#sasuke should be kicking naruto's ass over and over again for not holding to his promises.
shinoposting · 11 months
the newfound hate for itachi is so funny to me
hate the guy who was deeply indoctrinated from birth and showed clear signs of CPTSD and psychosis compounding the problem
but the guy who broke out of his programming and decided to be a terrorist for 5 minutes before willingly going back to the status quo anyways is actually an anarchist icon and not a #bootlicker like his brother.
ok. lol
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ravysu · 3 years
Sannin headcanons and thoughts
The last thing I would like to post for the sannin week. It is still 24.04 here! :D @sannin-central
This is long. Spoiler alert. Mostly Orochimaru, some Tsunade, a little of Jiraiya (because his story is pretty clear and spoken and idk what I can add). Also I recommend to read this meta about Orochimaru, it has influenced me a lot and has some good points. Sorry for any posible grammar mistakes. Also I really should put here a lot of references to the manga or anime but it was something that was piling up for a year and I'm soooooooo lazy. After all, those are just headcanons. Also: Im not excusing Oro's bad stuff here, Im trying to understand the reasons.
Ive already posted some hcs, here, here and here.
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1. First if all, the chronology pic of sannin lifetime based on the info i found on naruto wiki and also some statements about wars from this post. It was tough considering what a mess naruto’s chronology is.
2. Sannin story shows what it cost to be a legend. They're like Team 7 but more realistic. Tsunade literally carried the war but left with nothing and developed a ptsd and have problems to just live on. Also anger control issues. I think she can be pretty bossy and stubborn which is not always nice. Jiraiya is the hero of the day but also very idealistic and can ignore some important details in the real word whether its the fight (he always injured during flashbacks maybe because each time he took too much to handle and on the one hand it's heroistic but on the other is a mistake that can lead your team to situations like in that Iwa cave) or your friends issues (I bet he saw what's going on but thought it's fine until Oro actually got red handed and left). He lives in his world and may have problems to get out to see it through someone else's shoes. As for Orochimaru, it seems like he was a normal guy for 20+ years (I mean, he didn't do crazy criminal shit and had something good in him and it was stated somewhere that it was his teammates influence. It is obvious they considered him as a friend, I don't thinks it was for nothing) but we mostly know his darkest side. Despite being a moster he is a human that have empathy and some ordinary human traits (man just decorates every bit of an environment he is in lol).
3. Tsunade was the leader of team Hiruzen.
4. Tsunade sometimes hit Jiraiya for some stupid things he did or said but never touches Orochimaru even if he did something same. Jiraiya complained about it once and almost got another hit.
5. Jiraiya had problematic parents that didn't care about him much and a lot of time he was wandering in the streets.
6. Judging by the look of Oro bangs and hair, he sometimes cut it off. A stress relief huh? And the fact that he doesn't do it now in Boruto..
7. It was shown that Tsunade and Orochimaru was acknowledged before they become a team. Maybe they did just before, or maybe some longer time before. I prefer the second option and hc that they met because both had no real friends - Orochimaru seemed weird and scary for everyone and Tsunade was Senju so everyone wanted to hang out with her but didn't really care. They weren't seen as what they were - people put the labels on them. But they didn't care about each other's labels and actually saw each other in true lights.
8. Tsunade knew it was an accident and it's not right but still she blamed Orochimaru for Nawaki's death for some time. It was something that seriously damaged their friendship and the team. Orochimaru was mad but also guilty, after all, he was responsible at least as a shinobi since Nawaki was under his watch. So he started to act cold and emotionless and was trying to distance himself from his teammates.
9. Jiraiya was in Ame while Dan died.
10. The whole his orphans mission was a bit irresponsible tbh. They already fought Hanzo and as he stated the conflict between Konoha and Ame is going to an end with Konoha's win. It's weird to stay here for three years in the middle of the war while there were other lands to fight. He left his teammates for some idea. Maybe that caused another crack in their team friendship.
11. If Tsunade would have find a way to live on with her trauma and follow the will of fire and stuff it would affect Orochimaru as well just as her grief affected him. It's like he would get an example that you can live on with this pain. So death isn't above human capability and we are not just the slaves of mortality (sounds stupid but i dont know how else to describe sorry). But as we know what he actually saw is that it broke her crucially to the point she couldnt be herself again. And so the death is above everything.
12. Oro wasn’t just acting as a cold pragmatic bitch in that cave but also tried to save Tsunade. Jiraiya knew it and that’s why he showed this sign to him like "I see what youre doing here" and that stunned Oro because he would prefer to look rather like a cold pragmatic bitch hehe
13. Just a thought. People in the village probably treated Oro as a foreigner or just wouldnt accept him because he looked so differently and had a weird attitude. That's why he sometimes didn't feel that Konoha is his home. After the wars where people were treated as means and tools, even the children, he himself developed this view on people - he dehumanized them and used as the means to his goals, just as his village did. Funny thing some people were straightly dehumanizing him too like Ibiki thought that he was a demon (tho he was a child). And he probably weren't the only one. Anyways the point is that it's logical that Orochimaru don't care about anybody but some few people, he's the product of his era. He's like Naruto that would chose the hatred way. But naruto had some good and understanding people around him and.. Orochimaru had them too, but match how Iruka treated Naruto and this Hiruzen's "I sAw tHe mAliCe in This cHiLd fRoM tHe BegGinNinG". And oro didn't even have a big ass evil fox in him. sry i hate hiruzen
ANYWAYS the moral of the story is not "go criminal if they hurt you" but always treat people like people. Waving my hand to Kant.
14. The reason why Orochimaru didn't pick some good morals to stick with through the hard times no matter what (like, idk, Jiraiya or Naruto) is because 1) I think he is/was pretty depending on people around him 2) the war fucked him and his friends up too much (Nawaki incident + Tsunade) 3) twisted addictions (though I don't think he's that sadistic, we never saw him torturing randoms just for fun, it was always some science experimental shit. He tends to get fun out of cruelty only when it's personal) that maybe developed as a way to sublimate anger and sadness caused by his parents loss (that's what they share with sasuke - unlicke naruto, they knew their parents and it's other kind of pain. Sasuke developed a revenge issue and Orochimaru - cruelty pleasure which... is kinda the same but less epic and more occasional lol).
15. Speaking of that, Orochimaru cared for Sasuke because he saw himself in him.
16. Oro hold grudges against Hiruzen for not choosing him to be Hokage not only because he was ambitious and/or egoistic, but also because Hiruzen was some kind of a father figure for him and his approval was important tho i doubt he was aware of that. He also probably could tell that Hiruzen was suspicios about him when he was a child and that led to many conflicts and was hurting as well.
17. Tsunade knew things weren't pretty with Orochimaru after the wars but she never expected them to be this bad. During the week that she was given in her arc she thought not only about how much she wants to see Nawaki and Dan again despite how wrong would it be but also was trying to bury all the good memories she had left of Orochimaru so it would be easier to kill him.
18. She poisoned Jiraiya exactly because she knew he would not let her do it. Jiraiya was always hesitant to kill and inclined to forgiveness, while Tsunade, as mentioned by Orochimaru, could be merciless (so much so that he was not surprised when Kabuto suggested that she wanted to use Jira for Edo Tensei).
19. That was one of her traits that scared Jiraiya and fascinated Orochimaru.
20. Remember how Oro grabbed Jiraiya's neck when the latter was trying to cover with hair jutsu? On the snake, in Tsnade's arc. Orochimaru could have easily kill Jiraiya by pulling the sword out of the mouth (arteries are right there) but he didn't. As well as he could kill Tsunade when she was still shaking - just aim for the neck or the heart. Instead, he just injured her lung and kicked her which is not a big deal for the kind of shinoby like her at all.. Also he helped Anko not accidentally kill herself but it would be way much profitable to let her do it. "Orochimaru has no feelings".
21. The reason he suddenly wanted to kill Tsunade instead of forcing her to heal his arms as it was planned (which is weird since it will not going to get him heals and he kinda said that he wouldn't want to kill her just minutes ago) is that not only she refused to help him (he thought he could work it out) but she also prefered the village over him (from his point of view). Out if everyone she was the closest to being able to understand him since the village caused her painful losses too but nevertheless she agreed to be on it's side.
22. He wasn't fighting her back in the end partly because he thought he deserved that. Somewhere deep inside hahah.
23. Tsunade got a fear to develop deep bonds so they probably weren't very close with Shizune (also the way she knocked her down in this hotel.. oh).
24. Orochimaru will be here when she'll die.
25. Orochimaru's eng dub to Tsunade: "I often wondered what it would be like to ring that pretty neck yours". No comments.
26. Orochimaru is either bi/pan or ace. Anything or nothing lmao
27. Hiruzen knew about at least some of the Oro’s illegal experiments and was okay just as he was okay with the Foundation all the time. Because it’s useful. Then he has discovered he went too far OR he knew everything and oro just became too inconvenient because of his methods. The way Orochimaru tells Sasuke about reasons they are well treated as the criminals is based on in his experience with Hiruzen.
28. As you may know the lyrics in Orochimaru’s music theme goes “don’t talk with the silence of the heart”. It was taken from one Indian song that also had lines like “don’t question life too much”, ”pain arose somewhere in the chest”, “don’t speak to the wounds of the heart”. Though I’m not sure 100% because I was translating it with some hindi dictionary with like zero knowledge of hindi
29. I like to think that this “silence of the heart” theme and the fact that he called his village a hidden sound village are somehow connected. The hidden sound is the possible explanation of all things waiting to be listened to but the truth is silent and you know it deep in your heart and it bothers you. The world is silent just like the life is meaningless but people can only hear. *Sigh* anyways
30. Orochimaru’s journey is the one about accepting death. When he saw Karin released her chains while was trying to get to Sasuke he understood that the death is a part of human’s strength.
Can’t wait to feel that everything I wrote is wrong or not enough or stupid and obvious lol. Anyways, it’s something that I wanted to share until I move to some other fandom.
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19lungs · 3 years
Naruto will always have a target on his back.
Sasuke has a vague concept of hypothermia, but nothing past that. He knows when someone’s lips are more purple and blue than a bruise, but their body is no longer shaking, it’s a bad sign. He presses two fingers against the pulse in Naruto’s throat, moving around until he can finally feel the dull lob of a pulse.
There's a chance his pulse will slow down in a few minutes now that Naruto isn’t being drained for everything he’s worth, but that won’t help the lifeless state of Naruto’s skin, deadly pale.
Naruto’s heart is close to giving out.
He doesn’t have medic chakra. In a recent impassioned fit with Sakura, over Naruto’s kidnapping and Sasuke’s inability to keep a cool head, she snapped how this wasn’t nearly her first time. She seethed about the Akatsuki, about Pain, about the time she held Naruto’s heart in her hand and pumped it with her bare, bloody fingers to keep him alive, and how Sasuke wasn’t there for any of it.
The only time Sasuke had shoved his hand through Naruto’s chest—
He could try to use a low level chidori to restart Naruto’s heart as a last resort. Chidori isn’t designed to save the life it’s piercing.
The ceiling crumbles, iced rocks are tumbling and shattering in the underground cavern in the rural part of the Land of Snow, where Naruto has been held for weeks now. Sasuke has to move fast. He has to do something to help stabilize Naruto before moving him or else he’s going to die and electrocuting his heart is not a promising last resort.
“Naruto,” he calls to him. There’s an urgency in his voice, despite trying to keep ii calm. “Look at me. Naruto.”
Naruto doesn’t open his eyes.
Sasuke grits his teeth. He’s never tried Sharingan on an unconscious person and everything he knows about his eyes has been through practice. There were never scripts or scrolls on Sharingan,  but words passed down from generation to generation — fathers who brought their sons to battlefields to cause enough distress to awaken their eyes under the belief it was the only way, older brothers who tell their little brothers they have to kill their best friend, buzzwords like godly and cursed.
It’s never been an issue before now. It’s never been an issue not to know how the Sharingan actually works and what limits it may or may not possess when it has always been plenty strong enough unchecked on the battlefield. Sasuke intimately knows that it can overpower, yet knows nothing of its ability for how it can save a life.
He gently pulls Naruto’s eyelids open. Only the whites and veins show; his eyes rolled into the back of his head.
Sasuke wipes his hands on his pants to get off the grime and blood coating his fingertips, pulling one eyelid open, and carefully, uses his other set of fingers to roll one of Naruto’s eyes forward.
The connection between them clicks in an instant. He would be surprised any other time — that Sharingan can work on the unconscious.
Fear would work, Sasuke thinks, to force Naruto’s heart rate up, but it might be too forceful. It might just kill what’s left of his heart’s effort and give out. Fear is just the only emotion Sasuke has ever pulled forward from another person. It’s all he’s practiced, and therefore, it’s all he’s ever known. Fear it’s just opening the gateway, and the individual will fill it with images, sounds, feelings of fear throughout their life. When Itachi had used it on him, Sasuke had seen Itachi gouging out his eyeballs. When Sasuke used it on Danzo, Danzo saw Itachi.
He has to hope it’s the same for other emotions too.
Something quieter, something softer, but still makes the heart flutter.
It comes without needing to dig for it.
Sasuke breathes out, holding onto that feeling, chasing it down inside of Naruto like a fox down a rabbithole. Maybe this is why there are no scripts or scrolls on Sharingan when it’s so deeply connected to the psyche. To feelings. To thoughts. To pieces of humanity more abstract than the chemicals in a brain.
Fear inside of people is different. He doesn’t need to chase it. It’s like dark water right at the edge, all it takes is a little weight for it to spill.
It takes him a second to catch it, but when he does—
It’s him.
Sasuke almost reroutes, he must have gone down the wrong path, and he doesn’t have the time to make a mistake—
It’s him again.
Sasuke laying in the grass beside Naruto and Sasuke remembers this. After a few rounds of sparring, they were taking a break, and Sasuke had sat down and leaned back to watch Naruto look over the edge of the mountain ledge. He remembers watching Naruto close his eyes, watching as the strong winds ran through his hair and through his clothes, like it belonged to him and he belonged to it, and when Naruto had opened his eyes and noticed Sasuke staring—
Naruto’s heart flutters.
In his chest, it picks up pace. Sasuke hesitates at the direction this is going, at what bubbles so quickly and prominently to the surface. Things that Sasuke isn’t supposed to see, but Naruto can’t afford Sasuke to hesitate. His life depends on it.
So Sasuke doesn’t.
The way his hands move and Naruto watches without Sasuke having ever realized, every smile, few and far in between they are, Naruto holds them close, and Sasuke can feel that too, as well as he can feel his heart rate jump at the unfolding memories; the times they’ve pinned each other down, Sasuke playfully taunting him, Sasuke touching him—
No. This isn’t a memory, not entirely, it’s a memory of a fantasy, and Naruto’s heartbeat remembers it—
All it takes is for the thrum of Naruto’s heart to feel a little stronger than before, before Sasuke opens a portal and pulls them both inside.
It took Sasuke several attempts to figure out how Obito used these dimensions so effectively to essentially teleport. Obito could open a portal right above someone’s shoulder without being a single inch off. Several attempts that could have ended far worse than it did — ending up in the Mizukage’s headquarters, another time at the bottom of a lake, and another in the secret scroll room of Amegakure — and it hadn’t been until Sasuke forced Naruto and Shikamaru into helping that they learned it had nothing to do with coordinates and how the space in Kaguya’s dimensions correlated with their world. It was a simpler concept, to Sasuke’s demise. He would have done better with coordinates.
You just had to imagine where you wanted to be.
Sasuke’s imagination is a little lackluster, and at the most, existent but never highly specific.
It’s never an issue if he’s conjuring to open a portal somewhere that he’s been before, but that’s because it’s a memory. He can’t use a memory right now. He specifically needs to get Naruto warm, submerged in warmth, and get his body temperature back up, and he can’t go too far, because while the concept of teleportation is simpler one might imagine, it sill has a toll.
The same amount of chakra it would require to travel that distance, except it hits all at once opposed to the days it would take on foot, and then some.
On his already depleted chakra.
Submerged in warmth and all the distance they can without killing him is an idea but it’s not specific. Which is why when Sasuke opens another portal open with Rinnegan, Naruto in his arms, they don’t land somewhere ideal like the nearest hot springs, where no one else would get involved — no one should get involved, these people are dangerous and will be tracking them — but the hot springs are exposed and open, and Sasuke can’ quite help that in his list of mental requirements while opening the portal, Naruto’s safety comes as a priority.
They land in the bathtub of the Kazekage’s brother.
Kankuro’s hand is still on the doorknob, his other hand occupied with a cross stitch, eyes wide with surprise. He is, in fact, bare ass naked.
“Hah?” Kankuro voices. He takes one look at the two figures, before grabbing his pants draped over the sink. He storms out of the bathroom, shinobi instinct kicking in without fault. “We need some medics in here! Hey, you— you punk, get a medic!”
Sasuke maneuvers his hand to wrap around Naruto’s chest, to keep him from slumping into the water. It’s still running. The faucet. The bath is hot and full with the space of two bodies, and Sasuke doesn’t process a goddamn thing except moving far enough back against the back of the tub, giving Naruo as much room as possible to submerge his body in the heat.
It occurs to him there’s likely some type of rewarming shock someone can go into — forced from one extremity to the other — that protocol may require a slower transition once the hypothermia has reached past a certain point. He doesn’t know how plausible it is. He doesn’t know if holding someone’s body in hot water is dangerous at whichever stage of hypothermia Naruto is in, but the alternative has to be worse. Naruto is built for impact—
A little shock won’t kill him.
Sasuke tells himself rather desperately, unaware of how quickly the water turns a bright shade of red, a lucid mixture of Naruto’s blood and his own. He finds Naruto’s pulse again, skin wet and sticky, pressing against his throat. It’s still there, he’s still alive.
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You Really Got Me – part 2: First Impressions (Kakashi Hatake x Reader)
(note: part 1)
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“Will you finally tell us what she is, Kakashi sensei?”
Sakura’s question came before they even reached the elevator which meant she lasted a good two minutes before demanding answers. Letting out a long sigh, Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck. He sure hoped she would soon grow out of this slightly annoying habit of hers. Especially since Naruto was the same, but there was no chance he would change in the near future.
But he really did promise them to explain what exactly happened so he couldn’t back out now. Surprisingly, Sakura had hit the nail right on the head with her question. If he wanted to explain who you were, he had to begin with what you were. When it came to how well you knew each other, though, he would have to be careful not to give away too many personal details. No one needs nosy kids in their life.
As he pushed the button to close the door of the elevator, Kakashi let out a thoughtful hum. “Well, Y/N is a phantom. Do you know about them?” While Sakura and Naruto both shook their heads, Sasuke remained silent as usual. But this time it could be because he had already heard about her kind, as one could expect from a kid who grew up in the Uchiha Clan. “They are considered a type of tricksters, although they’re a lot more powerful as adults than your average trickster. Because of their unique abilities and backgrounds, phantoms are members of an organization that operates worldwide. It’s a lot like ANBU, except they’re independent of governments and only answer to one person.”
“So she’s an Alpha?” Sasuke asked, sounding slightly surprised for some reason. When he received a quick nod in response, he folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the metal wall. “I thought they were more… serious.”
Kakashi shrugged and didn’t even try to hold back a short chuckle. “They’re not robots, they have different personalities. Y/N is… a wild one,” he added with a grin under the mask.
“Wait, what is an Alpha?” Naruto wondered out loud as his eyes scanned the faces of people around him, waiting to see who was ready to provide an answer.
“Are they the phantoms or the members of the organization?”
“Both, actually,” Kakashi replied as he glanced over at the girl. “Phantoms that aren’t good enough or simply refuse to be members of the organization are executed, this is why the two are the one and the same at the end of the day. Alpha is a nickname some gave them because you can say they are on top of the food chain. They usually work alone but every now and then they ask for the help of… specialists, humans or other supernatural creatures who have abilities or knowledge they need for the job. Those people, especially those who become regular aides, are called Betas,” he explained, this time looking at Naruto as he spoke.
The four of them left the building and Kakashi began to think about what else he should tell them about you. Your abilities? No, it would be better if you gave them a demonstration. How you met? Definitely not, his reaction to Sasuke’s question regarding your personality gave away more than enough already. To avoid further questions from the kids, he eventually decided to pull out his book and read on the rest of the trip to the restaurant.
For his luck Sakura and Naruto discussed this between themselves, occasionally trying to get some information out of Sasuke now that he wasn’t paying much attention to them. As long as they left him alone, Kakashi was okay with that. Especially because he wanted to think about the upcoming dinner with you. He wished it was just the two of you, though. After what he had done, he really wanted to make it up to you somehow. Well, maybe you could meet later to make this happen, once these three went to sleep.
Oh, how he loved and hated at the same time what you did to him. You were like a drug he just couldn’t get out of his system. But, to be honest, he had truly missed this high he was experiencing now thanks to you. He may have forgotten to call you but it didn’t mean he hadn’t thought about you once. In fact, every time he read one of the Make Out books, he couldn’t help but think about the two of you. Strangely enough, this was by far the most stable relationship he had ever had. Okay, not like he had so many other relationships in the past to compare it to but… It was still different. And special.
“You took your time, guys.”
When Kakashi looked up, his eyes fell on you as you watched them with a wide grin on your face. Tilting his head to the side for a moment, he put away his book and glanced at his watch. “You said fifteen minutes. It’s only been ten.”
“Duh, I thought you were ninjas, not a group of elderly people who went on a nice evening stroll,” you told him with a roll of your eyes.
He really wanted to laugh because he missed your stupid sense of humor, but it would’ve probably ended with him kissing you. And he wouldn’t have stopped at a quick kiss on the lips. Oh, no. If it was just the two of you, you would have skipped dinner altogether. But his mind was wandering too far again. He had to stop, damn it. “Very funny,” was all he said in the end.
“Is that blood?” Sasuke suddenly spoke up, pointing at your shirt.
“What?” You looked down and noticed the bloodstain on your chest. While you quickly zipped your red jacket to cover it up, you flashed a reassuring smile at the kids. “Don’t worry, it’s not mine.”
All three of them. All three of the kids opened their mouths at the exact same time, probably to ask for details, but Kakashi was fast enough to stop them with a pointed look. You had said it yourself back on the rooftop: there was something you quickly had to take care of. Knowing you, it was most probably an assassination and he didn’t want to talk about things like this tonight. Was it too much to ask for? Was a normal, delightful evening too much to ask for? Just one damn night.
After clearing his throat, Kakashi spoke up. “So we were about to get something to eat, right? Naruto, I’m sure you’re starving as always.”
But Naruto hesitated and scratched the back of his head as he flashed a sheepish grin at him. “Actually, as weird as it might sound, I have so many questions that I can’t even think about food right now.”
Were you seriously planning to answer his questions? “Y/N, come on,” he tried with a sigh.
“Don’t come on me. If he has questions, let him ask them.”
“We can do that inside.”
He had no luck because you clearly weren’t about to go inside anytime soon. Shaking his head, Kakashi pulled out his book and leaned against the wall of the restaurant. At least he had time to read a little more while the four of you talked. He already had a bad feeling about this conversation but for now, he decided to only listen and keep his opinion to himself. There was no need to interrupt you, he could do that if something went wrong. Which, knowing you, was highly likely.
“What kind of missions do you go on?
“Kakashi told you a few things about me, didn’t he? Well, covert missions, assassinations, manhunts… Usually, we go after supernatural creatures, but there are times when we assist in different cases too, like hostage situations. Since it’s really hard to kill us, we often help out when the situation is too dangerous for humans.”
“Cool. So what can you do?”
“Alpha’s are supposed to be powerful, right?” Kakashi looked up from his book and turned to Sasuke. Back when he had told the team about you, Sasuke didn’t seem very convinced about you being an Alpha. Sadly, he already knew where the kid was going with this, and he also knew perfectly well how you would react. But maybe he was wrong. “I can’t take you seriously enough to believe you’re one.”
“Excuse me?!”
Yes, this is exactly how he had expected you to react. “Oh, no, here we go,” he whispered under his breath as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
You took a threatening step toward Sasuke who didn’t even flinch at first. “You wanna see powerful?”
But when your eyes turned black, all three took a few cautious steps back to build some distance. “Y/N, please, just let it go,” Kakashi told you as he put a hand on your shoulder.
“No, no, no, if he wants to see what I can do, fine, I’ll show him. And I know just the place,” you explained hurriedly. At least your eyes were back to normal which meant you managed to calm down a bit already. That was good. He didn’t need more drama out on the street. You pulled out your phone and quickly dialed someone’s number. “Hey, Kisuke, I’d like to ask for a favor. Can I use your underground training facility tonight? I need to teach some stupid brat a lesson… No, I don’t want to kick his ass, but he pretty much called me weak so I nearly threw hands with a thirteen years old kid… Cool, thanks, we’ll be there soon.” Once you ended the call, you turned to the kids and said, “Alright, we’ll order food and eat there. Let’s go, my car’s just around the corner.”
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Note: Wow, I wasn’t expecting so many of you to like the pilot. But here’s part 2, I hope you’re not disappointed 😳
tag: @spn-obession​
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catflorist · 4 years
Markings (ao3 / ffn) catflorist Summary: After the war, Sakura steals the hearts of Team Taka. Sasuke doesn’t know how to feel about this. All about healing and friendship for Sakura and Sasuke (and Team Taka/Team Seven). SasuSaku Month 2020, Day 14: Battle Scars @ssmonth 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Markings Chapter 2
As the weeks passed, more shinobi recovered from their injuries and returned home. The community of the encampment grew quiet. After promising to spar Sasuke upon their next meeting, even Naruto left for Konoha to accept his hero’s welcome.
Sasuke thought about leaving himself. He would wander the land, atone for his misdoings, and clear his head. He decided to set out after the summer solstice.
In the meantime, as the population of the camp dwindled, Sasuke, Jugo, Suigetsu, and Karin seized deserted tents for themselves. They claimed a corner of the encampment as their own. In the space between their tents, they built a fire pit. With dreams of constructing a small gathering space, Karin asked Sakura's help in hauling lumber from a nearby copse of trees.
Suigetsu ducked as Sakura turned with a log in her arms, swinging its weight as if it were a twig.
“You’re fucking tough!” he praised.
She smiled. “Where should this one go?”
“Over here!” Karin said. “Sasuke’s going to build the table.”
Though he had not volunteered for the task, Sasuke found himself building a table.
Beside him, cursing over every splinter, Suigetsu fashioned the logs into low benches. Jugo and Sakura arranged them around the fire’s perimeter. Karin oversaw their affairs. They ate together that night.
Sakura became a familiar presence among the members of Taka. She joined them by the fire each night, and the five of them took turns cooking dinner.
There was no doubt Sakura had befriended his teammates.
Jugo gifted her treasures from the landscape each time Sakura healed broken wings and bruised paws.
Karin and Sakura discussed the intricacies of healing and chakra control. As Sakura’s duties shrank with the decreasing population of the camp, she began to train Karin in medical ninjutsu. Sasuke knew Karin to approach her own healing abilities with cynicism, but under Sakura’s wing Karin gained a new fervor for healing. They often lost themselves in their conversation unless Suigetsu interrupted them, pining for attention.
Suigetsu took it upon himself to recount stories about the group to Sakura.
“…so we put on the Akatsuki robes—” Suigetsu paused and held up a thoughtful palm. “Great design, by the way, love the clouds—then we took off to fight Killer Bee.”
As for Sasuke, he listened to the group’s conversations and scowled when appropriate.
“To put it briefly, Sasuke got his ass kicked. It was a real sorry sight,” Suigetsu laughed. Karin pursed her lips and nodded.
On cue, Sasuke scowled.
“The jinchuriki was strong,” Jugo confirmed with a solemn face.
Suigetsu winked at Sakura. “I bet you’ve had to save his ass before too, Sakura-chan, being his old teammate and all.”
Sakura smiled and rubbed the back of her neck.
“Don’t be nice to him, Sakura,” Karin advised.
Karin and the rest of Taka had become quite comfortable making jokes at Sasuke’s expense. Sasuke did not complain.
“Well, maybe a few times,” Sakura admitted, casting a glance at Sasuke. He allowed himself to roll his eyes.
The group broke out into laughter.
The solstice came and went.
Sakura sometimes crossed paths with Sasuke as she visited patients or left the infirmary. He had taken to roaming the encampment on long walks. If she had a moment, she joined him.
On one of these walks, he asked her, “Will you train me?”
His request caught Sakura off-guard. Sasuke’s condition had improved in the past month and he had restarted his training regimen. He had adjusted quickly to one-armed fighting. Around the fire in the evenings, he often asked Sakura to heal scrapes and bruises.
“What makes you interested in medical ninjutsu?” she asked.
He didn’t answer, and Sakura didn’t push him. Sasuke hated explaining himself.
As they walked, Sakura launched into her speech. “The techniques of medical ninjutsu require perfect chakra control. Too little chakra, and you will have no effect. Too much, and you’ll actually worsen the damage on the area you’re trying to heal.” Sakura bent and plucked a leaf from the ground. “It’s a delicate balance. You’ll need enough chakra to suspend the leaf in the air, like this.”
She demonstrated for him. The leaf twirled in lazy circles within her bubble of green chakra.
“Too much, and it will burn,” she warned. “Give it a try.”
Sasuke took the leaf and conjured violet chakra to his palm. The leaf instantly caught aflame.
He frowned, his mouth settling in a petulant curve. “It’s difficult,” he admitted.
When they gathered by the fire, the group asked after Sasuke’s progress.
“How are your leaves?” Suigetsu called out. Sasuke pulled a leaf out from under his cloak.
“How many do you keep in here?” Karin asked.
Sasuke sighed. “Just one, Karin.” He paused. “I burned the rest.” He did not intend to be funny, so the group roared in laughter.
After a few seconds of tossing around in his turbulent chakra, the final leaf disintegrated with a puff of smoke.
The next night, Sakura asked, “Any progress?” and Sasuke demonstrated how to burn a leaf.
A week passed. One night, the group held their breaths as Sasuke maintained perfect chakra control for Sakura’s full count of ten.
When his leaf burst into flame, Karin cried out in dismay, and Suigetsu snapped his fingers. “Damn.”
“Better,” Jugo said.
Karin and Sakura were preparing supplies for the next day’s work in the infirmary tent.
“You’re learning quickly, Karin,” Sakura said, wrapping up a roll of bandages.
“It’s nice to know I have an option beyond people chewing me.” Karin gestured to the bite marks on her arms.
Sakura laughed. They fell back into their work. After some time, she thought to say, “I haven’t seen Sasuke lately.”
Refilling their store of gauze, Karin smirked. “He’s busy burning leaves.” Then she mentioned, in the same tone of voice, “He used to say your name in his sleep. Back then.”
The bandage Sakura was rolling unraveled in her hands.
“Not that often, but it happened a few times.” Karin adjusted her glasses. “I just thought you should know.”
Each day Sasuke waited for Sakura’s shift to end, and they strolled the grounds together. Sakura recounted her day, and Sasuke sometimes surprised her with the occasional question. Otherwise, they fell into a comfortable silence.
Sakura had not had the extra time nor energy to consider what might happen now that the war was over. There had been too many wounds to heal, too many lives on the line. Walking through the increasingly quiet and scattered tents, it was hard to forget the temporary nature of this community.
To Sakura’s mystery, Sasuke had not left.
One warm evening, they passed Sakura’s tent in the medic’s quarter of the encampment. Her tent was small and set apart from the others. A piece of driftwood, Jugo’s largest and heaviest gift, guarded the entryway.
Sakura gripped the strap of her medical shoulder bag. “I’m going to drop these supplies off. Do you want to come in?”
Sasuke followed her, past the whirled driftwood, into her cool tent. Sakura dropped the heavy bag and rubbed her shoulder. “How’s practicing going?”
Sasuke grimaced in response. Sakura beckoned for him to take a seat. She sorted through the collection of Jugo’s gifts by her bedside.
“Try now.” She presented him with a gnarled acorn.
“But this is yours.”
“I know. It’s from Jugo, and I really like it,” Sakura said. “But I don’t think you’ll burn it this time.”
Sasuke took the acorn from her and lit his hand in purple chakra. It spun slowly in the air, a small planet above his palm.
After some time passed, Sasuke closed his fingers over the acorn, and he returned it to her. He waited for her verdict.
“Do it again,” Sakura pressed.
Sasuke sorted through her collection and selected a long black feather.
He did it again. Sakura could tell from Sasuke’s relaxed shoulders, the splay of his fingers, that he had mastered the exercise.
Sasuke had struggled with the technique. It had taken him much longer to grasp than Sakura’s average student. Seeing the pride on his face, Sakura resisted the urge to clap or laugh in joy.
 “Well done.” She couldn’t hold back a smile.
Sasuke ran a thumb along the fringed edge of the feather. “You make it look easy.”
“I was trained by the best.”
“That’s not it,” he insisted. “You have a gift.”
Sakura was aware of her own abilities, but Sasuke’s words of praise sent heat prickling to her cheeks.
Before she could think about this too much, Sakura launched into the next lesson. “Now that you’ve got your chakra control, you can practice directing chakra into a wound. The human body naturally wants to heal, and chakra only helps it along.”
Sasuke nodded. His eyes did not leave her as she talked.
She continued, “It’s about intention. The chakra will do what you ask. But it’s also instinct, something you need to feel. Lucky for you, I nicked myself with a kunai earlier.” She turned over her hand, revealing a shallow cut in the flesh between her thumb and forefinger. “Try for yourself.”
Sasuke hesitated, but Sakura didn’t pull her hand away. Frowning, he called chakra into his palm. Without any fanfare, Sasuke healed her cut.
“You did it.” Sakura beamed.
Sasuke exhaled. He had been holding his breath.
 “How did it feel?” she asked.
“It was like what you said. The cut already wanted to heal. I only had to ask. I felt it close,” he emphasized.
Sakura examined her palm. “I’m glad I skipped you ahead in training.”
After a sharp glance from Sasuke, Sakura explained, “After the leaf exercise, the next step is typically to practice on live plants.”
Sasuke’s eyes darkened. “I could have hurt you,” he snapped, and Sakura understood then the reason for his hesitation.
“I promise, you didn’t hurt me,” Sakura said. “I know you learn better when you’re faced with the real thing—when it matters. I was right.”
“It was a risk,” Sasuke insisted.
“A small risk, for a small cut,” Sakura said. She touched his knee. “I trusted you.”
Sasuke’s arms twitched as if to fold across his chest, but he had forgotten this body language was no longer an option for him. His shoulders stiffened instead. Enough time passed in silence that Sakura wondered if he was angry with her.
Finally, he spoke. “Thank you,” he said. “For your trust.”
“Sasuke-kun,” Sakura said, with no particular reason beyond wanting to feel the shape of his name on her tongue.
His eyes widened.
In this light, while he wore that expression, it hurt Sakura to look at him.
Sakura’s mouth snapped shut, then opened again. She scrambled to add on to what she said.
“You can only heal at a basic level now. So don’t get too confident,” she warned.
Sasuke smirked. “I won’t,” he promised.
When the group heard of Sasuke’s success, Jugo gifted him a black feather to match her own.
“Spar with me.”
Sakura narrowed her eyes. “I don’t think so.”
Sasuke asked the next day. Again, Sakura said no.
He asked once again the next night by the fire.
“I just spent two months and a lot of chakra healing you.”
“I’ve regained my strength.”
“Well, I’m too busy.”
Sasuke sulked.
“Naruto will be upset that you didn’t spar him first,” she insisted.
Jugo, Suigetsu, and Karin watched this exchange with amusement.
The truth was that Sakura’s muscles were itching for action and movement after weeks of fulfilling her duties as a medic-nin. Yet she rejected all of Sasuke’s invitations.
An image of Karin’s scar flashed in her mind. Then Sakura remembered Sasuke’s face as he healed her, his eyes soft, his brow furrowed, uneasy at the prospect of hurting her.
 “Fine,” Sakura decided. “Let’s spar.”
There was a time when he had made her afraid. But now that fear was gone. She trusted him.
Sasuke’s eyes glinted in satisfaction.
The encampment had its own makeshift training ground. The thought of using that space did not cross their minds. The next day, Sakura and Sasuke trekked out to the old battlefield.
They stood apart on the cracked, rocky earth. Sasuke closed his eyes. Sakura inhaled deep to settle her nerves.
They listened. They were musicians, lost in their own private music, waiting for their cue to play.
Sakura’s ears rang. All at once, they sprang at each other.
It was no surprise that Sasuke was a formidable sparring partner. With each punch, block, and kick, he tested the limits of Sakura’s abilities. He did not hold back, nor did he underestimate her.
It was also no surprise that Sakura held her own. She could not match his speed, but she met each of Sasuke’s attacks with her earth-shattering strength. When her hits landed, Sasuke struggled to maintain his ground, his feet sliding backwards on the earth.
Sasuke claimed the first match. Then Sakura. Then Sakura for a second time. They faced each other again and again. Sometimes their matches lasted seconds, other times they dragged on in a burning chase.
They were both reluctant to seize victory outright. They watched each other carefully. With one sigh, sharp breath, or look from their partner, the other yielded, and the match ended. It was not about conquest or success. It was an exchange of skills, a mutual agreement.
Sakura’s legs burned, and her arms throbbed, but she deflected Sasuke’s next blow. She dipped below a second punch and swung a leg at his ankles, fluid in the movement of her kata. He jumped, springing off the ground with his hand, and landed in a crouch. A growl of frustration escaped Sasuke. Then he stilled, searching Sakura’s face for a sign to stop.
Sakura pounded the ground, and sent the earth shaking beneath Sasuke’s feet.
Sasuke lunged at her again.
The spar became less like a spar, and more like a dance. They predicted each other’s next steps, their next breaths. Sakura charged her fist with chakra, but Sasuke was already moving to block. When Sasuke moved to slip behind her, Sakura was already whirling to keep him in sight.
Sasuke punched. Sakura caught his fist in both hands. Spinning, she swung his body away with all her strength. He stumbled. Sakura swept his legs out from under him. His back hit the dirt. Panting, Sakura darted forward to end the match.
Fingers snaked around her calf, and Sasuke flipped Sakura to the ground with a movement too fast to register. He climbed on top of her, pinning down her chest with his forearm, in the most forceful display of dominance that day.
Gleaming red eyes bored into hers.
Sakura’s skull ached, and she spat hair out of her mouth, but her heart leapt in triumph.
Sasuke’s heavy body restricted her breathing. She did not move. Nor did Sasuke move, even after blinking away his Sharingan. His eyes were as dark and vast as the nighttime sky. He was close enough that his breath caressed her face. Sakura fought the urge to glance at his lips, which hovered around the edge of her vision.
The weight of his body disappeared. Sakura sat up and caught her breath.
Sasuke extended his hand.
Their fingers laced together. He pulled Sakura to her feet.
“You won that round,” he conceded. “Not me.”
Sakura had only employed taijutsu and chakra-powered punches throughout their spar. Yet her attacks had so threatened Sasuke, that out of pure instinct, he had activated his Sharingan.
She had pushed him to the brink, without a bloodline trait to her name. He had only pinned her down.
During Sasuke’s absence, Sakura had dreamed about what it would be like when they saw each other again. She had imagined how his face might change over the years. She wondered how their skills would match up. She wondered if their friendship would still matter to him. Now she knew the answers to all these questions.
Their hands were still clasped together.
Sakura brushed a streak of dirt from his cheek.
Sasuke disarmed her with a smile.
 “You’ll have to make it up to me,” Sakura said.
Note: Thank you so much for reading! Up next: Stargazing. Sasuke makes it up to Sakura (wink).
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sasusaku month 2020
day 2 - gravity
title: Falling
summary: The entire team 7 is at the training grounds, when he suddenly finds himself staring at her. He doesn’t really understand why he can’t look away from her, but apparently, his loud, best friend does. . Rated K (or F for fluff) . a/n: I thought about this idea while searching Pinterest for some inspiration for the theme (I really had NO idea of what to write) and I'm quite happy with the way it turned out. It's simple, cute and Naruto is in it, so... I guess it should be a nice story. I hope you enjoy it and please, forgive me for any mistakes you might encounter. My beta-reader didn't proof-read it for me, but I decided to post it anyway so I wouldn't be THAT late. Have fun!
It had been long four months since they had been discharged from the hospital, and yet, only now they were able to feel their muscles stretching like before. For their injuries during the war had been quite serious— and mostly because their pink haired doctor had kept them at bay— neither Naruto nor Sasuke were sent in any missions, being ordered to stay in the village instead so they could fully recover. The’ve spent months on physiotherapy and on healing sessions at the hospital, and only after begging Sakura day after day were they authorized to go back to the training grounds. However, just because they were back, it didn’t mean they could go full out.
As the strict medical ninja she is, Sakura didn’t allow them more than 2 hours per day at the training grounds. She had also made them a list of what exercises they could do, and by no means, were they to stay out there by themselves. The girl certainly knew better than to believe her two teammates would hold back if they were left alone, so she took it upon herself to supervise their training routines. 
No punches, no kicks, no sparing and no ninjutsu. Genjutsus were also off the list, as well as any other kind of move that involved molding a considerable amount of chakra. In other words, they could only do some basic work out. She didn’t want to risk all of those months of intense care just because those idiots wanted a rematch. And even if they both hated her terms, they figured that arguing with her would take them nowhere, therefore, after being scolded at least three times, the boys settled for her rules.
Even if doing some push ups wasn’t enough to satisfy their physical needs, the Uchiha figured that, at least, they could spend some time under the soothing sun.
Spring had arrived Konoha a couple of days earlier than expected, and for the first time, his eyes could truly see the beauty of the fields around him. Flowers were blooming, the grass was green, and soon the cherry blossoms would start falling. A gentle breeze played with his dark locks, and even as he was hanging upside down in order to do some abdominals, Sasuke could see the changes in the world around him.
The village had changed, indeed. Tress had grown taller, new houses had been built and even the sky seemed bluer. People had changed, too. After so long, those he used to call teammates were now true shinobi, each of them with an important role around the village. He was on his path towards redemption, his sensei was going to become Hokage, his best friend was also on his way to the top, and Sakura…
Oh, Sakura.
Amongst all of them, the pinkette was the one who had changed the most. Apart from mastering the medical ninjutsus and healing the entire shinobi alliance during the war, she had grown taller and stronger until she became this admirable woman who was sparing with Sai right in front of him. His mismatched eyes followed her moves, and he couldn’t help but notice how clean and powerful they were as she blocked the attacks with her own blows. Her eyes moved fast, too, as they were constantly examining her opponents’ moves, and even from afar, he could tell she was very aware of their new teammate’s openings. Though he still didn’t know much about her new combat skills, he was sure she could’ve ended him many times already.
She had turned into an impeccable kunoichi, indeed, and that diamond on her forehead was not the only evidence of her victories. There was confidence in her expression, lightness in her feet and the way her body moved and stretched was just—
He could feel his cheeks growing hotter, and he knew it wasn’t only because of the blood going down to his head. Apparently, he had been staring at her for too long, trapped in whatever nostalgic thought that had crawled from his childhood memories, and even if she hadn't noticed, it was still not something he would’ve normally done. It was odd and very unlike him to do such thing, but considering all the changes going on, perhaps, that was just another thing he was going to get used to.
Perhaps, that was also a part of his new normal.
Or, at least, that was what he thought.
“Oi, Teme, quit staring at Sakura-chan. It’s getting weird-ttebayo.”
The blonde’s voice caught him by surprise, and suddenly, the Uchiha was reminded that Naruto was also there by his side. For he was also with his legs hanging on the tree-branch, his golden locks, though shorter, were also being affected by gravity. His cerulean eyes were glaring at the Uchiha, and it was possible to see them judging him for staring at his girl best friend.
“What? Don’t be ridiculous, Dobe. I was not staring at her.”
“Yes, you were! You were checking her out and you haven’t heard a single thing I’ve said, you bastard.”
“Tch, you’re delusional.” Sasuke closed his eyes in annoyance, a pout taking over his lips. “And besides, I’m pretty sure it was nothing important since you were the one saying it.”
“It was very important, you jerk! I was talking about this new jutsu I’m gonna use to beat you! ”
“Shut up, you moron! Don’t make me kick your ass!”
“Hmph“ He scoffed, a foxy grin spreading across his face. “You can certainly try and get your ass kicked again-ttebayo!”
“Bring it on, the—“
“Oi, knock it off, you two!” Sakura shouted from across the training grounds, her sparing session clearly interrupted. Her hands were resting on her hips, and her brows were knitted in a very angry expression. “Shannarou! Just focus on your own training! Don’t make me go there and smack your heads!”
Both the boys widened their eyes in surprise, and as soon as they looked at her expression, they understood she was very serious about the smacking part. It would take her no more than 5 seconds to get to them, and they knew that, if she did, their heads would hurt and she wouldn’t let them come back to the training grounds that soon.
They bit their lips, then, swallowing dry and staying silent as the two, stubborn boys they are. After a couple of seconds, Sakura and Sai resumed their activities, focusing on their own moves, and leaving the boys to their own training routine. For all the pinkette cared, they could argue all they wanted later as long as it didn’t escalate to a battle between titans that would hurt them and destroy the entire village.
Perks of giving god-like powers to two idiots, she would say.
And even if they didn’t agree with her, their previous actions were all she needed to prove her statement.
“I guess Sakura-chan just saved your ass, Teme.” Naruto whispered, his abdomen flexing as he focused on his training.
“Tch, as if.” Sasuke scoffed. “Now will you just shut up? Sakura is going to get mad at us again.”
“You shut up! This is all your fault-ttebayo!”
“My fault!? How so!?”
“You were the one eating her alive with your eyes and getting all worked up with your hormones, you pervert!”
At the blonde’s loud words, a wave of embarrassment rushed through his face and it was as if he could feel his cheeks on fire. His lips went agape as he was at loss of words, and the simple idea that the Haruno girl could’ve heard those words made him want to be swallowed whole by the ground.
What on earth was wrong with that idiot?! How could he say such things like that?
The Uchiha’s eyes started to look around desperately, frantically moving from Naruto to the pink haired girl. The tips of his ears were as red as two tomatoes now, and listening to those words reverberating inside his head wasn't helping at all. 
Eating her alive 
His heart stated beating faster, his mouth going dry.
He began sweating, and he felt something burning down his throat.
His eyes drifted to her legs, going up to her face and her rosy lips.
At that moment, his heart skipped a beat, and in a matter of seconds, he could feel his upside-down world spiraling. The embarrassment became too much, and soon, he lost control of his balance, falling face-first on the ground. He closed his eyes, bracing for the impact as his body made a loud noise when it hit the dusty floor. 
Uchiha Sasuke was down. Even if he hadn’t fallen from a place high enough to actually hurt him, his pride as a ninja was ruined. Once he opened his eyes, he saw his best friend laughing at his face, a shy tear escaping his eyes. Naruto’s voice was annoying, and he made a mental note to punch him for that as soon as nobody was looking. He placed his hand on his lower back, massaging the area that had made contact with the hard ground, and at that moment, he just wanted to go home and hide his face somewhere.
But things wouldn’t be that easy.
He closed his eyes once more, and that was when his ears finally captured the sound of rushed steps coming towards him. For he knew who was coming, he chose to linger in the darkness for a couple of seconds more than he should, only then deciding to open his eyes. As expected, the first thing he saw was the green of her orbs, and though he was still too embarrassed, it was undeniable that her eyes calmed his heart.
“Sasuke-kun!? Are you okay? Are you hurt?” She was now crouched near him, her hands carefully reaching to his torso so she could help him up. Her worried eyes were scanning him clinically, looking for bruises, and he could hear the concern in her voice as she spoke to him.
“Aah.” He said, not wanting to worry her any longer. He let her help him sit up, and their proximity didn’t go unnoticed by him. His nostrils were invaded by her floral scent, and it made it harder for him to face her directly. “I'm okay.”
“Are you sure? Do you feel any pain?”
“Does your ass hurt, Teme?” Naruto teased, then, jumping down from the branch and standing near them. Sai was now next to him, too, and suddenly, the Uchiha started to feel a bit claustrophobic with all of those people surrounding him.
“Naruto, knock it off!” Sakura scolded him, her eyes now glaring at the blonde.
“Tch, I’m fine, really.” Sasuke said, looking at her with a soft expression on his face. He felt more relaxed now, and even if he was still embarrassed, at least he felt like he could breath normally. 
“What happened?”
“Yes, Sasuke-kun” Sai started, that creepy smile on his face. “Could it be that you forgot the basics of being a ninja?”
“Oi, Sai! Not you, too!” Sakura said and Naruto had to suppress a giggle.
“What? It was a valid question.”
“No, it was not! Shannarou, if you two are going to keep making fun him, you’d better as well get going!”
“It's okay, Sakura.” The Uchiha stated, her eyes returning to him. Sai kept looking at them and Naruto just crossed his arms across his chest. There was a pout on the blonde's lips, and it pleased him to see such scene. “Gravity happened. I just lost balance, that was all.”
“Are you sure? Did you feel anything strange? Did you get dizzy or something like that? Do you feel like throwing up? Do you know where you are?”
“Tch, you’re clearly overreacting now, Sakura.” He started, sighing at her worried stare. “I’ve said I’m fine already. No dizziness or anything like that.”
“Not even a sudden heat?” Naruto asked, mockery evident in his voice.
“No.” The Uchiha glared at him, and that only made the blonde grin even wider.
“Promise?” The pinkette asked, her eyes filled with a sincere concern. Normally, she knew there would be no reason to be asking all of those things just because of a minor fall, but since they were still recovering, he knew Sakura was being overprotective towards them. She was wearing her heart on her sleeve ever since the end of the war, and he figured it didn’t cost him anything to be more sensible around her.
“Yes, I promise."
“Okay…” She nodded, tugging a lock of her pink hair behind her ear. “I guess we should call it a day, right? Why don’t we go grab something to eat at Ichiraku?”
“Now you’re speaking my language, Sakura-chan!” Naruto jolted, throwing his hand in the air. Even if the blonde wanted to work out a little longer, he could never say no to ramen.
“What do you say, Sasuke-kun?” She looked at him, her round, green eyes giving him no choice. She probably didn’t know the effect she had on him, and perhaps, that was for the best.
“Sure. Ramen should be nice.”
“Great!” She smiled. “You're coming too, right, Sai?”
“Oh, yes. Eating together is a good way to strengthen the bonds!”
“Good! I’ll just go grab my things, wait here.”
“I'll go help you.” Sai said, simply.
In a fast move, the pinkette was up on her feet, and before she could walk away in order to retrieve her stuff, she reached out with her hand and helped the Uchiha stand. She offered them a soft smile before departing with Sai, and he couldn’t help but feel his chest growing warmer at the sight.
She really knew how to make him feel better. His lips twitched upwards at the thought of seeing her like that, and—
“God, you’re pathetic, Teme.”
Once more, Naruto’s bothered voice interrupted his train of thought, and if he had been considering to smile the moment before, it was all gone now. His stoic expression was back and the Uchiha was once more pissed at his best friend.
“What is it this time, Dobe?”
“Don’t you think it’s already time for you to tell Sakura-chan that you like her?”
“What?” He sounded surprised, his eyes widening at his words. “Stop saying weird stuff. My relationship with Sakura is not like that.”
“Oh, really? Then how is it? You don’t actually believe you two are just teammates, right?”
The Uchiha stood silent for a while, trying to think of the words he could use to describe his relationship with Sakura.
How was his relationship with her?
Though he had tried to think about it a couple of times before, he would always end up settling for letting time guide them. He knew their relationship was not the same as the one he has with Naruto and the rest of the people around him, but never before had he reached a conclusion.
Was she another friend? Just another teammate?
No. None of those options felt right. Sakura was more than that. She has always been more than that. Could it be that Naruto was actually right? Could it be that he really liked her ?
Sasuke really didn’t know. At least not yet. There were still so many things he yet had to understand about himself before he could actually dwell on these feelings. His feelings for her— whatever they were— deserved more than his broken self, and he wanted to give them some time so he could finally be true to his emotions.
Perhaps, soon, he would be ready. And perhaps, then, he could reach the answer his heart already knew so well.
“Hn, it’s none of your business.”
“Tch, you bastard.” Naruto scoffed. “All I’m saying is that you should just make up your mind already. Sakura-chan is probably the most amazing girl ever, and well, you guys have history.”
“…I’ll think about it.”
“You should! After all, you can’t always blame gravity for falling in love-ttebayo!”
A silly grin took over the blonde’s face, and before Sasuke could even answer anything, Naruto was already running towards the pinkette. His lips were left parted for an instance, but he soon closed them as he allowed those words to sink in.
Falling in love, uh?
He really didn’t know. 
But perhaps, like gravity, there were just certain things he couldn’t control.
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lexpressobean · 3 years
Catching Up
A Sasuke and Shino... thing... It's not terribly organized.
This is just a thing I wrote, I have too many ideas going around in my head.
AU where Sasuke and Shino are childhood friends and Sasuke never leaves and other self indulgent bullshit
Mention of SasuNaru (only feelings); Mild Swearing.
The sun would be getting ready to set soon, but Sasuke had finally found Shino out in the outskirts of Konohagakure, where a gentle stream passed through a small ravine in the forest. This was a spot where water striders were commonly found, almost seeming to play on the surface of the flowing water and as agile as any ninja walking on water.
Sasuke had meant to catch up with Shino, who had come back from a mission earlier in the day. Though, it was strange. Usually Shino wasn't all the way out here doing who knows what right after a mission. Sasuke would have thought he would be resting at the Aburame compound, especially since it had been a bodyguarding mission that seemed more lively than not according to Lord Shibi. Though Lord Shibi wasn't sure exactly where Shino had went, Sasuke had an idea.
Except, when Sasuke arrived, he was met with a cold reception. Which was very strange. Usually the only people who Shino got with like this were Naruto and Kiba, and, well, for good reason. Those two were idiots. And Shino could tolerate A LOT before he decided he was done tolerating. It was also worrying, seeing as Sasuke had been looking forward to seeing Shino today, so what gives? As far was Sasuke knew, the mission was a success. And Sasuke could use some company after today. The telltale signs of a having been in a fight were literally all over Sasuke's face, but no substantial damage had been done. At worst, maybe a sore jaw. Surely Shino had noticed.
Sasuke: Why are you so moody all of a sudden?
Shino: I don't want to talk about it.
Sasuke: Oh no, I know you, Shino. If we don't talk you're gonna just keep digging yourself into a huge pit, so just tell me!
Shino: It's nothing to be concerned about. You can let it go.
Sasuke: I can't let it go if you don't let it go. And I know you wont let it go. I know it's hard to talk sometimes but, it's better to, isn't it?
Shino: ... It'll be fine.
Sasuke: Which means it's not fine now! ... C'mon Shino... You're really the only one I can talk to myself. I don't even tell my brother half the things I tell you.
Shino: !?
Sasuke: So, even though I'm not all that great at this, the least I can do is at least try to understand. If it means something to you, then it means something period. Right...?
Shino: ... Huh. If you needed to talk, I would've thought you and Naruto had gotten that close by now, seeing as I was absent till this afternoon.
Sasuke: Huh!? Me and Naruto!? (Why would he bring him up all of a sudden!?) That idiot is as useless as a thin hammer! I mean, we might have been on the same team for a little more than a year now, but even then he's NOWHERE as thoughtful as you! He's just so dumb and oblivious, why would I ever trust him with any of my problems!? You know how much of a moron he is, his brand of stupid is legendary!
Sasuke got so worked up he was flushed in the face. It was mostly out of embarrassment, thought he hoped Shino took it as rage.
Shino: ... Is that how it is?
Sasuke: Yes! He wouldn't know tact if it came and bit him in the ass!
Shino: ... It sounds like you're mad at him, which is surprising. Why? Because but you were laughing with him earlier today. Is he responsible for your face too?
Sasuke: !! Huh? You saw us earlier? I didn't see you.
Shino: I know you didn't.
Sasuke: !?!?!? (OH... shit... I see...).
Shino: But now I'm curious... What exactly happened today?
Sasuke: !? N-Nothing happened! He's just not a very ideal candidate for conversation in general... Talk to him all you want about training and Shinobi business, but there's a pretty huge lack of depth there for anything else... And maybe he ended up pissing me off a little...
Shino: That's pretty strange... You seem to enjoy yourself so much in his presence despite.
Sasuke: !? ... ... ... *eye squint* ... Shino... do you... have a problem with Naruto?
Shino: No. *starts to walk away towards the village*
Sasuke: H-HEY!! Don't you walk away from me!
Shino: Don't tell me what to do.
Sasuke: !! (He can be kinda scary when he's pissed...) But how am I suppose to hear you out if you're not here!? *follows*
Shino: I told you, no need to concern yourself.
Sasuke: Augh, you can be so difficult!
Shino: So I've been told.
Sasuke: ... Has Kiba been giving you trouble again?
Shino: I wasn't insinuating anything.
Sasuke: And I know you could kick his ass yourself if you wanted to, but you're not like that. I know he can be just as irritating... Or you tell me what is actually bugging you.
At that moment, time seemed to stop the second Shino did. Sasuke heard himself too late, but instantly regretted everything.
Sasuke: *SWEATING*  ... I... am so sorry... I didn't mean it, you know I didn't.
Shino: ... Sounds like Naruto is starting to really rub off on you.
Sasuke: !?!? (This is the third time he mentions him! ... Alright) Shino, did Naruto upset you recently?
Shino: I haven't had the pleasure of even speaking with him recently, so no.
Sasuke: Then... if it wasn't Naruto, or Kiba... Is it cause I didn't see you earlier?
Shino: There's no reason to be upset over that. You were already engaged in something else and I simply happened to pass by and see you. It's okay Sasuke, I'll live if you don't say Hi everytime we cross paths.
Sasuke: Then what is it??
Shino: ... I already realized it's nothing to worry about... So you really don't have to worry either...
Sasuke: ... So... What... you don't trust me, then? Just gonna keep it all to yourself?
Shino: It's not that.
Sasuke: It's what it feels like! Can't you see I'm trying here!?
Shino: I've simply gone past it, why even talk about it?
Sasuke: BECAUSE IT'S WHAT FRIENDS DO!? Sometimes you're over it but it's nice to be filled in! I care! Stupid Shino!
Sasuke crossed his arms as he started at the back of Shino's head. Shino wouldn't turn to meet his gaze, and Sasuke wasn't gonna hold his breath, but, you know, it'd just be nice.
Shino: ... ....
Sasuke: ... Well?
Shino: ... ... I was... starting to feel... lonely...
Sasuke: !? O-Oh...
Shino: But we all have obligations and things to do... And you should spend your free time however you wish.
Sasuke: !! However I... Holy shit, are you JEALOUS of Naruto?
Shino: No. The feeling passed. Why? Because I realize now it's... nothing to be worked up about... We're still friends even if we're not together all the time...
It made sense. Ever since they had been spilt into seperate teams, Sasuke and Shino hadn't been able to see each other as often. Their different teams' specialties meant they wouldn't be working very close together any time soon.
Sasuke: ... Hmm... I guess... If I really think about it, we haven't properly hung out in a while...
Shino: We're getting busier as we get more experience. It's just the natural course of things. We're not academy students anymore, and soon, we'll all be chunin, I'm sure of it. We have to prepare ourselves.
Shino had this way of constantly trying to logic everything into a workable justification or solution. In a way, Sasuke respected that a lot, but sometimes it was just a too much of a cold stretch for his liking. Shino had all the makings of a great Shinobi, and Sasuke looked forward to the day Shino would head his clan, an equal with his older brother Itachi. He knew he was going to be excellent. But while he was still young, it certainly wouldn't kill Shino to try and live a little more. Sasuke decidedly walked up next to Shino, copying his friend's pose by pocketing his hands.
Sasuke: Yeah, but... It just means we gotta plan things out more, that's all. We can figure something out.
Shino: ... That could help.
Every once in a great while, Shino went soft in mid conversation. And Sasuke always knew he could take it as a good sign, and it always made Sasuke happy to hear that softeness. It was also kind of cute in a way, though Sasuke'd never say that outloud.
Sasuke: *smirks* Shino, sometimes I forget how sweet you really are.
Shino: Don't push it, Sasuke.
Shino decided they would continue to walk, and Sasuke followed, both boys a lot more relaxed now.
Sasuke: *laughs* ... But you know... I am sorry...
Shino: There's no need to apologize. My reaction wasn't very logical or fair. I should be happy for my friends.
Sasuke: First of all, you're a great friend... but if you were feeling like that. Well, I know first hand Naruto is hard to deal with... He's my teammate, but now I'm starting to think we, he and I, don't make very good friends. I think I have to remember sometimes it's, okay if you don't... you know... feel that strongly about each other. Some people just don't mix, and I don't want to be the kind of person that neglects my actual friends trying to improve my professional relationships more than possible.
Shino: Well that's a lie if I've ever heard one.
Sasuke: ??
Shino: Anyone with eyes can see you two get along exceptionally well.
Sasuke: !?
Shino: But if the problem is that he's oblivious and tactless, then maybe you should be asertively honest and tell him upfront about whatever it is that's troubling you.
Sasuke: Tch, I don't wanna hear that from you.
Shino: I told you I was over it, because I was. You obviously are not over it. Whatever this thing of yours is.
Sasuke: Ha, there's no thing.
Shino: ...
Damn it, Shino really could see through Sasuke sometimes. Maybe he was a Yamanaka in a previous life. His intuition was nerve wracking some days.
Sasuke: Seriously, there's no specific thing! I was speaking in a general sense! Naruto is a good teammate, and he's always going on about being rivals and becoming Hokage... And that's fine! If he thinks he can beat me, I'd like to see him try. But we'll probably never be very good friends, that's all I was saying. I've realized this recently.
Shino: Wait, Sasuke.
Sasuke: What is it?
Shino: ... Do you smell that?
The two boys stopped in their tracks and Sasuke put his guard up and looked around, analyzing their immediate surroundings. He saw no smoke, no signs of fire or recent activity, nor could detect any smells of animals that could give off scent.
Sasuke: Huh? Smell? I don't smell anything significant.
Shino: Really? Because to me... It's smells an awful lot like bullshit.
Sasuke choked on a scoff and became exasperated. This absolute jerk!
Sasuke: OH SHUT THE HELL UP SHINO, YOU SHITHEAD!! UGH!! Naruto rubbing off on me, sounds like maybe you've been around Kiba too long!
Shino: I can't force it out of you. But just like you, I'll be patient.
Sasuke: ??
Shino: When you're ready, you can tell me. I won't forget though.
Sasuke: Hmph, yeah yeah...
Shino: ...
Sasuke: ... ... I will... Just... just not right now... Okay...?
Shino: ... Eventually...
Sasuke: ... ... Eventually...
Shino: Okay.
Sasuke: ... Thank-you...
Shino offered a fist in Sasuke's general direction. Usually, it was Sasuke which initiated it, but coming from Shino, it meant a lot. He reluctantly smiled and bumped it. And if he guessed, correctly, Shino smiled under his collar too.
Sasuke: ... C'mon let's go get something to eat.
Shino: Huh?
Sasuke: My treat for a mission well done.
Shino: I can't have you do tha-
Sasuke: Shut it. Just take the damn offer!
Shino: If you insist.
Sasuke and Shino decidedly walked side by side, taking their time through the forest. As they talked about Shino's mission, Sasuke's progress, their brothers, and whatever else they thought up, Shino already seemed a hundred percent lighter in his mood. But Sasuke couldn't shake it from his mind. He knew Shino was made of tough stuff, but he'd never wanna cause any friend to feel like that. This was a wake up call.
Sasuke was sure of his feelings. But his feelings for Naruto should never have gotten the better of him. He lost his temper today when Naruto just wasn't getting it. He thought for a hot minute and seventeen seconds Naruto might have actually been flirting with him. Flirting. With HIM. But he realized it was just him being delusional after Naruto made some off colored remarks.
What an idiot. Sasuke was actually thankful Shino hadn't seen that part...
... And yet... Sasuke wasn't over it, as Shino so smartly pointed out...
... Maybe it was time to burry these feelings, before they really got out of hand. Sasuke cared about Shino, his best friend since the academy. Always willing to lend an ear, surprisingly sassy and snarky once you got to know him well, loyal and understanding. Severely underappreciated by the rest of their cohorts, though Sasuke was sure Hinata Hyuuga was definitely a good match for him team-wise. And maybe if Shino played his cards right, something more?
... Sasuke was sure the day would come when Shino found a girl to be interested in and charm. But he was also dreading that day, seeing as it'd probably be easy for Shino once he decided he really wanted a girlfriend. Sasuke knew Shino had a pretty nice face under all those layers, especially around the eyes when he could see them in profile. But even before the gravity of his personal situation really hit him, he had already decided he liked Shino as a friend, and would rather not lose that. Sasuke thought he knew better, yet, here he was, in the closet with no active intention to follow through, but nonetheless undeniably drawn in by his clamorous teammate. Sasuke still had the upperhand on the field, for now, but Naruto was still getting the best of him in his own damn head. He still wasn't sure what it was about Naruto, all he knew is that this had to stop. He really didn't want to make Shino feel like that again, and cause drama within his own team for reasons he was unwilling to explain like earlier. Even Kakashi was visibly more invested than usual, and Sasuke loathed the idea of creating unecessary misunderstandings in general, or anything else like that. Sakura also looked so worried...
So for the sake of peace of mind, Sasuke decided that evening that he'd be done with Naruto.
No more distractions and wishful thinking. Shino was right.
It's time to focus on the future.
But y'all know they ain't never gonna be done. Tune in next time as Naruto tries to bring "the old Sasuke" back and makes an absolute scene amost every other week over not getting enough of Sasuke's attention for the 2 years lmao.
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kinomiakai · 4 years
for gloomydemons on twitter - some modern AU fluffy softness and something to do with popsicles. I really hope it’s worth the wait!! From this <3
    “It’s way too hot.”
    It was about Naruto’s thousandth time groaning the line—and Sasuke’s thousandth time agreeing. He had to be annoying Sasuke by now, but the sun had been relentless today. He could barely even think out here, let alone hold a decent conversation with the guy he was supposed to go on a date with.
    Naruto cracked an eye open.
    Sasuke looked down at him.
    “I—should get a popsicle or something. Maybe that’d help…”
    Sasuke’s lips twitched.
    “Do you have any intention of getting up right now?”
    Naruto threw him a lazy grin.
    “S’too hot to move.”
    Sasuke flicked a bit of his hair away, and Naruto made a lazy attempt at biting at his finger. 
    Sasuke just flicked him again.
    “Moron,” Sasuke said, pushing himself up to his feet, “I’m going to the bathroom.”
    “Weh,” Naruto replied, waving a hand vaguely in his direction. He rolled over as Sasuke went, though—giving the way his back flexed just...one more look. He kept catching glimpses of it when they’d gone swimming, all wet and glistening and…
    He was allowed to look, right? This was a date. Sasuke had been super clear about it. Like, really clear. Like he’d expected Naruto to suddenly realize what he’d agree to and run away screaming.
    Naruto rolled back and closed his eyes again, laughing to himself. 
    Stupid asshole. 
    He’d even picked the beach—and Naruto was pretty sure Sasuke hated the beach. Naruto was pretty sure this was completely his fault. It was so hot today…
“Ah—whoa, hey, what’s—”
Naruto jumped up as something dripped onto his chest—
“Here. Just take it.”
“Oh—uh, thanks.” Naruto took it, watching as Sasuke sat back down, looking away— “This—aw. You got me the big size?”
“There’s no point in getting the small for that amount of money,” Sasuke muttered. “I was—I wanted a water anyway.”
He held up the bottle, and Naruto’s grin widened. 
“Uh-huh,” he said. “But thank you anyway, Mister Big Asshole Sir.”
Sasuke swatted at his shoulder, and Naruto laughed. He paused after a second, though, ‘cause Sasuke’s hand was—
“Aw, fuck that’s so cold! No, don’t pull it away, put your hand on my forehead, a—”
Sasuke shoved the water bottle against Naruto’s forehead.
Naruto groaned in pure, blissful pleasure.
“You’re an idiot,” Sasuke told him, “and your popsicle is melting everywhere.”
“Ah! No!!” Naruto scrambled at his hand. He was so overwhelmed with heat that he barely felt it all over—he licked up the syrup and desperately tried to catch the rest before it melted—
“You look like a dog,” Sasuke told him.
“Mm, ironic, ‘cause you look like a bitch,” he shot back, and Sasuke tried to kick him.  He fought him off with his own feet, though, stuffing his laugh back into his popsicle. His legs ended up on top of Sasuke’s, but he didn’t...he didn’t move them away.
This was a date, right? This was their first date. Sasuke was his best friend, but…
Sasuke leaned back, and one of his hands fell to rest on Naruto’s ankle.
Yeah, okay.
“Stupid,” Sasuke muttered, leaning back with his eyes closed. Naruto let himself scan him for a moment longer.
“You’re getting kinda red,” Naruto said.
Sasuke cracked an eye open.
“Are you sure you didn’t get popsicle in your eye?”
Naruto laughed.
“C’mon. We’ve gotta go while I still have the energy to move. Or you’re gonna have to carry me.”
“I will drag you by the ankle,” Sasuke said, standing to pull Naruto to his feet nonetheless. Naruto grinned at his back as he turned, ‘cause his hand had stayed awfully long…
But then they had the whole walk back, and Naruto quickly regretted his decision to just wear his beach sandals and nothing else. His swim shorts were still wet, too—as were Sasuke’s, but Sasuke didn’t seem to mind at all. Sasuke seemed happy as could be.
“Something entertaining you, moron?” he asked, giving Naruto the most casual glance. The most casual, smirking, eyebrow-raised pretty boy glance that Sasuke—
“Yeah, your face,” he muttered, and Sasuke snorted.
“Nice one,” he said, and Naruto—didn’t reply. He—whatever. Sasuke could think what he wanted. Sasuke was stupidly pretty. Naruto could stare at his face all day...he kinda had, too...
“You alright?” Sasuke asked, and Naruto glanced up.
“Wh—huh? Yeah. Why?”
Sasuke shrugged.
“You’re being quiet.”
Naruto laughed.
“Yeah,” he said, nudging himself into Sasuke’s side, “sometimes I like to think, asshole.”
That broke a smile out of him, and Sasuke caught his eyes for just a moment. He always looked away so fast—which was probably a good thing, in reality, because Naruto could just forget where he was and what he was doing and just…
“What about?”
Naruto jerked back into reality.
Sasuke laughed.
“That brain of yours,” he said, “you were attempting to use it for something? Something resembling thought? No? Alright, well, another da—”
“Asshole!!” Naruto threw himself into Sasuke again. “You suck! I was thinking!”
“Mhm,” he said, “and those very real thoughts, were…?”
“That you’re a dickhead!”
Sasuke ducked his head to hide his smile.
“Yes, you already knew that. And then?”
Naruto laughed.
“Just—don’t laugh! I was thinking that this was—this was nice. Like—today.”
Sasuke’s smile faltered, just a touch. He wasn’t upset, though—no, not angry, either...he…
“I dunno,” Naruto shrugged, “it just kinda—felt like hanging out with you.” 
He shot Sasuke a grin. 
“I like hanging out with you.”
But Sasuke slowed down, then—and Naruto slowed down with him. Sasuke’s head was down and he breathed in—Naruto opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, but Sasuke—
Stepped forwards.
Oh. Naruto breathed out the word and let Sasuke’s hand slip past his neck. Sasuke stepped a touch closer and Naruto’s eyes fluttered closed—he felt his breath on his lips and it felt like a warmth that was so much better than the beach—
Sasuke’s lips pressed to his. 
Naruto might as well have melted. He might as well have been the popsicle that Sasuke had bought him—Sasuke’s lips were so much softer than he’d expected, so much nicer, wow, Naruto really hadn’t expected them to feel this good—
Sasuke stepped back, and he took Naruto’s breath with him.
“Oh,” Naruto said, feeling his world spin.
“You said that one already,” Sasuke said softly, but his eyes were flickering back and forth between Naruto’s, filled with some sort of—
“It’s a good ‘oh’!” Naruto said, stepping forwards— “It’s a—I liked it! I like—you. Um, shit, I mean—
“You like me?”
Naruto breathed in—
“Well—you—I—I said yes, didn’t I!”
“You did,” Sasuke said softly. “You have been known to humour your friends.”
“I—not about this! Not—I wouldn’t—”
Sasuke raised an eyebrow, and Naruto let out all of his breath at once.
“You ass,” he laughed, “you’re fucking with me! You’re fucking with me, aren’t you? You know that I—y’know.”
“I don’t, actually,” Sasuke said, stepping closer again, “please enlighten me.”
“I already did,” Naruto whined, and Sasuke’s lips twitched—he moved even closer, and Naruto’s head tilted up—
“Tell me again.”
Naruto felt his breath against his lips—
“I…” he said, staring at them, “um…”
Naruto’s arms slipped around Sasuke’s neck...he didn’t do it on purpose, he just…
“Yeah,” Naruto said, his eyes slowly drifting up to Sasuke’s. “I really like you.”
Sasuke’s face slowly softened into something...oh. Oh—Sasuke had looked at him like this before, but he hadn’t known what it—
“Good,” Sasuke said softly. “Me too.”
...Naruto’s mouth twitched.
“You really like you too?”
“Oh, fuck off,” Sasuke said, breaking the grip. Naruto followed him, laughing—
“No, no, no, Sasuke!! C’mon, it’s only natural, you’re the greatest and all—”
“Oh, I’m the greatest?” Sasuke spun around—
Naruto caught him by the hand.
“I think you’re the greatest,” he said—and there it was. All at once, Sasuke softened, slowing back to Naruto’s side—his hand gently intertwining his fingers with Naruto’s…
Naruto bit his lip, and smiled down at the sidewalk.
“What’re you making that face for?” Sasuke muttered, and Naruto glanced over to see Sasuke not even looking at him. Was he always looking at Naruto in secret or something? Naruto never caught him!!
“Um. Just—I kinda felt it, then,” Naruto said, laughing at little. “That you liked me.”
“...Well,” Sasuke said, shifting a little, “I should hope so.”
Naruto laughed again, and Sasuke gave his hand a small squeeze.
“Can we go out again tomorrow? Is that too soon? We’re already at your place…”
Sasuke laughed.
“That’s never stopped you from coming up before,” Sasuke said. “Come on, moron. I have popsicles in the freezer.”
Naruto laughed.
“Well, gee, Sasuke,” Naruto laughed, already hopping up the stairs, “why didn’t you say so? Lead the way.”
Sasuke pulled him in, and Naruto pressed in for another soft, tantalizing kiss.
(He kissed his way up the stairs, too.)
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redvoid-40 · 4 years
Chapter 11: Overcoming the Second Phase
Hello everyone! I know I’m obsessing almost exclusively over the Tales of Arcadia fandom, but I haven’t forgotten this fic yet. Although I do wonder: is anyone still reading/interested in this? Should I keep posting new chapters?
Fanfic title: ??? Word count: 2837 Fandom: Naruto Pairing: eventual Gaara x OC, cannon pairings Genre: Friendship, Adventure, Hurt/Comfort Warnings: None
Previous chapter / Next chapter
It was well into nighttime when Team Rashu found themselves in a secluded spot to rest. The three Genin settled on taking shifts for sleeping, so there would always be someone awake in case of an ambush. After being scolded and throttled by Aoni, Shin was quick to offer to take the first one.
“You sure about this, Shin-chan?” Hajii asked, already lying down, left hand clutching his sister’s.
“Yeah. I have a hard time falling asleep, anyway. You two rest up.”
“Wake me in a couple of hours, okay?” Aoni spoke, lying down by her brother’s side. 
Shin smiled. 
It was still dark, but birds were already chirping when Shin woke Aoni up, gently shaking her shoulder.
“Aoni-chan-” She whispered. “-I’m sorry to wake you, but I’m drifting off now. Would you keep watch?”
Aoni sat up and glared at her. “Shin-chan! It’s almost morning!” She whispered. “You should’ve woken me hours ago.”
“Ahh, I wasn’t sleepy before. I couldn’t stop thinking about that guy… Also, I figured it would be best if Hajii slept through the night. I know how much he hates the dark.”
Aoni glanced at her brother, eyes softening at finding him still fast asleep. “Still, you should’ve woken me earlier. We could’ve split the time evenly between the two of us.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m used to a couple of all-nighters now and then. I only woke you up because I feel my attention is starting to drop now. It wouldn’t be safe for me to keep watch in this state.”
“Of course. Get some shut eye already. We leave for the Tower in an hour.”
Morning came, and with it Team Rashu started moving towards the Tower. From branch to branch they jumped as fast as possible while Shin kept reaching out with her chakra, ready to find anyone before they could find them.
“Guys! Wait!” She called, causing the trio to stop. “I can feel some chakras up ahead.”
“How many and how far? Should we take a detour?” Hajii asked.
“They’re a couple dozen meters in front of us. We can avoid them if we want. But…”
“Yes?” He asked.
“There are many chakras there. Over ten.” Shin began, index finger twirling around her hair. “And… my friends are there too.”
Hajii sighed in exasperation. “Not again.”
“Sorry! But couldn’t we just… check on them?” She asked, voice trembling. “We could approach carefully, just to see if they’re okay. They don’t even need to know we’re there!”
“What if they’re in danger?” Hajii asked, one eyebrow raised. “Can you promise you won’t do anything stupid?”
Shin blushed and averted her eyes. Of course she couldn’t promise that. “Hajii, please.”
“We should go.” Aoni said, causing Shin and Hajii to turn to her with wide eyes. The girl stared back at her brother with serious eyes. “This is not some random guy who attacked us. These are her friends, Hajii.” Aoni pointed out. “Shin wouldn’t hesitate in helping us if it was Kotarou who was in danger.”
Shin’s eyes widened even further. It was uncommon for either sibling to mention their former teammate; his leaving the team was still a sensitive topic. Hajii sighed, kinda shaking, kinda nodding his head.
“Two against one isn’t fair…” He said. “Ugh, fine. Let’s just get this over with. I don’t want to spend another night in this horrible place.”
“Thank you, Hajii-chan!” Shin beamed. “We’ll be done with this real quick, you’ll see. I’m sure they have everything under control!”
When they arrived at the scene, Team Seven had things under control. But not in the way Shin had expected at all.
S-Sasuke-kun? From her hiding place at a treetop, Shin watched in shock as Sasuke held down one of the Otogakure Ninjas. His smile was crooked, his body was covered by dark, strange markings. And his chakra- That’s not his chakra. 
Shin swallowed and exchanged a look with her equally surprised teammates. They nodded at her, and the trio jumped to the ground while Shin’s brown eyes took in everything around her. Naruto was on the floor, unconscious, and so was Rock Lee. The other two members of Lee’s team - Shin couldn’t remember their names - were atop a tree branch, with their gazes trained on the leader of the Oto-Nins. Shikamaru, Ino and Chouji were there too, taking cover in a bush a few feet away. And Sakura...
At the call of her name, Shin at last fixed her gaze on her. The girl was badly hurt, with cuts all over her body and one eye threatening to swallow shut. And her long pink hair...
“Are you alright, Sakura?” Shin asked, running towards her so she could gently comb her pink hair away from her face to examine her bruises. “What happened to you all? What’s wrong with... Sasuke?”
Sakura shook her head, tears in her eyes. “I-I don’t know. It was a man named Orochimaru. He bit Sasuke-kun yesterday and now…” Sakura’s voice trailed off as both girls looked to the boy. He was smiling wickedly down at his foe, pulling both of his arms back at an unnatural angle. Despite the Oto-Nin’s screams, he continued to pull and pull and pull.
The sound of the Ninja’s arms popping out of their sockets made bile rise in Shin’s throat.
That’s not Sasuke…
Shocked, Shin watched Sakura leap to her feet and run towards the boy to embrace him tightly, as if trying to physically reign in that terrible bloodlust he was emanating. When Sasuke looked back at Sakura, Shin leaped to her feet, fearing he’d hurt her. To her - and everyone’s - relief, Sasuke seemed to come back to his senses. His markings receded and his chakra eased into the controlled thrumming Shin had grown used to.
“You have some pretty interesting friends, Shin-chan.” 
Shin glanced at Hajii and Aoni. Both were staring at Sasuke with wide eyes, muscles tense and weapons in hand. When she looked down at herself, Shin found her right hand wrapped tightly around her kunai as well.
After all was said and done and the Oto-Nins took their leave, the remaining Genin savoured a few moments of reprieve and gathered their bearings. There was safety in numbers and at the moment there were twelve of them together; it was a rare chance for all to gather information and tend to any injuries with tranquillity. After waking up Naruto and convincing Hajii to do some first aid on him, Sasuke and Rock Lee, Shin sat down with Sakura and Ino, as the blonde cut the first’s hair. In-between the two’s usual bickering, Sakura explained to them what had happened yesterday and how it all seemed to come back to just one name.
“Orochimaru…” Shin let the syllables roll off her tongue, as her eyes narrowed. “So he’s responsible for all of this. We need to find out who he is and prepare. I doubt this will be the last we hear of him.”
Sakura and Ino gave her a surprised stare, but before either could say anything Hajii had approached them with a first aid satchel and an improvised wooden bowl filled with water in in his hands.
“I patched up that fashion atrocity, Shin-chan-” he said.
Shin pouted. “Don’t talk about Lee-senpai like that Hajii-chan...”
Hearing that, Lee called out to Shin with a big smile on his face and two thumbs up. “Thank you, Shin-kun! I knew I could count on you to understand the fire in my spirit!” 
Hajii looked back at the green-clad boy before turning back to Shin with an eyebrow raised. He didn’t say anything, but that look spoke everything.
Shin chuckled. “You can’t deny his energy is very uplifting.”
Hajii scoffed. “Whatever. Just come so I can look at your arm. I was going to take a second look at it once we got to the Tower, but since we’re all taking a little break, we can get it done now. Come on.”
With a parting smile to the girls, Shin followed Hajii to a more secluded spot in the clearing so he could look at her wound in peace. Shin swallowed as the boy untied the bandages around her shoulder. They were stained with old blood and as the pressure let out, her wound immediately oozed out fresh blood and even a bit of pus, making Shin scowl in distaste. And when Hajii touched the skin surrounding the wound, she couldn’t help but let out a little whine.
Hajii clicked his tongue. “It doesn’t look good. Shin-chan, it might be best if you lay down for this.”
“What are you going to do?” The girl’s voice trembled as she asked, but she followed his orders.
Hajii kneeled close to her left shoulder and pulled out a pair of silicone gloves from his first aid satchel and some antiseptic solution and gauze. “I need to clean the wound well, scrub all the pus and dead tissue out before wrapping it with gauze again. First, I’m going to wash it with water and then with the solution. Unfortunately, I don’t know any healing Ninjutsu, so this will have to do until we get to the Tower.”
Shin was about to say something when Naruto approached them and plopped down at her right side. “Ew! This look terrible, Shin-chan. Believe it!”
“Thank you, Naruto-chan. That’s just what I needed to hear.” Shin said, face pale.
“Hehehe, Sorry.” The boy spoke, rubbing the back of his head. “Want me to hold your hand?”
“... Yes.”
Naruto smiled brightly and grabbed her right hand. “Just focus on me, Shin-chan! I’ll tell you all about how I kicked ass yesterday do you won’t even feel anything, believe it!”
Naruto’s gesture and words were well-intentioned, but the moment Hajii inserted a gloved finger to debride any dead tissue inside her wound, he fainted. Shin was too busy holding back her groans of pain and doing her best to keep still to do anything more than push him away so he didn’t fall on top of her.
“I really hope we have some proper medical attention there.” Hajii commented as he held her wound open and poured water into it. “Or else I’ll have to clean it again and then stitch it.”
At that, Shin whimpered like a kicked dog.
It was before noon when Team Rashu arrived at the Tower. After a warm greeting from Iruka, the three Genin made their way inside the Tower, eyes darting back and forth as they looked for the Infirmary.
“Iruka-sensei said it should be just around here.” Shin mused. 
“I hope this doesn’t take too long. I’m dying for a shower.” Aoni spoke, running a hand through her oily hair.
“Ah! Why don’t you guys explore the place while I look for the Infirmary?” Shin suggested. “Maybe find out if there are any rooms for us and get cleaned up?”
The twins exchanged a look, tempted by the offer. “You sure about this, Shin-chan?”
“Of course! There’s no reason for you guys to waste time just waiting for me when you could be resting. I’ll find you once I’m done here.”
“We don’t mind waiting, Shin-chan.” Aoni said.
Shin smiled at her friends and waved them off. “Just go, you two.”
“You’re the first to come here looking for medical attention, you know? I’m surprised.” The Medic-Nin at the Infirmary told her. “And there are two teams here already.”
Shin blushed at that comment and looked down as she continued to heal her shoulder. So, not only there were teams who had finished the Second Phase before them, they were also in better shape.
“No need to be embarrassed. You did well in coming here. This cut was pretty deep and without proper care it could give you a lot of trouble.” The Medic-Nin reassured and gave her a smile. "This healing session should be enough, but there’s still a chance of infection, so I need you to pay attention to any signs of inflammation. If you get a fever, notice any exaggerated swelling, pain or drainage, come back for me to take a second look, alright?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Once her shoulder was nice and healed, Shin wandered around the Tower’s hallways, looking for a shower and a bed. Her hour-long nap earlier that morning had fulfilled its mission and got her through the second day in the Forest of Death, but now she needed proper sleep. But just as she reached the first flight of stairs there was a bark behind her.
“Yoohoo! Look who’s here!”
Shin turned around, smiling widely at finding Team Ten standing right in front of her.
“Hinata-chan, Kiba-kun and Shino-kun!” Shin called excitedly. “You guys made it, congratulations!”
Hinata smiled shyly. “Y-You too, Shin-san. Congratulations.”
“Guess you did well in ditching those losers for a new team, huh, Shin?” Kiba teased. “I bet they lost their scroll already.”
“They are not losers, and I didn’t ditch anyone. We made an arrangement so all of us could take part in the Exams.” Shin pouted. “And I’ve met with them less than an hour ago. They’re still going strong. I bet they’ll be here in no time.”
“Heh! If you say so.” Kiba said, with a smirk.
“More importantly…” Shin began, lowering her gaze to the little pup tucked into Kiba’s coat. “Akamaru seems to be shaking. Is he okay?”
The whole Team Ten tensed at her words and Kiba’s smile dropped as he raised a hand to pet Akamaru’s head comfortingly. “It’s not his fault. We met-”
“Oh, great. That brat is here too.”
As one, Team Ten froze in front of her and Shin could almost taste the fear surrounding them. Slowly, she turned around, following their gaze to find none other than the Sand-Nins walking towards them. The girl was smiling confidently, Kankuro had a half-smirk, half-snarl on his lips and Gaara-
Akamaru whimpered behind her and Shin understood immediately who had terrified him so.
-Gaara had the same detached expression on his face as he stared at her.
“Congratulations to you three.” Shin spoke, politely bowing her head. “I can’t say I’m surprised at finding you here already.”
“Well, I am in seeing you here at all.” Kankuro replied. “I didn’t expect a little brat like you to make the cut. Although I see that annoying orange friend of yours isn’t here, so there’s that.”
“There’s still time. I’m sure he’ll be here soon.” Shin chuckled awkwardly, letting her gaze wander over the three Genin before settling on Gaara.
The redhead didn’t have a single scratch or speck of dust on him. Shin knew he was strong - much stronger than she could comprehend - but it still took her by surprise by how unmarred he was. Despite her own team not meeting any others on their way here, there was a slight altercation between them and a giant boar, and even Aoni got herself a few bruises and cuts.
“You look like this was a walk in the park.” Shin commented, raising her brown eyes to Gaara’s sea-foam gaze.
The boy scoffed and everyone - including his teammates - seemed to freeze at his response. Their reaction alone was almost enough to make the girl apologise for her words, fearing they might be seen as some provocation.
“This is nothing.” The boy spoke, lips curling in distaste. “The real deal will come later, when all the weak ones are disposed of, and only the strong remain. That’s when… I’ll prove my existence.”
Shin’s polite smile fell as something dark and unhinged tainted the boy’s chakra. His eyes were blown wide, and he stared at her as if she was some long-awaited event, a main course of sorts, to be carved into and consumed until there was not one bone left that wasn’t licked clean.
“W-We should be going!” The blonde Sand-Nin announced suddenly. “Right, Kankuro?”
“R-Right.” Kankuro answered, a slight tremble in his word. “We should take some time to polish our weapons and check our inventory. Right, Gaara?”
The redhead didn’t respond and Shin was incapable of breaking eye-contact with him. She was terrified of him. And yet- This chakra… what is this? It’s almost like that time at the bridge in the Land of Waves when Naruto’s chakra changed. So much chakra… so powerful. So… mouth-watering. Pupils blown wide, Shin took in a deep breath. Maybe, if she was careful, she could reach out with her own energy, just to brush it against his. If she could just-
“We should get going too!” Kiba spoke loudly, pulling on her shoulder. “Come on, Shin!”
Spell broken, Shin’s chakra contracted back to herself as she suddenly faced Kiba and Akamaru. She blinked and nodded once before following Team Eight up the stairs. When she looked back over her shoulder, she found Gaara staring at her with bloodlust overflowing from his eyes. Mixed with it, she thought she saw some curiosity.
Shin didn’t know which scared, and which excited her most.
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queentargary3n · 4 years
Summary: Sakura is surprised to see Sasuke is the senior associate of the firm she is supposed to start working for. All of her feelings start to come back 10 years after he abandoned her. Sasuke finds out somethings are truly never behind you, and when he starts falling back in love with her, his past comes to hunt him. Her biggest issue? He is already married
Sasusaku Fanfic AU Lawyers. M
Chapter 4
Sakura knew she shouldn’t have done that. She had punched the lights off the senior attorney of the firm she’d just being hired at. She drove herself home in a trance, completely absorbed in her thoughts. In retrospective, there were many things that she should have maybe done differently, starting with maybe listing Sasuke as a conflict of interest on the NDA human resources made her sign. That could possibly bring her some problems, but it seemed like he was pretending not to know her, and she knew exactly the kind of ex she didn’t want to be.
Damn... and I was so lucky to get hired too. Naruto probably had to pull some strings to get me here. My god! Naruto! What if he tells him! How can I face him now… and what if Sasuke files an assault suit against me!? I could probably hit him back a harassment suit, whatever I’m probably fired, but I mean! The things he said. She thought.
Her mind was going over and over all the possible scenarios her momentary lapse of judgment might have caused. She didn’t even notice, until she got home, that her hand hurt like a mother. It had been such a long time since she had to punch someone, and this was definably going to leave a bruise on her knuckles.
Her phone buzzed in her purse with a text message that read:
Sakura-chan family dinner tomorrow 8pm u in? – Naruto
And she probably shouldn’t. She had already been accused of inappropriate behavior by Sasuke. But she wasn’t about to change how she was with her friend because of some evil-minded jerk. So, before she could give it much thought, she replied:
Sure, I’m in. Can’t wait to meet the baby.
Naruto went into the firm the next day, slightly earlier than normal, and spotted Sasuke laying on the couch of his unusually dark office.
“Hey Teme! Good job on the case! I hear the prosecution is asking for a settlement now… eh? The fuck happened to your face?” he noticed Sasuke’s incredibly swollen cheek with a dark bruise starting to settle under his left eye.  “Mmm… you’re not getting involved with those people again… are you?” he asked while turning on the light switch to seem him better.
“Tch headache! Turn it off!” Sasuke said.
“Did you sleep here? What happened?”
“Why did you hire her?” Sasuke asked, ignoring the previous question. He moved to a seated position still resting his head on the back of the couch.
“Hire who? Sakura-chan? We were best friends in college! She is awesome, isn’t she? I heard she kicked ass in yesterday’s trial!”
“You never mentioned her…”
“Yeah, bit of a sore subject” Said the blond, moving his arm to scratch the back of his head. “I was young and sort of in love with her, she rejected me. She was the one that got me and Hinata together ya know? So, it worked out for the best, but we lost touch after graduation”
“Hn… I thought she just graduated this year, so then you rekindled your relationship behind your wife’s back, asshole”
“What the fuck!” Naruto seriously wanted to punch him for saying things like that, but he controlled himself, noticing the already injured man.
“Are you not? Why did you assign her to my top case? And you’re always touching her and stuff…” Sasuke had to admit, his reasoning sounded weak and silly once he’d voiced it.
“Cuz she is my friend and a medical doctor you idiot! I thought her medical knowledge would be helpful in such a public case like this”
“She’s a doctor?” Sasuke asked in a more relaxed tone. He brought his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, trying to ease the headache that was worsening by the second.
“Yeah, graduated early and everything, I don’t know why but a few years ago she went back to grad school to study law, but the knowledge is there ya know?”
“And you’re not sleeping together…” the raven-haired man muttered weakly.
“No!” Naruto yelled. “You know I love my wife! Wait… you didn’t tell Sakura-chan that did ya?!” Naruto asked, completely amazed at his friend’s stupidity.
“Ah.” Sasuke answered in confirmation.
“Well that explains the damage” Naruto had the nerve to laugh at him. “Sakura-chan can be really scary as I remember” he shook his head, then rested his hands behind his head. “Ne Teme, you owe Sakura-chan an apology” He completed in a serious tone.
“Ah” and Sasuke knew he did, whatever the case was, he knew he had no right calling her out like that, but in the field of apologizing Sasuke was truly lost. “I’ll figure something out”
“Yeah maybe you can figure something out before family dinner tonight! She’s coming, you guys should too” Naruto said, back to his cheerful self, and gave him a small nudge of encouragement. “Go home for now, I’m sure Sakura-chan can handle the rest of the negotiations”
And for once Sasuke did as he was told. He went back to his apartment, since his headache did not seem to be going away anytime soon. He unlocked the door and walked in, expecting to find the apartment empty.
Karin walked out of the bedroom as soon as he opened the door. “Sasuke? What…” she said confused as to why he’d be home at such hours but noticed his face. “What happened?! Are you okay? Oh my god Sasuke does it hurt!?”
“I’m fine, don’t worry about it” He answered, it was for this same reason he didn’t come home before, Karin tended to make a bigger deal of things than they required, it hadn’t occur to him that the bruise might look worse the next day.
“Tell me what happened! Did Orochimaru…” Karin said, trying to hold back her accumulating tears.
“No” Sasuke replied then sighed. “I… walked into a door” he offered.
Karin gave him an unconvinced looked, and said “Sasuke…”
“I’m fine, really” He said patting her head gently. “I’m just going to rest for a while”
His affectionate actions made her smile. She couldn’t really remember the last time they had contact, and it moved her causing a small flush to spread on her cheeks, before her expression changed into something Sasuke couldn’t make out, confusion, concern, guilt maybe, but he couldn’t dwell on it, since his headache was killing him by that point.
Whatever she seemed to have remembered, made her shake her head to compose herself, she readjusted her glasses and said “I gotta go to the office Sasuke, but I do really…”
“I know you do” He answered before she could finish her sentence. Because whatever was happening between the two, Sasuke knew she cared for him, as he did to her.
Sasuke waited for her to leave and close the door, before walking into the bedroom, his ailment did warrant the use of a bed, so he laid face down into the large bed at the center of the bedroom, he touched the familiar soft sheets they had chosen months before, then wrapped his hand under a pillow to get comfortable.
There, he felt something underneath, then pulled it out to inspect it, and saw a small plastic square turn up.
A condom wrapper.
Family dinner was a regular even at the Uzumaki household. A tradition Naruto kept even after his parents passed. For some time, family dinners consisted only of himself and his godfather, but as an adult, Naruto came to consider a myriad of people family members, and so Friday nights were usually spent, drinking and dinning in the rotating company of whoever was available at that time. This particular dinner’s guest list included Shikamaru and his wife, Sasuke and his wife, if she wanted to show up which she usually didn’t, and Sakura.
“I’m worried about Sakura” said his wife, as she was preparing the food for her soon to be incoming guests, while her husband held their baby. “I don’t want her to feel like the odd one out between a bunch of married couples”
“Don’t worry! She won’t” said Naruto. “It’s not like we’re all going to be talking to our spouses, ignoring the rest of ‘em”
“Still, maybe we should’ve invited someone else. I might be able to talk Neji-niisan into coming last minute, maybe set them up!” Hinata chirped.
“You know Neji doesn’t like you meddling into his ‘love’ life like that” He responded, placing a gently hand on the small of his wife’s back.
“I know, but wouldn’t they look cute together?”  
“Nah I don’t know about that…” Naruto answered, even if his romantic feelings for Sakura were long gone, she always held a soft spot in his heart, and he would always feel protective about her.
“I think someone is here, can you get the door? I’m pretty much done here” Hinata said, a few seconds before there was an actual know on their door.
“Really Hina, I don’t know how you do that…”
Naruto opened the door, to find Sasuke standing outside, his black eye even more prominent than the last time he saw him.
“Tss teme she got you good!” the blond mentioned, as he motioned for his friend to come in. He had been the victim of a few punches by Sakura himself, but he never spotted a black eye like that. “What did you say to her? She must have been pretty angry if she hit you right in the face.”
Sasuke sighed, he almost didn’t show up. He hadn’t figured out what he would say to her. “I sort of… called her a whore…” he muttered, looking down to avoid looking embarrassed.
“Bastard… you really had it coming, you’re lucky I’m holding the baby, or I’d make the other eye match” Naruto threaten.
“How’s he doing by the way” Sasuke said, grabbing the baby’s hand and toying with it, partially trying to change the subject.
“Oh, he’s great, he sleeps through the night now and everything” Naruto answered.
They sat down at the dinner table, with Naruto going on and on about baby Boruto, and how he smiled all the time, and was pretty smart for a 6-month-old baby, and how the transition to food was going smoothly. It wasn’t until 15 minutes into the conversation he noticed Sasuke came alone. “Your wife’s not here?” He asked.
“No, she had to go out or something” Sasuke replied, briefly considering telling Naruto about the condom wrapper he found in their bed. But he decided not to, Naruto’s family dinner was hardly the place to talk about something like that.
Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Shikamaru and his wife. Temari, whose name Sasuke always manage to forget for some reason, announced her newly found pregnancy, which engrossed the group in a conversation of parenthood, pregnancy cravings, baby must haves, while Sasuke mostly stayed silent. He held his arms out to borrow baby Boruto from his very talkative father and bounced him up and down from his lap much to the infant’s amusement.
“And you, Sasuke? Have you and Karin thought about having one of your own?” Temari asked him.
Sasuke always imagined himself having a big family of his own, he liked children. But the concept of family seemed to be getting further and further away from him the older he got.  The subject had not even come out with the woman who was now his wife. He always imagined someone else as the mother of his children, it was a goal he had set on his mind: do what he had to do about Orochimaru, his brother, leaving the outlaw world,  then go back to the girl who hunted his dreams since he was a teenager. But that was years ago and leaving left consequences he couldn’t have predicted. So, he buried that thought, underneath responsibilities and duties he had to uphold, and continued to live for years without thinking about the hypothetical cute children with dark hair and green eyes.
“I don’t think Karin w…” he almost responded to the group, interrupted by a knock on the door and the entrance of none other than Sakura, wide eyed and blushing, she seemed surprised he was even there, as she held a bottle of wine and brown gift bag close to her chest.
“Sorry no one answered the door, so I just came in, hope that’s okay” She said, addressing everyone in the dining room, but avoiding Sasuke’s eyes.
“Sure thing! Sakura-chan I’m glad you made it!” Naruto said, standing up and hugging the pinkette.
“Sakura-chan! It’s so good to see you, how long has it been!?” Hinata chirped in higher voice than any of her guest had ever made her do, and wrapped her arms around Sakura and her husband, the three of them locked in an awkward three person embrace.
“Hinata! Too long! You look lovely, motherhood suits you!” Sakura answered, disentangling herself from the hug. “Now where is that cute baby of yours!?”
Naruto scratched his face and turn to look at Sasuke, who was still holding the baby. The sight was endearing for her she had to admit. Sasuke looked down and held the baby in front of his face in offering, still unable to meet her eyes.
Naruto grabbed his son instead and brought him to Sakura’s arms. “This is Boruto” he introduced.
“Naruto! Aw he looks just like you! He is so adorable!” She pressed the baby’s face to her own. “Who knew you had it in you to make something so cute!!”
“Nah, he has my eyes and hair, but the rest is all Hinata ya know?”
“I’m so happy for you two!” Sakura said, wiping a small tear from her eye.
“I’m going to put him down to sleep” Said Hinata, taking her baby back into her arms. “It’s a little late for this little guy, we were waiting so you could meet”
“Sorry I was late, bye Boruto”
“I’m so proud of you, you know? You always wanted a family, and now you have one, it’s just so…” She was unable to continue, if she did, there would have been no stop to her crying, so she composed herself.
“I know Sakura-chan” Naruto answered.
Sasuke thought he couldn’t have been more wrong, after witnessing the whole interaction. It was obvious that they all had some very deep connection, but it was so far from what he had suspected he couldn���t help to feel embarrassed again. Why his mind went for the most impure explanation, he didn’t know.
And so, after introductions, dinner continued without his interference. Old friends catching up, and new acquaintances presented. They continued with drinks after the meal, and after a few glasses, Sasuke stood up and walked to the door.
“Are you leaving Sasuke, you haven’t said anything all night!” Naruto complained.
“No, I’m just going out for a smoke” He responded. He needed some air to clear his thoughts. So many things needed to be fix happened in only a few days, but the only thing he could seem to think of was Sakura. It’s so fucked up. He thought.
His train of thought was interrupted by the appearance of said girl behind him. “Smoking kills you know?” She said to him.
“Ah” he answered in confirmation and took another drag from his cigarette, before putting it down and stepping on it. Sasuke moved to face Sakura, he tried to organize a coherent sentence to word his apology, but she was too distracting. Her red crop top, and high wasted jeans showed a small portion of her waist he couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel under his touch. He ran his hand through his inky locks in exasperation.
“Listen Sasuke… I’m sorry” She said unexpectedly.
“YOU’RE sorry?” he asked. He looked at her, eyebrows raised in confusion.
“Yeah… I shouldn’t have punch you like that; it looks bad. I’m terribly sorry” she bowed a little as she continued. He didn’t even know what to say.
Sakura pulled a small container from a brown bag she was carrying and asked, “May I?”
He questioned her with his eyes. “It’s a pomade I made, it good against bruising, and it has a cooling effect to help with the pain”
He nodded his head yes, so she moved to coat her finger in the ointment and apply it gently to his face. He was, for once, glad because of the bruising, since the heat he felt on his face could only mean he was blushing madly. His heart threatening to beat out of his chest.
“Thank you.” The black-haired man said when she was finished. It felt so good to have her hands on him, he almost complained when she removed her touch. “You don’t have to apologize, it was my fault, I had no right calling you that”
“You’re right” She conceded. “But I’m sorry anyway, it was no excuse to hit you, violence is never the answer”
“Never?” He laughed at that. He could of at several situations where violence is the only answer, and he was sure Naruto would agree. But he didn’t voice his thoughts.
“I still deserved it though”
“Damn right you did” she agreed.  
“I’m sorry” He said. “and I shouldn’t have acted like I didn’t know you either, I just… didn’t know… what to say”
“It’s okay Sasuke-kun… it was a long time ago” The endearing suffix, made him smile, and brought his scrambling thoughts back together. It reminded him of simpler times, when he could act on his feelings.
And right then, he finally figured out, why he’d been so angry at Naruto’s displays of affection towards the pink haired girl. Sasuke knew he was jealous.
Thank you so much for reading this if you still are, smut and infidelity are coming soon I promise. Tell me what you think, constructive criticism is always appreciated. 
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flowerslut · 4 years
Naruto training with himawari and being proud of her
note: I attempted to combine this one with your other prompt of “Naruto having a deep conversation with Himawari”. please be aware of the fact that I stopped interacting with canon material after a failed attempt at watching the Boruto anime a few years back, so I wouldn’t say that I’m even ‘in’ this fandom still, but I hope you enjoy this lil somethin regardless. 🥰🥰
missing out 
“Either I’m out of shape or I’m far too old for this.” Even as he let himself fall backwards, his back smacking against the ground (and hard), he couldn’t help but laugh. The impact felt like nothing compared to the beating he’d just received.
From across the clearing he heard a snort and then a giggle.
“If you’re out of shape then we’re in trouble Hokage-sama.”
Closing his eyes he grinned wider as he heard her approach. The grass was sparse on the training grounds, but he managed to pluck a few blades out, before lifting his arm and letting the wind sweep them away.
It was a habit he’d never outgrown.
With an inhale and a sigh, Himawari approached, spinning and falling back beside him. The grace at which she moved was certainly all inherited from her mother. He’d watched his daughter knock teeth out with a delicacy he swore dancers didn’t even possess.
Though her fists were anything but gentle...
She was a frightening little thing. Always had been.
Letting his mind wander he felt himself suddenly overcome with emotion. Where had all the days gone? The time seemed to pass so quickly right under his nose. His two tiny children were nearly grown now.
Boruto was in the house as infrequently as he was, nearly seventeen now. And Himawari was fourteen. The same age that he was when he’d been traveling the world, training with Jiraiya.
It was hard to believe that so much time had passed them by in nearly a blink of an eye. It felt like just yesterday they were arguing over birthday cakes and stuffed toys.
Now, his babies weren’t babies anymore. And the whooping his teenage daughter just served him was a firm reminder of that. Boruto was more like he was; their fighting styles were more similar. Even with Sasuke’s influence permeating every other move, Naruto could hold his ground against his older child.
But Himawari was a force to be reckoned with. And she always had been.
Maybe he had his father-in-law to thank for that. Or maybe he owed it to Hinata and Hanabi. Himawari was certainly far more Hyuuga than she was Uzumaki. She had the natural talent with her byakugan and her training under her grandfather to prove it.
“You don’t need me to train you,” he laughed after a quiet handful of minutes. They’d each fully caught their breaths now and were basking in the glow of the late afternoon sun. “You could run laps around me, kiddo.”
“I do so need you,” he could hear her pout in her words as she spoke toward him. “I still have so much to learn.”
“Maybe, but you’ve certainly mastered the art of kicking your old man’s ass.”
“Taijutsu and ninjutsu are two different things though,” she whined, entirely. “I need to master more ninjutsu. I’m at a disadvantage. The Byakugan isn’t infallible, Dad.”
Dad. Even that single word was more evidence that she was growing up. Thinking back, he couldn’t even remember the last time she’d called him ‘Daddy’. It had at least been a couple of years.
He’d be a liar if he said he didn’t miss it.
Or if he claimed to not be bothered that his children didn’t hold his hand anymore, or rush up to greet him when he got home now…
When she muttered something quietly, Naruto struggled to hear.
“What was that?”
A pause. “Nothing.”
But Naruto knew his little girl. No matter how heavily she favored her mother, she was still her father’s child. And much like him, she was no good at masking her feelings; her face and voice were always a dead giveaway.
And she was suddenly very upset about something; no matter how thoroughly she was attempting to mask it, Naruto could see right through it.
“I wish you’d let me attend The Academy.”
Naruto turned his head toward her at that, squinting against the bright sun to see her lying beside him. Her eyes were closed, her long hair tied into a braid that lay in the dirt beside her. Her frown was pronounced against her soft features.
Naruto was suddenly confused. He’d been hesitant to allow his father and sister in law take over his youngest’s training, especially after she’d displayed such a promising career at such a young age. But eventually he relented.
Her sadness confused him, though. She was still advanced for her age. Hell, she’d be eligible for Jonin before her own brother, at this rate.
“If it’s a matter of training, we can certainly catch you up on anything you think you’re missing. Although I don’t think you’re lacking in any—”
“No, not because of training. I know I can hold my own. I know I have talent,” the more she spoke, the more frustrated Naruto could feel her growing. “I know I’m strong but—” she sat up abruptly, and when Naruto watched as she pressed her palms against her eyes, he sat up right along with her, alarmed.
“I don’t have any friends, dad!” She cried finally, the words punctuated by a shudder. Dropping her arms she let them fall unceremoniously into her lap. “And I know I should be grateful. I should be thankful that I have you and Mom and Boruto and everyone. But,” she hiccuped, and Naruto swore he felt his heart begin to break, “Boruto has his Academy friends. Even you and Mom have your old friends and teammates from the Academy. I walk into a room for a mission and join in on people who have been learning and fighting with one another since they were six! It’s not the same.”
“Himawari, sweetheart, people love having you around,” he didn’t understand where this sudden, and unexpected, insecurity came from. The idea that it had been there all along suddenly terrified him. The fact that he allowed his baby girl to feel alone in any capacity was suddenly an unbearable thought for him…
“Just because I’m likable doesn’t mean I’m not lonely. I don���t want colleagues. I want friends.”
Naruto was quiet for a minute. He simply stared at her as she sniffled, quickly wiping the tears that pooled over and streaked through the dirt down her cheeks.
“I didn’t know you were so lonely,” he eventually muttered, scooting himself closer to her, throwing an arm around her shoulder. Naruto often felt like a fool, even now as an adult with more power than most. But this feeling of helplessness for his daughter was in an entirely separate realm. He hated it.
“I’m,” she sighed, as if frustrated by her own tears, “I’m not lonely. Not the way you’d think. I’m happy, Dad.” Leaning into his embrace she wrapped her skinny arms around him and Naruto nearly sighed out loud. “I just hate that I feel like I don’t have friends of my own. Friends my own age. Sure, Boruto’s friends are nice and have alway been kind to me. But those are his friends.”
“They aren’t that much older than you,” Naruto muttered, still at a loss for what to do to fix this. He was her father—he had to come up with a way to fix this.
“But they aren’t my friends.”
“They could be.” He half shrugged.
She made a frustrated noise. “You’re missing the point.”
“I can’t reverse time,” he spoke, feeling how that point made no difference in the reality he was facing now. “I can’t go back and enroll you. And honestly, I’m glad I didn’t.”
Himawari huffed, but she didn’t pull away. “Thanks. That helps.”
“Sounds like time-travel would help. But I can’t do that. And I wouldn’t want to. I think the Academy would’ve held you back.” He spoke honestly. “I think kids can be mean and cruel. I think you were a child who had immense talent, but you were also incredibly sensitive. Maybe it was selfish of your mother and I to want to shield you from all that… that shit,” he spoke and then shrugged, “but I don’t regret it. I’m glad I never got to watch you come home in tears because someone was mean. I’m happy that I never had to come in for a conference about bullies or fighting—and I’m not talking about the training kind.
“Maybe we were wrong. Maybe we should have sent you, like we did you brother. But Boruto needed a good kick in the ass. You never did. Maybe protecting you from the bullshit of school was foolish of us. Or,” he waved a hand in the air, making a face, “sexist, or whatever. But I would’ve been damned to willingly send you somewhere that was going to dull your light.”
She sniffled again, turning her face against his side more, and Naruto couldn’t help but wonder if his words—although painfully honest—weren’t just making things worse.
“I’ll be your friend,” he offered, awkwardly. “Yeah, I’m old. And sure, you could run circles around my butt until these old bones can’t move anymore. But hey!” He poked her in the ribs, just like he used to, grinning when he felt her laugh against him. “I’m still fun, right?”
“I guess.” Naruto could hear the grin in her voice.
“Did any of that help? Or am I the worst dad ever?”
She laughed again, tightening her arms around her sweaty, old man. “You’re not the worst. You’re the best.”
It was Naruto’s turn to scoff. “I wouldn’t say that.”
“I will, and I did.” She poked him back, and Naruto nearly jumped a foot in the air. “I love you, Daddy.”
Smiling, he pressed a kiss against the crown of her head. “Love you, too.” After a long, warm moment, he pulled back, forcing her to look up at him. He wasn’t a teenage girl, but he could certainly try to be as much of a friend to his daughter as he could. “Wanna go get manicures?”
Her laughter, filling the air and echoing through the surrounding trees was enough to make him feel like maybe, despite his mistakes and shortcomings as a father over the years, he at least knew how to do something right.
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briefololtragedy · 4 years
Something to Stay Part 4
Sakura X Itachi
Prequel to Say anything
Itachi doesn’t like being called Uchiha-san.
Rating G
Call me by my name
It was 4:55 when Sakura rushed into the locker room to change into her scrubs for the day. She was always at least 15 minutes early, but this morning it was hard to get up. Sasuke had so many questions and worry for his brother, by the time she go to answering all of then it after 11pm and she wanted to crash into bed, which she did the moment she got home. Shower be damned!
Her alarm woke her from sleep at 430, apparently she snoozed it at 4am. Next thing she knew she bolted out of the bed, almost tripped on her bedding that was now on the floor of her bedroom. When she says almost tripped, she means full on face plant to the floor. A quick shower to wash of the hospital grim just for it to be replaced by a new layer. There was no time to dry her hair, which she put into a quick messy bun. Looking in the mirror after throwing on a simple pair of skinny jeans and oversized T-shirt with a bowl of ramen on it, she noticed the bumps on her face and the slight break out she has gotten due wearing surgical mask so long yesterday and only eating cookies. Looking at her watch, it was 445, the time she normally got to work. She grabbed her Toms and ran out the door.
Sakura made it to handoff just as the clock hanged to 5. Kabuto looked smug. “You look like a walking disaster this morning. Try to put yourself together before seeing patients. We don’t want you giving them a heart attack with how dreadful you look.”
Sakura found herself having to count to 10. She could not punch Kabuto, in the face multiple times, it would be unprofessional. She was sure he was upset with her getting to assist yesterday. They had 20 patients to cover. Kabuto took 4 and split the rest between her and the other intern. Anticipation and worry came to her briefly, knowing that she would have to take care of Itachi. She hoped Sasuke and his parents got what ever peaceful rest they could obtain. She heard the nurses complaining how Fugaku demanded them be able to stay past visiting hours to see that Itachi’s needs were being meet. She planned to pre-round on him last, so she could make a quick escape to meet before the formal rounds with Dr. Senju.
She finished going through the charts of her other patients in record time and able to quickly examine them with no problems. She had a couple appendectomies, cholecystectomies, and hernia repairs. She had one hernia repair who tried to get a little to handsy when she was examining his abdomen. Sakura made a mental note to have a nurse with her the next time she had to be in the room with him.
She had 20 minutes before she had to meet with her team. She planned on taking 5-10 minutes to quickly check on Itachi and then get coffee. She already downed her first cup when she was sitting in front of her computer. Sakura also didn’t care to fix her appearance, aside from her dark circles, she looked presentable. She wasn’t here to appeal to the male sex, she wanted to learn and follow in the footsteps of Dr. Senju.
Hana quickly gave her a report on how Itachi was doing. He had woken up in the middle of the night and went back to sleep after some pain medication was given. His family had left before he fell asleep, which came to be a relief for the nurses working. He was still resting this morning.
Sakura took a deep breath, gently knocked on his door. Hearing no response, which she expected, she entered.
Many years have gone by since she last saw the oldest son of Mikoto and Fugaku. From what she remembers when she was 11, he was a tall, dark, intimidating force. He once snuck her some dango that Sasuke didn’t want following her punching him in the face. His parents weren’t happy with her. She had ran off into their gardens after the incident.
This man laying on the bed sleeping was not the picture that she carried with her all these years. He looked paler than normal, his lines under his eyes were more pronounced, IVs in both his arms, and the IV poll on his right side. His heart tracing looked steady, no arrhythmias. Oxygen saturation was perfect. His breathing pattern and heart rate on the lower side confirmed he was in a deep sleep.
“Uchiha-san, its Dr. Haruno. I will be taking a quick listen to you and then will want to look at your surgical incision.” She had placed on her hand on his left arm, gently trying to get him to stir. She then went about assessing him this morning.
It was now time to look at his incision and knew she would have to be more forceful when trying to get him awake. He started to stir.
“Uchiha-san, its Dr. Haruno. I am just going to check your abdomen quickly to make sure everything is ok. How is your pain?” Those words brought Itachi out of his dream world and as he opened his eyes he was met with the most color he has ever seen, bright pink and emerald. He was once again reminded of a cherry blossom field.
As his eyes started to focus more he was met with Sakura. Gone was the scrawny little thing, and now before him stood a grown women. She still had delicate features, gone was the baby fat of her face. Her hair was on the top of her head in a bun. No makeup on her face, which was a breath of fresh air compared to the other women he has come across over the years.
“I will need to bring your covers down to get access to your bandages, is that ok?” Her eyes were warm and welcoming. She had a comforting hand on his shoulder.
He didn’t answer her right away, but went to slowly push his blankets down. The slight crunch he did caused pain to shoot through his abdomen.
“Uchiha-san you should let me do that for you. It wasn’t even 24 hours ago that you have an intense surgery. I will let nurse Hana now that you will need one of your as needed pain medications.” Her voice was smooth like honey.
He didn’t even notice as she removed the bandages on his abdomen and inspected the site. She worked quickly and professionally. After she was done looking she redid his bandages with fresh gaze and tape.
“Do you need anything else Uchiha-san?” He didn’t know why she was acting so formal with him, but he could understand it. They hadn’t seen each other in years, she wasn’t even a teenager the last time they met. He couldn’t remember ever holding an actual conversation with her.
“No Dr. Haruno. Have you heard from Sasuke any?” He couldn’t help but ask.
“I haven’t heard from him since last night. Hopefully he is getting some rest along with your parents, all of you have been through a lot. I almost thought you wouldn’t remember I'm friends with Sasuke.” She had a slight smile on her face. She was staring at him and it was then that he realized it was because he hadn’t said anything in reply. Itachi got caught up staring at her eyes, those dazzling emeralds.
“Sasuke talks about you and Naruto, well as much as someone like him can… Would it be possible to get something to drink? My throat feels raw.” He had to kick himself for asking her about the drink, he was an absolute idiot.
“Of course. I’ll see if one of the nursing students can bring you something. They are pretty good at checking in on patients and helping out. Dr. Senju and the team will be around later, get some rest Uchiha-san.” Sakura had brought his covers up to his chest and walked out the door. For some reason her saying Uchiha-san didn’t sit well with him.
A few minutes later he was brought multiple cups of water and students more then welling to help him. it was when his nurse came in with some pain medication that they were shooed away.
Itachi didn’t know what to do with himself now. When was the last time he was idle for so long.
Sakura made it just in time to get a new cup of coffee before starting rounds with Dr. Senju. It was hard keeping an indifferent face when talking with Itachi. She couldn’t help as she acknowledged how attractive he was, but she wasn’t an airhead preteen anymore. She was able to separate work and her personal life. While Itachi muddied the water some, she would be professional with him and his family when they came into the hospital.
A proud smirk made its way onto her lips as she brought up her coffee cup to her mouth. She had beat Kabuto and the other intern to the meeting spot. She only had to make it though 3 more days until she had a day off. Sunday would be a glorious day!
Jin was the second to arrive, he was one in her first year class. He stood a head and half taller then her, he had an average build, his coloring was brown hair and brown eyes. Unlike her, he had a tan to his skin. He was doing a trauma rotation, but belonged to the orthopedic surgery program.
“ Wonder where Yakushi is? I heard you got to scrub into that surgery yesterday with Dr. Senju, man is she scary! “ She couldn’t help but be irritated by his voice, it wasn’t his fault that she was having the start of a migraine.
“He should be here soon, maybe he heard about a new case for the day.” It was unlike Kabuto to not have arrived by now. At times Wednesday could be a slow day compared to the other days of the week. Starting Friday - Monday you would get the reckless injuries that were brought about by too much drinking and wanting to have a good time. A couple of weeks ago it was a party boat that capsized when too many people were on it.
“Where is Yakushi? I’m ready to round, it was a long ass day yesterday. “ Dr. Senju came up, tea in hand. She was not Kabuto’s biggest fan to start and him not being here was not a way to get off her bad side.
“Dr. Senju, sorry to interrupt but Dr. Yakushi was pulled into a surgery with Dr. Orochimaru.” It looked like the nurses had sacrificed one of the nursing student’s to deliver the message. Sakura didn’t know the name of the poor girl, but could see her shaking.
A grumble came form Dr. Senju, her lips pressed together. “ Let get started. I take it you two are carrying the majority of the patients anyway. We will round on them and then you two can finish charting. You two will be up for first assist on the next surgery. Decide among the two of you who will take it when it comes.” She then started walking down the halls.
Rounds were lightening fast. It was decided that Jin would take the first surgery of the day since Sakura got the one yesterday. Jin vanished to do his work, while Sakura took to sitting at one of the empty computers at the nursing station. The gossip from the nurses would put Ino to shame. ‘notes and then lunch.’
“Shisui leave Sasuke alone. “ How many times did Itachi have to stop those two. Sasuke had gotten back at Shisui for giving his cell number to some of the nurses. Sasuke’s phone wouldn’t stop going off. In retribution apparently Shisui’s Instagram was hacked and was announced that he was undergoing treatment for multiple STDs, his prior conquests were not to happy about the announcement.
Shisui had come with food from Mikoto. Sadly he was unable to eat it due to being on clear liquids. The aroma itself was making Itachi’s mouth water. Itachi refused to let either Sasuke or Shisui eat his food and made them put it in the mini fridge in his room.
“I heard you have little Sakura-chan overseeing you. Aren’t you a lucky dog. Sasuke I don’t know how the two of you never got together even for a night.” Sasuke looked ready to attack. Itachi wasn’t aware that his cousin knew Sakura. Shisui initially worked for the family law firm, but then branched off with itachi to do pro-bono work. He typically got in later then Itachi and stayed to close up the office, where Itachi opened it. Shisui had guilt from not being to the office sooner he may have been able to prevent itachi getting shot.
“Uchiha-san I have come to check on you quickly. Sasuke-kun said that you may be in pain.” Sakura was at the door, her presence stopping the inevitable match between Sasuke and Shisui.
Sasuke looked annoyed and Shisui straightened up. Itachi could already tell Shisui was putting his best flirting face on. “Sakura-chan I have to ask if it hurt?” Sakura looked at Shisui annoyance spreading on her face.
“Shisui we have had this conversation before and I’m not currently in the mood to put up with your ridiculous pick up lines.” Sasuke was annoyed he knew his cousin was doing this to get on his nerves. He and Naruto made it their mission to make sure the guys wanting to date Sakura where fully screened, much to the annoyance of Sakura. She had to keep most of her relationships a secret, unless they were creeps. The creeps she held no remorse for when the two idiots chased them away. Just because they watched out for her didn't protect her from having her heart broken a few times, before she decided to focus solely on her training.
“Come on lets go find something to eat since Weasel here wont share his food.” It was then that Sasuke’s stomach started to grumble, he was in agreement to finding food and some tomato juice.
 After dumb and dumber left Sakura was able to speak to Itachi. “Uchiha-san I know you have been having increased pain and wanted to make sure you were doing ok. Is there anything that you need? “
“Why do you call be Uchiha-san? “ Itachi blamed it on his pain medications for having no filter.
“What am I supposed to call you? I think Shisui has dibs on Weasel. “ she looked playful, mischievous look behind her eyes. It reminded itachi of the little girl he remembered from another time it seemed.
“I would like it for you to call me by my name Dr. Haruno. I feel like my father should be in the room when you say Uchiha-san. “ Sakura couldn’t imagine anyone calling Fugaku by anything other than Uchiha-sama. His face would probably get as red of the tomatoes that Sasuke adores so much in anger.
“Itachi-san considering you are older than me doesn’t that make you an old man?” Before Itachi could reply Sakura’s stomach decided to interrupt their conversation.
‘I forgot to eat lunch again! Two appendectomies came in that Jin and her split, which was around lunch time.’ Sakura couldn’t help but be embarrassed.
“Excuse me Itachi-san, but I will leave you to get some more rest.” Itachi didn’t want her to leave. She was a breath of spring in the shade of beige room.
“My mother made me a bento and my doctor has decided to only let me have liquids. I don’t think she would mind me giving it to you.”
Sakura was speechless. Mikoto’s food was a precious commodity, one that Sasuke refused to let anyone have. “I can get some food in the cafeteria, that was made for you and I’m sure you would like to have it once you are cleared for a regular diet.”
“I’m sure my mother would make me a new one when the time comes. This one hasn’t been in the fridge long and will still be fresh. I insist that you take it. Although I do ask that you enjoy it here as a way to repay me. I could use company that doesn’t want to punch the other person in the face.”
“Well that’s an offer I can’t refuse.” This meal would be the first of many, neither of them knowing that at the time.
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deaf-sakura · 5 years
Signal (Deaf Sakura AU)
(This took me a while to churn out but I’m not mad at it; I love any sort of feedback so feel free to chat with me in the notes or via my askbox! You can find this on AO3 right here, so stop by and drop a kudo/subscribe if you can!)
Sakura sat on the bridge with her teammates, fidgeting with the choppy bangs framing her face and the stiff fabric of her new headband. Naruto kept glancing at her with a nervous grin, like he wanted to approach her but wasn’t sure how. She smiled politely back at him, not really wanting to start a conversation through notepad this early. Sasuke on the other hand stood motionless, not acknowledging either of them.
She sighed and scooted over to one of the poles supporting the bridge, resting her ear on the cool metal. Its surface buzzed from the river rushing below, and she watched a large branch drift towards her until it hit the bridge, sending up a hollow bang that vibrated in her ear.
That was a habit she’s had since preschool; it wasn’t a ‘deaf' thing so much as a ‘Sakura’ thing. Her favorite memories involved sprawling out on the school’s merry-go-round and pressing her ear against it while Ino and the other girls played around her. She’d giggle at how the vibrations from all their running, stomping, and spinning tickled her ear, and they’d gush about how her laugh was “so cute, like a baby’s!” later on (not that she’d know or care about how her laugh resembled a baby’s).
Now she sat here with two former classmates she barely knew and was desperately missing her old friends. Ino was the only one in the academy who could sign, so why on earth weren’t they put on the same team? Why did she have to be stuck with the hyperactive knucklehead who was always shouting at her? Or the sullen emo boy who wouldn’t look at her to talk, then got mad when she couldn’t read his lips?
Sakura sighed again, not caring who heard. And this new sensei who always wore a damn mask over his face? That had to be the worst part. She couldn’t even read his lips. When she motioned for him to pull the mask down, all he did was take out a sticky note and write down his directions (she made it a point to never write anything back). And here they were, one day after the bell test, groggy, bored, and probably being stood up by their new sensei.
Suddenly she sensed someone, their chakra to be exact. Probably the teacher. She could tell he was coming towards them quickly, his energy flickering wildly through the tree tops.
She tapped Sasuke’s foot to get his attention, but he barely glanced at her. She tugged at his pants leg, and he pulled away, making it a point to step just out of her reach. She quickly turned around, jaw clenched and cheeks burning. Naruto however was still watching her, now eagerly scooting closer to hear what she had to say. She paused before pointing at the canopy of leaves; he looked back and forth between her finger and the forest, brow knitting in confusion. She covered her face with the free hand and gestured towards the trees again. His eyes flickered.
“THE TEA-CHER?!” he shouted, over-enunciating every syllable. She gave him an awkward nod and a smile. Sasuke actually perked up at this, but he still wouldn’t look straight at her.
Within a second Kakashi appeared, perched on the railing with an arrogant grin clearly plastered on under the mask.
‘Good morning guys!’ he signed, lips moving under the mask as he spoke in tandem with his signing. He smiled at Sakura. ‘You signaled to the others that I was coming. Now tell me, how did you know that?’
‘I sensed...’ her arms froze as her mouth fell open.
‘My chakra?’ he finished. ‘That’s actually pretty good coming from a rookie. Good job.’ She stared blankly at him before her lips twisted into a snarl.
‘You sign?!’ He grinned and tried addressing the group again, but Sakura leapt in front of him and pulled his arms back down.
‘Why didn’t you do that yesterday?! Instead of making me read through all those stupid little sticky notes!’ She stomped her foot at the last word.
‘Relax, relax....’ his held his hands in the air defensively. ‘I’m still getting to know you guys and you’re still getting to know me. Can’t be spilling all my secrets so quick, can I?’
‘Liar!’ she snapped.
Honestly, he had no good reason. Maybe he didn’t want to get too chummy with a team he didn’t expect to keep. Maybe he didn’t want her bonding with an ANBU assassin until he knew he wasn’t going to go get his ass blown up on an S-rank mission. But none of that he wanted to explain right then and there.
‘Listen, I want you to be able to trust me, alright? From here on out I’ll keep signing. I’m not gonna let you fall behind or feel like you’re not a full fledged member of Team 7. I promise.’ He squeezed her shoulder. She eyed him pensively before nodding.
‘Okay.... First and foremost, let me give you two these. That should kick off your signing.’ He handed the boys two pocket-sized books labeled “Beginning Fire Nation Sign Language”. Sasuke scowled.
“Why do I have to be the one to-”
‘From here on out, this is officially a bilingual team. Most ninja develop some sign language to communicate on stealth missions and to work with deaf civilians and clients. However, you three will-’
“On stealth missions?! So like, you use it as some sort of secret code?!” Naruto snapped.
‘Yes, it’s like a secret code you can use on stealth missions,’ Kakashi repeated, trying to keep Sakura in the loop.
“That’s awesome!!!”
‘No,’ Kakashi shook his head. ‘Follow me.’ He held up his hand to his face and bent his fingers like claws, then motioned Naruto to do the same. He waved it over his mouth twice, nodding when Naruto mimicked perfectly.
‘Awesome,’ he repeated. ‘Start working on this; you say it and you sign it. That’s how we all communicate.’ Naruto grinned and repeated the sign to Sakura who smiled back.
‘Like I said, most ninja learn some sign, however working on this team your skills will greatly exceed that of your peers which will open you up to more missions. Just like any other skill set, I expect you all to work on your communication skills both during and outside of official practice. Is that understood?’
Sakura nodded her fist for ‘yes,’ and Naruto followed suit. Sasuke nodded curtly.
‘Great!’ Kakashi smiled. ‘Now, let’s get on to some real training.’
To say Kakashi worked their asses off was an understatement, but to his credit, he did give them breaks.
Naruto collapsed in the grass after his tenth lap around the training grounds. Kakashi grinned and handed him a dictionary.
“If you have time to sit, you have time to study!” he said a little too sweetly. Naruto happily obliged, quickly thumbing through his new book. Sasuke used this as motivation to keep moving until he was dry heaving at the base of a pine tree. 
When Sakura fell to her knees panting, he loomed over her with that same saccharine-sweet grin behind his mask.
‘Let’s see.... You obviously don’t need to work on your signing. What can we work on while sitting down, hm?’ She shrugged sheepishly. He hit his fist into his palm with sudden realization. ‘Your academy teachers said you were great with chakra control!’
He pulled her up by her elbow and dragged her to the edge of the pond.
‘You’ve used chakra to climb up trees before, right?’
‘Just a little bit.... Ino’s dad taught me.’
‘Great! Well this isn’t much different. Focus your chakra at your feet, and just follow me.’ He stepped out onto the water and took three wide steps before turning back to her. She was smiling ear to ear in awe.
‘It’s the same idea, except you’re using your chakra to gently repel the water rather than glue yourself to the surface. Your turn, follow me!’ Sakura glanced between her sensei and the water before taking a shaky step onto the pond. Once she shifted enough weight on it to know it wouldn’t fall through, she lifted her back leg from the shore and put it in front. She started hobbling over to Kakashi’s side, latching onto his arm before she could lose her momentum. He quickly turned and dragged her out further onto the pond until they were way too far from shore for Sakura’s liking.
‘Now....’ Kakashi made the sign for chakra by his shins, telling her to redirect her chakra there.
‘And now sit!’ He pushed down on her shoulders until she awkwardly knelt on the surface. She bobbed shakily, her calves getting swallowed and spat out by the water until she found the right balance of chakra over so much surface area.
‘Good work. Now see how long you can hold this position while I go check on the boys.’ Kakashi grinned.
‘Wait, I just stay here like this?!’ Sakura snapped.
‘Yup, just come join us when you’re done!’
‘I don’t wanna fall in!!!’
‘Hm.... I can’t say I blame you. You better focus then!’ With that he disappeared in a puff of smoke.
“Now...Naruto, how are you doing?” he hummed. Naruto perked up at Kakashi.
“Oh...I’m doing great! I really like this stuff Kakashi sensei!” he grinned.
“Great. Show me one sign you’ve already learned.”
“Okay!!!” Naruto eagerly crossed his forearms and stuck up his thumb and pinkie on one hand, then started flexing his fingers on the other.
“Bullshit!!!” he hollered, cackling to himself. A single bead of sweat slipped down Kakashi’s forehead.
“Okay great. No, really, fantastic. Got anything useful though?” Just then a scream echoed around them followed by a splash. 
“She can swim right? Okay, yeah, she’s swimming, she’s fine,” Kakashi mumbled before turning back to Naruto.
Naruto hummed before touching his pointer finger to his wrist and waving his free hand.
“Leaf! Like the village.” Kakashi gave a more earnest smile at that.
“Alright, how about you Sasuke?”
Kakashi sighed and Naruto grimaced.
“Come on bastard, this stuff is actually pretty cool! Plus you should try to learn to talk to Sakura just a little bit! Not like we can be passing notes in the middle of a mission.”
“I don’t need to talk to her, loser. I don’t even need to be talking to you, either. You’ll both just get in my way.”
“Sasuke,” Kakashi hummed, giving him that fake smile. “No man is an island, no accomplished ninja today got where they are on their own. I know you have...goals. And signing with us won’t exactly help you accomplish them. But trust me when I say, becoming an integrated member of your four-man squad will help you develop your skills in the long run. It’s in no one’s best interest for you to isolate yourself.” He calmly held Sasuke’s gaze until the younger broke away. Just then Sakura came trudging in, soaked pond water.
‘I fell in!!!’ she snapped, huffing in anger.
‘You poor thing. Will you live?’ Kakashi snorted.
‘I saw him sign “bullshit” and it broke my concentration! How did he learn that?!’
“Ooh Kakashi-sensei, she cursed at you! I caught that! I’m already pretty sharp, huh?” Naruto laughed. Sakura caught just enough of what he said to look bemused.
‘Alright team!’ Kakashi spoke and signed. ‘I’d say we got off to a good start today. Meet back at the bridge tomorrow and we’ll start discussing our very first mission! Until then, you are all dismissed.’
Sasuke quickly turned on his heels to head home, while Naruto started running off and yelling his goodbyes behind him. But as Sakura tried to leave, Kakashi tapped her shoulder.
‘I’m just now realizing, I never got your sign name,’ he said. Sakura smiled shyly. She held up two fingers on each hand and traced them down the sides of her head, from her scalp to her ears. Kakashi copied her.
‘Ah, so like your headband?’
‘Not really. I had this ribbon growing up that my friend Ino gave to me. I wore it to hold my hair back with every single day until I was given my headband. I still have it though, the ribbon!’ she grinned.
‘Okay then, Sakura....’ He emphasized her name now that he had it. ‘I’ll see you back at the bridge tomorrow first thing in the morning. In the meantime, I want you to start thinking up sign names for all of Team 7 so we can easily communicate. Understood?’ She nodded before he once again he disappeared in a puff of smoke, letting Sakura be the last one to leave the training ground.
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onomatophia · 5 years
My Heart’s Been Borrowed and Yours Has Been Blue
Characters: Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke Pairing: SasuSaku
Summary: “Hey, do you want to get married?” Sasuke asks casually as if they’re out walking leisurely in a park instead of being in the middle of a fight with rogue ninjas. (Blank period SS, fluff)
“Hey, do you want to get married?” Sasuke asks casually as if they’re out walking leisurely in a park and not in the middle of a fight with rogue ninjas.
And okay, that’s not exactly how he wanted to propose to the love of his life. Sasuke may suck at this romance thing but he knows well enough that proposing in the middle of a battle while sounding nonchalant about it isn’t exactly one for the books. 
In his defense, he did spend a lot of time thinking and planning how to propose months before this. It’s just that today, fighting with Sakura, her having his back and always making sure he’s not severely injured and simultaneously taking down their enemies with just a single punch to the ground just left him in absolute awe. Suddenly, he was hit by this sudden urge of wanting to marry her and keep fighting enemies with her until they grow old that his throat just closed in on him and the words stumbled out of his mouth. How he kept calm through it all, was a mystery to him as well. 
Sakura throws a punch effortlessly at an enemy running toward her before replying, “I don’t think now is exactly the best time for that, Sasuke-kun.”
It’s been a year since they left Konoha and started to travel around Fire Country. The past year was spent in bliss, learning each other and falling in love all over again. Getting acquainted with each other didn’t really take that much time because of the history they shared and before they knew it, they’ve already familiarized themselves with the other like the back of their hand. It certainly wasn’t long before they stopped the pretence of having to sleep in separate rooms or tents and decided that sleeping together was inevitable and long overdue.
They complement each other so well that they only have to share one look and they’d immediately understand what the other one is thinking. Sasuke thinks that if he had taken Sakura with him in his quest for revenge against Itachi years ago, maybe he would’ve accomplished things sooner. 
If Sasuke were a better man, he would wax poetic right there and then of how he couldn’t live without her, how she’s the sunshine of his life, how he’s never loved anyone as he much as he loves her, and how he probably wouldn’t bear it if he ever loses her. Even after having moved on from his past and having rid of his lust for vengeance, he is still not well equipped to handle these things called ‘emotions’. 
And because he’s Sasuke and he’s an idiot, he just points to a nearby establishment with an ad that says “50% OFF PROMO FOR NEWLYWEDS!” written in pink ink and inside a heart shaped wreath. “We should take advantage of that promo,” he says as he throws a couple of shuriken to their enemies jumping out from the trees where they were hiding. 
Sakura aims another kick at the ninja running toward her before she turns to him, mouth pressed in thin line. “You’re saying you want to get married just so you could enjoy a luxurious night in an inn?” 
He just shrugs, “That and the tax benefits, I guess.” His mouth twitches as fights off the urge to smile.
Sakura just rolls her eyes at him and blows the bangs off her face. For someone who’s fighting a dozen or so ninjas in the past hour, she looks absolutely pristine as if she just started her day and Sasuke might just pass out because she’s so pretty it should be illegal. 
“Okay,” she shouts as she jumps away, dodging the series of kunai thrown at her by their opponents.
“Okay?” Sasuke blinks. 
“Eh, I suppose you’re not bad in the eyes. And I could do with your fortune inheritance, I guess.” Sakura retorts to which Sasuke snorts. “We better finish off these thugs as soon as possible so we can still make it to the government office in this town then.”
By the time they reached the town hall, it is almost sun down. They both look disheveled with their clothes all wrinkled and smudged with dust, not exactly the perfect attire for a wedding. The offices are about to close and night establishments are starting to open.
The civil servants are just about to leave and so Sakura had to resort to deception just so the town official would officiate their ceremony.
“Please, I beg you. I only have a few weeks left to live and I don’t want to waste any more time that I have left not being married to this man,” Sakura chokes out, letting the tears flow down her face. And to add to the dramatics, she then buries her face in her palms and wails her lungs off. 
Sasuke had to suppress the urge to laugh as he sees panic-stricken face of the town official. 
The man, Zenitsu-san, raises his hands in defeat. “Fine, fine. Just stop crying. I will marry you both right here, right now.” He then walks back to his office while grumbling not-so-discreetly, “Goddamnit, I hate this job.”
Sakura’s face immediately breaks out with a grin when she glances at Sasuke and starts pulling him by the hand to follow the town official, her excitement evident with every skip in her steps. Sasuke had to hide his smile because he just knows how dopey he looks right now and he can’t have Sakura seeing that because he’s got a reputation to maintain.
However, he stops her right before they enter the office when he is suddenly reminded of Naruto’s wedding. He puts his hands on top of her shoulders while Sakura stares at him, confusion written all over her face. “Sasuke-kun?”
Sasuke takes a deep breath, “Are you sure you want to do this? We could go back to Konoha, you know. Have our wedding as grand as Naruto’s if you want. I want you to be with your family and everyone important to you on our wedding day and-”
Sakura cuts him off with a kiss before he could finish what he was saying. “Sasuke-kun. You’re my family and the most important person in my life.” She then smiles at him, a smile reserved only for him, and places her hands above his. “Whether it be in sewer or in a dump site, I don’t care. I just want to be with you.”
Sasuke really, really, really loves this woman. He must’ve done something great in his past life to deserve her, to have someone like her love him unconditionally after all the stupid shit he pulled.
He was about to lean in and kiss her when he was interrupted by a loud groan coming from inside the office.
“Really? Really? You haven’t even signed any marriage application forms and you’re already kissing the bride? God, get your asses in here and fill up this forms so I could go home already. Ugh.” Zenitsu-san whines. 
— — — — — — — — — — —— — — — — — — — — — —
                            Certificate of Marriage
This certifies that Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke                             were united in marriage
             on the 30th day of July in the year 1980
— — — — — — — — — — —— — — — — — — — — — —
Sakura held up their marriage certificate in one hand as her other hand is currently occupied holding Sasuke’s hand while they walk to the direction of the inn they saw earlier.
“That was surprisingly quick,” Sasuke comments.
Sakura nods then proceeds to roll up their marriage certificate. “Well, it is way past his work time so he was rushing us. And apparently eloping is the trend nowadays, according to the grandmas I gossiped with around town. So the government had to be efficient as more and more couples are doing this.”
After filling up some marriage application forms and presenting their identification cards and birth certificates, the town official proceeded to marry them in his office with his secretary and a janitor as their witnesses. In just a half hour or so, Sasuke finally attained the greatest achievement of his life; marrying Sakura Haruno.
He is now a husband. He can now refer to Sakura as his wife. Holy shit.
“Ah finally, we’re here!” Sakura exclaims and enters the inn with Sasuke in tow. Sakura then brandishes their wedding certificate to the woman in the reception area. “We want to avail that 50% promo now.”
The woman smiles at them and hands out a pamphlet to Sakura. “Good thing you were able to avail our promo as we only have it until today.”
It was then that Sasuke saw the banner from their earlier fight, “50% OFF PROMO FOR NEWLY WEDS! UNTIL JULY 30 ONLY! (Includes a romantic dinner, spa, mud baths and other activities!)”
Sasuke narrows his eyes at Sakura, “Is this why you are adamant that we get married today?”
His wife just smiles cheekily at him, “What? You’re the one who suggested this in the first place, old man.”
“Can we get the key to our room now?” Sasuke asks the receptionist and practically hauls Sakura in his shoulder. He’ll show her who she’s calling an old man. 
Sakura practically melts into the pillows and the blanket after Sasuke gently laid her down the bed who promptly joined her.
“I thought I’d be getting some action after all that,” Sakura says.
Sasuke gathers her into his arms and buries his face in the crook of her neck, “Mmmm so tired.”
Sakura pats his head and laughs, “Ah the ripe old age of 22, where our bones creak and our backs ache.”
They stay like that for a while, reveling in each other’s presence and feeling content with everything when Sasuke suddenly raises his head as if he remembered something.
“I forgot,” he says as he fumbles in the pocket of his pants.
Sakura just frowns at him and then gasps when Sasuke pulled out a small black velvet box from his pants. It doesn’t take a genius to know what’s inside that box.
Sasuke opens the box to reveal a simple ring with a gold band and a small emerald diamond in the middle. Simple and subtle, like their love for each other. He takes it out of the box and gathers Sakura’s hand. “Can I?” 
Sakura nods, tears welling from the corners of her eyes.
“Sakura Haruno, is it okay if you spend the rest of your life with me?” he asks quietly while slipping the ring on her finger.
Sakura just laughs as the tears fall from her eyes, this time they were real. She caresses Sasuke’s face and looks at him fondly, “I can’t believe you would propose just after we got married.”
Sasuke wipes the tears from her face and hugs her once again, “Just covering my bases, is all.” He then turns off the lamp next to their bed and settles them both in a more comfortable position. He yawns, “Good night, wife.”
Sakura sighs contentedly and burrows her face in Sasuke’s chest. “Good night, husband.”
Notes: Anyway, I have no idea how civil weddings work. I’m just basing things from the tv shows i’ve watched lol. And I don’t know Sasuke and Sakura’s exact wedding date so I just put on the first date I could think of which was Harry Potter’s birthday haha.
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domesticsns · 4 years
How would Tobirama react to breaking in to Sasuke and Naruto's flat to find Sasuke babysitting Obiti and Tobi?
I gotta say, I really like this one. This is reasons why my inbox is open. 
Okay. So Madara dropped off his sons at Sasuke’s and the boys were playing a game at one of Naruto’s game stations while Naruto is at work because it is PTA night at his school so he was going to be home late. Which the kids were disappointed at because uncle Naruto is fun to play with and Sasuke felt a little awkward because he is not the ‘fun’ uncle. He is ‘buzzkiller’ telling the kids to sit on the couch instead of right in front of the TV and give the apples as afternoon snacks instead of bags o crisps and soda. 
When Tobi asked his uncle why they couldn’t have crisps. Sasuke said, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” and Tobi asked why they wanted to get away from uncle Itachi. They liked him, he gave them a small bag of crisps after school.  Sasuke, feeling a little agitated at this said, “Well your uncle Itachi didn’t want to bother with rude ass kids...” Then he felt a little sorry and said, “And we ran out crisps.” 
Obito being the good older brother took a slice of apple and sad, “Hmmm this is so good~ Too bad I am going to eat all them on my own!” causing his little brother to go, “NO UH!” And eat his apples. Sasuke ruffled up Obito’s hair mouthing a little, “thank you” to him. 
He was starting on dinner, making some curry with rice. He was cutting the vegetables while Obito and Tobi were playing some game. They turn their face when they hear a strange soft noise coming from the window and they could see a grown as mann wearing a blue winter coat with a fluffy white fur around the hood. He was wearing a scarf and gloves as he broke in through the fire escape into the apartment and both kids looked wide eyes at the stranger who climbed in and looked at them and proceeded press a finger against his lips for them to stay quiet. He slowly tiptoed to the kitchen.
Obito and Tobi watch him, speechless because this shit does not happen in the suburbs. They couldn’t process what was happening at first and something clicked in Obito’s brain and he screamed, “UNCLE!”
So Sasuke grabbed hold of his knife and swung it when he caught something moving in the corner of his eyes. But he was quickly pushed against the counter and there was a short rough fight in the kitchen where Sasuke fight or flight instinct kicked in and he tried to stab the stranger, but obviously on terms of skills Tobirama was equal if not having a small upper hand. He managed to pin Sasuke against the counter pin one hand behind his back while having the other on the counter, holding it far away from them. 
“It is me, chill.” Tobirama said, pissing Sasuke off more. 
“Fuck you!” He hissed. 
“Oh come on I was trying to get a hold of you all day.” Tobirama whispered in his ears. 
“You better hold tight because I will stab you if you let go.” Sasuke hissed. 
“LET GO OF MY UNCLE!” Tobirama got pulled back when Obito jumped on his back and Tobi grabbed Tobirama’s leg.  
“FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!” Obito kept shouting because Sasuke once told him ti would catch the attention of strangers if he was in trouble. 
Tobirama let go of Sasuke and turned around looking very proud of his nephews. Obito is pulling his white hair while Tobi bit down on his leg and Tobirama doesn’t know what he should do because getting in a small fight with Sasuke is fun but he was not going to hurt a bunch of kids. So given in he backed off fast and Sasuke had to tell them to stop. 
Obito looks at his uncle and then asks why he was breaking in. It was daylight robbery as his dad would put it. 
“That is not what daylight robbery means,” Sasuke said, grabbing Obito and putting him on the ground before saying, “I am very proud of you.” 
“I helped!” Tobi said and stopped biting Tobirama’s leg. 
“I am also very proud of you.” Sasuke said. 
“You know this men?” Obito asked, pointing at Tobirama who lowered his scarf and took his jacket off. 
“I work with him.” Tobirama said. 
“Then why would you sneak in through the window! Why don’t you use the door like normal people.” 
“Because your uncle is ignoring my phone calls and I wanted to push his face on the a hard surface for a while. I prefer it to be a chair, but I guess the counter will do.”  
“Wait...” Obito looks from Tobirama to Sasuke and then back at Tobirama, “Is this why uncle Naruto isn’t here? DID YOU TWO HAVE A DIVORCE LIKE MY PARENTS!” 
“No!” Sasuke said. “Never.” He spoke glaring over at Tobirama. 
“Now why don’t you two continue playing your game and uhm...I’ll make sure Naruto gets some ice cream on his way for dessert. You two deserve it.” 
“Yeah ice cream!” Tobi says with his hands up in the air as he runs back to the living room and Obito stays behind glaring at Tobirama. 
“I have my eyes on you.” Before walking backwards, but tripping and falling on his ass. 
“You should use those eyes to watch your steps, kid.” Tobirama said causing Obito to blush. The moment he let the kitchen Sasuke slaps Tobirama in the face. 
“You could have traumatized those kids!” He hisses. 
“I didn’t know your nephews were going to be here. At first I thought they were your children but they were not in your family tree. Then they called you uncle. I’m confused I thought you only had one brother and he has a daughter if I am not mistaken.” 
“They are my cousin’s kids.” 
“I had no idea you were so close to your cousin.” Tobirama rubs his cheek, “Really...A slap.” 
“I wanted to punch you in the face, but I figured the slap would humiliate you more.” 
“I am actually pretty into getting slapped in the face. Makes me feel alive.” Tobirama joked. He took his jacket off, scarf and gloves putting them on a chair of the dining table. 
“Really, make yourself at home...” Sasuke said sarcastically.
“I am surprised you didn’t recognise my jacket. Since you wrapped yourself around it a few weeks back.” 
“Shut up. What do you want?” 
“I am taking that your husband is the one that is more guest friendly,” Tobirama teased. “What are you making, is it spicy? I don’t like my food too spicy.” 
He stirred the pan, tasting the curly a little. 
“Hmm, this is good. I had no idea you made wonderful homemaker besides kicking criminals in prison.” 
He looks over at Sasuke grabbing a spicy pepper and throwing it in the pan, causing Tobirama to just look at him from the corner of his eyes before grin. 
“What brings you here?” Sasuke asked. 
“I tried texting you. But you were ignoring me.” Tobirama said, grabbing his phone and holding it up, for a moment Sasuke thought he was going to read his message out loud but then he saw the flash from the camera and Tobirama saying, “Cute apron, did your husband get you that.” 
“No, it was on sale.” 
“it is adorable.” 
“It was cheap.” 
“And sexy if you would wear nothing under neat it. I am guessing you bought it with another purpose but then figures it could have two purposes.”
“This is the third time I am going to ask. Why are you breaking in my house and scaring the shit out of my nephews.” 
“They are lovely kids.” 
“They are. Couldn’t have been more proud seeing them kick your ass.” 
“I wasn’t going to hurt a child. Even if they cause a headache and I swear the weird one wearing the mask bit my leg pretty hard. It might be bleeding.” 
“Boo hoo,” Sasuke commented. 
“I might need a rabies shot? Your brother is a doctor, should I go to the hospital.” 
“You should get out of my house.” 
“Yeah now that you ruined dinner, honey. I don’t think I can stay with you. I’m divorcing you.” He grabbed some files before handing them to Sasuke. 
“Oh no darling, is it because I ruined one meal in our long ass sexless marriage?” 
“You had one job. Also our kids are monsters. My mother was right when she said I couldn’t make a house wife from a ho.” 
“Yeah, I never liked your mother to begin with. Now in all seriousness. What is in this file?” Sasuke asked,  opening it. 
“A new lead in our case.”  Tobirama said. “Now do I get a goodbye kiss?” 
“No, fuck you.” 
“I thought you didn’t want to do that in front of the kids.”  Tobirama put his hands on Sasuke’s hips. Sasuke looks up and says: “Scram.” 
“This why our personas  are arguing the entire time.” Tobirama said, putting his coat and scarf back on before heading to the window. 
“Front door.” 
“Oh yeah right,” Tobirama head to the door and opens it right before Naruto was about to get inside. 
“Oh hey Sasuke’s husband. I wouldn’t eat the curry. Too spicy.” Tobirama left as Naruto looked down he hall at Sasuke and then back in the hall way where Tobirama is leaving and then back at his husband again. 
“Wait what?” 
“He was just mentally scaring the kids and  dropping a file.” Sasuke said. “How was your day?” 
“Let’s start with yours...” Naruto said, closing the door behind him. 
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Forty-Three: Damaged ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto, Jiraiya ] [ SasuHina, vulgarity, homelessness ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
Nobody likes damaged goods.
Hood of his sweatshirt drawn up over his face, Sasuke raps knuckles against the door before him. It’s late, lightly raining, and his typical plan has fallen through. Hence: the backup.
A light flicks on, and the sounds of a deadbolt are heard before the door opens. Beyond, rubbing tiredly at his face, is Naruto. “...Sasuke?”
“Dude, it’s like…” He glances back. “...one in the morning. What’re you doing here?”
“Look, uh…” The Uchiha scratches at the back of his neck. “I can’t really explain, but...some shit went down, and...I could use a couch to crash on. If that’s okay.”
Immediately, the blond’s face slackens in surprise. “Oh, shit...uh...yeah, sure. Come on in.” Ushering his friend inside, Naruto thinks for a moment. “My goddad’s daughter is away at college, so you can crash in her room if you -?”
“No, a couch is fine. It’s...just for the night.”
“Dude, it’s a bed. All I gotta do is swap the sheets and -”
“Leave it. I just need to crash for a few hours. It’s no big deal.”
Brows furrow over blues as Naruto studies his friend...who in turn takes every opportunity to avoid his eyes. “...y’know, you can quit lying to me any time.”
“What do you mean ly-?”
“C’mon man,” Naruto sighs. “I’m not as stupid as you think I am. I know you’re out on your own. And I know those punks you’ve been hanging out with are -”
“Don’t call them that,” Sasuke cuts in with a growl.
“They’re no good for you, dude! I know the shit they get up to, and you’re not gonna -”
“Butt out,” Sasuke warns one last time. “Are you gonna let me crash on your couch, or what? Otherwise, I’m better off out in the rain than listening to your preachy ass. I’m fine.”
“You’re obviously not fine, dude! I’m worried about you!”
“I didn’t ask you to be!”
“Well too fuckin’ bad, cuz you’re my friend!”
“Well you can’t -”
“Oi, oi...what’s all the racket…?”
Both boys turn as another light flickers on, none other than Jiraiya scratching at his scalp with a yawn as he stands at the base of the stairs. The literature teacher makes a face. “Naruto, how many times I gotta tell ya not to use language like that in this house?”
“You write porn on the side while you teach teenagers about Edgar Allan Poe and Jane Austen,” Naruto retorts with a deadpan look. “I think that gives me some leeway with my language, huh?”
Jiraiya rolls his eyes. “Well...guess there’s worse things you could do. But d’you mind explaining why you two are up yelling at the wee hours of the morning?”
Scowling, Sasuke stuffs hands into his pockets and heads toward the door. “...never mind. This is a mess...I’m out.”
“Sasuke, wait -!”
Slamming the door and cutting the other pair off, Sasuke squares his shoulders and starts walking. Tch...like Naruto can even begin to understand. He’s been adopted since he was an infant, taken in by his godfather and hardly spending any time alone. Sasuke lost his parents at seven in a break-in gone wrong while he and his brother were off visiting their cousin. For a while they stayed at their aunt’s...until she was killed in the line of duty as a cop when Sasuke was twelve.
From there...the hard times really started.
He and his brother were separated in the foster system. Itachi tried to gain custody at eighteen, only to be denied...so he’s currently enrolled in college trying to better his odds at finally being able to take Sasuke in. Of course...by that time, he’ll nearly be an adult anyway. And now, at sixteen...he’s finally decided to run away fully. He’s lived in over a dozen different places in these past four years, and he’s reached a breaking point. His behavior has deteriorated with the depths of his frustration and pent-up anger. No one wants him around. So he’s decided to try couch hopping until Itachi graduates next year. He’s sure he can do it. Naruto was his most recent stop, but...something about going there feels wrong.
...maybe it’s the jealousy.
But either way, he won’t go back now. He doesn’t need Naruto looking at him like that. Like he’s some kicked puppy that the blond is going to adopt and spoil. He doesn’t need that kind of treatment...he can do this on his own. And his judgmental attitude about his friends pisses him off. Karin, Suigetsu, Jūgo...they’re in just as tight of spots as Sasuke. They do what they have to in order to get by.
Naruto just...doesn’t understand.
He’ll never understand…
Besides, being in this neighborhood sucks. He used to live on this street before everything went to hell in a handbasket. Last he checked, the house is empty...again. No one ever lives in it long. He likes to tell himself it’s haunted...and that no one can stand it. Call him bitter, but he’s glad no one else gets to call his house home.
They never should have had to leave…
Skulking in his thoughts...he almost misses it. In fact...he’s not sure what makes him look over. But Sasuke’s eyes get drawn to a house as he passes by, happening to notice that there’s...someone on the roof…?
That alone gets him to stop in his tracks. It’s dark, even more so with the cloud cover, but...he can just barely make out a silhouette along the spine of the rooftop. Staring, he can’t make out who it is from here, so...deciding he has nothing better to do, he walks across the lawn to get closer.
There’s a ladder propped up along the side of the house - it’s a split level: some roof one story tall, the rest two stories. This person - whoever they are - is sitting along the section over the front door, straddling the topmost point.
Looking it over...he then realizes what house this is. It’s been so long...but this is the Hyūga household. Two girls live here, from what he can remember. This must be one of them...the older. Hinata, was it?
...no response.
Sighing, he eyes the ladder, and risks taking a few rungs up. It’s a bit slick with rain, but he’s used to climbing things he shouldn’t. “Oi…!”
For a moment, she stiffens, and he’s almost afraid she’ll fall. But her posture remains mostly balanced, looking to him in obvious fright. “W...what are you doing?!”
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”
“You’re on p-private property, and -!”
“And you’re sitting on a roof at one am in the rain,” he cuts in, tone flat. “No offense, but that’s not really something normal people do.”
As a matter of fact...it sounds like something he would do, if he had a roof to monkey about on.
“It...it’s none of your business. Who are you?”
“Sasuke. I’m in your class. Hinata, right?”
Remembering he has his hood on, he tosses his head to throw it back. “Sup?”
“W...what are you doing out here?”
“Can’t sleep,” he easily fibs. “What are you doing out here?”
“...I can’t sleep either.”
“So this is your alternative? Not bingeing Netflix or something?”
“...I like the rain. And I like s-sitting on the roof.”
“Little dangerous, isn’t it? It’d be easy to fall.”
For a time, she’s quiet...then she mumbles something.
“I said...it wouldn’t matter if I - i-if I did.”
He sighs. “Little dramatic, isn’t it?”
“We’re teenagers. We’re supposed to be dramatic.”
We, huh? “Yeah, well...you should come down.”
“Cuz it’s making me nervous, all right? Just...get off the roof, huh?”
For a moment she seems to pout at him...but then swings a leg over, scooting her way back to the ladder. He holds it for good measure, not letting go until both her feet are on the ground. “...happy?”
“Happy is a relative term. Overall? No. In this instance? Yeah.”
Hinata’s head tilts. “...what are you really doing out here, Sasuke…?”
“Running away from home. Except it’s not home, so just...running away.”
She seems to weigh if he’s messing with her or not. “...do you...have some place to go?”
“Working on it.”
“Do you want to come in?”
“Not sure any parent in their right mind with a teenage daughter would be thrilled to have a teenage boy in the house at night.”
“My dad’s not home, he’s away on business. It’s just me and my sister.”
...that rings a bell. Her mom died when she was even younger than his own loss. He’d just been too young to understand until...well, Life made him understand. “...sure it’s not weird?”
“I don’t mind. Better than you being o-out here soaking wet, right? Come on...you can take a warm shower, and I’ll put your c-clothes in the dryer.”
...under any other circumstances, he’d find all of this extremely weird. But Sasuke’s life hasn’t exactly been normal as of late, so...he shrugs, and follows her inside.
“Just toss them out the door and I’ll dry them, and put them back. We’ve got a guest room you can use.”
“A couch is -”
“Hardly comfortable. You’re going in the guest room.”
...okay, that part was weird. Hinata the wallflower, being assertive? “...all right, fine.”
His shower, admittedly, runs a little long. Not about to take one for granted given he doesn’t know when his next one will happen, he takes his time before peeking through the door. As promised, his clothes are folded just beyond it, snatched and reapplied. He finds Hinata in the kitchen, wordlessly handing him a cup of hot tea. “...what is up with you?”
“You’re acting weird.”
Sipping her own and staring at him for a long moment, she retorts, “...I didn’t think you k-knew me well enough to know what’s weird for me to do.”
...well, she has a point.
“You’re usually so shy, and...modest. Now you’re letting a homeless good-for-nothing into your house, when there’s no adults around, ordering me around and making me tea? That seems weird.”
“...you needed help. And you’re Naruto’s friend, so…” Shoulders softly shrug. “...I hear bits and pieces. A-about what you’re going through. I’m...surprised you’re not at Naruto’s, honestly.”
“I went there first. Didn’t work.”
“...I see.” Considering her cup, she murmurs, “...Dad will be home in two days. You can stay until then. Hanabi won’t care, but she might p-pester you.”
“...that’s fine. I can handle pestering. You’re sure this is okay?”
Pale eyes flicker back and forth across his face, as if...looking for something.
“...I’m not exactly a stand-up kind of kid. Just want you to bear that in mind.”
The corner of her mouth twitches. “...we’re all a little damaged,” she replies softly. “And I think...yours meshes okay with mine. You can stay.”
Meshes with…? What is she talking about? Before he can ask, she gestures for him to follow, leading him to an empty bedroom.
“The sheets are clean, and there’s spare toothbrushes in the bathroom, in the cabinet on the left. It’s late, so...I’ll let you sleep in. If you get hungry, you can raid the fridge. My room’s upstairs, on the right. Knock if you need anything.”
“...uh, right. Thanks.” Watching her go, Sasuke then looks over the spare room. It looks like one of those mock-up rooms you see in magazines. It’s about the last place he can picture himself being, but...apparently this is his lot for the next two days.
He sheepishly finds a snack, scarfing down a few handfuls of chips before doing as invited and brushing his teeth. It all feels so...strange. It’s definitely not what he was expecting...but then again, kindness tends to show up where you least expect it. And Hinata Hyūga was not the first person he was about to ask. Hell, she wasn’t even on his list. They never talk - he only knows her because Naruto hangs out with her sometimes. Apparently they even dated for a short while before calling it quits. Is that why…? She did mention his knowing the blond...but it seems to go beyond that.
Yours meshes okay with mine...what was that supposed to mean? Is she talking about...losing parents? True, she’s about the only other person he knows with a dead parent. But she still has her dad, right…?
...but he also knows sometimes a parent can be just as absent alive as dead. Away on business, huh…?
Removing his shoes, he slips into bed, staring at yet another unfamiliar ceiling. But at least this one doesn’t make his belly ache and his mind race. It’s actually...really nice. It’s only for two days, but...well, he’ll just make the most of it.
...he’ll have to thank her properly in the morning.
     This is...not exactly how I pictured it going when I started, but my muse has been a lil wonky as of late, and I'm still recuperating after the double month ^^; So hopefully it's not too weird.      Hinata might seem a little...strange in this one, but that's because she has her own share of trauma in this particular iteration I didn't want to delve into too much, mostly to justify Sasuke's confusion. He doesn't know what's up with her either. But losing one parent, and being so unable to depend on the other, isn't exactly easy. She knows her experience is different from (and not as heavy as) Sasuke's, but...there's still aspects she understands.      There might be more reasons she was up on that roof...      Buuut anyway, this is technically yesterday's prompt, and...I need to do today's. Er...the first's. It's late so...blegh. I'ma try to get that done, and finally be caught up now that SHM is over, so...let's see if I can do it! If not today, well...maybe tomorrow, lol - but either way, thanks for reading!
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