#shrinky clinks
softsnzstuff · 1 year
kb !!!! here’s some. questions !
what is a place you want to visit before you die?
what is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
what was your favorite trend from your childhood (mine is silly bands idc)
what song would you kill do hear for the first time again?
okay that’s all :]
Hi Bee!!! These are fucking amazing questions and you really got me thinking here 🤣
•I’m a big BIG traveler!! I think where I really would love to go before I die is an Australia/New Zealand combo trip! Specifically - I’m scuba certified and would love to do the Great Barrier Reef!!!
•I’ve received a lot of really good advice in my lifetime. Like some really genuinely useful advice for like. Finances, adulting, shit that matters. But I think the best piece of advice that resonated with me personally is from my friend Sean. He told me not to let anyone or anything “dim my shine” 💛
•Oooooooh favorite childhood trend… shrinky clinks??? Is that what they’re called?? (Not to be confused with @softersteve ‘s AMAZING Stucky writing lol) - Those Fuckin things where you can turn photos or art into small plastic earrings and charms?? We used to make those at EVERY birthday party ever when I was in elementary school 🤣
•This is THE BEST question and I’ve been thinking about it for several minutes. So this one comes with a story:
“Carry On” by FUN is and has been my go-to depression song since it came out in like 2012. I have a tattoo for it. It saved my life more than once. It’s my song and for some reason it just hella resonated with me and stuck.
At this point it’s been 11 years. I’ve heard it more times than I can count. I think I would love to hear that song again for the first time. Feel all the feels. I’ll probably cry.
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etherealwaifgoddess · 4 years
More Time - Chpt.12
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Summary: It’s first date time at last!   Master list can be found HERE.
Warnings/ Content: Sweet romantic date feels
Word Count: 2.5k
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! We made it to Friday. And after this crazy week, that feels like an accomplishment. I encourage everyone to take some chill time / self care/ relaxation time / whatever you want to call it time, at some point this weekend. Now, please enjoy the most perfect, sweet, romantic first date two super soldiers could ever take a girl on! XOXO - Ash
Chapter Twelve
Emma hadn’t been anywhere as fancy as DaVinci’s in about ten years when her parents had taken her out to celebrate her college graduation. Luckily she had a simple black dress that would work if she added her nicest set of jewelry and pulled her hair half up with a clasp. It was a swing style dress with elbow length sleeves and hidden pockets on the sides. Emma prided herself on her amazing thrift shop find and very begrudgingly pulled on a pair of Spanx to smooth out her silhouette. She was comfortable with her curves but appreciated a little extra support smoothing them out. The set of pearls that her mother had given her when she turned eighteen looked perfect against the plain black dress, a classic look she mused the guys would probably appreciate. Emma didn’t do make up often other than a quick wave of mascara, but she took the time and effort to draw neat lines with tiny wing flicks on her eyes and smoothed on a bold red lipstick. 
She was fixing her hair one last time when the buzzer sounded in her apartment. Emma buzzed them up and smoothed her dress nervously in the mirror one last time. A series of quick knocks rapped on her door and she opened it to welcome the guys inside her apartment. Steve looked like he had swallowed his tongue. “Oh wow.” he said quietly, not budging. 
Bucky chuckled, throwing an arm around Steve’s shoulders to herd him into the apartment. “What Stevie means is: hi Emma you look amazing.” 
Emma was struggling to find words herself. They were both in suits, Bucky in navy blue and Steve in pale grey, and Bucky had pulled his hair back in stylish half up bun. They were both breathtakingly handsome in very different ways and complemented each other perfectly. 
“You both look incredible.” Emma said as she gathered her purse and coat from the living room closet.
“Thanks, doll.” Bucky looked down at Steve who was blushing brightly at her compliment. “You gonna be okay pal?” he asked quietly
Steve nodded and gave Bucky a hesitant smile of assurance. 
Bucky led them down to his waiting car, he wouldn’t be affected by the wine at dinner so it made the most sense for him to drive. But also he just really loved driving his car. He had bought it when the Army back pay came in and it was his one truly extravagant purchase. The government had been less than thrilled to give him the same honor as Steve but after it was publicly proven he had spent the last seventy years as a prisoner of war they had little choice. 
“This is your car.” Emma looked at the sleek black Audi with wide eyes.
“This is her.” Bucky said with pride, opening the passenger side door and letting Steve slide into the back seat. Emma moved to follow but Bucky held onto her arm for a moment, “You can sit up front, doll.” he offered. 
Emma shook her head, “It’s okay, I want to sit with Steve. Not that I don’t want to sit with you too but...” 
Bucky nodded, “You’re not gonna hurt my feelings. Go ahead and squeeze in with Stevie.” 
Bucky helped Emma into the back seat before hurrying around to the driver's seat. “When it gets warmer we can take her down the coast with the top down. There’s nothing like it.” he said after sliding into his side.
“Sounds great.” Emma agreed easily, still surprised by the luxurious car she was sitting in.
Steve gave the back of Bucky’s seat an affectionate shove, “Someone likes showing off his fancy car.” 
“Says the guy who brags about his motorcycle like it’s his first born.” Bucky shot back.
“Hey, it took me years to find a restored Harley Liberator. I loved that bike back in the war and they just don’t make ‘em like they used to.” 
“It’s great, but we can’t take our girl out to dinner on your bike.” 
“Well, I could. You’d just have to stay at home.” 
Bucky shook his head when he saw Steve sticking his tongue out at him in the rear-view mirror. 
Emma bit her lip trying not to laugh, glad Steve seemed to be loosening up a little. She reached out and took his hand in hers. He looked over at her, seeming to remember she was there again, and he swallowed hard. “Hey.” she said quietly, trying to relax him a little.
“Hey.” he replied, his tone equally hushed. 
Slowly Emma got Steve to come out of his shell as they chatted quietly in the backseat. Bucky was thankful Emma had picked up on his nervousness and was willing to take the time to calm him down a little. She seemed to really get Steve and it was a blessing. Not every girl was willing to take the time and patience but Emma did it as easy as breathing. He hadn’t seen Steve so smitten right off the bat since Peggy and he hoped his instincts were right about Emma. 
Steve enjoyed watching Emma look around, drinking in all the little details of the restaurant as they were led through the dining room to a secluded booth near the back. It was a beautiful restaurant, the dim lighting shimmering off the chandeliers and playing off the deep wood tones. The tables were set far enough apart to keep the ambient noise subdued and the scent of fresh bread and herbs lingered in the air. The booths were wide, heavily padded semicircles and Steve and Bucky took advantage of their design to sit on opposite sides of Emma. 
Emma tried not to look as overwhelmed as she felt but it was a little surreal sitting between two of the most stunning men she’d ever seen, in a restaurant she could only ever dream of seeing the inside of. “How is this my life?” she murmured quietly to herself. 
Steve was sitting with Emma on the side of his good ear and he just barely caught the quiet comment to herself. Bucky’s enhanced hearing caught it easily and they shared a pleased look across her. They had wanted to give her an unforgettable night and it appeared they were succeeding. 
The waiter welcomed them back to DaVinci’s and took their drink orders, Steve ordering a bottle of wine for them to share. Emma folded her hands in her lap, still feeling a little off kilter when the sommelier stopped by to uncork their bottle. Steve sipped and nodded, prompting the man to pour their glasses. After stowing the bottle in a caddy by their table the man hurried off leaving them back in their solitude. 
“I didn’t know you were so well versed in wine.” Emma commented, sipping the rich red he had selected. 
“I’m not, really, but we’ve been to enough fancy parties to learn what words to look out for. I’d be just as happy with a bottle of two buck chuck.” 
Emma bit back a laugh, “I have a bottle at home right now. You might have to put your money where your mouth is.”
Steve shook his head, “I will drink it happily. There is nothing wrong with Trader Joe’s wine.” 
“Heathens.” Bucky interjected haughtily before sipping from his glass.
Steve raised an eyebrow at him, “Should I share the story about that time you drank bathtub gin with Danny O’Neil and got so sick your ma thought you were dyin’?” 
Bucky’s eyes widened, “I was fifteen and the only reason you didn’t drink it was because you were getting over pneumonia. Again.” 
“You were sixteen and I told you that bathtub looked dirty.”
They shared a look and both erupted into laughter. 
“I don’t want to know.” Emma said, shaking her head at them. 
The tension was relieved though and gradually conversation flowed easier. By the time their meals arrived they were talking like they would have if they were back at Matty’s. The platters in front of them were enormous and artfully presented. The restaurant clearly had two Michelin stars for a reason. Two bites into her gnocchi and Emma had decided that they could have served it on a dumpster lid and still have gotten those stars. The tiny pillows of pasta were so delicate and the lemon chive pesto brightened it so that the richness wasn’t overwhelming. It was easily the best meal she’d ever had.
Steve let out a startled squeak and she looked over just in time to see Bucky shoveling a forkful of Steve’s pasta primavera in his mouth. He chewed quickly despite Steve’s shoving at him. “He started it.” Bucky pointed at Steve with his fork.
Emma looked at Steve, waiting for him to explain.
“I took one, tiny, little piece of veal.” he admitted finally.
“And so I took a fork of his pasta.” Bucky explained without remorse.
“It was a giant forkful!” 
“I have a giant super soldier appetite.” 
Steve huffed but this was clearly a squabble they had often. 
Emma rolled her eyes at the pair of them. “I can’t take you boys anywhere…”
“Uh oh,” Bucky said kicking Steve under the table, “I think we embarrassed our date, Stevie.”
Steve sighed, playing along. “Jeez, Buck. What should we do?” 
“Drag her down with us!” 
Buck and Steve both had forks in Emma’s pasta before she could blink and she tried in vain to fend off their utensils with her own. They escaped with one gnocchi each and in her mind that was one too many. They were all giggling and stealing off each other’s plates when the waiter returned to pour them more wine and the trio did their best to look mature and not like they had just been acting like children. 
Even with Bucky’s super soldier appetite, they all had leftover boxes to take home by the end of dinner. The chef was aware of Bucky’s birthday and brought out a thick slice of tiramisu with happy birthday written around the edge of the plate in chocolate. He chatted with Bucky for a moment and Emma sat back just watching the obviously familiar exchange. The trio tucked into their dessert as soon as the chef bid them a good night and Emma wasn’t surprised it was just as good as the pasta. The tiramisu was so light that between the three of them it disappeared quickly. 
Wanting to be fair, Emma sat up front with Bucky on the way back to her apartment. He looked extremely pleased when she opted to sit there and reached over to hold her hand across the console for the entire drive. Old, gentlemanly habits dying hard, Bucky and Steve both insisted on walking Emma to her door. It was clear none of them were ready for the night to be over but Emma didn’t trust herself to invite them in. She wanted to take things slow and after such an amazing night it would be all too easy to get carried away. They stood outside her door, each holding one of her hands. 
“So, how’d we do?” Bucky teased, swinging his hand and hers a little. 
“Are you sufficiently wowed?” Steve joined in.
Emma pretended to think a moment, “I think I need another date to really form an opinion,”
“Do you now?” Bucky laughed, “Sorry to tell you this, but second dates are for pizza and Star Wars.” 
“Oh wow. That’s some bait and switch routine you got there.” Emma giggled.
“Yep, we get you all starry eyed and then, bam!, it’s all sweatpants and greasy take out.” 
Emma freed her hands and pulled Bucky close by his lapels. “I’ll take sweatpants and snuggling on the couch over fancy dinners any night.” 
“Whatever you want, baby doll.” Bucky gave her a wolfish grin before lowering his mouth to hers. Emma shuddered despite herself. His lips were firm and demanding against hers and it was difficult to not get swept away. Bucky wasn’t greedy though, he pulled back after a few moments and Emma braced her hands against the hard plane of his chest to steady herself. They both remembered Steve at the same moment and looked over to see him shifting in place with his hands shoved awkwardly in his pockets. He was trying to not be obvious with his staring but he must have seen everything with not being even two feet away. 
“Hey Stevie.” Emma said, blushing furiously and still clinging to Bucky. 
Steve’s own blush deepened. “Hey.” he replied quietly, finally glancing up. 
“See something you like?”
Steve mumbled his assent. 
“Then come here. Unless you think you need to go get beaten up first?” 
Bucky chuckled and turned Emma around by her shoulders so she had her back to his chest and was facing Steve. 
Emma reached out for Steve and pulled him to her gently. He was so shy at times, it was endearing. Once he was all but toe to toe with her, she reached up and threaded her fingers through his hair, pushing it away from his face. Steve looked into her eyes for a moment, asking, not demanding, before leaning in slowly. Emma let him set the pace as his lips carefully danced across hers. His kisses were reverent where Bucky’s had been commanding and the difference between the two enthralled her all over again. She loved how dissimilar they were, it made for a heady experience. Emma was the one to pull back this time, watching a broad smile spread across Steve’s face. She looked up and back to Bucky who gave her a nod of approval. 
“We’d better let our girl get some sleep.” Bucky told Steve who nodded in agreement.
“Thank you for tonight. It was… perfect.” Emma admitted honestly. 
“We aim to please.” 
They exchanged another round of quick goodbye kisses before parting finally. Inside her apartment Emma leaned against the door after closing it behind her. She was in way over her head with those two.
Bucky wrapped an arm around Steve as they headed down to the car. They were both still vibrating with happiness that the night had been a success. 
“We got so damn lucky, Buck.” Steve told him once they were in the car.
“She’s one in a million.” Bucky agreed. 
“Think we can convince her to come over tomorrow?”
“She works tomorrow night but we could go hang out at Matty’s with her.” 
Steve nodded thinking. “I thought synching up two work schedules was going to be a pain.”
“We’re gonna need a bigger calendar.” Bucky told him with a laugh. 
Steve chuckled but whipped out his phone, pulling up wall calendars on Amazon.
Tag list lovelies: @godofplumsandthunder​ @remilupin22​ @supraveng​ @hiddles-rose​
If anyone wants added or removed please lmk! 
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zutarabeliever-art · 7 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE ROGERS!!!! (And also July 4th or something) I love how this came out! 
commissions — patreon
To get exclusive discount codes, access to art early, free stickers and a whole bunch of other rewards, BECOME A PATRON! Give as low as $1 a month! HOW SWEET IS THAT??
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i think i remember all of the variations
shrunky: cap steve or serum steve
shrinky: non-serum steve
clunks: non-winter soldier bucky
clinks: winter soldier bucky
so shrinkyclinks is non-serum steve with winter soldier bucky
Okay this is WAYYY more easier to remember than the thing I found out when I googled it. I am a dumb bitch so thank u for letting me know 💫💖
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stuckylibrary · 3 years
Steve and Bucky were on a plane and they were bored and on the plane one suggested the 36 questions to fall in love w someone and they of course fall in love☺️
I didn’t find any with a plane but there is this one?
36 Questions (and I'll Say I Love You) by LadyAngelique, orphan_account, wood_c_thrush (complete | 5,853 | E)
The 1997 study “The Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Closeness” wasn't created to make people fall in love. That was just a bonus, really.
College/Psych study Shrinky-clinks AU!!
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iheardyourprayer · 4 years
Unpopular Opinion: stevebucky edition
Shrinky Clinks < Shrunky Clunks
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ao3feed-stucky · 4 years
by QueenoftheRandomWord42
Joseph and Sarah Rogers are the greatest Superhero duo in the history of the Sokovian Accords. Steven Grant Rogers is their only child and has yet to manifest any powers. In eager hopes of him developing his superpowers, his parents had enrolled him into their old high school Sky High, a famous facility to train the next generation of Superheros and Sidekicks, with his father's eager expectations that Steve will be at the top of the Superhero class. Steve tests into the Sidekick class. And disappointing his parents isn't bad enough, Steve now has the biggest crush on the hottest dude with a guitar on campus, and unfortunately for him, James "Bucky" Barnes is the son of the Notorious Villian Frostbite who was famously arrested by Steve's parents about two years ago.
Words: 2853, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson, Sharon Carter, Joseph Rogers, Sarah Rogers, George Barnes, Becca Barnes
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson & Steve Rogers, Joseph Rogers & Steve Rogers, Sarah Rogers & Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Sky High AU, shrinky clinks, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Non-Serum Steve Rogers/Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes | Shrinkyclinks, High School AU, In this world there are people with superpowers and people without, Super hero and sidekick divide, Loosely based on the movie and off of my high school experiences, Side kick Steve, Side kick Bucky Barnes, Superhero Joseph Rogers, Super Hero Sarah Rogers, oblivous parents, parents who make mistakes, Parent Child dynamics, seriously you might want to strangle the parents for a bit but they'll eventually stop being idiots, Steve doesn't have powers, Steve won't develop powers, and that's okay, Ice Powers Bucky Barnes
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daisymondays · 5 years
Hey gracie, I'm the anon who u recently dragged into the stucky fandom with your fic, chapter 8 was so great, I don't want it to be over but at the same time I neeed it to be resolved and them in love 😁😁😁 could u maybe recommend me some of your favourite stucky fics plsssss I am now desperate ❤️
Hi babe! Could you recommend some good stucky fics??? I’ve read yours and absolutely love them!!!! Karma’s a fake orgasm was EVERYTHING I never knew I needed!!!
Hi Nonnies, I am extremely sorry about how long I’ve taken to actually answer this but hopefully the rec list will be worth it!! a friend of mine actually recently asked for fic recs so i was kind of kicked into creating this list – this also means it comes with recommendations from a couple of mates who also like stucky, one of which actually recced me some of these fics when i got into the pairing so without further ado !!!
Set in the Canon Verse Fics
Not Easily Conquered Series
In 1945, Steve Rogers jumps from a nosediving plane and swims through miles of Arctic Ocean to a frozen shore.
In 1947, Steve Rogers marries Peggy Carter.
In 1966, the New York Times finds the lost letters of Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes.
side-note: okay this one isn’t technically canon seeing as it’s Steve didn’t die at the end of Cap1 series, but its pretty close to canon so i’m keeping it in this category
Accidentally On Purpose
‘Bucky turns toward him, sliding his hand onto Steve’s hip as he mutters a lazy “G’night” and presses a soft kiss to the corner of Steve’s mouth. It takes him by surprise, and he barely has time to register Bucky’s half-closed eyes and the warmth of whiskey-ripe breath on his lips, before it’s over.’
After Bucky drunkenly kisses Steve by accident, it just seems to keep on happening, until it’s not so much by accident anymore.
Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen
Bucky Barnes and the Great Sexuality Crisis of 1938.
Body Studies 
Bucky wants Steve to draw him. Bucky’s bored enough to model, and that’s – that’s –
“That’s – a fun idea,” Steve supplies, fingers tight around his pencil. “I mean, we could try that if you wanted to.” Is his palm sweating on the pencil? “It’d be pretty boring for you, though, I guess.”
no heart to recall
He’s been in Steve Rogers’s company for less than twenty-four hours and he’s already losing sight of his mission.
This, You Protect Series
The mission resets abruptly, from objective: kill to objective: protect
One Day We Won’t Have to Be Scared
Steve and Bucky are at a gay bar in the 30s, and some guy offers them money to take pictures of them as they fuck. They need the money, they say yes, and pretty much forget about it afterwards. The pictures come out years later.
Painted In Indigo
‘“You should be careful of that one,” Mr. Hendrickson says, with a nod to Bucky outside the window. “It ain’t right. Looking at you all the time as he does. The way he should be looking at girls.”
Steve laughs, because damn, but what a ridiculous idea.’
Or, five times Steve caught Bucky looking at him, and the one time he looked first.
Shrunky/Shrinky-Clinks Fics
This means either Cap!Steve with Modern Bucky, or Beefy Bucky with Pre-Serum Steve (i’m a bit fuzzy on the exact Shrinky-Clinks definition)
We Could be Heroes (Me and You)
When the Asset drags himself out of the Potomac River after the battle of the Triskelion, something has changed.There is a presence inside his head that wasn’t there before; one that speaks directly to his most primal instincts, and it speaks only of one thing:To run. Run now, run fast, and to never, ever stop.And so, the Asset does.A story of recovery, of facing one’s inner demons, and learning to accept the harsh truths of life. Of love, and the many different shapes it can take. The value of choice and free will, and how someone who doesn’t believe themselves worthy of being saved can end up being someone else’s hero.
The Voyager
On the day aliens fall to earth through a hole ripped in the sky, Bucky Barnes is pulled from the rubble of the Battle of New York by a mysterious man wearing a costume and a cowl.
The next day, he wakes up in the hospital and makes a new friend named Steve Rogers - a certified weirdo with a deck of cards and plenty of time on his hands.
A postcard, a text, and a thousand miles of asphalt later, Bucky’s still trying to understand the man who came from the stars.
Steve, meanwhile, is finally putting the journey ahead of the destination.
Sorry, Not Sorry
All Steve Rogers ever wanted was to do what’s right. So when he drops in to volunteer at the Brooklyn VA Outpatient Center, he’s surprised to learn some veterans actually resent Captain America and everything he represents. One veteran in particular is determined to make sure Steve understands just how much he dislikes him.
Stop interrupting my grinding series
“I tried to call Sam,” Captain America says, bewildered. He’s sprinting like Usain Bolt and doesn’t sound even a little out of breath. Fucker. “Who’re you?”
“Someone who’s watching you live on TV,” Bucky tells him as the tiny patriotic figure on the screen takes the turns like he instructed. Bucky should probably be a lot more freaked out about this, but honestly? After a tour in the Middle East and six years as a nurse in New York, even this isn’t enough to ruffle him. One sees a lot of shit in the ER. “Also, you better hang up now, that thing is behind the next bend.”
“Uh, okay,” Captain America says. “Thanks?”
“Whatever,” Bucky says, disconnects the call and turns the TV off to get ready for his shift.
AU Fics
War, Children
After Bucky was released from the hospital, it only took him a couple of weeks to give up on himself. Difficult to believe in any kind of future when the simple act of staying alive was almost too big an effort.
Out the frosted window, across the street, there was a tiny homeless guy burrowing under an awning.
These streets Series
The life and times of Police Officer Steve Rogers and his dealings with the not so classy residents of his local precinct, including Bucky Barnes, the rough muscle with the dreamy blue eyes.
Proprietary Information Series
Okay, so Bucky Barnes has a crush on Steve Rogers. The guy’s gorgeous, talented and, oh yeah, the Chief Design Officer of the biggest tech company in the world. In other words: he’s so far out of Bucky’s league that he might as well be in a different stratosphere.
To Be Vulnerable Is Needed Most Of All
Steve is a shy comic book artist and meets his new neighbour, Bucky Barnes.
In which there are awkward longings, meddling best friends, comic conventions, heartache, lemons, video games, dorkiness, dancing and two cute boys.
The Daily Rogers
College AU. May contain exchange students, a Starbucks addiction, daddy issues, anger issues, closets and how to get out of them, the ever-ominous influence of social networks, various levels of betrayal, awfully poor life choices, but also, ultimately, real chunks of love.
we are the things we do for fun series
Going to a professional Dom may be one of the weirdest things Bucky’s ever done. Especially since this skinny Steve Rogers guy doesn’t really look the part.
But hey, they might just find a way to make this work.
Additional Steve/Peggy/Bucky fic because it’s mildly life changing
Better Than To Bend
In which Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes is tired, hungry and completely failing at not sticking it in the crazy. Also there’s a war going on or something.
aka world war threesome. Fear these queers.
Side-note: there is steve/bucky sequel that is amazing too and can (probably) be read as a stand alone
So, here you go Nonnies, sorry for the delay but i hope this makes up for it!! overall, really these are my bookmarked fics so check out my bookmarks for a couple more you might enjoy, otherwise i’ve found so many quality stucky fics by just going on the AO3 Bucky/Steve tag and then sorting by kudos, there’s such a range of humour, feels, angst and fluff !!! also most of these authors i’d also just rec every fic they write, so check them out!!
hope you enjoy and if you have any more questions i promise to try answer in a more timely fashion xoxo
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 5 years
Blame It On The Radiator
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NIRpjN
by LokiNeedsHugs1031
Steve Rogers in the 1940's can't generate heat as well as his wonderful boyfriend. The heater goes out in their crappy apartment, commence cuddles
Words: 2701, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of Stucky Ficlets
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Captain America - All Media Types, Captain America (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Comfort, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff without Plot, Domestic, Domestic Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Love, Idiots in Love, Dorks in Love, Friendship/Love, True Love, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers Feels, Steve Feels, POV Steve Rogers, Bisexual Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Bucky Barnes Feels, Bisexual Bucky Barnes, Protective Bucky Barnes, Pre-World War II Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Pre-Captain America: The First Avenger, Not Captain America: The Winter Soldier Compliant, Hugs, Cuddling & Snuggling, shrinkyclinks, shrinky clinks, 1940s, 1940s Steve Rogers, Small Steve, Bathtubs, Bubble Bath, Non-Serum Steve Rogers/Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes | Shrinkyclinks
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NIRpjN
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etherealwaifgoddess · 4 years
More Time - Chpt.14
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Summary: Emma spends the night with the guys and they take their relationship to the next level.  Master list can be found HERE.
Warnings / Content: Smut. Some sweet feels. But a lot of steamy smut. 
Word Count: 5.4k
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! No, that’s not a typo above, this chapter is a loooong one. And it’s entirely because of the sex. If I can’t bed two super soldiers in real life, I am damn well gonna take as many words as I need to describe it. Hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it ;)  XOXO - Ash
Chapter Fourteen
Spring was trying to get underway, the smell of rain heavy in the air as Emma made her way over to Steve and Bucky’s apartment. It had taken a few weeks until their schedules aligned again, much to everyone’s disappointment. Seeing each other every few days at Matty’s was nice, but Emma loved the nights they had just for themselves. She never expected to fit so seamlessly into a relationship with Steve and Bucky. Since they came to the bar to visit while she worked it gave them a lot of time for talking and getting to know each other better. Emma came to know their history little by little but more importantly, she got to know their present. She knew they had both lived through a lot in their extended life spans but what mattered most was who they were now, the men she had developed surprisingly strong feelings for after only a few months. 
Emma knocked lightly on the apartment door, barely having time to pull her hand away before Steve swung the door open. “Hey, sugar.” he greeted her with a wide grin.
Emma leaned into give him a quick hello kiss, “Hi, baby.” she said against his lips before pulling away.
Bucky had snuck over while she kissed Steve and she bumped into him when she pulled back. Emma let out a shrill squeak of surprise and she could feel the rumble of laughter in Bucky’s chest as he pulled her to him. Bucky craned his neck down over her shoulder to plant a loud kiss on her cheek. “Missed you, darlin’.” he told her, hunger thickening his voice.
“Mm.” she shuddered against him involuntarily, “You just saw me yesterday.”
“Still missed ya.” 
“I missed you too, sweetheart.” Emma relented, turning around to give him a proper kiss. She didn’t linger though. God knew, they’d never get to eat dinner if they kept that up. “Where can I put my bag?” she asked holding up the large messenger bag she’d brought.
“Bedroom’s fine.” Steve told her, “You can put on top my dresser if you want. Bucky has crap on top of his.” 
“Hey!” Bucky protested, “I use all that crap. And since you seem to like the way I smell and look, I don’t think you should be judging it.” 
Steve rolled his eyes dramatically. “And they say I’m the feisty one.” 
“Oh, I’ll show you feisty.” Bucky threatened, stalking over to Steve who he grabbed by the backs of his thighs and lifted up to wrap his legs around Bucky’s hips. God he loved being able to do that to Steve now that he was small again. 
Emma just laughed and headed towards their room. “Okay, Steve’s dresser. Got it. You two keep it PG, will ya?” She could hear the muffled sounds of giggling and kissing while she set out the few things she’d brought for overnight. They had agreed she’d stay over and they would grab breakfast the next morning. She didn’t need to be at work until the afternoon so they’d have even more time to hang out then. 
Emma returned to find Steve still wrapped around Bucky and she smiled, appreciating the helpless little giggles Steve made while Bucky pretended to attack him with kisses. A sigh slipped out before she could stop it and both men looked over, realizing she was there. “Hi.” they chorused sheepishly; Bucky setting a slightly rumpled looking Steve back down on his own two feet. 
“How do you feel about Indian food and Breaking Bad?” Steve asked her, straightening himself out. 
“Love it and love it.” Emma nodded.
“Great, I’ll call it in and you two can get an episode set up.” 
“Get me gobi manchurian? And those sweet ball things? Gulab... jamun?” Bucky requested.
“I’ll get you the gobi manchurian but keep it away from my chicken this time. I think I ate an entire bottle of tums last time, ya punk. And I’m getting three orders of the gulab jamun because I’m not sharing with either of you.” Steve said while he dialed. 
“We take our Indian food very seriously when someone is hangry.” Bucky informed Emma in a stage whisper. 
She followed Bucky out to the sofa to help pick an episode while Steve placed what sounded like a massive order. They settled on the episode where Gus dies, both agreeing it was one of the greatest TV deaths. 
“It’s all in.” Steve announced, curling up on Emma’s other side.
“What all did you get?” she asked him.
“A little of everything. We normally get a bunch of different things to share and then eat the leftovers for days.”
“That sounds amazing.” Emma moved closer to Bucky as Steve tucked his feet under her thighs. It was an endearing habit, she’d noticed and she didn’t mind falling victim to Steve Rogers’ frigid toes. Bucky had an arm wrapped around her shoulders and with Steve on her other side they were all in a heap at one end of the sofa. They were all surprisingly comfortable, especially after Bucky pulled down the blanket from the back of the sofa to cover them all up. 
It was with groans all around that they untangled themselves forty minutes later when the food arrived but it was short lived once they had all loaded up their plates and returned to the sofa. As soon as their plates were cleared they resumed their heap, insisting Emma stay in the middle so both guys were able to cuddle with her. It was barely ten o’clock but they were all sated and sleepy, dozing on and off while yet another episode of Breaking Bad played. Emma yawned which set off Steve and then Bucky despite his efforts to fight it.
“Why am I this tired?” Emma whined, burying her head into Bucky’s warm chest. 
“Warm. Cuddles. Food. Reruns.” Steve contributed, too tired to form sentences. 
“Look at the two of you.” Bucky commented, yawning for a second time. 
“What?” Emma asked skeptically. 
“All cute and cuddly and sleepy. I gotta get you two in bed and never let go of ya.” 
“What are you waiting for then?” 
Bucky raised an eye back at Emma who looked at him with a challenge in her eyes. With a shrug he extracted himself from their heap, letting Emma shift away enough from Steve that he was able to get his hands under her thighs and, just like loved doing to Steve, he lifted her up with one rapid swoop. Emma squeaked and threw her arms around his neck for support, her thighs gripping his hips tightly. “No!” she squeak-protested, “I’m too big! Put me down!” 
“I gotcha, darlin’.” Bucky assured her. 
Emma went to protest again and received a nip to her earlobe as Bucky nuzzled her neck. 
“Super soldier.” he reminded her, “You’re light as a feather.” 
Steve was watching, highly amused that he was not on the receiving end of a Bucky-transport for once. Secretly though, he did like how easily Bucky could lift him and carry him around. It made him feel cherished, not that he’d ever admit that to Bucky’s face. If he did, the other man would never put him down. Steve got up when he heard his lovers shuffling around on the bed, turning off all of the lights and making sure the door was locked for the night. 
Bucky, needing no nightly ritual, was already on his side of the bed. He’d carelessly tossed his clothes mostly into the laundry basket, keeping on only his boxer briefs. Emma was taking out her contacts into their little overnight case, still fully dressed. Steve hesitated, he was used to his routine but it was different sharing it alongside someone new, even though it was Emma. 
Steve started with his night time meds which he took with a long swig of the glass of water he kept next to his pill case. He did his inhaler treatment, trying his hardest not to cough the bitter medicine while holding it in for a few seconds. Then he took out his hearing aid, setting it to charge overnight on its stand. His glasses were the last to go, the world becoming blurry as he made his way to join Bucky in bed. He knew it was a lot to do just to go to bed but Emma hadn’t commented or even seemed phased really. Steve counted himself lucky though, he felt like he should have known it wouldn’t turn her off of him with his myriad of ailments. He chose to stay in his boxer briefs and soft tee shirt, not quite as confident as Bucky who was waiting for him in their bed.
Emma had very stealthy slipped out of her clothes and into her long sleep shirt. She’d changed her shirt using the technique she’d mastered in the locker room in middle school when they’d all been too shy to be topless around one another. Her bra was slipped off and out through the arm hole of her sleep tee and then her pants came off when she was sure the shirt was pulled down enough. She liked the guys a lot, and she knew they liked her too, but they hadn’t gone past making out yet and being exposed in front of them in a non sexual context just seemed too much at the moment. Once she was changed Emma moved to the bed, her vision only a little worse off without her contacts, and tried to figure out where her spot was. 
Bucky noticed her hesitation and patted the spot between him and Steve. “You can be in the middle.” he offered.
Emma nodded and crawled up to her spot from the end of the bed so as not to disturb the guys. She was barely laying down when two sets of arms wrapped around her. Emma had shared a bed with a man before, and a woman once in a night of giddy curiosity, but sharing a bed with two men was quite a different thing. She looked from one to the other, unsure where to even start. Bucky’s lips were upturned in a pleased little smirk while Steve was smiling through his nervousness. Before she could make up her mind, Steve, in true Steve Rogers fashion, decided to dive in head first before he could let his nerves get the best of him. Emma matched the brush of his lips with her own, eagerly letting him explore her mouth as he deepened the kiss. Not to be left out, Bucky had slid closer to wrap himself around her, rubbing her back lightly and placing small kisses across the crest of her shoulders. Emma moaned into Steve’s mouth as Bucky hit a particularly sensitive spot and she felt something jump against her thigh. She moved back to quirk an eyebrow at Steve who blushed, knowing she had felt his body’s reaction to her moan. 
“You… you don’t have to…” Steve muttered, cheeks burning.
“I know, but I want to.” Emma assured him. Then, leaning back and craning her neck so she could press a kiss to Bucky’s jawline, she whispered “And with you too.” 
Bucky groaned lightly, shifting yet again so she could feel him pressed against the curve of ass. 
“How, um…” Emma found herself stumbling through her words, “How are we going to do this?”
“Any way you want, darlin’.” Bucky rumbled in her ear making her shudder. “But I think getting naked would be an excellent start.”
Emma nodded excitedly, wanting to get her hands all over both of them. She was facing Steve so he was the easiest target and she had no preference which order they went in anyway. Emma slipped her hands along the hem of Steve’s shirt, giving him a moment to protest if he was in any way uncomfortable, but he nodded briefly in assent and she pulled the shirt off and over his head. He pulled at his own underwear, careful not to catch his straining cock along the waistband as he got them off. Emma licked her lips, biting the bottom one, as she got her first sight of Steve. It was an involuntary reaction and Steve doubted she even realized she’d done it, but damned if it didn’t do wonders for his self esteem. 
Steve’s body wasn’t as frail as the pictures at the Smithsonian made him seem. Living in a time where he had access to decent medical care and food had helped him fill out a little to the point where a soft layer of padding laid across his delicate features and Emma was thankful that he was well cared for. She liked being able to sink her fingers into the softness on his hips when she pulled him closer. Emma trailed kisses from the sensitive spot behind his ear all the way down to the wings of his collarbones while her hands explored the rest of his body. Steve was stock-still, almost afraid to move as her hands roamed free. He wanted to get her bare as well but Bucky had already started taking matters in his own hands.
Emma shimmied her hips to help Bucky tug her panties off and then arched herself up when he tugged at her sleep shirt. Both men made equally pained noises once she was completely naked and she reveled in having that kind of power over both of them. She gave Steve one last lingering kiss before rolling over to address the only bit of clothing left in the bed. Emma cupped the bulge behind the cotton of Bucky’s boxer briefs, making him hiss out a breath, before pulling them down so he could flick them off with his feet. He was deliciously thick and Emma looked forward to the stretch that would inevitably come when he was inside her. Bucky watched expressions flit across her face as she stared at him for a moment, taking in the wide, thickly muscled planes of his body. He loved the contrasts between himself and Steve, and apparently so did she. Bucky took advantage of capturing her lips with his while she was facing him. Emma moved so she was flush up against him, her nipples pebbling as they brushed across the hard muscles of his chest. Everything about him was just so broad and thick. It was overwhelming in comparison to her own petite features and curves, and Emma loved it. She lost herself in his kiss, hands exploring as much of him as she could just like she had with Steve.
Steve was laying against her back, gentle, polite, as he watched. Just enjoying being able to watch his lovers for a moment. After a moment, Steve let his hands do some exploring of their own. God, he loved how soft Emma was. She was exactly what he liked about women, so soft and sweet and plush. He couldn’t get enough of the feel of her under his fingertips and he wished desperately for his charcoal pencils so he could capture her curves on paper. It would have to wait though, there was a more pressing need at the moment, quite literally pressing against her. 
Bucky let Emma go before he lost his mind and started rutting against her like a horny teenager. He needed to clear his head for a minute and figured Steve could use some extra attention. He’d been waiting so patiently while Bucky took his time with their girl. She fit with them perfectly, it was like she’d always been there. He watched as Emma turned her affections on Steve, worshiping his smaller body with eager hands while Steve did the same. They touched and kissed, just letting each other get to know every soft curve of their bodies. Bucky’s heart was fit to burst knowing she was giving Steve all the loving appreciation he deserved, just like he would have. 
Emma had quickly lost any feelings of shyness when Bucky had rained affection down on her and Steve had done the same from behind her. It was exhilarating and she never wanted to come down from the endorphin high she was riding. Two of the most gorgeous men she’d ever met, both inside and out, wanted her as desperately as she wanted them. Finally she couldn’t resist anymore and she let her hand sink lower and lower down Steve’s belly until she had it wrapped around his hard length. He let out a small whimper, almost like a plea for gentleness. She was careful as she tested the weight of him in her hand, sliding her palm up and down his shaft slowly. He wasn’t as thick as Bucky but he was longer and beautifully flushed in her hand. He was so pale that the blush was almost cherry red as she worked him slowly until he was shaking and pressing a palm to her forearm, easing her back. “I want you so bad.” he murmured against her chest. Emma loved how easily they fit together, Steve only being an inch taller than she was. “I want you too, baby.” she whispered back, “But we can’t forget about Bucky.” 
Steve looked over at Bucky who seemed quite alright on his own, having enjoyed watching the two of them for the past few minutes. He loved him so desperately, thankful that they could share easily without the fear of jealousy. It was hard not to get completely lost in Emma, she was so new and sweet. But seeing Bucky, all lazy and lust fueled, had Steve aching for him as well. “Buck.” his name caught in Steve’s throat, God he loved that man. 
Bucky’s eyes were blown dark with lust, more than enough turned on just watching his two little lovers worship each other. He loved the way the two of them fit together almost as much as he loved the way they fit against his larger frame. Emma didn’t spend much time dancing around the rest of him this time, just a gentle slide of her hand from his sternum to his dick. It was harder to wrap her hand around him than Steve but she did her best as she teased him gently flicking her thumb across his head where beads of precome had welled up. Bucky groaned, forcing himself to resist thrusting into her tight fist. He was surprised but pleased when Steve’s lips captured his own, a searing kiss that was almost enough to push him over the edge he was already teetering on. Steve needed the closeness with him, needed the connection in that moment. Emma shifted so that Steve could attend to Bucky while she continued stroking him. After a few minutes of glorious torture Bucky eased Steve back for a moment, “Guys.” he rasped desperately, “I hate to put a break on things but we need to figure out logistics before I can’t.”
“What’s it?” Emma looked up at him confused. 
“I can’t keep going with the two of you like this or I’m gonna come.”
“Okay…?” Emma didn’t look any less confused and Bucky felt like a heel.
“Which is fine. But I was really hoping I’d be able to do that somewhere other than your hand. If you wanted to. If not, that’s fine too.”
“Oh.” she murmured as it dawned on her what he wanted, “Yes. Please yes. I want that too. And Steve too. Please?” 
“Good, I’m glad darlin’. Real glad. I have a pack of rubbers in the nightstand if you could grab them, Stevie?”
“I have an IUD.” Emma blurted out, both men now looking at her confused. “I can’t get pregnant. And I haven’t been with anyone in ages so you don’t have to worry about any of that either so… if we wanted to, we could…” 
“Oh darlin’.” Bucky shuddered, “You want us to come inside you? Fill you up with both of us?”
Emma heaved a breath, turned on by his words until her brain threatened to abandon her. “Yes.” she managed weakly. 
“You going first or second Stevie?” Bucky grit out, still on edge. 
Steve chuckled at Bucky’s solicitousness despite being so close. “You go ahead, Buck.” 
Bucky looked at Emma, needing to be sure. “You good? We can stop at any point.” 
Emma rolled her eyes and took his face between her hands, “Just get inside me, Barnes.”
“Yes, ma’am.” he grinned and slipped a hand down to graze the delicate nest of curls between her legs before dipping a finger between her folds. “So wet, darlin’.” he groaned as he spread the dampness around her slit giving his thumb an easier glide over her clit. 
Emma trembled in Steve’s arms, “Please, Buck, please.” she pleaded.
“Just makin’ sure you’re ready for me.”  he knew she was, but he loved watching her get worked up. She had both of them worked up the whole time, it was time she got to her edge as well. Bucky was merciful though and only made a few gentle flicks around her clit until he helped her move to get comfortable on the bed. Steve reluctantly let her go, laying right next to her as Bucky pulled her hips up and sank himself inside her. Emma gasped at the stretch of him. She had expected to feel full but he was burning hot and heavy inside her as he let her adjust to his size. She was thankful for that moment before he started moving because once he did it was like a live wire was dancing through her veins. She could barely catch her breath as he found his rhythm, the sensation almost too pleasurable. Emma had expected it would be like this with Bucky; raw, desperate, almost crazed. It was perfect. Her hands gripped into his shoulders, one metal and one flesh, for support. 
Now that he was steadily moving, Bucky was able move a hand back down to toy with her sensitive nub again, wanting to feel her come around him before he lost control. It didn’t take much, Emma was already close just from the drag of his dick across the sensitive spot on her inner walls. Emma clung to him, keening in between gasps of yes, yes, yes, as his fingers rolled her cilt until she cried out a garbled prayer mixed with his name. The orgasm overtook her like a tidal wave, everything going blank and then crashing down around her. It lingered, her body still keyed up from his thrusts, until she was just making small gasps in rhythm with his motions. 
Bucky wanted to keep going. He would have happily spent eternity inside of her, but the moment she clamped down around him and came, he knew he was running on borrowed time. The pulsing of her inner walls around his dick had Bucky tensing and spilling inside her after only a half dozen more thrusts. An almost feral moan burst from his chest as it heaved with the labored effort of his breathing. The tips of his long hair danced across the peaks of her breasts and he admired the contrast of the chocolate brown strands against her pale skin. Once his breathing had slowed down a bit, and hers as well, he shifted himself off of her, pulling her as he went so he could have a moment to hold her before he had to relinquish her to Steve. 
Steve had to remember to keep his jaw closed watching his lovers lose themselves to one another. It was one of the most erotic things he had ever seen in his life. Emma was so expressive and the way she just let herself go in the moment was stunning. Steve couldn’t wait to have her himself, as long as she was okay with it. He knew how worn out he felt after going a round with Bucky and would understand if she needed a break. Steve watched as Bucky stroked her long hair and down her back. He knew the look on his lovers face well, he was completely gone on Emma whether he realized it yet or not. It was sweet to see him show such tenderness and care for her, she absolutely deserved it and Steve was thankful. He reached out tentatively, running a hand along her arm just for the simple joy of connecting to them as they basked in the afterglow. Emma looked over at Steve with a heartbreakingly sad expression and he felt guilty for interrupting them. He pulled his hand back but Emma took it in her own, shuffling away from Bucky after giving him one last quick kiss.
“Steve.” Emma’s voice wavered, “Oh baby, I’m so sorry. We just let you lie there while we had all the fun” 
Steve shook his head once he understood what had upset her, “It’s okay. I’m okay.” he assured her, “I loved watching you two. You were amazing. I was perfectly fine the whole time.”
“Promise?” she was still unsure, stroking her thumb along the side of his face looking for any signs of unhappiness. 
“I promise, doll. And if we have to wait for another time, that’s okay too. I know what it’s like after that one has his way with you.” 
Emma’s eyebrows shot up, “Oh, so you…”
“We switch. Both of us enjoy each other either way.”
Emma let out a desperate throaty noise.
“What? You want to watch Buck and I sometime?” 
She swallowed harshly while she nodded. 
Steve chuckled, “We’ll have to do that sometime then. Maybe we can all join in? Get me in you, and him in me all at the same time.”
Emma whimpered. She couldn’t even think about that too hard without losing her mind a little. 
“So,” Steve prompted gently, “Do you want to wait? Or?” 
Emma’s brain caught up and she shook her head frantically, “No! I don’t want to wait. I still want you too.”
Steve’s face split into a grin as he leaned into press a series of little kisses to her lips and neck. Her skin was so soft and sweet, he was already half hard having watched them but his cock was interested again within seconds of kissing her. Steve made himself take his time, showering her breasts with kisses, really letting himself go slow and enjoy her. There was no hurry except the simmering thrum of desire in both of them. Steve was careful when he reached down to cup her sex in hand, wanting to feel how perfectly she fit in his palm. He couldn’t resist slipping a finger along her folds, she was slick from her own orgasm and Bucky’s and there was something overwhelming about that to Steve. He choked out a groan as he withdrew his hand. Emma had been running her hands across his chest and back, enjoying the feel of him above her and she stilled when she realized he was moving into position. 
“If you need me to stop it’s okay.” he warned her. 
She nodded her understanding, wondering for a moment if maybe being fucked twice was going to be a bit too much. Especially when both men were quite a bit above average. But when Steve slipped himself inside of her, it was absolutely perfect. It felt like ages as he slowly pushed further and further in until he bottomed out, pressed fully inside her. Emma found herself writhing against the sensation of a very different type of fullness, equally exquisite as it had been with Bucky. 
Steve was gentle, knowing she was already sensitized. It also ensured his asthma wouldn’t take the opportunity to flare up. It had only happened once but he was lucky Bucky would even go near him for a week afterwards he’d been so distressed about Steve’s well being. Gentle and slow was perfect for them both though. It gave Steve a chance to sprinkle kisses across every inch of Emma his lips could reach and let Emma take her time caressing him with reverent hands. Steve shifted up a little, his knees starting to slip and the change in positions allowed his cock to hit a spot that had Emma crying out against his shoulder. 
Emma felt like her body was going to shatter. She hadn’t even known the spot Steve was hitting had existed. She had found her g spot before, and god knew Bucky’s dick had found it earlier too, but this was just more. The head of Steve’s cock nudged against it with every thrust and she almost giggled thinking of it as unexplored territory. “So good.” she gasped out to him and Steve’s whole body shook under her praise. It was just the nudge his body needed to lose control and Steve came with a gasp, spilling inside her. Emma felt his cock throb right before he came and then the hot rush filling her up. It was exactly what she wanted and the heady mix of pleasure had her crying out his name as she found her second release of the night. 
Steve collapsed partially on top of her, supporting himself on trembling arms to keep most of his weight off of her even as his body pressed against hers. Emma reached up to card her fingers through his shaggy blonde hair, then leaned to press a soft kiss to the tip of his nose. He was amazing and Emma thanked whatever god was listening for letting her have him in her life. She wrapped her arms around his back, wanting him to stay put and lean on her more. She liked being underneath him, only slightly squished feeling. They traded soft kisses playfully, their own little bubble of afterglow consuming them. Eventually they looked over at Bucky, still laying entwined, neither one willing to move quite yet. 
“Beautiful.” Bucky whispered reverently, “Both of you. Absolutely beautiful.” He leaned over, taking turns kissing them both. Eventually Steve tugged on his hand so that he moved over to press himself up against the two of them and they spent what felt like hours just kissing and touching each other as they all came back down from their highs. They would have stayed put longer but Steve had softened and slipped out of Emma and she could feel a slick trail dripping down her thigh. 
“I should go clean up.” she told them with a reluctant half smile. 
Both men groaned but let her up from their tangled limbs. Emma took her time in the bathroom, delicately cleaning her tender skin. She was sore but pleased with herself that she had been able to keep up with both of them. It had been an experience, that was for sure. A few times she had to shake herself a little to bring her wandering mind back to the task at hand. She stared at her reflection in surprise as she washed her hands in the sink. The mirror expanded from the base of the counter top, up almost the ceiling and she was able to see her body from the hips up. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes glassy. The long waves of her firery auburn hair had become tangled curls, blatantly sex mussed as it fell around her shoulders. The skin along her neck and chest was pink, faintly scraped from the rasp of Bucky’s beard and her nipples were still pebbled. It had been a long time since she’d had a lover, and even longer still since she’d had one that blew her mind so completely. She looked absolutely, thoroughly fucked and she smiled at her reflection amused by the state of herself. 
Emma returned to the bedroom to find Bucky and Steve working together to make the bed. They’d changed the sheets and were just spreading the fluffy, grey duvet over the bed again. Both men wore expressions of bashful pride as they got a look at her. They grinned at each other after a moment and all three of them laughed lightly as she crossed the room letting them wrap her up in a three way hug. “Bed” Bucky commanded, planting firm kisses on her forehead and then Steve’s. They climbed in, assuming the same positions they had been in originally with Emma in the middle. This time though, it was chaste kisses and soothing hands between them as they basked in the comfortable warmth of their bodies and drifted off to sleep at last.
Update! If you’d like to read a scene that was hinted at in this chapter, check out A Sort of Anniversary! 
Tag list lovelies: @godofplumsandthunder​ @remilupin22​ @supraveng​ @hiddles-rose​
If anyone wants added or removed please lmk!
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thestuckylibrary · 6 years
can you possibly link me to some pre serum stucky fics (preferably where either one of them is sick)? i’m on mobile tumblr and i’m having a little trouble navigating
Try thePre-Serum Steve, Pre-First Avenger and Shrinky Clinks tags, and also ourSickfics! 
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chibisquirt · 7 years
I think Stony needs more Shrunkyclunks
And I can hear you all asking what the fuck that is, so let me explain.
The concept is from Stucky--don’t go anywhere, I promise I’m not suggesting threesome fic even though I do love it.  In Stucky, there is a specific name for a fic with WinterSoldier!Bucky and skinny!Steve, and that term is “ShrinkyClinks”.  Obvious enough:  shrinky as in skinny!Steve is smol, and Clinks for the metal arm.  
Shrunkyclunks is the reverse, and that kind of makes sense, too, in that Cap!Steve is a lot clunkier than the skinny version.  
Shrunkyclunks is Cap!Steve and Normal Human!Bucky, and it’s an interesting dynamic for two reasons:  #1, of course, is “YUM”, and #2 is that Bucky was always the guy who taught Steve how to have friends, so when you posit a Steve who doesn’t meet Bucky until after the ice, it’s a Steve who is colder, or angrier, or more awkward, or...  You get the idea.
Now, I’m not advising that we insert both these guys into a Stony fic, but I DO want more of the dynamic.  Most fic I’ve seen is one of three situations:  Avengers fic (both are heroes), no-powers AU (neither are heroes), or the Stony equivalent of ShrinkyClinks:  Steve is a normal person (artist, protester, cop, hot guy at the bar--) and Tony is Iron Man.  
And that makes sense!  Tony IS Iron Man; he and the suit are one!  It’s good stuff.
But I want more Stony Shrunkyclunks; Stonyclunks, if you will.  I want the fic where Steve is a superhero--Steve is Cap!--and Tony is just a normal guy.  Okay, not normal--it’s Tony--but the Tony you find in no-powers AUs:  billionaire, maybe-playboy, etc., etc., but not Iron Man. 
The Iron Man armor is an interesting piece in writing, because it serves as a perfect metaphor like 95% of the time.  It can be broken, isolating, advanced, all three at once, or any of a dozen other things.  And Tony is a character with layers on layers on layers of armor (his money, his glibness, his conversational prestidigitation), just as Steve uses the more-straightforward-but-still-defensive shield (his anger, his reserve, his righteousness).  
But you can use other things as the armor with Tony, and I don’t see it much.  Where’s the Tony who gets to know Steve via the internet, with the internet serving as his armor?  I can think of three Shrunkyclunks fics with that same plotline in three seconds; am I just missing the Stony equivalent?  
(By the way, please feel free to respond to this post with fic recs, I will fucking love that.)
I can think of one Stony fic where Tony’s in a wheelchair, and the wheelchair is his armor.  That’s fucking brilliant, I would love five million of those!  I’ve seen it once or twice in a/b/o fic, too--including the one where Tony gets sent out to Steve and his loneliness wilderness shack, and that’s one of my faves.  And, obviously, Celestial Navigation.  
This has sooo much potential, my Stony peeps!  Gimme the good stuff!
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mgnemesi · 7 years
I could be very wrong, but I thought shrinkyclinks was Steve (shrinky - because he's smol, like "shrink") and Bucky (clinks - because of the noise the metal arm makes) and then Shrunkyclunks is a play on words but I swear I read an actual definitive post on this which said it can also represent pre-serum Bucky and post-serum Steve (usually in modern Bucky form) so Bucky (shrunky - because he's been shrunk from serum size) and this time Steve is the noise (clunk - noise of the shield).
Ooooooh!!! I didn’t know the bit about the “clinks” half of the Shrinkyclinks ship name! Also thanks a lot for the additional info on the ShrunkyClunks! I remember something vaguely about it being a play on words at also the opposite of Shrinkyclinks but that was it! NOW the “opposite” thing makes sense!Thanks a lot, dead anon! :D
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oldstevestan · 7 years
The fanfic is Just Say You Do by biblionerd07. It's a good fanfic. Nat, Clint, Sam (who is dating Riley!!) are Steve's friends! Peggy is also on the fanfic! It's not that friendship like in the movies, but it's good to see them as friends. What bothers me is that in many fanfics Bucky is friends with Nat, Clint, Peter, while Steve has only Sam.
It really is so annoying isn’t it? The way Steve gets written as this lonely, miserable sometimes a bumbling idiot who can’t make friends until Sam takes pity on him. We’re lucky if we get any Peggy at all. It’s like they go out of their way to ignore canon (which is not always a bad thing) just so they could force their gross ship in it because they have ‘past’ in the comics smh
Thanks for the rec! It’s shrinky/clinks which is not my thing but I’ll give it a try
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yawpyawp · 7 years
Hey, I'm pretty new to the tumblr portion of the avengers fandom/cap fandom and some of the acronyms I haven't seen before. Some are pretty self explanatory, like all caps, but what's shrinkyclinks? Any more acronyms you think I should know?
(Do you possibly mean portmanteaus? Like ship names? Like “stucky?”)Well, first off, to answer your question, “shrinkyclinks” is small/pre-serum!Steve x Winter Soldier!Bucky. (So shrinky = small, clinks = clinky metal arm, lol!)The fact that you were unclear about “shrinkyclinks” leads me to my next point: when it comes to Marvel my preference is to use the the clearest possible ship names because people rotate/share superhero monkiers a lot and it’s hard to keep track. (Ex: “Stucky,” “buckynat,” “samsteve,” “sambucky,” etc are all really clear.)
It’s a real pet peeve of mine when people use ship portmanteaus like “ironcap” for example because there’s multiple Iron Mans and multiple Captain Americas. Like sure they probably mean “stony” or “steve/tony”, bc that’s a really popular ship, but why be cryptic about it? Like one time someone asked me how I felt about “winterfrost” and I was SO CONFUSED I was like “is that a gum flavor????” Apparently they meant Bucky/Loki. 
That being said, I think “shrinkyclinks” is a really freaking clever ship name and I love it X’D
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 4 years
Fear of Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35pOeGl
by NDKiwi
James “Bucky” Barnes uses his leave to visit his longtime friend Steve Rogers at Camp Lehigh. When he finds out that Steve, the runt of Brooklyn, has been chosen for a secret government experiment, he vows to make sure that they have the best night out on the town anyone could ask for. But what secrets and feelings will the dim neons of an all night greasy spoon expose when the two are alone in the dark of night?
Words: 1518, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, Shrinky/Clinks
Additional Tags: Implied Feelings, Mutual Pining, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Non-Serum Steve Rogers/Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes | Shrinkyclinks
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35pOeGl
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