#sleepovers :)
90s-2000s-barbie · 4 months
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Y2k Sleepovers were my favorite. 🩷
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tweetsofyj · 10 months
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little-pup-pip · 3 months
Can I request a Childhood Sleepover moodboard? Like ,,, your mom/dad/parental figure(s) let you have a friend over for the night? Lots of pizza and nostalgia movies? And maybe a fort? Thankieee in advance!
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ilovetvtoons · 8 months
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Disney TVA + Sleepovers.
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flowers-for-the-grave · 6 months
Calm Before The Storm
There were no more Yellows now. Which as a result meant no more mercy, or grace periods. No one would show kindness anymore, not when the entire world was against you. Allies would only be standing in your way. Hindrances to success.
Scott stood at the diving board, staring out upon the server. He could see everyone beginning to head back to their bases clearly. His fingers itched, the way they always did when he was Red, slowly finding his bow and holding it up. An arrow was nocked, aimed and ready for someone's head. He didn't know whose head. It didn't matter in the end. They were all just heads on bodies waiting to be chopped off.
Shaking himself out of it, he lowered his bow and put the arrow back in its quiver.
Gem was sat on the floor with her sword in her lap. A strand of hair fell over her eyes and she hastily brushed it away. She stared at her reflection in the sword, a frown tugging at her lips, tilting it this way and that presumably to find a noticeable change.
Everyone felt different as a Red.
No one knew how. There were no physical differences to before, no changes in demeanour or personality. A player didn't instantly grow cold and calculated with an intense thirst for blood. The bloodlust was always inside of them. It just never arose as a Green or a Yellow. It simmered in their stomachs on a low heat, only to have the temperature rocket up and the pot overflow, teeming with the urge to kill. The need to have blood on your fingers. To feel the weight of a weapon in your hands, or to hold the lever to set off a TNT trap.
Many tried to look for a difference. It was quite common for players unfamiliar with the game to do so. They always believed there to be something wrong with them physically, and resorted to searching for changes in what little time they had on their hands.
They never found anything, sadly, but no one did.
"Gem," Scott began, walking over to her. She lifted her eyes to his for a moment, then looked back down at her sword. "Gem." he repeated, firmer. She paid him no mind. Apparently a reflection was more important than her teammate.
Impulse stepped out of his house and sat next to Gem. He stretched his arms and placed his palms in the grass, running his hands through the blades. Like many other players, his hands were riddled with scars, burns, blisters and callouses. "What's up?"
"That's the problem," Scott replied. "Nothing. Nothing is happening."
"Isn't that a good thing?" Impulse asked. "I mean, that means we have time to prepare for an attack, or a trap." He nudged Gem with his arm playfully. "Right Gem?"
She didn't respond.
Scott leaned in a little closer and sighed. Her eyes had glazed over. Again.
"Third time today." he grumbled.
Standing up, Impulse bent down to scoop Gem up into his arms and made a start for the gate. He gestured with his head for Scott to follow, and follow he did. He opened the gate for Impulse, and the two of them descended down the stairs and walked past the Secret Keeper statue. The mere sight of it was enough to send shivers down Scott's spine and make him want to run.
They stopped by Cleo's first. Unsurprisingly, Etho was there too.
"What is it?" Cleo asked. She whispered something in Etho's ear and he nodded, scurrying off quickly.
Once his receding footsteps were out of earshot, Scott answered. "It's happening again. I'm gathering some of the players."
She nodded, gradually understanding. "Alright, just give me a moment to grab my things." she disappeared.
Scott stood there, impatiently tapping his foot until Etho arrived with Grian in tow. Both of them were holding bundles of blankets with some snacks thrown in there for good measure. Grian yawned, attempting to rub his eyes.
Cleo reemerged a short while later with more snacks and some water.
The group left and headed towards Pearl's, where Scott broke off from the group to retrieve an additional guest. Before he could even knock on the door, Martyn was outside with all his stuff, a small smile on his face.
"Cleo messaged me," he explained. Scott walked alongside him back to Pearl's, where everyone was sat waiting. Some of them weren't able to join them, so it wasn't quite as full a group as usual, but it was still something.
He took some of the blankets from Martyn and laid them out on the floor. Everyone else did the same, then sat down.
Gem was the last one to sit. Impulse had to guide her to an available spot and gently lower her until she was perched on the edge. Her eyes were still glazed, but a fraction of light and normalcy was returning to them already.
Scott sat down beside Impulse, with Martyn's head in his lap. He absent-mindedly twirled strands of Martyn's hair whilst humming a small tune. He couldn't recall where he'd heard it; perhaps in passing, in the space between the games, or maybe it had been playing when he was in a different server. It sounded similar to a drinking song, so maybe it had been from Pirates.
"Now what?" Grian asked. He perched himself far from the others, but close enough to Cleo and Etho to reach them in case of an unfortunate event. His gaze was on Gem, his eyes narrowing mildly.
Etho chimed in. "We hang out. Eat. Talk. And we wait for Gem to come back."
Cleo nodded in agreement, a small smile curling at her lips. Her hand met Etho's, and their fingers entwined.
It took a while for Gem to come back fully. She'd return in brief fits, then leave soon after. It was like flicking a switch on and off repeatedly, only more stressful and each wait seemed to stretch on for eternity.
But once she started to ground herself, it became easier.
Her thoughts were a swirling mass of death, flashes of red every time she shut her eyes. Something was wrong with her. Something had changed, but what? What had changed so drastically about her?
She looked the same. Felt the same. Even tasted the same, which she tested herself (although maybe she did taste different and simply didn't notice.)
But something about her must have been wrong.
She was wrong. A freak. A creature of her own design or maybe someone else's.
Whenever she came to, she was surrounded by people. Impulse's hand on her knee, fingers tapping along to a rhythm. Scott humming a tune, playing with Martyn's hair, his hums occasionally turning into snippets of song lyrics. Cleo and Etho holding hands and smiling, Etho's head on cleo's shoulder, eyes shut in contentment. Grian watching warily. Pearl next to him with a calming hand on his shoulder.
A pang struck her heart when she came to.
They were all here for her. They'd dropped whatever they were doing, for her.
She was important to them.
Gem fell back again into that whirlpool of thoughts. They swirled viciously in her mind, growling and barking and biting like a pack of rabid wolves. Their fur was the colour of blood, and Their eyes were pools of purple. A strange black liquid oozed from Their fangs and dripped onto the ground. They approached from all sides, closing in slowly, leaving Gem less and less time to escape.
Panic bubbled in her chest and she balled the clumps of her shirt in her hands, trying to remember how to breathe.
"You're okay," Impulse's voice whispered in her mind. Was she? She didn't feel like it. "I've got you."
She almost laughed at the thought. He didn't. Not only because she was here and he was out there but also because no one could ever truly have Gem secure in their company. There was always that thin line, that tightrope of danger she was obliged to walk on. One misstep and she fell back into that world of blood, wolves and that rising sense of fear.
"Gem, we're here for you. Take your time." Cleo.
"You've got this," was a half-hearted encouragement from Martyn. He yelped, grumbled under his breath, then hastily added, "I believe in you!"
A hand gently squeezed her kneecap. She saw it, saw the hand, but not the hand at the same time. It flickered in and out of physicality, not wanting to be there for too long. Then it settled into reality with a firm determination.
Something else appeared, too. A shaky apparition, a figure bathed in sunlight. His wings were folded against his back, his red sweater worn and fraying. There was a scar on his temple, and a bruise on his cheek. A second appeared closer to her, gently illuminated by small floating stars, his pointed ears sharp and alert. Then came another, in a cloak of woven moonlight, a toothy smile revealing her elongated canines.
Then finally came one surrounded by a thick outline of red. There was a pendant around his neck of a hand grasping an hourglass.
They all smiled kindly at her, their faces coming into visibility slowly. Everything unnatural about them faded away until they were simply Grian, Scott, Pearl and Martyn, all still in their respective positions.
"Welcome back," Etho greeted.
Scott exhaled in relief, his hand falling to his side. Martyn frowned at its absence, sitting up properly. His hand crept into Scott's lap and rested on his thigh. A grin curled at Scott's lips.
Gem leaned into Impulse. "I'm tired." she whispered, not trusting her voice enough to raise it much more. Still, her words carried across to the others and a blanket was tossed her way. She caught it easily - surprisingly enough, but that must've been a good thing if her reflexes were already coming back - and wrapped it around her shoulders.
"G'night," Martyn said, letting gravity push him backwards. Scott fell with him, letting out a displeased noise when his back hit the ground. "Let's all have a five minute grace period before killing each other, yeah?"
They all mumbled their assent.
Gem and Impulse lay down, close but not touching. She couldn't touch him just yet; her body still didn't quite feel as it should. But when it did, she'd hug him.
Until then, she'd have to rest.
A Red Life was many things; vicious, unforgiving, spiteful, vengeful.
But they were also kind, gentle and merciful when the time called for it.
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picturebookshelf · 2 months
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Peppa's First Sleepover (2012)
Story: Neville Astley -- Art: Unknown (eOne)
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The mattress squeaks again as Lance shuffles, for the billionth time, pointy elbow narrowly missing Hunk’s head as he squirms around.
Hunk is going to kill him. Actually. All the way to death.
“Lance,” he grits out, “sleepovers mean you need to go the fuck to sleep. You are driving me insane.”
Lance freezes. He’s completely still for several moments.
“Um, I was halfway through turning around when you said that. Are you gonna get mad if I turn all the way? I don’t think I can sleep like this.”
Hunk sighs, deep and long. Why. Why does he do this to himself. He could be sleeping comfortably, all by himself, free of flailing limbs and icy fingers and sleep talking, but noooo. Lance knocks at his door before bed, pillow pillow clutched in his hands and eyes widened in the world’s saddest pout, and Hunk caves immediately.
Well. He’s already dug himself into this hole, so.
He heaves himself into a sitting position, flicking on the bedside lamp and giving Lance a Look.
“Why can you not sit still for even three seconds?”
Lance smiles sheepishly at him. “Sorry. Just — thinking.”
“Yeah, I gathered that,” Hunk says, flicking him on the forehead. “I meant ‘what are you thinking about’, you goober.”
To Hunk’s great surprise and even greater intrigue, a quiet flush blooms on Lance’s cheeks.
Oh, now. This?
This has just made Hunk’s night four thousand times better. He’s almost completely forgiven Lance for keeping him awake until ungodly hours in the morning with his tossing and turning.
“Oh ho ho. You are blushing. This wouldn’t have anything to do with Keith’s visit today, would it?”
Lance can’t seem to help the giddy smile that overtakes his face.
“Maybe a little.”
“Spill! Spill! I must know everything!”
“I dunno,” Lance teases. “You were all grumpy earlier. Maybe I should let you sleep.”
“Don’t you dare pull that shit with me, Leandro Agustín. I want every juicy detail immediately.” He wiggles his fingers threateningly, looking pointedly at Lance’s ribs — a known weak spot. “Do not underestimate what I will do to get this information.”
Lance shoves him and his wiggling fingers away, scrambling back with a laugh. “Okay, okay! I’ll tell.” He bites his lip, looking down in his lap. His hands start flapping wildly beside him as he lets out a little giggle.
Hunk is so curious he’s nearly vibrating with it, right along with Lance. God. Why on Earth didn’t Lance lead with this? This is clearly the juiciest of information!
“Okay, you know how I was the one to walk Keith back to his ship after everyone said goodbye?”
Hunk gasps. He was already suspicious about that, but —
Lance beams, smile so wide and bright that it squints his positively sparkling brown eyes completely shut, a sound of pure elation escaping him as he falls backwards on the pillows.
“Yes! He kissed me, Hunk! On the mouth! With tongue!”
Hunk shrieks, shaking Lance by the shoulders. God, they are being so loud, but Hunk can’t bring himself to care. Any tiredness has left his body in smoke. He feels like he could run a marathon. He can’t believe it’s finally happened! Actually! In the real world, and not Lance just talking about it dreamily for hours!
“Oh my God! Lance! He kissed you!”
“I know! It was — eek! It was everything, Hunk. I thought I was going to explode. He grabbed my hand before we even got the the hangar, so I was already pumped about that, and then after I hugged him goodbye he just didn’t let go. And he was just staring at me with this little smile on his face, and I asked him what was wrong and he said —”
Lance interrupts himself with a giggly, high-pitched noise, shoving his flushed face in a pillow and kicking out his legs. It’s the cutest thing in the world. Hunk doesn’t think he’s seen Lance this excited in — maybe not ever, actually. He’s so excited he can barely even speak.
“He said: ‘Nothing’s wrong. I just want to try something.’ And then I said okay and then he pressed me against the side of his ship and kissed the breath out of me! He’s the best kisser in the universe, I swear to God. It’s just — I thought he would be kind of hard and fiery about it, you know?”
Hunk nods, because he does know — Lance has talked about it a lot. (Not the Hunk can blame him, if he’s being entirely honest. Keith is kind of a looker.)
“But it was so soft. Holy shit. He kissed me like I was the most precious thing to ever exist. And when he pulled away he was smirking, a little, and then he said ‘it was good to see you, Blue’, kissed me again, and then flew off. I swear I didn’t move for, like, twenty minutes. I felt like I’d just been electrocuted or something.”
Hunk fans his face, shooting Lance a teasing grin. “Who knew Keith was such a romantic, huh?”
“Shuddup,” Lance says, smacking him gently with a pillow. He can’t even bring himself to frown playfully, so all-encompassing is his joy. “That’s why I couldn’t sleep. I just — I keep remembering the feeling of his hands on my waist.”
“Well, no wonder.”
Hunk continues to poke fun at Lance’s flushed face until he starts to yawn, and both of their eyes start to droop. He leans over and clicks the light back off.
“You think you’ll be able to sleep now, Dawn Pinkett?”
“Oh, shuddup.”
But Lance doesn’t really look mad. In fact, he falls asleep with a smile on his face, and Hunk hears him mutter Keith’s name no less than four times in his sleep.
As he falls asleep himself, Hunk can’t help but smile. Maybe he doesn’t really mind flailing limbs and icy fingers that much after all — of all their sleepovers are going to be this juicy, Hunk is never going to complain about drool on his pillows again.
based on this post
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that-one-enby-ranger · 11 months
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Crowley's an exception.
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angelzwz · 5 months
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very old fanart ! theyre so normal
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a-secret-land · 7 months
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Slumber parties at Pine Hollow always looked like so much fun.
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mumblelard · 7 months
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drinking coffee, watching skateboard videos, listening to townes van zandt and marveling at clarice and her sass or happy tuesday imaginary constructs
happy mumblelard post number three thousand oh my or keep passing the open windows imaginary constructs
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lightershadows · 2 years
i think we should normalize having sleepovers with your friends as an adult even if you all live relatively close by
like, yes, i *can* just go home and sleep in my own bed but i miss the half-asleep, already-turned-the-lights-off-and-said-goodnight-but-neither-of-you-are-asleep-yet talks
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darkfictionjude · 24 days
Child Nia would allowed mc to sleep with her if they had a very bad nightmare in a sleepover?
Yes but there are ground rules. Nia doesn't like being clinged onto, she feels like she can't breathe if she is, like claustrophobia. So you can sleep in the same bed but don't touch her or she'll feel the need to move too much and won't be able to sleep
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xoxo-nico · 5 months
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sleepovers with nancy wheeler ⭒
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lionmythflower · 2 months
Convinced my bsf to binge watch eah w me tonight bc we're having a sleepover :D
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Ahhh, I had a dream that would kill me if it were turned into a fic🤭. You are the single greatest T-word writer and KnY writer on this platform. If you're up to it, may you please write a fic with Lee! Muichiro and Ler! Shinobu?
P.s Get well soon!✌(If you're still sick)
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Y’all are too sweet oh my goodness! I am humbled by such high praise! Thank you anons! Both for the kind words and the chance to write for our baby boy Mui! Since we’ve got similar prompts, I’ve decided to combine them! :D I hope you like it!
Cloud 9 (Taglist)
@myreygn, @thatbigbisexual29, @duckymcdoorknob, @wolfyeatstacos, @gladdygirl18, @baby-tickles2022, @cupcake-spice13, @backy-san
“Who’s a little cutie? You are, yes you are! Yes you are!” Mitsuri cooed over Muichiro, her fingers flying along his stomach and sides.
“My my, Tokito- I haven’t seen a smile that big in a while from you! Kanroji is right- you truly are adorable.” Shinobu smiled behind her free hand, the other giving his neck and chin a brother scribble.
“Plehehahahhahahshe wahhahahhahahit!” He cried, squirming here and there as the girls tickled him relentlessly, cheeks bright pink and eyes misty with laughter.
You're probably wondering how the young Hashira got himself into a situation like this.
Well, it all started a mere few hours prior…
“Kocho-san! I have everything we need for tonight!” Mitsuri all but ran to the smaller woman, a basket of freshly baked treats in hand. The aroma was enough to shake Muichiro out of his daydreaming, turning his attention to the pair a few short meters away.
“Wonderful, Kanroji-san! It looks like you’ve baked quite a bit- I’m sure Kanao and the others will be thrilled.” Shinobu clapped her hands together, just as moved by the sugary sweet smell it seemed. “I made sure to clear out my schedule this evening- we won’t be bothered by any stray patients or the boys.”
“Is it a bad thing I’m happy they won’t crash girls night?” Mitsuri winced slightly, shame coloring cheeks. “I love them but they’re so…”
“Loud? Obnoxious? Smelly?” Shinobu offered a variety of adjectives.
“Well…yes.” Mitsuri gave in, earning a delighted giggle from the other. “It’s alright though- from what I hear they’re all going camping tonight.”
Camping? Muichiro hadn’t got the memo.
Or perhaps he did but wasn’t paying attention…
“Did they already leave?” Shinobu asked, suddenly aware of the lack of noise in the area. “I wonder if Shinazugawa’s gonna fight a bear again.”
“I believe so- fight what now?” Mitsuri stared. “And what do you mean again?”
“Long story- Oh! Tokito-san! You’re still here?” Whoops- he’d been caught. The Mist Hashira was trying to make a quiet escape, freezing when Shinobu called out to him. Turning around, he tugged at the ends of his hair, trying for nonchalance. “Oh, hey ladies. I was just…heading home.”
“Home? What- Don’t tell me they didn’t invite you?” Mitsuri looked crossed, eyes wide with indignation. “How cruel!”
“No, I’m sure they did- I just forgot.” Muichiro shrugged, hating how unsure his voice sounded. Had they not invited him? And if they did- why did no one remind him? Normally someone would come around to get him.
Maybe it was one of those “Grown ups only” trips. They probably didn’t want a kid like him around.
The thought made him rather sad then.
“So you're just going home? On such a nice day?” Mitsuri sounded alarmed, the concern oddly making him feel more like a kid. “But that’s no fun!”
“I’ll be fine. I'm a Hashira. I’ll train.” He straightened, raising his chin. “Then I’ll…do other stuff. Like…” He racked his brain for adult-like activities, mind running blank. “Train some more.”
“That’s a lot of training to do in one night.” Mitsuri tilted her head curiously. “What happens when you get too tired?”
“Then I’ll take a nap. And get right back to it.”
“Sounds boring.” Shinobu commented, smiling apologetically when Muichiro blushed. “Forgive me, Tokito-san.” Pausing, she turned back to Mitsuri, pulling the other girl over and whispering in her ear. The Love Hashira’s eyes widened before a bright smile touched her lips, nodding. “That’s a great idea!”
“What is?” Muichiro asked, growing weary when they turned to him with smiles.
“Mui, do you wanna join us this evening?”
“I can’t believe they’d go off without you like that. When they get back, those boys aren’t getting a crumb of my treats!” Mitsuri huffed as she ran her fingers through Muichiro’s hair, gently untangling it one strand at a time. They were now sitting at the butterfly mansion, pillows and blankets spread out and a variety of Mitsuri’s snacks on display for whomever felt hungry. Changed into comfy pajamas, the youngest Hashira nibbled on a cookie while the pink haired girl began a braid, starting from the top of his head and working her way down.
“My my, I believe it will be the first time we see Rengoku not smiling if you do that.” Shinobu grinned with impish glee, a few bottles of nail polish to her left as she carefully worked an ombre of pink to green on her friend’s toenails. With her hair down, she looked less regal. It felt like Muichiro was sitting with an older sister rather than the team’s doctor. “He’s like a grumpy cat when he pouts. Have you ever noticed that?”
“Oh absolutely! It’s rare, but it’s so funny!” Mitsuri giggled. “He just pouts and hides away- eventually coming out if you shake some treats.”
“I bet if he could, he’d crawl up on a dresser.” Muichiro added, earning another round of giggles from the girls. It made him feel good.
“Oh man- I can totally see him curled up on there and glaring at everyone!” Mitsuri laughed so hard she snorted, nearly throwing off Shinobu’s handiwork with how hard she was giggling. “Kanroji, your toes!” She cried, dabbing at the mess.
“I’m sorry- blame Muichiro!” Mitsuri cried back, falling into him some as he gaped in shock. “He’s the one putting all these Cat-Rengoku images in my head!”
“He really is though! He’s got those big cat eyes.” Muichiro defended, earning another pig snort from the girl.
“Pfft, okay, okay! No more cat talk until I get this last toe done!” Shinobu shook her head with a snicker at Muichiro as she carried on her task. “You’re gonna have tie dye feet if you keep squirming like that.”
“Not the first time, probably won’t be the last either.” Mitsuri was back doing Muichiro’s hair, her touch gentle against his scalp. “Thanks for letting me braid your hair, Mui. It’s so soft and long! Has it always been this way?”
“I think so…I don’t really remember.” He admitted quietly, stuffing his face with another cookie before they could ask anymore questions. The memories of his past were still so foggy. He remembered bits and pieces- a face like his own, a hut in which he lived. What really stood out were the feelings. Most of the time, his past felt like an ache in his chest, familiar yet unknown at the same time. It was frustrating- having all this pain but no memory of what caused it.
“Tokito-san?” Shinobu’s voice shook him free from his internal ache, making him look up. He was sure she was going to ask him what was wrong. The “I’m fine” was on his lips, but she surprised him with her next question. “Would you like your nails painted?”
“What?” His nails? Painted?
“Oo, that would be so pretty!” Misturi gushed, excited by the idea. “We could be twins! Maybe not in color, but through Kocho’s handiwork! She’s really good at painting nails, as you can see!”
Sure enough, Mitsuri’s toenails were impeccable. Despite her earlier squirming, Shinobu’s hand stayed true.
“Sure. Go for it.” Muichiro shrugged, feeling good at the delighted expression Shinobu wore.
“Okay! What color would you like?”
“Do you think Iguro-san likes me?” Mitsuri asked not too long later- her hair loose and spread out like a fan beneath her.
“Of course he does. The way he looks at you says it all.” Shinobu reassured her, also on her back, her toes painted bright purple. “No one looks at someone with that much adoration for jokes.”
“Ador-what, he really does?” Mitsuri blushed, hands on her cheeks and eyes wide. “He looks at me like that?”
“Like you're the only person in the room.” Muichiro agreed, the third on his back, raising a hand to look at his newly painted nails. After his toes, they did his fingers. He rather liked the teal color Shinobu chose- it was sparkly. “Really- the only person in the world sometimes.”
Misturi made a noise of squealing delight, covering her face as she giggled, kicking her feet. “Oh, I wanna tell him I like him so bad! Maybe I’ll do it one day- I’m just too nervous right now!” She lowered her hands, tilting her head back so she could look at her friends properly. “What about you two? Anyone you guys fancy?”
“Fancy? Look at you, using Tengen-lingo.” Shinobu teased, earning a light tug at her hair. “I don’t have anyone I fancy right now. I’m too busy.”
“What about Tomioka?” Muichiro asked, making them pause. Then they were laughing. “Did I say something funny?”
“Ohohoho honey- Tomioka’s dating Shinazugawa!” Shinobu giggled out, laughing harder at his face of surprise. “You didn’t know that?”
“I thought it was pretty obvious myself- they’re not exactly subtle about it!” Mitsuri nodded in agreement, turning over so she could lay on her belly. “The other day they were trying so hard to make it seem like they arrived separately!”
“Yeah, like we couldn’t see the wrinkled Haori on Tomioka!” Shinobu’s eyes were impish once more. “When he came in the other day, he smelled like Ohage. He tried to claim he got it as a snack.”
“Oh I’m sure he got a snack.” Mitsuri winked, earning a swat from a wide eyed Shinobu.
“Wait- how long have they been dating?” Muichiro asked, curious now. He never really cared for Corp gossip, but he was here and things were getting interesting.
“I’d say about two months now? Though they’ve been pining for each other for way longer.” Shinobu nodded, satisfied with her answer. “Shinazugawa always blushed when Tomioka complimented him, even when he threw a fit after.”
“Such a tsun-tsun.” Mitsuri shook her head in mock disappointment. “And Tomioka-san can be rather clueless about these kinds of things. It’s no wonder they took so long to get together.”
“Tragically so.” Shinobu mock sighed, giggling with her friend.
Tsun-Tsun? Clueless? Muichiro was learning new sides to his fellow Hashira tonight.
“So, Mui…what about you, hon?” Mitsuri smiled, eyes twinkling. “Anyone you fancy?”
At first, Muichiro didn’t know what to say. Did he fancy anyone? Not in the Hashira of course, but…
Sharp eyes. Black hair that flowed to his shoulder. A scar that ran along his nose-
“Ooo, he’s got a crush!” Misturi squealed in delight when Muichiro blushed, eyes widening with shock. Did he? He had a crush? “Who is it? What are they like? Is it someone we know?”
“Now now, Kanroji, give him a second.” Shinobu slowed the other down gently as she turned to him. “Muichiro, have you ever had a crush on anyone before?”
“No. Not really.” He confessed, face burning. It felt weirdly shameful to say it outloud. “Is that a bad thing?”
“Not at all!” Mitsuri jumped in, taking his hand in hers. “Crushes aren’t a mandatory thing; take Kyojuro for example. He’s never had a crush, and from what he’s told me, he’s never had romantic feelings for anyone. That doesn’t make him a bad person, right?”
“Of course not.”
“Exactly. And look at Kanroji-san. She crushes on everyone.” Shinobu smiled at her friend, grinning at her mock jaw drop. “That’s also perfectly valid.”
“Hey! I can’t help it- the world’s full of crushable people.” Mitsuri defended without much fight.
“The point is- when and if you develop a crush is completely up to you. There’s never a lifeframe on when you experience these things.” Shinobu reached out and squeezed his shoulder. “So- now that that’s clear; who’s the lucky person your heart is racing for?”
“I don’t really know his name. I met him while training with Gyomei a few times.” Muichiro looked at his and Mitsuri’s conjoined hands, the feeling of her gently squeezing it comforting. “He’s not really talkative, but the few times we have it’s really…nice.” He blushed, remembering how warm his crush’s voice was. “He has a scar on his nose, if that helps.”
“Genya!” The girls gushed, realization filling their voices.
“I think so…he’s great.” Muichiro smiled softly. Genya. He rather liked that name.
“That’s Shinazugawa’s brother, right?” Mitsuri asked.
“The younger of the two? Absolutely. He helps out here some days.” Shinobu nodded approvingly. “Sometimes I wish he was the Hashira one.”
“Oh, you're terrible, Kocho!”
“Not so- I’m just honest.”
Muichiro giggled in his sleeve, feeling lighter. A crush. He had a crush on Genya. And from the sounds of it, the girls approved. It was really exciting.
“Oi, did you just throw a pillow at me?” Shinobu’s yelp of surprise brought him back to present time. Mitsuri had her own pillow in hand, giggling like a gremlin.
“Oh I did! Come at me, Kocho!” She declared, squealing when the pillow in question smacked her right in the face.
It took less than five seconds before the duel broke out- pillows smacking one another as the girls screamed in laughter. Muichiro originally planned on using his own as defense, but before long he was just as into it as them, smacking whomever was in reach and yelping when he got smacked in return.
Of course- nothing ever stayed on track in fights like this. Mitsuri tossed away her pillow before lunging at Shinobu, knocking her into a pile of soft things. “Kanro-jihihihihihiihhiihihi!” Her cry of surprise turned into laughter as the taller girl attacked her with tickles, fingers flying across her stomach and sides with relentless speed.
“This is what you get, Kocho! Laugh for me-hehehehehehhehe!” Shinobu was quick, her own hands latching onto Mitsuri’s sides and squeezing- making her shriek in mirth. “Kohohohoohochoohohoohohoho!”
Muichiro sat back with amused eyes, giggling behind his pillow as he watched the pair tumble about, limbs flying and squeals spilling past their lips as they went to tickle the other. Whenever he saw Tengen and Rengoku having a tickle fight, he thought it was kinda funny. The girls doing it? It was downright hilarious.
That was, until they turned their sights onto him.
“Get Mui!” Mitsuri cried, tackling him. Shinobu was right beside her.
That’s where we find our dear Mist Hashira now, squirming and giggling helplessly as twenty fingers attack his torso, going for all his tickle spots.
“Aww, listen to him laugh! Mui, you are so cute!” Mitsuri cooed, giggling along with him as she gently pressed into his ribs, her talents as an older sister shining through each new scratch and prod.
“He’s rather precious, isn’t he? Sweet Tokito-san; I bet Genya would drop dead on the spot hearing you laugh so much!” Shinobu winked, grinning as Muichiro felt his face heat up more. He was starting to regret telling them about that.
“Plehehahhahahahse, stahhahahhap!” Muichiro wheezed, arching with a cackle as Mitsuri slipped her hand under him, clawing lightly at his back. “Nohohohohohot thehehehhere!”
“Aww, does someone have a ticklish back? Kanroji, flip him over!” Shinobu instructed. The taller girl wasted no time, pulling him into her lap as Shinobu shuffled over.
“Tokito-san, what does this say?” She then began her devious torture.
“AH! Ahehaahhahahhahahaha! Kohohoohohochohoohohoo!” A single finger dragged along his spine, writing out letters along his back. Each swipe made his brain fuzzy, breaking his focus. “Iihihiihihi dohoohohhohon’t knoohoohohohow!”
“Wrong! Try again! I’ll go slower this time.” It was worse slow. Even with the fabric of his pajamas in the way, it tickled like crazy. “Let’s start with ‘C’....’U’....”
“C-Cuhuuhuhuuhuhuhute?” He gasped out, earning a cheer.
“Right! And who’s cute, Tokito-san?” She traced the rest of the word, making him arch more.
“Y-Yohoohohohu twoohohohoho?” He guessed, earning more gushing.
“Such a charmer!” Mitsuri giggled.
“Isn’t he? Correct, but not the answer I’m looking for!” Shinobu scratched along the center of his spine, earning a snort. “Who’s cute, Tokito-san?”
“Fihiihhihine, fiihiihihine I’m cuuhuhuhuhuhte!” He gave in, relieved when the tickling finally stopped. Gasping for breath, he rolled gently off of Mitsuri, tucked between them as he tried to recover. “Thahahhaht was evihiihihihil!”
“Thank you.” Shinobu replied, making them laugh.
“You really are a cutie, Muichiro. Never forget that.” Mitsuri ran her hands through his bangs, leaning down to press a gentle kiss on his forehead. Anyone else would have gotten smacked away, but Muichiro found he rather liked the attention he got from the girls.
“Thanks for inviting me…I appreciate it.” He whispered softly, lying on his futon later that night. After the snacks were finished, more gossip was spilled, and yet another random tickle fight- this time Mitsuri being the one targeted; they were all sprawled out once more, this time with the intention of sleeping.
“Of course, Mui. We didn’t want you to be alone.” Mitsuri reached out and squeezed his hand.
“I would have been fine…” He began, realizing the lie as he spoke it. He wouldn’t have been. Not really. Sure, he’d get over it eventually-but the sting would have remained. Going home alone would have felt isolating.
“Well, I wouldn’t have. Not after what happened.” Shinobu shuffled over so her arm brushed his other side, taking his free hand. “I’m glad you came. Tonight was really fun.”
“It was! We should do this more often. And you can come too, Mui.” Mitsuri nodded, her voice growing sleepier by the minute.
“You're an honorary girl’s night member.” Shinobu agreed.
“Thanks, girls.” Muichiro smiled, pretending the blur in his vision was from sleepiness. He closed his eyes and settled in for a rest.
He was glad to have met the people he’d met.
I hope this was good!
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