#sindel daughters
cclawthorne369 · 3 months
Eai! Vamos falar sobre MK1? Mais especificamente sobre Sindel e Mileena! (Como não amar elas😭). Aqui vou tbm adicionar alguns Headcanons.
Hoje eu quero abordar aqui sobre a relação de mãe e filha que elas têm. Bom, Sindel é a imperatriz da Exoterra, consequentemente teve muita pressão em cima dela para ter herdeiros de Jerrod. Afinal, quantos inimigos a Exoterra não tem, né? Então, a qualquer momento ela ou o Jerrod poderiam ir de xereca.
Creio que Sindel não se arrepende de ter tido as gêmeas, mas não gostou nada da ideia de ter sua vida íntima sob pressão da corte imperial.
Bom, voltando a pauta. Mileena muitas vezes é repreendida por Sindel, por cada mínimo erro. Eu acho, que Sindel gostaria que Mileena fosse mais madura e tivesse uma cabeça mais firme para a coisas, já que muitas vezes ela é imprudente. Ao meu ponto de vista, Sindel não quer que ela sofra com a opressão da corte com uma cabeça tão fraca. Talvez Sindel se veja em Mileena como alguém que ela foi antes de se tornar uma imperatriz e uma mãe, apesar de favorecer Kitana e desejar que ela fosse a primogênita (talvez por Kitana ser mais madura e ter uma mente mais forte).
Mas antes de imperatriz e governante, Sindel a cima de tudo é uma mãe e uma esposa. A morte de Jerrod a abalou de tal maneira, que ela se viu forçada a completar todos os papéis em que tinha a ajuda de Jerrod, mas agora, sem ele ao seu lado para ajudá-la e amá-la. Ela teve que ser uma mãe; um pai, uma imperatriz, uma pacificadora, burocrata e muito mais...
Apesar de repreender Mileena por sair sozinha do palácio e por ter ido à lugares perigosos, possivelmente sido atacada (levando em conta sua cicatriz na sobrancelha) e ainda por cima ter contraído uma doença que é fatal e que deixa as pessoas muito debilitadas. Imagine o desespero de sua filha (E herdeira) ter contraído uma doença que pode ter três resultados: matá-la, fazer ela atacar e matar alguém e/ou deixá-la completamente fraca até que ela morra.
Sindel no ato desesperado de salvar sua filha, abriu brechas emocionais para Shang Tsung se aproveitar de sua fraqueza e desespero para conseguir ingredientes e recursos poderosos para experimentos nojentos.
Shang Tsung deu a Sindel esperança para salvar sua filha. Podemos ver no rosto de Sindel que ela sente culpa por não ter notado sua filha saindo escondida e por ser impotente quanto a doença da filha. Ela queria ter impedido Mileena de ficar doente, e por isso, Sindel restringiu ao máximo as atividades que seriam perigosas para esgotar Mileena e dar gatilho a transformação tarkatânea assassina.
Eu acho que Sindel, Kitana, Tanya, Rain e Shao estavam presentes quando Mileena se transformou pela primeira vez, e que juntos conseguiram imobilizar ela sem machucá-la.
Outra prova da preocupação de Sindel com Mileena, é no banquete dos competidores, onde ela fixa sua atenção em Mileena e como seu corpo estava se comportando ao receber comida normal (Acho que tarkatâneos só comem carne crua, e por isso faria sentido que a comida feita faria mal a eles ou sla). Ela foi rápida em solicitar a presença das filhas para questionar Mileena antes que algo acontecesse.
Também podemos ver outra prova de seu amor e cuidado quando Li mei e Liu kang vão até a sala do trono com Tanya e as Umgadi. Onde Sindel não se importa de Kitana ir lutar, já que ela era perfeitamente saudável e resistente. Mas tenta ao máximo impedir Mileena de lutar.
Quando Mileena é derrubada por Li mei, podemos ver Sindel nitidamente preparada para correr em auxílio da filha. E mesmo sendo atacada e quase mordida no rosto e sufocada por Mileena, quando ela se acalmou e começou a sofrer sentada no chão, Sindel foi a primeira a se aproximar e oferecer mãos amigas a filha, não demonstrando nenhum medo por sua forma tarkatânea, apenas preocupação.
E o que dizer sobre a cena que todos nós estávamos esperando? Exato! A cena do abraço em família. É possível ver Sindel correndo primeiro na direção de Mileena para abraçá-la (mas estendendo os braços para as duas filhas), talvez ela estivesse preocupada com os efeitos que o amuleto desconhecido poderia ter causado na filha. Ela também inclinando a cabeça para o lado de Mileena indica nitidamente um alívio da parte dela.
E a cena final delas, gente?😭 Sindel lutando para viver enquanto Mileena lutava com a Dark Sindel. Ela querendo viver para dizer suas últimas palavras para sua filha que seria a nova imperatriz de seu reino. E o rosto de Mileena quando percebeu que sua mãe havia morrido antes que ela terminasse de responder ao último desejo dela😭💔.
Mileena tentou seu melhor para orgulhar a mãe e provar que seria uma boa imperatriz, talvez pelo medo da rejeição ou de ser substituída pela irmã. Quando imperatriz, tentou seguir os passos da mãe e melhorar aquilo que as crenças e preconceitos de Sindel não a deixavam melhorar.
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As músicas que me lembram elas:
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khaosrealms · 8 months
could you write a request for syzoth x princess!reader, who is mileena and kitana's younger sister?
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a/n: of course! thank you so much for the request 💚 nothing better than to start a blog off with everyone’s favorite reptiloid.
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- Your affection is a harshly-earned one, child of the empress you are. Living in outworld comes with its well of suitors who flaunt and throw themselves for your adoration; what greater prize than to win the love of a princess, after all? Not that anyone had succeeded, not any of members of Sindel’s court, not any of Shao’s soldiers, none yet to earn the reward of a princess’ heart. But a Zatteran?
- Whispers of gossip among Sindel’s court were as common as the act of breathing, and while you often kept your thoughts elsewhere, keeping your ears open was a whole different story. A sideshow act? A shapeshifter? Under the heat of Mileena’s recent… escapade, you knew better than to go elsewhere unaccompanied— but your curiosities got the better of you. The cover of night a perfect tool to aid in your disguise as you ventured into Outworld’s entertainment district. Finding the source of the whispers with a crowd large enough to nestle yourself within. A man— or, at the very least, what you believed was a man at first.
“Come and see! Offer coin and perhaps you will receive a glimpse of something greater than anything you’ve ever witnessed here on Outworld!” The typical sideshow fare; a disgust filling your jaw at the sight of the merchant’s grinning visage as he passes you. Offering a box to be filled with coin and trinkets for the opportunity at the sight of his performer. Verdant eyes, tattoos etched across his features, his arms. For a moment, you lock eyes, and his pupils dilate. Recognition. Verdant green eyes that are almost too soft, too kind, too tired. Still so exhausted, even as he transforms, scaled, tooth and claw. A show for a princess, he seems to say, tail heavy on the floor beneath him. You stay not a moment later. Fading into the crowd, where his eyes do not follow.
- When you return to the district where Syzoth performed not a week later with company, he’s nowhere to be seen. Not the sight of him, not even so much as a whisper, the suspicious nature of it following you as you returned to your duties. Where did he go? This gossip of the high courts who caught such an eye, where did he go? Your lack of concentration earns you Kitana’s scolding. A nip at your ear, pinched between her fingers. But still, the distraction remains, following to the days leading up to the tournament. Even the fireworks of celebration as you stood on stage, waving towards the partying citizens of Outworld with your sisters, couldn’t distract from the thought.
- It took practically every ounce of power and demand you could manage to pull away from the festivities. Turning away your umgadi guard with some sort of dismissive lie, preening to your sisters that you would return before the people would so much as notice you missing— of course, Kitana and Mileena are hardly fooled, and when you dive into the crowds, between alleys and fragrant carts, they know what exactly it is that festers at your mind. The Zaterran. The shapeshifter with tired eyes and scaled flesh. The one who stands before you, as you duck into a quiet alley, as caught off-guard as you are of him.
“Princess.” There’s a tenseness in his jaw that follows through to his voice. Ready to leap away, as if found doing something he’d hardly been meant to do. His fists tensing by his sides. He’d looked exhausted before, yes, but now— he’d looked almost drained. A small spark of hope twinkling in his eyes. Whatever it is he’d been through, you’re certain it’s something he’s refusing to return back to. When you step back, you can see with your own eyes how his muscles loosen in relief.
“I thought Zaterran’s stayed beneath ground.” Your interest catches him, and for a moment he stutters, before opening his mouth to speak once more. “Most do, Princess. You have seen yourself that I am not most, however.” So he did recognize you that day. In the same way that you yourself recognize that you both are surely not where you are meant to be. “A good reason, I hope?” “In the name of truth. A reason no better.” “Then above ground you’ll stay, if that is such.”
- You never forget the appreciation in his eyes at that moment. A relief so deep it falls into his shoulders and neck, relaxing, time of tension wasted away. By the time you blink, the man has already continued his climb onto the buildings above; but not before you catch his attention once more, one hand cupped by your mouth to echo your words towards him. “What is your name, Zaterran!” Stopping him in his tracks, those verdant eyes locking onto your’s once more.
“My name is Syzoth, Princess!” Syzoth. What an odd name for such an intriguing man. “I would ask for your’s, but I’m afraid it’s difficult not to know of it!” His words form a bubble in your chest, a chuckle spilling out from between your lips that cause a smile to crack on his weary features. That glimmer of hope shining in his eye. He’s gone by the time another firework cracks across the sky above you, but a small warmth of the meeting remains. Nestled there in your cheek. Syzoth. What luck to meet him again.
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xxrainbowvibezxx · 2 months
I think they should meet
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cagcd · 5 months
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Every fight I've fought, I've fought for myself.
But this one ?
This one's for my family.
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donsgraveyard · 1 year
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suga-catt · 7 months
I wanna doodle some old ladies smooching
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readyplayerziggy · 3 months
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The Empress requires tribute.
Do not make her demand it.
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mlmxreader · 8 months
date night w/ MK characters
: ̗̀➛ characters involved: Kitana, Mileena, Sindel, Ashrah, Tanya, Li Mei, Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Kuai Liang (Sub Zero & Scorpion versions), Syzoth/Reptile, Kenshi Takahashi, Tomas Vrbada
: ̗̀➛ x gn!reader
: ̗̀➛ a few swear words here and there
Kitana leads a busy, tiring life. her idea of a perfect date night is kept simple and easy; maybe a walk in the gardens if the weather is kind enough. or just chilling together in bed with a good book if the weather is absolute shit. she's the queen's daughter, after all, she appreciates just being able to spend time with her s/o, especially if she's had a long day.
Mileena likes to go all out if she's got the time, but if not, she likes to keep things simple. dates can either be her taking you into a very public, very busy situation like a ball or a festival, or they can be as gentle and simple as a long walk together, hand in hand. it entirely depends on how much time she's got on her hands and how much of it she can spend with you.
very, very quiet dates. Sindel doesn't really like her love life being in the spotlight when there are more important things to worry about; she'll take you for a nice meal somewhere quiet - there's a little café in an alleyway, tucked behind a few other shops, that she often takes you to - and somewhere that she can really spend some quality time with you.
Ashrah doesn't really understand dates, but she knows that you like to show her all the different things on offer; museums, art galleries, restaurants, zoos, cafés, aquariums. she loves every moment of each one, but her favourite is definitely the museum; she loves how you light up when she asks you to explain something, and could listen to you talk for hours.
Tanya doesn't really do dates, and never has. she cares, of course she does, she adores you - but dates are just one of those things. she'd prefer to bring you home some food from your favourite place, or get you a book she knows you wanted - things like that. but, occasionally, she does take you out; she likes to take you dancing, more than anything.
Li Mei
Li Mei isn't really the date type, either, but sometimes she'll offer to take you somewhere; it comes out of nowhere, a complete surprise each time, but she'll offer to take you to museums, to festivals, to sports events. she enjoys the quality time, and not having to look over her shoulder all the time, but she loves it when you get invested as much as she does.
Johnny Cage
FLASHY!!! FLASHY!!! the best restaurants, always. concert tickets to bands you've always wanted to see live, VIP included. expect a new outfit being bought for you every time. Johnny loves to spoil you, and date nights are no exception; you want to see Sabaton live? he's taking you, and after, he'll make sure that you can sleep in the backseat of his car.
Kung Lao
film nights, 100%. there is nothing that Kung Lao likes more than to either take you to the cinema for a few hours and then out for tea afterwards, or to snuggle up with you in bed and watch old films you both love with a platter of snacks. he adores film nights, and he'll take turns choosing what to watch with you. just don't watch Marley & Me with him.
Sub Zero!Kuai Liang
Kuai Liang doesn't really do the whole dating thing. he'd prefer to just sit in bed with you and read for a while, or to sit near you while you're doing something. any quality time is good for him. there'll be a rare occasion where he can take you out, but it's usually just for a few drinks and a meal - it's simple, but it's always a good time.
Scorpion!Kuai Liang
an absolute gentleman, expect the very basics in the best way. a few drinks and a meal, sure, but you can bet he's taking you somewhere that he knows does your favourite food and drinks. he might be basic, and he might not be flashy, but the dates you have with him always make you grin when you kiss him goodnight. simple, but brilliant.
he likes to take you out for long walks, doesn't really matter where or when; he isn't really big on dates, but he loves going for a long walk with you. just strolling hand in hand, talking about everything and nothing all the same. he just likes being around you, and he likes when you stop to pick up little snakes and arachnids, telling him all about them. it never fails to make him smile.
Kenshi Takahashi
ADORES taking you dancing. maybe it's just the closeness, maybe it's the fact that he gets to have you all to himself. but he adores taking you dancing for date nights; he always throws in dinner afterwards, too, and it's usually put on Johnny's tab. you still don't know why he lets him get away with it, but you know better than to ask. every now and then, he'll take you with him to Johnny's new films, as well.
Tomas Vrbada
he loves nothing more than to go to the zoo with you. sitting down in the picnic area and sharing drinks and bites of each other's sandwiches; it's nice for him to get away with you for a while, to just relax and enjoy being around you. trying not to laugh at people getting chased by geese. Tomas loves it when he can take you to the zoo for the day; just you and him, nothing else to worry about except seagulls stealing your crisps.
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shrowded-eng1ma · 9 months
Flirty Intro Dialogue’s
Characters; Kitana, Sindel, Li Mei x oblivious Gn!Reader
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Kitana; How could you be an earthrealmer with the looks of a Edenian?
Y/n; is… is that a pick up line? Even Raiden can do better.
Kitana; I may be a princess, but I’m also a woman who knows what she wants - and that’s you
Y/n; wait, isn’t Mileena the princess? Royal words are confusing.
Kitana; When I look into your eyes, I see a future where we’re unstoppable together
Y/n; why? Is outworld and earthrealm having a 2v2 tournament? Could I get Jade on my team?
Kitana; Just as my fans return to me, my thoughts keep returning to you
Y/n; oh crap.. look I apologized for taking your wine! I thought it was mine…
Kitana; Just as my blades are sharp, my attraction to you is equally cutting
Y/n; um… please don’t cut my limbs off?
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Sidnel; I’m the Empress of Outworld, and you could be the king of my heart, if you dare
Y/n; hey, Johnny said that too! I didn’t think you’d get along…
Sindel; You must be a powerful enchantress because you’ve cast a spell on my heart
Y/n; no I’m a copy ninja
Sindel; Just as my hair flows, so do my feelings when I’m around you
Y/n; um… I’m sorry for taking your daughters wine?
Sindel; Just like my scream, my heart skips a beat when I see you
Y/n; your.. screams skips beats?
Sindel; would you care to accompany me to my chambers? I have some-
Y/n; Nooo thanks. Tanya and li Mei would kill me, heir like.. really protective of you.
Li Mei
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Li mei; Your smile could rival the sunrise in Outworld
Y/n; really…? No wonder my jaw hurts when I smile.
Li mei; Just as I fight with determination, I’m determined to win your heart
Y/n; I-I think I’d rather NOT have my heart ripped out of my rib cage.
Li mei; If we were in a Mortal Kombat match, I’d choose you as my tag-team partner for life
Y/n; wait, so what kitana said was true?! We’re having a tag team battle with outworld!? Sick!
Li mei; Meeting you feels like finding a hidden treasure in the depths of Outworld
Y/n; you have time to go world exploring?
Li mei; Just as I’ve trained in martial arts, I’m ready to put in the effort for your heart
Y/n; please don’t kill me, this is just a spar… right?
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kentstoji · 7 months
sindel's daughters had a fascinating relationship to behold. while kitana had a habit of remaining calm in stressful situations and mileena was pure liquid fire, their sister lived in a middle ground, having the best characteristics of both.
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kassiekole22 · 9 months
im so excited to be able to share this request with you! 🥺 — could you do a headcanon with syzoth x princess!reader? *in my mind she's mileena and kitana's sister. — and she doesn't feel so included among the sisters and finds comfort among "the banished"
Ok, so just a warning: When I read this, I thought you wanted a fic. And I was already deep into this when I realized that you wanted headcanons. 😂 So if you want, I can still do the headcanons for you too. Just let me know! 🙂 And to my other requests, your fics are on their way! Anyway, here it is! My first ever Syzoth X Fem!Reader fic! Enjoy! 💚🖤💚🖤
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No Longer Alone
Description: Being stuck in your sisters' shadows was never easy, especially when you live in the royal family of Outworld. You always felt as if you came in last compared to them and felt so alone. That is until one day when a mysterious man literally crashes your festival... Warnings: Fluff, Sad And Lonely Reader And Sad And Lonely Syzoth. Word Count: 2.6k MasterList: 🖤 Kassie's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil. (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
Never would I have thought that on that day — the day a strange man came crashing into our festival — that my life would change for the better forever. As much as it pained me, I wasn't allowed to interfere when the man went into battle with my sister. Being the youngest of the three royal sisters of Outworld, I was bound to the sidelines as I watched my sisters deal with any situation — unless they needed more numbers in a battle, of course.
I knew that they were only protecting me and that they didn't want to put my life in danger unless it was really necessary, but I couldn't help but feel left out. It was as if no one took me seriously — as a princess or a fighter — and that stung worse than any wound I would ever receive in any battle.
I sat on a nearby stool, watching the altercation from afar. It worried me, watching my sisters battle with no way to aid them. But I had no choice. I was damned to just sit and watch — just like the people I've been told are beneath us. Though I never really thought they were. What right did I have — someone who was born into royalty — to sit there and claim that my life was more valuable than any other. It just felt wrong. After some time, the fight seemed to come to an end with both the man and my sister seemingly not severely harmed. And then surprisingly, my two sisters approached me with the young man at their side.
I couldn't keep my eyes from following the man as he came forth. He seemed so different — so... Beautiful. There was something about him that lured me in. I just couldn't place my finger upon it at the time.
"(Y/N)," My sister — Kitana — addressed me and I stood.
"Yes, sister?" I responded as I stepped closer and bowed my head as a symbol of respect. It was what mother taught me to do, since my sisters were older and wiser than myself.
"This is Syzoth — he has come to aid us in upcoming battles." She notified me while introducing the mysterious man.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Syzoth." I greeted him kindly. "I am (Y/N). The third daughter of King Jerrod and Queen Sindel."
The man nodded with a smile stretching the corners of his lips and — to my surprise — he bowed before me. "It's my pleasure, princess."
I had never earned that type of respect from someone so soon. Being so young in a family of royals, many don't appreciate me the way I — at least — felt I deserved. I let my eyes linger upon the man as he stood to his full height and smiled warmly in my direction. He was so different compared to anyone I had ever met before.
After letting out a slightly annoyed sigh, Mileena broke the silence that had fallen between us all. "Sister, show Syzoth to one of our guest cabins by the castle. He can rest there for the time being."
I nodded eagerly and my sister handed me a key to said cabin, and then I gestured to the man to follow me in the direction I was planning on going. As I began walking down the stone road with him at my side, I could hear Kitana call out with concern filling her tone, "Be cautious, sister!"
I shook my head as an amused smile curled my lips. She was always so concerned for my well-being. But she should know that I can very much take care of myself. After all, they both made sure to train me well.
Most of the walk was silent until I noticed how the man watched his surroundings with much curiosity. He looked at everything as if it was new to him. I couldn't keep myself from glancing over in his direction once in a while just to watch his interesting behavior. 
'Is he from another realm?'
"So — where do you hail from, my friend?" I asked as we turned down a new pathway, leading towards where the guest cabins were.
"Oh, I'm from Outworld." He replied, much to my surprise. "Just not these parts of Outworld..."
The comment very much intrigued me and I wanted to know more, "Not this part?" I pushed carefully.
"Ever heard of Zaterra?" He asked with a hint of resentment and... Something else in his voice. Perhaps sorrow? I couldn't help but wince as the word greeted my ears and I responded with a simple and rather nervous, "oh..."
We reached the cabin but just as we went to say our goodbyes and part ways, I noticed a pretty deep and bloody gash on his right bicep. Being used to tending to my sisters' battle wounds when nurses weren't accessible, I knew the right thing to do was offer assistance.
"My — that wound looks pretty deep. I think there is a medical kit in the bathroom of this cabin. Do you want me to clean you up?" I offered kindly and he quickly shook his head.
"No, princess. I've already disturbed your night enough. Go enjoy the rest of your festival."
I mirrored his previous actions by shaking my head, denying his refusal. "No, I insist. It will only take a few minutes of my time."
After a minute of hesitation, the man accepted my offer with a nod of his head. I opened the door of the cabin with the key my sister had given me, we entered the cozy place and I instantly headed straight to the bathroom to retrieve the medical kit.
Once I returned a few minutes later with the needed items in hand, I saw Syzoth sitting on the couch in the middle of the room, looking around at his surroundings curiously like before. I found it oddly cute, how he seems so fascinated with all around him. I decided to watch his actions for a minute longer, before entering the room to greet the man once again.
I sat down right beside him on the couch, and quickly got to work on his wounded arm. He would flinch every once in a while, but he was pretty good at staying still for me. The room fell silent for the time being but it was actually fairly nice. He watched as I cleaned and bandaged his arm, but I didn't feel judged or criticized like I usually did whenever I was being trained by my sisters or mother. I felt... Rather calm with this man. I liked it.
"There you go — all better now." I announced as I finished wrapping the soft cloth around his muscular arm as carefully as I could.
He looked down at his arm for a moment, carefully inspecting the bandage before looking up at me with a grateful grin.
"Thank you, princess. You did a wonderful job."
I could quickly feel my cheeks stinging with heat and I instantly looked away to hide the blush I knew had stained them crimson. As a royal, I knew I couldn't mingle with one my family didn't approve of first. And besides, he could never feel that way for me anyway. Growing up, all the men in my village were always attracted to my sisters like moths to a fire. And it seemed to me that I was the lavender that repelled them. They haven't wanted me all my life, so why would they now? I quickly looked for anything to steer the conversation in a new direction and distract the man from my rose-dusted skin.
"Um... So, I must ask..." I began, struggling to find words as I thought hard of a good question to ask him — anything to steer the conversation away from dangerous territory. "I've never seen Zaterra, but I have heard stories about it from my ancestors. You don't necessarily look Zaterran. Were you adopted?"
The man stared at me for a moment with a blank expression — as if I had just said the most obsurde thing he had ever heard — before laughing heartedly for a few minutes. He shook his head as he calmed down from his fit of giggles, finally looking back at me with a large smile of amusement.
"No, I am not adopted. I am indeed Zaterran, princess." He informed me. Still being very confused, I just had to push for a clearer answer. 
"I do not understand. You look so— so—"
At that moment, Syzoth leaned forwards and lowered his voice as if to tell me something that was only meant for my ears to hear. I leaned in closer — until our faces were merely inches apart — and it had just then dawned on me that I had never been this close to a man before. My heart began racing as I felt his hot breath fan my skin like a warm summer's breeze. I was sure that I was blushing again.
I could see his face better now — every little detail of his tattoo, his beautiful light green eyes, the aged scars that were across his face and soft pink lips. I wanted to run my fingers along the inked design to see what it felt like, his soft green eyes lured me in like a wolf to the stars at night, and those soft pink lips... I wondered at that moment what it would be like if I leaned in a little closer and let them gently caress my own — how good would that feel? But then his low voice finally brought me back out of my little fantasy.
"Can you keep something only between you and me?" He whispered in a volume so quiet, I almost couldn't catch the words to comprehend them. I nodded slowly and he stood up from his spot, backing away from the couch. "Promise me you won't be frightened, princess?"
Though that last sentence did make me a bit worried and nervous, I nodded my head in agreement. Merely a few seconds later, the man disappeared. I was pretty confused but then suddenly a large, reptilian creature appeared right before me. He stood around 8-9ft tall, towering over me as he licked his big fangs. I could only gasp as my eyes stayed focused upon the creature — my body now completely frozen in shock. I couldn't comprehend how this beautiful man could transform into a reptilian creature. It seemed impossible. But it was Outworld, so I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised.
The creature then came forward and lowered his head to my side, showing that he had no intention of devouring me like my ancestors told me Zaterrans do. I placed my hand upon the top of his head and stroked his scales a few times to show that I wasn't afraid of him in his — I suppose natural form. He let out a low rumble that emitted from his chest and I couldn't help but giggle a little bit at the fact that he enjoyed the affection much like a tamed dog. He was actually quite a beautiful creature. I always had an appreciation for reptiles that my family could never understand.
The creature eventually backed away and suddenly, Syzoth was once again in his human form. He stood before me with a rather cheeky smile set on his lips. Whether he found it amusing how shocked I was or was just happy that I didn't run away, I am unsure. He approached the couch and sat down once again, staring into my eyes with almost hopeful ones.
"When my people found out about my "curse", I was terrorized and run out. They called me a freak..." He peered down to his hands folded in his lap as he whispered the last sentence as if it hurt his heart to speak those words, and that hurt my heart as well. Because in a way, I knew what it was like to be treated differently than others. "But that's why I'm here: To make a new and rewarding life for myself."
"You're not a freak," I exclaimed with a reassuring smile while placing my hand on his own. He glanced up at me as if he was surprised to hear me say those words — lips parted as if he wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say. "And I don't think it's a curse; It's a gift."
"So you are not afraid, princess?" He asked with a hint of nervousness in his tone and I shook my head.
"Of course not, Syzoth. I think your Zaterran form is rather beautiful. And you must be a mighty good fighter?" I nudged his shoulder playfully with my own and he huffed a short laugh.
"Perhaps once you are queen, I can be your protector?" He suggested as his lips curved up into a pretty attractive smirk. My heart began to beat faster once again for only a second until his words finally sunk in.
"Unfortunately, that won't be possible." I mentioned and he looked at me with confusion etched in his features. I figured that I should explain more thoroughly. "My sister — Mileena — is next in line to inherit the throne from our mother. I will never be queen of Outworld."
"Oh, I am sorry." He spoke sincerely and I simply shook my head to dismiss his apology, despite being grateful towards his empathy.
"It's fine, Syzoth. I am truly proud of my sister's accomplishments. I just wasn't meant to be a ruler." I gave him a faint smile to mask my hidden sorrow but it was plainly clear that he could see right through it. He had only known me for an hour and he could somehow see through the cracks of my porcelain mask of lies better than my family could. How funny is that?
He stared at me as if he was examining my features for a moment, before speaking in the softest tone I had ever heard spoken, "Well, you could be the queen of my heart instead?"
Coincidentally with his words, I felt my heart stop for a second as they sunk into my mind. My thoughts were racing around my mind at such fast speeds, that I began to feel dizzy and lightheaded.
'There is absolutely no way he just suggested— No, it's not possible— Or is it? Even if it was, there would be no way we could— By the Elder Gods, my sisters would never allow it!'
But just as I parted my lips to speak my refusal, my eyes set upon his hopeful gaze. There sat before me a man who saw my worth — who wanted to love me the way I deserved to be loved; how could I deny that?
"Syzoth," I spoke in the most soft and calm tone I could muster. I took the man's large hands within my own and smiled up at him in a loving way. "I would be honored to be the queen of your heart."
His smile broadened as his fingers clasped around my hands to hold them tight as he locked his warm gaze with my own. "Together, we will no longer be alone."
We both leaned forward and his soft lips finally collided with mine in a kiss that I had not only been waiting for for the past hour, but my whole life. It was as if color had finally been restored into my grey existence and — for the first time ever — I knew something that was finally set in stone — I knew that I would no longer be alone.
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thy-lover · 8 months
"YOU'LL LOVE ME IF I SAY YOU CAN" - Mortal Kombat Characters.
SUMMARY - Mortal Kombat Characters are Fuck Buddies with the Reader(Gender Neutral and Slightly a Villain) who is their ENEMY, In a Brief Moment of Clarity They Realize What They've Done....for the Millionth time
CHARACTERS - Shao Kahn, Johnny Cage, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Noob Saibot, Jax, Kano, Baraka
WARNINGS - Minors Do Not Interact, Sexually Explicit Descriptions, Foul Language, Spousal Manipulation, What Could Be Considered as Phone Sex, Death Threats
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𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔬 𝔨𝔞𝔥𝔫 -
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➺ There he sat, on the side of his bed with but a thin white blanket across his lap covering his Manhood. Scratches alongside his back, across his arms, as if he's been clawed at by a wild animal.
➺ Half Moon fingernail prints on the side of his thighs, and bites along his neck. A spent cock between his thighs.
➺ Maybe it was the Sex, maybe it was seeing you walk into the Palace without a care in the world. Spitting on his concubines knowing you could play the great Shao Kahn for a fuckin fiddle. Yeah, it was the sex.
➺ It was the Romanticization of spearing his cock into the enemy that prevented him from taking your head and placing it on a pike. It was the way you fucked him, you fucked him, that made him want more. You were wild, fighting him, testing his restraint, or perhaps encouraging no restraint whatsoever.
➺ Only You. A "Pathetic" Earthrealmer who was a part of the Special Forces and Part Time Leader of a Secret Organization that wished to demolish Outworld. Could make him cum like you did. Not Sindel, not anyone, no one could force him to cum over and over like you.
➺ He was Outworlds Protector...wasn't he? Could he fool himself into believing crawling on top of you every night and fucking you till he could fuck no more, was in a way saving Outworld by possibly preventing the inevitable? No, he couldn't. He could only do as the bad guy does and pretend like this was part of the plan. Like he was the one using you.
➺ Even more so, as you stood up from the bed and began to clean yourself of the cum dripping down your legs and chest. Every time you stood up to leave he could see his handiwork. A fair share of bruises that he gave you from such animalistic sex. With his cum he marked you, with the bruise around your neck he claimed you, with that bite mark on your shoulder you were his. Damn anyone from his council who stood against it, damn anyone who found out. You were not his dirty secret you were his trophy.
➺ You looked fucked in such a delicious way of the term. When you put your clothes on and rearranged your appearance you all but smirked at him in the reflection of his mirror. Shao Kahn would never admit pain. He couldn't, he could never allow himself to be hurt not by you not by anyone. But every time you entered his lair, you hurt him with every kiss, it hurt him, broke him harder than any sword any scratch could ever.
➺ "See ya tomorrow." You said walking over to Shao Kahn and kissing his cheek. "Don't come back." Shao Kahn said not moving to kiss you, how many times had he said that very phrase? "I do what I want. If you don't want me coming back here to fuck you, then I'll come back here to take your throne."
➺ "I loved you....I love you....I'll kill to have you, I'll konquer the world to keep you."
𝔧𝔬𝔥𝔫𝔫𝔶 𝔠𝔞𝔤𝔢 -
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➺ Hollywood has always been known to do some sketchy shit but this took the cake. He had sex, or he was having sex or he's been having sex with the same asshole that wiped out half of the Special Forces and damn near killed his own Daughter.
➺ This is why Johnny is laying in this lousy motel room, in fuck knows where. Naked a cigarette hanging from his lips, shit he didn't even smoke! Laying in this bed his eyes subconsciously searching for a blanket to cover his Manhood but to no avail.
➺ Why you? How could you have this power over Johnny Cage? The man who was never that sensible but never in the right mind betrays his friends by sleeping with the enemy.
➺ Even if there were a blanket his mind was too busy forcing his eyes to look back at the doorway where you stood naked staring at your reflection and wiping his cum off your body before slowly getting dressed.
➺ sometimes Johnny wanted to know why he was even here, there wasn't even really a solid reason why every night he snuck around paparazzi, and lied to Cassie and everyone who ever cared for him about where he was going on every night.
➺ But every time he got an anonymous call on his cell and every time he answered and heard your beautiful voice, he would bite his lip, palm his cock through his pants and write down the address to the new hotel to meet at.
➺ All he knew was that when you push him against the door, kiss down his neck. When he grabs your hips. When you push him on the bed and ride him like you'd die tomorrow, was secretly what he lived for.
➺ You made him lose control, you made him bury his head in the pillows like a virgin who's never been fucked, and you made him howl so loud the people next door banged their fists against the wall.
➺ You leave the bathroom and stand next to Johnny, your hand trailing from his calf to his inner thigh, so terribly close to his spent cock that he was so close to being hard again "Buh-bye Johnny boy, I'll be seeing you." You teased. "When?" Johnny asked his head low in shame. Your hands squeezed his thigh, embedding your nails in the muscular flesh "Whenever I fuckin want to."
➺ "I need you....even if you can't be mine."
𝔰𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔭𝔦𝔬𝔫 -
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➺ You were his wife's killer...well not exactly actually, you just helped Quan Chi. By selling out the whereabouts of his wife all for a pretty sack of gold which made you smile when Quan Chi handed it to you. You sat upon a hill, tossing the gold sack in your hand, watching the Shirai Ryu burn.
➺ You were supposed to be dead, as dead as his dead wife, he would have made sure of that. Scorpion would have bought front-row tickets to see you roasting in the Netherrealm, but that wasn't the case.
➺ Instead of watching life drain from your eyes, he watched you sit up on the Shikifuton, your lips swollen, your eyes weary and dark. Instead of seeing your skin burn by the Netherrealm flame, he watched your skin currently flush a light pink, you were nude, bare for him. And he was nude, bare for you.
➺ Every night he prayed that whatever elder god who cared for him would cover his dead wife's eyes so that when he joined her in the death, he would not have to experience Harumi's shameful gaze. So that his dead children would not turn their backs to their father.
➺ He wouldn't blame them if they did. How could he? He wouldn't feel so guilty if he had the strength to kill you. But to raise his hands to you would feel wrong....he would feel like he was hurting his lover. But you were not his lover so how could he feel guilty for killing you? There was no love when you entered his home every night.
➺ You did not come into his home to love or make love with him. You came to his home to fuck your brains out. To pin him down, to play with his cock till his cum coated his stomach. To engage in the dirtiest sex and do things Harumi dared not to.
➺ Even now as you stood up, your legs shaking ever so slightly, cum dripping down them, his cum. Every night after you had your fun, he wanted you on your stomach face buried in the pillows fucking you till he came in you more times than he could count. He fooled himself into believing if he did that he would have power over you, but he was wrong. His real purpose for doing that was to claim you as his, though that's what you let him think.
➺ How much lust could you get out of pleasure, before that lust and that pleasure turn to guilt and shame? How could he lie to himself and say that this was the way to gain power over you? Every time that he spilled his seed within you was a bitter deep betrayal to the Shirai Ryu.
➺ When you gave him a dissatisfied glance, not because you were displeased by his performance, as a matter of fact, he gets better at fucking you every night you come back, but dissatisfied because you could hear his thoughts. Not his thoughts about Harumi or his child, no you knew about that so fuck that noise, no you're talking about the thoughts he didn't want to admit the thoughts that made you annoyed "Bye." You said coldly, he hated that, he hated this, he hated you but he hated that blank tone most of all. He watched you leave not saying a word he couldn't bring himself to
➺ "I can change you into something that can be loved."
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➺ You helped Quan Chi create his monster of a brother Noob Saibot. And something which isn't a secret not even now and not even then, was that your eyes now aimed to take the Lin Kuei
➺ Sub-Zero is the leader of this clan, he swore an oath to protect and serve the Lin Kuei, and should anything, anyone pose any kind of threat to the clan whatever that threat might be was to be exterminated. Unfortunately, he was the threat. Every time you decided to waltz into the Lin Kuei compound and were granted entrance you posed a threat. And every time you pulled him into your arms he became a threat. For his weakness for the pleasure you could provide put the Lin Keui in constant danger.
➺ He was so pathetic when he was in your arms. With every rough touch you set upon his body, came a guttural groan. You were feral to him. You were festering upon him like a flame. Burning him with every kiss.
➺ He was so....unused to this. A virgin when you first had him. He was unmarried and never married previously. Sex was never a thought in his mind and love came 5th in the Lin Kuei. In the Lin Kuei love was given to you by your parents, not a spouse or a lover.
➺ How could he allow something like this to go on, how could his weakness allow him to let the person who was partially responsible for turning his brother into a revenant take his virginity, and for the next few months allow you to continue this sexual relationship. For months now.
➺ At some point, he encountered his brother Noob Saibot and after the fight, while Noob was about to teleport away he taunted his brother on precisely how he had you first, and that you'd never be his.
➺ Perhaps the sibling rivalry was still there or maybe he was serious. Either way Sub-Zero made it a point to no longer hesitate when having sex with you. Learning all too quickly to fuck you like a pro. He should have killed you all those times you crawled through his window, pushing him against a nearby wall and biting his neck. He should have strangled you the moment you wrapped your own hands around his neck and squeezed it lightly. He should have froze you in time the moment your warm hand grabbed his cock.
➺ Sometimes he wishes you would have killed him to stop or prevent the inevitable shame he brought upon the Lin Kuei by loving a partner who did not love him or the Lin Kuei back. Instead wanted to help Frost take over.
➺ His hands held your hips far more gently than he should have and that began to piss you off. He held you with his eyes with adoration, the first and only body he knows more about than his own. Every scar, every mark, every blemish, and every bit of beauty he held in his hands when he touched you. You growled, grabbed his hand, and pushed them off you, in a swift movement you pushed off of him, Sub-Zero watched with blind fondness as you grabbed your clothes and threw them on "Just stop!" You shouted rushing to the door and slamming it shut behind you. Sub-Zero was lost in a puppy love sort of trance. Could he never love you? Could your heart and his pride never allow it?
➺ "Could you ever allow yourself to obsess over me, as I am obsessed with you?"
𝔫𝔬𝔬𝔟 𝔰𝔞𝔦𝔟𝔬𝔱/𝔟𝔦-𝔥𝔞𝔫 -
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➺ He tried to resist your temptation. He tried for the sake of the Lin Kuei to resist you, you were named Quan Chi's Left Hand, often called The Temptor. However, this was different, at least it was different for Bi-Han. You saw the dark ideas that plagued his head, saw his thoughts, and used him against him.
➺ Bi-Han could resist no more. The Lin Kuei felt more like a trap than a clan as the days went on. Bi-Han felt no love and no support from his dead parents' memory or his clan members. He felt nothing but he felt you. He felt your beating heart against the back of his spine. He felt the hand that explored his abs, he felt the hand that wrapped around his cock pumping it with a tight fist.
➺ Bi-Han felt your lips against his neck biting and licking the wound, he heard the sweet whispers in your voice every time you told him to surrender. You told him to surrender his strength, surrender his loyalty to the Lin Kuei, and surrender his identity to your master Quan Chi. But before he surrendered all that, he should surrender himself to you.
➺ Before Bi-Han became Noob Saibot he was mad for you. You had Bi-Han at your feet. You were giving him this intense feeling of something that compensated for the lack of affection he was given. You turned his strength for the Lin Kuei against him. And in turn, gave him the strength to go AWOL on the Lin Kuei.
➺ During those days you knew where to find Bi-Han. He was in your bed for months. He was not exactly a virgin, he had some experience when he and another Lin Kuei member attempted to have sex but unfortunately only ended in both of them being scared out of their wits. You however showed him what you wanted and sometimes waited patiently for him to give it to you.
➺ All was fine for the few months he left your chambers until an encounter with a vengeful scorpion left him to fall into the abyss. And Quan Chi saw an opportunity to use his necromancy for an interesting pet project.
➺ Noob Saibot was born and he felt nothing. Except for an odd feeling in his chest when he saw you walk by alongside Quan Chi. Your eyes were empty, and it was as if Noob Saibot finally realized the game you played with his past self Bi-Han. You looked at him without interest. Like you got what you wanted from him and didn't care to have more. Didn't care for him. You got what you wanted Bi-Hans identity for Quan Chi so he could massacre The Shirai Ryu and pin it on Bi-Han.
➺ You were his enemy for all intents and purposes. Only he had not expected a sliver of Bi-Hans conscious to remain. At night when Noob Saibot attempted to meditate he could hear screams. Not screams of pain. And in the darkness of his imagination he watched himself and Saibot fuck you in his head. Saibot held you to him as Noob used you to chase his high.
➺ He craved you. He needed you to give in to him. He wanted to surrender to you as Bi-Han has. But now, now you've changed you see him as a nuisance and when he managed to catch you before a fight he asked that exact question "You avoid us. Death is unavoidable. So why try to fight it?" He asked twirling his scythe. "Bi-Han loved me because I manipulated him to do so. I sense something in your soul, something that feels something for me, that I did not put there intentionally."
➺ "Life could not dwell in my heart, so the image of you will do just as well."
𝔧𝔞𝔵 -
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➺ An enemy of Sonya's was an enemy of his. That's what he told himself when he first met you. The moment your eyes landed on him there was a villainous smirk that crossed your lips. You were Kano's Mad Dog and Jax also hated Kano. Only Jax couldn't bring himself to hate you. Not when your lips looked so pretty on his cock.
➺ Why you? Why Kano's Mad Dog. The sex was just so good. There were days when Jax wanted to fuck you nice and proper, then there were days, usually after he found out the terrible deeds you've done on the news, where he just wanted to fuck you till you couldn't move.
➺ After Jacqui left the house, in came you. You saved him from the sad depressive loneliness that was his home. He put away the beer more than usual so that he was sober when you dropped by and when you eventually find the spare key he attempts to hide and enters his home, scaring him half to death when you enter his bed while he sleeps.
➺ He wakes up with you silently beside or on top of him. He knows what you want, before you even speak, which is usually good because he hates you and more often than not doesn't want you to say anything, as all you usually have to say is something cocky.
➺ After the fact he usually lays down staring at the ceiling with labored breathing, ashamed of what he had done. What if Sonya finds out? What if Jacqui finds out?
➺ Fortunately for you and unfortunately for him the moment you roll over and begin to play with his Manhood all his worries disappear if but for a short while. And his mind fills with thoughts of you. Of your body. Of your sweet voice praising him for giving it to you rough.
➺ With Vera he was always gentle with her, always asking her if he was doing too much, if she was comfortable in this position. He was always so...careful not wanting to hurt her. And Vera was always, always gentle with him. He made love with Vera. But with You, it was rough, it was harsh, you praised him for being almost brutal with his pace and growled at him when he even dared try to be all sweet soft, and loving. You were wild and he was in denial what an interesting match.
➺ When you left more often than not it was in silence because you were never good at goodbyes and you never cared if he had wanted you to say something anything to break the uncomfortable silence because, in the end, you got what you wanted from the Special Forces lap dog. And it always made you just a bit annoyed with him when he looked at you like...like that. Like you were fuckin Vera Incarnate.
➺ When you put on your clothes you sit on the bed. Jax sat on a small table in his room pouring a whiskey and finishing a cigar "You're acting like you expect something more from me." You said coldly. "I do. Y'know, you don't sneak into someone's house and fuck the owner every night if you don't feel something-" "I DON'T FEEL ANYTHING!" You shouted swiftly leaving his room in a flash.
➺ "You're an exotic animal that can't be tied down and won't let any too close. But everything can be tamed."
𝔨𝔞𝔫𝔬 -
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➺ The Australian asshole was not new to being Devious and using sex to get what he wanted. He was much like you in a way, only compared to you, you at least had morals to the very least. Kano knew the weak were more susceptible to being used and the strong are most susceptible to abusing the weak he knew this and he lived by it in a silent sort of way.
➺ You were Red Dragon, he was Black Dragon, arch enemies. The only problem is that you both decided to go undercover as Special Forces agents at the same time. Tension grew between you too as you had to play the good neighbor policy not trying to blow your cover.
➺ Kano however was rather lazy with it. Special Forces were starting to look into him but luckily he began to get chummy with Sonya and Sonya was starting to like him during a meeting, You and Kano sat across from each other at the table listening to the debriefing Sonya was giving. Sonya was talking about the Red Dragon and Kano said something that nearly gave up your identity had you not kicked his leg so very hard under that table causing him to yelp.
➺ Let's just say that the very moment he realized your legs were in reach of his crotch had him getting a bit wild.
➺ What started as a game of very risque footsie led to him visiting your room in the barracks and leading you away. Once you defected from the Special Forces and left it wasn't long before Kano decided to do the same only foolishly entering a Mortal Kombat Tournament.
➺ A few days after Kano's initial freedom he sought you out, first as a peace treaty and almost immediately turning into sex as Kano was a rather insatiable man. He knew that no one in the Black Dragon would agree with this, hell, if he were any more foolish he would use this to his gain, killing you and taking over the Red Dragon. Only he liked it too much. He liked you too much and it began messing with his head.
➺ His urges began to become obsessed over you. You were dangerous, he liked dangerous. You fucked him like he would fuck someone who wasn't worth shit. You took your pleasure from him disregarding his needs.
➺ No. No, he couldn't blackmail you he couldn't hurt you. He needed you to satisfy him like only you do. He wasn't one to question why he was so desperately in need of you, he didn't ask why, or how, or what because he was fine with being obsessed with you he's fine. With it. You are his drug and he was perfectly fine with being addicted. No need to wonder or worry. What could anyone really expect Kano's unethical and morally incorrect.
➺ You pushed yourself up off the bar counter as the hard oak rubbed way too harshly on your bare back. Kano groaned and pulled his cock out of you, stumbling backward till he stumbled into a booth. You smirked and jumped off the bar picking up your clothes and walking about in the nude "You're pathetic." You say chugging a bottle of alcohol after. "Mhm. Same time tomorrow?" Kano asks slightly hopefully. "I'm busy. I'll be back whenever I decide to."
➺ "You'll be mine. I don't care what I have to do. I'll kill the special Forces just for you."
𝔟𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔨𝔞 -
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➺ You wanted Tarkatans to die. You wanted to cleanse Outworld of them, why? Who knows, most say you just decided to pick the most sadistic pastime and that was to kill the Tarkatans. Others said you were hired by the Great Emperor Shao Kahn to kill the Tarkatans and hopefully Baraka at the same time for....downsizing.
➺ The first time the Fakas of the Tarkatans saw you was when you burned down one of his villages and he was helping his people escape. He saw your silhouette a shadow atop a hill standing there staring at the chaos. He dropped everything he was doing and ran towards the figure but when he got atop the hill no one was there except for this sweet scent that lingered in the air. It smelled like the exotic fruits of Outworld. It also smelled like Tarkatan blood.
➺ When he tracked you down all those days ago he had not expected to get beaten in Kombat and he certainly hadn't expected to find the person who was assaulting him to be so damn attractive and he sure as shit wasn't expecting to find himself harder than all the rocks in hell. When you straddle him during the fight to finish the job you certainly were not counting on whatever was snug between your warm thighs getting bigger with each movement.
➺ That was the initial start of this sexual relationship. You would sneak into the Tarkatans war camp, crawl under the tent flaps, and into bed with him where he would fuck you till the day after tomorrow.
➺ Every time you left his company after having him you were always left with at least 10 permanent scars along your lower back, hips, and thighs. What you did note was that he must have had a breeding kink or some such because by the end of it all he left quite the mess on you.
➺ Tarkatans were territorial so perhaps the first sign of his growing obsession for you was when he bit your neck permanently leaving his mark on your skin that told other Tarkatans you were his.
➺ The second time something was wrong was when he found you flirting with someone, naturally for the sake of gaining information, and when he spotted this he swiftly eliminated the person you attempted to fancy. This caused some wild hate sex that made Baraka growl to the moon and back.
➺ For all these days he gave into his lust for you, left low Morale to his people. They distrusted his leadership, believing he was being controlled by an earthrealmer slut, believing he lost his sense of honor as he had no wish to avenge the fallen Tarkatans that died by your hands. He fought a fellow challenger every day in an attempt to beat his loyalty out of them to which it partially worked. For every fight came another fuck at night. He wondered if he was doing the right thing as a leader....as the Fakas to the Tarkatans. But he couldn't resist you. You brought out the animal in him. Satisfied his lust. He needed you like he needed air.
➺ He attempted to hold you to him. To keep your body close. No matter how sweat-ridden the both of you were. He wanted to breathe in the sweet scent of your skin. Trail his long tongue along your thighs the next time he wakes up. Play with you till you begged him to fuck you. Mark your chest with his cum. But you still pulled away "You think I belong to you." You said. "Don't you? I've ruined you for another man, I spilled my seed in you every day." Baraka growled stroking his cock at the sight of you standing up, your body "Heh. You belong to me. You're mine. I will never be yours. Claim another and I'll bury you with them."
➺ "Don't you know a koin has two sides? I'll hurt you and whatever man or woman dare take you from me. I'll kill them."
𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔯𝔰 𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢: Hey y'all it's Leif here, hope you enjoyed this work! If you like it lemme know. Writing this I was listening to "FU in my head" by Cloudy June. I recommend listening to it while reading!
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Gif Credits:
Shao Kahn gif by solidsmax
Johnny Cage gif by mortal-kombat11
Scorpion gif by mortal-kombat 11
Sub-Zero gif by hollywoods-star
Bi-Han from the movie Mortal Kombat gif by temporaryusername2015
Jax gif by thedestinysunknown
Kano gif by fortheloveofaminorcharacter
Baraka gif by raidentalfloss
Anime Cigarette Case by fly-me-to-the-moon
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behindthesoul · 8 months
hii, dear! could you write a smoke x princess!reader request? (a small detail is that reader's Mileena and Kitana's sister.) but if you can and want, of course. 🥺
Smoke Dating Outworld’s Princess
Tomas swore he heard wedding bells ringing when he first laid eyes on you. His eyes immediately softened, and he couldn’t stop sneaking glances at you.
Kuai Liang encouraged him to talk to you, and just a few short months later, you were together.
Tomas just can’t believe that he has the privilege of courting a royal. His favorite thing to do is call you your highness. He finds it funny when you roll your eyes and laugh, before telling him to drop the formalities.
If you ask him to join you at any formal events, his eyes will widen. Even if you’ve been together for years, he’s still shocked that you want to show him off at royal banquets.
You haven’t had many opportunities to speak to Kuai Liang, so you don’t know him too well. On the flip side, Kuai knows everything about you. He knows your favorite color, your favorite food, and the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you; all because Tomas never stops gushing about his princess. Kuai smiles and nods during these moments. He’s happy for his brother, but doesn’t understand why he has to know your shoe size.
A princess seemingly has never ending duties, and a Lin Kuei never rests. The two of you are often busy and cannot meet as much as you’d like. At night, it’s not uncommon for Tomas to sneak into the palace and knock on your bedroom window, asking if he can talk to you. You’ll either let him into your room, and you cuddle until he has to leave, or the two of walk the palace gardens until sunrise. You’re both a little sleepy the next morning.
Being Sindel’s youngest daughter has its challenges. You often feel like you live in your sisters’ shadow. Your mother loves you very much, but her attention is drawn to your eldest sister, the future empress. If you ever feel insecure in your place in the royal family, Tomas is there to comfort you.
He praises your beauty, your smarts, your kombat skills, and your efforts to help the people of Outworld. He never wants you to feel less than your sisters.
During these moments, he’ll try to jokingly lift your spirits by calling you my empress instead of your highness or my princess.
There comes a time where Tomas wishes to be your husband. He wonders what a royal wedding would be like; will the two of you just have your closest friends and family in attendance, or will all of Outworld bear witness to your ceremony?
He imagines you in the most dramatic wedding dress ever. One created by the finest designers in all the realms, and tailored to your body to fit nice and snug. Tomas knows he’ll cry on your wedding day, but for now he has to hold back tears at the thought, or else you’ll think he’s upset.
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sundo-li · 7 months
Intro Dialogue ❥ Flirty | 1 [Royalty]
I'm new to the fandom so don't be too hard on me. Raiden, Liu Kang, the Lin Kuei and the Royal family has my heart. Anyway, I wanted to start writing for them and this is the start of that. Enjoy! xoxo [In the future, if people want male reader content I can do that as well].
❥ female reader x the royal family + li mei ❥ intro dialogue
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──── · · · ❥ SINDEL
❥ | Who's your queen? ❥ | You are, my love. Always and Forever.
❥ | Who would have thought I would have fallen for someone after Jerrod. ❥ | No one but us, my Queen.
❥ | Do you think my daughter will flourish as ruler of outworld? ❥ | If they are as strong minded as you, I know they will, my queen.
❥ | From paramour to being your equal. ❥ | What can I say, you made quite the impression on me.
❥ | Your beauty is unmatched. ❥ | You flatter me, my beloved.
❥ | You’ve made quite an impression on the Royal court. ❥ | *Laughs* I'm only concerned with impressing you.
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──── · · · ❥ MILEENA
❥ | Even with the Tarkat disease, you're beautiful. ❥ | Flattery will get you no where, Queen.
❥ | You don't think I would make a excellent Queen alongside you? ❥ | *Sigh* By the gods-
❥ | You're not disgusted by my disease? ❥ | Heaven's no. Mildly intrigued.
❥ | Empress, do you want to see if I'll bite? ❥ | Is that a promise?
❥ | Are you going to fight me for my throne? ❥ | I'm going to fight for you love.
❥ | Am I to fight Tanya for your love? ❥ | Best you win, Empress.
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──── · · · ❥ KATANA
❥ | Do you have eyes for me, Queen? ❥ | Of course.
❥ | How would you serve by my side, Princess? ❥ | With a iron fist. Let me show you.
❥ | There’s a fire about you that has enchanted me. ❥ | Let me put a spell on you.
❥ | My heart burns for you. ❥ | By the gods, have you been hanging out with Johnny?
❥ | How are you this stunning, Princess? ❥ | Simple. My mother.
❥ | Enchanting is the word you used for me, yes? ❥ | Enchanting. Beautiful. Gorgeous. All the above.
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──── · · · ❥ LI MEI
❥ | You trust me, Queen? ❥ | With my life.
❥ | What role would I have in your kingdom, Empress? ❥ | With me, you won't have to worry about such trivial matters.
❥ | Come be my queen. ❥ | I-I’m flattered but I belong in Sun Do.
❥ | You deserve to be treated with respect and loved with a passionate fire. ❥ | I deserve this for letting Jerrod die. Though I’m flattered.
❥ | Are all Constables as stunning as you? ❥ | *flustered* I-I don’t know. Beauty is subjective.
❥ | What will it take for you to accept me? ❥ | Beat me in combat and we’ll see where it goes.
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© 2023 › SunDo-Li || All Rights Reserved. 🐰 DO NOT Copy, Translate, Re-Upload, or Steal ANY of my work. Thank You!
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partycatty · 3 months
so i made a post about revenant johnny and i’m totally aware you saw it so what about a smut fic with revenant johnny??
i’m not entirely sure how we’d get to that part and i’d like to think we aren’t a revenant. im not entirely sure what the plot would be but i really just need to get my back blown out by revenant johnny
love ya 💙💙
revenant!older!johnny cage > join me
revenant johnny meets you after his turning. the carnal desire never vanished.
warnings: kinda angsty, not explicitly consented to, you get SLAMMED TO POUND TOWN AND BACK. NETHERREALM AND BACK. OUTWORLD AND B— oh also lore adjustment to mk9 and mk11 :3
[ masterlist ]
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you didn't think recent events could get any weirder, truly. just five years prior you lost the love of your life to a corrupted sindel, and with the knowledge that his cursed corpse sauntered beside a sorcerer such as quan chi, you honestly felt like coming face to face with a younger version of yourself was the most normal thing to occur. your job as a leader of the special forces was to capture and eliminate all threats to earthrealm, including but not limited to your former husband.
now under the command of a previous timeline's raiden among others, you had built enough of an army to counterattack what you lovingly called the zombified versions of your once-friends, liu kang and kitana. kronika was a force beyond your understanding but you knew that losing all you'd come to build would be a loss greater than... well, no. it was everything you'd lose.
at the bow of kharon's ship, you stood with a loaded rifle alongside a band of people you'd grown to admire; jax, jacqui, cassie, raiden, liu kang, kitana, kung lao, fujin, nightwolf, and of course a younger version of johnny. he nudges your side, aiming his own rifle at the sky with a hand on his hip.
"i hope we don't die out there, i'd love to tap that someday," he coos into your direction, perhaps louder than intended and earning horrified looks from everyone - including your fatherless daughter. you stomp on johnny's foot. perhaps you would have fallen for his charms in the past, but dear god was he more punchable than ever in that moment. even still, you miss his quips and jabs. what you wouldn't give to see the color return to his cracked, hellish skin.
"it is an honor to fight alongside most of you," you call out, facing forward as your subtle dig at younger johnny makes him frown. "raiden says it better. may the elder gods protect us."
it's not long before the large boat scrapes against the shore of the island, and your entire army charges into battle. guns, swords, and fangs spill so much blood, you could smell more iron than when you were riding down the crimson sea. your thoughts are cut short when a path opens, and you shoot a glance to your comrades.
"i see an opening!" you shout, pointing. "i'm going in!" a chorus of encouragements and cheers fill your ears atop the war cries, and the one that stands out most is cassie. your daughter's voice raises, slipping into grief mid-battle.
"if you find dad," she cries, praying to the gods that she won't lose both parents. "tell him i love him!" the knowledge that this battle will end in only one of you making it out alive terrifies her beyond belief but she does all she can to keep a strong face and salute you as you disappear in the crowd. cassie knows that a revenant version of johnny wouldn't fully understand, wouldn't fully accept her love, but she couldn't die or have him die without expressing it one last time.
you weave, shoot and slash through the crowd and end up in a castle-like structure. perhaps if you were to rise to the top you could use the position as surveillance or sniping. you could possibly even find a weak point. the building is just distant enough for the war to hardly reach the inside. your breathing and the sound of boots hitting stone are all you could focus on as you turn a corner.
blood rushes to your ears and you could feel your vision become glassy at the sight of the figure at the end of the hallway. even after all this time, you knew that shape. johnny stood in the dead center of the long hall, arms crossed and waiting like he predicted your arrival. maybe he did.
"no, nonono," you pant, leaning against the wall as your brows furrow. "not you. not now." the grief you thought you conquered washes over you.
"well i'll be damned," johnny smirks, pulling his sunglasses from his face and tucking them into his shirt. "long time no see, sugar." he takes long strides to you and your legs feel embarrassingly weak when you slide to the ground, gun clattering to the stone surface alongside you.
"anyone but you—" you're muttering under your breath, trying to ground your spiraling thoughts. "please."
johnny's in front of you now, kneeling down to meet your gaze. his skin is paled and crackling with a hellish glow, and his eyes are a heinous reddish shade. the outfit he wore was similar in style to his usual, but darker in palette and slightly edgier. in any other context, it was a good look.
"you look just as good as the day i left you," he grins, dismissing your grief and turmoil for flirtation. you want to fight back so bad, to shove him away and put an end to this but dammit it was the first time you'd heard that voice, that damn voice.
"why did you leave me? cassie?" you're involuntarily sobbing now, full of conflict. "why are you doing this?"
"you're the one causing this entire problem," johnny's defensive, jabbing a finger to your chest. "kronika's new era can save us. neither of us join the military. can you imagine it? white picket fence, two dogs and a daughter, home cooked meals every night and none of this bullshit—!" johnny's arm extends out to a nearby window, giving you both a view of the demon-human-demigod war on time. "—baby. join me. we could have everything we've ever dreamed of." his tone isn't as desperate and loving as it should be. it sounded... pushy. frustrated that you're disobeying what he wants.
"no," you choke out, tears flowing freely now. "you're being played a fool, johnny." he doesn't like your answer, and instead wraps a large hand around your small neck. he slides you back up the wall and spins you, your front now pressed up against a wall.
"you know what i'd miss more than your stubbornness?" he growls into your ear. his hand pressing hold on the back of your head is brewing a headache that quickly fizzles away when his other hand tugs your hips toward his front. you swallow, afraid to reply. "this sweet ass."
his cold, dead hand plays with the fat of your ass which spills a growl from his lips. instinctively rutting into you makes you spill an involuntary whimper out, craving his touch after so long.
"always a pain in my ass," johnny groans, slapping a cheek and watching it bounce. "i've gone years without it, i was practically losing my damn mind."
"johnny—" you barely breathe out. you're not entirely sure what you were going to say anyway. the warmth of his hardness shocks you as it slides up and down your clothed ass.
"mm?" he hums, transfixed on the way your behind fits his cock nicely. it was clear he wasn't fully listening and instead relishing in your presence once again.
as if he could read your thoughts, johnny chuckles to himself and kicks the rifle away, only stopping his humping momentarily to remove your defenses. your legs slightly part to try and catch the gun with your foot, accidentally giving him more access to your embarrassingly needy cunt.
"yeah, fuckin' speechless," he growls, hissing at the sight of your soaked bottoms. "bet you missed my cock, yeah?"
you could hardly even whimper from the onslaught of emotion. johnny's hand snakes to the front of your neck, forcibly arching your back as he pulls to lean into your ear.
"join me," he demands coldly.
johnny's hand dips under your waistband.
"join me," he demands again, tone getting progressively more animalistic as he tugs downward.
your pants are practically torn off as he grabs a fistful and tugs them to your knees with his mind-numbing strength. you weren't sure if he ripped your panties or tugged them off too. you hear something unbuckle on his end, and his hot, wet tip tickles your entrance.
"last chance." even though his hand returned to shove you into the stone wall, you could hear his cocky grin.
"go fuck yourself," you spit, realizing your grave choice of wording.
"i'll do you one better." he slams his entire cock inside of you, and it immediately settles into your walls like it was made to bury itself there for all of eternity. even still, going without dick that good leaves your pussy burning and on the verge of crying for other reasons.
he bottoms out quick, leaning back to admire how nicely he settles inside of you.
"well fuck, look at that," he says with genuine amusement in his tone. "you look so pretty stretched out on me like this, it's a sight for sore eyes."
your fingers claw at the stone, eyes rolling back as you take his full length without verbal complaint. as you pathetically attempt to protest, all you can sputter out are disconnected syllables. johnny's thrusts start off slow but he snaps into you as he reaches the base inches.
"all this whining but you're fuckin' soaked," he laughs, snapping into you harshly to hear you cry out. "you're a horrible liar, you know. you wanna join me, i can f — haah —" his own cocky nonsense is cut short when you clench around him. he lurches forward in shock, moving both hands to your hips to deepen his grip. "i can feel how tight you are for me."
in little to no time, johnny's cock is pounding into you at a breakneck pace, a horrid slapping sound echoing off of the castle walls as they mix with your obscene moans and his deep grunts. you're sure he's piling more unholy words into you but they feel so far away when he's plowing into you like a dying man — well.
his cracked, grey fingers grope you shamelessly, pinching your nipple through your uniform or rubbing rapid circles into your clit. the pleasure is too much too quickly and you feel a warmth pooling in your stomach as your juices coat his shaft.
a gasp escapes your lips with each thrust, your husband quite literally knocking the wind out of you each time he slams into you.
"i missed you," he purrs out, and just like that all hesitation and guilt you had flew away as his words made you cum hard. a glimpse of his humanity poured through at your orgasm, and while it was flattering, you had bigger problems to worry about then, including just how hard you came.
each wave of pleasure was met with an extra thrust for good measure, a pulse shooting to your clit that makes your knees buckle. what you quickly realize however is that your zombie husband isn't done with your body quite yet.
"oh, no no no," he tuts, thrusts getting wilder and filling you to the point of tears. "you're done when i'm done. this is what you get."
your sensitive walls continued to shamefully take every inch he forced into you, and you could writhe and twitch as a drop of drool spills from your lip. this revenant was fucking you stupid, using your body for all it was worth in the moment. you hated yourself for falling for his undead charm all over again. your vision was going black and starry before another orgasm rode up on you again, johnny's back shots doing nothing to soothe the overstimulation that was racking your body. it's not long before he's whining too, which turns into his signature whimpering when he fucks into you harshly, spewing his cum inside of you like he owns you. you cum with him this time, flooding with your own juice mixed with his cum that now coated your walls nicely.
tears still burned in your eyes, and so did your pussy from the unexpected stretch. johnny panted above you, face turned up at the ceiling as he tries to compose himself.
"holy..." he pants, wiping the sweat from his face with his arm. he wraps an arm around you and slaps at your bare pussy, making you yelp and jump back against his dick that's still buried inside. you swallow thickly and nod, too hazy to make sense of it all.
"i..." what the hell were you going to say? what is there to say after all of this? you're dumbfounded, fucked silly but torn apart by grief. as you crane your neck to look at johnny, you find that he's already looking at you with a coy expression. like he robbed you of something. tore your very being apart piece by piece and was proud.
"hope you're not mad at me for the whole dying thing, by the way."
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iliketangerines · 2 months
So I have a headcanon that some places in outworld or just some places in the mk universe have celebrations like rio carnival- with the outfits and dancers- so hear me out- earth realm boys going to outworld for the tournament and there’s a celebration for the tournament going on and reader is the dancer- she’s all dressed up in what they wear ((which is really revealing but also absolutely stunning)) and sings heavenly. The song what is love gave by Janelle Monàe gave me this though- you should totally listen to you.
what is love
a/n: i actually love that song fr
pairing: gn!reader x kung lao, raiden, johnny cage, kenshi takahashi
warnings: none :)
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you sit in the dressing room, mussing your hair and making sure it looked perfect for the event, and you apply a final layer of gloss on your lips
you inspect your appearance one more time, standing up to smooth down the dresses in your costume that barely covers your chest and rides up your thighs everytime you walk
but you don’t mind, and you wink at yourself in the mirror to give yourself a bit of confidence before exiting the dress room and wait by the sides of the stage
you can see everyone in there, Empress Sindel and her daughters, General Shao and his loyal dog Reiko, everyone which you’ve sang for before
but this time, you see the Earthrealmers, and you stare at them with wide eyes from between the curtains
they’re quite interesting, dressed different compared to everyone in the room, and it fascinates you
you’ve already seen Liu Kang many many times for different tournaments, and the god spots you peeking through the curtains and gives you a small nod
you smile in response before disappearing behind the curtains to wait for your cue to get up on stage and perform
you hear the music start to play, and you come from behind the curtains and present yourself, hands tracing up your body and lifting the material slightly
you take a few deep breaths and listen for the musical cue and start to sing, sweeping your eyes over the people in the banquet hall before settling your gaze on the Earthrealmers
you smile at them and weave your way through the crowd, singing high and clear, and they watch you enraptured by the way you sway your hips and make your way toward them
they’ll never be here for another tournament, and so you decide to give them a bit of a special treat, crooning at them as you tilt the head up of a man with a bladed hat
he gives you a cocky smirk and holds onto your hand gently and kisses the back of it, and you shoot him a wink as you continue to sing
your hand traces over the shoulders of their champion that you had seen earlier fight against Li Mei, and he flushes pink
you smile at his shyness, and he gives you a gentle smile
you walk away from him and approach another man dressed in purple and silver armor with brown hair, and he gives you a large smirk
you approach him, and he stands up holding out his hand for you to take
you take his hand, singing loud and clear, and he spins you in a small circle and gives you a small wink
you just trace his jawline as you move past him, sending him a small glance as you approach the final Earthrealm champion, a man with dark hair and red armor
he doesn’t smile at you, just gives a hard glare, and he crosses his arms as if sizing you up
you smile at him, singing out the last part of your chorus, and you trace his jaw and tilt his head up to look at you, leaning in close as you sing out the last part of the song
you can hear the banquet applause, and you see a slight flush color the man’s cheeks
it’s all you need as you prance away from the table and start your next song, making your rounds through the tables and giving the other guests a similar treatment
at the end of your act, you go back to the stage and finish off strong before giving a deep bow and going off stage
you give the Earthrealmers one final peek and find them staring after you, and you give them a friendly wave and disappear behind the curtains
you would haunt their dreams with your beautiful and haunting voice, always wanting you and needing more
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