tmarshconnors · 4 months
Mental State Self-Assessment:
For each statement, rate how frequently it applies to you on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is "Not at all" and 5 is "Very much."
I have been feeling consistently sad or down.
I have little interest or pleasure in doing things I used to enjoy.
I have been feeling anxious or excessively worried.
I have experienced changes in my sleep patterns (too much or too little).
I have noticed changes in my appetite or weight.
I have difficulty concentrating or making decisions.
I feel fatigued or lacking in energy.
I have thoughts of hurting myself or others (if you experience this, please seek help immediately).
Add up your scores for all the statements.
8-16: Minimal to no symptoms.
17-24: Mild symptoms—monitor and consider seeking support.
25-32: Moderate symptoms—seek support and consider professional help.
33 and above: Severe symptoms—seek professional help as soon as possible.
Remember, this is just a self-assessment tool and not a diagnostic tool. If you have concerns about your mental health, reach out to a mental health professional for a thorough evaluation and guidance.
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somethingnubian · 14 days
Writing Wednesdays ✍🏽
Blog Inspired by Tehuti & the Solar Plexus Hey lovely souls! Welcome to your weekly dose of empowerment and insight. Today, we dive deep into the ancient wisdom of Tehuti and the energizing aura of the solar plexus chakra. Have you ever felt a surge of inspiration that felt almost divine? That’s the energy we’re tapping into today. I was recently reminded of the powerful alignment these…
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backershub · 5 months
Creating an Ideal Career Plan
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resumewriterrecruiter · 8 months
This is a digital download item and it will not be shipped physically.
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studentstuf37 · 11 months
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Mapping out your career path is a crucial step towards achieving success and fulfillment in your professional life. By strategically planning your journey, you can navigate through the various opportunities, challenges, and choices that come your way. In this blog post, we will explore five essential steps to help you chart your path to success and ensure you are on track to reaching your career goals.
Step 1: Self-Assessment -
Discovering Your Passions and Strengths Begin by conducting a thorough self-assessment to gain clarity on your passions, values, interests, and strengths. Reflect on what truly motivates and inspires you. Identify your unique skills, talents, and areas of expertise. Understanding yourself will help you align your career choices with your core values and ensure a sense of fulfillment and purpose in your professional endeavors.
Step 2: Research and Exploration -
Identifying Opportunities Once you have a clear understanding of yourself, it's time to explore and research various career options. Investigate different industries, job roles, and organizations that align with your interests and strengths. Take advantage of informational interviews, online resources, and networking events to gather insights and gain a deeper understanding of potential career paths. This research will enable you to make informed decisions and identify the opportunities that align with your goals.
Step 3: Goal Setting -
Defining Your Career Objectives Setting well-defined goals is crucial for mapping out your career path. Establish both short-term and long-term goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Consider where you want to be in the next few years and break down your goals into actionable steps. Having clear objectives will provide focus and direction, allowing you to make strategic choices that contribute to your overall success.
Step 4: Skill Development -
Enhancing Your Abilities To thrive in your chosen career path, it is essential to continuously develop and enhance your skills. Identify the key competencies and knowledge required for your desired field. Seek opportunities for professional development, such as workshops, training programs, online courses, or mentorships. Additionally, embrace new challenges and projects that allow you to expand your skill set and gain valuable experience. Continuous learning and improvement will keep you adaptable and competitive in the evolving job market.
Step 5: Networking and Mentorship - Cultivating Relationships Building a strong professional network is instrumental in advancing your career. Connect with professionals in your field through networking events, industry conferences, and online platforms. Cultivate meaningful relationships with mentors who can provide guidance, support, and valuable insights based on their own experiences. Engaging with a supportive network can open doors to new opportunities, help you navigate challenges, and provide a wealth of knowledge and advice.
Mapping out your career path requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. By following these five essential steps of self-assessment, research and exploration, goal setting, skill development, and networking, you will be equipped to chart your path to success. Remember, your career journey is unique to you, and it may evolve over time. Embrace the process, stay adaptable, and keep refining your path as you progress towards your professional goals. With determination, resilience, and a well-charted plan, you can navigate your way towards a successful and fulfilling career.
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How Do You Know What You're Good At If You Don't Have Work Experience?
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kdpinterior · 2 years
Discover Our Awesome Self Assessment READY TO UPLOAD interiors preformatted for KDP Journals, Low content book, Notebook, Planner … on Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing), Commercial use.This package contains: • 6 interiors (3 black and white) and (3 colorful interiors) • 120 pages on each interior. • 3 Popular Size 5×8” , 6×9”, 8.5×11”. • Works on Bleed and noBleed. • Tested on kdp Pulishing : Quality checked on Amazon KDP so you can just publish without editing. • It will save you lots of time. Clean, nice and modern design. The files were created with good resolution to ensure clear print. Notes : Those interiors are not editable, only PDF files will be delivered after purchase. If you are looking for editable interiors please check this section : https://kdpinterior.com/product-category/kdp-editable-canva/ PLEASE NOTE! Wee do not receive returns after you have purchased the digital item. LEGAL INFORMATION These prints can be used commercial purpose and use as your book interior in print or digital form and then sell the book online. You can’t sell this item as it is to third parties like Etsy, Creative fabrica … QUESTIONS? If you have any questions about this print, please use the “Ask a Question” button next to the price and we’ll get right back to you as soon as possible. There are a lot of advantages to self publishing over traditional publishing, To be a successful author, it needs hard work! Self publishing requires you to have knowledge of every aspect of the publishing process, like designing, formatting, and marketing. Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing make self publishing accessible to everyone, but it can feel overwhelming to independent authors. What do you need to use Amazon KDP? What technical skills do we need to meet Amazon KDP requirements? How to promote our book? Here are seven tips and tricks to hack Amazon’s self publishing platform and be a successful author. 1. Make Your Book's Title and Description Perfect: Self Assessment A good Amazon book title and description are important for your book to rank well on Seo. Your book description gives readers a taste and overview of your writing skills and tells them exactly what to expect when they buy your journal or planner . Your journal title and description should look professional. A poorly written description have huge impact on sales. Run your blurb through a grammar checker to check for mistakes and readability. Aim for a genre-appropriate, specific set of rich keywords. Self Assessment We’ll talk more about keywords in the next section. Amazon will allow you to use HTML formatting on your descriptions, so get the benefit of this awesome feature. You will be able to organize your keywords. 2. Use long-tail keywords like Self Assessment . One of the most important aspects to getting ranked on Amazon self publishing is the seven keyword boxes. They allow you to add up to forty-nine characters. A keyword is a word or phrase that people type into the top search box on Amazon to find a specific journal or planner... You need to focus on specific long-tail keywords. Instead of a broad, short-tail keyword, you might enter Self Assessment (a specific long-tail keyword). You can research these using a keyword research tool like Google Keyword Planner Tool, hire an expert in KDP categories and keywords, or simply search for them manually by yourself. Look for keywords that give you only a few results, not thousands, to beat your competition. 3. Choose Extra Categories Amazon KDP has preset categories for books, and it’s hard to choose the best one for your work. When you upload your journal or planner interior, you can select two Amazon categories. Your book might fit into multiple categories. You can also increase your chances of being a bestseller in a category when you choose less competitive categories. A little secret : you can add additional categories with these simple tips : If you can call KDP customer service, KDP will allow you up to eight more categories, for a grand total of ten!
4. Purchase a High-Quality Designed Cover The first thing that Amazon visitors see is your book’s cover. A high quality cover can make a big difference and impact your sales numbers. There are a ton of elements that impact whether a book cover is engaging. Various classifications have different expectations. A basic cover does not take into account genre trends and expectations. A nonfiction book should not look like a kid's activity book or vice versa. Unless you’re an experienced graphic designer, avoid using tools offered by Amazon. Find an experienced designer who is familiar with your theme and check their portfolio. Try to reach out to other authors for recommendations, or browse Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to find a freelance designer who works with other authors. 5. Emphasize covers and interior design. The quickest way to a one-star review is an ugly book cover or interior. When your print book format is a mess, Amazon's visitors will move on to the next competitor. Don’t gloss over this step. There is a lot of software, like Canva, Photoshop, or Illustrator, that allows you to format your book and make it look professional. You can also outsource your formatting to an expert. In our case, the Self Assessment is already formatted for KDP, so you will save a lot of time and money. 6. Adjust Prices for International Markets When you publish a journal or planner on Amazon KDP, make sure that you adjust the price accordingly .99 : This is a marketing psychology that works on any markets. If KDP adjusts the price automatically for other markets, You can manually change it to international prices, however. You can add a .99 to the end of each price for each currency. And keep your eyes on royalty rates. You should also monitor the pricing boundaries for 30% and 70% royalties for each currency. 7. Becoming an Affiliate for Your Own Book Promote affiliate links for your own book and earn 70% royalties! Use your Amazon affiliate link on social media, website links, and anywhere else you can think of. Your amazon affiliate link allows you to earn additional 4% on the selling price of your book. It seems like not much, but that additional 4% can add up quickly with enough sales. Keep in mind that you only get this income when someone buys through your affiliate Amazon link, not from Amazon's search box. Finally, make Amazon KDP your friend; Using tips and tricks like these can assist you in succeeding on Amazon KDP.
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allgoodquotesblog · 2 years
7 Self-Improvement Technique for inner strength and happiness
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Self-improvement is a process that lasts a lifetime. It's a method for evaluating our abilities and skills, taking into account our life goals, and setting objectives to reach and exceed our potential. In order to learn and master new skills, we must put ourselves through challenges. We discover more about ourselves as we put ourselves out there and step beyond of our comfort zones to do new things. Reading books and articles is not enough. You must also put what you study into practice. Motivation, desire, ambition, patience, and dedication are necessary for inner change.
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Yet another advantage of this procedure. It improved my knowledge and understanding of how a person's thoughts and emotions influence their behaviour and behaviors.
Self Improvement Technique
1. Take a look around. Take a look around you and observe how individuals act in various situations. Keep an eye on the people you see at work, at home, at the grocery store, on the bus, train, and on the street. You may also learn a lot about individuals and yourself by watching them being interviewed on TV. 2. Keep an eye on how individuals behave. Keep an eye on how individuals speak, whether they raise their volume or keep it low. Keep an eye on how others respond. Take note of people's posture, gait, and body movements. You may pick up a lot about people by observing their conduct. 3. Pay attention to the things you dislike. Examine why you don't like what you see if it annoys you. After that, analyze your own behaviors to see if you exhibit the same behaviour. In your analysis, be sincere and impartial. 4. Avoid negative behaviour If you find that you have some of these negative character qualities or patterns of behaviour that you do not like, remind yourself frequently that you will be aware of them and will make an effort to avoid them whenever you notice yourself acting in these ways. 5. Create good habits by using your imagination. Try to behave similarly when you observe in someone character qualities or behaviours you appreciate and wish you possessed. Think of a setting where you act and behave in that different, better way several times a day. 6. Frequently use visualisation Consider and picture in your mind how you would like to act and behave repeatedly. 7. Remind yourself of the modifications you desire. Remind yourself often of the improvements you want to make, and work to live up to them. When you catch yourself engaging in old behaviours, remind yourself of your decision to grow and change, and act appropriately.
The Best Self-Improvement Quotes
- “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” ~ Winston Churchill , Self improvement quotes change - “Every time you make a mistake, don’t bring up everything that’s wrong with yourself; tell yourself that you’re paying the price for growth and that you will learn to do better next time. Every positive thing you can say to yourself will help.” ~ John C. Maxwell - “I cannot always control what goes on outside. But I can always control what goes on inside.” ~ Wayne Dyer - “If today you are a little bit better than you were yesterday, then that’s enough. And, if tomorrow you are a little bit better than you were today, then that’s enough.” ~ David A. Bednar , Self improvement quotes about bettering yourself - “A man only learns by two things; one is reading and the other is association with smarter people.” ~ Will Rogers - “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” ~ Confucius - “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” ~ Jim Rohn - “Great minds have purposes; others have wishes.” ~ Washington Irving - “There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.” ~ Aldous Huxley - “In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.” ~ Max De Pree Read the full article
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ellydallasart · 2 years
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classroom trash collage 🗑〰️ #trash #trashpo #trashpoetry #poetry #chance #cursive #time #selfassessment #studentartwork #diary #documentation https://www.instagram.com/p/CUZ7LA7g0Wy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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entegrys · 2 years
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High performance Engines | Tools in Canada | Employee Assessment Software  - Entegrys
What are my talents? How will I fit within this company? In this job? Many job postings use phrases such as “must work well in a team environment”, “must be a self-starter”, “must have good interpersonal skills” that tell you which competencies are important to this position or company.
The Entegrys Focus®️ assessments will help you identify your strengths and development needs in these critical job competencies.
To know more about our product, visit the below link:
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unitedwecare · 2 years
Mental Health Matters- United We care!
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We are concerned about your mental health. We've got you covered if you're looking for a meditation, anxiety, PTSD, CBT Trained, Couples Counselling or Sleep meditation app. We have mutiples ways for you to get over it.
United We Care is a mental health app available on GooglePlay and the Apple App Store that provides tools and insights to help "with care" for our people.
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successloops · 9 months
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We have 6 free self assessments for you to decode yourself - do you want them?
There's another 5 free success resources waiting for you too.
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daffodilrays · 1 year
What is your mindset?
Mindset is made of beliefs, and ideas which play a vital role in shaping our thoughts, behaviours, and attitudes towards the world around us. It is the lens through which we view the world. There are different types of mindsets, each with its own characteristics and impact on our lives. It is essential to self-assess and identify your mindset to help adapt to better deal with the changes in your…
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skilluarmoury · 1 year
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"Test your soft skills knowledge and discover your strengths with our interactive quiz!
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talyanatlo · 1 year
Stage 3 and Creating a Rubric to Self-Assess
Stage 3 and Creating a Rubric to Self-Assess
Part 1 WHERETOWEngage students in a discussion on clothing and weather. The learners should be able to understand how weather affects clothing and the appropriate clothes for different weather conditions.HThe students should watch a collage of different weather conditions. This will involve pictures, drawings, and videos of weather conditions. These materials will also show people wearing…
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quiz-hub · 2 months
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🧠 Explore autism spectrum with the RAADS-R test. A reliable tool for adults seeking insights into their behaviors and traits. 🌟 Understand yourself better with this comprehensive screening. Take the Test Now 🌈
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