bestmothertournament · 2 months
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exymybeloved · 11 days
Chuuya: Sometimes I feel something crawl over me at night.
Mori: The burden of responsibility at a young age?
Akutagawa: The guilt that comes with your choices?
Ryouku: Past trauma?
Dazai: That was me! I sneaked into your room. Your bed are the most comfortable!
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ramyeonguksu · 1 year
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Commission for @ryouku of Dorothea with a Splatoon plushie!
Thanks for commissioning me!
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ninelanguages · 1 month
Kanji for "power", "strength", "effort", "force"
力 = Ryouku / riki / chikara
実力 - Jitsuryoku - real ability [power] / capability / action/ force - じつりょく
力 - Chikara - strenght / energy / force / power / pep / authority - ちから
力士 - Rikishi - a Japanese (sumo) wrestler - りきし
力持ち - Chikaramochi - a powerful person / a person with great strenght - ちからもち
努力 - Doryoku - (an) effort / (an) exertion - どりょく
入力する - Nyuryokusuru - to input /to enter/ to type (in) - にゅりょくする
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redrosetoberead · 3 months
Vanitas doesn’t know how he ended up in this situation despite well, agreeing to it, only to realize Noé is dreaming about him while he’s being.. cuddled.
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otomenai · 3 years
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raging-violets · 7 years
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Tom - McFly in Japan (x)
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seiyuujounetsu · 6 years
Look that handsome boy
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Please support them!!!
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cobstraverse · 6 years
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Guess I was wrong about the ending.
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kudouusagi · 3 years
I was going to try to scanlate this page but it requires too much explanation it would look weird on the page. This is from the volume 3 booklet.
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Four character idioms that suit you, according to Sakurayashiki-sensei!
Reki 螳臂当車
Touhi tousha Literal translation: a praying mantis trying to stop a car Meaning: A weak person who has no awareness of their own strength and takes on strong people.
Sakurayashiki: He's an idiot for taking on ADAM. This is the only option.
Langa 空前絶後
Kuuzen Zetsugo Literal translation: Never before, never again Meaning: Something extremely rare and unlikely to happen again. One and only.
Sakurayashiki: Since he does such unexpected things while skating. I'll have to keep an eye on him.
Miya 竜駒鳳雛
Ryouku housuu Literal translation: Ryouku is the name of a famous horse and according to legends it was a baby phoenix. Meaning: A young boy with amazing talent
Sakurayashiki: Since he’s that talented and strong at that age. He’s very good.
Shadow 敢為邁往
Kan’i maiou Literal translation: Boldly progressing Meaning: Someone who pushes through any difficulties to reach their goal.
Sakurayashiki: I don’t think it’s a bad thing to improve yourself for the one you love.
Joe 逍遥自在
Shouyou jizai Literal translation: Wander freely. To just entrust where you’re walking to your feelings. Meaning: To live freely
Sakurayashiki: I don't understand it. Geez, what if there's a hole in your way....?
ADAM 三位一体
Sanmi ittai Literal Translation: Three in one being Meaning: Holy trinity
There's him from the past, the present, and the future, but his true self will never change.
Joe: His is "Uzai gaki". ( 有財餓鬼 )
Literal Translation: a demon who is so hungry, it will eat everything and do anything to eat it. Meaning: a greedy person
Joe: He's someone who would fall in a hole chasing a runaway onigiri.
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gabinadrawsanime · 3 years
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Ryouku Midoriya.
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wolfedandrosed · 3 years
Holy shit so I figured I would just get this whole thing out of the way NOW. Okay so Star Bath opens up with a girl named Iggdrasilla waking up in the ruins of her world after having taken significant damage. This girl appears to be in her early 20s and is part of a race of beings called Xalarians from a single universe called Xalaria. Xalaria itself exists to contain the physical manifestation of entropy and oneness called ANTHROM. A reality altering event called the Godboom shook loose the chains binding ANTHROM to the center of Xalaria and he managed to get free. The defenders of Xalaria, the Celestial Five were called to fight on the side of life but were ultimately defeated one by one and conscripted to become one of ANTHROM’s soldiers in his quest to absorb all in Xalaria and remake it into his own image. Think of this situation as similar to being like in that movie The One with Jet Li.
That is to say, there’s a bit of a twist. In Xalaria, its akin to a pocket universe in that there is no multiverse here. There is only one way things happen and time moves ever forward. The very concept of time travel does not exist in Xalaria nor to Xalarians. Therefore, energy works a bit differently in this universe. Here’s where The One comes in. When one being dies in this universe the spirit and energy of that being is dispersed between all remaining individuals still alive. When enough people die, the number is replenished in the form of more Xalarians replacing the ones that died. This means there is always a fixed number of Xalarians at any point. Or rather, there was at one point. Over what we would call years, ANTHROM went to all the planets and stars within Xalaria where there could be sentient life and destroyed it. This eventually resulted in the remaining population becoming strong enough to fight back against ANTHROM before attempting to repopulate the universe and seal ANTHROM back up once again. However, this would prove to be impossible to do as once ANTHROM started absorbing Xalarians into himself instead of destroying them, he also stole the required energy to repopulate Xalaria effectively granting him vast powers of limited reality warping and superior strength among a host of other powers. Among these powers, he gains the ability to summon forth anyone he has absorbed and insert his personality to mix with theirs and do his bidding. ANTHROM utilizes this ability to full effect when he uses 4 of the defeated Celestial Five to complete his conquest. With Iggdrasilla being the only free remaining member still alive and full of all the remaining life energy of Xalaria, she’s effectively become akin to a Demi goddess able to defeat virtually anyone ANTHROM sends her way.
However, sad to say, even she has her limits as even though she is a bright light, ANTHROM has become the Ever Black, a monstrous entering capable of swallowing whole realities. But all is not lost, as a lone Xalarian soul managed to get away and break free of the Xalarian universe into the greater Omniverse and screamed for help, drawing the attention of a lone Angel named Sonahime. Sonihime had been monitoring the effects of The Godboom that managed to escape from her world and affect everywhere else in the Omniverse and was more than willing to help the lone purple soul that asked for her help in containing the threat that is ANTHROM. She enlisted the help of the Death Oni Goddess, Rahvahkah and her ward the Death Oni Dragon King, Ryouku Tengo to help her evacuate any survivors she could find. However, upon revisiting the now ruined universe, they find Iggdrasilla the sole remaining life in this universe. They quickly snatch her up and take her.
Ill update this when I come back, I gotta go to the store right quick! Ciao!
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insearchofdeath · 4 years
is ryouku having to fight in a sexy outfit relevant to the plot like at all
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sairenji · 7 years
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animebw · 5 years
Binge-Watching: Symphogear, Episodes 11-13
It’s finale time! In which the plot makes about as much sense as it was ever going to, Hibiki’s song rings out, and we get an epic finish for the ages.
Babel’s Folly
Going into the finale of Symphogear’s first season, my primary question was whether or not the plot would end up overwhelming the proceedings. It’s an issue I’ve run into countless times before while writing for this blog: a perfectly fine story that works on an immediate, emotional level makes the mistake of thinking it’s capable of complexity beyond its means, and it gets bogged down in uninteresting lore that only serves to distract from the reason we showed up in the first place. And as much as I’ve been enjoying Symphogear, the simplistic way it’s handled its plot mechanics has convinced me that the less focus it can put on them, the better. This story is opera, after all, and opera works best when it’s broad and beautiful. Putting too much focus on the specifics of Ryouku/Phine’s plan would, in my estimation, be the wrong way to go. Thankfully, while it takes a slightly jumbled road to get there, Symphogear manages to wrangle a workable angle out of its unanswered questions in the end, not so good that it elevates the material, but not so confusing or overcomplicated that it drags down my enjoyment. It was looking scary there for a second, but thank good this show managed to pull it off.
Now, the reason I say the answers aren’t anything beyond good is that there are a lot of shortcuts taken in getting to them, and a lot of details fall through the cracks. I’m not entirely sure quite how Phine was building her massive death cannon right smack dab in the middle of Section 2 without anyone noticing, or exactly what the deal was with using the kids as test subjects for their song-based experiments. I appreciate that the show didn’t need to get bogged down hashing out how every little bit fell into place, but I do wonder about the logistics of some of these plot turns. Thankfully, in true operatic fashion, the broad strokes of the escalating reveals all still pack the emotional, thematic punch they need to in order to make the whole damn thing work, and that’s what matters in the end. Phine is a gene-hopping spirit who forcibly engraves herself into her offsprings’ DNA, waiting for the right moment to burst out and overwrite them. She hails from an ancient civilization that essentially made the same mistake as the Tower of Babel: they tried to build their way up to god, so that they could understand him as well as they understood each other. But God struck them down in their arrogance, removing their ability to understand each other. Robbed of a common language and bristling with anger, they descended into slaughter and madness until they were all dead. But Phine survived, and now, she seeks to take revenge of the universe that destroyed her by essentially doing a RWBY on the moon and letting the planet burn.
Phine’s never really been that interesting a villain in my eyes- it takes talent to pull off the deceptively complex task of making a scenery-chewing monster interesting to watch- but at least at the end, it becomes clear how she fits into the bigger puzzle. It all comes back to that idea of song as a way to reach people, to communicate your feelings and come to a mutual understanding. The reason Phine’s so hell-bent on destroying the world is that she’s completely lost faith in humanity’s ability to understand each other; hell, she was there when that ability was taken in the first place. There’s something almost Biblical about that mysticism (not uncoincidental, given the allusion), like it’s a legend that could be passed down through the ages and used as the basis for one’s outlook on life. Humanity can no longer hear its own song, and thus, it must be wiped away. It’s exactly that kind of absurd, symbol-driven logic that makes this show work at its best.
Hibiki’s Song
But, of course, despite how completely Phine had lost hope in the world, there was one thing she wasn’t counting on: Hibiki. From the very start, Hibiki’s mission hasn’t been just to save people from harm, but to elevate them into understanding. Through the people she’s met and the challenges she’s faced, she’s come to realize the power that comes from really, truly hearing each other, fighting past the clouds of confusion and uncertainty to grasp what binds us together tighter than swords could ever break. Her song has already reached so many people; and now, at the moment of truth, their songs reach her in turn, pulling her out of despair and anguish, reminding her why she fights. Just hearing that stupid school anthem over the radio, that silly little song we’ve seen her fumble so many times before, is enough to make us feel that bond. It’s those silly little moments that bind us together, that allow us to reach each other and sing for each other with all our hearts. It’s what saved Tsubasa from her self-loathing. It’s what saved Chris from her nihilism. It’s what saved Miku from her fears. And now, it’s what allows them to return the favor and save Hibiki from her own despair.
Hibiki has come a long way from the clumsy little girl with a heart of gold who just wanted to save people. She’s grown stronger, more sure, more hopeful. And her song has only rung out louder and louder, seeking to elevate every voice in a single, beautiful harmony. When she echoes Kanade’s cry of encouragement to Miku- “Don’t give up on living”- she’s not just taking on her savior’s legacy. She’s taking on every ounce of hope they share, every last drop of desire to sing for the whole damn world to hear. Because that song is capable of more than Phine could ever imagine. That’s the heart of Symphogear. That’s the reason it works so well against all odds. And that’s what makes this finale soar so goddamn high.
And with the backing of that rock-solid thematic foundation to build off upon, this final battle is able to take off like a bottle rocket and explode into a series of jaw-dropping setpieces so effortlessly epic even Gurren Lagann would tip its hat in respect. Sweet buttery Jesus, these episodes rocked. It’s opera at its absolute best, big and bombastic, theatrical and soaring, and utterly assured of the awe it’s able to inspire through sheer, brazen confidence. Every time you think it’s peaked, it one-ups itself all over again. The central trio does a synchronized transformation sequence and soars into battle as their songs overlap and harmonize for the first time, Chris lets her climax song loose with a volley of blisteringly discordant organ music, Tsubasa overcomes impossible odds to deliver burning justice to the death cannon in a truly stunning cut of animation, Hibiki rises from her despair and goes full goddamn battle angel in the process, we get one of the most perfectly-synched OP drops I’ve ever seen as Hibiki takes control of the battle once more, and mother of fucking god, the sakuga on that massive battle with Phine’s Noise fortress was goddamn insane. Every single blow lands with enough force to crush a truck like cardboard, and they follow so fast and furious over each other that by the time it’s over, you’re left literally gasping for air.
And then, just to top it all off, we get the single most stunning sequence in the entire show as Hibiki, Tsubasa, and Chris blast off into space to destroy the falling chunk of the moon. The way it builds on itself, moments of cavernous silence giving way to the tenderness and playfulness of their synchronized climax song, coming together for a rapid-fire sequence of action cuts so epic I think my jaw ended up somewhere in China... yeah, that was breathtaking. That was the eleventh hour showstopper such a bombastic series deserved. Take a well-deserved bow, Symphogear. I can’t wait for the curtain to rise on your second act.
Odds and Ends
-”Eat, sleep, watch a movie. That’s all a man needs to do to train!” I like this guy more and more every second he’s on screen.
-Aw, boo. She just had to pull an Envy/Maes Hughes to stop him in his tracks? Lame.
-Alright, chill out, anime girl. We get it, you’re going nuts.
-”What’s wrong with taking anime seriously?” Okay, you’re back on my good list.
-”I still have no idea what you’re talking about!” Fucking same, Chris.
-Look at Chris juggling a sword midair with bullets. What an extra motherfucker.
-”Shooting stars...” Okay, look, I figured that Hibiki wasn’t actually going to die long ago, but FUCK YOU THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR
Goddamn, this show is good. Expect my season 1 reflection before the day is over!
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hailyrenvers-blog · 6 years
The Stars above
A little girl, walking down the street,
a normal summer, two a.m. at night
and she was dancing,
with the black beneath her tiny feet;
tired of the mornings fight,
but exited about the new gained wings.
The wind blew softly through her hair,
the ice cold world below,
and now her heart felt free;
with no more weight to wear,
no more things she had to know,
nothing left she had to be.
A silent night, darkness all around,
a little girl with tiny feet,
forgetting all about the ice cold ground;
and this was all she need,
dancing to the music in her mind,
leaving everything behind.
The morning might have come,
but she never forgot how she felt,
as a little girl with tiny feet,
walking down the street.
~Haily Renvers
(~2% Ryouku)
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