#scar adopted tubbo when he was little
halloitsjason · 1 year
I draw way to many doodles of them.
Anywho there’s tubbo as well cause I love the thought of them being father/son.
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Also a Jellie design? Hello???
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4thebedrockbros · 3 months
Hear me out ...
Spy × Family - A SBI AU
Philza " Phil " Minecraft as Loyd Forger
Alias : Phil Watson , the best spy in the country
Age: unknown, above 35
He has abandoned everything about his past to work for his country as an undercover spy under the codename " The Angel of Death ".
For his new mission , he's required to adopt a child and marry someone to access his target J. Schlatt .
An easy mission , he just has to remember not to get attached.
Tommy Innit as Anya Forger
Alias : Thomas " Tommy " Watson , a mind-reader
Age : 10 ( pretends to be 12 )
Tommy is a government experiment that escaped into the outside world . Getting adopted as been hard for him , with people thinking he's " too much " to handle .
When a spy adopts him , he know his life is about to get 1000% cooler . He just has to hide his power to not get caught again , easy peasy .
Technoblade as Yor Briar Forger
Alias : Techno Watson , an assassin
Age : Above 30
(this one I changed the most about)
After loosing everything in the war , Techno was hired and trained by " The Pit " to become an assassin, his goal is to get rid of the corrupted government .
Working as a librarian on the side , people around him start to get suspicious of the lonely man with one too many scar .
So when that blond guy ask him to marry him , he just agrees thinking people will get off his back if he has a kid and a husband.
Not like he wants to actually be friend with the guy . Or actually like the kid .
J. Schlatt as Donovan Desmond
Aka Phil's target
Age : Above 45
Asshole politician with dumb policies .
Tubbo Underscore as Damian Desmond
Aka Tommy's target
Age : 12
A genius kid trying to impress his dad to finally be noticed
He just wants him to love him , even just a little bit .
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cartoonaccord · 1 year
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Scar is one of my favs alongside Zedaph, Tango, and Grian! and there are a lot of scar skins, but of course, I went off of his base skin. Scar would, in my opinion, look normal most of the time and occasionally when he's being mischievous it would be clear he's partly vex/allay. scar is supposed to be more allay like than cub is. as for Scar's well scars his one of his eyes can't open all of the way I kinda think of how Zuko's eye is like! I also figured that Scar would alternate from a cane to his wheelchair as needed. he is of course very clumsy but manages to be one of the coolest and showiest of the hermits.
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AS FOR CUB! he is the more put together of the two brothers and like I said he's supposed to be more vex like than scar is. he drinks a lot of tea like a lot, he's an expert on tea at this point. like he's an expert at a lot of things he a little scarier than Scar. but he's a great friend going to GREAT lengths for a gift or a prank. for some reason I feel like he wears a lot of layers.
also bc I made a headcannon on the last post, I feel like scar and cub took Tubbo in as an adoptive younger brother!
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little-nightmare-gt · 3 months
You have your basic Zuko gets burned by dad and sent off on a fake journey to get rid of him. Welp he gets thrown overboard by one of Ozai's people before he could even wake up.
He's drowning and suddenly he's pulled onto an island that's partially in the spirit world. He doesn't know his quest and probably won't even do it now.
Tubbo is a jack rabbit hybrid, he's chasing Purpled around with a flint and steel and suddenly glitches out while Purpled, Ranboo and Tommy are all running to him.
He appears in a gloomy but lively place and drawn to a dimming light.
Tubbo will definitely give him TheraPAY in the form of theft, the blue spirit and little trickster is born.
Tubbo and Zuko are scar buddies
Definitely trauma dumped each other.
Tubbo can talk from his mind, but is mostly mute in this AU
Zuko teaches Tubbo how to fire bend (Tubbo is a fire Spirit)
Tubbo goes by spirit laws, he's a fire sprite.
Definitely taught the Prince how to survive on his own.
Get your basic Kya dies and all the men go off to war. Someone is stealing from the food stores but occasionally leaves fish or other meats outside the chief's hut.
A kid Younger than the bunch gets lost and suddenly they see their exchange person.
Tommy being the big man that he is got into the food with no help and watched as the humans react. He felt guilty when he realized that their was a single kid doing the hunting so he replaced what he eats with bigger and better gain. He only gets caught when a kid got too far away from her home and a blizzard was coming.
Tommy is a red panda hybrid and had just watched Tubbo disappear, he dropped his water as he also disappeared.
Beats up Sokka and makes him drink respect women juice.
Teaches everyone how to hunt
Waterbent snow on Katara as she complains about real benders not needing weapons. (I like Katara, I really do, but she irritated me as a child. Also, I would have been so mean to her in the most well meaning way, and I'm gonna do that through Tommy)
Let Katara know that until she gets a teacher, she isn't a real bender. Forces her to learn a weapon.
Gets along best with the babies and helps out around the homes.
Tommy follows Water Spirit laws, he's a water sprite.
He is selective mute, you know from trauma.
Toph didn't like her life, ran off to live with badger moles and found Purpled. She liked him immediately and saw him as a little brother, did I mention I made them younger when they isekaied into this world? Whoops. She doesn't bring him home with her, but he visits anyway.
Purpled being the wolf hybrid that he is, was extremely loyal to the server youngests. So he was distressed when his friends started disappearing one by one.
Then he disappears into an underground cavern to find a mini giant little girl. He adopted her immediately when she nearly flattened him and calmed him from his panic.
Purpled took a long time to trust Toph, but thinks of her as a sister.
Unintentionally taught her how to be gentle when dealing with him.
(did I mention that everyone is a mini Giant to them)
Toph felt guilty about nearly killing him and he forgave her, just not forgot.
Definitely follows her to her fighting matches.
Learned Earth bending from her and joined. Stage name is the Lone Wolf.
You got it, Earth Spirit rules! Is an Earth Sprite
Can talk and shit talks the competition.
Aang awoke in the arms of a water tribe girl, her brother and a small spirit. He wasn't aware of another passenger on his bison until the little spirit ran passed him and ponced on an unconscious....cat?
Ranboo lost his friends and soon found himself on something going through a storm. He soon wakes up to Tommy jumping on his stomach and seeing a bunch of giants looking at him. He is rightfully scared and tries to explain what he does know and asking about his other to friends.
Was immediately bombarded with questions as Tommy hugged him crying.
Accidentally Airbends Aang away from him when he wanted to pet him.
Refused to believe Fire Nation is evil and teaches politics to the kids who don't really want to hear it but understood some of it.
He can't explain genocide, but nobody knows about the start of the war.
Helps where he can.
Air Spirit logic but is a sprite.
Also does translation for Tommy
For Shroud, Dogchamp and Michael, they are safe and off the DMSP. DSMP closed down after Doomsday and everyone went separate ways, but Purpled joined the Benchtrio. They only let Puffy in for Therapy and sometimes hanging out.
It's a peaceful world so no real dangers and infinite lives and keep inventory.
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prianya · 2 years
This might be a bit specific and long so I apologise, but I really like how you write Xisuma and was wondering if you write parent-child dynamics? Because this thought has been on my mind and I cannot for the life of me write xD
If yes, then could you write a Xisuma + teen!reader who was originally from the DSMP, but ran away from it after Dream got locked up? Thinking of them being like familiar to Tommy and Tubbo - a bunch of scars and trauma, trying not to do anything that could get them in huge trouble that could result in them getting hurt/killed. Xisuma let's them stay at his base and helps them out, adopting them and seeing them as his own child!
Maybe the reader has a really bad nightmare at night, which makes them go to find Xisuma (he's either probably sleeping himself or working on something idk), not wanting to be alone for long. All of this leads to Xisuma comforting them while the reader explains what is bothering them, just soft hurt/comfort :D
Late Night Reassurance
Xisumavoid x Teen! Reader ▪︎ Platonic
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Word Count ▪︎ 1,011 words
Summary ▪︎ Sometimes nightmares can affect you more than you think. It's okay though, you've got your adoptive dad to help!
Note ▪︎ This fic does mention scars and a nondescript injury, so if you're uncomfortable with that, please don't read. I tried my hardest on this one, and I'm not sure how good it actually is. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy!
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Xisuma had never thought that he’d become a father, especially with how a lot of the hermits on the server were just as chaotic as children. He had enough on his hands, and yet he couldn’t help but feel obligated to take you in. He wasn’t the only one that had offered, many other hermits offering up space in their bases for the new teenager. Sure, he wasn’t your first choice due to your extreme fear of admins, but Doc had deemed him one of the only people on the server capable of responsibly caring for a minor. The decision had been met with little resistance from you, and you were quickly moved from your temporary rooming in Doc’s base to a more permanent room in Xisuma’s.
 The only thing he could say was off about this was the fact that you were so quiet. You never really spoke, and when you did it was quiet. That also tied into the fact that you never argued with any decision made. There was never any disagreement, never any type of difference in opinion when you were confronted with something. He will admit that, yes, he was worried about it. He knows the basis of how people your age act– due to the many parenting books he had read in a hurry– and to say your behaviour was abnormal was an understatement. He tried to push his worry away, pinning it to the fact that this was a new environment and you were still not used to it.
 The scars lining your arms and legs, though, were not only abnormal, but extremely worrying. Most of the scars were obviously not self-inflicted, like the healed scar from a burn that marrs the surface of your left leg. That was one of many, and not the only concerning one. While wearing a tanktop you had borrowed from Grian, twin scars; both the size of Xisuma’s palm, had been revealed due to the low backing made to fit Grian’s wings. For once, Xisuma was happy for the tinted glass on his helmet, because the horrified look on his face when his eyes caught the scar would have made you more skittish than you were. Later that day was when he confronted you gently, and when he found out most of what had happened on that godforsaken server. There wasn’t a moment in the day that he didn’t feel resentment towards the corrupt admin. From what had happened on the server, it was easy to see that it had affected you due to how you acted. You were scared, even months after you were away from what had caused you such pain. He was happy, though, that you finally got a supportive and safe space to heal.
 Tonight was the same as your routine had set. Xisuma paused his admin duties to cook and eat dinner with you, something that you had said you enjoyed. The two of you had grown closer since your arrival on Hermitcraft, and he had become the closest thing to a father to you. Your dinner was nice, and you got to tell Xisuma about your day with Scar, who you had taken to well. You had once said Scar reminded you of an uncle or brother; and when he told Scar you said that, the man cried. You had grown, definitely, and you flourished under the protective attention of the admin. After dinner, you said good night to Xisuma, giving him a hug and then heading to bed. He wouldn’t sleep for a few more hours, staying up and working on some backlogged projects he had.
 Hours after you had gone to bed, Xisuma was alerted to the sound of floorboards creaking, and the door to his office cracking open. He looked up, surprised to see you standing in the doorway to his room with puffy eyes.
 “Are you alright?” he says while pushing his chair away from his desk, and makes his way across the room to you. You silently shake your head and lean against him heavily. He frowns, wracking his mind for some type of solution.
 “Do you want some tea?” His words make you look up, and you nod at him. The two of you go down to the kitchen, and you stay silent as he makes the both of you Sweet Berry tea. After a short period of silence, he speaks.
 “Are you feeling better?” he asks you as you stare at the tinted visor of his helmet. You can see your reflection in the glass, you note. Noticing your stare at his helmet, he removes it and sets it on the counter. You finally process his question, and you nod again.
 “That’s good. Did you have a nightmare?” he guesses. You looked so much like you did when you arrived, and he was worried that whatever nightmare you had had set you back in your recovery.
 “Yea, I did. ‘M fine now, I’m over it,” you practically whisper, the concern in him growing stronger. It was clear that you weren’t over it, and something was still bothering you.
 “Are you sure? You can talk to me if you want.” His words are soft, and the look on his face holds nothing but concern. You suddenly change your mind, and begin to speak.
 “It was about you. It wasn’t a really bad nightmare, it just made me worry. Somehow, He was here, and you were hurt. I know it’s stupid, but it still made me afraid.” Xisuma just pulls you into a loose hug, leaving you enough room to back out of it if you want. You don’t, and you hug him tighter as the two of you stand in the middle of the kitchen, your cups of tea forgotten.
 “No matter what happens, I would never let him hurt me, let alone hurt you,” he reassures you. It was then that Xisuma realised that he thought of you as his child, and it was then that he realised that he had somehow become a father.
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cupcraft · 2 years
For a while now i've wanted to make a post promo-ing my fics consolidated in one place + to help me be proud of my oldest fics even though i've come very far! They are in chronological order, so here you go!
None of my fics are RPF, all are DSMP/OSMP/or AU's inspired from DSMP/OSMP characters.
I apologize for the bad summaries...they're better on ao3 :)!
1: Dream SMP Reconciliation series [To the East, He's my little brother your honor]
This series is set post ctommy revival. it is a canon divergent fic where tommy moves thousands of blocks to the east post revival and cjack (to the east) and ctechno (hes my little brother your honor) go out to visit with him and healing/reconciliation is to be had. These are my first two fics i've ever written for the fandom, there is definitely some things i dont take as canon/like to write about now (like cSBI as family).
2: Some Blood just isnt meant to be spilt
canon divergent fic in which c!clingy are gods, cTommy the blood god, and ctubbo the god of death. Follows canon from pre-doomsday all the way until the final disc in which c!clingy plan to fight off cdream once and for all.
3: Guess we really are brothers
I dont really write fics like this anymore but this is a csbi as family and canon divergent fic in which c!tommy manifests into a piglin hybrid! Cbedrock reconciliation fic :) + some cbench moments.
4: the letters we forget to send
Canon divergent c!allium fic. c!tommy moves into the mansion with c!beeduo and cranboo runs into some of c!tommy's old letters through the ages. The fic centers ctommy's letters and his processing of trauma post revival, from cranboo's POV.
5: Antarctic SBI God AU [the gods of the arctic, lets make our little misfit family, i was nothing before i met you]
DSMP inspired SBI god au. The first fic is from cdream's POV as he navigates a feud between the SMP Kingdom and the Antarctic Empire that results in him learning more about the SBI family and their godlihood. The second fic is a prequel in how SBI became found family. Third fic is a prequel before fic two in how ranboo met tommy and tubbo which led up to tommy's hibernation before the 2nd fic. There is still a WIP planned for this series about this universe's "exile" and how cbedrock had conflict as well as a fic into how ranboo and tubbo formed snowchester.
6: These scars I have remind me
A short canon based fic character study into ctommy through his scars over the years. Some cbench interactions as well.
7: Ranboo's investigation into soulmates (and bringing them together too)
canon divergent/dsmp soulmate au. Cranboo doesnt have a soulmate and he begins investigating them resulting in some cbedrock reconciliation.
8: Purple Hyacinths and dark pink carnations
Probably my favorite fic that i've written. A canon divergent ctommy god au, in which c!Tommy is the exiled god of the Overworld who accidentally gains a few new followers. This is a fic about healing.
9: little chickadee
sbi as family hybrid au. c!tommy is a chickadee.
10: and for you i grow thorns
a short canon divergent c!crime hanahaki fic pre-ho16 but post the stream when tommy found out wilbur invited ranboo to make the van. No major character death and this is a ccrime reconciliation fic.
11: Wilbur Soot and His Familiars [Wilbur Soot's Guide to being adopted by familiars, wilbur soot's guide to creating a family]
DSMP inspired SBI witch/familiar AU. Wilbur is a human, or so he thinks, until he accidentally welcomes three familiars into his home upon which he realizes he's a powerful witch. Part two is a 10 chapter fic about Wilbur coming to learn more about his powers and save tubbo and ranboo and thus tommy from Dream and the SMP coven. There is a planned prequel to how wilbur finds his way to live in the forest.
12: My Sunrise
c!crime reconciliation canon divergent fic in which c!wilbur finds out c!tommy is an android. I've thought about making this a longfic but im not sure.
13: To Adopt a flock
SBI + tubbo and ranboo hybrid/family AU.
14: She said goodbye to me in the winter time
SBI God au in which they are seasonal gods. Phil is the God of Spring and loses someone dear to him and blames it on the God of Winter and grows resentful of his godly counterparts. It isnt until he gets a sign to move forward that he runs into the three gods he never wanted to meet. This is a story of reconciliation.
15: A guide to an overworld home
o!allium s2 fic, canon-ish compliant. About o!ranboo coping with being barred from the end and making friends, as well as dealing with whatever reputation he's gotten because of that do not read book he and then o!wilbur found.
16: I should give you daffodils for new beginnings (5+1)
DSMP modern/highschool au in which techno is an ex-military guy running a flower shop who runs into tommyinnit who is dealing with drama from his high school debate club. a fic of healing and found family, inspired by cbedrock and exile arc on the DSMP.
17: What if i told you i was a think of fairytails? (5+1)
canon divergent dsmp fic in which tommy is secretly a dragon, told through from the lmanberg independence until around current canon (pre-cwilbur apology tour). c!crime reconciliation fic at the whole of it :)! I do really like this one and i do have a wip in which ctubbo finds out hes a dragon too but idk if i'll write it.
18: You should love yourself
canon divergent pogtopia au in which ctommy is a guardian angel assigned to cwilbur. I do really like this fic but i did overall lose motivation for finishing it so its on the backburner. Feel free to read but its only 4 chapters in and unfinished !
19: All my DSMP (+ 1 OSMP) poems from both my own writing + poem requests ive done on tumblr (which ill also highlight in a separate post someday)
um yeah just my poems!
20: Goodbye home, hello home
the fic i did for mcytblr summer au fest 2022. An o!allium duo small town/modern AU!
21: I rose from the ashes
dsmp osmp crossover fic post dsmp canon. In this universe tommy left the dsmp without a word right before the server was shut down and cdream was held accountable for his actions in his running of the server. from the pov of wilbur, him and tubbo, ranboo, michael_beloved, phil, and techno are traveling to Hypixel when they accidentally fall into the server Origins. This is my longest fic about c!wilbur healing, learning to set roots, learning to forgive and be forgiven, and also at the whole, reconciling with c!tommy and learning about how he wound up here in origins. It is going to be finished very soon just 2 more chapters :)! There are plans for a shorter prequel between the end of the DSMP until c!tommy sees wilbur and co. on origins.
Enjoy :D!
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atherix · 1 year
New au?👀👀
So quick background, Secondhand Lions is a movie about a boy who gets sent to his filthy rich great uncles for the summer by his mother who wants him to find the money, and one of the uncles tells him a story about their history/youth and they end up bonding with him and in the end the mother does the right thing for once and lets him stay, it's a great movie that admittedly has its... moments... that definitely Date™ it but it is to this day among one of my favorite movies.
Of course this wouldn't follow that like. At all. Except maybe vaguely. Just bear with me. Below the cut bc this is LONG. Keep in mind it's from DMs so it might be a little everywhere but ya know-
so anyway. Secondhand Lions but with Mumscarian.
The past; Grian, Scar and Mumbo were a team, an Avian, an Elf and a Totally Normal Guy™️. They were involved in a lot of stuff from the time of when they were young. Grian and Mumbo were childhood friends, grew up in the same village and everything, and were teens when they got dragged into war by the Mad King's attack on their village. They got involved in the fight and ended up on an adventure across the world, where they ended up meeting Scar who was, technically, part of the Mad King's court. They got him to switch sides and together, with allies, they defeated the Mad King and continued onto adventures, getting involved in the wars and civil uprisings they came across and basically liberating people everywhere. Of course, over this time, they fell madly in love with each other.
Unfortunately, as the years pass, Scar began to notice he himself wasn't changing at all- because he was an Elf. Grian and Mumbo had grown into men well into their 20s and 30s and saying Scar looked a day over 20 would be generous; he's an Elf, and Elves live for hundreds of years. Their aging significantly slows down the older they are, and it brings Scar to realize that he is going to greatly outlive the two men he loves. And, of course, the older Grian and Mumbo look, the more side-eyeing they receive when seen with Scar- and the more hostile/distant people become, the less welcome they are. Cue a series of misunderstandings, miscommunication and feelings of "I'm holding him back" from everyone, they end up splitting up. Grian and Mumbo stick together, of course, while Scar sets off on his own.
Cut to a hundred years later, into modern times; Scar thinks Mumbo and Grian are long dead, meanwhile Mumbo's Totally Normal Guy™️ syndrome has kicked into Eldritch mode and neither he nor Grian knows what happened but they're both still alive. They don't seek Scar out as they believe he must have moved on by now, and have settled down in the middle of nowhere in an old house with more money than they know what to do with.
Tubbo is 14 years old. He's Scar's son- I haven't decided yet if he's an adopted little faun/dryad or maybe Scar's bio Elf son in this world, but he's Scar's son and is being raised by Scar alone (no other parent in the picture, either abandoned or a result of a one night stand). Tommy is his best friend, and after the death of his older brother Tommy is being raised by his late brother's best friend, Schlatt (yeep). Schlatt is sending Tommy to live with his "uncle" for the summer (Grian being Phil's great great something great uncle) in the hopes of Tommy finding where Grian and Mumbo keep their money hidden. Tommy doesn't want to go but asks Tubbo to come with him since he's not being given a choice, and hesitantly Scar gives his permission (Tubbo argues it'll be just like summer camp, it's okay!) but on the condition that Tubbo writes him once a week.
Tommy and Tubbo get there, and though Grian and Mumbo are like- 40 max (in appearance), they live basically like they did a hundred years ago; no television, no internet, no phone service. Mumbo has his redstone devices, which Tubbo is fascinated by, and Grian has his flying course, which Tommy is enthralled with (Tommy is also an Avian), to entertain themselves. They also have communicators that only work with each other (Scar has one, too, but it's been in storage for decades at this point and he wouldn't even know if they did send him a message). Grian and Mumbo have no fucking clue how to entertain children and do a lot of age-inappropriate stuff (as in giving Tommy and Tubbo crossbows and letting them run wild in a training course they have in the back field, rather than handing them starter bows with soft-tip practice arrows and strict supervision lol).
Over this visit, Mumbo begins to tell the boys a story when they catch Grian in one of his Moods™️, where he's kind of stalking around the perimeter of their home and gazing out into the distance, as if searching for something. Mumbo explains that sometimes, Grian gets antsy and becomes very aware they're missing a member of their flock. He tells the story little by little- the story of adventure and friendship and love and the cruelty of time and people, but he uses the name he used to know Scar by which Tubbo doesn't recognize. As such Tubbo doesn't think to write about it in his letters to Scar.
Tommy convinces them to start buying shit with their money and they end up buying a lot of crazy shit, including some kind of beast I'm undecided about. Not a Warden ofc bc wardens are wardens, but some kind of hostile beast that Tubbo, with his general Faeness (either faun, dryad or elf jkfdsjk), manages to tame. Ofc he writes to Scar about all of this, and honestly Scar gets a little freaked out- what kind of sane people buy a hostile creature?? (Well. He knows at least one person who would have, but… he's been dead for so long….) He starts arranging things at his Aqua Town shop to go and check in on Tubbo.
Tommy and Tubbo have grown fond of Mumbo and Grian, thinking they're weird but in an endearing sort of way. Some shit happens with some of the locals in town but Grian and Mumbo deal with it, Tommy gets a letter from Schlatt giving him instructions on what to do when he finds the money, Tubbo is having fun taking care of his new pet, and in general things begin ramping up. Mumbo reaches the end of the story, where Scar chose to leave, and Tubbo questions why they just let him walk away (not knowing this was a century ago), which is when Grian finally cuts into the story and tells the teens that he and Mumbo are older than either of their grandparents, and Scar has long since moved on and mourned them as dead. Tubbo of course argues that they should have tried anyway, because if he's been mourning them and they're still here then how is that fair, if they still love him after all this time then what if he still loves them?? (Tubbo, thinking about his own father, who sometimes hints at having something he'd loved and lost once upon a time, choices he made that he regrets, things he wishes he could take back….)
Well, Schlatt shows up when Tommy's stopped answering his letters, and he's got a Plan™️. He starts to manipulate the townspeople and spreads rumors about Mumbo and Grian, and tries to get into Tommy's head, manipulating him and Tubbo (if Tubbo is adopted, this would be the moment he'd find out Schlatt is his bio father. If Tubbo is Scar's biologically then obviously not, bc I do not want to consider Scar and Schlatt having a kid together lmaoooo-)
Tubbo is kind of overwhelmed by everything happening now, between Schlatt and discovering he's currently staying with century-old Eldritch creature(s), and of course in his distress he turns to Scar. He runs off to town, borrowing a fancy shmancy communicator/phone and calling the shop. Unfortunately, Scar has already headed out by now, so the phone is answered by Cub, Scar's "right hand man" at the shop. Cub tells Tubbo Scar is probably halfway there already and all he has to do is wait.
Now, with his father out of reach, Tubbo thinks it's time to do the next best thing; tell Grian and Mumbo about what Schlatt is doing/planning. However, Tubbo and Tommy are both notoriously bad liars and Schlatt finds out. Tommy has by this point found the money but is keeping his silence, and Schlatt realizes when Tommy talks himself in a circle that Tommy knows where it is, so Schlatt- knowing the one thing Tommy really cares about is his bestie- decides to use Tubbo against him, threatening to hurt/kill Tubbo to get Tommy to comply (and, in the meantime, stopping Tubbo from telling Mumbo and Grian, who Schlatt has absolutely NO CHANCE at beating. Well, no chance at beating Grian, at least).
Scar shows up as Tommy is leading Schlatt (and Tubbo) to the money, and obviously there's a huge "what the fuck" moment when he comes face to face with Grian and Mumbo- which is quickly overshadowed by the whole "where are the kids" situation going on. Grian and Mumbo are shocked to discover Scar is Tubbo's dad (and in typical Misunderstanding fashion, assume this means they were right that Scar moved on), but don't have time to dwell on it when Scar insists the boys are in trouble, Tubbo had written to him about some of the very concerning things Schlatt was saying/doing and he doesn't think Schlatt should be left alone with the boys.
Of course like in Secondhand Lions, Tubbo's little beast friend saves the day, attacking Schlatt and giving Tubbo and Tommy the chance to run away at the cost of its own life. They meet up with Grian, Mumbo and Scar, and Tubbo has never been so relieved to see his dad. Grian goes to find Schlatt, who is already injured, while Scar and Mumbo check over the boys. In the end, of course Schlatt is defeated and is sent off with the parting warning that if they ever see him again they will kill him, and that he's lucky the creature got to him before they did.
Mumbo questions why Tubbo never mentioned he was Scar's son, and Tubbo says he didn't think it was important- which is when he finds out Scar was the third person from that story all along
Ultimately, of course, the story ends with Tommy wanting to stay with Mumbo and Grian, and Tubbo pushing for Scar and them to talk about everything that happened in the past and what was actually going on through their heads, and what they really felt and thought about it all. There's no immediate getting back together of course, but they do talk about it and stay in contact when Scar and Tubbo return to Aqua Town.
The epilogue is like 5 years later and ofc Mumscarian is back together and Tubbo and Scar have moved in and the property is just full of increasingly ridiculous shit. Happily ever after the end.
bonus content; Ren is the great great some-odd great grandson of both the Mad King and the Red King, both corrupt monarchs that Mumscarian fought against. BDubs was the right hand of the Mad King, ofc, and is very Fae like Scar, but he moves on with Cleo- another member of the Mad King's court who's still somehow alive- and eventually Etho joins them. Martyn is, unsurprisingly, Just Some Dude descended from the Red King's right hand, and is very much in love with Ren. There might even be a bit of a reincarnation thing going on there, but hey- who knows :)
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dcjokerhs · 2 years
OK, I have officially stayed up too long:
What if Grian was Wilbur's brother, older by three years, taken at 4-6 years old, by Cultists and put in Pearl's family, only to then experience the Hells of Yandere Highschool, fulfil the Cult's wishes via his capture from Evo, then end up being led to Hermitcraft via Mumbo, who then helps him reunite with Pearl?
Big neg for this idea? Designing the Cultists.
Positive for this AU? Kristin literally saw Pearl falling from Evo and went "NEW DAUGHTER!" and, when Pearl got Suspicious about it, gave her the task of Finding and Protecting her brother and helping Kristin find the Watchers, who are Hiding from Kristin because She's Heccin Death, and She Is FURIOUS with them.
Bittersweet Part of This AU? Phil and Techno stay away from Grian during MCC because they Remember, but they see he's Happy, and, like the way they abandoned Tommy and Wilbur after hearing Some Major Enemies were after them, they want him to believe whatever it is he's grown up thinking, because they'd rather that than admit Out Loud that They Failed, despite being Trillions of Years Old, because That Stuff Breaks You...
But, on the other hand, Phil's necklace-thing is a ruby and obsidian locket holding the babyhair of Grian, Wil and Tom, as well as the strand of hair Techno gave Phil as his first big "I Trust You, so I give you part of Me, grown from My Blood and My Soul, for you to Keep Always." It also has baby pictures and the Tommy's first daisy-chain that he'd tried crowning his Papa with.
(Techno may or may not also have four matching strands carefully woven into the underside of his hair, only visible when he's bearing his neck to the world with his hair in a bun.)
Other than that:
Jimmy is Pearl's little bro, he ends up being able to Sense Death (though, unfortunately it makes Canary Brain go "Mama!" and he GOES TOWARDS THE DANGER as Mumza's trying to get her tiniest adopted chick to STAY ALIVE! GDI!!)
Tommy nearly gets Eburean'd, Dream manages to do it in prison, he almost starts doing it once free from prison, but Tommy's still settling into his own abilities as a Phoenix, so Kristin goes "BABY BOY TO ELDEST BOY!" and yeets him to Grian, so Grian and Tommy have a "Who Are You?!" "Grian Minecraft?!" Moment.
(Dadza Be Madza. Dadza Be Sadza. Dream Be DEAD)
Tommy is reunited with the others via MCC, but Dream's there like "Come Home Tommy, you're Breaking Rules, Tommy!" tho Then Grian looms Over Dream as Scar distracts Tubbo and Tommy with Jellie, Grian going all Mr Dreamslayer, like "What Are You Doing Near my Smal Charge?"
Then Wilbur starts bawling over his baby brother and Techno's standing there, looking Mightly Uncomfy because all his weapons got taken from him at the door... And the Voices are screeching at him to "HUG THE CHICK!!" "TOMBIRB! TOMBIRB!" etc.
Things reach a head when either Grian gets Captured via the Rift and Pearl thinks her blood will work for the tracking spell, but No, It's Tommy's that works, or when Phil's locket gets stolen from around his neck, it ends up being opened and shown to Grian, only for Phil to step up behind whichever poor sod is holding it (idky, but I can see it being held by either Martyn or Zedaph) like "I Think You Have Something of Mine." and Confrontation Occurs.
So much healing floof1
Wilbur "accidentally" pushes Ranboo and Tubbo into Hermitcraft when "bidding Tommy goodbye" just as Xisuma's preparing to close the portal, then Scar sees Tubbo's burns and goes "THIS IS MY SON NOW!" as Ranboo's all stuttery and stumbly and Impulse and Keralis and Doc have to play rock/paper/scissors, though then Doc hears Tubbo Likes Nukes and Knows His Redstone and... oh. Oh dear. Tubbo now has 2 Chaotic Dads. Oh No, What A Tragedy (/s)
Ranboo likes helping Pearl, False and Cleo with their builds, and even follows Pearl when she's going to try selling her Cleaning Services with his notebook and quill, ready to take notes for her and help her calculate costs ahead of time. (He gets All The Mommas and Cub keeps trying to get him to eat more with the food he's stolen from Scar... Not that Ranboo knows about the thievery when Scar Finds Out.... before joining in on feeding Ranboo All The Foods Scar's Gone Dadmode Uh o UH oh....
Not even Mumbo's Return could save them from Grian's Big Bro Mode combo'd with Scar's Dad Mode...
Anyway!! Enjoy!!!
I am Going to SLEEP!! >w<
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bluiex · 2 years
Why not both. Give adopted Tubbo a little hatchling sibling or three.
When ranboo meets tubbo's family tubbo immediately gets tackled by five year olds. They think ranboo makes a wonderful climbing frame.
Also. He keeps trying to bird/vex parent Michael. And calling him a hatchling on autopilot even though the word doesn't apply because that's what Grian and Scar called him and his siblings.
Tubbo panicking that Michael hasn't shown any sign of magic and then being like "wait piglins don't have inherent magic. I don't have inherent magic. Why am I worried."
Tubbo never felt a need to build a nest. It's not something his species does. But he has such warm feelings about sleeping in his parents nest with them when he was little (and even when he was older) that he builds a nest for his little family.
AWW OMG YEEES While Tubbo is away on dsmp, Grian an Scae have hatchlings and consistantly send him pictures and updates about his little brothers and sisters- and he's super excited to finally have Ranboo meet them (and his parents) (with Tommy too cuz i will die for benchtrio) eliuhsdl;fkda YEAH- I'm just imaging one night Michael wakes Ranboo and Tubbo up from their sleep because he's crying. Tubbo was the first up and goin to Michaels room. Once Ranboo gets there Tubbo is just cooing an calling him such a sweet hatchling, tellin him it's okay. at first Ranboo is confused at the term until he remembers: Oh right, Tubbo's parents.
Real Tubbo Moment panicking over something then being like wait a min-- But Tubbo building a nest for his family because Grian and Scar's nest was so comforting and it reminds him of love, safety and home :sobs:
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cyncerity · 2 years
Cyncerity you’re giving me brainrot for your store shifter au
I have to admit most of your aus give me brainrot, the two main ones rn are Store shifter and dads troubles.
And feel free to disregard this if you don’t wanna answer it, I’m just curious if you have any tidbits about either au you wanna share? Let your mind go free friend :) I love your work, and you’re doing amazing!
oh absolutely AMAZING question to ask, my friend
little did you know that I have a list of bullet points for ideas i think of that i don’t know what to do with for both of these aus (these are also the two giving me the most brainrot hsksksj)
For now I’m gonna answer with the ones for the Store Shifter AU, cause I think that some of the ones for Dad’s Troubles have been posted, but I can post those later! For now there’s a decent amount of the Store Shifter ones, and I may add more later
-Even if humans can’t understand borrowers, they can hear pitch. So therefore, if a borrower is singing a familiar human song, the human can hear the tune and recognize it.
-Quackity is the least careful borrower of the three, so he ends up accidentally meeting one of the workers: Foolish. No he does not tell his fiancés this. Foolish doesn’t really know what’s going on, and he’s only like 50% sure that Quackity is sapient, so he’s just kinda along for the ride as Quackity abuses his human privileges to get free stuff.
-Dream introduces Sapnap to hair dye and dyes his hair from light brown to black as a bonding activity (this was when Sapnap was newer to the store). That night Sapnap tells his fiancés what happened to his hair and long story short Karl is bleach blonde by morning.
-Dream has an almost debilitating fear of heights in this au. Fantastic fear for anyone borrower sized to have. Since he became a shifter he’s started to try and rid himself of his fear. (spoiler alert he eventually does way down the road and parkours everywhere no matter what size he is just because he can)
-He’s also slightly claustrophobic. Again, fantastic fear for someone borrower sized to have. (wonder what this would mean for him getting stored…)
-Dream has never met Tubbo despite them having lived in the same house for 4 years. Even after Dream becomes a shifter Tommy just keeps forgetting to introduce the two.
-Out of all the shifters in the au (btw you don’t know all of them yet), the worst traumatic experience that anyone had to go through to unlock their powers was Tommy’s. Second worst was Sapnap’s.
-Tommy’s “incident” happened when he was 7. He met Tubbo when he was 5 and Tubbo was almost 6. After the incident, Tommy was in and out of the foster system for the next 5 years, and Tubbo was with him every step of the way.
-The reason Tommy was in the foster system for so long was because Dream was only 13 when Tommy’s incident happened, and couldn’t legally adopt him. He worked really really hard to get a stable wage for him and Tommy to live off of, and Puffy and Foolish helped him save enough to buy the neighboring house to theirs, the one Dream grew up in.
-Dream adopted Tommy on his 18th birthday, when Tommy was 12. They are currently 16 and 22 in this au.
-Before Dream adopted Tommy, he made it very clear that as soon as it was legal, he’d adopt him, so Tommy started seeing Dream as a big brother/father figure before he was officially his son. They hung out a lot and Dream would frequently stop by any home fostering Tommy and make it clear to the foster parents that Tommy was gonna be his kid one day so they’d better not get attached. Dream was responsible for getting Tommy kicked out of foster homes like 45% of the time. Another 50% was just Tommy being Tommy and 5% was Tubbo breaking shit when he was bored and the homeowners blaming Tommy.
-Sapnap has a really bad habit of picking at his fingers and nails from stress, and his knuckles are really scarred from fighting/sparring back when he was in a colony. Dream gives him a few pairs of gloves to help with this, and Sapnap is literally floored because he’s never seen gloves before, given that they were too much of a hassle to make from whatever scraps he had.
-The employees keep a little box of discreet fidget things under the checkout counter at the store, and Dream and Sapnap use it the most. Dream just cause he likes to keep his hands busy and can mess with something in his pocket and Sapnap cause if he’s using his hands it means he’s not actively picking at his skin (this is self projecting. this is me. i do this so it’s canon now. Dream uses an infinity cube most often and Sapnap has a small collection of spinny rings cause those have been the most effective for me).
-Sapnap had a weird bruise scar over his nose and around the inner half of his eyes (you can vaguely see it in some of the fanart i’ve drawn for this). It’s just an area of his face that got hit really hard and didn’t heal properly (hard enough that it broke his nose too and no, that didn’t heal right either), so blood has a harder time flowing there, and it gives it a weird darker color. Karl and Q nicknames Sapnap “Pandas” cause the bruising kinda reminds them of panda markings.
-Quackity tends to wear a face mask while borrowing because he’s got a really gnarly scar across the left bottom half of his face through his lip, and it’s bad enough that he can’t fully close that side of his mouth cause the scarring messed up his cheek and he’s missing a tooth there. He’s really insecure about it and only Sapnap and Karl are allowed to see it.
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zzzaru · 1 year
MCYT angels and devils au, clingyduo edition!
(cw bright colors)
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- scars from [fallen angels], happened when he was only 10
- best friends with tommy and ranboo
- basically dsmp! tubbo but a little less traumatized lmao (even with the scars)
- 17 y/o
- scar and grian adopted him
- devil
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- tango and jimmy look after him
- looking for his mother, clara
- 16 y/o
- dsmp! tommy basically cept without much trauma
- best friends with tubbo and ranboo (ranboo reluctantly)
- devil
will be posting more character stuff later in the week!
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itstaisstuff · 1 year
I heard you like Cogchamp and I've come to raise the idea of an AU where Cogchamp and the Create SMP just exist together or something
Since Cogchamp is in a mesa, they're really fucking far away, but like when Fundy or someone else goes out to explore they end up accidentally stumbling upon the Create village. Problems happen, Fundy and Ranboo steal shit, Sam should not be allowed to joke with Keralis, it's all fun.
In the end they end up making a train line between the two towns. Cogchamp becoming some odd old west styled place compared to Create's steampunk town. Why? Fuck you, that's why (I just think steampunk and old western could be pretty neat)
Mini bonus: Tangdubs unwillingly sorta adopts Tubbo but not really, Tango just mentors him a little bit <3 (there is found family just not with standard family dynamics)
Dear Sammy fruitpulsesv. We've never talked before but. Marry me right fucking now please.
I'VE BEEN STARING AT MY PHONE FOR THE PAST FEW HOURS THINKING ABOUT THIS AU. You completely destroyed the last bit of humanity in me. I hate it. Do you mind if I add my thoughts?
So i can assume they live pretty far alway so they can't really go visit each other daily? It'll take then to git from one town to another around 2 days on the trains? But they probably have a weekly train to share supplies. Create guys often give them free honey apple just because it is the best food in the world and they feel pity the other town don't have it.
Fundy and Zed would get along real quick. It's not like I already have an au for those two- but seriously tho. Fundy would bring so much more weirdness into The Cube. They are just a perfect duo. You heard it.
5up and Crumb would spend so much time at Keralis' area. Crumb having fun with the swing and 5up appreciating the chisel and bits vines and other details. They try to keep Crumb inside the house + garden walls because she always keeps running on railways lmao
Ranboo and Fundy steal a lot from Scar's chest monster. They did not know the building was his so they just started living in the moving house without even asking. Once they got caught by anyone of the Create guys they moved out but set some traps. So when Scar is back and opens his front door he may or may not see a little surprise...
They all are VERY competitive. Cogchamp guys try to do their best to impress the other crew. They do have competition like they had on the last Cogchamp day having 2 teams. My guess is Fundy Keralis Zed 5up Crumb vs Tango Tubbo Ranboo Bdubs Scar Sam. This competition is taking place twice a year and after that they always have a big festival so each of the crew could stay at different place for a bit longer before leaving home.
Cogchamp guys come over for Christmas. Visiting Create on winter holidays is the only time they see snow. So Create guys decided to make them a gift and created a snow-making machine. It did not work perfectly as they planned in mesa, but Cogchamp crew was still super impressed and were playing with it for a long time.
Yeah. Scar and Crumb are besties. Sorry. I don't make the rules.
Both Tangdubs and 5undy in one world? Damn. Sounds like a disaster.
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springatito-moved · 2 years
Mall AU scene setting balony.
Big post for the major characters (well. just my personal favorite characters) in my babychild Mall AU since I actually kinda wanna do more with it lol
The jobs & small descriptions of the other characters can be found in this post
NOTE: This is basically a collaborative effort AU bc of how goofy silly it is. If you have an idea (esp for the characters I clearly haven't/won't develop) shoot me an ask!!!! talk to me !!!! lets all have fun with this thing!!!
If you have maybe an idea for a ficlet (Like @anonymous-dentist 's series of knapity getting together (pt 1 / 2 / 3) just shoot me a dm abt the idea and ill help talk thru the concept to keep things at least a little consistent but I most likely won't say no!!!
- Set in a coastal town in Oregon (but a fake one. Like how Stephan King does it)
- Population is just slightly above “everyone knows everyone”, but everyone at least knows someone who knows someone you don’t know
- Aside from the beach, the mall is like the Big Attraction which is why so many people flock to work there as their first job
Quackity (Manager at Spencer’s)
- In the foster system most of his life after being taken away from his parents as a kid
- Bonded with Tubbo extremely fast and was honestly more of a parent to him than their actual foster parents
- Foster parents passed in an accident, after a month of confusing legal junk he & Tubbo were left a house on the oregon coast and Quackity was made Tubbo’s sole caregiver
- He was given a year (the length the house was prepaid off to) to prove he could be a reliable caregiver
- Met Schlatt a couple months into the move, the two started going out almost immediately
- Schlatt was very possessive and only let Q hang around people he “approved of” (those being Schlatt’s own friends, one of which being Wilbur)
- Despite the downhill of the relationship Schlatt was helping with payments on the house and keeping everything in order so Quackity could remain in care of Tubbo so Q kinda just put up with everything
- Two years into the relationship Schlatt ended up dying bc [bro idk he just dies i dont care enough to sort this out]
- Despite rarely seeing eye-to-eye, Wilbur was quick to step in and help Quackity find his footing. He offered him a job at the HT in the mall, but Quackity ended up getting the manager position at the Spencer’s through chance.
- Is still scarred and blinded in his left eye, but not as intensely. Got it from a less-than-ideal foster family prior to his one with Tubbo.
- Gets a new piercing every time there’s a crisis in his life
- A couple of tattoos here and there (Most significant are the golden wings on his back)
- Occasional stress smoker but not an addict
- Wasn’t actually aware poly was a thing before Sapnap & Karl came along
- Has psychosis but is slowly starting to manage it better
- Ossium is his pet Python, has a pet deathstalker scorpion as well
- Despite his complaining, he really does appreciate Sam’s parental-ish care for him since he’s not very used to the concept
Sapnap (Disney Store)
- Adopted by BBH when he was 8
- Met Dream and George when he was 10 and decided at that moment they would be his besties forever. He has very much held true to this.
- Eryn was adopted into the family when he was 12. He dedicated his life to caring for him.
- Ended up becoming pretty close with Wilbur bc of their brother’s friendship
- Is also just generally close with Tommy and hangs out with him a lot on their breaks
- Applied to work at Vans in the mall pretty much the second he turned 18
- Became the asst. manager like 7 months in
- Has abandonment anxiety so he likes to hold people’s hands a Lot
- Runs hot naturally
- Has a pet skunk named Sketchers that he got for free from some guy on the beach (stink gland removed)
- Proposes to Karl & Q daily. They’re not sure if he’s serious. (He is.)
- Does fencing + archery for fun
- Volunteers on weekends to help rehab ex-military dogs
- Drives a bright orange two door jeep wrangler
- Really good with kids and gets lots of compliments at the Disney Store
- Soft-banned (aka not actually banned, Hannah just gives him a mean look) from Yankee Candle for trying to steal something 
- Used to play drums in a band with D&G, still messes around on his kit sometimes
Karl (Manager at the Disney Store)
- Parents are important political figures of [fake New York city here]
- Book Nerd ! Book Nerd !
- Worked at a disney store in his hometown but a really good manager promotion led him to packing up and moving across the country
- Forcibly dragged Connor out with him so he’d have someone he knew there
- Lives almost basically on the beach
- Runs a tiktok page for his cat Rutabaga, has like 2M followers on it
- Overacessorizes to hell and back
- Slight kleptomaniac, quells this by taking Q & Sap’s clothes
- Major romantic
- Bites people (affectionately)
- Wants to open a library in the town someday
Wilbur (Manager at Hot Topic)
- Tommy’s bio older brother & main caretaker
- Rarely talks abt his own problems so he kinda just listens to everyone else’s
- Feels bad for Quackity so he never takes issues with letting Tubbo stay over if Q has to avoid spending money on other basic necessities to keep up with house payments
- Is very nosy but has a charm that kinda makes people wanna rant abt their problems to him
- Loves his HT job, is very bitter towards his friends who chose other places in the same damn mall to work instead of working with him
- Jokingly calls Phil “dad”, unclear if him saying he’s twins with Techno is a joke or if he’s tricked himself into fully believing it despite to age gap
Tommy (Build-a-Bear)
- Started working at BaB when he wasn’t even old enough
- Sam just likes him a lot and fell victim to the puppy dog eyes
- Applied to the lego store first bc he wanted to work with Eryn. Refuses to shop there now after being rejected
- Barely ever actually in the store if he’s not on the clock. Loves bothering Sapnap specifically
- Unironically calls Phil dad but tells everything it’s totally ironic
- Doesn’t rlly gaf abt his lack of an actual parent and is cool with just having Wilbur around
- Rivalry with Dream that he’s not sure how it started but loves to encourage it
- Is also soft-banned from Yankee Candle
Tubbo (Manager of most of the food court places)
- Most of his life prior to moving to the town is a blur in his mind
- Kinda shuts out the past and just focuses on his happiness living with Quackity
- No one is sure how he ended up as the manager of most of the food court places. And he will never tell.
- Didn’t have a lot of chances to make friends before moving so he grips pretty tightly to the ones he has now
- Michael is a pig BaB he got with Ranboo
- Really wants to get a matching tattoo w/ Q
Charlie (Spencer’s)
- Didn’t have a huge plan for how his life was supposed to go so when Q called and said “my life sucks please move here”, he moved!
- Very charming loved by basically everyone
Sam (Manager at Build-a-Bear)
- Had a very lonely life for a while
- Was basically like a dad to a lot of people but never had someone to Truly care abt bc everyone always had someone else
- Met Q through Tommy and they got along pretty well from the start
- Sam could tell Q was going thru things just based on his behaviors so he started doting on him (asking if he’d eaten, constantly doing check-ins, driving him around if he felt too anxious to do so himself)
- Gave Q his old car
- Has a…. Thing. with Ponk and Foolish. No one can describe their Thing. No one dares try.
- Very particular about the way the store looks
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
Yey! Ok- so…
Warnings: All this Headcanons goes to the DreamSMP characters (probably won't have canon personalities cause I suck at that).
1) Dream and Sapnap have "matching scars". They always got in trouble when younger and it was weird to see one without the other; so they always got in the same dangerous situation, which leaded them to have the same type of scars, just that there's a little difference that Bad funded adorable when he saw them; their scars look mirrored. If Dream has a scar on his right side, Sapnap has it on his left.
George teased them about it.
2) Sapnap loves to dance and most of the time grabs George or Dream to dance with him!
3) Dream rests his head on top of George's or Sapnap's from time to time, kinda like a dog rest it's head on their owners lap.
4) When it's cold, Quackity snuggles into Sapnap because he's always warm like an oven.
5) When Tommy gets in trouble George picks him up and walks away with him.
6) Boomer and Quackity sings the Macarena together just to annoy George and/or Sam.
7) George and Quackity are Sam adopted kids.
8) Following the last one, They started calling Ponk "Dad 2" to annoy both Sam and Ponk, but they ended up getting used to the name so now it's just Ponk's new name-
9) While George is XD's friend/Obliged Follower, Dream and Sapnap are followers of GeorgeHD.
10) GeorgeHD (besides of having an existence because yes) has both antlers and butterfly wings. The wings fall gracefully on his sides, making them look like he's wearing a dress.
11) Foolish originally had black hair, but dyed it gold once he started worshiping XD.
12) Dream's a type of shapeshifter which species has no name. But since his "passive form" it's the white blob, George named the species "blob". Dream was born genderless but liked the concept of being a male and shaped into one.
13) Tubbo and Wilbur have a love-hate sibling relationship. Phil sometimes questions himself why did he decided to have children.
14) Tubbo shows his love for his brother in a special way; throwing Wilbur down the stairs.
15) Wilbur most of the time forgets that Tubbo's his legal brother and not Tommy.
16) Tubbo likes to pet Ranboo's hair when the Enderman is relaxing.
And Imma stop here- sorry for the spam-
All of these are so interesting!
Love the fact that Tubbo throws Wilbur down the stairs as a way of showing affection, just sibling stuff 😂
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made-nondescript · 2 years
for the tubbassador au, I've just speed read all of the posts and I'm kinda brain rotting about it - specifically the hermits eventually meeting Michael thing.
Because tubbo isn't an open book, he likes to keep things unsaid - especially about himself. He know saying the wrong things may have everyone either terrified of him or babying him and he doesn't want any of that, so he keeps it to strictly official talk when he can.
Except one day, maybe the lmanburg cabinet has some kinda problem and Ranboo stays in to help them, and maybe tommy is kind of sick and can't take care of a child properly and Prime knows Tubbo doesn't fully trust anyone else on that goddamned smp, he has to take his child to work today.
And he shows up, baby carrier in the front with a sleepy little piglia inside (this is wayyy earlier than tubbo would usually wake him at) and as soon as someone looks at his he goes all defensive like
"sorry my husband was busy today, of this is too unprofessional i can just come back tomorrow and you can blame any delay on me"
cue hermits reactions because child??? child with a child?? and husband apparently????
hi so i LOVED this ask like a LOT and in trying to answer it I ended up just writing a whole ass fic.
you can read the fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39398073
For fun some more background thoughts:
A lot of the Hermits haven’t been around children (actual living breathing children) in a really long time so it’s a bit of a learning curve for them. It doesn’t help that Michael is not a “normal” child - that is, human or hybrid. The situation as a whole is so strange that they have to make an active effort to not pry into it too much. (What occasions a barely-18-year-old to get married? to decide to adopt?? Was he ever able to be a kid himself?)
Iskall is the only Hermit who knew before Michael came to the server that Tubbo was married and had a kid because they spend a lot of time together, especially when Tubbo is having a hard time. (Iskall likes to drag him off to do some repetitive, grounding task and sometimes Tubbo will talk. Other times it’s just nice to be in quiet company. Tubbo doesn’t have nearly enough friends who he can just hang out with anymore.)
Michael is a big fan of Scar’s monocle and tries to take it from him multiple times. The monocle unfortunately won’t fit him  but sometimes Scar takes it off and lets him just hold it, which makes him happy enough. Michael also likes to play in / around the spokes of Scar’s wheelchair which - not so cleverly, in hindsight - are gold encrusted.
Mumbo in particular has a hard time getting his head around the idea that the kid ambassador has a kid. Like, it wasn’t too long ago Mumbo was that age and he couldn’t imagine being responsible for a child’s life now.
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atherix · 2 years
I need you to know that i rolled over at 5:30 in the morning and went "mmm im awake lets see if there are any presents in gmail" anD THERE WAS AHHHHHHHH
Poor scar i am SCREAMING he is in SO much pain and tubbo is still SO small and dufjdjdfjdcjgigbitcivydjrslfih GOD!!!! SCAR!!!!!! You keep teasing me w a mumbo knows au and i gotta say if I was mumbo and *i* found out Scar both had a son and was knowingly towing the line between a vampiric civil war i think i wO UH LD LOSE MY MIND
And he just wants to be called dad i am vovitycufcig
AND we have to deal with Tubbo's heartbreak too ajcjvfkdkghslalb because imagine having your beloved adopted dad tell you no one can know i am. It is my BIRTHDAY how DARE you do THIS to me!!!!
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And scar lying by concealing part of the truth is also fjvuvdi bc i know tubbos too young to know and he doesnt need to know everything yet but sivfidigguv F U C K BUT HE SURE AS HELL DID NOT CONCEAL THAT HED LITERALLY DIE FOR TUBBO IM!!!!! HEY SCAR DID YOU STOP TO CONSIDER THAT IF THEY KNOW WHO TUBBO IS AND YOURE DEAD THEY PROBABLY WOULD STILL GET HIM!!!! SIR!!!!!!
You should just work in aqua town scar you are correct. BECAUSE YOU ARE ALSO CORRECT ABOUT IT BEING OBVIOUS IN HINDSIGHT IM!!!!
YEAH </3 Poor boys, Scar just wants his son to be safe but now thinks just being with him is inherently dangerous </3 HJFSJKDSHJFS HAHAHA oh yeah in a Mumbo Knows AU he would absolutely lose his mind about it <3 Because it is B I G-
JKFLKSJKGSL YES. Man how different would everything be if he quit sooner <3 I mean everything would have ended up objectively worse mind you BUT. BUT raising Tubbo and having his shop would have been such a good life </3
HAHA says the person who was gonna write ANGST for their own birthday jkgfdkjfkj <3 BUT YEAH oh man Tubbo's little heart just hjfgdkjfd </3
YEAH lying by omission is still lying but Tubbo is a bit too young to be told "I saw people DIE today so" hkjfdslkfd YEAH SCAR JKFSKJFSJH It is his hope that if he were gone they would not try to go for a child who has nothing to do with them </3 He is forgetting that Vampires are very Coven/family based and mere association puts Tubbo on the same level as him, which he realizes when he finds out the Council considers Tubbo an associate because of him </3 Hahahaa~
HJFSJKJHS YEAH imagine a world where Scar quit and just raised Tubbo with a good life there in Aqua Town and focused on magic and glyphs and his shop and just hfgdjkjk <3
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