#short cosmetology course
henrydavis123 · 3 months
Leading Medical Aesthetician Courses in Bangalore | Hair and Beauty Academy
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Embark on a transformative journey with Kosmoderma Academy's advanced courses for medical aestheticians in Bangalore.
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A (Hair)Cut Above The Rest [Hunter x Fem!Reader]
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Warnings and Information: Trying to brute force my motivation to write by writing this in the course of an hour or so, so blame any spelling/grammar/plot mistakes I didn't catch in the editing on the caffeine. Undescribed fem!reader. Hunter is not described completely accurately to how he's depicted in The Bad Batch show (meaning not whitewashed) and is having a little hair trouble. Reader helps him out. Mando'a pet names are used. Order 66? Don't know her.  [I got a haircut recently and I'm gonna have Hunter thoughts about it apparently.]
Word-count: 1,688
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Through a turn of events that would take too long to recap, it has been you and the sergeant of Clone Force 99 aboard the Havoc Marauder for the past four days, and only you and the sergeant. You haven't minded traversing the stars, just the two of you, but you suspect he's beginning to become antsy for one reason or another the longer you and Hunter have been away on a supply run. 
Several times now you've caught grumbling and grimacing every occasion he has to adjust the crimson bandana for any reason.
He's being as discreet as he can be, but you just get this feeling that Hunter is growing so uncomfortable the longer you're away from his brothers. "How much longer until we get back to the rest of the squad on Saleucami?" When he asks you this question, it's through gritted teeth and measured breathing, like he's trying to reign in his temper or something. Stave off panic, perhaps. 
You look at the astronav and perform a quick mental estimate with a shrug. "Probably a day, or less. Why?" 
"I don't think I can wait that long…" Hunter swears bitterly under his breath as he rips the knot of his bandana apart, and lifts the thick, curled brown hair off the back of his neck. "It's my hair," he explains with a flushing face, "normally one of my brothers helps me with this when it gets too long, but it's just you and me right now, mesh'la. I really need your help. I don't think I can wait another day before I can get this extra weight off my head and neck. Please, Ka'ra…" 
He's near-desperately asking you for help in wrangling his hair, even buttering you up with pet names in Mando'a. Beautiful. Star. 
Before he can beg again, you agree to help. Maker help you for having such a tender heart; never one to turn away a friend in need. "I'm not exactly a cosmetology school graduate, but I'll see what I can do." You just have to grab some items like a few hair clips and something to cut his hair with from your shower kit that's stashed in your bunk first, and then you can meet him in the refresher that's just barely big enough for Wrecker to comfortably fit in to get a handle on Hunter's hair situation. 
"I don't need pretty, I just need it gone." Hunter insists, his breathing a little hitched. "There's just too much weight on my head, ka'ra." He's looking for a place to sit in the fresher, finally opting for the floor. It'll have to do. You have to kneel behind him as you make a quick assessment, and you promise you'll be gentle.
"If I'm pulling too much, you let me know, okay?" 
You start to make the first cut, hoping to whatever higher powers that be in the galaxy that you'll have feeling in your knees by the time you're done. It's not exactly pleasant to put all your weight on your knees for a long time in such a cramped space. 
Hunter comes just short of moaning in his relief as the weight eases off his tender scalp with every careful cut, and every slow pass of the comb through his hair to keep things tidy and mostly blended as you do your best to cut his hair in the tiny on-board 'fresher. You're going slow to start out with, doing your best to avoid sending him over the edge. You're no stranger to the rare instance that touch and taste and sound and smell becomes much too much for the Clone with half of a skull forever painted into the bronzed skin of his face. And you prove your attentiveness by how tenderly you hold the hair off the back of his neck, sensing he needs a break from all the tugging and brushing of his thick head of hair after ten minutes. 
"Thank you… thank you, ka'ra…" Hunter utters, grateful that you offer reprieve without being explicitly asked. He can allow his eyes to flutter closed for a moment and likely lose himself in the constant thrum of noise inside the attack shuttle. "Feeling a bit better already."
"Oh, good. If you want me to let go, or you're ready to start again, just say the word." 
"I appreciate you doing this…" he says again in a fervent utterance of thanks after some time passes by in silence, nodding decidedly when he's ready again. "...I just couldn't wait any longer. It was getting to be too much." 
You pick up the pair of scissors you had set down in order to hold his hair up, and get back into position behind him. "You're welcome, Hunter. Don't want you to be too uncomfortable, now do we?" You've heard his brothers say those words a hundred times over. (But his brothers aren't here with you now. You'll be back to them soon. Hopefully they've kept out of trouble while visiting the Lawquanes.)
Sometimes Crosshair, Echo, Wrecker and Tech say it in teasing, when Hunter's hesitant to go perusing a quaint summer market on Naboo because of the pressing crowds. Sometimes they say it while trying to force him into his bunk, knowing that the careful cocktail of muscle relaxers and pain relievers will knock him flat on his ass once they've kicked in after particularly long missions, and Hunter stubbornly believes he'll lay down in his bunk before they do. 
You've laughed yourself silly listening to Crosshair or Echo scolding him with a stern, mostly concerned "Get back in bed, Hunter!" like a child caught out of bed on more than one occasion as he's tried to stumble his way through the shuttle. "You don't need to take care of that right now, let one of us do it. You're. Drugged. Lay down so the medicine can do its job." 
As more and more hair is snipped free, you see the relief washing over him, the discomfort ebbing away at last. "Feeling better?" you ask, brushing through his ends one last time to make sure it looks mostly lined up. 
 "Much. Thank you, mesh'la…"
You could theoretically have all his hair cut at once, and you offer while you've still got the scissors and comb in your hands, but Hunter thinks he can wait on thinning out the rest when you get back to the Lawquanes with things they needed for the farm. It was just the weight of his hair on his neck that he was struggling with the most today. 
"Well, I'm glad I could help. Hopefully I didn't do too bad a job." you say with a gentle chuckle, brushing the loose hair from his shoulders and sweeping up the mess with the small dustpan set Hunter found somewhere else on the Marauder. He runs his hands through his hair experimentally, and then carefully ties it back with the red slip of fabric he tucked in his pocket. 
"Not too bad I'd say, mesh'la…" Hunter's warm, appreciative grin sends your stomach fluttering at the sincerity, the way his eyes crease ever so gently with the gesture is equally precious. "Certainly a cut above what I could've done on my own." 
"Who usually helps you cut your hair?" you wonder, fixing a curling lock of hair back into place previously trapped under the bandana. 
"Cross does, typically." 
"That's nice of him," you reply with a bright smile, "hopefully I didn't steal all his fun when we get back to Saleucami and he finishes the rest of the haircut." 
Nothing gets past the sharp-sighted sniper: when you disembark the Omicron-class shuttle, Hunter just a little behind you as you carefully tromp down the ramp, Cross stops mid-turn in a game of Sabacc up against Cut, Echo and Tech to voice himself. 
"I told you you should have let me cut your hair before you left, Hunter." 
"You did, yes." 
"And you didn't listen," Crosshair continues, shaking his head almost disapprovingly. Almost. He's slightly more worried than it would appear. "Had sensory troubles and had to cut it, didn't you?" Hunter bobs his head once, and sheds the bandana to allow Crosshair to perform an inspection, Sabacc now abandoned momentarily. "Hmm. Doesn't look half bad this time, Hunter." 
"Afraid I can't take the credit. I asked her to help me." Hunter explains, nodding once in your direction. Crosshair's tone of scrutiny changes, now that he understands it's not his brother's handiwork. 
To his memory, this is the first time you've offered to help Hunter deal with his hair like this. His brother takes good enough care of his hair on his own, save for cutting what he can't see or comfortably reach behind his head, and that's where Hunter usually turns to his brothers for help. 
Wrecker, who's just gotten back from exploring with Omega, Jek and Shaeeah since they saw the Marauder coming in for a landing near the farm not too long ago, sees that Crosshair is still passively fussing through Hunter's recently-cut hair and assumes he's missed the trimming. 
"Hey not bad, Cross! That was quick!"
"Can't take the credit," Cross chuckles softly, nodding in your direction, "but she can."
And there's a little cleaning up that he notices he'll need to do, but otherwise, you pretty much nailed it. "Not bad, doll." Crosshair offers at long last. "Not bad at all. Think you're gonna replace me if I'm not careful." After dinner, time and circumstances allowing, he'll coach you through on how he usually takes care of Hunter's hair when it reaches a certain length since Hunter trusted you enough to ask for help out of the blue, after Hunter recounts the ordeal to his brothers and sister.
"Always happy to help, Hunter." you promise him. 
Hunter returns your friendly smile as he ties his hair back for the time being, saying he'll help Cut gather everything from the shuttle and put it in the shed for the time being before everyone helps with getting things ready for dinner. 
"I'm certainly lucky that you are, mesh'la."
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Don't have a fic taglist for the time being. For now, though, if you'd like to join a taglist for specific types of fics (for example: just TBB-centric or just TCW-centric (or both)) don't hesitate to ask. 🩷
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bby-blu-swirll · 8 months
hairdressing | hawks x reader
little short where a long term customer recommends her stylist (you) to a coworker of hers <3
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soft rock filled the small space as you swept across the salon floor, making a small pile of your last client's blue hair. you smiled to nobody in particular, taking a deep breath. you really did love your job. it was an art to you, and every person who passed under your hands for a cut or dye felt like a small masterpiece.
you worked out of a small salon in downtown kyushu, on the cutest street corner across from a bakery. it had three stylist chairs in their respective stations, each decorated to their owners' liking. yours had small (f/c) prints along the wall, little butterflies scattered around, and your mirror was lined with some miscellaneous polaroids and string lights. at first they were just for the vibes, but you quickly noticed the majority of your clients finding a significant amount of joy in taking their instagram photos with it.
the other stations had been filled with personality of their own, belonging to your salon co-owners, two lovely people you became quick friends with in cosmetology school. however, one had clocked out for the day hours earlier and the other had no appointments, so the shop was yours to enjoy while you waited out the clock. of the three of you, you were the only one who didn't leave after the last client. you hardly made appointments before 10 am, so if you had some extra time before 6 pm, you would tidy the salon and see if you got any walk ins. if not, you closed at your 8 hour mark. every once in a while though, someone would wander in asking for a quick cut and you were always more than happy to comply.
so now was one of those evenings. your last client, coming in for a fresh trim, had walked out at 5:20. and here you were, just humming along with the music and bobbing your head.
a soft buzzing from the counter tore your attention away from the pile of blue hair you were sweeping and brought it to your phone, with an incoming call. you smiled softly at the icon, a picture of you and rumi from the last time you two had been able to go out together. at this point, it must have been months ago. she was always so busy with hero work now, which you completely understood, it just made you miss the days before she was number 5.
you had gone to the same middle school and stayed connected since. of course she went to a high school to get her hero license, (before you, too, since you met in her last year, and your first) but you wouldn't let that stop you from seeing her on weekends, or stop her from forcing you to help with the classes she didn't understand. in exchange, she let you practice on her hair to help your chances of getting into a better cosmetology school. hell, she even let you dye it once or twice. ever since, you were the only person who's cut her hair, ever.
you put the phone to your ear with a smile. "heyy, hunny bun! what's goin on?"
you heard her playfully scoff through the phone, as if you haven't been calling her that since you were 15.
"hey babes, just had a question for ya." her cheerful tone was unwavering as usual, you could practically hear her confident smile through the phone.
"mkay, shoot."
"are you with a client right now?"
you tucked your phone under your ear with your shoulder, picking up your broom and starting to sweep the pile towards the automatic vacuum in the corner. "mmm, no, my last one left just a few minutes ago, actually." you heard her say something you didn't quite catch, like she was talking to someone she was with. "why? what's up?"
"do you still take walk-ins until 6??" her tone was more eager now. you smiled a bit, wondering what for.
"oooo! okay perfect, then i have someone who desperately needs your help." you could hear annoyed and offended protests come from her line and you couldn't help but stifle a laugh. "oh shut up, you've let it grow too long and you know it! stop acting like a stubborn child." she chuckled slightly before turning her attention back to you. "think you've got time for a quick trim for my friend?"
with a small smile, you turned to the clock on the wall. "yeah, plenty actually. how far away are you guys? should i put up the closed sign in the window in case someone else comes in?"
"nah, don't worry about that. we just got off patrol like four blocks from you. should be five minutes, tops."
you stopped your sweeping and froze, just a bit. "patrol? you mean i'm doing one of your pro hero friends' hair?"
"well you've been doing mine since we were 13, i figured it wouldn't be a big deal." she sounded so casual, which was in character for her, yet still astonishing to you, considering the circumstances.
"i mean yeah, but i know how to do your iconic haircut because i've been doing it for, i don't know, almost 10 years?? not to brag, but i'm probably the only one who can do it just the way you like. but if you bring me some big shot hero and i screw up his 'do, then it's all my fault." you chuckled slightly.
"ahh, don't sweat it y/n. i know you'll do a great job. besides, it's not like i'm bringing you chris hemsworth or something, it's just someone i work with every once in a while. feel free to screw up his 'do as much as you like." her end of the call was suddenly filled with miscellaneous protests and insistent "NO, DON'T DO THAT-"'s, followed by her cackling furiously.
you couldn't help but laugh yourself. "alright, well i'm gonna finish cleaning up from my last appointment. i'll see you in a few, yeah?"
"alright see you then babes."
"buh-bye hunny bun." you hung up, smiling softly, a bit excited for whatever was coming your way.
when the golden bell above your door rang just a few minutes earlier, you were reorganizing your hair colors. as soon as you turned around, you smiled and threw yourself at rumi in a big hug, laughing as she scooped you up and spun you around. it's a habit she'd picked up way back when she first started heavy lifting.
she squealed as she squeezed you, finally setting you down. "agh, i feel like it's been so long since i've seen you!"
you chuckled slightly, rubbing the back of your neck. "yeah, it's almost like that's because it has."
your smile changed into a curious look as you remembered why she was here, looking behind her at the eye-catching scarlet pair of wings on her friend. realization dawned upon you as your eyes met his, golden and piercing, even through his tinted glasses. you huffed a laugh and smirked, cocking your head to the side. he held out a gloved hand for a shake before stopping.
"oh-" he chuckled and bit the middle finger, pulling out his hand and offering it again, flesh and bone this time, for a friendly shake. "hey, i'm-"
"hawks. i'm familiar." you smiled and laughed softly. "call me y/n."
"pleasure to meet you, y/n." the way your name rolled off his tongue made you hesitate for just a moment, biting the inside of your cheek in thought.
"likewise... hey rumi?"
"remember when you called me earlier?"
she smiled playfully. "yeah, i think so."
"yeah, and you said, 'iT's nOt LiKe i'M bRiNgiNg ChRiS hEmSwOrTh'?"
"mhm mhm i think i remember that."
"so.. wanna tell me what the number two hero is doing in my salon, oh my God?"
she laughed loudly and patted you on the back. "y/n don't worry, i promise you have nothing to stress about. now i'm gonna pop into the bakey across the street and see if i can get anything before they close, why don't you go ahead and get started?" without waiting for an answer, she was already back in your doorway. "screw him up, yeah?" she winked playfully before closing the door and making her way to the crosswalk outside.
a moment of silence passed as you watched her make her way across the street before hawks spoke up.
"sooo.... please don't screw me up, too badly."
you laughed as you prepped the rinse station for him. "oh no don't worry, you're in perfectly adequate hands."
he let out an amused hum. "i don't know, adequate has to be an understatement, if you're the one doing rumi's hair. she told me you were the one who did her hair and makeup for that magazine she was in a few months back, said you style her for every event too." he shrugged off his jacket and slipped off his glasses, dropping them in one of your lounge chairs.
his easy going tone and relaxed smile had already made you feel more at ease. "yeah... well i mean, i guess i just know her, what looks good and what she likes, you know? we go pretty far back." you chuckled, motioning for him to come take a seat.
"well whatever you end up doing to me, i'm sure it'll look great." his relaxed, almost cocky smirk rested on his face comfortably. though you thought you saw it falter for just a moment when you pressed a hand to his chest to guide him back, neck resting on the edge of the bowl, head leaning into the sink.
"well let's hope so..." you smiled softly as you lowered your voice just a bit. "let me know if the water's too hot..."
he hummed as the warm water poured over his scalp, visibly relaxing. as easy going as he always seemed, it must have been exhausting to always be on guard, looking for trouble. "mm... 's perfect."
you bit the inside of your cheek again, smiling still. he exhaled softly as you massaged the shampoo into his scalp, looking like he was sinking into the chair even more.
he opened one eye, looking up at you. "hm?"
"you okay?"
"oh, yeah... sorry," he chuckles faintly. "just, feels good... sorry if that's weird."
"oh! no, ha, not at all."
as you go along with the rest of the wash, conditioning and rinsing, you couldn't help but wonder if he ever got attention like this. as far as the media could tell, he didn't have many personal relationships, and he reacted so easily to your touch, it was like he hadn't relaxed, had personal attention like this in a while.
you moved him to the chair without many words. as you comb through his hair, you look up for just a moment and catch his eyes on yours in the mirror. you continued what you were doing, holding his gaze.
his smile returned with an amused exhale. "nothing, just watching you work."
you returned the expression before turning your attention back to his hair. "okay.. so rumi said you needed a trim, how much exactly am i lopping off?"
"ah, probably an inch, hardly more. it's been getting in my eyes when i'm fighting, which is like skating on thin ice, so..."
you nodded, picking up your sheers. "okay, i get you."
"i usually get it cut every few weeks to keep it manageable, but the guy who was doing that before quit on me."
you tilted your head curiously as you began trimming around his neck. "really? why's that?"
"ah, i ended up having to see him pretty often, guess he kinda got fed up." he laughed lightly.
"every few weeks is already pretty often, why would you need to see him more often than that?"
"i solve issues before they can happen. but i also assist other heroes pretty often, walking into battles that have already started. and sometimes my own situations can still get out of hand. if i get banged up, chances are so does my hair. it's been burnt, ripped out, shaved around head injuries, pretty much anything you can think of."
as he talked, you pulled strands of hair to snip. every once in a while, you would notice small-ish scars buried under his overlapping layers.
"yeah, i think i see what you mean..." you gently run your fingers over one of them, watching carefully as his eyebrows quirk up slightly.
"yeah... anyway, guess the old stylist got tired of fixing me, and ended up quitting a few weeks ago. of course, i'm basically the commission's 'golden boy'," you didn't even have to look up to know his eyes were rolling. "so i guess he was the best in the area. that's why they're looking for someone new now, and why i've been looking just a bit overgrown." he chuckled lightly.
his eyes followed as you picked out your sheers and comb, making your way in front of him. his classic smirk stayed on his face as you leaned in closer.
your voice was low as you bent over just slightly, raising his chair. "sorry, just need to do your front parts quickly..."
"no worries..."
"so... if your image is such an important part of the job, why'd they higherups trust you to someone like me?" you smiled faintly. his eyes fluttered closed as you began to trim the hair falling around them.
"actually, that was mirko's idea. she speaks pretty highly of you, ya know. besides, she thought maybe, if you did a good job, she could convince the commission to hire you to take care of me." he winked playfully. though it was perfectly in line with his personality and was likely a regular habit for him, it still made your stomach drop for a moment. "if you're interested that is. she thought you might be. no pressure, of course."
you moved back behind him as you felt your cheeks heat up, putting down your tools before facing away. "uh huh..."
"wooow, i can see why she's got so much faith in you." his smile was obvious in his voice. when you turned back to face the mirror, you saw him admiring his reflection, hair still slightly damp and falling into his eyes. "i look sexy~"
you laughed and put your hands on his shoulders. "yeah yeah, i haven't even styled it yet."
he chuckled softly turning his head from side to side with a sly grin. "i'm not even sure you need to, sweetheart. you do know best, though."
it was hard to miss the flirty tone in his voice, and harder to ignore now that he was throwing in nicknames, but you were sure it was just his personality. he was a reputation charmer, after all. his ever-lingering smile made you grip your hairdryer just a bit tighter every time you caught his gaze on yours in the mirror.
as you were adjusting his fluffy hair, you noticed the texture was slightly lacking. "hey, your hair is kinda dry..."
he quirked up an eyebrow. "really? that's weird, i take great care of my hair."
"i mean it's not too strange, high winds will definitely do that." you looked around your shelf for a moment before picking up a few products. "i can fix it though."
he watched curiously as you pumped some leave-in conditioner into your palm, rubbing your hands together. as your fingers found their way into his hair, you first saw him relax before you felt him slightly lean into your touch. he sighed contently as you took your time massaging the product into his scalp, not wanting to interrupt how relaxed he looked.
"okay..." you spoke softly, voice low. "you're all done."
you smiled and unbuttoned the cape, watching as his smile grew. "honestly? bang up job, princess. i see why you get such glowing reviews."
you laughed lightly and shrugged. "thank you, but it's really not a big deal." you turned your attention to the shelf of product again. "oh, before i forget-" you picked up a small pink tub and handed it to him. "just use this in place of your conditioner and leave it for like 5 minutes, whenever you shower. should help with the dryness a ton."
he picked up his coat and took the container from you, his fingers lingering on top of yours for just a moment. "thanks... i owe you one." he winked again, and again you felt your stomach drop.
in a matter of perfect timing, rumi finally pushed open the door of your salon again, three little bags and a coffee in hand. "hey, sorry i took so long! i ended up getting something for both of you though!"
she handed you a small bag with your favorite pastry inside, still warm. you thanked her with a warm smile, turning to hawks, who looked less amused.
"poppy seed muffin?" he scoffed, his playful smirk returning. "you're hilarious."
"ahh, i know i am." rumi laughed lightly and threw her arm around you, still looking at hawks. "nice cut, by the way. told you she could restore your sight." the three of you shared a laugh as she took a swig of her coffee. "anyway, why don't you get out of here? i'll walk y/n home and catch you later, yeah?"
he nodded. "sounds good. hey, y/n, what do i owe you for the fresh cut?"
"oh, don't worry about it. it was just a trim and last month you totally saved my block from getting blown sky high, so we'll call it even." you smiled softly as he pulled out his phone.
"aww c'mon, at lease let me tip you."
you rolled your eyes playfully, deciding to not fight him. "i have a venmo qr code on my mirror if you really feel so inclined, but really, don't worry about it."
he sauntered over to your mirror and scanned it, tapping on his phone as he made his way to your door. "thanks again! i'll get your number from rumi so i can call you up next time i need your help." his flashed his pearly whites one last time as he closed the door behind him.
you turned back to rumi, who had begun to tell you all about everything that's happened since you last sat down together, when a knock sounded from your front window. you looked out to see hawks motioning to his phone and winking one last time before he finally took off.
you smiled and knit your brows in playful confusion until you felt your phone buzz. it was a venmo from hawks, with nothing but a small heart as the note. rumi almost spit out her coffee when she saw it, and your jaw was already on the floor.
this man had just tipped you $200.
as it turns out, the next time hawks would "need your help" was sooner rather than later. it was hardly 5 days later when you were walking from the coffee shop across the street to your own salon when your phone rang with an unknown number. you picked it up, expecting one of your clients maybe calling to reschedule or cancel. instead, you were met with the whistling of wind and a familiar smooth talking voice.
"heyyy y/n! it's hawks, i went ahead and got your number from rumi."
"oh-" you almost stopped in the middle of the crosswalk due to your surprise. "hey, what's up? did something come up?"
"nothing bad, no. are you at work yet?"
you smirked as you pulled out the keys from your pocket, trying to find the right one as you got to your door. "just arrived, actually. why?" no response. "hawks?"
as you slipped the key into the slot, you looked down at your phone and saw the call had disconnected. "okay.."
when a sudden rush of scarlet filled your vision, you yelped and almost dropped your coffee. hawks had practically fallen from the sky and landed right next to you, standing close, his cocky grin unwavering.
"oh my God, you scared the hell out of me!" you clutched your chest, laughing and waiting for your soul to come back to your body at the same time.
he chuckled and pulled something from under his coat. "sorry 'bout that sweetheart... would these make up for it?"
he held out a small bouquet of flowers in your favorite color.
"wh- what? why..."
"when you did my hair, i noticed the ones you had on your front counter were dying. i saw these on my way in this morning and they reminded me of you and your shop, thought they would look nice in the place." he smiled as you took them gingerly. "consider it a thank you!"
you opened the salon door with an exasperated smile, feeling it grow wider when he followed you in. "well they're beautiful and i appreciate them, but believe me, the VERY generous tip was more than enough."
you put the flowers in the now empty vase, adjusting them when he got close behind you. your eyes widened as his hand found your lower back, pressing slightly, his breath close to your neck.
"c'mon princess, just let me express my gratitude~"
you didn't realize you were holding your breath until he stepped back and you suddenly let it go. when you turned to face him again, his playful fun smile was back and he looked so casual, you almost wondered if you had imagined whatever the hell that just was.
"anyway, i've gotta be in soon, and i imagine you've gotta get your shop opened up, yeah?"
"then i'll catch you later. have a good one!" he left with a signature wink before taking off.
whatever that morning was, became a regular thing. every few days he would drop by for a visit for whatever reason- replacing your flowers, bringing you a pastry in the morning, offering to walk you home after work, even though you only lived a half a dozen blocks away.
and with every little reason to see you, came some "harmless" flirting that made your stomach do somersaults.
finally after almost three weeks he had actually come to you for the smallest clean up. while you lightly snipped his ends, he asked if you had considered the position of being his personal groomer. you told him you wanted to think about it more and he told you not to worry about it, but he did have a favor to ask.
in a few days time, he needed to be at an important event. just a hero dinner of sorts, it was meant to be all over the media though, so he needed to dress to impress. after seeing your work with rumi, the commission approved of you making hawks camera ready (upon his request, of course). it just standard hair and makeup, but it was an important job nonetheless.
against the better judgement you'd gained over the last few weeks of dealing with him, you agreed swiftly.
so here you were, outside his door with your cosmetology bag, ready to make up him and rumi.
rumi would take longer for both hair and makeup, so you decided to start with hawks. so she would be coming over later, which left just you. and him. alone. in his penthouse apartment. what could possibly go wrong.
aside front that he answered the door shirtless in sweatpants, nothing. so far.
he stood with one hand on the doorframe, the other on the door itself, towering over you with a sly grin. you had to force your eyes to stay on his face instead of wandering down to his incredibly cut core. you felt your stomach flood with butterflies as the softest flush covered your face, and he didn't take long to notice.
"you've got some good eye contact, sweetheart, i'll give you that."
his smile relaxed a bit as he stepped out of your way, opening the doorway of his apartment to you. you stepped in without mentioning any of whatever the hell just happened, biting the inside of your cheek with a soft smile.
you held up your bag, looking around. "where should i..?"
"ah," he began to move towards his living area, just a couple couches with a chair gathered around a coffee table. he plopped himself down on the soft rug of all places, in front of the table. "figured this might be a good place since, you know, you've got plenty of natural light to work with."
he was right, the entire wall across from his front door was basically made entirely of glass. it left a beautiful view of kyushu outside, with a terrace you imagined would be perfect to watch the sunrise from.
you smiled as you sat across from him, both of you cross-legged. "yeah, it's perfect actually..."
"perfect..." he mumbled to himself. his gaze lingered on you as you pulled out your makeup bag.
"so." you turned to him and scooted a bit closer, reaching a hand towards his face. "do you mind if i..." you hesitated, halting your hand just before your fingers grazed his skin.
he gulped and nodded, confident smirk faded as his pulse picked up. you lightly cradled his jaw and carefully turned his head from side to side.
"well you've got great skin... smooth, not oily, i doubt i'll have to do any base..." your voice was low as you spoke, talking more to yourself than him. he just hardly nodded as you inspected him closely. "i'll give you some highlight and contour though, just for the camera... your eyelashes are stunning..."
he cracked a small smile. "thanks.."
you returned the look and met his eyes. "you're welcome..."
time seemed to still between you for a moment. his eyes flicked to your lips for the shortest instant, you almost missed it. he inhaled deeply before clearing his throat and looking to the side. you sucked in a quick breath as you turned your attention back to your makeup bag, digging out a brush and a couple of small product bottles. you handed him a headband, still not looking at him.
"ah, so..." you took a deep breath before finally facing him. "here, i'll just go in with a thin base just in case. flash photography isn't the most flattering lighting,"
he chuckled softly, deep in his chest, and your heart skipped a beat.
the next few minutes went by with minimal conversation, mostly just you letting him know what you were doing now, and him nodding along or making small sounds of approval. silence otherwise filled the room as you tried to focus on your work, though his eyes constantly wandering over all of you made it slightly difficult.
when you finally made it to his classic eyeliner, you accidentally let your gaze wander to his lips. you pushed aside all your thoughts and impulses and channeled your inner makeup artist.
"hey hawks..."
he opened his eyes as you moved the eyeliner pen away. "hmm?"
"your lips are kinda pale, would it be okay if i put a little stain on them?"
"oh," he bit his lip and furrowed his brow. "yeah for sure, i'm probably a bit dehydrated." his smirk was back, resting on his lips comfortably.
"yeah.." you took another deep breath, trying to keep your face from getting too pink. "the lipstick i've got now should actually work fine, its somewhere in my purse..." you picked up your highlight stick and put your fingers under his chin to turn his head to the side. "i'll get it in a second..."
he hums softly in response. you carefully applied the highlights to all the right places, emphasizing his cheekbones and the tip of his already curved nose. you heard his breath falter, just slightly, when you cupped his face in your hand, using your thumb to blend it out on his cheek. to your surprise, he closed his eyes and leaning into your touch. it was your turn to have trouble breathing, even more so when he placed his hand over your own and looked at you with a piercing gaze. you stopped what you had been doing all together, frozen as he turned his head. he pressed a small kiss to your wrist, then another, his lips lingering for just a second longer this time.
at this point your heart was in your throat trying to process what was happening. when he turned his gaze back to you, everything stopped. his friendly smile was gone, replaced with a fierce look, demanding and intense. neither of you moved for a moment, just stared. your stomach jumped as his eyes moved to take a long look at your lips. the second his gaze met yours again, he pulled on your wrist, practically yanking you into his lap. his hands moved quickly, one pressing against your lower back (a touch you'd actually grown used to form him) and the other cradling the base of your neck.
you could feel his breath on your lips. all you had to do was tilt your chin and you would feel them against yours. his hand on your neck moved up into your hair, looking at you through half lidded eyes.
"can i kiss you?" he practically breathed out his words, softer than a whisper.
you took a deep inhale and closed your eyes. "yes."
you'd hardly gotten the word out before he pressed his lips against yours forcefully, hungrily. his kiss was demanding, like he had been waiting for the longest time to finally get this from you. you tangled your hands in his hair, smirking just a bit. it was soft.
he finally pulled away, keeping close to you. both your faces were flushed deeply, and yours only got worse when you remembered he wasn't wearing a top.
"y/n..." the way your name rolled off his tongue made you shiver. or maybe it was his hand on your back, creeping beneath your shirt.
your eyes widened as he pressed his lips to your jaw, feathering kisses all the way down towards your neck.
"you... i want you call me kiego."
lil extra &lt;3
rumi showed up just after you had finally started on kiego's hair. as expected, her makeover ended up taking significantly longer, but the three of you didn't mind. by the time you finished curling her gorgeous (but VERY long) hair, it was time for them to go. they both looked spectacular in their dresswear, and you had to struggle to keep your composure helping kiego with his tie. his sly little grin never left his face as you messed with the fabric, trying to remember how, instead of thinking about his lips.
when you had packed up all your stuff and started to get ready to leave, kiego stopped you.
"its already dark out! why don't you just kick back and stay here for a while, yeah? i'll only be gone a few hours. make yourself at home." he had leaned close to your ear, his breath tickling your neck. "besides, we've gotta... talk more, when i get back~"
you agreed quickly, not wanting to seem suspicious in front of rumi. as much as you wanted to tell her, and knew you would soon, you needed to get a few things settled first.
so here you were, sitting in his apartment. even though he was insistent on you making yourself at home, the most you had really done was play some music, use one of his water glasses, and kick back on his couch.
you checked the time again. as far as you could tell, the event had ended just a bit ago. you had checked a few news outlets, seeing some clips already uploaded from the beginning of the evening. almost every one of hawks was him refusing to shut up about the new stylist who had gotten him looking so nice, and furthermore insisting whoever it was, was a secret (for now).
those were your favorites.
in the middle of a clip you were watching of rumi going over her latest fight, you heard keys in the door. you sat up on the couch and watched hawks walk in, a tired smile decorating his face. his jacket was thrown over his arm and his tie was undone, hanging around his neck loosely. the sleeves of his shirt had been rolled up his forearms, exposing a few cord bracelets.
"hey, sweetheart." he kept his gaze on yours as he tossed his jacket to the side, along with his tie. he slowly sauntered towards the couch, unbuttoning the first few buttons on his shirt. "glad you stuck around~"
his tone was flirty, but tired, and it was so attractive.
he settled on the couch almost on top of you, one of his legs between yours as a hand on your chest guided you to lie back.
"hey kiego..." you blushed and smiled as one of his hands found your waist. "how was the dinner?"
he pressed his body against yours, sighing as he relaxed into you. "exhausting... let's talk about it tomorrow."
you chuckled and tangled your hand in his hair, playing with it and massaging his scalp. he pressed lazy kisses to your neck, making you blush harder.
"be my girlfriend... stay over tonight... stay forever..." he said between kisses.
you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, melting into his gentle touch.
"okay.. <3"
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5619 words, which is almost 13 full pages in google docs omg-
sorry and you're welcome <33
idk if any of my future writing will be this long but ig we'll see ! at least i can say i'm starting out strong lol
i haven't the foggiest where this idea came from and as of rn i have scarcely any others, so if anybody wants me to write something short or long or whatever to any specific idea my inbox is open for requests !!
sm love 💗💗
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kennahjune · 6 months
Some Platonic Stancy + Mike for The Heart
Nancy Wheeler, who cuts her hair short for the first time in 1984 and keeps the short hair going for the next three years until Ted Wheeler makes some bitchy comment on women with shirt hair.
Nancy, not usually the one to people please, ignores the comment. She and Mike both get them often from Ted, shit about Mikes hair being long and hers being short. So she ignores them.
Until their mom joins in with the comments, however subtle they may be.
So, Nancy starts growing her hair out. Mike, however, goes about his life with his hair. He’s never home long enough to really care about the comments— always at the cabin or with the Party somewhere.
Enter the year 1988, and Nancy has successfully grown her hair well below her shoulders. It’s pretty. She gets compliments on her curls and beautiful brown color all the time.
But she hates it.
She fucking hates it.
Three years of having her hair shirt had gotten her used to having it off of her neck. And now that it’s so long, well…
Nancy Wheeler has never had a problem with sensory issues. That was more Mike’s thing— always having to cut the tags off his clothes and downright refusing to eat certain foods— but her hair on her neck makes her want to vomit.
And sure— she can simply put it up, keep it in a high bun and off her neck.
But just the knowledge of it being there makes her sweat. Makes her want to itch the skin off of her neck.
She feels bad for making fun of Mikes hate for tags.
Now, enter year 1989 pursued by Steve Harrington, fresh out of cosmetology school.
Steve had been doing his own hair since he was little and sat with his mom and grandpa at the vanity in their dressing room (because of course the Harrington’s have a dressing room). He’d sit and watch as his mom curled her hair— or straightened, depending on her mood. He’d sit in his grandpa’s lap as he showed little Steve all the different products and tools, letting Steve chip in and help style his hair.
It was a passion handed down from Steve’s moms side, the love for hair. And he planned on finally doing something with it— even if it wasn’t exactly what his parents wanted. (Though they learned to live with it— he did start his own hair salon, after all.)
Now, where does Steve play into this scene?
Well— it starts on a Tuesday afternoon in late July.
Steve Harrington had been cleaning the house while listening to his dads old records on the dingy record player in the living room. The knocking was barely heard over the volume, even with how frantic it was. The only reason Steve— who had lost most of his hearing in his left ear— heard the knocking was because whoever it was nearly knocked a picture off the wall.
So he opened the door to Mike and Nancy Wheeler on his front porch.
Mike looked almost bored, but he gave Steve a smile and a ‘hello’ before dragging his sister in by the arm.
Nancy looked worse-for-wear; her eyes seemed sunken and the eye-bags were darker than he’d seen them in years. He hoped it wasn’t new nightmares.
“Come on in, I guess,” Steve grumbled while Mike made himself comfortable in the living room. He wasn’t actually mad, just playing into a running bit he’d had going on with the mini Wheeler for nearly two years now.
“Watch it, Harrington.” Mike pointed at him. “You’ll loose a paying customer.” But the kid was smiling wide.
Steve scoffed. “‘Paying customer’ my ass, Wheeler! You barge into my home, make me trim your hair, call me an asshole and leave!” Steve himself was grinning wide.
Mike waved him off but Steve heard the giggle he failed to hide.
Nancy stood awkwardly on the living room carpet in the button up she’d stolen from Robin, white tank top, and cut-off jean shorts. She’d been taking a bit of fashion tips from Eddie recently. She found she liked the denim a lot more than skirts in the summer.
Steve finally gave her his attention.
“Hey Nance! What’s up?”
Nancy felt herself relax with the easy smile Steve gave her. She cleared her throat.
“Um— well, Mike said you trim his hair for him every once in a while and I know you just finished school and everything so—“
“You want a haircut?” he cut off her ramble. He and her both have picked up the rambling habit from Robin. “It’s about time, Wheeler. The long hairs cute and all but… so… not you, oddly enough.” He stood with his hip cocked and a thoughtful hand on his chin supported by the arm wrapped around his middle.
Nancy sighed roughly through her mouth and dragged a hand down her face.
“Oh my god, you don’t even know! I can’t stand having it so long— it’s so itchy and scratchy and annoying and not to mention high maintenance! Like yeah it looks good but seriously what is the point other than pain?”
Steve snickered and Mike threw his shoe at her to get her to stop.
“Come on you two, the dressing rooms upstairs.”
In the dressing room, Mike was sat at the vanity first. Steve had gotten Nancy a glass of water and told her to sit on the couch at the back wall and relax.
She tried her best, sipping the water and enjoying the view of the woods in the backyard from the window next to her (even if those woods held darker memories than they should).
She examined the room closely while Steve scolded Mike for using Ted’s shampoo/conditioner (because of course the bastard uses a two-in-one) while Mike pleaded he was desperate after running out of his own stuff.
The floor was tiled for easy clean up, the only carpet being the one under the couch Nancy sat on. The couch was plush leather, the cool touch a welcomed change from the July heat. The walls were a baby pink so light it almost looks white, covered in well-placed posters and photos and even stickers that were stuck on.
The vanity and the couch weren’t the only furniture in the room; a coffee table in front of the couch, a small two-drawer dresser next to the vanity, and nice, tall dresser back by the door. There were plants on the windowsill, flowers in pots on the dressers.
The windowsill was one of those fancy ones that Nancy liked so much; the ones that were like seats with drawers/cabinets underneath. The seat was decorated in an abundance of pillows and blankets.
It was a cozy room, and Nancy found herself zoning out and finally being able to ignore the invading bun on the back of her head. She tuned out the boys’ bickering and just stared at the window. Not through it. Not in it. At it. Examining each speck of dust on the glass and staring her reflection in the eyes.
Until a hair fell loose from bun and tickled her neck. And she almost threw her water at Mike who had sat next to her in her haste to get it off.
“Hey, hey! Nance!” Steve grabbed the water and Mike placed his hands around her neck, effectively stilling her and calming her.
“Hey, yeah, over here.”
Nancy looked at Steve. She kind of wanted to throw up.
“How about we finally get ride of all that length, yeah?”
She’d never heard a better question in her life.
Nancy told Steve to do whatever the hell he thought needed to be done. Steve told her he’d go to just above the shoulders and she agreed.
Mike took a spot on the windowsill, reaching into the cabinet underneath and grabbing a very worn book. Nancy hadn’t realized how much Mike came over to Steve’s before.
“Mike you’re seriously reading that again?” Nancy heard Steve ask. Watching him in the mirror, she saw him never look away from her hair once as Mike replied with a bitchy,
“It’s a good book! I thought you liked The Outsiders!”
Nancy snorted. Of course it was The Outsiders. Nancy remembered watching it with Mike, Will, Dustin and Lucas in the basement of their house when it first came out in March of ‘83.
“I didn’t know you liked The Outsiders, Steve,” she remarked. Nancy saw a red blush ride to his cheek in the mirror.
“It’s a good movie,” he muttered defensively.
Mike snickered. “Yeah— he watched it for the plot. The plot meaning shirtless Darry and half-naked Soda—“
Nancy thought Steve was going to chop her ear off and with how fast he turned around to yell at Mike.
Nancy herself sat cackling in the chair, watching Steve get defensive over his junior year fictional crushes.
When all was said and done, Steve gave Nancy a new shirt from the closet in the dressing room (that she failed to notice earlier). It was a simple yellow dress shirt. Steve said it was one of his moms. She was sent to shower and told to use the shampoo and conditioner on the third shelf in the bathroom.
When she had finished and walked back downstairs to meet the boys, Mike had already changed from his simple t-shirt to a black tank top with a dark blue buttoned flannel. Everyone kept clothes at Steve’s except Nancy, it seemed.
She made her way to Steve and sat her old shirts on the couch. With her hands free she pulled Steve into a bone-crushing hug. Steve was quick to reciprocate, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist.
“Thanks so much,”Nancy whispered into his ear. “This helped me so so much, Steve.”
“Anytime, Nance. You know that.”
And she did.
When Nancy and Mike left the Harrington house with a wave to Steve and a promise of letting him know what everyone thought, Nancy had never felt lighter— both physically and mentally.
That night, Nancy slept like she hadn’t in years.
Her hair wasn’t to bad on her neck with the new length. It wasn’t making it itchy or scratching at her cheeks wrong.
She didn’t have to have her mom braid it before bed to keep it away, ultimately ending up with a headache the next day because she could never sleep with her hair up.
No. When Nancy Wheeler went to bed, she woke up feeling refreshed and energized. No rash on her neck from scratching at it in her sleep.
When Steve heard about this later that same day, he pulled her into a hug and promised he’d cut her hair as much as she needed him to.
Nancy felt much better than she had in years.
And if she got Mike that sparkly, purple D-20 he’d been eyeing in the shop? Well— consider it a thank you.
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spurgie-cousin · 1 year
ok my mom understandably had to go to bed (very late here in her time zone, and it's even an hour later in the one I'm used to) but I'm a mental masochist so I will trudge on until I can't physically watch Shiny Happy People anymore (and I'm just going to edit my comments instead of reblog bc so far there's really not a lot most of us aren't aware of):
- firstly, I knew Deanna was raised Christian but I didn't know she was raised VERY conservative Christian. Per Deanna, this is the reason Amy was allowed so much freedom; she didn't want to limit her as a female in any of the ways she was
- going off of that, I can see how that foundation would open Jim Bob up to a religion that is so insanely misogynistic
- I know it's a thing all of us who've been around a while have known, but it's all but explicitly said that the Duggar kids had any steal of rebellious beat out of them. By Michelle, regardless of what she sounds like.
- I can't help but wonder if this is the reason Michelle sticks so closely to this faith, even after all that's happened. Even as her own children have expressed how abusive their upbringing was. Leaving the ideology means admitting you were an abuser and not an educator.
- Jill felt like she lied in the Megyn Kelly interview. She didn't want to do it and said she wouldn't have without her parents urging, and she felt obligated to protect her family. She didn't want to do this interview, but didn't trust anyone else to tell the truth which, given her upbringing, I totally get.
- the interviews with other ex-IBLP kids are just as fascinating to listen to as Jill's (if not more bc a lot of them WANT to be there). Tia Levings in particular is so incredibly brave and wonderful, please follow her your preferred platform ❤️
- Mike Huckabee is an accomplice to abuse and ped*philia at best
- I know Derick can be insufferable but I promise he's worth listening to in this doc, at least so far (I'm halfway through episode 3). And he's a very serious Jill advocate, which I feel like all the Duggar girls need so badly.
- Jill didn't want anyone at her birth because SHE DIDN'T WANT TOO GO THROUGH WHAT ANNA WENT THROUGH. She agreed to a diary cam at most.
- For that work they did during their babies birth, the Dillards requested not a full paycheck, but a small health insurance renumeration fee from TLC, who asked them to do this work. TLC informed then that they had already paid all sums to Jim Bob.
- Jill has never received any amount of payment from TLC for all the time and work she had given them. Neither had Derick.
- this is probably a NO DUH for us around here, but here is a short list of IBLP/ATI approved lives of training, especially for minors who are doing work for free for other members of the organization (i believe the Bates kids are included in some of the pictures accompanyingthis part):
1. CoNSTrUCTioN!!!
2. Cosmetology (women only of course)
3. Ministry
4. Business?
5. Healthcare consultant
6. ALERT counselor
Secular college courses so not apply to accreditation in these fields
- other ex-IBLP members confirm that children were trained in construction trades and child labor was used gratuitously in the organization, for anything from repairs, to setting up conferences, to building actual buildings. And it was all, of course, free.
- ALERT confirmed as a purposeful paramilitary organization
- am ex-IBLP woman who was sent to ALERT states that they took tampons away from her, as they were a form of purity violation (she says they said she had purposefully taken her own virginity by using them).
- a woman raised in IBLP recounts a story at a conference in Oklahoma City where her roommate almost slit her throat with a knife over being a 'glutton'. Essentially, a teenage girl almost killed herself over not being thin enough to be 'godly'.
- David Green, the CEO of Hobby Lobby, is STILL IBLP's biggest donor. Don't fucking shop there!!!!
- a purposefully sanitized version of Bill Gothard's teachings have been and might still be used in elementary schools, prisons, police and military units as a way of indoctrinating those in attendance to be more open to absolute authority.
- All of the kids besides Jill & Derick might've very well signed a very lengthy contract that extends at least a decade. The Dillards didn't, and have received extreme yet Christian-flavored threats over it???
- The Dillards were using a food bank even after they asked Jim Bob for the most basic payment for their services to the show
- Jill, Derick, and others all agree tha Journey To The Heart was a vetting mechanism for Gothard's abuse victims
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boydepartment · 1 year
Pizza Parlor- Lee Felix: Epilogue
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Description: Y/n is a stressed-out college student who has no idea what she is doing with her life. She is always wrapped up in nostalgia and her friends seem to know exactly what they're doing. Feeling insecure one night she decides to go on an old website. Club Penguin. Little does she know; she would encounter a certain penguin who was also having a rough night.
Stray Kids are idols, TXT is not.
Partial smau, mainly written.
Warnings for closing: none
WC- 500
back thank you for reaching the end <3
Closing song: Don’t go breaking my heart- Elton John
                               The Pizza Parlor is now closing.
                “Is this the last box to get mailed in?” Lea asked, you looked over and carefully grabbed it from her hands.
                “Yeah! I think so!” You set it down on the countertop of the now FINALLY moved in apartment. You grinned and opened the box; it was a photo of you and Lea with all the boys back home.
                “I’m shocked Yeonjun didn’t put a love note for you in here.” You looked up at Lea who just rolled her eyes.
                “Yeah yeah, I have a recording session tomorrow morning, but I should be back by 10am.” Lea said, and she grabbed a water from the fridge.
                “How is being under a contract again?” You asked, setting up the picture frame by the fruit bowl.
                “Honestly, this contract isn’t horrible since I am a solo artist now. Plus, I get to see my sister almost everyday at work. So, I love it.” Lea said gulping down the water. You grinned.
                “I am so glad; I was a little worried about you for a bit.” You sat at the small table you two had bought second hand when you moved in a few weeks ago.
                “You worried about me? I was terrified for you,” Lea let out a small laugh, “I didn’t expect you to actually want to move out here with me right after you got your cosmetology license.”
You were shocked you agreed to as well, however, you already did visit frequently and had a support system here. It made you comfortable enough to help support Lea in her solo career in Korea.
                “I was scared too if I am being honest. Especially leaving all the guys, but I know I have you and Felix here.” You gave her a small smile and she returned it rolling her eyes.
                “How was filling out that application for the salon?” She asked. This you were so giddy about.
                “I got the job! Of course, I will need to study more but I am so grateful for the opportunity.”
Lea’s eyes lit up, “I WILL HELP YOU STUDY!” She started jumping around. She seemed more excited about the job then you.
Your phone started to buzz, and you recognized the contact name instantly, you excused yourself and walked to your room.
                “Hey.” You bit down your smile.
                “Hey pretty, I have Thursday off, do you want to grab brunch at our favorite place?” Felix’s voice felt so warm as always.
                “I would love to but that is my first day of work, can you do Saturday?” You were hoping and praying he could.
                “I will try my best I pinky promise!” He said in a dramatic fashion, this made you giggle. You two caught up for a bit before he sadly had to leave to get back to practice. It had been a common occurrence of you two having short calls just to hear each other’s voices.
When Thursday rolled around you would be lying if you said you weren’t a little nervous. It was the same feeling as your other job that you had back home. It was new and uncharted territory. However, you used your nerves to build the excitement. You will kick ass at this you know for a fact. When you walked into the salon you were greeted by your new boss, who helped train you a couple days prior just to help you on your first official day. Since you already had a license, the training was more so showing you how they do things their way in the salon. Which was no big deal, every salon was different, so it came to no surprise.
                “You know. You already have your first requested client too, if you’re comfortable enough he said it is okay that you are still technically in training.” She said, you looked taken back.
                “What I-“ she handed you the books and you saw his name. Lee Felix you cheeky-
The bell rang and you flipped around, he greeted you with the same sweet smile he always did. No matter what it seemed like he always shined his brightest around you.
                “I am here for my appointment with Ms. L/n.” He said with a knowing grin. You couldn’t help the smile that grew on your face.
                “Yep, I will take you back to the chairs.” He followed you back and you sat him down.
                “Are you sure you won’t get in trouble with your personal stylist for this.” You whispered. He looked up at you.
                “Its fine I asked for permission, plus I missed you so.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you.
                “Okay sir what would you like to do with your hair today!” You said sweetly, he giggled.
                “Hmmmmm… I think I would like to dye my hair silverish grey. I actually have a photo.” He lifted up his phone and it was the rest of the selfie he sent you oh so long ago.
                “I think that color really suits you.” You smiled fondly at him, “and would you like a trim?”
                “Yes please!”
Felix was your first client, and you were sure he would also be your first reoccurring client. Your first day at work wasn’t bad! After Felix’s little visit you continued to train on the specifics of the salon and then you helped sweep until it was time to go. You thanked your boss and started your walk home, but then got interrupted.
                “Pizza Parlor.” You jumped and turned around.
                “Did you just hang out at my work?” You teased and walked up to him. Felix rolled his eyes.
                “No that would mean I’ve been here for 8 hours,” Felix grabbed your hand and started walking with you, “I was off today remember soooo I ran errands and asked Lea when you got off. Figured I’d walk home with you.”
You grabbed his hand and swung it back and forth as you two walked, “you’re so sweet to me.”
                “I trrrry.” He looked up at the sky that was a beautiful array of pinks, oranges and yellows.
                “You’re so pretty.” You said to him, the setting sky looked beautiful on him.
                “That’s not my nickname, that’s yours.” Felix looked down at you.
You looked away blushing, “you’re so cheesy.”
                “OH, I TOTALLY FORGOT TO TELL YOU!” Felix whipped around in front of you, you now looked up at him.
                “I got a new console, well not new. I ordered it so it’s new to me but not actually new to me yaknow.” He started rambling and kept walking backwards to talk to you. You grabbed onto his arms to make sure he didn’t run into stuff.
                “Which console?” With how excited he was talking; you were starting to get really excited too.
                “I literally found a Nintendo 64, and I got Majora’s Mask.” He said super proudly.
Your eyes widened, “YOU ARE SO LYING!”
He grinned and hummed, “I am not, and guess what?” He walked to your side and put his arm around you.
                “What?” You looked at him with adoring eyes, he was truly your world.
                “I don’t work until tomorrow afternoon; do you maybe want to be the best girlfriend ever and sleep over and play it with me?” Felix gave you puppy dog eyes as if you ever said no to having a sleepover with him.
Felix pondered for a moment and when you lightly shoved him to reality he giggled, “of course, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I just said no!”
It made you really happy whenever he would crowbar getting to call you two boyfriend and girlfriend at any point.
                “I’ll order a pizza tonight too, I haven’t had one in forever, and our codeword makes me hungry.” Felix said.
                “Wait I have a better idea!” You said, still swinging your intertwined hands.
Felix hummed.
                “We should make our own pizza together; we can make mini ones to put in the little toaster oven.” You spoke.
                “That is such a fantastic idea, have I mentioned how much I love you?” He pulled in front of you, you wrapped your arms around him. He held your waist.
                “Mmmm I don’t think you have today.” Your eyes danced around his face.
                “Well, I do.” Felix leaned down and kissed your head, “It’s getting late, and I am now so hungry for homemade pizza lets go.” He went to pull away, but you stole a quick kiss on his lips which took him by surprise. Felix started to giggle, and he hugged you.
                “Y/nnnnnn!!!!” He did his usual thing where he would swing you around before he finally let go of you.
                “I love you Binshusband.”
Felix looked stunned for a moment before answering, “I love you more JoonsGF… Wait that sounds weird, you’re my girlfriend not whoever the hell Joon is.”
You started to laugh as you two started walking again.
                “Who on EARTH is Joon? I never asked that! You know who Changbin is!” Felix whined and walked with you, you continued to laugh before you eventually told him. You two kept walking and talking about your plans for tonight. As he went on and on about the different games, he bought for the console you started to get lost in thought.
If he ever asked you to marry him, you think you’d say yes. But you would cross that road when you two got there.
Taglist: @bloofairyfox@yellowroses-world@g4m3girl@forevrglow@nepytune @rensimps @curly-fr13s @amara-mars
Taglist is closed because the Pizza Parlor is now closed
I made a spotify playlist for this series <3
Author’s note: I wanted to write this out before I actually post this chapter. When I write my author’s notes usually, I write them right before posting them. But this note I want to write before posting, mainly to save myself from the tears that will probably be shed closing up this story.
I am so grateful that people loved this story, while writing this story I met so many amazing people. I am just so thankful that I got this opportunity to share my writing and for people to actually like it. The kind comments and reblogs have really warmed my heart and gave me a passion for writing again. Which thank god because my major is primarily writing lol
I really loved writing this fanfic, at some point I am sure I will rewrite it and brush up on it just to make it better as it will probably age with me. There will maybe be some extra chapters I will add to this story but like Y/n said at the end. We will cross that road when we get there.
Thank you again everyone, I love you and look forward to continuing to write! Remember to eat well and get some sun at some point today!
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Is any headcanon you make up for Quackerjack not just you projecting on the character yourself or is it all "Since I like this my fav likes it too" "Since I suffer from this kind of thing my fav suffers from it too" kind off deal?
Suffer? From what? I'm confused...
Quite a bit of headcanons that have nothing to do with me, actually. They're really fun to do because I have to do some deep dives sometimes to get an understanding of what I had in mind. Hyperlinked ones are ones I could find the exact posts
QuackerJack has rubber based superpowers but doesn't know it
QuackerJack is Gosalyn's bio-dad and he was Professor Waddlemayer's son-in-law Headcanon/Theory
QuackerJack had a bad bout of pneumonia as a kid and his strong attachment to toys began because his parents bought him a lot of toys during recovery
QuackerJack has a perfectly normal twin brother named QuackerZachary that lives in Duckburg and isn't relevant to the plot
QuackerJack unintentionally messed with his own memory while testing the HypnoDisc/Mr. Relaxatron
QuackerJack is one of the strongest mortals in St. Canard
QuackerJack is 2ft 9in tall
QuackerJack has rubber based superpowers but doesn't know it (explained further)
The Lawn Darts Theory
Load Bearing QuackerJack Theory AKA: QuackerJack's consistency in his alternate counterparts is keeping the multi-verse from collapsing on itself
QuackerJack saw "Five Characters in Search of an Exit" when he was 11, and it messed him up for a few weeks in 1961
QuackerJack's in-universe actor in DT17 is named Mike Bill, and he retired from acting to be a pediatric dentist because he broke his leg on set, presumably what Jim Starling was referring to when he said "one little boo boo and they fall to pieces
QuackerJack was a Flower Child
Lots of short headcanons
His "Origin Story" begins with a series of mundane bad luck
QuackerJack caused a bullet ant infestation that resulted in St. Canard being fumigated, which is probably one of the reasons he was sued
QuackerJack collects LaserDiscs
QuackerJack's weird eating habits includes, but not limited to: Eating Mac and Cheese as a scoop in his hand like an apple, eating coleslaw out of a paper bag with his fingers, drinks ranch dressing straight out of the bottle, chomps down on a soda can to shotgun it, etc...
QuackerJack's plumage is underdeveloped, and better resembles down instead of guard feathers. They're very fine and fluffy, and not very waterproof, hence why he can't float like other Ducks. This gives him the Duck equivalent to being "baby faced", which he finds embarrassing. Part of why he wears so much attire is to draw attention away from that.
QuackerJack went to the Duck-verse equivalent to Woodstock when he was 19. Yes, he did have a VW esque van, and yes, it was a pretty awesome time.
QuackerJack is a licensed nail technician, but business for such a salon in a predominantly avian city is pretty non existent. The reason for this is because he took college courses in fashion and cosmetology in order to better design dolls that would appeal more to customers.
Aforementioned fashion classes were very helpful in his costume design skills as well.
QuackerJack checks the dump regularly for discarded game consoles and controllers so he could gut them for parts to repurpose into his mechanical creations
Pertaining to the "QJ is Goz's Bio Dad" theory, him being so is why Taurus Bulba targeted him in the comics during his time working at QuackWerk.
QuackerJack is canon to Super Smash Bros (something I've been working on for a while now, with some posts linking the ideas via connecting game appearances and all that, but basically, because he's in "Disney Heroes Battle Mode", he's effectively linked to Wreck-it Ralph, which includes links to specific game franchises that would be in SSB, as well as linking to Kingdom Hearts and Minecraft, both of which were added to SSBU after I'd half-joked about those being the missing links)
The only things I really project would be a few quirks and similar things I always related to that I would know how to write about properly because "write what you know". 👀
Also, I just want him having amblyopia to be reasonable because I never see that get represented and Nega-QuackerJack having those thick crafting glasses at least gives me hope
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FULL NAME: Valentina Lopez-Moores NICKNAME(S): Val, Valley AGE: 30 | April 10th, 1994 GENDER & PRONOUNS: Transwoman, She/her FACE CLAIM: Zion Moreno EYE COLOR: Brown HAIR COLOR: Brown HEIGHT: 5′10″ OCCUPATION: Influencer, Model HOMETOWN: Detroit, Michigan NEIGHBORHOOD: London, England
TWs in bio: Death
Head canons:
Originally born to a working class family in Detroit, Valentina didn’t always have the luxury and glamour she sits in comfortably now. 
Her father a construction worker who met an untimely death while on the job. 
Of course the family got their payout, but that meant nothing to Valentina who was too young to properly meet her father.
It was only a couple short years later that Valentine’s mother met her step-father, the man who would essentially be her father. Hell he’d been around since before her fourth birthday.
The realization of what’d happened to her biological father did leave somewhat of a hole in her heart, but her name had been hyphenated and this new man had been her father all along, and she was seemingly okay with it. 
Her transition was accepted by her parents, the both of them telling her that as long as she was happy, so were they. 
Moving to a new school district allowed her to be her authentic self without having to explain herself to anyone.. and she got to be with her cousin. A Win-Win.
Her journey to being an influencer mainly came from her seeking community online, doing makeup tutorials and showing off outfits that she’d made for herself.
She never hid the reality of her transition, she just didn’t feel the need to talk about it. Her social media wasn’t documentation of her journey, but exploration of self, style and beauty, rather.
She was one of the first on Instagram, notably one of the first beauty Youtubers as well and she was able to capitalize on this empire.
She was able to attend both fashion and cosmetology school in order to dive deeper into her love for beauty, but her major break was walking NYFW when she was just twenty-one years old. 
Her love life could be seen as a messy one. She always dated around, but her move to London was all because of love. She’d found the one, or so she thought.
While filming for a dating reality show, she fell madly in love with a man whom she ended up engaged to. He was from London and she moved herself out there to be with him.
A lot of infidelity on both ends, arguments and tears later, the two split but she remained in London, pivoting her channel into content about living in London while being a Latin-American woman from the US. 
Her personality can be seen as nasty and it’s said she would do anything to solidify herself as a name in the influencer industry. 
She has accumulated 20M insta followers, 15M Youtube subscribers, 10M Tiktok followers and is regarded as one of the OG and most influential influencers to this day.
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henrydavis123 · 3 months
Hair and Beauty Academy for Advanced Beautician Course
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Discover the world of Medical Aesthetics with our Basic & Advanced Course for Medical Aestheticians. Hands-on training on cosmetology courses.
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pixeldistractions · 2 years
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Aww, I love the new hanging out on the bed animations! They have quite a few options for chatting and flirting, but I do wish they included a few more romantic choices (but no biggie, we have WW for that lol!). And look, is he showing her something on his phone? How cute! 
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This is Devon Shaw (daughter of Max and Valerie, little sister of Angelo), and Aldous Jones (little brother of Amy, son of Alma and Harvey). 
They’re going on two years together and they want to exchange promise rings! Aww! How wholesome!
Aldous will be a senior at Fort Palms this fall, and Devon will be a junior. These two aren’t the type to join any activities. They’re doing well if they even show up to class. They are both straight-C students who enjoy lazing around, partying, and getting high. Considering who Devon’s father is, the bar for achievement is set very very low for them. They will probably graduate high school and go straight into work. Devon might do a short course in cosmetology and become a hair stylist. Aldous is not really great at anything in particular, so maybe he’ll be a mechanic like his dad and play the lottery every month, hoping for a big win that never comes. Probably they’ll have children young and get divorced fifteen years down the road? Or maybe they’ll stay in love for the long haul and Aldous will pick those winning numbers after all. Go make your own future, kids. 
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digiweb1 · 2 months
Orane International College Canada Courses - Orane Beauty Academy – Top Academy for Makeup & Wellness Courses in Delhi
In this article, we introduce a plan-B for those who want to learn something new. Are you looking for a career that gives you a salary in 6-digits after your school or 12th? All parent wants that their children should get high-earning career and that’s why run to the most demanding academic career options like Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer, and Architect. However, these are not just the career options to earn in 6-digits. Look around, you will get ample options to get a high-profitable career. Do a short-term beauty course with Orane International, which is a growing chain of institutes in Asia and get ready to step towards high-earning career field. wellness courses in delhi Beauty and wellness is a growing industry and here, you can get more options than academics. According to NSDC, skilled workforce in beauty and wellness sector would grow thrice as much, from 40 lakhs in 2013 to 1.42 crores in 2022, making it the fastest growing job creator. Let’s understand this fact by an example. In beauty and wellness industry, there are thousands of jobs but comparatively fewer applicants and academics have completely vice versa.THE
Beyond The Certificate
Masterclasses: Take your makeup skills to another level by taking exclusive workshops and makeup masterclasses conducted by renowned guest artists and industry experts. You will gain invaluable insights into specific techniques, industry trends, and career guidance. Professional Network: When you enroll at Orane’s Beauty Academy, the respective faculty of the chosen makeup artist course at the chosen center will connect you with a thriving community of established makeup artists, opening doors to collaboration, mentorship, and exciting career opportunities.
Scope in Career as a Professional Makeup Artist
top beauty courses The courses in Cosmetology and Make-up opens up an ocean of opportunities for students. advanced makeup courses The make-up schools offer training opportunities to their students where they can learn professional skills working with real clients. It’s like an internship that helps students to shape their skills and learn the ethics and methodology of the actual beauty business industry. Established beauty brands are always in search of professional make-up artists and your degree will act as a cherry on the cake to grab such opportunities. Beauty brands pay well. Some students after completing courses start their own salon business and start their entrepreneurial journey. This gives them business exposure and a chance to shine bright on their own. Professional groomers of celebrities is also an amazing opportunity for make-up degree holders. As no one wants to get groomed by someone other than a professional nowadays.
Transform Your Passion into a Profession
At Orane International, we believe makeup is more than just a profession; it’s an art form, a powerful tool for self-expression, and a gateway to endless creative possibilities. professional makeup artist coursetop academy for makeup courses Enrolling in a professional makeup artist course is the first step toward realizing your dream career.
Orane boasts a legacy of excellence since 2009 and a vast network of over 110 academies across India, Orane ensures expert training, industry connections, exposure to prestigious events, and dedicated placement services. beauty and wellness training Moreover, Orane’s curriculum emphasises technical proficiency and essential soft skills, equipping you with the tools to thrive in the competitive beauty landscape. Choose Orane and embark on a rewarding career path in the captivating world of beauty and wellness.
If You Want More Information Visit here
Contact- 8800690200
Address- A-11, Third Floor, near Metro Station Rajouri Garden, New Delhi, 110027
Website- https://www.oranebeautyacademy.com/canada.html
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the99beautyinstitute · 2 months
Eyebrow Tint Treatment- 99 institute of Beauty & wellness Hoshiarpur
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You need to make a decision whether you would like to pursue a brief term or an extended term course. The short term courses became extremely popular within the recent years among the career aspirants due to their short duration. 👰‍♂️👰‍♂️👰‍♂️ Call us- 8️⃣4️⃣3️⃣7️⃣6️⃣8️⃣7️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ Book Today Exclusive offer valid till 15th April 2024
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ibiinternational · 3 months
Beauty & Cosmetology Institute in Ahmedabad - IBI International
IBI International (Indian Beauty Institute) in Ahmedabad Offers An Extensive Range Of Beauty Courses To Cater To Various Interests & Career Goals. Whether You Dream Of Becoming A Makeup Artist, Hairstylist, Beautician, Skincare Specialist, Nail Technician Or Spa Therapist, We Have A Program That Suits Your Aspirations. Our Courses Are Designed To Be Flexible, Allowing Students To Choose The Path That Aligns With Their Passions & Ambitions. These Programs Cover A Wide Range Of Topics, Including Makeup Application, Hair Cutting & Styling, Skincare Treatments, Nail Artistry, Body Therapies & More. We Also Offer Specialized Short-term Courses & Workshops For Those Looking To Enhance Specific Skills Or Explore New Trends In The Beauty Industry.
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aayusetu · 3 months
Top Colleges for Cosmetology Courses
Cosmetology Course, Cosmetology Courses -- August 02, 2023
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“Mirror Mirror on the wall- Tell me who is the fairest of them all!”- Have we not heard this quote and seen the movie in which it was spoken? From olden times, being beautiful was every woman's dream, and they showed us that they could go to any lengths to obtain it- It's the same today also! Having beautiful, radiant, and flawless skin is every person's dream. It boosts your self-confidence and helps you build up your self-esteem. When people look good, they typically feel better about themselves. Your skin health has a powerful impact on your emotional and mental well-being. Uneven skin tone and texture, fine lines, acne marks, scene scars, pigmentation, hair loss, hair thinning, freckles, excess hair growth, wrinkles, and blemishes can drastically undermine confidence.
Currently, non-invasive aesthetic treatments are increasingly appealing to many as safe and effective alternatives to the scalpel. The global aesthetic market has been growing exponentially over the past decades. Adding aesthetic skills as an add-on can be beneficial for working in this growing market. With increasing demands for these treatments, many students are opting for cosmetology certificates from reputed institutes, but the biggest question arises is- which institute is best?- Many top academies offer hands-on training programs for these aesthetic treatments. Various medical professionals from different fields of medicine are eligible to enrol in these training programs. Of all the top academies, Kosmoderma Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (KAAM) is the most reputed and prestigious institute, which offers its students the best training programs.
What To Look For Before Selecting A Top College For Cosmetology Courses?
You should do proper research while choosing the institute if you plan to undergo a training program in cosmetology The institute should meet the following criteria:
Accreditation of the institute: You must find out when the institute was established, about the teachers and the reputation of the institute- This will give you insights into the credibility of the institute as placements are better seen in institutes that are accredited by known government bodies
Types of training courses: The institute should offer courses from the basic to the advanced level.
Course curriculum: The methodology and the teaching course should ensure the student understands all the subjects thoroughly.
Duration of the course: The institute should offer short-term, long-term, crash courses and various forms of courses, giving a chance to the professionals to choose any type of course according to their schedule.
Provide hands-on training: The institute should provide its students practical hands-on training to enhance their skills. This will enable them to practice on patients easily once they complete the course.
Feedback from previous students: Reviews about the academy from the previous students give an insight into the learning experience they offer. The tutors should communicate easily for the students to understand better.
Support provided to set up clinics in future: The training institutes should be able to introduce their students to a network of other aestheticians who have already completed the course. This provides them exposure to enhance their clinical practice or even helps them set up clinics. The institute should be associated with different communities for better student placements.
What Are The Different Cosmetology Courses Taught In The Top Colleges?
Cosmetology is an art and science, so a person pursuing a cosmetology course needs to understand this, as only creative professionals can succeed in this field. Kosmoderma Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (KAAM) is the most reputed and prestigious institute which offers its students the best training programs in cosmetology. We at KAAM, have different training courses in cosmetology for dermatologists, aestheticians, nurses, dentists, and healthcare professionals.
Let's explore more about the hands-on training programs offered by KAAM.
1. Aesthetic Medicine/ Cosmetology Course For Dermatologists
The course revives and expands the expertise of professionals from dermatology backgrounds with hands-on training. This course is for a 45-day duration and is highly recommended for dermatologists currently practising or who have taken a break from their medical aesthetic career for a while.
Eligibility: DVD, DDVL, MD Dermatology
Course details: This course covers many subsections under each procedure in detail
Skin Anatomy & Physiology
Common Aesthetic Skin Conditions
Skin Conditioning
Chemical Peeling and Microdermabrasion
Introduction and Physics of the LASER
Acne/pigmentation and Management
Skin Lightening
Scar Management
Skin Tightening + Advanced Tightening
Botox- Theory+ Assessment + Hands-on
Fillers-Theory+ Assessment + Hands-on
Advance Spot Reduction
Emergency handling
Clinic setup framework and Office Management
Communication and Soft Skills
2. Aesthetic Medicine / Cosmetology Course for Cosmetologists
This 45-day elaborate course provides complete insights into medical aesthetics/cosmetology. Students undertaking this course will Gain expertise in the most sought aesthetic services, including PRP, LHR, botox & fillers, and many more. This course is designed for experienced and aspiring cosmetologists who are looking to pursue a distinguished career in renowned companies or open their own practice at national or international levels.
Eligibility: MBBS, BHMS, BAMS, BDS, MDS
Course details: This course covers
Skin Anatomy &Physiology
Common Aesthetic Skin conditions
Skin Conditioning
Chemical Peeling and Microdermabrasion
Acne/pigmentation and Management
Introduction to and the Physics of the LASER
Skin Lightening
Scar Management
Skin Tightening + Advanced Tightening
Advance Spot Reduction
Clinic Setup Framework and Office Management
Communication and Soft Skills
3. Basic & Advance Course for Medical Aestheticians
This course is great for any graduates who wish to build their career in the evolving field of aesthetic medicine as an aesthetician. It's the first and foremost step in adapting to the ever-growing demands and standards of the aesthetic industry and exploring seamless career opportunities. This course spans over a period of 30 days and is divided into basic and advanced levels.
Eligibility: Higher secondary passed
Basic Level - Course details: This course covers
Skin Anatomy & Physiology
Common Aesthetic Skin Conditions
Skin Conditioning
Chemical peeling and Microdermabrasion
Grooming Communication and Soft Skills
Client Handling and Softskill
Emergency handling
Live Clinic Visits
Advanced Level - Course details: This course covers
Introduction to the Physics of Laser
LHR Laser Safety
Skin Tightening
Grooming Communication and Soft Skills
Client Handling and Soft-skills
Emergency Handling
Live Clinic Visits
4. Basic & Advance Course for Medical Aesthetic Nurses
This course is great for nursing graduates who wish to build their careers in the evolving field of aesthetic medicine. It's the first and foremost step in adapting to the ever-growing demands and standards of the aesthetic industry and exploring seamless career opportunities. This course spans over a period of 30 days and has basic and advanced levels.
Eligibility: BSc/ MSc/ Diploma in Nursing
Basic Level - Course details: This course covers
Skin Anatomy &Physiology
Common Aesthetic Skin Conditions
Skin Conditioning
Chemical peeling and Microdermabrasion
Hair & Skin PRP
Grooming Communication and Soft Skills
Client Handling and Soft-skills
Emergency Handling
Live Clinic Visits
Advanced Level - Course details: This course covers
Introduction to the Physics of Laser
LHR Laser Safety
Skin Tightening
Grooming Communication and Soft Skills
Client Handling and Soft-skills
Emergency Handling
Live Clinic Visits
Why Choose KAAM?
KAAM is an accredited institute which aims to inspire healthcare professionals to contribute to the global advancement and a promising future through multi-disciplinary courses and world-class training.
We provide a unique platform for healthcare professionals to learn and practice various cosmetic procedures. to cater to the needs of their patients. Our highly qualified aestheticians are dedicated to establishing a comprehensive training curriculum. This enables the students to upgrade their clinical skills for a better future and enhanced clientele!
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ranjanasacademy · 4 months
Tips for deciding which beauty academy is right
Are you looking forward to pursuing a beautician course to enter the glamour beauty world? Then you need to get qualified as a professional beautician. You can get yourself enrolled in a reputed and experienced beauty school or academy. With so many beauty academy options in Mumbai, choosing the best beauty academy in Navi Mumbai may appear to be a challenge! Worry not!  Before you begin, we have collated a set of pointers to assist you in short your dream academy. Every academy and every student is unique, so we can help you find the perfect beauty academy that’s best suitable for you.
Tips for choosing the best beauty academy in Navi Mumbai
Select a program:
Which aspect of the beauty business piques your interest the most? Do you enjoy colouring or cutting your hair? Do you have a strong desire to learn more about skincare? Or maybe your manicure is always flawless. Cosmetology or manicure, or pedicure are some of the programs available at the right beauty school for you. Make sure the academy you have chosen will assist you in obtaining the job you desire.
Prioritise a checklist:
When it comes to choosing the academy, what is essential to you? Would you instead be enrolled in a program that teaches you all of the skills you desire, or would you instead go to a less expensive school? Do you want a school with a busy clinic floor or one that focuses on hands-on training with individual attention? The ideal academy for you should check as many boxes as possible on your list, but if you had to choose between one item and another, where would you prioritise your needs?
Take a campus tour:
You can't pick the best beauty school for you unless you visit the institute. While browsing the website is an excellent place to start, meeting with admissions in person will allow you to see and learn much more. You'll get a sense of how the drive will be, how friendly are the people, how clean the classrooms are, and how busy the training room is by viewing the school.
Some questions to ask when you shortlist the top 3 beauty academies in Navi Mumbai
Don't be afraid to ask questions when you're on your visit! The representative will answer your inquiries regarding the class size, program length, morale, hands-on activities, and more. Bring a list of questions with you, so you don't forget to ask everything important to you. A few questions are here to help you:
- Is your institution recognised?
- How long have you been in the industry, and how many students have you trained? 
– What is the duration of the program?
- What skills will I acquire as a result of this program?
- What is your rate of job placement?
- Do you provide any financial assistance?
Know financial aids and scholarships:
Financial help and scholarships are essential to inquire about. Tuition costs are sometimes the determining factor in choosing the academy, so you should be informed of all of your financial choices before deciding. You may need to check if they provide EMI options to you. Your school may also offer scholarships or help you get some financial assistance.
Choose an enrolment date:
Most beauty academies have rolling enrollment, so you should have options. When is the most significant time of year for you? Is the beauty school starting the modules soon if you're ready to start? Or do you need time to plan? A good academy will help you choose a start date. Each commencement date has benefits and drawbacks. 
Choose the classes that work with your schedule:
Choose a school depending on your timetable, based on your home and work lives. First, explain your new obligations to your coworkers and family members. Enquire about work schedule changes to suit a new school year. With this information, you may choose between full-time and part-time classes. If so, can you attend lessons during the day or only at night? It would be best if you prioritise your education over anything else.
Experience the atmosphere:
Take a tour around the academy to get a sense of the environment. When it comes to picking an institute, you'll want to choose one that fits your personality. Do the pupils appear to be having a good time? Is it true that they are receiving a decent education? The atmosphere on campus will influence how much you like your stay there, which might last up to a year.
Know about school's reputation:
Maybe you know a stylist who graduated from that institution or someone who has gotten their hair done there. What do others say about the best beauty academy in Navi Mumbai you're looking for? Is the cosmetology school helpful to the community? Your reputation will influence how potential employers and guests view you. You want to attend a reputable school.With the help of the above tips, now you are ready to decide on the best beauty academy in Navi Mumbai. Explore all of your possibilities and choose the top 3 beauty academy in Navi Mumbai that best fits your requirements, priorities, money, and schedule, then decide the right one that suits you.
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dsjhjksdf · 5 months
Analyzing the Future Demand for Cosmetology Courses in Detail
Cosmetology is the field that focuses on enhancing physical appearance through skincare and treatments. The demand for cosmetologists has kept growing over the years and will likely increase even further in the future. India Today reports that cosmetology courses will be in high demand, making it a sought-after degree.
Cosmetology schools have broadened their scope to include professions such as hair styling, makeup artistry, aesthetics, and nail care. According to CollegeDekho, Cosmetology classes have expanded beyond beautician training to include nail and hair care. The courses aim to provide students with the skills and knowledge required for success in cosmetology.
What is the current popularity of cosmetology courses?
Because of the growing need for beauty and grooming services, cosmetology courses have grown in popularity in recent years. The rise of social media has led to an increase in people taking cosmetology courses to learn about beauty and grooming. Cosmetology courses are popular among both women and men who want to improve their appearance and confidence.
You can find cosmetology courses easily in any part of the world. Many institutions and colleges provide programs for cosmetology diplomas, certificates, and degrees. Skincare, haircare, cosmetics, and nail care are among the topics covered in these classes. In addition, certain cosmetology programs offer specialized training in esthetics, barbering, and cosmetology instruction.
In addition to formal education, private cosmetology schools and vocational training institutes provide short-term cosmetology courses. These courses aim to give students practical training and ready them for a beauty industry career.
As the demand for beauty and grooming services increases, the popularity of cosmetology schools is also growing. These courses are globally accessible and offer diverse training programs for aspiring beauty professionals.
Future Demand Forecasts
The cosmetology industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.9% by 2032. The demand for cosmetology courses is growing, prompting colleges and online platforms to provide the course online. The industry is predicted to grow gradually in the future, making it a safe career choice. Let's examine the estimates for future demand in cosmetology courses in this section.
Technological Advancement
Expect the cosmetology field to experience major transformations in the future due to advancing technology. Virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence are already being used in the sector to enhance the client experience. For example, virtual reality is being utilized to simulate the final look of a cosmetic procedure, giving buyers a clearer preview. The skin type of customers is analyzed using artificial intelligence to offer appropriate goods. With technological advancements, the cosmetology sector is set to be transformed, offering customers greater accessibility and convenience.
The Changing Beauty Standards
The evolution of beauty standards is expected to contribute to the growing demand for cosmetology courses. Social media's influence has made people more conscious of their appearance, leading to a surge in cosmetic surgeries. Moreover, individuals are currently searching for more subtle and natural improvements as beauty standards progress. The demand for courses teaching natural appearance techniques is expected to increase due to this trend.
To sum up, the cosmetology field has a promising future, with an anticipated rise in demand for courses in the upcoming years. Technological advancements and evolving beauty standards will continue to fuel this growth, creating an exciting time for those interested in a cosmetology career. 
If you are interested to start your career in cosmetology and the beauty industry, Livart Academy in Kochi, Kerala offers cosmetology course that covers every aspect of cosmetology, from hair styling to skincare taught by the experts.
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