.
“It’s been eight days and you still haven’t recalibrated. your. puzzles! You just hang around outside your station! what are you even doing?!?”
“Staring at this lamp. It’s really cool. Do you wanna look?”
That skeleton sure has a death wish cause you are gonna bust his ass if you die this early.
“No!! I don’t have time for that!! What if a human comes through here!?! I want to be ready!!! I will be the one! I must be the one! I will capture a human!”
‘That reminds me of that Lemon Demon song...'Cause I'm the right one, on my touch-tone, touch-tone telephone, I'm the only one…”
While you sing mentally, Papyrus poses heroically with air that appeared out of nowhere flowing through his scarf.
“Then, I, the great Papyrus will get all the things I utterly deserve! Respect…Recognition…I will finally be able to join the royal guard! People will ask, to, be my, ‘friend’? I will bathe in a shower of kisses every morning.”
That last part took you out of your concert.
‘Shower of kisses? Ew physical contact with living beings…’
“Hmm…maybe this lamp will help you.”
Sans shrugged and nodded towards your direction. Luckily, his brother didn’t even bat an eye…eye socket? at the lamp.
“Sans!! You are not helping!! You lazybones!! All you do is sit and boondoggle! You get lazier and lazier every day!!!”
The stomping of his feet seemed to increase in force with each word he spoke. The short skeleton didn’t seem affected by his brother’s annoyance and continued to joke around.
“Hey, take it easy. I’ve gotten a ton of work done today. A skele-ton.”
He sent a wink towards your direction when he heard your covered snicker. It’s so bad that it’s funny, okay?
“Come on. You’re smiling.”
“I am and I hate it!”
‘Same bestie same’
Papyrus sighed to get rid of his smile before continuing with his scolding.
“Why does someone as great as me have to do so much just to get some recognition…”
‘Damn, wish I had that confidence but at the same time that’s kinda sad Papyrus…’
“Wow, sounds like you’re really working yourself down to the bone.”
Sans shrugged while winking towards you once again. He chuckled, a little too loud, to cover the snickering that you weren’t able to keep in.
“UGH!!! I will attend to my puzzles as for your work? Put a little more ‘backbone’ into it!!!!”
Papyrus’ pun was followed by his loud and proud laughter. This time you giggled more because of his laugh being contagious than his bad pun. You were able to calm your giggling down when Papyrus left this zone. Only to laugh a little more when he came back to say a last ‘heh!’.
Once the coast was clear, Sans called out to you.
“Ok, you can come out now.”
‘Wow is it that obvious how gay I am?’
Standing up, you lightly pat your butt to get rid of the snow. Sending an disturbed look to Chara when they said ‘I can help you with that’ before walking in front of Sans.
“You oughta get going. He might come back, and if he does you’ll have to sit through more of my hilarious jokes.”
“Your brother doesn’t sound as threatening as I thought, he’s actually kinda cool.”
That comment made Sans’ smile widen, if that’s even possible.
“Huh, well my brother’s been kind of down lately. He’s never seen a human before, and seeing you might just make his day.”
And that just activated your people-pleaser switch.
However, you still have to be careful. Papyrus did mention the royal guard so that must mean he could know people from there or inform someone from there about you.
Looking to your right, you see Chara floating upside down and just trying to catch snowflakes with their mouth. Remembering that you can’t talk with them right now, you finally answer.
“...I’m going to think about it. Sorry, I don't want to make any rushed decisions.”
“That’s fine, thanks a million. I’ll be up ahead.”
As soon as he is out of your sight, you turn to Chara and practically ask them what to do with your eyes. They sigh when they notice the anxiety swirling through your eyes.
“It’s okay you can talk to Papyrus, he’s far from being a threat. Nothing bad will happen.”
That calms you down, giving them a nod you continue through the path.
A Floating Star!
Walking to it, you touch it while Chara does their narrating thing.
“It still fills you with curiosity how convenient the lamp was for you.”
An encounter with a comedian named Snowdrake that Chara seemed annoyed at, and seeing a fishing rod with a photo of a monster with its number on the back. That was weird. Well now you finally advanced, in front of you was Sans and Papyrus in all their glory.
“So, as I was saying about Undyne…”
Stopping midway through his sentence, Papyrus notices you standing there awkwardly. Turning to his brother only to see him turned to you. When he turned to look at you again, Sans turned to him.
Yeah you get it. It just looked like they were doing a whole 360 with how fast they were turning.
Suddenly they stopped, making you flinch when the both of them were looking directly at you. Then they turn their backs at you and start talking ‘discreetly’ about you.
“Sans!! Oh my god!! Is that a human!?!?”
Looking at you once again, you turn your gaze to the snow to prevent eye contact. Chara noticed your uneasiness and started giving you head pats.
“Uhhhh…actually, I think that’s a rock.”
Papyrus sounded somewhat disappointed but still suspicious.
“Hey, what’s that in front of the rock?”
“OH MY GOD!!! is…is that a human?”
“OH MY GOD!!!”
‘What the…?’ 
“Sans! I finally did it!! Undyne will…I’m gonna…I’ll be so…POPULAR!!! POPULAR!!! 
Papyrus couldn’t even finish his sentences, moving his hands in all directions to show his excitement. Suddenly he cleared his throat to give a more ‘professional’ look. Looking directly at your direction, he pointed at your figure with his index finger.
“Human! You shall not pass this area! I, the great Papyrus, will stop you!!! I will then capture you! You will be delivered to the capital! Then…Then!!!”
Papyrus’ positions his hand under his chin while directing his gaze to the floor trying to think about his next words.
“I’m not sure what’s next.”
Sweat dropping at this, you glance quickly at Chara to see them giving you a smug look that screams ‘told you so’.
“In any case! Continue…only if you dare!!!”
With that, he turns to walk away while freeing a set of eager giggles that he couldn’t contain anymore.
Seeing this, you and Sans chuckle a bit before the skeleton turns to you.
“Well, that went well. Don’t sweat it, kid. I’ll keep an eye socket out for ya.”
Giving you a final wink, he turns to walk in the same direction his brother went. Taking a deep breath, you prepare yourself for whatever is about to come your way.
After an encounter with a weird dog that apparently can’t see things that won’t move, you reunite with Sans in front of a frozen lake.
“Hey, here’s something important to remember. My brother has a very special attack. If you see a blue attack, don’t move and it won’t hurt you.”
‘Poor colorblind people.’
Thanking him for the advice, you continue walking. However, your foot slipped as soon as you took a step.
You forgot about the frozen lake and ended up falling on your back. Sans snorted behind you while Chara completely roared with laughter.
Massaging the back of your head that got slammed on hard ice, you groan while trying to sit on your butt. Sans approached you from the side of the lake, careful not to step too close to the ice.
“You okay bud?”
“There goes my spine.”
He chuckled and offered his right hand so you could get out of the ice. Once your crawling brought you close to the snow-covered floor, you were able to stand up.
“Better go before I humiliate myself even more.”
Sans gave you a small wave as you walked around the lake. Once entering the small path at the top, a glare was sent at Chara who was still trying to calm their laughter.
After surviving Papyrus' life-threatening puzzles, resisting the spaghetti trap, living through the encounter with some dog guardians. and encountering a buff dog, you arrived at a long bridge. A few feet ahead, you could spot the skeleton brothers that have been entertaining you.
“Human! This is your final and most dangerous challenge! Behold! The gauntlet of deadly terror!”
Weapons surrounded you, a morning star, two spears, a cannon. However, not even the fire under you was the cause of your distress, but the fact that a dog was being held hostage with a rope dangling above you.
“When I say the word, it will fully activate!!! Cannons will fire! Spikes will swing! Blades will slice! Each part will swing violently up and down! Only the tiniest chance of victory will remain!!! Are you ready!?”
“Because! I! Am! About! To do it!”
Preparing for the impact of the weapons, you stand there practically vibrating. Silence filled the area for a loooong minute and when nothing happened you gained a confused look.
“Well? What’s the holdup?”
Seems like Sans thinks the same as you.
“Holdup!? What holdup!? I’m…I’m about to activate it now!”
S i l e n c e . . .
“That, uh, doesn’t look very activated.”
“Well!!! This challenge!!! It seems…maybe…too easy to defeat the human with.”
Papyrus started to lose that confident look he carried before, as if he’s doubting his own decisions.
“Yeah! We can’t use this one!!! I am a skeleton with standards!!! My puzzles are very fair! And my traps are expertly cooked! But this method is too direct! No class at all!”
“Spitting facts king!”
The moment those words left your mouth, Papyrus brightens up and finally seems sure of his next words.
“Away it goes!”
Not a good day for that dog as you can see. Chara wiped an imaginary tear with a tissue, mourning for the tragic fate the poor animal had to face.
Doing a 180 so you couldn’t see him, Papyrus let out a relieved sigh when the weapons were stored away. Turning back to you when he felt your curious gaze on him, he tried to act intimidating once again. 
“What are you looking at!? This was another decisive victory for Papyrus!!”
He tried doing a victory laugh but it ended up sounding a little unsure, opting to better walk away from you. Well now the bridge is free to advance.
‘Welcome to Snowdin Town!’
Read the banner with red and blue letters at your left. A shop was located right after it connected to an Inn, but what matters to you more is the floating star located between the structure along with the box!
You didn’t actually store a lot of items in the box, thinking it would be smarter to save them in your bag making it easier to retrieve anything. The only item in the box is the phone that Toriel gave you.
A guilty feeling clawed at you when you first had the idea, but after noticing how often you thought of calling her, you decided it would be best to leave it in order to resist the urge.
Touching the star and enjoying the tingly feeling, Chara does their narration.
“As your eyes land on the friendly town, a feeling of curiosity fills your soul.”
Separating your hand from the star, your gaze shifts towards Chara as they motion to enter the store. Once being in front of the door right next to them, you turn to them instead of walking in.
“May I know why you do this little narration thing?”
Chara looked taken aback by your question. Averting their hazelnut eyes from yours, they shrug before answering.
“It’s just to pass the time I guess.”
Humming at their response, you decide to enter the lovely looking shop. Your hands are practically about to fall off because of the cold, this is the first time you enter a building since leaving The Ruins.
A purple bunny dressed in a white tank top over a black bra is seen on the other side of the counter. What looks like a bucket hat is resting over her head with two holes for her ears to breathe comfortably. The bunny’s arms are crossed over her chest while her pair of orbs observe you.
“Hello, traveller. How can I help you?”
Discreetly taking deep breaths, you decide that it’s not the time to be a simp for a female bunny. That would make you a furry or Legoshi, you are not sure which one is worse.
“Hello, I would like to buy something from here.”
“What would you like to buy?”
Looking at the options available, a ‘cinnamon bun’ called your attention pretty quickly. It reminds you of the time you baked cinnamon rolls with Toriel.
“One cinnamon bun please.”
“One cinnamon bun on the way.”
Placing the money on the counter, the bunny takes it. While turning around to pick a paper bag and some tweezers, the bunny starts talking to you.
“I can’t remember the last time I saw a fresh face around here.”
Taking the cinnamon bun with the tweezers delicately, she had a happy expression on her face. However, it quickly changed to an almost suspicious one with her next question.
“Where did you come from? The Capital?”
Shaking your head ‘no’ while taking the bun when she offered it to you; the happy expression returned on her face.
“You don’t look like a tourist. Are you here by yourself?” 
“I’m with my friend.”
The words left your mouth before you could even think about them. Once realizing the mistake, you started to panic because she could talk to someone else about it. She did say that there’s not a lot of new people, so a stranger in town can surely become a hot topic.
“Oh! Are they waiting outside for you? It’s pretty cold, why don’t you invite them in?”
“I just stopped by for some food for them! We are actually gonna look for a place to rest…”
“If you are tired, you can take a nap at the inn. It’s right next door- my sister runs it.”
“Thanks, we’ll be heading there. Gonna get going, don’t want a popsicle as a friend.”
Nervously exiting the store and ending the conversation quickly, the bunny was only able to give you a goodbye wave. You rested your back against the cold wall as soon as the door closed and sighed deeply.
“What was that?! A friend?! Really?!”
“Oh I’m sooorry I thought of you! Of course I didn’t mean to! I forgot you are a ghost!”
“I’m literally see-through, how can you forget?!”
“I just got used to it okay?!”
“What will you do now if she tells someone else?! They’ll think you’re delusional when they see no one else but you!”
“You are just making it easier for them to see me yelling at the air!”
The both of you stayed quiet while staring at each other. After a hot minute, Chara suddenly blows air on your eyes.
Giving them a nasty glare, you turn around and enter the inn right next to the store. There is a counter with a pink bunny on the other side of it and what looks like a small white bunny, their ears barely peeking above the counter. Getting close to her, she gives a big smile when greeting you.
“Welcome to Snowed Inn! Snowdin’s premier hotel! One night is 80G”
Being too tired to care about the price, you leave the money on the counter. The bunny takes it and rummages through her desk before giving you a key.
“Here’s your room key. Make sure to bundle up!”
Offering her a smile, you go upstairs in search of the room given. It wasn’t hard as there are only two rooms in the Inn.
Opening the bedroom door, there’s only one twin-sized bed close to the left wall with a small circular table at its other side. A large rectangular table is placed close to the right wall and a lamp is located on the far right corner.
Standing still for a moment at the doorway, Chara watches as you take in the room’s appearance. Noticing the small frown on your face, they decide to ask about it.
“What’s the matter?”
“The bed is smaller than the one back in mom Toriel’s house.”
They gave you a look that shows complete disbelief.
“Are you actually being picky right now?”
“What?! No, you dumb hoe! I’m just saying that we might be squished together when lying down!”
“When did you get so comfortable to call me that?!”
Finally entering the room, you close the door right behind you before letting your body fall face-first on the bed. Extending your arms and legs to cover all the space possible.
“Hey move over!”
“No! Now there’s no bed for you!”
Although it came out muffled, Chara could still make out what you said. Groaning loudly and dramatically, they float over to you before letting themselves fall on top of your back.
Letting out a ‘oof’ you try to sit up while wiggling under Chara’s back.
“Get off, you freaking whale!”
“What? You are not enjoying being under my butt?!”
“That’s gross! We didn’t get close enough for this level of physical contact!”
Sighing frustratedly, you take the pillow of the bed before throwing it over your head with all your forces, which isn’t a lot. The complaints of your ghostly friend immediately filled your ears.
“You are just being plain rude!”
“And you are not?”
 “Fine I’ll get off you if I can sleep on the wall side.”
“Fuck no. I’m not getting my feet snatched by the boogie man.”
"That's why I want the wall side."
They chuckled evilly and rolled to the side so they could be between the wall and your body. You couldn’t get a second to breathe because your body was immediately kicked out of the bed.
“Oh fuck…I can’t believe you’ve done this…”
Getting up from the floor, you get rid of your shoes because the snow is now melting and starting to wet your socks. Turning off the lamp, you immediately jump on the space next to Chara while letting out a weird sound.
“Hahaha what is wrong with you???”
“Shut up is a law to do that when turning off the light.”
The both of you got under the sheets, but soon after you got comfortable Chara let out a squeal.
“Why did you leave your socks on?! They are humid and cold!”
“I’m not sleeping next to you with my bare feet! That’s gross!”
“Take them off and just keep your feet away from mine, what the f?”
“I just don’t want my feet to get snatched :c ”
Sighing they gave up and decided to let you be. The both of you stayed quiet for a minute, getting a little awkward since last time you both had a late night talk…it didn’t end up too well.
“Sooo…could you tell me more about your witch town?”
Chuckling a bit, you think about what to say. Sure you have many memories and tales to tell, but you guess it would be better to get all explanations out of the way before they get confused.
“Well, Mossgarde is not located in the human world.”
“We had to escape to another ‘world’ when the war with the humans started. Actually, it’s not common for us to come live here.”
“Then why did you move here?”
Cringing at their question made them apologize quickly. Shaking your head, you reassured them that it’s okay before answering slowly.
“...Well, I don’t know the details, I just saw my dad leave through the door when I was stargazing… I had never seen my mother do a spell so quickly, my ring and her necklace were done as soon as I blinked. She packed our things like crazy the very next day to move out.”
As if to prove your point, your right hand shakily reached your ring finger in your left hand. Starting to fidget to calm you down, the explanation continued.
“Something must have happened between them but mother never talks about it…or about anything for that matter. I guess the town brings bittersweet memories for her.”
The image of Chara hesitantly moving their hands is visible through your eyelashes. It wasn’t until their cold hands came in contact with yours that you noticed you weren’t fidgeting with the ring, but pinching your fingers’ skin.
“My mom completely forbids me from going to the witch world ever since…I haven’t even done my real initiation ceremony in The Capital.”
Noticing your saddened look at the mention of the ‘initiation ceremony’, Chara decides to change the subject to take your mind off of this.
“What does The Capital in your world look like?”
The way your eyes brighten once memories started flooding your brain made a wave of relief wash over them. They really don’t like how downhearted you look when your mother is brought up.
“It’s absolutely beautiful! Witches from all types and covens reunite there for celebrations!”
“What kind of celebrations? I never thought of it but do witches have a different culture?”
“Well, before the war, witches were all over the world. When our ancestors arrived in our new world, they decided to celebrate the festivities from each culture to make sure everyone feels included.”
The way their eyes widened made you chuckle.
“So all cultures are a part of you??? It would basically be celebrating something every day?”
“Let’s say a family has ancestors from Hawaii, they will reunite with other families that have at least one ancestor from there too to organize and celebrate whatever festival may come. If you don’t have an ancestor from there it’s your choice to celebrate or not.”
“That’s amazing…”
“Now that I’ve seen the human world, I realized that growing up like this avoids a lot of problems. I really don’t get why humans judge each other so much?”
“Humans are stupid. They are a bunch of cowards, being afraid of the things that are different from them.”
“I wouldn’t say cowards. Everyone tries to protect the ones they love and themselves before anyone else.”
Silence settled itself between the both of you, and it wasn’t until now that you noticed how they never let go of your hands. Seeing their hands encasing yours made a feeling of reassurance rise in your body.
“Thank you for trying to distract me from my mother. Usually, I never even think about her, but I guess my mind trusts you enough to talk so freely.”
Chara smiled at this, feeling accomplished…before you decided to freaking pull on their right cheek.
“You know too much. You can’t back down on this friendship now.”
“Hiya! You look like you had a great sleep. I’m glad you enjoyed the room! Feel free to come back any time.”
Thanking the nice lady, you exit the Inn with Chara following. There was a small igloo with a signpost next to it and when you decided to check it out, your ghostly companion read it for you.
“Don’t want to walk to the other side of town? Try the undersnow tunnels! They’re efficiently laid out.”
“Undersnow? I will definitely freeze.”
Walking through town you decided to not start conversation with anyone, it’s better this way in case the bunny lady at the store did talk to someone about you. No, these are not excuses to justify your anxious ass.
When walking close to a decorated pine tree with wrapped presents at the bottom, you stayed a bit to admire the little colorful lights. A yellow dinosaur-like monster was standing close to the tree on its other side. He saw you through his peripheral vision and started calling out to you excitedly.
“Yo! You’re a kid too, right? I can tell ‘cause you’re not as tall as any adult here.”
‘damn okay-’
There was a building with ‘Grillby’s’ on top of it, but what catched your attention more is a mouse monster with big ears being wrapped on a large green scarf standing close by.
Not being able to contain your giddiness, you decide to start a conversation with the little mouse. However, you are surprised when the monster starts talking before you can.
“Everyone is always laughing and cracking jokes, trying to forget our modern crisis…Dreariness. Crowding. Lack of sunlight. I would join them, but I’m just not very funny.”
Then they ran off to play with the snow, but you stayed there. Thinking over their words made you feel so bad, it has been almost 200 years since everything happened…
A big sigh comes out of your mouth when you feel Chara’s gaze, giving them a small smile and motion with your head to keep walking.
“A Library!”
“It’s Librarby-”
Ignoring Chara’s correction, you don’t hesitate a second to walk in the building. It’s…way smaller than what you expected but the sight of books keeps your excitement alive!
Practically teleporting to the bookshelf on the far right corner, you grab a book and open a random page to see if it peaks your interest. Chara’s murmurs were audible too since they are reading from the same page.
“Love, hope, compassion…This is what people say monster soul’s are made of…but the absolute nature of ‘soul’ is unknown. After all, humans have proven their souls don’t need these things to exist.”
Closing the book, you hug it to your chest and move on to the bookshelf at your left. Taking a hold of another random book, you wait this time for Chara to read it.
“‘Monster History Part 4’ Fearing the humans no longer, we moved out of our old city, Home. We braved harsh cold, damp swampland, and searing heat…until we reached what we now call our capital. “New Home”. Again, our King is really bad at names…?”
That's how you spent the next 90 minutes. Taking a random book, reading a page, and deciding if you should take it. The problem is that with each book you laid your eyes on…you wanted to take it with you.
Now here we are, Chara trying to stop you from taking the whole pile of books you got in your arms. It took them all this hour and a half to convince you to leave already, they don’t wanna spend another hour and a half convincing you not to take 20+ books.
“You can't take that many books!”
“Wanna fucking bet?!”
“You don’t even need them!”
Standing still for a minute, there is a heavy staring contest between you two. Chara is standing in front of you with their arms and legs expanded to stop you from going to the counter.
Suddenly, you run to their direction but change your body position to the left in order to evade Chara’s arms, nearly getting hit with the table where the old ladies are seated. Practically throwing your body at the counter, the books are placed for the bird-like librarian to check them out for you.
“I want to take these!”
Chara attached themselves to your back like a koala and started hitting your head while scolding you. The librarian only nodded and started doing his work silently, confused about why you did that.
Happily skipping on your step, you hum a little tune as the books sit comfortably on your arms. Then, you walk behind one of the trees that are between the library and a house and sit criss-cross on the snow.
“If you wanted to take a piss you could have said so.”
“Shut up, that's gross.”
“How are we gonna carry all these books?”
Chara observed curiously as you simply colocated the books on the ground before taking your bag off. Scoffing, they cross their arms and sit just like you by your left.
“It’s not gonna fit, genius.”
Ignoring them, you open your bag and start storing each book until there’s nothing left. However, the bag looks the same as always as if there’s nothing inside.
“Infinite bag, genius.”
Blowing a raspberry at them, you get out of the tree zone and continue walking with an impressed Chara following suit, asking you tons of questions.
The snow started falling faster as you continued, becoming too much to the point frost was very visible on your cheeks.
Chara was staring at you worriedly, they want to take you out of here but as every timeline, Sans is watching for the encounter with Papyrus. He would surely see you talking to thin air and become wary.
The sound of a whine coming from you caught their attention as they were thinking of a solution. Running to the tree zone at your left, they watch as you fall to your knees and hurriedly place your shaking hands on the bark of a tree.
They couldn’t make out what you were saying, but they could definitely see the small leaves sprouting from your palms and covering that spot of bark and its surroundings.
The slow rise and fall of your chest showed the deep breaths you were taking, with each breath the frost seemed to disappear.
So much for not wanting Sans to be suspicious of you-
Hesitantly, Chara placed their hands on your shoulders to gain your attention. Giving a heavy sigh, you remove your hands from the tree and look at your ghostly friend.
“...I asked for their help.”
Chara looked at you questionably, not knowing what you meant by that. A yawn interrupted you when trying to speak, making you cover your mouth with your hand which still had some leaves that sprouted from it.
“Now I can endure the snow a bit more, just like this pine tree.”
Encasing your left hand in theirs, they admire and carefully touch the leaves that sprouted from your skin. Meanwhile, you are rummaging through your bag using your free hand, pulling out the neatly wrapped cinnamon-bun.
Sleepily muttering something, you take your left hand from Chara before dividing the cinnamon-bun in two. Chara looked at you incredulously as you offered the bigger piece to them.
“You just casted a spell- no. TWO spells. I'm sure you’re tired as hell!! Eat it all.”
They pushed the piece towards you, and surprisingly you were able to put up some resistance.
“I feel bad when I’m the only one eating. Please?”
A small staring contest started but before Chara could blow air on your eyes to make you lose, your eyes began to become glassy. A wave of panic washed over Chara, they have never seen you cry. Slightly grumbling, they swiftly snatch the smaller piece which was in your other hand.
“Fine. But you gotta eat the bigger piece.”
They shoved the cinnamon bun piece in their mouth before you could attempt anything else. Too tired to continue arguing, you sigh and start munching on your own piece. Once you finished eating, Chara offered their hands to help you stand up; taking a hold of your shoulders when you wobble slightly.
“It wasn’t enough huh?”
Rubbing your eyes a bit to adjust your sight, you turn to your friend and show a small smile.
“I’m fine, it’s mostly this ring’s fault. Kind of keeps me from using my powers to their fullest you know?”
The journey continued with you advancing slowly but surely.
“Then why do you wear it?”
“Uh…it’s been years since I’ve casted any spell without the ring…it could be dangerous.”
The snow started to become thicker to the point all you could see was white and Chara by your side. Then, from all the white cold, a black silhouette emerged.
“Besides, I don't want anyone to see my mushrooms and leaves…it’s kind of intimate….”
Papyrus began talking as soon as you finished muttering that to your friend.
“Human. Allow me to tell you about some complex feelings. Feelings like…the joy of finding another pasta lover. The admiration for another’s puzzle-solving skills. The desire to have a cool, smart person think you are cool.”
‘My brain is not brain-ing…’
“These feelings…they must be what you are feeling right now!!!”
‘The what now??? I just want to sleep bro…”
“I can hardly imagine what it must be like to feel that way. After all, I am very great. I don’t ever wonder what having lots of friends is like.”
‘Again, Papyrus, that is very sad.’
“I pity you…lonely human…”
“I have Chara, tho…I don’t think I’m lonely.”
Papyrus wasn’t able to hear you because of how low you muttered that, but maybe some did hear it. Even if you couldn’t see his expression, you were sure that the way he moved showed that he was smiling and excited. Offering a hand towards you as he said his next words.
“Worry not!!! You shall be lonely no longer! I, the great Papyrus, will be your…”
‘-bitch. sorry Paps for I have sin.’
Papyrus let his hand fall back to his side, looking at the ground while thinking. Reality seemed to sink in since he grabbed at his head with both hands.
“No…No. This is all wrong! I can’t be your friend!!! You are a human! I must capture you!!!”
‘Racist much??? wait- I’m not even human-’
“Then, I can fulfill my lifelong dream!!! Powerful! Popular! Prestigious!!! That 's Papyrus!!! The newest member…of the Royal Guard!”
Your white soul was put out of your chest as a battle began. Anxiety bubbles inside of you since Papyrus has never seen your soul, his reaction and opinion about it really does matter to you.
Chara’s narrating voice brought you out of your self-conscious episode. Making you notice how you are able to see Papyrus more clearly now, his reaction to your soul however showed pure, innocent curiosity.
“Papyrus blocks the way!”
Not knowing what to do, you decide to give him a compliment hoping it could make him change his mind.
“You know I actually admire your personality! You are so dedicated to your dreams which is something I would love to be able to do.”
This statement caught Papyrus by surprise, making his posture change and his hands to stim for a minute. Chara turned to look at you questionably and somewhat annoyed.
“What!? Fl-flirting!?”
Oh damn…is that what this is??? You were beyond confused. Never in your life did you think that being nice was considered flirting. Maybe that’s why boys tell girls that they are flirty b- that just ‘play with their feelings’. Stupid boys.
“So you finally reveal your ultimate feelings!”
‘I just wanna sleeeeeeeep’
“W-well! I’m a skeleton with very high standards!!!”
‘my standard is a love like the studio ghibli movies-’
Papyrus waited for your next statement, looking flustered but trying to hide it with a brave persona. When nothing came to your mind, you turned to look at Chara who sighed and moved close to your ear to whisper.
“I can make spaghetti…?”
“Oh no!!! You’re meeting all my standards!!! I guess this means I have to go on a date with you…?”
“Let’s date l-later!! After I capture you!”
3 bone(r)s came your way at a slow pace, it was easy to dodge and you are thankful for that. If the attacks came faster (i’m sorry-) you would surely get hit because of how distracted you are, the question of how dates work still on your mind.
“Papyrus is thinking about what to wear for his date.”
“Chara I don’t have anything to weaaar…”
Chara rolled their eyes and instructed you to spare him. You did as told, wanting this awkwardness to end so you could throw yourself down a cliff.
“So you won’t fight…Then, let’s see if you can handle my fabled ‘blue attack’!.”
A bunch of blue bones came your way, remembering Sans’ advice you stayed as still as you could hoping that your shaking didn’t count as moving. Suddenly your soul turned blue out of nowhere freezing you in one spot, getting you an ugly scratch from a bone that flew close to your arm.
Hissing at the pain, you put as much strength as you could to move your left hand towards the scratch in your right upper arm.
“You’re blue now. That’s my attack! Nyeh heh heh!!!”
The feeling of a pair of hands being placed delicately on your shoulders made you look at your friend. They were staring at you worriedly; offering a small smile you signaled them that you are okay.
“You’re blue now.”
Taking a deep breath to somewhat calm your nerves, you stare determinately at Papyrus before continuing with the spare option. Papyrus didn’t care though as he was busy muttering to himself while being in a thinking pose.
“Hmm…I wonder what I should wear…”
‘Bestie are you for real??? thinking of the date after you just beat me???’
Even if it was harder to move since your soul was still blue, you were able to jump above the bones like a bad bitch. Your landing was a bit messy- but it’s still cool that you were able to jump!
“Papyrus is trying hard to play it cool.”
The attacks started becoming a little harder and quicker, walls of bones coming right after the last one. The combination of white and blue bones confuses you a bit from time to time. Thanks to Chara’s advice and directions you have been doing somewhat fine.
That is until the bones started becoming taller…
“Not too long and I will use that special attack!!!”
Chara could see that you are struggling with the jumps, they were planning on trying to carry you above the bones. Some bones were changing their size as they came at you, the middle bone becoming too tall to pass.
You were getting ready to accept that you died once again, but the pain never came. Opening your eyes slowly, the greenish barrier that has been slightly protecting you is visible. Sighing in relief, the barrier breaks as soon as you land on the ground again.
Glancing at Papyrus to check if he saw anything, you only see him putting some cologne. Noticing your stare, Papyrus puts the bottle away and clears his throat(?.
“This is your last chance…before my special attack!!”
Being now confident that the barrier will help you a bit more, you jump above the tall bones. This is getting annoying in your opinion…
“Behold…! My special attack!”
Awaiting the so-called special attack, all you see is the dog from before munching on a bone.
“What the heck! That’s my special attack! Hey! You stupid dog! Do you hear me!?”
Papyrus angrily marched towards the dog with his hands on his hips, making said animal stand on alert.
“Stop munching on that bone!!!’
The dog started to slowly back away towards the tree zone with the bone between its teeth.
“Hey!!! What are you doing!!! Come back here with my special attack!!!”
Papyrus was starting to run after the animal before the dog just disappeared in the woods. Standing still for a minute, there was an awkward ambience. Shrugging as if it was nothing, he returned to his previous spot while you watched amusingly.
“Oh well. I’ll just use a really cool regular attack.”
“Papyrus is getting ready for a regular attack.”
Papyrus sighed deeply, being disappointed that his attack was stolen, he spoke bluntly.
“Here’s an absolutely normal attack.”
An absolutely normal attack came your way, some bones even forming the words ‘cool dude’. Then a ton of bones came your way with an even bigger bone at the end. You jumped as high as you could but the barrier did appear when you almost got hit with the last bone.
Giving a big sigh of relief, you simply step above the small final bone. Papyrus started panting while resting his hands on his knees for support.
“Well…I…It’s clear…you can’t!...defeat me!!...Yeah!!! I can see you shaking in your boots!!! Therefore I, the great Papyrus, elect to grant you pity!! I will spare you, human!!! Now’s your chance to accept my mercy.”
You accepted his mercy without missing a beat.
For some reason all your surroundings became clearer and the snow stopped falling as soon as the fight came to an end, you’re just glad you are not that cold anymore. Papyrus turned away from you while playing with his hands.
“Nyoo hoo hoo…I can’t even stop someone as weak as you…”
“Undyne’s going to be disappointed in me. I’ll never join the royal guard…and…my friend quantity will remain stagnant!”
Guilty started to sink in your gut, feeling like it’s your fault that Papyrus is feeling sad. Hesitantly, you decide to speak up.
“Um…I may not be the best qualified person…but I do want to be your friend if you allow me, maybe that way I’ll become just as great as you.”
Papyrus turned so fast you’re concerned he got whiplash. The way his eyes seemed to hold stars in them made a small smile appear on your face.
“Really?! You want to be friends, with me???”
A nod was instantly shown at him, his energy rubbing off on you. His smile widened, if that’s even possible, as he colocated his hands on his hips.
“Well then…I guess…I guess I can make an allowance for you! Wowie!! We haven’t even had our first date…and I’ve already managed to hit the friend zone!!!”
Your smile became a little strained as you were reminded of the dreadful date coming your way. You are not too sure about what he meant at the end of his sentence but eh whatever makes him happy.
“Who knew that all I needed to make pals was to give people awful puzzles and then fight them??”
‘Not sure about that one but at the same time…it’s kind of what Chara and I did???’
“You taught me a lot, human. I hereby grant you permission to pass through! And I’ll give you directions to the surface. Continue forward until you reach the end of the cavern.”
Pointing with his thumb at the path by his back, he gave you a big smile. Then que kneeled a bit to be at your height, making sure you hear the next directions.
“Then…when you reach the capital, cross the barrier. That’s the magical seal trapping us all underground. Anything can enter through it, but nothing can exit except someone with a powerful soul…like you!!!”
Eyes widening a bit, you pondered about this information. A human soul is surely powerful, they have traits that can become scary…specially determination. Witches’ souls are strong, sure…but you are not sure if yours is powerful.
“That’s why The King wants to acquire a human, he wants to open the barrier with soul power. Then us monsters can return to the surface!”
Then his expression turned serious as he remembered something.
“Oh…I almost forgot to tell you…to reach the exit, you will have to pass through The King’s castle.”
“The King of all monsters…he is…well…”
Waiting anxiously for him to finish his sentences, a small jump is produced out of you when his expression suddenly changes to a happy one once again. He sure has some mood swings-
“He’s a big fuzzy pushover!!! Everybody loves that guy. I am certain if you just say ‘excuse me, Mr. Dreemurr, can I please go home?’ he’ll guide you right to the barrier himself!”
‘I don’t think it’ll be that easy Paps…’
“Anyway!!! That’s enough talking!!! I’ll be at home being a cool friend!!! Feel free to come by and have that date! Nyeh heh heh!!!”
Then he ran away, weirdly floating above you…maybe you saw it that way because of how tired you are.
Sighing deeply you pondered about what to do now, maybe the date with Papyrus is gonna be more chill than continuing the journey. You start walking towards the side of the path where you came from.
“Never thought I would be asked on my first date this way…”
Chara immediately stopped on their tracks. Turning to them questionably, you see a look of disbelief painted on their face.
“Wait- You’ve NEVER been on a date before???”
An offended look plastered itself on your face. You prepare a remark, feeling embarrassed that they said it like that. 
“What about it?! Just saying since now that I won’t believe you if you tell me you had dates before.”
A smack to your head was delivered by an equally embarrassed Chara.
“It’s not like that! It’s just hard to believe that no one has ever asked you out…you are actually really attractive- no homo.”
‘Attractive? attractive?! Is that what they think of me?!’
“I mean if someone as good-looking as you has never been on a date, what hope do I have?”
A snicker left your mouth at that last statement, you never considered yourself good looking, thinking that you were pretty plain and normal. A thought crossed your mind, well Chara is already dead so you doubt they would get their date in the future.
Suddenly your hands were delicately taken by Chara’s cold ones. Their hazelnut eyes held a soft look as you both made eye contact.
“...Do you want to go on a date with me?’
Their question surprised you, that’s what you were gonna ask but they beat you to it. Taking your silence as something negative, they tried to explain themselves.
“I mean only if you want to! I already know how the date with Papyrus goes, and honestly I wouldn’t want that to be your first date experience…”
Chuckling at their rambling, you squeeze their hands to get their attention.
“I was actually going to ask you the same thing.”
The way a smile instantly formed on their face just felt right between you. Suddenly they started running to the other direction of the path, where Papyrus told you the journey would continue.
“Oh! Wait- where are we going??”
“Trust me I know a place!”
Because of the running you couldn’t stop to greet the other monsters that were seen in the new zone. Sans was about to call over to you but didn’t get a chance as Chara dragged you forward.
After a bit of running, Chara made you both go through a small hidden hallway. Only then was that they finally slowed down and allowed you to take in your surroundings.
Bright blue flowers littered this small zone along with blue typha, or water sausages, being close to a small lake of equally bright blue water. The grass looked like a darker shade of blue, being knee length tall makes it brush against your skin. However, differently from almost all the time this feeling didn’t bother you or trigger your sensory issues.
“Wow…this place is really pretty…”
While you were admiring the scenery, Chara was accommodating some things in the grass near the small lake. A small ‘hey’ took you out of your trance, looking at Chara you see that they put some plates with your favorite desserts.
Only that it was some of Toriel’s plates…and the desserts you baked at Toriel’s house…
“Where and when did you save all of this??”
“Where is magic, don’t question it, and I borrowed these while you were busy with Toriel on the day we were leaving.”
A small chuckle left your mouth, thanking them when they offered a cup of your favorite beverage. A wave of surprise washed over you when you took a sip to find out…it’s made just like you like it.
"How were you able to prepare it the way I like it?"
“Well…maybe I pay a little too much attention to you.”
Even after the pastries were finished, the conversation was not. There was a lot of laughter and story-telling, mostly from you since it seems like Chara still has a hard time opening up about their past. Still they sure have a lot of jokes and interesting facts to tell.
The both of you were now seated close to the lake with your feet in the water, shoes discarded to the side. Chara was in charge of the music once again.
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Meteor Shower - Cavetown
“Looks like you’ve taken a liking to Cavetown…you have taste.”
“The songs put me at ease…”
As your Cavetown playlist fills the air, calmness wash over you when watching the small waves of the lake. On the other end, Chara is battling with something on their mind.
Looking at your hand, all they see is the ring. They want to ignore it, but…
“Could you take off your ring?”
You flinched at their question, shuffling a bit away from them. Thinking about it for a minute, your right hand shakily covered your left one unconsciously. They took your hands in theirs when noticing the doubtful expression; staring at your eyes for any sign to let go.
“It’s okay! I don’t say it to see you use your abilities…I just want to see what you look like.”
“I’m not sure…I haven’t been without it for so long…”
Giving you a calm look, they let go of your hands deciding not to pry any further. However, you continued to ponder over this, well your mother is not here to stop it and you won’t use your powers so…
Sighing shakily, you slowly take off the ring that has been keeping you grounded.
Chara observed as small mushrooms and leaves sprouted from your head, small dots littering your cheeks like stars, the pattern of fern leaves being printed on the visible skin from your neck.
SIlence fell upon you.
Out of nowhere, the ghost grabbed your face with both hands and brought it close to theirs.
“What?! You have freckles???”
Sparkles were practically radiating off of them, their eyes shining as much as the floating stars you’ve encountered. Being embarrassed because of their attention, and because no one has ever seen you in this form, you lightly push their face away.
“It’s only a trait from the black coprinopsis picacea mushroom…”
You pointed to a small black mushroom with white spots that was resting comfortably on the left side of your head to prove your point. Chara inspected closely the mushroom mentioned and compared it to your freckles.
“I think your freckles look more like stars, oh wait this one looks like a small flower-”
They continued to tell you what your freckles look like. Trying to keep count of how many freckles you have but getting lost after 30 something, counting the mushrooms on your head and the leaves that seemed forever stuck.
Once they finished, a comfortable silence settled between the both of you. The look of genuine tenderness Chara carried made you feel so safe, so at home.
They carefully brushed their fingers through your hair, and even if they are dead you could feel the warmth that action carried. Treating you like the most precious gem in the world, like you could break if they made the wrong move.
Chara screeched as they were pushed into the water. What? You got nervous, this is the only thing that came to mind.
Your laughter filled the air and Chara’s ears as they came to the surface, their hair sticking to their face. Playfully scoffing at you, they threw some water with their hands at you. As a response you kicked water at their face.
“Oh you are so on.”
Suddenly they took you by your waist and threw you in the water. A squeal managed to leave your lips as your body sinked for a second before you resurfaced.
A fit of giggles was produced out of Chara as they heard your high-pitched squeal. The both of you started throwing water at the other for a minute before Chara threw themselves at you for a hug.
The both of you sinked in the water, and silently agreed for a competition to see who would last longer. In the end you lost, coming to the surface, you took a deep breath.
“Pfft- I’m a ghost, remember? I don’t even breathe.”
A gasp left your lips as you stare at them with a look of betrayal. Water was rapidly thrown at their face as they laughed at you.
“You cheated! I didn’t know that! Of course you would win!”
Chara just floated on their back and pointed upwards to catch your attention. Looking up, you were mad at yourself that you failed to noticed the stars imitation on the top of the cavern
Changing your position so you could float on your back too, you lightly move your feet to go in the direction Chara is. When your head lightly hits their stomach, they take your hand to accommodate your position so the both of you are side to side.
“Those are gemstones.”
“...I think it’s prettier than what we are able to see on the surface.”
After a while, you had to come out of the water so your clothes could get dry before entering Snowdin again. Laying on the soft grass side by side, you took one of the books you borrowed from the library and started reading. Chara rested their head closer to your shoulder so they could read with you.
The both of you stayed like that, reading together and hearing the calm sounds of water. Being in each others’ presence.
Butterflies in the stomach.
New song added to Chara Tape A!
Meteor Shower by Cavetown
New song added to Y/N Tape A
Matilda by Harry Styles
sorry if you saw the first version- it just didn't convince me entirely.
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strwberri-milk · 2 years
Passing Hands: Chapter 11 - Stained Chivalry
Bridgerton!AU || Diluc x Fem!Reader || Drama, Falling in Love, Slow Burn || 3 261 words
a/n - short sentence of slut shaming sorta - chara implies diluc only cares about you bc you two are fucking so just a heads up for that
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Parting from the Duke is always a cruel reality but you knew that you could not possibly monopolise all of his time. The dance has to come to an end and the two of you bid each other farewell for the time being, going off on your separate ways. Each step you take still carries a distinct lightness to it, practically floating from the riveting conversation the two of you had while dancing. 
The buzz from the pleasant conversation and his small smiles rings strongly in your chest, palm resting against your heart in the hopes of being able to still the beating muscle but it does not matter for every time you glance over at him speaking to someone else his eyes meet yours. When that happens, he nods at you and offers you one of those slight smiles and you feel yourself melting for him all over again. 
To distract yourself from him you try to find conversation with some of the other attendees. It’s much more difficult than you thought, finding yourself unable to really enjoy any sort of conversation with them all. Their words feel so vapid and shallow, struggling to say anything of sustenance. To you, you can feel that they do not see you in the same way as His Grace does. He treats you like an equal and you know that he values your opinions and thoughts, not like some sort of doll that’s meant to sit pretty on a shelf. 
Regardless, it’s easy for you to sort them into specific categories, knowing which ones are promising suitors that you should keep cordial relationships with and which ones need to be tossed to the side. Even with all that sorting, you know truly that there is only one man you want to give all your honest efforts to and you let yourself stare off into space blankly about him, playing with the rim of your glass as the music plays softly in the background. It seems the band had swapped to heartfelt ballads. 
“Mind if I stand next to you?” a voice asks.
 You turn to them, expecting to see a familiar face but are met with a stranger’s. They offer you a charming smile and you curtsy, allowing them to introduce themselves to you. 
“Hello there. I couldn’t help but find that a beautiful woman such as yourself standing here all by her lonesome was really a true travesty. I am Viscount Remas. What might your name be?”
Of course to match his smile is an equally charming tone of speaking. It’s not uncommon to hear, especially considering the fact that you are at a ball. Everybody is speaking to each other in the same type of way and the coating of artificial sugar is slowly beginning to get more and more on your nerves, especially with the overly familiar way you feel he is stepping towards you.
“I am Miss [Name],” you reply to stay within etiquette without having to offer up more information that makes him feel even more obligated to your time. 
“What a lovely name for a lovely face,” he hums, reaching out as though to touch you before you step back. 
“I was wondering what you were doing here all by yourself. You seemed to have no shortage of suitors earlier this evening but now they’re all gone. I wonder why?” 
“I believe I may have exhausted all of the eligible bachelors at this event,” you say as a weak attempt at a joke. 
“Then why was I excluded?” he says with a frown. 
“You must know who I am. The Remas name is quite prominent after all. My father donates extensively to several charities and has several connections to other very prominent figures in society. Not to mention I would treat you much better than the Duke can, despite not being a Duke in title.” 
“I’m sorry, but I do not know who you are at all. Do you have a quarrel to pick with the Duke?” you respond, becoming just a bit more wary of him with every passing second.
“Not personally. I just don’t think that man knows how to treat people properly. He’s quite cold and reserved after all. Are you really sure he’s the match for you?” he says skeptically, raising a brow. 
“To be quite honest with you, I think you’d have a much better time being with me. I am also much more eligible than all of the other bachelors you’ve been spending your time with. Unlike them, I know a woman of value when I see one.” 
He reaches out for your hand and you take it from him, scoffing. 
“I don’t know what kind of game you think you’re playing at but I will not have any part of it!” 
“You were consorting with Lord Alberich and as I remember he’s much more forward than a small kiss on the hand is. I simply thought that it was alright with you,” he tries to reason, seeming very defensive. 
“Lord Alberich has no intention of courting me and therefore I was not “consorting” with him or whatever it is you would like to call it. The fact that you think you can come here and attempt to woo me in such boorish ways is much further beyond me than I think I could ever come to comprehend.” 
Feeling slighted, you decide it is now time to cut him, turning and trying to get lost in the crowd of people. However, the second you move away from him he follows after you, shoes clicking so much louder than the steps of others around you. You begin to feel anger rise up slightly in your chest, getting annoyed at how insistent he was beginning to try to be. Nothing’s stopping you from yelling at him and you decide that would be the best course of action, ready to give him a piece of your mind when a hand grabs you by the shoulder. 
You’re about to give them a piece of your mind too when you recognise it as His Grace, squeaking unceremoniously when he pulls you into his chest. The three of you are now being given a wide berth as everyone stares at the scene unfolding in front of them, watching with morbid interest. 
“What are you trying to do with Miss [Name]?” His Grace demands, voice dark. 
“I didn’t realise it was so inappropriate for me to talk to a perfectly eligible bachelorette. Tell me, is it wrong?” he taunts, clearly thinking himself to be in the right. 
“Do you not realise what you’re doing is absolutely mortifying for the Lady? Or did your staff never manage to tame that ego of yours Lord Remas?” Duke Ragnvindr bites back, loosening his grip around you to let you run should you want to but you stay close to him. 
“How rich coming from a man such as yourself. Do you not think it inappropriate to set your sights on only one woman, make her believe that you will stick by her by showing that you have no interest in any other match just to lead her to a path of loneliness as she waits for your attention?” 
The two men step closer and closer to each other and part of you wonders why nobody has stepped in to stop the argument, but also realise that the Duke’s protectiveness of you is stirring up some feelings that you want to keep feeling and therefore want to see how far they will be allowed to go. They’re practically glaring daggers at each other and if looks could kill you do not doubt there’d be a casualty on the floor right now. 
“You think she needs me? That is a strong, independent woman who is more than capable of making her decisions. Whether or not I choose her has no bearing on the work she has put in to endear herself to other gentlemen. Should our relationship not develop into a match I have faith that whoever she swears her life unto will be a very lucky man indeed,” the Duke hisses, looking dangerously close to grabbing the man in front of him. 
“Why do you care so much? Is it because you know you could have any person you wanted and chose some commoner to play around with so they couldn’t lash out at you for fear of being shamed out of society? Is it simply because you think I am “below you” just because I do not have the name and title you do? Why, it’s humiliating what you’re doing,” he spits back just as venomously. 
The entire hall goes silent and you swear if someone breathed a little too hard you’d be able to hear the expanding of their lungs. His Grace’s face shifts from annoyance to downright anger. Despite that, the Lord continues to push, clearly not realising the imminent danger he was in. 
“I suppose the only reason why you care so much about Miss [Name] specifically is because you’ve already had her for yourself. It sure would explain your attachment to her without even suggesting to her the idea that one day your name could be hers. Is that how far the Ragnvindr’s have fallen? First you adopt any orphan off the street, then you allow the only men who supposedly can inherit the title to behave as they would like? I’m sure that if your forefathers could see you now they’d hang their heads in shame.” 
“Why you-” 
You watch wordlessly as the Duke nearly launches himself at the other man, quickly held back by Mr. Kholer. The other man looks equally, if not more angry than the Duke, mouth set in a deep scowl and blue eyes screaming murder and yet somehow he manages to stay composed. 
“Have you no idea what that man has just said?” His Grace hisses trying to escape from the bigger man’s hold. 
“He insulted not just Miss [Name] but also my family! With the fact that our houses are to be wed, is that not a personal slight to your own home, or at least the judgement of your Lady?”
“On behalf of My Lady, I must ask you all to leave,” the Valet says kindly, voice not at all in agreement with the look on his face as he holds back the Duke from fighting the other man while he addresses the guests. 
“Please, do forget the events that transpired tonight. On behalf of the Kholer name I assure you you will all be compensated fairly for the atrocities you had to witness.” 
The courtyard is emptied in minutes, scandal slipping past everyone’s lips as they stare at the scene while leaving. You know that this is going to be an absolute pain to deal with later but the way that sweat beads on the face of the redhead that this is nowhere near done. 
“Lord Remas,” Mr. Kholer begins once the space is devoid of people, voice chilling to the bone. 
“You have made very powerful enemies today, enemies you will never be rid of. You came here under My Lady’s personal invitation and insulted not only a friend of hers, but the family she intends to marry into. It would not be enough to have you killed for such a slight,” he continues, mouth set in a deep scowl. 
“What? Do you really think she can do anything to me?” he scoffs, almost guffawing at the possibility. 
“She is a Lady of breeding, whether or not she acts like it. I sincerely doubt there is anything she could do to me that I cannot rectify on my own merit.” 
“Let me go!” the Duke grunts, practically trying to throw the other man off of him. 
“I cannot let you dirty your hands, Your Grace. It will only add further insult to My Lady. You see-” 
“He has insulted my guests under my invitation,” the Lady continues, finally reappearing. You see the look in the Duke’s eyes is mirrored in Lord Alberich’s as he brings her over and yet somehow he is barely managing to contain his composure unlike the redhead. 
“Therefore, I must take care of it myself. This is an issue I should have foreseen. I hope you realise that you are very lucky we are not back in my homeland for the lecherous words you just uttered, the fact that you decided to resort to insults to build up the fragile beast of a man you are, you would be dead right now. Even then, I do not care for you brought the names of others to those accursed things you call lips. I expect you to apologise.” 
“And why would I do that?” 
His self confident demeanour is maintained and you can see she is ready to join the list of people wanting to jump him. The look in his eye, the curve of his smirk, it's enough to make you want to go over there and hit him yourself. Lord Alberich holds onto her arm tightly, whispering something into her ear you are sure she cannot hear. 
“If you do not apologise I am very sure I can make you regret the fact that your mother pushed out some poor excuse of a son. You will apologise and if you will not then you will let us berate you more until we feel some sort of solace for the fact that demons decided to place their spawn in my courtyard,” the Lady practically growls, jaw set harshly as she stares him down.  
It takes you a second but you formulate your words perfectly, just as angry as everybody else in the room. Everyone has fallen silent as they wait for his response, a thinly veiled anger coating the space. They all turn to you as you take a breath to begin speaking. 
“The second you began to speak to me it was quite obvious that you aren’t even in possession of a fourth of a brain. Whatever you have up there in that head of yours is much more suited to be put in the brain of a pig and would be put to much better use. I don’t know what possessed you to think yourself God’s gift to the Earth but if that statement were to be true I’m sure that we are standing in purgatory,” you add just as bitterly as the others.  
“Do you not see how this looks?” Lord Remas continues. 
“It’s simply all of the same people ganging up against me. Now Ragnvindr, you may be a Duke but you know that does not scare me at all. I’m sure it would take no effort at all for me to usurp that righteous attitude of yours and make sure you find yourself resting next to that poor excuse you once called Father.” 
The second the word leaves his mouth you see Lord Alberich punch the daylights out of him, the man falling to the ground from the impact. He’s furious, the Duke staring at the man in openmouthed shock. 
“Do not dare speak ill of the late Duke Ragnvindr. To have his name leave your lips is akin to the Devil’s tongue speaking praises of God. But, if you’d like to continue I’m more than glad to keep going,” he growls, flicking his wrist as though to prepare for another strike. 
“His honour is something that you will never be able to strip away from him no matter how hard you try. You may insult me all you want but the second you begin to spout such heresy is the second I will make sure you pay for it..”
The Duke has finally been let out of the Valet’s grasp, stepping over to his brother and trying to calm him down. He manages to talk down the other man a little and you watch as Lord Alberich catches his breath before the Duke walks over to you. 
“Are you alright?” he asks you in a hushed tone, eyes keeping track of his brother. 
“I will be fine. What of you? He has insulted you and your family over and over,” you scowl, wanting to plant just as harsh a punch on his face. 
“I am very appreciative of your concern but trust me, nobody recovers from Kaeya’s punches. That man will feel that sting on his face for the rest of his life and it will still not be enough. Especially not for the way he disparaged your name like that.” 
The anger he feels on your behalf adds another tally to the list of things you’re beginning to learn about him, his sense of justice clearly coming out as he tries to calm down Lord Alberich. The Valet does the same for his Lady and you feel out of place, staring at the man groaning in pain. 
The Duke returns to you, giving you a tired smile. 
“There is much to sort out now because of this issue. Worry not - I shall most definitely check on you in the morning. I would hate for you to feel uncomfortable thanks to this buffoon, bumbling idiot that he is.” 
“What about your brother? And the Lady? Those accusations were levied against them as well.” 
He exhales loudly, shrugging. 
“There is a chance that they will simply need to hide out from society for a while until they all move on to the next piece of gossip. You are in a much more perilous position which makes it imperative that I will do all I can to ensure that you are not seen as compromised.” 
“You don’t need to do all that for me, really. I’m sure you have much more-” 
“I am doing it because I want to,” he says with a tone of finality, the look in his eyes protective. 
“Do not think it is because I think you are weak for that is furthest from the truth. I just think that it will hinder things for you socially should I not take care of the seedlings this man has planted in the brains of others. I do not wish for people to spread such horrid untruths about you and that is that.” 
You nod slowly, knowing that there’s no way out of this with him. His jaw is set harshly and you can practically hear his teeth grinding as he tries to think of what to do next and in a fit of concern for him you grab his hand and lace your fingers between his. 
“Do not worry for whatever happens I will stay by your side,” you reassure him, thankful that he seems to calm down a little with his touch. 
Perhaps it is the privacy that you are all afforded with the disappearance of the guests or the crash of adrenaline through his veins ceasing but whatever it is it allows him to rest his forehead on your shoulder gently, taking a shaky breath. 
“Thank you. Were it not for you keeping a cool head about this I am sure I would have murdered that man for speaking so lowly of a woman I have come to respect,” he says lowly. 
You are none the wiser as to the fact that this is how Diluc Ragnvindr began to find himself lost in the wonderful mystery that was you, the brightly burning flames of passion he has towards everything he does in his life beginning to glow brighter at the prospect of your affections.
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spectra-solves · 1 year
spectra-solves info ————————————
⭐CW: Mentions of Death, Slight gore, Serious topics, Mentions of the Afterlife, will add more when story progresses This blog is not based on a real person, nor case, and is entirely fictional ⭐ what is this blog? - a story starring Spectral Trails and friends about cold cases of the undead
⭐ what program does the mun use? - clip studio paint !
⭐ special tags? + blog refs = character reference sheets - more added upon blog growth ⭐ who are you outside spectra? - im a adult (pls lmk if ur uncomfy with adults following you and ill unfollow!!)  artist trying to relive her days on tumblr, i also run twi-replies! ⭐ anything off limits? - i will not answer anything relating to fet!shes, nxfw, anything that could be hateful to groups of people, you get it, also i probably wont answer everything, if its just roleplay then i do not tend to reply as im an art blog with story elements ⭐ how long have you been a fan of mlp? - since 2011!
⭐ do you keep up with g5? - no, sorry! though id love to interact with some charas from there!!
⭐ are ocs/other universes allowed to interact? anyone and anything can ask! i love seeing the creativity people have with their characters of choice, so dont be shy : ]
⭐ do you have a DNI? - prosh!pers, fet!sh blogs, t3rfs, basic dni criteria ———————— thank you for reading !!
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imbonewary · 9 months
Shifting Sans Chapter 11 "In the Know"
Chapter 1 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 12
“Yes, Serif,” Chara assured. “As far as we can tell, the reset power is gone.”
It’s over.
The nightmare is really over.
“You better not be lying or pulling my leg with this shit,” I growled, sockets dark. “This is not a subject to joke about.”
“Of course not,” Chara said, holding up her hands, looking mortified at the thought.
“Dude, I may lack empathy, but even I know that’s too far,” Frisk waved the notion away. “Ya don’t mess with serious trauma like that.”
I stared them both down, trying to detect any hint of deception.
I didn’t find any.
The resets really are done then. Unless…
“You will tell me if that ever changes, right? If it somehow comes back?”
“You’ll be the first to know,” Chara replied.
My wings were flared slightly as I dialed up my emotion feeling to the max, scrutinizing them both. Frisk was just mildly flippant about the whole situation, with a slight undercurrent of defensiveness; how dare I accuse him of such things when he’s been working so hard to be better. Meanwhile Chara was being as open and forward as possible, pretty obviously vying for my favor. Normally, this would bug the heck out of me but for now I was grateful for it; she’d likely be willing to reveal or agree to just about anything if it meant getting (and staying) on my good side, for better or worse. Let’s just hope she keeps her word. And keeps Frisk in line.
“Ok. Who else knows about you two?” I changed the subject. I don’t wanna out Papyrus if they don’t know he knows, cuz if his reaction last night is anything to go by, he definitely knows something.
“There’s me an’ Chara, of course,” Frisk began counting on his fingers. “And now you. Flowey used to have the reset power until I fell down. He mostly remembers but it’s kinda hard to tell how much since he’s kinda… loopy. After his own resets.”
“We’re also unsure how much of his supposed insanity is an act,” Chara continued. “Sometimes, he is able to speak with perfect clarity while at others he barely seems to know his own name.”
“Flowey had control of my resets too, until the kid fell,” I nodded. “He was a manipulative little shit but I wouldn’t call him “loopy” or anything. A topic for another time though. Anyone else? Does Sans know he’s got two kids for the price of one?”
“We did tell him during a few resets,” Chara looked away, uncomfortable. “And he seemed fine with the idea until he discovered it was me. Sans and Asriel were very close before my death, I even called him “Uncle Sans” after Asriel adopted me, and losing both of us in such quick succession seems to have traumatized him greatly.”
“To his credit, he really tried to be ok with it,” Frisk also looked away. “But he was stuck somewhere between wanting to hold her a little too close and wanting to push her away. So, we’ve decided not to tell him, at least not yet.”
“Right, I’ll help cover for you when I can then,” I nodded. “But hopefully we can ease him into the idea so you won’t have to hide from him forever.”
“That would be nice…” Chara trailed off with a yearning smile.
“So, anyone else?” I continued. “I had to mention the resets last night, while being interrogated by Doc Tori and Mettaton- I mean, Mettané, but I only talked about the Flowey controlled resets. I wanted to talk to you first before accidentally outing you.”
Both kids froze, glancing at each other. Suspicious.
“A-and you were at Papyrus and Alphys’ house,” Chara said, though it was more like a question. I nodded.
“Guess you already know that Papyrus knows then, huh,” Frisk said the quiet part out loud. I nodded and Chara sighed.
“Well, there’s no point hiding it if you already know,” she seemed uncomfortable while Frisk looked wholly unbothered. “But we didn’t want to reveal his involvement without his consent so, aside from confirming he does have some recollection of resets, we’ll leave it up to him to share his experience with you when he’s ready.”
“Fair enough,” I said. “I didn’t wanna out him either if you didn’t know he knew, just like my human didn’t know. We’ll be seeing him later today anyways, though, right?” I continued, hoping to lighten the mood a bit. “If we can get Alphys out of the house-”
“Why do you think I suggested going over there for lunch?” Chara said with a cheshire grin, aparently very proud of herself. “We haven’t really had a chance to talk with him since the barrier broke and he was pivotal in Frisk’s reformation.”
“But you didn’t know I knew about resets yet.”
“We just would’ve ditched you and Alphys at some point but now we only need to get Alphys out of the way,” Frisk shrugged. “And if Pap knows that you know, he’ll probably preemptively get rid of her before we even get there.”
“He’ll probably ask her to watch his sentry post while he makes us lunch,” Chara nodded, though she seemed annoyed about something, then shook her head, apparently dismissing it. She smiled. “Alphys’ idea of “making lunch” is warming up a Cup of Noodles for us, which Papyrus always complains about.”
Frisk snickered.
“Heh, guess some things transcend time and space,” I chuckled, thinking of my own Alphys.
Which reminds me.
“By the way, if you’re up for it,” I offered. “One thing you could help me with is renaming everyone from my original universe, or at least everyone important. It would make it easier to call them by a name instead of saying “my Alphys” and “your Alphys” and would be easier to talk about things without being too obvious to those who don’t know that I’m from another universe entirely.”
“You could just be from a small community in the Deep,” Chara nodded. “That would work as a cover story.”
“Good thinking,” I praised. Chara smiled and I could feel her trying to downplay her delight. “Speaking of cover stories though,” now it was my turn to be uncomfortable. “I’d rather not let on that I absorbed a piece of a human soul; it sounds like that won’t go over so well around here.”
“Yeah, I can imagine,” Frisk smirked.
“And absorbing the soul piece has changed my magic somewhat,” I ruffled my wings; it was hard letting myself be vulnerable. “I wouldn’t mind having some help getting used to my new abilities, if you two wouldn’t mind helping me.”
“All things considered, I don’t think Papyrus would hold it against you either,” Chara mused. “So he might be able to help as well.”
“And I’m sure some of our other friends wouldn’t mind training with you, even if they don’t know about the soul piece,” Frisk concluded. “Besides, some messed up stuff happened in the Labs,” he shrugged. "Absorbing a piece of a human’s soul probably isn’t the worst thing any of them have heard of."
“Somehow, that doesn’t make me feel better.”
“How much time do we have before lunch anyways?” Frisk muttered to himself, taking out his phone. “We’ve got, like, a half hour until we gotta call Sans so we should probably start heading over to Pap’s. We can take the scenic route since we’ve got time.”
“You should get changed out of your pajamas first though,” Chara reminded.
“Oh yeah, thanks Chara. That would’ve been embarrassing.”
“You can borrow some of our clothes, Serif,” Chara offered. “You look about the same size as Frisk.”
I looked down at my outfit. I’d slept in my jacket and my white shirt was rumpled and creased but it wasn’t that dirty. I didn’t smell too bad either.
“Nah, I can wait til I get my own,” I declined, starting to get off the couch and slide into my slippers, when something struck me as very, very wrong. Like putting my shoes on the wrong feet but way more intense. And I definitely had them on the right feet.
I sat there, frozen, for longer than I care to admit.
I gasped, yanking my feet out of the slippers as if they tried to bite me. I shook my head, that was weirdly intense. Maybe save looking into that for some time when I’m alone though. For now…
“Eheh, could I uh, maybe borrow some shoes?”
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ask-dcf · 2 years
Coming out to Goat Mom
Frisk and Chara look at eachother holding hands after they spoke to eachother but worried as they sat in bed together Frisk: looks down clenching her hand D-Do we have to?… I mean… She already sees us as both her kids… so would it even be right?… Chara: looks at them worried Frisk come on… Sure she is raising us both but I’m sure she is more open minded than you think. Frisk: looks at Chara with eyes open and fear But Chara we aren’t-!…. We aren’t even considered a normal couple…. To her we only just met for about a month even tho we known eachother longer…. A-and not only that like I said she sees us as probably more as siblings… not to mention we are kids and…… and…. shivers as they take hold her hand with their other free one We are the same gender…. Chara: eyes widen as She can see how Frisk was overthinking Heyyyy heyyy touches their head and leans in to have their foreheads connect softly Look at me…. Frisk looks at her Ruby red eyes Mom is not like that. You know she would never think like that huh? smiles at them Frisk: …. looks down It’s not that…. It…. I just…. I want us to be together…. This is the ONE thing I want for myself….. I never asked for anything…. But this… this I want….. And the last time I wanted something from Toriel….. looks down eyes shaded Chara: eyes widen as she slowly pulls back… the image of Toriel blocking the way in the ruins with flames in her hands appears in her mind Oh….. Ok…. Yeah…. That would definitely make you scared…. feels their hands trembling. Both out of fear and sadness …. sighs and smiles looking up at them. She lifted their chin up to look at at her Hey. Listen. We will tell her together ok? You’re not alone ok? brushes their front hair to the side to get a better look at their pretty blue eyes And besides. I want THIS to. So you don’t have to worry ok? Your not selfish. You just want to be happy to. Frisk slowly smiles and she leans in kissing their forehead Ok?
Frisk: blushes feeling their chest tickle from the kiss on their forehead. Making them feel a lot better … ok. They nod to her and they both get off the bed. They let go of their hands even tho they didn’t want to. But it would’ve been better to make things more clear without it being too obvious…. That…. And maybe they both were actually scared still. Even Chara. the two kids head down stairs towards the kitchen where they heard Toriel putting dishes away…. They look at eachother and interlock hands and fingers together, trying to give eachother one last confidence boost…. They slowly let go and walk up to Toriel behind her. Both: …. Mom? Toriel: Looks behind putting the last plate away and smiles Oh! My Children! bends over slightly looking down at them I just brought over new kitchen ware. What would you like to eat my dears? Perhaps some snail- Chara: Mom! toriel stops ……… Just…. Listen… there is something me and Frisk need to tell you. Toriel: Straightens up a bit worried. She held her hand to her chest What is it my Children? They both look at eachother one last time and hold Hands, they look at Toriel Frisk: Miss Toriel?… I… I like Chara… A lot… Toriel: smiles Oh! I am so happy that you like Chara, Frisk! She is a good fri- Chara: Frowns a bit knowing where Asriel got his slight dimness No. Mom. That’s not what they- Frisk: Miss Toriel I don’t mean as a friend or sibling! Chara looks at Frisk surprised by their outburst while Toriel looks in surprise I like like her mom I…. clenches free hand and looks at Toriel with their eyes open I LOVE HER….. Toriels eyes widen in shock more then a friend or sibling. She means everything to me…. I love her with all my heart. And she feels the same way. Chara watches them with a small smile I want to stay with her forever!….. shivers and looks down I know… I get it… you see us as more as siblings…. But I just…. tears well up as they try to keep their confidence from breaking
Frisk: I never ask for anything… because I don’t want to seem selfish or because I’m scared to… but…. rubs eye to wipe away tear I want to be with Chara because I love her… I know you think we haven’t known eachother for long… wipes away a few more tears… they wouldn’t stop coming out And…. A-and I know we are kids and…. sobs and wipes away their tears with their palm I-hic I know we are the s-same gender…. sob But I just-sniff I just want to Love Chara… sob I want us to be together hic No-hic-No matter what I…. sob I love her mom… please don’t be mad at meeeee Holds Chara’s arms with both hands as they break down into tears. Falling to their knees as they held onto her arm Chara: Tears well up as she gets on her knees next to Frisk. Just witnessing them break down in fear and sadness filled her with Guilt. She couldn’t think straight seeing them fall apart like this. Now she wasn’t even sure if this was a good idea to tell her mom, let alone if she even approved or not. She looks down with her teeth clenched trying to not let her tears come out. looks at Toriel and speaking quickly in panic Mom Please Listen! Don’t be mad at them if you disapprove of them ok? Feels Frisk cling onto her poncho crying and she lets her tears stream down her face but not letting up If you are upset with anyone then blame me! I was the one who confessed my feelings to them. They felt the same way but…. deep shaking breath trying to calm herself PLEASE don’t be upset with them. They just… We just… WE JUST WANT TO BE TOGE- in an instant they both felt a warm embrace around them…. Toriel was on her knees hugging both Frisk and Chara. They both stop crying Toriel: My sweet little Angels… why are you crying?… I am so happy for you both! Warm gentle smile on her face with tears in her eyes the two kids eyes widen as they heard her say those words
Toriel: I know you both are not biologically siblings. pulls back a bit to look at them both in her arms And I know you both are young. But seeing you both come out to me like this. touches both their cheeks with her large paw hands. Frisk holding her wrist with their tiny hands. Chara touching the back of her paw hand as she felt her thumb wipe away a tear seeing you both express yourselves to me… Shows me how much you LOVE eachother. And I’m so proud of you both. Frisk: looks up tears in their eyes still Yo… you’re not mad? Toriel: Frisk why would I be mad? Frisk: B… Because we both are girls and- Toriel: Frisk it doesn’t matter what gender you are or what gender the one you’re in love with. So long as you both care and love eachother then you do not have to be so afraid of your love. Looks at Frisk with a smile Frisk, you are so sweet and very kind. looks at Chara And Chara you are strong willed and Caring. I do not think I can see a better couple together then you two… As long as you both are ok with me being your mother and care taker, I do not want you both to stop loving eachother the way you do now. Ok? Frisk and Chara’s tears well up in their eyes as they hug toriel Frisk/Chara: TORIEL/MOMMY! they both cling to her letting their emotions out as relief sweeps over them
Toriel: smiles with tears going down her face as she closes her eyes My sweet little loving angels. You both deserve to be happy. And you found your own form of a beautiful happiness. I can not express how proud and happy I am for you both…. You make this old fool proud to be called a mother…. Even if we are not related. We are family. So don’t stop loving eachother, because you both deserve this happiness. She holds them both close as Frisk and Chara cling to her happiness on their faces, their hands also holding tight. This was scary… but now they didn’t have to worry about hiding their relationship. And could start taking the first steps forward into shaping their future together. Although it would be a long ways before that would happen. The NOW that they were in… felt just as special as the WHAT WILL BE….
Mod message: Its always gonna be scary coming out to the ones you love. And not everyone will approve. But what matter is the friends and love ones who accept you for who you are. You are loved and you are cherished. Never forget that.
Anyways i know this is different from what i usually make. I apologize. I hope you all like it. I did my hardest with this. q.q It had alot of changes cuz i wanted this to be perfect. I hope you all like this.
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ivyprism · 2 years
The Pirates of Vividus: Royal Family Part 1 (Info)
This is Part 1 of 2!
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of death, fighting, etc.
Tera (Royal Toriel): She is a gracious and beneficent monarch. A lovely, generous lady with good intentions. She enjoys children and looks after them. She works hard to maintain her ex-husband's and care for their children. She can be rather ferocious, and many people are terrified of her and her magic. Even though she has a lot of patience, it sometimes wears thin. She makes an effort to be calm and pleasant. She is not scared to fight if necessary. She is a pacifist and a compassionate person, but her compassion can wear thin. In any case, she loves her family very much.
Appearance: She has a slight scar on her eye.
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Fernis (Royal Asgore): He's a caring and loving man who will go to any length to defend the people he loves. He is reluctant, easily frustrated, and always concerned. He is a former pirate who has become king. To defend his family, he is not afraid to kill. He is a decent father who understands how to control his rage. He appears to be carrying weights on his shoulders, constantly concerned about killing his loved ones since he has far too much power. He knows when to pause and take a step back, but he would murder for his family.
Appearance: He has a scar on his muzzle.
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Entros (Royal Asriel):Unlike many of his other variants, he was not killed while he was young. He adores his parents and wants to help them, but he realizes that their marriage is doomed. He mourns the death of his adoptive siblings. He is the only one in his family who is effectively dealing with his grief. He looks up to knights and pirates. He can be clueless, nice, and adorable, but he isn't afraid to fight if necessary. In order to be a decent future king, he desires to be as strong as Ocea. He lives with his father and mother, although he is aware that they are no longer married.
Appearance: He has a tiny scar on his cheek.
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Rane (Royal Chara): They're a lovely and caring child that looks up to Tera and Fernis. They were among the first people to die. They were adored by all. They were polite and compassionate people who tried their hardest to help everyone. They were fiercely protective and vicious. They were unduly anxious and easily irritated by slight abrasions and bruises. People assumed they were fearless because they were brave, but their bravado was a deception. When they were treated with affection, they were more devoted to everyone and were often surprised. They were deeply concerned. They never wavered in their determination to safeguard their loved ones.
Appearance: They have a scar on their right eye.
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@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @miscneilleaneous @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut
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askunderfamilyfrisk · 2 years
Dead Hearts
Authors' notes:
This was written while listening to Dead Hearts (the cover by Alec James Milewski), hence the title of the fic.
This story is about the reason Frisk climbed the mountain in Underfamily...and the reason they chose to stay with the skelebros.
While reading this, keep in mind, Frisk never backtracked, meaning they didn't participate in the hangout with Papyrus, nor did they get his number. They were deadset on continuing forward as quickly as possible. This means that they also politely declined Sans's offers to go to Grillby's & the Resort.
Another thing to keep in mind: Frisk's brain-buddies are present at the time this takes place. They just aren't mentioned until the end of this fic, because they weren't relevant until then, and Frisk ignores them pretty easily most times (unless its night time.)
Frisk uses they/them pronouns & Chara uses they/it pronouns.
TW: child death/loss, grieving over the loss of friends/love-interests, implied ableism, mentions of transphobia, slight-blood
It was an unrealistic thought. A fantasy. A concept everyone would have scoffed at, had they told the truth behind their exploration of the mountainside.
Logically, they knew that climbing a mountain known for accidents and missing-cases was probably not going to lead them to anything good. They understood the danger they were putting themself in.
Avalanches. Wild animals. Getting lost and starving or thirsting to death. Poisonous plants. The possibilities of death or harm were endless, and even at the young age of nine, they understood that.
However, they knew deep in their heart, one important fact; they couldn't live their life without trying. Trying to find them. Trying to save them.
Trying was better than nothing. And they were lucky - so, so lucky - to have been moved into Ebott's Home For Psychologically Troubled Children. Lucky because it was much closer to the Mountain than their home was...even if the knowledge that their mothers sent them away from home made them want to curl up and die.
Frisk's heart skipped a beat when they stumbled upon a campsite. A site with oh-so-familiar tents. Tents they had spent night-after-night cuddling with their soulmates, huddled under the stars in the backyard.
When they saw a blue, pink, and purple headband lying in the grass next to a gaping cavernous hole, they felt their blood run cold.
It was the gift they gave Malo for his birthday.
Frisk slipped the headband onto their wrist, hiding it under their blue sleeves. Best to keep a hold of it, to give Malo later when they found him. Plus, it was snugly wrapped around a bruise they had received earlier, after tripping while climbing up the mountainside. It would be a perfect makeshift bandage.
They looked down the hole, body trembling. They were afraid...afraid of what could be at the bottom. However, as they peeked over the edge, their soul flooded with relief. They saw no corpses. Malo - and any of their other lost soulmates who may have fallen (or jumped) - must have survived the fall.
They picked up a sturdy nearby stick, which had thorns at the end of it. They could use it as a weapon, if a wild animal was in the caverns below, and decided to attack them.
With DETERMINATION they never knew they had, they jumped into the hole.
They decided very quickly that Chara was not only a friend, but a cute friend. Even when they were being snarky and difficult, Frisk could tell that they cared - it did everything it could to keep Frisk out of trouble.
Not only that, but it's non-binary too! (Although, they hadn't known what that meant when Frisk brought it up, but it wasn't a bother explaining it to them...)
Frisk was the only non-binary kid at their school. All the kids found it weird...and most of the teachers seemed to as well. Every event that was split up by "boys and girls" was a nightmare...more often than not, Frisk was shoved into the girls side. Even when they expressed that if they had to choose they would choose the "boy side", the teachers just brushed them off, using the excuse of "biological sex" for their decision.
Then bathrooms came into the mix...Frisk hated using the restrooms at school...kids laughed at them, no matter which one they chose.
"You said you're not a boy or a girl! So why are you in the girls bathroom then, freak?"
"Ew, gross! Get out of the boys bathroom! You're not supposed to be in here! What are you, a pervert!?"
It filled them with a strong hatred for their gender; a strong hatred for a piece of who they are, of which they had no choice over.
But Chara understood that. Chara was a spirit, from back at the time of the witch-trials. Back then, things were even worse than present times...so if anyone understood what it was like to suffer from their gender, it had to be them.
That wasn't all that Chara seemed to understand. Chara fidgeted, ticked, grew annoyed with imperfections. From what little Frisk knew about mental conditions, they guessed that it had some form of OCD - just like their soulmate, Angelica! All around, it made them feel a lot more comfortable stimming in front of Chara.
Perhaps, when Chara got the chance to meet Frisk's soulmates...they would want to join their pact. Their promise.
But that would have to wait until they got the consent of the group first. No invitation until then. Frisk wasn't going to make that same mistake again...
Wandering through the Ruins was a waking nightmare.
With every twist and turn, monsters lunged out at Frisk, throwing bullets at them. And although their Moms would have encouraged them to fight back ("Self-defense is one of the most important things for a person to know. Especially for minorities like us!") Frisk couldn't bring themself to do anything except huddle in a ball, as each hit bruised their skin, or broke through their skin, leading to bloody scratches and wounds.
It was for that exact reason that Frisk quickly learned of their ability to come back from death. But it didn't stop them from falling apart during every battle, unable to take a stand.
Frisk was never one to stand up for themself. Their soulmate, Wish, was the one who did that back at school. And although he wore bunny-themed outfits everywhere he went, he was still intimidating. Enough so that any kid in school would back off when he entered a room.
They wished he was there to protect them...
It wasn't until Frisk's fifth death did Chara jump in.
Frisk had their eyes closed when it happened, having been huddled against the wall and afraid. Suddenly, they felt as though they had been shoved, and when they opened their eyes, everything around them looked ghostly. See-through.
Everything except for their body, which Chara was now controlling. Frisk panicked - Chara looked angry, and Frisk wasn't sure if they were going to hold back.
Frisk did the only thing they could think of. They grabbed Chara's shoulders, whisper-shouting panicked requests for them not to FIGHT.
Luckily, they complied without hesitance. Chara ACTED its way through the battle, dodging (almost) every bullet with fluid motion. It was impressive...beautiful, even.
From then on, the two children split control during battles. Chara acted as their voice...but, most importantly, they helped Frisk stand up for themself...
Frisk held back the urge to kiss them.
Finding Navaeh's ribbon made Frisk's heart sink, uncomfortably settling in their stomach. Frisk held the ribbon with an emptiness they couldn't describe, a feeling thats vacant and heavy with each shallow breath they could manage.
Frantically, they searched the area for any sign of her. Any sign of injury...but not a single drop of blood could be found. And although worry and fear felt as though it gripped Frisk by the neck, they didn't grieve.
They wouldn't grieve when there was no proof that she was lost. Instead, Frisk repeated the same words in their mind on repeat, until they could breathe properly again.
'Navy is okay. I just need to keep looking. Malo is down here, too. He would have protected her. He would have PERSEVERED with her. No matter what.'
Frisk could tell that Chara could hear their thoughts. They could also tell that Chara doubted what Frisk was thinking.
Neither child spoke a word to one another about it. Though, Frisk felt silent victory when they found Navy's toy knife up ahead. In their mind, that proved that she had made it ahead.
'That toy knife had never meant much to her, anyways. Its obvious she would leave it behind if she found something better!'
Despite Frisk's silent victory, Chara still avoided looking them in the eyes.
"Every human that falls down here meets the same fate. I have seen it again and again. They come. They leave. They die. You naive child...if you leave the RUINS...they...Asgore...will kill you. I am only protecting you, do you understand?...Go to your room."
Frisk gripped their shirt anxiously as Lady Toriel spoke. Looking into her eyes, Frisk could tell she was sad; bitter. Grieving.
And, despite how terrifying she looked with that expression in her eyes - looming at ten feet tall - they felt no fear. Only empathy.
'I watched them leave, too. I watched them get in that bus. I watched them wave goodbye,' Frisk thought, wishing they could find the strength to speak these words to Toriel.
'I, too, waited alone. I waited in our treehouse, crying, doubting they'd ever come back. And they didn't. They didn't return home.'
Frisk ran after Toriel, DETERMINATION burning in their chest, radiating through their body.
'But the difference between us is simple. I didn't keep waiting; I went looking for them. You haven't. So how could you know that they are dead, if you haven't seen with your own eyes?'
The battle with Toriel was the first one they didn't need Chara to get them through.
Immediately upon meeting Sans, Frisk wanted nothing more than to huddle inside of his jacket. They were freezing cold, shivering from head to toe, and he looked so cozy...his jacket looked like it had a texture of softness that was just right, and Frisk 'accidentally' brushed against it a few times, just to see if they were right. They were.
He smelled good, too. It was a perfect balance; not too overwhelming, but not too much focus needed to catch it. He smelled like pine needles, ketchup, fries, and burgers. It made their stomach grumble and whine, reminding them of how hungry they were.
Most of all, it reminded them of the after-school dates they had with their soulmates, at the small town restaurant called, Tobies.
All seven kids would huddle into the longest booth there was, in the back of the restaurant; it was not only perfect to fit all the group, but it had an excellent window view of the farmlands nearby.
Luci, with the KINDNESS of her heart, would buy everyone drinks, and three large orders of fries and chicken-strips to share. Frisk always ordered the same drink - a vanilla mango milkshake, with cinnamon-whip topping - and would eat, all the while cuddling against whoever they were closest to, resting their head on their shoulders and listening to them talk and breathe.
Just knowing they were alive and by their side was enough...
Frisk couldn't wait to get that back.
Finding Wish's glove in the box filled Frisk with pure euphoria. While people who didn't know his policy would have been concerned, Frisk had the privilege of knowing him personally.
Every Saturday, Frisk and their soulmates would gather in their treehouse, and talk about fears they had. From scary scenarios to recently experienced nightmares, they talked (or typed, in Frisk's case) vigorously. It was known as "Spooky Saturdays."
The point of these get togethers were to be vulnerable - to be open about uncomfortable topics, and grow closer from it. Not just that, but they also talked about solutions - ways to 'escape' or 'survive' these distressing situations they imagined. It was Wish's idea - he always was the BRAVEST of the seven.
One day, the topic of getting lost or kidnapped came up. And Frisk, despite everything, could remember distinctly what Wish's suggestion was.
'If I ever get lost, I'm going to leave something that is distinctly mine in an obvious place, so that rescuers will know I am nearby and find me!'
A box on a pathway was a perfect place to do that.
Gingerly, Frisk slipped on the glove, hoping to keep at least one of their hands from frostbite, before continuing with confidence.
Papyrus was one of the best people Frisk had met during their time Underground, equally matched with Chara and Sans. He was a blessing - a light of hope in Frisk's exhausting journey.
Frisk blessed him for his puzzles. They had been growing very fidgety without anything to stimulate them, and was sure they would have had a breakdown out of understimulation if it weren't for him.
The puzzles in the Ruins, while nice, just weren't the kinds of puzzles Frisk needed. Their autism required something different than memorizing games (which came naturally to them.) They needed pattern-games - and pattern-games, Papyrus supplied.
Honestly, they were thankful he was a 'human-hunting fanatic', if this was the 'traps' they were going to be given.
Frisk, admittedly, was annoyed when they had to buy back Wish's Bandanna. That lady must have found it, wherever he had laid it out - and instead of leaving it be, or finding the owner, she decided to sell it!
The audacity and disrespect of it was baffling. They wondered how often she had swiped someone's things if they accidentally dropped it, or left it outside their homes.
They didn't buy any of her goodies, regardless of how painfully hungry they were. They weren't going to pay someone like that anymore than they had to.
Frisk left the shop, bitter, but glad they had bought it before anyone else could. Chara seemed to know better than to ask about their frustration.
The fight with Papyrus was, admittedly, difficult. Frisk and Chara, even as a team, couldn't keep up with his attacks; the back and forth of stillness and movement was disorientating, especially for someone like Frisk, who struggled with both of those very things in everyday life.
So, as expected, they failed multiple times. But, much to Frisk's joy, Papyrus never killed them. He seemed to have perfect control over his attacks, immediately switching it off once they were worn down too much to fight.
And every time, they awoke inside of his unexpectedly warm shed, in a soft dog bed. If they had to guess, he probably didn't have a spare mattress, or he would have put it in there. He was too nice to be a serious prison-keeper.
There was also dry dog food in a bowl, a squeaky toy, and a note. Frisk could tell that this space was originally made for a dog - and probably still was, considering how recently-used everything in here seemed.
Frisk also had the nagging feeling that Papyrus was well aware they could open the door from inside the shed.
On their second time waking up in the shed, they saw the hot-dog cut up into the bowl of kibble. For some strange reason, they had the feeling that Sans was the one who added that, and not Papyrus...
The note was different, too. It was a concerned message from Papyrus. Frisk's heart swooned. They wondered if he'd let them hug him...
On their third time waking up in the shed, the note was the only thing that had changed.
Frisk swooned and stomped their feet happily. It was obvious that he had no ill-will, of course, but this...this made them want to lift him up and spin him around (though, they wondered if he was light enough for that.)
That feeling only intensified when Papyrus gave them the option to peacefully part-ways.
They decided to ask to be his friend.
It took everything inside of them to hold back from exploding into a squealing, jumping, flapping mess when he accepted their offer.
In fact, they did exactly that the moment he was out of sight.
Frisk's heart and soul pounded in heavy union when, of all voices, Anders' voice echoed from one of the crystal blue flowers. He gave a message so simple - a message that would sound ominous to anyone else - but filled frisk with nothing but unadulterated relief.
"I swore I saw something...behind that rushing water..."
It was a hint. A sign for Frisk - or anyone else they expected to try to save them. Frisk knew that it wasn't a mislead - Anders had too much INTEGRITY for that. It was the truth. It had to be.
Frisk ran faster than they had this entire journey. The bridges may have been slippery and wet causing them to stumble, and the water may have soaked their clothes, but they didn't care. Nothing would stop them from getting behind that water. Nothing would stop them from finding-
The only thing behind the rushing water was an abandoned tutu.
Frisk couldn't stop it when the tears poured down their face. They collapsed onto the ground, carefully grabbing Anders' tutu - which was coated lightly in dust - and hugged it, letting their tears drip onto it.
Chara said nothing. All they did was wrap their arms around Frisk, hugging them from behind, and resting its chin on their shoulder. Frisk didn't have the energy to hug back.
It was stupid...but hearing the voice of one of their soulmates, after months of loneliness, sitting in their bed at night, fearing they may never see any of them ever again...
For a moment...a single, beautiful moment...they thought their worries would finally be over...
They lay there, crying for an indetermined amount of time. It could have been minutes; it could have been hours. All they knew, was that instead of the warm embrace of the six people they had fallen in love with, they were met with a cold, dusty tutu, wet with their own tears.
It wasn't until Chara was brave enough to give the back of their head gentle kisses did they begin to catch their breath, and think clearly again.
It was the familiarity of the kisses that calmed them; Navaeh used to sneak kisses like that any time they were understimulated in math class. It helped that she had the desk right behind them, and that the teacher never paid attention to what the students were doing. She always took the time to do things like that for Frisk; her PATIENCE seemed to know no bounds.
'Just breathe. They didn't stick around back here, because it's been months...but that doesn't mean they're gone forever. They even left the tutu as a sign that they continued forward...just like Wish left the gloves and bandanna.'
With that thought repeating several times in their head, they slowly got back up, ready to continue their journey; however, this time, when they began to walk forward...they decided to hold Chara's hand.
They were soothed further when they found Anders' shoes further ahead. It proved that Frisk was right; they had continued forward.
Chara's grip on their hand tightened as Frisk picked up the shoes, continuing with their journey.
Frisk didn't like Gerson anymore than they liked the shopkeeper at Snowdin. Not only was Malo's notebook in his shop, up for sail, but his glasses were too! What kind of shopkeeper finds someone's glasses, and sells them?
Malo - being the clumsy boy he is - probably tripped and lost them in the water somewhere, or the long grass, or while running away from a monster!
'And now he's probably wandering around half-blind, holding onto Angelica's arm as his guide!'
If Frisk had the vocals Angelica did, they would have mimicked her famous phrase; "Where is the JUSTICE in this?!"
Frisk begrudgingly bought the glasses and notebook, and stormed out of the shop. Their stomach howled, desperate for food (the last thing they ate was a single piece of monster candy in the Ruins), but they was absolutely not going to buy a Crab Apple from that thief.
Gerson's jolly "Be careful out there, kid!" didn't make them feel anything but bitter.
"Seven. Seven human souls, and King Asgore will become a god. Six. Thats how many we've collected thus far."
Frisk felt their body run cold. Their throat felt dry. Their fists felt clammy...Undyne was speaking still, but Frisk wasn't listening. They didn't care to listen.
She had just told Frisk everything they needed to know.
They had their loves trapped somewhere, and were planning to slaughter them like pigs once they had a seventh human captured, too.
Frisk's vision went red. Their body was shaking. They could hear Undyne shouting, but it made no difference- Frisk marched forward.
They were going to get past her, without stooping to violence.
They were going to the hero their moms always told them they would be.
The battle with Undyne was the second one they didn't need Chara to get them through.
As Frisk's journey continued, they came across Lucielle's pan and apron. Just like the other items their soulmates owned, they carried it. The interdimensional box Alphys had installed onto their phone was quite the help, since they were beginning to run out of space in their pockets.
The interdimensional box also helped them keep an eye on their "bandage", which they'd left in a box back at Waterfall, seeing as they were running out of room. Now, Frisk could pull it out and give it to Malo when they reunited.
Most of the puzzles throughout Hotland were almost as stimulating as Papyrus's were, which helped ease their mind, and keep them focused on the task at hand.
They were in an even bigger hurry to get to Asgore's castle now that they had Undyne's words echoing in their mind...
Seeing Catty & Bratty with Angelica's gun and hat didn't surprise Frisk; it just annoyed them. They bought it and hurried onward.
They slowed, only momentarily, to wave at Sans at the entrance of the resort. They had the feeling that he wanted to talk to them, but they just couldn't spare the time; not when the lives of the people they trusted most in the world were at stake.
So, instead, they whispered "we'll talk later" as they passed him by. They knew he heard it, seeing as his eyelights looked them straight in the eyes, and he nodded ever-so-slightly, accepting this.
Hearing the story of what had come of Chara and its best friend made Frisk pause, if only temporarily, to hug and cradle Chara in their arms.
Chara cried. Frisk couldn't blame them...
They held onto Chara's knife and locket, out of respect. As far as they were concerned, Chara was a soulmate of theirs too.
When Frisk encountered Sans in the Judgement Hall, they had fully been expecting him to challenge them to a fight, just as his brother did. He was a sentry, so it was his duty, wasn't it?
When he started his speech, they were sure thats where it was headed. Sure, they hadn't killed anyone, but their LV and EXP hadn't been a concern to any of the other sentries, so why would it matter, anyways?
They were taken aback, however, when his speech turned sentimental.
"but you. you never gained any LOVE. 'course, that doesn't mean you're completely innocent or naive. just that you kept a certain tenderness in your heart. no matter the struggles or hardships you faced...you strived to do the right thing. you refused to hurt anyone. even when you ran away, you did it with a smile."
Frisk couldn't stop the tears from welling up. The heart ached longingly, and they wanted more than anything to hug him...their soul glowed warmly in their chest, and Chara leaned their head on Frisk's shoulder.
"you never gained LOVE, but you gained love. does that make sense? maybe not."
Tears fell down Frisk's face. Love. Love meant everything to them. Love was the reason they were here; love was the reason they were fighting so hard.
If it weren't for love, Frisk wouldn't have done any of this.
Navaeh. Wish. Anders. Malo. Lucielle. Angelica.
They were the soul definition behind what Frisk considered to be love. They were the ones who carved out a place in Frisk's heart. They were the ones who taught Frisk that love was unconditional. That love saw past flaws and quirks. That love embraced every part of who you are, even the bad parts.
And love is what gave Frisk the confidence to continue onwards, when Sans finished his speech and disappeared.
Maybe, Frisk was stalling their meeting with the king. Maybe, they really were just being thorough, and checking every possible location a prison may have been located.
Frisk couldn't remember now. Either way, it didn't matter the reasoning behind it.
All that mattered, was that they made the descent down the staircase to the right of the throne room...
Seven coffins came into view. Frisk physically felt their soul drop and cold sweat dripped down their back.
Each coffin had the illustration of a soul. But that wasn't the part that caught Frisk's attention.
It was the name, stamped on the front of each coffin, that made their lip tremble.
Names they recognized. Names they knew all too well.
Chara was speaking. Frisk wasn't listening. Couldn't listen. They needed to open the coffins. Needed to see what was inside. Because surely, surely, they were going to be empty.
They had to be empty. Frisk wouldn't be able to live another day - wouldn't be able to continue forward - if they weren't empty.
Frisk climbed over Chara's coffin, carefully putting their trembling hands on the coffin labeled "Wish."
The people in their head - who had been mostly quiet their whole journey - were screaming. Frisk had trouble controlling their arms; they knew that the people in their mind were trying to stop them. Were trying t hold them back from what they had to see.
Luckily, Frisk's DETERMINATION was stronger than theirs.
Chara tried to possess Frisk's body, too. They denied it. They wouldn't let anyone stop them.
They had to know.
'It's empty,' Frisk thought to themself, forcing their thoughts to be louder than the voices screaming at them, 'Theres nothing to be afraid of.'
With one swift move, Frisk flung upon the coffin's lid.
For the first time in their life, they screamed. They couldn't stop screaming. They fell backwards, hitting their head against the coffin behind them.
Frisk's screaming was too much for their unused throat. Their mouth filled with blood the longer and heavier they screamed, causing them to gag on the blood, and expel the contents in their stomach all over the floor.
All they could smell was vomit and rotting skin.
Frisk was sobbing. Weeping. In hysterics. They scrambled to their feet, helplessly reaching into Wish's coffin, cradling his deteriorating face in their hands.
'There are more coffins.'
Frisk swiftly pulled open the next coffin. And the next. And the next. Another. Someone was alive. One of them was alive. They HAD to be. They had to be. They had to be. They had to, they had to, they had to...
They shook each and every mangled corpse, desperately begging through their broken throat.
"Please don't leave me. Please. Please. You promised me. You promised me. You promised. You can't just leave me. Please, please, please. Get up. Its not funny anymore. Please, please, please, please."
They begged until their throat could no longer. Begged until they ran out of air. Begged until they collapsed,. They couldn't breathe. They were going to die, too. Their life is over. There is nothing left for their future.
Their soul cracked. DETERMINATION drained from them, leaving them feeling only one thing;
They didn't remember leaving the coffins. They couldn't even remember the walk back to Snowdin...maybe it was Chara or the people in their mind behind it.
Maybe they were dead inside, a corpse only half-conscious of their own actions...
Either way, they knew only only two things.
Their soulmates are dead.
They don't have the strength to fight the King; the monster who took their future from them.
The moment Papyrus was in view, they collapsed at his feet and wept, although they were too dehydrated for more tears to come out.
He ran to them immediately. He was speaking frantically, though they couldn't determine what he was saying.
Distantly, Frisk knew they were speaking. But they had no control over their words.
"They're dead. They're all dead. They're dead. They killed them. They killed all of them. He killed them. T-they're dead...dead...they're...they're..."
They were in shock, they could tell - but there was nothing they could do to get out of it. In fact, they didn't even think they wanted to get out of it. The pleasant numbness that came with it...they preferred to bask in it forever, rather than return to the devastation they felt earlier.
Papyrus carefully lifted them into his arms. Chara was holding them too. At some point, Sans must have joined them as well, because they felt his soft jacket and smooth skull press into their cheek. Frisk couldn't bring themself to care...they simply laid limp, whimpering and shivering, as they were brought into the skeleton brothers home.
The warmth of their embrace and the feverish exhaustion of both the snow and their crying knocked them out cold.
When the time came for them to awake, they prayed it was a nightmare. Prayed to wake up in their treehouse or Lucielle's tent, warm and safe in the arms of the people they had long-since titled their soulmates.
But when they opened their eyes, to see an unknown living room, everything good inside of them felt as though it had shattered.
Frisk could only feel numb. Everything inside of them seemed to have shut off.
They were trapped in a nightmare.
And they're never waking up.
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