#shame on me but honestly- you can deny it would be fucking funny
Do you think you're better off aloneee?/lyrics
Okay, so i have a thing i wanna do with these spinny Nastyas, but the fandom will hate me/hj
It includes Nastya, space, and this stupid/aff animation meme-
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
I remember Goob using several mental gymnastics to prove that Dean was actually thinking about Castiel instead of Sam in Red Meat. According to his logic, the line ''with different outcomes'' means that Dean was thinking about Castiel because 'outcomes' was plural so it was not just about Sam / or that it was about Castiel because of the line ''in his own way'', because 'in his own way' line could be about Dean losing Castiel to possession.
Never mind that Castiel does not even appear in the episode at all, that his name does not even get mentioned in the Red Meat script, and the only name Dean thinks of is 'Sam'. Plus the fact that he says he ''just went through the same thing'', so the line directly refers to Sam because he literally just watched Sam die in the same episode and he promised he'd come back to get Sam. Castiel's name is not even written in the script and clearly Dean does/did not think about him at that moment.
I swear to God, Goob pulls so much bullshit that it is actually hilarious but also sad considering how many people can fall into his crap and believe his claims.
This was also the case with the Siren episode. I remember Hellers making analyses on the episode and saying the Siren was actually Castiel because he was dressed like Castiel, so Siren (supposedly) appeared as Castiel to Dean in the episode instead of as Sam. When the literal script, again, disproves this and even the show itself makes it clear that the Siren was basically posing as Sam to trick Dean. He literally spells it out for us that he did pose as Sam, as the 'little brother' Dean wanted because he wanted Sam to trust him.
They also deny that Sam and Dean are canonical soulmates. I've seen so many contrived logic and analyses on this too just so they can dismiss the canon narrative.
It is funny that they do not and cannot understand what they see on their screen or that they choose to willfully ignore the canon to prove their ship. But how can someone just go and make up multiple mental gymnastics to ignore the written scripts is beyond me honestly.
Just ... yeah, that's hilariously stupid. As is most of what Goob spouts, tbh. Like, if there's a bad take to be had, Goob will find it. Even if there isn't, Goob will make it up. Anyone who can't see the pattern of him being dead wrong time after time pretty much deserves to be fooled at this point. Even a heller or a newbie should be able to figure out his reputation in pretty short order if they bother to look.
Again, we're not talking about highbrow literature in deep academia here, we're talking about a fantasy horror show on the CW - what you see is what you get. The show is written to a general audience that the writers honestly don't have that much faith in the intelligence or memory of - you could tell by the previouslies and occasional ponderous exposition. People like Goob want to believe instead that the writers were actually scattering hidden clues throughout to a secret REAL story for special chosen ones smart enough to find it - like them! At heart, they're nothing more than obsessed conspiracy theorists who want to believe they're superior because they figured out The Truth™ that's hidden from the common rubes. They did all the work to find out what was really going on, why won't reality validate them?!?
The thing is, even if in the show Dean had stabbed Castiel in the face while saying, "I fucking hate you, you backstabbing weasel!"? They would write several thousand words of meta about how it was aCtuAlLy Dean expressing his hidden sexual desires through rage out of shame because he's incapable of accessing his other emotions because of John's homophobic abuse uwu. Twue Lurve! So no, it's not surprising they try to twist script notes that literally mention Sam into being about Castiel, try to ignore the siren literally saying he's trying to take the place of a little brother, insist Ash can't possibly know what he's talking about when he brings up soulmates, and on and on because [frothing batshit nonsense]. In their wacky mixed up world, there is no SPN, only D/C. They need the validation of it being real.
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Blooming Panic MC plays suggestive songs for the boys
Ok, so hear me out. Your boyfriend is doing their own thing. Maybe Quest is reading or writing, nightowl's on his phone, Toasty is maybe trying out a new hobby, or maybe playing a game that DOESN'T require headphones, Xyx is definitely reading (fucking nerd). You decide that you want to tease the boyfriend, just a little bit. So you set up a playlist, wander into the room and just hang out for a bit. Just long enough so that no one gets suspicious, then ask if they can turn on some music. Of course, your boyfriend agrees, no he doesn't have any suggestions. feel free to play whatever you want.
First song is Don't stop me now. Good song.
Next song is Genie in a bottle. I bet nightowl sings along to that one.
Next up is Whistle. Then Boom Boom Boom. Then CANDY SHOP.
The songs just get more and more suggestive, until their not suggestive they're just actually telling you boyfriend what you want to do.
So the question is... who breaks first?
So I think nightowl catches on pretty quick. He's a smart boy, and damn if he's not eager. It doesn't take more than a couple songs for him to drag you away.
The only reason Toasty doesn't break first is because he doesn't realize what's going on. Like, he's paying attention: he knows your playing music, and when he looks back at you, you seem to be enjoying the songs, so whatever. Hell, it's not even that he doesn't know the songs are about sex, he just doesn't really register it. But one of the times he glances back from his computer to look at you, you just give him a Look, and it clicks. and he breaks instantly. And I mean he BREAKS. Turns bright red, starts stuttering, isn't able to look you in the eye anymore. YOu have to check on him to make sure he's actually breathing, cause he just. stops. And once he's at least breathing again,you ask if he wants to stop playing his game and go do something else. He just nods and follows you.
Xyx and Quest are difficult. I'm honestly not sure who would last the longest. Quest definetly recognizes the songs, but at first, I think he would be a lot like Toasty. He just thinks that you must really like these songs, no matter what they're about. But it doens't take him nearly as long to cotton on to the fact that you're trying to get a reaction. And then it goes one of two ways. He's either going to realize what's going on, finish up where he's at in his book, set it down and sweeps you of your feet. OR. He becomes a little shit. I swear, I think that when Quest is in a teasing mood, he could put Xyx to shame. So he waits, and waits. maybe he even hums along when one he listened to when he was a kid comes on. But he just waits, watching you get frustrated. and when it become visible, he asks if your ok. Need something, Angel? Well just say the word, and it's yours. He can't deny you, but he can't read your mind. All you have to do is ask. As soon as you do, he breaks. He really can't deny you something if you really want it, and he doesn't want to be too mean. He is a gentleman after all.
Xyx starts cracking jokes from the first song. By the second song, he mentions that if you want him that badly, you should just say something. Half an hour later, Pony comes on, and he's doing a terrible magic mike impression. And you want to be mad, because you were supposed to be messing with him, dammit. But he's so damn funny that you're laughing and joking right along with him. Eventually, when the playlist runs out, he's offering up suggestions, songs you've never heard of, but god are they obscene. And now you can't be mad at him because you don't even really remember why you started listening to these stupid songs anyway. The nature of the songs change, and soon their not sexual, they're just weird. Stupid mashups that kill you. Children's songs that are just so fucking weird. parodies. And before long, you realize it's late, you both have to be somewhere in the afternoon, and you mention that you both should probably head to bed. But he grabs your hand and stops you pulling you close. You think he's going to kiss you, but he stops, just a breath from your mouth. They say that the more someone makes you laugh, the better they'll make you feel, he tells you. And you've been laughing an awful lot tonight, doll. Don't you want to put the second part of that theory to the test? That was why you were doing this, wasn't it? He laughs when you pout, but finally kisses you, and pulls you away to your bedroom.
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diamondcitydarlin · 9 months
I'm not gonna tag this because shadows fandom loves to be contrarian and base their metas directly on people who didn't like things while calling them stupid and shallow and whatever (because apparently I can't not like the way a thing was written without directly insulting someone else who did?? Or being stupid? make it make sense) but I honestly am all for Guillermo being and staying a human. I've been all for it since day one, honestly. To me, everything about his story from the first episode, first season suggests that this is the kind of idealized dream he's going to wake up from eventually and realize it's not everything he wanted. I've always been 100% on board with that, especially with the reveal that he was a vampire hunter which came with its own set of powers. In fact, I was working on a fic a couple years ago that I intend to return to that is ALL about Guillermo finally eschewing his dreams of vampirism for a purpose that better fulfills him etc.
So no, my problem with this last episode is not that 'Guillermo needs to stay a vampire or it's bad writing phwah', my problem is with the swiftness that all of this happens, coupled with the fact that Guillermo is between a rock and a hard place and more or less just being guided into place by what everyone else in the situation thinks is best for him. Despite the fact that he literally DRINKS BLOOD FROM A CUP to fully come into his vampire powers naught but a few scenes before, the fact that he cannot bring himself to drain a human directly from the tap until dead (which I still don't think makes a lot of sense on it's own but fine) is treated as this insurmountable problem they can't possibly get over so, obviously, he needs to be reverted via Derek's death (a character who also doesn't deserve that). Can't just let him drink blood from cups or bottles for a while. Can't just let him half drain someone but not to the point of death. Maybe at least to give him some time to decide??? Maybe give him better reasons (of which there are many) to decide to revert? He has been idolizing this for most of his life, after all, I just think it's a shame that we're meant to accept that ONE moment of revulsion towards killing someone (KILLING SOMEONE OF ALL THINGS) is enough to make him just nope out completely. That's a disservice to him and what he's capable of, if you ask me.
See, I of course enjoyed the deliciousness of the whole cheating/sex parallel to Guillermo being bitten by someone else, loved that, I'm just not sure how I feel about that storyline ending with Nandor being like 'im gonna forgive you for this but only because you're too much of a stupid little baby to know what you want, but I know what you want better than you do, now lemme kill the guy you cheated on me with real quick ok' LIKE. I KNOW that they are toxic I KNOW they are unhealthy, but Guillermo is a character that has constantly been struggling with his own agency, often seizing it on his own by very aggressive means, often being shown as smarter and more capable than most of the household, and for this storyline to just end with Nandor 'fixing' it all because Guillermo's just too dumb to know what's best for him...IDK YALL. DIDN'T LIKE IT. I can see how people would find it romantic and I do think it's meant to be but...nope. I don't find that romantic lmao I find that insulting and patronizing. Maybe that's the point? But it wasn't funny either. Or interesting, really. (The Freddie stuff was fucked up but at least it was funny to some degree lol)
I guess my point is that I wish there had been more time spent on this. We can't keep excusing these cop-out, rushed and dropped storylines on 'well it's a goofy show' because yes, it's ALWAYS been a goofy show I get it, but there's no denying that seasons 1-3 did a better job of holding on to arcs and creating consequences for the characters as a result of these arcs and their actions, such as the Vampire Council tricking them into custody after a season of Guillermo killing a bunch of vampires etc. There's precedent in this GOOFY GOOFY show to think that there will be follow through and consequences of characters actions etc, so no, it doesn't come from nowhere and it's not people just seeing what they want to or whatever.
I do kind of think this was rushed because the next season will most likely be the last, but even if that is true, I don't see why we couldn't have dedicated more time to it in this next season. It's deflating, it's boring, it sucks that one of the main narrative questions of the show 'Will Guillermo transform or not?' has been answered with what I find to be more or less a wet fart that doesn't even really make sense or fully take into account who the characters are and what they're capable of.
Yes, it's a goofy show that is usually just episodic moments of whatever crazy shenanigans the vampires will get into today, but it used to be elevated and tied together by story arcs and narrative consequences that would, eventually, sooner or later, show up for the characters to deal with. It used to be arcs that spanned episodes of Guillermo coming into his power and feeling conflicted about his dreams versus his destiny. It used to be the Vampire Council or the Baron being a certain kind of existential threat. It used to give us the idea that while funny stuff was happening, buckle up, because it's going to get REAL in the last few episodes.
But now that's uh...more or less just not a thing anymore. Everything is dealt with in a 25 min runtime and there are no consequences for anything that last or mean anything. To me, that sucks, and not in a cool vampire way lmao.
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kronehaze · 2 years
You know what's funny about the proposed Adrien ending his friendship with Chloé plot that the Bible leaked? It not only is apparent that this is just one more petty fuck you to Chloé fans (and yes I am aware of what she has done in canon, but should I acknowledge it? Astruc has already done that for me lol) but it makes Adrien and to a lesser extent Marinette look so much worse instead. Also this entirety goes against the message of how improving one's self starys with... well self. Adrien has been handheld since day one.
Honestly I'm just sad that chloe disappeared sometime before the season 3 finale, its a shame considering I actually liked her chatacter. I hope she's enjoying her Brazil vacation tho
Seriously- I know a lot of people like to say "Oh chloe shouldn't have been redeemed in the first place" as if the gripe is "Why is this villain not redeemed?" Not "Why did they abandon this redemption arc halfway and then stopm all over the character the audience had formed an attachment to?" There was an attempt to redeem chloe and make her a hero and they backed out of it and did a 180 with no good reason, that's not something you can deny.
And my favourite chatacter in totaly spies was Mandy. I would have still liked chloe if they never pushed her out of the bratty bully role.
Tho gotta love how chloe and lila, two 14 year old girls, are more evil than the super terrorist abusive father.
I can't say I agree with your assessment of the bible only making adrien and mari look worse cuz I think chloe has been a caricature trying to paint over stuff that was part of her redemption as "She was always evil guys I swear!" and not an actual character from the start of season 4.
Also while we're here and talking about the bible
Also adrien is a piece of reflective cardboard pretending to be a chatacter, if something isn't holding him he would just fall down lol
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trans-zhongli · 1 year
Its actually interesting that you pride yourself on being progressive and enlightened when shit that doesnt fit in your tiny white western framework is immediately dismissed and shamed. Its honestly kinda racist that you immediately dismiss original text and cultural context for english translations. Censor your posts if you talk shit or shut the fuck up
dude straight up called me racist for not liking their ship.
im allowed to dislike a ship involving adoptive brothers who are, yes, ADOPTIVE. that is canon. they can be adoptive brothers and also sworn brothers. i never denied that was a thing, i don't doubt that's what it says in chinese nor am i dismissing it as a concept.
i literally don't care if you ship it so stop getting all worked up about it, damn. it's literally disgusting to accuse someone of being racist simply because they don't like your ship. all i said was that i think it's a misunderstanding of kaeya and diluc's characters to ship them together, which is literally just my opinion. i don't give a shit what you want to ship. i did not tag my post
the main point here is really that it's pathetic to call someone racist over genshin impact shipping. god damn. but if you want to get into that, fine, then you should acknowledge that sworn brothers is not exclusively a romantic thing, and you can't assume something romantic is being implied here just based on that. i don't care if you want to ship it, i definitely ship things that i never expect to be canon, but as you said its "honestly kind of racist to dismiss cultural context".
literally leave me alone. i did not tag it as kaeluc SPECIFICALLY because i didnt want this kind of shit, but i guess i should have been more careful because kaeluc stans are apparently assholes. all i said was that i don't think it fits their characterization to ship them together. and if i said it in kind of a mean way, sorry about that, but also not sorry because i'm not going to censor my own opinions on fucking genshin impact characters on my own blog.
also i never ever said i prided myself on being progressive and enlightened... literally what about me implied that... kinda funny how you jump straight to that conclusion as if anyone in this stupid argument has ever told me more than just "google it you dumbfuck" if they think that i'm wrong or uneducated about it. as you said, i fully acknowledge that i have a white western worldview, because i am white and come from a western country (it's a shock i know, that someone's worldview might be based on what they know, insane). i am fully willing to learn things im ignorant on. but i have no reason to believe that i am in the wrong here especially because i UNDERSTAND THE CONTEXT OF SWORN BROTHERS AND THAT IS NEVER WHAT I WAS CONTESTING IN THE FIRST PLACE. IF THEY SAID THAT IN THE ORIGINAL TEXT THEN FINE. I STILL AM ENTITLED TO MY OPINION ABOUT THE SHIP. i think it is FULLY REASONABLE to feel uncomfortable about two adoptive brothers being in a romantic relationship. but i've written and read things that would make other people uncomfortable, so i literally do. not. fucking. care.
not that i'm expecting you to read anything beyond what you want to get mad about, considering the conclusions you came to about me and the fact that you seem to have gone through my blog for some reason yet ignored everything else i said on this subject.
all i said was that i don't like it. literally touch some grass and leave me alone.
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theylisten · 2 years
things are good, and most of the time i’m happy. and i’m not writing this manically. i’m not super happy right now because i smoked weed so i’m anxious (who would have known?), but to be honest? I really do feel connection to so many worthwhile things. it’s really confusing sometimes, but it makes me want to know more. i don’t remember stability, so this is brand new. i’m at a good job i actually like and want to keep. i’m in the most incredible relationship of my life and the best part is? he’s my lover. i have amazing friends and family i’m obsessed with and protective of to the core. i am someone i am proud of. i try my best every day. i’m the me i never thought i would get to be. and that’s trip because still, to this day, i think the me i would never get to be still exists. maybe it’s inevitable, and maybe that’s just fine. 
everything seems to be constantly changing, and recently it’s been particularly fast. how do i cope? let myself suffer, deeply and honestly. i need more alone time, just me time. it’s hard to get, which is something i honestly love. i spend so much time with ethen, and it’s always so fun. it’s safe with him to be me. i still hide parts, which hurts me to my core. it’s not that i don’t trust him or need him to be someone else, even though sometimes i can project that, it’s my own shame. i am proud of the person i am today, but i’m not sure i will be proud of me today in five years. 
it’s always good to be kind. it’s always good to show up, even if it feels like presenting, and do the nice thing. i like being that person, though i wonder if others think that’s fake. i know it’s a bit of a facade for me, i always have so much going on in my mind, and i’ve learned that keeping it sweet and aloof shuts down conversation like nothing else. i like the people in my life, and i am very protective of my relationships, and i’ve seen how just one bad person can ruin so much. i like to observe before deciding if i want to get to know this person and also have them learn more about me. 
i’ve always been very studious, which can make one either an optimist or a pessimist. i aim to be the former. nothing bad can happen in a world hellbent on good. even when it makes no sense, i believe. i think we’re wired for this thing, blind faith. we’re chemically required to think bigger than our senses. i don’t mind it, and think it’s foolish to resist. we’re all equal part idiot and equal part prodigy. i know what’s right and wrong, and i walk that line beautifully. it’s not hard to be kind, it’s easy to see the bright side. why deny ourself the pleasure of possibility. 
it’s pretty funny, getting older. i remember my high school math teacher ms. winkle told our class that she has thoroughly enjoyed every step and age of life. that getting older doesn’t rob you of a thing. the gig is up. it’s so true, i enjoy my life today more than i ever have, and i’m old as ever. thank god for the day. i am so grateful to be alive, i am so grateful to have more to learn.
him. i think i can cry at any thought, for he is so pure. i never knew a love like this existed. that i could care so much, and so fearlessly. that i prefer sleeping with him a million times over sleeping alone. he is my home, and i’m agoraphobic. it’s not such a bad thing to be all in, after all. it’s a peace earned, and we deserve each other. that true magic and true love really does exist. he is my favorite everything. my biggest fear is to lose him, and he is with me in every moment i dream of being in. a future so rich and so exciting, so much bigger than i ever dreamed of before. i want to be with him every step of his way, be the one he feels safest and most protected with. every victory and every loss, he will not share alone. i pray every day for this to be for the rest of my life, and i am so fucking thankful god listens. 
jealousy is such a funny thing, because it’s so damn pointless. there is no reason to think you will ever be like anybody but yourself. that’s the entire point of this thing. let yourself admire and appreciate, there is a lot of power and love in what’s outside us. but never forget, we are all people at the end of the day—no matter what. seeking blind faith and certainty with equal devotion. i wouldn’t want to be anybody but myself, troubles and all. i think I’m in the exact right place and in the exact right time, right here right now. self love isn’t a pill you can swallow, it’s who you are. it’s okay that you’re a bit of a narcissist. we all are. 
i’m super happy right now. :)
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beauty-and-passion · 3 years
What Eurovision 2021 taught us
1. That a nice, enjoyable show was possible (even if 4 presenters are still too much)
Of course nothing can beat Love Love Peace Peace (even if Ja Ja Ding Dong does its best), but this year's intermissions were very enjoyable.
We expected something flashy and over the top because hey, The Netherlands. Sex, drugs, gays and all that jazz.
But instead Covid surprised us. And then The Netherlands surprised us even more, by making a very enjoyable show, despite the restrictions. My personal favourites were:
The water intermission of the first semi-final. I loved the mixed feelings, how water is both scary and respected, for being such a powerful, unstoppable force.
The rooftop concerts during the final. Social distancing? Sure, no problem, let's make the past winners sing on top of some roofs all over Rotterdam. That was pure genius, I loved it so much.
On the other hand, the presenters were basically all useless. We could've had just two of them instead of four. But hey, at least they weren't as cringy as the three scary ukranians from 2017 or the useless four ladies from Portugal. The true highlights of the show were the intermissions, the guests and especially the songs themselves and this is perfectly good for me.
2. That we can live in a world without boring ass ballads
I’ve never been so proud of the Eurovision public, especially during the second semifinal: that evening was PACKED with ballads. Boring ballad after boring ballad, with just a couple more funny songs in between.
The ballads were all left behind. Even the two Amen. And I love the irony we chose El Diablo and the finnish band for the final, but no Amen. No saints allowed, only the norwegian angel. As it always should be.
And so we had the best final I've seen since I started following Eurovision in 2014. Catchy songs, dance songs, upbeat songs. And power ballads. Yes, ballads can still have a place, but only if they're good.
Because yes, Switzerland and France were good. Very good. Just not as good as the ones the public wanted.
3. That we want Eurovision, not Englishvision
Every year, the same message blasts from all Europeans: send a song in your native language. This show is supposed to make other people from Europe (and the rest of the world) to know more about your own country, to enjoy its rhythm and to listen to something we don't usually hear. So why waste this huge opportunity, to bring a generic song in English?
Because the English song wins. Because we all understand English, so English has more chances.
Flash news: GUESS WHO WON THIS YEAR. No, it’s not the generic English song.
The public has been crystal clear, the final poll is even clearer: the top five includes an italian song, an ukraine song, two french songs and only one english song. We want different styles and rhythms, we want to listen to Europe.
So I want to give my full thank you to:
Albania: amazing song, great voice, wonderful language. Do it again.
Serbia: these ladies are fantastic, their song is great and they sang it in their language so I love them
Switzerland: thank you for leaving English to the side to give us some good french
Spain: the song wasn't as good as Universo, but it was in sexy spanish, so thank you for using it almost every year
Danemark: the song was terrible, but it was in your language and this alone deserves everything
France: I know we all make fun of you for being France, but your language is perfect for songs, so thank you for always using it
Ukraine: take note, Ukraine, because Europe is madly in love with your language and your rhythm
Italy: our language is beautiful, so thank you for delivering every year
While my biggest biases go to:
Greece: a generic pop song with no balkan rhythm and no greek either? An absolute shame, greek should always be used for songs.
Russia: russian language is very melodious and yes, we got something this year, but what about bringing a full russian song? We want it!
Germany: I may sound crazy, but I honestly think german language is good for songs. It's not like the mediterranean languages, but it still works. So please, do not be scared and show what you can do with it!
Scandinavian countries: why do you never want to bring your own language? Do it, don't be scared! Yes, Sweden, I'm talking with you: you still never tried to bring something in swedish, so do it.
4. That we don't want Americans to play with us
For reasons we still have to understand, Flo Rida was competing this year. And he was competing for San Marino, the smallest European country.
I'm pretty sure they took some time to explain to him what was going on, where he was, where San Marino is, wtf was happening, why there were sexy italians and ukranian witches and a norwegian angel and loads of beautiful women everywhere.
And I loved how we all send memes about this, about ahahah why is Flo Rida here, what if San Marino wins where would they host Eurovision, all while enjoying an actual catchy song.
And then, in the end, Flo Rida basically disappeared. Who remembers Flo Rida, when we got Ukraine, Italy, Finland, Iceland, and the UK? And Germany being wholesome? And the love story between Norway and Azerbaijan? We collectively forgot about him and I think it's very sexy from Europe to just say "nope" and push America away, even if for just one week.
And this isn't the first time: we basically showed Madonna in a corner in 2019, thanks to Mans, Eleni, Verka and Conchita. Once again, Europeans knows what they want: we don't want Americans. Australia can because they're like that little brother we took under our wing for no reason and now it's part of us. But not Americans.
The rest of the year is all yours, but one week is ours.
5. That we can lose like bosses
This year, the voting results have been absolutely insane and FOUR COUNTRIES got zero points from the public, while the UK got both zero points from the public AND the jury.
Don't get me wrong, the song was bad. And yes, Brexit played a role in this. And yes, hating England is Europe’s favourite sport.
But can we please all take a moment and appreciate how James Newman reacted? The public gave him a round of applause and he celebrated this achievement like a boss.
And he had all the reasons! He achieved something incredible, he unlocked something that this new voting system was supposed to never lead to. But he did it. So hats off to you, my boy: My Last Breath was better.
Germany is also used to the bottom of the chart, but this year I really thought Jendrik could have a chance to achieve a higher position. The song was funny, carefree, lively, the hand costume was the kind of trash we need and the message was nice as well. But he still got 3 points.
Despite that, Jendrik celebrated like a maniac and seeing his this happy made me happy as well. I really wish him the best.
Again, same message every year: the jury vote should be eliminated. It's a fucking farce and their votes have nothing to do with what the public want.
The jury focuses on the voices, except when they don't, and clearly giving points to your neighbours is because you like the song, not because they're your neighbours.
I usually make fun of Greece and Cyprus showing eternal love to each other, by giving 12 points to each other every year, but this time, it sounded even more stupid than usual. It really looked like a farce. Why should we see this farce? Why can't we just choose what the public wants? So at least we would blame ourselves for our shitty musical tastes.
Even if I'm pretty sure we all have great musical tastes. Let's not forget that in 2019 the public's winner was Norway, with a song that mixed english, a catchy rhythm and an amazing part in yoik language. Arcade is good as well, but we cannot deny the norwegian entry was a lot more interesting.
And this year, the public's taste was flawless:
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Look at this beauty: italian glam rock, ukranian techno folk, french powerful ballad, finnish hard rock and whatever that thing was with Iceland.
There's variety, there's everything for everyone. And there are native languages. Italian, Ukranian, and French on top three, followed by English.
Moral of the story: the public is great and the jury should be abolished forever.
7. That Ukranian technofolk is all we needed in our lives
I didn’t see enough love for Go_A, so as italian, I think it's my sworn duty to give my appreciation to them and their amazing entry, because this band is awesome and Shum is currently on top of the Spotify top 50 - as it should be, because everyone should listen to it and join this slavic rave party.
I already liked their entry for 2020, Solovey. But I also liked My Last Breath from the UK and Universo from Spain. And this year they brought two of the worst songs. So I was very wary of Go_A.
But Shum is an absolute blast. Katerina Pavlenko's voice is unique and the song is even more, because based on ukranian folklore and traditional dances to summon the spirit of spring. They managed to teach something to all Europe in a three minute song and I think that’s incredibly sexy of them.
And so, I searched for other songs and OMG, I don’t know how it’s possible, but they are all great. Rano-Ranenko, Zhalmenina, Tanula, they all are perfect and I’m in love with this band.
And if all of this is not enough, THEY DID A COVER OF DANCING LASHA TUMBAI. The most iconic Eurovision song, sang by our god Verka. And this is the coolest, most badass cover ever in the whole universe. Please listen to it HERE everyone needs to hear this.
So thank you, Ukraine, for giving us Go_A. We all had a small empty place in our hearts and this place has ben perfectly filled by them.
And yif you think you don’t need ukranian technofolk, is only because you still haven’t listened to it. Please listen and enjoy Shum. You’re welcome.
8. That rock and roll never dies (and Italy’s well deserved victory)
The last time Italy won was in 19-fucking-90. 31 years ago. I was just born.
And now, they finally won again. And what a song! Despite being italian, I've never listened to Maneskin before, but oh damn, this song is good. Not all their songs are, but this one is. And also Morirò da re.
Their show was perfect as well. This post is really eye-opening about how well they put on their show. The use of the stage, the movements, everything has been part of a great performance, even their clothes. Damiano's voice never faltered, despite having an entire continent watching him. They handled the stage like bosses, despite being only in their twenties. And they gave us some good fucking rock.
And so the public said a loud "FUCK YOU" to the jury and chose its winners. The sassy, sexy italians.
And yes, I know that there has been a lot of petty polemics because those youngsters are having drugs!1!! as if they were a bunch of idiots who used drugs on international TV, with their manager sitting next to them.
Of course it was a pointless accusation and honestly I don't care if some people are sore losers. The drug results were negative anyway, what a shocker.
What we should truly think about is how strong the Maneskin's bladders are, because they spent the whole evening of the final drinking the entire alcohol supply of the Eurovision and, at the end, they were still happy and cool. Hats off to you, you sexy people.
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This man is just iconic, why did I miss him before.
Also, have some more Maneskin. You know, as a treat.
9. That solidarity and wholesomeness are the biggest winners
It's just beautiful to see these nice people, from all over Europe, bonding, having fun, taking photos together and being friends.
The true winner of this, is probably Norway: Tix wanted to have a good time and he had a good time. The video of him vibing with Ukraine and Germany while listening Hard Rock Hallelujah is the best (HERE). His love story with Efendi from Azerbaijan is even better (please, check the video on his youtube channel, it's hilarious). I don't like his song, but he's a great guy and deserves everything.
The italian and finnish rock relationship is also great. Maneskin and Dark Sides found each other, considering they were the only two rock bands in the competition, so mutual appreciation was inevitable.
But Damiano is also a man of culture and he appreciates Ukraine's entry. And Ukraine appreciates both Finland and Italy. Is this what world peace looks like? Because I love it.
10. That Italians will be Europe's clowns again (and you're all allowed to make fun of us)
Beware, Europe: we Italians are messy and chaotic, our presenters don’t know a single word in English, we are homoerotic AND homophobic at the same time, our musical competitions are so fucking sloooow... let’s say next year’s Eurovision is going to be interesting.
And yes, you’re allowed to make fun of us. We don’t care, we won, so we deserve to be Europe’s clowns once again.
And I don’t know who the presenters will be (my bets are on everyone’s favourites: Fiorello, Amadeus and Malgioglio), I don’t know how we will ridicule ourselves once again, I don’t know where will we find the money to put on the show, I don’t know how ungodly long it will be... but I know that Mans Zelmerlow will be part of it. This man loves Eurovision just like all of us, so I can already see him packing his suitcase and planning his flight to Italy. Come to us, Mans, we will wait for you. We actually need an English presenter, so if you have nothing else to do...
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the-fusionist · 3 years
Give me damianette fluff or jasonette fluff with a song
A/N: Hello, all! I am back! This is a very late answer, which I'm sorry for @rebecarojas07. But, it's here now! I went a little off from the prompt and it's a little angsty in the beginning, but it gets better! Also, constructive criticism is welcome, since its been a while. Also, no beta, we die like Jason Todd. I wrote 1800 words just now and I am hoping they mesh well together.
Warnings: Some cursing, slight angst, cheating, hand holding, and kissing
Song: PUBLIC - Make You Mine
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Marinette cried as she sat on the rooftop while Tikki hugged her.
She was here in Gotham as Ladybug in order to deal with a crisis involving a missing miraculous with Zatanna and Batman, along with several other American heroes she had gotten to know. The mission had taken her a month and she had needed to go undercover for a large portion of the mission, severing contact with her boyfriend, Adrien Agreste. It should all have been fine, they trusted each other.
Now he’s a former boyfriend.
Alya Cesaire was a rock in Marinette’s life, and she was always there for her. If it hadn’t been for Alya Cesaire, her most reliable confidante, the break up might have never happened so soon and she would have stayed oblivious. If it hadn’t been for Alya’s pictures, Marinette would probably have never believed it herself. Five pictures of Adrien Agreste and Lila Rossi, making out on several different occasions.
She wanted to believe it wasn’t true, but if she was being honest with herself she should have seen it coming. Heck, Tikki had seen it coming. They had been having more arguments as of recently. And the time that she had spent apart from Adrien on a mission had simply driven them further apart from each other. She thought back to the times she had complained to Adrien about how Lila was always so touchy with him during photoshoots, he said that it was all business that he couldn’t avoid because of his father. That she was overreacting and being too clingy. That there was nothing between him and Lila.
But those pictures existed. They were in broad daylight, and both Adrien Agreste and Lila Rossi seemed to have no shame, acting in public spaces. She sent one text to Adrien.
We're over.
The message was read, and there was no reply.
That was a month ago. Marinette was getting better, very slowly. Plagg and Tikki stuck with her and supported her, but Marinette still had some nights where she refused to talk to anyone and cried alone. She had set up an arrangement with her parents so she could stay in Gotham, as she needed time away from the city of love. She could never have been more thankful.
Especially when she saw the viral video of someone throwing a bag of flour at Adrien Agreste and Lila Rossi during a photoshoot. Marinette had burst out laughing when she saw the video, and she had a feeling her parents were behind it and had gotten away with it.
But still, sometimes there were days where she couldn’t shrug off the tears. They flowed freely as she swung her spotted legs from her seat on the edge of a random rooftop. She had finished patrol, and she had begun to think back to all the nights she used to spend patrolling Paris with Adrien. She felt her heart seize as she gazed out into the grey landscape of Gotham.
Well, I will call you darlin' and everything will be okay
Suddenly, she heard a throat clear behind her and a cough.
Turning around, she found herself staring at the Red Hood. She quickly wiped at her eyes in an attempt to hide that she had been crying. She had heard rumors of the Red Hood, especially of how he often murdered criminals and at some point in the past had been the leader of a criminal empire.
But, Batman trusted him. And she trusted Batman, so she should be able to trust him and this was a completely safe situation. At least, that’s what she told herself.
She heard him clear his throat again, and she realized she must have gotten lost in her thoughts. She focused back on him, albeit it was somewhat warily.
“Hello darlin’, shit wait, that was too cringey. Damn, I’m sorry.”
She felt her lips quirk upwards in a smile.
The Red Hood coughed, before holding out a steaming cup of coffee to her, and in a questioning tone asked, “Let me try again. You’re Ladybug, right? I saw you having a moment here earlier while I was on patrol, so I just wanted to give you this and offer an ear to listen to you rant if you want?”
Marinette felt her heartbeat quicken, and she felt herself blush under her mask as she replied, “Thank you so much. You’re the Red Hood, right? It’s nice to meet you. And yeah, I would like to rant, that would be super nice.”
So he sat down next to her. She doesn’t know what made her do so, but she told him almost everything. How her former boyfriend had cheated on her while she was on a mission, and how she felt so betrayed when she found out. She told him all about the loneliness and the bitter homesickness she constantly felt.
And he listened, without pity. He listened to every word she spoke, nodding at the right moments of her story, reassuring her she was right, and cussing out Adrien Agreste with her.
That was the first time she met Jason Todd, the man underneath the helmet of the Red Hood.
'Cause I know that I am yours and you are mine
Several months passed, and their relationship progressed from there. The two fell into comfortable friendship and eventually revealed their identities.
But, Marinette couldn’t deny that she had caught herself blushing as she stared at Jason during training or patrol, admiring him.
It was a similar situation for Jason. He still curses himself for the time that Marinette had smiled at him as she swung by during patrol, and he had been so caught up with staring at her dazzling smile that he didn’t notice himself walk right off a building. He was fine, his pride bruised more than anything else.
The point was, they fit well together. They bantered and seemed to constantly toe the line between friendship and something more, to the point where others began to take notice. Jason’s siblings teased him, while Alya and Nino would give Marinette suggestive looks over facetime whenever she mentioned Jason.
They got along so well, and everyone could see it. Marinette and Jason were also starting to believe it themselves. Marinette felt that she was his, and Jason knew that he was hers. They had each other wrapped around their fingers, without even realizing.
Doesn't matter anyway
Marinette was on patrol with Jason when she checked her phone and tears of anger welled up in her eyes. It was a message from Adrien.
Lila and I are over now. We should get back together now, I miss what we had.
Jason saw Marinette’s face change, and he felt angry too when Marinette showed him the text. Adrien Agreste was fucking pathetic.
“Who does he think he is? He thinks he can cheat on me and get back together? He doesn’t even have a place in my life anymore. He doesn’t even matter to me anymore.”
“You don’t need that fucker, Marinette, like how dare he act like you guys can get back together after what he did? Honestly, he’s fucking pathetic. I bet he’s sitting all fucking alone in his apartment after breaking up with Lila, thinking he matters to you. What a pretentious shit stain.”
Marinette felt herself move before she could properly think about what she was doing. Jason hadn’t anticipated her action, and he felt himself let out a small laugh of surprise when he felt Marinette hug him, her face pressed into his leather jacket.
He couldn’t help but softly smile when he heard a muffled, “Thank you, Jason, for being here for me.”
In the night, we'll take a walk, it's nothing funny
Marinette heard a knock on her apartment window. She walked over and opened it to find Jason standing on her fire escape, giving her a sheepish smile.
“Jason, it's 2:00 a.m. and it isn’t even a patrol night? God damn it, Jason, I know that I don’t sleep at night, but what could you want right now?”
Jason’s smile grew brighter, “Want to get waffles and coffee?”
Marinette’s mood quickly changed, and she felt her lips quirk, “You want me to go out in the dark, all alone with you, to get waffles and coffee?”
“No funny business, just waffles and coffee.”
Marinette laughed before she quickly threw on a jacket and joined Jason on the fire escape, before descending down with him and beginning their moderate walk to a nearby café.
Just to talk
On the way, they talked about anything and everything. Books, fashion, superhero business, you name it. They were at peace.
Put your hand in mine
As they walked into the café, Jason noticed another man, who looked like he was in his early twenties, eyeing Marinette. He felt jealousy crawl up his spine, and he knew his eyes were flashing green at the moment.
Marinette had noticed, though she pretended not to. She also tried to pretend not to notice when Jason casually slipped his hand into her own, though she knew she was furiously blushing. Jason was flustered too, and she heard him stutter as he gave his order to a waitress.
For the rest of the night, their hands remained clasped. Tikki was giggling quietly from the inside of Marinette's purse.
You know that I want to be with you all the time
Though they never directly spoke about the hand holding, the two of them definitely gradually spent more time with each other.
They frequented various cafes and libraries and stores, in and out of costume. Someone once swore they saw the Red Hood and Ladybug at a movie theater throwing popcorn at each other. Everyone knew it was only a matter of time before they got together, and several bets were made.
You know that I won't stop until I make you mine
Flash forward a week, and Marinette has asked Jason out on a date. He says yes. They’re both bright red when they enter the café, and this time their hands are clasped from the moment they enter.
The same waitress recognizes them, and she asks who asked the other out. She quickly finds out that Marinette made the first move. When she goes back to her place behind the counter, Marinette and Jason see a coworker slide her twenty bucks. They laugh, and enjoy the rest of their date, content with each other’s serene presence.
Until I make you mine
After they leave the café, a strong gust of wind blows. Marinette slightly shivers under the bite of the wind, before she feels a large warmth envelope her. Jason’s leather jacket is draped over her shoulders, and the man in question is gazing at her lovingly.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” she said before she reached up and pressed a warm kiss to his lips.
The End!
TAG LIST: @theatreandcomicfreak ​@18-fandoms-unite-08 @mochegato @princessanimeangel11 @maribatlife
If you would like to be tagged in other works in the future, please let me know!
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uweiy · 3 years
I'm intrigued by Love is Science? but know nothing about it. Can you give me a run down on what kind of thing to expect and who it might appeal to? Thank you!! 😁
Ooooo boi *gremlin smile* I'm glad you asked. You've entered the dragon's den, broken the dam and thus this post turned out to be a monster so I'm gonna link here another post from @accidentallyadramablog which imo gives a nice (and short) overview.
That said let's get into
Love is Science?
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Summary :
Yan Fei is a the CEO of the Love is Science marriage agency, that matches people based on scientific data. Hsuan Yu, 8 years younger than her, is a promising young hairstylist who has been in love with her thoughout their entire childhood when she has only ever seen him like a little brother.
Unexpectedly they meet again. Between the way they've each built their lives and how Yong Yan Fei's ex husband still looms over Yan Fei's life, how will their relationship develop this time around ?
just reading that summary I know what you're thinking.
Indeed, if you have some experience with dramas, you might recognize some TYPICAL TYPICAL tropes – let's get them out of the way :
love triangle (though we all know who she is going to end up with don't we)
childhood friends
'noona romance'
And they are every bit as present and as trope-ey as you would expect.
However, as they say, the devil is in the details.
And particularly, in the side characters. Let me give you a quick rundown of the lot of them :
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As such, we follow the stories of multiple relationships that develop parallel to one another.
The relationships
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• Yan Fei/ Hsuan Yu : Not much needs to be added I think. Their storyline might be the most predictable but they are pretty sweet and heartwarming. pining for like 12 years though poor Hsuan Yu. Anyway you can enjoy it or find it boring or but you can't hate it.
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• Mark/Ouwen : Noooow we're getting to it. Their dynamic is so... Refreshing and unique. Confident gay with a soft heart and dumb disaster bisexual I mean *chef kiss*👌delicious
After the disasters of their first meetings, it's a cat and dog relationship where Ouwen is the hsssssss don't touch me– cat and Mark is the golden retriever trailing after him not really realizing the rampage he's creating in Ouwen's heart. while Ouwen is like "Remind me why the FUCK I caught feelings again ?".
IDK it just has everything 'Enemies' to friends to lovers, (not actually) unrequited love, pining, sweet moments, jealousy, feelings realization, snarky banter... What more could one want.
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• Cho Nai Hui / You Fu : they are. So. So sweet. Both are older and have experience, and as such they are not so naive or stupid as the youngsters. Them sharing their life experiences and going on dates like typically teenagers (in movies or TV shows anyway) would is refreshing to see and really really heartwarming.
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• Liu Sheng Ying/ ??? Her ex ? : The show hinted at a wlw storyline and this arc seems to have JUST begun. Basically Sheng Ying's ex comes to Love is Science as a client and requests Sheng Ying as an advisor, while Sheng Ying still seems heartbroken over her. I can't WAIT to see how it develops.
The friendships :
Something I greatly appreciate is that both the romantic relationships AND the friendships have a great importance in the drama.
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• Joanna and Yan Fei : Jo, queen Jo 👑. She's just here to gossip, get all the gossip and be the voice of reason and we love her for it. You can see how comfortable they are around each other and how they were there for each other during tough times and still are. Kudos to the actresses because I believed the characters were besties in a heartbeat.
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• Hsuan Yu and Mark : they are honestly... Such polar opposites you kinda wonder how they became friends but they are and it works perfectly.
Hsuan Yu still hasn't gotten he maybe shouldn't take Mark's advice, and Mark still hasn't gotten that he, definitely should take Hsuan Yu's. It also enables to develop a more playful and mischievous side to Hsuan Yu, giving him more depth?
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• Ouwen and Sheng Ying: rivalry to reluctant solidarity to friends-but-i-will-deny-it-if-asked to just friends. IT'S GREAT
I also ejoy the fact that these multiple storylines are allowed to coexist. The romantic ones, the friendships, older, younger, m/f m/m and f/f like take your pick !! And tbh a WLW storyline ?????? These are so scarce I will take anything.
The recurring themes :
The show more or less subtly touches on some topics/issues, to which the dating aspect contributes to.
A non exhaustive list would be
Divorce, and how divorced women can be viewed as failures for some reason
How successful men over 30 are sought after but successful women after 30 are somehow deemed undatable
Preconceived notions and homophobia
And beyond the topics, there's just things like... Joanna not being interested in long term relationships nor wanting to get married, reporting sexual harassment, older people going on dates.... I'm not saying it's a groundbreaking activist drama –which is not really what I was looking for– I just appreciate the fact that it is a pretty mainstream drama and that these things are there.
Mad respect if you've made it up to here ! but we're not quite done yet.
The cast and crew :
The other element that made this drama stand out for me besides the side characters is the cast.
It might be weird that such a meta thing impacts the appreciation of the show but it did, for me at least.
For me what happened is I stumbled onto Mark and Ouwen cuts on YouTube, then somehow onto the behind the scenes. They weren't subbed at the time so I could barely understand a word of what they were saying, thus I'm not sure what but something about how the rest of the actors, the director and the crew were interacting just told me it was a show worth watching or at least checking out.
The cast honestly seems to have a blast and to have, how to say it, come together really well. It seems like most of them have become genuinely friends, or despite differences in personality have truly enjoyed working with one another and with the rest of the crew, and it shows.
Where it's lacking
In my opinion the show does have some aspects where it underperforms.
As previously mentioned, the main plot is kinda tropey, furthermore, in a drama typical fashion when something is about to get resolved, immediately something else happens. Nothing unexpected from a drama though.
The pacing : Some moments of the main plot especially dragged on, so I admit I skipped through some parts.
Because I feel so strongly about all the characters though, I don't really mind the previously mentioned points. I just think it's a shame because I feel like if it had been crafted a little bit better it could have made the show go from an 8/10 good drama to an 11/10 friggin amazing drama easy.
Lastly, there is a pretty unequal time distribution so Yan Fei and Hsuan Yu do tend to occupy the most part of an episode. However some episodes are more centered on some pairings (like ep 11 that will probably have an important Mark/Ouwen part).
it's a drama that warms my heart, as simple as that. It's not that deep, it's pretty funny, the acting ranges from good to excellent and I have taken a liking to a lot of the characters, which is what I think fuels my interest for the drama.
And I feel like it managed to attract a wide range of audiences because the romances and relationships are so diverse. Whether you watch the show for its entirety or for one aspect/storyline/character is entirely up to you and I feel like the creators of the drama are aware of it as well : and you can easily find subbed compilations about each specific pairing on Settv's official YouTube channel.
Take that aspect that you like–if you find one of course–and enjoy it, that is all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What's left to say besides.... 🎉🎊 Congratulations for making it to the end of this lengthy post !
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popanalysis99 · 3 years
Toxic Men in TV Series who are the absolute worst.
(TW: R*pe and Sexual Assault)
While there are some men who seem to be interesting, let’s not deny the fact that there are most male characters who act like their “toxicity” is cool but honestly, it’s horrible and something not to root for. So here are the toxic male characters who are the absolute worst, excuse my misandry:
Kevin McRoberts - Kevin Can F**k Himself
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We had to start somewhere from the bottom of the underworld. A recent entry on this list, Kevin is the lead character Allison’s husband who...let’s just say has the brain of a dumb frat bro who is extremely high on pot and hasn’t recovered since then. While most of the sitcoms in the past would portray these so-called goofy and dim-witted husbands as “big fun” and lovable, Kevin is not like that, at all. In this anti-sitcom nightmare, Kevin literally believes that the whole world revolves around him. He plans such stupid unrealistic schemes to seize the day, recklessly spends the savings on stupid irrelevant sports merchandises and doesn’t even let Allison have her own agency outside of his life. Plus he is so petty and spiteful to the point he destroys one good thing that any of the women in the series have, like Allison’s dream job and Patty’s love life. And that latter was because she didn’t bring him a burger! All of this makes him look less funny and more tyrannical. No wonder poor Allison got spurred into wanting to kill him.
Ross Geller - Friends
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Ross may seemed like a “nice guy”, but let’s just agree it was a facade. Ross believes that he knows what’s best for the women he dates in the series and thinks he is superior and is always right about everything. He is seems extremely disturbed over the fact that his ex-wife, Carol is a lesbian and is jilted towards her current wife, Susan and snarks at the latter for it. And then there is her extreme control and jealousy towards Rachel, especially in her career. While Rachel is no saint either, Ross jumps to the conclusion that the man who got her a perfect job wants to sleep with her, then goes out of his way to humiliate and mark his territory on her and even if it’s revealed that the said guy has a girlfriend of his own, Ross still doesn’t abandon his theory, unless he believes that the guy is cheating on his girlfriend with Rachel. And then there is the fact that he joined his student girlfriend on a spring break just to have her all to himself, not caring about the fact that what if one of his students or colleagues would’ve seen him on TV with her and that could’ve put him in a huge scrutiny.
Joe Goldberg - You
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The show is basically built around how toxic Joe is, but this didn’t stop him from having his own fanbase apparently, with most of them glossing over his actions. But Joe is not a dream boyfriend at all. Once he sees a woman in front of him, he immediately gets obsessed with her and believes she belongs to him and him only. And to achieve that, he stalks her, he checks everything about her, kills people he believes are harmful to her when he himself is the same and when the woman finds out about him and rejects him, he kidnaps and kills her and the cycle begins again.
Chuck Bass - Gossip Girl
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What is it with the teen drama industry’s obsession with the “Bad Boy who can be redeemed with love” trope? Chuck Bass is “the bad boy” of Gossip Girl. If his attempted rape of Serena and Jenny didn’t give fans an indication that how deranged he is, his violent and emotional abuse of his girlfriend Blair cements him as this. He slut-shamed women around him, hit Blair once and even traded her for a hotel ownership and somehow he gets a happy ending with her at the end! What?
Nate Jacobs - Euphoria
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Nate is a star quarterback of his high school football team and seems like he has it all, but underneath, he is fucking deranged. His untamed manly rage causes him to physically and emotionally abuse his girlfriend Maddy and blackmail Jules, who didn’t do anything wrong but just sleep with his father, which makes me think that Nate is blackmailing her into lying to the cops about his assault on Maddy when she wasn’t even there when it happened just because it’s fun for him. Honestly, I’d like to see the imagine Rue and Jules had of killing him become a reality someday.
Dawson Leery - Dawson’s Creek
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Just because the show is named after him since he is the protagonist, doesn’t justify his actions. Dawson sees himself as some sort of a Nice Guy hero who believes he is entitled to everything. He has this extreme view on women and how they should fulfil his fantasies of his Rom-Com world. He is extremely critical of Jen when he finds out about her promiscuous past and tells her that she should be ashamed of herself for it, and gets jealous when his two best friends Joey and Pacey begin dating. And when he was briefly in the movie business, he was a rookie but was already a primadonna with the director and crew of the movie was working on and insulted a film critic for criticising his movie which was actually bad.
Kilgrave - Jessica Jones
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Kilgrave is the main villain of the Marvel-Netflix series Jessica Jones. He becomes obsessed with the titular heroine when she breaks off from his mind-control. Before that, he spent years treating her as his sex slave and raping her constantly, which left her traumatised. He begins to stalker and believe it will be a “lover’s reunion” when he will see her again someday. He manipulates and brainwashes everyone around him to his whim and treats most women as objects but despite all that, sees himself as the good guy of the situation. Even after Jessica finally gives him his just desserts, he still haunts her everyday.
Fernando Vera - Mr. Robot
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This spawn of satan is the reason why I decided to write this list in the first place. Where do I even start? He is first introduced into the series when he forces Shayla to go on a date with her and later rape her. This is what causes the misandrist vigilante Elliot to sell him out to the FBI and this apparently turns on Vera and moves his unhealthy obsession to Elliot. He has Shayla killed when he tricks Elliot into breaking him out of prison, then returns to have him all to himself by kidnapping his therapist Krista and forcing information out of her about Elliot so that he could “break him and build him back up”, like a fucked up version of The Taming Of The Shrew. He psychologically abuses Elliot into remembering being sexually abused by his father as a child and proceeds to gaslight him into thinking that he was just helping him. The huge problem with Vera is that he sees himself as some sort of Christian Grey who believes that his abuse towards both Shayla and Elliot is charming. Whenever someone failed his desires, he immediately gets bored of them and moves onto someone else, like when he got Shayla killed and moved onto Elliot. That’s why it felt so cathartic when Krista killed him.
Tate Langdon - American Horror Story
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Apparently, he is Tate Langdon and he is...hot?? While most of the AHS fans glorified him due to his emo bad boy nature, let’s not forget the fact that he was a school shooter who murdered innocent students and staff and was in general possessive and toxic towards Violet. So no way he is boyfriend material!
Don Draper - Mad Men
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Don Draper was the main protagonist of Mad Men. He was an advertisement and marketing executive who had a lot of vices and did a lot of horrible things such as cheat on his wife and treat almost every women and colleagues like crap.
Dexter Morgan - Dexter
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While Dexter might seem like the serial-killer killer, there are a lot of things about him which are unadmirable. He gaslights those he is close to so that they could get off his back, obstructs evidence pointing out to him, captures those who didn’t even fit his victims like Doakes and caused the deaths of LaGuerta, Rita and finally his sister Debra. Yeah I think you should stay away from him.
Walter White - Breaking Bad
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Aaah..the worst of the worst. Walter White is the protagonist of the series Breaking Bad. He first starts off as a pushover high school teacher who isn’t respected by anyone. When he gets diagnosed with Lung Cancer, he gets into the meth business so that he could support his family, but we all know that it’s not true. He relishes on the power and glory from being a drug dealer and then kingpin and because of that he ends up abusing both Jesse and Skyler, emotionally abusing and selling out the former to the sadistic Nazis and raping the latter several times. He is so petty and spiteful that he kills anyone insulting his ego, just ask Mike. And even after all this, he still claims that it’s all for his family. Like what?
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edelegs · 3 years
so I have a very specific interpretation of the Edelgard/Hubert dynamic that I don’t think is particularly common, but I feel is worth sharing. This is largely because some people end up diminishing the importance of this relationship when pairing each of them with other people. It’s disappointing because I personally prefer these external ships (namely Edeleth and Ferdibert, for reasons I will make clear) but often see either Edelgard or Hubert reduced to some jealous, cuckoled cockblock in them. Honestly, that’s just . . . boring. 
(Long post under the cut)
TLDR: Edelbert is fascinating because it can be argued that Hubert’s feelings are born from guilt and shame rather than romantic love. This dynamic is unhealthy but deeply interesting, and it deserves to not be diminished in fan interpretations of these characters. 
Something that makes Edelgard so compelling is the fact that she’s full of contradictions. She can’t stand people/creatures with more power than humanly possible, yet she must use her own superhuman power and cooperate with what she despises to achieve her end goal. More specific to Edelbert, this end goal is equality, yet Edelgard is not allowed to be equal to anyone. She is a detached, untouchable princess who needs to learn how to meet her friends where they stand. It is through her connection to Byleth and to the other Black Eagles where she learns how to adapt her ideals to work in reality - and to be human. 
Unintentionally, Hubert does the opposite of this. His devotion to Edelgard began as an inherited role and evolved into something he does out of personal conviction. Either way, he is putting her on a pedestal and addressing her as a vassal rather than as a friend. Many of his supports with others involve him comparing them to Edelgard and telling them they’ll never reach her level. He takes it as his personal mission to protect her from those “unworthy” of talking to her. I don’t think this is intended to be selfish or malicious. I think that because of his role as her vassal and his failure to protect her from the Hresvelg experiments, he takes on this absolute devotion and prescribes it upon everyone else. 
Their relationship is unbalanced as a result. Edelgard makes constant reference to “fighting alone” and being prepared to end up isolated and maligned. The line “the solitary reign of Edelgard has come to an end” in her S-support is particularly telling. While she clearly views Hubert as someone important to her, she does not seem to view him as someone she can be fully open with. Hubert’s constant addressing of her as “Lady Edelgard” implies that he would not take the opportunity to call her “El” if it was presented to him. Edelgard and Hubert are both so caught up in the weight and scope of their revolution that they begin to enable each other’s bad tendencies. Hubert doesn’t dare challenge her, because he thinks of her as untouchable, and this devotion allows Edelgard to take him for granted. It is not a healthy relationship. I don’t think this is a particularly hot take. Their external supports are crucial for shifting these patterns of thought and allowing these characters to grow. 
What I think may be unpopular is this: I don’t think Hubert’s feelings for Edelgard are actually romantic. 
(For context, I am aro and just really hate m/f friends getting shoved together romantically. It may be easy to dismiss my thoughts as just me being bitter that we can’t have a m/f friend pair without one of them catching feelings but allow me to argue my point.) 
Hubert was assigned to Edelgard at a young age and told it was his house’s sacred duty to serve the Hresvelg family. He loathes his father for his involvement in the Insurrection of the Seven, which happened when he was ten. It goes without saying that this largely shapes his devotion to Edelgard. I would even say these events traumatized him to some degree. He mentions this in their A support, where he declares that his loyalty has been to her alone since she returned from the Kingdom. The path that these two share is informed and shaped by trauma - what Edelgard went through and Hubert’s powerlessness to stop it. More critically, these events radicalized them both and created the “shared vision” mentioned in his B support with Dorothea. 
That particular support jumps out to me. When I first played the game, I felt unbelievably validated by it. Hubert denies accusations of unrequited love in an edgily self-aware way (the line ”do I really look like the kind of drooling simpleton to have that kind of motivation?” made me literally cheer) and goes on to describe their relationship as walking the same path. He then highlights the qualities he feels towards Edelgard (gratitude, respect, awe, empathy, trust, and hope). None of these require romantic attraction. Dorothea then goes on to say that “loving another is really about wanting to be loved . . . I’m pretty sure that’s different from how things are with you and Edie”. This scene spoke a lot to my own experiences - my feelings for my best friend largely echo Hubert’s (though way less dramatic, of course) and I found the form of deep platonic love I feel for her reflected in that conversation. The acknowledgement on Dorothea’s part that it was different from romantic love (whether or not she truly believes it) is what blew me away. This is honestly one of the few times where a piece of media made me feel seen which makes me forever mad about the Edelbert A support.Though it could be argued that he’s just closed-off and could easily pull off lying about it, I know those feelings well. Others might see this as definitive proof of Hubert’s unrequited love for Edelgard, but I just can’t and I wanted to articulate this perspective because it means so much to me. Close, all-consuming, and important relationships can be platonic. 
I know better than to claim that the confession scene never happened. It is interesting to evaluate because it shows Edelgard finally calling attention to Hubert’s unknowing perpetuation of the gap between them. When Hubert states his feelings plainly, he is as composed as ever. Edelgard blushes and states that “you never cease to surprise me”. Hubert laughs this off, and that’s the end of that. It clearly is supposed to be a genuine love confession, but I think it’s more interesting to consider a man with only one real close friend misinterpreting his blind devotion towards her as love because he doesn’t really know what it is. I think it adds to the kind of fucked-up nature of their relationship (is it love or obsession? How is he supposed to know if a connection borne from trauma stems from love or guilt?). It also speaks to how difficult it is to identify romantic feelings when you’ve never truly felt them. 
That being said, I actually do ship Hubert with other people. I love Ferdibert because their personality clashes create a sense of mutual growth that helps Hubert learn to openly challenge Edelgard rather than subvert orders he disagrees with and it’s honestly just really funny. I also love Hubernie because the idea of a terrifying man and a girl who’s scared of everything learning to meet each other halfway shows similar character growth. I just think that for many years, Hubert’s devotion to Edelgard gave him a really fucked up understanding of human relationships, both romantic and platonic. There’s a tendency to erase the weight and importance of the Edelbert dynamic when both are shipped with other people as well as a great opportunity to show that strong platonic relationships can and should be perceived as equal to romantic ones. I have read so many Ferdibert things that suggest that their love is all-encompassing and Makes Them Whole. Wouldn’t it be more in-character to explore how they navigate the web of relationships in their lives? I love the Black Eagles’ interpersonal relationships so much and each one shapes the characters more and more. I’d love to see that reflected in ways that center platonic relationships! 
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Class Has Started
Request: ayee then can i get maybe a professer seungcheol fic? i'm thinking, you're one of the bad students in class who don't really listen or do her work, so one day he decides to call you and stay back and WELL YEAH THAT? is this request okay, would you want me to be a little more specific?? honestly you could write about anything and i'd like it,, YOUR WORK IS ONE OF MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITES
1.9k words
Warnings for: no protection, creampie, choking, sex, slightly public sex, degradation
The sound of a bell ringing echoed through the room, and children began to clamber up from your desks. You shot up in the air, startled awake by the bell.
You looked around slowly, wondering if anyone had noticed your midclass slumber, when your eyes fell on your professor, giving you a particularly annoyed expression.
You didn’t have to be told to pack your bag a little slower then the others.
“Do you think it’s funny not to take school seriously?”
The question caught you off guard, but not for the reason that you were sure Seungcheol wanted it to be for you.
“Yeah?” You replied, raising a single eyebrow towards him. “Was that really any question? I thought I was making that clear enough.”
It wasn’t necessarily that you didn’t care about your education. You knew that your education was important, but you also knew that you didn’t need this class to graduate and messing with Professor Choi was one of your favorite things to do.
It was so easy to get under his skin, and he let you take naps in his class most days with little to no repercussions. So you didn’t see much shame in taking naps most days. It was just... Today you could tell something had snapped in him, he had enough of you and your behavior.
“Look, you are failing my class,” Seungcheol stated pointedly. ‘And you are going to have to do something about that if you want to pass my class.”
Now, you knew that what Seunghceol had meant was probably long after school tutoring sessions and a handful of extra credit assignments to get yourself caught up with the matieral and the rest of the class. All it would take was some serious focus and you could easily get your grade in this class back up. After all, you weren’t even half way through the semester. It wasn’t impossible to bring back up your grades.
But instead of acknowledging that, you thought how hot Seungcheol was when he was upset. His face red, his hair falling in his eyes. Had he always been so muscular?
How come you had barely noticed how hot Seungcheol looked in a button-up before?
You stood up, and wandered over to Seungcheol, allowing your hips to sway a little more then they usually did. You reached forward, fingers brushing against the cotton of his tie, and tightened your grip on it. You pulled him forward by his tie, smiling mischeaviously.
“Oh professor,” you mumbled, batting your eyes innocently. “I would do anything to bring my grades up in this class.”
Seungcheol’s eyebrows raised suspiciously at your behavior. His adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.
You interrupted him by pushing him back onto his desk.
“You could do absolutely anything to me professor, and I wouldn’t say a word,” you continued. “These lips are as sealed as you want them to be.”
You began to lean forward, your lips brushing against Seungcheol’s ear.
“don’t you think it would be fun, if we did something other then study?”Seungcheol took you by the arm, and pulled you over to the side. You were surprised by the action, and surprised to find that his hands were burning. You turned to look at him and found that not only were his hands burning but his face was too.
There was no denying that you were having an affect on him.
“What’s wrong professor?” You asked him innocently.
“Get… Get out,” he replied, his voice cracking as he spoke. You chuckeld and crossed your arms over your chest so that you could press your breasts up a little.
“Get out? Is that really what you want Seungcheol?”
Seungcheol shivered when you spoke his name so blatantly like that. It made you smile even more.
“Come on, I know you want this just as badly as I do,” you mumbled. “I can tell by the fact that I am still here, and you haven’t kicked me out yet.”
“I just told you to get out,” Seungcheol warned. His tone was a little gruffer than it had been before, making you wonder if you were finally getting to him. His eyes met yours. “And if you don’t get off of me in ten seconds I will  make you wish you had never fallen asleep in my class.”
You knew from experience that Seungcheol’s tone of voice was far too low for any of that to be true. You were in. Ten seconds wouldn’t mean Seungcheol pushing you off and an incredibly awkward rest of the semester.
It would mean that he would finally let go and take you down in the best way possible.
You smiled and ran your finger over Seungcheol’s collarbone.
“Do your worst,” you whispered.
In an instant, Seungcheol’s hands were on you, and you were pressed hard against the wall of the classroom. A surprised, but thrilled moan left your lips as Seungcheol quite literally ripped your clothes off of your body. He first worked off your shirt and then pulled your pants down to your ankles.
You quickly toed them off as you worked off Seungcheol’s clothes as well, the two of you becoming a rapid tangle of clothes and skin. It wasn’t until just then that you realized how badly you had been wanting to fuck Seungcheol. Sure you had always thought he was pretty attractive.
Who didn’t' think that Seungcheol was attractive. He was probably one of the hottest teachers that worked in your entire University. Everyone wanted to fuck him and now you were going to.
“God, I want this so badly,” you murmured softly. Seungcheol snorted into your neck, his lips practically sucking hickey after hickey into your neck.
“Oh, so there is something that you are passionate about,” he snorted. “Would it kill you to study?”
“Yes,” you replied, your fingers running through Seungcheol’s hair. Jesus, he was utterly intoxicating. “Although, I might start taking my Cheol studies more seriously.”
You ran your free hand down Seungcheol’s chest, your fingers wrapping around Seungcheol’s thick cock when you finally reached it. Seungcheol let out a soft moan and you grinned, pushing him off of you. As you did so, you began to slide down to the floor, not stopping until your knees hit the cold ground.
“God, you look amazing on your knees,” Seungcheol mumbled softly. You grinned up at him lazily as you began to pump his cock within your fingers.
“I look even better with a dick in my mouth,” you teased. Seungcheol didn’t wait for you to prove that point yourself. Instead, he tangled his fingers into your hair and pushed your mouth onto his cock.
You imagined that he would take it rather easy on you but he did nothing of the sort. Instead he pushed you all the way onto his cock, until it was all the way down your throat. You didn’t mind it in the slightest however. You smield and moaned around his cock, which just made him moan even harder.
“Jesus are you a slut?” He asked. “Your-” He pulled his cock out of you and  then slammed it back in your throat. “Gag reflex is practically nonexistent.”
You giggled and pulled off of Seungcheol’s cock, spitting on it as your saliva dribbled from your mouth.
“Slut is one way to phrase it,” you mumbled. “The word just turns me on.”
Seungcheol bit out a laugh as he tightened his grip in your hair, taking control of your head once again. He began to lead your mouth back onto his cock, fucking your mouth roughly as he did so. For the first few minutes it was a lot of fun, but after a while you started to get bored, and antsy. You whined around Seungcheol’s cock, and reached your hand down between your legs.
You were surpriised to find you were dripping on the floor you were so wet, and to show that off you spread your legs out and began to toy lightly with your clit. At first you just brushed your fingers lightly over your clit, barely touching it so that breathy moans left your still being used mouth, but then you dipped your fingers down into your heat, letting two of your fingers dip inside of you.
As soon as your fingers were pressed deep inside your pussy, Seungcheol tightened his grip in your hair.
“I’m gonna-” He pushed your mouth all the way down on his dick and let out a strangled moan as his dick began to shoot out ropes of cum down your throat.
You were a little disappointed because you had wanted to be able to taste his cum, and you wanted to match his pace with your fingers. But you supposed showing off your gag reflex was just as good in a way.
“Seungcheol~” You sang as you popped off Seungcheol’s cock. He looked down at you, his eyelids heavy over his eyes as he looked down at you. “My pussy is so-”
Before you could even finish talking Seungcheol grabbed you by your waist and picked up up, throwing you over his desk. You laughed as you pushed aside some pencils and wriggled your ass to situate yourself more comfortably on the desk.
Seungcheol was quick to line himself up at your entrance, and push his cock deep into you, making you whine surprise.
“F-fuck,” you grunted. Seungcheol laughed, his fingers digging into your hips.
“Finally, you shut up when you get cock inside of you hmmm?” Seungcheol asked. Despite the fact that his thrusts were hard and rough, his voice was soft and calm. You smiled, another loud moan leaving your lips. Seungcheol just chuckled at your response and slapped your ass.
“Come on, say it outloud,” he encouraged. “Or I’ll have to push you.”
A shiver ripped through your body, but you were quick to obey:
“Yes sir.”
Seungcheol pinned you down, pressing his hand hard down on the small of your back and began to fuck you harder. His cock slid rapidly in and out of your pussy, each thrust making you call out.
“I’m gonna-”
“Already?” You teased, but you were close too. Your fingers curled over the edge of Seungcheol’s desk, as tears sprouted at the edge of your eyes. Seungcheol wrapped his free hand around your throat. You whined as Seungcheol pulled you up by your throat, briefly cutting off your airway.
That sent you right over the edge, you felt your pussy begin to tighten around Seungcheol’s cock, and as soon as you did, his cock began to pulse inside of you.
As Seungcheol emptied himself inside of you his lips met yours and you could almost swear that you could see stars.
“I could get fired for this,” Seungcheol murmured, his chest heaving as he slowly pulled his cock from your pussy. You whined at the feeling as his seed started to leak out of your pussy. You wriggled over and looked back at him over your shoulder.
“I won’t tell,” you mumbled. You rolled over on your back and looked at Seungcheol, your fingers toying lightly with the cum dripping out of you. “You won’t tell. Seems like we are at a good point in our lives.”
“You’re irresponsible and you don’t think before you speak-”
“And I’m horny,” you responded pointedly. “So come back over and get back to work.”
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egg-emperor · 2 years
Honestly one of my favorite things is that eggman really is ruthless and super dangerous so seeing him downplayed in so much fan work and discussion makes me sad. Like eggman’s got a pretty big kill count likely across all his schemes, if he doesn’t like you you’re pretty much dead where you stand- the only reason sonic team isn’t yet is bc they’re just too fast and powerful to be pinned down long enough to be killed so far, and there’s been plenty of close calls anyways in the series.
The way both Eggman fans and haters alike often try to ignore and deny his evil, downplay his actions, and defang him has always been so bizarre to me because they act as if it's a problem but his evil is genuinely a really cool part and point of his villainous character. I really wish it was appreciated more often in discussion and explored in fan content more but it's always much more common to see people ignore it or try to excuse it in some really bizarre ways.
He doesn't have stereotypical evil traits in his design like most other villains in the series, yet he's the one that's done the most evil and fucked up shit and is the main villain for a reason. He has consistently been a seriously dangerous deadly threat to the world and gets no credit because what, he doesn't look evil and he's also silly and funny? That shouldn't be used to downplay his evil, it should emphasize it because he's a cartoony silly guy that's capable of so much chaotic evil and destruction.
He's a serious threat to the world, he's murderous, manipulative, and seriously capable with his intelligence and skills that he willingly chooses to use for evil. He tricks and manipulates people into getting what he wants, he never cares about who gets hurt, he never has any remorse. His only limits are things that resulting in destroying the whole world and he only teams up with good guys to save his own ass and the world that needs to exist for him to conquer because he's deeply selfish.
It's so frustrating to see people treat him as harmless and/or dumb after all the shit he's done. People love to ignore his evil, cold, cruel, badass moments. They love to ignore how smart and cunning he can be despite his intelligence very obviously showing in everything because if it didn't, he wouldn't ever be able to do shit to the world and Sonic and friends and have clever plans with good research, backups, and ability to adapt. But of course they don't realize that's all proof when they want to deny it so bad in favor of making him look like a good guy or dumb.
It's a shame that people overlook all of this because they want to discredit his actions and push the idea that he isn't an evil enough villain, pretend he is nice and caring deep down because they don't like his evil and want him to be like an anti hero, or just want to act like he's a huge moron incapable of competence and being a great threat. He becomes such a cooler more interesting character when you acknowledge and accept him for how he really is.
That's why it's unfortunately harder to find fan content that I enjoy or discussion I agree with than not because all the misconceptions and willing denial of his character commonly tends to warp people's perception. He has so much fun potential to explore in a canon faithful way, yet people want to change it and make it 'better' in fan stuff, or shut it down immediately in discussion with 'he isn't that evil' or 'he's a total moron' type bullshit. They both make him out to be something he's not in way or another.
And that's so true, people love to forget the world would be totally screwed without Sonic and friends with all their crazy powers stopping him. And he isn't weak and stupid just because he can't beat them. The story won't allow him to get the final victory but we do see him accomplish tons with all the times he gets so close to his goal or even reaches it and has temporary success for a while like in Forces. People act as if he immediately bumbles and fails and it's all his fault, even when he's seen doing all he can.
People shouldn't take his required defeats as a sign of weakness and idiocy because people don't do that with other villains. The fact that he's surviving against these anthros with wild powers, that he's the one that can keep coming back like no other villains, and that he has great moments of victory and accomplishments despite the challenges, really proves against that, along with the way he has in fact came close to killing Sonic and friends but it's also required for them to survive.
Eggman is so much more evil, powerful, and intelligent than people give him credit for but all this is all stuff that needs to be taken into account and presented for him to be at his best and true self. I see no fun in pretending he isn't that evil when him being evil is what's lead to so many great events and moments in the series. So much of that wouldn't have happened if Eggman wasn't a great evil and serious threat to the world and it deserves recognition and credit.
When it's remembered that he's as evil, ruthless, destructive, murderous, powerful, and as serious of a threat as he is funny, goofy, and charismatic and that balance is presented in fan stuff, it's so entertaining, exciting, and badass! And I wish that, instead of being put down in discussions so often, there was much more praise of all his great moments in canon. He's a fantastic villain that doesn't deserve all the slander, he deserves a lot more appreciation for being an important and entertaining character in this series. 💜
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unfilteredaj · 3 years
A night out (Rorschach x Reader)
(A/N- This is probably SO OUT OF CHARACTER and it's kind of dumb but I love Rorschach and wanted to write a self-indulgent ficlet)
(Warnings: EXTREMELY corny and self indulgent fluff, Cursing, mention of being followed/a stalker... nothing really that bad tbh.)
Rorschach wandered the streets of New York, the crisp chill of the night clearing his head more and more each second. Even though his friends had all been more than welcoming of his couch-surfing, he needed some time away from them. Time without the pressure of a case to solve.
His little bubble of quiet was burst by something odd, to say the least. A girl he'd briefly noticed a minute or two earlier strolled up to him, giving a wave and an excited "Hey!"
She threw her arms around his neck as if he were an old friend. She was wearing a small backpack over a hoodie with a band logo on it and looked no older than her early 20s.
Rorschach froze, confused. He obviously didn't know this girl.
"I am so sorry to just barge up like this but I'm pretty sure I'm being followed. Please just walk me to a bar or something." She whispered, sounding frantic. He looked around, seeing a suspicious looking guy a few hundred feet behind them. Rorschach nodded, playing his part and hugging the girl back. She looped her arm with his as they walked.
"What were you even doing out so late? Especially alone?” He asked after a few minutes.
"I dunno. I wanted to see the city at night, I guess. It was kinda dumb to go alone." She laughed, her tension melting. Her giggling strangely reminded Rorschach of the jingling sound her many bracelets and rings made. She un-looped her arm from his, thrusting her hand out for a handshake.
"I'm (Y/N). Thanks for helping me back there."
He returned her handshake, her fiery enthusiasm annoying and a little endearing at the same time.
"Just call me Rorschach." He said gruffly.
She flashed a toothy grin at him. "Pleasure to meet you. So.. where are we going?"
Rorschach shrugged. He didn't really have a destination. "You said to walk you to a bar..."
She groaned dramatically. "That would be so boring, though! A moody, mysterious stranger is far more interesting than a bar. I can't leave now. No way! You're stuck with me. Lets walk and talk a bit more.”
Rorschach let her lead, his own boredom convincing him to stick with this strange woman.
"Hey what's with that sign? It pretty neat, and the world IS burning... but why carry it around?" The girl asked after a few minutes of casual conversation that mostly consisted of her talking a lot and Rorschach giving small replies.
He shrugged. "Why deny the truth in the face of Armageddon?" He said rhetorically.
She chuckled, tilting her head at him. She broke into another grin. "Can I hold it?"
Rorschach looked deep in thought for a second, but before he'd thought about it for too long, she grabbed the sign anyway.
He huffed in annoyance and she just stuck her tongue out at him. But he didn't take it back. He instead watched as she twirled it around a few times and admired it.
"You are so weird. I like it!" She said matter-of-factly, handing it back.
Rorschach just rolled his eyes. He propped the sign in the opening of an alley, letting the girl take his hand and drag him along.
"How do you know someone's not gonna steal that thing? Or what if you don't remember where you left it?' She said
"I'll remember, trust me. Everyone knows it's mine."
He noted that she hadn't let go of his hand. He didn't think it meant much, and he didn't really mind, so he didn't pull away. She hummed absent-mindedly as she looked through random store windows.
A few minutes later, they came across an empty park, and the girl let go of his hand, making a beeline for the swings.
She sat, gesturing for him to follow. Under the soft glow of the park lights he could see her more clearly. Her face was flushed, her cheeks a bright pinkish-red from the cold.
“So what’s your story? Do you live here? In the city, I mean?”
Her question seemed innocent enough, but Rorschach knew the whole story seemed more sad than it actually was.
“Yeah. Somethin’ like that.”
The girl laughed again…. She was impossibly bubbly. But paired with her unassumingly pretty face, it suited her.
“And you?” Rorschach gave her an opportunity to talk more…listening was easier for him anyway.
“Oh! I’m just visiting for the winter. But…I kind of want to stay longer. There’s so much beneath the surface here… so much to see and do. So many interesting people.” She nudged him.
“Interesting isn’t the word I’d use. More like dangerous. Someone like you…this city will tear you apart if you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
"....Do you really think the world is ending?" She asked after a long pause.
Rorschach shrugged. "Dunno. Probably. There's so much filth... Bad people doing fucked up stuff..."
"But there are still some good people.... You seem like a good enough guy. I mean, we've been hanging out alone for almost an hour now and you haven't tried anything suspicious. I knew my sixth sense was right."
Her eyes had the same glimmer as a kid telling a friend a secret.
"Sixth sense?" Rorschach asked, his interest piqued.
"Oh, You're suddenly curious for once?" She teased. "I have this sense about people. Like you, for instance. I can tell you're a loner. You think being alone is less complicated. You seem smart, and I think you're a good guy even though you're a bit rough around the edges."
He smiled a little at her observation. It felt strange, but good. He honestly couldn't remember the last time he'd relaxed like this.
Snow started to fall, a thick veil of white quickly covering the park.
(Y/N) tilted her head back to catch snowflakes on her tongue.
"Let's go get hot cocoa!" She exclaimed, pulling Rorschach from his swing.
She gripped his hand like an excited kid, pulling him into the nearest 24 hour diner.
She giggled as she reached across the table, gently brushing snow from his hair.
"Why?" he muttered, cringing a little.
"Sorry." Her voice retreated with her hand. The red in her cheeks had lifted to a slight pink, but now her cheeks blazed again.
"I'm not really... good with people..." He said. His face showed no shame or remorse. This was just a fact.
"I get it. But.. why help me earlier? Why let me drag you around town all night?" She asked
He stared a her blankly for a long while. Just when she thought he wasn't going to say anything, he answered.
"You needed someone....Maybe I did too." He shrugged, mostly talking to himself.
The Waitress brought them their drinks, And they gladly accepted the warmth.
“I can’t believe you didn’t get hot cocoa! Black coffee is for Cops and School teachers running on empty.” The girl laughed.
“You like me. Why?” Rorschach said suddenly.
“Hmm… I dunno. Helping me lose that guy was the first thing…” She Began. “but you seem so confident in yourself. Like you aren’t bothered by anything. But you have these walls up to keep the world out. You seem like someone who needs help coming out of your shell. And besides, don't think you mind the company, or you’d have dropped me off at a bar an hour and a half ago.”
“I don’t have many friends. I’m not friendly or outgoing. I’m kind of a recluse most of the time. But that doesn't bother you. You’re like a tornado of post-teen energy. I can’t really look away at this point.” Rorschach admitted. And it was true. For some reason, she intrigued him.
“You’re adorable. So angsty. Like a ginger Bruce Wayne… just without all of the annoying ‘rich boy’ machismo.” The girl smirked into her mug of cocoa.
It was a strangely fitting assessment, little did she know.
“Adorable?” He looked at his companion as if she’s just spoken another language.
“Oh for sure! It’s funny though. You've got this... weirdly charming look to you.” Her analysis sounded lighthearted and informal, but something in her eyes told Rorschach that it was genuine.
He guessed if he were someone else he’d like her too. She was nice, in an energetic, ditzy sort of way. And he did find her pretty. Before he could reply, (Y/N) had her face pressed against the glass of the window beside her, admiring the snow.
He took the opportunity to change the subject.
"You like the Snow?" He noted.
"I love it. I'm from the south... We never get to see it." She said longingly.
"Maybe if you stay in the city you could see it more often." Rorschach muttered.
Her eyes were practically stars when she turned to smile at him.
"You think I should stay? But I thought you said it was dangerous."
"That was when you didn't know anyone here. You know someone now."
He sipped his coffee, his eyes flicking away from hers for a few long seconds.
“It’s getting kind of late. Whaddaya say, handsome… walk me home?” She said hopefully.
They payed for their drinks, and ventured back out onto the icy sidewalk.
(Y/N) grabbed Rorschach’s hand again as they walked. And, once again, he didn’t protest.
She yawned, leaning against him a bit.
“I’ve had the best time. I’m glad I saw you earlier.” She grinned.
“Letting you drag me around town isn’t the worst night I’ve had…” he replied.
A few minutes later, they arrived at an apartment building.
“Well…this is me. Thanks for the nice night.”
She fished a sharpie out of her backpack, grabbing his hand and scribbling her number on it.
“If you ever find yourself bored and want some company, let me know.” She said.
“I will.” He said, his hand suddenly feeling cold when she let go.
After a few seconds of tense silence, she finally balled her fists into the fabric of his coat, bringing him down for a kiss.
It was quick, and sweet… the same as the night they’d just had.
“Take it easy, Rorschach. And call me.”
With that, she gave a small wave as she disappeared inside.
“What the fuck…”
Rorschach repeated the question to himself dozens of times on the way back to Nite Owl’s apartment.
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celestiababie · 4 years
Too Much Love pt 2- Jaehyun/Yoonoh (m/a)
Genre: angst with suggestive noncon themes, stalker!jaehyun au, college!au
Pairings: jaehyun/yoonoh x reader
Warnings: Stalking, illegal themes, reader is dumb highkey, johnny being johnny
Word count: 920
A/N: I finally decided to make a part 2. I’m not sure how many parts I’m gonna make and they definitely aren’t going to be frequent BUT follow me if you want updates on whether or not I’ll be making more or if you want to read any of the other things I’ll be writing. Btw my requests are open however I prefer answering ones that I can do in drabble format. Thank you for reading
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Images of last night flashed through your head as you mindlessly stared at the back of Jaehyun's head as he sat a few seats in front of you. You both were literature majors, which made you wonder why you've never talked to him. You had the same friends, had the same major, and yet you never truly noticed him. You were shocked that you even identified his voice. 
His leg bounced up and down as he kept his head down, anxious thoughts running through his head. He knew he should have never done what he did. He should have never started watching you...he shouldn't have fallen in love with you from afar. Jaehyun could feel your eyes practically burn a hole in his scalp as you watched him intensely. 
Did she call the cops? Did she tell anyone? Oh god, what did I do? She just looked too irresistible. Fuck- the things I would do to that pretty little body if I got the chan- No, no no no, stop thinking that. Jaehyun started to breathe heavy, overwhelmed with being bombarded with his thoughts. A replay of your sleeping body in that silk nightgown rolled through his head over and over, his length hardening in his black jeans. 
Please not now, he thought to himself as he felt himself getting increasingly more aroused as the mesmerizing image refused to go away. 
Doyoung, a mutual friend of yours, looked over at Jaehyun with a concerned look on his face. He leaned his head close to the other male's and whispered, " Dude, are you alright?" 
Jaehyun was started by the voice in his ear and quickly looked over at his friend. He faked a smile and nodded his head. "Yeah, just tired. I didn't get that much sleep last night." Doyoung nodded his head at the response given and patted his back before tuning back into what their professor was saying. You watched this interaction with wide eyes before feeling a wave of anger build up. How dare he act like everything is okay? How dare he trick my friends into thinking he's a good person? 
You balled your hand into a fist but let out a heavy breath as your professor dismissed you and your classmates. You bit your lip nervously as you pulled your phone out to message...him while he packed up his belongings. 
[Sent at 10:45 am] I want to talk to you, stay outside of class.
Jaehyun felt his phone buzz and looked at the message from the unknown number. He felt panic fill his body, immediately thinking the message came from you. There's no way...she doesn't have my number, it can't be her. 
His head turned to look over at you, and sure enough, you were already staring at him with an unreadable expression on your face. Jaehyun silently cursed at himself. His heart rate speeds up as he thinks all the possibilities of what you'd say to him. Would you yell at him for everyone to hear? Maybe this was just a ploy and someone was waiting to arrest him as soon as he walked out of class? 
He tried to shake the thoughts out of his head as he rushed out of the room but waited. 
You took a deep breath to calm your nerves one Jaehyun left the room, your planned out thoughts now leaving your head. You hesitantly made your way out of the classroom, both relieved and nervous when you saw that Jaehyun had waited as you requested. 
Taking another deep breath, you made your best attempt at looking confident as you spoke up, "I know it was you in my room last night, and before you try and deny it, let me speak." Jaehyun looked at you with wide eyes from your blunt words, quickly looking around to make sure no one else heard. "If you're wondering how I got your number, you can thank Johnny for giving it to me. He also told me that you had a crush on me. And let me just tell you that being a fucking creep isn't how you deal with crushes." 
Your brows were furrowed as you spoke to him, Jaehyun listening silently with his head down, guilt and shame flooding his body. 
"I also have the feeling that wasn't the first time you watched me, was it? So, how long, Jaehyun?" You gulped nervously as you anticipated his response, surely this wasn't going on for too long, right? 
As soon as the question left your lips, Jaehyun looked up at you, his jaw clenched as he hesitated to answer. "Nearly a year," he mumbled underneath his breath. "Please..don't tell anyone, please. I know I fucked up and I honestly don't know why you haven't called the cops, but I swear it won't happen ever agai-" His words were cut off once someone slung their arm around his shoulder. 
"So I see you finally got Y/N's attention~" You looked up at the tall male and nervously chuckled. "That he did, Johnny..." 
"You two better thank me when you get married and have six kids." He joked. 
"That's not funny, John," Jaehyun said in a stern voice, frustrated that he couldn't get the privacy he needed. 
"Calm down, Jae, it's just a joke~" The tall male teased before his eyes lit up with an idea. "There's a party tonight. You two should come together! It'll be fun." 
Before Jaehyun could protest, you already spoke up, your response shocking you both. 
"We'll be there."
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