#russian doll lockscreens
fagexe · 1 year
I've been really behind on my tags....so i'm doing them all in one post;P (this way I'm not spam tagging the same people in seven different posts)
tagged by @slvrroses and @pastlives2022 ily last song: Doomed (for each other) by Salem last show: I don't really watch a lot of shows, but the last thing I saw a full episode of was Taskmaster, and the last thing I was watching in order would have been Legend of Korra currently watching: Logic Pro tutorials on yt. I'm taking a class right now that theoretically should be teaching me how to use the program, but the teacher moves really really fast and doesn't do demos with people, they just kind of show it to us once and expect us to understand everything. I'm so lost, just frantically trying to finish my final:/ currently reading: I'm not currently reading anything :/// being in school really takes it out of me. But! the last thing I read was Parable of the Sower, I definitely recommend it but I will say it deals with some heavy topics and was really hard to get through at certain points current obsession: The same thing it's been for a long time….the music those jersey kids make (all of them), but also Ragnar Kjartansson and video synthesizers;)
tagged by @pastlives2022 to shuffle my "on repeat" playlist and give the first 10 songs! thanks for the tag:))
paralyzer - Finger Eleven (this is here exclusively because @meat-wentz made a post about it like 2 weeks ago that reminded me it existed and I haven't been able to stop listening to it since)
Sitting on the Dock of the Bay - Otis Redding
Maya the psychic - Gerard Way
Brother - Gerard Way
Thank You for the Venom - My Chemical Romance
Brain Stew - Green Day
Millions - Gerard Way
Red Room - Hiatus kaiyote
Cool as a Ghule - The Voidz
Desole - Gorillaz
time to share my receiptify for the last month, thanks for the tag @slvrroses <3
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Tagged by @tasteofyourblood :333333 Relationship status: in it Favorite color: #004225 Song stuck in my head: Out Of Touch - Hall & Oates Favorite food: pierogi! I love them so much Last thing I googled: a hex code color picker to give you the hex code<3 but before that i'm looking for a new apartment so zillow Dream trip: anywhere with good hiking I'm dying in Chicago (I know it exists here by don't have a car) I am planning on going to the driftless with my roommates soon tho so that’ll be really nice:)) Something I want right now: an ice cream sandwich also to not have to look for an apartment during finals
tagged by @pastlives2022 to post my lockscreen, most recent saved photo, and most recent listened song!!
I recently changed my lock screen from frank to this bird wearing Bread on its head. but the picture of Frank is absolutely hilarious to me so I wanted to share
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the most recent photo I saved is this handsome little lad<3
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I am currently listening to lucretia my reflection by sisters of mercy
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I was tagged by @pastlives2022<3 and @tasteofyourblood<3 to post 10 songs I've been listening to lately! (these are just in the order I thought of them, and if a song is earlier in the post it's not included here)
House of Wolves - My Chemical Romance (my babygirl will always make the list)
Flu Game - Fall Out Boy
This Charming Man - Death Cab for Cutie
The Heretic - The Sound Of Animals Fighting
Trying To Live My Life Without You - Otis Clay
So in Love - Curtis Mayfield
Footsteps in the Dark - The Isley Brothers
Gallery Of Thrills - The Number Twelve Looks Like You
Afterlife - Avenged Sevenfold
Living Dead Girl - Rob Zombie
tagged by @happylittlemasksalesman<3333333 thanks :3
I really don't watch that much tv so this is just a list of shows I can think of and also like (i'm not including shows I already mentioned). SooooOoo eight shows to get to know me
Russian Doll
Cowboy Bebop
Derry girls
Kim's Convenience
ily all very much thanks for the tags<3
I'm tagging @tasteofyourblood @pastlives2022 @happylittlemasksalesman @slvrroses @ratmanwalking @meat-wentz @bratmobiles @mourningrays, @salt-and-bramble and anyone else who wants to do one of these (consider yourself tagged)
do whichever one you want or idk combine them <3go off<3
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tvsedit · 5 years
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Russian Doll
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actedits · 3 years
nadia vulvokov lockscreen. 🪐
[ 🎞: russian doll ]
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editfandom · 5 years
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natasha lyonne lockscreens
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the ask is open
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marvelousbaby · 5 years
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The 71st Emmy Awards🍾
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twitter: @ghostinatalia
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geelockz · 5 years
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russian doll.
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devilbat · 5 years
The Red Book
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Warning: violence, fluff, bad Russian 
Winter soldier x reader
@silverhart93 requested 2, 5, 9 with the winter soldier I hope you like it...
A/n: I don’t know Russian so I hope I got it right.
2 "So, uh, I locked the keys in the car."
5 "Am I your lockscreen?" "You weren't supposed to see that."
9 "Sleep over? Please?"
Longing. Zhelaniye
Rusted. Rzhavyy
Seventeen. Semnadtsat'
Daybreak. Rassvet
Furnace. Pech'
Nine. Devyat'
Benign. Dobroserdecgnyy
Homecoming. Vozvrashcheniye na rodinu
One. Odin
Freight car. Gruzovoy vagin
Good morning soldier. Dobroye utro, soldat
Words you spoke, came out of a red notebook with a black star on the front. The book itself all in Russia. Though you did think your Russian sounded a bit rusted when the words flowed from your lips. Unsure of what it was they would do. The book talked about the winter soldier, a Russian assassin. But this particular set of words had no real meaning or reason. You didn't think much of it as you translated the words out loud. That wasn't until you heard Bucky speak from behind you scary the ever-living daylights out of you.
"Ready to comply. Ya gotov otvechat'" Bucky monotone voice called out. His body was still. Not a single muscle moved. His blank stare was disturbing at best. It was as if Bucky was lifeless. Even if his chest rose and fell with each deep breath, he took.
"Bucky?" You Squeaked out, walking towards him. Unsure what he would do.
"Ready to comply," he spoke again. His eyes never once moved, nor did he blink. You read quickly through the book. Trying to figure out what you just did.
That was two days ago, and everyone at the compound was on a mission. You tried every one. Sam, you tied more times than you like to count. Like some possessive ex-girlfriend. You looked at your friend, who was still staring, ready to kill at a moment noticed. In light of everything, you made the most of it. The winter soldier came in handy while around the compound. Things that needed to be done were getting done with ease. Well, at first they were going rather great. You even got a cute picture of Bucky for your phone. Knowing at the end of this, once you figure out how to deactivate him. He was not going to be pleased with you. Let alone for going into his room and reading that book.
The silence on the other line when you called him stuck at the store. Only a grunt was heard indicating he was on the other line.
"So, uh, I locked the keys in the car." You said timidly through the phone.
"My mission?" he asked voice never wavering any higher or lower as she spoke.
"Yes, your mission. I need your help. I'm at 5th and Maine." You sighed.
This was when everything went downhill. What should have been an easy task ended up with the door to your car being ripped from its hinges by a metal arm. You squeaked out in shock. That was not exactly what you had in mind. Then the door went flying; luckily, nobody was around. Well, maybe not, a few people were coming up on your six heavily armed. The first shot whizzed by hitting between you and the soldier. Your eyes widened, your head whipped around to look at where it was coming from.
”Y/n, get behind me now." Bucky commanded, pushing your body behind him with ease. Bucky's arm stopped the rest of the flying rounds that hurtled toward you both. "We need to get behind the car. Move your cute little ass now."
"Wait. What?" You questioned as you were being pushed yet again to move. This wasn't the typical thing the winter soldier would say. He just grunted and asked what the next mission was. Never once calling you by your name or commenting on your ass. As soon as you were behind your poor car that now acted as a shield. You looked up at Bucky, whose eyes had changed soften when they looked down at you. His body relaxed a bit. "Bucky?"
"Yeah, doll?" he glanced down before tried to figure out what to do next. The men in ski masks approached rapidly.
"Were you Bucky the whole time?" You screeched watching as he nodded a sly smile on his face. You smacked at his back. You were yelling at him the whole time.
"Doll, this is not the time to yell at me. You can when we get back. We're in a bit of a situation. Besides, I should be the one yelling. Trying to." he was cut off when something was chucked over the car. Eyes widened, you knew exactly what that was. Bucky's quick reflexes threw the pipe bomb under your car and between a few of the men. Bucky pulled you under him, using himself as a shield from the explosion.
It was silent when you two both made it back to the compound. Bucky had explained that after his stay in Wakanda. They had helped him so he couldn't be mind-controlled anymore. You were dirty, beat up, and annoyed. You were annoyed at the fact you were shot at and manhandled. And for the last week, Bucky was acting as the winter soldier. He actually scared you when he was like that. Even if you didn't show it. Sure, you probably shouldn't be made. He had a point at the fact you did snoop looking at things you weren't supposed to. As you walked towards your room, Bucky was trailing behind you. You stopped when your phone went off.
"Now, you finally get back to me. What if I was in Some kind of danger." You hissed over the phone at your buddy, Sam.
"Sorry was kind of in a firefight." He retarded through the phone. "Besides, you had lover boy with you." chuckling to himself.
"Yeah, well, that didn't pan out. But everything is fine. Goodbye.." You hissed hanging up the phone. Now you were annoyed at Sam.
  "Am I your lockscreen?" Bucky finally spoke, noticing your phone and the picture you had taken a few days ago. He was well shirtless and sweaty, moving boulders for you. There wasn't a real purpose as to why you had him move those side boulders. You just liked watching him.
"You weren't supposed to see that." You squeaked out, forget he was behind you. Turning your phone off as fast as you could. Opening your door before closing it, you turned around watching as Bucky walked away. You sighed heavily. "Hey, Bucky."
          "Yes, Doll?" He hummed, turning back to look at you.
            "I-uhm would you, Uhm." You shyly smiled, looking down, rubbing the back of your neck. "I really don't want to be alone right now, would you Uhm. Sleep over? Please?" You batted your eyes.
         "And here I thought you were mad at me." He teased as he approached your door.
         "Well, you are an asshole for pretending to be the winter soldier. And let’s not forget about my car. You did not need to rip the door off.” you glared at him. ”This offer is going in five, four." You started, Bucky did not let you get very far before he walked into your room.
”I’ll make it up to you, doll.” he smirked shut the door behind him.
Permanent tags:  @kitkatkl @lokilvrr @instantnoodlese @drakesfiance @meyoko10 @miraclesoflove @madleiine, @teageowen @scorpionchild81 @redlipsinkorea @mintzxi @it-jinxed-us @heylals @jpat82
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the-canary · 6 years
Retro - B.B (6/8)
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Summary: Please, third times the charm, right? Because James Barnes is tired of failing at this thing called love. (Modern AU!Reader/Bucky Barnes).
Prompt:  “If you focus on what you left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead.”
A/N: This is for @buckyofthemyscira 5k challenge. this is more of a filler chapter and it sounds a little stupid, but i hope you enjoy it either way. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Masterlist
Please enjoy! Feedback is always welcomed.
“So, how is everything going with Mr. Romantic?” Rhodey can’t help but ask while the two of you are working on the new summer issue that is due in a couple of weeks. The two of you like to look over each other’s work and department to make sure that nothing is out of form with what the other is covering -- if there is one theme and to make sure that it is overarching to the other side of the magazine.
“As well as it can be,” you murmur as nonchalantly as you can, while Rhodey looks at you with a skeptical look to make it a concise edition.
To be truthful, things had been going well with James since the first date and you had gone on a couple of more since then. You soon came to realize that James Barnes was a real romantic at heart -- he always brought flowers or some kind of small gift for you. The most recent date had been a bike ride through Central Park and before that it had been a trip to Coney Island -- all his ideas, as he showed you the places he liked around the city. However, you weren't ready to make it official with the photographer just yet.
It was endearing, but you were skeptical because all this time his job assignments soon had been in the city. James was going France and Portugal for some photo assignments, and you knew that if the cat’s away the mice would play -- it had happened once before, not that you liked to dwell on it too much.   
“You’re gonna break that poor pencil,” Rhodey remarks, talking you out of your inner thoughts as you put the pencil down and give him a strained smile.
“Don’t worry, it’ll all work out,” he states with a smile, because he has never seen you this stuck on a person before -- things, trends, animals those were all things that kept your fascination, but for you to be thinking and hoping that it turned out alright with James, well that was crazy in and of itself and Rhodey was cheering for your happiness.
“How about yellow? That’s a good color.”
 James is going over last minute details for his shoots and flight details when he hears a ping from his phone. He walks up to it and looks at his lockscreen for a moment, as a lovestruck smile blooms onto his face. It was a badly shot picture of a certain red karp bag next to some flowers --that he had given her-- on the grass while they were having lunch that day. While, Bucky had wanted to take a picture of both of them together, she was still apprehensive about the whole situation -- this was the compromise instead and while she still didn’t have a good grasp of the camera--even the one on her phone-- he enjoyed that she was trying.
His work had caught her attention enough that she wanted to try it out, and Bucky knew that was good step in the right direction. He swipes his passcode in after seeing in the preview that it’s a message from Tony Stark.   
Tony: Good luck on your trip! ;)
Bucky couldn’t help but stare at the emoji for a long while. He knew that Tony never used those types of things, at least never with him, that was until he started dating his favorite editor and Tony Stark became like a father watching over his daughter from afar. Bucky wondered if she knew, though he understood why Tony would act in such a way, he had done it once or twice when his younger sisters started dating.
However, as he looked at his locked screen once more and that badly taken photo, Bucky knew that he wouldn’t do anything to mess this --whatever they had-- up.
Bucky : Understood.
 James has a red eye trip from New York to Paris, though that isn’t why you are standing in his kitchen with Steve, as he makes a few last minute packing decisions before heading to JFK. You had had dinner with him a few hours ago, but had chickened out in the last minute to give him the little box in your hands. It was a little silly, but it would make you feel a lot better in the long run.
“What have you got there exactly?” Steve asks, as he had been watching you play with the box for quite some time, as Bucky finished up in his room. While, you and the blond hadn’t interacted a lot since that first night you had meet, you could tell from all of his stories that Steve Rogers played a big role in James’ life and visa-versa.
“I was really into gems and stones for awhile,” you start off a bit nervously, “Still sort of am, and I just...wanted to give something to James for the trip, for protection.”
You pause and wait for moment as blue eyes crinkle with a smile, “It’s silly, no?”
“I don’t think so,” Steve states with a grin, as you’re left stunned for a moment, “I’m sure he’ll appreciate the thought.”
“What thought?” the man in question asks, as he looks from you to Steve with an raised eyebrow at how nervous you are acting just now. Steve grins, as you step and hand Bucky a small white box.
“You don’t have to wear it or anything,” you explain as he opens said ring with an aquamarine stone as its center, “I just thought it might be good to keep you save and...stuff.”
“Thanks,” he gives you the biggest grin as he puts the ring on, “And it helps that aquamarine is my birthstone.”
“It is?”
“March baby, through and through,” Bucky laughs as Steve joins in, as if it’s their own private joke, while you take a mental note to find out the exact date later on. After a few words, Bucky picks up his bags and the three of you head out of the apartment and into the hallway.
“Take care,” you say as he smiles like he’s the luckiest guy in the world just to have you there, while Steve just shakes his head.
“Don’t miss me too much,” he answers back. Bucky gives you a kiss on the cheek before heading towards the elevator.
You wave goodbye to the two of them, all the while trying to ignore that fluttering feeling in your stomach like you’re already missing him.  
 Bucky spends two weeks in Paris before spending a couple a days in Lisbon before going back to Paris once more, and while he thought that going cold turkey on a lot of the things he used to do would be easy -- it really wasn’t. Gorgeous models and pretty crew mates throwing themselves at him and while once Bucky would jump at all the attention. He was now trying his hardest not to.
He looked at the silver ring and played with it in thought from time to time. He wondered what she was doing, if she was working or playing with that little black cat back in the shelter. Maybe, she was talking to Stan or getting some takeout only to pass out midway through a movie, something she had been doing more often as she spent more time on the magazine since the latest edition was due soon.  
He goes to after parties, but leaves sober and alone. He shows off his ring by moving it side to side whenever he can. He tends to look at his phone and that stupid karp bag whenever a pretty face smiles his way. He knows that she’s trying her hardest and he doesn’t want to break her heart, to destroy this precious thing she has decided to give him. Thus, leading to him leaving another party early as he walks down a small side street.
You know I’ve never gotten a teddy bear before, it would be sort of cute.
Bucky takes a deep breathe as an idea suddenly pops into his head, as he remembers one of the models talking about a local bear workshop. He tries his hardest to remember the name since French had never been his best language compared to Russian or Romanian.
It’s takes him nearly an hour of getting lost and moving around the subway system to finally reach his destination, as he looks at the mountain of bears in front of the glass panel. Blue eyes glance down at his ring and he smiles, Steve’s voice echoing like a drill master in his mind.
If you focus on what you left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead.
Bucky couldn’t think about his old habits or the might-have been, there was only the present and what he could have with her. Any relationship was two way street and he had to ease her fears, so he picks the phone and dials her number.
“Hey, doll,” he states as her tired but happy voice answers back, “What’s your favorite type of job for a teddy bear?”
L’Ours du Maris.
Yes, this was definitely a good first step towards finally moving forward.
Part 7
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blackacre13 · 5 years
8, 26, 41, 77 & 92!
Thanks babe!💕
8. What's the background on your cell?
My lockscreen is a picture of the Library of Congress, and then my background is one of the preset Apple ones and is a red planet, maybe Mars? Not sure which one it's supposed to be.
26. Do you have any tattoos?
I do! I have an Ampersand (&) behind my ear, "Amicus Curiae" which means "friend of the court" on my chest/shoulder, and a Shakespeare quote on my thigh. Planning to get at least two more this year, a Russian Nesting Doll and "Quick temper. Sharp tongue. Restless spirit" from my favorite boo, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
41. Where's your last bruise located?
On my left wrist. I'm guessing it's from the little knob on one of my watches digging in a bit.
77. Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
I am! I'm still very close with my little core group of friends from college although we don't talk directly or see each other that much often, but I still consider us all great friends.
92. Do you get along with girls?
I do! I have a pretty even balance of different gendered friends, but I get along well with girls for sure. They make good friends and good dates!
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