#seriously. good vibes only
quietwingsinthesky · 2 months
“least favorite” isn’t anywhere close to bad. it just shows how damn hard the competition is going, but we’re talking about gold medals all around for each actor i’ve seen portray the doctor so far.
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uncanny-tranny · 5 months
Being trans is knowing that Sigmund Freud would have been... interested in studying you
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So i finally listened to The Magnus Protocol and uhh holy shit, yall mind if i
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#the magnus protocol#tmagp#tmagp spoilers#In the tags#My favourite case has to be the 2nd one Daria girl you are so fucked up!!!! You are so fucked up girl get help!!!!#And i am loving the absolute toxic work environment it is hilarious all the characters are great!!#Alice Gwen and Lena have three way situation of snide backhanded remarks and office coworker hate going on#Colin hates everyone but especially the puter and is this close to murder#Sam is just trying to do whatever the fuck he is doing. He is new here. He is over qualified#Teddy my man saw his place workplace comedy swerving towards horror genre and immediately ditched ship good for him!!!#(Unless Lena brutal pipe murdered him in which case girl i am so sorry)#And just character in general. Like Alice is trying to vibe her way through life#while also saying some death flaggy 'oh this is def foreshadowing' shit every episode#Gwen has the same surname as the shows previous antag#but also just after Lena's job and just wants to be taken seriously and thinks everyone is against her#she also may or not have discovered that her boss is murderer but oh well#Sam is like this sweet nice guy who is also so fucking nosy and the only one actually curious about fucked up shit cases magnus institue#And everyone is telling him to stop Girl! Turn away girl!! You are gonna get fucked up girl!! Look away!!#Colin is just so fucking angry and feral but also IT is just like that. He is crawling on the floors. He is growling at people#Lena is so fucking tired with all these bitches in her office Head Bitch incharge of all these Bitches#And i am 80% sure she murdered that guy Klaus#Anyway love all of this. Cant wait to hear them get killed in brutal tragic ways
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smblmn · 1 year
Good Vibes Tuesday
I was tagged by the lovely @lizzie-bennetdarcy on this a couple weeks ago but I didn't answer it because timezones suck and I'm always late for everything, but, as @mostlyinthemorning said:
I'm in the mood for some positivity this morning, so let's share something that makes you happy about fandom*. It can be anything you like-a person or blog you appreciate, a post that made you laugh, a fic you liked, anything that puts good vibes into the world.
*fandom can be whatever you want it to be
Yesterday I was tagged by @trickiwooao3, @flowertrigger and @noahreids in a post called Mournful Monday. And I've also seen in my dash that same post by @chelle-68, @ramonaflow, @jamilas-pen, @smallumbrella369, @lizzie-bennetdarcy, @rosedavid, @stereopticons, @dinnfameron, @blackandwhiteandrose, @rmd-writes, @jesuisici33, @apothecarose, @hippolotamus, @mammameesh, @mostlyinthemorning and @carolrain (sorry if I missed your name, I've been scrolling through my dash for a long time, but if you're a writer, even if I haven't tagged you, this post is for you. And also, @obsessedwithdavrick tagged me for another game, but this includes you, too)
So my Good Vibes Tuesday go to all the writers mentioned above, and the ones I missed (sorry again) because the general vibe I got from all your posts was that you were all suffering from imposter syndrome, writer's block, burnout, lack of inspiration, lack of free time, lack of motivation, etc, etc.
You are all very talented and what you do for this fandom (and others) matters, and I assure you, you are all very appreciated.
All of that sucks, I've gone through it many, many times and I've thought I'd never write again, but you'll get back to it, I promise. And you're not wasting your time if you want to be writing but can't right now, you're just a person being way too hard on yourself.
Please give yourselves a break, you deserve it and thanks for all you've done and continue to do for this fandom 💖😘
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Tagging everyone who wants to spread some positivity today
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girlfox · 22 days
#𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 ⠀⠀(⠀ⅰ.⠀)⠀⠀𝐂𝐇��𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑:⠀⠀ಇ⠀⠀oh-kae!#cw negative#tw negative#cw vent#tw vent#tagging this for people who don't want this kind of negative content on their feeds!#remember to protect urself first.#and i'll keep this super vague not to be like . . dramatic? but just because i only need to get this off my chest.#but i need to vent so badly because i'm reaching a breaking point. i can /feel/ the anxiety building up in my throat.#i've been 10000 % vibing on my own and really comfy here! i've been loud n' proud about that.#but ever since i've been active here it feels like old issues are rising up and it feels like borderline harrassment.#like. under the radar.#i know this isn't anything anyone is going to have noticed or seen or anything.#but talking with friends who do notice and stuff. i just hit a bad point all of a sudden.#i'm not going to openly talk about problems here on the dash of course.#but drags my hands down my face. i just want to do my own thing man.#i have more time to be here now that school is done for a couple months & i just wanna enjoy it to the fullest hah#i'm finally back into enjoying ahri the way i used to!#but. i dunno. i might bury my head into my inbox & retreat into some video games or something.#i don't really need reassurance or affirmations because this isn't a pity post or anything.#i feel validated by the amazing friends and interactions i get here as is! so thank you to all of you. seriously. ily#but good lord.#i dunno i just wanted to vent and i will delete this later.
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ghoulishcreep · 2 months
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so obsessed with how nice i looked yesterday 😊
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llycaons · 6 months
I'm finally watching s2 for real. the atmosphere IS very fun and true to the book, but like...not to be a killjoy but I hate that hc let that guy gamble his daughter's life. I hate it so much and it's bullshit that the justification of 'it's mutually consensual' is the last we hear about it. that woman never agreed to this! you can't bet other people like you own them! that might be the worst thing hc ever does like genuinely I don't understand why more people don't talk about it like he's at the head of an organization that allows people to use other human beings as bartering chips...or at least lets the men use their female family members. but he's treated in the fandom (and canon) like all his behavior is justified bc he's funny and sexy and devoted like...jesus christ. I feel so wild like how have I never seen anyone talk about this
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maxieattaxie · 2 years
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More artbreeders :}
Simon Blackquill
Phoenix Wright
Miles Edgeworth
Detective Gumshoe
Trucy Wright
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi
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concerned-k1wi · 1 year
You guys remember that post like ‘everyday Star Wars fans come on this website and say stuff like ‘Star Wars would be so good if it was actually good’?
Yeah I’m feeling that right about now
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thenerdygremlin · 1 year
Hi hello so idk if anyone else has said anything about this but I'm making a post about it cause I can (MILD TF EARTHSPARK SPOILERS AHEAD???)
So recently I got into Transformers: Earthspark and the show is so gOOD LIKE AAAAAA- the details in it is phenomenal and the dialogue they have for the characters is great. But one thing I noticed the other day was with the GHOST logos on Optimus Prime and Megatron were different than each other
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I noticed how in the Ghost logo for Optimus, it has the Autobot insignia while with Megatron, it has the Decepticon insignia. Which would make sense, the logo goes with their corresponding sides. HOWEVER. HOWEVER when thinking about this more, it kinda hurts; Megatron should have the Autobot insignia, not the Decepticon insignia.
The reason I say this is because in Episode 12: Outtakes, Jawbreaker goes and asks how Elita-1 and Megatron got their alt modes. Megatron went first with telling the story on how he got his alt mode and how he chose it just before the end of the war and this was when he stopped fighting against Optimus and joined him with his faction: Autobots. Megatron had stated when talking about his past that his priorities had changed and wanted something better for future Cybertronians.
Jawbreaker asked how Megatron got Optimus to trust him after the two were enemies, in which Megs responded with "By scanning an Earth vehicle." JB was surprised because he knew that meant Megatron had to give up his Cybertronian alt mode and it didn't seem fair. Megatron agreed because that is what he believed, at first. Megs only changed his alt mode when they had gotten attacked by seekers from in the air, he had no choice but to take the fight to them and scan the last aircraft on the base. With this act, Megatron said he had defended his new friends and proved his loyalty to Optimus. He no longer identified himself as a Decepticon, but people still treated him as such because of his past.
It's not fair with how much Megatron had sacrificed to prove himself, and still be treated unfairly by others. All he wants is a fair world where all Cybertronians, and Terrans, could live peacefully. It's a reason why Megatron had gotten so upset with how poorly they were treating arrested Decepticons and not even trying to give some of them a second chance.
This also is probably why he isn't exactly trusting of Ghost. Ghost keeps many secrets from others and leaves them in the dark with little to no information. Not to mention with all of the shady things that have been going on with them so Megs has valid reasoning not to trust them even though he has been 'working' for them.
Also I would like to rq mention how Ghost has been a thing for like 30 YEARS??? And how Optimus has been with them for that long but Megatron has only been with them for 15. So this also could correspond with how cruddy Ghost treats Megatron since he joined later, he asks a lot of questions, and doesn't exactly like to take BS from them.
TL;DR - Megatron needs to be treated fairly with all the shit he's sacrificed and had to deal with after joining Ghost
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bidokja · 10 months
damn, shadowbringers is just like orv for real
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emily-mooon · 3 months
Stacey Pilgrim likes David Bowie send tweet
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has-brain-rot · 2 years
I finally began watching voltron
OKAY SO at the recommendation of a super cool person (@imperfection-you-will-find (sorry if you don’t want to be tagged) ) I got into watching Voltron: Legendary Defenders and I just finished the first season AND IT IS A REALLY COOL SHOW. I know I’m like 5 years late to the party but the animation! Characters! World building! All very interesting!! Love how smoothly they blend those 3D models into the show, it’s barely noticeable
Here’s a few thoughts (before I go binge the next season)
- first off it is BOLD that the first episode is an hour+ long. like damn they didn’t have to do that but they did and the pacing is surprisingly good for what they had to do, though I lowkey wish there was more adventuring-to-find-the-rest-of-the-lions because that part was pretty interesting, especially when they talked about having to form a bond with the lions first
- Hunk is a cool guy and I really like how he develops and ends up being one of the more serious characters (when, unfortunately, he isn’t the but of the joke. He’s neat but they make fun of his weight a fair bit and that’s not fun). Love how he has a good sus-detector, also he was SLAYING when he saved people during the season 1 finale
- Pidge is REALLY COOL and I personally (so far at least) headcanon them as enby. they also give off transman vibes and honestly that’s what I thought they were going to do with the character until the reveal. It’s cool how they handled it, and I love that the show didn’t go for an all-boy cast because that’d be disappointing.
- Lance is kinda annoying but he’s growing on me. I’m not the biggest fan but I like how he’s developing. Blue colour scheme is cool, but damn he really put everyone and an entire planet in danger just because he crushed briefly on a girl. Shame.
- Shiro is COOL. We don’t know much about him and the portrayal of his trauma is a really good thing to add. I do find it mildly funny (in a dark way? funny might not be the right word) that like. Lance and Hunk are there because vibes, Pidge is there for vibes but also they were on a mission of their own, Keith right now is very mysterious and gives off many vibes, but Shiro’s backstory is that he was tortured for a year, forced to fight, there’s the implication that his body was forcefully modified as he was trained to be a weapon, and also he’s probably killed quite a few people and he’s trying to deal with that and everything while like, they’re vibing
- Keith is COOL. Red lion swag. Love his somewhat morally ambiguous vibes, also I feel like he’s going to be a big projection character. They haven’t really covered his background other than he dropped out, but I bet there’s a lot more going on. I can DEFINITELY see he is liked. ALSO I feel like the whole “you fight like a Galra soldier” is more than just a one off line. I sense it. Plus the whole “you have to earn the trust of the red lion, you can’t just befriend it right away” gives off big flags of “HEY PAY ATTENTION”. I could write so much about this but I wanna go binge the second season xD
- THE CLIFFHANGER OF A FINAL EPISODE. There is so much I could talk about (the character development, the battle scenes, everything is so cool. It’s like seeing all the things I wish we could’ve seen in steven universe and also I think belos would be proud of the general genocide even if it isn’t religion based). I’ll keep it short and just say that DAMN SO MUCH HAPPENS AND IT IS VERY COOL
I’m going in spoiler free and it’s quite fun! Thanks for the recommendation @imperfection-you-will-find, can’t wait to watch more so I can fully appreciate your super cool edits and posts xD
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threegunbrainrot · 1 year
I look at the 98 anime with a fond fascination. It’s based off of only the original couple issues of Trigun plus like I want to say the first 4? Of trimax. And bc of how many things get developed and revealed much more down the line in the manga, it’s so interesting to think about this offshoot of the original source material where things didn’t quite ramp up to the same scale but still got to the heart of things anyways, where everyone’s backstories played out just a little to the left and led to a similar but different tale. Trimax is definitely my favorite, bc just everything about it is so well done to me, but 98 holds its own unique spot in my favor
i definitely agree anon ur So right
it's practically a branching timelines situation, where everything is so, SO close to being the same, but thanks to the butterfly effect everything got skewed ever so slightly and now the whole world is just that much more different
call it parallel universes, alternate dimensions, alternate timelines... i really love it all. there's so many specific parts of both trimax and 98 that shine brighter and dimmer than one another. unique pieces of the narrative that were either expounded or brushed aside.
like in 98, meryl didn't want to believe that vash was the legend she was looking for. it was a ridiculous notion that such a friendly, goofy guy could be the bloodthirsty killer she hunted for
but in the manga, she and milly took to it instantly. in fact, they jumped into it with AGGRESSION- actively getting involved in the fighting and PUSHING to calm the situation down. this panel in particular i think sums it up very well lol:
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they meet him with confidence and they're not afraid to fire upon others for the sake of collective peace. vash is caught off by how readily he's approached and even defended, in a way. when the automatic reaction to learning his identity is usually either hostility or fear, it makes sense.
and i dont have a convenient shot of any particular moment in 98 that portrayed their early relationship well, but it's easy to see the differences anyway.
instead of steady confidence, meryl met vash with confusion and outright denial for awhile. she and milly both got involved in fewer fights overall i think? but i might be wrong. i won't speak much on this since i don't remember 98 very well, but i get the sense they sought out vash's fights much less in that rendition (at least early on. they went CRAZY toward the end- meryl especially).
and there's countless little differences like this.
so yeah, even if trimax is the source content, 98 is this funky little spinoff that treats vash just a little bit more nicely lmao. the whole thing is a little more watered down, i think; intentionally to make it more palatable. i still love it regardless, of course. it just oozes charm <3
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technicolorxsn · 7 months
just learned a cool new term that sucks. huh
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miodiodavinci · 1 year
frankly i'm trying to go into this with at least a neutral mindset but good god if i go to another store and find that the largest size they offer is a plain """large""" that pinches across the shoulders and refuses to even come part way around my chest i might just rip myself into two smaller but otherwise identical clones and then engage in a death match right inside the men's aisle of jc penny's
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