realkishibebf · 1 year
Astrology Observations
(by a non professional, don’t take this to serious I’m just saying things I’ve seen happen a lot).
(English is not my first language, so if there’s any misspellings I’m really sorry).
I’ve noticing that our Juno might not be literally about the sun/venus/mars sign of our future spouse, but it really talk about the characteristics that make we want to build a home with these people.
People who have Virgo Juno feel unhappy with people who doesn’t pay attention to the details of the relationship. Virgo Junos don’t like people who doesn’t remember important or meaningful dates, it feels like we don’t really have earned a place in their heart and we don’t matter at all.
So maybe even if don’t are really just into virgos, we appreciate their qualities, and people who developed those Virgo’ characteristics (just like observance, pragmatism, down-to-earth, organized or good at planning) can easily catch our heart.
Also, I think that it can be easier if you s/o have importante placements in the same element of your Juno sign.
For example my best friend have Juno in Leo, and she fell in love with a sagittarius boy who doesn’t have Leo placements but he developed a lot of characteristics that usually are attributed to leos (such as a kind and charismatic persona, honest and direct to point, generous and sensitive, he appears to have a big golden heart too), but all of those characteristics could be also attributed to a developed sagittarius (sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, They can be just as “extra” or even more than Sun ruled people).
People who have Leo Juno tend to like the stereotyped golden retriever guys (my bsf always fell for this type).
I’ve noticed that people usually mistake Cancer suns as other sun signs, such as Leo, Gemini or Taurus. Maybe because people don’t really know Cancer placements characteristics and just stereotype them as crybabies.
I’m 3rd house Cancer Sun and people often mistake me as a Gemini or a Leo, they don’t really expect charisma and charm from us cancers.
I’ve been mistake as a Taurus too, but I’m a Taurus rising so I guess that’s why, but I’ve seen other Cancer suns who doesn’t have Taurus placements be mistaken as a Taurus very often (maybe because of Taurus charming and nurturing nature).
As a Taurus rising I’ve been noticing that the people I look up the most are Taurus Suns (they’re so beautiful and charming to me, it feels like they’re the most precious people of the world 🥹🩷).
I’ve noticed that people usually struggle handling their sister signs. Especially if that’s the first time they have to handle their sister signs energy.
As a Cancer I can’t really handle Capricorn Sun men (I love all my cap sun women 🫶💕), but in the other hand I enjoy cap venuses (and I can handle and enjoy their energy).
My mother is a Virgo, with a lot of Virgo placements and she can’t handle Pisces dreamy/delusional energy lol.
My father is a Capricorn and he can’t really handle my cancer ass, he have always tried to change my cancer nature and even when he failed he is still trying.
I had a lot of Pisces friends, and I haven’t seen a single Pisces who enjoyed their time with virgos lol.
All my sagittarius besties don’t really liked Geminis, but they always somehow fall for 3rd houses (the 3rd house is ruled by Gemini).
All Taurus men I’ve met have preferences in other earth signs women, and can fall for Pisces or Cancer, but I’ve never seen they choosing Scorpio women (Scorpio women are perfect 🫶💕 I love y’all🥹).
That’s all for this time, thank you for reading. 🫶💕
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mooniethecake · 1 year
What’s the thing about Capricorn moons actually enjoying Aries moons? I think that’s amazing
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amaylah · 3 months
which chart is stronger?
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pinchan · 1 year
O and U for the ask game!
O. Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
(the first three songs my shuffle gave me: come back home by two doors cinema, homura by lisa, and love the subhuman self for the love of god help me)
OK FOURTH SONG IS little black submarines by the black keys which is a ridiculously alex kralie song and the way the singer calls for the operator repeatedly throughout the song is a fun bonus. it is my alex kralie anthem
U. Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
kenjaku (jjk): batshit crazy scientist but also the chillest guy around. always having fun at the expanse of others. i love me a fun-loving villain with no morality
kasukabe (drhdr): batshit crazy scientist but also the chillest guy around x2 combo. also a wife guy. haze probably asked him to dissect her for fun. whats not to love
tao (gokurakugai): ok ive only read the one shot so idk much abt her yet but my god her design hits so many of my good spots its almost embarrassing. i love that shes a bitch i love that shes got an attitude i hope she carries that energy through the rest of the series
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astrologcigdemakkaya · 6 months
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İlişkiye Doyamayan,İlişkide Doymayan Modern İnsanın Temel Sorunu: Sürdürülebilirlik-Kalıcılık Üzerine
Astrolojide ilişki kimyası, haritalarda hormon gezegenleri olarak da tabir ettiğimiz gece gezegenlerinden okunur. (Ay-Venüs-Mars) karşılaşmada ve yakınlaşmada hissedilecek temel duygular ve nedenleri iki haritada bu gezegenlerin karşılıklı yerleşimleri ve birbirlerine bakışlarından çözümlenmeye çalışılır dolayısıyla insanlar birbirlerine önce duyacakları haz ihtimaliyle yanaşır ancak gel gör ki haz ve mutluluk birbiriyle bağlantılı olsa da farklı durumlardır. Mutluluk içinde sürdürülebilirlik va kalıcılık barındırmalıdır. Yeniçağda, insanın elinde haz alabileceği bir sürü oyuncağı var ama mutsuz çünkü haz odaklı bir tüketim bilinci pompalanarak, kullanılıyor ve günün sonunda hazza giden yolda dökülmüş, psikolojisi ve bedeni alt-üst olmuş bir insan sürüsü kalıyor geriye.
Peki sürdürülebilir, doyumlu bir ilişkinin anahtarı nedir; astrolojiye göre Satürn(Satürn, ilişkiyi anlatan Terazi burcunda yücelir. ) Çarpışma anından sonrasına Satürnyen öğeler katılabilen her ilişki doyumlu hale gelir ancaak Satürn bu, kısa yoldan gitmeyi asla sevmez. Peki nedir bu temalar: ilişkilerde karşılıklı olarak : emek, saygı, doğru sınırlar, ilişkinin içersinde belirlenen kurallara riayet, anne baba ve aile büyüklerinin doğru konumlanması, birlikte bir değer üretebilme, haklı çıkma ya da savunma gayesiyle değil anlamak , öğrenmek için dinleme, hayatın getireceği zorluklara karşı (satürn temaları: parasızlık, yoksulluk, hastalık, kayıp vb.)beraber göğüs gerebilme cesareti, vb.. liste böyle uzayıp gidiyor demek ki gerçek doyuma giden yol zannedildiği gibi içinde sadece haz değil başka bir sürü öğe barındırıyor bu da bir insanda derinleşme cesaretini gösterebilene verilir ve evet mutluluk özünde cesaret ister…
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momotabear · 1 year
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hello hi sorry for radio silence i joined the @nanagobb
it was my first time doing something like this and im incredibly happy i got to be partnered with @sinastrie and @meziniart!! I'm sure that the works they created are incredible so go and look!!! right now!!!!!
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sinastrie · 10 months
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hello! nana (my 3 year old bunny) just had surgery this month and i am left without enough money to pay rent 💥 she is doing good now and thankfully recovering really well, but i'm left in a very tough spot. sharing is very appreciated!! 💖
i also have a kofi if anyone feels like helping out more :]
feel free to ask me any questions on dms or contact me via email or discord!
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My HuaLian Big Bang Fic is up!
Hey all, I've posted the Perfect Forms, the fic I wrote for the @hualianbigbang 2023
You can check it out here! The absolutely gorgeous art that @sinastrie did for this fic can be found here:
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fakhriia · 1 year
Reinkarnasiyadan evvel tanış olub olmadığımız nece bilinir ki? Başa sala bilərsiz?
sinastri dediyimiz cütlük xəritəsindən bilmək olur
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hualianbigbang · 1 year
@weepingpussywillowtree and @sinastrie share a memory with us, posting begins 6/17!
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lunaapudleonem · 2 years
Hi~ what do you think of Venus conj ASC and Saturn in sinastry? (I am the asc person, those placements are in cap 25°)
Nice! The Venus person is very attracted to the ASC person (they find them very physically attractive - almost irresistable). The conjunction with Saturn indicates that this might turn into a long term relationship ♡. Be careful once you do become a serious couple that you don't fall into a boring and predictable routine.
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the-moon-devi · 1 year
Boda PC Moodboard: Venus :)
Hii, hope you are doing fine!!❤️ I would like to join your new game! I am fine with both the ask and the feedback being public!
1) I have Venus in Leo at 24⁰ in 5th house; Venus conjunct Sun, conjunct mercury, trine Pluto
2) my initials are MK
3) i would like 8 images; 16,1,9,23,12,7,17,8
4) I really liked your posts about sinastry and composite aspects, i am always curious to see how every placement plays out. Also the Baker asteroid post! I found it really cute and entertaining😊
Thank you so much for your time and energy, and for hosting the game!!❤️
Hey!! I hope your having a beautiful day!! I'm happy to hear you enjoy my composite aspects!! Thank you for your explanation! 😁🥰💞
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Channeled Messages:
Mauve & Blue
Flowy Dresses
Flowers in hair/ Flower Crown
Willow trees / Wisteria flowers
Sunny day/ Children
So for your 1st card you got the queen of cups! I'm getting watery and dreamy vibes from this. You may actually look like a nature goddess for your wedding!!! People will see you as enchanting. You could get maried next to water or your wedding may have blue incorporated. I'm definitely feeling like your wedding will have a lot of foresty things involved. The next card is 5 of cups! So much water energy omg! The weather may be a little foggy. That's crazy because before I pulled cards I was seeing a cloudy sky. So maybe it rains and with your venus at 24 degrees,this just explains this furthermore! Don't let the rain get you down if it does rain! It may be hot as well so maybe you get married in a area where there's a lot of humidity.
KING OF CUPS~ OMG!!!!! So you have a pair. You and your person will literally be meant for each other! You or your person could have water in your chart prominently. I'm also getting the two of you may be matching! There is alot of water energy for some reason so you definitely will get married near a body of water. At the bottom of the deck was The Strength card so this Leo energy is coming out as well. Animals may be involved. Overall the aesthetic for your wedding will be very youthful and nature may have a big impact on how your wedding looks. You and your person share a spiritual connection. Your wedding may be popular as well!! Your aesthetic shines and feels free!! Something unexpected could happen at your wedding!
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Hi! I have a curiosity about a sinastry aspect. My bf has a Gemini descendant. My moon and Venus, however, are in the first degrees of cancer - which let them still fall in his 7 house synastry. I know it’s just a matter of few degrees, but are these 7h aspects strong as my moon and Venus were actually in Gemini? Is him actually perceiving my moon and Venus as they were in his descendant? Hope it’s clear. Bye 🫶🏻
Your moon and venus are in cancer so they most likely fall in his 6th house. And if its in the first degree it might be too far.
The placements are strong regardless, doesnt have to be in the 7th house. With your moon and venus in his 6th house, you comfort him in the areas of routine, day to day activities, planning, & work.
Honestly, if you can show me what degrees your moon/venus is in as well as his descendant that would work.. Im not sure what youre asking me.
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astrogastrous-blog · 4 months
Sinastri Haritası Nedir? Sinastri haritaları karşılaştırılmalı haritalardır. Sinastri haritasında iki haritayı karşılaştırarak gezegenlerden çıkan verilerin ışığında yorumlama yapılır. Bu rapor sayesinde iki tane doğum haritasının eşlettiği noktalar ortaya çıkar. Aynı zamanda da iki harita arasında uyum detaylı bir şekilde incelenir. Sinastri haritalarında çıkan yorum zamanın haritasına göre…
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ghostlyturtlefart · 5 months
bak bence jensen benden hoşlanır hani gencim güzelim yani o zaman da olcam tamam mı mal değilse erkekse hoşlanır benden bak normalde bizden olur 29 yaş benim pek umrumda değil hâlâ normal karizma yakışıklı olduğu sürece ama ben geleceğim zaman karısıyla hâlâ evli olur mu bilmiyorum bir de jensenın çocukları fasa fiso var bu jensen da aşkım ucube olduğu için geleneklere hafif takıntılıymış yani en azından aşk alanında juno oğlak olduğu için zaten bu fanlarına da alttan alttan belli ediyordu gelenekçi olduğunu, hemen "kusursuzca" evlilik sürdürüp çocuk yapması da örnek, benimle olunca benimle olan ilişkisini saklamaya çalışabilir zaten sinastri haritamızda da böyle bir yön vardı ilişki toplumdan saklanabilir diye e işte jensen saklayacak ama böyle bu da benim hoşuma gitmez mi hafiften gidebilir ama valla çakarım diğer kadına gidip benle sadece eğlenirse valla deliririm venüs'üm koç burcunda benim ayrıca juno'm da terazi burcunda daha ne istenir bir kadından jensen aşkın olayım beraber olalım ama yaşlanma ben gelinceye kadar valla çok üzülürüm bütün hayallerim yıkılır offf ama hala yakışıklı olsa ne sevişiriz var ya
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şimdi düşününce onunla çok da olmak istemeyebileceğimi fark ettim çünkü zaten adam şimdi bile yaşlı mk hani tam şimdi olsa ben daha büyük olsam bir yolunu bulup işi pişirmeye çalışabilirdim ama en az bir 6 yılım var gibi 6 yıl sonra olur muyuz ki diğer ünlü erkeklere bakıyorum onlar da hiç iyi değil mkk ya çok kısalar ya da çok mal. benimkiyle de arada yaş farkı çok. 30 nerdeyse aminakoyim ama sevişirdim. belki hâlâ yakışıklı olur o zaman oluruz.
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uzaktanegitim · 7 months
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