#sadly for you (and for Jews) he was a Jewish person
omeryotam4 · 5 months
A message to Pro-Palestinians claiming 'Jesus was Palestinian'
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You take the man, you take the ruin he brought on Jews, no backsies:))
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matan4il · 3 months
I saw your post about Noah and it just but a bee in my bonnet about how people in all sorts of fandoms have been doing similar things to Jewish actors (but it’s not as well known cause they’re obviously not as high profile as stranger things). I follow you from the 911 fandom, and I also watch 911 Lone Star and both Ronen Rubinstein (who plays TK) and Lisa Edelstein (who guest starred so isn’t a regular anymore but is iconic in her own right) have gotten hate. Ronen removed his twitter after people started calling him a Zionist and harassing him. Lisa turned comments off on some of her ig posts and specifically said it was so she wouldn’t get attacked. The only things those two have said are in regards to getting the hostages home safe or in reaction to the immediate events of Oct 7. Yet they’re being called supporters of genocide. The antisemitism disguised as “antizionism” is so fucking obvious and it’s sad how it’s infiltrated even the smaller fandoms if actors involved dare to be Jewish and express concern for fellow Jews.
Hi Nonnie!
First of all, yes. Sadly, there is not a single fandom I have been active in, that has been a safe space for Jews in general, and they've all become worse since Oct 7. So I'll talk a bit about the 911 fandom, but let's be clear that this fandom isn't the issue, it really is a symptom of a much bigger problem, which is very prevalent in online spaces, not just online fandoms. What I'll talk about is obviously not true for every single person, but it IS true for enough people, and especially for some very vocal ones, who shape what the "allowed" discourse is.
I have not been following what the 911 fandom does and says about Ronen Rubinstein for at least 2 years, but I can't say I'm surprised by what you told me.
I've written more than once about the fact that Jews are not white, not even the white passing ones. Also, I'm hardly the only Jew raising their voice about this, and yet I've noticed that the 911 fandom, which raged when half-white Eddie Diaz was not recognized as a POC by one fan, the fandom which has accepted Christopher Diaz as a POC (even though he's canonically only 25% Mexican, and is played by an actor who actually IS white, which means there's no arguing over the fact that Chris looks white), is also the fandom which has repeatedly conceptualized Ronen as a white guy, same for his character TK (even though he's canonically only half white), and with that view in mind there's been hostility towards Ronen that I've come across not long after 911LS just started. Ronen's family is from an area where Jews had been repeatedly slaughtered, including during the Holocaust for NOT being white less than one hundred years ago. TK looks white (you know, exactly like Chris), so that's enough to ignore Jewish identity, history, being native to the Middle East, and anti-Jewish persecution. Ronen gets conceptualized as a white oppressor. And as such, he's a fair target, even an encouraged one.
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Gavin, whose character Chris is recognized as a POC, even though he himself is completely white.
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Ronen, whose character TK is not recognized as a POC, even though the actor is fully Jewish.
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Natacha, whose character Marjan is recognized as a POC, even though the actress herself is half white. She's also half Lebanese, Marjan is fully so, and whatever Arabs are, Jews are the exact same, because both groups are native to South West Asia (similarly, both groups come in a variety of skin tones).
So I'm not surprised that Ronen is being mistreated. Jews are mis-conceptualized as white, and the Israeli-Arab conflict gets mis-conceptualized by applying to it a race-based model imported from the US, in which Israelis are white Jews (even though 21% of our population is Arab, a part of our leadership is Arab and has been since the first Knesset was elected, over 70 years ago, and even though many of the Israeli soldiers fighting to protect us are Arabs... when the conflict is explained, they're all erased, and Israelis are only understood as - and blamed as - white Jews), who are evil oppressors of brown Arabs (even though some Arabs are just as white looking, or even whiter than some Jews). Then, this conflict is used to vilify and justify harassing Jewish actors, whether Noah in Stranger Things, Timothee Chalamet, or Ronen and Lisa.
Here are some white looking Palestinians, who always get ignored by the people conceptualizing the conflict as white vs brown people:
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Two pics of Israeli soldiers killed, each pic from just one day in this war in Gaza, and you can see the diversity of skin tones...
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Like I said, I haven't been following Ronen, but I did happen across a post that claimed he needs to be canceled for the crime of blocking people who the poster said were pro-Palestine. But in my experience, even when you're a Jew who is not being hateful towards Palestinians, you're just pro both groups, because you recognize they're both humans, the fact that you have the "audacity" to stand up for Jewish people and Jewish rights, and against the mis-representation of Jews in Israel, is enough for antisemitic bullies to use that to come after you with antisemitic abuse under the guise of being pro-Palestinian (here's just one example. I wonder how many Palestinians have been liberated by harassing Jews online. Pretty sure the answer is zero. I also always love how this crowd never actually stands up for Palestinians when they're wronged by fellow Arabs, in Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon or Syria. It's only the Jews who bother these "pro-Palestinians," not the actual well being of Palestinians). I'm sure that if we could see who Ronen was blocking, it would be the same kind of people who have been sending me these very caring, human rights-oriented messages:
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^ This ask was specifically a response to my reply to an anon telling me I lost my claim to humanity when I became an Israeli (and me answering that that was at the age of 5 months, and that my parents' decision to bring me to Israel actually saved my life).
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^ Just a small collection, nowhere near what I actually got, but I kept them 'coz I wanted to show people at some point what Jews who dare to not want Israel destroyed are subjected to. And Ronen probably got similar ones, he blocked them, and for saying he was blocking them, he got further hate... At what point are people going to wake up and see that this is how an antisemitic misinformation campaign works? Lots of Germans genuinely believed in the narrative that Jews backstabbed them during WWI. If you were to ask them in the 1930's whether they hate Jews simply for being Jews, they'd say no, that they hated Jews, because Jews deserved to be hated due to their actions. In the exact same way, now support of the existence of the Jewish state, not even of its specific policies, is being spun as justification to hate on Jews.
I'll say this again. This reply isn't about Ronen. It isn't about Noah. It isn't about Lisa. This isn't about a specific fandom. This is a call for people to wake up and smell the antisemitic coffee, the legitimization of Jews being harassed. Please don't be a part of it, and if you can, please speak up when you see others being a part of it. I KNOW that online, and def on Tumblr, the majority of posts you see justify the vilifaction of anyone who is pro Israel's existence, even while also being critical of its leadership. And it's easy, and it feels right, to go with what everyone else in your echo chamber says. But you can be that one guy in 1930's Germany who didn't do the heil Hitler. If you will be, it may not be easy, but I very much doubt you'd ever regret it.
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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fromchaostocosmos · 9 months
I'm very frustrated with how the various youtubers and streamers talk about Ben Shapiro.
Because they do not understand or have the proper context when talking about him and everything he represents.
They also often go into antisemitic territory when mocking him, while it is unintentional and something they may not not even know they are doing, they are doing it none the less.
When they mock his voice or call him Shabibo that is actually antisemitic territory.
Due to a history of Jewish people having our names stripped from us and voices and names mocked. Now I too find his voice to be personally annoying, but I won't mock it because of said history.
It is not about the curtsy that Ben Shapiro deserves or doesn't deserve, but rather about deciding when it is okay to employ antisemitism against a Jewish person.
The answer is never.
The overwhelming majority of these commentators are not Jewish and the few that are Jewish don't seem to know any of the important details that make what Ben Shapiro says so dangerous for all Jews and such a false representation.
See what is not presented in discussions about him is that Ben Shapiro is not there to pull in a Jewish audience he is there as a token Jew to help further pull in an christian audience.
That is what makes it all so very insidious in nature. And sadly some Jewish people get fooled by this too because they do not look beyond the front facing facade he wears like costume, but they do not actually listen the words he says.
Ben Shapiro harps about a 'war on christmas' which no Jewish person would seriously do or care for. Especially any Ashkenazi Jews with our very long long history of being murdered in mass on xmas. Christmas eve is became seen a spiritually impure night that it would be called Nittle Nacht in Yiddish and Jewish people would purposefully not study Torah that night.
American Jews, like many others who belong to non-christian religious and cultural groups, have to deal with living a majority Christian country and country that culturally Christian and only makes concession for Christianity.
Has Ben Shapiro ever talked about that or the actual fights to get time off for our Holidays? No because that doesn't fit the narrative. But business having employees switch from 'merry christmas' to 'happy holidays' most certainly does.
Ben Shapiro has explicitly stated that he believes that conception is when life begins which is something to no in keeping with any Jewish held belief anywhere.
We hold life begins at first breath, the mother comes first (I wrote mother because that is wording used in the various writings, but really it would be the pregnant individual comes first), and that it doesn't just need to physical health on the line it can also be one's mental health at stake in order to need an abortion
Ben Shapiro talks about Judeo-Christan values, which a bullshit term that was created after the Holocaust to make it seem like Christian Antisemitism played no role in what happened and that the Church was not a guilty party. It is also a term that essentially holds Jewish people hostage.
He uses this term and talks about these shared values. So I have to ask what values?
Is respecting the elderly, caring for the sick, kindness to others, tending to the poor, and such? Because those are universal values and can be found in pretty much every culture and religion.
What about original sin? Heaven and Hell? Can someone be the literal child of G-d? Does G-d have literal hands, a actual face? What is the gender of G-d?
Just some questions to start with since you know we clearly have the same values and stuff.
Because Judaism would say: No such thing as original sin and in fact Hebrew doesn't have a word for sin we have words that mean things that wrongly translated in English as sin, but no, word for sin. We hold all people are born blank we go through and have experiences and make choices and those choices speak to who we are.
We believe in This World and The World to Come and the spiritual washing machine so to speak, but no a big nope to heaven and hell. No to Satan too. There is the HaSatan which means prosecutor who is as the name means in the Ultimate Court.
When we say "we are the children of G-d" it is poetic flourish and is metaphorical not literal no one can be the literal hild of G-d.
Same way we anthropomorphize G-d so that we have an easier time contextualizing G-d because otherwise it can be hard to wrap your mind around.
G-d is both genderfull and genderless at the same time. It depends on what you are talking about, in what context, and what aspect of G-d of you using. For example the Voice G-d and Presence of G-d are both in the feminine in Hebrew.
These have just been a tiny amount of examples from a vast vast array them.
My point is that if all these people are going to talk about Ben Shapiro especially ones with large followings please bring on someone who is actually knowledge and qualified to talk about this so the facts can properly be presented and explained.
Like I on occasion will listen to Leftovers podcast in background it hosted by Ethan from H3H and Hassan Piker and in the most recent episode that I was listening, which I had to stop because I was getting to annoyed by, they where talking about Ben Shapiro.
It was very frustrating for me. I get that Hassan might be very politically involved and knowledge about stuff, don't really know I don't watch him, but I was thinking the whole time that this is not an area you know.
You are talking about Jewish stuff and things related Jewish views points and you have no clue what you are talking about. You are talking about a religion and culture you just don't know anything about and are trying to debunk Ben Shapiro.
It will not work because you don't have necessary information and understanding to do so.
And you are missing the biggest point of it all which is again Ben is there as a draw for Christians. Because for these kinds of Christians having a Jew give a stamp of approval gives it some kind veneer of legitimacy.
It validates them and allows them to not have to feel guilty for crimes against Jewish people that they are party too.
This doesn't mean they like Jews or want us around or interested in our problems or helping us.
It is all about them in the same way they have Candace Owens tell them all the thing they want to hear so they never have to self-examine or reflect on anything and can assuage their white-guilt and keep of being horrific anti-Black.
They don't care about Black people or Black issues because they listen to a Black woman talk.
It is all for self-serving interests that they have been Ben and Candace there. While many seem to get that point (if you didn't get it before well get it now) in regards to Candace Owens and the purpose of her employment they miss that very important detail when comes to Ben Shapiro.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 8 months
But though the ADL is not the cause of Twitter’s continuing unprofitability, it is a convenient culprit on which to pin the platform’s many failures. Anti-Semites love to blame Jews for whatever problems they personally perceive in the world. What is being done to the ADL on Twitter right now has little to do with the group’s conduct and everything to do with the symbolic role Jews play in the conspiratorial imagination. Rather than face up to the hate that has enveloped his platform, and the errors that led to the site’s degradation, Musk is claiming that the victims have had it coming. But no matter how many Jewish scapegoats he slaughters, he will not be able to revive his platform’s flagging fortunes, which stem from his own inadequacies, not Jewish mendacity.
The End of Mom GuiltLARA BAZELON
The World’s Most Efficient LanguagesJOHN MCWHORTER
How to Want LessARTHUR C. BROOKS
Sadly, the conceit that Jews cause themselves to be persecuted is not limited to Musk. Indeed, the fallacy transcends political allegiances and is as old as anti-Jewish bigotry itself. In 1938, on the eve of the Holocaust, the polling firm Gallup found that 54 percent of Americans believed that “the persecution of Jews in Europe has been partly their own fault,” while 11 percent said it was “entirely” their fault. Put another way, 65 percent of Americans blamed Europe’s Jews for their own denigration. In 2018, CNN found that nearly 20 percent of Europeans believed that anti-Semitism was “a response to the everyday behavior of Jewish people.” Today, those on the right like Musk and his Twitter allies blame Jewish organizations such as the ADL for contemporary anti-Semitism. On the left, others such as the former head of Human Rights Watch Kenneth Roth, blame the state of Israel. (Some Jewish people even blame so-called self-hating Jews for propagating anti-Jewish prejudice.) The argument is that through their bad behavior, individuals or groups of Jews incite anti-Semitism toward all Jews.
This perspective is profoundly deranged. If you are flattened by a grand piano that falls from the sky, the cause of your death is the grand piano. But obviously, the actual cause of your death is the person who shoved it out the window and onto your head. This is the difference between a proximate cause and a root cause.
When synagogues in Europe are torched while Israel battles Hamas in Gaza, the strife overseas is the proximate cause of the anti-Semitism. Likewise, when bigots angry at the ADL’s advocacy attack Jewish people online, the organization is the proximate cause of the abuse. But the root cause is the hateful ideology of the bigot, who holds every Jew responsible for whatever any other Jew in the world might do, and uses this to justify violence against them.
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jimberlyjones · 4 months
i was sharing my voice in combatting antisemitism and then the racist antisemite called ME antisemitic? dude you're the one being a bigot here. not me. i'm am so shocked at this bigoted and racist response from avi / spacelazarwolf.
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photo ID: screenshot displaying crop of a text post saying: 2023-2024 - current war end ID
then he also said:
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photo ID: if you made it to the bottom of this list and actually read everything, reblog with the tag "heard." that's really it. i just want to know that people hear us begging for people to speak up. end ID
so i said:
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photo ID: screenshot saying: heard. but also question! why did you use the term "current war"? everything else is all really accurately horrific (sadly) but that term is also very uh. inacurrate to the palestinian experience. the current push of israeli militant expansionism isn't simply a war, and you know this! i'm afraid you'll likely get more pushback from people for phrasing it like that.
also another antisemitic attack in our lifetimes: since 1993 to today the number one antisemitic attack has been the genocide committed by israel's illegal occupation of palestine and israel's unconscionable appropriation and desecration of judaism end ID
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photo ID: screenshot saying: you are a horrible person. delete your blog. end ID
. . .
which somehow turned into this:
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photo ID: screenshot displaying crop of ending conversation saying:
consider helping by shutting the fuck up and actually listening to jews. //seriously WHY did you call the genocide a war??? <- answer that first. //AND israel's genocidal appropriation of judaism IS an antisemitic attack on all jews???? literally like messianic judaism what is not clicking!!!! //SHUT. THE FUCK. UP. YOU ANTISEMITIC PIECE OF SHIT. THANKS. //you're the one being antisemitic here bub. i'm jewish too but thanks for the kind reception. wth is up with you dude you got nerves of like. what's the opposite of steel. like what did i do that hurt you so bad i was trying to help and add my 2 cents? i'm on the same side as you!!!! //lmfao you are most definitely not jewish. fuck off my post and go troll somewhere else. //not only are you being so fucking antisemitic to me but you're acting even worse with how racist you've behaved towards palestinians by naming the asymmetrical genocide a "current war". seriously i can't even engage with you in good faith because of this idek wtf this even was dude. your frickn conniption! take a breather and maybe you will be able to like think with your brain dude. like fuck what the fuck was this end ID
to my fellow antizionists jewish and gentile PLEASE be careful who you engage with. i apparently made a mistake here engaging in good faith with someone prejudiced from the start.
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basicsofislam · 1 month
During the Era of Bliss, there were some women who did not drop the torch of Islam from their hands, who struggled to sacrifice their lives so that Islam would conquer hearts and who did not fall behind their husbands and sons. One of those Companions who would live in hearts as long as the world existed was Hz. Safiyya, the paternal aunt of the Prophet.
Hz. Safiyya took care of her nephew, the Prophet, with the compassion of a mother, when she was very young and did not hesitate to make sacrifices so as not to make him feel that he was motherless.
She loved her nephew very much. She guessed that she would have a high rank among people in the future and looked forward to seeing those days.
Years passed and her beloved nephew was given the duty of prophethood.
He called people to Islam. Hz. Safiyya did not hesitate to believe; she became one of the first Muslims. After that, she increased her material and spiritual support for him. She worked very hard to spread Islam.
However, it is irony of fate that her brother, Abu Lahab, was one of the leaders of the enemies of her beloved nephew.
Abu Lahab took pleasure in torturing and agonizing the Muslims, primarily the Prophet. Hz. Safiyya was very sorry for this unfair treatment of her brother; she could not bear it.
Once, she heard that Abu Lahab hurt the Messenger of Allah. She went to Abu Lahab and warned him harshly:
“Does it fit you to leave your nephew and his religion helpless? The scholars of the People of the Book say that a prophet will come from the descendants of Abdulmuttalib. That prophet is our nephew Muhammad.”
However, Abu Lahab did not have the eyes that could see what was right and true. His heart was occupied by fury and hatred. He answered the warning of her sister with the following sentence reflecting the state of women in the Era of Ignorance:
“The words of women are a hindrance for men.”
Realizing that it was impossible to persuade Abu Lahab, Hz. Safiyya left his house sadly.
Hz. Safiyya could not persuade her brother to help the Messenger of Allah but she did her best to bring up her son Zubayr as a mujahid for the Messenger of Allah. She was a disciplined mother. She sometimes beat her son slightly. When she was asked why she beat him, she said,
“I am beating him to train him because he will command armies in the future.”
Indeed, Hz. Zubayr, who was brought up and trained by his mother, became a heroic mujahid. The Prophet praised him by saying,
“Every prophet has a disciple and assistant. My assistant is Zubayr.”
He also gave the glad tiding that Zubayr was a person of Paradise.
Thus, Hz. Safiyya was honored to be the mother of one of the 10 Companions who were given the glad tiding while they were alive that they would be in Paradise.
When the Prophet migrated from Makkah to Madinah, his beloved aunt did not leave him alone.
She migrated to Madinah with her son Zubayr. Thus, she also had the privilege of migrating in the way of Allah.
Hz. Safiyya did not hesitate to risk her life for the sake of Allah and His messenger.
She became the first Muslim woman to kill an unbeliever in the history of Islam. The incident took place during the Battle of Uhud.
When the Prophet left for the Battle of Uhud, he placed the women, girls, and boys in the house of Hz. Hassan. The Prophet did not take Hz. Hassan to Uhud because he was too old and ill; so, he stayed at home.
While the mujahids were fighting at Uhud with their swords, a Jewish man wanted to make use of this situation and approached the house that was full of women and children slyly. His aim was to martyr defenseless people and to become a hero. Hz. Safiyya narrates the incident as follows:
“We had no contact with the Messenger of Allah. Besides, the Messenger of Allah and the Companions were not in a position to come to help us. When I saw that a Jew was walking around the house, I went over to Hassan and told him about the situation. I asked him to kill the Jew. Hz. Hassan was both old and ill. He said, ‘O daughter of Abdulmuttalib! May Allah be pleased with you! You know that I am not strong enough to do it.’ Then, it was my duty to do it. I did not have a weapon. I took a big piece of wood. I went out slowly. I hit the man with the wood on his back. He fell down. Then, I hit him until he died.”
After preventing such a big danger, Hz. Safiyya went up to a high place and started to watch the battlefield. She felt worried. She was scared that the ferocious Muslims would harm her beloved nephew. Meanwhile, the news that “the Muslims were defeated” came as a shock. Hz. Safiyya could not wait any longer. She went to Uhud with some women. She asked the first mujahid she saw about the health of the Messenger of Allah. She found out that the Messenger of Allah was alive but that her brother Hamza was martyred. She wanted to see the dead body of Hz. Hamza. When the Prophet (pbuh) saw that she was coming, he told her son Zubayr, “Tell your mother to go back. She should not see the dead body of her brother.” Hz. Zubayr met her mother and asked her to go back. He said the Messenger of Allah wanted her to do so. However, Hz. Safiyya wanted to see the dead body of her brother. She said to her son showing reliance on Allah and patience,
“If you want me to go back lest I should see what was done to my brother, I know that my brother was mutilated. My brother was killed and mutilated in the way of Allah. Is there a greater rank than this? We are ready to suffer more in the way of Allah. I am determined to show patience. I hope to get the reward of it only from Allah.”
Hz. Zubayr was astonished when he saw the resoluteness of his mother, whom he had feared that would faint when she saw the death of her brother. He thanked Allah Almighty for being the son of such a mother. Then, he went to the Messenger of Allah and told him what his mother had said. The Prophet believed that his paternal aunt was sincere. He said, “Then, let her see him.” Then, he put his hand on her chest and prayed for her.
Hz. Safiyya then went to the dead body of Hamza. His body was in pieces. Some of the organs were cut off. Hz. Safiyya was quite calm at this terrifying sight. She did not have any signs of the complaint. Besides, it was impossible for a person like that to oppose qadar. After all, it would be of no use. Then, the only thing she could do was to pray to Allah to elevate his rank. He prayed as follows:
“O, Allah! We are all Your slaves and will return to You. Forgive my brother’s mistakes if he had any!”
This patience and resoluteness of hers rejoiced the Prophet very much. He gave her the following glad tiding, which would strengthen her patience:
“Jibril came to me. He told me that Hamza was written as ‘Hamza is the lion of Allah and His Messenger’ at the abode of angels.”
This news was really pleasing. She wiped her tears with her hand and left.
Hz. Safiyya took care of the Prophet with the compassion of a mother until he died.
She did her best so as not to make him feel that he was motherless. However, it was time for the Messenger of Allah to leave this ephemeral world and to rejoin his Lord. Hz. Safiyya was standing next to the Prophet and crying. The Prophet warned her and her beloved daughter as follows:
“O Fatima bint Muhammad! O Safiyya, the paternal aunt of the Messenger of Allah! Do good deeds that will be accepted by Allah. Do not depend on me because I cannot save you from Allah’s punishment.”
A little while after these words, the Prophet passed away.
Along with her resoluteness and heroism, Hz. Safiyya was also known for her poetry. After the death of the Messenger of Allah, she wrote the following poem:
“O Messenger of Allah! You became our source of hope,/ You did us favors; you did not agonize us./ You protected, guided and taught us,/ Anyone can cry for you today./ O Messenger of Allah! May my mother, maternal aunt, paternal uncle, my maternal uncle and my own self be sacrificed for you!/ If the Lord of people had allowed the Prophet to live with us more,/ we would have been happy but the order of Allah is valid./ Peace and greetings from Allah be upon you./ May Allah be pleased with you and put you in the gardens of Adn (Eden)!”
Hz. Safiyya, who lived 10 years more after the death of the Prophet, died during the caliphate of Hz. Umar in the 20th year of the Migration. She was buried in the Cemetery of Baqi in Madinah.
May Allah be pleased with her! (Tabaqat, 3: 101-103; 8: 41; Usdu'l-Ghaba, 5: 493.)
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bixiebeet · 5 months
This article isn’t actually about Woody Allen. Instead, it’s a look back at the life and forces that shaped the prolific comedian Sid Caesar. He was born to a Jewish family in Yonkers, New York in 1922. He grew up hanging around his family’s 24/7 diner, then he intended to have a career as a musician. But he found his niche in comedy and ended up a fixture on TV, working with fledgling talents like Allen and Mel Brooks.
This 2010 interview, a few years before Sid died, gives an overview of his career and his perspective looking back. He’s humble when he talks about how proud he is of his work, but also how he had long periods of being personally miserable off stage. (Sounds familiar for many comedians, sadly.)
He also has a good take on the outsized role that comedy can play for Jewish people. “Jews appreciate humour because in their life it's not too funny. We've been trodden down for a long time, thousands of years. So we've had to turn that around because if you take it all too seriously you're going to eat yourself. And we're very good at being self-deprecating. Either we do it or somebody's going to do it for us. We might as well do it first.”
Obviously I’m really into various comedies from the 60s-80s (Monkees, Ghostbusters). And I grew up watching comedies from the 90s-2000s and beyond (many of these shows ending up in syndication or on streaming services today). But this year, I want to learn more about the earlier origins of modern comedy. People like Caesar and his contemporaries, as well as earlier talents like Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, and Laurel and Hardy.
Some humor is universal. Some humor is more tailored to a certain context. We live in an era where, thanks to modern technology, we can access almost anything that we want! And I plan to take advantage of that more fully in 2024.
Don’t get me wrong, I spend a lot of time browsing YouTube and scrolling social media. I’m not giving up on that. I just want to use my time a bit more intentionally to understand the past and how it’s shaped our present. I think I’m going to have fun watching the source material.
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drbarty · 2 years
I was recently doing research on the big plague that happened in 1347 or so and obviously people didn't have the medical knowledge that we have now, so when people wanted answers they came up with some wild things, some thought it had something to do with astrology, some thought it was a punishment from the Christian God and would punish themselves for repentance, many people thought the plague was caused by minorities such as Romani, lepers, beggars, some thought it was jews poisoning the wells ( Jews can't ever catch a break in history can they?) and people with skin diseases, acne, and psoriasis.
when I was reading Barty's bio you mentioned he was Jewish I think, has he ever faced backlash/consequences because of this? Or did you just not think about it at the time?
I haven't read the book, but the style of clothes Barry (and most plague doctors wear on tiktok/Tumblr) seem very Victorian era inspired, so is the book set in 1340-ish or is it set in a more alternate universe type thing?
Sorry if this ask is long, I'm just curious and like studying characters and how their time in history affects them.
Have a nice day/night!
Hello! This is a very long ask with many different parts, so for simplicity’s sake, I am going to break my answer down into easy-to-digest bullet points!
While it is true an enormous iteration of the plague hit from 1346 to 1353, this was only the beginning! The black death kept returning and returning until 1770!
Plague doctors existed this entire time, but the beaked mask was not invented until the 1500s by French physician Charles de Lorme
Barty’s book is set in the early 1700s. This is a very deliberate choice, because Fabian rose to power in 1667 using the masses of corpses available during the Great Plague of London. I intentionally put a few references in there to real-world events that occurred during this time, such as real doctors who helped fight the Great Plague of London, and real architects who helped rebuild London after the fire of that time period!
You are correct that Jews were often (UNFAIRLY AND INNACURATELY) blamed for plague. This does indeed play into Barty’s character and history - I did, in fact, put a great amount of thought behind it, as a Jewish person myself, especially when I saw how sadly common an issue it was at the time. It pops up quite a few times in the book :)
Lastly, I think many of the tiktokdocs are more Victorian leaning because there is a good degree of overlap of people who enjoy steampunk vibes and people who enjoy plague doctor vibes! Why not both! In the book, however, Barty is a bit more period-accurate.
:) Thank you for your question, I hope these answers are satisfactory!
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safetyrat · 1 year
Slavic tubbo is sooooo so so real tell me all about it king
thank you thank you thank you, finishing with some random thoughts ive had
there is a banya (russian steam sauna??) in snowchester absolutely. why would you ever live in a cold ass place if not to get extremely fucking hot, hit each other with sticks and then jump into the ice-cold water afterwards. thats the fucking life. umm if ranboo entered a banya he Would Die, so… lets say its a tubbo and jack m thing. i feel like jack m would enoy this
i think the reason he was drawn to snowchester in the first place was because it resembles the climate he grew up in far closer. when he first arrived in the dsmp he cried to keep food cool by putting it into the snow in winter and was so upset when he realized it was not cold enough to do that.
ohh you cant tell me tubbos space enthusiasm doesnt read as him having been obsessed with the space race and all the soviet space missions,,, thats so russian try telling me this kid isnt russian you cant
i dont personally know that much about traditional clothing sadly but people really should draw tubbo with an ushanka sometimes. he has that green one that one south park kid sometimes wears or something.
i dont think tubbo would be russian orthodox? saw a jewish!tubbo headcanon on the dash earlier and its amazing, there is quite a notable overlap of russian jews. its not something im familiar with though so i dont trust to do that concept justice. gonna keep the holiday stuff mostly secular for now? 
but novy god!!! (new years)
i imagine he wouldnt do any gift giving himself on christmas, rather hed dress up as ded moroz (father frost/santa kinda) and go around the smp on novy god. hed force tommy to be his snegurochka (ded morozes granddaughter) hahaha
4 | here
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adversaryfighter · 3 months
There is only one side to be on.
You HAVE to choose one.
You can be a patriot for America.
Or a patriot for the Kingdom of God.
Your allegiance to only one.
The Messianic Jews during the siege of Jerusalem and Israel, obeyed Yeshua with His warning in,
Luke 21:20 And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. 21:21 Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter there into.
This was in 70 ad, where the Romans raised Jerusalem and slaughtered the Jewish people. The believers fled Judea and were dispersed. They were marked as traitors by the Orthodox Jewish community because they didn't stay and fight a die like the rest of their kin. THEY OBEYED THE LORD YESHUA.
They loved their homeland, but in obedience to the Lord, they left and started over. Their patriotism and allegiance was not to their homeland, but to Yeshua.
Sadly and unfortunately, to many that say they follow Jesus, deceive themselves. Their faith is nothing but a veneer, a thin layer of a mask that hides the real person. Nothing will be hidden and everything shall be brought to the Light. The immersion in Fire will burn up all works not given by the Lord. This will eliminate a great many of phoney to themselves "christians". Because of the false narrative that has been established by the christian religious system, most can't see Father God and His Son Yeshua as they are and what the scriptures truly say.
Back on topic.
We here in the United States are facing similar times. We are told to flee Babylon.
If you haven't realized that the United States is Babylon of Jeremiah and Revelation, time to catch up now.
Praying for America to repent and turn back to the Lord is a prayer that is fruitless. If believers can't see the height of the sins of the United States and all that has taken place since 2020, you must have just been born.
The Lord says in Jeremiah 51:9,
"We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed: forsake her, and let us go every one into his own country: for her judgment reacheth unto heaven, and is lifted up even to the skies."
The United States of America HAS ALREADY BEEN JUDGED, save your prayers for BABYLON U.S.A.
She is already dying. No resuscitation.
Please just do what the Lord is telling us.
It's getting so close to D day.
If the Lord's wrath is AGAINST AMERICA,
Why would you want to stay to see His Anger poured out on you? If you remain in the United States, YOU WILL SEE HIS WRATH.
She is lost. She is judged. All in America that is left of the wicked and the unbeliever after facing the terrible power of the Lord, will die. And any believer will be as the unbeliever, because they refused to believe His warnings.
When this comes, it will come quickly and without any warning.
Remember October 7.
This is coming to America. They are here now.
Just praying for America to repent and heal the land, well it's just too little too late.
Pray for the Called Out Assembly as she comes out of the wilderness to be established as a Habitation of God through the Spirit.
It's a pity and a shame of the state of christians today. Very weak with limited true understanding of the God they follow.
James 4:8 says this,
"Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded."
He's not talking to the heathen, he is speaking to believers who have been slack on their full agreement to FOLLOW HIM.
Remember that our Lord Yeshua said,
Matthew 22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen.
Are you just called?
Or are you chosen?
This period of time we are in now can determine whether we are faithful or unfaithful.
The Fire is getting hotter.
Are you protected from the furnace?
Would you lay down your life for Yeshua NOW?
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gwengifterror · 4 months
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"Caste does not explain everything in American Life but no aspect of American life can be fully understood without considering caste and embedded hierarchy"
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The man in the crowd
There is a famous black & white photograph from the era of the Third Reich. It is a picture taken in Hamburg, Germany, in 1936 of shipyard workers, a hundred more facing the same direction in the light of the sun. They are heiling in unison, their right arms rigid and outstretched allegiance to the führer. If you look closely, you can see a man in the upper right who is different from the others. His face is gentle but unyielding.
Modern-day displays of the photograph will often add a helpful red circle around him or an arrow pointing to him. He is surrounded by fellow citizens caught under the spell of the Nazis. He keeps his arms folded to his chest as the stiff palms of the others hover just inches from him. He alone is refusing to salute. He is the one man standing against the tide. Looking back from our vantage point, the is the only man in the entire scene who is on the right side of history. Everyone around him is tragically, fatefully, categorically wrong. In that moment, only he could see it.
His name is believed to have been August Landmesser. At the time, he could not have known the murderous path the hysteria around him would lead to, but he had already seen enough to reject it. He had joined the Nazi party himself years before by now though he knew first hand the Nazis were feeding Germans lies about Jews, the outcasts of his era. That, even this early in the Reich, the Nazis had caused terror, heartache, and disruption. He knew that Jews were anything but untermenschen, that they were German citizens as human as anyone else. He was an Aryan in love with a Jewish woman, but the recently enacted Nuremberg laws had made their relationship illegal. They were forbidden to marry or to have sexual relations, either of which resulted in what the Nazis called “racial infamy”.
His personal experience and close connection to the scapegoated caste allowed him to see past the lies and stereotypes so readily embraced by susceptible members, the majority sadly, of the dominant caste. Though Aryan himself, his openness to the humanity of the people that have been deemed beneath him gave him a stake in their well-being. Their fates tied to his. He could see what his countrymen chose not to see.
In a totalitarian regime such as that of the Third Reich, it was an act of bravery to stand firm against an ocean. We would all want to believe that we would have been him. We might feel certain that were we Aryan citizens under the Third Reich we surely would have seen through it. Would have risen above it like him. Been that person resisting authoritarianism and brutality in the face of mass hysteria. We would like to believe that we would have taken the more difficult path of standing up against injustice in defense of the outcast, but unless people are willing to transcend their fears, endure discomfort and derision, suffer the scorn of loved ones, neighbors, co-workers and friends fall into disfavor of perhaps everyone they know. Face exclusion and even banishment it would be numerically impossible, humanly impossible for everyone to be that man. What would it take to be him in any era? What would it take to be him now?
-Isabel Wilkerson
The prologue from the book Caste, The Origins Of Our Discontents
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dfroza · 7 months
7 days in a week
7 Hebrew words in the first line of Genesis
7,000 years of earth’s sacred History, with 4,000 from the Adamic fall until sin was atoned for by A new Adam in Jerusalem (through sacred Blood on a Tree)
illuminating the eternal tapestry
And now nearly 2,000 since that day, pointing to the return of our heavenly King to begin the 7th day (A Sabbath day’s “rest” of a thousand years on beautiful earth)
restoring the peace and Love’s eternal truth.
and beforehand (A secret elopement) of a Spirit-prepared Bride to escape the global Judgment where Israel will be the “central” focus of the world. a world that becomes enslaved by an illusion, yet awakening to see through the lie and the false promise of peace Israel will finally see their True Messiah in Yeshua (as King and the Lion of Judah) who first showed up as the sacrificial Lamb born in Bethlehem (just as King David)
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”
The ancient Book of Genesis, Chapter 1:1 (Complete Jewish Bible)
And the coming new heavens and earth with the grand city of the new Jerusalem
(A pure world)
Israel (just as the Church Body) was chosen to illuminate these things to the world through (A new covenant of grace) in the Son that began with the covenant God made with Abraham and carried on in his son Isaac who had Jacob (until his name was changed to Israel)
God gave us His commandments through Moses along with the first covenant and the law that spells out sin and various methods of atonement to cleanse since nobody can adhere to the law from the fallen state of man. but A new perfect Man came to fulfill the law (in our place) to make us virgin pure (in His eternal Eyes) so that we may be known as children of our heavenly Father who desires reborn daughters & sons (absolutely known by the gender conceived in our mother’s sacred womb, whether female or in male form)
And we are promised new incorruptible bodies to “house” the rebirth of the human spirit made eternal as an inward baptism of Spirit (by grace and through the bravery of faith)
and we carry this beautiful promise in the midst of a world of hate.
antisemitism is demonic hate that stems from a hate toward God our Creator, with the desire of some wanting to eliminate the Jews from earth. in rebirth even the Gentile “outsiders” become spiritual Hebrews (Jews) of which Paul was instrumental in his call to reach out to people beyond Israel, although he himself began by persecuting believers of Yeshua as Messiah by wanting to put an end to the Church that the Spirit began in Jerusalem. up until his miraculous conversion that temporarily blinded him (in order that he may truly see clear)
has the world seen persecution against the faith of Jews and Christians by opposing beliefs? Absolutely. and sadly, in earth’s tragic History lesson there has been persecution caused by those who claim faith in God against others who do the same. this world has long been at war over these things. but the Word still stands True. there is only One True God and Creator of the heavens and the earth who is known as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
the establishment of Israel is God’s design, and prophetically speaking there will be nations who rise up against Israel in the latter times (of which we are in), yet God has promised to defend. the coming global war is spiritual in nature and is actually a rebellion against our Creator. such a war can be sensed inside each person’s heart in the struggle between peace and fear, between Love and evil, and Love is always good)
but Love is also divine Justice. and we stand before an open door of grace (for the time being) just as there will be an open door in Heaven to receive a Spirit-prepared Bride at the moment (the twinkling of an eye) of (A secret elopement)
such a promise purifies the heart & mind.
do you “believe…” these things?
the world that we know will pass away, but Love remains and will always be.
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treadmilltreats · 11 months
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Why do you think you're better than others?
So yesterday was Juneteenth, which is now a federal holiday in the United States. This date commemorates the emancipation of enslaved African Americans. Deriving its name from combining June and nineteenth, it is celebrated on the anniversary of the order by Major General Gordon Granger proclaiming freedom for enslaved people in Texas on June 19, 1865.
Now I know that there is still racism in this country, but I never realized it was this bad. Maybe because I am like Tinkerbell, and I have always just seen a person's heart. To me, if you are a good person, if you are kind, caring, and compassionate, that is what counts.
My mother grew up in Harlem, for God's sake, so I never saw racism in my home. I was lucky enough to be brought up in a town that had families of color. We had Jewish families, we had Spanish families, mixed raced families, and we even had gay families. This was in the late 60s and in a small town, so it was rare that we were not closed-minded about these things, as many towns across our nation were.
We didn't judge a person by the color of their skin. We saw their hearts, we saw their kindness, and they were our friends. It was an incredible place to grow up in, and maybe because of that, I thought the rest of the world was like we were.
My very first best friend was black, my "Uncle" who was our family friend was black. Hell, I even go to a black church, so this has never been an issue for me. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Not only does the rest of the world still have racism but I realized that it is also in your own backyard.
With so many friends and family showing their true colors on social media, it is shocking to realize how many racist were hanging out in their closets for so many years.
I remember meeting someone online. He was mixed race, and he seemed nice, so after a few emails, we decided to meet at the beach. As we are walking and talking, he starts off by telling me his mom was Italian and his dad was black. Then he asked about my church I go to and when I told him about my church, he responded that he would never go to my church because there were way too many blacks in one place, and that he didn't want to hang out with ghetto people.
Hello? He didn't just say that? I told him he was sadly mistaken if he thought my church was ghetto! I have met some of the kindest, sweetest, which, most, which I giving, smartest business people there. He had no idea who went to my church or what they were like, and yet here he was prejudging them.
Well, right away, we are off on the wrong foot, insulting my church? Oh hell no, I am definitely not feeling this man, but I am polite, and we keep talking. He goes on to tell me how his dad is an ex NBA basketball player and how he played for a professional team in another country. He tells me how rich he was, how people always stop him, and recognize him on the street. Now come on, really? Does anyone you know here watch Swedish basketball? Okay, buddy, keep dreaming.
I am getting more put off by the moment and as I tell him "Oh really, well money doesn't matter, I walked away from a marriage with lots of money, and I know for a fact that money doesn't make you happy" He looks at me like I have lost my mind, oh yeah, this date is going downhill fast.
Until it imploded when he asked me if I was married to a white man. I told him yes, a Jewish man. Now he proceeds to tell me how Jews own the world, they think that they are all that, that they are not chosen people.
"Let me tell you how it goes," he says, and I'm thinking, "Oh, go right ahead because if you haven't dug your grave already, this will really do it." "Please go on," I say.
"It goes whites, then Jew's, then blacks, then Indian's and on the bottom of the barrel are Spanish people."
He did not just say that???
And with that, the date was over for me, but before I left him standing there by himself, I turned and said.
"Oh, by the way, I guess I didn't mention that I am half Puerto Rican."
He stood there with his mouth open, then he said as I turned and walked away. "Oh, are we leaving?"
I said, "No, I am," and with that, I walked away.
Wow, I remember thinking. It's a good thing I didn't dress up for this date! I am still in shock, I have dated a lot of losers (okay, no smartass comments from the peanut gallery), but this one took the cake.
Now I tell you this story for a point, did he really think there was more white blood in him than black? Was he mad at the rest of the world for this reason? I don't know what his problem was, but I know he was a racist, as stupid as that sounds.
What I have never understood is that it doesn't matter what color you are, cut us, and we all bleed red. When we die, we all go to the ground. We all become dust. Doesn't matter what color you are, it doesn't matter how much money you have, it doesn't matter who you love, we are all the same, so why can't people realize this?
No one is better than anyone else. Money doesn't make you better, and your color doesn't make you better. Your "rank" in society doesn't make you better. What makes you a better person is how you treat others, period. Yes, I have been learning a lot of lessons these past years, but the one I keep learning over and over is what I will put up with and what is definitely not okay!
Being an out and out racist is not okay. Treating people like trash is not okay. Being okay with the way black people have been treated for years is definitely not okay.
So today, my friends, on this special day, that acknowledges the horrible abuse Black people have suffered. My last thought is what I always say at the end of every blog. Be the change you want to see, it starts with you. Love thy neighbor, like you love yourself because in the end, we are all just children of God.
"Be the change you want to see"
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djacks001 · 1 year
The Holocaust
The summer of 2022 marked the 80th anniversary of the first Nazi deportation of Jewish families from Germany to Auschwitz.
Welcome to candlelight Narratives, Today I am speaking on a really hard subject, one of the darker moments in world history, please don’t let these atrocities go forgotten as History likes to repeat itself.
The word Antisemitism means prejudice against Jews.
In 1879, Wilhelm Marr a journalist originated the term antisemitism, denoting the hatred of Jews, and also hatred of various liberal, cosmopolitan, and international political trends of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The trends under attack included equal civil rights, constitutional democracy, free trade, socialism, finance capitalism, and pacifism.
The Holocaust is history’s most extreme example of antisemitism with the persecution and murder of six million Jewish men, women and children by the Nazi regime. The Nazis, came to power in Germany in January 1933, they believed that Germans were "racially superior" and wanted to create a “racially pure” state. Jews, deemed "inferior," were considered an alien threat to the so-called German racial community.
During that time German authorities also targeted and killed other groups, including their own children at times, because of their perceived racial and biological inferiority: Gypsies, Germans with disabilities, and some of the Slavic peoples (especially Poles and Russians). Other groups were persecuted on political, ideological, and behavioral grounds, among them Communists, Socialists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and homosexuals.
Because the Nazis advocated killing children of “unwanted” groups, children were especially vulnerable during the nazi regime.
Sadly Calculating the numbers of individuals who were killed as the result of Nazi policies is a difficult task. There is no single wartime document created by Nazi officials that spells out how many people were killed in the Holocaust across Germany much information about the tragedy has been forever lost to time, Some stories were passed down while others never got to be shared.
“Kristallnacht: what happened on the night of broken glass?
Herschel Grynszpan carried a revolver and thoughts of revenge with him as he walked through the streets of Paris on the morning of November 7, 1938. The 17-year-old German refugee had just learned that his Polish-Jewish parents, along with thousands of other Jews, had been herded into boxcars and deported from Germany. From the day Adolf Hitler rose to power in 1933, Antisemitism had become encoded in the governmental policies of Nazi Germany. For years, Jews experienced state-sponsored discrimination and persecution, and Grynszpan had seen enough.
The young man who had emigrated to France two years earlier walked into the German Embassy on Rue de Lille in search of the German ambassador. When Grynszpan was informed that the ambassador was out on his daily walk, he was brought in to meet with diplomat Ernst vom Rath. Pulling out his revolver, Grynszpan fired five times at vom Rath and shouted, “You are a filthy kraut, and here, in the name of 12,000 persecuted Jews, is your document!”
Hitler sent his personal physicians to Paris to treat vom Rath, but two days later the diplomat died from his wounds. The Nazi regime found the murder to be a welcome excuse to launch a vast pogrom against the Jews living inside its borders. Until then, Nazi policies toward the Jews, such as boycotts and deportations, had been primarily nonviolent, but that all changed in the hours after vom Rath took his last breath.
Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels orchestrated a “spontaneous” reaction to the political assassination. He sent a teletype message to state police stations and secret service headquarters with detailed instructions on organizing and executing a massive attack on Jewish properties. Goebbels ordered the burning of Jewish houses of worship, businesses and homes. He ordered the storm troopers to arrest as many Jews as the prisons could hold—“especially the rich ones”—and to prepare the concentration camps for their arrivals. Firemen were told to do nothing to stop the blazes unless the fires began to threaten Aryan-owned properties.
Starting in the late hours of the night of November 9, 1938, and continuing well into the next day, Nazis in Germany and Austria torched approximately 1,000 synagogues and vandalized thousands of Jewish homes, schools and businesses. Nearly 100 Jews were murdered during the violence, and approximately 30,000 were arrested and sent to concentration camps. Following the night of terror, the shattered windows of vandalized Jewish businesses littered the sidewalks of Germany and Austria, which led to the rampage being known as Kristallnacht, German for “crystal night.”
After ruining their property and their temples in a murderous attack, the Nazis then made their victims pay for all the damage from the “night of broken glass.” The insurance companies paid the Jews in full, but the Nazi government confiscated all the money to pay back the insurance companies to prevent them from bankruptcy due to the catastrophic losses. The Nazis also fined Germany’s Jews $400 million for their “abominable crimes,” including the killing of vom Rath in Paris. Hermann Göring, Hitler’s second-in-command, said the sanctions would ensure “the swine won’t commit another murder.”
Foreign countries issued statements of condemnation. Hugh Wilson, the American ambassador to Germany, was summoned home for “consultations” and never returned. In spite of the words, though, most countries, including the United States, kept their restrictive immigration policies against European Jews in place, and there were few ramifications for the Nazis.
A week following the assassination in Paris that was used as a pretense for the state-sponsored “spontaneous demonstration,” vom Rath’s coffin, draped with the Nazi swastika flag, was paraded through the streets of Dusseldorf as thousands of mourners raised their arms in salute of the murdered diplomat. Grynszpan was transferred from prison to prison in France until the Nazi invasion during World War II when he was extradited to Germany where he was incarcerated in a concentration camp. His ultimate fate is unknown, but he may well have been among the 6 million killed during the Holocaust, the genocide was foreshadowed on the “night of broken glass.” in November.
Although the Nazis deported hundreds of thousands of Jewish men and women, for many places where those tragic events happened, no images are known to document the crime. Surprisingly, there’s not even photographic evidence from Berlin, the Nazi capital and home to Germany’s largest Jewish community.
The lack of known images is important. Unlike in the past, historians now agree that photographs and film must be taken seriously as primary sources for their research. These sources can complement the analysis of administrative documents and survivor testimonies and thus enrich our understanding of Nazi persecution.
“JANUARY 30, 1939
Amid rising international tensions Führer and Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler tells the German public and the world that the outbreak of war would mean the end of European Jewry.
Inspired by Hitler's theories of racial struggle and the supposed "intent" of the Jews to survive and expand at the expense of Germans, the Nazis ordered anti-Jewish boycotts, staged book burnings, and enacted anti-Jewish legislation. But it was the nationwide pogroms (Kristallnacht) in 1938 and the outbreak of war in 1939 that marked the transition in Nazi racial antisemitism toward genocide. To justify the murder of the Jews both to the perpetrators and to bystanders in Germany and Europe, the Nazis used not only racist arguments but also arguments derived from older negative stereotypes, including Jews as communist subversives, war profiteers, hoarders, and as a danger to internal security because of their inherent disloyalty and opposition to the Reich.”
Jewish Deportations continued until the war started to look bad for the Nazis as the Soviets and The Americans made a push towards Berlin. Some Germans even into the Nazi ranks aided the Jews in escaping the reach of The Third Reich, Many books, and a few movies have been made about these events. As the Allies closed in on the heart of Germany. The Final solution was issued by the Nazi Party leading to the outright murder of most survivors in the work camps because Nazi leadership already knew what gruesome end awaited them all. They had watched Mussolini in Italy tortured and killed. Their former Ally The Soviets were closing in with vengeance and the only defence force remaining were The old or members of The Nazi youth, After Adolf Hitler Committed Suicide Many remaining Nazis surrendered while some Fled Germany altogether.
Investigating photos of Nazi deportations
Between 1938 and 1945, more than 200,000 people were deported from Germany, mainly to ghettos and camps in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe.
To make pictures of Nazi deportations accessible for research and education, a group of universitys in Germany and the Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research at the University of Southern California launched the #LastSeen. This effort aims to locate, collect and analyze images of Nazi mass deportations in Germany. The deportations started with the forced expulsion of around 17,000 Jews of Polish origin in October 1938, right before the widespread antisemitic violence of Kristallnacht, and culminated in the mass deportations to Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe between 1941 and 1945.
The mass deportation targeted not only Jews, but also people with disabilities as well as tens of thousands of gypsies.
the #LastSeen Project has three main goals: first, gathering all existing pictures. These images will then be analyzed to identify the victims and perpetrators and recover the stories behind the pictures. Finally, a digital platform will provide access to all the images and unearthed information, both enabling a new level of study of this visual evidence and establishing a powerful tool against Holocaust denial. I am making this video to hopefully inform someone who may not know or perhaps remind those who know that this sad time in history did in fact happen and we must keep informed to prevent anything of the sort from happening again with any luck
When the project began, the partners were skeptical of whether they would find a significant number of never-before-seen images of mass deportations.
But after addressing the German public and querying over 1,700 German archives, the group has sense received dozens of unknown images, more then doubling the number of German towns, from 27 to over 60, where now they have photographs documenting Nazi deportations.
Many of these photos had been collecting dust on shelves in local archives in Germany while some were found in private homes. In the future, the project hopes for discoveries in archives, museums and family possession in the U.S., the U.K., Canada, South Africa and Australia. We know that liberators took photographs with them from Germany at the end of the war, and survivors received them later in various ways.
The project has already located photos in the United States. In two cases, survivors had donated them to archives, Simon Strauss gave an image to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum depicting the deportation in his German hometown of Hanau. He wrote on it, “Uncle Ludwig transported.” The second photo was at the Leo Baeck Institute in New York, which had received the hitherto only known picture from the Nazi deportation of the Jews in Bad Homburg.
Naming and recognizing victims
The identities of deportees and perpetrators in the existing images are often unknown. Most photographs show groups of victims whom project staff aim to identify so they and their stories can be acknowledged. This is very difficult, since there are seldom close-up shots.
This is but one example of how scholars desperately need the public’s help to recover the stories of countless unidentified victims of the Nazis.
 I hope this presentation proves to be informative, Thank you so much for watching the video. If you enjoyed please like and subscribe to show your support.  Later guys.
Berenbaum, Michael. "Holocaust". Encyclopedia Britannica, 5 Sep. 2022, https://www.britannica.com/event/Holocaust. Accessed 2 October 2022.
The Video is right here: https://youtu.be/RcqMJJ_MhIg
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basicsofislam · 2 years
THE FEMALE COMPANIONS OF THE PROPHET (PBUH)  :  Safiyya bint Abdulmuttalib (r.anha).Part1
During the Era of Bliss, there were some women who did not drop the torch of Islam from their hands, who struggled sacrificing their lives so that Islam would conquer hearts and who did not fall behind their husbands and sons. One of those Companions who would live in hearts as long as the world existed was Hz. Safiyya, the paternal aunt of the Prophet.
Hz. Safiyya took care of her nephew, the Prophet, with the compassion of a mother, when she was very young and did not hesitate to make sacrifices so as not to make him feel that he was motherless.
She loved her nephew very much. She guessed that she would have a high rank among people in the future and looked forward to seeing those days.
Years passed and her beloved nephew was given the duty of prophethood.
He called people to Islam. Hz. Safiyya did not hesitate to believe; she became one of the first Muslims. After that, she increased her material and spiritual support to him. She worked very hard to spread Islam.
However, it is irony of fate that her brother, Abu Lahab, was one of the leaders of the enemies of her beloved nephew.
Abu Lahab took pleasure in torturing and agonizing the Muslims, primarily the Prophet. Hz. Safiyya was very sorry for this unfair treatment of her brother; she could not bear it.
Once, she heard that Abu Lahab hurt the Messenger of Allah. She went to Abu Lahab and warned him harshly:
“Does it fit you to leave your nephew and his religion  helpless? The scholars of the People of the Book say that a prophet will come from the descendants of Abdulmuttalib. That prophet is our nephew Muhammad.”
However, Abu Lahab did not have the eyes that could see what was right and true. His heart was occupied by fury and hatred. He answered the warning of her sister with the following sentence reflecting the state of women in the Era of Ignorance:
“The words of women are hindrance for men.”
Realizing that it was impossible to persuade Abu Lahab, Hz. Safiyya left his house sadly.
Hz. Safiyya could not persuade her brother to help the Messenger of Allah but she did her best to bring up her son Zubayr as a mujahid for the Messenger of Allah. She was a disciplined mother. She sometimes beat her son slightly. When she was asked why she beat him, she said,
“I am beating him to train him because he will command armies in the future.”
Indeed, Hz. Zubayr, who was brought up and trained by his mother, became a heroic mujahid. The Prophet praised him by saying,
“Every prophet has a disciple and assistant. My assistant is Zubayr.”
He also gave the glad tiding that Zubayr was a person of Paradise.
Thus, Hz. Safiyya was honored to be the mother of one of the 10 Companions who were given the glad tiding while they were alive that they would be in Paradise.
When the Prophet migrated from Makkah to Madinah, his beloved aunt did not leave him alone.
She migrated to Madinah with her son Zubayr. Thus, she also had the privilege of migrating in the way of Allah.
Hz. Safiyya did not hesitate to risk her life for the sake of Allah and His messenger.
She became the first Muslim woman to kill an unbeliever in the history of Islam. The incident took place during the Battle of Uhud.
When the Prophet left for the Battle of Uhud, he placed the women, girls and boys in the house of Hz. Hassan. The Prophet did not take Hz. Hassan to Uhud because he was too old and ill; so, he stayed at home.
While the mujahids were fighting at Uhud with their swords, a Jewish man wanted to make use of this situation and approached the house that was full of women and children slyly. His aim was to martyr defenseless people and to become a hero. Hz. Safiyya narrates the incident as follows:
“We had no contact with the Messenger of Allah. Besides, the Messenger of Allah and the Companions were not in a position to come to help us. When I saw that a Jew was walking around the house, I went over to Hassan and told him about the situation. I asked him to kill the Jew. Hz. Hassan was both old and ill. He said, ‘O daughter of Abdulmuttalib! May Allah be pleased with you! You know that I am not strong enough to do it.’ Then, it was my duty to do it. I did not have a weapon. I took a big piece of wood. I went out slowly. I hit the man with the wood on his back. He fell down. Then, I hit him until he died.”
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bmberger · 2 years
Thoughts of the High Holidays
Around this time of year, I am always reminded of a few select experiences and what I learned from them. [This is very much a for-Jews-only post, please do not reblog or share if you are not Jewish. Thank you for your consideration!]
I am reminded of the two Talitim that I have: One bought for me as a Bar Mitzvah gift from my orthodox uncle, and one that I made in partnership with my local community. The gift Talit is much more beautiful, with purples and blues decorating it and a Kosher certificate. The Talit I made is plain, with the only added decoration being the prayer and the little decorated square around the Tzitziot.
Yet, there's one story that I always like to tell about the Talit I made.
When we were making them, someone that I was doing this with (they had their own Talit DW) suggested that we should be graded for how we did. Rabbi Pablo (an Argentinian rabbi with the kindest heart of anyone I've ever met) liked the idea and gave everyone the same final grade: 9.9/10.
When we asked him what was wrong, he responded in the most rabbinical way possible: with a lesson. He said that there was nothing wrong with it. But it was not perfect. Only G'D can make perfect things. And I, as the ultra-perfectionist that I (sadly) am, asked why? Why could we never make something perfect?
His answer? That we were made to continue creation. We were made to continue, not to finish.
This story helps me a lot in daily life. As previously mentioned, I'm too much of a perfectionist for my own good. This is a story I need to constantly remind myself of to be able to complete anything.
This second story happened a little after the first one. I went to a little Bar Mitzvah class in the local Chabad (I went to both reform and orthodox Yeshivot).
Every Yom Rishon, we would have a Rabbi come in and discuss something with us. Sometimes it would be Rabbi Fitch (who would bring us some incredible baked goods) and we would discuss the weekly Parashat, Big Rabbi Mendi (who gave us small coins we could buy Sufganyot with) who liked to talk about antisemitism in modern Brazilian society, and Small Rabbi Mendi (we also called him "Mendinho" which is just Mendi + nho [suffix for small in portugese]).
On this day, we saw Mendinho sitting at the desk in front of the class. Now, he was easily the one that taught us the more "practical" information: How you pray correctly, how you put on your Tefilin correctly, Etc. But he had a presentation that I was extremely intrigued about:
"Can science and religion coexist?"
We had a lengthy presentation, but one of the main arguments was as such: In Bereshit, we are told that on the first day G'D created Light and darkness. Mendinho argued that on the first day, G'D created the laws of physics needed for photons to exist. On the second day, we are told that G'D separated the waters of the sky and of the land. Again, it was interpreted that G'D established the laws of physics in order for Water to exist, evaporate, and be able to diffract light so that the sky would appear blue. On the third day, we are told G'D gathered the waters, created land, as well as creating the first plants. This was interpreted as establishing the basics of gravity (He didn't 100% understand science but he was doing his best, don't be harsh) and the basics for life to be able to exist. And so on and so forth.
It was argued that we should read the Torah allegorically, and we should interpret them according to our understanding of science.
{This was, in essence, his answer to the fermi paradox. Why have we not found any other signs of life? Because G'D created everything specifically for us.}
Personally, as someone who loves the sciences and loves religion, this was one of the most important moments of my life. I was in constant doubt about which one is true and which one isn't. I think it is really important that they can both be true, and can coexist peacefully and harmonically.
Now, why did I write this? First off, I wanted to share some of my experiences and lessons regarding some big questions that don't have exact answers. Furthermore, in the days before Rosh Hashana, Teshuva (that being, self-reflection) is something we all should do, and this is a bit of it for me.
Lastly and most importantly, I wanted to hear people's opinions on these! Debate and discussion are very important to self-reflection for everyone, so I want to provide a starting ground for a small debate.
Thank you all for reading and for allowing me to share some experiences!
Shana Tova U'Metukah
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