rabenschrei92 · 2 years
the notebook
characters: Micah Bell x OC, Sean MacGuire type: fluff, short oneshot  summary: Bonnie just wanted to draw him. But things took a turn. 
notes: I wrote this story in german and translated it into english. I also published it on AO3. 
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Bonnie sat by the campfire, leaning her back against a tree trunk. She had drawn her knees up slightly so she could lean her notebook against them. Micah Bell had been sitting in a chair across from her for quite a while. He held a piece of wood in one hand and his knife in the other. More and more wood chips were accumulating on the floor in front of him, forming a small pile. At first she had wondered what he was carving. But now she believed that it was simply an occupation against the boredom, that sometimes overcame one here in camp. The piece of wood looked more and more like a stake.
Bonnie was about to draw his hand that was wielding the knife. Oh, how she would’ve loved to get closer to him so she could scrutinize the veins, scars and imperfections of his skin. She liked her pictures to be as detailed as possible. She wanted to capture every little detail and transfer it to the paper. Only Micah wasn’t someone who volunteered to be drawn. She hadn’t asked him, but her gut feeling rarely deceived her. He reminded her of a mountain lion that stalked its prey for hours, just waiting for the right moment to strike. Maybe, she thought, maybe he also had something of a rattlesnake. She knew the stories. She knew about the “little” incident in Strawberry. She kept looking up from her drawing, eyeing him as inconspicuously as possible. She squinted her eyes slightly, as if that would miraculously improve her vision. A soft sigh escaped her. God, she just wanted to take his hand and look at it. She wanted to stroke his skin, wanted to know how it felt. Suddenly he looked up and their eyes met for a split second. Bonnie lowered her head and stared at the drawn Micah. She bit the inside of her cheek, not daring to lift her head or even breathe. Hesitantly she put the pencil back in place. Did the blade of his knife have an engraving? What did the grain of the wooden handle look like? She felt a tingling in the back of her neck that soon took over her entire body. She could no longer look away. She had to know what he was doing. But at the moment she was about to lift her head, small stones crunched under his boots. Two heavy steps in her direction and then his shadow cast itself over her. He bent down and reached for her notebook. He grabbed it so that his thumb was between the pages. Bonnie couldn’t react quickly enough.
As he stood back up, Bonnie literally jumped up and stumbled forward. “Don’t!”, fled her lips and she reached out. But Micah half turned to the side and held his arm up. A grin settled on his lips. “What?” He looked at her. She sighed deeply and then jumped up, but he just kept turning away. “Come one! Please… please! It’s mine!” He lowered his arm a bit and waved the book in front of her. “I just wanna know what you’re up to.” “No, please! It’s… it’s unfinished.” Her hand shot forward, and she almost had it. But he was faster und jerked his arm back over his head. “Let me be the judge, darlin’.” He turned his back to her. Bonnie’s heart was pounding in her chest. He really wanted to open it! She grabbed his arm with both hands and yanked him around. And Micah actually let her spin him around and Bonnie realized that her efforts were too late. His face told her even before a word could leave his lips. She heard her blood pulsing in her ears, her whole body on edge. Micah held the book out to her silently and she tried to make sense of his gaze. But before that could happen, someone reached over Bonnie’s shoulder. “What’s so exciting?”, she heard Sean’s voice behind her as he grabbed the book. She clenched her hand into a fist and turned to face him. “Sean!” For days he had been trying to get a glimpse of her drawings. But she decided who she showed the picture to and who she didn’t. Sean looked at her, grinning broadly and held the book in the air, taking a few steps away from her. And for the second time of the day Bonnie felt like a complete idiot. “Oh come on, lass!” He opened it without further ado and wrinkled his nose. The corners of his mouth twitched downward. “Are ya serious?” He shook himself, then laughed. “You're drawing him?” Micah’s arm shot forward, and he grabbed Sean by the collar so tightly that Bonnie expected him to choke him out. He pulled the Irishman closer, and his fingers clawed tighter and tighter into the fabric of Sean’s shirt. “Give it back to her!”, he hissed, and she had to remember the image of the snake threateningly sounding its rattle. This was Sean’s first and only warning. If he took one more step, the snake would strike. Sean raised his free hand defensively and pressed the boo against Micah’s chest. “I was just kidding…” Micah loosened his grip on Sean’s collar and pushed the younger man away. “Get out of here!” He didn't have to tell Sean twice. Sean shook his head and muttered a few silent curses as he took off. Bonnie almost felt sorry for him. Micah turned to face her and gave her the book. “Thank you.”, she said, pressing the book against her chest. He walked past her without saying a word and sat back down on the chair in front of the campfire. He pulled out his knife again and picked up right where he left off. “What are ya waitin’ for?”, he said without looking up from what he was doing. Her heart seemed to skip a beat. Did he really want her to finish the picture? Was she really allowed to draw him? Bonnie sat back down and opened her notebook.
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thetopichot · 8 months
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I watched Mr. Yuurivoice's stream last night alongside watching Howl's Moving Castle again & kept thinking about Auron. Like, I think someone asked on his stream if the listener is actually dating Auron? Honestly, shit got me thinking about the Howl's Moving Castle scene where the Witch of Waste notices that Sophie has fallen in love with Howl.
So, just like, imagine this:
Trish notices Auron's increasing "interest" in Rook. Just like think about it.
Trish turns to Auron as he sighs, looking at Rook. Trish notices then, "You're in love." she breaks the silence. Auron doesn't break his gaze at Rook. "Don't deny it. You've been sighing all day."
"Trish." Auron finally turns to look at her. "Have you ever been in love?" Trish scoffs at his question.
"Course, I have. I'm still in love." Trish answers. Auron raises his eyebrow. She shakes her head. "Strapping young men are just difficult to deal with, but their hearts I just adore!" Trish gushes a tad bit.
"You're terrible."
"They're quite cute, too!" Trish nudges Auron.
Auron's face furrows. "What are you implying, Trish?"
"What I'm implying is that you should invite them on a date." Trish says bluntly. "It was quite obvious that you both enjoyed eachothers company very much from when you invited them to that so-called 'Worst Invitation Ever' & that Christmas party that they held for the office." Trish turns to look at Rook, then back to Auron. "So, I'd say. Why not?" Trish smiles softly at Auron.
"How come you know so much?" Auron chuckles but already knows the answer.
"Because I care about you more than anything & I will gladly try my best to make you happy. For both you & Faust. I didn't take care of the both of you for all those years to gain absolutely nothing." Trish replies. "Now, enough talk. Go talk to them for God's sake."
I hope it's good, though. I haven't written like that in months. ( T∀T)
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massagesandiego · 1 year
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Short shorts
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sofiiel · 1 year
Falling asleep with Older!Eddie crammed into a comfy recliner because you both tried to stay up and watch a marathon of your favorite show or movie series. But it was after a long week of adulting where everyday felt like a horrendous Monday and the weekend was full of errands.
So the comfy fun of watching things together just knocked you two right out. The TV is now watching you two. Both of you are suffering from some limbs getting that pins and needles feeling.
But he likes having you this close, and you finally found the sweet spot where only one leg is miserable. Both of you being too tired and lazy to move.
The phone rang several times and Eddie just holds you tighter and mutters "let it go to voicemail, this is the good part." even though his eyes are clearly closed, and he's barely awake.
You'll probably wake up with a crook in your neck and a charlie horse, but for now, it's totally worth it.
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melancholysway · 2 years
Hi there! I just found your account today and think your work is amazing! If requests are open, could I possibly request headcanons for the 2012 Turtles for when their S/O is severely stressed out and needs a break? Thank you so so much and keep up the amazing work! :)
TMNT Headcanons: Stressed out S/O! (2012)
OFC! This is my first request so I'm excited! My ask box and submission box will be closed after this weekend so I can work on finishing Serendipity, so request if you like up until then!
For future reference, if my account grows, I'll most likely take 1 or two requests at a time. I like to take time to write what I write, and turn a simple headcanon into something more complex in nature. That being said, you can request a longshot (where there's headcanons + one shot for each turtle,) or a shortshot (where there's just bullet points as headcanons) to make it easier. Some people love a long read, but others prefer a short read that's to the point of strictly headcanons! I respect both! <3
some tunes while you read:
Key: ~ = time skip/scene change ============ Leonardo
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Out of all the brothers, Leo gets it.
He gets the most stressed out of all his brothers, but Donnie is a VERY close runner-up.
Leo holds the most stressful burden on his shoulders, so, trust me, he'll be there for you.
He cares about your well-being, so when he notices you've been stressed, he takes matters into his own hands.
Because, in the relationship, Leonardo makes sure you're in a good headspace all the time. He knows the downfall of a broken mind.
So when he texts you suddenly after yet another breakdown of the week and tells you he has a surprise in the lair, you take it.
Because good God, you needed a distraction, and Leo's text was so sweet that you couldn't resist.
"Hana, are you busy? I have something for you and I think it'll help with how you've been feeling lately :)"
Putting on your coat to counter the January air in Manhattan, you quickly make your way downstairs to the lobby of your apartment building. You didn't even bother to doll yourself up, Leo always said you looked better when you were natural.
Now, it's not uncommon for your boyfriend to surprise you. If anything, it was Leo's favorite thing to do. He loves the art of surprise, and how you always have the most beautiful smile upon your lips as he reveals what he has in store for you. But, you were unsure of what he may have. You couldn't think of what he could be up to.
Would he take you out for the nightly rooftop scream he does to get his pent-up frustrations out? (don't tell anyone about that btw.)
Force...I mean, suggest that you watch Space Heroes with him?
You're unsure.
But, you put all theories aside and walk over to the manhole cover you've familiarized yourself with for the past year.
You knew it all-too-well, that if you take a right, then walk straight for 5 minutes, then turn left, and walk again for now 10 minutes, you'll see the abandoned subway station in the distance.
Desperate for some warmth, your hands grasp the heavy black cover, it's edges frosted with light snow, causing your fingers to become numb from the cold. You push it aside and descend down the ladder and into the damp atmosphere and tangy scent that finds its way up your nose.
The walk is quick, as your strides are brisk. You watch the droplets of water land in the mixture of suspicious liquids that was the sewer water. You learned quickly to never walk in it, and you scrunch your nose up as you reminisce about the first time you came down to the sewers to see the turtles.
You see the familiar subway station you've come accustomed to visiting a few times a week- time permitting. You can hear the grunts of Raphael become louder, as you watch him (once again) massacre the poor practice dummy in the living room space.
"Hey, Y/n. I wondered when you'd be coming." Raph acknowledges your presence, but his focus stays on the dummy.
"Sup, Raph, why? am I late?" You ask, you wondered if Leo's text was sent later than he intended due to service issues, and you may actually be late to his surprise.
"Nah," Raph kicks the dummy in its stomach, the weak chains respond with clangs as if they're begging him to stop, "Leo's been in the dojo for a while, said we couldn't go in and spoil the surprise for ya."
"You have me all excited, it's the first time this week I've been giddy about something." You respond, a soft smile dancing on your lips.
"School, work, friends, parents, everything. Truly whooping my ass."
"Hey, sorry to hear that." Raphael stops massacring the practice dummy, and he turns to you. "I'm not the best at words...but um...hope you feel better after tonight."
After waving goodbye to Raph, you make your way toward the dojo. It's quiet once again, but as you get closer, you can almost...feel a low vibration bubbling from within you. It's odd, but it's calming all the same. You see a piece of paper and a blue paisley bandana on the ground in front of the dojo. You bend down and take the note to read.
Put this on before you come in - Leo
Written nicely in blue ink, how could you defy this order?
As you slide what feels to be the dojo doors open while blindfolded, you can sense that something is different.
"Y/n!" You hear Leo's excited voice say the beautiful name he's gotten engrained into his brain and vocabulary. You smile sincerely, knowing that the only thing visible on your face is your lips. You can hear the sound of Leo's footsteps coming closer, and before he tells you to take off the blindfold, his lips connect to yours in a loving kiss.
The type of kiss you couldn't go one day without having. The type of kiss that makes your whole body feel like jelly. Yeah, that kind.
While you're distracted from the kiss, you feel Leo's hand go from your waist up to the back of your head, and you feel the fabric being lifted from your face.
Pulling away for air, you open your eyes- and the first thing you see is the familiar Prussian blue irises staring back at your e/c ones.
Leo steps away from you, and you finally see the surprise he's talking about.
The dojo is dimly lit, only white unscented candles being the source of lighting. The normal scent of worn-out birch wood mixes in with a new smell. Its seemingly fruity, yet wooden undertones come about the more you inhale. Along with these, there's a hint of...what is it?
"Huh?" You stop smelling the air to find the mystery scent and look at the leader in blue.
"That's the smell you can't put your finger on. Patchouli. I could tell you were confused from the look on your face."
How lucky were you?
Aside from the scents, there are large copper and silver bowls sitting in the middle of the dojo, with a wooden mallet sitting on a velvet red pillow.
"Okay, it may seem too kumbaya," Leo says, his hand immediately going to the back of his neck as it usually does when he's nervous.
"No...it's...what's that sound?" You ask, walking closer to the bowls. The closer you get, the more the sound vibrates throughout your body at a low frequency.
"They're from those Tibetan singing bowls. Buddhist monks used it for meditation throughout India and later on Japan." He points to the bowls sitting together, the three different-sized bowls giving off unique vibrations from one another.
"He gave me these blue lotus incense sticks, too. I burned one not too long before you came, and it really shifts the energy in the room." Leonardo softly takes your hand in his and leads you to the front of the Tibetan bowls, and sits you both down in a kneeling position.
"I know you've been stressed...and Master Splinter let me borrow these when I started heavily meditating. It's a unique way to unwind and destress." Leonardo takes the wooden mallet in his hand, then slowly goes around the largest bowl with it.
At first, nothing happens. But as a few moments go by, you can hear that vibration you felt before you came into the dojo. It seeps into your body, as you can physically feel the negative energy leave your system. Frustration, stress, anxiety- all gone.
At this moment, you're not stressed. At this moment, you have peace and clarity.
You both sit in silence, and you close your eyes for the sound and vibration to fully go into your body. It takes about 3 minutes for the sound to completely go away, and as you open your eyes again to the world, Leo does the same. Only Leo's eyes are looking at you for a response. He hopes that he helped you.
"I...I love it." That is all you can say. It's all you truly can say because it's 1000% how you feel. You loved that Leonardo took the time to find something to destress you. He was truly a gift.
"Y-you do?" His smile stretches from cheek to cheek, and his eyes glint with hope.
"I really do, thank you, Leo; seriously." You interlock your fingers with your boyfriend and lean in to give him a well-deserved kiss. The feeling of his smooth lips upon yours, to the way they went together and danced the same dance they'd rehearsed since the very first kiss was perfect.
Everything was perfect. The kiss, the atmosphere, the surprise, Leo.
Everything was perfect.
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He's not the leader of the group, but boy does this turtle get stressed
doesn't matter about what, it could be the weather, he doesn't give a shit.
if it's something that can cause stress, chances are it's stressed him out.
Raphael knows his style of letting off steam is different from the average person, they don't have their own dojo where they can absolutely annihilate everything they see.
His alternative is breaking stuff
but, he can't exactly break everything in the lair, so he finds other things outside the sewer where it's absolutely okay to break shit
the definition of
"I know a place"
The Place:
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When he finds out you're stressed after overhearing your conversation with Splinter, he's on the job.
He catches you at a good time because you're just about on the brink of a breakdown.
Since he would never go to this abandoned place in the night, he texts you in the afternoon, when the sun is still very, VERY bright and high in the air.
Babe, I have a surprise for you
Be at your window in 10 :*
You hear your phone ding again, and you pick it up already knowing who it is. Nobody double-texts you other than your boyfriend. Heck, Raph even quadruple texts when he's in the talking mood.
Were you even in the mood to see him? Not that you didn't WANT to see him, but you weren't sure if you were in the right headspace. It's been a stressful week, with finals and all. Your two good friends have gotten into a fight and wanted you to take a side, and your parents have been too caught up in their jobs to pay attention to you. It was a terrible situation that was only going to get worse if you couldn't let it all out.
Were you ready to see him? You didn't want to lash out on him or anything from all the pent-up stress.
But still, you find yourself getting ready, putting comfortable clothes on as you just got out of the shower, anticipating Raph's appearance.
As a few minutes went by, you suddenly hear the familiar rhythmic knocks at your window. You take one last look at yourself in the mirror, and you can see bags forming under your eyes from lack of sleep. Not only that, but your eyes have been slightly puffy from the crying you've been doing in the shower. Honestly, that crying session was just the pre-game warm-up. But, the grand breakdown was luckily put on pause thanks to Raphael.
You walk over to your window, and you both follow the routine you've come accustomed to.
"Hey, babe," Raph says, his voice soothing. He used it when he knew he had to be gentle when speaking to you, and it was the same one he used with Chompy.
"Hi, Raph," Your boyfriend places a chaste kiss on your lips, and you find the strength to give him the same energy back. You both share a kiss, his filled with concern, and yours with hopefulness.
"Okay," Pulling away from the kiss, he looks around your room until his eyes land on something.
"It's gonna sound weird but, put this on." You're unsure what this is until Raphael presents a midnight black Nike head tie you had sitting atop your pearl-white vanity. You comply, but your eyes narrow and look straight into his emerald green ones, trying to find the method to this head tie madness.
You find nothing, and thus, the head tie is now a blindfold.
"What now?" You asked, trying your best not to bump into anything around you as you followed Raph's receding voice.
"I forgot, you can't see." You hear a slight chuckle followed by footsteps coming close. A 3-fingered hand grabs your own, as your 5 digits wrap around them in anticipation.
"I'm gonna take you somewhere," Suddenly, Raph's hand leaves yours, and two strong arms pick you up, bridal style.
"But...it's daytime, Red." You use his nickname, to let him know that you appreciate his offer of being taken out of your tiny apartment.
"Where I'm taking ya...you'll be glad it's during the daytime."
Okay, maybe this wasn't the right thing for Raph to say to tease the surprise. It sounded terrifying, and you were left in his arms thinking up every possibility the surprise could be. As Raph slides the window close, you can feel the warm wind of springtime make its way into your hair. It separates the strands, and you could feel the warmth from the air tickle your scalp. You're relying on smell and touch for this trip to...well, you don't know where. But, you smell the usual, the freshly cut grass and the musty remnants of mass pollution from the citizens.
It's a bumpy ride, but it's expected. Whenever Raph takes you roof-hopping, he's always fast and never slow. You faintly hear his light breathing amongst the wind brushing against your face.
"It's...it's a..." You hold onto your blindfold, unsure of what exactly you're looking at. After you reached your destination, Raph placed you back on your feet and took off your blindfold with no warning. So, you didn't anticipate seeing what you're looking at now.
"Abandoned factory. Come, this isn't the full surprise" Suddenly, Raph takes your hand into his own, and he leads the way into the graffiti-ridden building.
Abandoned may be an understatement. Maybe demolished? Run-down? On its last limb? You cautiously step over different textures and pass different sceneries, the rays of the sun illuminating the inside of the factory. It's massive, and you can see the open ceiling above you reveal more space and floors the more you walk around at the bottom. It's truly a hidden gem because you would've never thought you could find something like this still standing in the city.
You take in the new world around you, as it feels you're now isolated and far from city life. Nothing moves here but you and Raph; not to mention the small debris falling from the outdated cream popcorn ceiling.
After minutes go by of walking, you reach a room that appears to have been the work area. You wonder what they made here, but you can't think of anything specifically until you see the worn-out sewing machines atop every wooden table.
They rest gracefully as if they're waiting to be used again.
You wonder, 'who's going to break the news and tell them that they never will be?'
"I need you to do two more things for me, babe." You turn to Raphael, who hands you a pair of safety goggles that he definitely stole from Donnie's lab.
"Put this on," You do as told. You watch as your vision gets mildly cloudy from the smudges on the lenses.
You still feel confused, as you're trying to grasp the point of all this.
"Casey let me borrow this last time I was here, so, we should put it to good use, right?" He walks over to a corner of the spacious room and picks up what looks like a baseball bat.
After handing it to you, he takes a deep breath. Raphael was never good at finding the right words in such little time, but right now, it came easy.
He may have rehearsed what he was going to say to you.
"I...I overheard you telling Splinter you've been stressed. I-I...I shouldn't have eavesdropped but...I knew something was off about you, Y/n. I just didn't know what." You watch as Raph's green eyes avoid looking into yours. He must be nervous. I know, Raph and nervous never go in the same sentence, right?
Wrong. Raph gets nervous, especially when talking to you. He's still finding his groove when it comes to talking to his girlfriend.
"I thought about ways to help, but they were all ways that I would normally deal with anger. So...I brought you here." You listen as Raph riles himself up when he was nearing the end of his speech to you. Like I said, words never came easy to Raph, but for you, he was more than willing to take a dive at it.
"It's sort of a way I would deal with being stressed, but it's in a more satisfying way for you. You take all your frustrations on the building to avoid self-destruction, as uh...Leo would say." He smiles, a small one, but you can still see it. It's rare that Raphael smiled, but since he started dating you, it's all his lips felt like doing when he saw you.
You look down at the wooden bat in your hand and then back up at Raph.
"I...you thought this through so much...this is so sweet of you, Raph. Truly. I could use an outlet to let everything out." Your lips curl into a smile, one of the few you've done this past week due to the stress you've been under.
Raphael came at the best time, you would've cried and trashed your room alone. But, you had Raph.
"It's what I'm here for, Y/n. Let it all out." He steps back, far away from you for you to use the baseball bat.
Poor factory.
You take a deep breath, before readying your bat and swinging at one of the sewing machines. It crashes on the ground, its red paint on the outside cracking and breaking off.
"Stupid...fucking...school!" You yell in between hits. Your breathing is heavy, but you don't care. You also don't care that you may look crazy in front of Raph. Honestly, he was right. You had to let it all out; no matter what.
"Stupid…fucking friends that put ME…in the middle of THEIR bullshit!" You swing again, and again, and again. You wind up hitting a sewing machine in the process, and watch as its red paint chips off once it hits the ground.
You continue like this for a while; hitting chairs, shattering glass, hell, you even ditch the bat and start throwing things with your bare hands.
It goes on for a while, and after you throw the last innocent sewing machine on the ground, you sink to the floor to catch your breath and calm down.
"You alright?" He asks.
"I see why you do that…." Raphael helps you up, and he takes the goggles off your face.
"…Why you take your anger out that way…it's…"
"Satisfying?" Raphael finishes your sentence, and you laugh in response.
"Very. Very satisfying," You place a kiss on Raph's left cheek, and you watch as it turns light pink from the feeling of your lips. "Thank you Red, really."
"Anytime. Let me know if you ever need to destress, and I'll find more places like this that you can wreck to your heart's content." With that, Raphael takes your hand once more, and leads you back to the entrance you both came from.
How lucky were you to have someone like Raphael help you out in times like this.
And better yet, how de-stressed you felt after this whole thing.
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Okay, Donnie's way of dealing with stress is pretty...weird.
The man reads academic journals for fun, so, that should tell you all you need to know about how he deals with it
Donnie thinks you're avoiding him at first. You haven't been coming to the lair as much as you usually do, but he doesn't want to pry. Donatello was never the type to confront you about something. Actually, anyone for that matter. He just wasn’t the confrontational type.
But, when April and Casey come over to the lair without you for the 5th time this week, he’s lost. 
That is, until April lets him know what’s been up with you.
“I’m not sure what exactly it is…maybe finals week? Y/n’s been studying like crazy, especially for the honors classes. 
You’re stressed! That was it. Donnie figured that much. 
He thinks about the stuff he usually does to get rid of any stress, but they’re not ideal. He can’t make you invent something or talk to Timothy, that’s his style of doing things. He had to get into your mind. 
What could he do to make you feel better?
“Are you free today?”
“I’ve got a surprise for you, but it requires me to come over. And…it’s going to need a large time slot for it to be a proper surprise :D”
You reread the text your boyfriend sent you. It was enticing, and you wondered what it could be. Lately, you’ve been staying home more cooped up in your room. Finals week was coming up, and you were swamped with studying. It was all you did. Eat, sleep, and study. So much so, that you started getting nervous about the upcoming exams. You were having so much anxiety over finals that it stressed you out severely. It wasn’t one specific kind of stress. It's an odd description, but this stress that feels like a big cloud looming over you everywhere you go. It wouldn’t go away, no matter how much you tried.
 It took a toll on your room, too. Your room became messier than the average teen's. You had a pile of clean laundry you never took the time to put away, and packets of study guides for all classes sprawled across your desk and onto the floor. Your bed was undone, and you sat in the middle of your room, reading Donnie’s text again for the third time. 
It was bad enough you haven’t been down to the Lair lately, and it would be even worse if you turned his surprise down. Donatello does things out of the kindness of his own heart. You’ve noticed this time and time again. He would do something or make something really special for you, and ask for nothing in return. Don’t get me wrong, you loved to get him different things that piqued his interest or plan out fun dates around the lair or your apartment, but Donatello was truly a special turtle. 
Your thumb hovers over the send button. You get a slight wave of excitement from the idea of seeing your boyfriend and what he might have in store for you. Pressing send, you lay and gaze at the dull white ceiling of your room. 
You start to wait for Donnie’s arrival, but then you wonder if you should tidy up. 
In all seriousness, it really wasn’t THAT bad. You’ve seen Mikey’s room before, and Lord, that boy needs help in there. It also would make time go faster and before you know it, Donnie will come knocking at your window. 
You groggily get up from your spot on the bed and begin to slowly gather all the study guides in your hand, making sure not to bend or crinkle the edges of the papers. You have about 3 packets for each subject, so, yeah, being overwhelmed is an understatement. 
You place them all in one pile on your desk and decide that it was enough tidying up after you made your bed. Your clean clothes could wait to be put away.
You were in the middle of separating past tests by the subject when you suddenly hear the knocks that were exclusive to Donatello. He always knocks quietly at first because he doesn’t want to be rude or scare you, but then he realizes you can’t hear it, so the knocks gradually get louder. 
A glint of happiness seeps into your eyes as you see Donnie’s gap-toothed smile through the window, but it doesn’t help the fact that the cloud is still hovering above you. 
Sliding open the window, you invite the sunlight into your seemingly dark room. It was still the middle of the day, and you were surprised Donnie came over when it was still daytime. But, he’s a ninja, he’s smart. He knows how to get to your place undetected. 
You completely give in as Donnie steps in and embraces you in a tight hug after setting down three large brown plastic bags he brought with him. 
“Dove, how are you? Honestly.” Donnie asks as he strikes your hair. Feeling comfort in his arms like you usually did, you couldn’t lie about how you felt anymore. Plus, from the sincere tone in Donnie’s voice, he already had an idea. 
“Not…not so good. I haven’t been this stressed out in a long time. It’s horrible, I mean, look at my room, Don.” 
“Hey,” Donatello lifts your chin with his green finger and smiles, “I've seen Mikey’s room, believe me, I’m not judging.”
You couldn’t help but softly smile, and you place a loving kiss on Donnie’s lips. Like always, Donatello melts. He's been melting since the first kiss you both shared 6 months ago. He couldn’t help it, he was finally being loved- and that’s all he wanted. 
Donatello was truly a gem, and when he tells you to close your eyes, you can’t help but think of all the things he may have to ease your mind as you comply. 
“Painting?” You tilt your head and look at your boyfriend. Donatello presents to you a wide smile that displays his cute gap as he begins to tell you why he chose painting to help you. 
“Precisely! I remember you talking about how much you hated the cream color and wanted something nicer, so I researched colors that are known to lift moods…” Donnie kneels down and uses a box cutter to get the first can of paint open. Once it’s fully cut, he lifts the lid, and you can see the sunflower yellow paint glisten from the seeping sunlight from the window. 
 “And I found this. Making paint from scratch is really simple. It’s pigment, binder, the actual liquid, and some additives…and…sorry, I’m going on a tangent.” You watch as Donatello stops himself from speaking about his entire process for making this paint for your room, but it makes it all the more special. Donnie MADE paint, a custom color just for you to make you feel better. How fucking sweet was that?
You look at the paint once again, and it’s so glossy, you can faintly see your reflection drowning in the yellow hue. “Now, I know it’s bright,” The ninja in purple starts, “but according to color psychology, the color of a room has a significant impact on human behavior and mood.”  He opens another plastic bag, and he’s managed to fit large paint rollers and paint trays. Not only that, he’s even gotten painter's tape to help with the fine lines and smaller paint brushes. 
You never really thought about how the color of your room has an impact on your mood. As you look around, you imagine your room the same color as the one in the can. 
  You can imagine a dramatization of white tulips and lilacs growing in your room from how bright and lively it’ll be after it’s painted. 
“Don…” Donatello truly thought of the best solution to your problem, and you couldn’t be any more grateful
“Yeah? Wait, you don’t like it? Is it too much? Is it the color? I happen to really enj-“
“No no no Donnie, it’s great.” You walk up to Donnie’s hunched form over the paint cans and wrap your arms around his neck from behind. You can feel his hands touch yours, and his deep brown-red eyes close with satisfaction. He did it again, he got something right for you. 
“I would love to spend the day with you painting my room.”
You and Donnie both take the time to quickly move all furniture up against the walls to the middle of the room. It’s fairly easy since your small room in the apartment doesn’t have much. A vanity, a dresser, a nightstand, even your bed. But, you get it done. 
You take down any posters that are up on your walls, and it’s finally bare. It’s a disgusting dull cream shade, and you couldn’t despise it more. After getting the tape to block parts that normally didn’t get painted, it was finally time!
“Are you ready?” Donnie asks as he hands you a roller. It’s not heavy, but as soon as you dip it in the large tin that your boyfriend put the yellow paint in, you can feel the weight increase as the roller soaks up all the liquid it can to saturate the wall. 
“I’m excited…I haven’t painted in a while.” You initially thought Donatello was bringing paint so you guys could just relax and paint some pretty pictures together, but honestly, this was so much better.
You start on the wall in front of you, thinking of where you should start the roller first. Now, you wanted it to look good, so you decide to start rolling from top to bottom, applying light pressure in the beginning, before gradually placing more for the paint to transfer onto the wall. You watch as the new sunflower yellow replaces that nasty color you initially had, and comparing it after just a few strokes you can already tell the gorgeous difference. It was going to look absolutely beautiful when it was done. 
Once you start getting the hang of it, you and Donatello divide and conquer, as you learned pretty quickly that you couldn’t reach the higher parts of the wall. 
But, that’s the benefit of having a tall mutant turtle as a boyfriend, Donnie got to those hard-to-reach spots with no problem!
It took hours. But, those were the least stressful hours you’ve had for the past couple of weeks. Not once did the thought of finals cross your mind, as you were distracted with Donnie. He took his time, as did you, to try and drag this whole painting project longer than it probably should go. But, time didn’t matter to you right now. What mattered was that Donatello was with you, painting your room. You were nearing the end of the project, as you had less than half of the final wall to go. Donnie took it upon himself to make any conversation- and you both spoke of mundane topics. Mundane until Donatello heard something you said about a certain conspiracy theory that piqued his interest. 
“I mean, it’s science. What idiot would say the world is fl-ah! Whoops! sorry, Y/n.” You feel something cold land on your cheek, and you stop painting the wall to feel what it is. As you wipe the unknown substance off and look at your hand, you see there are remnants of yellow paint covering your fingers. 
You look at Donatello, putting up a front as if you’re shocked he just did that. As he stumbles upon his words to apologize again, you dip your finger in the tin of yellow liquid and fingerpaint his bicep.
“Whoops, sorry, Donnie!” You giggle as the purple-banded turtle turns red from your touch until he snaps out of it and dips his own finger in the paint, only to cover your nose in it. 
“Sorry!” He exclaims sarcastically. Oh sweet innocent Donnie and his sassiness. 
“Oh, you’re gonna get it now Don!” What turned from a normal room painting project amongst two people that just so happened to be a couple, shifted into an all-out paint fight between them. You haven’t felt so free in weeks. 
Stifling your laughter, you try and wiggle out of Donnie’s grip on top of you as he tickles your sides, trying to make you say “mercy.”
“Okay okay! Mercy! Mercy! Uncle!” You say in between laughs. You both stop and catch your breaths, and Donnie- covered in paint like you- dives in to kiss your lips. Despite them having paint on them, he didn’t care. It was a cute moment that he would be thinking about for the next couple of months. You both stay like this, and Donnie’s lips work yours like they usually do, and you could feel him smiling into the kiss. You give in, too, and smile as well. Kisses from Donatello were something that you craved.
“Thank you, Donnie. It means a lot to me that you did this.” You say after the slew of kisses end. He smiles and chuckles nervously, “Anytime. My sweet angel.”
If you were wondering, once you were done, it came out amazing. It was just like you imagined it. Once the furniture was put back in place (not touching the wall, Donatello would help move it back once the paint fully dried,) you take a moment to let it seep in. Your room was a breath of fresh air, and that’s what you needed right now. You felt this imaginary cloud that sat atop you in your room fade away, and you could almost feel your newly yellow walls smiling back at you.
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Mikey is always pretty laid-back and energetic.
He rarely gets stressed, unless it’s during a mission and he’s done something to fuck the team up
Then at that moment, he’s stressed.
He usually deals with it in a very “mikey” way.
He may go skateboarding in the sewers, or take a chance and try and skateboard on the rooftops. Don’t do that second one if you’re not mikey, it’s pretty dangerous. 
He’d also just sit down and eat a few slices of pizza, nothing extreme, but indulging in your favorite food in moderation is something that can make you feel better!
When you first start dating, you always found yourself wanting to be around Mikey, as he was never a negative turtle. He was always so happy, so much so that it even made you question why. Not in a bad way, but you wondered how he could stay so positive.
So when he notices something is off about you, he has something very special planned. 
He shoots you a text, hoping you’ll accept his offer and come down to the Lair today.
Heyyyy gorgeous! I know you haven’t been feeling so good, so I was wondering if you wanted to come down and see the super duper awesome surprise I have for you :D?
Now, who are you to turn down Mikey? You couldn’t allow your stress to take over your love life, as it already had taken over your academic and social life. Regents exams were coming up, and everyone knows New York students despise those- especially you- because you just so happened to get a terrible math teacher this year and were worried about failing. On top of this, your friend group had gotten terribly complicated. It seemed that drama followed your friends, and you were seriously considering finding some new ones. All of this being said, it took a toll on your mental health. Your life, as you knew it, was getting stressful. So much so, that you sat in your bed on the weekends, not really interacting with anyone but your parents if they came into your room. 
You sadly haven’t been texting Mikey as much as you usually do, and you hoped he didn’t take it the wrong way. But, as you reread his message once again, you think about how he noticed the changes in you without even asking. Raph may clown him at times, but Mikey was extremely observant.
You peeled the covers off of you and got out of your bed, wondering if you should even make it up. 
“That one navy guy said to always make your bed in that one speech...” You say out loud. It’s may seem dumb, but that one navy guy is right. If you have the willpower to do something so small as making your bed, you’ll have the willpower to overcome the hardship in your life.
You decide to make your bed. It didn’t make you less stressed, but you felt hope for how the rest of your day will go. You’re looking forward to seeing your boyfriend, as he was your break from all the mess in the world that was your life. 
You look out into the city sky through your window before leaving, and you see the many hues of orange and yellow merging as the sun sets. Orange, huh, it reminds you of Mikey. You make your way down to the stairs of your apartment building, and soon to the outside. You feel the cool air hit your face, as the nearing summertime weather was approaching. You wondered what you would do this summer IF you were to pass your mathematics regents. You thought about the farmhouse April took you and the guys to last summer.
 It was your first actual vacation with the turtles and their sensei, and it was seriously relaxing. You were far away from the city, as upstate New York was quiet- Suffolk County being one of those quiet places. You were able to have quality time with the turtles as a group, and then also have quality time with your boyfriend, Mikey. You guys did a lot together, you paired up for the volleyball game (and lost badly against Leo and Raph,) tried to fish (you landed in the lake,) and even made a fire together! (Thank you, Google.) Needless to say, you were looking forward to the next trip to April’s farmhouse. 
This thought also made you more anxious for the exam, so you distract your mind by quickly getting to the manhole cover and going down into the sewer. You had gotten used to the smell over time, and it was nearing summer- where the smell would get progressively worse as the temperature rises. But, you had been down here enough times to where the smell didn’t bother your nose as much. Plus, the Lair smelled 1000x better than the actual sewer tunnels. 
Speaking of the Lair, you made it!
“Y/n! Hey!” You’re greeted by Leonardo, who’s sitting in front of the TV. You can hear voices that belong to Captain Ryan and his crew, so you’re lucky that Leo even noticed you. He’s usually always into the show that he tunes everything out around him. Unless, you know, Raph makes a comment about how dumb the show is. 
“Hey, Leo. Another marathon?” You ask as he turns his head to you, the TV lights illuminating his face. 
“Yeah, I got dibs on the TV tonight and everything!” It was comical to see Leo out of “leader mode,” he seemed so happy today. 
“Any idea where Mikey is?” You ask, looking around the living space. You see Raph sitting on the couch behind Leo reading a comic and feeding his pet turtle a few leaves. Don’t even get me started on the irony of this picture. Anyway, there’s no sign of Donatello, but you hear faint humming coming from the kitchen far off on the opposite side of the living space. 
“He’s in the kitchen, he nearly kicked me out for trying to feed Spike. Almost malnourished the poor guy saying I would ‘mess his flow up.” Raph says as Spike chews on his leaf. He nods his head at you to say hello, and you wave in response. 
“Thanks,” After talking to the brothers in red and blue, you make your way over to the kitchen. Out of all the areas in the Lair, the kitchen was special. Why? There’s a cat in the freezer. It was comical, one day you were grabbing an ice pack for Mikey, and you were shocked to see a literal ice cream kitty hand you one and meow happily at you. Like Raph with Spike, Mikey really loved that kitty, plus he felt bad that he mutated it accidentally, but, Ice Cream Kitty seemed pretty happy. 
You turn the corner and see your boyfriend, Mikey, with a “kiss the cook” apron on. He wore it for “special meals” as he would put it. You wondered what was so special about tonight’s food.
“Hey, Mikey?” You call out, he’s getting something out of the cabinet before he sees you. But, when he does, it’s over.
“Y/n! Oh my sweet angel Y/n!” Mikey smiles and pulls you into a loving hug, and you faintly smell remnants of vanilla on him. 
“Okay, so, surprise! We’re bakin’! You know, according to Google, I read that baking is good for the mind, I knew my awesome cooking skills will come in handy!” Mikey cheered as he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. You wondered what you were going to bake with him. As you looked around the table at the different baking ingredients, you concluded it would be a cake. 
“We’re making a cake?” You ask as you walk around the table. You smiled as you saw the different colors of icing sprawled across the top. 
“Aw yeah! You have the professional uncertified chef here to help, too! I know your mood has been down, with school and stuff- and I know school causes stress…so I thought this would help.” You watch the orange-clad turtle give his puppy eyes at you, hoping that this would be the way to convince you to unwind and bake with him.
Mikey didn’t need the puppy eyes this time around, him thinking of this activity was more than enough to swoon you over. 
“I think it’ll help more than you think,” Michelangelo’s eyes get a glint of happiness in them from your response, and you place a kiss on his lips, “Thank you, for thinking of me and how to help out.” 
“Anything for my sweet sweet sweet…sweet…hold on…that’s too many sweets, sweet sweet angel Y/n!” His bright blue eyes glance into yours as he cheeses. 
Mikey may be an uncertified unlicensed chef with no study in culinary school, but, he surely knows a thing or two about baking. 
It makes this process stress-free, and that was his intention. He measures out everything for you so all you have to do is mix it in and watch the magic happen. This part is fun alone, as you watch the sugar be mixed in with the melted butter, creating a sand-like texture before the sugar is totally dissolved. Mikey’s careful with the eggs, as he went off the instructions when they said to add the eggs after melting the butter. 
“I don’t think you want scrambled eggs in your cake.” He says, stopping you from cracking the egg into the golden liquid. 
You feel the side of the bowl after mixing the sugar and butter, your hand feeling the bowl cool down, as the sugar lowers the temperature. You then continue mixing the liquid ingredients together, while Mikey measures out the dry ingredients in a separate bowl. You wanted to make a marble cake, so you were soon separating the liquid mixture in half while your boyfriend did the same with the dry, only adding cocoa powder to one of the halved bowls. 
After some time, you’re ready to combine the dry and wet ingredients together. Mikey hands you the orange rubber spatula, and you gently fold the ingredients together in each bowl, careful not to over-mix. You and Mikey continue joking around and for the first time this week, you’re having fun. You’re not thinking about school, or anything else negative. No, this activity has managed to clear your mind in a positive way. 
“Awww yeah! In the oven it goes!” You used a skewer to mix the chocolate part into the vanilla, creating that marble effect you were desiring. After this, you and Mikey hold it together and place it in the preheated oven at a toasty 350 degrees for 25 minutes. 
While you wait, you think about what you should decorate the cake with. Mikey hasn’t mentioned anything about it, but it’s probably because he’s losing to Ice Cream Kitty at Uno. It’s so funny to watch Mikey get beat at his own game, as he whines after the cold kitty throws down yet another draw 4. Cheating or not, it’s comical to watch a cat play cards. Uno at that. 
Now that the cake is out of the oven, you and Mikey agreed on waiting 15 minutes so it could cool down for decorating.
Watching the Uno match in front of you, your lips form into a smile, and you let out a giggle as Ice Cream Kitty meows in response to Mikey’s whining, as they secretly show you their last two cards. Yeah, Mikey’s toast.
Mikey gets hit with a blue skip as Ice Cream Kitty beats him to yell “Uno” first, and then places down their final card: a red skip.
“You definitely cheated!” Mikey exclaims as the Neopolitan kitty climbs off the table and shimmy’s up the fridge back into the freezer, ignoring Mikey’s antics. The timer you set on your phone goes off, and as you poke the top of the cake, the surface is completely cooled and ready to be iced.
“What were you thinking to put on it?”  You asked, opening the red icing while Mikey the orange. 
“Um...well, I was thinking of leaving that to you. You know, to do the honors. Now, I know we’re not all gifted with artistic greatness, butttttt I trust you to do it.” He jokes, earning an eye roll and a nudge on the arm from you.
You first grab the white frosting that's off to the side, realizing you had to paint the cake first before actually putting a design on it. Grabbing the silver-angled spatula, you dip it into the Pillsbury container and begin to maneuver the cake tool to fully cover the cake in white sugary goodness. With the cake cooled, it’s a breeze. 
You look around the cake at every angle, making sure you got every corner and cranny. As you grab the red icing you opened earlier, you grip it in your hand and hover on top of the cake. But, you stop. 
What should you decorate it with? Actually, what should you write? That’s what bakers did, right? They wrote nice sayings in beautiful script, right?
A thought pops into your head, and it causes Mikey to tilt his head in confusion as you get a devious look on your face. 
You apply pressure to the small icing bag, and watch as the red icing writes the words you’re thinking of in your head, letter by letter. You tell Mikey to turn around so he couldn’t see, and he complies. 
After a few more minutes, you put the half-full icing bag down, and admire your work. 
“Okay, Mikey, you can turn back around! Look!” You smile at your work, despite the letters looking absolutely atrocious. It looked like Donnie’s chicken scratch handwriting. But, it says what you were thinking, and that’s what matters. 
As Mikey turns around, he reads the cake quickly before snickering at the sight. 
“I guess there are people with artistic greatness! We have to show Raph. And hide it from Splinter, but also cut him a piece, you know?” He says, handing you the cake cutter as he screams for Raph. As Raph comes over (not before scolding Mikey for yelling,) he looks down at the cake before you stab the middle of it to cut.
“Huh. Somethin’ I would do. Nice, Y/n.” The green-eyed turtle compliments.
To: Stress
Fuck You Bitch!!!!!
Love, Y/n ❤️
After you give Leo and Raph their pieces, you cut Mikey’s, purposefully giving him the slice with the heart on it. 
“For you, because I love you. Thanks, Mikey.” Mikey’s eyes light up, and his freckled cheeks have a slight pink tint after you dive in for an overdue kiss.
Best stress reliever ever.
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sweeteaacakes · 12 hours
『 Ask Open 』
Hello hello, Teaa's ask for WHB is open!
「 Menu:
Lemonade (aka mild-smut)
You can include character×reader or pair of demons/angels of your preference! 」
「 Rules:
I can write to wholesome, cracks, suggestive content to mild-smut! Uh, even angst too.
Lemonades are off-limit for anons and no-age-in-bio
You can dm me your age along with your ask if you're uncomfortable with public ask :3
No going overboard like certain demons/angels tho (;´∀`) 」
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ghosti · 2 years
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you all will be shocked to know i picked the long haired vampire with glasses to play for our vtm shortshot :))) a gangrel with way too much to prove that studies thaumaturgy
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People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @rolansrighthorn
⟡♦ FAVE SHIPS ♦⟡ Keeping BG3
Orin/Shovel the Quasit -- but a friendship ship, I think they would have so much fun together
Minthara/Malkira my Evil Durge
Halsin/Shadowheart/Luce my BardTav
Aylin/Isobel /me, just me wedge me in the middle
Dammon/Aerfen my MonkTav
⟡♦ LAST SONG(S) ♦⟡
Bling-Bang-Bang-Born - Creepy Nuts
Tout petit moineau - Igorrr
⟡♦ LAST FILM(S) ♦⟡
Not a Film, but I was watching Better Call Saul during the last month of work for bg noise
Swords of Eveningstar - Ed Greenwood
For multipart fanfics, I'm actively reading:
A Little Wicked by @.dandelion-bride/thesemortalsbe
New Tricks by @.my-favourite-zhent/unmoderated_zhentarim
Mutually Assured Destruction by bearhugsandshrugs
I'm forgetting one, i cannot for the life of me remember holy shit i feel bad
I cannot tell you how many and which single and shortshot fanfics I have read. I do not keep track of the ones I read on my phone well.
Korean food always
Cheese. Just like in general.
Uhhh, tagging @grossjay since you've tagged me before. And anyone else who wants it.
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angryisokay · 1 year
I had a weird dream that someone was trying to sell me an obscure prototype gun called a Jenny Longshot. It was a clunky 80’s looking machine assisted aim weapon that used lasers and cameras to direct small motors to correct your aim. You just pointed it in the general direction of your target and let the onboard computer do the actual aiming. They also tried to sell me the sister gun, a pistol called the Jenny Shortshot.
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gundamone · 6 months
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thefrozenfractals · 1 year
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$475.0 ~ Vance & Hines - 47229 - Shortshots Staggered Exhaust System, Black, Motorcycle Exhausts, Motorcycle Slip On Exhaust, Motorcycle Exhaust Pipe, Exhaust Pipes, Bike Exhaust Pipe, Slip On Exhaust Pipe, Aftermarket Exhaust Find Out This Motorcycle Exhausts
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mutantdilf · 2 years
I was going to say something coherent but im brain dead rn so i will simply say there's a surprising amount of Mojoworld content in things that contain the X-Babies. The silly and violent cartoon babies also each have cute nicknames but most of them aren't creative so I have decided "lil Longshot" is actually called Shortshot. They're unionized. Read every appearance of the X-Babies right now or perish.
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cuaviaaceves1 · 3 years
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A little something I’ve been working on as part of the Argo Archives prompt list!
If you want to find more about it you can go to their blog! @argo-city-exchange
Added with my first full fledged story and one of the very first things that I edit and feel confident enough to post over at Ao3. 
Art Talk at The Museum
Hope you like it, and let me know what you think.
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sheriff-caitlyn · 3 years
From midnight to midnight, Piltover’s Masquerade fills the street with music and colour and perfume. All that is familiar is veiled, and all are strangers in this vibrant city. It is a wonderful time of year, the highlight of the season. Everyone has put in plenty of effort to their costumes.
She is hooded and cloaked, her colours piebald black and white, a cat mask across her face. A highwaywoman, it seems, a dashing rogue with a feline flair. She dances with another hooded and cloaked feline, one who seems to have stolen starlight in the inner lining of their cloak. ‘Dance’ perhaps is generous. They are perhaps only swaying together, no mind for the crowds or the music or anything that isn’t each other. A clowder of two.
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red1sg0n3 · 3 years
Angry Cherry Blossoms
mentions of violence
Heal [ @local-angst-dispenser ]
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“H-Heal- pffT- Heal those aren’t-“
A calm day in the Greenhouse proved to be a bit violent as the younger twin of the two was growing restless, the eldests’ not so muffled laughter not helping the situation at hand.
The brunette screwed her eyes shut, fingers pinching the bridge of her nose as she begins to speak “Listen, Red. I know my goddamn flowers, these are Hyacinth’s, not fucking forget-me-not’s.” The woman forms her hand into a fist, growing upset my the chuckles of the other twin
“Are you sure about that?” Red inquires, folding her arms with an amused look on her face, watching the shorter sister’s brows twitch “Because it just seems like to me-“ “I KNOW MY GODDAMN FLOWERS!“ the brit holds in a another heavy laugh, glancing at the flowers in the beds laid out for them, the soft petals of the flowers at hand, which were indeed forget-me-nots, flowing with the bees that were hovering over them. “Just take- take another look Heal.”
“I can see the flowers, sis. They’re hyacinths.” “They are not-“ “Yes thEY ARE.”
The younger sibling turns around and puts her hand onto the wall, trying not to punch the glass of the greenhouse as the older walks to another bed, gently picking up a flower.
The soft clicks of the taller twin’s heels catch Heal’s attention, spinning around and taking a large breath before pausing at the sight of the pink hyacinth in her sister’s hand.
“Wh- what-“ “It’s a hyacinth, Heal.”
Everything goes quiet as the younger sibling stares at the flower, the taller of the two’s hand slowly starting to shake as she holds in her manic giggles from the sight of the deadpanned look on the black and purple clad woman.
The woman takes a deep breath “Fine. I may not know my flowers, but I know a bitch when I see one.” that’s all it took for Red to burst into hysterics, laughing maniacally while almost dropping the pink hyacinth.
“It’s funny because my favourite flowers are forget-me-nots.”
“I’m going to fucking choke you.”
Based off of a conversation on Quotev.
Check out Ipuania!
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Get To Know You
Fluff / Platonic
Dream SMP
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The leaves under Phil's feet crunched, and he couldn’t help but let a small smile grace his lips. Autumn was one of his favorite seasons. It wasn’t too hot, it wasn’t too cold. A small hum escaped him as his eyes scoured the trees. Some crows, robins, cardinals, and many more birds were flying around.
“No doubt getting ready to migrate for winter,” the winged man muttered under his breath. He let out a small sigh and adjusted his bowl hat.
“Migrating indeed,” hummed a voice behind him.
Phil yelped and whipped around, his eyes going wide. His wings flared out before settling again. His eyes narrowed, seeing a woman standing before him. She wore a flowing dress, her (h/c) hair blowing lightly in the breeze. Flowers were all in her hair as well. The woman had a kind smile on her lips, and her eyes matched that look.
“Hello, Phil.” the woman walked up to him. “I’ve been expecting you.”
“Expecting me?” Phil’s hand slowly moved the sheathed sword on his hip. However, he didn’t have time to pull it out, as a branch from a tree extended and yanked the sword away. His eyes widened as he watched the branch return back to it’s former place, however it still had his sword. Turning his head back to the strange woman, the winged man could see her silently giggling.
“How did you do that?” he asked, breathless.
The woman walked towards him, her giggles become soft and audible. “I am (Y/n), or as you humans know me, Mother Nature.”
“Mother Nature..” the words fell from Philza’s mouth without him knowing. Mother Nature was here, in front of me. How could he not see? The flowers, the dress, how everything seemed.. alive with her around. Everything seemed to glow and grow faster. The blonde man shook his head to snap himself out of his daze. Suddenly, he felt something on his shoulder. The winged man looked up and saw (Y/n) now standing directly in front of him. Her (e/c) eyes seemed to glow.
She smiled. “I want to get to know you, Phil.”
“Get to.. know me..?” Phil blinked.
“You’re lonely, aren’t you?” the blonde glanced away when his immortality was indirectly brought up. “I.. I am.”
(Y/n) grabbed Philza’s hands and held them up. She entwined her fingers with his, causing a smile to spread on the immortal man’s face. “Then let me get to know you.”
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