letsknightinarmour · 11 hours
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traumfressers-den · 6 months
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The mentioned art piece by the lovely @unaarista to go along with my little addition to TSB! <3
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ruttotohtori · 1 year
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Glad to know that I'm just as bad at designing medieval women's clothing as I am at designing modern women's clothing. At least I got a shortcut with lady Bertilak's outfit since I had already drawn a bliaut for Gawain and both sexes actually wore bliauts, if with some differences in the construction. I think I'll leave old lady Morgan's outfit quite plain since it'll give more contrast when with lady Bertilak.
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wisp-of-chaos · 7 months
Because I love Rerki (GW2 Necromancer OC of yours truly) so much I made her in BG3 as well! Say hello to my freshly baked Tiefling Wizard (soon to be Necromancer)!
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blackcrowing · 6 months
Blackcrowing's Master Reading List
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I have created a dropbox with pdfs I have gathered over the years, I have done my best to only allow access to documents which I found openly available through sites like JSTOR, Archive.org, or other educational resources with papers available for download.
That being said I ALSO recommend (I obviously have not read all of these but they are either in my library or I intend to add them)
📚 Celtic/Irish Pagan Books
The Morrighan: Meeting the Great Queens, Morgan Daimler
Raven Goddess: Going Deeper with the Morríghan, Morgan Daimler
Ogam: Weaving Word Wisdom, Erynn Rowan Laurie
Irish Paganism: Reconstructing Irish Polytheism, Morgan Daimler
Celtic Cosmology and the Otherworld: Myths, Orgins, Sovereignty and Liminality, Sharon Paice MacLeod
Celtic Myth and Religion, Sharon Paice MacLeod
A Guide to Ogam Divination, Marissa Hegarty (I'm leaving this on my list because I want to support independent authors. However, if you have already read Weaving Word Wisdom this book is unlikely to further enhance your understanding of ogam in a divination capacity)
The Book of the Great Queen, Morpheus Ravenna
Litany of The Morrígna, Morpheus Ravenna
Celtic Visions, Caitlín Matthews
Harp, Club & Calderon, Edited by Lora O'Brien and Morpheus Ravenna
Celtic Cosmology: Perspectives from Ireland and Scotland, Edited by Jacqueline Borsje and others
Polytheistic Monasticism: Voices from Pagan Cloisters, Edited by Janet Munin
📚 Celtic/Irish Academic Books
Early Medieval Ireland 400-1200, Dáibhí Ó Cróinín
The Sacred Isle, Dáithi Ó hÓgáin
The Ancient Celts, Berry Cunliffe
The Celtic World, Berry Cunliffe
Irish Kingship and Seccession, Bart Jaski
Early Irish Farming, Fergus Kelly
Studies in Irish Mythology, Grigory Bondarnko
Prehistoric Archaeology of Ireland, John Waddell
Archeology and Celtic Myth, John Waddell
Understanding the Celtic Religion: Revisiting the Past, Edited by Katja Ritari and Alexandria Bergholm
A Guide to Ogam, Damian McManus
Cesar's Druids: an Ancient Priesthood, Miranda Aldhouse Green
Animals in Celtic Life and Myth, Miranda Aldhouse Green
The Gods of the Celts, Miranda Green
The Celtic World, Edited by Miranda J Green
Myth and History in Celtic and Scandinavian Tradition, Edited by Emily Lyle
Ancient Irish Tales, Edited by Tom P Cross and Clark Haris Slover
Cattle Lords and Clansmen, Nerys Patterson
Celtic Heritage, Alwyn and Brinley Rees
Ireland's Immortals, Mark Williams
The Origins of the Irish, J. P. Mallory
In Search of the Irish Dreamtime, J. P. Mallory
The Táin, Thomas Kinsella translation
The Sutton Hoo Sceptre and the Roots of Celtic Kingship Theory, Michael J. Enright
Celtic Warfare, Giola Canestrelli
Pagan Celtic Ireland, Barry Raftery
The Year in Ireland, Kevin Danaher
Irish Customs and Beliefs, Kevin Danaher
Cult of the Sacred Center, Proinsais Mac Cana
Mythical Ireland: New Light on the Ancient Past, Anthony Murphy
Early Medieval Ireland AD 400-1100, Aidan O'Sullivan and others
The Festival of Lughnasa, Máire MacNeill
Curse of Ireland, Cecily Gillgan
📚 Indo-European Books (Mostly Academic and linguistic)
Dictionary of Indo-European Concepts and Society, Emily Benveniste
A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principle Indo-European Languages, Carl Darling Buck
The Horse, the Wheel and Language, David W. Anthony
Comparative Indo-European Linguistics, Robert S.P. Beekes
In Search of the Indo-Europeans, J.P. Mallory
Indo-European Mythology and Religion, Alexander Jacob
Some of these books had low print runs and therefore can be difficult to find and very expensive... SOME of those books can be found online with the help of friends... 🏴‍☠️
library genesis might be a great place to start... hint hint...
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kattiperkele · 1 month
Kivisten juustojen tapaus
Juustokuningaskunnan juustoloissa valmistettiin monenlaisia herkullisia juustoja. Sen rehevillä niityillä laidunsi mm. lampaita, vuohia, maitohirviä, lehmiä, muumeja ja hevosia. Somissa juustoisissa kaupungeissa ja kylissä asui monenlaista väkeä aina juustomestareista kadunlakaisijoihin. Juustokuningaskunta oli onnen ja rauhan tyyssija, jossa hartaalla juustolaisella väellä oli hyvä olla ja elää.
Kunnes Juustojoen kaupungista alkoi kuulua kauhistuttavia huhuja aivan pääkaupunkiin, Juustonkiin, saakka. Juustot olivat alkaneet muuttua kiveksi! Juustojoen asukas, Olli Oltermanni, kertoi uutisissa miten hänen ihanan makoisa muuminlihapalansa oli muuttunut yhtäkkiä aivan kivikovaksi ja harmaaksi. Sir Juustoinen sekä juustohallitus olivat yhtä mieltä siitä, että juustojen kiveytyminen oli ehdottomasti pysäytettävä.
Ja niin sai juustoritarikunnan urhea ritari, Sir Brie, kutsun juustoiseen Juustongin Juustolinnaan tapaamaan juustokuningas Sir Juustoista. Tehtävän saatuaan Sir Brie kutsui hätiin luotettavan ystävänsä Juusto-juustohöylä Salaneuvoksen sekä Mozzien. Ja niin, juustomiekat tanassa nämä kolme lähtivät kohti Juustojokea.
Matkalla heidän tiensä oli täynnä kaikenlaisia kommelluksia. Heidän oli väistettävä kiljuvia juustopalloja, jotka yrittivät hyökätä heidän kimppuunsa, ja pujoteltava vaarallisten kuumien juustopurojen yli.
Viimein he saapuivat Juustojoen kaupunkiin, jossa heitä odotti kummallinen näky. Kaikki kaupungin juustot olivat muuttuneet kiveksi ja makasivat nyt harmaan painavina pitkin katuja. Sir Brie, Salaneuvos ja Mozzie alkoivat tutkia asiaa.
He alkoivat tutkia ympäristöään ja keskustelivat keskenään erilaisista teorioista, mutta yksikään niistä ei tuntunut järkevältä. Mozzie jopa alkoi jo epäillä uutta juustosairautta.
Kun aurinko alkoi laskea horisontin taa, he huomasivat edessään kohoavan synkän Juustojoen Vartiotornin. Linna näytti suurelta ja pelottavalta, mutta sankarimme tiesivät, että heidän oli pakko selvittää kivisten juustojen salaisuus, ja kenties linnasta he löytäisivät vastauksia.
Kun he lähestyivät linnaa, heidän edessään seisoi pitkä, komea hahmo, joka ojensi heille kätensä tervehdykseksi. Hän esittäytyi Lordi Edamiksi, Juustojoen kaupunginvartion päälliköksi. Lordi Edam kertoi sankareille, että oli löytänyt vartiotornin vanhoista kirjakääröistä legendan, joka saattaisi selittää kiviset juustot.
Legendan mukaan Juustojoen kaupungin nimikkojoen henget olisivat ammoisina aikoina kiukustuneet ja lähettäneet hirvittävän juustokirouksen kaupunkiin. Juustokirous oli muuttanut kaikki kaupungin juustot kiveksi, kunnes Juustoportin leidi oli pelastanut kaupungin väen lepyttämällä henget.
Sir Brie päätti, että he ottaisivat selvän totuudesta ja lähtivät matkaan kohti Juustojokea.
Kun he viimein pääsivät joen keskivaiheille, he näkivät jotain, mikä sai heidät pysähtymään. Siellä, keskellä virtaavaa, juustoista, jokea oli vanha, unohtunut juustokivi, joka säteili heikkoa valoa. Juustokiveen oli kaiverrettu vanha, jo unohtunut juustovirsi. Salaneuvos keksi heti, miten lepyttää joen henget ja toveriensa yllätykseksi alkoi veisata virttä. Sir Brie ja Mozzie liittyivät lauluun hieman epävarmoina ja nuotinvierestä, mutta ilmeisesti se ei Juustojoen henkiä vaivannut, sillä jokin muuttui. Se tuntui niin juustojoen virrassa kuin ilmassa.
Kun aurinko seuraavana aamuna nousi, kaikki juustot olivat palautuneet ihastuttavan maukkaiksi ja entiseen muotoonsa. Kaupunki sai jälleen nauttia herkullisista juustoistaan ja Sir Brie, Salaneuvos ja Mozzie palkittiin juhlallisesti suorassa mainosjuusto-tv:n lähetyksessä.
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jhlcolorizing · 1 year
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Second Lieutenant Nissinen at Tiiksjärvi airfield, April 10, 1942.
Lauri Vilhelm Nissinen (1918-1944) was a Finnish fighter ace and Knight of the Mannerheim Cross (69) with 32,5 confirmed air combat victories with Fokker, Brewster and Messerschmitt.
Lauri 'Lapra' Nissinen was killed in action on June 17, 1944 during aerial combat when his fellow Urho Sarjamo's plane was shot out of control and it fell on top of Nissinen's Bf 109 in a wild spin, taking down both of the pilots. •••••••• Vänrikki Nissinen Tiiksjärven lentokentällä, 10.4.1942.
Lauri Vilhelm Nissinen (1918-1944) oli suomalainen hävittäjä-ässä ja Mannerheim-ristin ritari nro 69. Talvi- ja jatkosodassa Fokker-, Brewster- ja Messerschmitt-hävittäjäohjaajana ja lentueen päällikkönä toiminut luutnantti Nissinen saavutti yhteensä  32,5 ilmavoittoa.
Lauri 'Lapra' Nissinen menehtyi taistelulennolla 17.kesäkuuta 1944, kun luutnantti Urho Sarjamon ohjauskyvyttömäksi ammuttu Messerschmitt putosi hänen koneensa päälle molempien syöksyessä maahan. •••••••• [ sa-kuva | 80931 | L.Johnsson ]
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letsknightinarmour · 7 months
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traumfressers-den · 6 months
So, the very lovely and talented @unaarista offered to draw my little shit of a daughter and allowed me to share the result with y'all! Have a look at their fantastic, amazing work! 💜
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This is Ritari - my tiefling necromancer OC and a somewhat relevant character for my ff The Space Between
Again, thank you so, so much for this! <3
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hiidenneiti · 1 year
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ritari ulf........
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ruttotohtori · 1 year
Dodiin, ny o uus Ritari Ässä-paita tilattu!
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Press f in the chat for the amount of detail I'm gonna stuff in this
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monkeydluffy19920 · 11 months
In reference to [x]
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That’s right fellow mate :)!  Robin’s voice actress picked Delphinium for a flower to describe Sanji and Sunflower for Nami. Both can be associated with their main colors since sunflowers can be orange too and in general, orange and blue are complementary colors.
Delphiniums symbolizes  goodwill and  cheerfulness as well as a protective plant. Delphiniums are used to communicate joy and encouragement, as well as remembering loved ones who have passed. Delphiniums are also the official birth flower for July [x].
I’m not sure how deeply Yuriko Yamaguchi has thought of these flowers in sbs but reflected to Sanji’s personality Delphinium is pretty fitting, since he has the tendency to put everyone before him and he is protective towards his nakama but also he has a heart of gold in general (for feeding the enemies etc.). Also it fits for the fact that he has faced a tragedy in his childhood and probably treasures the memories of his mom. 
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A funny but useless fact but delphinium can be translated in knight-named flower in various languages. In finnish “ritarikannus” and ritari means “knight” which is a silly coincidence since Sanji calls himself knight.  Also it’s written that Delphiniums are also the official birth flower for July and are great to be gifted then. Nami’s birthday falls on July 3rd so shipwise this little thing a really cute detail but most likely a coincidence. 
Fellow shipper @skfmeq​ made great notice and post about the flowers in chapter 618  [x]. I don’t know much about flowers but it is highly possible that those particular flowers on that balcony she is standing are Delphiniums ;) 
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Sunflower symbolizes different things such as happiness, intelligence, vitality and friendship.
Let’s reflect this on Nami: she is not only lively but also very happy person (especially after she got free from the chains of Arlong and managed to get one of her goals which was to save her hometown). Now she can truly smile without feeling pain because she knows the people she grew with as a child are safe.
Then the intelligence, according to SBS Volume 8 Nami is one of the most intelligent characters. Although it is from the beginning of the story, according to Oda-sensei, Nami is 3rd smartest person in East Blue which is quite an honor considering the fact that East Blue is a huge area with loads of residents. 
She has proved her intelligence since she is a thieve she has used to use her wits and is good at stealth.  Not only that but like quickly mentioned in Is Nami a mermaid?-post, she is incredibly smart when it comes to physics.  Back then Vivi already noticed her talents of predicting the weather. 
No one knows how she does it but her skills are top class in meteorology thermodynamics, chemistry, geophysics, fluid mechanic etc. These make her an excellent navigator and cartographer and without her Straw Hats might’ve not found all the places they’ve visited. 
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Then about the friendship, Nami values her nakamaship a lot (despite her constantly punching the dudes as punishment as in a comical relief). I think loyalty for her is a real deal, now she knows there is no need to be afraid of the betrayal and she knows she’ll always have her friends’ backs.
Like mentioned in  More thoughts about Luffy vs. Usopp-post, since she is isn’t hiding her distress if things are heated inside the crew. She shed tears openly and was upset when Luffy’s and Usopp’s paths parted. Before that she tried to fix things up by being the voice of reason for both parts without results. Then on top of that Robin did also disappear so things got out of control. 
She is very loyal too. Fans who see her as greedy witch tend to forget that Nami has proven already twice that money isn’t everything. First in Jaya Bellamy’s crew offered her the place and she got visibly disgusted and offended with this. Then in Skypiea Enel made an offering too, Nami again turned this down and said she’d rather have nothing than abandoning her nakama just for Enel’s sake. She even wanted to show appreciation towards Lola whom she befriended back in Thriller Bark and gave her some treasure as a present. 
I think this is because now that she doesn’t have to collect the money like crazy she can finally enjoy it more freely. She has sense of economy so she doesn’t waste everything she has but spends as much as she feels like. 
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Nami has seen to wear sunflower-patterned clothes in Oda’s official art a couple of times and it makes sense since Bellmere as well made her the a dress with same theme (lion with sunflower as hair) so no wonder shippers paid attention to the newest Color Spread and started to ponder whether Sanji’s customized “fast food packages“ were inspired (or even designed) by Nami or just a silly coincidence. 
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wisp-of-chaos · 6 months
Alright I'm in the mood so why not make a little post to show off all my Tav's. Buckle up!
Paru - Bard and my main/first Tav
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Ritari - Wizard (Necromancer)
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Dillion - Druid
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And the newest addition in the pot: Fey (fromerly a Half-Drow) Warlock
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multi-fandom-simp · 1 year
Pairings: Helaena x reader(main), Aemond x reader(platonic)
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters. I do not claim any of them as my own. This work is purely fictional.
TW: mentions of violence
(A/N: This is just a little filler on the backstory between the Targaryens and the Ritaris. This is still an x reader fic, I just chose the last name to add more depth. The last name Ritari is supposed to translate to 'Knight' or 'Warrior'.)
The Targaryen lineage had been around as long as anyone can remember. Sprouting from three spontaneous siblings who sought to raise their family to the top of the mafia food chain. However, your family, the Ritaris, had no alliance with the platinum-haired nobles. Not until your grandfather befriended Baelon Targaryen as a child. The two grew side by side throughout the rising reign of the Targaryen empire. The pair were brothers in all but blood and name. They had grown together, been inducted together, and most importantly raised their families together. Side by side every moment up until the last when your grandfather took a bullet for Baelon. With his last breath, he swore his two sons to be the protectors of Baelon’s sons. That single promise is all it took to bind the two families for centuries to come. Never would you see a Targaryen without a Ritari close behind. A dragon and its knight the people would say. 
Your father, the eldest of the two had been promised as Viserys’s protector, and that he was. He aided Viserys as his protector and adviser once Baelon died and Viserys was forced to lead the family business. Up until Otto Hightower wormed his way into the boss's ear and secured himself as the advisor that is. Regardless, your father had already supplied Viserys with children to protect his heirs. Your oldest brother was born the same year as Rhaenyra and for a  while was the only child. That was until the news of Aemma Targaryen’s turbulent pregnancy reached your father’s ears. Having grown up in the mafia life, he knew that if Aemma passed in childbirth then Viserys would be forced to take another wife. Thus the twins were born a year before Aegon, the babe who was born of Viserys’s second wife, Alicent. There was no need for Aegon to have two companions, so the second-born twin was sworn to the second daughter, Helaena. Mere months after the heiress’s birth, came you, the first daughter your father had ever produced. You were sworn as Aemond’s protector despite your father’s disappointment. Years later your younger brother would be born around the same time as Daeron. Being the only daughter caused your father to become both neglectful and overbearing. While he never paid any mind to your achievements, he spent every waking moment training you. He had to make sure that you would be fit to walk alongside a Targaryen son. 
As you grew, so did the coldness and indifference you had towards the world. Perhaps that is why you and Aemond were such close friends. Between the two of you, you could probably formulate one single tear. Nevertheless, your bond with Aemond was of true friendship. You didn’t find yourself wanting to be close to any Targaryen other than him. Well, besides Helaena that is…but I suppose you’ll have to keep reading to hear that story. 
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