#screaming crying throwing up etc i am in love but also this was so hard to gif my skills were NOT up to the task asdfghjhgfd
retvenkos · 2 years
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every movie pro-shot i watched in 2022  ⇢  bts: permission to dance on stage — l.a. (2022)
for @chachachas
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agentmmayy · 5 months
2023 monthly music rotation
it's been a hot minute since i've made one of these, but here are all my favorite songs from each month of 2023!
one i wanna be with - trella: oh bop!!!!!!!!!!! this ENTIRE SONG just makes me so happy!!!!!!! it’s so full of love!!! every lyric hits but especially i can’t help but wish we met before we did.
antiques - holden laurence: god the desperation in this makes me want to claw my chest open and rip my heart out. the beat fucks in this jaunty rhythm that’s such a juxtaposition to the haunting lyrics and vocals. then the bridge?????? i promise to be strong i promise to believe in love that lingers on i’ll see you in my dreams. I’M CALLING THE POLICE. this is a tess/joel song. not only because of how apocalyptic this feels (which is a whole other discussion) but also meet me in the space between all the words unsaid when we could not speak meet me i’ll be waiting for you there. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
borderline - tove lo: HOT. listen. everything tove lo writes and sings is inherently sexy i don't make the rules. this one especially wtf!!!!!!
unrequited night - lily kershaw: i- please respect my privacy at this time. this is a masterpiece. immediately a song i listened to laying in bed staring up at the ceiling. VERY tlou coded. (but then again every song i listened to in feb/march and lbr this past year was) AND THE GASP AT THE END GETS ME EVERY TIME.
flowers in my hair - calista garcia: sweet, slow, and syrupy. i love this song and how it feels like a breath of fresh air. it’s achingly romantic and has got me singing along and twirling my hair and kicking my feet. though, at the same time it’s so intimate i feel like i’m intruding. 
labor - paris paloma: the intensity of it still continues to blow my mind. it’s unapologetic and awful. it’s incredible. i felt every lyric in my gut. i don’t want to over explain it since i can’t do the song justice but it’s so brutally honest in describing and dismantling traditional roles placed upon women and girls. the entirety of it is like poking at a wound that never closes, a wound that’s been gaping and bleeding for centuries and it makes me so angry. the visceral reaction i had to the lyric ‘if we had a daughter’ girl i- ouuuuugh. i got sick to my stomach. i was screaming crying throwing up etc etc. anyway this song is a masterpiece. still haven’t recovered from it. also it’s a fucking bop. 
‘i’m just learning how to make peace with feeling small’ ‘but i might drive off if it gets too hard’ ‘there’s always a sunset that i wanna run into’ ‘i’m searching but i’m not lost’ and my all time favorite lyric that put me on the floor when i heard it the first time- ‘i’m a growing tree a few missing leaves i can’t shelter you don’t sit under me’ HELLO????? 
vagabond - overcoats: THIS song. this song has been the one i played the most in may because one it’s an absolute banger and second of all it read me for filth and the lyrics are so beautifully crafted and honest and pure and delivered impeccably. it’s a sweet, slow melody and coupled with the lyrics it reached into the depths of my soul and pulled out everything i can’t say and put it into this song like.
fireworks - JOSEPH: now for ANOTHER song that read me for filth. lately i’ve been feeling this exact way since all my friends and people around me have reached certain milestones in life- such as getting married, settling down, etc- that i haven’t and i’m left even more alone and bereft. but THIS SONG said that’s okay!!!!!!!! this song understood!!!!!! it said i’m not alone feeling this way!!!!
every lyric absolutely sent me through the roof but these especially:  ‘all these long songs might be no good for me’ ‘how long will i wait to be happy all my friends ask me’ ‘what if i’m wrong wrong to think there’s more to this story’ ‘an act of faith even though it hurts to shut that door am i holding out forever?’ ‘am i headstrong or foolish every night waiting for lighting to strike whole you’ve got blue skies?’ and my favorite- ‘i wish i could just flip a switch and accept your kind of muted bliss’ WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! once again HOW did they put it into words!!!!!! this song has such a special place in my heart. i can’t tell you how many times i’ve not only listened to it but also screamed along and cried to it 
also, JOSEPH always creates the most compelling and just fun to listen to songs and this is no exception!!!!!!!!! the harmonies are delicious and the music dropping at certain points is incredible and the beat has me dancing around the room. filed right under beach music! 
moonlight - madison rose: i wore this song into the ground!!!!! AMAZING beat and vibe. liberating rejuvenating sexy etc etc.
cowboy take me away - the chicks: me personally!!!!! my favorite version of cowboy take me away. i DO wanna touch the earth and break it in my hands but i ESPECIALLY wanna look at the horizon and not see a building standing tall!!!!!!!!! every summer is cowgirl summer but this song just turned the dial to the max. never have i ever wanted a cowgirl summer more.
satellites - emi larraud: this one was interesting! VERY 80s themed. it's funky. it's powerful. it's just groovy.
wicked game - ursine vulpine, annica: alright i'm a sucker for these intense ballads especially when they remind me of the 100 but seriously. it's sensuous. it's an experience. the vocals are out of this world.
pretty boy - LEON: of course i had to put a LEON song on here. while this isn't my favorite of hers it was just so nice to get a new song from her again. i felt like a wilting flower getting watered. to no one's surprise it's a bop and delivers lines that absolutely wreck me such as you can't outrun getting old, that hidden place where hope lives, well that's the last it goes. ma'am!!!
moonburn - dani sylvia: feeling very seen rn thank you!!!!!!!! literally spongebob leaning against rock.jpg every time i listen. it's- ough. this song has layers and i am peeling them back like an onion. when does the healing start if you leave before daylight. saying SO much in one line!!!!!!! it's the inversion of the typical light vs dark trope for me! and the chorus is immaculate.
super graphic ultra modern girl - chappell roan: chappell hit it out of the park with her first album and THIS SONG SPECIFICALLY. the absolute journey @152glasslippers and i went on listening to this... especially at 22 seconds in. WHEW. super graphic ultra modern girl IS THAT GIRL!!!!!!! SHE IS THE MOMENT!!!!!
honest mistake - bears den: screaming shaking crying throwing up etc etc. bears den always writes songs that lift me by my ankles and shake me until every humiliatingly private thought comes tumbling out in the lyrics of their songs. also i love how consistent they are with the aesthetics and formality of their songs. it's very soothing while ripping me up inside.
mars - noelle: listened to this 60 times in a day. you don't understand i found this song 10/17 and spotify stopped tracking 10/31 and it was my most listened to song of the year. it's dreamy. it's sweet. the vocals are stunning and the music is fantastic.
heart to heart - now more than ever: banger. when that beat dropped i was shook!!!!!!!!!! it's a very early 2000s emo vibe but also delightfully contemporary? the vibes are there. oh and the lyrics and the way they're sung is amazingly bittersweet.
swimming pool - jack kane: one of my favorites of the whole year. if spotify didn't stop tracking before november this would have been my top song. it is 100000% a slow sad groove bop. every time i listen maybe not physically but spiritually i am girl at table.jpg. formally this song is delicious and lyrically it is devastating.
scorpions - distance sprinter : okay this one might be a contender for top song. impeccable. there's crack in this. the beat is OUTSTANDING. i literally can't play this in the car if i'm driving because i will start dancing. the vibes are off the charts. at no point in this song do you expect what's next. the lyrics are heartbreaking and beautiful. there's so much i can say about this song but i am gnawing on the words it's just so good.
TOP SONGS OF THE YEAR: these have 5 stars. to me. 6 stars even.
antiques - holden laurence
unrequited night - lily kershaw
vagabond - overcoats
fireworks - JOSEPH
moonburn - dani sylvia
swimming pool - jack kane
scorpions - distance sprinter
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tonycries · 5 days
“Teach me- fuck fuck-” words muffled and slurring together, vibrations going straight to your pussy. “Use me. Use me how you want.”
*clenches fist* tony you had know what of knowing this but i am currently going through A Phase. i'm rlly into the younger man/older woman fics and just fics where the reader is more experienced and sjkdfglshdfgh I JSUT,
good boy,,,, GOOD BOY,,, choso the goodest boy who goes feral for your pussy,,, the best boy who studies hard and studies how to eat your pussy even harder,, dshkfjgklsdfhgdhfg
also love a boy who learns how to use tools in the bedroom. AUGH. love it!!! choso rlly transforms into a proper educated man but he still calls you "ma'am" and i AM JUST,,,
and then sukuna sdfghksdhgs. honestly i'm not even mad at him for the cockblocking. when the romance is that obvious and direct and you're both determined to miscommunicate you DESERVE a villain cockblocker like sukuna! go blackmail your nephew into confessing his love!! sukuna's gotta do ALL the work around here, damn!
Something that had you ignoring Sukuna’s slightly panicked, “Jus’ not too soon, I needa bully him with this first.”
god i love him sdfkgjsldhg. he is simply so awful and likeable. i believe in you sukuna!!! YOU CAN MAKE IT!! GO FAST!
Because he’s angling your head down, piercing cold against your tongue. “Spit.”
crying screaming throwing up. sorry sukuna it's too late. the romance has already happened. their love is true and pure and wholly confirmed -
fgjhslshg anyways. it's super hot i loved it and also
Sukuna (do not answer):
adkfjghsldhgfsdhg DO NOT ANSWER,,,, and he only answers to mock sukuna skdhfglsdhgds YOU GO CHOSO!! he's got an ego now but he still calls you ma'am!!! WE LOVE A GOOD RESPECTFUL BOY who fucks you like you're his whore (respectfully)!!!
great work sorry for spamming you sdfkghjsdgh it's just way easier for me to spontaneously yell at ppl in inboxes sometimes rather than try to reblog and write up commentary etc.
Fr I feel like we need more rep where reader is more experienced like I just wanna ruin him smh smh
And honestly the "ma'am" bit was just me being sooo self-indulgent like one of my exes would call me that and I was like?? HELLO??? ALR POOKIE YOU JUST OPENED UP SOMETHING NEW FOR ME
I love Unc-Kuna too much bro omg he's such a menace, him n' I would get along so well bullying poor Choso 😩
And ahhhh tysm for these lovely comments they fr made my day. I love love LOVEEEE hearing y'alls thoughts <333
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sydthetiel · 7 months
Update Time!
I'm not completely out of the woods yet, but some serious burdens/guilt have been lifted.
Family friend came again today, brought me another grocery order, which has a new can opener (this one better fucking work) and some more cold foods to last the week and stuff. Eggs, salad, etc. I can feel a little better about what I'm putting into my body besides canned crap, without having to spend hours to make it.
She helped me get a huge chunk done of what all those aides were supposed to do with me. We went through foods and organized, cleaned my "ration rack" (which is, as it sounds, a rack which holds the rations for days I can't get out of bed. Chips, crackers, croissants, poptarts, cookies, etc. All the snackies, and some extra drinks, so I no longer have to sleep with all of them.) Ahhh wonderful. It's also out of my path now for trying to get to my office where Syd is currently located. No more squeezing and side stepping. Mentally, that's a load off. Clutter and mess trigger my OCD bad enough to hit me real hard with depression and hopelessness. It's the biggest reason why hoarder Rex is so bad for me.
Syd's new water bowl came. As expected, it was too big to fit in such a tiny hospital cage. It was a two person job to take the top off and install it, and it takes up so very much of the cage. I held Syd, while friend put the top of the cage back on. The sight was so fucking depressing. Friend says to me "I'm gonna buy her a bigger cage." And of course, cages are expensive, so I told her that, and explained this one is so small because it's literally all I could afford, and I feel like the worst dad ever for it. And of course, at this point, we're both crying, because my baby girl deserves better than a tiny fucking cramped piece of shit where she can't even spread her fucking wings, but it's impossible to bring her home cage into my office. It ain't gettin' up the stairs, or through the doorways. Dear fucking gods, no. Friend insists, "We're gonna order a cage today, on your phone, before we leave." And she did. It'll be here in roughly a week. It should (better) be big enough, and it's quite lovely. It has a stand, so I can store her food and all that, and will make an exceptional hospital cage, where Bean can flap and be happy and well cared for. I am in fucking tears. Her gofundme is still up, for vet stuff, but this is fucking HUGE for us! She also said she'll take us to the vet for another Lupron injection, since Syd's horny again, and said she'd pay for the shot!! <333
Between sobbing about trying to figure out how to pay for van repairs, a new hot water heater, and a new furnace, and a shut off notice for the electric because once again Rex didn't pay it, not having to worry about shelling out an extra $100 or so on a hormone injection is just... such a fucking weight lifted.
On top of that, Daddy's getting some needs met, too now! She assembled my shoe rack! No more bending or tripping over all my shoes! They're right there! Aaaand I finally have my new massager. It's been sitting in a fucking filthy box for like two years, and she helped me get it clean, so now I have that. As soon as I got situated in bed tonight, I tried it out. The pleasure screams I felt as it massaged the knots out of my agonizing back and shoulders is just... oh gods. Probably sounded like a whole ass orgy up in here. Actual goddamn pain relief! PAIN RELIEF!!!!!!
I ate twice today, and finally had some decent hydration, too. Huge boost. I no longer detest the idea of my chicken and gravy tray. Meal plan for tomorrow!
Sunday, she's coming back, and we're gonna tackle some more stuff. I can't fucking wait. I mean, I would really love a weekend with my girlfriend, and some rest, but also, just... a clean environment is so fucking good for my mental health. And it makes me happy that they'll take all the outdated foods I won't eat, so I don't have to feel like a douchebag for wasting it and throwing it out. They're happy to eat it, and I feel like I can give something back for all the help, while also clearing out all the space.
We got a game plan for downstairs, and will start making dents in that.
But honestly... This huge chunk done today is... the kind of support I needed to feel like I might actually survive? I mean... it's still grim. The debts, the bills, the taxes not being paid. The gofundme is still just as fucking urgent as ever in order to not go homeless. In order to get heat and hot water and transportation back. But I don't feel quite as stranded and alone.
We most definitely still need like $2,000 for the van repairs, and $3,000 for the water heater and furnace, and uh... like $6,000 for the backed taxes and another $5,000 for this year's taxes.
But I don't have to cry about not being able to give Syd a better cage, or Lupron, and I have some better access for my own self care. Pain relief is so wonderful. Especially when healthcare providers are failing me so miserably.
Gofund.me ($5 min donation according to their standards) Other options (as much or as little as you can spare <3): Ven.mo: @rroche90 Pay.pal: Rory Roche (Can't miss my portrait of Dean Winchester!)
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fellasleepinbaltimore · 11 months
also y'all bitches already know how I do I am going to add commentary to each song <3 good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor!!!
F - Fernando, ABBA (literally this or Fantasy by Mariah Carey it was so hard to choose)
E - Everywhere, Fleetwood Mac (clearly...)
L - La Bamba, Los Lobos (L is literally the hardest letter so far Jesus Christ!)
L - Last Dance, Donna Summer (honorable mention to Last Christmas by Wham!)
A - Against The Wind, Victory
S - The Story, Brandi Carlile (actually fuck the letter s omg, sorry to Still My Friend by Rubby, Kaysha and Soul of a Man performed by Stark Sands from the Broadway musical Kinky Boots you all deserve to win)
L - Lets Groove, Earth Wind & Fire
E - The Edge Of Glory, Lady Gaga
E - El Hal Romancy, Mashrou' Leila
P - Piece of My Heart, Faith Hill (actually p was the most evil I really cannot even list all the the other songs I wanted to put here to all you need to know is it was a blood bath but Miss Hill does deserve to be here thank you)
I - I Touch Myself, Divinyls (easily top i song)
N - No One, Alicia Keys (honestly just gotta go with a classic :)
B - Battlefield, Jordin Sparks (this was also hard wanna mention Barbie Girl by Aqua and so many others but I won't, Jordin ate this song up tho like every time the vocals get me, like listening to this song for nearly a decade and I'm not tired, timeless)
A - Ain't No Way, Aretha Franklin (NO ACTUALLY THIS IS THE WORST ONEEE SO HARD TO PICVKLK, shout out to Akin Ka Na Lang by Morissette Amon and anything by Gaga starting with A, Alejandro, Alice sorry but they don't compare to this rip)
L - Las de la Intuición, Shakira (also honorable mention to La Gata Bajo la Lluvia by Rocío Dúrcal)
T - Tease Me, Chaka Demus & Pliers (so hard shout out Te Plac by 3 Sud Est, Te Dejo Madrid and Te Aviso, Te Anuncio by Shakira)
I - If I Get High - II, Nothing But Thieves (truly a three-way between this, I Know It's Over by Jeff Buckley and I Am a Poseur by X-ray Spex)
O - Origin of Love, Steven Trask, Hedwig and The Angry Inch (strangely enough it was quite difficult to find songs I liked enough to put on o which is weird bc... it's literally my playlist so idk what that says)
R - Rumore, Raffaella Carrà (werk)
E - El Tajo y la Tanga, Nene Malo (EL ICÓNICO, EL INOLVIDABLE!!! NENE MALOOOOO really feel good about ending with him ngl)
thank you for joining me on this journey if you too would like to participate feel free to do so!! here are some tagged folks mwah!
@transboydororo @iminfinitelyinfinitesimal @theranchbandit @vickythecarwash @allosaurusjimmadseni @alvallah
feel free to participate or not
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bakingkai · 1 year
First of all...💦💦💦
Like, wtf how is he so hot and sexy it literally kills me every day! I have never ever been more attracted to a human male than I am to this man. There aren't enough words in the English language to describe how much he has me in a fucking choke hold! Screaming, crying, throwing up, etc. over the fact that he'll never be mine tbh. I'm legit in love with a Korean man I've never met but have known for about 5 years or some shit like wth man I can't!
Sorry for the rant, but he's unbelievable. Anyways...
I find myself imagining Huening as a horseback rider like one of those fancy, posh pompous guys who do competitions in dressage, show jumping, and shit. He'd look so gorgeous and hot atop a horse, I think. I imagine him being so smug and stuck up, saying he's gonna win that blue ribbon and shit. He eyes you from across the riding course, and his glare sends shivers down your spine and your pussy. After the competition, he finds you, and it's like a slow-motion scene where he just walks up to you and grabs you by the chin and kisses you and then says. "That doesn't mean that I like you, loser." He smirks when he sees how hard you're blushing and how flustered his kiss made you. He goes to an all boys school and you an all girls so you two meet up in secret and fuck. Omg I actually need to stop 😂 Idky. This fantasy is everything, lmao. That's just one of my many ideas that I have yet to put into a full story. I also randomly like the idea of airplane pilot Kai, bully Kai like enemies to lovers, I guess, and also really possessive bf Kai.
Also, for some reason, in all of my imaginings, Taehyun hates me like fr, and it's hot lmao like he just straight up is cold to me and doesn't want anything to do with me. Soobin is definitely businessman vibes like wearing a suit and briefcase and a fancy watch and corporate office and shit. Back to Terry, tho me and that man have had mad beef for like 3 years or something lmfao I feel like he'd throw hands, and I'd just let him tbh. Beomgyu and I... we aren't really compatible. He's not unattractive, but I've legit never had a fantasy about him before ever, so Idk, man. Now Yeonjun is a definite baddie like bad bitch like girl gimme fashion advice and tell me the gossip tho but he also good looking. He's the guy you meet in Paris or Italy and have that sexy fling with and then find out he's a big-time model and whatever. Anyways, thanks for reading this 5AM random rant/hard thoughts ish. I do take requests and all that shit but it'll take me a lil bit to write stuff because my life is a chaotic wonderland 😂
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m0tel6mxzzy · 1 year
home room (2002): a review [9.5/10]
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film content warnings: gun violence, mentions of suicidal ideation, brief mention of self harm
so i was watching the movie home room (2002), it’s free on both youtube and prime video but also i think it’s a good movie about female friendship and collective trauma. i’m not spoiling to much abt the movie, but i will take what i admired from it.
the movie brings up gun violence and alicia (busy phillips) is surveilled by the cops bc of the stereotype goth = violent, and also deanna (erika christensen) is incredibly traumatized by the event and deals with survivors guilt and ptsd, and while finding a friend in alicia finds it hard to trust her because of how the cops are trying to get into her head. there are several scenes where an event that makes alicia laugh makes deanna cry or scream, because alicia is desensitized to her trauma while deanna is harboring intense physical reactions she expresses “will not stop,” so she has very little hope the doctors will ever let her leave the hospital.
there’s a very huge center on relationships between women and their shared experiences even when life is throwing opposition toward each other at them. and i also think that’s really the most beautiful thing a movie can do that’s focused on the women in it, the women do not have to agree with each other or like each other but at the very least value each other as human beings. and then alicia and deanna end up loving and having a deep bond despite how hard the trauma was for them both.
but also morality, fear of life and death, etc,. alicia and deanna are often butting heads due to their different approaches to handling shared trauma, but out of love come together and let down their walls.
i will say though the film brings up a very nuanced but brutal take on the repercussions of trauma, losing connection, and hopelessness. i have never seen a movie portray ptsd and depression, especially in women, so well. i think the way many women are socialized, that feeling of “why am i not feeling anything except for when it physically hurts” is very real.
i also think the approach is very human. at the end, survivors of the shooting are no longer “forced” into group therapy, but finally given agency, come willingly. they are able to talk about the knowledge that people will try to forget the event and make them act as if all is normal, their guilt, and having their feelings validated. and that sort of critiques the very narrow view in gun violence that there’s a sole cause to it such a video games or the way one dresses.
i do not believe this movie is something you would want to watch if such topics are sensitive for you, but i do think it tackles a very important and complex message with incredible dedication, nuance, and tact without treating the women in it as these romanticized objects of their trauma—even delving into why they portray themselves in this blockaded and hollow manner to cover up their true feelings. and that is a very hard thing to do. brilliant movie.
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rollercoasterwords · 11 months
Tell me about your favorite albums....
know that i essentially already answered this but going 2 use this as an opportunity 2 talk abt some of my fave albums that i do not see mentioned as often on this website!! personally i think everyone should go listen to "stadium cake" by oh pep! one of my favorite albums EVER "tea milk and honey" remains like top ten favorite songs of all time probably but the entire album is amazing. their sound overall on the album is so cohesive but each song is still very distinct--they don't just all blend together the way songs on the same album sometimes do, and i think that's because oh pep! doesn't really follow typical song structure throughout (ababcb type structure yknow) and also just makes excellent use of instrumentals. also GREAT lyricism not just in like what the actual words are saying but in the way they play around with rhythm + rhyme...ugh it's just such a good album every time i listen to it i am surprised all over again by how much i love it <3
also think a few of my mutuals already know this one but "it was a religion" by blegh SO good "attachment love" makes me want 2 cry scream throw up rip my hair out as does "romanticism" (the NOTES that song hits!!! insane). sounds very much like an album made in someone's bedroom but in the best way possible; feels v raw + vulnerable + just always gets me...
think this one is also perhaps a bit more well known? or maybe not honestly it's hard to tell but "hospice" by the antlers is one of my favorite concept albums of all time <3 <3 it's about a hospice worker who falls in love with one of his patients and their ensuing relationship. some of the craziest most gutwrenching lyrics EVER "bear" and "two" are my faves literally crazyinsane...the sound can kind of blend together if u just have it on in the background but if u have the time to really listen honestly i think the sort of muted vocals and repetitive instrumentals etc lend themself so well to the overall mood of the album...like it is not just the words telling a story it is the entire #experience yknow....
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beastofmoss · 1 year
Explain your song choices or else 👉
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Okay, well, hot dog. I finally got to this ask. I am so sorry for not replying sooner, putting the concepts/ideas in my head into word format that is understandable for people can be hard and requires loads of thinking on my end. The plight of being a blonde, weep for me. 
But, I finally got to this, so thank you for your patience my little funky anon that I may or may not know;;;;00000.
I also found it best to just to pick out the lyrics and describes the reasoning/meaning for Deshan.
Metaphors by Crane Wives
“I’ve gotten good on leaning on metaphors/I’vegotten good at living someone’s else page.”
Deshan’s job in the clan was to be a spy, they were trained from a young age to lie and deceive people–carefully masking themselves and playing different roles. 
“I cut my teeth on secondhand sentiment/you can’t trust a single thing I say”
They are emotionally distant from those they love, and they lie to everyone. They are someone who doesn’t really talk about themselves, and answer questions vaguely. They come in with their warm persona, asking questions, and just,,,,uses it to disarm people–to make people underestimate them, trust them, yet never letting them have any grasp over them. 
“But I always dig up bones in your sympathy/I cant trust a single thing you say”
Digging up someone’s bones is a metaphor for someone who dwells and regrets loosing a relationship in the past. This could be about Deshan’s relationship with themself and their identity as a Dalish (Ir tel’him) or their strained relationship with their brother, Viveras. 
Their trust is hard to earn. They’re a spy, they know how easy it is for people to turn. Yet, even with all their experience–they still ended up trusting the wrong people, and they are hurt from it (Solas, Inquisition, etc.)
Take me to War by Crane Wives
“All of the fire I’ve swallowed/All of the sparks that went dark in my gut/I am always burning up”
This describes how Deshan bit their tongue a lot during Inquisition, playing their warm mask even when they want to rage and cry. Trying their best to ignore the snide remarks of their culture, the worship of them, and the eyes constantly on their back. 
“Dress me in red and throw your roses/And I’ll rankle the beasts with words/its a graceless dance of epithets/we learn to make someone hurt.”
This refers to how people “throw their roses” at them, praising them as they struggle with their declining mental health. “A graceless dance of epithets” epithets can be a term for abuse, this connects to the point above. 
“Give me a fight I can’t resist/Give me something to break with my fist/Take me to war/Oh, honey, I dare you”
This refers to Deshan’s rage and hurt. They want to break things, scream, and to never be a thing to worship anymore. This also refers to Deshan’s rage towards Solas, and the warpath they are set upon–to ruin his plans, maybe save him. If not, they would stab him in his chest than his back–such as he had done to them. A kindness in their eyes.
“I watched a weed usurp the garden/And it poisoned the rest of the crops/It would take days of fighting stubborn roots/To tear the whole damn thing out.”
The corruption in the Inquisition from Deshan’s eyes. Their hate towards the Inquisition as well.
“So I will leave it where it’s standing/And instead I will find me a match/I’ll burn it all to kindling/I’ll burn it all down to ash.”
Disbanding the Inquisition(which was their orginally idea before the whole Solas and Qunari thing happened) And I had a scene planned out where they either start a fire with either the Book of Inquisition, Skyhold, or Inquisition’s flags. Also their rage and anger about how the Inquisition turned into another power-hungry organization, something they never wanted to happen. And to prevent it from becoming like the Inqusition of the Old, they disbanded it. Freeing themselves from it, and shaking off the chains that was forced upon them.
Like Real People do by Hozier, my Solavellan song. 
“I know that look dear/Eyes always seeking/Was there in someone/That dug long ago/So I will not ask you/Why you were creeping/In some sad way I already know/I will not ask you where you came from/I will not ask you, neither should you.”
I wanted to have the story of two people who feels the utmost guilt over things they did in the past and recognize the sadness that one another carries-the guilt, and just learn to form a friendship and romantic relationship. Solas and Deshan notices that about one another, yet they don’t brooch the subject–it creates a small understanding, although their situations are completely different. 
“Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips/We should just kiss like real people do.”
Both characters had titles to play, roles that were forced upon them. Titles replace names, makes people less. When Solas and Deshan are together, they are not those titles. Solas isn’t Fen’harel and Deshan isn’t the Herald/Inquisitor, they are just themselves. Solas and Deshan. Real people.
This also connects with Solas' derealization, as he grows close with the people in Skyhold–the more real they are to him. 
Also, another great song that I feel like describes Solas’ feelings/opinions on romance/friendship is “It will come back” by Hozier.
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xxsabitoxx · 2 years
Dad!Obanai Headcanons
Giyu • Rengoku • Sanemi • Gyomei • Tengen
Warnings: none!
A/N: posting Tengen last just cause I write so much for him already lol — this was so funny to write, I love this asshole lmao. The thing is, I love him so much but I also can’t see him with anyone other than Mitsuri so it can be hard for me to visualize him in these situations where I am sort of addressing the reader 😩
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When you tell him you a pregnant he is definitely shocked, but he’s also…cocky?!
Like low key you can tell he’s smirking under those wraps.
“You’re proud of yourself, aren’t you?” • “I sure am.”
Ironically you connected the dots when Kaburamaru kept going towards your stomach
He doesn’t share the news with anyone else until you are ready to
When you are ready to share with the world? He’s screaming the news from the roof tops tbh
You don’t even mind it, you love seeing the sparkle in his eyes. After all the trauma he’s faced in his life it’s nice to see him happy
He won’t acknowledge it but he already refers to you and the baby whenever he talks to you
He’s excited to see your baby bump grow, but he’s also petrified at the same time
This man is so excited to see his baby but honestly he knows fatherhood is going to put him through war lol
The thing is, he’s so squeamish so this man is going to be right next to you gagging when you get morning sickness lmfao
He’s trying his best tho, but like the bandages are off cause he will absolutely throw up if you are
So his support with your morning sickness is standing like 20 feet from the bathroom cheering you on
Tbh it’s funny so it does kind of help you calm down
When you enter your second trimester the morning sickness calms down and your bump begins to grow
Obanai noticed your bump is getting quite large for how far along you are — Uh oh.
Shinobu confirms it, you’re having twins
When I tell you this man faints lmfao
He’s excited but??? Two babies?? This man can barely take care of Kaburamaru, you and himself
Now we are adding twins?
“Do I hear a third heartbeat?” No, she doesn’t. But seeing Obanai pass out again is rather amusing
Obanai eventually regains his composure, it will take him a month or two to get used to the idea
Tbh he doesn’t believe it’s twins until you pop em out
He talks to your stomach all the time, he loves feeling them kick
Kaburamaru is honestly fascinated by your moving stomach
Whenever Obanai has to leave for a mission he will actually leave Kaburamaru with you. Even if it impairs him, he can work better knowing Kaburamaru is watching you
He doesn’t take a leave from the corps, even when you enter your third trimester
He’s a serious worker (the way he treats Uzui after the entertainment district arc lol) so he won’t stop for anything
That is until you give him puppy eyes and cry a little — he’s talking to Kagaya about taking a leave before you can even finish sniffling lol
He spends a lot of his time coming up with names and speculating what the gender of the babies will be
When you start getting contractions he begins to panic — this is going to be a new very common theme for this poor man
When your water breaks he nearly passes out
The whole birthing process is a blur to him, so when you are suddenly holding two crying babies he suddenly comes back to reality
When I tell you this man is forever going to be in a state of stress lol
He is holding both babies at the same time and realizes very quickly he is holding his entire world
You unwrap his bandages, watching as both babies don’t even react.
“I told you they wouldn’t find you scary.”
This is the first time you ever see this man begin to cry
It’s definitely a lot of trail and error when it comes to feeding, bathing, sleeping, changing, etc
Obanai is definitely still a grouchy morning person but it’s hard to stay mad when he has two smiling faces looking at him
He definitely carries them both around at all times
Either one strapped to the front and one to the back or both attached to his hips
As they begin to get older you watch stress begin to consume Obanai — while he loves them dearly, this man is a wreck lol
He’s so emotional??? Like who are you lol
They sit up for the first time? Tears
They say “dada”? sobbing.
They trace his scar with little chubby fingers and smile, and dear loRd you think he’s going to dissolve into a puddle of tears
When these little babies are old enlist to walk they are always holding their dada’s hands
They are absolutely dada’s babies and it warms your heart
Obanai can’t imagine his life without them, he can’t imagine it without you either.
He says he doesn’t want anymore kids
Yet you end up pregnant for a second time
And well, Obanai is full of it. This second pregnancy won’t be your last
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scattered-winter · 2 years
it's BATFAM FIC REC TIME!! feat. my very correct commentary
these are organized roughly by character, but some of them involve multiple members of the Batfam so that's its own category as well. these are all the fics in my bookmarks, but if anyone has any they'd like to contribute, hit me up!
Nature and Nurture by lurkinglurkerwholurks
this fic. THIS FIC. staying up all night crying, screaming into the pillow, etc etc. lots of good feels, lots of angst, each character gets a moment to shine. 11/10 age regression fic
The Once and Future Batman by Electrons
another age regression fic! as always, Electrons doesn't MISS. humor, angst, and fluff all packed together, giving special attention to the nuances of crime fighting. I am COMPELLED
Fear by Electrons
Young Justice (TV) universe. fear toxin fic feat. Good Dad!Bruce
do as I say (not as I do) by daringyounggrayson
blood and fluff, with a side of Bruce being a good dad for the soul
i trust no one else by wingedgrace
I am. not normal about this fic. and I simply never will be. IMPECCABLE batfam feels with a straight shot of pure angst (and some softer sibling stuff to break it up a bit. I'm not a masochist). it DOES contain implied torture from the antagonist and some implied abuse from Bruce, so be mindful and read the tags before diving in; but I personally thought it was all beautifully handled, and it's one of the few fics with Bad Dad!Bruce that I will accept because of that. all in all, it's one of those fics that tore my heart into pieces and stitched it back together at the end <3
wings and other broken things by wingedgrace
Talon!Dick AUs always make me INSANE and this is no exception. it kept me up for hours because I had to take frequent scream-into-the-pillow breaks. lots of angst and mild whump, but also so many soft cuddle scenes that I am FED AND WATERED HALLELUJAH AMEN
White Lighters / Afterglow by lurkinglurkerwholurks
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Boys Don't Cry by TimDrakeIsMyPatronus
angst with some good sibling vibes! mind the tags though <3
is anyone getting this? by Batshit_Bogs
Plummeting by TimDrakeIsMyPatronus
more Tim whump! some Good Dad!Bruce too :]
I See Dead People by Sohotthateveryonedied
ok listen. LISTEN.
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I'm soooo normal about this fic
*narrator voice* no the fuck they aren't
Notoriously Hard to Kill by Batshit_Bogs
angst and some batfam feels (featuring my favorite trope: arena battles)
Help, I Accidentally Almost Killed the Neighbor by Batshit_Bogs
this author never MISSES with Damian I swear to god. soft and fluffy beekeeper au with a smidgen of DamiJon for spice
Paint Cans and Sneaking Out by Batshit_Bogs
screaming crying throwing up etc <3 Damian as a graffiti artist isn't what I thought I needed, but boy is it a need
Strange Bedfellows by snackbaskets
a short lil cuddlefic that I love more than my own family /j
Frightening, But Not Afraid by snackbaskets
Bats of a Feather by Batshit_Bogs
MORE WINGFICS!!! frothing at the mouth feral over these <3 angst, fluff, and humor (feat. Dick and Damian as Batman and Robin!)
Watch This by snackbaskets
a cocaine shot of pure fluff. Good Dad!Bruce with a side of mischievous childe Robin and HalBarry as a treat
Kidding Around With the Bats by bewaretheboojum, njw, Silver_Snow_77, and vellaphoria
half the batfam gets deaged. shenanigans ensue. fluff and humor with a dash of angst for flavor
The Robin Protocol by snackbaskets
*holds this fic close to my chest* it's just..........so so so important to me ok
Cling-On by Bjurnberg
Dick as Robin, sneaking into a JL meeting. fluff and humor and BAM SURPRISE ANGST
Why Adopt Kids When You Can Adopt Merpeople by Batshit_Bogs
this series lives in my brain rent-free. makes me insane /pos. mind the tags though babes <3
We'll Be Carrying Each Other by Sohotthateveryonedied
Gotham by Gaslight AU. makes me insane.
Through the Mirror by Batshit_Bogs
holy. FUCKING shit. definitely my favorite Reverse Robins au to date. makes me insane. froth at the mouth, if you will. I wish I could eat this series. warning: don't read it all in one sitting because the angst overload probably rewired my brain when I did that👍
go forth and give these authors some love!!!
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magnusedom · 2 years
ok so i listened to the first episode of kat and dom's podcast (return to the shadows) and i really liked it! if you're missing shadowhunters like i am (which you guys know because i cry about it every day here...) i totally recommend it, i loved how they talked about filmmaking and auditions and "we shot this scene this way" kind of stuff.
you can listen to it on spotify, apple, and iheartradio or you can just look it up in any app where you listen to your podcasts
some of the stuff they talked about:
they saw alberto with all the other actors auditioning for simon and they knew the role was his because he was the only one wearing glasses
kat loved that the show did table reads for every episode “especially for the malec stuff [...] things we didn’t see being shot” (she's just like me fr)
they were very sweet about all the cast, especially about harry playing magnus. kat said: “i was always so in awe of harry, and the way that he created, from day one, magnus’ movement and the magic” dom said “it couldn’t have been done, one: any better, and two: by someone who wasn’t such a talented dancer. you can see it, in every motion he does, even the miniscule moments are so immaculate” and they both agreed that the only person who could’ve done that is harry “because of the way he thinks, and the things he added to the character” (facts!)
they also talked about alberto rosende getting too buff for S2B i think? and that they were like “hey man wtf you don’t look like simon lewis” lmaooo
for the scene where jocelyn burns their apartment, they built a set of clary’s bedroom outside in a parking lot and literally set it on actual fire and they said a 45,000 dollar camera lens melted 💀
kat thought "grumpy cat shadowhunter matt was incredibly endearing", she said she forgot how cotton dry matt played alec in the first season, because we see alec become “so warm” 🥺🥺 (screaming, crying, throwing up, etc.) and that alec's humor in s1 is very much matt’s kind of humor in real life lol
kat mentioned being excited about alan van sprang playing valentine because she was a fan of reign, another tv show where alan also played the villain. they said alan is such a sweet guy irl but he's great at playing the bad guys
they said it was really hard to film season one, because it was a story with a really large following, and it was already done once and ppl didn’t love it
they're doing this every monday and it's one episode of the show per episode of podcast so there's a bunch of stuff that they're going to talk about, they’re bringing other ppl to talk for other episodes, they're going to be answering questions, etc.
they mentioned that they're not going to hold anything back "because they're not employed anymore" lol
i personally can't wait for episodes like 1x12, and 2x18, or if they ever bring harry to talk about the scenes with asmodeus or about literally anything..
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celestialevie · 3 years
Sunshine // Charlie Weasley x Healer! reader
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(Not my GIF, credit goes to the creator) Genre: fluff with tiny bit of angst words: 1.7k warnings: cursing, like one sentence of smut (so 16+ please), kissing, idiots being oblivious about their feelings, mentions of second degree burn, mentions of broken ankles etc. Summary: Being in love with your childhood best friend is never easy, no matter how much love there is. A/N: This is gender-neutral fic don't mind the gif also, please keep in mind English is not my first language. If there are any mistakes, please let me know. And also thank you so much again for the 100 followers!! Hope you enjoy the fic
Working at your dream job with your childhood best friend has been the absolute dream. Even though you just started working at the sanctuary recently, you’re already loving it. And how could you not when Charlie Weasley has been nothing but supportive and making sure you’re comfortable with everything. Until very recently, you’ve been working at St. Mungo’s since your apprenticeship ended, when Charlie told you that people at the sanctuary are looking for another healer to work in case something happens with the wizards working there. While it did break your heart to leave your two other best friends, Tonks and Penny, you couldn’t pass up on the opportunity to be even closer to Charlie. Everyone around you two knew your feelings for each other, while the two of you kept being oblivious to each other's feelings, not wanting to ruin your friendship. Doing this job wasn’t that hard, healing a few burns here and there, twisted ankles etc. Charlie would find excuses to go and see you, even if it wasn’t actually anything wrong with him. You’ve known Charlie since the first year of Hogwarts, when you ran into him on the train. And honestly, seeing him then, you should’ve known you would’ve caught feelings for him. Red hair and blue eyes, freckles all over his face. Who can blame you? Your thoughts have been interrupted when you heard a knock on your office door. ‘’ Come in! ‘’ you yelled as Charlie opened the door. ‘’ Hi sunshine ‘’ he smiled at you. ‘’ Should’ve known it was you. Are you injured, or did you just come to bother me? ‘’ You ask him with a smile on your face.’’ Actually injured. Baby dragon decided to give me attitude by breathing fire on my hand. ‘’ he approaches you and places himself on a bed meant for patients. Taking his hand in yours, you see the very much visible burn marks on his hand. ‘’ It’s only a second degree burn, thankfully, nothing a little of burn-healing paste can’t cure. I’ll apply it and then wrap it up so that it doesn’t accidentally budge or wipe off. In no matter of time, your hand will be as good as knew and ready for another baby dragon or maybe even mother dragon to burn it again. But please don’t actually get burnt again on that hand if possible or anywhere. Molly would throw a fit if she knew how much of your scars and injuries I heal. ‘’ You say as you grab the burn-healing paste and apply it to his hand and finish it off with wrapping a bandage around his hand. Gently tapping his cheek, he sighs and gets up. ‘’ Thank you sunshine, you’re my saviour. ‘’ he exaggerates while kissing your cheek, and he’s on his way out of your office. What you didn’t know is while healing and inspecting his wound, he finally decided he’ll act up on his feelings. But for that, he’ll need help from one person who’s been helping him ignore his feelings for you. Going back to his place, he quickly wrote a note and sent his owl to that person letting them know to come over to his place asap. A couple of hours have passed before he heard knocking on his door. Opening his door, he saw that they were wearing the same outfit they usually did when they were meeting up. ‘’ Sorry it took me a while to come over, I was at work. ‘’ Charlie gulped and let them in. ‘’ It’s no problem, let’s get this over with and honestly this will probably be the last time we meet up like this, Anna… I decided to stop being a coward and acknowledge my feeling for y/n and do something about them. ‘’ he smiled and at his words Anna’s lips stretched into a wide smile. ‘’ Charlie, that’s amazing! I’m happy for you, god, I wish I could do the same about my feelings for Peter. ‘’ her smile faded a bit and a frown replaced it. Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her passionately, leading her towards the couch and slowly lowering her down on it while not breaking the kiss. Pulling off the coat, he knew she had only underwear underneath it. Slowly kissing down her neck and gently biting into it, wanting to hear her moans, he knew he pulled out of her every time they meet up like this. Lowering himself and kissing down her chest, sucking on
her sweet skin he’s got so familiar with recently. As he took of her bra, and started sucking on her nipples, the door of his cabin opened, and he swears the time stopped for him when he heard y/n’s voice when they interrupted something. ‘’ Hey Charlie….oh I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt. Please continue, I’m going to go…’’ before he could even muster up a word, they apparated away somewhere. ‘’ FUCK! ‘’ He yelled as he got off of Anna and helped her get dressed. ‘’ Go find her, you idiot! Don’t just scream and shout! You should go find her and tell her everything. I’ll go home. ‘’ Anna yelled at him Giving Anna a small kiss on the cheek as an apology, he quickly tried to think of a place y/n could’ve gone to. The first thing he did was run to her house and started knocking on their door. When they didn’t answer the door, he went to their office. When he tried to enter it, the door was locked, so he knocked a couple of times before moving on to a different location. He remembered showing her a special spot by the lake, which he accidentally found when he first moved to Romania. Quickly imagining that place in his head, he apparated there, and that’s when he spotted them. Sitting by the lake and throwing small rocks at it. Taking a deep breath, he approached them.
‘’ Hey sunshine. ‘’ at the sound of his voice, they raised their head and looked behind them. ‘’ Charlie, hey…’’ clearing his throat, he slowly approached them. ‘’ Mind if I sit down next to you? Been looking around to find you. Just want to explain something to you and then after that I can leave you alone if that’s what you wish for. ‘’ they nodded their head and gently patted a spot next to them. Charlie sat down. ‘’ Can I just say before you start, I’m sorry for walking in your house without knocking or even letting you know I’ll stop by. Didn’t mean to interrupt you and Anna in your private business.’’ their voice was on the verge of breaking because god-damn did their heart break when they saw Charlie and Anna in the middle of whatever they were doing. ‘’ Oh god no sunshine, you have nothing to apologize for. If anything, it’s me who needs to apologize to you. I am so fucking sorry you saw that. But I need to explain that whole situation and for you to understand it I need you to listen to every word I say. Anna and I were nothing more than just fuck buddies. To just try and forget about all the pain in our hearts that we both felt. We never saw each other as more than occasional fuck buddies who were looking to feel something. Her heart is longing for someone else, and so does mine. Sunshine, I know that what you saw probably hurt you more than you’d like to admit to yourself and to me. God, I wish you didn’t see me and her, but….’’ he stops, taking your hands into his and looking into your eyes. My heart only longs and wishes for you, sunshine. God, I’ve never been more in love with someone more than I am in you. If you’re in love with me too or at least have some romantic feelings for me, it would make me the happiest man in the world. If you wish to stay only friends with me, I completely understand, I promise I won’t let my feelings for you ruin our friendship. You mean way too much to me for me to only ruin it because of some stupid feelings. You’re the most important person in my life. You can say what you wish to say now. ‘’ Charlie was preparing for the worse, but what he didn’t expect is for you to start crying. Noticing the panicking look in his eyes, you quickly reassure him. ‘’ No, no, don’t panic, these are the happy and frustrated tears. Penny and Tonks will be over the moon once I let them know they were right about the two of us all this time. ‘’ A small laugh escapes your lips. ‘’ I’ve been in love with you, Charlie, probably since the moment I first met you on the train. All these times I’ve told myself you only saw me as your best friend, how could you ever see me romantically. But I guess I was wrong. ‘’ you wipe away your tears as Charlie looks at you with so much love in his eyes. ‘’ Oh sunshine, I’ve never been happier to see someone laugh. ‘’ you pull him into a hug, never wanting to let him go. He pulls a little away only to press him lips onto yours. The kiss was never sweeter, wanting to keep kissing you for the rest of his life.
When both Penny and Tonks received a letter from you, they didn’t expect anything unusual. But what they received was the happiest news they’ve been wanting to hear since probably fifth year of Hogwarts. Charlie and you were officially together. Just like you expected, you received one big howler from them. ‘’ CHARLES WEASLEY AND Y/F/N L/N HOW DARE YOU ANNOUNCE THE NEWS WE’VE BEEN WANTING TO HEAR JUST CASUALLY IN THE LETTER. I EXPECTED BETTER FROM YOU TWO!! ‘’ Penny screamed, but Tonks was only laughing in the background. ‘’ As soon as we can, Penny and I will come over to the Romania and keep telling y/n ‘ I told you so ‘’ because I TOLD YOU SO YOU DUMB IDIOT! ‘’ Tonks yelled, and all you could do was laugh at Charlie’s shocked and kind of terrified face. Penny can be a bit scary when she wanted to be, and he definitely experienced Penny’s wrath back in Hogwarts. ‘’ Well, they seem to like the news. ‘’ you laughed as you pulled Charlie into a kiss.
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mokutone · 2 years
@pax-thuban left these tags on a post:
#well. first of all. this is so. bittersweet #like screaming and crying and throwing up on the floor etc #second of all. maybe i'm looking too much into this but. #it's interesting to see that there's blood splatters on tenzo's face /and/ his mask #if i recall correctly. the mask covers his happuri as well #the implication that tenzo lost his mask during battle. put it back on presumably /still/ in battle. continued killing #idk. just hurts #like something something anbu work forces him to feel more comfortable wearing a mask and conforming to a nameless org and set of ideals#and forgoing individuality #or like. something something maybe he feels worse that his face got 'stained' because it's basically a reminder that 'cat' and 'tenzo' #are one and the same and not two distinct entities no matter how much he wants to separate his identity and his anbu lifestyle #and the fact that the happuri is blank and doesn't have a konoha leaf on it.... he doesn't feel connected to the community even as he kills #for it... #i feel like it's kind of obvious that it's significant that the comic shows tenzo taking off his mask as he shows his weariness/depression #regarding anbu work and then how he thinks about kakashi as a jonin sensei. like representing himself as tenzo the individual rather than#'cat' a faceless tool of konoha in the shadows #i also feel like it's kind of noteworthy that the perspective(? is that what it's called for images?) zooms in on tenzo's face #first panel is mostly black and tenzo's body is off-center(?). like his face is centered but his body's not. and that leaves more room for #the black background. but the second panel fills it up with the kakashi thought bubble and tenzo's body comes into the center to fill up #the bottom half. and then the third panel makes tenzo himself fill up more space. there's less 'darkness' now #not sure how to say it other than. his sole saving grace in anbu at the moment is preserving his self and bond with kakashi ig #i also like how the black background isn't pure black. there's a tinge of red(? idk it could also be orange? but i'm taking it as red) #like one hand. maybe a reference to the whole blood thing. a reflection of how he feels surrounded by that reminder of murder instead #of just it being select patches on his skin #on the other hand (and this might be looking too deep 😔) maybe how allusion to the sharingan. how even though he left root #anbu still feels very similar to it that he feels reminded of how he was watched by danzo? #sorry for rambling. i am in an analysing mood today #but i'm also not that great at analysing visual art lmao
nooo no sorries! this is really useful and EXTREMELY flattering to receive such detailed thoughts, i feel like im back in a School Crit Circle or something, which is really fun and helpful. Critique like this rlly helps me understand what people are bringing to my art when I make it and how it's getting interpreted, which as somebody who wants to tell understandable stories via images, is useful to me beyond what words can describe!
like—there's no "right" or "wrong" when it comes to interpreting art, there is my intention, but my intention isn't necessarily what comes out (like how kishimoto somehow accidentally wrote two teenagers who he meant for us to perceive as straight, in the pains and throes of love for each other. like he wrote that, whether or not he intended to. i dont even actually ship s/n bc it doesn't have The One Ingredient for me, but its...also something thats hard to ignore about the text)
and similarly, since theres no way to objectively read a text, when you read it you're putting it in your own context, finishing the painting yourself with whatever colors you've got in your palette to use
that said! I can answer for my intentions in some of these
The blood and the mask: Practically, you're 100% right! Mask needs to be off to get at the happuri. That he's got blood on both his mask, and his happuri, means that at some point in the battle, he lost his mask and then put it on. In terms of art, I did this because the juxaposition contrast between the blood and the small amount of joy he's taking in thinking about a scarecrow, felt really important, and I didn't want to lose that with the removal of the mask. I also put the blood splatter in the same place, coming in from Tenzō's left, and splattering upward across his forehead area. Practically, this would mean that he was in the same position by a spatter of blood twice, but symbolically this implies that he is or feels like the same with or without the mask—like u talk about them being the same entity. I didn't really do that intentionally though—like I didn't think about it. I just kinda was like "yea that feels right. anyway moving on."
No leaf on the happuri: I AGREE WITH YOU ABT THE SYMBOLISM...he doesnt feel connected to konoha in a Real way until he's co-captaining, I think. He needs to be allowed to LIVE in Konoha to be a part of it... That said, if I'm not drawing Captain Yamato Post-Sunlight-Exposure I straight up forget that he had the leaf at all–I know it's supposed to be a Danzō thing, but I keep thinking it's an anbu thing. Honestly, since I agree with the symbolism, whether or not I forget or make an intentional choice not to depict it really doesn't matter I suppose
The Zoom In: Kind of the same as the last! i felt in my heart that we had to zoom in...I didn't think about it in terms of ''lessening darkness'' although now that I've read you write that I like THAT reading much more—esp since so much of yamato's themes in canon seem to be about sunlight and darkness...there's an interesting reading of darkness lessening (because he takes up more space) without light gaining any footing (he's still, as always, situated in the dark) about like, the little things that one can do to manage their depression or a dark situation, even when they still aren't able to be fully FREE of it quite yet (if ever). I think, when I was thinking abt it, I was thinking about making Tenzō seem very small and alone in the first panel, and then even after thinking about Kakashi, he's not quite so small in the panel, even though he still remains alone. This being said, the darkness reading is much stronger than the loneliness reading, even though they go hand in hand, I much prefer your interpretation.
the red in the black: This is interesting!!!! I like your interpretations a lot...in terms of materials this is only black india ink, so there's no red actually in it, but in the photo I can see what you mean—the ink I'm using is shiny because the "matte" ink is twice the price of it and I'm a cheapskate, and it inevitably creates shines of color when scanned or photographed. Obviously though, the lack of intention or the material contrast doesn't mean you're wrong—I saw the colorful patches in the image and decided it was fine enough to post anyway, they're a piece of the art as it exists digitally! Open for critique and interpretation. I like the idea that the darkness is connected to the blood very much especially, because it is for Tenzō, isn't it?
anyway, ty v much for your analysis, i was incredibly flattered to receive it, and i think you're actually super good at it, in my opinion!
#yamswers#pax-thuban#my jutsu#plz dont take offense to me explaining critique in basic terms ahghdhghds i do it mostly bc i know theres people who follow me who#will be less familiar with what critique is...and tumblr is often a less than ideal teacher for the art of art critique#I think the best thing one can do when critiquing art is to actually engage as much as they can with what they see in front of them#the ''how does this make Me feel'' part of it i think is EXTREMELY helpful—but mostly as a jumping off point#you want to use that feeling like a scent hound i think...it can lead u to the area you need to look at and it can follow the scent so well#but the feeling itself isnt going to be able to explain why you feel that way or what about the art is working or isnt working—#—which is the point of Critique#and you are extremely good at looking at specific factors in the art and both elaborating on the feeling its giving you and why#i've definitely given people critiques where I get stuck with the dog—only saying how I'm feeling but nothing more substantial#''i smell something in this area. not sure what. definitely here tho''#ive also given crit where i just do not engage at all with the feelings and crit solely on analysis—which is good for like anatomy help#but limited in terms of an overall piece#ive definitely gotten feedback on my art which is 100% wholly based on the viewers own personal history + doesnt rlly engage with the#meaning or practical elements of the art in front of them#and in that case its just kind of ''okay! cool! im flattered that you have such a strong + personal connection to this piece!''#but in terms of crit i can't do much with that bc their crit was so personal to them—not less valid + not less important...but also#not something meant for me at all#like um. um. um. the song Man on the Moon by REM is really important to me...but not for anything in the song itself. just where i heard it#and who i heard it with. it doesnt make my connection to the song less meaningful...but its not something that would b useful 2 the band#SDGJDSHGKDSJGH SORRY NOW *I'M* RAMBLING#it was just exciting to see such a thorough critique. it reminded of college back when id get to pin my art to the wall and get absolutely#blasted to smithereens by my teachers and classmates. VERY fun. i miss that energy#i wholly recommend it to anyone who would be okay getting told their art came out wrong (bc it sometimes will)#idk. anyway this is an art blog but more than that its a blog about art#so its fun to talk about the mechanics and decision making sometimes
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divinefireangel · 3 years
Look At Me.
Rowoon x F! Reader smut drabble.
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Disclaimer: This is just a work of fiction. If this piece of fan fiction is offensive to any celebrity, fandom or culture please let me know so I can take it down. Also note that this is my version of a character or celeb, which will vary from person to person.
Author's Note: Sorry to that anon who suggested optional bias 🥺 but after Maria (aka @forevermyloveno5) Seokwoo my mind kinda short circuited 💀 Sorry if it's bad lmao 💀💀💀 It's been a while. Also I am still not taking requests for scenarios, so pls don't send in any cause I hate to turn them away 🥺
Copyright: Please note that this is my work and if you want to publish this on any other platform, take my permission before doing so. Taking an author's work and posting it somewhere else without any intimation is just disrespectful. I readily welcome suggestions and criticisms. That being said, Happy reading! 🤍
Warnings: 18+ ages and female anatomy (nothing specified with respect to appearance, etc of reader). Fingering (f receiving). Neck biting. Intense 👀. One spank. Daddy kink 👀. Seokwoo calls reader baby/babygirl/good girl. Lemme know if I need to add more!
1.1k Words
"You taste so sweet" Seokwoo said into your mouth, before continuing to kiss your lips.
Placing teasing touches on your thighs, his fingertips ran along the hem of your shorts, tracing it's circumference, making your breath falter on his face and eyes close everytime he got closer and closer to your core.
Moaning into the kiss, your palms pull at his shirt, fisting the material around his shoulders, creating creases on the fabric. Sliding your body close enough to flush against his, you whine for more. More of his touches to drive you insane and to make you cum. Oh god how much you missed him and sex with him.
Being the busy man he is, he barely got time to take care of his needs, let alone yours. But the gentle giant is also a giver so he did try to make you cum with his words and naked selfies. Although his attempt only made you go more sex crazy, you understood his position. So the moment you both were free and together, you ended up in this position.
Straddling his long thick thighs, chests flushed so close he can definitely feel your nipples getting erect with each sound slipping from your mouths that are engulfing the other, as though you need to kiss to breathe. Hands desperately trying to feel his skin, hunching up his shirt repeatedly; toes curling with each roll of your clothed hips on his, your legs trying to close when there's the slightest pressure on your clit from his fingertips but being help apart by his palms.
Throwing your head back after almost exhausting the air in your lungs, your eyes flutter close when his lips find your throat. Gasping you whine Seokwoo's name hornily when his teeth start to graze along the length of your neck, digging right next to your sweet spot.
Combing your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, your hold his head in place, grounding your centers together, desperately trying to get some friction and pressure on your clit or folds.
Chuckling at your cute attempt, Seokwoo stops decorating your neck for a moment and removes his head from your neck. Gulping he looks at you, your bottom lip caught in between your teeth, laboured breaths entering and exiting from your nose, high pitched unsatisfied noises from your throat.... fuck. You looked so fucked out. So pretty for him. If he didn't feel like laughing at your desperation, he would have definitely cum in his trousers.
Cupping your cheek he pulls your lips into his again for a hot kiss. "Oh my god... " you moan out loud when you feel his fingers enter your shorts to rub your folds slowly through your most definitely soaking panties. Sly fucker. When did he even unbutton your shorts?
"So wet for me. I love it. " he says, making all your attention divert back to him. And his kiss. And his sinful fingers and fingertips, playing with the wet spot on your underwear, gently prodding into your entrance and spreading your leaked juices along your folds.
"Please..... " you beg looking down in between your bodies. His big hand disappeared in to your shorts. Your hips grinding shamelessly against his hand.
"Please what babygirl. Hmm? You want me fuck your tight hole? Make you cum? How many times do you want to cum baby? Do you deserve to cum after sending me those lovely pics of yours while I was away working? You've been a bad girl. Bad girls don't deserve to cum."
Throwing your head back at his dirty words in his deep bedroom voice, you start to grind yourself faster on his fingers, only to be slowed down by his other hand. "Please Daddy" you beg, earning a harsh spank on your semi covered ass.
"I'll be a good girl. Please make me cum daddy. For you." begging you look into Seokwoo's eyes, his dark pupils complementing his smirk.
"A good girl huh? Cum on my fingers first. Depending on how fast you cum, I'll fuck you just as fast." Nodding your head vigorously, your brace your palm on his shoulders for balance, both of you knowing damn well that to make you cum hard, all he needs to do is enter your hole with his fingers.
Slithering his long fingers through the elastic of your panties, he starts to rub your arousal around your folds, starting from your entrance, taking your juices up to your clit where he purposely doesn't apply any pressure. Squealing his name mixed with swears, you grab his wrist in one hand and move your hips again. This time to cum as soon as you possibly can.
Resting your head in the crook of his neck, your thighs begin to shake from being in that position for too long and from the shocks that are travelling throughout your body from feeling his fingertips almost exactly where you need him. "Seokwoo.... Daddy please" you cry in frustration.
"Look at me." Lifting your head from his neck, you gasp silently looking into his mostly pitch black orbs. "Keep looking at me baby"
Curling your toes and kicking your leg, your mouth forms into an oh, because his skillful appendages slid into your entrance with ease. Your arousal starts to drip down from your hole and pool into his palm, your walls squeezing his digits in a pulsing manner when his thumb grazes your clit and sits there, applying the right pressure on it to make you cry out moans.
Circling your clit, Seokwoo starts to thrust his digits out an in and out and in and out of your wet pussy, savouring the squelching sounds being produced from the action. Moving your hips at the same pace, you don't break eye contact with him.
Biting your lip you start to whine again, getting closer to the edge as your walls begin to constrict the movement of his fingers. "I'm gonna cum. FUCK" you cry one final time, knowing you cannot hold in any longer.
"Cum baby. Cum for me. Make a mess of my fingers. Yes" he praises you. Breathing heavily you scream his name as you finally come down from your high, body shuddering from your very much awaited and deserved orgasm in some time.
Pressing your clit, Seokwoo helps you ride out your high. Falling slump on his chest, you attempt to catch your breath.
Carefully removing his cum coated fingers from your aching heat, Seokwoo beckons you to lift your head from his neck once again. "Look at me again baby"
Staring at his shiny face with hazy eyes, you lose your breath once again when he puts his fingers in his mouth, licking your cum off clean while staring into your eyes, both of you knowing damn well, that this is just the beginning of a very long adventurous night.
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kitkatpancakestack · 2 years
First of all, the audacity of 911. Because my feelings about Joni and River? Cannot be sufficiently articulated. Pairing that song with Eddie Diaz? Just an overwhelming cascade of emotions.
Probably on any other show, I would just roll my eyes at using River in a Christmas ep. (Tell me you don't get this song without telling me you don't get this song.)
But the high-key geniuses of the 911 music team? Once those minor-key-Jingle-Bells started, during what was essentially a hopeful moment? The reveal of the 118 throwing the temporarily homeless families a Christmas party? Oh? Oh... This is what we're doing? Oh boy... We're in it now huh?
He tried hard to help me, you know he put me at ease | I'm so hard to handle, I'm selfish and I'm sad. Now I've gone and lost the best baby that I ever had...The way this is BOTH of them? And then the added dimension of the Taylor of it all and knowing Buck is going to be the one to end it? Galaxy brain shit.
Also you cannot tell me that in moments of melancholy — which, this is Eddie Diaz we're talking about so there are...a lot of those moments — when Chris is asleep, you cannot tell me Eddie doesn't close the door to his depressing, beige bedroom, put on his little headphones and wallow in Blue.
Don't tell me Eddie doesn't listen to the epic yearning in A Case of You and cry about Evan Buckley...
Basically, I have headcanoned for a while that Eddie Diaz secretly loves Joni Mitchell and I am feeling extremely validated. (Forcing himself to be straight Eddie will love Joni in secret. Queer Eddie? Will cry unapologetically when he plays it for Buck and explains what each song has meant to him. And Chris when he's old enough to get it.)
Happy Sunday morning! You get ramblings about Joni and Eddie in your inbox. (In my defense you started it...)
@yramesoruniverse you? Coming into my inbox? To talk about Eddie Diaz and Joni Mitchell? Did Christmas come early?
Lol, jokes aside, it absolutely was an insane choice! And in the hands of 9-1-1 I immediately perked up bc of course it means something, the music department never misses. And as soon as it starts you just get the oh fuck what's about to happen feeling and that was such a rockstar move. I'm screaming. Also my tin hat may be on a little too tight but the fact that it was a cover, that it was a man singing the cover, felt pointed? Idk idk there's something to it I think.
Eddie + loving Joni Mitchell is my new favorite hc and I'm flinging myself off a cliff at the thought of him curled on his side in bed listening to Blue and just sinking. Jesus.
I cannot believe you've been in your Eddie Diaz/Joni Mitchell feels for so long and are just now bringing it up. Smh. I could have been wallowing in your beautiful Headcanons.
Anyway. This show is unhinged, they make Choices, etc etc. March my beloathed why are you so far away.
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