#ship ask games
askgametime · 1 year
wip game of birds!
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Rules: askers can send a bird, and receive the corresponding thing. If you don't have something that corresponds to whatever bird it is, or you don't want to share the only thing that fits (I'm not telling!) then either share a matching quote from a published work and link it, or share a random quote from your wips of your choice. :)
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🦜 a pretty quote (you like the prose, or symbolism, or it's poetic, or you just like how it feels/the word choice!)
🐧 a funny quote (silly! laughs! jokes! puns!)
🦚 a sexy quote (spicy, outright nsfw, etc--if you're not comfortable with this one specify in the tags!)
🦉 a clever quote (something you're proud of!)
🦅 an angsty quote (something PAINFUL!! ouch ouch ouch!)
🕊️ a sweet quote (something sweet, fluffy! maybe it's cute or funny banter! or sappy wedding vows!)
🦤 a quote you had to delete :( (but still wanna share!)
🐦 a romantic quote (can be sweet or sad or sexy, or just your favorite interaction between them!)
🐤 a mystery quote (take out the context, even censor the names if you want! let em guess!)
🐓 fuck quotes, give me a summary or some ao3 tags
🦆 asker's request (what do you want to see? from a specific wip, a specific mood, a specific ship or character...?)
🦩dealer's choice (choose any quote at all! or the summary / ao3 tags thing! whatever! wild card!)
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acacia-may · 2 months
Hi again Acacia! Could I please get a request in for Ed x Winry before you close your shipping game asks? 💜
Hi there, friend! Thank you so much for the ask and for asking about one of my all time favorite pairings. 💕 Ed x Winry definitely makes sense and is beyond compelling to me, but I'm going to put my ramblings under the cut because I specifically mention some spoilers for the ending.
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood was actually the 3rd anime I ever saw, and it will always be particularly special to me because it got me into the anime genre and to this day, is still probably my favorite anime of all time (though I love so many at this point). Winry was my favorite character, and I adored her relationship with Ed. That bantering, slow-burn friends-to-lovers dynamic is probably my favorite kind of relationship trope, so I was really invested in them and in their relationship throughout the series.
I adored their platonic friendship as well. There was just something so endearing to me about how they'd bicker but really had so much respect and admiration for each other underneath it all, and I think they way that they encouraged, inspired, and supported each other was really beautiful. There was something so natural about the progression of their relationship over the course of the series too, and it really so wonderful getting to see them deepen their relationship, fall in love and realize their feelings for each other. I remember literally screaming (in a good way) when Winry had her "feelings realization" moment, and their final love confession scene on that train platform at the end of the series is just everything to me.
As soon as I started writing these ramblings I had to get my out my manga volumes and just read through the scene again because it's one of my favorites in the whole series. There is something so refreshingly different about it, and it perfectly summarizes their characters and their relationship to me. I love how they so clearly expressed their love without saying the words "I love you" and instead used that equivalent exchange metaphor. Confessing in that way is just perfectly, perfectly Ed, and I found it really endearing, but what really gets me, is how he only asks for "half of her life" at first and suggests that 50/50 split which leads to this just amazing reaction from Winry.
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That bantering is just so wonderful, especially when followed up by this sincere confession that she wants to give him her whole life and her whole heart. Her unwavering devotion to him is just beautiful, and I love that she finds the words to express that (when Ed, who loves her just as deeply and just as devotedly, struggles to find his words). I'm getting emotional just thinking about it. They are so in love!
When my friend brought over her dvd box set for us to watch the final 5 episodes together, I literally got up from my seat on the sofa, squealed, and danced around when there was this absolutely glorious flash forward photo of them with their kids at the end of the final credits. (Needless to say, it really shocked my friend because I do not get into shipping. She teases me about it to this day, but there is just something about these two, okay? They're too perfect together, and look they're married with babies!!! How else am I supposed to react to that?)
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At this point in my life, I have seen this anime too many times to count and have read through the manga series several times as well, and every time I reach this photo (or the similar one in the manga) and see Ed and Winry together with their family, I still, without fail, get so giddy and excited. I love them so much! And I still can't get over how canon they are. If only all my ships ended up married with kids...they do in my mind, but to see it actually happen for real is everything and it's everything that an amazing pairing like Ed x Winry deserves.
Thank you for asking about them! They probably rank on my ultimate OTP list from anything ever! Just perfect and meant to be 💖💖
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racerchix21 · 1 year
Bcz I think I am going back to my shield feels so : Ambrolleigns
Since I reblogged 2 I’ll use both for this
Ship Game 1 | Ship Game 2:
Send me a ship and I’ll say:
Who falls asleep on the couch: Dean or Roman depending on the type of night
Who wakes up first: Seth (CrossFit things)
Who cooks the most: Roman he’s the only one who doesn’t manage to burn water
Who’s in charge of the tv remote: Dean, it’s all documentaries and wrestling tapes
Who takes the longest getting ready: Seth & Roman both (it’s the hair routines and Dean’s adorable distractions)
Who takes up the most bed: Dean it forces Seth and Roman to play Dean-style Tetris to get comfortable just to have Dean move and sprawl across both of them once they’re comfortable.
If/what pets they have: 3 dogs, 2 cats and like a dozen chickens because Dean was fascinated
Send a ship and I’ll give who ♥️:
Gives nose/forehead kisses: Mox it’s his favorite thing to do to both Seth and Roman
Gets jealous the most: Seth, those are his men and how dare someone try to flirt with them
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: Seth, he doesn’t drink a ton anyway
Takes care of on sick days: Roman, it’s part of his love language with his boys
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: Roman he’s a beach bum
Gives unprompted massages: Dean he loves getting his hands on his boys
Drives/rides shotgun: Dean someone has to keep Seth awake during those long drives
Brings the other lunch to work: Seth much to Dean’s disgust since it’s always healthy food. Don’t worry Roman spoils him by making him sandwiches every night
Has the better parental relationship: Roman his parents love Seth and Dean who don’t talk to their families
Tries to start role-playing in bed: Dean, he was feeling adventurous that night plus Seth in handcuffs is hot as fuck (sue him)
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: Dean the boy loses what little coordination he has
Still cries watching Titanic: Seth but he won’t admit it
Firmly believes in couples costumes: None of them mostly because they never agree on anything
Breaks the expensive gift rule at Christmas: Roman because he loves spoiling his guys
Makes the other eat breakfast: Roman because otherwise Dean will skip and then be hangry all day
Remembers anniversaries: Dean he’s surprisingly a big softie under the lunatic tough guy persona
Brings up having kids: Seth and Dean love Roman’s daughter and want a couple more
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c2-eh · 3 months
For the ship ask
💘, 💢 and 💦 ??
💘 Ship that is unpopular but you still like
💢 Ship that is most misunderstood
I honestly don't know with this one. That's a loaded question and what exactly misunderstood means yk. Lore, fics, general attitude? Soo yeah, not really sure. Open for suggestions
💦 Ship that is taboo
charlos sr 🙂
ship ask game
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ashilrak · 2 years
For the ask game: Solackson 😌
Honestly, they're just *good*. I tend to mentally categorize certain ships of mine and they honestly don't really fit into any of my usual categories? I just love them. I totally headcanon them as being disgustingly healthy once they figure out communication that works for them and get over the beginning of a relationship hurdles.
So we obviously don't know that much about Will, and that's this whole thing, but what we see of him is Great. He's a caregiver, right? But he's not necessary like, soft and nice about it all the time. He'd be good for Percy, putting his foot down and making sure Percy takes care of himself. But here's the thing, Will also needs someone to take care of him, and Percy would step up and do that (we see hints of his mother hen tendencies throughout the series with various characters.)
I think that Will and Percy also have things they can understand; they've both had to step up into leadership roles they were too young for, tbh. Will had to become counselor, and Percy had to be the prophecy kid. It's a moment of same thing, different shapes. I don't think either wanted it, but they stepped up.
A lot of times you see Will resenting Percy for what happened to Michael and such, and I get that. It would definitely be a hurdle, and it might not be an easy one to get over, but I do genuinely think they could. They both strike me as two people who've been through so much and want to be happy.
// Send me a ship and I'll say why I do or don't ship it
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nebulousfishgills · 1 year
ship asks (gonna go stranger things w this one): steddie, elmax, and byler
I answered already for Steddie (a soft ship it), but as for these others...
Ship it
1) What made you ship it?
I love the idea of Max being one of the first people to expand Eleven's horizons and treat her normally/see beyond the fact that she has superpowers. The Material Girl Mall Scene is one of my favorite scenes in the entire show since it's just a good, fun time. Eleven's first taste of real freedom and fun. They also just compliment each other well since El's more softspoken whereas Max is more boistrous.
To be clear, I also hardcore ship Lumax, but Elmax just has something about it that makes me very happy.
2) What are your favorite things about the ship?
Again, the complimentary personalities and girls backing up girls. Also just... this. I don't know if this is just a normal thing, but I wouldn't get this cozy with my closest friends that I've known for fifteen plus years, let alone a few days.
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3) What's an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Honestly I try to stay clear of ST shipping discussions so I don't know what's really a "popular" vs an "unpopular" opinion. Idk I'll just say that I think it's really close to or on the same level as Lumax (but again I loooove Lumax)
Byler (oh boy lol)
Ship It
(But I don't lose my mind over it)
1) What made you ship it?
I mean, in my opinion it's very obvious that there's tension there. Will absolutely has a crush on Mike but can't say it, and Mike, bless his heart, is too fucking oblivious to realize that or that his own feelings for Will seem to go far beyond that of his other friends. Also just like... I love Will and the poor kid deserves to have something he really wants, even if he's not really sure how to cope with it.
2) What are your favorite things about the ship?
The best friends dynamic is cute, it's an idea that makes Will happy, and I love how every time, without fail, my roommate and I see any blue-and-yellow object(s), we call it "The Byler [Object(s)]. So my bike is the Byler Bike since it's blue and yellow and we always tried to get a blue bowl and a yellow bowl at the dining hall (one had the blue, one had the yellow) so we could have Byler Bowls. Byler brings people together.
3) Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I think I'll get sniped for like... any semi critical Byler opinion bc half-offense (as opposed to full or no offense) some of y'all are fucking crazy, so I'll just say one since I probably have a couple. Mike Wheeler doesn't deserve Will Byers because he gets too swept up in Eleven to understand that his friend is going through shit, which isn't condusive for a healthy relationship.
I have a lot of opinions on Mike and his relationships with Will and Eleven in general and I want to make it clear that I don't hate Mike, or anything close. I think Mike's just not quite emotionally mature enough to handle relationships yet, especially ones with so many complexities as Will and Eleven. I have/had the same problem, so I'm not chastizing him, I'm saying I'm the same way and I see the signs.
Mike's too tunnel-visioned on Eleven to give proper attention to Will, and this can coexist with the fact that Mike's just not the right one for El since I think he's tunnel-visioned on her abnormalities of her rather than the normalcies that should be celebrated, which is where Mileven and Elmax differ for me. In my opinion, Eleven wants as close to a normal life as she can get after all the shit she's gone through, and I don't think Mike really seems to understand that.
I don't wanna do a whole analysis post because one, this is just an ask game; two, many people with more knowledge on the subject have done this before me; and three, this is not my circus, not my monkeys, Stranger Things ships aren't my expertise, the Creels and HNL are.
But tl;dr, neither Byler nor Mileven are currently viable because Mike needs more time to mature and develop before he himself can understand what he wants. The kid's a freshman in high school dealing with supernatural world ending threats every few months, I wouldn't be able to function normally either.
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fuzzy-melonlord · 2 years
2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 13, and 24 from the ship ask game for Morgan and Lust (because I'm desperately curious) and/or Asher and Lust! (I know Asher and Morgan aren't played by you, so just give headcanons?)
OKI Because Aggro likes me suffering, i already did all of Asher and Lust lol. but i can do Morgan and Lust for sure! under the cut since is long-ish
2.Do they have a dynamic trope? - YES, enemies to lovers!
3. Who cooks? Who cleans up? who's banned from the kitchen? - Morgan has to cook because Lust is the one banned from the kitchen lol. this is just fact. also Lust and Morgan probably alternate cleaning stuff.
4. What's their favorite sleeping position? - Lust's favorite is always the honeymoon hug because they love facing their partner while they're sleeping. Meanwhile Morgan loves spooning and he's fine with being either big or little spoon. which is cool because while Lust doesn't like spooning all that much they would def prefer to be the big spoon if they're gonna.
9. Baths or showers together? Do they like elaborate ones with bubbles and flower petals? - So i FEEL like Morgan would want the quicker efficiency of showering but he's also so touch starved that he would probably love bath's. Lust loves both but has a preference for showers. i think they'd definitely go all out one night though as like a surprise for him and get some bubbles and candles and such.
12. Who gets up earliest? Who has the worst sleeping schedule? Who is the sleepiest? - So once again Lust has a horrible sleep schedule and it is only rivaled by insomniac Morgan. He also gets up way earlier than they do which leads to some early morning sleepy Lust trying to convince him to come back to bed.
13. What's their opinions on PDA? - Lust has literally no issues with PDA, none what-so-ever. Morgan on the other hand i feel will have some issues with it. So Lust would adjust to his comfort level.
24. What are their favorite places to kiss on their partner? What are their favorite types of kisses? - So because of info i have. Lust loves kissing Morgan's hands. pressing soft kisses either to his gloves or the skin itself they just love doing it. they also love kissing him just in general. they're usually a very passionate kisser. Meanwhile Morgan is more inexperienced and tends to be more hesitant with his kisses, usually sticking to their lips. but i feel like he would enjoy kissing right over their heart as well. idk what it is but i just feel like that would be something he would do.
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alexanderpearce · 10 months
ship ask game 😁1 Who would be first to to bite down anc consume the flesh of the other, euphoric in the taste and the heft and the slide of the blood 2. who is the ant and who is the ophiocordyceps fungus? 3. who is the dog and who is the master? 4 when the roles are blurred or reversed who would be first to die and how? would it be by bulletwound? the phallic blade? strangulation? 5. Cocaine or Heroin? 6. who licks up the other’s cigarette ash? 7 who is julius caesar and who is brutus? 8. who is jesus and who is judas? 9. did jesus want it? did julius caesar know it was coming? are the betrayed ever proud? 10. who is irrumatus and who is irrumans? who is pedicatus and who is pedicans? 11. did they ever kiss and why not? 12 if they are two sides of the same coin who is heads and who is tails? 13. and if the coin was the holey dollar? 14. And if the dog bit back? 15 and if the dog bit back? 16 and if the dog bit back? 17 and if the dog bit back? 18 and if the dog bit back? 19 and if the dog bit back? 20. Who buys the other flowers?🥰
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espresso-ships · 1 month
Self ship games!
I really wanted to do a f/o community game, so here it is! :D
Feel free to use this one, and tag me if you do! I'd love to see all of your ships <3
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English isn't my main langugage so lmk if I spelled something wrong so I can fix it! :)
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dreamwinged · 4 days
selfship ask game ₊˚⊹⋆
wanted to celebrate hitting 300 followers so i thought i'd make an ask game!!! <3 please practice reblog karma if possible and have fun!!! feel free to answer these for yourself or a s/i, whichever is most comfortable 💌
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🍬 - if you were in canon, what would the fanbase for your ship be like?
🧁 - your f/o is planning a surprise date for you two! what do they choose?
🍵 - do you have any pets with your f/o? if not, what kind would you like to adopt? how do they act around animals?
🍓 - what's a bad habit your f/o has?
🍦 - what's your f/o's favorite way to show affection? are there any little things they do to indicate their appreciation for you?
🥥 - talk about a memorable moment in your relationship.
🍾 - who confessed first, and how did it happen?
🍧 - which of you is the better chef? what's their favorite thing to make for the other?
🍒 - what is your f/o's love language, and how do they express it with you?
🥞 - who spoils the other more?
🍮 - what's something you do that always makes your f/o smile, and/or vice versa?
🫐 - what's your sleeping arrangement with your f/o like? do you share a bed? do they cuddle you, or talk in their sleep?
🍩 - what are some irl things that remind you of your f/o?
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proship/comship + variants do not interact
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askgametime · 11 months
A Mixed Bag Of 50 One Word Prompts
interpret em sad, funny, sweet, or any other way you want! do em by yourself or play a game with your followers: send a number and a character (or a pairing or two characters or hell, just a number, see what happens! you can always specify in the tags what you're comfortable with!) and get a little snippet! (intended as a writing exercise, but use as you please!)
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acacia-may · 2 months
Thank you for the ask, now it's my turn 💘 Nozel x Vanessa from Black Clover? (I know, I'm biased^^') Elfman x Evergreen from Fairy Tail? Isogai x Meg from Assassination Classroom? Mustang x Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist? Sorry, might have went a bit overboard^^'
Hello there friend! Thank you so much for playing and for asking about such fun pairings! 💕 I don't think I've ever been asked anything about Assassination Classroom or Fullmetal Alchemist before so I am so excited for this ^^
(Warnings: I do talk about a Fullemetal Alchemist spoiler, but I tried to steer clear of spoilers when discussing the other pairings. I'm putting it all under the cut just to be safe though).
Nozel x Vanessa
I'm honestly kind of neutral to this ship. I don't have anything against it, but it's probably something I wouldn't have thought about if I wasn't asked about it or if it wasn't requested from me. Since they haven't interacted in the canon, it's hard for me to imagine what their dynamic would be like and how they would get together, so I wouldn't say it makes sense to me to me personally and it doesn't really compel me since I ship both Vanessa and Nozel more with other characters (and some friends' OCs) than with each other.
That said, I have read some really enjoyable fanfictions about them. Yours especially are really lovely and really helped me to see & understand this pairing so thank you so much for that and for sharing your passion for them. 💕I have always been really impressed by this pairing's fans who I have a lot of respect for. I've even written about them a little myself, but only on request since I don't think it's a dynamic I'd really write about much on my own just given my personal preferences and how I personally prefer to imagine and think about the characters. But that's just me and my personal opinions. I can definitely see the appeal of the ship and think it could be a fun pairing--it's just not my personal favorite.
Elfman x Evergreen
I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! They're without a doubt in my top 3 favorite ships in Fairy Tail, and I was so excited every single time they appeared and interacted with each other. Their banter is just glorious. I have rambled about them in the past, so I apologize for repeating myself but these two are just that perfect balance between hilarious and adorable, in my opinion. On a certain level they both have such big personalities that are so wildly different from each other that it's almost goofy to think of them actually working out in relationship, but they complement each other so perfectly and have such a strong foundation of trust and mutual respect which I honestly wasn't expecting at first but was wonderful and delightful. I think the story does such a good job of showing us that they protect each other, sacrifice for each other, and want the best for each other, and ultimately they care about each other deeply, even if they don't always show it, so I do feel like they make a lot of sense as a pairing and, needless to say, I find it extremely compelling.
Isogai x Meg
I'll be honest and tell you that it has been quite a few years since I have read Assassination Classroom and seen the anime, and I forgot about these characters and this pairing and had to google it 😅 (I'm so sorry 🙈). As soon as I saw them though, I had this visceral, squealy "Oh my gosh! It's THEM!!" reaction and remembered being very invested in their relationship. Friends to lovers is probably my favorite ship trope, and (from what I remember) Isogai and Meg work so well together and have so much genuine admiration and respect for each other. Also there is just something so special and so compelling about inter-student-governmental relationships to me (A/N: Total tangent here but I think it goes back to one of my favorite childhood cartoons where there's an episode where these friends were pitted against each other in this really intense campaign to become class president, and (spoilers but) she won by one vote, specifically him voting for her because she had actual principles and ideas for improving the school but he just wanted to win. And oh my gosh I ship that to this day, and I think it has given me this intense affinity for these inter-student governmental relationships. Don't even get me started about my favorite pairings from Fruits Basket and Kaguya-Sama Love Is War that fit in this category. I just really, really, really enjoy this trope). Anyways...my goodness they are so cute! All it took was a short scroll through google images and a brief readthrough of their pages on the wiki to make me remember how much I really adored these two and their dynamic and relationship. I can vividly remember being so excited in the Valentine's Day episode when she gave him that chocolate. ^^
I think Isogai and Meg are really strong characters on their own also, which I really like and appreciate. Isogai is so hardworking, caring, and sincere, and Meg is so strong but so kind as well. And it's so lovely to see the two of them coming together and combining their strengths to become real leaders in their class and build each other and the other characters up. In summary, yes I think this pairing makes a lot of sense, and it definitely compels me personally. Thank you so much for reminding me about them and how much I loved them! 💖 I really want to rewatch Assassination Classroom now...
Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye
I may have actually squealed when I saw that you had asked about this pairing because my gosh I have no words for how invested I am in this relationship. If I felt I could write either of them and their dynamic with any semblance of justice, I would probably be writing fics about them non-stop, but I have never trusted myself to be able to do that, so they just live rent-free in my mind in incredibly convoluted scenarios about how they would somehow repeal or circumvent the non-fraternization law in order to get married (A/N: my favorite theory is that they throw another inter-military couple under the bus and use them as the poster-children of repealing the law, turning their wedding into an international spectacle before ultimately taking advantage of the repeal of the law to quietly marry themselves...but I digress).
Anyways, I don't even know what I can possibly say about this ship. Their bond with each other is so deep and so strong that even if they never get together in a romantic sense (which I would honestly be okay with as long as they just always stay together in a platonic sense. I don't need them to kiss...though that would nice...), I honestly just can't imagine either of them with anyone else romantically (which is very rare for me to say about a pairing since I tend to multi-ship). They are one of my favorite parts of the series every time I reread the manga or watch Brotherhood and that scene in the Third Laboratory where Riza thinks he is dead and just sort of breaks, gets me every single time. Even when I know it's coming, I still get so emotional about it. Her devotion and loyalty to him is unbelievable but so compelling, and the best part is that he is equally as devoted and loyal to her as well.
I can't fault this pairing at all. I think they're perfect for each other, and I'm so excited I got to ramble about them a little bit so thank you so much for that (also this my sister's ultimate OTP of all time and I can't wait to teasingly brag to her that someone actually wrote into my blog to ask me to talk about them lol). ^^
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racerchix21 · 1 year
Hangmox bay-bay!!! *throws doughnut*
Ship Game 1 | Ship Game 2
Send me a ship and I’ll say:
Who falls asleep on the couch: Hangman every single time he sits down on it except that one time with Mox 👀😳
Who wakes up first: Mox he never really sleeps all that long unless Adam wears him out
Who cooks the most: Hangman otherwise they’d be eating take out every night
Who’s in charge of the tv remote: Mox typically because Adam usually falls asleep against his shoulder
Who takes the longest getting ready: Neither they usually are both pretty quick to get ready every morning unless they’re getting ready at the same time then their gonna be really really late
Who takes up the most bed: Mox because he knows Adam loves to cuddle
If/what pets they have: 3 dogs, 2 cats, a dozen chickens and 4 horses.
Send a ship and I’ll give who ♥️:
Gives nose/forehead kisses: Mox it’s his way to show his baby love in the middle of the ring
Gets jealous the most: Hangman, he doesn’t like that Eddie, Yoots, Bryan and Claudio take up so much of Mox’s time so goes and hangs out with the Bucks and Kenny
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: Neither of them drink much anymore and they’d rather “celebrate” at home
Takes care of on sick days: Hangman because Mox is a horrible patient for anyone else
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: Hangman because Mox would rather watch his man coming out of the water
Gives unprompted massages: Mox, any excuse to touch his cowboy
Drives/rides shotgun: They take turns depending on where they are and who’s the most beat up.
Brings the other lunch to work: Hangman, otherwise Mox would just be eating sandwiches all the time.
Has the better parental relationship: Hangman, Mox doesn’t talk a ton about his family
Tries to start role-playing in bed: Hangman surprisingly. He surprised Mox once and managed to tie him up needless to say it was something they’ve done since
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: Mox he ain’t got any coordination outside of the ring
Still cries watching Titanic: Mox, he’s a softie
Firmly believes in couples costumes: Mox, you know the saying “Save a horse, Ride a cowboy” yeah Mox took that serious their first Halloween 👀😳
Breaks the expensive gift rule at Christmas: Mox, he bought Adam another horse their first Christmas as a couple
Makes the other eat breakfast: Hangman or Mox would be hangry all the time
Remembers anniversaries: Mox the softie
Brings up having kids: Hangman because he knows that Jon would be an amazing girl dad
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andorerso · 7 months
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I've seen those ship bingos going around (fun!!) but there wasn't enough... me-flavored opinions so I decided to make one too
feel free to reblog and play <3
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ashilrak · 2 years
Ship ask game : Perpollo
I've always liked playing with power dynamics and within PJO, a God ship is a great way to do that! I've also always been drawn to fandoms where there's a lot to draw on, so being able to pull in certain aspects of Greek mythology makes it super fun. Compared to the rest of the Gods in PJO, Apollo has the most screen time so we see a lot more of him; we have more from his POV than Jason or Nico.
I also love how much TOA gives us to play with? One of Percy's defining characteristics is that he was given the chance to become a God and he said no. He doesn't like the Gods, and yet he's incredibly powerful and closer to Godhood than he has any right to be. So, in contrast, we have Apollo who got a taste of mortality. The mortal who's too close to divinity and the God who is closer to mortality than he ever wanted to be. Apollo's domains are also fun to play with; he's the patron of seafarers, Percy's seen too much in those demigod dreams of his, etc.
I also like ships that don't make sense at first. You have to make perpollo work, ya know? And I like telling that story and reading that story.
There's more, of course, but I think this is the basis of it for me.
// Send me a ship and I'll say why I do or don't ship it
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cursedmoon-doll13 · 9 months
‘Imagine Your S/I Was Canon…’ Self-Ship Asks
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✍️: Overall, how does the fandom trait you? Are you a beloved character, or hated? Are you popular, or a minor side character? Anything in between?
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story?
🤪: What is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?
🥰: How would someone who loved you portray you?
😡: How would someone who hated you portray you?
👯: What canon character are you most similar to?
🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why.
🏷️: What is you and your f/o’s ship name?
❤️: How popular is you x your f/o? Are you a rarepair?
💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?
☕️: What are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o?
🛌: What tropes show up in fics involving your ship?
🪐: What would be your most popular AU and why?
💘: Why would people love your ship? Why would people dislike your ship? How might it start debates?
🙈: Why would your ship be thought of as cute/fluffy? Why would your ship be considered problematic?
🎞️: What ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship?
💌: How would your dynamic be portrayed? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions?
👀: How does your ship with your f/o influence both of your characterisations and the world? Would there be any interesting metas written about your dynamic?
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