#rnm fan post
Fan Work Analysis Post
This is a YouTube fan edit music video about Michael Guerin and Alex Manes’ relationship. The song is This is Me Trying by Taylor swift.  It shows the ups and downs and problems in the relationship followed by clips of them being together and trying to work everything out. The fan work depicts the evolution of Michael and Alex’s relationship over the course of the show. In doing so, the video shows the imperfections of Michael and Alex’s relationship. By following each lyric with a matching clip, the work is able to accomplish it. The video is very well done, it is far better than I could have imagined a fan work could be.
Had someone never watched Roswell New Mexico, it would just seem like a mash up of clips shipping two characters together. However, the creator artfully weaves together the past and present to show evolution. The fan work changes to a black and white overlay filter when showing clips of the past in high school where there were no problems and the two of them ruled the world. The black and white sections mostly take place during instrumental moments. The beauty of the music frames this time of their lives as perfect. In contrast, this also portrays the color (more current) parts as imperfect.
The video opens with the struggles, confusion, changes, and fear that Michael and Alex face. It shows them separately intercepted by clips of their past. As a whole, the piece relies heavily on imagery as evidence, using the lyrics to fit as puzzle pieces. One lyric says “I had the shiniest wheels, now they’re rusting” which is accompanied by Alex knocking on his metal leg. In the time since the past black and white clips, Alex has become disabled which changes how he interacts with the world around him. Not only have Alex and Michael’s minds changed but their bodies have changed as well. Despite being an alien, Michael has human emotions and a human relationship with Alex. This video takes into account the imperfection of Michael that gives him humanity rather than focusing on his physical abilities.
In the end, it shows them together. The clip of them breaking down the walls of the shed is a good start to the continuation of their relationship. The video is not trying to say that their relationship is perfect, or that one single action, like Alex singing or them deciding to break down the shed, will cause finite perfection for the future. Life is full of struggle and problems and a myopic view causes one to solve a problem and expect it to be the last. “This is Me Trying” shows that things will keep coming their way and they will have moments of discourse but their love is what causes them to keep trying and pull through to live another day as a couple. They are trying to break down the barriers that continue to separate them from each other and move on.
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ik season 7 ended like two seconds ago but ive prepared a wishlist for season 8. ahem,
a scene where rick and morty have an emotional hug that they don't push away or tense up from. like really emotional, like desperate clinging to each other like they're each the only thing keeping the other from literally falling apart
rick tongues a man
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marsbotz · 3 months
confession i miss homestuck. i miss drawing it i miss reading it. dont …. overly miss the fandom tho
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cloudysarts · 11 months
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oooohhh you wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid
proshippers DNI
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OK so I’m not sure if this will appeal to anyone besides me but it’s been eating away at my brain so I had to get it out of my system
You know Rick’s old D&D friends from the 70s who call him Rickie?
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What if they were in a jam band together?
Bonus full body 70s Rick:
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michaeltrevino · 2 years
“the group would fall apart w/o @lex”
lol ok
the character the group needs to stay alive and figure shit out for them is kyle manuel valenti
they would literally be all dead without him
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thirstghosting · 1 year
update nobody asked for but an artist who regularly draws m1am1 m0rty captioned one of their pics with "dont tag as ship" so my previous hypothesis is disproven and im so relieved
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its-elioo · 2 months
A huge thanks to @yuki2sksksk for coming up with such brilliant ideas and for the amazing fanarts she did based on the 'Robots and Magic' crossover series
Context: After I posted the RnM Headcanons a few days ago, Yuki suggested a very adorable scenario between Bumblebee and Fluttershy. Since I adore them both very much and they have a special place in my heart, I had to write it down as a one-shot.
Plot: After the girl's musical performance inside the base, Bumblebee struggled to muster the courage to ask his charge for an autograph.
Words: 2.6k
Melodic Adoration
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The deafening sound of a loud rock song echoed through the corridors of the highly secure military base, causing vibrations in the walls and floors as it filled the entire space with an energizing and exciting rhythm. The source of the powerful music was coming from the main area, where every Cybertronian and human was gathered.
A band consisting of seven teenage girls, also known as the Rainbooms, were energetically performing their original rock song while they were surrounded by their loyal and supportive robot companions, clapping their metallic servos and cheering for their friends. The Equestrian magic was activated the moment they began to demonstrate their abilities on their musical instruments. Their pony ears and tails suddenly appeared while the element of magic, loyalty and kindness also gained their feathery wings.
Each member played a crucial role in the band's dynamic sound: Twilight Sparkle shined with her captivating lead vocals, Rainbow Dash sent waves of thrill with her electrifying guitar solos, Applejack fastened the melody on bass, while Rarity added a touch of glam with her keytar. Fluttershy played with her delicate tambourine beats, Pinkie Pie's lively drumming and Sunset Shimmer's rhythmic guitar strumming all blended seamlessly, creating a harmonious symphony that resonated throughout the whole place.
Knock Out and Arcee were both leaning over one of the platforms while the rhythm of the melody made them slightly bob their helms in sync with it, clearly enjoying the small concert. Sideswipe, Smokescreen, Bulkhead, Grimlock and Spike were having the time of their lives as they were dancing and rocking around with energy and hyping the teenagers up. Meanwhile, the ones who had more control of themselves, Ratchet, Strongarm, Fixit, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, stood a bit further behind as they watched the girls with intrigued expressions.
It took a lot of pleading for the grumpy medical officer to finally let them play inside their base, especially since he didn’t want to be distracted at all from his important work. He also had quite a hatred for loud annoying noises but after he decided to listen to their song, he realized it did not bother him as much as he first assumed. To his very own surprise, he even found the entertainment somehow pleasant.
Right next to him stood the young lieutenant who was trying his best to stay serious among his comrades, especially in the presence of his old Prime leader. But man, it sure was very challenging as a rock fan himself not to slightly tap his pede on the ground. During that moment, the small movement of his leg caught the attention of Optimus. His face-plate focused on the yellow Autobot who kept faintly moving to the rhythm of the song. The young Cybertronian’s optics soon landed on the staring leader and quickly stopped, returning to his firm position. The Prime’s intake formed a small smile and turned his helm back to the band. Bumblebee then decided to get distracted with something else.
As he tried to concentrate on their human companions, his gaze was mindlessly directed to his charge, Fluttershy, who was playing and singing along with her close friends. He felt a deep sense of admiration and fondness growing within him as he watched her joyful and carefree demeanor. Such instances were rare for him to witness, largely due to her timid nature. Wistfully, he longed for more opportunities to behold this side of her.
However, as their song reached its final crescendo, the girls gradually slowed down, letting the last chords hang in the air before the music finally faded away, leaving the audience in a state of amazement. Eventually, the whole Autobot team broke the silence with thunderous applause that filled the space with joy and gratitude.
“WOO YEAH!” noisily cheered Grimlock as he lifted his fists in the air, “That was awesome!”
As the rest approached, Strongarm commended, “You guys were fantastic!”
“Those are one heck of good talents.” delightfully added Bulkhead afterwards.
“My audials didn’t explode from the loud volume, so I suppose the song was rather… nice.” remarked Ratchet, mostly glad it was over.
Sideswipe looked at him in surprise, “Pfft, nice? Come on! That was hands down one of the most epic rock songs I’ve ever heard! Can’t wait till you girls officially release it.”
“I thought human musical performances weren’t so entertaining.” Fixit chuckled, “Glad that you proved me wrong.”
Sunset warmly smiled at them as she placed her guitar down, “Thanks guys, it means a lot.”
“Gotta say, we wouldn’t have done this great without yer encouragements.” replied Applejack.
While they kept on congratulating them, Fluttershy’s eyes settled on her guardian. A wave of uneasiness washed over him as he immediately repositioned his face-plate to a different corner of the spacious room, avoiding her gaze. It was then that his attention was drawn to a stack of posters featuring their rock band's illustrations, placed on the nearby table in their shared human area. The girls must have brought them earlier upon their arrival. As Bumblebee's processor whirred with thoughts, a small idea crossed his mind.
Perhaps he could work up the courage to ask her for an autograph?
The yellow robot continued to stare at the pile with a hesitant look.
…could he?
He shook his helm.
Bad idea.
Realizing that it might make her feel uncomfortable made him reconsider, deciding it was best to just keep it to himself. At that moment, Smokescreen, who was standing right beside him, followed his close teammate’s glance and saw the printed pictures, “Hey.” the blue mech suddenly spoke up to the whole group, everyone focused on him as he pointed to the pile, “About those posters- can I grab one?” he questioned curiously.
“Sure, go ahead!” Twilight kindly responded, gesturing to the paper, “Feel free to take as much as you like, we have a lot to spare anyway.” Smokescreen grinned and went to the collection, cautiously picking up the one that was on the very top.
“We printed them out for the school event this week so everyone could come and join the concert.” informed Sunset.
“Do you- maybe have something to write with?” he inquired.
The red-yellow-haired girl kneeled to open her school bag, “You’re lucky I brought some markers for art class today.” she took one and handed it to him. As he gratefully and thoughtfully took hold of it with his large digits, Sunset couldn’t help but raise her eyebrow at him and ask, “What do you need it for exactly?” the mech formed a smirk and glanced to his energetic charge, who was happily putting her drum sticks inside her backpack. While she was distracted, Smokescreen approached her closely from behind, clearing his vocalizer loudly enough for her to hear.
Pinkie Pie turned around only to see her guardian with a beaming face, offering her the small objects he was currently holding between his metal fingers, “May I have your autograph, miss?” he quizzed smoothly.
Bumblebee became wide-eyed in an instant, staring at his ally in disbelief.
“Of course you can, silly!” Pinkie giggled at her guardian’s sweet attitude and delightedly signed it for him.
“Huh, no one has asked us this before.” said Rainbow a bit surprised by Smokescreen’s sudden request.
The second she said that though, Sideswipe impatiently exclaimed, “Wait- I want yours too!” he rushed to get one and hand it over to his human companion.
Rainbow smirked as she looked at him, “Dude, c’mon- I’m not that famous.”
“Yet.” he added, “I even bet these signatures will get pretty expensive once you become one of the world’s greatest bands.”
She rolled her eyes in return and teasingly responded, “Well… since you are such a big fan I guess I could sign it for ya.”
As the young leader stayed speechless, he couldn’t comprehend what was happening. He thought about this first! How come they-
“Don’t mind if I take one for myself then~” Knock Out quipped in amusement as he delicately took out another printed-out poster with his sharp digits.
“Pass some to the rest of us, will you?” Arcee chimed in from behind. More and more team members became enthusiastic about keeping their talented friends’ signs as a memory. Bumblebee stood frozen as he watched them, happily chatting with each other while the girls excitedly wrote down their initials on the prints. All of them seemed to be having fun. He looked at his charge, he couldn’t catch what exactly she was talking about due to the numerous conversations around the base but he noticed her giving an autographed poster to the dinobot who formed a big toothy grin in return. Fluttershy brightly smiled at his delighted reaction.
“Maybe It wouldn’t hurt that much to ask…?”
Yet, Bumblebee still didn’t move from his spot. Why was he still hesitating?!
He groaned, “You know what? This is getting ridiculous. At least I’m not the only one who—“
“Can I get one from each?” Strongarm eagerly questioned as she presented the illustration to Twilight.
“Yeah, absolutely.” the element of magic replied warmly as she signed it and returned it to her, after that, she looked at the old medic who was standing near them with a firm expression, crossing his arms as he observed the whole scene in the room, “Ratchet?” he glanced down at her the moment he was called. With a playful yet inviting gesture, the girl dangled the marker between her fingers at him.
“Come on now, doc.” Arcee persisted, fixing a gentle but determined gaze on the obstinate doctor, “We know you want one too.” she extended a second piece of paper towards him, inviting him to partake in the engaging activity.
He sighed tiredly in defeat, “Alright, alright. But I’m doing this only so you can stop annoying me.”
The blue femme smirked back, clearly not believing him, “Whatever you say.”
“Okay, Ratchet is down…“ the lieutenant was now even more nervous, “T-that’s fine, I’m sure Optimus wouldn’t— wait. Where did he go?“
His question was quickly answered once he heard his old leader’s voice from the other part of the room, “You had quite the astonishing performance, little one.” Bumblebee quickly turned his helm to the older mech. The yellow Autobot stood in complete shock as he watched how the Prime kept a poster gently in his hold while speaking to Sunset, “Would it be much of a nuisance to have your signature as well?”
She chuckled, “Of course not, big guy.”
He couldn’t believe this.... now he was the only one without an autograph!
That’s it. The whole situation drove him absolutely crazy. He was going to do this, now or never. He took a print and stared at it, letting out a deep ex-vent, “Alright, Bee. It’s only an autograph. Not a big deal... just- go and ask her. It can’t be that hard… right?”
Meanwhile, amidst the conversations with her friends, Fluttershy kept on waiting for the lieutenant to appear but couldn't shake off a sense of melancholy that crept over her. Wondering why her guardian still seemed distant and uncertain to engage with her, she pondered on what might have caused him to stay away. The troubled expression on his face-plate didn't escape her notice, adding to her own feeling of unease. Was his unusual behavior somehow... her fault?
Suddenly, a pair of heavy pedes approached her, bringing her back to reality. She looked up, only to be greeted by the yellow Cybertronian’s awkward smile and tense posture, “H-hey…um- I hope I’m not interrupting,” he stammered softly and rubbed the back of his helm, trying to gather some courage to articulate his request, “I just- you know, came here for a…uh-“ his voice trailed off momentarily, caught in the struggle to find the right way to express the thoughts swirling in his circuits.
His unusual state grabbed the attention of a few members of his team, both robots and humans were watching them with puzzled expressions, “What in Primus' name has gotten into him?” questioned Ratchet completely confused.
“I’ve never seen the lieutenant acting in this way before.” stated Strongarm, gazing at her superior with a mix of wonder and concern.
Twilight was curiously observing them, “Is he… nervous?”
Sideswipe snorted, “This is one sad, sad scene.” reacting to the red mech's comment, the cadet smacked him behind the helm with a servo.
Unfortunately for the young leader, no matter how much he tried to muster up his question, his words continued to tremble, “I- I was wondering if I can… have your autograph?” the kind girl couldn’t help but smile, “It’s totally fine if you don’t-”
“Bumblebee, it’s okay.” Fluttershy reassured calmly with a tiny chuckle, “I will be… more than glad to sign it for you.” she answered with a timid tone, feeling her face getting warm.
He stared at her in a mix of surprise and delight for a second, processing her response while astonishment flickered across his features, “…really? I mean-! T-that’s great!” he exclaimed, his optics reflecting genuine gratitude. When she wrote down her initials and drew a pair of tiny butterflies, which resembled her element, the teenager lifted the poster and he gently took it. Bumblebee examined it with a tender look, his intake curling up, “I will make sure to keep it safe, thank you. I appreciate it a lot… “ he replied, still somewhat apprehensively, “G-good job, on the song by the way.” he complimented.
“You were wonderful.”
The instant that sentence came out of his mouth, the two of them froze on the spot. Fluttershy stood motionless, her cheeks bloomed with a rosy hue, eyes widened in surprise. An awkward silence hung heavy between them until it was broken by her guardian, who was now flushing in blue, rapidly shaking his servos in the air in front of her while fumbling to explain, “I- I MEANT THE SONG! Yeah, the song was wonderful! N-not that you weren’t-! You’re incredible- Wait, no-! I- I didn’t--!” he jumbled his words, hoping to diffuse the accidental confession that had slipped from his glossa.
His whole team could only watch him in sympathy from the opposite corner of the area, “He is definitely malfunctioning....” Arcee notified.
“Someone please go stop him before he embarrasses himself even more.” suggested Sunset.
“I got it.” the cherry medic answered, already walking up to his comrade, “Aaalright, my dear friend.” Knock Out interrupted all casually, patting Bumblebee’s back with his claw, “I think it’s time for our ladies to take some well-deserved break after their grand show.“ he gently guided him away from the awkward situation.
Bumblebee immediately apologized before they could leave the area, “R-right. Sorry for that- and thanks again!”
The shiny red mech chuckled softly and teased the poor mortified robot, “Come along now, Romeo.”
As they faded away from everyone’s vision, Rainbow stood baffled, “Dude, what the heck was that?”
Twilight leaned closer to her and giggled, “I think someone has a little crush.”
Once her guardian left, Fluttershy focused on her friends, “D-did I do something wrong?” she asked worryingly, holding her hands.
“Oh, nono, not at all, darling.” Rarity reassured, caressing the girl’s shoulders in comfort, “It seemed our Bumblebee was just really excited to get a signature from you.”
Sunset chimed in, "Don't worry about it too much. It's sweet, really. And besides, you made quite the impression on him with your singing skills." she winked playfully with a small nudge.
Fluttershy blushed slightly at the thought, her gaze flickering between them, "Oh, I-I don't know about that."  as they continued talking, the tension eased, replaced by laughter and camaraderie. She couldn't shake the feeling of warmth spreading through her chest, though, as she replayed the encounter in her mind.
Maybe, just maybe, there was something more to Bumblebee's reaction than just simple admiration for her talent. But for now, she decided to simply enjoy the moment and cherish the memory of their unexpected exchange.
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hazelnut-u-out · 8 months
hi! i love your fanfictions so much and was wondering if you had any r&m fanfic recs/authors that have a similar style to you, or that you just reccomend? no pressure if u dont want to answer!!! again i love your fanfic and writing style :)
OMG this is soooo sweet, thank you. <3 I've been struggling with finding confidence in my writing lately, so this is so lovely to hear. :)
As far as other RnM writers out there, I'm sure there are way more talented people than I'm going to tag. If I miss anyone someone thinks should be included, feel free to let me know or tag them!
@abed-with-a-knife has some awesome fics! I'm a huge fan of their birdrick stuff.
@dirty-bear-rick-sanchez has a huge variety in terms of genre. He's so talented at exploring anything from emotional/supportive RnM, to emotional birdrick, to rickcest, and so on.
@thesoftboiledegg has a really cool series (I think it's in their pinned post?) called 'Spectrum of the Curve.' Super interesting and worth the read.
In terms of general Rick and Morty content of any kind, I highly recommend checking out some of the following people for cool playlists, art, AU's and more!
@two-crows @joycew-blog @stropharian-world
Sorry, this is literally just the usernames I can remember off of the top of my head! If I left anyone out who would like to/should be included, PLEASE let me know!
Thanks again for asking <3
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mazyb0i · 3 months
Other RnM fans?
Rick n Morty fan creator/artist here, trying to make friend brohs with ppl who are also obsessed with the show. I have a hard time reaching out due to my anxiety. (proshippers DNI)
tldr; you're also a neurodivergent queer artist nutjob that makes crackpipe art an shitposts, heavily kins a character at one point or another, and we should be friends because we can be insane together LMFAO
Fav show ships: BP x Rick all day, (I love flesh curtains, and their dynamic is just so yes... I...) Morty x Alaska (i named the vat of acid gf Alaska because the Alaska trip..) Summer x that one girl... Morticia X Jessica, Rickcest/ Rick selfcest is aight, I obsess over Miamicop. I think selfcest in cloning / multiuniverse theory is harmless, but don't come at me with any of that proshipper/inc3st/rickorty shit. I will block you, report you, and put you on a DNI beware list; this is a threat & a warning. That shit is never EVER ok.
if we become friends/wanna know about;
I'm diagnosed Audhd, I'm a transmasc demiboy, I like to be referred to as nonbinary and a transgender male with He/They pronouns. Panromantic Demisexual.
I'm a rick kinnie, just means I identify with rick, in another universe I could be him XD, I relate to him, we share the same personality literally (ENTP 7w8); he's my self identifying comfort character. But my big interest with this show/comic is probably due to some kind of autistic hyper fixation and imprintation.
Hobbies: Crafting, Digital illustration, Fursuit /Costume making, Youtube, 3D designing, Making silly video skits, Writing, Character design, Shit posting, Creating ai voice bots for fun n fandom purposes (will make le memes), Trying to be a youtuber like Imbrandonfarris and Britany Broski, collecting stuff, VRchat, Collecting fluffy soft shit like stuffies, pillows, blankets, and hoodies. I SLEEP IN A NEST OF ALL OF THESE
Personality?: Chaotic, Unhinged, Tired and fed up with this shit, All the Energy AND NO ENERGY, I'm so tired please god help me, i'm an enigma. Ambiverted. If ur looking for a cool crazy cat dude broh who draws weird ass digital art and is always tired but jacked on coffe, adderall, and Naproxen i'm your guy.... :'}
I do alot of art and have alot of burnouts due to my adhd- I've been told I'm  innovative, clever, and expressive. I can jury-rig your glasses easily with a paperclip if you're screw comes out and loose frames causes the lens to pop. I'm very detail and idea-oriented, i come up with thousands of ideas, questions, and theories. Because of this, I tend to come up with one idea after another without actually going forward with plans and actions because i get so overwhelmed with my massive brain XD
Even tho I'm socially awkward, I love people, I want to make friends. I like being alone a lot but I hate feeling lonely. :C When I get to know you I'm very very chatty; as long as I'm not too tired or piled with heaps of assignments. I would say I'm pretty laid-back and easy to get along with, I get so stuck up in my personal world up in my head that I lose sight of important things around me, I blame the adhd. I'm an observer, I like to watch and see how things happen, I am a very hands on person.
I'm constantly learning, i love science with a passion. I got hyperfixated on evolution of different animal clades a while back. I am immensely curious and focused on understanding how the world operates and functions. I'm looking for mental and intellectual stimulation, lettuce skip casual conversation about wheather- whats your favorite dinosaur? (fuck ignore my dyslexia) and before you say a pterodactyl let me stop you right there- they aren't dinosaurs. if you like understanding the world through learning various things about science, technology, or culture, I'm your guy. but I'm also just a silly hoo hoo aah smart ass.
god this is finally done... I've been writing this for an hour......
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birdricks · 4 months
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speaking of that playlist. heres some fun stuff. basically my interpretation of the timeline/song povs etc andddd some extra notes and shit under the cut
- i put so much fucking csh in this its basically like a psyop to get rnm fans into csh. let me know if it worked
- i didnt want to add wwcwm originally bc its so long and was in another playlist of mine but then i ended up adding three 8+ minute csh songs. so i thought whatever
- kinda similarly i was unsure abt adding overexposed bc it directly references other csh songs not on the playlist and i wasnt sure if that wld be annoying. but also who cares. and if you do care listen to sober to death and high to death
- also find it kinda funny to go from overexposed to feel better. w bp like ‘this sucks but you chose this so enjoy’ and rick immediately like ‘i would rather fucking kill myself’
- i put dog themes in . for csh reasons BUT ALSO bc i still associate rick w dogs in terms of like. A Black Dog. like violence and teeth and unhealthy attachment kinda. idk i explained this better in another post. but here look. its fun
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- the end of the playlist is kinda weak imo but thats kinda a result of their canon relationship not having any real resolution rn lollllll. s8 pull thru so i can end my playlist better
- ummm. i think i had more thoughts but i forgot. listen to twin fantasy guys you wont regret it 💖
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Fan Work Analysis Blog post
After looking through the many fan videos made by fans about Roswell New Mexico, one that caught my attention was Alex Manes- Pieces. This is a video that captures all of the struggles that Alex endures throughout this show. As a character that is not always front and center it is easy to forget all of the many struggles that he faces. However, after watching this video, it really gives a viewer an emotional look at what Alex goes through.
This video begins with a quote from Alex saying “I was never loved” over sad slow music. This was then followed by the scene of Alex’s dad beating up Micheal with Alex describing that his dad was a homophobic. This was one of Alex’s main struggles his entire life which is why this is a very impactful start to the video. Some fan videos are very upbeat and funny but this sets the tone right off the bat that this is a more serious one. It then has more quotes from Alex about his father that really capture the emotion that he feels during these moments. I really liked the emphasis the video put on Michael and his facial expression when Alex's dad has his hand around his throat. This really shows how much Michael cares for Alex and Alex’s dad affects both of them equally.
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Keeping the same sad slow music it switches to a clip of Kyle bullying Alex back in high school because he is gay. This is just another struggle that Alex has been through his whole life. Not just his dad didn’t accept him and treated him poorly for being gay, he has had to deal with many people treating him poorly his whole life.
From this point on most of the rest of the video focuses on Alex’s relationships with Michael and the struggles that come along with that. This is a bigger part of the video because there are a few sides to this. It is a very complex relationship with many emotions. One of the main emotions in this relationship is heartbreak. And a few clips of Michael and Alex talking about their relationship are played. These clips were chosen very well because the emotion in both of their voices is very palpable in all of the chosen clips. Once again the music adds to the emotion shown by the clip which makes this such a touching video.
While a lot of this video is sad, there is an up beat part of the song that is incorporated into the video. At one point the video shows Alex and Michael smiling and having a good time at the up beat part of the song because there are many times where Michael and Alex are having a good time. I like this aspect of the video because if it had betrayed Alex’s life as all sad that would not have been accurate. Despite having many struggles he does have parts of his life in which he finds great joy, and at many times Michael is that part of his life.
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i already touched on it in my post on the new episode, but i wanted to talk a bit more about viewing unity through a queer lense. warning this post is long and possibly incomprehensible because im sick.
ive always thought it kind of wild that so many people missed the memo about rick being pansexual when the first explicit partner of his we get to meet is unity (i say explicit because birdperson shows up before unity, and while i do believe rick is definitely meant to be into him, you wouldn't know that from his first appearance and it's not clear if c137 ever had romantic/sexual relations with bp or if it was purely unrequited). it seems obvious to me that there was queer shit going on in auto erotic assimilation, so rnm fans being all homophobic seems puzzling, because that episode came out in 2015. queer shit going on in this show is not new, why do people act surprised everytime it happens? to be honest, the new episode gave me a bit of clarity there.
so, a relationship with unity being queer might be obvious to me and my fellow gays, but it is played very safe. the majority of rick's interactions with unity are through female bodies it inhabits, and especially the main sort of ambassador lady. it almost feels like she is unity first and foremost, with all the other bodies it has being some cool power of hers, an offshoot of that one specific alien rather than equal parts of who unity is.
and yknow, that's clearly intentional, nobody ever went broke for appealing to straight men, but there is something there. i do think the choice to make the first serious relationship the audience gets to see from your main character be with a hivemind that assimilates regardless of gender is a cool one. because like i said in the other post, that makes being with unity a sort of pansexual microcosm. the first episode had a couple nods to rick not exclusively sleeping with the female bodies under unity's control, and i think this new episode was worse about making unity basically feel like it is mainly supposed to be that one alien. unity gets called she/her a lot in this episode, but there was that one line "don't talk to them like that" which i found... interesting.
it is possible im overthinking unity's pronouns. hell, i have multiple sets of pronouns, and im not even a hivemind. but that specific line did seem like, idk, intentional? yknow like when the pronouns were inconsistent in the first episode that was coming from morty and summer who were just meeting unity. i don't think rick even used pronouns to refer to unity in the first episode, but in the new one that's what he says to curtis, who's talking to unity through The Main Alien Lady. "don't talk to them like that" while later he uses she/her when talking to wong. unity's pronouns come across to me as written for the queer folks to catch the ~vibe~ and the straight folks to not have to notice at the same time.
honestly a lot of unity comes across that way. at the same time it can be this genderless entity experiencing life through many bodies, but also maybe more like one woman who happens to be able to control a planet's worth of people. and yeah, i get it. everybody wants to make the gays happy but nobody wants to lose the straights business. if rick's ever allowed to have a more explicit queer relationship than the referenced history with nimbus, that'll piss some people off. rick and morty fans in particular have a penchant for being intense and sometimes they're weird about minorities even though rick is one like 3 times over.
so like, i loved this new episode a lot, but i do feel like there was a missed opportunity to be a bit more ballsy with unity. i don't think it should've been represented by the same body as last time, that makes it feel like just another sexy alien lady for rick to have the hots for and i think it can be more interesting than that, yknow?
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rnmnewyear2023 · 2 years
Welcome to the RNM Count Down to New Year 2023!
How does a show continue after it’s been canceled? The fans of course! Roswell New Mexico may have ended in 2022, but we are still going to celebrate it into the new year!
During the week of December 26th - January 1st we will post RNM related holiday content including fanart, fanfiction, gifs, edits, and whatever inspires little green aliens to dance in your head! Be sure to tag #rnmnewyear23
Here is a preview of the prompts and themes during that week to help get you inspired. Not required to follow the prompts, but it’s fun to try!
Day 1: Winter/Snow Day - Kudos if you can work in an alien snowman!
Day 2: Holidays in Song - Use a holiday song in your creation 
Day 3: Movie Adaptations - Feature a classic holiday movie
Day 4: Vacations/Getaway – Where are RNM characters spending the holidays?
Day 5: Yankee Swap – Feature a gift exchange or mix things up (crossovers, rare-pairs, au’s)
Day 6: Cozy Nights In/ Party Nights Out – Give The Wild Pony and Planet 7 some love!
Day 7: Auld Lang Syne – Cheers to new beginnings! Challenge: what could’ve been in season 5
Thank you to @pleasantfanartist for the banner and avatar image. You know how to work Christmas miracles! 
Can’t wait to see you all at the end of December!
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meggie-jolly · 6 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
This is from the scene of the RNM RWRB AU that I'm currently working on. The scene is inspired by a trip I took at the beginning of October and I meant to finish writing it as soon as I got home, but then writers blog hit and I'm still not done with it. Hopefully I will be done soon, I have some more ideas for this AU and would love your input. But for now, have a tiny little snipet of the scene. Can you guess what scene in the book it corresponds to?
I think it's actually a little more than seven sentences, but who cares.
Once Andre is gone to get them their first round of wine and cheese Michael nudges Alex. "I'm really glad you didn't bring me here for frog legs."  Alex chuckles "They're not that bad. I'm not exactly a fan, but they are better than oysters or other mussels."  "Good to know. I've had oysters at a fancy dinner once, I thought I had learned to eat almost everything, but I really struggled with finishing those."  "Why do they always serve the strangest things at the fanciest dinners? Who is actually impressed by these things?"  "I wish I knew. Give me good greasy diner food over fancy dinner menus any day."  Alex nods in agreement and they are laughing together when Andre comes back with a bottle of wine and a waitress with a tray of cheese and a basket of bread behind him. 
You can find all the posts about this AU here.
The tag list is under the cut, let me know if you want to be added or removed.
@mimi-and-the-next-20th-century @thekiranzm28 @idealuk @angrycowboy @granfalloontje @dabb444 @dr-lizortecho
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rnmbingo · 5 months
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👽 Submit your RNM Fic Recs to RNM Comment Bingo! 👽
Now every day is Roswell, New Mexico Comment Bingo!
Choose a board, comment on some fics, get a bingo (or not! lol), and share it with us! We'll reblog it so new and old fans see your fanwork recommendations.
You can rec podfics, art, and non-AO3 fics, too! More info here.
🎉Thanks to all those who played Comment Bingo in 2021, 2022, and 2023! 🥳Thanks to those who created prizes for our winners! 🎉Thanks to the mods and the gif makers for the event! 🥳Thanks to all those who reblogged our posts and provided fics for us to read and comment on!
Please keep the game circulating!
Questions? Ask @rnmbingo
Never got your prize? Message @maeglinthebold
Want to host RNM Comment Bingo as a proper Event, again? Ask @rnmbingo or @maeglinthebold.
Want to join a RNM Discord? Hang out with most of the mods of this event here: https://discord.gg/fQSk94j79J
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