#shes awful quite often don’t get me wrong
hey-scully-itsme · 1 year
i know she’s a controversial figure and she deserves to be but this is a pro-diana villiers blog, i support women’s rights and women’s wrongs #feminism
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desos-records · 1 year
The part I appreciate the most in the Lockwood and Co show is how it handles depression and suicidal thoughts in teenagers. As a theme, it’s not often (ever) done well. Lockwood and Co is the only story I can think of that depicts it in a nuanced, realistic, non-romanticized way
but first, before I get into it: [if you’re in crisis or need someone to talk to and don’t want to/can’t use your national hotline, highly recommend Samaritans, genuinely saved my life] okay, let’s go
Lockwood is the most obvious, with his general disregard for his own life and admitted suicidal ideation. Lucy struggles with her self-worth and the intensity of the emotions she’s subjected to. George worries that he doesn’t belong, that there’s something useless or wrong about him. The show depicts these thoughts and feelings in a way that isn’t overblown or dramatized, it’s all but casual. Which is how it happens. Depression or suicidal thoughts don’t crash into you all at once, they creep into your life without you noticing
But more importantly (and again, something I’ve never seen anywhere else), the show also offers counterpoints to those thoughts and feelings. It shows that there is a way out, even though you may feel trapped and hopeless. This is crucial for the show’s target demographic. Bad media depictions of depression or suicide get internalized, contribute to the stigma, and make it harder for people to ask for help. This show doesn’t do that. This show tells its audience that, yes, things are scary and painful and it fucking sucks, but it’s not hopeless. And it says it so well
In the second episode, when Lucy wants to quit, she admits something that I’m almost certain she’s never told anyone
“sometimes I just think I’d be better off dead”
And when I watched this the first time, I expected Lockwood to react the way I’ve seen people react in my own life; with silence or panic or downright dismissal. But he didn’t. He stays calm and he says something that is so so important to hear when you’re struggling under the weight of feelings like this
“I understand that”
Saying this tells someone several things: that you’re on their side, they aren’t strange or monstrous for feeling like this, and that you’re not going to attack or abandon them because of it. And you can see the impact it has on Lucy, the way her face clears. She went from struggling to breathe and near tears to calm and steady. It’s no mistake that in this moment we hear his and Lucy’s theme for the first time (those simple, beautiful guitar strings)
The next thing he says is also important
“and it’s not true”
Simple, to the point, directly addressing her feelings, and (the most common mistake) doesn’t make it about him. Telling someone that you love them or that they’d be upset to lose you might sound nice, and it can be later on in the conversation, but in a moment like this, it’s infinitely more helpful to confront the thought itself
A similar moment in the first book stuck with me too, when they’re underneath Combe Carey Hall and Lucy almost steps into the well. What she’s hearing in her head (and the general phenomenon of malaise that ghosts produce) is very similar to depressive or suicidal thoughts. Before she can fall, Lockwood pulls her back
“no, Lucy, that’s not the way it’s going to be”
Depressive and suicidal thoughts deal in absolutes, so sometimes it takes an absolute to counter it
In the last episode, George has that heart-breaking moment where he says all the awful things he thinks about himself, partly because of the influence of the boneglass and Bickerstaff, but it’s also been building up, there in the background. Increasingly, it’s Lockwood and Lucy working together and George working on his own, which picks at old wounds (engineer, engineer, engineer, weirdo). He bonds with Joplin because he feels like she understands him in a way the others don’t
“it’s nice to have someone to show off to”
But Lucy pushes back against all that because she sees herself in all the ugly things George is saying, because she’s felt that way too. She understands that. She’s so surprised and horrified to hear him saying those things, resigning himself to dying down there, she’s not going to let him go on believing them
“you’re not a third wheel or an oddball or whatever it is that you think you are”
“you’re the best of us”
“we are not losing you, Georgie”
Flo called him that earlier too, but Lucy wasn’t there for that and coming unprompted from her it sounds so much like something you might call your slightly annoying younger brother. She’s so absolute about it all, with no opening for doubt, and you can see something like surprise on George’s face (but also pain because now Lucy’s in danger too)
For all Lucy knows, the boneglass will kill her. I don’t think for a second she genuinely believes her talent will protect her; she told Joplin that to protect George. It’s unclear when exactly she came up with the plan to use the skull, but she was willing to risk it anyway. And she knows, she knows, George will blame himself for this (because she would too, if it were the other way around), but even then, she’s very clear
“this isn’t your fault”
Their whole scene down in the catacombs is two kids trying to keep each other alive, physically obviously, but on the inside as well. And, oh god, George almost crashing down next to Lucy after he’s knocked over the boneglass, trying to wake her up. His voice
“Lucy, Lucy, it’s me, it’s me, say something, speak to me”
I think it’s down in those catacombs that George and Lucy really understand each other for the first time. In their own ways, they’re both curious and suspicious about the Problem and what causes it, trying to learn more about it (and stressing Lockwood out in the process). They both left their families; they both struggle with feeling strange and different than everyone around them. That connection pulls them both back from the edge
Lockwood, for all his confidence, is practically in crisis or was fairly recently (I suspect living with George helped). It’s fairly common, actually, for someone suicidal to overcompensate with an exterior shell to hide it, which can manifest in different ways depending on the person (they may not even realize they’re doing it, I didn’t)
And I love how the show handles it. He’s not made into this dark, tragic figure. He’s so full of life it hurts. He jokes around with George and Flo, fights with Kipps, admires Fairfax. He has dreams (plans) for the future. He’s struggling with trauma, they all are, but he’s not Broken™ in the way similar leading characters are often made out to be, in the way we often fear we are
And, of course, there’s Lucy, a wreaking ball through the precarious balance of Lockwood’s life. It’s not so much that she gives him a reason to live (although she definitely helps), but she holds him accountable in a way no one else does. This is the difficult part of recovery that no one talks about. Having people care for you (George) and sympathize with you (Flo) is great and necessary, especially early on. But at some point, you have to take responsibility for yourself and the noise in your head (you have to open your door on the landing)
What that looks like is complicated and messy and different for every person, but seeing it played out in a story is remarkable. I’ve never seen anything like it. This is a difficult thing for anyone to learn (many adults never even try)
That shot of George, Lucy, Lockwood (and Kipps) rising up on the catafalque sums it all up for me. Each of them fell into darkness alone and rose out of it together. They inspired each other to fight and win their individual battles, even when they couldn’t be there to help
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lobstermobster-95 · 11 months
Down in the Wicked Depths Below
Woe to the man
The dark-eyed sailor
Ship’s adrift
And the sea’s his jailor
Drag him down
Down, down, down
Down in the wicked depths below
Woe to the man
The dark-eyed sailor
Ship’s adrift
And the sea’s his jailor
Drag him down
Down, down, down
Down in the wicked depths below
Lost at sea, the sailor cried
I will not die
The sea shall bow to me
“That was quite a display,” Finnegrin said as he rummaged through the piles of assorted junk on his desk. His gruff voice drowning out the singing voices of the crew on deck. “All that talk about how love makes you stronger, but the second you see that elf girl in pain, you completely lost yourself.”
Callum looked away.
The tidebound captain wasn’t wrong. Seeing Rayla like that – writhing and screaming in pain, skin turning blue as if she were already dead – it did something to him. Just like it always did something to him when he thought he’d lost her.
That spell had simultaneously caused a pain in Callum that was so deep that he couldn’t think or see straight. He’d forgotten any spells or tricks that could have helped him and instead did the only thing he could think of.
It had at least been a solid hit – something his younger self would be in awe of for several reasons. A lot of good it had done him though.
At that moment, Callum caught sight of Bait’s empty cage and for a terrible, brief second, thought perhaps the little guy had already been cast into the depths. However, Finnegrin stepped aside and revealed the glow toad had been crammed into another smaller cage.
“What are you doing?” Callum asked, feeling confident he already knew the answer.
“Oh, don’t worry. The cage is for his protection,” the captain replied with a smug smile. “This way, he lures us a leviathan but doesn’t get eaten.”
He crossed the room and stood before Callum, looking down at him with the black-hearted confidence of a man who had spilled more than his fair share of blood. “The one getting thrown into the sea serpent’s hungry mouth is your elf girl.”
He may as well have been strapped to an anchor and dropped into the sea for how quickly Callum became submerged in the crushing weight of dread and panic. He struggled against the chains that bound him to the post, but there was no give.
He couldn’t lose Rayla. Not again. Not ever again.
“No, no wait!” The words leapt from his tongue without his consent. “A dying breath, blood filled with hatred, and a unicorn horn. That’s the dark magic you want. Just…just let her go.”
They could deal with the ramifications. They would find a way to protect Domina Profundis, but Callum had to protect Rayla first.
A beat passed as Finnegrin paused in the doorway before he began to click his tongue in disappointment like a parent about to scold their child. “Oh, my poor lad,” he said. “That deal was no longer on the table.” He chuckled, pulling the door open and quickly disappearing through it, leaving Callum alone as he sunk even deeper into despair.
“No!” He called out to no avail. “No!”
Again he struggled and again the chains around his wrists did not budge.
Hot tears began cutting their way down his cheeks. This was really it. Rayla would die and a piece of him would die right alongside her. They had only just begun to truly mend their relationship. The last few weeks began replaying in Callum’s mind
Staying in his and Ez’s old, adjoining rooms had been his idea. After Umber Tor, he’d shed the last piece of the already-cracked and crumbling armor he’d built around his heart over the last two years. He’d opened himself back up to her, and it was wonderful. They’d often stayed up late during those nights, fretting over Ezran and the others or just talking like they used to.
Then they’d traveled to Lux Aurea, retracing the steps they’d taken together on that first world-changing journey. The route had been easier this time. There was no dragon egg to hide and protect, no duplicitous aid from Soren and Claudia, and no race to outrun an impending battle with Viren’s corrupted army.
And with the border open, the route itself had become more traveled, leading to amenities like the inn they’d stayed at. Seeing Rayla happy and at peace that night had filled Callum’s heart in a way it hadn’t been in two years. He’d wanted to kiss her again, to hold her and tell her he loved her.
Now he desperately wished he had.
He could hear shouts and thuds from above him and his heart began to pound. He didn’t have much time.
Looking around for something, anything he could use to free himself, Callum spotted it. The slug Finnegrin had offered as a dark magic conduit.
No. No he couldn’t. He wouldn’t.
He’d sworn to himself that he would never do dark magic again. It wasn’t him. It wasn’t who he wanted to be. He’d vowed to write his own destiny.
…But what would that destiny look like without Rayla?
The question seared his heart like a brand because he knew the answer immediately. Without Rayla, he had no destiny. If he allowed her to die when there was something, anything , he could have done to save her, the anguish would fester in his body like a blight and consume him from the inside out.
He would do anything for her.
Pulling against the chains one last time, Callum reached out and grabbed the slug.
The sunrise was beautiful, almost mockingly so after all that had happened the night before.
Callum sat at the base of the mast, feeling no modicum of triumph or elation at their victory. He felt like a liar, a sham. He was the first human mage to do primal magic and still he’d resorted to dark magic.
He thought he was better than this. But was he? Was he any better than Viren or Claudia if he would dirty his hands with the lives of innocent creatures if pushed far enough?
“So…” Came a voice through the fog. “Two primal sources? Now you’re just getting greedy, mister mage.”
Callum saw Rayla as she sat down next to him, felt the warmth of her living, breathing body, but he didn’t feel any less ashamed. If she knew what he’d done to save her, she’d be disgusted and furious, as she should be.
“Callum, are you okay?”
Was he? He let the question sink deep before nodding his head and letting his eyes finally unfocus from the abyss he’d been staring into.
“Yeah,” he said, pulling a smile up along with him. “Yeah, I’m okay. I am.”
He looked at Rayla as she smiled back at him, his heart feeling full and complete as she brought a hand up to his cheek.
“I’m glad,” she said softly.
She pulled him into a hug and Callum felt guilt wrap itself around him along with her arms. Below them, somewhere in the guts of the hull, two dark magic snakes now slithered and slunk because he’d brought them to life.
He’d broken his oath, and as Rayla sighed contentedly, holding Callum like she had when they’d first fallen in love, he knew that he would do it again in a heartbeat to save her.
And that’s what scared him more than anything.
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
I Missed You
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〚 Pairing- Natasha Romanoff x Reader 〛
〚 Notes - Currently working on the BeachHouse AU but I wanted to get this out first! Enjoy some sad and weepy Nat :p 〛
〚 Summary - You're off on a mission when Nat starts to feel unwell. And even with her bestfriend at her side, Nat's finding it hard to be alone when she gets sick for the first time in years. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 2100 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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“Are you sure you’re meant to be working right now?” Clint asked casually as he strolled into the kitchen, raising his eyebrows at the woman slumped over a pile of paperwork at the table. 
Natasha looked up at him, her eyes tired and glassy. She tried to give him a reassuring smile, but it came out more like a grimace. "I'm fine," she said, her voice hoarse and cracking, “We both have some much work to do, shouldn’t you be getting your own work done instead of pestering me.”  
“God you’re crabby today, aren't you? And for your information, I’ve already got mine done. It’s easy to concentrate on it when you don’t have a head packed with snot.” He teased and smirked at the disgusted look which grossed her face. 
“You’re gross.” She sniffled thickly – he wasn’t exactly wrong though. She’d woken up feeling a little off a few days ago, there was that lingering soreness at the back of her throat that didn’t quite go away even after getting some water, but she’d put it down to being a little stressed. 
But much to her annoyance, she’d only felt worst throughout the day until she eventually woke up this morning feeling truly awful. But there wasn’t much she could do about that now. All she could do was try to focus and get her work done. 
Clint only shook his head as he began to search the kitchen cupboards for cereal, “Don’t you think you should atheist take a break?” He suggested as he started pouring multiple different kinds of cereal into one bowl. 
“I don’t need too,” She mumbled before quickly bringing her hands to her face when she sneezed loudly, groaning a little afterwards at the pain it’d caused in her throat, “I’ll live.” 
“Well, I’d be more intitled to listen to you if I weren’t terrified of what your girlfriend would do to me if they find out that I’ve let you work while sick.” Clint fake shuddered whilst simultaneously nudging the tissue box at the end of the table closer towards her, earning himself another eyeroll from her.  
But behind that sarcastic front Nat couldn’t help but feel a pang of misery, she missed you so much. Unfortunately, being an Avenger often meant having to go off on solo missions and while the two of you usually made it work, Nat couldn’t help but miss you more than usual. All she wanted was to be cuddled in your arms as you whispered sweet nothings into her hair. But alas, here she was, sick and feeling so very alone. 
Clint noticed the change in her demeanour and sighed softly, “Hey, I know it’s tough, but you can’t keep pushing yourself like this. You need to take care of yourself, and I’m sure your girlfriend would want that too.” He said while mentally kicking himself – he’d been so caught up in his own work that he hadn't even noticed how much Nat was struggling until it was too late. He made a mental note to check in on her more often in the future, to make sure she wasn't feeling overwhelmed or overworked. 
Natasha nodded slowly, her eyes drifting towards the tissue box. She knew he was right, but she hated feeling weak and vulnerable. “I know,” she said softly, “But I just feel so useless when I’m not doing something productive.” 
Clint walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, mentally noting the heating radiating from her bare skin, “You’re not useless, Nat. Sometimes rest and recovery is the most productive thing you can do. And trust me, Y/N would much rather have you healthy and happy than sick and miserable.” 
She sighed, knowing he was right. “I just miss them so much,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper, “I haven’t been sick in years and the first time I do, they’re not even here.” 
It wasn't just the sickness that was making her feel this way. It was the fact that you weren't here with her. You were always her rock, her safe haven, and without you, she felt lost and adrift. You’d been the first person there to comfort her during the blip, the first person to stand by her after taking down the Red Room. You’d always been there. And while this definitely wasn’t the first time she’d been away from you; this was the first time it’d ever made her feel this lonely. 
Clint squeezed her shoulder gently, “I know you do. But you’ll see them soon enough, they’re meant to be home later tonight, aren’t they? I'll get Jarvis to set an alert for their arrival but for now, let’s focus on getting you feeling a bit better, yeah?” 
Natasha nodded and reached for a tissue, blowing her nose loudly. Clint chuckled, “That’s the spirit. Now, how about I make us some tea and we can sit down and go through this paperwork together?” 
However, as Clint went to turn on the kettle, he noticed the increase in her sniffles and turned around. His heart sank as he saw the silent tears running down her cheeks as Nat held her head in her hands, seemingly unable to think of anything other than you.  
Forgetting the tea, he quickly hurried over to her, sitting down and pulling her into a tight hug, his worry only increasing as he felt the small shivers running down her arms as Nat leaned began to sob against him, “I-I'm sorry,” she muttered, “I’m being ridiculous, but all I can do is think about then and that they’re not here and they could be out there hurt somehow on their mission and I wouldn’t know because I-” 
“Shh, Natty.” Clint soothed quietly, rubbing her back gently as her sobs continued, “If Y/N was ever hurt on a mission, we’d know instantly. Jarvis has their vitals always monitored. They’re okay Natasha, now I know you don’t feel well so we need to get this fever down, it’s only going to make you feel worst.” 
“There’s fever patches in the fridge...” Nat mumbled through her sniffles so quietly that Clint almost missed it entirely, “Vision made me put some in there earlier.” 
  Clint nodded, mentally thanking Vision for his wisdom. He continued to hold Nat for a little longer before slowly releasing her, swiping a handful of tissues and pressing them into her hand so she could clean up her face a little, "I'll get them for you and finish off that tea. I want you to pack this stuff away," He said, his fatherly tone seeping into his words, "No arguments this time. Pack it away, you're not working anymore. That's final." 
After receiving a small nod, Clint went to search through the fridge before finding the small packet and setting it on the side as he re-boiled the kettle to make some tea – making sure to add in a generous squirt of honey. He knew how tough it was for Natasha to admit weakness or vulnerability and seeing her break down like that made him realise just how much she was struggling. By the time he’d finished making the tea though, Nat had cleaned up the table a little, her piles of paperwork sitting neatly in one small stack whilst she sank down a little into her chair, muffling a chesty sounding cough into her elbow. 
Mentally grimacing at the sound of her rattling chest, Clint placed the tea down in front of her, "There you go," He offered a comforting smile to his partner, "hopefully that will help your throat a bit. Now I know you’re not going to like this, but do you think you’d like to go lay down for a few hours? I’ll finish up your work for you.” 
Natasha gave a weak nod, her eyes looking a little watery once again as she took a sip of her tea, "Thank you, Clint. I'm sorry for being such a mess," she murmured, her voice hoarse and strained from her coughing. 
Clint shook his head, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, "You don't need to apologize for being sick, Nat. We all get like this sometimes," he reassured her, "Now go lay down, get some rest. I'll take care of everything." 
With that, Natasha slowly stood up from her chair, wobbling slightly as she did so. Clint quickly moved to steady her, keeping a hand on her shoulder to keep her steady. "Easy now," he murmured, "Don't overdo it." 
Natasha gave him a weak smile as he led her towards her bedroom, her steps slow and unsteady. Once they reached her room, Clint helped her to sit down on the bed before tucking her in with a soft blanket. "Get some rest," he said, his voice gentle, "I'll come check on you in a little bit. I’ll make sure no one disturbs you." 
On his way out of her room Clint couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness in his heart as he thought about you, wherever you were, and how much Nat missed you. He knew he couldn't replace you, but he would do his best to take care of Nat in your absence. Instead he’d concentrate on getting her work done so the two of you would have nothing to worry about except each other when you finally got back. 
The sky was dark by the time you’d finally gotten home that night. The compound was quiet, most of the agents had left for the day and most people were already in bed so it was safe to say you were surprised to come into the kitchen to see Clint sitting over the table, eating pasta as he stared down at the files in front of him. 
“Hey.” You called out quietly, seemingly startling him a little. 
“Y/N!” His face lit up instantly as he got up from the table, coming over to hug you, “You’re back finally, thank god.” 
You’d be lying if you said his reaction didn’t puzzle you a little though, “Yeah, sorry the flight back took a little longer than expected, is everything alright? Oh, have you seen Nat too by the way? I texted her to tell her I was home, but I think her phones dead or something.” 
Clint pulled away from the hug, his brow furrowed with concern. "Nat's not feeling so well actually. She's got the flu I think, she’s probably sleeping still." He gestured to the files on the table. "I’ve just been doing her paperwork. She really missed you while you were away Y/N, like really missed you.” 
“I’ll go check on her then,” You sighed, hating that you weren’t here to take care of her, you knew Nat rarely got sick and whenever she did, it usually hit her hard, “Thank you though,” You said genuinely, giving Clint an appreciative smile, “Thanks for looking out for her.” 
“It's no problem. Nat’s important to me, I wasn’t going to just sit there while she suffered. She’s going to be so happy to see you.” Clint nodded, before going over to the table to pick up his bowl of pasta, “I'm gonna head to bed soon now thpugh, I’ll finish that in the morning.” 
“Goodnight Clint.” You gave him a final smile before hurrying off in the direction of your bedroom. 
As you reached your room, you made sure to quietly open the door, not wanting to startle her. But once the light flooded the room, letting you see the outline of your girlfriend, your heart sank. Nat was curled up beneath the blankets in one of your hoodies as she tightly hugged one of your favourite stuffed animals. Even in the dim light, you could see the dark red grasp of a fever clutching to her cheeks.  
Not wanting to disturb her more than necessary, you silently got changed out of your suit into some comfy thin pyjamas before gently climbing in bed next to the sleeping widow. You’d intended to not wake her up but despite your best efforts, the redhead stirred a little as you settled down into the duvet. 
“Shh, baby, It’s okay now. I’m here, okay?” You whispered quietly, as Nat sleepily shuffled up into your hold, welcoming your touch as you pulled her close against your chest. 
“I missed you.” Her raspy voice barely louder than a whisper before sleep pulled her back down into its hands. 
“I missed you too moya lyubov',” You murmured softly, “I’m here now, okay? And I'm going to look after you.” 
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gacha-incels · 2 months
It's astounding that these liberal bootlickers *still* can't do the basic ass things of just re-examine those official posts, consult with those who can speak the language and look up the translated threads of the unions' responses.
And before anyone tries to rebuke, no, the things said in both the August & September posts WEREN'T condemnation, just vague corporate reassurances without any statements direct intentions or actions against the perpetrators.
Are these people that cocked up in their echo-chambers to hear out of another person's culture or are they *that* sensitive of hearing of things they like that has done bad things?
ngl at some point it really does feel obscene to me seeing people write about how PM & Limbus are some top tier progressive anticapitalist haven full of lgbt+ characters while Korean women try to tell them the company’s antifeminist actions are actively harming female workers and perpetuating this misogynistic 🤏 witch hunt.
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like of course MTL is not perfect here but essentially she’s saying “if you’re a transphobe in PM’s fictional city it’s unacceptable but if you’re a feminist working for PM in reality you’re at risk of losing your job. I’m surprised people who are sensitive to representations of queer fictional characters are indifferent to the labor rights of Project Moon’s employees.” This is just one example, couple of days ago I had posted another, it comes up quite often. these users are trying to tell you that this is something that directly affects Korean women in reality and you just tell them, what? they’re wrong, they don’t get it, actually what PM did was normal in their country and they had no other choice?? it must be fine because the lead singer of mili is a woman and still works with PM and this is actually just like the hays code in the US? I honestly cannot believe someone had the gall to write that last one in their “PM masterpost”. the Korean users telling you this organized boycotts, frequent digital hashtag campaigns to get information out in multiple languages, completely removed fan accounts, created an organization to help victims of feminist ideological verification, monggeu came forward explaining her awful working conditions, Mimi legally took Wonderlab down because she did not want to be associated with project moon. honestly it’s been incredible watching them rise to the occasion and accomplish so much. and you think….what exactly when you see this? that actually all of these people directly affected by the misogynist, incel catering actions of project moon are just misguided fools who don’t understand what happened? that these women are worthy sacrifices for a gambling game because you think it has some epic capitalism takedown and there are male characters who have traditionally female names?
Why do they defend PM so vehemently in the face of critique? I think part of it is this increasingly common phenomenon where these fans need to think project moon must completely have the same progressive political leanings as them because they enjoy consuming the works and they consider themselves progressive, therefore the reverse must be true, that the media they enjoy must also be ideologically progressive because they enjoy it. it’s why they’re so shocked when someone completely different from them in political leanings enjoys PM’s games, we saw this as well when Arknights KR engaged in feminist ideological verification. these high earning gambling games can make all the vague political statements they want but it doesn’t mean jack shit if they’re engaging in antifeminism and harming employees in reality. in the past decade (and especially 2020 until now) “fandom” and “consuming content” have evolved into integral parts of these people’s personalities (especially those who are gen Z and younger) and have significant impacts on how they interact with others and how they see themselves. they wrack their brains coming up with excuses for project moon’s antifeminist actions and this genuinely gets fanfiction tier at some point.
like look at this example from that “PM masterpost” a user here on tumblr made. this is the same one we were discussing earlier that reposted rumors slandering the youth union.
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beyond the ridiculous untrue claims (this is nothing like the hays code, what PM did was not normal, Mihoyo isn’t the only company that told incels to fuck off, they also have offices in SK and had literally dealt with a bomb threat at one of their SK events, etc…u get it, I’m not going thru every word) you can see this wild conjecture regarding the actions taken by the 2 studios. To me this is an example that shows how much these people defending Project Moon warp their thinking in order to keep believing this company is “progressive”. The company Mihoyo that did not respond to incels’ increasingly ridiculous harassment, blocked their livestream chat then deleted all their misogynistic comments in the next livestream and was one of the only (if not the only) targeted companies that did not take Studio Ppuri’s work for them down - this is presented as essentially “whatever” and further downplayed by saying “I personally doubt [this] was a part of any deeply held opinion on women’s rights.” And Project Moon, the company that folded to incel demands immediately, fired a woman at their behest, sued unions and condemned them in their later statements while saying absolutely nothing about the incels that caused the incident, put memes in their gacha game from the very community these incels came from, makes sure to dutifully censor any🤏 in their gambling game, worked the Leviathan artist so hard she contemplated suicide frequently and had to get IVs? These things are presented as just inevitabilities of operating in South Korea and PM is lauded as “I can’t believe PM is fundamentally misogynistic.” The editorializing is absurd. imo there also comes a time where you compare your “poor little South Korean gacha game who just got caught in the crossfire and actually they are totally progressive and feminist 🥺” to the “Chinese company Mihoyo who does whatever to keep getting the most money and has no morals about it” that at some point starts to lean heavier on sinophobia. I’m not here to blow smoke up Mihoyo’s ass but I do think their action regarding the korean incels’ harassment was significant at a time when companies were falling over themselves to kiss incel ass. And, as has been discussed before on this blog, Project Moon’s capitulation to incels was also significant just in the opposite, misogynistic direction. idk it just gets so unbelievably frustrating to see English speaking users who believe themselves to be “progressive” or “leftist” making excuses because they want to keep playing videogames without feeling guilt meanwhile the Korean fanbase has consistently mobilized digitally and irl to spread info, protest, raise money, etc. like how are you not feeling any shame whatsoever after seeing how principled they are?
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themultifandomgal · 6 months
Harry Styles- Insecurities
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Being the girlfriend of Harry Styles can come with many cons as well as pros. We’ve been together now for 3 years. For 2 of those years we kept our relationship quiet for a few different reasons. The first being Harry knew that I would have a fair bit of hate, which would be expected since his fans just want the best for him. I was worried that people (news outlets) would say I’m only with him for the money and fame. Harry is a private person just as I am and neither of us really wanted our relationship out in the public. We enjoyed our own little bubble. Unfortunately our own little bubble was burst after Harry’s phone was hacked and photos of us cuddled on the sofa and kissing were leaked. Harry’s PR team we’re amazing and during any interview about our relationship Harry always responds with “I’d like to keep that part of my life private”. Of course I love him and I know he loves me, but there are times when I can feel very insecure thanks to the media. I try not to look at it, but it’s everywhere.
Before Harry, I was in another relationship. It was toxic. He would often point out little imperfections of mine which caused me to become quite self conscious. Since dating Harry things did get better, but just like anyone you have good days and bad days.
Harry is currently on a break from tour, so I’ve come away with him and his family. Gemma and I are sunbathing while Harry went to get us some drinks. I smile as I watch Harry walking back to us. He’s then stopped by a woman who at first I thought was just a fan, and maybe she is, but when I see her flirting with Harry the insecurities start to bubble
"Are you ok?” Gemma asks, probably seeing my smile drop. She’s beautiful. Long flowing brown hair, tan long legs, and even from here I can tell her skin is so clear she doesn’t need any makeup.
"Look at her"
"Who the girl?"
"Yeah. Look she's so pretty nothing like me. Sometimes I wonder why Harry’s with me. I have stretch marks on my thighs, cellulite, my skin isn’t perfect. My stomach isn’t flat. I just can’t help but think he could do so much better than me” I turn to look at Gemma who’s become my best friend over the last few years.
"Oh YN. I know you struggled after your ex. He was an awful human. But you know just as well as I do that Harry doesn't care about all that. He’s not a shallow person. He loves you just the way you are. God he doesn’t shut up about you half the time. I’ve heard he whines most of the time on your asking when your arriving”
“Everythin’ ok?” Harry asks walking over to us frowning
"I'm going to give you two some space" Gemma gets up and walks over to Anne and Robbin. I a sit up and cross my legs looking down at the stretch marks staring at me
"What's wrong?"
"Why are you with me?"
"Because I love you. You know that" Harry says confused. I sigh "is this about that girl?" I nod my head "oh YN come here" Harry pulls me into him "yes she was flirtin but I told her that I had a girlfriend that I love very much. She then apologised and asked if she could have my autograph. I said no because ‘m on holiday and would like to enjoy m’self. You know I love you more than I ever thought could be possible”
“Even though I’m not a hollywood supermodel?”
“You are one in my eyes. You are smart, kind, and very sexy” this makes me laugh a little as Harry kisses my cheek
"I’m sorry. I try not the be so insecure”
“I know you do love. You don’t need to apologise. Your still learnin to love yourself after your ex and deal with the media”
“How did I get so lucky with you?”
“More like how did I get so lucky with you. Love you”
“Love you too”
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adidastain · 4 months
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never say never
90s trey parker x fem reader
warnings: vomit mention, cheating mention
notes: first person perspective (I, me, my, etc.), part one
word count: 2622
“This is definitely raw,” I whispered to myself, sighing heavily. I prodded at the piece of chicken on the plate in front of me with my fork, trying my best not to look absolutely repulsed. It smelled good. It just didn’t look white enough on the inside for me to trust it. 
Granted, I knew absolutely squat about cooking, so maybe I was wrong. There was a good chance my appetite was just gone, having been completely miserable throughout the entire four hours of this wedding so far. 
Everyone was all gathered on the dance floor, having the time of their lives. I knew I needed to put some food in me, and I was exhausted, so no dancing for me. Especially not in these heels. 
That being said, I was sitting at my table, alone. I watched my sister and her newly wedded husband dance around in circles, bumping into other couples every so often. What a total circus. 
I sighed, getting up with my plate to pick out something else to eat. Most of the options were torn through already. I decided to play it safe and avoid meat, so I settled for some asparagus. It really isn’t as bad as a lot of people preach. 
I really wanted a cigarette. 
“Hey,” I heard a voice from behind me. A hand lightly nudged my arm, just out of reach. 
It was Trey, one of the groomsmen. He was my partner when we walked down the aisle, meaning we’d had quite a lot of time to get to know each other a little during rehearsals and parties and whatnot. 
“Hey,” I said calmly. 
“Where have you been?” he asked me, smiling. “I’ve been shakin’ ass for like, thirty minutes. All by myself.”
I rolled my eyes. “My feet are killing me,” I said, looking at him with the most innocent eyes I could muster. 
I knew Jimmy, my sister’s new husband, had known Trey from like, way, way back. Apparently they’ve been friends since they were 14. I also learned from Jimmy that Trey used to get so nervous when talking to girls that he’d have to go to the restroom and throw up. Part of me wondered if that was still something he struggled with. Probably not; I could tell Trey was a huge flirt. He’d just be torturing himself all the time if that were the case.
Trey’s blue eyes looked dark in the dim light. The only thing illuminating the dining space was the soft glow of tea candles at the centerpiece of each table. It was quite romantic. 
“You can dance. C’mon. At least just one song,” Trey insisted, bargaining with me as he followed me back to my table. “Please?”
I felt just a little bit bad, but I really did not want to dance. I know it’s horrible, but I kind of wanted my sister to notice what an awful time I was having. She was older than me and had spent most of our childhood bullying and tormenting me, so I was a little bit of a fiend for validation and care from her. 
It also didn’t help that she just married my ex-fiance. But, you know, it’s all good. Whatever. 
“I don’t know,” I mumbled, having sat back down. I stared down at my food, having lost my appetite yet again. 
“Can I at least sit with you?” Trey asked me. I nodded, clearing my belongings off of the chair next to me so he could sit. He’d ditched his blazer somewhere and was now just left in a white dress shirt with no necktie or anything. I have to say, he looked pretty handsome, the first few buttons of his shirt undone, hair all messy and whatnot. 
Trey sat with me and watched everyone scream the lyrics of Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond while I worked on my asparagus, nibble by nibble. He was a nice guy. He always sort of stuck to my side, hanging out with me whenever we had free time during the wedding rehearsals. He always came dressed in pajamas with some stubble on his face. Tonight was the first time I’d seen him looking so sharp and dapper. 
After the song was over, he turned towards me again. 
“You don’t like weddings,” Trey stated, resting his head in his palm. 
I didn’t look up from my plate, shaking my head as I slowly chewed and swallowed the vegetable. It was becoming increasingly more difficult to eat. 
“How come?” he asked me. 
“It’s a long story,” I said quietly. “And I don’t wanna ruin your night. Or Jimmy’s. Or Amy’s, for that matter.”
“Well, you already ruined my night. By being a party-pooper.”
I scoffed, looking at him and rolling my eyes. He was just teasing me. He did that a lot. 
“Just give me the short version,” he continued, scooting closer to me. Trey was sitting on the edge of his seat, his knee rapidly bouncing with anticipation. 
A heavy sigh escaped me and I dropped my fork. I rubbed my temples, taking a deep breath, before tucking my hair behind both ears. 
“Someone here stood me up at the altar,” I huffed, putting my hands in my lap. I gave Trey a look that read something along the lines of, Are you happy now?
He tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows. “Who? When?” he asked. 
“I thought you said you wanted the short version,” I said. 
“Well, now I’m curious. I wasn’t expecting that. Tell me more,” he pressed, leaning closer to me. 
I sighed through my nose, looking down at my lap. I swallowed and started picking at my fingernails. 
“You can’t tell anyone,” I said. “Not that they don’t know already, it’s just… I don’t wanna bring up old shit, y’know?”
“Yeah, yeah. I gotcha. Just tell me,” Trey said. God, why is he so eager?
I took a deep breath, letting my forehead sit in my hands to avoid making eye contact with him. I knew his response wasn’t going to be to hug me and tell me that I had every right to be miserable, but part of me really wanted his consolation. I wondered if telling him this would revoke his status as someone I felt safe with here. The only person I felt safe with here. 
“I was supposed to get married last March. To Jimmy,” I mumbled. I felt like curling up into a ball and hiding under the table. I wanted to be buried alive at that moment. 
“You have to be joking,” Trey said quietly. 
“I’m not joking.”
“I didn’t know Jimmy was a fucking idiot,” he laughed.
I hummed. “Yeah. He’s the idiot,” I repeated.
“I mean, at least you didn’t have to go through all that court bullcrap, right?” he said. “Divorce fucking sucks.” 
I’d somehow ended up subconsciously gripping my hair to the point of it almost being ripped out of my head. Trey probably didn’t mean to stress me out so much, but I wished he’d been more sensitive about it. I thought I’d gotten over it until rehearsals started happening. 
I don’t even think I was mad at Jimmy anymore. I was just mad at myself. I felt like a complete idiot about the entire thing. I looked like a complete idiot too; I’d gotten into my dress and had my hair and makeup done and all, and I didn’t have a single second thought the entire time leading up to the actual ceremony. I really underestimated my naivety that day. 
“Hey,” Trey hummed. 
I sighed and looked at him. I didn’t tear up at all. I was just irritated. I felt sick and Trey wasn’t being helpful whatsoever.
I noticed his throat shift slightly as he swallowed. “We don’t have to dance,” he said softly. “It sucks that you have to kinda relive everything.”
“And everyone knows. Almost every single person here was invited to my wedding. It’s fucking embarrassing,” I said quietly. “And no one wants to bring it up because it’s old shit. It’s like I’m on a fucking island.”
Now I felt my throat tighten. I still felt safe with Trey. Thank God. 
I wondered why Jimmy didn’t invite him to our wedding or ever have me meet him. Maybe they just weren’t in touch then. 
There was a brief moment of silence where Trey sat, staring at me. I looked at him, and once our eyes met, he quickly averted his gaze down to his hands. 
“My ex-fiance cheated on me,” he told me, giving me a small empathetic smile. 
I swallowed as our eyes met again. I felt his warm hands gently take mine. 
“With an a-capella singer,” he grimaced. “‘N I said, ‘Fuck you, Liane. I’m gonna make a movie because you cheated on me.’” 
“You made a movie?” I repeated. 
“Yeah, man. It’s totally sweet,” he laughed. “A humble prospector, Alferd Packer, and his party are led to certain doom by his disloyal horse, appropriately named Liane. It’s a musical.”
I shook my head, laughing. 
“I have to humble myself sometimes, ‘cause if she didn’t cheat on me, I probably wouldn’t have my career,” he laughed sheepishly. 
“And I’m here with my waitressing job while my sister’s out cutting Jennifer Aniston’s hair every month. And you’re a filmmaker,” I laughed, though there was nothing funny about anything I was saying. 
“Well I think Jimmy’s an asshole anyway. Don’t tell him I said that,” he said, scooting closer to me again. His knees were now crazing mine. 
I hummed, resting my head against my palm. Trey still held one of my hands, gently tracing over my knuckles with his thumb. 
That’s when I heard Forever Young by Alphaville ring through the venue. Suddenly I was sent way the fuck back to my senior prom.
I gasped softly. I really did love this song. Even if I sat by myself in the corner, sipping on some sparkling beverage while I watched all my classmates with their dates. 
Trey had become very invested in scraping a stain out of the pristine white tablecloth and seemed very shocked when he noticed me stand up. 
“Up,” I said, flapping my hand to beckon him to join me. “Stand up. This is your one dance.” 
I quickly slid my heels off and suddenly realized how tall Trey was. His hands tentatively slid onto my waist, holding me in place as I kicked off my second heel and held onto his shoulders. 
My gaze had been focused on the floor and our feet, so my heart almost jumped out of my chest once I looked up at him and saw how close his face was to mine. I could see all of his freckles in the warm orange light of the tea candle a few feet away, accompanied by the occasional purple strobe from the dance floor. 
Trey grinned, flashing his fang-like snaggletooth. He quickly smothered his smile however, instead pursing his lips together and swallowing harshly. 
“Hi,” he hummed.
What a dork.
I subtly rolled my eyes. “Hi,” I said, trying not to smile at him. I could see his cheeks starting to turn a shade of pink. I guess it was kinda cute. 
We started swaying, and Trey opted to hold one of my hands while his other held my waist, like a traditional ballroom dance. “You come around here often?” he said, smirking with raised eyebrows. 
“No,” I giggled, swallowing. 
“Me neither,” he whispered. I noticed his eyes dart down to look at my lips for a split second. 
He swallowed again, gently intertwining his fingers with mine. I could barely breathe; my stomach was in knots and my heart was beating a million miles a minute. This was like my high school dream come true. I really felt like a teenager again. Just for a moment. 
I looked down to make sure he wasn’t close to stepping on my toes. I decided to just stand on his feet instead, putting me up a little higher and infinitely closer to him. 
“Did they play this at your senior prom?” I asked him softly. 
“No,” he said, smiling. “Good thing, though. I’d be in shambles right now.”
“Guess who my date was,” he said.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “I didn’t have a date,” I told him. 
“You do now,” he whispered. 
I swallowed. Somehow Trey made me feel less alone than anyone else ever had in my entire life. I always felt alone when I was with Jimmy. We were really different. 
I knew I was pretty… unconventional. Weird. Just really, really awkward all the time. I never really had anything to talk about unless it was something I was actually interested in, so small talk was a fucking nightmare for me. Trey made me feel so much more normal. 
Trey cleared his throat, looking down as he leaned a little closer. “I haven’t gotten the chance to tell you how pretty you look tonight,” he whispered shyly. 
“Thank you,” I whispered. 
At that point, the song was unfortunately coming to a close. It was a short song. That was the worst part about it. 
Trey and I just swayed back and forth, spinning around in a circle slowly to the pace of the song. Our eyes never left each other. Only after the song ended did he let go of my hand, a very sad look on his poor, sweet face. 
I felt cold as I slipped out of his arms, my heart still racing from the adrenaline. Trey gave me a small smile and I backed away from him. 
I looked away as I heard the crowd around the dance floor erupt in a fit of loud cheers for all the couples who danced together. It was startling and obnoxious. I fucking hate weddings. 
“C’mere,” I heard Trey hum with a soft, mischievous grin on his face. One of his hands tenderly slid up to caress my cheek, while the other gently grasped my forearm. I let him pull me closer, knowing full well what he was about to do and welcoming it with open arms. 
With racing hearts and withheld breaths, Trey and I came together in a slow, gentle kiss, like we were testing the waters. The hand he held my arm with quickly made its way up to my neck. His lips were warm and moved with care and patience. I didn’t hear or feel him breathing, until he let out the heaviest exhale he could muster after holding his breath. His body relaxed, bringing him even closer to me. 
I pulled away, looking down at his chest. I swallowed. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked nervously.
“I don’t know if we’ll ever see each other again,” I whispered. 
“Well… why not?” he asked again, his voice soft as a feather.
“I live in Seattle, Trey,” I told him, laughing sheepishly. 
I watched his body deflate like he was defeated. His hands had left my face and now rested idly at his sides. 
“I don’t care,” he whispered. “I’ll definitely see you again.”
“You realize that I am never going to visit my sister, right?” I laughed. 
“You realize we both have phones, right?” he retorted, teasing me. “And cars?”
I shook my head. Whatever. I guess I could just enjoy the moment with him. 
But I wanted to see him again. I wanted to see him tomorrow and the day after and the day after that. Nothing compared to the way he’d made me feel the past few days and I didn’t want that to be gone so soon. 
“We’ll figure it out. I promise,” he whispered, softly kissing me again.
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asmallpinkfan3 · 1 year
death with an s/o who is the God of darkness <333
Love that everyone asks me for death x god reader content sm.
Death x reader who is the god of darkness.
Song that was playing on repeat while writing this: bubble gum- clairo
They/them pronouns
F/d-favorite drink.
Warnings: small mentions of drinking, Small angst about reader being a little unloved.
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You were the sibling of the god of light, they were the more mellow, calm, and loved by the people. You laughed at the kids who pouted when you casted the dark cloud of night.
“Kids come inside it’s getting dark”. You heard their mothers voice say a sweet tone as the kids groaned. “Ugghh stupid darkness keeping me from playing knights”! You heard a boy yelled and a girl next to him chuckle. “We can play tomorrow my knight”. She told him giving him a hug and his cheeks flushed from her words and turned his head.
You smiled at them, and continued to the pub you had visited at night often. Sure your a god but that doesn’t mean you don’t drink human drinks. Walking in the bartender gave you a smile her face lit with a orange glow from the candles.
“The usual drink y/n”? She asked and you nodded. Grabbing a mug from behind her and fixing your drink up you noticed someone sitting next to you. “F/d huh”? He asked taking a sip from his own mug. “Yes I’ve grown quite fond of it”. You answered with a small smile.
“To my most visiting customer here ya go”. The bartender said as she slid the drink in front of you. Taking a sip you licked your lips after feeling the sensation. “What about you what are you drinking”? You asked the man beside you. “Just regular whiskey”. He said now turning to you. You eyes slightly widened at him being a wolf.
“I’ve never seen a wolf talk”. You said with a little bit of awe. He laughed, “and I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone with a black cloud around their head”. He responds to your comment. Letting out a chuckle you and him talked for a bit.
“So what’s with the cloud anyways”? He asked and you smiled. “I’m the god of darkness and I have had this on my head since i can remember”. You explained. His eyes lit up a bit,”I’ve met your sibling the god of light once”. He told you while taking a sip of his whiskey.
Your smile that was rested on your face slowly disappeared, was he gonna go on a rant about how amazing they were? “Oh you have”? You say in a slightly sad tone. “Yes we only talked for about 10 minutes though”. He responded and you felt a twinge of jealousy. “They may have the sun above their head but I think I like the cloud above your head even more because their are stars and the moon”. He said pointing out the stars and planets.
You blushed a little you have never received that compliment, the only thing people would ask you is “why do you give out darkness and have a cloud above your head instead of having something better then just a dark cloud”?
He saw how you zoned out, “hey I’ve heard of what people have said about you but I don’t think your doing anything wrong after all it’s your job just like how mine is to collect souls”. He said and you came back to reality, “wait what’s your job”? You asked with your eyes filled with wonder and curiosity.
“Well I’m death straight up”. He replied, your eyes widened. He took a sip from his drink and you sat there wondering how you and him could meet here In a pub.
You checked the time and you realized you needed to slowly let the darkness fade away and light up for the day.
“Hey do you want to talk a walk with me”? You asked. “Sure I don’t have any souls to collect for at least an hour”. He responded hopping off your chair you and him paid the bartender. “I’ll see you later y/n”. She said with a small smile.
Walking outside you and him talk a little more, putting your hand up to the sky you made small swish and the darkness slowly faded. “Now it’s time for my sibling to do their job”. You commented while popping you knuckles.
When he checked the time he realized he had to go, “hey y/n do you want to meet at the pub later tonight”? He asked a small smile on his snout.
Your smile only grew, “I’d like that thank you”.
I might do a part two of where reader introduces him to his sibling after they start dating. But for now I gotta do other requests. I wanted to do a first meeting tho so please forgive me.
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May I please request a part 2 to “One of us”? Where she’s grappling with the weight of having killed someone (though it was out of defense), and Tangerine (and Lemon) are there for her? Y/n asking them if she’s a “bad person”, and the Twins reminding her that what she did was out of defense, whereas they kill for a living, etc? Tangerine cuddling close with her? The Twins honestly wishing they could bring the evil man back to life so that they could kill him themselves
hii, I wasn’t actually planning on making a part 2 but you made me want to. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
one of us (part 2)
tangerine x fem! reader
wc || 0.7k
warnings || mentions of guilt after k*lling abductor
masterlist + rules
part 1
You had now been living with Tangerine and Lemon in their home in the countryside for about two months now, and they’ve done nothing but treat you as one of their own. They’ve been so kind and considerate to you; feeding you, buying you things and just generally all round sweet.
The nights wouldn’t always be easy though, often having nightmares and awful reoccurring thoughts. Fortunately, your room was right next door to Tangerine’s and across from Lemon, so you knew that if you needed them, they’d be right there. As Tan was quite a light sleeper, he’d usually hear you stirring in your sleep, more often than not barging into your room to check on you. Sometimes you’d be too frightened to sleep, so Tangerine would make a bed on the floor beside you and talk random nonsense to help you drift off.
Not only was sleep a bit of a struggle, but you also had grave difficulty managing the guilt after the incident. It was self-defence, but you couldn’t quite grasp the fact that you had actually killed someone. You felt debilitating responsibility for taking a life, no matter if they deserved it or not.
You don’t have much to do in the day other than watch tv or spiral in thought. Tangerine and Lemon were decreasing their time at home, slowly easing you into them going black to work again. You missed their company terribly, but you knew they’ve already done so much for you and couldn’t expect them to put their work lives on hold too.
They had told you this morning before leaving for work they’d be back around noon, so that gave you some sanity.
You felt like you were wasting time, you had spent so many days held captive that it should make you want to go out and do things. But truthfully, you just didn’t have it in you, not yet anyway. Flicking aimlessly through the awful daytime television selection, randomly selecting a shitty reality show. Huddling yourself in the blanket and sprawling out on the sofa to get comfortable.
The show was so mind-numbingly boring, that your brain couldn’t stay interested and drifted off to the same thoughts that you hated.
So emerged in thought, you didn’t hear the front door open or realise the twins standing in the doorway.
“Everything alright?” Lemon quietly asks, not wanting to startle you.
Turning around, you nod once with a saddened smile.
Tangerine gently hits his brother's side, as if to communicate. “Let me get you some tea.” Lemon smiles, leaving the room.
“Still having those thoughts?” Tangerine softly asks, taking a seat beside you.
“Yeah.” You whisper, barely audible.
“Why didn’t you call?” He asks, searching for your eyes.
“I didn’t want to bother you.” You glance away.
“I don’t care what I’m doing, if you need me… you call me, right?” Cupping your cheeks.
“Am I a bad person?” You mumble, closing your eyes.
“Look at me.” He says sweetly. “You are not a bad person. What you did, that was self-defence- open them.” Warmly instructing again. “You didn’t do anything wrong… and we…” nodding to his brother who had just walked in holding a collection of mugs. “We wish that he could come back so we could kill him ourselves. Don’t we?” Exchanging glances.
“Yeah. We wished that we could do it for you… so you don’t have to feel what you feel.” Lemon says sweetly, handing you a mug.
“She thinks she’s a bad person.” Tangerine looks at Lemon as if to tell him your absurd thought.
“No.” His face full of shock and confusion. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“See? If we think that, why can’t you?”
Awkwardly shrugging your shoulders.
“It’s just gonna take time.” Lemon says, snuggling into the armchair opposite.
Tangerine sweetly looks at you, his face silently offering you comfort and security. “Let’s say we watch the rest of this shite.” He jokes, nodding to the tv.
Draping his arm over your shoulder, gently pulling you into his side as he turns the volume back up.
You knew it would take some time to manage the guilt and nightmares, but if you had the twins by your side, you were sure it would be no problem.
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abelvis · 2 years
Summary: Austin!Elvis x Virgin!reader during the 50’s. Trying to court you, but initially you weren’t interested. He tries for some time, and you finally go to see him in concert, and it changes the way you think of him. SMUT at the Motel.
Warnings: SMUT, slight period (50s) sexism, reader is a big virgin, fluff
 Notes: some inaccuracies around the timeline of the Hayride, Graceland, and Dixie (imagine she wasn’t with Elvis ever) but fitting for the purpose of the story.
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 Elvis had been trying to court you for some time now, always showing up at your doorstep with flowers for you – which was mighty brave considering the conservative soul your father was. He often referred to Elvis as ‘that damn rock n’ roll greaser boy’. He wasn’t Elvis’ greatest fan to put it lightly.
 Despite Elvis’ efforts to pursue you, you still showed him no interest. You saw him as a friend and nothing more, seeing as you were all part of the same friends group. He cared for you, and you did like having the protection of him and the other Memphis Mafia he had around him.
 “Hey baby, looking mighty fine tonight darlin’” Elvis almost shouted at you, he just couldn’t contain himself after seeing you at Graceland with everyone else.
“Thanks Elvis, you aren’t looking so bad yourself” you gave him a shy smile, acting bashful while doing so.
“What do you say you come see me tonight at the Hayride, and then we can go someplace quiet afterwards?” he whispered, winking at you.
“Elvis, I’ll come see you at the Hayride, but I need to be home by 10. I promised my Daddy” you pouted, knowingly flirting with him.
“Baby, he’ll be ok, I’ll get you home by 12?” he asked hopefully.
“Elvis, I’m standing by what I said!” you demanded.
“Ok ok, I’ll see you at the hayride sweetheart” Kissing your cheek then getting into his Cadillac.
You blushed as he did this, not really sure if you were feeling something for him. Have you tried to bottle your feelings up this whole time?
Your best friend Dixie smiled at you having watched the entire ordeal, you made an unsure face back which made her rush over.
“What the hell was that y/n?!” an excited tone about her question.
“Dix, I don’t know!” you squealed, while trying to keep your voice down as Elvis hadn’t left the driveway yet.
“Y/n, I think you need to give it a try, you won’t know unless you try!”
“Dix, I’m not sure. Should I? I don’t know” you battled with yourself and your inner monologue.
Dixie grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you “go for it sweetie, I promise you’ll be fine”
Scottie called over to Dixie “Hey Dixie, you coming baby?” They had been dating for a few months, with everything going well for them. You thought if it’s going well for them then what could possibly go wrong for you?
Bill shouted you over as you were the last one stood on the driveway; everyone had left.
“I guess you’re stuck with me y/n”
“Hey Bill, how’s everything going?” you said whilst walking over to him.
You always had a soft spot for bill, he looked out for you and was a really kind person.
In the car Bill pushed further with the Elvis thing.
“You know y/n, Elvis is mad about ya’” bill looked over to see you fiddling with your hands in your lap.
“Bill, I don’t know. What if things don’t work out and I can never show my face around here again?!” you were visibly nervous.
“Aw sweetie is that the only thing holding you back?” he said.
“Well, no, there’s also my dad. And my feelings! I’m not sure I’m that into Elvis, you know?”
“Well, that’ll break his heart into 2” he grimaced.
“I mean to say, I wasn’t sure, but I’m warming to the idea” you re-iterated.
The rest of the drive was uneventful.
You got into the concert hall and took your seat next to Dixie and a couple of the Memphis Mafia. A few acts had been on, and quite frankly you were ready for bed. That was until they announced Elvis, the girls went wild. Could you compete with all of these girls wanting a man who wanted you? He could have any of these chicks in a heartbeat – why you?
He walked onto the stage with a sultry look on his face, searching the audience. He smirked once he found you, and you shot him a coy smile back. You were so proud of what he had become, but that begged the question – could you deal with the fame and limelight of being his girl?
Elvis played Baby, Let’s Play House – part of you thought it was just for you as it was your favourite Elvis song. He did his usual Elvis jig, and the girls went crazy. All the while he was glancing over at you, like you were the only girl in the room. His performance made you gleam with pride for him, you were bursting with how proud you were. Then something clicked within you, how could you be so stupid? Of course, you wanted to give it a go with Elvis.
You couldn’t wait till you could see him after the performance. The next acts dragged, as you were so excited to see him. Finally, the Hayride was over, so you went to find him. Walking through the hall of dressing rooms you finally found Elvis’ dressing room. Scotty was inside but no sign of Elvis.
“Where’s Elvis, scotty?”
“He went round the back for some air, y/n” Scotty said, not even looking up from his guitar he was fiddling with.
You nearly ran outside to see him. There he was, your Elvis.
“Elvis!” you called, before running over to him.
“Hey Baby, did you enjoy it?” he asked with hopeful eyes.
“EP, Sweetie, that was the best I’ve ever seen you!”
Elvis beamed at the compliment. Before he could say anything else you chimed in again.
“What do you say we go some place quiet now?” mimicking him from earlier.
“Baby are you sure?” shock evident on his face.
“Let me go call my mother, I’ll tell her I’m stopping at dixies” you rushed off while Elvis nodded.
They let you into the office at the concert hall, you made the important call and met Elvis back outside where you were before.
“All good?” Elvis asked
“Yep, Sweetie, she totally bought it, I’m all yours tonight”
“Wow never thought I’d see the day. We’re all packed up now, so where would you like to go little girl? We can go to club handy, or the diner? Or go on a drive?” Elvis asked.
“Can we just go back to the Motel EP? I’m exhausted”
Elvis was a little disappointed, but he nodded and opened the car door for you.
On the way to the Motel, you were fidgeting again. 10 times more nervous than you were before you came.
“Hey pretty girl what’s on your mind?” Elvis caught on to your fidgeting, he had a concerned look on his face.
“Nothing, I mean it’s nothing to you, it’s fine don’t worry about it EP. It’s all fine.” You shot him a painted-on smile.
“I know something is wrong baby, I’ve known you for too long now if you think you can kid me. What’s going on?” Elvis said softly while placing his hand on yours.
“Elvis, I’m scared this won’t go the way we both want it to. And also, I’m a virgin, does that change the way you think of me because I’m not experienced like you?” naively you admitted.
Elvis laughed, and he couldn’t contain it. “Baby, of course I don’t think any less of you because you’re a virgin, that just means you’re all mine. And we don’t know how this will go unless we try hey?”
You nodded and left the conversation. It didn’t put you at ease one bit.
You arrived; Elvis opened the door for you. Finally, you had some alone time with Elvis.
As soon as you got into the room, you planted your face onto his. He kissed you back, deepening the kiss, involving tongues. This was the most passionate kiss you ever had, of course it sent flutters all over you. His hands were rubbing all over you, in an endearing way of course. You both sat down on the couch in the motel room, playing tonsil tennis for a good 10 minutes until you broke the silence.
“EP, can we go to the bed? Pretty please?” you asked with a bashful smile on your face.
“Baby, I thought you’d never ask” he replied, the most excited you’d ever seen him.
He lifted you up and threw you on the bed. The bed was the biggest bed you’d ever seen. He laid you down on the bed, moving to lay on top of you, kissing all over your body.
“Darlin’, I’m only gonna do what you’re comfortable with. If you want me to stop, you tell me, okay?” he said in a sultry tone. You nodded back to him, face reddening by the second, this wasn’t sufficient for him.
“I need words baby” he added.
“Yes EP, okay” you replied.
While kissing, he started to undress you. The stockings came first, then the shirt and then the skirt. When you realised you were half naked you covered yourself with your arms, shy and embarrassed as no man had ever seen this much of you before.
“Baby, please don’t cover yourself up from me. You’re so beautiful, I want to see all of you” he spoke softly into your ear.
“EP I’m nervous, I’ve never been in this situation before” you admitted.
“I won’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with; you just tell me, and I’ll stop baby. Do you want to carry on Sweetie?” he asked.
“Yes of course I do! Please Elvis, give me everything” you nodded to confirm you really wanted to.
“Okay just relax baby, I promise I’ll make you feel so good”
You looked up at him with trusting eyes. He peppered kisses all over your body, moving up and down, skating his hands around the waistband of your panties. You didn’t dress yourself in the most flattering pair, you didn’t know you’d be in this situation when you got dressed this morning.
“Can these come off baby?” he tapped the waistband of your panties again.
You nodded, holding your breath due to the excitement and also with how nervous you were.
He peeled them off your legs and threw them on the bedroom floor. You instantly shut your legs, on instinct and threw your hands up to cover your face.
“Can you open your pretty little legs for me please baby? Everything will be ok I promise” Elvis whispered.
You toyed with the idea for a couple of seconds, until you finally opened your legs for him.
“Wow princess, that is the prettiest little thing I have ever seen” he kissed your core, which made you jump. “Can I see that pretty face of yours?” Elvis pouted.
You took your hands away from your face to look at him. His eyes were full of lust, a scary hungry look on his face.
“Can I, baby?” he gestured towards your core.
 You nodded. You propped yourself up on your elbows so you could see what he was doing.
He put his hands on your thighs at either side to keep you open for him, and he delved straight in. His tongue licking a stripe straight up the centre of your core. Your head flew back, enjoying the unfamiliar feeling. He kept licking up and down, side to side, and even putting his tongue into you. He was enjoying the ungodly sounds coming from you, all at his mercy.
After 5 minutes of him attacking your pussy, you felt an unfamiliar feeling building in your stomach. You weren’t unsure what this was and whether you should have been enjoying it or not. At one point it got so intense you stopped him. You put your hand on his forehead to pull him up from your centre. “EP, I can feel something in my stomach, it’s a weird feeling I don’t know if I like it” you admitted.
“From the sounds I heard, I thought you were enjoying that baby?” concern evident on his face.
“It was really nice; I’ve just never felt this before” you were embarrassed to admit this.
“Are you sure you weren’t about to orgasm?” he asked
“Is that what that was?” you responded, shocked, as you’ve never felt an orgasm before.
“Can I carry on baby? You’ll enjoy it, I promise. You just have to trust the feeling and let go”
You nodded, and he went back to your centre. After a couple more minutes of constant stimulation from his tongue, he added his finger.
You clenched your legs together at the sudden intrusion, but his hands and head were stronger.
“Princess, you’re so tight” he said while he pulled back to admire the work, he was doing with his one finger.
“Elvis, I need your mouth on me” you said between pants and muffled cries.
“You’re doing so well princess, so so good” he whispered, then his mouth connected with your core again.
After a few minutes you relaxed and felt the familiar feeling building in your stomach again. Your breathing became erratic, and you were ready to let go.
That was it, you rode his face until it was too sensitive to move. Once you had come back down, he started moving back up to you.
“EP that was amazing thank you” you stroked his head while looking into his eyes.
“Baby we’re just getting started” he smirked.
He kissed you, so you could taste yourself on him. Still kissing you while he got himself undressed.
“Are you ready baby?” he said while lining himself up with your entrance.
The nerves kicked in again and your breathing took a hike again. You nodded, not quite sure if you were ready.
He started to push in, and you hissed in pain, he only just got the tip in.
Oh my god how big is he! You thought.
“You okay Little Girl?” he said while your eyes were closed.
“EP, its big, it hurts” you whined while your knuckles were white gripping the sheets.
“I know princess I know; we’ll go slow so you can adjust” he kissed your face.
He started to push further in, the pain was evident on your face.
“EP, go slow please” you whimpered.
“Of course, baby, anything for you” he replied.
After a couple of minutes of slow thrusting in and out you started to loosen up around him. Was that pleasure you were feeling? You loosened your grip on the sheets and put your hand on his back instead.
“You doing ok there, little girl?” he said, you opened your eyes to meet his. His eyes were hanging low, looking at you with complete wanton.
“Mmmm-hhhmmmmm” you confirmed, nodding, and giving him a shy smile.
“Can we move faster now baby?” he asked.
You nodded with the same “Mmmm-hhhmmmmm” sound. Shortly after his hips started to speed up, you weren’t expecting the feeling of the sudden change in speed.
“EP this feels so nice” you whined, a hand still wandering his bare back.
“Only the best for my girl” he kissed your face while saying this.
He suddenly started to thrust deeper, and you felt him hilt at your cervix. You took a short intake of breath as it took you by surprise. He let out a small chuckle as he knew exactly what he was doing. The same unfamiliar feeling was building in your stomach again, you trusted it this time and went with the flow.
“EP I think I’m going to orgasm again, please don’t stop what you’re doing” you moaned between breaths.
“Ok baby noted” he nodded at this.
He decided to really throw you off the edge and circle his fingers around your sore clit, making you jump but bringing you to your orgasm a whole lot quicker.
“Can you let go for me again, baby?” he asked, voice still sultry.
You were never one to not follow rules, so you did as he asked you. The second orgasm was ground-breaking for you. You had never felt anything like it before, the perfect mix between pain and pleasure. He was enamoured by you and your pretty little sounds he was getting from you. You grabbed his hand to stop him when it got too much, he got the message and pulled away.
He pulled out of you and let himself go on your thigh, while you were coming down from your high. After your breath steadied to a normal pace, you smiled at him, which he shot you a toothy grin back.
“Baby, you stay there, I’ll be right back” he assured you with his hand halting you from getting up. He walked into the bathroom and came back with a towel to wipe you up with. After wiping his own finish off your thigh, he parted your legs to wipe you clean from your own juices. You jumped at the sudden touch as you were feeling really sore and beat up by now. Elvis sensed this and spoke up, voice still low and sultry.
“It’s ok darlin’ I’m just cleaning you up”
After he chucked the towel back onto the ensuite floor, he came to lay down with you and covered both of your bodies with the blanket on his huge bed.
“Elvis?” you said inquisitively
“Yes, pretty girl?” he answered back
“I think I love you” you spoke into mouth as you kissed him.
“Baby that is the best thing I have ever heard you say” his smile beamed from side to side.
“Can we go again?” you smiled shyly at him.
“That is the second-best thing I’ve ever heard you say pretty girl. Of course, we can, whatever my girl wants” he kissed you climbing on top of you again.
346 notes · View notes
danses-with-dogmeat · 8 months
Day 8 -- Legate Lanius
The (nsfw) details for Kinktober, Day 8 are just below the cut!
Minors, please don’t interact.
Breeding with Legate Lanius x F!Six
Yeah, I'm so sorry. This is utter filth and depravity. It's everything wrong with the Legion and Lanius, it's awful, I don't know what possesses me with these horrible Legion guys, honestly, it just... Ugh.
I hope you like it though, it's definitely quite filthy, but I know there's at least a couple of you out there who are into that 👀 so this one's for you!
(just an FYI, if you liked my Vulpes kinktober work from last year, this is pretty similar.)
PLEASE read ALL of the Included on this one... it's a doozy and it's full of trigger warnings!
Here is the link to the Kinktober 2023 Event List so you can stay up-to-date, or re-visit these works as you please.
Included: Breeding, Master/Slave, noncon/marital rape, thoughts of suicide, abusive relationship, blow jobs, misogyny, legion bullshit, one (1) face slap, sexual slavery, regular slavery, mating press, size kink, large cock, penis in vagina sex, painful sex, cervix bullying, creampie, cockwarming, SUPER toxic man and relationship. Lil bit of Stockholm syndrome.
Words: 4.1k
Six thought back sometimes, to how different things might’ve been… Maybe if she’d listened to House, or Yes Man, if the NCR had been more wary, had been more prepared, if she’d gathered more allies, then maybe… Maybe things could be different than they are now, with the Legion in control. 
It hadn’t surprised her all that much when the Legate had chosen her to be his wife.
Wife… odd how anyone could call her that, when the true nature of their relationship was as far from a happy marriage as two people could get. He must’ve chosen her for that reason, Six thought, as she let out another huff of air just before entering their tent, before opening the flaps and allowing the large sack of supplies to drop to the dusty ground below. 
I’ll have to sweep in here before he returns. No matter how often I do it though… Dammit, but the sand always seems to come back in the span of five whole minutes. It was never-ending.
Lanius must’ve picked her just to make her suffer. To make her regret ever trying to stand up to The Legion, ever even attempting to resist him. It made Six's stomach churn as she thought back on his victory, to the night after, when bloodlust ran thick and hot in the air and The Legion staked its full, violent, unopposed claim on the Mojave. 
She was glad she could only remember bits and pieces, her mind having blocked out the majority of it defensively. 
Lanius’s booming voice rang out behind her as Six unloaded the pack of supplies. How such a massive man managed to move so quietly, she’ll never know, but she's grown used to it. That, and many, many other aspects of her new reality.
“Master.” She turned and immediately kneeled before him. As was customary.
The Legion and their customs… they weren’t to be taken lightly. Six had realized that early on too. To disrespect their traditions is to disrespect Caesar himself, which-- as is known among all within the faction-- is unthinkable.
Resisting, as well, as Six had tried for so long… it was futile. Another form of disrespect that earned her more than a few permanent marks upon her skin, and as much as she'd like to think otherwise, it always amounted to nothing.
She never thought she'd come to regret fighting back against a man so villainous and detestable as Lanius was, but when it only ever meant pain and humiliation, when it meant a sort of suffering that her past self couldn't even comprehend... Six wondered how she ever thought her defiance could mean something.
If her time here had taught her anything, it was that it hadn't. Her struggles, her misery, her wounds both mental and physical, they didn't make her stronger, they only weakened her empathy, her resolve, and any chance she had to hope.
Escaping this hell maybe wasn’t completely out of the question, though. That sole belief was all that remained of her previous optimism, all that had survived the purge of her noble convictions.
If not... If there was no escape; however, then there was nothing for her at all. The only thing left to hope for was a swift death at the hands of those who captured her.
Six blinked up at her husband, her neck craning as she remained kneeling down in his broad shadow on the sandy floor. He didn’t like repeating himself, she knew, but unfortunately, this often happened. 
“Lost in thought again, pet?” 
“Yes, master.” Six hung her head as she spoke, showcasing her shame at her failure to attend to him, as was expected. As she knew.
“Hmph.” Lanius's grunt left him like a lead barrel from a cannon, making her flinch. “And what have I told you about that? Thinking… For a woman in your position. It’s dangerous.” 
“I know. I’m sorry, master. I should focus on my duties.” 
The words left her so easily now. Ones that used to feel like burning, heavy, molten steel as they were forced painfully out of her throat. But she’d been taught the lesson too many times now. 
She would obey. She would be his perfect little slave, until the time came that he could trust her. She only hoped that came before–
“Well, if you’d been listening, you’d know what I require from you. What time it is.” 
“Yes, master. Of course.” Her voice grew instinctually smaller. “I live to serve you.” 
An appreciative hum left him, and though it shouldn’t have, his approval sent warmth to pool within Six’s belly. 
“Here, then, wife.” He moved to take a heavy seat in the desk chair near their bed roll, and began to remove his mask.
Six was careful to look away as he did this. 
As his wife, she was glad that he had decided not to blind her, like he had so many other slaves, to keep his face a secret from any and all eyes who may seek to question the story of his past. With Six though, he had simply told her to look away from his face. Always.
And she did... whenever he was awake to see, that is. Six had seen him now; though, more times than she could count, and she knew the truth of his past merely from the lack of scarring there. Yet, even still, she never broke the habit of averting her gaze. He need never know the truth of her disobedience. 
Next, she heard the clinking of the decorative belt over Lanius's tunic as he removed it, and set it upon the desk beside him. 
No armor today. She’d noted when he was gone this morning, knowing it meant he’d be back earlier than usual, that she would be subjected to his torments well before the sun went down.
Their marriage did have its... routines in that way, so maybe… Maybe it wasn’t a complete sham. 
But she couldn’t think that way. Not if she ever wanted to get out of here with her mind intact. 
Her body never would be, Six knew. Not with the marks upon her, the brand seared into her skin, not with everything Lanius has taken from her. But that didn’t mean that– one day– she couldn’t at least be partially free of him. 
At least in her mind, one day she wouldn't have to consider his every move, fear the times his voice rang out, cringe under his cruel touch. There would be a day, she hoped, when his voice didn't rule in her head as it had out in the world now, for so long; suggesting, reprimanding, praising her only when she did exactly as he'd demanded, and scolding her harshly when she slipped up, berating her, when she spoke out-- or even thought of opposing him.
Six moved towards her husband now, not wanting to upset him with her lack of haste. She crawled on the still-sandy floor, feeling the roughness dig into her knees and the palms of her hands before she reached the space between his spread legs. It was there she settled on her knees, with her gaze drawn down to the floor, her hands folded neatly in her lap, and waited for his instruction. 
Lanius stood up, not bothering to tell her to move back as his clothed crotch pressed to her face, and removed his tunic from over his head. 
He was fully bare beneath it, but she refused to let her eyes wander over his large, muscular form, refused to let her gaze focus in on his broad member, where it was surely beginning to stand at attention between his huge thighs, where she could feel the undeniable heat coming off of his skin from right in front of her. Six was glad though, that now she knew him-- his form-- well enough not to have that fear spike through her at the mere thought of having someone so substantial inside her. 
Lanius settled back in his chair, his meaty hands spilling over the sides of the armrests, and she knew the word he would speak before his mouth even opened. 
At that, Six leaned forward, feigning eagerness as her hands swiftly wrapped around the overwhelming girth of his manhood. Even half-hard, like he was, Lanius was more than well-endowed. It was like he'd been created specifically to instill pain in the bodies of those he was close to; to her, in particular.
There was more than one reason all of the other slaves were terrified of him, but this… this likely was the main one. This, or his infamous temper.
Both traits often reminded her how lucky she was to be the Legate's wife.
With one hand, it was impossible for Six's fingers to wrap fully around him, and even with two, it was startling how difficult it was to do so, but as she said before, the courier had grown used to it by now. 
Her body had re-shaped itself to accommodate him, much like her mind had had to re-form with this new lifestyle.
It truly did put things in perspective. 
Her mind continued to wander, as it often did, as she set her mouth upon him. Her tongue laved over the length of his shaft, working from base to tip as her hands followed suit, stroking rhythmically until she’d spread the moisture of her spit over the whole of him. Then, she directed his broad, darkening cockhead between her lips, and began to ease it inside. Lanius’s breath picked up from above her, and her eyes watched as his stomach swelled and deflated, as she worked him over with her obedient, worshipful lips and tongue.
He was often silent through most of their trysts, and Six didn’t much mind it. She figured he liked to hear her, but only a ‘tasteful amount’ as he’d once put it. He didn’t like when she squealed and whined like an inexperienced slave, it only got him mad. 
Thoughts like that reminded her that Lanius truly was the worst scum she’d ever had the displeasure to meet, and now… Now she was used to him. Now she heard his sighs, his hums of approval and they made her unwillingly giddy, now she obeyed him without question, she apologized for thinking, she let him debase her this way, without qualm or complaint. 
I really am losing it. 
A light smack against her cheek had Six jolting from the sudden pain. 
“Stop thinking.” He growled down at her, and Six pulled her mouth away briefly as her hands continued stroking over him. 
“Yes, master. I apologize.” 
“Don’t care if you’re sorry, pet. Don’t let me catch you again.” The edge in his deep voice sent a chill through her body, and she nodded as she set her attentions back on his cock. 
Six was more intentional this time, making efforts to run her tongue over him just the way she knew he enjoyed, sucking and hollowing her cheeks until they ached from the pressure. For a moment, she pulled her hands away, taking him as far down her throat as she could without gagging, and shimmied the top of her slave rags down to her waist, unveiling her breasts to his gaze. 
Another hum of approval, and Six felt wetness pooling between her thighs. 
She tried not to think about it.
Her hands returned to their work, running over the remaining half of his shaft she couldn’t fit down her throat; though, she tried. For him, Six always tried.
She had to. 
Each forward bob of her head, and she took his massive cock a fraction deeper, and felt her eyes water as she began to gag with the movement. 
Six was rewarded for her efforts, though, with a light buck of Lanius’s hips that jammed him into the very back wall of her esophagus. His generous way of appreciating her actions.
As her lips made it steadily further up his shaft , one hand tucked down between his legs, running over the inside of his meaty thigh and taking his heavy balls in-hand. They pulsed against her touch, hot and wanting as she methodically massaged them with careful, diligent fingers.
Another soft grunt told her he approved of that action as well.
She hated that she knew his preferences better than her own these days. Hated that she committed details-- like the sounds he made, the feeling of him, the signals of his body-- to memory in order to better please him.
I may not feel like his wife, but I'm most certainly his slave.  
All she had to ask herself now was... which was worse?
Lanius soon reached full hardness form her efforts, his balls now twitching and tightening where her palm worked them over, his length stiff as a rock as he filled her throat to capacity over and over.
Tears pricked at Six's eyes, drool ran down her bulging neck and she felt that draining wetness drip down over her jostling breasts as their combined actions grew messier, less rhythmic, more aggressive.
“Off.” Lanius finally said, his voice only a bit strained, as one hand grasped at the fuzzy scalp of Six's buzzed head and pushed her back and suddenly off of him. She gagged again, at the rapid drag of his cock against the walls of her esophagus, but released him without preamble, and only a couple of coughs. 
“Down. On the bedroll.” 
His rough voice commanded as she tried to catch her breath, Six hadn't realized in the moment how much she’d had to hold it to keep him so deep in her throat-- how long she'd been holding her breath in order to bring him unwilling pleasure. 
“H-how would you like me, master?” It came out as little more than a croak, and she heard what she could only guess was a prideful scoff at the sound of her struggle.  
“What am I doing to you, pet?” 
Six gulped, her blood running cold in her veins at his question. 
“B-breeding me, master.” 
And he had been trying, for the past two months. She’s been lucky so far, still able to keep thoughts of escape in her head without the added obstacle of pregnancy. But Lanius was growing impatient. Like any respectable man in the Legion, he craved male heirs, and if she couldn’t provide…
“Then you should know. Use those thoughts of yours to serve, slave.” 
“Yes, master.” 
Six didn’t allow herself to get too caught up in her worries. As it was, she already had enough fear coursing through her body at any given time. She couldn't give in to that possibility, couldn't lose even more of that last hope she clung to so desperately that it left blisters on her hands and lacerations in her muscles, fractures in her bones. She needed that last hope, or she surely would never be free again.
Six crawled over to the bedroll as Lanius stood up, his cock now shining with her spit and jutting proudly outward, as much as the hefty weight of it would allow. 
She felt like it was threatening her, just with its mere presence in this tent, attached to the intimidating body and cruel mind of her husband.
Arranging herself onto her back, Six set her hands beneath her thighs, pulling them up and towards her chest in a traditional mating press.
In preparation. 
Lanius grunted his approval of her position, at the ease in which she fell into it. After months of hardship and intense training, now she was almost docile.
It's what I need him to believe. Six told herself firmly as she relented to his every word without an ounce left of hesitation.
One of Lanius's large hands crept down to slot around his cock as he approached, giving it a few quick jerks as he settled onto his knees in front of her well-presented pussy. 
“Wet for me?” He asked, almost cheekily. Obviously knowing the answer, since he was looking directly between her legs as he touched himself. 
“Always, master.” 
Six felt the broad tip of his cock nestle between her slickened folds as she continued avoiding his visage, staring up at the cloth ceiling of their shared tent instead, noting the way it gave with the breeze outside, the way the light of the setting sun seemed to set it ablaze.
If only.
“Good.” Lanius growled, interrupting her thoughts for the hundredth time, and with one immediate, unforgiving thrust, he slotted the whole of him inside her. 
That too, was a habit of his.
Lanius was an impatient man, and he would never debase himself by easing politely into one of his slaves. They were meant for this treatment, it was their most important duty, a product of their nature. Their bodies had to take him, and Six’s most of all. 
Still though, as accustomed as she was to having him inside her, filling her up to the brim so suddenly like this, she couldn't stifle her gasp at the painful intrusion. He gave her no time to adjust, either. Again, the issue of patience, of courtesy towards her; it drove him to set a fast and aggressive pace into her body right away, lest he be taken for soft, kind, or sympathetic. 
God forbid. Six thought with a grimace, feeling tears wet her eyes again as he bruisingly reached the very back of her, and then pulled away until he’d fully left her. Already, she was sore and gaping from his attentions, but he paid her clenched jaw and pained expression no mind as he pressed back in to the hilt. Lanius always did this a few times first, tearing her walls open for him, shaping her entrance to his girth, pressing far enough inside to nudge her cervix painfully, to remind her where he was meant to pour his seed, where it was meant to stay and take root in her womb.
His womb. Her broken mind reminded her, even in the midst of his assault, for all of me belongs to him now. 
Though it wasn’t true, Six knew it wasn’t true, that she was her own person… It felt like it just about now. With him pile-driving into her, forcing her body to yield to his will, forcing both pain and pleasure upon her traitorous physical form all at once.
It hurt, he always hurt inside her. He wasn’t the kind of man she could ever be truly used to. He was just so much larger, so rough and selfish; but what pained her even more was how she responded to him. Her body complied with his dominance over her, submitting to his will, growing wet from it, her own slick making it easier to pound into her and claim her as his every damn night. Any time he chose. 
Strained little grunts left her with each savage lurch into her body and Six’s legs began to burn at the stretch of holding them up, but finally, she felt a small sense of relief as Lanius unbraced his arms and let his body lay fully overtop hers.
That meant he was a little closer, at least. He was finished pulling out of her completely now, instead opting to jam the entirety of his cock as far inside as it would go, straining the back wall of her cervix  and making her feel like the end of him was in her throat. His heavy-laden balls pressed firmly to her ass, their fullness flexing as she felt his length twitch inside her, as she could see the distinct bulge of him pulsing and jutting out the skin of her belly.
Now that her husband was settled over her, his weight crushing her body into the hard ground below, his broad shoulders forcing her legs wide apart, and high up until her feet were well over her head, he shimmied his hips, ensuring his tip was nestled painfully against the very back of her, and began to thrust anew.
Lanius was hardly pulling out of her now, just cruelly jabbing his cockhead against the opening of her cervix over and over again, without respite.  
With that, Six couldn’t help it. The pain was blinding, was aching to the point of intense nausea, and she began to shout aloud at the overwhelming feeling, the way the nerves lit up her spine and belly with immensely uncomfortable pressure. Without the conscious decision to do so, she began to struggle, but Lanius’s substantial body weight held her firmly down and in place as he continued his brutal assault.
“Since you seem u-unable to quicken from my seed," He grunted out, his voice heavy and deep with arousal. "This action is necessary, wife.”
Six only let out another yell in response, her throat already sore and straining after his earlier abuse, as he ruthlessly ground into her again.
“Siri assured me. Your body will yield." Lanius growled, as though her womb could hear him. As though he could intimidate that into submission, too. "It has no choice. I will barricade its final defenses, and hear me now, slave. It. Will. Yield.” 
“Y-yes, master.” Uncontrollably, Six was beginning to sob now, the pain of his abuse making her sweat and writhe and flinch all at once as he took her, as he drove into her with the force of the siege weapon he was likening himself to. 
“You are mine.” He punctuated the words with a series of wild thrusts, his pace growing more unsteady, more unbridled with every passing moment. 
“My wife.” He thrust forward with a grunt, and Six saw black dotting her vision, felt like there wasn't enough air in the world to be able to fill her straining lungs. 
“My slave.” He growled, and his cock gave a notable throb within her very depths. 
“Mine!” Lanius roared through gritted teeth, his hips merely flexing rapidly now, no longer bothering to pull out at all. The head of his cock bullied her cervix relentlessly, forcing the miniscule opening as wide as physically possible with his fruitless hope of penetrating this last, unsullied orifice until; finally, his balls tightened against the swell of her ass, and he shouted out his explosive release. 
Six still sobbed as she struggled to keep her legs up, allowing– encouraging, even– his body’s assault of her innermost place as it did as he demanded and yielded to him. 
Warmth spread within her as her husband shuddered and twitched, pouring his spend against the mouth of her womb in forceful, overwhelming spurts. He filled her up easily, the size of him forcing some of his cum out to drizzle down the crack of her ass as he completely overloaded her depths with his claiming seed. 
Finally, one last notable flex of his cock, one final buck of his hips into her, and the very last of his release emptied inside.
She actually felt heavier, as Lanius laid inside her, keeping his seed plugged within as he breathed heavily and came down from his high. 
Six wasn’t sure if she came or not, she knew Siri recommended that as well, to increase odds of pregnancy, but most legionaries scoffed in her face at the notion. With Lanius, he wasn’t one to actively deny her-- women were meant to take pleasure in serving their masters, he believed-- but he would never go out of his way to pull one from her. 
Either way though, her body felt like lifeless jelly beneath him. Her insides ached and protested at his persisting presence, at the continuing, aching pressure against her tired, defeated cervix, but at least… At least it was over now. 
For now. Her mind corrected.
Obediently, Six held onto her thighs, remaining completely still as he laid above her and still within her, willing his cum to do it's duty within. Slowly, his substantial cock began to deflate, and the pressure against her walls eased a bit, allowing her to finally breathe properly. 
“Your body,” Lanius panted out, making sure to keep his length still inside her as he sat up, bracing both hands on either side of her head. “It will yield to me. Do you understand?” 
“Yes, master, I understand.” Six answered him quickly, her voice so weak now, it hardly came out as a squeak. 
“Good. Because if it doesn’t, this,” He bucked his hips forward for emphasis, causing sparks to fly over her vision from the pain, “Will be your reality until it does. This, or something worse.” 
Finally, her husband pulled out completely, leaving her gaping and sore beyond reason as he stood to grab a towel from the dresser. 
“You understand?” Six vacantly heard him prompt as blackness threatened to overtake her vision. 
“Yes, of course, master.” She managed out with an aching twinge in her chest, as she stayed still-- like he'd demanded-- and darkness overtook her. “I will yield to you, always.” 
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figgrrr0 · 1 year
Aw man, I wanted to be an anon for requesting this but oh well lmao
I really want a one-shot (with plot) of Sub!Thoma × F!MeanDom!Reader where the reader loves teasing him, making him squirm, overstimulating him and watching him cry. Just being an ass to him overall and he enjoys every second of it.
As for the plot; I imagine reader to be a member of the Yashiro commision. She is not a retainer like Thoma, mainly dealing with jobs outside of the estate (such as speaking to merchants, coming to agreements with them as a business woman and organizing/sponsoring events when Ayato orders her team to). She is also older.
The location of the main event would be Ayato's office. As for how they end up getting in that situation, I'll leave that to you. Thoma outright sobbing is an important point though. I want that retainer drowning in his tears/j
All jokes aside, thank you for taking requests, this thing has been plaguing my mind for a while and I just can't stop thinking about it. I hope you have a wonderful week. Have a nice day and dm me if you are confused about anything in my request!
A/N: This one was really fun! Btw, I’m about to enter Inazuma in-game, so I actually don’t know anything about these characters apart from their voice lines, a little research, and smut I’ve read!
Want to skip the lead up? Look for the NSFW sign that marks the smut!
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Apologies due
Character: Sub!Thoma // Reader: Dom!Fem
Genre: Smut // CW: Overstim, dacryphilia, mommy kink, puppy play, thigh riding, degradation, impact play, slight hair pulling, jealousy/hate sex (without sex), dubcon?
Plot: Yes // Word count: 4.1k
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This past week had been far too busy. With the long-awaited Summer Festival just around the corner, you'd been sent here, there and everywhere to collect everything that was needed, and even things that probably weren't.
You'd often be given the order from Kamisato Ayato, your boss in the Yashiro Commission, to attend business meetings in his stead, and secure official information or deals with the companies that he decided to show a particular interest in. Yesterday, you'd been sent word that you were to collect five large boxes of fireworks from Naganohara Fireworks; a company ran by none other than Yoimiya. While she'd usually like to set them off herself, she compromised during the Summer Festival to allow the Yashiro Commission to set them up in a good vantage point, where everyone in Inazuma will see their vibrant sparks in the skies no matter where they may stand on the land. Of course, she'd stay close at hand in case something went wrong, but with all the tests that they did at the company, followed by the checks that you would perform before taking the boxes, that was hardly a possibility.
Most of the hard work had already been done. Or so you'd thought.
Six hours ago, you'd met up with Yoimiya, discussed the products you'd be taking and how much they'd cost, as well as how she'd be paid, and been well on your merry way within the hour, all with a couple of boxes in tow. Very heavy ones, to be exact, which is why you'd also brought some other Commission members to bear the brunt of the work and carry them to the cart you'd brought. As a worker employed by the Kamisato Clan, you were quite precise in your planning.
Taking them into storage, you soon reread the letter you'd received the day before from the head of the Clan, memorising the meet-up point where you'd be handing them over to none other than Thoma, the Chief Retainer.
Now, you'd never say this in public, for fear of tarnishing your reputation in the streets, or bringing question to your place in the Commission. Because Archons forbid you be jealous of Thoma.
Thoma, who was adored by everyone in Inazuma.
Thoma who was preferred by the master of the Clan, who got to see him more than once a month when he'd let go of his cold business mode.
Thoma, who, despite being your junior in both years and experience, acted as though he could do no wrong, as though he was better than you, more important...
Thoma, who left you standing in the warehouse where you'd been supposed to meet for the entire afternoon, wondering when he'd finally show up; only to realise when it started getting dark, that he likely wouldn't come at all.
Dejected and frustrated, you retired to your lodgings in the warehouse. You'd been given a room there, considering you were the key point for the warehouse to work at all, but seldom stayed there, preferring your own bed in your own home.
Once settled and comfortably in bed, you begin trying to sleep. But you find that you can't, your thoughts running wild on why Thoma didn't show up.
Had he gotten hurt? Surely not. He was perfectly capable of taking care of himself.
"Psh..." you scoff, shaking the thought from your head. Why should you care about him, anyway? You'd undoubtedly get in trouble for delivering the order late, as usual.
The only logical answer you could come up with was that Thoma had probably forgotten that he was supposed to meet up with you. Again.
Just another thing that you held against him. He always forgot when he had to meet up with you, and you'd always get the blame the next day. Because of course sweet, precious Thoma couldn't make a mistake. Of course Thoma, Ayato's favourite housekeeper, couldn't ever be in the wrong. It just had to be Y/N.
Even though, when this did happen, Thoma would always try to take the blame, as he should in your eyes and his, it rarely accumulated to anything in your favour. The higher ups always found a way to pin the blame on you.
Sighing in defeat, you dispel the thought from your mind, trying not to fall into the dark spiral of jealousy and contempt that you held for the housekeeper despite his sunny disposition. You'd deal with it in the morning.
The next morning, a letter came, stamped "URGENT" in big red letters on the front, right under your name.
Of course. Just as you'd expected.
Tearing open the envelope, you retrieve the folded paper from inside and begin reading its contents.
"Miss Y/N,
It has come to my attention that, going against your previous orders, the 5 boxes of fireworks that you have been assigned to gather from Naganohara Fireworks have not been delivered to the estate as required.
With the Summer Festival not even two whole weeks away, we in the Yashiro Commission really must all do our part to bring preparations to a close with as much time remaining as possible. Because of your inability to follow instructions, that plan is now at risk.
I ask that you come to the estate before noon, with the firework boxes, and attend a meeting with me in my office.
Signed, Kamisato Ayato."
Putting the paper down on your bed, you raise a hand to cover your eyes with a deep sigh. "Today is really not the day for this..." you mumble.
So much for the weekend being a holiday... you don't even get your Saturday off.
Once again, your morning would prove to be quite hectic, to say the least.
After taking a quick nap to come to terms with the fact that you'd been called to the estate for yet another misdemeanour to add onto the list of your past wrongdoings, you actually begin getting ready.
Your "mistakes", as Ayato often referred to them as, were starting to pile up quite high. Really, you were starting to wonder how you hadn't been fired yet, regardless of how not many of them had even been your fault. It didn't say so on your record.
After getting ready and making yourself presentable, you prepare yourself to face what will probably be the worst day of your month so far; being reprimanded by Kamisato Ayato (once again) and having to apologise to Thoma. Even though it wasn't your fault.
Steeling yourself to face the day, you head out of the warehouse, boxes still on the cart behind you, and begin your journey to the Kamisato estate. At least it's not far...
But that just makes it worse that Thoma hadn't showed up.
Walking through the corridors of the estate, after being granted permission to enter by a preoccupied member of staff, you make your way straight to Ayato's office. Having already been well acquainted with the building after attending multiple meetings in his office, it was a good thing you knew where you were going. The hurried and near-frantic movements of the staff of the house quickly conveyed that they wouldn't be of any help. Had they even noticed your arrival?
You knock on the closed door with a resounding thud, an answering, "Come in." sounding from the other side. So, you do.
Pushing the door open, you instantly meet eyes with your boss, Kamisato Ayato. Safe to say, he didn't look far too happy with you.
"You asked of me, Sir?" You questioned, though it wasn't a question at all. You knew why you'd been called. After all, it said as much in the letter.
You almost take a step forward into the room, but catch yourself just before you start moving, deciding that it'd be more respectful (and therefore easier to get out of trouble) if you pretended to be nervous.
He seems pleased. "Indeed. Please take a seat." He gestures vaguely at the chair on the opposite side of his desk, looking back to the paperwork in front of him.
You do as he has told, and wait for him to start talking, but it never arrives.
After almost two whole minutes full of incredibly awkward silence and looking aimlessly around the room for something to take the edge off, you eventually give in.
"I- uhm..." Your voice quietens after the first syllable, daunted by how loud it sounds in the silence, "I left the boxes outside, Sir. I believe some of your house staff took them into a storage room for further inspection."
He still hadn't looked at you or shown any interest, leading you to begin fumbling with your hands, becoming more anxious the longer he ignored you.
"I checked them myself last night, they're all in good condition and Yoimiya accepted the payme-"
"-That's enough." He puts his pen down with all the grace that he usually possesses, but something about the action betrays his annoyance.
"I don't wish to talk business right now, Y/N. You have caused a great deal of distress in the estate through all of today and yesterday. Please tell me, what is your excuse this time?"
Your mouth drops open slightly in surprise. He made it sound as though you did this on purpose!
"B-but Sir, I didn't do anything!"
"And therein lies the problem, Miss Y/N. You didn't do anything." Now, his eyes refuse to leave yours, and you almost wish time would go back to a few minutes beforehand, to when he hadn't been looking at you at all.
He was trying to intimidate you, you realised, trying to make you admit defeat and take the blame. And you know what?
It was almost working.
"I did as I was told. I waited until late last night, but Thoma didn't show." At this point, your voice had taken on an accusatory undertone.
You hadn't done anything wrong! Not this time, not the last, and not any of the times before that. You were getting tired of the blame always being put on your shoulders. It was Thoma's fault. Not yours.
"... You're blaming Thoma? After all the work he does in the estate, and all the help he has been when preparing and organising these festivals, you dare to shove the fault onto him?"
He stares directly at you, his gaze barely any different than usual, but there's a barely restrained fire melting that icy cold gaze. "The Summer Festival is soon, Miss Y/N, very soon. Each and every moment of the lead up is of great impertinence. I'd have thought you would at least have taken your responsibility into account for just this once."
You're left speechless, unable to comprehend just how easily Ayato had completely swept your concern under the metaphorical rug.
At your lack of response, he leans forward on the desk, hands clasping together and fingers intertwining.
"Nothing to say for yourself?"
Another few more seconds of silence, awkward once again. The still room was deafening.
"... Well then. I have a very important meeting soon, much more important than this one." He stands up from his chair, paying no mind to you as you sit there in a confused daze. As he starts walking towards the door, you push your chair out to follow him, but before you can even lift yourself up, he halts you.
"Ah, ah, ah. Where do you think you're going? Have you been excused?"
"W-well no, but-"
"Then you shall stay put." He turns to you with a taunting smile lifting his features, the anger in his voice finally evening out, " besides, I do believe you have an apology to make to Thoma, hmm?"
"An apology?! I'm not-"
"Oh hush. I'll send him in soon, so be patient until then, will you? I'm sure you can at least do that much."
Before you can even argue further, he is out the door, the doorframe clattering as it swings shut behind his retreating form.
"Ughh..." you groan and slump back into the chair.
Looks like you have at least twenty minutes to re-evaluate your life choices.
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The shutting of the door jolted you awake in an instant. Confused and surprised that you'd fallen asleep, you look behind you to see Thoma stood still in the doorway, his hand still connected to the handle.
"Sorry..." a hand comes up in half a wave and half a placating manner, and the other goes to rub the back of his neck awkwardly.
Being woken up doesn't particularly leave you in too good of a mood, especially not when this is who you have to deal with.
You glare at him and respond with a gruff hum, turning back around to look straight ahead of you, when an idea comes to mind.
"I... I really am sorry about yesterday. Hahah..." His soft voice gives away his turmoil, but when this matter occurs constantly, should you really have to forgive him every time? Your foot begins tapping against the floor as you bite your lip, considering your options while he continues to talk behind you.
"There's just so much going on, what with the Festival only being a couple of weeks away from now. I had too much work piled up and I couldn't send anyone else because they were all-" His words are interrupted as you stand up from the chair, mind set, and walk around to the other side of the desk.
"H-hey, Y/N, what are you doing? They're Lord Ayato's personal documents, you can't read those!"
Ignoring him, you take your place in the chair and push away from the desk slightly, facing directly at Thoma's worried face as if daring him to stop you.
"I'm growing tired of these games, Thoma. Don't you think you deserve a punishment for causing me so many problems and making me take the blame for your mistakes?"
"There is no game! I promise I don't mean to, Y/N, I just-"
"-Just what, Thoma? Can't learn how to prioritise your own work? Can't ask someone else for help? Can't say fucking 'no' to anyone?!" Your voice raises to a near shout, making him flinch and take a step back. But this only makes you angrier.
Taking a deep breath, you take control of your emotions before they get out of hand. Instead of standing up and just slapping him right across the face like you so want to do right now, you cross your legs and pat your hand against the one that's left raised.
"Sit down, Thoma. You're going to make it up to me. Right now."
"I-" He gives up on complaining with just a raise of your eyebrow. He looks back at the door for a split second, but his curiosity ultimately wins over, and he turns back to you.
The tension between the two of you had been steadily rising as of late. There'd always been a certain attraction, but with the difference in your job roles, there was little time to see each other outside of work. And the recent arguments hadn't done much good, either.
Without even so much as a few seconds to think, his leg swings over yours as he lowers himself down onto your lap, though he still looks unsure, even with his cheeks heating. "I don't think... we should be doing this here... I mean- we definitely shouldn't! Lord Ayato would-"
You place a hand over his mouth, silencing him as his eyes go wide.
"He isn't here right now, is he? Just pay attention to me." Your deft hand slides down, releasing his lips to take hold of his throat with a threatening squeeze, to which he gulps nervously as his eyes flicker down to your wrist, fighting the urge to pull your hand away. "Besides..." He eyes hesitantly lift up to meet your dark gaze. "This is a meeting room, no? We're simply coming to an agreement of our own."
He whimpers at that, his lips falling open when your other hand that was hidden from him took a tight grip on his hip. Pushing him down onto your lap, his half-hard bulge drags against your thigh.
"Ohh-... Y/N, what should I-?"
"You're going to get yourself off on my thigh like a good little puppy."
With a tilt of his head, he lets out a questioning hum, "Puppy?" Without another prompt, he starts doing as you said, his hips sliding over your thigh over and over again.
"Archons, you really are like a dog." You reach out and take hold of the chain around his neck, pulling it taut against his skin until it digs in, providing a pleasant sting. His eyebrows crease, fighting the urge to talk back. "Even came with these dog tags. It's like you're begging to be treated like a filthy mutt."
With your hold on the metal, you pull him forward into a forceful kiss, your teeth knocking together as he lets out a moan at the sting of the sharp edges pricking his soft lips.
He barely responds to your kiss, focusing more on keeping his hips moving as he chases the pleasure. Just when he starts to reciprocate, his tongue gliding against and following your own as it retreats back into your mouth, he is pulled back by your harsh grip on the hair at the base of his neck.
He yelps as he's torn away from you, his body stiffening as he tries to reach back and lessen the burden of your fingers. You release him so that he has no choice but to drop back down into your lap. Hard.
"Aaghn-! Y/N~"
A swift slap echoes through the room, his face snapping to the side as a dark red blooms across his cheek.
Before he even gets a chance to react, the hand that had just hit him pulls him to face you again, smoothing over the burning mark as if to comfort what you had just caused.
"When I own you like this, I'm your mommy. Got it? I don't want to hear my name coming out of your disgusting mouth."
His bottom lip wobbles as crystalline tears gather in his eyes, but he doesn't quite let them drop. He sniffles, voice crackling when he responds, "Y-Yes, mommy..."
Rather than giving him a reward, you push him further.
Hand still cradling his burning cheek, your nails dig into the tender flesh, resurfacing the pain which had only just numbed. Thoma has no other choice than to take it, his hands tightly grasping his own knees, allowing you access to do anything you want with his pliant body. Though, his voice betrays his loyalty, a small cry being dislodged from his throat.
He doesn't wait for even a second, his hips bucking against your thigh faster than before as he evens out the pain you're giving him with the pleasure.
Lessening the pressure on his cheek, you lean against the back of the chair, taking in the scene he makes in front of you.
Clothes rumpled and sticking to the sweat coating his body, dick shamefully hard, the outline clear to see pressing against the fabric of his pants. Hair tousled from your earlier grip, eyes half closed and glinting in the light of the room with the hint of unshed tears. He truly was a sight to see.
And as much as you hate to admit it, you'd certainly like to see him like this more often.
Maybe, if this is the reward you got for dealing with the unfair favouritism from the head of the Clan, it wouldn't be so hard to endure...
But just thinking that makes you angrier than before. You shouldn't have to settle.
"Awww~ look at you, humping your owner's thigh like a desperate, little puppy... are you really that needy that you don't care about ruining mommy's clothes?"
Before you can continue, he lets out an unfiltered moan, the loud noise startling the both of you. His hips jerk sporadically before slowing to a stop, his breaths coming out in uneven pants.
"...Hah... Did you really just cum from that, you dirty mutt?"
And when you look at the tent between his legs, a dark patch of his cum seeps into his pants, the wetness unmistakable in the clear lighting of the room.
His sniffles return louder this time, and when you look back up at his face, you see exactly what you'd been hoping for:
Tears, sliding down his flushed cheeks with no end in sight. They just wouldn't stop.
"I-I'm sorry, mommy... I couldn't h-hold it back..." He can barely even speak, voice cutting off as he fights through the tightening of his throat to push out the words he knows you want to hear.
Not that they'd do him any good, anyway.
You tightly grip his softening dick through his pants, his cum soaking through to your skin, coating your palm with a sticky sheen.
He tenses up and hisses in pain through clenched teeth, his face scrunching up as he loses control of his reactions.
"You're so greedy. Didn't even ask for permission, you always just take what you want, don't you, dog?"
"No! I'm sorry, m-mommy, so sorry, please!"
A tear drips down his throat, and you watch as it smudges and soaks into the collar of his jacket.
"Shut up."
Digging your fingers into his hips, you force him to continue moving on your lap, his clothed cock grinding against your leg and leaving behind a line of slick on your own clothing.
"Ah, wait- wait! I just came~ Please not yet, mommy, not yet!"
He scrambles to dislodge your hold, his legs kicking out a bit to your side as his hands come down to grip your shoulders for stability. He's shaking from overstimulation as you push him down onto your thigh, tensing your leg intermittently to provide more stimulation than he can handle.
In what he assumes to be mercy, you remove your hands from him, leaving him to slow his movements on his own after he keeps moving for a few seconds before realising that you weren't holding onto him anymore.
When he stops completely, a hard smack to his thigh makes him jolt forward with a startled sob, his tongue feeling heavy and vision blurry as he cries out continuously.
"Keep going. I didn't tell you to stop."
"Can't, I can't! It's too much, please don't make me, it's too good~!"
And yet, despite his begging and whining, his thrusting starts up again without you doing a thing. The continuous grinding against your leg was starting to ache, the rough material of Thoma's pants beginning to take their toll on your skin. But the sight of him, knowing that you'd finally one-upped him, that you'd reduced him to this mess... Well. That made it all worth it.
It seems that the restriction of his clothing was beginning to bother him, too.
He starts begging to take off his pants when the texture gets too rough on his sensitive dick. The constant dragging and the damp feeling of his ruined underwear rubbing on the tip of his leaking cock providing too much painful stimulation.
Of course, you don't let him, wanting to see him shift and tremble as his overwhelmed cock twitches with each shove back and forth.
The shocks of his first orgasm hadn't been given a chance to wear off, pushing him further and further towards his next before he could even think to warn you- before he could even try to hold it back.
And, with another loud moan that tapers off into overwhelmed hums and panting breaths, he cums harder than ever before.
This time, it takes longer for him to recover, coming to only a couple minutes later when the uncomfortable feeling of his tears drying and leaving tracks on his face tempt him to refocus. He's grateful for the short break you'd given him after cumming again so quickly, gasping puffs of air as he mumbled, "Thank you, mommy, thank you..." over and over again.
Though the reprieve was short lived.
"Oh, puppy, you didn't think we were done, did you? You've always been so selfish towards me, making me take all the blame..."
You push him to start moving again, his own begging and crying going unheard in his own ears. Tears once again fall from his barely-open eyes and follow the paths the previous ones had made.
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"Why don't you take some more?"
Want to send a request/brainrot with me? Check my rules!
Thank you for reading! 🩷
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the love square?
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*takes place in season 4 but no spoilers. gif is not mine. credit to owner.*
Family Video was always practically empty on a Wednesday night. A pin dropping could be heard from anywhere in the store. You were leaning against the counter waiting for any customers to come in. Robin was rewinding some tapes and Steve was just aimlessly walking around the store.
The bell above the door rang alerting you three that someone was walking in. You sprung up, excited to be eased of your boredom for a few moments. You were even more excited when you saw Eddie Munson walk in.
Eddie smiled when he saw you at the front counter, “(Y/n)! Hey! I was hoping that you’d be here tonight.”
“You were?” You asked him nervously. You’d been harboring a crush on Eddie for a few weeks now.
“Yeah, I know you’ve got great taste in movies. I need some suggestions for this weekend.” Eddie said.
You nodded and smiled, “Yeah, I can help you.”
Robin watched as you walked around the store with Eddie. It was pretty clear that you had feelings for him. You talked about him quite often to Steve and Robin. They would hear about how cute and funny you thought he was.
Robin could also see that it bothered Steve. He hadn’t mentioned having feelings for you to her, but she could tell. He always seemed to brighten up whenever you entered a room. Your laugh made him laugh.
Steve looked at you the way that you looked at Eddie. He didn’t want to get in the way of your happiness even if that impeded his own. Steve Harrington wasn’t a selfish guy.
“They’d make a cute couple.” Robin said trying to feel out for any hints.
Steve glanced in your direction but quickly looked away, “Uh yeah, I guess so.”
“He doesn’t really seem like her type though. I figured she’d be into guys that are about your height, your build, and that have your sense of humor.”
Steve looked at his best friend, “What?”
Robin shrugged her shoulders, “I guess I just thought you and (Y/n) would be the best match.”
“Well, I guess you were wrong.” He mumbled. He heard you laughing at something Eddie said and he just wanted to clock out and leave. He didn’t know how much his heart could handle.
Steve wanted to distract himself and hoped that Eddie would leave soon. When you walked back to the front counter, you gave Robin Eddie’s rentals and then hurried to the back.
Steve could briefly tell that you had been crying when you passed him.
“Shit. I feel like an asshole.” Eddie mumbled after you walked away.
“What the hell did you do to her?” Steve sternly asked him.
Eddie took a step back and held up his hands, “Relax! I didn’t do anything. Well, I didn’t mean to. (Y/n) sort of asked me out for this weekend but…. I’m dating Chrissy.”
“You’re dating Chrissy?” Robin questioned, “The cheerleader?”
Eddie scoffed at her incredulous expression, “Don’t look so surprised. Women find me adorable.”
“Yeah, so did (Y/n).” Steve told him.
The expression on Eddie’s face softened, “Look, I feel awful. I tried to apologize but she ran off. I didn’t know that she’d ask me out. I didn’t even know she thought about me that way.”
“I should go and check on her.” Robin said.
Steve stopped her, “No, I’ll go. You ring up Lover Boy over here.”
Steve made his way to the back where there was a small break room and a bathroom for the employees. You weren’t in the break room so he knew there was only one other option.
He could hear you sniffling a little from the other side of the door, “(Y/n)?“
“I’m fine! I’ll be out in a minute.”
Steve opened the door, ignoring your response, and peaked inside. He found you sitting on top of the counter by the sink.
You quickly wiped away the tears, “Steve, what are you doing?”
“I came to check on you.”
“I’m fine.”
Steve chuckled lightly, “Yeah, I always cry when I’m fine too.”
You looked down at your hands, “I feel like an idiot.”
Steve moved closer, stepping in between your legs. He lightly lifted your chin up with his finger, “You’re not an idiot.”
“Yeah, I am. I’m crushing on a guy that is in love with someone else. I’m pathetic because I couldn’t see the signs that he wasn’t into me like that.” You felt more tears beginning to form. You hated crying in front of other people.
Steve felt like you were reading his thoughts but instead of them being about Eddie, it was about you. “You aren’t pathetic.”
“What would you call someone like me in this situation?” You asked sarcastically.
“The words ‘idiot and pathetic’ don’t even describe you,” Steve said softly as he touched your check, “You’re fantastic and kind. Beautiful and smart. You’re hilarious and thoughtful. I think that any guy that doesn’t see that is the idiot.”
Steve was looking at you in a way that you hadn’t ever noticed before. It made your heart race. He was so close that you were positive that he heard it.
“You’re just saying that.”
He shook his head, “No, I’m not. I mean every damn word.” Steve glanced from your lips back to your eyes and you caught him.
When you first met Steve, you had a crush on him. Hard. It was after his King Steve phase so you got to know the real him. You didn’t think that he saw you in that way so you buried your feelings way deep down. They hadn’t resurfaced until that very moment.
“I appreciate you coming in here to check on me. It was very thoughtful of you.”
Steve placed his hands on your thighs. Did it seem like he was even closer now than before? “Of course I was going to come and check on you. I didn’t want you in here crying over Eddie Munson.”
“Eddie is a nice guy. I guess I just didn’t see that he wasn’t as compatible for me.”
“Robin has a theory.” Steve said cautiously. He knew if he said what he really wanted to say, there was no taking it back.
“She thinks that you and me would be a better match.” Steve said softly. He looked into your eyes to gauge your reaction.
“And what do you think about that theory?”
Steve smiled a little, “I think that we’d be the perfect match.”
“You do?” You questioned.
He nodded. Steve cupped your cheek with his hand, thumb lightly grazing your bottom lip. “(Y/n), you have no idea the hold that you have on me.”
“Yes, you. Pretty Girl, I’ve wanted to do this for as long as I’ve known you.”
You smacked his chest playfully, “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“I thought you were too good for me.”
“You’re too hard on yourself. You’re a good guy, Steve Harrington.”
“Good enough to kiss you right now?” Steve went for it.
You nodded and before you could say anything else, Steve’s lips were on yours. If you thought your heart was racing before, now it felt like it was about to burst out of your chest.
The kiss was pure and everything that you would wonder it would feel like. Steve’s reputation definitely proceeded him.
His hands were on your waist and he pushed you closer to him. Your legs went around his waist. Your fingers running though his famous locks.
The moment would’ve been considered absolute bliss if Robin hadn’t decided to burst through the door. The two of your sprung apart but it was clear by the swollen lips and messy hair what you were up to.
“Well, I wanted to come here to see if there was any advice I could give but I can see that’s unnecessary. Carry on.” She gestured before walking back out the door and closing it.
“So, are you still upset about Eddie?” He asked, even though he knew what your answer would be.
“Eddie who?”
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cyb3rscoups · 1 year
Pretty Woman Attoye AU
Watched pretty woman last night and can not believe i forgot how good it is. There will be a part 2 and maybe 3. Enjoy love 🙃
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She should’ve worn stockings atleast but sneaking out of her apartment to avoid the landlord had been the only occupying her brain when she escaped down the fire escape. It was 45 degrees, windy, and not the ideal night to try and make her rent. But as always, Okoye had no choice.
“I’m fucking freezing.” She grumbled at Nakia as she shivered in her faux fur, her heeled boots shuffling along the graveled sidewalk.
“You wanted to be out here all late.” Nakia lit a cigarette with a scoff. “Not my problem.”
“But it sure is your fault. Had you not smoked our money away I wouldn’t have be here! We live in California for fuck sake so when has it ever been this cold!”
Nakia sucked her teeth, letting the cig rest between her lips as she picked at her afro. “You know you’re really uptight lately, Ko. Chill the fuck out. You’re hot as fuck and if you got rid of that tired ass dress, you’d make twice the rent in 20 minutes.”
Okoye crossed her arms over her chest, scaling a look down her attire. “Fuck is wrong with my dress?”
“Nothing…if you a 1997 hooker.” Nakia chuckled, picking at the loose fabric of the mini dress; black, lacy, and barely covering anything past her ass. “How long you had this thing huh?”
“Go to hell.” Okoye rolled her eyes and turned back to the street, twirling a strand of hair around her finger as she did.
It was so grimy on the boulevard. Okoye often found herself itching to get past the streets that made up her life. Whenever she tried, there seemed to be an inevitable force that pulled her back and pushed her flat on her ass.
“I mean-“ Okoye cringed at the drunk group of boys that whistled at her as they passed. “Don’t you want to get out of here one day?”
“Here we go..” Nakia took a hit and slumped against a traffic light pole. “Get out of where Okoye!? Where would we go worth anything?!”
The woman huffed as she opened her mouth to speak again but was abruptly cut off by a roaring engine coming to a stop, right where she was standing.
She peered down at the car, pitch black and windows tinted the darkest they could go. Way too expensive a car for the person to live around here.
Tentatively, she walked up to the window, tapping on the glass softly.
It rolled down only half way, revealing a man, looking quite distressed and disheveled. In need of some help she presumed.
“You lost, baby?” Okoye softened her voice as she took her estimate of the man. He wore a suit, his hair back into a ponytail and his cologne seeping out, invading her nostrils. Obviously, he knew how to spend a dime based on the car alone. He was a goldmine.
“Uh- yeah.” The lost one tried his best to keep eye contact with Okoye as her breasts nearly spilled from her bra. “How do I get to Beverly Hills?”
“Oh I can show you. Let the window down some more.” Her red lips parted revealing the smile that seduced and tempted many before him.
“I won’t be doing that. Just point me in the right direction? My phone is dead and this gps is sending me into circles.” He huffed.
Okoye shared a glance with Nakia, who watched the interaction with a smirk on her lips.
“Fine. I’ll show you for five bucks.” She offered.
“Price just went up to ten.” Okoye sucked her teeth and the man scoffed.
She leaned her body quite comfortably on the car, running her hand across the roof in awe as she waited his answer.
With a groan and a roll of his eyes, “20 bucks.”
Nakia let out a snicker and Okoye ducked her head to the window again. “For 20, I’ll show you step by step.”
She tugged on the passenger handle and invited herself into the vehicle where her body was enveloped in heat and she let out a soft moan, barely noticeable to the man beside her.
“Here.” He pulled a 20 out of his pocket and Okoye made a show of stuffing it into her bra, adjusting her cleavage extensively.
“Turn right on this corner.”
Okoye reached to rest her hand on the nape of his neck but he flinched away rather harshly. Sensitive much, she thought.
“Look I really just need directions.”
“And I’m giving them to you. Besides, you haven’t paid me nearly enough to really get up to something. Make a left here.”
He was tan, strong features and a hint of stubble growing on his chin. The look of concentration on his face made her gush with arousal. Fuck rent, she’d let him hit for free.
The way he shifted in the chair, squaring his shoulders and adjusting his position at least every 30 seconds. His head grazed the ceiling of the vehicle, roughing up his ponytail just a bit.
“This isn’t your car.” Okoye chuckled at how uncomfortable he seemed in it. His brows furrowed as he glanced at her.
“No. It’s not. It’s a friend’s.”
“You still rich like him though?”
A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “You really are all about the money huh?”
“You come from where I do and you gotta be.”
A moment of silence as he recognized the gap between them. Here he was, waltzing out of his own party, pissy about a breakup and she was fighting for her life on the streets, selling her body just to live.
“What’s your name?” He asked curiously, his thighs flexing when she grazed her nails over the one closest to her, teasing.
“What do you want it to be?” She smirked.
“Well if you’re not gonna fuck me, I could at least have some fun right?”
He approached a red light, taking the idle state of the car to give her a disbelieving look. Okoye sucked her teeth, removing her hand from his space again.
“No. Its not.” He squinted his eyes as the light changed.
“How you gonna tell me what my name is?” She grew rather irritated of his arrogance.
“What’s the name on your lease, your fucking taxes? What’s the name your parents called you growing up?”
“Bold of you to assume I have parents anymore.”
Another awkward wedge between them and a tense silence as she told him to turn again.
Okoye chewed on her lip as the neighborhood got nicer and the people walking the streets started to reduce. It never really occurred to her that rich people preferred the daytime. “Okoye. You?”
“Where the hell does that come from?”
“Don’t know. I don’t think it fits me anyway.”
The car squealed to a stop in front of the hotel he stayed. Shifting the gear in park with a soft sigh, he looked her over. Her legs were crossed as her foot tapped nervously against the floor.
“You’ll be okay?”
“Mhmm.” She spared him a small smile.
“Catch a taxi back to your place?”
“Well, back to the corner at least. You only gave me 20 bucks after all.” She opened her door, stepping out into the cool air again with a groan.
A bittersweet departure it would be and she would only get away with enough money to catch a ride back to the gutter. She almost felt pitiful.
Attuma stepped out of the car as well, a valet eagerly grabbing the keys from his hands.
“How much do you make a night? On average.” He prompted
“100 an hour..” Okoye shrugged, taking her phone out of her pocket.
Attuma couldn’t believe the wave of sympathy that came over him. God, just look at her. Skimpy thin material barely covering the expanse of her legs, her boots worn down and she was still shivering in her excuse for a coat.
“How much for you to stay the whole night…in the hotel?”
“With you? Yeah right. I think I’ll save myself the humiliation.” She scoffed, turning her attention back to her device. Maybe she could walk.
“We can go through the back?”
“Even worse.” Okoye scoffed, sending a quick text to Nakia and letting her know there will be updates. “400 dollars the whole night. You give me that coat to wear so the fact that I’m a whore won’t be obvious.”
With a nod, Attuma shrugged his coat off, draping it over her shoulders. She slid her arms through and tied it to her waist, snickering at how large it was compared to her.
“You are quite the man, Attuma.”
“You have no idea.”
His room, the penthouse, was unlike anything she had seen before. It was clean, there was room to breathe. Most of all it was huge and easily costed more than she could dream.
Attuma watched as she explored every inch of the room, laughing as she insisted on inspecting the corners for rat holes just so she could point out a flaw.
“Champagne?” He held up the bottle of bubbly liquid and a bowl of strawberries.
“Allergic to strawberries, don’t drink on the job.”
“You’re not on the job yet.” Attuma popped the bottle anyway, dumping the bowl of strawberries to the trash. He filled two glasses as she shedded her shoes and coat, just left in her dress hiking up her thighs as she sat on the bed, legs crossed.
“Here.” He handed her a glass. She took it cautiously, inspecting the liquid with a keen eye.
Attuma sipped at his glass and Okoye sat with hers.
“I appreciate this whole seduction thing you got going on but trust me, you put that money right between my tits and I’m a sure thing. What size condom you wear?”
Attuma couldn’t help but laugh as he set his glass down. He tugged at his ponytail, finally letting his hair free to fall where it felt. He loosened his tie and dropped his jacket, not breaking the eye contact with the Okoye.
“How about we talk a little bit more?” He popped the buttons to his sleeves, rolling them up to his forearms.
“When do I get my money?”
“Uh Uh. You can’t do that. It ain’t right!” Okoye shot up from the bed, resting her hands to her hips.
“I have to pay you to talk to me before you try to hop on my dick?”
“Yes. You paying for the whole night and trust me Mr. man I meant the whole night. Talking and sappy shit included.”
Okoye held her hand out to him as they stood chest to chest. He smelt so good she could just melt. Attuma scoffed, picking up his jacket and going for his wallet.
He pulled out four crisp hundreds, straight out the bank. Okoye beamed, crumpling the money and stuffing it into the side of her bra.
“What do you want to know?”
“Where are you from?” He leaned forward, taking in her faint vanilla scent.
“Oh for fuck sake.” She rolled her eyes, plopping her ass back onto the bed with a bounce.
“No don’t act like that. I paid you. Talk.”
“How long in California?”
“Long enough. What do you do to get this rich?” Okoye fired back.
“I’m asking the questions.”
“I have a feeling you do that a lot. Stay in control. You like being in control…daddy?”
“Stop.” Attuma crossed his arms across his chest, his muscles bulging as he flexed them sub consciously
“Why? Is it working?”
“Quit saying my name like that!”
“Like what?”
“Like I’m in trouble or something. You say it right or you don’t say it at all!”
Attuma took a breath. Did he have to pick up such a difficult woman. “Alright. I’m sorry. I-I just don’t do this.”
“Take directions from prostitutes and take them back to your hotel for the night.”
“There’s a first for everything. Just like this is the first time I actually want to suck a customer off and he won’t let me.”
“You really want to?”
“So badly.”
Attuma made work on his belt and pants, dropping them to his ankles as his hard on peeked past his boxers.
“Well isn’t that just delicious.” She smiled and dropped to her knees, crawling up to him and gripping the length through his boxers.
“I think I hit the jackpot.” She giggled, tugging down on the elastic. “Now, don’t pull too hard on my hair.”
“Got it.”
She made quick work to cover him in her smeared lipstick and saliva as she kissed down his expanse. A moan left her lips as she captured his tip, sucking softly.
Okoye could feel his body tense when she took him deeper, nose nuzzling against his pelvis as she rested there. He hadn’t grabbed her yet, resorting to clenching his fists at his side for the moment.
“Shiiit.” He groaned as she swallowed around him, her hands resting on his thighs to ground herself.
Bobbing her head up and down, she hollowed her cheeks and stroked what she couldn’t reach. Spit dribbling down from her lips and makeup smearing his cock from tip to base.
Sloppy and wet sounds filled the hotel room as Okoye found joy in sucking him to climax
She moan softly around him sending a vibration through his bones and making his knees weak. Finally, Attuma reached for her head, forcing her down until she gagged and sputtered around him. His moan was loud and pornographic. Okoye squeezed her thighs together as another pool of arousal warmed her belly.
Never had she gotten the chance with someone so sexy let alone just as rich. It made her pussy throb with need because if his ability in bed matched his wallet, she was fucked.
“Fuuck…God where do you learn this stuff?” Attuma grunted, his grip on his head tightening with every soft whine that left her lips
Okoye focusing her attention on his tip, red and leaking with precum.
She sucked him hard as her hands covered the rest. His stomach caved in and he braced his hands on the table beside him.
“Holyyy fuuck! You gonna make me cum!” His eyes screwed shut as a vein popped from his neck.
She let him up with a pop and a smile. “Give it to me daddy..” Not a another word before he covered her face in the thick white substance. She stroked him lazily to the end, smearing his seed across her lips for a taste.
He slumped against the table as his chest heaved. Okoye giggled. “Come on, let’s get it up again.”
“No..do not touch me you demon.”
“Don’t tell me you’re tapping out already, Mr. man.” She rose to her feet and pulled her dress off.
“Look, It’s been a while.” Attuma opened his eyes to find spots in his vision.
“How long of a while?” Okoye wrapped her arms around his torso and pressed her self against him. He grunted at the contact, holding his hands up in surrender.
“Years. Alright?”
“No one to do it with?”
“No I’ve been busy.”
The woman sighed, letting him go reluctantly. He tugged his pants back up as he relished in how light he felt.
“Hm.” Okoye pulled her dress back over her body and went to retrieve her shoes.
“You can still stay the night.” He offered, letting himself plop onto the bed.
“So you can leave me horny and empty. No thanks.” She shrugged her coat back on and adjusted her hair.
“Stay Okoye! Do not walk out that door.”
Okoye rolled her eyes. Her mind was telling her to go. Take the money and get the fuck out of here right now. But the bed..had she ever slept on something so comfortable and soft?
“Let me use your tub in the morning.”
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we-will-be-reun1ted · 8 months
─── ⋆⋅Personality ⋅⋆ ───
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These are my own headcanons for how I think Aether and Lumines personalities are like.
Okay starting off with my personal favourite character 🫶🫶 she’s a BITCH
Not the kind of bitch like, constantly insulting and talking shit about someone bitch. The more witty and condescending bitch
Though she would talk shit about you to your face if she was in a particularly bad mood
Morally grey, though a darker shade of grey
The kind of person you don’t see laughing often apart from at other people’s misery (Aether falling down the stairs)
Judgmental, but fair in her judgment. Most of the time anyway. Sometimes she’s petty af
She’s kind of like an extroverted introvert if that makes sense? She’s completely socially confident and can talk to people if she wants to - she just doesn’t want to
Incredibly assertive and confident in herself in general and isn’t afraid to say whatever she’s thinking, no matter how harsh it may come across
Brutally honest
She’s cold and calculating. Doesn’t smile much aside from when it’s just her and her brother
Deffo has a resting bitch face
She gets irritated pretty quickly, but is also quick to calm down after
Very much a forgive but never forget person
Also very much a revenge person
She won’t stay mad at something for too long unless it’s a huge thing. If it is then 😬
One of the worst people to piss off. If she doesn’t like you, you’ll know. It won’t be pretty. If it’s that big of a thing she would most likely go out of her way to make their life a living hell until she gets bored or Aether steps in
Has a little bit of a God complex I’m not gonna lie
In the sense that she sees herself and her brother as a lot more powerful and therefore - important than the average person
Which they are far more powerful dont get me wrong, but it’s led Lumine to the mindset where she sees those below her as weakish
I’ll get more into this in a future post. It links up to quite a few other headcanons I have
Very very brave though. And not a complete asshole, she will go out of her way to help people sometimes
If she sees someone being attacked by hilichurls she will jump in to fight, no questions asked. She may be a little huffy about it if she’s trying to go somewhere but still
It would take a long long time to become friends with her aside from if shes particularly interested in someone, but when she is genuinely someone’s friend she’s incredibly loyal and protective of that person
She’s interested in people who are strong willed and know exactly what they want and aren’t afraid to go for it
Also she admires those who are logical, don’t freak out over the littlest things and are usually calm and co-ordinated
If they know how to fight that’s also a plus
She doesn’t like making friends often as she and Aether never stay in once place. They travel from world to world and she feels horrible leaving them
(Attachment issues)
DTF. She likes pleasure and is quite a sexual person. If she finds someone attractive and they both want it then she will take it
She’s a badass and girlbossing her way through life fr I love her so much
With Aether -
She’s a much different person around her brother than she is with anyone else
First, she’s a lot more active and playful with him. Out with other people she’s usually quiet
Not completely silent at all, she certainly lets her presence be know, but she prefers to sit back and listen
Oh she’s fantastic at reading people that’s something I forgot to mention
Anyway, with Aether she seems a lot more happier and outgoing
Smiles an awful lot more, though still has her resting bitch face
Aether likes to make fun of her for it
They both like to make fun of each other a lot. Nothing serious or mean or anything. Just little things
Okay they are twins so occasionally mean
She trusts him entirely and it’s evident with the way she acts with him, she’s protective. Not Aether level protective but still quite protective
Trusts him to the point which he knows every single weakness of hers. Every struggle she faces, every thought she has
No one else would ever come close to getting her to reveal any of her weaknesses. Including her friends
She’s properly herself around Aether. Not just cold and confident as she is around anyone else
She’s still confident, but she’s very warm around him
Drags him around everywhere she goes. The two are attached one the hip. It’s like they are one whole body sometimes
Teases him ALL THE TIME
Though it’s a ‘I can make fun of my brother but if anyone else does it they will pay’ kinda thing
Same goes for Aeth
As much as she loves him, the two get on each others nerves
While not usually petty around others, Lumine is PETTY around Aether
Aether makes an off handed comment about Lumines hair one time and completely forgets about it afterwards? Okay! Lumine does his braid rough and too tight on on uncomfortable angle for a month. Making offhanded comments about it every day that sound suspiciously like what he said to her three weeks ago
She forgives Aether a lot faster than she does with anyone else though
Now Aether! He’s somewhere in my top three I don’t know if he’s second or third but probably second??? Idk
Huge golden retriever energy
Usually a pretty polite guy. Opens doors for people, says thank you and that
Pretty much polar opposite of Lumine when it comes to people, he really really enjoys talking and social interaction with almost anyone
Introverted extrovert, loves being around people but he can’t do it 24/7 without feeling a little drained. Needs some time on his own or with just Lumine to charge up
Super social though, the kind of guy who can go up to someone and just strike up a conversation
Has definitely been invited to a wedding in the first ten minutes of meeting someone before
He just likes getting on with people in general. It’s nice talking with people and can benefit him and Lumine
People are interesting to understand and they can benefit them both by giving them food if they need it, shelter etc etc
Like Lumine - he’s socially confident
After being around people for eons he’s learned how they work, interact, how to talk with them etc etc so he’s pretty confident in that regard
He and Lumine never stay in one place for very long so there’s no good in being nervous around people
All this goes out of the window when he’s crushing on someone
The dudes a big romantic unlike Lumine. He likes romance, she likes pleasure
It’s not really often but when he likes someone romantically he usually becomes a bit more nervous and says a few more awkward things
Laughing at unconventional times
He still knows what to say and is pretty confident, just a bit more dorky and such
Hard to piss off but when you do he gets very very snappy and sarcastic
Surprisingly he holds grudges for longer than Lumine
He’s a revenge person but nothing like Lumine. Usually it’s small revenge like saying something back or trying to embarrass the person a little bit
He’s a little bit immature at times, nothing major but just little things. Usually pretty mature in general
In public Lumine seems like the most mature out of the two when really with each other they both have the maturity levels of bloody children
Morally light grey
Can be a bit overly selfless at times
Has the tendency to overwork himself to the point of debilitating
Please he’s so tired he’s been trying to stop Lumine from annihilating someone for looking at her wrong when she accidentally set the stove on fire, give him a break
He’s a really nice and good guy in general don’t get me wrong but he doesn’t really care as much as other people think he does
I mean that in the sense that he doesn’t have a deep and meaningful connection many things when he travels to other worlds
He doesn’t care about being a hero and actively helping people it just happens - though he’s certainly not complaining
He finds it a lot easier letting go of people when he and Lumi leave to other worlds
In his eyes he’s come, made a good impression and now it’s time to go
It’s different to Lumine as he doesn’t have an emotional connection to anyone there apart from his sister so it’s easier to let go. Lumine doesn’t have as deep emotional connections with anyone aside from her brother, but she still has some form of connection to them
Like I said, she makes very few friends but when she does she gets to know them and like them more just because she spends more time with them individually rather than a lot of people as a whole like Aether does
With Lumine -
Surprisingly, Aether is actually the slightly calmer twin when it comes to their personalities with each other
Only slightly. They are both very much a chaotic duo when they are together
That’s why the had to be separated 😔 causing too much mischief
His personality with others isn’t as different as it is with Lumine aside from he likes to tell a lot more jokes and gets really sarcastic
Sometimes his jokes are to try and gross Lumine out as much as possible
One time he ate a raw egg. Absolutely no prompting at all. Lumine had gathered some food for them to eat in a world once and was starting to cook over a fire, when Aether looked her dead in the eyes and took a bite out of a raw egg
He will always say out of all the years they have been travelling together, he has never seen her with a more disgusted expression at that moment
To make it worse he ever tried to grab hold of her face and give her a kiss on the cheek straight after, leading to the both of them wrestling on the floor
Aether will say he won, Lumine will say she will. Either way Lumine now has egg trauma.
The two bounce off each other in both the worst and best ways
Like he does with Lumine, she also knows every weakness of his, struggle and thought
The two know absolutely everything about each other
He’s much more emotional around her than he is with others
Usually he limits himself to the ‘hero’ prototype people see when they think of him, he doesn’t intend to be a hero but it’s what he usually accidentally ends up being
But not with Lumine, with Lumine he’s completely honest about what he’s thinking and feeling
If he’s stressed he will tell her. If he’s upset he will tell her. If he’s mad he will tell her
He knows he doesn’t have to worry about being seen differently around her
His role with her is to try and get them both out of trouble after she gets them into it
6/10 times it backfires and they end up landing themselves in even more trouble
You can just tell they were both an absolute menace together when they were children
Even though he’s only mere milliseconds older than Lumine, he likes to take the self proclaimed role of big brother very very seriously
Fake scolding her when she gets into shit, always keeping an incredibly close eye on anyone who comes near her. Especially men
He’s really protective of her. Usually he plays it off as a joke but it has led to them having arguments before
When they argue Aether gets more sad then angry, while Lumine is more frustrated
Like usual though, they are both quick to forgive each other after
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nanananami5924 · 1 month
“why do you always call?”
wc: 2134 naegiri oneshot
this is a little piece i made at 3 AM ! not very well-written, but i wanted to post it here and on ao3 tags: fluff, short & sweet, sfw, post-canon, canon compliant
Kyoko’s phone rang. What was the time? 10 AM. Too early. But, she picked up anyway upon seeing the caller ID. “Yes, Makoto?” “Ah! Kirigiri! I’m sorry, I just wanted to say good morning since I didn’t see you this morning at the meeting!” “It’s been long enough, you can just call me Kyoko, you know.” “Haha, it still feels a bit odd to say..” Kyoko sighed. “Was there anything else you needed, Makoto?” “Um…nope! Have a great day Kirigiri!” She could practically hear him smiling on the other end. “Thank you, you too.” She hung up promptly. Makoto had a habit of doing this every single day, including weekends. Days where she was supposed to be away from Hope’s Peak, she was still brought back by this overly-joyous man calling her, whether it was to say good morning, good night, or to say “Hello!” and nothing else. She specifically gave him her cell number so he could text her if there were any issues that arose. It was slightly frustrating, especially since the substance of each call was limited to basic greetings. She couldn’t truly be upset though. As annoying as it could be, it wasn’t as though anyone else was greeting her every morning and night, making sure she was wished a “good day.” And, even if she didn’t exactly show any appreciation for it, his energy was infectious; even Kyoko would crack a bit of a smile at his enthusiasm. She’d have to ask why, though. Not that it bothered her in any manner above the usual, but… No matter. She’d worry about this later, after getting her work done for the day. —
“Kirigiri!!!” Makoto practically raced to greet her as she was gathering her things to go home. He hunched over a bit as he tried to catch his breath, Kyoko standing a bit awkwardly as she noted other people looking over expectantly. “Yes, Makoto? Is there something you need?” “Nope!” Huff puff. “Just wanted to walk you to the bus stop!” Sigh. Sometimes he was truly like a clingy puppy that followed her on occasion. “Fine.” She grabbed her purse, coat, and keys. “Let’s go then, shall we?” Makoto hurried behind her, clasping his hands behind his back. “Sooo…how was work today? I know I don’t get to look into the office very often being headmaster now.” “It was fine. Very usual.” “Did you happen to see Togami today? I heard he came in!” “I did not.” “Aw. I got to see him for a few minutes before having to look over some things, but it seems like he’s doing well!” “Glad to hear it.” She wasn’t usually this dry. (She was.) “Makoto, we’re here.” “Oh, right.” Kyoko waved, getting onto the bus. She sat down, placing her keys in her pocket before pulling out a small book from her purse. —
It was about thirty minutes before she reached her stop, and she finally got off the bus. As she neared her apartment, she reached for her keys. Upon pulling them out of her pocket, they fell…into a grate. Kyoko was able to grab them before they got too far, but the issue was now…getting her hand back out of the grate. It felt silly to be kneeling over a grate with her hand stuck in-between the slats, but she couldn’t quite get it out. She was able to pass her keys from one hand to the next, but…that left her other hand occupied. It had to be the damn glove. She took a deep breath, hoping it would slip off and she’d have enough time to respond fast enough to grab it. She was wrong. The glove fell down the to the bottom of the not-so-shallow grate. “Damn it.” —
She searched her apartment for another pair of gloves, ones she swore she had purchased some time ago, but the more she searched, the more it seemed she had not, in fact, purchased another pair of gloves. It wasn’t as though anyone at the office would be staring at her hands, but it would be…rather inconvenient. Giving up on finding a nonexistent pair of gloves, she instead went for the first aid kit. A wrap would be better than nothing, even if it drew attention. “This should be fine.” It was around 10 PM now. She went to lay in bed, placing her phone beside her. She expected the call any minute now... Ah, there it was.  "Hello?"  "Hi, Kirigiri!"  "Yes, Makoto?"  "How was your day today?"  "It was okay. How was yours?"  "It was great!" "I'm glad to hear it."  ... "Was there anything else you needed, Makoto?"   "Nope! I just wanted to wish you a goodnight!"  "I see. Thank you, Makoto. Goodnight."  "Thanks! Bye!"  "Goodbye."  Time for bed. Tomorrow would be just fine. —
It was, in fact, fine. Up until she got her usual phone call from Makoto. She attempted to pick up with her wrapped hand, the other being busy with writing notes off of her screen. It should be able to react through bandage, right? “Damn you.” One Missed Call from – Makoto Naegi Oh well. Kyoko continued working, not bothering to call back. This was a mistake. “Oh my God, Kyoko, you’re okay! I got worried, since you didn’t answer my call!” Makoto had burst into the office, loudly announcing himself as he did so. “Oh good god…” Kyoko could only look away and mutter to herself as Makoto approached her desk. “Kirigiri! Are you alright? Your hand is bandaged today.” He looked at her with concern. “Yes…Thank you for broadcasting my hand being bandaged to the entire office, Naegi. I’m fine. I tried to pick up earlier and it didn’t allow me to. I didn’t think it was a big deal. If it was this urgent, you could have texted me.” His face fell a bit, concern turning into a small frown. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking, I-“ “I’m well aware that you weren’t. And aren’t. I’m going to leave for the day now. Excuse me.” She pushed past him, completely embarrassed by his overexaggerated concern for her in front of their entire office. He’s very easy to be angry at right now. “God…” She frantically removed the bandages, throwing them away on her way to the exit. If it was going to be this big a deal, she’d just have her hand in her pocket. —
She got home, and upon checking her phone, noticed several missed calls and unread text messages from none other than Makoto. I can’t be bothered to read these at the moment… She flopped down on her bed, removing her other glove and taking a moment to study her hands. They’re not…so bad? Maybe she’d just gotten used to them over the years, but the scarring wasn’t truly as bad as she made it out to be in her head. It was just…other people. Explaining the details of her scars and why she covered them would be too much. Especially when her only daily interactions with people were at work. It wasn’t necessary. Oh well…she’d have to buy a new pair tomorrow. At least it was the weekend. Her doorbell rang. “Kirigiri! Kirigiriii!” She knew immediately who was at the door, and upon opening it, saw a very-drenched, very-winded, Makoto there before her. “Wh..Why are you here? Why are you wet? And why are you carrying a bag?” “Can I come in please? It’s a bit cold out here..” She sighed. “I can’t possibly imagine why.” —
“These are for you, Kirigiri. I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t realize that you were just missing a glove…so I figured this might be able to make it up to you.” She looked a little confused as he handed her a small, rectangular box. “What..is this?” “It’s a new pair of gloves! I thought they would suit you.” She looked down at the box, carefully opening it and reviewing the contents. It was gloves. A very dainty, pretty pair of gloves. They seemed well-fitted for her size, featuring lace details over them. They were black satin, with little pads on the finger tips. “I made sure that you’re able to wear them while using technology, since it would be a bit impractical not to be able to, you know?” “You made sure of this?” “Yeah!” “…I just lost my glove yesterday. How would you have planned for this so far in advance? I’ve had these gloves for years with no problems.” “Um…” He blushed a bit as he turned away. “I originally meant for these to be a birthday gift…I saw you when you left, though, and saw there was nothing wrong with your hand when you took the bandage off. Then, I may have followed you to the bus stop and noticed you were just trying to cover your hand by putting it in your pocket. I figured now would be more convenient, I guess!” She couldn’t help smiling at his awkward kindness. He was very thoughtful when he wanted to be. “I see…Thank you. These are very nice.” He turned, his eyes brightening at her sudden appreciation for his gift. “I have to wonder, though, Makoto. Why are you drenched? Did it suddenly start pouring outside when you got off work?” “Hahaha…turns out my luck can run out sometimes. I was on my way here, and someone drove through a pretty big puddle, so I ended up…” “I think I get the picture.” Kyoko placed the gloves down in the box, standing up. “Wait here, please.” Makoto sat patiently on the couch, looking around at her apartment. “Here.” She handed him a towel. “I’m afraid I don’t have any extra dress-clothing for you, but I do have some shorts and oversized shirts if you need. In the meantime, I’ll make some tea.” “Really?” Her face contorted in confusion. “Yes…?” “I just thought you might want me to go, especially since I just showed up and invaded your personal space, and I figured you might still be upset from earlier, and—” “Please just go wash up and change.” She smiled a bit. “It’s okay.” He grinned, nodding as he headed to her bathroom. Kyoko set off to make some tea, waiting in front of the stove as the water heated up. As she did so, she remembered that she hadn’t set out any clothing for the man that was now in her bathroom. Upon realizing this, she gathered some clothing and set it down on the counter quietly. She then heard the curtain opening. “Oh!” Kyoko promptly left, slamming the door behind her. “…Thank you!” “Ahem…No problem.” —
“I assume you’re warmer now?” “Yes, very much so, thank you!” Kyoko nodded. “Um…I’m sorry, again, for earlier. I really want to properly apologize for that. I know it must have been uncomfortable for you, and I was just concerned that you hadn’t answered since you always do, but…you’re right, I should have just texted you.” “I mean…I was upset for a little while, of course, but it’s fine now. However, why didn’t you just text me?” “Um- I’m not really sure, I-“ “Actually…why don’t you text me normally? You always call, and as much as I can’t be bothered to chastise you for it normally, I really hate phone calls.” “Oh…I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.” He looked sheepishly at his cup of tea. “I think I just wanted to be able to hear your voice, Kyoko. I don’t get to see you as often anymore, and whenever I can I try to go see you in the office, but…lately it hasn’t felt so much like a partnership, you know? I wish I could get you an office next to mine, or something so you aren’t isolated…” “You call me just to…hear my voice?” Makoto looked up at Kyoko to see her looking a bit shocked, slightly flushed. “Oh! U-Um, I didn’t mean to say that! I..” Kyoko smiled, placing a bare hand over his. “Makoto. It’s okay. I just wish you’d told me sooner.” “It felt a little awkward to request-“ “Not that. Just how you felt overall.” Makoto turned bright red, looking directly at her. “You have noticed, in all this time, that I like you too…right?” He vehemently shook his head. “Maybe you really do need my guidance more often.” She gave him a light peck on the cheek. “You can spend the night here, don’t want you getting splashed again.” She smiled. “Thank you, again. I’ll be heading to bed now.” “Oh, okay…! Goodnight, Kyoko!” “Good god Makoto, do you need an invitation?” She firmly grabbed him by the arm, shutting the door behind her. ~The End~
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