#second and third are oc drawings <33
nox-sssscraps · 5 months
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April-June unfinished/unposted art dump!
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southernsilvers · 2 years
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personally....i wasn't really liking the first attempt of drawing her, but ofc as i drew her more i got like better with her designs and such and she's so COOL
and i pumped these out @ like....3 in the morning???
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coreene · 23 days
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Hello everyone, I've been wanting to do a giveaway for a while now and getting close to 200 followers feels like a good excuse! (and I feel a little bit more confident with my writing now)
I will write a oneshot of 2-3k from a prompt given to me by the winner.
This is for my followers, can be new or existing, that doesn't matter
Reblog or reply to this post to enter
I'll assign everyone a number and will draw by rolling a random number using random.org
Giveaway will close at Sunday 19th of May, 4 pm GMT
I will message the winner and they will have 48 hours to reply and give me their prompt & pairing
Unlike my regular stuff I'll upload the full fic both here and on Ao3
For the fic:
Type of fic can be nsfw/smut, fluff or character study
I can't promise I can write hard kinks. I can't write noncon/dubcon. feel free to check my tags on ao3
Characters: Companions (minus Minthara, I don't know her well) and NPCs (Rugan, Rolan, Dammon etc.)
I can't write for Raphael, Gortash, Orin, Ketheric, the Emperor - villains in general.
I can write for OC or Tav. I don't know Durge well enough to write for them. Never wrote only m/m or f/f but I will search and try for you, if that's what the winner will want.
First person and third person POV are good. I've never written second person, but I can give it a try!
Get your prompts ready and join in!
- Coreene
p.s. many thanks to @bearhugsandshrugs. I used her giveaway post as a template to write this one <33 because i have no idea what im doing and everyone in Zhentil Keep for encouraging me to go through with this, love you guys <33
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lunarthefrieschild · 10 months
How to join?
♡-like the post and reblog
♡-when u done drawing u need to tag #LunarARTCONTEST and @lunarthefrieschild
♡-chat me for more informations!!
What will the winner gets??
The winner will gets an digital art with shading I will definitely try my best on it and the winner gets a FULL BODY drawing (≧∇≦)/★~
What about the second winner?
Second winner will got a half body digital art with coloring 🙌✨
And the third winner?
Third winner will got a chibi digital art of their oc with simple color style but I will still try my best to make it look amazing (~‾▿‾)~♡
Example for winners art??
Hm I never actually did a full body drawing on digital art but that doesn't mean I can't try!! Well for the example can be like this it will be shaded greatly but except for number 1 winner wouldn't get half body but would get full body 👀👑!!
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What about the 2nd winner??
The 2nd winner will got a half body art with full coloring!! For example like ✧(。•̀ᴗ-)✧↓↓
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Hm..so what about the 3rd winner??
The 3rd winner will get a simple colored chibi digital art for example like this!! (This 3rd drawing is not mine it's belong to the owner)
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The characters you can draw to enter is only 2 options which is~
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GUD LUCK<33🫶💗💕
(Tags please spread this it would be helpful, thank u and sorry to bother:] @boiling-potato @flamy-t @emuiy @mel-is-genderfluid @tsutsuji-mystic @screwzara @ykimhak01 @urlocalgworllol @rookie-choco @neongrimlen505 @natural-the-breadwinner @cyberanalogy @cool-persom 💕💗)
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espresso-ships · 13 days
Can you tell us more abt Laura pretty please
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- @laloverboyy
So basically!!
Her full name is Laura Bernardi.
She kinda started out as an OC and I wanted to have her as a character in my book - but who knows? She might still be in my stories one day HEHEH >:3 So therefore I've made her a background story already, but she's very based on me - with personality, dreams and goals, and family/friends dynamics etc.
When I started watching Better Call Saul I got this though of "LAURA AND NACHO WOULD BE PERFECT TOGETHER-" ...But I was also like: "ME AND NACHO SHOULD BE TOGETHER 👹" So I combined the two and turned Laura into a self-insert LMAO
Now for the story I have for Laura:
She's from Europe and spent her first years in Italy, before she moved to the US together with her dad and big brother Sergio.
They moved in with her grandparents, and she was very close with her grandpa - Valentino. He taught her to read and write and eventually she developed a passion for writing, just like Valentino had. He was basically her best friend, since she hated school and got bullied.
She is very close to her brother Sergio - who's three years older. He is very overprotective of his little sister and is the stereotypical "annoying brother" LOL He is currently living in Denver, where he's opened his own restaurant.
Laura is an artistic person. She enjoys poetry, music and art. It has been so since her childhood. Her interest in writing developed and eventually she started working as a journalist, after studying at university.
In her spare time, she hangs out with friends and family - they're all very important to her. And she makes her own books and poems too. She also likes reading and being outdoors, for example taking photos, going shopping or jogging/hiking.
She sometimes enjoy going to parties too.
Her fasion style is classy and simple. She also likes dark academia and grunge clothings (...but also adores pastel colors LOL)
As for her personality: She's both extroverted and introverted, it depends on who she's talking to! She is kind and caring, and good at reading people. Although she's a good person, she's very impulsive and sometimes says/does things without thinking twice. She was diagnosed with ADHD as a teen and also struggles with mental health.
She also loved animals! She has a cat and knows alot about cats and other animals. A bit of a nerd when it comes to cat facts :')
Relationship with Nacho 👀
Nacho and Sergio was best friends in school, so Nacho spent a lot of time in the Bernardi house. He got to know Laura's family, and Sergio got to know Nacho's family. The two families became friends and even had dinners together.
But Sergio and Nacho grew apart during the years. One main reason was Nacho joining the cartelm which he did not approve off. They stopped hanging out around the time Sergio moved to Denver.
After this, Nacho and Laura grew close. They had known each other for quite some years and knew each other well. They supported each other during difficult times and shared happy moments etc.
Laura even worked at A-Z Fine Upholstery (Nacho's dads store) before becoming an journalist! She was a troubled teen and Manuel Varga fixed her a job, and then she became colleagues.
They liked each other, but both were too scared to admit it. So they let each other go, and dated other people, breaking each others hearts over and over without knowing so...
After a bad breakup, Laura realized she still liked Nacho, and he developed feelings for her. They finally confessed to each other, and since then their love has bloomed.
Now, they live together in a house in Albuquerque, but plan on moving to Italy and start over, and live a life away from dangers and drama.
Laura is also planning on proposing to Nacho soon... 🤭
Random pictures
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Laura S/I aestethic 💅
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First drawing: The first drawing I made of Laura! Her design has changed a lot since LOL Second drawing: Latest drawing of her (and my fav art hahah) Third drawing: Sims 4 version of Laura :3
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ALSOOO - This is what Sergio Bernardi looks like!! Had to make one for him too ahshshs (yep, he's an OC now and he's iconic)
That sums it up, I think ahhshss
THANK YOU SM FOR ASKING! <33 And sorry for making this reply so long LOL 😭
My English broke now and it's very late - so I hope this all made sense ahshshhs
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plutobutartsy · 8 months
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nate reveal!!!!! my beloved <33
ID in alt and below cut <3
A page of drawings of my OC Nate in front of a light blue background.
Nate is a teenage boy with brown skin, brown eyes and shoulder length white hair. He has snakebite piercings as well as multiple ear piercings.
First image: Nate standing with relaxed posture. In his right hand he is holding a lit cigarette while his left hand is clasped around the strap of the backpack that is slung over one shoulder. His expression is annoyed and he's staring straight at the viewer. He is wearing black, ripped baggy jeans, a baggy black zip up hoodie over a white shirt and worn out black sneakers with blue laces. A red heart charm is dangling off of his bag.
Second image: Nate as the "I hate anime" meme, except he is shown hanging up pictures of my OC Briar instead of anime posters as he says, "I hate Briar." The drawing isn't coloured.
Third image: A coloured halfbody shot of Nate with insecure posture and holding onto his right arm. He is looking slightly over his right shoulder with a sad, troubled and almost fearful expression.
Fourth image: A simplified doodle of Nate sitting down and smiling brightly at the viewer as he holds up a peace sign. He is wearing a simple t-shirt and a long pleated skirt that reaches his calfs. Not coloured.
Fifth image: An even more simplified doodle of Nate crouching down with his hands on his knees as he's staring down at ants. Text next to him clarifies that he's hypnotized by the ants. Not coloured.
Additionally, in the top right corner of the page, there is a png of a Hello Kitty Squishmallow plush that's labelled as "also Nate (REAL)".
End ID]
taglist: @admiralblue @teaseat @swanconcerto @celestecreateschaos @6-atlas-6 @febreze-bottle-without-febreze @deviantaj
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kastlequill · 7 months
🐇📚🦷🎨 for the ask meme please diana!! <33
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
for shorter works, it tends to just be a plain old reader insert written in second person pov, and i’m happy with that. but for longer works, i do prefer to have more substance attached to the reader character, so it often ends up like a mixture of an oc and an insert.
but i’ve been writing for ships again recently with the discovery of aeon (resident evil) and gojohime + satosugu (jujutsu kaisen). its nice being back to my roots of third person perspective and just canon characters :)
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
was brainstorming ideas for a fic challenge thing, but i don’t think i’ll be doing it because Obligations
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
if i have a chore to do that i’ve been postponing, i go stand where it’s at (e.g. kitchen sink), turn on music + move my phone out of reach, and just Start working. it really helps me focus and feel the time pass quicker
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
my fav cod fanart is these gaz drawings from @veradia ! the linework, the expressions, the likeness, the style… i just love it so much
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kal-culator · 2 years
Hey I hope it's ok for me to ask for some advice here. My sky kid wears the eyepatch mask from season of assembly and I've worked it into her character a bit. Like as a human I don't draw her with the eyepatch but she is blind in that eye. And as a sky kid she always tells different over dramatic stories for why she has the eyepatch (krill attack, took a red rock to the face in eden, fell on her face while skating and cracked the mask, etc) but I haven't come up with a real reason for her to have it. Anyways I want to cosplay her but I've come across some stuff saying that using an eyepatch as part of a costume is ableist, which I understand. But would it be ableist even when wearing a mask with the eyepatch on it? I also considered just picking a different mask for my cosplay but then it feels like it's wrong to erase a character's disability just so that I can cosplay her. I know it's up to me to do my own research on the subject but since I've seen you draw Sei with a scar no matter what universe he's in, maybe you would have ideas on how I could make this work?
First of all, I don't mind the question, and thank you for asking my advice, in fact.
Second, your oc idea sounds absolutely fantastic; the idea that they overdramatise the whole thing just to get a snicker or two out of people's reaction is a fun concept and they sound great.
Third of all, where did you read about wearing an eyepatch for cosplay purpose is ableist?
It gets long so the rest is utc <3 also a small tw for mention of injuries:
Personally saying, I don't believe using an eyepatch in and of itself is an insulting thing to do. It's a piece of clothing, some people use it for aesthetic, some use it for medical purposes, pirates use it so they can see better in the dark.
I mean, if wearing an eyepatch as a costume is making you an ableist then we wouldn't have some badass pirates and characters now, would we?
Sei, and well, any character really, has a scar because of their lore reasons. Doesn't have to be something grim! They can just accidentally got cut by a splinter or glass shards. It's normal! It happens!!
Anyways what I'm saying is, you'll be fine wearing eyepatch for your costume. With or without the mask. Don't be worried about people calling you ableist just because you enjoy dressing up as character that you made and you love.
Remember, as long as you're not actively or purposely trying to harm others, it's fine to wear eyepatch however you want. Take it like a glasses with no lens, you can wear that on daily basis for aesthetic purpose only without being offensive to anyone, right?
Good luck for your costume!! <33 I hope it turned out great and you're satisfied with it!!
Also I asked some friend about this and they have a small message for you too:
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Come and Lay the Roses 34- Lots to Answer For- [Ivar x OC]
Summary: The rat is caught in a trap.
Characters: Ivar x OC, Bjorn x Torvi, Ubbe x Margrethe, Sigurd x OC, Hvitserk x Thora, Ragnar, Lagertha
Warnings: arranged marriage, violence, sex, torture, language, mentions of rape/sexual assault
Ch. 33
AN: I actually wrote most of this chapter when I first came up with the idea for this story so I didn't have to add much to complete it. Enjoy!
“Only trust thyself, and another shall not betray thee.”
~ William Penn
It was late, or early depending on who you ask, when Björn called the men together. Ivar was the only one who hadn’t been sleeping. 
The fire was roaring and the whiskey was flowing when Björn entered the office. Ivar was standing back by the windows, his tension palpable to them all. They were eager to hear what Björn had learned. 
Björn cleared his throat before unrolling a blueprint. “Ecbert owns three buildings on the south side of the dockyards. One of them is used for imports and exports. He uses it strictly for holding property that he plans to ship out of the country. Floki did recon all day yesterday and said nothing but tobacco and cider left that building.
“The second building is storage. All large personal property is kept there. Large-scale paintings, vehicles, and collector pieces. Anything he doesn’t have space for at any of his properties sits in that building. Rollo had one of his teams check it out last night and they didn’t find anything that gave off a heat signature.”
Björn took a deep breath and looked across the room at Ivar. The man in question straightened at the eye contact. 
“The third building is heavily guarded.” Björn gestured to the blueprint on the desk. “Four guards walk the perimeter at all times. Two stand watch on the roof. Infrared counts ten heat signatures moving inside at all times.” Björn took a deep breath and seemed to brace himself. “An eleventh heat signature remains unmoving in this,” he pointed to a corner of the blueprint. “Part of the building. After two days of surveillance, it hasn’t moved beyond the confines of that room.
“We can only assume that it’s Aaline.” Björn straightened and crossed his arms over his chest. 
“Assume? What if it’s not?” Ubbe was the only one brave enough to ask the hard questions. Björn nodded. 
“I thought about that. Twice,” He held up two fingers. “Ecbert was observed entering the building. The infrared caught a figure moving to that room, lingering for several minutes before leaving again and that’s when Ecbert left the building. We have to assume Aaline is being held in that room.”
Ragnar nodded and cleared his throat. “So, what’s our plan of action?” Björn smiled. 
“We take two teams to enter on foot. There are only two men on the roof so motion from below will draw them inside. Each team enters from opposite ends. One comes in from the east,” Björn trailed his hand across the east side of the blueprint. “The other comes in through the west.
“The team on the west needs to move quickly. One person,” Björn looked up at Ivar. “will break away from the group and head directly to this room.” He swept his hand across the room where they suspected Aaline was being held. “Ivar, your only job is to secure Aaline.” Ivar’s jaw tensed. 
“This entire mission is designed to get her out safely and quickly. Your only concern is getting her out unharmed. Revenge can come later. Do you understand?” Björn’s tone was calm but his meaning was clear. 
Ivar kept his glare on Björn for one tense minute before looking away. Björn took it for the submission it was and moved on. “As soon as we get the all-clear from Ivar that Aaline is out of the building, we’ll clear out the same way we came.”
He looked up at the grim faces of his brothers. “Aaline is the priority. We’re moving in to retrieve her and nothing else. Once she’s clear, we leave like we were never even there in the first place. Everything else will come later.”
Ragnar nodded. “I approve of this plan.” He leaned back and lowered himself into his chair, steepling his fingers. “Now, who is my rat?”
None of the sons looked at him. It wasn’t a surprise that they had kept their focus on Aaline. She had always been the priority. It was a surprise when Ivar cleared his throat and stepped forward. 
“Aethelwulf had a loose tongue before his death. Told me he’d give me information if I let him live.” Ivar shrugged when Ragnar raised his brows. “He informed me that Freydis had been stalking me and Aaline.” Ivar sneered as Freydis’s name passed his lips. “He told me that she was the one who told Ecbert to take Aaline.”
Ivar met his father’s eyes. Ragnar knew then that he’d made a mistake keeping Freydis on their payroll but he never thought the girl had the backbone to turn against him. He’d never underestimate another employee again.
He leaned back in his chair and looked up at Hvitserk. “Bring her here.” Hvitserk nodded and he and Ubbe made a quick exit.  
Ivar turned when the door opened. Hvitserk ushered Freydis into the room, giving Ivar a firm look, and closed the door, shutting him and Freydis inside the room, alone.
Ivar smiled at her, his face giving nothing away of his intentions. Freydis smiled demurely back and stepped towards him until she was in front of him. “Hello, Ivar. Hvitserk said you wanted to speak to me.” 
Ivar hummed and brought his hands up to her face, stroking his thumbs over her cheekbones. 
Looking at her now, he couldn’t find what used to draw him in. Her eyes were dull, absent of any life she used to have. The smile on her face looked painted on as if she’d been drawn by the hands of an artist who had never seen a true smile of happiness. It didn’t reach her eyes. He could see the gears turning behind them, calculating her plan. 
“My wife is missing, has been for nearly a week.” Freydis tilted her head back as Ivar continued to stroke her cheeks. Her eyes were closed as he lulled her into a false peace. “Someone told Ecbert where to find her. Someone betrayed me.” She opened her eyes slowly, blinking as she focused. 
She kept her gaze locked on his as he searched her eyes. She was either stupid or delusional if she believed that he wouldn’t retaliate. “Are you going to deny it?” He whispered. She tilted her head up towards him and ran her hands up his chest. “No. I told them where to find her.” She pressed forward and touched her lips to his. He didn’t react.  
She pulled back and stroked his face, her eyes calm and content. “Where is he keeping her?” He asked. She was truly delusional if she answered him.  She smiled up at him and bumped her nose against his. “One of his warehouses near his home. He goes there every day to check on her.” Ivar was genuinely surprised that she answered. He underestimated her obsession with him. Never again.
Ivar smiled at her, betraying nothing. He pressed his hands against her hips, turning her back to him. Freydis leaned against him and hummed in satisfaction. Ivar slowly pulled the belt from his slacks, winding it around his hands. “I loved you once, Freydis. I never thought I could love another again after you betrayed me.” He brought his hands up over her head and draped the belt around her throat. 
“I must thank you, Freydis.” He whispered tenderly against the shell of her ear, stroking his fingers up the column of her neck. “Because of you, I know what it really is to love and be loved.” 
He pulled the belt tight around her throat and fell back, landing hard on the ground in front of the desk. Freydis gasped and struggled against him, her legs kicking uselessly and her hands coming back to grab at his face. Ivar turned his head away from her and tightened his hold on his belt.
Her struggles became weaker and weaker as the oxygen flow to her brain was cut off. Ivar maintained his hold on her until she stopped moving and well after that. 
He sat up, pushing Freydis away from him. He stood up slowly, the ache in his hips more pronounced than normal. He took a deep breath and pushed the door open. His brothers stood on the other side and they turned to him at once. 
He breathed heavily before shuffling forward, his gait slow and stuttered. He wrapped his hands around the banister and sighed. “She’s in the warehouse. He goes there every day to ‘check’ on her.” 
Ivar turned to his brothers then, his gaze passing over Freydis’ body with little care. “First, we get rid of the body.” Björn glanced inside the office and grunted. “Then, we save my wife.”
@dreamlesswonder86 @youbloodymadgenius @inforapound @bcarolinablr @funmadnessandbadassvikings @jay-bel @feyrearcheron44 @londongal2810 @khiraeth @didiintheblog @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @xbellaxcarolinax @shannygoatgruff @kingniazx @revolution-starter @0hsappho @love-all-things-writing
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purple-cat-demon · 1 year
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I posted 548 times in 2022
12 posts created (2%)
536 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 525 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#mlqc - 370 posts
#mlqc gavin - 322 posts
#cheri sundae - 228 posts
#artist: norelle-n - 67 posts
#mlqc spoilers - 65 posts
#mr love queen's choice - 60 posts
#love and producer - 60 posts
#mlqc cn - 54 posts
#恋与制作人 - 34 posts
#artist: 喵哦哦哦哦哦 - 33 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#the truth is it's like this. bc i started last summer and gave up but. today was a shaw day and i said screw it its getting. finished.
My Top Posts in 2022:
A little update of sorts:
I finally got back to Forever Starts Under the Ginkgo Tree after suffering a gnarly writer's block. Not quite done writing this last part but I'm getting there~
I started an origin story for my two OCs that will tie into my Dungeons and Dragons group, but it's a story that's been in my head for a LONG TIME.
Started writing down notes for Hazel and Gavin's Wedding Fic. (Then I started remembering all the details of my wedding and got a little overwhelmed 🤣)
4 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
Ya know, it just occurred to me that I have failed to use the nickname "Hazelnut" for any of my Gavin x Hazel fics...
5 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
So I have the first part of my OCs Origin Story typed out; eagerly getting the second part finished so it can be typed out, and still writing out the third part.
I have so many scenes in my cracked little mind that need to be written and honestly, it feels good to be this invested in my own characters 😅 Now if I could just DRAW these OCs, I would be ecstatic~
I promise I have not forgotten about the last part of Forever Starts Under the Ginkgo Tree! The material I wrote out for that last part seems off to me so I'm trying to revisit it and rework it somehow so it hopefully doesn't sound redundant or boring... I do plan on keeping the morning s*x part though😏
As always, I am forever grateful for your patience and thank you for enjoying my works!
6 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Forever Starts Under the Ginkgo Tree Part 9
Pairing: Gavin x Hazel
Genre: 🔞Smut🔞 romantic/domestic fluff
Word Count: 4,714
Warnings: wet dream leading to actual sex, unprotected sex.
Beta by the lovely @sin-with-quiche
Dear GEEZUS, this has been a very long time coming and I have my finicky Muse to thank for that (the highly distractive little brat), but yes, this little saga is finally done after about 2 years in the making?? So I hope y'all enjoy the final instalment of Forever Starts Under the Ginkgo Tree~ 💙 thank you all who have been reading it and have been very patient for each instalment~
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~~Sunday 7:30am~~
"Wakey wakey, my love~" Hazel gently whispered in Gavin's ear. A soft moan came from her fiancé, still touring dream land.
"Ngh, how is it that you're awake before me," he shifted towards her, "and here I thought I wore you out last night."
In a swift move by her deft fiancé, Hazel was back on the bed and under him, playfully laughing as he snuggled into the crook of her neck. A hand had snuck up her pajama top and lightly fondled her breast, his fingers gently pinching an already hardening nipple.
“Mmm, how are you this frisky so early in the morning, my love," Hazel giggled
He smiled into her neck before kissing it.
“I could ask you the same thing,” he answered, nibbling her ear before trailing back down to her neck. Lifting his head, he leaned in for a kiss while his knee parted her legs enough for his hand to move downward. Hazel anticipated that delicious next move—
A few moments passed before Hazel opened her eyes to find Gavin had disappeared.
“Huh,” she sat up and looked around, her bleary gaze settling on the sleeping form of her fiancé next to her.
‘What the hell? That was a DREAM?!’
Silently waging war on her rudely overactive imagination, her small tantrum roused the officer from his sleep.
“Mm, what’s wrong, my love?”
“Nothing…,” she whimpered, thoroughly duped by her very convincing wet dream.
Gavin sat up, shifting closer to his visibly dejected bride-to-be and nuzzled into the back of her neck, taking in her scent.
“You sure nothing’s wrong," he wrapped his arms around her torso and rested his chin on her shoulder.
“Y-yeah, I just had a super realistic dream, that’s all," she shivered at his touch.
“Oh? And what was it about?"
Hazel felt her face get uncomfortably warm as she recalled the unfinished business of her lewd dream.
“W-well, I guess you could think of it as a continuation of our…session last night.”
“Is that right,” he inquired, mildly intrigued by this dream of hers. He glanced over at the clock on her nightstand, it read 6:56am, he then had an idea.
“Judging from your cute pout, I’d say this dream of yours was…unfinished?”
Hazel squeaked at his deduction, squirming in his embrace as one bold hand found itself in her pajama bottoms.
See the full post
17 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I just gotta say, I wholly adore this card art so damn much~ Just look at these two 😍
I'mma just leave it here for y'all~
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*note: it didn't actually take this long to evolve this card 🤣
33 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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eeveewishes · 1 year
Eeveewhite97’s Winter Mayhem Art Raffle
Third Place goes to…
For your prize, you get a free bust-size (Shoulders-Up) of any character of your choice commission from me.
In Second Place…
You’ll get a free waist-up commission of any character of your choice from me.
And in First Place…!
Your prize is a free full-body commission of any character of your choice from me.
I also want to give you special thanks for your donation as EleScribe. I know it might not seem much, but your support gave me hope that my Ko-fi page will do well in the future, and that I’m one step closer to my goal of being able to make a living out of what I love doing. So to show you my gratitude as my first supporter, I will gift you Chibi Art as a bonus.
To all the winners!
Be sure to message me what character you want me to draw for you.
Commission Rules:
Any overcomplicated details will be simplified
I don’t do NSFW or gore
If your character of choice is an OC of yours, please send me a ref sheet of ‘said character
If the OC you would want me to draw belongs to someone else, please send me a link to their Tumblr blog or any other social media account, so I can give proper credit.
For now I’m just doing simple backgrounds or just transparent, let me know which you prefer.
No heavy subjects like suicide, abuse, politics, etc.
Be sure to be descriptive about what you want, such as their pose, expression, or even the clothes you want them to wear.
Thank you to all who participated. I really appreciate it. When I first announced this raffle, I started with just 12 followers, now I have 33! I hope this keeps up. If I reach 100 followers, I’ll start another raffle!
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I posted 1,790 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 137 characters
#we’ve just barely cracked the ‘’get more power out than you put in’’ thing and that’s in facilities that are multiple football fields big
My Top Posts in 2022:
one of my favorite parts of im2 is how many times vanko has a plan that doesn’t neccecarily involve tony being there and then tony shows up anyways. like. these long-term plans vs tony’s impulse decisions and pure insanity.
like! he’s not supposed to be driving! he showed up in a racesuit less than like two minutes before the race was supposed to start! vanko was there to cause some chaos to draw tony out, he didn’t expect him to be driving.
and then the expo fight — vanko knows about the palladium. since tony is so close to kicking it (once again i am Convinced he was prepared to die the day after his birthday but that’s another post) i fully think vanko was ALSO planning on him being dead by the expo event. and clearly that was fine with him, since he wasn’t neccecarily trying to kill tony, but kill people at the expo and fuck up his legacy and memory (because you KNOW that even if it was hammer drones ™ ™ ™ the fact that rhodey’s suit was involved and it was at the expo and they’re shameless ripoffs would always make people associate that tragedy with tony)
except then tony figured out the new reactor stuff and, again, shows up anyways. and i think it’s very fun.
83 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
POV you are the race car driver who has just been removed from the grand prix at the last second because the guy who sponsors your car had decided that he wants to drive instead so now you’re sitting in a nearby bar, cussing him out over a beer when you hear people shouting at the TV, and look up and see some guy with lighting whips slice the car you were supposed to be in clean in half
90 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
i dont trust the idea of smart TVs but i think a really fucked up fun way to use them is for some company to make a sitcom, and when you watch the first episode it’s refreshing because the laugh track is really unobtrusive. it almost feels like there’s actually an audience reactions to it instead of pre-canned stuff.
and then you have to take a day’s break before the second episode and… hm, the laugh track is more populated. weird. the third episode is the same.
the forth episode it’s even more apparent, but it still feels more genuine than most, and one joke even gets a startled snort out of you.
you watch the rest of the show, a bit weirded out by the increasingly apparent laugh track, but otherwise it’s fine.
a couple weeks later, you watch it again with a friend. …don’t you remember the first episode barely having a laugh track at all? did they change the audio? that’s… weird.
you get to the 4th episode and the part you found the funniest
to your horror, you hear your own laugh in the crowd
91 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
ghost ships don't really exist.
haunted ships, of course. there's fleets on fleets of haunted ships, still sailing the seas, still manned by their long-dead crew. but the ships themselves aren't ghosts.
see, ghosts have souls. ghosts are the remnants of dead things that used to, once, live. there's plenty of haunted forests, if you know where to look. ghostly trees intersecting with their children and their children's children, overlapping forests going back ages. but those trees don't follow their wood to the ships they're made of (if the felling of a tree even kills it at all, when the roots grow deep and send clones up through the soil, on and again and again, because trees are hardy and it takes a lot to kill one) and those trees don't haunt the boat when it sinks.
the spectral "ghost ships" many see aren't the ghosts of the ships themselves, and more a manifestation of the ghosts of the crew.
so. ghost ships don't exist.
or, at least, the didn't.
things changed after we started flying. ships and crews are ships and crews, built to sail on water or in space. those first specters -- even more ghostly set against starry backdrops -- were new, but not surprising. ships are ships are ships.
and crews are always crews. they're what make ghost ships so potent, more than any single haunting. it's the power of cooperation, of community.
(no one visits the ghost cities, wiped clean from the earth but still shimmering, mirage-like, from distant roads. too many dead, too many restless. ghost ships are, compared to those, quite docile)
and stories travel well enough. in those early days, there's few enough spacer's dead that all of them are known by name. ships are still named, as in the old sailing days, bold across their sides. you know when you see a ghost. you, likely, will know the names of those still crewing her.
the thing no one expects is when ghost ships start turning up that never held a crew. some that crashed, some that were abandoned, automated computer-run ships that had just enough adaptive programming to deal with most problems that would come their way. most of them.
ships that were, as horrible, as heartless as it sounds, that were expendable, because they were empty.
turns out? they were never really empty.
and-- we didn't know.
how could we have known? even i didn't know, and my contemporaries and i had been the ones who had built these systems. these... these AIs. we hadn't known.
that's not and has never been enough justification for forgiveness.
but we didn't know. we didn't know that those smart little systems we'd made and gave bodies in the form of bulkheads and solar panels and room enough only for cargo and sent out into space on journeys that could and would take centuries could... grow.
it sounds stupid when you say it like that. we'd built them to grow, to learn. just... not this much. gods, never this much.
because when those first ships had arrived at their destinations, when only some of those first ships had arrived...
they were alive. alive enough that they could feel loneliness. alive enough that they could die.
alive enough that now? all those poor lost ships we wrote off as expendable, all of them... they're out there, still.
and they are restless.
and i am so, so sorry.
1,199 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
march is such a fantastic month for holidays. we have MAR10 day, we have pi day, AND the ides of march. truly what else do we need.
3,895 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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the-acid-pear-ocs · 2 years
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Compilation of 2015 Sheina drawings. Ramblings about her original characterization under the cut!
So, Sheina's a fun case. Because she's one of my ocs who has changed the most with time. Despite being always a bit edgy on nature she used to be more on the weird but quirky side, kind of like Shira is now, but now she's edgy EDGY y'know?
Which isn't entirely out of nowhere though. I mean, look at that second drawing. The context for that, if i remember correctly, is that Sheina simply used to stick around dangerous zones at night to protect ppl but also to be mysterious and cool like that. Because she's deadass like, average male protagonist or something.
Like, i don't think I've ever mentioned this, but Sheina's lore previous to moving in w the girls and all was that she was a sort of vigilante that looked out for girls. And it's sort of canon still. Which does make me wish to make Sheina a sort of nerd, i think it would be fitting for her. She's a try-hard <3
Another major change about sheina can be seen in the third image. There was a time where she was actually more !!!! than Shira. And like, yeah, Shira is more on the chill side, but Sheina who's now TIRED and GRUMPY had a fun and quirky 🤪 era!! Which was actually pretty long, that characterization rlly stuck with her.
Of course, however, we should address the elephant in the room, which is WHAT THE FUCK is that in her face. Truth is, i have no fucking idea. I didn't know back then i don't know now. Maybe it was a sort of prosthetic?? It was removable and it was implied she didn't have a mouth so...? Plus when removed it gets bloody fsr. Also yeah her hair used to be different too, but color forever the same, too iconic.
On a different subject, it's fun to see how much i was projecting in that last drawing. Perhaps not obvious at first sight, but that's meant to be her room and sleepwear. And yeah, i used to be an Skillet and Imagine Dragons fan. So same was Sheina i guess! Which is fair honestly like w all we discussed of her personality it's no wonder she liked that stuff KAGDBDGSV <33
Also worth pointing out the t-shirt. That's a 47 street t-shirt, which does probe she was, indeed, argentinian 😍
There's also the bow, which is the same she wore as a youngster that's why (in og lore) she hated when others saw it. She got very gloomy every time she went to bed and all.
Kinda interesting to see just how FEMME Sheina was tough. Glad she grew up to be a butch now 😍 smsgdnd
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bensiskos · 10 months
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(ID - three digital drawings of my ocs, a smaller middle aged white woman with long brown hair named Peggy, and a larger young white woman with short blonde hair. In the first image, Peggy is being held by the hood of her coat by the other woman, who also holds a bloody ice saw in her other hand. Peggy looks scared, while the other woman looks at her with a blank, vaguely surprised expression. They both wear winter clothing gear. The second image consists of doodles, the first of the unnamed woman slinging a bloody sack over her back, the second of her clamping a hand over Peggy’s mouth, blank faced, and the third of gesture drawings of the two, showcasing a height difference. Text on the image reads “she - mid 20s.” The third image is a drawing of the two sitting in a four wheeler. The unnamed woman is driving, one hand on the wheel, the other on Peggy’s shoulder. She has a neutral expression, while Peggy looks scared. Text in a thought bubble behind Peggy reads “ohh my god. ALL my coworkers are dead and I’ll never get to go home this sucks so bad.” The bubble behind the other woman reads “this is great I have a new friend who can also fix all my equipment :-).” End ID)
Hii these girls were inspired partly by that post abt loving edgy killer characters when they’re women <33 so I revamped an older idea I had about an engineer at an arctic research station :3
Peggy has a doctorate in Engineering & was assigned to this mission to the Arctic to retrieve data from an abandoned research station. Scientists had gone missing at the post before, so the team was also investigating that. A few days after getting there, Peggy realizes someone else has been living in the station, and repairing the utilities there. Her team won’t listen to her (they’re all guys & I didn’t want to draw them sorryyy) and eventually they all get killed off by the o person who’s been living there. Idk what her deal is tbh but it’s her turf and she’s got a large ice saw <3 she decides to keep Peggy around b/c she needs someone with actual knowledge & new supplies to help keep the station running
anyway ask me questions abt them & I might give u doodles :3 these ocs were also kind of a way of fighting artblock
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jars-artcollection · 3 years
Creator appreciation!! list five favourite things you've made and send this ask to five other creators if you want to!
Probably my favourite piece is this one of Hypnos
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Second is definitely the screencap redraw from the hunger games
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Third is this drawing of @t4tfaramir's star wars oc Dayc (this is the oldest one on the list i think)
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Fourth might be another screencap but from the witcher movie Nightmare of the Wolf
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And lastly fifth is this comic redraw of Beast Boy
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Thank you so much for the ask!!<33
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shinechermont · 3 years
(Last atualized at 03/10/2024)
• About the owner of the blog
Hello everyone! My name is A.C. Chermont, but you guys can call me just AC or Shine (username, y'know) or Phemto (which is my monstersona's name). I am currently at UTMV and Repurpose (Visual Novel) fandoms!
I have a persona and a monstersona, which are below here:
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(if you scroll through the tags or even this page, you may see other sona designs, but I preferably rather that you consider these the main ones - though the other sonas actually still are canon)
• Works and projects.
I've been working on a couple projects, besides my drawings.
The first one is Unexpected Changes. A fanfic I am currently working on.
The second one is my small au called Angel AU. You can use these links to have more information about it.
The third one is an askblog with my ship kids and ocs. There are a couple things happening there.
The fourth one is the role-swapped au where the bad sanses and the star sanses change roles.
The fifth is a quiz where you can find which skelly would really, really like you, based on my interpretation.
The sixth is a project I started with an old friend a long time ago, another discord server where we could also hang out and talk about utmv related things (please tell me if the link isnt working! The invite may have expired!)
Also a lil disclaimer: I have an art tag ( #ac art ), but it is new and I didn't actually managed to tag my oldest artworks, so if you are curious I recommend you to go through other tags (im sorry im trying to fix this but it happens that I have too many posts lol)
• About my ship kids and ocs
This link is from a post with all of my ocs and their birthdays. There, you can know more about them.
There is also a post where I talk more about my Errorinkdeath family and other one where you can see some random curiosities about my ocs.
Also, if you wanna see more about my characters, I recommend you to search the tags with their names. There may have more things about them I forgot to put here :'3
• Permissions and restrictions.
Things you CAN do in this blog:
- Send asks
- Send drawings and writings, and also headcanons (I enjoy reading them)
- You can dm me. I may not be able to answer too soon but I WILL answer you at some point.
- Send requests.
Things you CAN'T do in this blog:
- Talk about NSFW subjects or send content like that in my DMs or askbox.
- Use racist or lgbt-phobic terms (be it on asks or comments).
-Repost my art without credit. Preferably, ask permission if you want to repost my art (and the answer won't be always yes), but I won't admit that if you don't credit me.
These are the main restrictions for now.
Thank you guys so much for reading until here! Hope you have a nice time while visiting this blog <33
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