#she would get frustrated but i think she'd be at a point where she'd just
bhaalsdeepbat · 2 months
The tadfools were just SO connected for such a long amount of time that I can't imagine them seeing each other as anything but family after a good run, especially a good Resist Durge run. I think they'd swoop right in for one another like they were siblings if they absolutely needed something.
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bubblebbg · 7 months
❝𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞: 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫, 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧❞
Mizu x Reader
- Reader in this fic is of some sort of mixed or foreign descent, but this can also be interpreted as having any trait that would make them a pariah of sorts. Warning, not proofread lol. All spur of the moment.
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When you found the blue eyed stranger laying bloody on a lonely street, you took her in. You keep her warm, fed, and with mends on her wounds. Mizu knows well that there are sacrifices to be made on her path. She doesn't know just how much they can sting.
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Mizu can't quite pinpoint the most irritating part of the pain. The ache of broken bones, the sting of stabs and slices, the consistent ringing in her head; everything hurts, and she supposes that like every other injury, it's all par for the course. Small price to pay for revenge. She knew she'd have to rest at some point, but she didn't expect to be incapacitated, edging on consciousness for days. Every now and then there's a sensation like coolness on her forehead, or water at her lips.
It's on day three that she becomes lucid enough to realize someone's taking care of her. Her distrustful brain is immediately sounding alarms, but her body can do little to react in such a broken state. Mizu can do nothing but lie silent and weak on this futon, sipping medicines and soups when it's brought to her mouth and being patched, cut for cut, wound for wound.
The first thing she notices about you, her caretaker, is your eyes - eyes brimming with concern and care, eyes that catch every weakness of her flesh and seek to heal. She hears your whispers of "poor thing" and "I'll get you healed up in no time". And being Mizu, her first thought is...
She hadn't meant to say it out loud, but she doesn't rush to take it back. Why are you, a stranger, so willing to take care of her? Why are you expending your resources on a broken thing, a mistake that any other sane person would let rot in the street where they found it?
You only smile at her, and in such a way that makes her heart race. Gentle, patient, tentative. She doesn't like it one bit, the way it pulls at doors she's kept locked for years. Her eyes focus, taking in what you look like as you stand and ready yourself to leave the room.
"I don't need your pity!" She manages to choke out. It has you stopping in your tracks.
"It's," she coughs, sputtering on words, "It's because you're just like me, isn't it? You're different. A monster."
The look on your face is one of mild amusement, an eyebrow raised and the corners of your lips upturned. She's not sure if it's that or the confidence in your next words that makes her cheeks heat up.
"I am not a monster. Neither are you."
And you're gone, leaving her to deal with the weight you've left in her chest.
𓆩… . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . …𓆪
The days turn into weeks, the weeks into months. With so many parts impaired, it'd only make sense that healing would take this long. Most of all, it's your endless patience that surprises Mizu. When she reopens a wound by carelessly trying to train despite your cautions, you're there patching it up. When she expresses her frustration with not being able to take up the sword yet, you're there reassuring her that it'll all be fine in time. You're kind when she's haughty and sarcastic (which makes her feel guilty, and thus even more indignant), and this extends to others as well. She often sees you helping children or neighbors, anyone in need. You're loved in this town.
It makes her a bit irritated, seeing your kindness bestowed on others. At first she thinks it's because she sees weakness in your actions. Then she thinks it's jealousy - why are you, someone who would otherwise be an outcast like herself, so beloved by your town? How come it didn't turn out this way for her? But when she sees you cooking enough for the both of you and the family next door, stirring slowly as the food steams, she thinks to herself, god, they're even patient when they're cooking. And then it hits her.
She is jealous, but not in the way she thought. In the way that yearns for your priority, that seeks to be the only recipient of your sweet manners and loving nature.
It doesn't help that you've grown close, too close for her liking. There have been nights spent in each other's company, saying nothing but gazing at stars. There have been conversations in which you've both laughed, some in which you cried. Mizu's mind can't help but remind her that this isn't safe; the last time she opened her heart up, it returned battered.
But this - you - feel safe. You dedicated nearly three months to healing her body, all the while you had been patching up wounds the eye can't see.
"I'm leaving," she says meekly on a warm evening, the two of you sat in a field of grass overlooking your village. You look to her and she only stares forward. You suppose it's better than her leaving without telling you, but the pain is no lesser because of the thought.
You take a deep breath and exhale before answering, "I had a feeling."
There's a long silence between the two of you. It's your turn to watch the sun setting over the trees as Mizu looks at your expression, the hints of sadness in her eyes.
"Do you... do you really have to? You are welcome here, you know. You'll always have a home here with me."
The words have Mizu choking up and suppressing the sudden and unnerving urge to cry. What you've done to her in three months still astounds her.
"I do. You know I do. I was always going to have to leave."
Mizu is caught by another urge, the urge to take those words back when she sees streams on your cheeks. You sniffle and hiccup, and it's so much less pleasant than your usual smiling disposition. It hurts in the way no blade ever could.
The sun is disappearing, and she wills herself to stand. If she doesn't, she might never go. She turns to leave and you stand as well. She stops in her tracks when you tug on her sleeve. She faces you and you slowly, carefully bring a hand to the side of her cheek. When she doesn't flinch away, you lean in close. Your lips meet in a kiss that conveys words that neither of you have the power to say.
You pull back after a moment, your forehead pressed to hers and your eyes closed. Your voice is quiet, almost inaudible when you say your goodbye.
"Break my heart once by leaving. Do not break it again by dying."
She turns and leaves while your eyes are still closed. You open them to an empty field, your palm still wet with her tears.
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wileys-russo · 7 months
off limits (4) II a.putellas x león!reader
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part one part two part three
lengthy one! but there is another part in the works off limits (4) II a.putellas x león!reader
"what is going on in here?"
your head snapped to the door where a confused looking ingrid stood, patri and alba stumbling in after right her and promptly smacking into one another as they skidded to a halt.
“can you take me home please?” you sent the norwegian a pleading look as her own eyes fell to the grip alexia had on your wrist and hardened.
despite only being just under a year older than you ever since she’d started seeing your sister and grew to know how close the bond the two of you shared was, ingrid had adopted that same protective older sister mentality. to the point you even sometimes went to her for advice over mapi.
“of course. let her go alexia.” ingrid warned, calmly but firmly . everything seemed to come crashing down for the older girl as she saw the fearful look in your eyes and immediately let go of your wrist.
you practically flew into ingrid who wrapped her arms around you, mumbling she’d get you out of here and with one last disappointed look in alexia’s direction she’d pulled you out of the bathroom.
suddenly the room seemed to grow smaller and smaller for the captain. she found herself clutching at her chest struggling to breathe as the weight of how she had treated you lately all came crashing down on top of her.
as did the reality that she had walked away from you, from you.
you. the girl who she would have done just about anything for, the girl she was still head over heels in love with and the girl she had treated like she was nothing as she walked away without a look back.
and so the facade alexia had built up, broke.
alba and patri were by her side in an instant, trying to calm the blonde down as she pushed them away with a frantic shake of her head.
she stumbled to her feet, shoving past the younger girls needing to be out of the rapidly shrinking room where all she could hear ringing in her ears were your desperate and broken pleas for her to stay with you.
of course you were angry with her, you had every single right to be and she had no power at all to say you didn’t.
alexia glanced up as she finally caught her breath again, the dance floor now a little less crowded as people had started to drunkenly stumble away home together, the same thing she had just tried to protect you from.
but now it was beginning to dawn on her just how that would have looked to you, and how with the way she'd treated you she was the last person who had any sort of say on what you did with your life anymore, she'd kissed that right goodbye the night she'd left you.
it was through the throng of people grinding and pushing into one another on the dance floor that she found you, stood with your arms wrapped around yourself tightly next to ingrid as ona and irene were trying their best to help a very drunk mapi up to her feet so you could all leave.
“alexia no.” she moved to go to you, to comfort you, to apologise and try her best to fix this ungodly mess she'd made, but instead she ran into a body which put themselves in her way.
“she’s drunk and upset ale, and you’re thinking with your emotions and not your head. let her go.” lucy remanded gently, hands falling to her friend and captains shoulders who hesitated before nodding in agreement, allowing herself to be lead away from the group by her english team mate.
eventually she watched from a stool at the bar as you left, taking a piece of her heart with you as alexia sighed deeply, feeling a hand touch her shoulder. glancing to her left she saw the familiar eyes of her younger sister, alba's gaze a mixture of confusion, concern and frustration.
“i think you have some explaining to do hermana.”
you groaned as you felt a weight settle on your chest, eyes half opening as they locked with a familiar pair of bright green ones peering down at you curiously.
“buenos bagheera.” you sighed tiredly, moving your hand to scratch behind the cars left ear as he purred and pushed his head into your hand happily.
blinking a few times as your sight adjusted you realised you were in the guest bedroom of your sisters apartment, a room not unfamiliar to you though how you ended up here was a little more foggy.
you remembered bits and pieces of the night, probably in thanks to the many many shots alba had practically poured down your throat.
you remembered the brunette stranger whose face was a blur and how her hands felt all over your body, a sort of intimate touch you couldn’t help but wish was coming from your ex girlfriend despite how much she had hurt you.
then of course that had started the fight with said ex girlfriend in the bathroom, you remembered that, and how alexia's hand gripped your wrist, slender fingers digging desperately into your tanned skin.
you remembered clinging tightly onto ingrid as she pleaded for her girlfriend to get up and leave the club, then all you could recall was that you fell asleep in the car and now you’d woken up here.
the searing throbbing behind your eyes lead you to believe at some point of the night you must have cried, your makeup at somehow removed though you could feel the uncomfortable thickness of dried tears coat the corner of your eyelids.
your head pounding you gently moved the feline off of you who mewed and stretched out, flopping down on his side to lay in a sun soaked corner of the bed.
with much struggle you managed to get up and on your feet. glancing down you were clothed in a large shirt, noticing your dress from last night nearly folded on the plush navy blue armchair by the door.
withholding a groan at the way your skull pounded you opened the door and padded out into the kitchen, neither of the other two women awake or up as you were alone in your endeavor. your throat was dry and screaming for some sort of reprise where you'd likely snored and slept with your mouth open as you always did after you drank, something your sister and friends had far too many videos of.
chugging a few glasses of water and eventually finding something for your growing headache you noticed the door to the other bedroom was left open.
rinsing your glass and grabbing two clean ones you filled them up and grabbed the girls two pills each.
standing in the doorway you would have laughed at the sight before you had you been in a better mood.
ingrid was fast asleep on her stomach, face pressed into her pillow as your sister lay with her legs hanging half out of the covers, a pair of sunglasses covering her eyes and one heavily tattooed arm draped lazily over her face to further block out any sort of light.
you made your way round the bed, leaving the waters and advil on either one of their side tables. as you placed them down beside your sister you heard movement, the older girl lifting back the covers and opening her arms.
you hesitated for a moment thinking things over before that became far too much work given your hangover and you collapsed beside her with a sigh, pressing your face into her shoulder as her arms wound tightly around you.
“don’t get it confused, i’m still really mad at you.” you mumbled as she hummed, knowing you needed this right now maybe even more than she did.
at the rustling beside her ingrid lifted her head up with a tired frown, though seeing the two of you a smile grew on her lips and her head thudded down on the pillow, one hand pushing up the back of her girlfriends shirt to scratch her back.
despite currently wanting nothing more than to punch mapi square in the mouth at the absolute mess she’d caused of your life, you had missed the familiar comfort of a simple hug from her, especially given that the two of you were normally as close as close could be.
with there being four years between you growing up you’d had your bumps in the road as puberty hit and hormones and attitudes shifted between both of you, either one going through the 'i hate everyone get away from me' phase in turn.
and you both of course had many the fist fight and screaming match over the normal stupid things sister argued about like clothes and hairbrushes, having to share a room until you were eleven and she was fifteen.
but your bond had always been undeniably strong, and no matter how much you might anger or frustrate her sometimes if anyone even dared to look at you the wrong way she was in their face within an instant.
your first day at the same school she’d kept a wary eye on you despite strictly warning you to stay away from her and her friends. but the moment she noticed you pushed over by a boy you’d rejected she’d had him up against a wall by the collar of his uniform with a black eye and suddenly she was being suspended for three days.
which was part of the reason you felt so hurt and betrayed by the way your sister had lashed out at you without a second thought. her words and opinion had always meant the world to you, you looked up to her more than you would ever dare to let her know.
and though when it came to falling in love you’d had your fair share of partners scared off by her overbearing nature, there was still a slight glimmer of hope that maybe once she realised it was her best friend that you’d fallen for she would ease off. maybe she would realise alexia wouldn’t dare to hurt you.
how were you to know that you couldn’t have been more wrong about any of that.
alexia had now more than proven now her ability to hurt you seemingly without a second thought and mapi's rushed nonacceptance of the two of you had been the root catalyst of it all.
with that swirling around in your mind you pulled away from your sisters hold, shuffling to sit on the end of the bed rubbing your eyes tiredly, bagheera jumping onto the bed and settling himself in your previous position.
"my head hurts." mapi groaned quietly, again covering her face with her hands as her partner chuckled beside her, rolling onto her back and pushing herself to sit up, sending you a smile which you returned tiredly.
"that is called tequila mi corazón." ingrid patted the spaniards head who only groaned louder at the words. you left them to it, making your way back to the kitchen and starting to brew some coffee, hearing footsteps follow you.
a glance over your shoulder showed it was ingrid who had followed you, squeezing your shoulder gently before she began to rummage through the fridge, intending to start cooking something for breakfast.
"hey, you doing okay?" you pulled yourself to sit up on the counter beside the coffee machine as it slowly hummed to life. "i'm fine." you sent her a small smile as she only hummed, the stove top flickering to life.
"what did i walk in on last night?" she questioned somewhat hesitantly, not wanting to overstep as you let out a long sigh. "it's a little blurry, but i think she got jealous i wanted to go home with that girl from the club and decided she was going to take me home instead." you explained.
"none of us would have let you leave with that girl, you were far too drunk. i only came in because i thought she followed you and patri was worried since she couldn't see her on the dance floor anymore." ingrid elaborated as you nodded, wincing a little.
"it's not her responsibility to worry about me like that anymore though. thats why i got upset, she hasn't made any sort of move to apologise since she left me. why should she get to suddenly play hero and take me home because i'm too drunk?" you scowled, sipping at your coffee.
"i get it, i understand your anger. but even if she has been awful at showing it and i am not excusing her actions at all, alexia still cares for you." ingrid sent you an apologetic smile as you scoffed and shook your head. "what are we talking about?" you turned to glance at your sister who took a seat at the island, sunglasses dropped down to her nose.
"nothing." you answered quickly, sending ingrid a look as the taller girl turned back to her cooking, mapi thankfully too hungover to pick up on any of it.
"mami just called, checking what time we're meeting her for lunch." you let out a long and exhausted groan at the older girls words. "i'm not going."
"yes you are. i already told her we would be there by one, all of us." mapi sighed, rubbing her temples tiredly. "why!" you complained in annoyance, tucking one knee to your chest and resting your chin on it.
"because we said we'd be there and if we cancel now she'll be upset. she hasn't seen us in a month!" your sister reminded as you groaned yet again, hating that you really couldn't come up with any excuse to get out of it and nurse your growing hangover.
"she's been on a holiday, that's her choice." you huffed again, ingrid pinching your leg lightly with a look as you sighed.
"well then someone needs to drive me home or i'm going to need to borrow some clothes."
"oh you have to be kidding me. joder!" you swore under your breath, stopping abruptly as the two girls in front of you paused, glancing back at you with confused looks at your quiet outburst.
"why is she here! did you set this up maría?" you hissed glaring daggers at your sister, nodding to the large table across the courtyard where your mother sat, alexia, alba and eli also sat beside her.
"no? i promise hermana. i really really don't know why she's there- oh they've seen us now." your sister bit her lip guiltily as your mother furiously waved in her direction, ingrid rubbing your back as you withheld the urge to scream and pull your hair out.
surely this was some sort of twisted joke the universe had out for you.
"come on, you don't need to speak with her." the taller girl assured, nudging you to follow as she took mapi's outstretched hand, the three of you making your way toward the table.
met with a chorus of excited greetings you made your way around saying hi, kissing cheeks and being pulled into tight hugs, your mother quickly explaining how she'd seen eli sitting by herself when she arrived and invited her and the girls to join you all.
again, a horrifically cruel coincidence. there was easily hundreds of restaurants in barcelona so someone upstairs had to have it out for you for all of you to have made lunch plans here.
well aware of lingering eyes and not wishing any questions to arise you pressed a quick kiss to alexia's cheek and mumbled a soft hola, really more quickly pressing your cheek against hers and darting away.
once everyone had exchanged greetings and sat down you were at one end of the table beside alba who sat beside eli and your mother, across from ingrid and mapi who sat next to alexia, the two of you at least having as much space between one another as possible.
though not nearly enough for you to be comfortable.
your food ordered and drinks in hand conversation flowed easily, neither of your mothers thankfully picking up on the fact that you and alexia hadn't exchanged so much as a single word the last hour you'd all been sat down.
"ay! you have your own." you bumped your shoulder into the brunette beside you who stole your drink, alba tilting her head away from you as she rasied it to her lips.
"give it, alba!" you laughed, punching her arm and reaching out for the drink, mouth dropping as she finished it off and handed you back the empty glass with a wink and a kiss to your cheek.
"puta." you swore with a shake of your head, reaching for her drink as she grabbed your hand with a grin and a shake of her own, the two of you too busy messing around to notice the withering glare sent your way by the older putellas at the other end of the table, the jealous fury in her eyes hidden away behind a pair of prada sunglasses.
"hey, stop it." it wasn't missed however by your sister who knocked her knee into the captain, alexia looking away and resting her chin on her hand, mapi rolling her eyes and returning to her conversation with the women across from her, having been trying to include her best friend who only seemed content to sit silently and stoically.
"we need to talk later mi amiga, you've been holding out on me about something and it's not appreciated." alba warned you playfully though the look in her eyes let you know she wasn't joking and it didn't take much for you to know what she wanted to talk about.
"later." she assured as your food arrived, everyone calling out whose was whose as plates began to fill the table. "albs! again you have your own." you laughed, shoving away the catalan whose fork knocked against your plate before she placed a sloppy kiss to your cheek and you gagged jokingly, wiping your cheek on her shoulder as she stole a forkful of your food.
alexias hands balled into fists where they sat dormant on her knees, the blondes jaw clenching which again didn't go unnoticed by the older león beside her. "okay no, come." mapi sighed, standing and nodding for alexia to follow, fixing her with a firm stare as she tried to refuse.
you glanced over for a second at the two as your sister excused them to use the bathroom before she tugged alexia away and your attention turned back to your conversation with ingrid who shrugged when you raised an eyebrow silently.
"what are you doing?" mapi asked quietly as the two girls sat down in a secluded corner away from the main dining area, away from prying eyes or ears. "what?" alexia replied bluntly, pushing her sunglasses on top of her head with a raised eyebrow.
"you know what, ingrid told me what happened last night. ale-" the tattooed spaniard started with a sigh before alexia cut her off with a scoff and a shake of her head. "do not dare to lecture me. this is your fault in the first place!" alexia snapped, mapi at first taken aback by the aggression.
"i should not have reacted the way i did ale, i know that and i have apologized to both of you about it. but you should not have left her! we are both to blame, and i'm trying to work things out with her. so if she doesn't want to speak with you, leave her be." mapi warned, alexia shaking her head furiously with a laugh that was anything but humorous.
"you have to be joking mapi. i left her because you told me to! because you told me we were done and she and i were done. what was i supposed to do? tell me what would you have wanted me to do in that moment hm? when you were yelling at us both and pushing her around huh?" alexia shot up to her feet, pushing at the girls chest with a glare.
"i didn't see you standing up for her! or apologizing and trying to work anything out with her after she ignored us both for weeks. maybe i was right alexia and you aren't good for her, maybe you did her a favour by leaving!" mapi snapped back, shoving the blonde with the same intensity she'd just received.
"hey!" both girls heads swivelled toward the new voice, ingrid standing there with her arms crossed and fixing the two of them with a harsh glare.
"neither of you are even thinking about her, or her feelings, or her choices and how she has been heavily affected by everything, how much she is hurting and angry. idiotas!" the norweign snarled, both taken by surprise at the strict tone of the taller girl.
"i watched her cry her eyes out for an hour and a half last night after we left ale, over you." ingrid warned, pointing to the captain whose anger melted away and was immediately replaced with guilt.
"and i had to hear her heart break as she told me the horrible things you said to her, and how much it killed her to think her own sister saw her that way." her finger switched to point at her girlfriend whose once tense body language crumbled, both girls sitting back down.
"you have both been nothing but selfish, arrogant and stubborn about this entire situation. first you overstep and overreact and cause this whole mess by asserting your opinion where it wasn't needed. and then you leave her when she needed you the most to stay and to comfort her and prove that it didn't matter, that you would be there for her still. she was clearly not okay and her actions screamed that but neither of you bothered to check on her, or apologise, or even try at all to fix anything!" ingrid's frustrations had now boiled over as she berated the two women in front of her like naughty children, both of them with their heads hung low agreeing with every word.
"she is the collateral of all of this, she is the one who both of you claim to care about so deeply but you made up with one another before her. after it was the issues between the two of you that even made all of this happen! how do you think that made her feel?" ingrid spoke more calmly this time, words still sharp as knives as they cut through the air.
"you both need to put in the work if you want to save any sort of relationship with her. not that either of you probably deserve it! you-" she switched her eyes toward her girlfriend who cowered. "-you need to show her you're sorry and that you regret your actions, actions which were the cause of all of this. show her that you want to fix things and you have learned from your mistakes. not just say sorry and hope that things just slip back as they were." she warned, mapi nodding.
"and you, ale you need to do a lot more than try to take her home when she is drunk. have you even said sorry? spoken to her about that night? acknowledged anything? because that is the first step in a very long road to try and mend things. and if she does not want to mend things then you have lost the right to argue that, and you need to respect her wishes. both of you!" with that and one last firm look ingrid turned on heel and returned to the table, leaving both girls with their heads in their hands.
"did you drive here chica?" alba asked, arm slung around you as you shook your head. "good. stay for another drink with me and i will drive you home." the younger putellas all but demanded as she patted your cheek with her hand, recounting the plan to the group before you could even say a word.
you missed the look sent alba's way by her sister, the younger of the two rolling her eyes at the obvious jealousy and blanking her when the two of you said the rest of your goodbyes to your families.
though she wasn't going to let it go that easily. "what are you doing?" alexia tugged on the back of her younger sisters top, earning her attention as yours was stolen by a lingering goodbye with your mother.
"spending time with a close friend. back off alexia!" alba warned, having had just about enough of the dirty looks being sent her way all afternoon. "so i tell you we were seeing one another and your response is to try and make a move on her? dios mio alba whats wrong with you?" alexia growled quietly causing the younger girl to let out a sarcastic bark of laughter.
"you think im making a move on her hermana? seriously? you forget i have known her the same amount of time you have known mapi. just because the two of you kept this from me does not mean i do not care about her or already see her as a close friend, we have been close for years! of course i a, not making a move on her! asshole." with that the younger putellas scoffed and shoved alexia away, making her way to your side and dragging you away, blowing your mothers a kiss as she did so.
moving down the road to a different bar the two of you sat together at a table in the back corner on stools, a water in your hand and a tequila in alba's as she fixed you with a look and you already knew what was coming.
"okay amiga now we are alone i want to hear all about it. vamos!" the brunette clapped, waving for you to speak as you sighed, wishing the water in your hand could magically turn into vodka but you knew you had training tomorrow.
"albs. you obviously know what happened so why do i need to tell you? we aren't together anymore and it is still raw, por favour amiga." you groaned with a pleading stare.
"no, i only know a little. only enough to know that my sister did something wrong and you are no longer together. but she did say you were seeing one another for months which both of you kept from me. so i need to know everything from the beginning, vamos!" she repeated with another wave, and you knew one putellas well enough to see that the unwavering stubbornness was clearly a genetic trait.
"fine. well-"
it had all started on a tuesday night. you had offered to host a few of the girls you were closest with for a dinner after training, but with a particularly nasty stomach flu making its way through the team, it ended up only being you and alexia.
"the two survivors ay chica?" alexia grinned cheekily, clinking her glass against yours making you laugh. "don't you jinx it!" you warned playfully, taking a mouthful of water and turning back to the stove top.
"are you sure i can't help with anything? you know i am an excellent chef." alexia asked for the tenth time, knee bouncing restlessly as she sat feeling useless.
"you might be, but you are a terrible listener and an even worse assistant." you teased, grinning at the older girl over her shoulder who scoffed in offence. "you are far too bossy, capitana." you grinned at her obvious disagreement.
"no i am not! who assists most of your goals bonita hm?" alexia questioned with a hum and a raised eyebrow, you turned and stayed facing away from her to avoid the midfielder seeing the way your cheeks flushed crimson at the term of endearment.
that had seemed to be happening a lot lately.
you and alexia had always been close through her friendship with your sister and playing alongside her at a national level, then when you transferred over to barca she was quick to take you under a watchful eye.
that had been fine, you'd always looked up to her as a footballer and a human being. the catalan's passion for the sport was undying and the way she held herself as a public figure, a team mate, a captain and a friend was beyond admirable.
though lately, and you couldn't pin point exactly when or why things had shifted, you found yourself unable to hold her gaze, becoming flustered when she was near by and finding terms of endearment she had always used with you to send your cheeks the same colour as your national jersey.
and you hated yourself for it, because despite not knowing when it started you weren't stupid, you knew what it meant.
you had a crush, a stupidly infuriatingly mind melting crush. on a girl who was not only your captain, friend, and team mate.
but your sisters best friend, a person who not only would never share your feelings but was well off limits because of the sheer fact you feared if anything was to happen your sister might strangle you or her with her bare hands.
you'd finished dinner, sat at the table discussing anything and everything which inevitably lead to alexia's favourite subject, football.
you'd half zoned out as the girl droned on, walking you through play by play of the drill you'd been practicing in training, captain mode kicking in as she went over different ways the ball could be delivered.
you found your eyesight continued to slip down to her lips, watching her mouth move more than you focused on the actual words coming out of them, hating how you couldn't help but wonder what they felt like, what they tasted like.
you blinked several times as alexia leant forward and sharply flicked your ear, noticing that you weren't listening to her and not missing just where your attention had shifted to.
unknown to you, you weren't the only one who had a crush. not that alexia would ever be caught dead saying that horribly juvenile word, she preferred to think of it as an attraction, an interest, one she'd harbored silently for awhile now, holding her cards close to her chest.
seeing the amusement on her face at the fact you'd very clearly ignored most of what she said you grabbed her plate and yours, excusing yourself to clean up and again dismissing any help from her.
"go find something to watch! unless you want to head home?" you offered as you stacked the dishwasher, alexia shaking her head and settling herself on your lounge. "and not football ale!" you warned, the brunette rolling her eyes at your stern words.
settling on something light, some reality show where strangers were matched together and married, you shortly joined her, throwing your body back into the cushions with a sigh.
"you watch this?" you perked up with a grin, alexia scoffed and shook her head, but you saw through it. "fine! sometimes." she admitted quietly making you laugh.
"wait till the team hears big bad la reina watches married at first sight!" you teased. "don't you dare!" alexia warned seriously, kicking you with a glare. "or what?" you mocked with a grin, kicking her back as the girl grabbed your legs, tugging you closer to her.
"i'll make you run extra laps, extra drills, maybe some sprints and push ups for good measure." she smirked, pulling the captain rank and making you roll your eyes. "oh sorry capitana! forgot you aren't human and allowed to enjoy lifes simple pleasure. all bow down to la reina!" your voice dripped with sarcasm as you mocked a bow, alexia shoving your head playfully.
"don't call me that please, i hate it." she groaned, your head now falling to her shoulder as the two of you fell into a comfortable silence, the closeness of your bodies not lost on either of you.
after a while alexia was beginning to grow restless, long bored of the trashy reality show you seemed glued to, your body now leaning into her side.
shifting lightly, you tensed a little as you felt her arm move to settle across your shoulders, her thumb and pointer finger gently massaging a knot in the base of your neck.
"is this okay?" she asked softly and you nodded, terrified to look up at her as your heart hammered in your chest. eventually, nerves began to settle as you realised she had initiated the close contact, having moved her hand away from your neck and settling it in your hair, absentmindedly playing with the loose strands.
without looking at her you moved your left hand to rest on her bare thigh, thumb tracing small circles on the bare skin as alexia held her breath at the contact, the gentle but consistent touch driving her mad.
"is this okay?" you echoed her previous words, alexia humming as the two of you sat in a silence, a strange tension building around you both which only grew the longer it was left unaddressed.
a new episode started and alexia decided she could no longer deal with the now suffocating silence which had begun to tighten around her throat, leaving her struggling to even have a cohesive thought.
you felt the weight of her arm disappear and a small frown knitted its way to your eyebrows, though before you could remove your hand fearing you'd made her uncomfortable, fingers grabbed at your chin, tilting your head upwards.
no words were said as your eyes locked with the soft pools of hazel that shone down at you, a curiosity lit up within them that you'd not seen before. alexia's gaze dropped to your lips, thoughts cloudy as the pad of her thumb tenderly grazed the curvature of your jaw.
slowly your free hand moved upwards, settling on her cheek as her head tilted into your touch, your chest tightening as she turned and placed a gentle kiss to your palm.
a few more beats of silence passed, the taller girl struggling to get out the words which jammed in her throat, so desperate to escape but stifled by her fear that she was misreading this whole situation.
"alexia." you'd whispered her name so quietly, as if it were made of glass and the moment it dropped from your lips it could smash into a thousand pieces.
"can i kiss you?" those next four words fell from her mouth and for a moment your world shattered, struggling to ground yourself into reality, too sure this had to be some sort of fever dream.
not trusting your voice you only nodded, using the hand which rested on her cheek to guide her mouth down towards yours, alexias own hand nudging your chin up as she stopped, lips ghosting yours.
it was like a game of cat and mouse, both awaiting to see who would crack first, who was going to make that closing move and put the final nail in the coffin of what was once a seemingly healthy friendship.
unable to wait any longer, driven positively mad by the way her breath fanned your face and you drowned in her familiar and ever alluring scent which invaded all your senses, you closed the gap.
your mouths slotted together perfectly, your head tilting a little more to the right as her rosy pink pillow soft lips pressed oh so heavenly against yours.
her hand moved from your chin to gently grab the back of your neck, flushing your bodies closer as her tongue swiped your bottom lip, your mouth opening just enough for it to dart inside.
your other hand flew to cup her face, deepening the kiss further as your tongues battled for dominance, though lost in a pleasure drunk haze you allowed her to take control, not before nipping at her bottom lip causing her to inhale sharply in surprise.
a few more moments of bliss passed before oxygen became an issue and your hand moved to interlock with hers, moving it to your shoulder as you pulled away, chest heaving and mind reeling.
"I-" you started, words unable to form as your head spun and your lips tingled like you'd just eaten something sour. "we should-" alexia also struggled to get the words out, her head foggy from the addictively intoxicating feeling of kissing you.
"wait." your body ran cold as you leaned back in to kiss her once more, her hands on your shoulders holding you still as your eyes widened. "no no no, por favor." she reassured as you tried to move away and she held you firmly in place, assuming you'd made a mistake.
"i want to do this amor, but properly." the older girl started softly, a slight blush coming to her cheeks at the unfamiliar request, your eyes widened in surprisingly as her thumb gently traced your swollen bottom lip.
"could i please take you on a date?"
part five
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Keep hearing people say maribug keep asking adricat if he's ok and he keep saying he's ok instead of telling her his problem but I don't remember it happened more than once in s4 in Rockettear but even then the circumstances of that episode did warrant the "nothing" answer he gave her unless he want to tell her that "nino tell me you let nino and alya know each other identity" which will reveal adricat identity. So when else did she ask? about the thing in hack-san, I think another credit goes to alya since she's the one who bring the topic to maribug who seems to be blissfully unaware that her leaving without telling adeicat that she send subtitute would be a problem.
I didn't get into this side of things in my other post because it was long and I wanted to focus on why Chat Noir's behavior was so frustrating, but this ask brings up the other big reason why the season four conflict was such a frustrating and terribly written plot line. Specifically, the part of your ask where you point out that Maribug seems blissfully unaware that her actions are having a negative impact on Chat Noir until someone points it out to her.
Yes, she is presented as blissfully unaware of this and every other interpersonal conflict we're given in season four. Your ask treats this as a failing on Maribug's part as if she should have obviously realized that she was in the wrong, but that's the whole problem. Telling kids - telling anyone really - that they should just magically know what others need is a frankly terrible life lesson as that's just not how the world works. You cannot just assume that everyone will have the same view of the world as you do and instantly pick up on the same issues as you do. That is the path to easily avoidable frustration and conflict. It also teaches people to assume that their view of the world is inherently correct when that is rarely the case. We often don't know the whole story and the other person's point of view may end up being equally or even more valid. This issue is extremely present in season four as Marinette has legitimate reasons to behave the way she does, which I'll get into in a bit.
If Marinette were written as feeling guilty about how she was treating Chat Noir, then this would be a different story. She'd be way more in the wrong and would shoulder a much greater portion of the blame. But as is? She has no idea that she's doing anything wrong. And until someone takes the time to tell her that her actions are causing harm, she is going to continue causing harm because she has no idea that she's causing harm.
In fact, I'd argue that the Alya thing in Hack San is a point in Maribug's favor. Throughout the episode, we see Marinette sending Alya messages on ways to be a good partner to Chat Noir, proving that she does in fact care about him. And then, as soon as Alya says, "You need to talk to Chat Noir," what does Maribug do?
She goes and talks to Chat Noir, giving him a pretty good apology for the problem she now knows she caused. Because, shockingly, Maribug doesn't actually want to hurt her partner. She also clearly cares about his feelings, making me want to take the season four conflict and tear it into itty bitty pieces because what is the conflict even supposed to be when you write shit like this?
I want to briefly step away from Miraculous and talk about this issue in a broader context via this YouTube short:
This short is from a Vietnamese woman who moved to Germany. Her YouTube channel is about her experiences there, including things like the short above which goes into the differences between what it means to be a dinner guest in Vietnam and what it means to be a dinner guest in Germany. In Vietnam, it's apparently standard for the guests to cook dinner with you where as, in Germany, you're expected to have the meal ready when the guests arrive, making this a situation where it's super easy to come across as rude just by doing what you think is normal.
Society is relatively aware that these types of culture clashes are a thing, but you don't have to be from different cultures to have these types of situations. Every person has their own unique needs and ideas of what "normal" is. The culture they were raised in will affect this, but so will their family, their personal needs, and many other factors. Two people can be raised on the same street and wind up with wildly different world views even though they supposedly share a culture. This is extra true when you add in compounding factors like neurodiversity, which is why it's an exercise in futility to say, "But Maribug should have realized..."
Well, she clearly didn't. And you can't change that she didn't realize whatever you're mad about. All you can do is have someone tell her what she's doing wrong. If she then continues the behavior, go ahead and judge away. But if she immediately corrects it like she did in Hack San? Doesn't that just prove that she truly didn't know that Chat Noir was hurting and would have probably fixed all of his problems if someone just pointed them out to her?
This is only exacerbated by the fact that Marinette's behavior in season four is largely unchanged from her behavior in previous seasons. The only major change is that she revealed her identity to Alya, but as soon as that's pointed out as a problem, she course corrects with an apology. After that, she thinks that everything is okay because why wouldn't she? Chat Noir said it was fine and everything else has been business as usual.
Bringing temp heroes into help as needed? That's been going on since season two. Having these additional members has been vital in multiple battles and there have been plenty of times where Chat Noir took a background role to the temp hero of the day like in Sapotis, Rena Rouge's season two debut. So why would Maribug suddenly think that this dynamic is a problem when it's been working fine for so long? We even had a whole episode about how Chat Noir was still needed in spite of the new heroes back in season three! Or, at least, I think that was Desperada's message? This show is shockingly bad at giving clear lessons.
Keeping guardian knowledge from Chat Noir? That's also been going on since season two and was even treated as a conflict that supposedly got resolved in the episode Syren which was the episode that ended with Master Fu coming to the mansion to talk to Adrien after everything was over.
When I watched that episode, I assumed this meant that Chat Noir was going to be more involved in things like picking the temp heroes. I actually thought this was how we were going to get Queen Bee because I knew she was going to be a thing, but it made no sense for Marinette to pick Chloe for a miraculous. Of course, I was wrong. Nothing changed after Syren. Chat Noir remained nothing more than the comic relief while Ladybug got all the insider info.
To be clear, I think that was a terrible move writing wise, but it doesn't change the fact that this is what they went with. This is the established dynamic. I can't even say that Alya learning Marinette's secret led to something new. She's just taken Marinette's old role while Marinette has taken on Master Fu's old role. This show loves it's status quo and Chat Noir has been at least tolerant of that status quo since Syren, so it's not surprising that Maribug doesn't register that this is a thing that should change and no one bothers to point it out to her even though she has a mentor in Tikki (and Su Han, I guess?) and a confidant in Alya and a whole slew of Kwamis who could also provide insight if they were allowed to do that sort of thing. (Sass and Wayzz were robbed of mentor roles.) Additional blame goes to Plagg because he should absolutely have told Adrien to talk to Ladybug. What is the point of giving these characters mentors who never mentor? It's aggravating in the extreme.
To circle back to the first part of your ask, outside of Hack San and Rocketear, I don't think there are any times when Ladybug invites feedback from Chat Noir unless you want to give credit to the end of Kuro Neko:
Cat Noir: (lands next to her) I've been a really temperamental kitty, m'lady. I didn't realize how much trouble I'd make for you by giving back my Miraculous. Ladybug: (sits closer to him) Just because I don't need you all the time doesn't mean that I don't need you at all, Cat Noir. No one could ever replace you.
Which isn't Maribug inviting him to tell her what's up, but she is clearly willing to listen to him and reassure him, further backing up my point about this conflict being some of the worst writing I've ever had to suffer through. If Maribug always fixes the issue as soon as she learns about it, you are not writing a situation where she's clearly in the wrong. You are writing an easily solved communication issue where she gets blamed for something she clearly doesn't realize she's doing wrong and it is so frustrating!!! I feel so bad for her. The next episode is Penalteam, btw, which starts the battle with this gem:
Ladybug: (laughs) Nice scare tactics, but it's not gonna work. Cat Noir and I are the best at soccer! Cat Noir: (Whispers to Ladybug) I don't know a thing about soccer M'lady. Maybe it's time to call the real team?
And basically just spends the whole episode making Chat Noir seems like a worthless partner while Maribug tries her best to make him - and everyone else - feel special.
Oh, and the episode before Kuro Neko? Well, it's technically Ephemeral, but that got magically overwritten so let's go one further back and we get to Dearest Family, which ends with this:
Cat Noir: (grabs a golden paper crown on the coffee table) Since I'm the king, (wears the crown on his head) would you be my queen, Ladybug? Ladybug: With pleasure, kitty cat! Tradition is tradition!
Oh yes, these two are in such conflict and Maribug does nothing to validate Chat Noir. He's in pain every episode and she's just totally oblivious to it.
If that was what they wrote, then I'd probably agree that we needed more instances of her asking if Chat Noir was okay. But it's not what they wrote. If you look through the list of season four episodes, you'll find that less than half of them deal with the supposed conflict of the season (by my count, only 8 of the 24 episodes before the final actually showcase the conflict and they are not in a logical order in terms of escalation as I tried to demonstrate above). The rest of the episodes flat out ignore it or even straight up work against the conflict like when Ladybug says this to Chat Noir in Guilttrip: "I probably don't tell you this enough, but I couldn't do this without you. And it'd be a lot less fun too."
Seriously, what even is this season? What is the conflict supposed to be? Because it sure as shit isn't Maribug undervaluing Chat Noir, if memory servers, season four sees her validate him more times than any other season. And it isn't her guiltily hiding things from him like so many fanfics claim because we have multiple points of evidence that prove that she's completely oblivious that there even is a conflict. So what conflict are the writers actually trying to write?
What's even more baffling is that none of this logically leads to the loss at the end of the season:
Maribug's new secrets didn't lead to her downfall. The only reason she lost was because of the secret that's always been there - a fact that's never revealed to her - and a freaking evil twin! So why did it matter that Maribug was keeping secrets? This is made even worse by season five maintaining all of the secrets, once again begging the question of what lesson were we trying to teach here???
Chat Noir wasn't needed for the final fight of the season, Maribug only needed the powers of a few of the temp heroes to win, a baffling ending to a season whose focus was Chat Noir feeling unimportant. You could scrap that conflict entirely and the ending would not change. In fact....
Adrien quitting to be nothing more than a good little boy who obeys his father would have actually saved the world from eventually being rewritten. If you think about it, the season four final actually punishes Adrien for being defiant. So does season five as, if Chat Noir had quit, his father would still be alive. I thought this show was supposed to be a romcom, not a tragedy. Why is Adrien being punished for being a hero? Is this supposed to be karma for lying to Ladybug with the whole Catwalker thing?
This shit is why I say I'm a writing salt, character sugar blog. I can't get mad at the characters when they're in such a nonsense story where things never logically tie together. They all deserve so much better.
None of this is meant to imply that ignorance is a blanket excuse for hurting others. Nor is it meant to imply that you have to forgive someone who hurt you just because they didn't mean to. There's a ton of nuance around these topics. But season four acknowledges none of that nuance while creating a situation that desperately needed nuance because there was no clear right and wrong here. Should Maribug work to be more aware of others feelings? Sure, but that journey can only start after she's made aware of her faults and no one ever points them out to her. Does Chat Noir need to work on clearly communicating his needs? Desperately, but no one is teaching him that lesson so he remains a terrible communicator who suffers in silence. What impressively bad writing.
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k3n-dyll · 5 months
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||Men, minors, and ageless DNI
CW: Dom!Sevika, sub!reader, Sevika is mean, degradation, free use kinda,squirting, cunnilingus (r! receiving), face fucking (S!receiving), fingering, AFAB reader, pussy slaps, aftercare, she loves you but won't say it
A/N: I just had some thoughts I needed to get out, this was meant to just be a few headcanons but it got a little long
Word count: 1,494 Divider creds. Masterlist
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kingpin!Sevika who's taken Silco's place after his untimely death. In need of a right hand of her own, she chose you
kingpin!Sevika who- though, of course, chose you because you're capable, loyal, and trustworthy -just as she had been to Silco- also has a few...personal reasons as to why she made this decision.
You're a tough girl and she is well aware of that. She acknowledges it quite often, always telling you how well you do with the missions she leaves you in charge of. From someone like Sevika, that praise is a lot, and though frequent, it comes in small packaging. Short, sweet remarks that may seem like nothing to anyone else
"Y'did good." "Keep it up."
Or even just a head nod or pat on the back or shoulder to show that she approves of what you've done. It's the ultimate sign that she respects you.
kingpin!Sevika who would keep you by her side 24/7, 365 if she was able to. When you aren't out doing an assignment, a good amount of your workdays are spent in her office, either standing beside her as she sits lazily in the large chair behind her desk, as she uses you as a second pair of ears and eyes while she meets with the other chembarons - or, simply discussing future plans.
kingpin!Sevika whose sharp, silver eyes track your every movement at the end of the day when you're finally alone with her. Watching you fidget with the little nicknacks on her desk as you report back the events of the day, not making full eye contact with her because you know what's coming. There aren't many other reasons she'd have locked her office door completely after letting you in, it isn't like anyone had the gall to barge in unannounced.
"Strip" she'd mutter, fully interrupting whatever you were telling her because, at this point, she's more annoyed at the fact that you're still dressed than she is at some of the cargo being compromised due to the negligence of her blockhead henchmen - she'll take care of that later.
kingpin!Sevika who isn't one for talking about it once you do as you're told because of course you do, shedding yourself of the fabric that shields your body from her intense gaze, giving her a bit of a show because she'd scold you if you rushed.
kingpin!Sevika who can't seem to go a full five seconds without marking you once you're propped up on her leg, naked except for your underwear. She especially loves leaving marks on your tits, biting and sucking on the fat around your nipple, leaving as many pretty little bruises on your skin as she pleases with no real regard for how intense the feeling may be for you
As much as she likes making you feel good, this is about what she wants. She's had a stressful, rage-inducing day and this is the part of your job that she loves just as much as you do. The part where she gets to take out all her frustrations on your body. She's always rough with you, never giving you a second to catch your breath, and though one would think you'd be used to this treatment by now, it takes you by surprise every time. Her strong hands feel like they're everywhere at once, grabbing at your ass, your waist, your thighs, your tits - anywhere she can hold you to keep you close.
kingpin!Sevika who gets impatient with her own teasing rather quickly, a breathy, "fuck this" escaping her thick lips, because she needs to see and touch all of you. Using her mechanical arm to swat at the contents of her desk, allowing the paperwork, the merchandise, and whatever else is up there at the moment to crash to the floor below because it doesn't matter right now. None of it is you. She forces you up onto the surface of her desk, wasting no time in getting your panties off of you, kissing down the length of your body as she lightly presses a finger to your pussy, starting at your leaking hole - a low chuckle leaving her as she feels you begin to clench around nothing- then trailing up your pretty folds until she makes contact with your already swollen clit. The way you squirm and twitch underneath her is enough for her to let out a groan, not giving you much warning before two of her thick fingers plunge inside of you.
"Shut it" she murmurs against your skin when you whine at the sudden fullness, and you're so good to her that you actually try - and fail - to keep quiet. Sevika doesn't actually expect you to succeed, but she loves watching you struggle to obey, sliding her fingers in and out of your drooling cunt at a faster pace the harder you try. "Such a fucking slut, look at that..." she pulls her slick-coated fingers out of you, the emptiness making you whimper. Ever the sadist, she hears this and just like that her mechanical hand squeezes onto your thigh, keeping you in place as her real one lifts up slightly, the palm of her hand coming back into contact with your pussy with a smack. "I said keep that fucking trap shut." In the end, though, it doesn't really matter what you do - biting your lip, clenching your teeth, hell, trying to cover your mouth with your hand - it doesn't work.
kingpin!Sevika who would overstimulate you until you were a mumbling, babbling, drooling little mess, ignoring the aching in between her own thighs and fucking into you with her fingers, rubbing the pad of her thumb over your clit with each hard thrust. After you've sufficiently begged her enough through your ragged breathing and incoherent words, she'll even let you have her mouth, flattening the pink muscle and dragging it up your slit before latching her soft lips to your sensitive bud, sucking on it. Your body jerks forward at the feeling, your hands knotting into her short black locks as your thighs press to the sides of her head. Despite how sensitive she's made you, you can't stop yourself from grinding yourself into her mouth, desperate for yet another release.
kingpin!Sevika who will force you by your pretty hair down off of the desk and onto your knees in front of her, peeling her own jeans and underwear off of her body, unable to take waiting anymore. She's not giving you much of a chance to recover from all the overstimulation, nor is she even going to let you go at your own pace. No. If there's one thing this woman loves doing its gathering all your hair up into her hand and pushing your face into her dripping cunt, rutting herself onto your tongue as you keep it out and flattened for her as instructed.
"You like when I fuck that slutty face of yours, yeah?" she'd cut you off before you got the chance to even try to answer, not that she'd even understand whatever muffled words youd attempt anyways. "Yeah you do, pretty girl - fuck - take it, baby, just like that..."
kingpin!Sevika who's a squirter for sure. You aren't coming back up from your knees without being fucking drenched in her juices and she loves every second of it. An even more cruel part of her wants to push your head to the ground and force you to lick up whatever you missed off of the floor, but she settles for making you clean it up off of her inner thighs, pulling you up for a hot, hard kiss when you're done.
kingpin!Sevika who literally will not let you leave her office until you're all cleaned up and taken care of. In stark contrast to how rough she was with you a moment ago, she'd treat you like a fragile little thing once it's all said and done. You aren't allowed to clean yourself off, no. that's her job. She's not letting you put your own clothes on, not without any help at least. And as much as she may threaten to "make sure you can't walk out of this office properly" she will hold you in her lap until you've somewhat regained your balance.
"You okay?" is likely the most you'd get out of her in terms of sweet words, verbal affection isn't really her forte, but her actions always show that she cares more than she lets on.
It's like this every time, Sevika gently rubbing your aching muscles and pressing gentle kisses into your skin as you come down from the intensity of it all, but she won't talk. Sometimes she even gets back to work while you recover, but she never asks you to leave. She doesn't want you to leave and both of you know that, but you've both decided that it's better left unsaid.
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writerswall26 · 4 months
First Time In Years
Synopsis: Y/N is an action star who's dubbed as Tom Cruise Jr. she was in a relationship with Jenna for a while before the two of them broke up due to Jenna's uprising status in the industry. The two of them happened to bump into each other at an award show and time stopped when they saw each other again.
Warning: Bad writing, Feels.
Words: 1.1k
A/N: I was feeling a bit bored then this popped in my head so I thought I'd share it to you guys. Happy Reading!
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You've been away from the entertainment lime light for a couple of years because of an accident that happened in a production you were doing a few years ago.
During those times you were down and under, one person stuck by your side and supported you, from recovery, to therapy, to getting back in shape. You'd never ever forget that person, she was the one for you, you believed that. But fate had something instilled for the both of you. She was an uprising superstar, you did not want to hold her back. So you did what you thought was best at the time, you broke up with her.
A few years back, you were not so sure you're gonna be back into doing action films due to an accident you had on a set that left you bed bound for at least 3 months. You thought your time in doing actions was done by that point. But here you are, leading a sequel from one of the best action films of all time, Top Gun: Maverick. Your Godfather pushed you to be in this movie, quoting "you're gonna be my successor, I want you in this movie". So yeah, what Tom Cruise asks, he shall get. And today, you're back in an award show with your castmates.
Today, you're gonna have to face that person again. You're not entirely sure what would happen, or if anything would happen at all. You haven't seen her since you two broke up, but you did follow her activities. Watch her series, movies, anything that would update you of what she's been up to. And you couldn't be more proud of what success she'd had. She was becoming a household name and she's still getting bigger and bigger as the time goes by.
So, when you saw her being interviewed wearing a wonderful dress, you could not help but stare, you're shameless about that, but can you blame yourself? She was looking beautiful. She looked more mature now, her long hair cut shorter, she looked more of a woman now, it's crazy what time did to her. She looked more beautiful, she's always been beautiful in your eyes.
"Stop staring and start approaching, kid." She heard Miles whisper in her ears.
Y/N turned to her castmate and gave out a chuckle. "I don't think that's a wise idea."
Miles looked confused. "Why is that?"
Y/N shrugged. "Let's just say we want to leave it where it was left." She said before she walked on. Miles was still confused as he followed her inside with their team.
"So, who's that girl you were looking at lovingly outside?" Glen asked as soon as they got to their table.
Y/N groaned, not wanting this topic to be the talk of the entire night.
"She's just... some I used to know, okay?" She told them, pleading for them to stop asking questions.
The older men and women got the signal as soon as they heard her frustrated voice, and thankfully, they did not continue to ask.
The entire show, Y/N would steal glances to look at the girl she's watching outside. She couldn't help it. It's been so long. Of all the places, she never thought she'd be seeing her here, with a guy she knows has been linked to the girl.
"I'm gonna go to the toilet real quick." Y/N told her mates and went without waiting for a reply.
She did her business and was about to leave when she stopped on her track as she was face to face with the girl she's been eyeing the entire time. She looked as shocked as Y/N, her eyes widened.
Should've tried to hold it in. Y/N thought.
The two of them stood there, in the middle of the comfort room, staring at each other with wide eyes. No one made an attempt to move, or even to speak. It's like they're stuck in a dimension where they're just there, standing and staring at each other.
Y/N was the first to move, to get back to her senses. She gave out a small chuckle, thinking how dumb they probably look inside the toilet room, just staring at each other.
She cleared her throat, getting the attention of the girl in front of her. "Well, you look extremely lovely." Y/N said genuinely, smiling.
The girl in front of her giggles as well, her dimples showing. Y/N always loved those cute dimples, and she most definitely loved the sound of those cute giggles.
"It's so weird that the first time I see you after so long, we're in a comfort room." Jenna said, giving out a giggle again, lowering her head, shaking it lightly.
Y/N laughed with Jenna as well. The two of them looked like madmen inside the comfort room.
"How have you been?" Y/N asked when they finally calmed down.
Jenna's smile never left her face. "Good. I've been good. You?"
Y/N nodded. "I'm getting by. Trying to get back on my feet."
Jenna nodded, then she looked at Y/N from head to toe. She never thought she would see the taller girl again. Ever since they broke up, Y/N seemingly went under the radar, like she was hiding, not wanting anyone to find her. But here she was, standing tall and healthy.
"I saw the film. I thought you weren't gonna get back to it. Was afraid I'd heard on the news that you broke something again." Jenna admitted, making Y/N's heart jump at the thought that Jenna was still worried about her after all these times.
"I wasn't expecting to get back in action as well. Just tried to bring back the old me, but did not expect to get back."
Jenna nodded. "What made you take the film?"
Y/N grinned. "Tom Cruise."
Jenna giggled again. "Ah, of course. Can never say no to the godfather." She said, causing the both of them to share a small laugh.
"You realize we're really catching up inside a freakin' comfort room, right?" Y/N said, giving Jenna one of those weird looks she loves to give.
"Yeah, I know it's weird, and disgusting."
Y/N just shook her head. She stared at Jenna for a moment, taking all of her in. She's still as beautiful as before, maybe even more. But one thing's for sure, she's still the Jenna she knows, nothing has changed.
"Congratulations on everything you've achieved. I'm extremely proud." Y/N turned serious, but the smile on her face never left.
"Congratulations on getting back to the screen, I'm extremely proud." Jenna replied.
The two of them stared at one another, before Y/N broke their eye contact.
"I'll see you around, Jenna." She finally spoke.
"See you around, Y/N."
And they both left it at that. Their hearts are full knowing the sacrifice both of them made blossomed into something bigger than they both expected. That would stay in both their hearts forever.
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personasintro · 8 months
Mutual Help | #52
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language, mature content
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 15.1k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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"Ah, I don't know!"
Frustratedly sighing and rubbing your forehead, you give your friend a pleading look as if you weren't whining and sighing for the past ten minutes which eventually brought him to this door. Leaning against the door frame with arms crossed over his big chest, he shoots you an amused grin your way.
"Just pack whatever. I don't see how this is a big deal."
"It's not a big deal," you correct him. "Stop making it look as if I'm overdramatic." you scold him and it's this time that you hear a sigh coming from Jungkook, though his one is more subtle.
Still, you hear it and you narrow your eyes at him.
"Do you even know where we are going? I can't just pack comfortable clothes and then your mom is like 'Boom, we're going to the restaurant' or something. I can't come to Busan, to your parents house in a bag full of sweats and leggings."
"Why not?" Jungkook shoots amusingly, cackling when he sees your annoyed expression.
You hate when you're serious and he's just there making fun of you.
It's Thursday and you're supposed to go to Busan, visit Jungkook's parents as planned. To not sleep there for one night only, Jungkook wants to go on Friday (not that he has much choice considering his mother told him to come Friday before she hung up, not giving him any chance to protest). You don't think he would protest though. After the scolding he got for hanging up on her, she got back right at him and you're not going to lie – you had the time of your life when Jungkook told you about it after you came back from work.
Jungkook himself confessed that if he is going to his hometown, he wants to stay there the whole weekend, including the Friday – or as much as it's left of it since he's working on that day too. Either way, it wouldn't pay off to stay there for one night only.
"Stop it," you whine, "I don't want to overpack."
"Just bring something comfortable and then something nice, in case we go out. I don't know what my mom's got planned, it's hard to tell with her. Maybe we will be staying home or going to one restaurant but I don't think it's gonna be anything fancy." Jungkook finally offers you a good response, walking closer to you as he rubs your tensed shoulders.
It's not like you're frustrated by the simple packing. You're tired, luckily fresh out of shower and today hasn't been a good day. On top of it all you have to pack it now since right after you clock out of work, Jungkook is going to pick you up so you both can go to Busan. It sounds complicated, and though it isn't, you proposed not going to Busan with him.
You'd love to. You love Jungkook's family and well, his mom sort of invited you and it would be rude not to turn up after the call you had with her. Though you know she'd be understanding, you still don't want to risk it. You're sort of people's pleaser – just when it comes to some people and it's mostly people close to you or someone you care about at some point. Plus, it's not like you have anything important to do over the weekend and it sounds fun to get out of Seoul.
In the end, Jungkook refused your proposition and wouldn't want to hear about it.
"You're tense," Jungkook comments behind you, rubbing the place between your neck and shoulders as you sigh in delight. "What's wrong?"
"Just a long day," you explain easily. "Don't worry."
"Good," he chuckles softly, "Then finally pack something for god's sake."
You elbow him into his stomach, his laugh resounding behind you as you quickly fold the clothes that have been spread on your bed, putting it into the travel bag which Jungkook will take with him once he's about to come get you from work. He's going to be home earlier, so he'll get your stuff and make sure the apartment is all good.
"You're so fucking annoying," you mutter, trying to sound as annoyed as possible. "I don't know why I am voluntarily about to spend a whole weekend with you. I could've just stayed here and enjoyed the peace."
"Oh, come on," Jungkook snorts, "You'd miss me the moment I'd step out of this place."
This time it's your turn to snort as you toss the travel back into the corner. Turning around to face him, you cross your arms over your chest and lift your brow at him. "Get over yourself."
"Come on now, don't be like this." he says with a grin, slowly getting closer to you while you try to keep your posture and not let him see you falling apart.
But the moment the tip of his toes almost brush against your own and you're met with the clearest sight of his brown dark eyes, your posture breaks a little and your arms slide along your sides. Jungkook's lip twitches as he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, the intimate touch causing your breath to hitch as he watches your entire face.
He is the epitome of how dangerous some men can be. You've been around men for a few years now. With having good-looking friends, let's say it's been a challenge. With knowing them and not crossing any boundaries, you can look back and see things differently now. However, that cannot be exactly said about Jungkook. He is special, between three of your friends, you've grown the closest to him. And sometimes you wonder how the hell you got into this mess. A mess you so shamelessly want to be in, if it makes you enjoy your time together. Whether as best friends only or as fuck-buddies who love to fuck each other's brains out.
Will you be able to go back to how things were? 
He is still your best friend and whenever you don't have sex, it's like nothing has changed. He is still the same Jungkook and you're still the same Y/N. Maybe that's the only thing that calms down your nerves whenever you spend your time overthinking or looking back at your friendship.
And now that he is standing right in front of you, all of it is brushed off easily.
"Horny again?" You press your lips together when you see his eyes snapping to yours.
"What do you mean again? We haven't had sex for a long time." he frowns, causing your lips to twitch and you do an awful job to hide the amused grin.
"Over a week isn't a long time." you point out, trying to sound unphased as if you haven't been thinking about his dick during the day.
"According to who? You?" he chuckles, cupping your face as he brushes his nose against yours.
You hate how weak you're already feeling, your heart in your throat, beating loudly.
"According to studies of Harvard–"
Jungkook snorts, lips curling into a satisfied smirk. "You're full of shits,"
He's so close and you wish you could hate yourself for how fast you hypnotize his lips with your lingering gaze. Once he notices his smirk deepens even more, innocently cocking his head to the side in a false act.
"But very well then. I will let you pack." he shrugs, stepping away from you as you stare at him with an indescribable look.
Jungkook presses his lips together to stop himself from laughing at your face, bringing two fingers to his temple as he salutes you. He walks away freely while you stand there with an open mouth and disappointment burning in your chest.
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The only chances you had to visit Busan have been with Jungkook. Not that there's anything to mind about that because the road is familiar and your brain automatically connects the scenery with him. Even the familiar buildings you've seen from the window of his car, or the stores you never visited in person – all of it reminds you of the times he brought you here.
Now, there haven't been many times you've visited this beautiful city with its own spark and uniqueness. This is your second time to spend the night here – all those times before were where you visited and came back home the same day.
Straight out of the work, you're embarrassed that you preferred to rest your eyes and listen to the muffled music of Jungkook's playlist, rather than admiring the scenery the entire ride. The Jeon family house looks just the same, bringing you back the memories you created here the last time you visited. It hasn't been that long ago but a wave of nostalgia hits you.
And the warmth of Mrs. Jeon's big smile as she opens the front door and spots her son makes you oddly emotional. The petite woman rushes towards her youngest son and crushes him in a big hug. The sight is both touching and funny, considering their size difference as Jungkook looks totally scrunched up in the hug, despite his mother being nowhere as tall.
When she pulls away and gives the loving and warm look to her son, she suddenly pokes him in the chest as she starts her set of scolding which makes you snicker while you take out your bag from the truck.
"Y/N, dear!" Mrs. Jeon turns her attention to you, giving you a warm and definitely less crushing hug, but it feels nothing but nice and welcoming. "Look at you! Beautiful as always."
"Mrs. Jeon," you greet her, feeling your cheeks getting hot at her straight-forward (and very kind) compliment. "You're the one who's beautiful here."
"Oh come on, I might be getting old but I'm not stupid." she comments with an attitude, waving you off as she sends you a grin you've seen somewhere before.
The 'somewhere' is the person who wraps his arm around Mrs. Jeon's shoulders, pulling her closer to his side as he gives a soft kiss into her black hair. "You're beautiful, mom."
"My son," she almost cries out as she hugs him again and you feel your heart clench, fighting back the tears. You don't even know why you're suddenly so emotional. "Don't think I'm gonna get easy on you though. Do you hang up on your mother? The woman who carried you for nine months? Yah!"
She's back to scolding him, Jungkook scrunching his nose in shame as he gives her an exhausted sigh. "Mom, we went over this. I love you and I'm here. Can you please let us come inside so the whole neighborhood doesn't witness you scolding an adult man?"
Snickering, you and Jungkook share an amused look as he takes your travel back from you, holding yours and his as well while you close the truck.
"Who cares about the neighbors," she mutters but still looks around to see if there are any prying eyes and ears which are common in a neighborhood full of houses. "You might be an adult but you're still my son."
"Yeah, yeah," he mutters, "Can we go? We're tired from the drive."
She shoots Jungkook a look before she looks at you and suddenly her face completely relaxes. She gives you the same warm smile, leading you inside the house where Mr. Jeon waits in the living room. The hug between a dad and a son is a great thing to witness once again and as soon as Jungkook's dad makes sure he greets you just as warmly, a sense of happiness and security washes over you. You would say it's the house you're in that makes you feel this way, but it's the people in it who do.
After the nice welcome and catching up while eating the delicious dinner Mrs. Jeon has prepared, the exhaustion from the whole day and the drive here catches up to you. You do your best not to start yawning and you slip a few times, sheepishly trying to hide the natural reaction of your body with your palm. But there's not a single thing Jungkook misses and he easily tells openly you're tired, ignoring the stare you give him. You feel bad.
Jungkook's parents have been so excited to see him, and they've been so kind that they always tried to include you in their conversation. Not even for a second you felt like an outcast while they caught up with their son. They asked Jungkook something and then averted their attention toward you, which is very kind of them.
"Oh, of course! You both were working today," Mrs. Jeon says as she cleans up the plates, Mr. Jeon helps her right away and you mentally coo at how compatible they seem to look. "The room is all ready for you dear."
You stand up to help her, thanking her as she sweetly shoos you away and tells you her husband will help her.
"Jungkook, you should take some fresh sheets for yourself. I prepared them for you in our bedroom."
You look at Jungkook, noticing how sour his face turns and you clasp your hand over your mouth to hide the snort, immediately reminded of the last time you were here and you were discussing the bed situation.
"You said my room is all ready." Jungkook comments, even though he knows what's going to follow right after but he's shameless, not hiding his displeasure of having to sleep on the couch for the whole weekend.
"Yah!" Mrs. Jeon tosses the kitchen towel, glaring at her son from across the room.
Jungkook's little teasing grin is not hard to miss at all, not even for his own mother who's ready to scold him all over again. A major deja vú.
"I was talking to Y/N. The room is ready for her, not for you. I hope you don't expect her to sleep on the couch."
"Mom, we had this conversation the last time," Jungkook whines like a little kid while Mr. Jeon presses a soft kiss to his wife's temple before he scurries away as soon as possible.
You watch the sight amusingly, silently admiring Jungkook's courage and non-existent shame – not even when it comes to his mother.
"Me and Y/N can share the bed."
"Yah, Jeon Jungkook!" She grabs the kitchen towel and is ready to smack the hell out of Jungkook while he starts laughing. "That is completely inappropriate and you know it!"
"Mom, it's just a bed. Have you never shared a bed with your friend?" Jungkook tries again, hiding the amused smirk as she huffs and tries to adjust her black hair a little.
"What do you think of your mother, huh?!" she exclaims, this time ready to pinch his cheeks but thanks to their height difference, Jungkook dodges her hands easily and hugs her instead. "You guys are a different generation, but under my roof–"
"Alright, alright," Jungkook laughs, pecking the top of her head. "I can respect that."
"How can you even suggest that? What about poor Y/N? Do you think she wants to share a bed with a mountain man taking up most of the space?" she asks, still with a scolding tone into his chest as her voice comes out muffled.
Jungkook looks at you, cocking his brow at you just as his mother pulls away slightly and waits for your reaction.
"You're right, Mrs. Jeon. I'm gonna enjoy his bed all to myself." you tell proudly, teasingly grinning at Jungkook who narrows his eyes.
"Our couch is comfortable, Jungkook. I don't know why you are so difficult about this."
"I just want my old bed," Jungkook pouts as she scolds him with one look but he doesn't budge. "Sue me for wanting to sleep in there and relive my old life."
"Then you should come more often." Mrs. Jeon's response is quicker than any of you can blink, leaving Jungkook with an open mouth as he frowns unpleasantly.
"That's not fair..." he murmurs with an attitude.
"You're not five, Jungkook-ah." His mother reminds him as you snort, Jungkook sulking as he rolls his eyes.
"I don't know how you women can be cold sometimes."
"You men wouldn't be able to live without us in your lives."
Her response is sassy, showing you a new side of her as you gape with open mouth before you start laughing. Jungkook's lips twitch as his gaze stays on his mother as he shakes his head in amusement.
Well, she wasn't exactly wrong.
As soon as Jungkook glances at you, you cock your brow at him in a silent "She's right". He eyes you up and down with a cocky glint in his eyes, tonguing his cheek as he remains silent. It's better to excuse yourself to go take a shower, quickly avoiding his gaze. But you still hear the silent but deep chuckle rumbling out of his chest.
He leans against the counter, arms crossed over his chest as he stares at you as you retrieve yourself upstairs – his mother no longer engaging herself in the conversation as she starts casual conversation instead.
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Jungkook waits a good moment or a few after the house quiets down, killing his time by browsing through his social media and watching random youtube videos. He checks the time, it's almost midnight. Though everyone went to bed a little later than usual, he knows it's caused by his and yours late arrival. His parents obviously wanted to catch up in person, enjoy him while he stays in his hometown.
His mother misses the fuck out of him but still makes him sleep on the couch.
Unbelievable. He scoffs silently.
He understands why. He wouldn't let you sleep on the couch anyway. He just loves to tease his mom and she knows it. She still gives him a reaction every time which makes the whole thing even funnier.
Jungkook is completely fine with you staying in his room. He might joke around a lot on the outside, but he believes he is a gentleman in these kinds of things. There's no need to blame her for not approving for you and him to sleep in the same bed. He knows she says one thing but he's not sure if she would totally mind. She's aware of your close friendship and that you're comfortable with each other. Nobody sees inside her head but he guesses she thinks of your friendship as a sibling kind of relationship. What she isn't aware of is that Jungkook gets to fuck the shit out of you and you're way past the sibling relationship.
Well, it's not something for her to know anyway.
You've been in Jungkook's life long enough for them to know you. Whether it's personally or from Jungkook's mentioning you whenever he talked to them about the most casual stuff. Obviously, they were aware of you becoming his best friend from the beginning.
Jungkook isn't too subtle by opening the door from his old bedroom, walking into the darkness and space so casually that it could be comical if there were any lights turned on. You could be asleep for all he knows but that proves to be not true when your deadpanned voice resounds in the silence.
"You can't be serious."
Jungkook grins, a breathy and evil chuckle leaving his lips as he practically forces his way inside his bed as you start protesting. "You thought you'd have my bed to yourself?"
"I can't believe we have to deal with this again."
"We don't," he says simply, annoyingly cuddling to one of the pillows. "Just shut up."
"I'm gonna tell your mom and she's gonna whip your ass."
"Do it and I'm gonna whip yours." he says casually and your mouth hangs open, a loud gasp leaving it shortly after.
Disappointed how excited those words made you, you shift on your spot as you try to find the right position. It's not like Jungkook's old bed is too small but you feel like with two people, not mentioning Jungkook's actual body size, it's not big enough.
You're not going to lie. You were kind of expecting him to come. His look back in the kitchen told you everything you had to know. His presence is comforting as always, even in this small ass – not big enough – bed. And you hate how much you enjoy just sleeping next to him. You're the person to move a lot, or more like stretch around in your sleep, so naturally you like your space. But with Jungkook, you don't mind even though he often used to scold you for elbowing him in your sleep or almost pushing him off the bed.
Though, your stubborn self won't let him have the satisfaction of you being speechless. Even though you've been for a moment now.
"You sound confident. You think I'd let you do that?"
"You've let me do it every time." he says right away, sounding pleasant by his answer as you roll your eyes, ready to pinch him in the stomach as he chuckles and cages your wrist with his fingers wrapped around it.
"Stop being so cocky. There is a first time for everything."
He lowers his tone and you're about to question him, until he suddenly reaches and pinches gently your nipple. But the shock leaves you yelping though, slapping your hand against your mouth.
"What the fuck." you gasp.
"That's what you were about to do, huh?" he asks cockily, "Pinch me, right?"
"So?" you gulp, cupping your breasts with a frown which you're not sure Jungkook can see clearly, but the chuckle makes you think he probably knows about it.
And then he's hovering over you before you can blink, your mind going blank for a good moment when you realize the son of a bitch (no offense to Mrs. Jeon of course, it's just a phrase) is shirtless. You shamelessly want to rank your hands down his chest to his freaking abs because you know they are there. His weird interest in working out at any given chance is paying off for sure.
He doesn't look like a bodybuilder and his muscles aren't massive, he's perfect in all the right places as cliché as it might sound. He's fit and buff, just the thought of what he's usually hiding beneath the layers of his clothing makes you salivate. If you weren't nearly as attracted toward him, you're not sure if you would be able to go all this trouble for a couple of amazing rounds of sex. Amazing is not enough of a strong word.
Jungkook decides not to respond verbally and you have to clasp your mouth shut because he doesn't give you any choice. He latches his moisturized and soft lips on your neck and starts kissing you there, bringing new waves of pleasure and want. Only he can do that with a single touch. Just minutes ago, you were ready to fall asleep. Not anymore.
At the beginning of his never ending kissing and sucking, you think he's just teasing you because he has done a lot. You know he enjoys seeing you struggle and squirm. But you're also stubborn enough and you won't let him show how desperate you can get for him. Not always at least. You can be pretty needy and desperate – shameless. The man is satisfied to see you show your neediness toward him. Even though you're not a stan of women not showing her wants or making the first move, you secretly love when Jungkook takes the first move. You love to see him want you. You love to see him taking control.
But Jungkook doesn't stop.
His hand gets under your shirt, palming your skin there as you gasp into the darkness and silence. He plays with the hem of your panties, smiling in satisfaction at the realization that you're not wearing anything else besides them and the shirt.
"Look at you," Jungkook hums, nose brushing against your jaw as he gently bites you there.
You can't help it, you're already gripping his sides as you dig your nails into them.
"Wearing this at my parents house." he chuckles and hooks a finger behind your panties, just teasingly moving it right to left.
You don't bother to explain that you simply forgot, because you did bring pajama shorts and pants, in case it would be chilly at the house during the night. Who would believe you? Who forgets to put on proper pajama pants instead of panties? Either way, it would just cause more teasing from Jungkook and to be quite honest, you're already on the edge because Jungkook's parents are right down the hall.
Surely, he doesn't want his mom to find out he sneaked out into the room you're staying in. Or maybe not even that but the fact you're actually sleeping with her son and you're not just a casual and usual best friend. God, just thinking about his parents knowing makes you embarrassed. It's different when parents are involved. The Jeons think of you as this polite girl Jungkook is friends with. You are polite, but that's not even enough information about you.
"I might be wearing my panties but you're the one hovering over me." you remind him calmly, keeping your tone confident.
He brings his face closer to yours after your words. It would just take you slightly leaning in his direction to kiss him. And that thought is tempting.
"Don't act like you don't like it." he says confidently, not even thinking that there might be a small percentage of you not liking this. And he is right.
"That's not important," you gulp, "Just what you are about to do, Jungkook?" you ask straight away.
"Whatever you want me to do." he answers cheekily, putting some distance between you as he leans on his hands some more, not touching you this way but that changes.
He lowers down, the sudden chilly air hitting your exposed skin while he hikes up your shirt. He kisses your stomach. It's so soft that it suddenly makes you flinch and giggle, the tickling feeling causing you to scold him by muttering his name. He only chuckles silently, diving back in as he makes sure he puts more pressure with his lips.
You hate how your entire body accommodates to Jungkook's body, making sure both of you are comfortable in this position while he's between your stretched legs. You're so fucking weak when it comes to him, that much has been established a long time ago but still. You should be able to push him away and remind him there should be no funny business when you're at his parents house. But is it really that much of a big deal? The little devil on your shoulder asks.
"You really want to do this here? Out of all places?" you clarify silently, too close to whimpering when he pecks your skin just above your panties hem.
"Let me just make you feel good." he mumbles from between your thighs, your whole body heating up. It's becoming hard to keep your shirt on.
He clasps his hands around your knees and pushes them upward. Understanding what he wants, you bend your knees and in a second, he presses another kiss to your clothed core. This makes you audibly gasp, not expecting him to be so fast. You're aware of having to stay silent and there's still a part of you who wonders if this is the right time to have this kind of fun.
"Hm, what are you saying?" Jungkook mumbles, poking his tongue at your center as you whimper again, leaning yourself on your elbows as you glare at Jungkook. Not that he can see much but the sudden movement from you causes him to look up.
"You're gonna get us caught."
"Me?" he asks cluelessly, "You're the one making sounds." he adds cheekily and you almost fume, ready to argue.
"You're the one making me make them!" you exclaim in a hushed whisper-scream, causing him to laugh a little.
Chuckling, you feel him lifting his head while the warmth of his body makes your skin rise with goosebumps. You can't see his face clearly but you two would burst into laughter if you could see each other's faces. The want to laugh disappears in seconds when Jungkook sneakily finds his way between your thighs. The moment the pads of his fingers make contact with your clothed heat, you clear your throat shakily to mask the moans that want to rip out of your throat.
The single touch is enough to make you a mess. He traces your underwear with his fingers, the touch soft and teasing, before he starts rubbing you.
"Tell me to stop." he offers simply.
A silent scoff makes it out of your mouth as soon as he says it.
"Isn't it too late?" you ask, hinting at the wet mess between your thighs.
Jungkook chuckles though, pressing his fingers harder which makes you gasp. "It's never too late to stop."
This teasing shit... 
You swear, if he wasn't doing such a great job at delivering pleasure, you would smack the life out of him. You hate when people tease you in the most annoying way but Jungkook is on another level. The man knows you like no one else and he uses it to his advantage. Still, you find yourself salivating at your current position and his hand on your clothed heat.
"Did you bring condoms?"
You ignore the satisfied and deep chuckle that vibrates in his chest, pursing your lips in the darkness.
"Fuck, I didn't." Jungkook whines a little.
As disappointed as you are, you try to mask it by giving his naked back a few slow taps. "No sex then tonight, mister."
Jungkook rolls his eyes and cockily like always, pushes your panties to the side as he teases your entrance with his digit. You gasp, clasping your hands around his biceps.
"There are other ways, y'know."
"I know." you whisper, hating how weak you always get when something like this happens.
The pleasure shoots straight through you and you can no longer think, wanting to chase the pleasure instead. This always happens with him and it's a huge problem. Only because of how dangerous it is.
"Mhm, you do?" he hums, "Besides, we've got some new things to try as far as I can remember."
His tone is suggestive, a layer of implication which makes you almost choke on your unexpected spit because... is he talking about what you think he is?
As if Jungkook could tell the look of shock on your face, he chuckles deeply.
"Soon." Is all he says, enough to make you shiver.
"You–wait, you mean like–"
"Shhh, you're gonna get us caught." he hums teasingly, hinting at your previous words and you want to groan in frustration.
He's playing with you. He's lucky you have to be quiet or else you wouldn't get him off the hook so easily.
And then he goes back between your thighs, giving you a few teasing rubs with just two of his fingers. He manages to get out of you a silenced whimper that you couldn't swallow down.
"Behave." he says playfully, a little groan escaping your mouth before he retrieves his fingers.
You prop on your elbows as soon as he plops next to you, lying on his back while you stare confusingly. You're about to question his intentions, very much hoping this is not some sort of teasing or punishment, but you're stopped by the rustling sounds of him getting out of his boxers. He's lucky.
"Take off your shirt, wanna feel you."
Oh, no problem for you.
You pull the shirt over your head, your panties following right after as you sit back on your knees, staring at Jungkook with big curious eyes. You see the faintest glimpse of his naked form, kind of bummed out that you don't see him clearly. But your imagination does wonders, finding the scene in front of you hot. Both of you. Naked. In the darkness. It has its own spark, doesn't it?
"Come on, get on my lap." he spurs you, making himself comfortably between the sheets.
You stay frozen and confused, not really understanding what he is trying to do. But you trust him. He has to have some kind of plan.
You get on his lap, still balancing yourself on your knees as you allow yourself to feel up his abs and chest. He is warm and soft, something you've known but always feels nice to have his skin under your curious hands.
Jungkook pulls you in, catching you by your hips while his mouth clashes with yours. You hold yourself back from moaning, his tongue already touching your bottom lip before he shoves his tongue into your mouth in a heated kiss. It's consuming and hungry, yet sweet and you return every bit of it.
Jungkook's hard length pokes you in your belly button, wanting some attention and you would happily give it to it. You feel Jungkook taking his cock into his fist, giving himself a few pumps while his knuckles brush against your stomach. He's driving you crazy.
Bodies heating up, Jungkook orders you to sit on his thighs and you do. Is he making you ride his thighs?
And then he pulls you down onto him, your body moving forward while your bare cunt makes contact with his balls. You whimper into his mouth, your entire body shuddering at the contact.
"Sit down on it. Don't put it inside though." he encourages you, your eyes widening while you're trying to process his request.
You let out a shuddered breath, sitting upward as you carefully sit down onto his length. It keeps lying on his stomach, reaching his belly button while you carefully place your bare cunt at the base.
You both curse at the same time, your hands crashing Jungkook's shoulders while you literally tremble.
Your wetness starts spreading over Jungkook's length, the bareness causing both of you to breathe heavily as if you were in the midst of this act. However you're only at the beginning.
Jungkook's hands made contact with your ass cheeks, hands gripping your ass a little before he's pushing you up his length. You rub against him, whimpering as Jungkook quickly chases your mouth to swallow down any sounds coming from you. Following his hands while they guide for the right movement, you're trying too hard not to come already. Fuck. Who would've said this could feel so good?
You actually feel him bare, the difference is that you don't feel him inside of you but that thought doesn't even cross your mind. You can't grasp the fact that you feel him, really feel him. The hard and warm skin. Even the prominent vein. His thick length separates your folds, clit brushing over every part of his cock.
As the pace grows and gets more stable, you're sliding along his cock, your wetness making slick sounds that are hard to ignore. Although, you can't miss the sounds the bed starts to make under your moving bodies. It creaks a little, your hips halting.
"It's okay." Jungkook breathes out.
"Won't they wake up?"
"No, just keep this pace. We should be fine."
Who are you to disobey?
You continue, putting a little bit more pressure and fuck... this reminds you of that time when you and Jungkook were having sex and you accidentally brushing against his bare cock. But this time, you actually get to feel it and there is no apology behind it.
Biting your lips harshly, it seems like you're going to break the skin's thin barrier soon if you keep this up. But you can't help it. Chasing the pleasure and Jungkook's hard cock that spreads your folds seems like the only priority right now. You're a mess, whimpering and breathing heavily while you keep digging your nails into poor Jungkook's shoulders. He doesn't hiss, nor makes other sounds that could indicate he's in pain. He must be enjoying this just as much as you do.
"You like that?" Jungkook asks silently and raspily. "Hm? You like feeling my cock?"
You both know there's not much freedom and time when it comes to words, but he just couldn't help himself.
He feels you getting tired, skin burning up while the mess between your thighs leaks down his length and balls. He knows you're close and fuck, you really are because a few seconds later and your whole body shudders, finally letting go off the knot in your lower stomach as it snaps and allows you to feel the real and much intense pleasure. You both cum at the same time, the familiar knot doing the same to Jungkook as the ribbons of white paints his stomach and chest. He bites his lips to hold back a groan, throwing his head back while his hands loosen on your hips.
You both breathe heavily, your thighs and legs aching while you take a moment to calm down.
"Have you ever done this before?" you ask, voice breathy as you slowly lift yourself up. God, you both made such a mess.
Jungkook sits down, scrunching his nose at his cum all over his stomach and chest. "No."
"You haven't?" you ask surprisingly, whispering as you stand up and reach for the napkins on the nightstand.
"Why do you sound so surprised?" he chuckles, "I never had to find a way around raw sex before."
That makes sense...
"Did you like it?" you ask, handing him the napkins before he thanks you and starts cleaning himself while you do the same.
Jungkook snorts in response and you frown in confusion. "Would I cum if I didn't like it?"
"Touché." you mutter and he laughs silently.
He stands up, grabbing the wet and messy napkins from your hands. He leans down and presses a soft kiss to your temple which you find oddly comforting and surprising at the same time.
You look at him in the darkness, but you can't really see his features. "I will take care of this." he says and holds the napkin in the air for a second.
You realize he must've put his boxers on while you were cleaning yourself as you watch him retrieve his way out of the room. You take the time to dress up, nervously making your way to the bathroom right after to properly clean the mess between your thighs and empty your suddenly full bladder. You could really use a shower but there's no way you could do that without waking everyone up. You can't risk it.
So you go back to the bed once you're done, smelling Jungkook on the sheets while the scent is more intense than it was yesterday.
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Last night feels like a dream, at least for a moment after you open your eyes to be met with sunshine peeking through the curtains. Bed all for you, you find yourself touching the space between you to be met with cold sheets. Jungkook must've stayed in the living room which is for the better anyway.
The memories of last night make your lips stretch automatically. You can't believe you did that! It feels like a major thing that has happened. In reality, it might not be a big deal and there's no reason to go crazy over it, but you can't help but feel excited because you tried something new and you freaking loved it. Everything about it.
The whole thing was so hot. From having to stay silent to having one of the best orgasms and feeling Jungkook like that. You've also never done that before with anyone else, so it's ten times more exciting and new. But now that it's morning and you should go downstairs to join the rest of the family, you suddenly feel... nervous you would say. There's a lot of what if's but you don't beat yourself over it. You just hope they slept well during the night.
As usual, you're the last one to come downstairs and join the others, finding them all perfectly synchronized with each other. The sight of them as a family preparing breakfast looks pretty casual, just like you usually see in the movies, but it's endearing nonetheless. They're all working together to prepare the breakfast. Mrs. Jeon cutting some more fruit while Mr. Jeon sets the table and Jungkook... still wearing his – what should be considered as – pajamas (even though you know that's not really what he wears to bed), is helping his father as he brings more bowls and plates to the table.
"Ah, good morning! Hope you slept well!" Mrs. Jeon notices you when she hands Jungkook the bowl of – oh my god, are those fresh strawberries? 
You greet all of them, smiling sheepishly as you offer to help but Mrs. Jeon tells you to sit down.
"I did, thank you," you smile, rubbing the back of your neck. "I'm sorry for sleeping till now. Hope I didn't wake up too late."
Mr. Jeon smiles at you which puts you a little more at ease while his wife just laughs humorously. "Oh, please, dear. Nonsense! We're happy that you slept so well. Sleep however long you want." she tells you politely and sweetly which makes you mentally coo at her sweetness.
You do not tell her that her son is the cause of your late awakening – he did a number on you.
You don't sit though and while Mr. Jeon disappears somewhere in the living room, Mrs. Jeon calls out to him to ask him something and soon, she joins him as well. You start helping Jungkook with dirty knives and cut boards, placing them into the sink. Aware of his eyes on you, you can't hide the little grin which finally makes him crack as a deep chuckle resounds beside you.
"Slept well?" he asks, standing behind you as he puts clean and dry forks back into the drawer cabinet.
"Cocky since morning?" you offer teasingly, suddenly feeling soft lips touching your neck while his hands squeeze your hips.
"Jungkook!" you scold him silently, trying to glance behind him in panic.
He cackles, pulling away. Once you truly look at him, you notice his eyes and face being still a little swollen as he looks sleepy. Besides looking cute, you find him hot with his shit eating grin he offers you and the slight cockiness hidden behind it doesn't go unnoticed too.
He leans against the kitchen counter, facing you with his arms crossed over his chest. You see the glint in his eyes that tells you to prepare yourself for whatever he's about to say. And your intuition proves to be right.
"Should I buy condoms today?" he asks, leaning even closer to you as his voice remains subtle and low.
You almost choke, "I can't believe you!" you laugh, punching him in his bicep teasingly as he laughs before straightening himself.
And then he wiggles his eyebrows at you, still grinning from ear to ear. "That wasn't no." he points out and you start laughing even more.
The approaching voices of his parents break the moment, both of you silently grinning to yourselves as Mrs. Jeon informs you of today's plan, beaming with happiness of finally having her younger son home again.
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You can't remember when was the last time you attended a similar family gathering with your own family. Sure, living far away from them has complicated it and made it practically impossible for you to experience these things. You can't say you miss it too much. Family gatherings often equals family drama, which you're happy you're away from.
Of course, you do miss your family but you wouldn't change anything about deciding to leave your home country.
Your friends have definitely helped in the aspect of missing home, or like the familiarity of one. Everything would feel lonelier if you didn't have them and you often think about it.
You can tell how happy Jungkook's parents are to be hosting a little barbeque party. With Jungwon and his family coming soon, you're assigned to help Mrs. Jeon in the kitchen. She has a radio playing in the background, humming a soft tune to herself as she engages you in a casual conversation. She's marinating meat, a few packs of pork belly to Jungkook's loud wishes already sitting on the kitchen counter while Jungkook is with his father, trying to set the grill.
In the background, through the terrace door, you can see how serious they're being about their job and it makes you smile in amusement.
Mrs. Jeon takes this time to interrogate you about her son, which you find highly amusing as well. Is he sleeping well? Does he eat well?
"I know he's working out like crazy. He tends to get very serious about it, so I'm worried."
You giggle a little, not meaning to come out as rude but Mrs. Jeon simply glances at you with worried eyes.
"Don't worry, Mrs. Jeon. He does have a diet from time to time, but he can't live without this." you assure her, picking one of the packs of sliced pork belly as she looks at the item in your hand before her shoulders relax and she lets out a laugh.
"I know he's an adult, has been for quite some time," she says with a slight laugh, "But I can't help but be worried. He's not living in Busan and I know he's doing great–"
"Mrs. Jeon," you tell her softly with the same soft smile, "You're his mom. Of course you're worried. And it doesn't matter how old he is. Jungkook is happy to have you as his mom."
Mrs. Jeon smiles at you with so much fondness that it makes your heart warm. "You have to miss your parents too. I can't imagine if Jungkook lived in another country, it must've been tough for you and them."
She turns back to cutting the vegetable while you prepare a lemonade, squeezing lemons. "The beginning was," you admit.
You're a definition of a homesick person. You don't like changes and you don't deal well with being away from people close to you.
But you knew moving to Seoul is something you dreamed about for a long time. It was the biggest step you had to take in your life so far and you don't regret it. It's cheesy to say this, but everything comes with price. And your price is not seeing them as often as you would if you still lived back at home.
"But I'm happy here. And I've got amazing friends and people around me, that makes it a ton easier." you tell her while you share another smile.
"That's funny," she says after a moment, realizing something. "Jungkook told me something very similar when he first moved out."
"Really?" you laugh.
"Yes," she giggles, finishing preparing the meat. "He's very independent. Has been since he was little. Jungwon not so much, of course he's successful and independent now too. But we're always butting in whenever he needs help, whether it's babysitting our sweet Haru or something else. We just always remind him we are here, you know? Me and my husband enjoy our kids needing us. But with Jungkook.... He seems to do a lot of stuff on his own which isn't a bad thing. I'm proud of him. But sometimes that makes me worried, right?"
Your features soften as you throw the squeezed lemons into the bin. You wash your hands and almost pout when you see Mrs. Jeon warm gaze. She's full of love for her sons, it makes you emotional all over again.
Jungkook really is lucky to have her as his mother.
"That he must be going through some stuff alone. He would never burden us with his own burdens and that is the worst for a parent. When you don't know what he's going through,"
You gulp, trying to look casual. Especially when you know far more than his own mother, it does make you feel a little guilty.
"Anyways," she shakes her head as if not wanting to think about such thoughts. "He seems to be content... happy. I'm just overly worried about him."
You feel so bad for her. She has her doubts, it's like she knows he must've been through something. But you know Jungkook hasn't told her. Jungkook often told you his mother tends to get worried a lot, that's how she shows her love and god, she's a mother. Of course she is worried about her kids – no matter the age. It might seem like she's overreacting but that's not it. She loves them deeply.
"I can't talk for Jungkook," you start slowly, "But he's doing great. Don't worry. Me, Jimin and Taehyung look after him. We all do that with each other." you assure her, trying to make your voice come out light and happy.
That seems to make her relax and she lets out a humorous giggle as she shakes her head at herself. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I get so emotional sometimes."
"We women do that a lot." you joke and she joins with a laugh.
"Seems like they figured it out," she says, looking across your shoulder as you follow her gaze.
Jungkook and his dad look proud as they high-five, both laughing right after.
"We have a little time before Jungwon arrives with Haru and Sona. It's too soon to grill. Do you want to see some baby photos of Jungkook?"
One thing you love to do is look at old pictures. And baby Jungkook pictures? That sounds great.
"Sure." you smile, knowing Jungkook doesn't like to look at his old pictures.
"Oh my god!" you exclaim with a hand covering your mouth as soon as Mrs. Jeon pulls out a brown box, a worn-out album with the name 'Jungkookie' written on it, and opens it to show you the first pictures of newborn Jungkook.
She smiles widely at the pictures, probably has seen them million times before as she hands you the album for you to browse through it. In the meantime, she picks up another, smaller album while she flips through the pages.
"He was so cute," you comment, smiling at baby Jungkook who seems to be older in this picture, sitting in his toddler chair with a banana in his hand. "I can't believe he never wants us to see these pictures."
One time, you don't even remember who started it, but someone posted a baby picture in your friends group and that's how the train of sharing baby pictures happened. Jungkook was the only one who wouldn't want to post any pictures, whining how stupid that is. Really, you don't understand why because he was the cutest baby.
"He can be annoying at times." His mother waves you off and a snort leaves your mouth.
Your browsing is soon interrupted by the sound of the door opening, almost every picture causing you to let out a soft 'Aw', but you don't really give it much attention.
"What are you guys doing?"
Jungkook asks as soon as he finds you in the living room, taking a look at the both of you until realization hits him and he immediately starts whining with a pout.
And there is the frown.
"What?" His mother shrugs, pushing another and a single picture of what seems like eight year old Jungkook your way.
Gasping, you completely ignore Jungkook while he plops on the spot next to you and groans loudly when he sees the photo.
"Oh my god, look at you!"
You know your reaction, a fit of giggles, isn't up to his liking because he clicks his tongue and looks uninterested at the photo in your hands. Jungkook looks like an emo kid, surely the haircut's fault and you coo at the most evident feature on his face.
"Look at your nose!" you coo, Jungkook throwing his arm behind you onto the backrest as he rolls his eyes. You start giggling all over again, hand pressing against his cheek as you bring him closer to your face.
Jungkook tongues his cheek while you give him a teasing smile. "This is embarrassing, put it away."
You and his mother share a look, while Mr. Jeon comes in and out as he starts preparing the food outside.
"You were cute, don't be like this." you nudge him in the shoulder as he rolls his eyes again at you.
"Yeah, my big nose and acne were really cute."
"Hey now." you scold him.
"You were the cutest baby and the most beautiful boy." His mother scolds him too, actually sounding offended by Jungkook's perception of his younger self.
"You're my mom, of course you would say that."
"And I agree," you butt in, "And I'm not your mom."
"You certainly aren't." he mutters while you narrow your eyes at him.
"Come on. You've seen my childhood photos. I was a chubby baby."
"And so was I." he scoffs before pursing his lips. Most babies are chubby to be honest.
"I had the most awful haircut, not even this," You hold the picture in the air to show it off again, "is that bad."
"Get that photo out of my face." Jungkook says with a frown and you snort again.
"We all have embarrassing pictures, Kook. Come on, you saw the photo where my head was extra large."
"Toddlers have bigger heads, Y/N." Jungkook reminds you.
Rolling your eyes, you purse your lips. "Well, mine was even bigger."
"You were cute. What are you saying?" Jungkook shakes his head. "Mom, do you always have to show my baby photos to everyone?" he whines now like a little baby as Mrs. Jeon waves him off.
You bite back a laugh as Jungkook huffs, annoyed.
The doorbell rings, interrupting Jungkook's annoyance and Mrs. Jeon ignores it, as she informs excitedly it has to be Jungwon with the rest of his family. She stands up, placing the other albums back into the box as she leaves to get to the front door.
You glance at Jungkook, finding him sulking which makes you giggle. Poking him in the cheek, you place the photo back into the box.
"You really were the cutest baby." you tell him and he hums, staring at his nails instead as you roll your eyes and kick him in the shin.
"Don't lie."
"I'm not lying," you laugh as you already hear Haru's excited little voice while she greets her grandmother. "Why would I lie? You were so cute, even with your big nose. I love it."
"You're annoying." Jungkook comments, narrowing his eyes at you once again as you try not to burst into laughter.
"And you were the cutest."
"Yeah?" he asks, his lips curling as he starts playing with the ends of your hair.
"Yeah," you shrug, almost shivering when the pads of his fingers touch the back of your neck. "I should probably look at this later."
"Like the hell you will," Jungkook clicks his tongue, "I will burn them before you can take another glance."
"Don't be so rude." you tease him, inching closer to him as he searches your face before his eyes drop to your lips.
"And if I want to be?" He arches his brow.
"You little–"
"Kookie!" Haru's cheerful and rushed tiny footsteps resound around the house, the sound approaching the two of you.
Jungkook gives you a little smirk one last time before he hoists up to his feet, already crouching down to welcome Haru's big hug and fit of excited giggles.
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The sun is warming up your skin as a nice breeze winds through your hair. Mr. Jeon is grilling the meat, the delicious smell of barbeque filling the air along with Mrs. Jeon's blooming flowers. It reminds you of all those times where you used to have barbeque parties when you were a little kid. It brings you a nostalgic feeling but it doesn't make you sad at all. You're enjoying your time here to the fullest.
After Mrs. Jeon has proudly shown you her garden, her and Sona have started helping to Mr. Jeon and chat with him for a while. Jungkook is too busy fooling around with Haru, laying on the grass as he plays on an airplane with her laying on shins with outstretched arms and legs. Her giggles fill up the garden and it's easy to smile at the cute sound.
"Having fun?"
Jungwon joins you on the garden swing that you've been sitting on for a few minutes, enjoying the sun and lemonade in your hand. You tried to help but Mrs. Jeon shooed you away, telling you that you're their guest and you already helped enough. Knowing there's no point in arguing with her, you decided to just let everything sink in as you enjoy Busan's air.
"Doesn't it look like it?" you smile, his lips stretching to a smile as he laughs.
"Just asking," he shrugs, a can of beer in his hand as he takes a sip. "My family can be too much sometimes."
You look at him with raised brow, showing you your disbelief. "You haven't met mine."
He gives you both an amused and questionable look which makes you shrug.
"There's always drama." you explain with a laugh.
He snorts, "Isn't there always a drama in every family?"
"I guess," you nod, "But mine's on another level." you joke, making him laugh again.
You're trying not to stare too much, obviously knowing about his good looks. He looks good just like you remember. Although you're not some crazy woman who has a crush on him, you have to admit, Jungkook was right when he called you out on your previous crush. Well, it was never that serious as he made it look like. Jungwon holds a certain energy and is charismatic. And he smells nice which is always a big plus in your book.
You could say he got dressed up nicely, even though he's wearing a casual white shirt and shorts. Good looks definitely run in the family.
You two know each other, you could say you're friendly but you never really had any serious conversations with him. Actually, you're surprised he came up to talk to you, even though it shouldn't be such a surprise. He's probably acting nice because he saw you sitting here alone. Which you both appreciate and find a little uncomfortable. You hate when people pity you for any reason.
"How's Jungkook doing?" he asks after a beat of silence, meeting your surprised look as you can't help but blink a few times at him.
"Um, good?" you ask unsurely, "Why don't you ask him? He's right there."
Jungwon snorts, glancing away while his eyes scrunch because of the wide smile. "I do ask him but Jungkook tends to get private. I know you two are close, so you have to know more than we do."
You try to remain calm, not trying to overthink his words because there's no way he knows anything about you and Jungkook. Other than you're his best friend. Jungkook wouldn't tell him that, right? But as you force yourself to look into Jungwon's calm and warm eyes, you don't find anything shady or worth being cautious about.
"He's doing good," you answer, "I talked to your mom about it today. She's worried about him." you chuckle at the memory of their mom and her distressed face. She is cute.
"Ah, yeah. She is worried about everyone," he laughs and then leans closer to you as he whispers; "She's going a little overboard sometimes."
You giggle, glancing at your hand sitting on your lap as you play with the button of your long purple dress.
"I," he starts slowly, glancing at Jungkook as he plays with his daughter, a soft smile spreading on his lips while they still fool around. "I know he must've been through something. I mean, he broke up with his girlfriend. That shit hurts no matter what. He's not gonna fool me with 'I'm fine hyung', you know." he says while trying to imitate Jungkook's voice which makes you crack a grin.
"Jungwon, I'm not sure if I'm the right person to talk to you about this." you tell him unsurely, his eyes searching yours for a while before he gives you another smile.
"I don't mean to pry. If Jungkook wants to tell us, he knows he can. Whenever he wants to. I just know there must be something more to it since they were back together. They seemed happy, he seemed to be happy."
"Does he not look happy now?" you question, tilting your head in Jungkook's direction while his laugh reaches your ears. He's chasing after Haru who keeps giggling so hard that she almost stumbles. Jungkook scolds her and so does her mom, but Haru is having too much fun to even listen to them.
"No, I know he is. But you know... when it happened, he kind of distanced from us. I know it happened a while ago but he never said anything about it. I understand it must be a touchy topic to him. We all thought she's the one, I mean... he was so whipped for her. We could've genuinely seen them, you know..." he trails off, motioning with his hands.
"Yeah, yeah..." you murmur, trying not to roll your eyes at the topic of her.
It's not Jungwon's fault. He doesn't know the rest of it. He genuinely shares his perception as Jungkook's brother and what he knows.
"So it's weird they suddenly broke up the second time. Sometimes people are not meant to be together, I get it... but Jungkook acted weird, so we all were a little worried about him. Like I said, I don't want you to tell him or share something he wouldn't want to... I don't know, I guess I just needed someone to assure me my little brother is doing fine. Other than Jungkook himself."
Your features soften and you offer him an understanding nod. You squeeze his shoulder, wondering if you're not crossing any boundaries but he looks like he has needed it because he offers you another smile.
"He is much better now. Like you said, every heartbreak hurts. He distanced from us too for a while but we wouldn't let him get too far," you laugh heartily at the memories of you and your friends trying to get him to get his shit together. "I would say he's pretty much happy now."
"Good," he nods, "I'm glad he has friends like you. He doesn't share his struggles, never really has so that's why I was wondering. But I'm glad to know he's doing fine."
"He is, don't worry." you assure him and he smiles in gratitude.
"Yah, don't you have a wife to entertain?" Jungkook asks in a distance, the front of his hair almost falling into his eyes as he breathes heavily thanks to the chasing session he had with his niece. He's walking towards you and Jungwon, tossing him Haru's soft ball.
Jungwon snorts and catches it at the last minute, "Just catching up, Kook. I'm a married man, I wouldn't be flirting."
"Yah, who said anything about flirting?" Jungkook says, using his Busan accent as you hide your grin behind the rim of your glass. Slowly sipping on your lemonade, Jungwon gives him a look of disbelief.
The older brother stands up and pats Jungkook on the shoulder. "She is all yours, brother."
He walks away, Jungkook frowning at Jungwon's back before he sighs and joins you on the swing.
"What did he want?"
You snicker, "Just asked about you."
"About me?" he points at himself in confusion.
"Yeah, they're worried about you. Apparently you distanced yourself from them." you tell him carefully while his brows pinch together.
"I mean... I tried to fix that."
"I know, Kook," you assure him, "I think they know there's something you're not telling them. But they didn't want me to tell them or anything. They just wanted to know if you're okay and happy."
"That's annoying." he mutters as you laugh.
"Stop it!" you scold him with a laugh, nudging him in his shoulder as he offers you a grin. "They love you and care about you."
"I know, I know," he assures you, "I'm glad they gave me space and didn't question me about it. Maybe I should talk to mom."
"Only if you want to." you remind him and he glances at you. He smiles and nods in appreciation.
You sit there in silence for a moment, Haru wanting her dad's attention now as he tugs on his shorts while he's in the middle of conversation with her grandfather. Soon your own attention is directed to Jungkook, admiring the tattooed skin he's showing off today. You wonder if he's planning to get more.
His mother almost jumped out of her skin in surprise when she first spotted Jungkook wearing a short-sleeved shirt.
"Jungkook! How many of those have you got?!" She exclaimed once he shrugged off his sweatshirt.
"Don't look at me like that." Jungkook warns you, eyes already locked on you as you bring the glass closer to your lips.
"Why not?" you ask before you take a proud sip of the lemonade.
"Or I will drag you upstairs and fuck you properly this time."
The moment he says that, you're sure the lemonade goes through your nose as well as you start coughing. The rest of the family members turn in your direction and send you both worried and confused looks, as Jungkook shows them a thumbs-up with a bunny grin.
You pat your lips a little as you glare at Jungkook. He's lucky you're too far for them to hear. But most importantly, why the hell would he tell you something like that in the middle of a family barbecue party? It's not like you can act up on your actions right now. He's purely and purposely torturing you, living for catching you off guard once again. And judging by his proud and cocky face, he's happy about your reaction.
You straighten yourself, drinking the rest of the lemonade as you place the glass down onto the soft grass.
"You don't have condoms." you inform him, silently of course.
Jungkook snorts, "Who says we need them?"
Once again, he catches you off guard for the second time in a span of two minutes, and you clear your throat.
"You want it raw anyway."
You gasp, slapping his arm repeatedly as he cackles.
"Oh my god, look at your face!" he laughs, trying to catch your furious hands. "You really want it that bad, huh?"
"Shut up, you idiot." you sneer at him, pouting a little as he coos at you. Idiot. "I don't want it anymore. Not with you."
You sulk, crossing your arms over your chest as Jungkook reaches for your chin with his stupidly trying-to-act-cute act. You slap his hand away with a frown.
"You look beautiful today. Did I tell you?"
Fuck off.
"No, you didn't." you snap.
"I'm sorry," he whines, rubbing his head against your shoulder like a little cat. "I want it too, okay?"
He leans closer, too close for him to be acting like this in front of his family but luckily, they seem to be too busy chatting with each other. Plus, they're turned to you with their backs.
"I'm gonna fuck you raw soon, baby. But it's not gonna be at my parents house. I wanna hear you when I do it."
He wants what–
You gulp, trying to act nonchalant as you scoff and shrug. He is serious, you know it judging by the look in his eyes but you can't stare for too long because you're going to crack.
"This is very inappropriate, Jungkook." you remind him.
"So were you rubbing your pussy against my cock not that long ago." he says with a low and silent tone.
You gasp, "That was your idea!"
"And you loved it," he points out, "Don't worry, I did too. Made me want to really feel you even more."
"Alright, I'm leaving." you tell him, standing up abruptly to hide your burning cheeks.
Jungkook cockily rests his arm over the edge of the swing, man spreads himself there like the finest piece of meal. Well, he is. But you would never give him the satisfaction to admit it at this moment. You take the empty glass off the grass, shooting a look at Jungkook.
"Don't look at me like that baby."
You roll your eyes, "Fuck off." you tell him silently so again, only he can hear.
He smiles tightly, suddenly leaning with his elbows against his knees. "You're lucky they're watching." he tells you, causing your breath to hitch as you quickly turn around.
He's right. You turn around and see everyone watching your interaction. Though, they remain unbothered as Mrs. Jeon gives you the honor to take the first portion of the meal.
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The sun is settling down when Jungkook approaches you. You're inside, in the kitchen precisely, after Jungkook's mother said something about needing more ice. You offered before she could complain.
You've been chatting with Sona for an hour which ultimately got you to know her better a little bit. She's older than you, not by much and it's not like it's a problem, but you have a little respect and you're not usually the first one who approaches someone first. She's been nothing but friendly to you, even when you first met her and you know she's a nice woman and a wonderful mother judging from how she interacts with her daughter. Jungkook's and Jungwon's parents seem to adore her, and they all have a very close relationship.
What you mean to say – is that it felt nice to be able to properly talk to her and get to know her more, and not from Jungkook's words.
Which reminds you...
"Are you mad at me?"
You flinch as soon as Jungkook places his big hands on your hips, nose nudging you in your hair as he's practically glued on your back with his chest. Your body wants to give in right away, lean back onto his masculine body and make yourself sink into it comfortably.
Jungkook's got it wrong though.
You're not mad at him. Annoyed? You were but you're not really.
"Jungkook, somebody's gonna see." you murmur, scolding him with a hushed tone as you keep removing the ice cubes from the silicone mold into a glass bowl.
"Let them see." he says carelessly, causing you to leave the ice for now as you turn around with a scowl.
"Are you being serious right now?"
You're met with his eyes already on you, no sign of teasing or the usual cockiness. "I'm trying to talk to you. I don't care who's going to see at the moment."
"You're being careless." you inform him of his stupidity, though he remains unbothered while he offers you a single shrug.
"Are you mad at me?"
You roll your eyes, biting the inside of your cheek to prevent yourself from smiling at the seriousness he's holding. He does seem worried and it's not like that's laughable, but you tend to laugh or smile at the most inconvenient times. Even if sometimes you are mad and yet, you still crack for some reason – even if you don't feel like laughing or smiling.
"I was just teasing you. Fuck," he sighs, "I didn't want to make you embarrassed or make fun of you–"
"Kook," you interrupt him, suddenly feeling awkward and embarrassed. "I'm not mad. You annoy the shit out of me sometimes but–you know I kinda feel awkward about that specific topic."
He frowns, "But there's nothing to feel awkward about. I told you–"
"Yes, I know," You lift your palm up to stop him. "It's a me problem. But I'm fine, really." you chuckle at the end, his posture relaxing slightly.
He lets his eyes wander on your face for a moment, searching for any hint of a lie but all he finds are your genuine eyes shining under the kitchen's lights. "But you haven't talked to me ever since we talked about it. So I thought..." he trails off, suddenly looking embarrassed as you laugh.
"Sona was talking to me and I didn't have the time to spend some time with you. Besides, you were having fun with your brother and parents."
"You're right," He scratches the back of his neck, "I'm an idiot, I don't know why I thought you're mad, I just wanted to make sure."
You giggle, "You're attentive, Kook. Thanks for that. But stop teasing me you little shit." you tell him sternly, poking him in his abs as he chuckles amusingly at your effort.
"Now that's over... wanna join me?"
You give him a look how quickly he brushes it off, both of you snorting at it before you ask;
"Join you where?"
"Mom doesn't have enough beer, so she asked if I could go grab some for dad and Jungwon. She thought a six pack is going to be enough, apparently not."
"Oh, do I have to come?" you ask, trying to keep your face stoic as Jungkook glares at you and tickles your side.
You laugh, flinching at the ticklish feeling.
"Of course, you have to. You are attached to my hip."
"Hm, I don't remember that being a thing."
"Well, it is now," Jungkook says jokingly, features turning more serious now. "But you don't have to. I'm gonna just stop at the nearest shop, it's like a ten minute drive."
Jungkook gives you a smile and pulls something out of his pocket. It's his car keys, you realize he was most likely on his way but decided to ask you if you want to join. He salutes you and makes his way to the front door, but he barely makes a step as you call out his name.
"Okay, I'm going." you grumble, informing him you're just going to bring the ice outside.
Jungkook's father asks you if you could also buy the mini kids sausages for Haru. The poor little girl looked way more calm and a little bit sleepy. Though, it's not her bedtime or that late, her family members seem to take most of her energy. But not enough clearly, considering she's been asking for the sausages ever since you stepped outside to bring the ice and inform Jungkook's mom you're going with him.
"Got it." you assure Mr. Jeon, the older man crouching down to his granddaughter's level as he assures her he's going to grill her the best sausages. Her exciting voice fills the garden that starts to slip into darkness while Mrs. Jeon and Jungwon work on the lights.
When you see Jungkook waiting for you in the entrance room fully dressed, you don't fail to notice the satisfied smirk he has on his lips as you simply grumble;
"Don't say anything."
He doesn't.
But still delivers a loud slap to your ass as he opens the front door for you. His bubbly laugh resounds behind you causing your lips to twitch before they fully stretch into an amused grin.
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By the time you reach the grocery store, you're too lazy to get out and in the end, Jungkook is forced to grab the items alone. He doesn't look like he minds at all, leaving you his phone as you go through his music library, listening to various songs.
You're barely on the third song when you see him leaving the store, items in his hands and you guess he didn't bother to take any bag. He looks very amused when you blast Candy Shop once he reaches the car, opening the door on the driver's seat.
You turn down the volume just as he tosses something on your lap, the rest of the items end up on the backseats. Looking down, you almost choke when you see a brand new box of condoms. Glancing at him, he barely gives you any attention as he drives out of the parking lot like he didn't just toss condoms into your lap.
"Seriously?" you deadpan, taking the box into your hands as you scan the new package.
One word catches your attention and you tilt the box in Jungkook's direction.
"Intense? What does it do?"
"Suppose to make sex better or something, I don't know." he shrugs effortlessly as you press your lips together.
"Are you planning to have sex in your parents house? I thought we went over this, last night–"
"Who said it has to be at their house?" he questions you, lifting one brow challenge at you as you open your mouth and close it shortly after. What is he initiating?
"What?" you deadpan.
"One word and I'm gonna pull over." he simply offers, the serious and casual tone he sets could make you confuse and actually make you consider if he's talking about sex at all.
But you're paying enough attention – too closely actually – that the rush of excitement this idea brings you is hard to ignore. How can you ignore it? You've never experienced as far as you can remember. No, you would surely remember if you experienced it. You can't lie – you've always wanted to try it and the thought of doing it with Jungkook is disturbingly tempting and exciting.
And as you watch him closely, driving with one hand while the other sits on his lap, his legs spreaded making his lap look even more inviting. The last night was perfect, something you've never tried before and never thought it could feel so good. It could easily even out with a proper sex. However, nothing's better than feeling him inside you and the small box in your hand is like the biggest treasure, reminding you of what could happen.
Jungkook glances at you, brow raised as he catches you biting on your lower lip in thought, his lips slightly twitching. You ignore it, sharing a look with him.
"The ride is ten minutes. You better think fast."
The proposition is already enough tempting and the way he says it, you know you're once again utterly fucked. The tingling between your thighs and how embarrassingly fast you got wet is no joke. It makes your decision faster and simpler.
"Fuck, okay, pull over."
Jungkook chuckles, satisfied with your answer as he takes a random turn. You've no idea where he's taking you, though he seems to be familiar with Busan streets even after all those years of not living here. The spot he finds is between two buildings, leading you to the dead end while you see a tall brick wall. Jungkook turns off the lights and engine, hiding the car in a dark and abandoned spot. You don't know why but everything increases the lust you're already feeling.
"Get in the back."
You don't hesitate to listen to him, though you slide your underwear down your legs before you do that, your slides abandoned on the car's floor. You toss underwear on the seat as soon as you lift your butt, shooting a cheeky smirk to Jungkook who grins. You're not surprised when he delivers a subtle slap to your ass while you're trying to get to the backseat through the console.
Jungkook joins you but he actually gets out of the car and walks to the back. He places the six pack of beer on the floor while tossing the stupid sausages onto the front door. You snicker, both of you laughing as he shuts the door with a soft thud. He doesn't waste any time cupping your face, connecting your lips together in a needy heated kiss.
Though it feels heated, it's not totally rushed and the pace is smooth and comfortable. With your hands on the hem of his sweatpants, he places one last kiss to your lips before he fully sits down and leans his back. Pulling them down to his ankles along with his boxers, you're already on your knees, ready for his sign so you can sit down on his lap.
You lift your long dress to your waist, gripping them in one hand in a messy knot before you toss a leg over his body. You grip his shoulders as he grabs you gently by your waist. His eyes admire your bare pussy for a moment, flickering to your face shortly after.
"You sure you're good to go?" he asks.
If you weren't so wet and eager, your heart would actually quiver at his thoughtfulness. It's a bare minimum and men shouldn't be praised for it, but with Jungkook you can't help but melt.
"I hope so." you joke, looking down to see him stroking his cock.
"No, no, no. No hoping, sit back down. I'm gonna eat you out."
"There's no time," you whine, gripping his shoulder tighter when he tries to gently pull you away.
He sighs, leaning his head back as he looks handsome as ever.
"Come on. Just fuck me so we can go back."
To enforce your want, you grind against his bare cock and fuck, you almost lose it all. The contact is very minimal but it leaves you moaning shamelessly, causing you to deliver a rough kiss to Jungkook's opened mouth. He closes it just in time, welcoming your kiss in a surprised manner.
"Fuck, baby," Jungkook groans, leaning his head back again. "You're making it hard for me not to fuck you senseless."
"Do it," you offer lightly, giggling at the look on his face. "Come on. You fucked me senseless many times before."
"You woman, you amaze me." Jungkook says, smirking at you when you raise your brows at him.
"Me? How?"
He reaches for your cheek and you think he's about to stroke it, at least the gentle look in his eyes indicates that much. However, he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, lifting the right corner of his lips.
"You can get so dirty sometimes."
"And that's what amazes you?" you laugh gently.
"Yes, because one second you're this innocent and shy Y/N and the next you're so blunt, ready to drool all over my cock."
You snort, "Don't get cocky, Jeon. I'm not drooling over your cock." You both know that's not true.
And Jungkook's smile tells you he knows it too.
"Yeah? You sure about that?"
He reaches for his cock, grabbing it by its base before he slaps his bare tip against your clit. You almost fall like a house of cards, legs completely quivering. Oh god, he loves torturing you. 
He chuckles, deeply and raspily, and you swear if he won't stop, all your rational thoughts will be gone and you'll sit down on his bare cock.
"Wait–what is this?" He suddenly asks, sounding concerned as you open your eyes, not realizing you even closed them as soon as he touched you. And then he swipes his thumb at the corner of your lips. "I think you just drooled."
Your surprise drops as you glare at him, punching him in the shoulder as he laughs devilishly. "Fuck you, I didn't."
"You know, sometimes I want to ruin you. Like really ruin you." he confesses, though he says it with a smile and it's hard to differ whether he's being absolutely serious or he's just joking around.
"What's stopping you?"
"You're not ready." he answers simply and you snort.
"Please," you scoff, "Stop with this dominant shit."
"Huh?" he chuckles, "You're lucky we don't have time for this. Hand me the condom."
"Please." you clarify, crossing your arms over your chest with your bare core still hovering over his hard length.
He rolls his eyes, "Please." he mutters.
With a satisfied grin, you reach for the box of condoms and pull out one. After the silver package is in Jungkook's long fingers, he tears the foil and you watch him putting the latex down his thick and hard cock. You've watched him do that many times before, in fact you almost never miss it but it never gets boring. It adds just the right amount of lust and pleasure to the moment every time. Plus, Jungkook is incredibly hot putting it on so skilfully, with brows pinched in concentration with his jaw set tight.
He motions for you to get closer, sneaking his hand between your thighs as he rubs your bare sex. The slick wetness there is no surprise to him, neither you feel embarrassed at how quickly he can get you wet. He doesn't comment on it, rather pulls you by your waist closer to him. He gets a hold of his cock, slowly easing you down on it while you lower yourself.
As soon as the head stretches your hole, you gasp in delight while Jungkook keeps a concentrated look between your bodies, watching how he slowly disappears inside of you. The turquoise lights in his car just add to the moment, your head soon thrown in the back in full ecstasy as he stretches your wet and tight walls.
Jungkook grunts, leaving you two just sitting there getting accustomed to the feeling.
"Fuck, that feels so good." you moan, your clit pressed against his pubes.
"You alright? Doesn't it hurt?" He still finds himself asking.
You're not entirely stretched, at least you weren't before Jungkook entered you. But the slight burn and tightness just brought more waves of pleasure to your body.
"No, it feels perfect." you answer, chuckling as Jungkook joins you.
It feels awfully good to just sit on his cock, no need to move yet as you would love for the feeling to last longer. But you're reminded of your citation and you don't have exactly the time to prolong this any more than it's necessary. Though Jungkook doesn't seem bothered and gives you all the time in the world to get used to his thickness, you both know what the two of you are doing is irresponsible in more ways than one. But it's about time now and nothing else.
At first, you begin with rolling your hips to get accustomed to the feeling more. With hands still gripping Jungkook's shoulders, the dress seemingly pressed between your bodies, you love how his palms feel on your ass cheeks. He grips the soft flesh, urging you to roll your hips with more pressure as you both take a sharp breath.
When you gradually need to feel more, and you know Jungkook does too based on the way he's trying to control himself, you lean more against Jungkook's form and use his body as a leverage. You start setting a pace as you start bouncing on his cock, Jungkook's head still tilted back against the seat as he watches your expression twist into a pure pleasure. Mouth agape, brows pinched and the sweetest littlest moans escaping your lips – it's his favorite view when it comes to this.
In a way, it could be considered as luck to see you like this. To experience what you look like when he's deep balls inside you and your whole face is twisted in pleasure. He would never have guessed he would see you like this one day. Both of you would never have guessed you would be in this position at any stage of your lives.
Your ass and the back of your thighs meet top of Jungkook's thighs, the sinful sounds of skin slapping skin surround the car's walls.
"Oh, fuck!" you moan, pressing your forehead against Jungkook's.
He's let you have your fun but he needs more. Moving his hands off your ass cheeks, he moves them to your hips as he holds them tightly before he starts pounding into you. The whole moment is so freaking erotic. Even with you being on top, Jungkook is in full control and you can't help yourself, but stop your movements as you fully welcome his thrusts and control. You wish to help him badly but it feels so fucking good. You can't move.
"Jungkook, fuck!"
Jungkook enjoys your whimpers, focusing on his thrusts as his bottom lip is tucked between his teeth.
He feels you tightening around him and almost like with a snap of fingers, your body tenses as the orgasm comes crashing down on you before it fully relaxes. You keep clenching around him, knees digging into the leather seats as Jungkook's thrusts never halt until he snaps his cock forward into you. He cums with a low grunt, filling condom with his seed as he rides himself off the orgasm until he fully relaxes.
You get off his lap with a little help from him, collecting the dress at your stomach so you don't get it messy. Maybe it already is, fuck.
Jungkook breathes heavily, the tip of his hair clinging to his forehead as he rubs it with the back of his hand. He glances at you, chuckling as his throat bobs at the sound and movement.
"Fuck, that was awesome," he breathes out, glowing from the orgasm. "Let me grab you some tissues, they should be in the glove box. At least I hope so."
He's about to sit upward but you press against his chest, gripping his cheek as you confidently kiss him on his soft lips. He's speechless, looking confused and amazed like hell when you pull away.
"What was that for?"
You let go off his cheeks, smiling at the look he's giving you. He looks hot, amazed and cute at the same time. It makes you let out a soft giggle that you almost don't recognize. And then you swipe the corner of his lips.
"You're drooling, Jeon."
He frowns before his face relaxes, realizing what you've done as amused and deep chuckle rumbles out of his mouth.
"Who wouldn't." he responds cheekily, your face completely heating up as your stomach clenches excitedly at his words.
He laughs, satisfied at your reaction. Whatever you do, somehow Jungkook always wins. Even if he's the one complimenting and ruining you at the same time.
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maxislvt · 9 months
can i request a one shot where Nat is a secret agent who's supposed to babysit r while collecting info on r's parents. r sneaks to a party and many incidents take place which show nat eventually starts getting possessive (smut too please!)
warnings: possessive behavior, smut, afab!reader, dom!natasha, fingering, edging
Natasha didn't believe in distractions.
Distractions were a sign of an untrained spy. Natasha only saw opportunities. It was easier to do when she was on missions that lasted a long time. If she played her cards right, anything could happen.
But you were different.
Natasha knew you were something different, but she couldn’t figure out exactly what. At first, she told herself you were just entertainment. She could play with your innocent little heart and tease you whenever she pleased. Maybe she'd squeeze some information out of you, but that was never a priority with you.
As innocent as you were, it seemed you had your methods of seduction.
You were helpless and Natasha felt almost obligated to keep you safe. All that whining whenever she disinfected the cut you got from your latest kitchen adventure and your excited little squeals whenever you saw something cute. But, you were still a young adult at heart, and that always left room for rebellion. It wasn't always bad or destructive. That rebellious spirit is what led to both of you saving a stray cat that you had affectionately labeled as your baby, but sometimes it was dangerous.
Now, Natasha had to chase you around the city because you decided to sneak out and go bar hopping with your friends. She foolishly assumed that it'd be one of those stupid late-night snack runs you and your friends liked to go on. But after a few too many pings from the phone tracker, Natasha realized what you were up to.
Bar hopping wasn't your style. If you were to come home tipsy, it'd probably be because you had too many glasses of wine at some fancy restaurant. You were just much too timid to be out at a club and taking shots from the first person who offered to buy you a few. You were incredibly too shy to make out with that same person in the corner.
It appeared Natasha didn't know you that well, because that's exactly what she caught you doing. The relief of finding you was immediately replaced with a bitterness Natasha hadn't felt in a long time. Watching that bumbling idiot try and shove their tongue down your throat made her skin crawl. You deserved better than that.
She slipped through the crowded room without any concern for the others. Natasha practically threw the girl off of you. "Text your friends, I'm taking you home." Her grip was unusually harsh for handling you, but she didn’t allow you to argue with her. Natasha ignored the curious stares and murmuring as she dragged you out of the club. She stopped in front of the car and finally turned to face you. “What do you think you’re doing? I look away for one second and then you run off and start whoring yourself out?!”
You were taken aback by how mean Natasha was being. She’d never talked to you like that. Between the shock and embarrassment bubbling under your skin, you couldn’t think of anything to say. You snatched your hand away and got in the back seat of the car.
The ride back home was painfully quiet. Both of you had a lot to say but were much too pissed off to speak. Natasha was mature enough to at least use the silence to help her calm down.
You brushed past Natasha once she unlocked the door to your parent's house.
"You know we have to talk about this." Natasha said as she locked the door. You were either drunk or loaded with sass at this point, but something was better than nothing. Though she didn't comment on the frustrated groan you let out, she decided it would be a great time to teach you a lesson.
You refused to sit down as Natasha grabbed a bottle of your father's favorite whiskey and two glasses. "I'm not drinking that crap." You grumbled. Your throat burned just thinking about it. All you wanted to do was shower and forget about the embarrassment you faced tonight. "Look, you already ruined my night out. Isn't that enough?"
Natasha sat down in the recliner with her leg spread. "You certainly didn't seem to mind it when blondie was buying it for you." She could only laugh at your poor attempt to look upset with her. When she realized you wouldn't sit down, she patted her lap. "What's all this about, hm? I know this isn't you."
You looked down at her lap then back up at her. "God, you're impossible." Nevertheless, you sat down. The way her arms wrapped around you made you feel safe. Natasha's hold was comforting. "I wanted to hang out with my friends like an adult, then you came in and caused a scene before taking me home against my will." You grumbled.
Natasha examined the expression on your face. Her own lips curled into a devious smirk. "Really, because I think it's a lot more than that." Her hands squeezed your hips before positioning you on her thigh. "I think someone has a little crush they don't know how to deal with it." She whispered in your ear before placing a kiss on your neck. "Now, you wanna act out in hopes of making me jealous." Her fingers slipped into your underwear without hesitation.
Your breath hitched in your throat. "That's not…you can't just- ah!" The protest was quickly cut off by a string of moans Natasha's fingers are much too skilled for you to really try fighting back. Not that you wanted to. "You're not being fair!" You whined softly.
Natasha rested her chin on your shoulder. "And it's fair for you to tease me like that? I didn't even know you owned clothes this tight." Her fingers curled just at the right angle to make you squirm. "I think it's only fair I have the upper hand for a bit." She pressed open mouth kisses along the column of your throat. If she wouldn't get in trouble for it, she would've gladly left more than a lipstick stain. "Are you about to cum already?" She asked with a knowing smirk.
There was no point in lying to her. Your legs were shaking and you could barely think. You'd be screaming if you knew your parents weren't home. "I- Yes, please just let me cum." You whispered desperately. Never had you been the one that needed permission. You had grown used to playfully bossing Natasha around, but now you were entirely at her mercy. "Please, I promise I won't sneak out again…"
Natasha coed at you. "I know you won't do that again." She said, "I wanted you to promise me that you won't run around letting other people touch you. That includes yourself." Her teeth latched on to your ear making you yelp.
You were going crazy. "Fine, fine! I just wanna cum please." Your body was practically buzzing. "It's coming, I'm cumming." You whimpered pathetically. The orgasm built into an unbelievably tight knot in your stomach and you were just ready for it to pop.
Then, Natasha pulled her fingers away.
"No, no, no, no!"
Natasha examined the slick dripping down her fingers. You were quite messy. She sucked the tangy liquid off her fingers as you complained. "Oh come on, you should know by now I don't go around rewarding bad behavior." She tapped your side, signaling you to stand up. "Maybe if you go back to being your obedient self I'll consider giving you a proper one."
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moodywyrm · 11 months
loser college barista ellie
physics major ellie williams who works part-time at an on-campus coffee shop, because somehow she has time for it? it's really just because she has a terrible sleep schedule and an unfair amount of natural academic talent (undiagnosed something!).
Ellie, who hates the smell and taste of coffee, working in a coffee shop. she'd never admit it, but part of it is because it reminds her of Joel and somehow that keeps her sane amidst her terrible workload. He comes to visit sometimes, and, every single time, Ellie sneaks him free black coffee.
Ellie, who does readings and homework during her shift, especially since she works the slow hours where pretty much everyone is in class. So like, 10am to 3pm.
Coincidentally, those are pretty much the exact times you have a break between your classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And studying in the library gets Exhausting at some point, so you eventually shifted to studying at the coffee shop.
Ellie didn't really notice at first, because, honestly, being a physics major is full time job. She did however think you were very cute every time you came up to get your drink. You always smelled good, a welcome reprieve from the heavy coffee smell she dealt with for hours. The more you came, the more she noticed your clockwork schedule, your signature scent, the twinkle of the door chimes at almost exactly 10:15 every MWF.
Fuck, can you imagine being one of Ellie's regulars? Shout out to the anon who came in to tell me they'd became a regular at a coffee shop bc now this is ingrained in my mind. At some point, when she sees you approaching the shop, she just starts prepping your order.
she calls you by your name and you think she's so suave and attractive, but in reality she's freaking the fuck out on the inside. she gets nervous talking to pretty girls!! especially pretty girls that she sees every day at her work while she's wearing the nerdiest apron in the world.
she slowly but surely develops a debilitating crush on you, literally because she spends so much of her time looking over at you and seeing how intensely you study. you spend hours sitting there, switching between books and notebooks and your laptop, a cute little furrow living permanently between your brows. she takes note of the way your grip tightens around your pencil when you're frustrated, or the way you calm down when you open a book that has nothing to do with your studies. she also notes the longing looks you send towards the pastry case.
she had to be so brave about it, but one day she finally got the courage to bring you one of the pastries you kept staring at. doesn't even give you a chance to protest before she says "it's on the house" and scrambles back behind the counter to beat herself up because Who Says That! What if you didn't want that pastry or any pastry! What if you think she's a weirdo now!
She's literally driving herself insane, but she manages to look over at you and sees the little smile on your face as your bite into the treat. You light up, because it's so good and Ellie was so cute, and honestly that makes it all worth it for her.
I know in the second game Ellie doesn't eat much, likely as a result of all the trauma she experienced, and I think this would transfer over to a modern au in a less trauma-related way. She doesn't eat much when she's on campus for some reason! Which means she usually doesn't take advantage of the one free food item she gets on every shift, although she always take the free drink. Sometimes she'd give them to Dina or Jesse if they mentioned they hadn't eaten that day or were otherwise hungry, but on MWF, that treat is Yours.
What's funny and so loser of Ellie, is that, even when she's giving you a free pastry three times a week, she has yet to have a prolonged conversation with you. The routine is always small talk when you pay for and get your drink, and then pining stares when you sit down to study, a thank you when she brings you a treat, and a little goodbye when you head off to class. that's it. Dina 100% clowns Ellie for it because girl c'mon, you can feed her but you can't talk to her??
no. no she can't.
There's so much about you that just makes Ellie wanna go into the backroom and Scream. Like when you showed up with two friends and you were so vibrant you lit up the room. On your own you were always quiet, beautiful and quiet and relatively calm. But with you friends, you were so bright Ellie had to look away. And god, your laugh! She loves your laugh, and the way you look after your friends, buying their coffees and making sure they eat, helping them study. She already knew you were sweet, but god now you're downright angelic in her eyes.
Ellie is Enamored!! Infatuated!! Crushing so so so hard!!! and she doesn't know how to flirt with you :( what will she do!! (probably go to Dina about it) (but that's for another post <3) (that's all folks!)
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wolven91 · 10 months
Cooking For Humans
Nepeltor loved cooking.
As an esquinine, she was drawn to the more pleasant hobbies in life, both for her own happiness and other people's, more so than the average being. She found great joy in being able to provide a service to others that caused such a positive emotional surge. As a strong natural psychic, she had the ability to 'sip' at strong emotions and enjoy them as a one would a drink.
For the unshielded, she was exposed to all emotions, but it was the greater ones, or those felt more strongly that she recognised above the usual din.
Anger, frustration, disgust, or hatred were the ones she avoided where she could, instead deliberately seeking out positive ones instead.
A favoured pass time was lingering near spaceport greeting lounges where long lost partners, families or friends would meet again, rush into one another's arms and embrace with an outpouring of love, joy and relief. It was like standing just off from a planet's coast, until the water reached her shoulders. The ebb and flow of the water would rock her back and forth. Likewise, the relief of seeing one that you had missed was enough for her to physically waver, stood in the middle of the expansive room.
That was until she happened to be in the same café as a human when they got their meal. The creature was one of the new additions, and seemingly was mentally grumbling that they had not eaten anything other than nutrient cubes for a while. Nepeltor grimaced herself, she'd lived off nutrient cubes once; tasteless, boring and a chore to eat. No wonder the human relished the middling quality meal as if it was fine dining.
The esquinine telepath had met no other race in the cosmos that seemed to have such a reaction to their meal.
Even before they started on their plate, the anticipation bled into her readily. When the first bite was taken, she was glad she was seated as the sheer, unadulterated, euphoria that washed over her and hit like a tidal wave. Each bite blinded her like no other. Not even the ursidains could match the depths of the emotion's the human was feeling at this second.
It was the very next day, Nepeltor applied for her culinary licence.
Just short of a year later, she applied for a location for a new food stall on the station. Directly next to the new arrivals exit.
She didn't need much, in the end just space for 5 or so mid-sized creatures... 'humans' she hoped. They were rare, but she noticed a steady appearance of one or two as they made their way across. This station must have been one of the secretive layovers for the valuable species.
Her stall was barely more than a hot plate and space for her ingredients behind the counter, with a bench in front and an eating shelf for the customers.
Perhaps it would be frowned upon to have stolen an idea from the human. Perhaps they would have agreed to give their permission if she had asked, but in the end, Nepeltor made a new meal that was a human specialty in the hope it would lure the new species in with tastes of their former home. 'Noodles', chives, meat and an egg. Throw in some other bits and bats before serving with a smile.
It was several weeks before the first human appeared. By then she was fully invested in her work and had been forced to plan a handful of other stalls opening, manned by hires. The human 'noodles' were a hit, a brand new taste sensation in a galaxy that had tried 'everything' already.
The esquinine at this point wasn't thinking that a human would arrive, instead focusing on her work of slicing vegetables ready for the next fresh pot. She had served the two newcomers as she had anyone else, with barely a thought thanks to the rush.
"God I'm starving!"
"I know, can't get a good meal anywhere here, did that guy genuinely suggest we eat rocks?"
The first voice replied but was muffled as he slurped a heaping of noodles into his mouth.
"At least this place has normal foo-" His dramatic halt gave pause for the other human, before the one that had taken a bite 'mm'd in pleasure as he immediately began eating with gusto.
Nepeltor however, was rocked out of her zen 'flow' state of working and knew instantly that she had done well. From a gnawing hunger radiating from the other side of the counter, like a grenade exploding right in front of her face; a mixture of desire, greed, pleasure and even love bloomed in front of her until she stumbled and had to lean against her counter just to stop her knees from buckling.
What was interesting was that over time, one by one, each human ended up emitting the same few handfuls of emotions, which was an experience every time and not only did they love her food, there was a hint that they had associated her with her food and she herself was the target of their outpouring of positive emotions. It was directed at her, rather than just passive.
In the end she became famous amongst humans traveling that route.
She had the opportunity to expand, become an administrator, be rich and never have to work again with her stalls setting up shop everywhere, but she would lose access to be there when they took that first bite with ecstasy. Not to mention, if she expanded too much, she would be less likely to see the humans if they weren't forced to come see her and her stall specifically.
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fategoflatass · 4 months
I used to be so against the slow burn trope. Not because I thought it was shit; it's just, I usually don't have the patience to wait whatever-amount-superior-to-three damn chapters for my dear ship to finally be able to look at each other without blushing and/or hold hands. Thus why you often times see me reading oneshots or fics with the "Established Relationship" tag on them.
So you can imagine just how surprised—or maybe not, maybe I just didn't think enough about it—I was when I realized my newest fixation's main pairing is—canonically—the embodiment of slow burn. Because holy shit they're taking their time.
Nothing against how Kusuriya develops its love story—quite the opposite, actually. The relationship between Jinshi and Maomao, two characters that are written as beautifully as their romance, is a rather realistic approach as to how the same or a similar dynamic would developed in real life. In such a complicated situation, with such complex feelings about emotions—both external and their own—and attachment, makes sense that it takes so long for the relationship to finally sail.
The problem is, I didn't know I was signing with the Devil the moment I decided to pick up the light novel. Ten volumes and nothing has happened. Nothing.
And you can say that technically things have happened, because they have. I mean, Jinshi is just so desperate for Maomao to give him the time of day, you know what I mean? And even that isn't enough anymore and thus he has committed some of the craziest shit I've seen in any romance. Which okay, I don't usually read these type of romances but still.
What I mean by "nothing" is just, their relationship hasn't changed status. I could also say that it seems to go nowhere, but that'd be lying. Since, you know, it has changed quite a lot—just not in the way my impatient ass wanted it to. Because he can be as honest with his feelings as he pleases, and those around them might be heavely conscious of the tension and thus constantly tease those lovebirds (as they should), but babygirl's not helping, you know?
And I get it, Maomao's not the best at expressing and understanding herself, and she's also way too busy worrying about going as unnoticed as possible (she should give up on that one already, tbh) while keeping her head where it should be. But like, I can't help feeling frustrated over it like ‼‼
But she won't. She'll take her sweet ass time being in denial about both Jinshi's and her own feelings, then maybe she'll proceed to analize herself and find out that maybe, just maybe, that affection that she'd been feeling for that loser became something else. Did said affection also become something more complicated? Absolutely. Does she know how to deal with it? Hell no, but fuck it. If I learned something from school is that you always leave the hardest parts for later.
Now you see why I was so against reading slow burn?
And you wanna know the worst part? I loved it—I loved every second of it, every word, every page. Every scene that seemed to help the relationship advance, only for Maomao to say nope and leave like she owns the place, which at this point she fucking might.
It feels like I, as the reader, am in the middle of a heatwave and some sadistic bastard won't stop teasing me with ice cream—they put it in front of my face, close enough that I can smell the cold. Then take a spoon and eat little by little while staring directly to my eyes. At times they seem to show mercy and feed me a spoon, only for it to be a rather small quantity of serving—serving that tastes so damn good at first, only for it to have such a bitter aftertaste. But if I gotta have something in common with Jinshi is that I'll never be able to beat the masochist allegations, so I'll wait patiently for the next spoon and its corresponding and seemingly enless teasing from that faceless being.
So yeah, I'm still against it, only that now I understand the appeal—even if I have yet to find out about the whereabouts of my sanity while still mananing with the little I've left.
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moviecritc · 12 days
dreamer ⋆ carlos sainz
track 1 of my bewitched department
pairing: carlos sainz x old friend!reader
summary: you leave the city searching a meaning to your life, founding an old friends instead
word count: 2K
warnings: carlos isn't a driver, just a really rich guy with hobbies
a/n: here's the first track of my bewitched department <33 i love reader and carlos so so much tbh
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"I'm sick of all this, Natalie," Y/N declared, throwing her phone on the sofa. Her roommate diverted her gaze from the TV to her. "It's the fourth guy that ghosted me after I ask him out."
"Become a lesbian," said Natalie, turning her attention back to the movie.
Y/N let out a sigh. "I should. I'm tired of all men being assholes and manipulators."
She grimaced, thinking that maybe the problem wasn't men but her. She had studied Art History and had been the best in her class. Now, at 28, she was sharing an apartment and teaching preteens who called her 'ma'am.' Was she wasting her life?
"I need a change," she said to herself.
"The smell goes away with a shower, don't worry." Natalie looked at her, wrinkling her nose.
"No, damn it. A change in my routine," she explained. Nevertheless, she took a sniff at her armpit, regretting it. She'd shower later. "I need to get out of here."
She stood up, grabbed her phone, and headed to her room.
"Hey? And where are you going, if I may ask?" said Natalie, following her.
"Anywhere!" Y/N shrugged. She drank a glass of water and took out a couple of pieces of clothing. "I need to change the scenery as soon as possible, I'm stuck."
She pulled a small suitcase from her closet while her roommate rolled her eyes.
"Y/N, you can't just leave suddenly. Don't you have classes tomorrow?"
Y/N paused for a moment and then shrugged again. "I'll ask for the day off. The week, actually."
"The week!" exclaimed Natalie. Y/N was already looking at flights on her phone when Natalie covered her screen. "Y/N, you don't have the financial or mental stability for this!"
Y/N swatted Natalie's hand away to see her phone screen.
"Madrid is very cheap this time of year," she said, with a small smile.
"But you don't even speak Spanish!"
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Y/N boarded a plane to Madrid with the idea of not talking to any men that week. This trip was for her, to reconnect with herself, the Y/N she had lost over the years.
She still didn't have a place to stay, but she would resolve that on the go. The journey from the airport to central Madrid was tedious; she didn't know how the metro worked and people ignored her like she was nothing. Frustrated, she sat in a café. She looked up things to do in Madrid on her phone, but soon the battery died, and she was sure she had forgotten her charger at the apartment.
She let out a long sigh and ran her hands over her face. As she opened her eyes, she heard a voice.
She looked up immediately, surprised that someone knew who she was in Madrid. When she met the gaze of the individual, she recognized him instantly.
She stood up immediately, greeting him. Was he a man? Yes but Carlos and she had gone to university together; they had been friends for several years. Probably best friends, though they never talked about it. He hadn't changed much; he looked older but in a positive way, with a more flattering haircut and surprisingly stronger.
"What are you doing here?" Carlos asked, leaning in for a short hug.
"On vacation," Y/N nodded. Running into him had instantly lifted her spirits.
"Damn, I haven't seen you in… six years?" Carlos tilted his head a bit.
"Since graduation, right?"
They both nodded; it had been quite a while. Long enough to realize they had lost contact too soon.
"I didn't expect to see you in Madrid," commented Carlos, with a smile.
"It was a last-minute decision," explained Y/N, wrinkling her nose a bit. She formed a smile. "I'm glad to see you, really. Do you want to sit for a bit?" she suggested, pointing to the empty chair.
"I'd love to," Carlos accepted the invitation immediately, sitting down.
A waiter approached, and Carlos ordered a coffee to accompany Y/N's.
"Well, tell me, what have you been up to all these years?" Carlos asked, crossing one leg.
Y/N told him a bit of everything, very sweetened. That she was teaching Geography and History at a public school, that her family was fine, and they reminisced about the time Carlos practically crashed her Christmas party because Carlos Sainz Senior was mad at him for his grades and that she was happy living in her city.
Carlos told her that he now worked at his father's company as an executive.
"Oh, I thought you’d be doing something related to what we studied," Y/N pressed her lips a bit, somewhat disappointed that Carlos hadn't continued doing what they both loved.
"I would have loved to… but there were very few job opportunities. And I didn't want to be a teacher, so I played it safe," admitted Carlos, shrugging a bit. For a moment, he thought Y/N would judge him for it, but her sweet and calm expression told him otherwise.
"Understandable not wanting to be a teacher," agreed Y/N, before sipping her coffee.
"Is it tough?" Carlos mimicked her, lifting his cup too.
Y/N shook her head a bit. "I'm sure there are worse things. But having a twelve-year-old try to cut your hair because his dad is bald is rather curious."
Carlos almost choked on his coffee from the sudden laughter. "Really?" He tried to stifle the laughter as best as he could, but Y/N was already glaring at him.
"No, no. It's not funny, it happens every damn day," she nodded vigorously. Carlos let out a laugh that ended up being contagious for Y/N too.
The conversation continued for the rest of the afternoon. It was like going back to university for a few hours, a time she missed a lot. When they decided to get up from the table, they had finished four coffees and at least one glass of wine. It was even starting to get cold outside.
"Shall I walk you to your hotel?" Carlos asked with a smirk.
Y/N grimaced, remembering she still hadn't sorted that out. She bit the inside of her cheek, embarrassed. "I haven't booked a hotel room yet."
"Oh," he pursed his lips and quickly said, "You can stay at my place, I have a spare room."
Y/N, hearing him speak, was already shaking her head. "No, no, no. I don't want to bother you."
Carlos clicked his tongue, looking away for a moment.
"How are you going to bother me? Come on, bring your suitcase. My car is parked nearby."
Y/N was intrigued by Carlos's initiative but kept shaking her head.
"Really, it's not necessary, Carlos," Y/N extended her arms a bit for Carlos to return her suitcase, but he even moved it away from her hands. "I'll manage."
She said that last part to ease him a bit, but it only sounded like she needed more help.
"Y/N, I'm not going to leave you out on the street," Carlos put his hands on his hips and she let out a sigh. "That's not very gentlemanly of me."
"You were never a gentleman, you idiot," noted Y/N. Carlos smiled, knowing that if Y/N started to insult you, she was about to agree with you. "Alright, but just for one night. Then I'll find a hotel."
"Whatever you say, cariño," Carlos smiled triumphantly, and Y/N tried to hide her smile while he put her suitcase in the trunk.
His apartment was huge, truly huge. A dream kitchen, a large living room, and definitely more than one spare room. As they entered, a beautiful brown and white dog greeted them, heading straight for Carlos's legs.
"And who is this?" said Y/N, petting his head a bit, enough for the animal to focus all its attention on her. He sniffed Y/N's shoes and licked the hems of her pants.
"His name is Piñón," said Carlos with a smile, surprised that Piñón hadn't started barking because of a stranger's presence. "I adopted him almost after we graduated."
Y/N crouched, petting Piñón's neck and behind his ears. "Hi, Piñón. You're so pretty."
"I'll show you the room," Carlos said.
Y/N got up, giving Piñon one last pet. "Thank you, really. I feel like an abandoned cat, but thank you."
They both chuckled softly.
"It's nothing," Carlos said as they went to the room.
Y/N left her suitcase in a corner and turned to Carlos. "Do you have a charger?"
She felt like she was taking advantage of him too much, even if it was just for a charger, she felt bad.
"Of course, here," Carlos handed her the charger, their hands touched for a millisecond. She tried so hard not to feel anything. He kept a flirty smile. "Are you hungry?"
"Well, yes," Y/N nodded. "But give me a few minutes and I'll help you cook."
Y/N took a couple of things out of her suitcase and went back to the kitchen to help Carlos. They quickly cooked some pasta with burrata. Y/N noticed how Carlos would get close to her or brush his hands against hers casually.
While cutting some tomatoes, the knife slipped from Carlos’s hand. "Shit!" Carlos looked at the cut and put his finger in his mouth, letting out several whimpers.
"Did you cut yourself?" Y/N went over to him, Carlos took his finger out of his mouth, showing her a small cut. Y/N pursed her lips, remembering how dramatic he could be. "It's nothing, Carlos. It's barely bleeding."
Y/N cradled his hand, gently caressing his fingers almost unconsciously. The room went silent, Carlos looked into her eyes, he adored that look. Y/N lifted her eyes, connecting them with Carlos’s. He leaned toward her, listening to her breathing and matching his to it.
"Can I kiss you?"
The question hung in the air. Y/N held her breath. This was the opposite of what she wanted. She blinked and slightly opened her mouth. To Carlos, it felt like an eternity.
"I'm sorry," Y/N said in a faint voice. She looked at him with pity and Carlos stepped back, feeling more embarrassed than ever. "It's just… it's not the right time. I'm in a bit of a strange phase and things aren't going well for me, I don't want to mess things up for you." Y/N fidgeted with her rings as she said it.
"I understand," Carlos said, nodding slowly. "I shouldn't have asked you that, it was out of place."
"No, I should have told you before," she contradicted, with a grimace.
"Don't worry," he said. "It's just that…," Carlos hesitated a bit. "In college I had a huge crush on you and seeing you again brought everything back."
Y/N blinked, absorbing those words. She had always wondered why Carlos barely dated any girls during their time in college, it never crossed her mind it could be because of her.
"You had a crush on me?"
"You didn't know?"
"Damn, we spent so much time together,"
"Because we were friends! That's what friends do!"
They both laughed and Carlos leaned against the counter, crossing his arms.
"So, you're not having a good time?" he inquired, with a calm look.
Y/N lowered her gaze. "I'm trying to sort out my life."
"I understand," he bit the inside of his cheek. "Anyway, if once you sort out your life you feel like going on a date, I haven't changed my number."
That felt so good in Y/N's chest, as if her heart expanded a little. She laughed like a fool, taking a few steps back.
"I'm going to go to sleep,"
"You're not having dinner with me?" Carlos extended his arms, with a sad look.
"Maybe tomorrow," Y/N turned around and smiled over her shoulder before disappearing down the hallway.
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taglist; @theseerbetweenus
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
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Pairing: Wednesday Addams x OFC/Fem!Reader
Summary: Wednesday's quite aware she has no people skills, but that doesn't stop her from wondering why she can't know everything about one person immediately.
Warnings: None.
Series Masterlist || Library Blog || AO3
Reminder there's no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
Count: 1.9k
Adronitis: noun. The frustration with how long it takes to get to know someone.
Everyone who knows Wednesday can confidently say she's not a people person, and even Wednesday herself can tell you she's not. People are strange, annoying, emotional creatures that she's fairly certain she lacks a particular trait to handle. 
Of course, some individuals have unfortunately made it past her prickly walls. Her roommate and begrudgingly best friend, Enid, can be tolerated in longer spurts. Eugene is just another Pugsley, so she has to look after him. She supposes Xavier isn't dreadful to deal with. Now. 
Would Wednesday commit first-degree murder for them? Yes, but that's not the point. 
The point—what was the point? 
Wednesday internally huffs with annoyance. She's an articulate person, but lately, she isn't. 
Reluctantly, Wednesday's eyes trail to the side, where she sees her reason for inarticulation. 
"Ah, so this is why you're sitting in the courtyard today," Enid smiles innocently, but Wednesday can see the knowing look in her eyes and purses her lips in a scowl as her eyes return to her book. She's finally gotten her hands on Goody's spellbook, and she's been trying to finish reading it for weeks. 
But alas...she's been...distracted.
"I don't blame you," Enid sighs as she looks over to where Wednesday was just gazing. "Everyone's looking at our resident Faerie. I wish she'd sit at our table today."
Wednesday silently agrees but tells herself she didn't. But she did. It's been nearly a week since you've sat with their tiny group of weirdos. Heroes, but weirdos. 
Today, you're sitting with the fangs, and Wednesday just can't fathom why. She gets your little rotation schedule, but vampires were so overrated, and from the small conversations she's heard here and there—incredibly boring.
Who cares about their diet? Wednesday thinks they lack innovation if their only choices are humans or animals (because, quite frankly, another outcast could kick their ass).
Yet, you sit there, smiling serenely and nodding with genuine interest. You ask questions and laugh at their witless jokes, and it drives Wednesday crazy.
Wednesday doesn't understand your sense of humor. Although, no one understands Wednesday's sense of humor either. That's usually the pattern. Sometimes, it feels like you and she are two sides of the same coin. 
You're both very different at Nevermore. While you're both outcasts within the outcasts, it's not the same. Whereas Wednesday didn't understand people, and they didn't gravitate toward her, people seemed to argue for your time.
Hence, why you sat at a different lunch table every day. 
Wednesday's mind drifts as she frowns. There's little known about Faeries as they're usually recluses, and there are so few of them. Especially night faeries. 
But now, it makes her wonder. Are Faeries like sirens? Do they lure everyone in their proximity without choice? That would certainly make more sense on Wednesday, and it would explain her recent behavior. 
Wednesday frowns deeper. Principal Weems has already sternly told others that while the Faeries are extremely beautiful and charming, they have no such powers. 
So, Wednesday was at a loss. She was beginning to think this school was designed to be the bane of her existence. Unwillingly, her gaze drifted again, but this time, you turned your head simultaneously and caught her eye.
You smile soft and sincere but unobtrusively at her, and Wednesday looks away, her face impassive. 
It wasn't unusual. 
This was exactly how all her interactions with you went. Very often, no words are exchanged, but you smile and wave at her as you pass by in the hallways. You greet her warmly when you sit at their table or in class. 
"Your unhappy face is showing," Enid points out, a slight upward quirk on her lips as she bites into her sandwich.
"This is always my face," Wednesday deadpans. 
"No, it's not," Enid shakes her head confidently. If there's one thing Enid can say, she stares at Wednesday a lot, so she knows her roommate very well. "You tilt your chin down and glare through your eyebrows more than look through them. It's very protruding," Enid points directly at Wednesday's eyebrow and forehead. "See? Unhappy face."
Xavier is looking at her through his apple, using it to shield how he's holding back his laughter as he grins at her. 
Wednesday relaxes her brows, her eyes becoming less narrow before she raises her brow at Enid. "Then what face is this?" The werewolf ponders her roommate's face and then sighs like she's been chastised. 
"General distaste," Enid mutters, but then she brightens as she looks up. "Oh, Fae is coming over here!" 
"Why do you insist on calling her that when she has a name?" Wednesday asks. You never seem mad about it, and it's not like Wednesday would care if people walked around calling her witch instead of Wednesday, but it's another thing she doesn't understand.
"Hm," Enid hums. "I guess it just became a nickname when she came. I mean, I guess it's kind of weird to call someone by their creature name...should we try to come up with a new one for her?"
"Whatcha guys talking about?" You smile as you approach. You've got a grape lollipop in your mouth given to you by one of the shapeshifters. Xavier and Eugene move over so you can sit down, directly facing Wednesday. "Hi, Wednesday," you say her name so casually, staring at her until Wednesday nods in acknowledgment. 
She's tense as she grips the edge of her book tightly. Her eyes are steadfastly attached to the pages even if she's not reading them. 
"We're talking about how everyone started to call you Fae," Enid grins, her smile wide and excited, but then frowns. "I hope it doesn't bother you."
You hum for a long moment, a sound that Wednesday hangs onto. She can see you through her peripherals. You seem in deep thought, and Wednesday can't understand why it's taking you so long to decide whether it bothers you. She wants to tell you to hurry it up so she—they can have the answer.
"I supposed it started when one of the psychics saw me in person, and all he could stutter out was 'Fae' over and over," you shrug.
"Feeble-minded," Wednesday mutters, and you smirk at her, and now she's wondering what exactly that could mean. 
"It doesn't bother me," you continue on. "I mean, I guess it's fine since there are no other faeries at the school, but it might be confusing when there are. I can't exactly go around calling on a person wolfy when that could be any of the werewolves here."
They all nod, except Wednesday.
"We should try to find a new nickname for you!" Eugene exclaims, emboldened by your friendliness to him. "How about nightcrawler!"
"As enchanting as that is, I'm going to have to veto that one," you give him a wry smile. He slumps in defeat while Xavier gives in a pat on the back.
"Oh," Enid squeals excitedly, and Wednesday shirk and winces at the sound. "We could all try to find a new nickname for you until we get the right one!"
"And why should we if Fae says it doesn't bother her?" Xavier asks as he turns over and gives you what Wednesday believes he thinks is a boyish smile. 
"Spoken like a true simpleton," Wednesday cut in, still not looking up. "Will that be your new nickname?"
"Ouch," Xavier laughs, the insult falling off his back. Although, he doesn't doubt that's his contact name on Wednesday's phone. "Alright, I get it. Fine, the person who gets their nickname chosen gets Fae's number. How's that?" He looks over to you, and Wednesday snaps her head up, finally to look at you too. 
You seem pensive. Another thing Wednesday knows but doesn't understand. It's getting irritating with how many things are adding up that Wednesday wants to know now and can't. 
Nobody in the school has your number though they all see you on your phone as you stroll down the hallway. Wednesday has heard you turning people down when they ask for your number, citing how there've been too many requests, and the number of texts or calls you'd get would be too overwhelming. So, now it's been an unspoken rule between the school that no one gets your number if they cannot all have it. 
You peer over at Wednesday, and she doesn't flinch away from your gaze. She refuses to lose whatever staring game you've created.
"Okay," you acquiesce, staring at Wednesday for a moment longer before standing up. "I'll see you guys in class. I'm going to see if the shapeshifters have more grape lollipops. They're my favorite."
Grape lollipops are your favorite. Is it just the lollipop, or is it grape in general?
"Well, this should be fun," Enid bounces her seat before she looks at Eugene. "I'm going to have to say it's looking unlikely for you, bud."
"I have more ideas!" Eugene protests.
"Never accept defeat," Wednesday looks back at her book, inwardly frowning when she's still on the same page she's been trying to read for the last 20 minutes. "Would be an acceptable suggestion for me. Accept defeat in this case, Eugene."
There's more bickering at the table while Enid bumps her shoulder against Wednesday. "So? Are you going to try to come up with something and get Fae's number?" 
"No, it's a trivial matter. Why would I want it? The only time I ever use my phone is when you've dragged me into your 24/7 addiction and Xavier cries for my attention."
"I do NOT cry—"
"So, I have no need for it."
Plus, would you expect her to text you if she had your number? Would she even want to text you? Wednesday supposes it'd be an equal trade of information, so you'd have her number too. Should she expect you to text her?
Wednesday glances in her peripheral and sees you with another lollipop as you sit with the shapeshifters. You've got an apple in your hand, but you look at it blandly. 
Not a fan of apples, then?
Wednesday feels annoyance gnaw at her insides. It's not irregular for Wednesday to sometimes show interest in others. Knowing others is valuable information that can be used at a later date.
But why in the hell does it take so long to get to know someone? Why can't Wednesday just know all your deep, dark secrets first and then make her way out to the trivial things?
"What a shame," Enid sighs casually, looking straight ahead, but her eyes tilt to the side to stare at her gloomy roommate. "I think having a phone and texting is great! It's way faster to get to know someone over text since you can always be in communication. You know what else is a thing? At 2AM, people lower their guard down, and they're more likely to spill secrets."
Wednesday slams her book shut, standing up and leaving briskly.
Research is needed. Her father has few skills, but one of them is coming up with nicknames. That skill should undoubtedly pass on to her. 
Wednesday glances at you as she walks out of the courtyard. You look over at her and smile with a wave before turning back to your conversation.
Defeat is not in Wednesday's vocabulary. She will beat the constraints of time and know everything there is to know in haste. There will be victory, and it will be hers.
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spicymambaae · 7 months
Shadows of Love Chapter 4/ Part 1: Surrender To Desire
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This one will be split into 2 parts just a heavy smut tbh :) --- Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4/Part 2
"Care to play a game, Detective?"
Karina stared at the text, feeling her heart in her throat. Denial surged within her—this couldn't be Winter, could it? How did she get her number? Karina's mind raced with questions, irritation growing with each passing moment.
With a frustrated huff, Karina's fingers moved across the screen. "Who the fuck is this?" she typed, her tone demanding answers.
Just as she pressed send, a sharp knock echoed through her apartment. Startled, Karina's eyes darted towards the door. The sound repeated, more insistent this time. Her mind raced, entertaining the wild theory about who could be on the other side. The text, the knock — they seemed too perfectly timed to be a coincidence.
Without bothering to check through the peephole, a risky move she'd normally never make, Karina swung the door open, only to find herself face to face with Winter.
Winter, with a cocky smirk that mirrored the mischievous sparkle from the night before, stood confidently on her doorstep. "Detective, it's so good to see you again." A sly smile played on Winter's lips.
Karina, still grappling with the realization that Winter was indeed the sender of the text message, blurted out, “How did you… what the hell? Karina stammered, her voice a mixture of annoyance and disbelief. “How do you know where I live? And my number?"
Winter casually strolled past her, entering the apartment uninvited. "Let's just say I have my ways.”
The detective's frustration deepened, but beneath it, there was an undeniable spark of curiosity. As she considered her next move, she couldn't help but notice the way Winter looked under the bright light of her apartment. She couldn't deny that Winter was even more beautiful in the harsh light. She wore an oversized leather jacket over a white crop-top, exposing her toned belly. Her hair was messy, her eyes filled with lust and a hint of something else she couldn't quite put her finger on yet. Her full lips and the taste of them lingered in her mind.
Karina, torn between frustration and fascination, finally snapped, "You’re such a creep, you know that? I could arrest you for this, you know. Breaking and entering, harassment..."
Before Karina could say anything else, Winter closed the distance between them, pushing her towards the wall. "Arrest me, Detective? Or maybe you just want to see me in cuffs and do whatever you want with me?” Winter’s hips pressed against the detective. Karina bit her lower lip hard to suppress a moan. "But seeing you now in this transparent robe...tsk…tsk…tsk…" the cold beauty said this with a slight mocking tone. “You look fucking sexy in black. Did you put this on especially for me, Detective?”
Winter brought her lips to Karina's neck, and she sucked softly the delicate area of her pulse point, causing her to lose control and moan out loud. She had to stop this before losing control.
"Stop it!" Karina grunted, pushing Winter away. But it was useless, since the brunette pinned her back against the wall. “Are you deaf? I told you to stop, you creep!” Karina said, and tried to push Winter away again, unsuccessfully. And honestly, she wasn't trying very hard to put an end to that. A smug smile was born on Winter’s lips, "Do you hear yourself, Detective? As far as I remember, last night, you were begging me to fuck you.”
Karina's cheeks flushed with embarrassment and anger.
"You can pretend all you want, but I see it in your eyes, feel it in the way your body responds to my touch. You're drawn to me, Karina." Winter said hoarsely and attacked Karina's lips; who felt her legs wobble. Karina was sure that if it wasn't for the brunette's firm hands on her waist, she would have fallen to the floor.
Jesus! What a breathtaking kiss! she couldn't help thinking as she felt Winter slide her soft, warm tongue into her mouth.
"Shit!" Winter cussed through the kiss, and in a swift motion, her hand moved to the back of Karina's left thigh, lifting it, causing the detective to spread open. Winter closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. The “just got out of the shower” scent that exuded from Karina was driving her crazy.
"Ah... Mmm..." Karina moaned when she felt Winter's sex being pressed with an out of the ordinary force against her own. The friction of the brunetes's jeans with the thin fabric of her panties was bothering her, but it was pleasant nonetheless. "Fuck!" Karina moaned in surprise when she felt one of Winter's hands hit a hard spank on her left buttock, making her jump up. The girl smiled and did the same to the other.
"Your ass is so delightful to squeeze." Karina heard Winter whisper in ecstasy. "I want to bite it, lick it... kiss it and spank it, until you can't take it anymore." Winter sucked Karina's bottom lip, and she moaned at Winter's words and at the images of the brunette fulfilling every one of her promises.
"You piece of... God!" Karina exclaimed in frustration when she felt Winter pull away. But then she moaned and gasped without taking her eyes off Winter, who was now kneeling slowly in front of her, distributing languid kisses all over her body.
"Look at this..." Winter said admiringly as she undid the little knot made by Karina in her robe. She sighed when the detective's abdomen became more visible. She quickly brought her mouth to that area, biting a little hard and then running her tongue right after to soften the bite. Karina's pussy throbbed with that act. "I want to lick every inch of your body." Winter murmured between kisses. She then spread Karina's legs a little and brought her nose to the detective's throbbing pussy.
She inhaled deeply that area, making Karina sigh heavily. "You smell so good…You know, I couldn't stop thinking about how good you taste. I can't wait to eat you out until you don't feel your legs."
Karina’s legs wobbled at the promise present in the brunette's seductive voice. Winter pulled the damp silk fabric to the side and touched the tip of her nose on the smooth skin of Karina's sex.
"Ah!" Karina moaned loudly when the brunette brushed the icy tip of her nose against her clit. "Winter..." She grunted impatiently, and Winter smiled, pleased to see her like that.
Even though Winter was loving seeing Karina practically begging, not even she could stand that torture anymore. She pulled Karina's panties more to the side to have better access and then she stuck her tongue out, using the tip to lick slowly, from the detective’s soaking wet entrance to her throbbing clit, trapping it between her lips to suck it hard. Karina moaned loudly and gripped Winter's brown hair, tugging it hard to press her more against herself. Winter moaned against Karina's pussy, delighting herself with Karina's delicious taste and enjoying the violent tugs she gave on her hair.
"Fuck, Karina! You’re fucking delicious." The brunette said, and got ready to suck Karina's bundle of nerves again, but before she could do so, the sound of the doorbell rang through the apartment, followed by loud knocks on the door.
They both huffed at the unwanted interruption. "For fuck's sake... This can only be a fucking joke." Winter grumbled indignantly.
Karina was as frustrated as Winter, perhaps even more, but she quickly pulled herself together. She pushed Winter back, making her fall on her ass on the floor, and then she straightened her underwear and closed her robe again, taking a deep breath.
"Go to the bedroom!" Karina practically ordered. Winter smirked and got up. She inched her body closer to Karina, ignoring the frantic sequences of knocks on the door.
"If I go, will you let me eat you out real good afterwards? Hm? Are you going to let me play with that beautiful, delicious thing you have between your legs?" She asked as she rubbed the tip of her thumb against Karina's still hardened clit. Her body gave a few violent spasms when Winter trapped the little bundle of nerves between her fingers, pressing it lightly right after.
"Just go... please..." Karina asked softly and without a word Winter slowly walked away from her, fading into the dark hallway just as she had done the night before at the “Illusion” bar.
when will it be MY turn? when will Winter show up at MY door?
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strawbellyx3 · 4 months
The recent Web Novel chapter of The Apothecary Diaries is really interesting, I need to know how it continues.
It reminds me a lot of when Jinshi fired Maomao thinking that's what she'd want because Maomao couldn't communicate with him about what she really wanted, so she just alluded to it.
I hope this time, Maomao manages to tell him what she really wants so Jinshi doesn't let go of her when she doesn't even want him to do that. Maomao already accepted his position as the crown prince and where it would put her. She told Ah-Duo she isn't going to leave Jinshi. But there's no way for Jinshi to know that if she doesn't tell him that.
I can already see Maomao getting frustrated by it because she's already been upset by Jinshi not using her and being so selfless to the point he hurts himself and risks getting nothing in return. He's doing it again but with saying he'd let go of Maomao because he doesn't want to make her his consort/empress if he had to become emperor even though HE also never wanted to reign.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
could you do companion react to sole just kissing them? like, we can assume they’re really close and basically a situation ship at this point. you’re writing is so unique and thought out and I would love to see your take!
Companions react to Sole Doing The Damn Thing
*ringing a giant church bell i should not have access to* GAGE STANS COME GET YALL JUICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cait; That's not going to go over well with Cait. Her first instinct—and her strongest—when someone tries to kiss her, is violence. Sole is getting a broken nose out of this. Though, as her knuckles connect, her brain will catch up and realize oh. But luckily, Cait has some time to process what just happened. Because Sole kinda...needs some medical attention...Sole can't tell what Cait's flustered about, the kiss or the punch. Cait says they're seeing shit and to shut the fuck up. But...she, red as her hair, will lean in, and quickly kiss their nose better.
Curie; Probably also not immediately happy...Curie canonically gets and is frustrated with people coming on to her, and her own instincts might not be murder...but Sole will be getting an incrediblely nasty look before she remembers who they are. Most likely to still not appreciate it fully after realizing. She'd rather properly discuss their feelings first before moving into anything physical. Curie is a very proper, by-the-books woman. And she had a courting itinerary! She'll take this as a cue to get started on that bucket list, but the first one was surprising Sole and ask them out...she was going to make dinner and everything!
Danse; Are you trying to kill him. The only companion to make a noise. Freezes up, goes ramrod stiff. Doesn't move, doesn't breath, doesn't do anything for much longer than is considered normal. The best course of action, here, for Sole, is to just keep kissing him and hope his brain auto-starts. It's like trying to jumpstart a dead car battery, y'know? If Sole kisses and backs away, there is a very real chance Danse will misinterpret it or convince himself he imagined it. But if they keep going...well. Nothing to misunderstand there, right? The Thoughts don't come until later. Head is EMPTY.
Deacon; stares at them for a few seconds, blinking. Flashes some finger guns with an "ayyyy" and runs the fuck away. The bitch flees the scene. Why would you do this to Deacon? This is almost as mean as doing it to Danse. Best bet is to let him run, grabbing is just going to postpone the running. He'll spend a few days in isolation like some kind of monk. Think about it, his feelings, Sole's, what he wants. Then he goes back and does the same shit to Sole when they aren't paying attention. No one surprises Freaky Deac and gets away with it. No one.
Gage; As Sole gets closer, he notices and intuits that they're going in for it...but, nah, no way. Why would they? But...but they are, right? What else could that be? No, surely—wait, are they? What are you doing? No? No. But maybe? Yes? YES? OH ITS YES, FUCK, WHY DIDNT YA MOVE YOU DUMB SHIT? Imagine Sole going in, Gage tensing and doing 3d calculations, and the Jaws tune playing. Like Deacon, don't try to keep going. Gage is recoiling and grabbing him as he's backing away triggers Fight instinct. He recoils, takes one hard look at them, and says, in that voice smooth as piss and vinegar, "Now, what the fuck was that?" Is that what he meant to say? Nope! And Gage will forever suffer the memory of basically going 'ew' the first time his partner kissed him.
Hancock; Off to the races. Think about it? About what, how good they are at kissing? And sneaking up on him, evidently? Nope! Hancock knows where to go from here. Hancock spends the next month worrying himself sick about jumping into a relationship with someone he loves dearly, without knowing if he himself is capable of upholding his end of the relationship. Ends up crying in Nick's lap about how he's ruined everything. Sole has to explain to him they've basically been in a relationship for a few months and he's doing fine, please be easier with yourself.
MacCready; I FORGOT DEAR RATBOY MacCready was married, and I have to imagine that two teenagers getting together would have done something similar...So, Mac will 100% be stumbling and flustered, but he's not going to brick like others. You'll get an awkward, blushy Bobby grinning at Sole, asking if they really feel that way? He wasn't just imagining it? Oh, nice. So, you wanna...talk, or...keep doing what you're doing? He's good with both. Real good.
Nick; Oh, we're done dancing around this? Great. If Sole wants to just get jiggy right away, will ask gently if they can discuss the Elephant first. But Nick isn't shocked or anything. This has been going on long enough, it was either happening or it wasn't. Well, now its happening. He'd blow a party favor if he had one. Anyway, he's all too happy to finally get this sorted out and started. Even happier he wasn't the one who had to bring it up. He could have, but God, that never fails to twist the guts up.
Piper; Very similar to Nick. Okay, so, are we a thing, or are you teasing? What's your angle, here, what are we doing? The longer the situationship has been going, the more suspicious she is. If Sole fails to sufficiently explain in the 3 seconds they have to, Piper huffs, leans in, and quickly kisses them back. There. Now we're even. If Sole goes back in for their revenge, great news, they've convinced her. Now how about they actually have a relationship now. Piper has done the half-on, half-off thing, and uh...no.
Preston; has too many issues to just throw himself into a relationship like that...especially if he can't pinpoint where it started. Similar to Curie, it doesn't matter how close he is with Sole, he would rather have talked about it first. I mean, he's happy, and flustered, but beneath the dopey grin, he's a little exasperated. C'mon, he had a whole conversation planned, and Sole pops that cherry with one kiss? Alright, works for him. Not complaining. But maybe give a guy some warning? Like, are they dating? Have they been dating? They really need to define this relationship.
X6-88; Haha, you think Sole is going to catch him off—oh shit they did. And...they survived? Wow, they are powerful. X6-88's reaction is the same as Gage's, calculations and all. Except, when he demands an explanation, it is exactly what he intended to say. Seriously, what is this gesture? You're supposed to do it with your romantic partner, but he's seen people do it with someone who decidedly wasn't. He's also seen family members kiss each other on the cheek, and friends. And he's heard of Curie's people kissing everyone regardless. So, what is this? Sole has to explain to him this one is romantic and I'm trying to pursue you romantically. At that point he panics and its a mess from there. Lots of internal crisis, lots of Nick banging pots and pans, screaming YOU HAVE FEELINGS, PANIC IS A FEELING.
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