#she means well i promise
toxicloveposts · 6 months
Giving fani geckos some treatos for the holidays. Would any oc help Mc give food at a event for low income families?
" My Iris, thank you so much for the treats! I'll make sure the gecks get an even portion! " - Fani
You would have everyone hooked the second you mentioned about the event.
Aspen would ask if he could bring his siblings along to help and possibly make new friends.
Camille would be thinking about what to make for the event, and if she should bring desserts for the sweet tooths of the bunch. Rip to her wallet qwq
You'd have to remind Fani about her physical limitations because she will try to carry all the food to the event.
Bella would be a little nervous about all of the people, but she will happily help you if it means spending time and making memories with you. Hopefully the families will alright with the heavy gift bags.
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sillyas · 9 months
Cis friend just loudly proclaimed "i have too many friends with pronouns!"
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samarecharm · 6 months
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
How i envisioned Danny's ghost form/Phantom in my Danyal Al Ghul au (images at bottom of post). His ghost form has some pr heavy influence from the League, because I thought it'd be neat + to kinda show how even after four years, the League still had some kind of impact on who is he as a person. Plus some milder Robin influence in his boots and the cape (which i meant to be split down the middle to have some kind of 'bird wing' silhouette) as a way to indicate his lingering desire to meet his dad.
The pauldron lookin-thing on his upper chest is based off certain Danny Phantom designs I see that give him that white,,, marking,,, thing. I've been calling it the Jedi Chestplate because it reminds me of the clone wars Jedi armor. So like, slight homage to his hazmat suit.
(not pictured: his thermos and his sword)
behold! the judgmental lil shit (affectionate) himself
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booasaur · 2 years
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A League of Their Own (2022) - Season 1 Trailer - Carson and Greta
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Literally everything that WKM might have been trying to say about choice and lack thereof, ISWM explores as well, but better. Fight me.
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rivkae-winters · 5 days
Wip Wednesday
More from the same post-canon au as last week!
Genesis tried to suck in a steadying breath but even to his own ears it was a gasping death knell. He kept his head bowed, careful not to look up. He didn’t want to see what he looked like in the mirror right now. As the countertop started to creek under his fingers he peeled them off. His fists instantaneously clamped shut once they were no longer clinging to the surface. Fingers burrowed in as they fought to break the skin of his palm as if it would bring him some type of relief. He wished, but the pain didn’t even steady him. As he was now it only blurred into the rest. His insides buzzed with the static of an all encompassing ache. Only the emerging silver blade of a dehydration headache was truly distinct. It near blithely occurred to him that he should remedy that. A cup and faucet were both in his line of sight after all. How ironic- You can lead a man to water but you can’t make him drink. Especially not if he thinks he knows best. Even more so if he’s passively desperate to be hurting as if it will lessen the emotional typhoon. A distinguishable pain to distract was preferable to being too alone with his thoughts right now. It didn’t help, the persistent sharp ache only served to amplify his thoughts coming to the forefront. Genesis had sealed his fate when he’d made the fatal misstep of thinking. He’d made the fatal error of letting such thoughts in instead of forcing them back down in a split second of weakness staring at Sephiroth’s form before darting away. That only led into the mistake of mulling over the reality it seemed he was going to have to live with that he was going through now.
Was he to simply nurse his former lover back to health only to play executioner at the end of whatever plot the little Cetra had concocted?
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Me, when Sebastian joins my party for the first time: Okay, this time I'm not going to forget about you, Sebastian. I'm going to make an effort to use you a lot this playthrough so I can better understand you.
Also me, immediately forgetting about Sebastian while finishing Act 2 and making it halfway through Act 3 before I finally notice his Faith quest: ......................Oh. Right. My bad.
#da2#dragon age 2#sebastian vael#listen in my defense..........i don't like bringing sebastian anywhere sksksks#okay look i seriously tried but every time i bring him somewhere i always think man i wish i had brought someone else#and also i do just forget about him! i finally added him to my party at one point and he had 24 points to spend...#that's how long i neglected him after i promised myself i was gonna use him more and then i didn't#it's not that i don't like sebastian as a character though i do tend to side eye him A LOT... it's just that i like everyone else more#even aveline like i'd take aveline over sebastian any day and that's saying something... or is it? i have a lot of feelings about aveline#whereas my feelings about sebastian could maybe fill a thimble...it doesn't help that in my canon run as a mage hawke#i romance anders and well... sebastian wants me to kill anders and my hawke is like 'do i approve of blowing up the chantry? complicated.'#'am i breaking up with anders for this? absolutely. do i still love him? mmhmmm. am i going to kill him sebby? i'd sooner set varric aflame#then sebastian threatens to bring an army to kirkwall and leaves so i can't say i have the greatest opinion on him#even the time where i did kill anders and he stayed in my party he was just... there#and then he glitched out and started t posing while asking if ed ever found out what anders wanted to do in the chantry so..... yeah#but even this playthrough where i'm playing as a lady warrior with a different personality and everything... i'd just rather use anyone els#also keep him away from bethany i do not approve sksksks she's too good for him#i want to understand and see the different angles of him like with the other companions but i've yet to convince myself to do it#also sebastian romancers out there can you like... explain? genuinely can you explain the appeal? i'm curious#because of all the love interests in da2 i look at sebastian and you'd think i'd maybe be more interested? but it's like...#i know about the chaste marriage and everything like that's fine i don't need sex to be a thing in the relationship but it feels less like#an asexual romance and more like... y'know... being with a priest and i guess that's just not one of my kinks? sksksks#i guess there's also the prince angle but i romanced alistair in dao and kept him a grey warden i don't really care about royalty power#and i don't have issues with him being a part of the chantry [well i do but yknow what i mean] since i romanced cullen in dai#and his whole deal with the chantry and magic and shit makes his romance interesting to me but sebastian is just.... a bit too much i think#i don't know i'd like to understand because i really don't but i also keep forgetting about him
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viric-dreams · 21 days
⚠️ for them ALLLLL!
- @zeebreezin
Ockham: Holds long grudges.
Roberts: Has shrimp neuroses.
Nite: Will sell you to January for one corn chip.
Tamara: Will agree to what you say with no intention of doing it to avoid hurting your feelings.
Jones: Utterly useless in a high-stress situation.
Rubbery Barber Surgeon: For the love of fuck do not try to pay in amber.
Graham: Girl, run.
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seoafin · 8 months
it makes me so sad every time someone says they have a difficult time making friends because as someone who did not have a single friend until my senior year of high school i know the feeling painfully well
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simgerale · 2 months
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WIFE (One Shot for Regal)
The stars were out, and she could finally rest.
Magdalena let out a breath as she clicked the door shut, closing her eyes in relief. She did not foresee that the celebrations would last all day, but once her people found out about the marriage, many who were close by traveled to the castle. Not only did Volais gain an Emperor, but a peace without limits and the benefits that come with it. Trade will be bountiful, magic can finally find its way back into the lands, and war… War will slumber once more.
“Magdalena?” A gravely voice interrupts her thoughts, making her skin prickle at the sound of her name.
Right. These are not solely my chambers anymore.
Turning her body around to lean against the door, Magdalena spots the culprit sitting in soapy waters with a tired smile on his face.
“Who said that you could use my bath, your majesty?”
“My own conscious, once I realized that you had not escaped nearly as quickly as I did. You would not want your new husband to reek of politicians, would you?”
The empress quirks a brow, only for it to immediately lower in response to her eyes finding his bare… everything. With burning cheeks, she grasps her hands in front of her middle and makes a beeline for the vanity. She was exhausted when she entered the room, but now her heart cannot seem to stop hammering her ribcage.
It is just Luca. This is not your nightmares. He will be kind.
With shaky hands, Magdalena starts to take off her jewelry. She is almost regretful that she dismissed her handmaids, even if it is supposed to be her wedding night. This will take her an eternity.
The sounds of splashing water fill the room as her husband leaves his bath, causing her throat to tighten. He dresses painfully slow, the anticipation rising in Magdalena’s stomach until she cannot take it anymore and drops an earring.
Suddenly there is a hand to her left, offering her the pearl. When she looks back to the mirror, she finds Luca’s handsome face wearing a caring expression. “Need assistance?”
“…If you do not mind.”
“I will never mind,” he mutters, smiling as he starts to unclasp her necklace. “It gives me an excuse to be close to you, after all.”
Her whole body seems to retract into itself as his fingers brush the nape of her neck. Goosebumps form on her skin.
“We do not have to do anything tonight. In fact, I am fully prepared to not do anything for quite a long time,” Luca reassures his wife, placing a gentle kiss on her hair before moving away.
What? Magdalena asks herself. He… does not want to? She was surprisingly disappointed, regardless of her previous anxiety.
“Are you certain?”
Her husband chuckles, crossing his legs in the arm chair he found himself in. “Yes…? I thought you did not wish for us to advance so quickly.”
She purses her lips, turning away from the mirror so that she can look at her husband face-on. “I-It is not that I did not wish for us to advance… but it is expected of us. I am expected to bear a child now that I am married.”
Luca stares at Magdalena with his mouth slightly ajar, brows furrowing as if he is trying to decipher a code written on her face. “Surely you do not believe that we always have to do what is expected of us, Magdalena. Especially when it concerns our private affairs.” He stands slowly, his tunic shifting to reveal a chest his new wife is trying her hardest not to focus on. “Especially when we have already determined that this marriage was for us and not for them.”
“I understand, but—“
“No, you apparently do not,” Luca cuts her off, walking towards her with waves of concern radiating off of him. Taking both hands in his, he says, “We had our first kiss yesterday, Magdalena. And your nerves were unhinged the moment you saw me bathing. Did you think I would not notice?”
The empress gulps. She is unused to someone knowing her this well. Even her sister is not this good at picking her apart.
“I may be bold, but I am not that bold to assume you would want to lay with me after one day of being mine,” he jokes, a wet curl falling onto his forehead. “I will even sleep in my old room if you are not ready for my hairy legs in your bed.”
A laugh bubbles out of Magdalena, the tension releasing from her body as suddenly as it appeared. He is the only one that has gotten her to relax so easily in years, and she is sure that no one else will ever be able to achieve the same feat.
A few nights later, after days full of meeting with important people and drawing up official documents, after constant moments of catching the other staring across the room, after a vulnerable minute in the stairwell when they finally got alone and kissed like they had been deprived of air… Magdalena no longer had any fears left.
That is why Luca retired that night to find his new wife, clad in her nightgown, standing by their bed with a certain glint in her eye.
“Was my Empress waiting for me all this time?”
“No,” she said quietly. “Your wife was.”
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wisemins · 5 months
on a wonka note: willy wonka is autistic. literally no arguments to be made. i don't need to prove it. he is the proof.
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colorful-horses · 1 year
I'm still mad about how Miraculous treated Chloé Bourgeois btw
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dreamlogic · 4 months
2024 year of charlie gets a fucking break (hopefully. maybe. tbd.)
#ctxt#i'm on medication that's reduced my post-hysterectomy pain by about 70%#i have an intake appointment with a physical therapist in march & a referral to start trigger point injections#to hopefully finally recover as completely as possible from the nightmarish neuropathy that's plagued me since uuuhhhh#going on 2 years ago. holy shit. genuinely can't believe i've been surviving & functioning as well as i have for this long#while suffering a disabling & extremely painful surgical complication. fuck my original surgeon for brushing me off during that time#but the new provider i'm working with is so responsive & thorough in her approach & seems genuinely committed#to helping me finally get relief after all this time. she listens to my feedback & is flexible in her approach#and her assistant is a great communicator who's been handling most of the logistics of care coordination for me#and what a huge fucking relief that is. to not have to drag my doctors kicking & screaming towards maybe treating me eventually#i wanna cry. i finally feel like i'm being taken seriously and cared for. and i'm not BETTER yet (might never be the same as i was pre-op)#but i actually feel optimistic for the first time in over a year that i won't just have to deal with this agonizing pain on my own forever#i might actually see enough improvement that i can start to get back to living my life instead of just surviving it#money is tighter than it's been since i got laid off during early pandemic and that's stressing me out#but i promised myself that i would put my health first in 2024 and that means only working the bare minimum needed to pay my bills for now#genuinely i so fucking needed a break. i felt like i was trying to swim through a meat grinder last year#and it wasn't until i ended up in the ER about it that i finally was able to take my own pain seriously enough#to put my foot down & make some necessary changes that are now letting me focus on Getting Well With Myself at last#in hindsight it's like. really freaking me out how thoroughly i was able to compartmentalize & dissociate from how miserable i was#bc nobody who had the ability to help me would take me seriously & my shitty boss was like. extremely textbook emotionally abusive#and on one hand that was a survival mechanism that kept me on my feet during one of the worst times of my life. so props to myself there#but it was also very maladaptive how long & unnecessarily it went on before i snapped out of it & escalated things for my own safety#it was the same helpless frustration i often felt as a kid of like 'well nobody is on my side but me so i gotta suck it up & help myself'#and i think the family trauma shit that was going on last year definitely contributed to that. idk sense of doubling across time?#and things had to get Extremely Bad before they were bad enough for me to realize that although i felt like it#i am no longer an isolated & parentified island of a child who is beholden to the whims of ignorant & indifferent adults#i actually can and should take action to advocate for myself bc i am an adult and i CAN now change my circumstances as needed#instead of just enduring them as if i'm stuck there with no agency or chance to change things#and i have a really solid support system who helped me feel like it was possible to stand up for myself to get the help i desperately need#chronic blogging
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hopeswriting · 2 years
omg wait because the actual last thing i want to say about the shimon arc is that it's an absolute CRIME amano glossed right over this:
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[ID copied from alt text: A panel from the manga Katekyo Hitman Reborn, showing Sawada Tsunayoshi. He says "I would like to... turn down the title of the Tenth Boss of Vongola." in a calm and determined manner. /End ID]
and i know i already said it but the way she ignored this entirely??? literally didn't even if only mention it once after this. and the only way she "used" it and let it affect the plot is by having tsuna & enma relationship further fall apart, through tsuna seemingly agreeing to the ceremony and to become vongola decimo when he told enma otherwise.
like are you guys seeing what i'm seeing here? because this is the main character of the manga refusing to go along with the very premise of the story. very officially refusing to do it at that, like this couldn't be a more official refusal if he tried!!! from who he's saying that to to the stakes of his decision to the way the discussion is set up to the timing of the discussion to everything about this!!! this should have mattered and should have had consequences which would have changed everything for everyone!!!!!
i'm so upset. and i know amano glossing right over things that really shouldn't be glossed right over is just part of the khr experience, but this is the absolute worst thing she could have and DID gloss right over. like again this is the main character explictly saying he wants nothing to do with the promised payoff from the premise of the story. and then nothing. nothing!!!
but what if there was something tho??? like what if after they dealt with the whole shimon thing, they actually came back to this? actually acknowledged it happened? and the ninth really agreed to respect tsuna's decision like he said he would? what then?
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sunflowervc · 4 months
monkey brain has dnd character idea
monkey brain wants to play dnd
human brain is only ever the dm😔😔😔
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