#sayitaliano reads
sayitaliano · 1 year
So I’m learning Italian on Duolingo which means I’m not getting a whole lot of explanation but I am getting a lot of examples that seem to contradict each other.
How do definite articles work in Italian? When do you have to use them, when do you need to omit them?
I’m very lost. Every time I think I’ve figured a pattern out Duo throws an example at me that contradicts it and I can’t tell if I just don’t get it or if Duo itself is making mistakes (which happens!).
I get that the answer may be “you gotta learn to tell by vibe” but I’m coming at this from English, with familiarity with German and Japanese. I have no baseline vibes for articles in Romance languages. I could use some rules of thumb.
Thank you.
Ciao Yeah I understand well your situation: Italian course on Duolingo is useless if you only use that as a source of learning. I realized this trying it myself and from other Italian learners who were as lost as you when it came to understanding the language and using it. I don't want to sound rude or anything cause I understand it seems helpful and well buildt but... I personally discourage its use as it contains grammar mistakes and, as you noticed yourself, it's unreliable and doesn't explain anything. It makes you rush through grammar but teaches you anything in the end. There are far better apps/websites imo and you can always use other grammar resources together with them so to clarify your possible doubts.
Now, to answer you, there are a bunch of posts here in the grammar masterpost and on my instagram (@/sayitaliano) as well all about the articoli determinativi (and indeterminativi too ofc + other variations). There are also posts about when to use them or not: on this specific matter though, I want you to know that there are rules exceptions that you will only learn with practice and once you'll get more comfortable with the language. Seen where you're coming from and all your confusion, I'd suggest you to stick with studying the general use's rules and grow acquainted with the right choice of article (you'll need to learn nouns genders too for this). It doesn't matter if you add an article when it's not required: especially in the beginning it's perfectly fine, just learn to use the right one and how (with which combination of vowels/consonants/gender/number). You can easily postpone the "when to use it or not" to a later moment.
grammar masterpost (look specifically at the articoli section) The main post I am suggesting you and that you'll find in that section is the first one: articoli . There's also the when not to use (more links the masterpost) but again, I would suggest you to not add more confusion to your actual one, and just go step by step. Read the first 3 links of the articoli section and start with them (or read the 2 articoli posts on instagram, which are a resume of these posts). When you feel ready, go on with the others.
Let me know if you need anything or would like to practice what you learned with me one day :) I'm up if you'd like to send a short text or a few sentences just to check your understanding of the rules.
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averythepirate · 2 years
Tag people you want to know better!
Thanks @sayitaliano for taggjng me
Fave colour: orange! But it needs to be soft. I love using it for underpaintings
Currently reading: the nightwatch series from the discworld books by Terry Pratchett
Last series: Abbott Elementary! Its a workplace comedy but with teachers. Very fun.
Craving: coffee
Sweet/savory/spicy?: Spicy
Currently working on: writing papers for uni and some digital artworks. Still learning both italian and french but slow going.
Tagging @sphyrne @theantisocialfairy @mozzarellamint @ominouslyqueer @sexdungeondobbyrpf though, you can ignore it if you want.
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bookwormpolyglot · 3 years
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Hello, everyone! I'm a long-time lurker in the studyblr community, so I finally decided to join myself.
About me:
My name's Nina.
I'm 19 years old.
I'm from Serbia.
I'm a freshman at the Linguistics college, studying German and Spanish.
Why did I start this blog:
Last school year I really struggled with my mental health, and I think a creative outlet like a blog will help me manage it.
I want to be a part of this amazing community!
What you can find here:
I'll try to post original content in terms of how my studies are going.
I'll try to post study tips, tricks and mental health advice from professionals and experience.
Maybe you'll find a book review once in a while.
My interests:
Learning languages.
Studyyblrs which inspired me:
It's probably worth mentioning that @selfhelpforstudents and I are working on a project centred around managing your mental health while studying. Stay tuned.
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plurilinguismo · 3 years
I was tagged by @sayitaliano thank you so much!!
last song listened to — RIDSA - Avancer
last film watched — The Green Mile
currently reading — "Italia occulta" by Giuliano Turone
currently watching — My pc - I'm taking a break before going back to work lol
currently craving — a long vacation, spending hours in a bookstore, seeing my friends, going out to eat sushi with my friends
I'm tagging everyone who sees this
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zorume-star · 3 years
Tagged by @sayitaliano ♥
last song listened to — Lights - "Lost Girls" | Special mention to Halflives - "Vibe" which I listen to EVERYDAY | Italian edition : Annalisa - "Piove col sole" che amo tantissimo ♥ last film watched — "Justice Society : World War II" (DC) (D I A N A <3 and D I N A H <3 aaaah) currently reading — "A Song Below Water" by Bethany C. Morrow (I have a hard time reading it since it's in english and I'm slow as hell u.u) currently watching — "Charmed" Season 2 (original TV show, not the remake) (Nostalgia kicking in you know) (oh and tonight I start Legends of Tomorrow season 6 <3) currently craving — Dark chocolate with coconut <3
Tagging: @arsmentae @star-plasma @lufdraws @exzireart @vvisti (only if you want to, of course <3)
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amillionlanguages · 5 years
hi! i love your blog so much! i speak fluent french so i want to start learning italian, do you know any good langblrs/tips/advice? thanks so much! x
Yeah for sure! I absolutely loved learning Italian for a month in January, and I’ll probably learn some more in the future! A lot of these resources are ones I found useful when I was working on Italian:
Coffee Break Italian podcast
Free Italian workbook pdf
If you work well with Duolingo, I definitely recommend it for Italian!
Practice speaking out loud as you read sentences, you’ll improve your speaking and listening skills a lot quicker!
Learn some basic verb tenses and simple grammar concepts first, it’ll make everything else fall into place much easier!
Good luck!
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language-aholic · 4 years
Quarantine Tag Game
i was tagged by @sayitaliano, thank you! :)
1. Are you staying home from work/school? Yes I am.
2. If you're staying home, who's there with you? My dad & brother.
3. Do you have pets to keep you company? Luckily I have my 3 dogs with me to keep me company & also entertained.
4. Who do you miss the most? My mom. She & my dad are divorced so I haven't gotten to see her at all since quarantine started unfortunately.
5. When was the last time you left your home? A month or two ago. It's been a long time.
6. What was the last thing you bought? Animal Crossing New Horizons last month the day it came out. I do not regret it at all, I've been playing it every day for at least an hour since I bought it.
7. Is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed? It's just stressing me out. I like it better when it's my choice to stay home, not when I'm forced to stay home because if I get the virus I'll probably die lol.
8. Are you a homebody? Yes, although I have realized that I do in fact enjoy going out every once in a while.
9. What movies have you watched recently? Promare, Groundhog Day, Dinner For Schmucks, & The Amityville Horror.
10. An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled? Way too many things to list.
11. What's the worst thing that you've had to cancel? My dad's appointment at the Cleveland Clinic to get a bunch of testing done for his epilepsy.
12. What's the best thing that you've had to cancel? Easter dinner with my redneck Trump worshipping grandparents (thank god honestly).
13. Do you have any new hobbies? No, although I'm so bored that I wish I did.
14. What are you out of? One of my medications that I need to get ordered today.
15. What music are you listening to? Juice Wrld mostly which is probably one of the worst things I could be listening to right now, since all of his stuff is pretty depressing lol.
16. What shows are you watching? Terrace House since the 3rd part of the Tokyo 2019-2020 season just came out on Netflix & I'm currently working on catching up with Critical Role campaign 2 since they're now on break.
17. What are you reading? Kings Of The Wyld by Nicholas Eames.
18. What are you doing for self-care? Just my normal stuff, nothing extra unless it can entertain me for a while.
19. Are you exercising? Nope, this quarantine has brought out the worst in me & I feel like I am physically unable to do anything except sit around all day now.
20. How's your toilet paper supply? It's fine. We've had to switch to the cheap sandpaper kind of toilet paper though since that's usually all thats left at the store now. My butt is screaming (but at least we have toilet paper).
21. Have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine? No, but I'm this close to just trimming a few inches off myself because it's gotten long & i was already due for a haircut before all of this happened.
I tag @mediocrelanguagelearner, @idaslangblr, @the-polyglot-aspirations, @rystudy, @languageoclock, @spraakward, & anyone else who would like to do this! (No pressure, only if you'd like to)
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lingdragon · 4 years
8 People I’d like to Know Better
I was tagged by @sayitaliano, thank you! meg-pond is my main tumblr, so I’ll just answer here:
1. Birthday: September ;)
2. Zodiac Sign: Virgo
3. Height: 1.64 m
4. The last song I listened to: Magnetic by Seafret 
5. Hobbies: making thematic music playlists, reading fantasy books, watching cdramas, learning languages
6. Favourite Colour: red
7. Last Movie I Watched: 6 Underground
8. Favourite Book: I have a list :D but let’s go with To Say Nothing Of The Dog by Connie Willis :)
9. Dream job: a kind of teacher/tutor
10. Meaning behind my url: I’m interested in languages and linguistics, and I love dragons :D
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stormystudyblr · 6 years
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Hello studyblr! I’m Lace, and I’m new to the studyblr community!
A little bit about myself:
I’m 18
I’m starting my freshman year of college at the end of August
I’m currently majoring in English, but I may switch to Political Science. I haven’t decided yet
If I follow through on the English major track, I plan on being a book editor. I love to write and I think I love to edit even more. I think it’s the most important part of the writing process.
If I follow through on the Political Science track, I honestly have no idea what I would want to do. I just know that politics is important to me and I want to do something that will positively impact the world.
I love to read, but I don’t really have time for  it anymore. My favorite book is probably Reason to Breathe by Rebecca Donovan. A favorite book I’ve had to read for class is Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. 
Please feel free to ask me about book recommendations or books you have to read for class. I promise that a lot of books they assign for class have a purpose.
Reasons I started a studyblr:
I’ve been following the community from afar for a while now, and I’ve been wanting to get directly involved for quite some time.
I think being involved in this community will inspire me to focus on studying and on my academics, especially since I’ll be entering my first year of college.
I want to help inspire others and give my studying tips.
My favorite studyblrs/langblrs:
@listenas-she-whispers @emmastudies @studyquill @studywithinspo @studyblr @acxaii-study @sayitaliano @englishmajorinrepair
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this post is meant to be a directory of every resource I come across for Italian. it will be a continuous work in progress so thank you for your patience! if you have any issues or things to add, please reply to this post!
21 mildly interesting facts about the italian language
accademia della crusca
fun facts
introduction by ayearinlanguage
"in italian, we don't say..."
learning profile
playlist of samples
quotes about italy
world atlas of language structures
keyboard - branah
keyboard - typeit
letter names
overview of italian orthography
phonetic alphabet
repertoire of letters [pdf]
flewent [chrome]
lean italian by mindsnacks [ios]
learn italian free [google play]
for dummies
the iceberg project
book recommendations
reading recommendations by @plurilinguismo​
ciao! (7th edition) [scans]
collins - italian with paul noble [pdf]
colloquial - italian: the complete course for beginners [scans]
colloquial [pdf]
fsi - italian fast course: vol 1 [pdf]
for dummies - italian [pdf]
hugo - italian in three months [pdf]
i kinda like languages - introduction to italian
italian for dummies (2nd edition) [pdf]
language transfer - introduction to italian [audio course]
letteratura italiana [mooc]
living language - starting out in: italian [scans]
one world [beginner]
one world [intermediate]
teach yourself - beginner’s italian [pdf]
teach yourself - improve your italian [pdf]
teach yourself - phone italian [pdf]
unilang - italian for beginners
università per stranieri di siena - introduction to italian [mooc]
upgrade your italian [pdf]
wikibook - italiano l2
wikibook - italiano per migranti a2
cultural & historical info
acultura’s “italian” tag
list of given names
overview of italian names
tons and tons of cultural links
dizionario italiano multimediale e multilingue d’ortografia e di pronunzia
/r/italianlearning [reddit]
grammar => [POST HERE]
listening practice
librivox [audiobook library]
listening exercises - onlineitalianclub
lyricstraining [learn through music videos]
transcribing drills
Bible [scans]
book of common prayer [pdf]
children’s logoslibrary
children’s songs & rhymes
children’s stories
liberliber [public domain books]
list of poets
list of writers
logoslibrary [virtual library]
manybooks [virtual library]
overview of italian literature
Quran [scans]
project gutenberg [virtual library]
universal declaration of human rights [pdf]
virtual library of women writers - university of chicago
khan academy [youtube]
ted talks
tv and movie playing sites masterpost by @langsandlit
movie & tv recommendations
22 movies for understanding italy by @italian-writer
children’s programming by @plurilinguismo
movie recommendations by @langsandlit
recent movies 2000-2007 by @sciogli-lingua
music recommendations
canzone italiana [music library from 1900 to 2000]
disney songs in italian by @sciogli-lingua
disney songs [youtube playlist]
music recommendations by @chiara-klara-claire
music recommendations by @kindofapolyglot
music recommendations by @lalieud
music recommendations by @langsandlit
overview of italian music
random italian music by @sciogli-lingua
random italian music: part 2 by @sciogli-lingua
shazam’s top 100 chart for italy
song recommendations by @language-obsession
song recommendations for partying or drinking by @langsandlit
spotify playlist by @polyglotinthemaking-blog
warner music it [youtube channel]
il mattino
il messaggero
la repubblica
news in slow italian
newspaper map
newspaper recommendations by MIT
phrasebooks & travel guides
basic phrases [youtube playlist]
fodor’s travel
loecsen [audio phrasebook]
rocket languages
taxi language [wikibook]
30 minute italian
al dente
coffee break italian [itunes]
podcast recommendations by @wonderful-language-sounds
radio arlecchino
dizionario di pronuncia italiana online [pronunciation dictionary]
ipa key
overview of italian phonology
pronunciation dictionary - forvo
pronunciation guide - ielanguages
pronunciation guide - italianlanguageguide
pronunciation guide - rocketlanguages
pronunciation guide with ipa
quizzes & exercises
conjugation trainer - cactus2000
conjugation trainer - pollylingual
dialogue exercises - oneworlditaliano
dialogue exercises - onlineitalianclub
free rice - donate rice by answering questions!
grammar exercises - oneworlditaliano
grammar exercises - onlineitalianclub
idiom exercises
modern italian grammar: workbook [pdf]
nuovo espresso: corso di italiano - glossario per lezioni [pdf]
placement tests - italianlanguageguide
placement tests - onlineitalianclub
proficiency test - transparent
quizzes - goethe-verlag
routledge - intensive italian workbook [scans]
teaching resources
tongue twisters
user-submitted games - quia
verb tense exercises
vocabulary games - babadum
vocabulary games - digitaldialects
vocabulary games - internetpolyglot
vocabulary quizzes - iteslj
vocabulary quizzes - oneworlditaliano
radio in milan
radio in naples
radio in rome
radio in turin
streaming radio links
social media
facebook page recommendations by @langsandlit
youtuber recommendations by @italian-mother-tongue
youtuber recommendations by @nnapulitanerd
youtuber recommendations by @quickitalian
youtuber recommendations by @sayitaliano
speaking tips
commonly used words by italians
dizionario dei modi di dire [idiom/slang dictionary]
filler words / filler words
hand gestures [video]
list of honorifics
overview of italian profanity / swear words
pet names
proverbs / proverbs
slang glossary / slang
special topics
verbs => [POST HERE]
vocabulary => [POST HERE]
writing tips
essay transition words & phrases
formal letters
informal letters
quotation marks
texting in italian / text speak
learn italian from the streets [playlist]
learn italian with lucrezia
the travel linguist [playlist]
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sayitaliano · 2 years
Buongiorno!! I have been trying to learn a little Italian for the past six months or so, and have been doing so on Duolingo. It’s okay, but I’d really like to improve my vocabulary and read more in Italian. So, do you have recommendations for easy books? I thought about looking up translations of English language children’s books, but I thought I’d ask you if you have any childhood favorites or ideas for what I might read to improve my language. Grazie!
Ciao! For as much as I see Duolingo a way to keep yourself engaged in your learning, please be aware it holds many grammar mistakes here and there. So I suggest you to check your infos also on somewhere else.
To answer you, on my other tumblr (@sayitalianohome)'s first post, you can find: -a link to the grammar masterpost with all my posts about grammar rules (and some reblogged ones); ->a link the to resources masterpost where you will find books of different levels (not sure the links are all working cause there are old ones and are too many and I haven't checked them recently), apps, websites, videos, youtubers, articles, stories, audiobooks and children (short) stories too (even international ones with the English text near the Italian text, which could be of help); -loads of vocabularies lists' and words uses' posts (these have their own masterposts on that same tumblr). -you can also take a look at my youtube channel (search for sayitaliano; btw the link is somewhere in the homepage here) cause I think I had uploaded a few videos of me reading Italian Christmas stories last year (with the text) and you can find the translation on this blog too (I think the link is in the description box of each video). I put all the links on @sayitalianohome to make it easier for you to navigate this blog as it seems from the app you cannot navigate on @sayitaliano (but from the computer you can actually: just check the top bar in the homapage)
Sorry if I don't add all the links here but right now I can't, and there are just a few posts on my other blog so I think you'll be able to find all you need by yourself. If not, feel free to ask me again for the links or anything else!
Maybe listening and repeating can be an even more useful job for you, both for improving your pronunciation and your reading skills (some words may hide a tricky pronunciation: maybe a random accent that is not written or another rule. I'd suggest you to listen to Italians speaking too, if you aren't yet) Ciao! :)
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italianoacasa · 7 years
Some things I learnt reading “A Study in Scarlet” in Italian this Sunday
You can find a pdf of the original version here and the Italian translation here. The dictionary I use is the Collins tab on wordreference.
Thank you to @sayitaliano for posting a link to this treasure trove of free ebooks.
la guarigione - healing, recovery
essere in via di guarigioneto be on the way o road to recovery
l'agguato (m) - ambush, trap
tendere un agguato a qn - to set a trap for sb
cadere in un agguato - to fall into a trap
stare o essere in agguato - to lie in ambush
Ero già in via di guarigione e avevo il permesso di passeggiare per le camerate, e persino di uscire sulla veranda a prendere un po' di sole, quando fui colpito da un attacco di gastro-enterite, malattia sempre in agguato in quei paesi. 
Here I rallied, and had already improved so far as to be able to walk about the wards, and even to bask a little upon the verandah, when I was struck down by enteric fever, that curse of our Indian possessions.
l'immondezzaio (m) - rubbish dump
sfaccendato - lazy, idle
il/la fannullone - layabout
riversare - to pour
riversare su - to shower/lavish on
Date le circostanze, era naturale che io venissi attratto da Londra, il grande immondezzaio dove tutti gli sfaccendati e i fannulloni dell'Impero si riversano irresistibilmente.
Under such circumstances, I naturally gravitated to London, that great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the Empire are irresistibly drained.
smarrito - lost / [person] bewildered
La vista di una faccia conosciuta, nell'immensa selva londinese, è davvero piacevole per un uomo solo e smarrito.
The sight of a friendly face in the great wilderness of London is a pleasant thing indeed to a lonely man. 
lo stupore - astonishment
affollato - crowded
l'acciuga (f) - anchovy
magro come un'acciuga - as thin as a rake
stretti come acciughe - packed like sardines
- Cosa diavolo ha combinato, Watson? - mi domandò Stamford, senza dissimulare il proprio stupore, mentre correvamo per le affollate vie di Londra. - É nero come una castagna e magro come un'acciuga.
“Whatever have you been doing with yourself, Watson?” he asked in undisguised wonder, as we rattled through the crowded London streets. “You are as thin as a lath and as brown as a nut.”
il tragitto - journey/way
durante il tragitto - on the way
fornire di - to supply with, to provide with
proporsi di fare qc - to propose o intend to do sth
Durante il tragitto verso l'ospedale, Stamford mi fornì nuovi particolari sul giovanotto col quale mi proponevo di coabitare.
As we made our way to the hospital after leaving the Holborn, Stamford gave me a few more particulars about the gentleman whom I proposed to take as a fellow-lodger.
essere intento a qc/a fare qc - to be intent on sth/absorbed in doing sth
armeggiare - to mess about
la provetta - test tube
Lo lasciammo intento ad armeggiare tra le provette e ci dirigemmo verso il mio albergo.
We left him working among his chemicals, and we walked together towards my hotel.
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sayitaliano · 4 years
Would you be interested in listening to me reading something? Is there anything you’d want me to read? Maybe a random page on a random book? GIve me a page number and I’ll read it all, or even just a line or two (page number +lines number) You can also choose between ebook or paper book. (I’ll post also the book’s page photo or screenshot so you can read it with me) 
Or maybe a grocery list, or Idk whatever I might find written somewhere hahah Let’s do something different! :)
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sayitaliano · 4 years
Sayitaliano Random Italian Answering - Question n.3, part 4: “Tell us about some Italian spooky urban legends” 
10 leggende metropolitane italiane (part 2)
Leggende metropolitane italiane parte seconda. Passiamo alle case infestate: oggi ci muoviamo tra la Liguria e l’Emilia Romagna. Vicino a Genova c’è La Ca’ delle Anime, un tempo gestita (sorry, I lost the camera lol) da una coppia di coniugi che uccideva e derubava i propri clienti per poi seppellirli nelle vicinanze; vicino a La Spezia, nella Casa del Violino, si può ancora udire il fantasma di un violinista morto suicida che suona il suo strumento; mentre Villa Magnoni, vicino a Ferrara, è un edificio abbandonato che nessuno vuole più esplorare: tutti quelli che l’hanno visitato sono poi morti in un incidente definito “casuale”.
Le farfalle dei morti: si dice, soprattutto in Sicilia, che le farfalle potrebbero non essere semplici insetti, ma essere una manifestazione delle anime dei morti di passaggio da un mondo all’altro. Per questo motivo, e perché porterebbe sfortuna, è assolutamente vietato calpestarle.
I Morkies: i Morkies sono delle creature simili a dei nani che infestano soprattutto i boschi del Trentino Alto Adige. Essi sono capaci di trasformarsi in radici e rami inquietanti che possono rendere difficile e pericoloso il passaggio degli escursionisti.
Il paese più sfortunato d’Italia si trova vicino a Matera. A Colobraro, viveva un gruppo di streghe, tra cui la famosa Cattre di cui abbiamo testimonianza. Per questo viene definito fin da prima della Seconda Guerra Mondiale il paese più sfortunato d’Italia (forse quello a cui si viene mandati quando ci viene detto “Ma vai a quel paese!”)
Per ultimo: la vecchina fantasma. Nel centro storico di Genova, ogni 5 anni appare una vecchina che cerca una via che purtroppo non esiste più. La prima apparizione di cui si ha notizia risale al 1989, quando questa vecchina fermò delle persone per chiedere loro, in dialetto genovese, dove si trovasse questa via. Arrivò addirittura a pagare un ragazzo con una moneta da 100 lire del 1943, per avere una risposta.
Vi sono piaciute queste leggende metropolitane dell’Italia? Fatemi sapere!
ENG: Urban legends part two.
6- Let’s talk again about haunted houses: today we’re moving between Liguria and Emilia Romagna. Close to Genova there’s the House of the Souls, it has been once run by a couple of married people that used to kill and rob their clients, and then bury them near there; close to La Spezia, in the House of the Violin we can still hear the ghost of a suicidal violin player playing his instrument; while Villa Magnoni, near Ferrara, is an abandoned house that nobody wants to explore anymore: all those who have been there, have then died in a “casual” accident.
7- The butterflies of the deads: it’s a common saying that, especially in Sicily, butterflies might not be just insects but also a manifestation of the souls of the deads moving from a wolrd to the other. For this reason, and because it could bring bad luck, it’s severely forbidden to step on them.
8- Morkies. Morkies are creatures that look like dwarves especially haunting the forests in Trentino Alto Adige. They’re able to transform in roots or unsettling branches that can make difficult and dangerous the passage of the hikers.
9- The unluckiest Italian village can be found near Matera. In Colobraro, used to live many witches, included the famous Cattre, of which we have proof. For this reason it’s defined the unluckiest Italian village since before the start of WWII (maybe it’s the village to which we are all sent when we’re told to fuck off --literally:“but go to that village!”-- )
10- the little old ghost lady: in the historical center of Genova, every 5 years, a little old ghost lady appears, and search for an old street that doesn’t exist anymore. Her first apparition is dated in 1989, when this old lay stopped a few people to ask them, in Genova’s dialect, where this street was. She even gave a coin of the value of 100 lires dated 1943 to a guy to have a reply.
Did you like these Italian urban legends? Let me know!
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sayitaliano · 4 years
Sayitaliano Random Italian Answering - Question n.2, part 2: “Tell us about games kids usually play in Italy” 
(Only made a few adds in italic that you won’t hear me say, but I hope the rules are clear enough ♥ just 2 vids left for next week)
Un due tre stella!
ITA: Prima di tutto una curiosità sul nome: è conosciuto come “stella”, ma in realtà questo nome viene da una forma dialettale, che credo sia piemontese o comunque delle zone vicino alla Francia, che dice “ste’ là”. In italiano diventa “stai là”. Questo appunto indica il senso del gioco cioè quello di restare fermi, o meglio, non farsi vedere mentre ci muoviamo. Abbiamo un giocatore che sta con la faccia al muro e ripete “un due tre stella!” e appena finisce di dire questa frase si gira. Tutti gli altri giocatori sono messi dietro di lui, lontani, alla stessa distanza (quello più vicino nel disegno si sta muovendo per raggiungere chi sta contando) e devono provare ad avvicinarsi a lui mentre ripete queste parole, e quindi mentre è di spalle. Appena si gira loro devono fermarsi (nella posizione in cui sono, come delle statue). Se qualcuno viene visto in movimento, deve tornare indietro al punto di partenza. Lo scopo del gioco è toccare il muro contro cui si sta contro cui sta contando il giocatore, senza farsi vedere, mentre è di spalle, e prendere il suo posto. Così ricomincia il gioco.
ENG: First of all, a curiosity about the name: it’s known as “stella” (star), but in reality this name originates from a dialectal form, that I believe is piedmonteis or in the area next to France anyway, and that says “ste’ là”. In Italian becomes “stai là” (stay there) . This indicates in fact the meaning of the game which is the one of standing still, or better, to not let the other spot you while you’re moving. We have a player that stands still facing a wall and repeats “one two three star” and once s/he has finished saying this phrase, s/he turns her/himself (to face the other players). All the other players are behind her/him, far, at the same distance from him/her, (the one who’s closer in the drawing, is actually moving to reach for the player who is counting) and they have to try to reach for him/her while s/he repeats these words and s/he isn’t facing them. Once s/he turns her/himself, they have to stop (in the postion they are, like statues). If anyone is spotted while moving, s/he has to go back to the starting point. The purpose of the game is to touch the wall against which the player is counting, without him/her seeing you, while s/he’s facing that wall, and take his/her places. And then the game starts again.
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sayitaliano · 4 years
Sayitaliano Random Italian Readings - Request n.1:
Harry Potter e la Pietra Filosofale
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First 30 pages for free here (actually first 4 pages of the 1st chapter of the book)
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