#eddie munson x you shortshot
sofiiel · 1 year
Falling asleep with Older!Eddie crammed into a comfy recliner because you both tried to stay up and watch a marathon of your favorite show or movie series. But it was after a long week of adulting where everyday felt like a horrendous Monday and the weekend was full of errands.
So the comfy fun of watching things together just knocked you two right out. The TV is now watching you two. Both of you are suffering from some limbs getting that pins and needles feeling.
But he likes having you this close, and you finally found the sweet spot where only one leg is miserable. Both of you being too tired and lazy to move.
The phone rang several times and Eddie just holds you tighter and mutters "let it go to voicemail, this is the good part." even though his eyes are clearly closed, and he's barely awake.
You'll probably wake up with a crook in your neck and a charlie horse, but for now, it's totally worth it.
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